The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 06, 1900, Morning, Page 2, Image 2

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L. E. Tiffany, at the Risk of His
Own Life, Rescues Lena Barnes
from Drowning in the Susquehan
na River.
Speclnl Correspondence of The Tribune.
Hallst'eatl, Keb. C A ratty or little
pit Id, IncludltiK MNm Lena Harms,
vcre sk.itliiK on lit'.1 Susquehanna
river lien- Saturday afternoon, when,
opposite the old swlniniltif? hole, when,'
the water Is about llfteen feet tl ep,
Miss names stepped into an nlr hole
nnil was nt unco lmmercd In ttw
rushing torrent. The plucky pill cliintt
to a cake of lie until Will Haine" and
eoml other irrntlemen, wlin were
about fifty rod-c mm the sicne. were
attracted to the spot by the c tics of
the frightened child Hoard" and
planks were sdioved out to her for lvr
to Rt.i?p, but none were ions enough
to quite reneh the Rlrl After cllnirltur
to the Ire about ten minutes -md bs
ivg partly u pi cmne bv the cold, she
mid: ' I'm koImb," and Into th"
waves. Will Hirw"-. father of the
Rlil, lictamc dls-ttaetod bv this and
pluiieKd Into the ilei. but the Ire b
li.nied him fioin loWiln,' the spot
where lite diuchtei1 wink. The in
was about two ln hi s thick when- the
nreldent nceiiiioil ntid ch-ai i" ctjstal,
M) the ontook'Ts rould he thu
drovvnlmr. i:ltl tome to the urface nu
clei the lie.
ll h'ipj of rest ue wps abandoned, bv I. i:. Tiffany, who thie-v off
his roat, ot and a revolver which !!"
billed, and noticing tint the kI?1
raine to the s-urlaie tindet the lee it
Inti-rvnk of about evciv four feet, he
Fkaud bcltrv the hole, c.ticfiil!."
ineasitied the dlMiitici with Ills eve,
tli"ii pave a nliihty leayt Into the air.
Bflklrit his feet with loiee tint
the lev bioke -mllli ientlv to Irt him i::
up to hie Then with his haivli
and nuns lie sitctec'ed In litcaUlnr? th"
be about him l'uttlus ills face ilo
to the l"e lu vatehed for th-1 Klrl and
sue her ils-e1 undei the ire about a foot
from bim and le.ielilns under v Ith his
arms' he crrabhod hei bv the eollai of
hir cloik and pallid her out of tie
water and tarred the w itet out of the
i'onrclousne was lesloied by arti
ficial les'lratlon. Pi. VanNV? ,ii
Biimmoiu-d. nnd -if tot tiiMnr; the rIiI
to the home of I- li. TIITanv he oo-m
reeovered. Hut foi Mi Tlflnnv's re
tnaikable ptesenee of nund ind daiim,"
action the Kill could not po'slblv hive
scaped, as tlie lie i liimh thicker
Just below the fpot.
When Interviewed M"-'. iiiMie- slid
she romomlieied 'omi'i to the nifar
twlie. iiue hlttlntr lie l heid acalnU
the Up rnd th- next ll'iu hitting th
lie with liei hind. tivlnpr to lire ik
thioueh. The ounr la 1 Ins fully le
roveted fioin the shod;
Han While Stealing a Ride Crushed
in a Train Wreck.
Special to the Seranton Tribune
I'ittston. Fob. J- Anil Caldei wood,
apod about nineteen jeais, w.i l.ill-1
In a vvicck on the I.ehlKh Vnlle i.ill
load, Jim belo-v the I)ilte.i nosslnp,
at an ciily houi jiMnday moniini;
Cildetwood with several companions
had boauled .1 fast fiilght foi a tide,
and while coming clown the mountain
cut-off the Haiti The two spi
tlons came tom-ther apaln with Kicat
force and .1 lialf-do.:in cus w ic
wiecked. Caldei wood's body vva.e taken
fioin the debt Is.
On Sunday mninltu;, Caldei wood. Con
O'liojle, l).ild Mono a and John Kus
ike left home, the day beluir pleasant,
to take a ilde to In l.eitown oei the
I.ilnch Valley tallioad, as they vvei.
in the habit of doltiK In summer. On
their leturn home the lain beat against
tlieni and thev nought leliiKe In n Hat
inr on which was nn i-mihn-c waon
coveted with eainass. into this they
ctent and felt quite sniiK until they
beenn to leallze that thev weie neai
Inp home. The) piepaud to jump, but
the train was koIiik at a tei rifle into
and thc knew to Jump then would be
suicidal. The tialti was pirted, but
they did not Know this. Thcie was a
clash and the knew no mine until
they found themselves alonsslde the
tine!: with the wieckai;e all aiounl
them. In thcli filKlit tin v attemnte 1
to itm ana for the tlist time thev
nilss-cd Caldei wood. Ill bodv not
found until the debt is was belli,;
ili'.ued awav.
The body was lomoved to Moiton'.i
A Women's Eyes
Will tell her love, though every other
feature be hidden under the oriental
Yashtnak. A wotnau's ejes are equally
eloquent as to her health. She can teach
her lips to lauj!i in spite of piin, but the
ecs will never le paitner in that deceit.
Deenliolliie. . ilnrt.-
circles, wrinkles at
the cornets, tell
the story of pain
anci Sleeplessness.
Much of the nerv.
ousness, sleepless
ness and sulTennj
in general, endured
bv women, is
caused by a dis
eased condition of
the womanly or
cans. When that
diseased condition
is cured there are
no more hollow,
dark ringed ejes.
Dr. Pierce's Vavnr.
Ue Prescription
cures irregularity,
inflammation, ul
ceration, and fe
male weakness,
tops enfeebling
drains, strengthens
the nervous s stem
aud pivos to tln
mother health for her duties, and happi-
area tu men pcrionnaucc,
Mjr niect was troubled with fcnule weaknew
P saatt our years before 1 atked for your ad
Wee." writee Mr. 1. W. McCregor, of 6icf St. and
Pflneeton Ave , Chicago, 111. You ailvled her
ll uJi,t ?ri y,''! favorite Pre wrlption, which
be dkj filtbfuljr for nine month, oud now we
acknowledge to you that he ia ull uvm
?.? tw cBnt hnk you enough for the cure.
We hays recommended your medicine to all our
frienda, and UUev n9 be a wonderful ili$
coyry. Vr. ie;J:e Medical Adviser, paper
foyers, KniJrft on receipt of ai one
ceat atamps to pay cost of mailing only.
Ihe cloth-bound yolume for 31 stamps.
Address Dr. R. V. Fierce, BuffakvJJt,V.
m W Wmm
1 mt
!LN 1 1 11 J
undertakers estnbllnlunent nnd nfter
vvatd removed to the home of his pat
ents. The Calderwood family haw
Ijci it unfortunate of late. The mother
and daughter weio Injuied In nn olcc
tile rin wreel: near iJunnioro a few
weeks tiRo. The funeral of the boy will
take place tomorrow afternoon at 2.10
o'clock. Intorinmt will be In Lang
I'llffe cemeteiy.
Commission Has Decided the Boun
daries Between Lycoming: and
Kpiclal to the Bcranton Tribune
Townnda, Feb. C The commission
that was appointed some time nK') to
c'KtnbriKh the line between Tinea and
I..euinllih' counties ban completed Itrt
work and is now preparing Its lepott.
The line In ciuestlon has bien In doubt
f-lnce the forming of Tlopa lounty, and
as 1. uly as is,",j suteorH went oer
the line, but their repot t was not con
firmed. In IVfiO another .survey was
made, nnd only a pmtlon of the lino
conflimcd, and in 1W, mote of It was
iletci mined. Since then pait of the line
has be I'll In dispute, and the teport of
the present commission will undoubt
edly settle the matter.
The eiiRlncciH composing the conimls
Mem .ue II. i:. Hall, of Tow.mda, 1). I,
Ueane, of Wcllsboio; John Moi,?ati, of
i:ik county, and K. J. Kldrcd, of L
10111I11K county.
Special to the feninton Tribune.
Susqtiehnnn 1. IVb. f. The Kile boiler
i-hop will be it moved to the sleam
hummei nhop biillcllm;, wlilch will be
Many Mumtoid, of Slf,rrucca, 11 s-en-lot
of ltiown unheislty, who haB been
seriously ill vlth typhoid fcvei. Is re
coerltiK. The nmriiiTP of Miss Uattle Lajser,
of .-iis.fieh inn.i, to Klnnue Ficuden
liolm. of Deposit, X. . will oeeur at
the home of tile biiib', on Siulllt;
nti(ot. on Tlnifdav evening, Kebru
aiv ...
The choir of the Methodist church
will soon pu uetit the cantata, "The
Great Light "
The 'Vom!ns; confeience tilo, Kaie
Jay and Thomas, will give a concert
In the Methodist church In the near
Monliose confident! expects to have
11 $10,C0O 1 anility, ghlng emploMuent
to ft 0111 ion to iso pei sons iar font or
nl months of tlie .M'.n.
The Honebd.ile Independent Is
twisted when It state-' that Susque
hanna Is among the towns alllieted
with scarP-t fever.
Kiank Taitley. 11 well known lUns
li. Hilton imgilist, has lotlied fioin tlie
ling to conduct Tuiklsh baths in lilng
hamton 1'i.nik Is a native of Sus
(liuliauna. Suciiehanu 1 tountv Mnrtone men
epeet to sell a girat amount f stoni
for the New Yoik undugiound i.ill
loacl. I imes Mi Minn,, an eitu med lesldent
ol N'uih J-ukson, Is .illicalh ill
SuukUu I elng the (list annlxersary
ol the death of lit Mew nihop Will
1 1111 O'llaia high iiits ut lequlnn was
ceiibi.itecl In the chine lust in the dlo-
cesi ,
Kiv. W.iltei S. rvtpfon, of Pikotn
on Sunday p reached in the Oakland
Methodist church.
Lonj;iis!nan '". Tied Wilght te
tuined to Washington on Sunday
Thlitv lloliteln cattle belonging to
Dalil S. Slnui''inesse, of I.lttle Mea
dows, sufliting fiam tuberciilmls,
weie eondemned by Wtcilnai Sur
geon Tower, of Montioe, and killed
The cnuascs wete utlijted in feitilir.lng
woik 111 .ir I'lngh.iinton,
Thete was n eiy laige 'ittendnnen
at the evangelistic si-i vices in tlie
l'uslnt 1 1 in church on feunday. Kvan-
I g"lNt Sheldon iieaehlti' two Btinlntr
fe irnoiih.
I '. S Ilnvne, of Alhiny, is making
I a dliecntoiy of Susquehanna.
1 D !5. Alney of Montiose, has re-
I cowied fioin ills ueent lllnes.
Klthu K"V. A. V. llaidlng. of Oreit
' lJnd, 01 Ui. C. '. Hal'", of Montro-o,
Is the oldest Odd IVllow now living In
' Susoiiehanna ountv. The nntter Is
being discussed In the newfqinpeirt of
the e ountv.
I The New Mllfoid dvert'rer Intl-
mates when the odlce of state
pen itoi nest j.e.if goes "seeking the
. imn," Colonel duties P Pratt, of N"w
Mllfoid, will make no attempt to es
cape. And tlieie are otlietp!
Owing to Inisk buPlnesc on the rend
tlie Kilo ins advanced quite a laig
numbi'i of tliemen to ( nglneers
Tlie Demoeiats have nominated J. P.
Gallagher foi niaor jf Koiest Cltv.
In the iMiicus he beat J r Wellbiook
by one wile. ,
Picsldcnt K L. Thnm'is, of the I'll.
, wlio has peen itttendtng a meeting of
tallioad olliiiils am' Hiothihood or
ginl'Uiom In lIoiiiell"llle. lias to
tinned to 'ow Yolk
Ilev. K. N Ulcn pastor of the Sus
quoliann.' ltaptlst ohtneli, who has
ben ns-stlng ltev. Mr. Wbalen in ie
vival seivlces In the Ilonesdale Hap
tiFt chinch has returned homo.
A Siifquuhanna delegation will at
tend the ilonesdale nit-ttlet Kpwoith
Ktague convention in Thomson on
Tuesday nnd Wednesday.
Bpeilal to the Seranton Tilhune.
Towanda, Keb. 5. .Mr. und Mis,
D. ". .Stevens, lonneily of tin
Iirk hottl, but now residents
of Uuffalo, aie visiting ft lends and
ielatles hcie.
Itobeit J'.. Gnnle, conductor In tin
Towanda yards of thu Kelilgh Valley,
and Miss Nellie Murphy, also of thin
plnee, weie mauled at Wllkes-liarre
on Thutsd.iy by Fnthei Hustln, of St.
Maty's cl'ttuh.
Dogs ate again killing rhc-cn In Kast
ein ltradford.
Chance llor Day, of the Syi.teime uni
veislty, will give an nldiecs at tlui
convention of the Twentieth Oentuty
Thanksgiving Commission t onion nw,
Th'J Towanda high school team was
defeated by the Klmlrn l-'ieo A'.udemv
boys In a game of basket ball at this
place Saturday evening,
John Hughes, nn Krlo engineer, was
killed nt Waverly on Tiiday evenlns,
by failing off the engine tender.
Febiuuiy couit opens today
William Toft, of Tioga Centre, has
been arrested nnd placed under $1,000
ball on a warrant charging hlmwltli
being one of the robbers who iclleved
Samuel Marshall, tax collector of She
fehequln township, of 3flt) mil two
watches. The constnhlo of Sheshequln
n reived a wnnant from a Towanda
Justice and then went to Clwego, wherj
he Ferved a worrant on Toft, charging
him with being 11 fugitive. The pris
oner was plared In the Owego Jail. Mr.
Mat shall has Identified the thief. It
will be lemcmbcred that Inst Novem
ber tlie house of Mr. M.ushall was
burglarized and Mr. nnd Mrs, Marshall
wtie bound nnd gagged,
Alrhonso Hcmwoith, a prominent far
mer of Oiwell. died on Thursday, nged
70 years, being n sufferer for some
time. A widow who Ik blind nnd two
sons and one daughter survive him.
Mis James Vandyke, of Saco, has
purchased the II. Ktt.xkendall tesldenei
nnd will become a resident of Townnda
tills spi lug.
K. C. Qi alley, of Ditluth, has been In
the county the past week on n buslneta
A passenger coacli has been fitted up
by the Lehigh Valley at Snyre foi the
wrecking ciews' ue while out on duty.
It la equipped with bitnkn and has a
kitchen npirtnieiit. which s lilted
with utensils.
Je?e Wnrdell, of Butt" City, Mont.,
Is lilting his mother in Towanda.
Judge K. M. Dunham, of I.nport",
last week began a hearing In the suit
of the Kradfotd county cominlssloneis
against the I.chlgh Valley llallroa I
rompanv, the purpose of which la to
deteimine whether eettr.ln pioperty of
tlie company at Sayre shall be subject
to local taat!on or not, The case was
certified to Judge Dunham by Judge
l?ck some time prior to his deith. The
elilin of the eomi-inv I that their j
shops In question nte a part of tlie
equipment mod in maintaining and
nintnllnn i r n.iml nnd U CM 1 nil MV fl '
i'l"l tl 11114 III' I lilt illl'l etc --111.11 ('"J ' fc
state tax, but n're not subject to local
bpeel il to the Scrntiton Tribune.
Ilonesdale, Keb S ltev. If. J.
Whalen will continue as pastor of tlie
Uaptlsi chuich In Hunesdile during
tlie month ol Kebntarj
ltev. Mi. Ciydenvvlse Is expected to
pieich In the Methodist church every
evening duilng the picsent week.
Thuisdiv evening next, for the first
time In HvneMlale, Will Carlton will
appear at the opci.i house and recites
fiom his own wtltltiAs. Ilonesdale
poplo 1110 foitunate In having an op
poitunlty to hear this noted poet.
About foitv nelghbois and other
ft lends of Mr. and Mis. Frank Corey
tun pt ls d them at tlieii home on Third
stieet on Friday evening list, It being
their twenty-fifth man Inge nnnlver
saiy. A mort enjoyable e.wnlng was
spent. The vlsltoi'1 came 'well sup.
plied with iefreshmont and a num
ber of useful pi cents, among wb'eh a beautiful dlnnei set.
Woid nclvfd fiom II. C. Hand, who
Is In New Yotk, and who his had an
operation performed fot the icnioval
of a cntatact fiom his ce, Is that the
conditions ate favorable foi a success
ful operation.
A letter received on Satin dav re
poited the sifo ai rival of iMis. .1. D.
Weston. MI01 Plata It Totrey nnd Mis
Josephine Whltncv at r.ermida. The
pntv etieeunteied it s'Ver.. storm on
the lourney and were twenty-two
houis late leaeliing their destination.
It ! now expected that within a few th Krle pausengei tialns will
come anil go fiom the new Dclavvnie
and Hudson station. Inns aie pending for th
lii'juuf.ii tuie of Iiult 1.1 1 .s at the old
glass factoiv plant, located at Tiacy
Special to the Seranton Tiibune.
Tiinkhaunock, Feb S The teal es
tate, Insinanee and pension business
belonging to the late A, M.vron Kast
mati has been disposed of by the ex
ecutrix of the estate, the leal estate
and pension departments being pui
chaseil by Lewis & Vose and the In
stil mice business going to the G. P.
Deishlmei agency.
C li Little, of Seranton, was in
Tunkhannnck over Sunday.
.1. M. u tin Keifei, supeiintendent of
the Tunkhannoek Manufacturing com
pany, will it-move his family to Cai-bondale-
In the near future, the busi
ness of the company being located
W. X. He nobis, Jr.. nnd K. K. Little,
of Wllkes-H.uie, spent Sunday In
The store building nt the corner of
Tioga and Hildge streets, owned by the
Herny Staik estate and occupied for
many jenis by Herilek Pros, as a gen
e:al stoie, will be repaired and tented
to Louis Hilkowlch for a teim of ten
For the Babies.
Tlieie Is no better medicine for the
babies than Chambei Iain's Couch
Itemed)'. Its pliasant taste and piompt
nnd cuies make It a favorite
with mothers and small child! en. It
quickly cuies their coughs and colds,
preventing pneumonia or other serious
consequences. It also cuies croup and
has been us. d In tens or thousands of
cases without a single fallute so far n
we have been able to h-irn. It not
only cures ctoup. but w lien given as
soon us the croup) eough appeals, will
prevent the attack. In cases of whoop
ing eough it liquefies the tough mucu,
making It easlei to expectorate, and
lessens th-- seveilty and frequency of
the paioxvstns of coughing, thus de
pilving that disease of all dangerous
consequences. For sale by all diug
glsts. Matthews llios'., wholeale and
1 etui! agents.
Spi clnl to tho Sc rauton Tribune
Foi est City, Feb. 5. Mis. Jane P.ey
nolds, of Delaware street, who bus been
ailing, Is Impiovlng.
This morning the Paptlsts will hold
.1 iiittage piaycr meeting ut Vandllng
at the- home ot Mr. Ljons and tomor
row evening one will bo held at tho
home of Mrs. Hopkins.
Thomas Iteynolds nnd wife visited
old friends at their former home on
Welsh Hill last wee-k.
Thomas W. Cummlngs and wife, for
mer lesidents of this place, but who
have recently lemoved to Herrlck Cen
ter, are visiting friends In Schenectady,
The following programme was ren
deied by the Lltetury, Musical and De
bating society of the Welsh Congrega
tional church, In the church basement
last week Solo, "Molly, Dear;" ad
diess, by chairman: select reading, O. Kvans; solo, Kdlth Morgan;
recitation, Stella Davis; solo, David
0M M nmkm Htm
cire iinmi in NcrvNi MsvNcrs.
m 1 0 cenia aud S cant, at ruf atorea.
If the system
I s overworked
nature neeJs aid
to restore the
body to a nor
mal healthy con
dition. The best
medicine to do
this is the Bit
ters. It will
Pever and Ague.
John Jones; solo, Henry Carr; teclta
tlon, Hc-lla Melville; solo, Iluth Wat
kins. Another meeting will bo held
this week with nn equally Interesting
programme. No admission will bo
charged and all are cordially Invited
to be present.
The revival meetings In the Metho
dist church are being well attended
and will continue this week.
D. Stanley Kvans, of Seranton,
greeted his many friends here Sun
iley. Thete will be a special meeting In tho
Presb) terlan church commenting this
evening and continuing Wednesday,
Thursday and Frldny evenings with
the following subjects "Hevivals in
History," "How We May Ptoinote a
Revival," Hindrance to and Are We
Heady." The meeting ne.t week will
be conducted by the evnngelst, It. D.
Sheldon, of Kingston, X. Y., who will
be assisted by n little blind fill whose
singing has ntti.icted much attention.
Mr. Sheldon will be heie Sunday, IVb
marv 11.
Ingenious Ways of Smart People to
Get Things for Nothing.
Fiom Tit-Hits.
There is no section of criminals that
display such vnrled ingenuity as shop
lifters,' said a clever detective, who
has had a long cxpeiieiice of the fra
ternity; nnd 1 can ohsuio vou that
many of them might give lessons in
cunning to tho most artful Chinee.
Shoplifting Is a science that appeals
hugely to woman. Their sex, to a
ccitnin extent, disarms suspicion, espe
cially when, aB Is usual, they are ele
gantly dressed, and do their shopping
In a well appointed brougham. Their
di ess gives them unlimited scope for
tlie concealment of small articles; and
again, the game Is so eompatatlvely
flee from risk, for If they are caught
red-handed, a3 a litle, It simply means
an awkward Interview with the pio
prletor and paMuent for the goods ap
pioprlated. You see, It does not pay a fashion
able rhopkeeper to give his house a
bad leputatlon as a haunt of thieves;
and, further, many of tho lady-llftera
nte women with some standing In so
ciety, who nre either kleptomaniacs or
who cannot ic-slst the sudden tempta
tion or annexing a pietty thing with
out payment.
Ladles of this class aie novices In
the nit, and are leadlly detected. A
common pi notice with them is to slip
any small nrtlilo from tlie counter into
their umbrellas when the assistant's
back Is tinned. If detected, It is the
simplest of accidents, and tho culpilt
apologizes piettlly and restates the
ai tide
Another favoilto place of conceal
ment Is In the loose folds of a blouse
or "shin," where anything small will
lie undected, while the mote nrtful
among them have cunningly devised
pockets in their skirts, into which they
inn slip quite a large amount of plun
dei. One lady, who had quite a long and
successful career at counter-stealing,
was always accompanied by a little
gill, ostensibly her dnughter, canying
a large doll. The mother, who was
young nnd pietty, and faultlessly
diessed, would hold the doll while she
was being served (a very natural and
prudent act with a valuable doll,
which tho child might drop at any mo
ment), and when the assistant's atten
tlon was wlthdtawn bhe would slip
Into the hollow lnteiior of the doll any
small aitlcle, fiom a bottle ot scent
to an aitlcle of Jewelry, that might
be lying near.
Jewelers and chemists whose count
ers are crowded with portable articles
of value aie the chief victims of wo
men of this class. The periodical sales
of Inige drapers naturally nffoid good
opportunities for women thieves man)
of them, I am sorry to say, women of
social position. In the Inevitable crush
It Is an easy thing to annex fiom the
counter a costly piece of laci, a rem
nant of silk or a few yoids of ribbon,
and theie nie many women with we'l
fllled purses who cannot u-slst the
temptation of stealing a shilling's
worth of 1 llibon at the lisk of social
disgrace and mln.
Of emu s.e. as I dire.wy )ou know.
nearly all fit ins employ women detec
tive", smartly, dressed and of ladylike
appeal a nte, who mix with the crowd
of putchaseis. and have a eiy keen
eye Indeed for these peculations. TIkpj
1 women ire- regulnily employed by tho
III ins, live on the premlrcs, nte paid
I from CI 10s to 2 10s. v week, and
keep an e)e as much on the assistants
ns on their eustontus.
The tiltks of the male shoplifter are
much more v.uiid and subtle than
those of his female ilval. A veiy com-
I mon pinctlee Is to catry a stick or
iimhtelln with a hollow receptacle at
the top. A spring rebasts the silvei or
gold-mounted top; the stolen aitlcle,
which must naturally be small as It Is
valuable, Is slipped Into the padded
hollow and the top sptung back aguln
Into position.
A very skillful thief made a hiding
place- of the hollow part of nn aitlflclil
forearm, into which he could palm an
article with lightning rapidity. One of
the latest devices is to wear a glove
with a pocket or a seiles of pockets In
the palm, nnd, while examining small
aitleles of Jew city, rings, broches, gold
pendants, and so on, to slip one or more
Into tho concealed pocket by a prac
tlc ed movement of the fingers.
Another trick Is to carry some ad
hesive substance in the palm of the
gloves, and by carelessly resting tho
palm on nn article of Jewelry to re
move It. Tho opportunities for exer
cising these- tilcks while the assist
ant's back Is turned, or while he Is at
tending to another customer, are man)t
Put much shoplifting is done with tho
help of a confederate, who strolls In
rasually while No. 1 Is making his pui
chases, One or two valuable articles
are handed to tho second customer,
who Is apparently quite a stranger to
No, 1, nnd, If the latter Is suspected
and searched, of eouise, nothing Is
found in his possession. Of till rob
beries, with smeared and hookened
sticks, of false alarms vVilch draw- the
shopkeeper In puisult of Imaginary
thieves, leaving the ic-nl pilferer fiee
to do his work, and of the hundred and
one other artifices, it would icqulre al
most a volume to sneak.
Wall Street Revlevv.
New York, Fob. 5 Tho stotk market
was subjected to a novel process of di
gestion tocluy nnd came thiotigh the or
deal remarkably well. Stocks which
vvcro lenders In activity each strength
ened during the movement nt hut week
were heavily sold to tnku prollls. The
tirOlIt tllkltll? U11H tllOt til- Mil r-nf.wlili I nliln
an outside demand that offerings weie 1
ausurueti wuii utile uuuuiiii) mm wlin
out any material eoiiees-fon In pileo be
ing made neeesuul). Indeed all) ap
proach in prices to Katuulay's luvcl re
sulted in li notable hardening In the mar
ket the surface becoming piactleully mi
)ieldlug at Saturday's level. OfTerlngs
ot stocks fell to a minimum and havers
In order to sccuie stocks were obliged
to ralsu their bids to n point to )lelil
prolits to the sellers on tin ir lust week's
piircbnses. While professional oV-rn-luiH
vvero thus taking prutlts at sutnu
points In tho list thev were replacing
their funds in other stocks which had
not moved Inst week or In which the
movement had been only Inaugurated
thus with trailing proceiding on an act
ive scalo and the movement of prices
taking on n considerable degree of Ir
regularis, the market presented nil the
churaeteilstlcs of a true bull movement.
Upward movements In prices were easily
achieved and the spei illative sentiment
showed Itself epilck to respond to any
storks. The leaders of the rallronil list
weru the Norfolk und Western stocks,
new developments regaidlng special
tho common advancing 2 and the pre
ferred Vj. Louisville, St. Louis and San
l'tniiclsco, Denver and lllo (Irande aud
a numlier of other lallroads responded to
goon Hiniemenis or 1 alliums ine iron
and steel sioiks eontinuid very pioml
Hint aud the leadership bete was siilftid
also, under the Inlluerce of utilizing In
Amcrli an Steel and Wire und "iimc oth-
rs. Tho new leadei ot tho group was
National Steel, which was very heavily
bought on llontltig tc pin ts of enormous
(.linings lor the past vc ir to lie shown
b tho foi tin riming nmiunl icpoit. He
ports nf similar kind hive Ik en un
heeded for past mouths in Wall street
but toda) tho stock shot up under their
Influence an extreme i" Oilier mctnlieis
of the metal Mmip elostlv allied by Iden
tity of ownership movid In close svm
p.ithv. Amcrli an tlnop and 'Jin Plato
nre in tills class. He public Steel, the
Smelting sticks and Anaconda weie also
strong. The market closed acllvn and
strong at best prices foi many slot ks.
Total s lies today. 70 M0 shales. The
bond m.ilket was Irregular and not so
active as of lite. Total sales, par value,
.TfirOO Vnltid States old 4c. now 4s
and 5s advanced 'i In the bid price.
The following quotations are furnished
Tho Tribune by M. S. Jordan & Co ,
rooms 703-7CH Mcnrs building. Telephone
Open- High- Low- Clos
ing est. est. lug.
Am. sugar in n.v; us'; 1144
Am. Tobacco luTV. H5i lttl lOB
Atcb , To S. Fc... 2ii4 :o'6 MH 20'4
A.,"T. & a v., Pr .. nr i,;-t dm ti-a
llrook 11. T 7.1'4 7:"-i 74't 7U j
Con. Tobacco I1M, . S'.' sp4
Ches. & Chlo 2'i'i 20T' ;'H5 ""
People's Gas lilC, lot MS lliS'J,
Chic- P. A.- 1 UN's 1JV1 UtU li;',
St. l'.illl 121H ii 1JU Ui
ltoek Island lav,, im W, tin
D. L. W 17'ii4 17!'"i IT.", 17014
Kan. & Tex., 1'r .. JT4 34U IMVi .11
Louis. & Nash 7'Hi St 7,)1) M
Manhattan i:u .... w,7a "OH 'i.VH wj
Met. Traction Co ...171 171' 17J'!- 171
Mo. I'acllle 4tf 4i.'i 4V, 4'i
Jelsey Central US US 117), 117'
N. Y. Central . ..r.l'i IT,'. IIP liVi,
North I'acllle r.".T, Il Tt'i SI"'
Nor. I'.ie. IT 7V, 7V4 7V,, '
Out. West 22 20, 227,, 21i(,
I'icillc Mali 41'', 4. 4t 4t'i
I'liil. Head 104 1& li, 1S
1". & It., l'r .Mi r-7'i M r78
southern K. it.. I'i . r fn' "'j'
Teim., C. & iron
.1110 l(ll, till H
1 . H. I.e-itlier ....
V. S. L nihil, l'r
I'nlon I'acllle ....
Villon Par . l'r .
Wabash. Ir
West Union . ...
l'enna It. It
Am. .. Sr W
Keel. Steel
Fed. Steel. Pr ....
. lip, ii' in1, ii;
. 7.1 2 "7 7II1 , 7,"rt
il J"1' iP iV
. 7Vh 7i-i, 7"7r 7i'' i
. 21 2I4 -'1 21'
. S7, l7H, W,' M.
,.!" Ill ID1 )!1
. r.s 's r7 r"i.
j5l't :T1 ' J7'"
i 7r Ti4 ""''i ToS(i
Ope il- Low- Clou.
WIIKAT. Ins?, est. est In.;.
July rv, rs?,, cu fii'i
Jlnv ii (', (j7"-h C7"i
July ?. ..t "..;, ni
m.iv svi ni, ct, :s!'i
Julv 22' 2.'" 221m 2;
May 23'; 2J'i T, :'i'
M.iv 6Ki CIO fifl'i 1. 1
J.inuarv L l.' C .1) fl d 17
i 1'OltK.
' Mav 10J7 101-, iout lO'r,
I July 10H7 11.0J WW II UJ
Seranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
STOCKS. Did. As-kcd.
Tirst National Hank MK)
f-eninton SaIiiKs Hank 200
Seranton 1'acklmr l'o. t)J
Third Nationnl Hank 4T.
Dime Dep & DIs. II ink 200
Keoiionn LlKllt. II. & P. Co 47
Lacka. Trust & Sift- Dep. Co. 130
Seranton Paint Co SJ
ClntK fc Snovtr Co, Com. . . -IOC
Clark & SiiOM-r., Pref 123
Str. Iron renec .t MfK. Co. ... .--. 1I
Seranton Axle Works Kl
Lacka. Dairy Co, Pref 20
Co. SnUnns Bank & Trust Co 230
Plrst Nat Tank (Ctirbondnlej ... 300
Standard Prllllm; Co 30
Seranton Pass. Hallway, tint
morttriiue. duo l'O) Ill ...
People'h Street Hnlle.i. tlist
inoitK.irre, dee 1118 115
People's Street Rilivay, Gen
eral due 1'21 113
1 DlckRun Manufactuilni; Co 100
l.aeka. TownMilp hchout 5 HU
City of Seranton St. Imp. u. ... 102
Mt. Vernon Coal Co 3
Seranton Traction 6 bonds.. 113 ...
Seranton Wholesale Market.
(Corected by II. (3 Dale. 27 Laek iwnntia (
Avenue.) '
Hutter Crcnnieij, Jie.i dairy, tubs, 2Sc.
Krbi 8eb ct western, 15c-.; ne.uby st ito,
""cheese Pull cream, new, 33'le.
II. ...,d l.i 1,1 i l,rtl,-n m.irmw lfl- '
medliiin, f.'20 pea, J-'-O.
Onlullh Pi r bu , -13c.
I llour Jl"0.
Phllftdelphta Oin'n and I'rortucu
I Plillailelphla. Teh. !, - Wheat - I'nl
ehaiiK'd, contract (,'rtide, IMiraaiy. Ma
7.'e. Coin Stiuilj, t.ilr demand, No. 2
mixed i'eliru.iij, :iSa:V,e. Oats Plim,
' lull' ilenmnd; .No. -' whllo cllpjicd, M'jii
...v.; No '1 do. do, o0i,ii;c,; No. .' mli d,
do, J'M?ii.e. I'ut itoib Klrm and UUip r;
l'cnnslani i i liolee. per busln 1 oie;
New Yoik and western do, Smujc.; do.
eln fair to iroeid. do . .r3a3oc. l'lour Pn
el.iiiKed, Iluitcr Plrm; Rood deniiml,
fane- wcsttin eieaniei.e, 2 e.j do. plinth,
Ac. IrKh Dull and Jc. luwei; fresh,
nearb, lhe. : do western. 10e., elo. soutli-
i weiitern. bie-.: do, Miuthcrn, 13e, Cbeee
I'nehnnijfd Ut tint tl Sim' n s Steady,
1 Cotton I'm huiu-'id Tallow Steady; city
prlmo in hoKflii.idH, Si'Uc-.; niuntiv do
do, b.ntels. r.".a3'H'.; dull, do, I'.-ioe.,
cakes. .V.-ile.. Biease, ,)i ,113c. Live I'oiil
tlj Uneh uweil; fowls, luille.: old toos
tirs, 7,i7' c ; ihlekiiiK. ii'lulu'lc. ; dinks,
lie.; niee. Hulo'-.c; turki.s, '.laUK-Diei-snd
Poiiltn Plrm unci hluher with
wood fowls, choice, ll'. ilJe.; do
fair to Rood, lOalle ; old loostein, "c.i
ehlcKcns, ni.irby, lD.ilJc; western do.,
law, uau.c-.: illinium no. iu inc.: com
mon, do , bMc. ; tui lv. s. iajte. : ducks, i
l.'c. ; Kreni-e, 7a'Jc Receipts Kloiu. 1,1")
biricls und 5 'mo sacks; wheat, Kern) hiisu
els; i in. Vll,oJ busheW;, 10,O
liushels. Shipments Wheat, l.lmi liusli
els; com. lUl.uuu bushels; oats, 3A) luieli.
New York Grain nnd Produce,
New Vork, Feb. 5 Plour Held erv
steadily on aihlees from tho mills uud
little chance- from S.iturd.i ; Minnesota
patents, Jl S'i-i'i le). Wheat Spot mm kit
easy; No. 2 I eel, 7&V e-leatoi; No. 2 led,
7o"e. f. o b afloat prompt; No 1 north
em Diiluth, 7'JUc. f. o. b. ntloit pronuit;
opticiiiH uiiem-d easv und biibscnucntlv
mude declines; tiade was naiwiw all
d.i ; closid easy at 'j.i'.e. net decline;
March closed 73Ve, ; May, 7l'le. ; July, "le.
Coin bpot. steady; No. 2, 40'e. f, o. h and 10ie. leMitoi ; oiittons opened
stciulv ai.d aihnnctd; finally eased olt
a little aud closed easy nt l,e. nut .le
elino; M.iy t-losied 3i'c. Oats Spot epilct.
No. 2. SM'.jiv, No. 2 white Jle-.; No 3
white. Wic: track mixed, n-stmn, 2'. i
.IX1.; track while. !.ii'-.a He. ; options dull
but fctiady. Ilutte-r Plum i ; westein
cieamery, 21u2ee.: do, factory, lUalSHe.;
.Tiaiiu creamery. laaJJo.; Iniitatlon cio.ini
ery. 17a22e.: Blato dairy. ISaJI'jc.; do.
Pointed Paragraphs.
Rocker Talk.
Reed Rockers, were $.75, $5.00, $6.50, 12.00.
Now 2.7S, $3.75, $5.ob, 9.50.
Fancy Rockeis, were $3.75, 5.50, $7.00, $io.oo.
Now $2.75, 4.00, $5.50, 7.50.
Bed Talk,
Metal Beds, were $7.50. $10.00, 12.00, $15.00.
With best springs, now .7$, $7.90, $9.0, $12
Bureau Talk.
Bureaus, white enamel or oak, Oval Bevel Plate
Glass, weie $; now $12.50.
East Mountain Lithia Water
Sold by All Firat-Clnss Druggists. Highly Recom
mended by Physicians.
Office 1)02 West l.ncknwnnna Avenue, Seranton, Pa.
Entire Stock
of Diamonds,
Jewelry and
Pledges Are
Now Sold at
Auction to the
Highest Bidder,
as We Must
Vacate the Store
We Now Occupy
by April 1.
Davidow Bros
227 LactawaiH Av3,
To PATENT Good Ideas
may be secured by
our aid. Address,
Baltimore, Md.
made fancy l.npe and small, liilte;
1 lie made, 11 il.'c., sin ill do, l.'iL'ii,
LRs SteaiH ; st He anil I'i nnsj h.iniii,
17e , western, uiiRiadul, at mark, ll.UTe.;
Wtstern, 17c-, lo--s off.
Chicago Gtain and Produce.
Chicago, I'eb. 3 Mild wiather ucconi
p.iuled li some of the me did snow;
luay ueilpts nnd the .eiilniss ! ca
bles had a il, pressing effect on the wheat
m.ilket tueli, .Mn c IiisIiir i,e. under
S.ituidn. Corn iIomcI e. and oals Ue.
lowci. l'lmlslous at tho dose weie oa
7"-e-. lmploed Cash illot itlons were
as" follows: I-'loiu Slemlx ; No ," spiuu;
wheat, (il'jiiri.'.e.. No. 2 led. I.1' i""c. . No
2 corn 3.V.. No '. Jcllow :2'4'-: No 2
oats. ri'-iiiJl'-e. . No 2 white, Lie,; No
1 white. .VjiiJi.'.e.; No. 2 I e. 3le.; No.
2 b.ultv. m'.utle : No 1 lla seed and
nortliwlst. i .vi : tin.otliN. U i; pork. i.7".
alow, laid, $'.S7'jai., libs. J3; slmul-ele-rs,
ultiitie1.; sldi s. Jj'Wau; whiske),
$12i'j; suij.iis, uneli.iiiRid.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Chic.iRo, Pel) 3 Cattle Pnllly aetU.,
irnnrr.illc nlioiit Me lowci: Ti ,is sliil-.
3i. level: bulls, ahoiit stciulv; lmtiheis"
Mocks and tanners, steads to I tie lower:
feeileis, . gouel to choice, $3 2310 10;
poor to medium, flil'o; mld stoekers,
5:23i.:"i; seldtid lenleis Jl.'-liltu, rih.i1
to choice cows. S Hi! 10: heifers, J! 13.1
t'3, crimen t2 2J.t."i. bulls. tji0el30,
e.iHes. Jl 'i "; led T Mit biCVC', I I
. 15 lliiRs-Actll.-. 2'. l3e. hlnhi r. to;,
$123, M-od eleaiance, mi d and hutch
els, Jli3il'i2'-. i..iud to e hole i ha.'i'i, lourrh lua., 513il7"i, llKiit,
ioilh7'.-, lull, of sales, IseMltll. Sin ep
M.ilket weak to lue, lowei; imlltu
wethets. $1 30ir,.23; I tmlis, .",.17.13; we.'i.
em wethers $1 tn.i'i 23, westein Inmbj, ?!
n7. Iteci ipls Cattb1. IS mm head; Iiors,
Lsdrt In ad, Blieep, 21 "00 be id.
New York Live Stock.
New YoiU. Klb 3 -lleees-Market
steady to llim: s-tiers. $t M; oen, $1
nl 23, bulls, $',1120 iiiws, J2Mll2), fit
western hi-ltcis. ". jO ''alM's Market
stiaih. e.ils. " TO.i It tt le taliis, li3,
bnnnrd stoik, i!Miiii3, soutluiu
ealMs, $la!30 Shu p-l Inn, l.imlis,
sli ulo lowii: slicet), l,i i 73: mils, $,i". 3);
lamlis, $ii3ii"mi. calls Tiiii Mors Mar
ket firm 111 3 13.13 23; pl, ., 3 23 i5 23.
East Lilieity Cattle.
Hast l.lbeitj, IM). 3 -Caltle-Palr. ex.
, . . - ... .- .r ... I..... ". .-. -j i . Iini.iii,n
1 1 .1 s ,.- t,. -. , , , him-. . , f.( , .', ,!,,, ,."'..
$; 23.i I sO. Hors-Si-nily at S.itunlHS'H
pi Ins Sheep Stunh eh ill e w.tliels.
Jl 0 r in; common, Mil, chain lambs.
7.13.17 23: common to nood, 3.i7 10; M-il
lalves, "as Co.
Oil MnrkeT.
Oil Clt. IM). B-Cinllt balauees. ITS;
ceitlllcatis, no hid: thlpnunts 131.'2"lir
rcls; iifiae, 77, 'id baiitls. runs no.oio
bariels, iiMraRe, tl.iui binds.
'lis the First Show of Profit Visible
in Twenty-Tin ee Years.
Philadelphia, I'eb .3, The executive
committee of tlie HendliiR Kallioad
company today agreed In recommend
a semi-annual dividend of I'i pel cent,
on tho liiut jiiefeired stock of tlie com
pany, payable Man It S.
This Is the Hi sit dividend declared
on nnv shire of Kcndiim i.illioad
stock slnco lb7H.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Dougtit
filgnatun of IMM
itei io
About Iheh wives' cooMnff. If
a man's wife- is a uood bread"
iii iKtr ho pilns to
piolile know It whenever
nets a eli.inee. There's
duubt If she uses
Plour th it she IS a Rood hrelel
linker and he Is perfictly rlsht
to lime; nbout It. A Rood bread
in ike r Is lather to he chosen
Hi in en at riches.
All procers sell "Snow White."
"Uconly wholesale :
Carbondale, Olyphant.
i - i
filnnuracturers o
435 to 455
N. Ninth Street,
Telcphon; Call, 2.J3J.
At Retail.
Coal of the best quality for domostlo
uce nnd of all sizes. IncludlnK Buckwheat
and nirdseie. delivered In any part of
the cltv. It the lovvebt prices.
Orders received at thu ofnee. Connell
balldln?, Koora SOO: telephone No. 17S2, or
at the mine, telephone No. 272. will h
promptly attended to. Dealers supplied
et the mine.
Sick-Hoad -acho
and Liver
Sold by all drupclats
or sent by malt.
NenlH Medial Co., Ctla0
Sold by
McOarrah Ss Thomas. Drug-
plats,, K.i LaUuiu.inna ac, Beranton
UUorUF.NPAIKt imnotmir
fwrUntferl lhv juvian i mbltloni d(
llfv ru Lt it-atuii-J to u Th vr
l v rtiirrr Nrrvuu nrhillir r
uui nt-iT rur"i uy rrnrri'TU
Bli nil (Atltn nifinory nd th wal
Vx5viTr ,ul,,irinu ' iocr,ininiea oy
yjf-- prt vifforantl potency io very lunc
tl in Ui arc uptiu jiUiu line jttJk. blvom to lb
rt ftflfaftnij lutrt tu the fin cr7younorld
Oitvbwt. tui rnr viUI unorgy IVIMO buitt st
tl iOACcmpUtsuuiiftiitf rUruruTSniVor ruonty r
fgiiuot I n b ratrlM in it j pocket Boil
fviybfio or nitl 1 In tltln urt L-r on ieclp'Jf'
prir by lHKMUUiU iir,t uit 4$,t I Mt
Bold In Gcranton, i'a., by Matthews
Dros and McQarrah & Thomua, Urugj;tata.
S If fllnf art '" l ualurt nnt' iu3 tnt fram
1 mm OilllLlnQrrirat.i.i . I(Ia.1 lilnn
1f&4 ) Wibft.I I rrvr. loi tUiy ricui.rl tt r
4 X jfW)" rrutb Mol'ruf. .. j. IIIHUM.I),
Itb),,' "TIL Mith M.. 1'bliauriiibia, k
VMiVCl'tt l(i.liltilr ttit tiLlr itHvltiiit la tt L
1 I n(ll Mln tit tti nrn i l i tli.iu .h Ihi tn.irtt lhrtd rM . f
llliiifiil tt rmlicfti turcttlu4tcj lUdtvi llourtR 369
t ills m
Can vf twd! jjfjj
B MS 1RI.1
I 25 CTS.