The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 05, 1900, Morning, Page 3, Image 3

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fortunes Havs Been Made from the
Various Growths of Timber That
Covered It, and the Ice Produced
There Has Been Another Great
lource of Revenue Land Is Now
Being Purchased to Get Control
of the Water Supply of the Region
for Industrial Purposes.
In a month's time the whole of the
over 30,000 acres of land on the Pocono
plateau in Monroe, Lackawanna and
Wayne counties will pass Into the
hands' of the Monroe Water Supply
company, composed principally of
Carbon county gentlemen, and behind
whom It Is thought Is the Lehigh Coal
and Navigation company.
One dollar per acre Is the probablo
price to be paid and the purchaso Is
made to secure valuable water supply
for the coal and! navigation company,
who are under contract to furnish
water power to various manufactur
ing concerns. There la enough water
when properly stored to last during
a very long period of drought. These
lands are now In the inclusive owner
ship of Ocorge J J. Dodge, of New
York city.
The Pocono plateau the major por
tion of which is situate in Coolbaugb.
Tobyhanna and Tunkbitnnock town
Bhlps of Monroe county H virtually
a Tom Tiddler's ground. Thousand,
upon thousands of dollars have been
taken off and from It and the end Is
not yet.
About IRS?, prior to the constuictlon
of the Iacknvvannn railroad, a num
ber of far sighted gentlemen nmong
them the late John I. Wall, Seldon T.
Heranton, William K. Dodge, John Jay
Phelps and William Heiity. Jt.. who
were promote! s In the oilgln and con
struction of the Raoknw anna and
knowing that the mid would pas
through a well-wooded poitlon of the
Pocono plateau In Coolbaugb township
and also through n very fine region of
llie then Lucerne i nunty, now L.iclci
wann.v. commenced to buy up all the
valuable timber lauds In that section.
They saw the great advantages and
coon became owners of :,.3,000 acres of
land In Monroe, I.tizerno (
and Wuvno countloi
Mills weie erected at Tobyhanna al
most as soon as the whistle of the lo
comotive was henid and lumbeilng
operations on a lnipe scal wete cai-
licd on for manv years. A year after
the Philadelphia Centennial or In ISi'i
the Tobvlnnna and Lehigh Rumbr
coinpnny, a limited ro-partnciship as.
sorlatlon was loimed aiitl thce lands
bfcame vested In the company. The
"T. ft L. L. Co." as the icsldents of
the township till the organisation
continued the lumbering opeiatlons
down to within a shott time ago. The
company Is still In existence but Its
life Is not to run much loncer,
W. K. Dodge and Mr. Meigs re
mained In the above company and
saac f. Case, also a member of the
ompany, became Its superintendent.
Mr. Cps has managed the lumbeiing
per.itlons for the company for about
thirty years and It Is no exaggeration
to say that he has eainfd for the par
ties. In the way of dividends and prof
't, a round million of dollnis.
Wh.'ii these lands weie lust bought
thell chief alile was supposed to ex
ist In the hemlock and spiuce, with
which the ti.icts weie well tlmbeied.
This species of lumbei N now about
tut off. In the beginning of the en
terptiso the haul lumber, such ni
maple, beech and birch was believed
to hi of little woith and no attention
was paid to them. In the com so of
time. howeer, they became as lmpoit
ant as soft tlmbei. It was found that
the hard lumber was suitable for
clothes pins. shoo pegs and other ar
ticles of a like nature nnd a tnctoiy
wais elected to munittr.etute them.
The consttuctlon of these plants gavs
the name to Tobjhanni MI1K
Soon the supply of maple, beech and
hlrch wds exhausted. The mills were
stopped and the lesldents of the pic
turesque Ullage on the ciest of the
Poconos believed the alue of the
Pocono plateau had been ended. It was
not so. for another use was found the
.nine tie and pi op came In and use was
found for timber that was icgarded as
worthless for manufacturing purposes.
The woodman's nxe was once inoio
swung and the Inhabitant were kept
riusy. Now the mine lumber Is nbout
gone, it was llimly believed, howeer,
that when the mine timber was ex
hausted the vast tiaits would be value
less, not being adapted to farming pur
poses. Recently the lands weie found to pos
scss a new nnd Important value one
that very few hereabouts dreamed of.
In this Pocono plateau the Lehigh liver
and Its tributaries have their origin.
There are a number of lakes of water,
many of them near the railroad. This
suggested the Idea of utilizing these
ponds for the purpose of gathering nnd
storing Ice. The Pocono Mountain Ice
company was formed to carry out that
Idea and It haB met with a really won
derful success. The organization start
ed with a small capital, bu today the
Pocono Mountain Ico company's plant
Is reputed to be worth a million of dol
lars. Still, this Is not all. This Pocono pla
teau Is yet to yield a jcvenue. Having
an elevation of 1900 feet above tide
water, and possessing so many fine
streams and natural ponds and lakes,
It f.vtracted the attention of patties
along the Lehigh river and In m Ighbor
Ing towns and cities.
Several corporations have already
been formed and are In process of for
mation, with a view of storing up these
waters In large reseivolrs and trans
porting them, by their own natural
courses, to distant localities for domes
tic and manufacturing purposes. The
water is exceptionally pure and crystal
like on the mountains, leading physi
cians claiming that It Is as good as any
In the world.
Considering the new uses that these
lands have been put to In the past, It
would be foolish to say that there aro
... acAjruYAOTtrxxo ar ...
1 ME I
The Best of Backs Are Bad
When They Ache, and
Scranton Knows It.
A bad baik Is nlwus bud.
Had at night when bed time eomos
Just as bid in the morning.
Tver try Doan's Kidney Pills for It?
Know they cure backache, cure every
kidney 111?
If you don't, s"ome H'rantnii propl.j
Head a case of It.
Mis. Patrick Wright, of 1.'23 Lu
zerne street, says: "My back nnd kid
neys for six years pained so that at
times I could scarcely move. When
walking In a hurry It made mo wor32
than usual and stooping and straight
ening caused twinges In the loins. I
had fearful pain at night so that I
could hardly turn from one side to
the other. My feet bloated sometime
so t rould not fasten inv shorn and I
ire(uently had to resort to slipper.. I
got Doan's Kidney Pills at Matthews
Hros". drug store and I had not taken
moi e than half a dozen doses beforo
I could see u good effect from thorn.
They weie Just what I needed and they
Improved my health Immensely.
Doan's Kidney Pills ate an excellent
icmedy. and I shall recommend them
wlieneer I car.."
Doans' Kldner Pills are for rale bv
all dealei i Pi Ice 50 cents. Fostcr
Mllbuin Co., '3utfalo, N. Y solo agents
for the United States.
Remember the name Doan's and tak"
no substitute
not other uses to which they can bo
put to In the futuie.
As the water on the plateau Is the
main thing, now the lumber Is off, why
would it not bo a good thing for the
late foicstry commission to acquire
them. The same experiment now being
tried In Pike county with Carolina pop, or wood pulp, would ho Just as
good here. Then again, the state might
stock the lands with game and fish and
thus remove the complaint that the
i ommon people have no legion In which
to hunt and llsh w Ithout trespassing.
These ure possibilities, and good ones
for the Pocono plateau.
There Is one note of sadness that
comes with this storv, and that is the
passing of Tobyhanna Mills. In a
short while unless something unfore
seen tuins up It will be a deserted
village piactlcally. for only during a
shoit season in the winter will there
be anything like the old-time activity.
Mr. Case has given up all Interest In
the Tobvhanna nnd Lehigh Lumber
company, the mills aie closed and
nothing but Ice Is shipped away. Al
leady the population Is deci easing, and
It won't be long befoie Tobyhanna
Mills will be wiped off the map. The
sale now In pi ogress will eventually
sweep It away. Stroudsburg Times.
Arrives with His Party at Puerto
Puerto Pilnclpe, Feb. 3. Qoveinor
Oeneral Wood and his paity arrived
last evening at Neuvltas and a special
ti.iin brought them to Pueito Piln-
clpe, whoie n large crowd blocked the
station, greeting (Jenenl Wood with
loud "VIas!" as he alighted from the
caniage. Geneial Rivet a also lccelved
a warm welcome. Ills speeches dur
ing the tour of the paity have urged
all Cubans to stand by the governor
general In his endeavors to bring the
Island into the smooth waters of pios
peilty and happiness, and General Rl
eia has declared In his addresses that
Geneial Wood's work In Santiago pio
vlnce in the past has proved his abili
ty. Geneial Rlvein, through his ser
v ices in the Ten Years' war, exercises
a gieat Influence over the Cubans,
especially In the eastern provinces,
wheie paiades headed by bands of mu
sic have been held and receptions have
been given during the tour In his honor.
The city of Pueito Pilnclpe, the
l.ngest city of the island. Is one of
the cleanest and best kept, all of its
streets and public buildings being spot
less. Geneial Wood Intends to con
centrate the charities, placing all the
oiphan asvlums In the piovinco In the
old cavalry banacks, which are splen
didly located In beautiful grounds on
the outsklits of the city and are cap
able of holding several hundred, but
which aie needed only for the occu
pancy of less than thieo bundled. The
infuntiy bai racks will probably be con
veited Into a general hospital, and an
agilcultural school will occupy one of
the bulldlng3 at present used as an
Genera". Chaffee met the Eighth cav
alry for the first time since he was ap
pointed its colonel. After visiting the
public buildings General Wood visited
the camp whero the troops are sta
tioned. The regiment vill be put in
new temporary barracks as soon as it
is possible to erect the buildings.
General Wood and his party will
leave Neuvltas at daylight tomorrow
morning, proceeding directly to Ha-
Will Be Buried at Frankfort by
Daniel 2:;ne.
Frankfort, Ky., Feb. 4. It piactl
cally has been decided that the re
mains of Governor Goebel will bo bur
ied in FiankfQit. in the cemetery
where the remains of Daniel Iioone,
Vlce-Piesldent Rlchaid Johnson and
beveral Kentucky govemois, eminent
jurists and soldleis He. Although the
burial will take place in Frankfoit, in
accordance with the wishes of the
friends of the dead man, the funeral
services will be held In Covington, his
former home. His remains will be
taken to Covington tomouow on a spe
cial train, accompanied by the l da
tives of the dead man, the legislative
committee, judges of the couit of ap
peals, and other political ft lends.
Tuesday morning the icmalns will bo
conveyed to Odd Fellows' hall, In Cov
ington, and fiom S30 In the morning
until 10 o'clock In the evening will
He In state. Funeral services will be
extremely simple, In deference to the
wishes of the family. Wednesday
morning the icmalns will ba brought
back to Frankfort and placed In the
big hall room of the capltol hotel,
where they will lie In state all that
The Intei ment will take placa Thurs
day fiom the Capitol hotel. Plans for
the raising of funds by popular sub
scriptions for the erection of a monu
ment to Oovernor doebel's memory
are rapidly taking shape.
For Sixty Year He Has Been Fore
telling the Kind of Weather That
Would Prevail in Monroe County
Each Winter and Never Made a
Mistake Until a Wag Foisted the
Bone of a Gander on Him for the
Genuine Goose Article What He
Says of His Prognostications.
"We aie now entering upon the sec
ond and last bitter cold period of the
present winter. Ellas llartz' goose
bone says so, and Mr. llartz" goose
bone never lies," says the Stroudsburg
"With unfailing nccurncy, Mr. Hartz
has told the weather for nigh on to
sixty years. Severe winters nnd open
winters he has picked out long before
the ides of November; and so great is
the faith of many of his fellow towns
men In his prowess as a weather prog
nosttcator that all their plana hedge
.u mind the oracle's measured woida
about the wlntiy season.
"Only once have his piedirtions fall
en shoit, and then through no fault
of the venerablo prophet. Last fall
he prepared and gave out his usual
bulletin, but when the winter came
the seveie weather set all his predic
tions at naught.
"Mr. llartz was chagilned and his
fellow townsmen shocked. In all his
sixty yeais among them as a prognos
tlcator, when forccnstlngs had greater
value than the weather bulletins sent
out from Washington, ho had never led
the farmers astray, nor varied a hair's
breadth In his predictions for the
weather which followed. It was only
natural, therefore, that ho should feel
downcast. Was his power deserting
him? Had the goose bone lost Its
potencv ?
"Joy came with the moirow, for in
seeking to lead the bone again Mr.
Hartz discovered that some wag had
given him, not the bone of a goose, but
one of a gander! Hence the en or Into
which he had fullen, for a gander bono
speaks not the truth, neither about the
weather nor anything else. And
straightaway securing the bone of a
goost, Mr. Hartz le-read the fates;
and lo! the line weather as he said It
would be.
"His lost pustige returned, his old
time power was lestoied, and once
again his word about the weather was
as law. Indeed, the slip-up only served
to stiengthen the potency of the goose
bone and enhance the authority of Mr.
Hartz among his fellows. So that now
when he says we are entering In the
second and last cold period of the win
ter, there Is none In this section of the
state who will say him nay.
" 'It Is plainly Indicated by the goose
bone.' said Mr. Hartz. I predict that
we will have cold and changeable
weather from this time on until some
time in March. The weather, accord
ing to my calculations, during all of
February will be cold, with very slight
changes. It will cover a much wider
area than the preceding cold snap.
The coloring of the bone shows that the
weather will be severe for a lime, when
It Is likely to slowly become milder,
but It will continue cold much longer
than the previous freeo-up. The
spilng will bo a late one. I predict
much sickness.
"'The ice men need not woirv.
Haven't I come to you in pi ev ions seu
of bllzzaids, storms, and all kinds of
sons and told you weeks in advance
of blizzards, stouns and all kinds of
weather, and haven't they come tmo?
I foietold the tie-up on the l.illroads
seveial w Intel s ago. and w at nod them
from what the goose bone told me.
Take my woid for It. we'll have all the
winter we want. The goose bone says
we'll hpve cold weather, as I have al
ready told mi, and that settles It.
I'll stake my leputatlon on It. I've not
been deceived in sixty and that
ought to be enough to convince any
one. I've never know It to fall, except
once, when I was deceived In the chui
acter of the bone.'
"Though ho has suivlved the stouns
of eighty-five yoais, Mr. Haitz Is still
active and hearty. His faith in his
ability to foiecast a winter from the
bone of a goose Is sublime. Ills method
Is simple.
"To know the w eather of any pai tlcu
lar winter he selects In the previous
fall the breast of n goose born in the
spring of the same year, and ho de
clares that he has never known his
reading of the breast bono to fall. In
some j ears the bones aie covered with
black spots, and these he takes to mean
bllzzaids, severe snow storms or ex
tremely cold weather.
"He declaies that he has never been
deceived except when that gander bone
was foisted upon him."
(Concluded from rage 1.
necessary, as ho nromlsed to fan nn
hand when his trial was called, nnd
ills word Is sufficient."
Matter of Military Discipline.
Asked If Walkei's release was Inilu
eiictd at all by a desire to foiestall
any possible application to the couit
for n writ of habeas corpu, Geneial
Collier Mild:
"Not In the least. As I said, his ni
icst was simply a. mutter of military
discipline. He was the Hist lo at
tempt to Incite mutiny and we ron
sldeied that any attempts of that kind
should bo nipped In the bud."
"A wiong Impression nppatently pie
valls lu jegard to the reasons for the
auest," said Colonel Williams. "Mr.
Walker was heard to mako statements
Iwifcr lilt
g acle. I used only three
'? restored tO mv former
9 Condition nllvsimllv n
? of it.
f"j . ..j
Very sincerely,
5 Warner's Safe Cure Co.
?S Rochester, N. Y.
A thoroughly competent and lofjulnily graduated woman physician
T any woman needing same. Address : "MRS. ALICE McCULLOUGH,
US Cure Co., Rochester, K. Y."
two days before his an est that were
legaided as mutinous and poisons
overheating his remarks made allldavlt
to that etfeut. These aflldavits nio
now on llle with the sovomoi. The
order for his nn est was accordingly
made out by flovemor Taylor, and we
weie only waiting for a fnvotnhlu
oppottunity to nnest him. His airest
at thf time it did occur was as un
looked for by us as It was for him
and was more of on accident than de
sign. Jliv Walker himself will tell
you that the order for his an est was
read to him two minutes nfter ho was
arrested. It is simply nonseno to say
that he was confined because he pinned
a notice on the governors dooi. It's
a trivial matter," continued :Mr. Wil
liams. "Since Mr. Walkei's an est wo
have hardly given the matter a thought
and his liberty was gi anted him sim
ply for the reason that to keep him
in confinement was not only a haid
shlp to him, but to us also, as wo had
made no piovislons for piIoners. It
will take some time to get together
the judge advocate and the members
of the court martial, and we have no
deslie to indict any needless hardship
on Mr. Walker."
In response to a loquest, Colonel
Williams pioduced fiom the llles the
order for the .most. It Is as follows:"-
Adjutant of tin .State of Ken
tucky: It appearing fi.mi Information Riven to
mo that Alonro Walker Ins been guilty
ot tho offence of encouraging, ncHlhlng
und Inciting mutiny and doutlon among
the membeirt of the regular state militia
fiom Kentucky, joit aio thciefoio im
manded to foithwlth place him under
aritst to he doiilt with nceordtug lo law.
WllnisM jny hand .and seal ns governor
of sihl commonwealth nt I'rankfoit, tho thereof, this IVhruiiy second,
(Signed) V. s. Tavlnr.
Oovcn.oi of Kentucky.
Hy the sovunoi, Caleb Powers, fiie
li taiy of State
"Oh. by the wn.'
lams, -I uish -vou
that icmarlc about
Filipinos. It might
1 salel Colonel AV1I1
vvould not repeat
the Sulu and the
bo haul for us to
make good."
Walker Will Return Notice.
Mr. Walker will letuin tho following
notice of the seivico of the Injunction
summons tomoirow:
Tho atllant, Alonzo Wnlkei, Fajs that
ho executed the wiitttii notice by enter
ing tho executive bul'dlng In riankfort,
Ky., by attempting to gain admission to
W. S. Tajlor'.s ollico after being icfuscel
ndmlsston, ho posted a iopj- of the wilt
ten notice on the dooi, entciing tho pit
vato ofllco of said W. S. Talor at -aid
noon on the second day of Kubruaiy in
which said ollico were tho s.ild W. 9.
Tajlor and Daniel It. Collier.
Afllant further states that ho Is not In
terested, directly or Indirectly In tho
matter of litigation, mid ho Is a citizen
of Kentucky and over hi ears of age.
Affiant' futther ptates that tho nsison
ho did not mako an Immedl.'te1 oi culler
itluin of the service of tho said notlcu
was becausii bet wu, on older ef s.jii V,
fi. Tavlor. aiiested and has been slneo
the second of I'ebni u Vt lonlliml us a
pilsuiur litho state houya lit I'rankfoit
and kept iindtr gutiid by aimed mm un
der command of W K. Tajlor, Daniel
Collier. C. (.'. Meugtl, D W. Oi.ay, lloi
nco C'oiioian. Lieutenant ltogeiu ami
Lieutenant Ituily until twenty minutes
after U o'clock of 1'ehriniv I, 100"), when
nlllant was dl-chaigcd withuut tilal,
Sunstrokes in Buenos Ayr.
Dm lien Ajies, Tel), 4 -Ouo bundled
und twei sunstrokes were officially report
ed in this city Httrd,iy. Of thfe fij
wcto fatal. Tho Uinpeiutiiru vv.m U'O in
tho sh ide.
You cannot afford
to create a poor impression of your
business standing and ability.
You will if you send out cheap,
trashy printed matter.
We do the kind of printing that
makes a hit, inasmuch as we have
THE material and employ people
who know their business.
The Tribune Pub, Co.
ii awieu nivc a. iiiir-
bottles of this famous remedy, and was completely
Wnnd llPnlth. I fppl thnt I
thic PAmorlv nnH tatra nlaocnra M JnoMM:nn. ...... fe
w... ,n,vvij ui bunw piwusutw III 1111VII llllllg JVU
mayor's ori'ici:.
In compliance with tho law. and tho or
dlniiiice of tho cllv of Sci.inton, I. James
Molr, ln.ij or of said cltv, do hereby glvo
notice that an i lee Hon will be held at
tho places of holding municipal elections
In salil city, em Tuesday, tho twentieth
day of lVbruarv, being tho third Tuos.
day ot lVbruaiy, A. D., 1XW, for the pur
poso of obtaining the assent of the elec
tors of said city to an increami of bondi
in tho amount of $273,205 80 for the pur
peiio of raying the a8ensmenta made
against tho said clly for certain sewers
set foith In the fffth section of an
ti mended oidlnanco attached hereto, un
piovlded In an amended ordinance of
said city, Illo of common council, No. 4'),
lj't, cntltlid "An ordinance providing for
tho Fiibinlsvjou to tho vote of tho elec
tors ot thei cltv of Scranton un Increase
In tho Indebtedness ef the said cltv to
tho nriiount of J7J i3 SO, or as much
thereof as nmy bo necesiaiy to pay tho
assessmentH made against said e ity fot
certain gewcis, and In case the vote Is
in favor of such piopcscd Increase, malt
ing an nppiopilation of suld sum for said
purpose." Approved December 11. n'X
As lequlrcd by law tho following infor
mation is given to electors:
l'lrst Tho amount of tho lost nse-.sed
valuation of taxable property In s ild ( Ity
Is $.'3 020 i'Sl (0.
Second Thu amount ot the cI-,tlng
de lit of the said clt Is Ul.!.lfi 4't.
Thlid The amount of the ptoposed In
creaso of ilcbt is J.'TI.COj SO.
lYmrth Tho ptoposed Increaso of debt
Is .0011S per cent, of tho cltj's assessed
valuation of taxable) propeitv tor lwO.
Fifth The putposo for which tho In
debtedness Is to bo incurred aro set forth
In Section tivo of an oidlnance attached
Annexed heicto Is tho cltv controller's
official statement of tho Indebtedness and
rcHources of tho city, uKo a copy of the
city oidlnanco, illo ot common council,
No. 40, lh'j, above icferred to.
Witness my hand and the seal of the
cltv of Scranton, this 12th day of Jauu
aiy, A. V., 1000.
Maor of the City or Sci anion, l'a,
rilo of common council. No. 40. 1W), as
amended lu select council November Jfi,
Providing for tho submission to tho vote
of tho electors of tho city of Scranton
an Imreaso lu tho indebtedness of tho
said city to tho amount of f.'TJ.'.O; i0, or
as much thcieof as may bo necessaiy to
p ly tho assessments made against said
cltv for certain sewers, and In caso tho
volo is lu favor of such proposed In
ciease, making an appropriation of said
sum for said purpose.
Section 1 He it orelnlned by tho select
and common councils of iho city of
Scranton, and it Is hereby ordained by
tho authority of tho same, that for tho
purpose of paving tho shaie of tho cost
ot tho construction of ccitaln sewers In
said city, which has been assessed against
sold city, an approlm.ttu estimato of
which is itemized In tho llfth section of
this ordinance an Increase In tho Indebt
edness of said city, by un Issue of rity
bonds to an amount not to exceed tho
sum of two hundred and seventy-throe.
thoiiaiid two hundred and live und
eighty one-hundrceUhs dollars Is hereby
authorized, subject, nevertheless, to tho
consent of tho electors of tho said city
of Sci.intnn, as hereinafter provided.
Section 2. Tho eiuestloit of assenting to
tho abovo piopostd Increaso of tho elebt
ot tho city shall bo submitted to a vote
of tho qunlltled e lee tins of tho city of
Seianton, at thp net gnncinl election oc
curilng not less than torty tlas utter the
pasb.iKo of this oidlnance.
See thin 3. After tho paxsige 0f (his or., nnd at liast thhty lujs before)
said election, the mayor shall publish u
notice ot tho chetlou hereby uuthoiUeil
In thiee dally papeis published In said
clly. nnd a statement sueli ns Is required
bv law. which stittment shall bo fur
nished by the city controller.
Section 4. If said eltctois ugrco to In
eioase tho Indebtedness of said cltv for
said purposes, there shall be iipiirojnUted
and set ap.ut for tho pajment of tho
shaio of suld cltv of tho estimated cost
of said scweis, the sum of two hundred
and seventv-threo thousand two hundred
nnd tlvo nnd eluhty oni-hundredtlis dot.
lilts, or so much theieof ns shall be nec
essaiy. to bo nppoitloneel accoiding to the
estimates set torlh In tho llfth sec
tion of this tu din nice.
Section &. '1 ho follow In.; Is the shiro
of the city of tho apiuoxllimtid esllui ites
of the cost of ro!istriiotlii- the following
sewers In said city of Scranton:
System of seweis. section "11,"
Fifth disti let. First wind $ -iiT.' SO
Svstem of seweis. section "(',"
Fifth sower cllstilct. Fitst wind ,ST0 00
Svstem of sewers, section "D,"
Fifth Sewer dlsti let. First wnld n.43G K
Main sower on l'nllo stiecii,
li ovlde nen mid und Ninth
Main avenue. In Second ward.. 17,0 00
Svstim of scwci south ot
Mulberiy street and east of
SchulU couit lu Ilio Seven
teenth ward SG3 77
System of seweis in tho Nine-
teenth district, in Fifth. Sltli.
Fifteenth and Rigliteeuth
wards 17,000 00
Svstem of sewers In tho Rlgh-
teenth ward 5SS CO
Sstem of sewers lu tho Sixth
ward 407 CO
Most Be? Jtiful
Woman in
America says:
Dec. Uth, 1899.
Eight perform-
mnnm a.h ntmaAr
with the change of
hill wflflv- sinrl m V
... ..ww..., ...... ..
memorizing of from
seventy-five to two
hundred pages of
manuscript, began
to tell upon my
health. I was on
the verge of a col
lapse, when a friend
advised me to take
Warner's Safe Cure.
14- lA HI,,, !
nwrt mu rtfAconf efmniv
will give medical ndvico free, to !T
M. D. (Personal), Warner's Safe fc
System of sewers In tho Rlev
cnth ward irC it
S.vstem of sew oi s lu Sixteenth
district, Fifth, Fourteenth und
Rlghteenth wards 073 SO
Sstem of sewers In Seventeenth
district, Rleventh, Twelfth and
Nineteenth wards 22,103 75
Sstom of sewers in Rlghteenth
district, Twentieth ward 43,000 00
Main sewer In Twelfth district,
Fourth, Fourteenth and Twenty-first
wards 20,000 00
Additional sewers in Hc-vcnteenth
district 15,000 00
Additional sewers in First and
Third wards 12,000 00
Additional sewers in Second and
Twenty-first wards 15,000
Additional sewers in Nineteenth
district 8.00000
Additional Bewers In Tenth ward 10,000 00
Reconstructing old sewers lu
First Sewer district 12,000 00
For the reconstruction uf Fhelns
street sewer 1,000 00
For nn overflow sewer from Lin
den street, between Adams nnd
Iranklln avenues 20,000 00
For reconstructing Third dlstiict
main 4,000 00
For sewer basins in tho Fotu
tccnth waid I.OOO 00
Total , J27J.205 M)
Approved December It, 1V)1
City of Seianton, l'a..
City Controller's Office.
January, 12, l'fjO
Statement of tho net Indebtedness ot the
cltv of Scranton, l'a.. nt tho close ot
business, October 31, W'l,
City Improvement Roan. 4 per
Duo July 1, 1000, and annually to
year 1900. rate $2,000 00 t H.OuO 00
Due Julv 1, 1107, nnd annually to
j car 191G, rate $J,r.OO 35.000 00
Funding Roan, 1SSC, 4 per cent.
Duo July 1. 101 r.,000 00
Duo July i. noi: i-.nojoo
Municipal Building Rom, lslo,
4 per cent.
Due Fein nary 1. 1W0, Nos. 10 to
Vj Inclusive) 20.000 00
Duo Febru.aiy 1. Ml, Nos. 28 to
GO inclusive 25,000 00
Due Februaiy 1, 1910, Nos. u to
W Inclusive 20,000 00
Municipal Impioveimnt Roan,
ivjl, 4',i per cent
Duo December 1, 1'iOt 22O0O 00
Duo December 1, HO0 21.000(10
Due December 1. 1911 22,000 00
Duo December 1. 1110 2J,000 UO
Redemption Roan Scabs, IS'U, 4'j
pi r cent.
Duo Juno 1, 1901, Nos. l to 31
inclusive 31,000 00
Duo Juno 1, 1'iOs, Nos. 35 to bS
inclusive 31,000 0
Duo June 1, 1913, Nos. 01 to 103
inclusive 3S.OO0 00
Duo Juno 1. 1918, Nos. J07 to 111
inclusive 3S.0O0 00
Bridges Roan Series, 1S9I, 4'- per
Duo June 1. 1'iOi Nos. 1 to 90 90,000 M
Duo Juno 1, 1909, Nos. 9t to 140.. M.OOO 00
Duo Juno 1. 1914, Nos. 141 to 110.. M.000 00
Due June 1, 19H. Nos. 191 to 230 . W.0O0 00
Unpaid warrants to October 31.
1S99, Inclusive $ 11,714 68
Contracts and other accounts
subject to adjustment 12s,C63 7
Judgments r,,219 02
Amounts certified on seweis as
cltv's share of cost:
North Main. Providence Road
and Phllo street 17.2'i i
Sec. C. Fifth Sewer district . . I.STO on
Seventeenth dlstiict main stwei. 22,9t,l 75
Total $4.',12773
Ress judgments obtained Includ
ed In Judgments above 9,315 :,3
j rj,ns! 22
Total gloss Indebtedness . , ,.JM7,H"i 20
Cash In geneial city $ 1I.S74 91
("nsli hi sinking funds 127,'Ai5 17
Delinquent tax and other Items
collectable 20,000 01
Bonds of tho clly seiles of 189J.
which have, been purchased
and nro held In the) several
sinking funds of tho city 104,000 ro
Tax duplicates, 1S99, less exon
c lattcin and commissions and
les collections to October 21,
1W 10S1(,7
JU4 9s7;7
Nit llldebtedmss of the citv ,$412,1 l"i 49
State incut of tho amount ol list pined.
Ing nssosccd valuation of tho taMiblo
Piopttty nf tho city of Scranton, l'a,,
tho sumo being tho assessment fur the
j ear Un:
Ouupntlon $ l,r!,i;o no
Real nnd persouul piopeitv,.., J1,71',SC1 00
Totil JilfiiOfiSlOO
Commonwealth of Reims) Ivutliu, count j
of Rnckiiwaiina, ss, :
On tho thirteenth tl.iv of J.inuiiiv, A.
D, l'i. personally appeared before me.
tho subscriber, tho mayor of tho clly
of Scranton, la., Rsdras Howell, who.
being duly svvoin, cloth depose and say
that he Is tho cltv controller, ot Scran
ton. Ph., nnd that to tho best of Ms
knowlidgn und belief tho foregoing stuto
ment of tho finances of tho city ot Bcrau
ton, Pa., and those'cTOtjiihrtfuVproC? !
lamitlon Is just, rorrsct nnd true j -
IBIgneil - . HOWKr.T,
Citv Controller.
Rworn and subscribed to before mo this
January lltli, 1900.
In complliiueo with the law, nnd the tu
dlniiuei of tin, cltv eif Scruntoti, I, Janus
Molr, mnvor of said city, do hereby give
notice that n n election will bo held at
the places ot holding municipal elections
lu said cits, on Tuesday, the twentieth
day ot Febtuniy, being tho third Tues
day of Febriiaij, A. D., IKjO, tor tho pur
pose of obtaining iho assent of the elec
tors of said city to nn Inrnaso of bonds
In tho amount of $hi7,r.W 00, for the purr
pose of procuring land for, and construct
ing a viaduct on tho south side of West
Rackawanna iivcmio over tho trucks of
tho 1), I,. & W. It. R. Co, ns provided
In amended ordinance of said city, Illo of
common council, No. 0", isn, entitled,
"An ordinance providing for the sub
mission to the vote ot the elvctors of tho
citv of Scranton an Increase in tho In-
debtednesH of the said t Ity to thn
amount of tK'.VS 00, or as much theieof
as may be necessary to pay for tho con
struction of ic viaduct on tho south sldo
of West Rackawanna avenue, over the
trnrks of the D., R. & W. It. R. Co., to
gethcr with the purchase of the right of
ov ror sam", aim in case llie oto is in.
fnvor of such proposed Increase) making
an appropriation of said sum for said
purposp." Approved Jan. 9, 1HW.
As required by law the following Infor
matlou is given to electors:
First The nmouiit of the lust nssesspd
valuation of taxable' pioperty in said city
Is $2 1 020 901.00.
Second The amount of the existing
debt of the said cltv is HI12.195.49.
Third The iininmit of tho proposed in
ert nso of ib lit Is $11,7.521, 00.
Fourth Thn proposed Increase of debt
Is .00721 per cent, of tho cltv's asseiseit
valuation of taxable piopertv for 1M9.
Fifth Tho purpose for which the In
debtedness is to be Incurred alo hereinbe
fore stilted.
Annexed heieto Is tho cltv controller's
ofllcl il stutement nf the indebtedness and
lesources of the cltv, ulso a copy of the
city ordinance, Illo of common council.
No 07, 1S99, above referred to
Wltneis mv hand nnd tho seal of thn
cltv of Seianton, this R'tb day of Janu
ary, A. D not.
Mayor of the City or Scrantoij, Pa.
File of common council. No. fi7, lWi. ns
amended in select council January I,
Providing for the submission to the vnto
of the electois of the city of Sti.iutnu
nn Increaso III thn Indebtedness nf the
said cltv to the amount of $lo7.520Ort, up
ns much thereof ns m.iv be necessuv
to piv lor tho eonstiuc tlon of a viaduct
on the south side of West l.nckawaiin t
iiveutie over the Hacks of the D., R. . V.
R II. Co.. together with tho purchase of
right of vvav for same, mid In case tho
vote Is in favor of such proposed I n
eicase. mtklug an nppiopilation of s.ild
sum for s ild purpose.
Section 1 -Ho It ordained hv tho srlce t
nnd common councils of the cllv of
Scranton, und It is hereby ordained bv
tho authority of the same, that foi tho
purpose of paying for the building of n
viaduct on tho south side of West Racka
wanna. nvenim an r the trmks of the D .
R. ti W. R. R. Co. together with th
purchase of Unlit ot vvav for sume, mi
Increase) lu the Indebtedness of said cltv
bv nu issue of citv bonds to un amount
not to exceed tho sum nf $I07.52fiOO is
hereby authorized, subject nevertheless,
to the consent of the electors of the said
cltv of Scranton ns hereinafter provided.
The question of assenting to the above)
propctd increase of tho debt of tho citv
shall be submitted to a vote of tho quali
fied elec tors of the c Ity of Scranton at thn
next general election occurring not less
thnn forty dnvs after the passage of this
After the passage of this ordinance nnd
at least thirty dnvs before said election
the mayor shall publish a notice of tin
election hereby nuthorl7Pd in thieo elaih
papers published lu said city nnd a state.
ment such ns is inquired by law, which
statement shall be furnished by the e It
If said electois ncree to Incte.aso tho
Indebtedness of said city for said pui
poscs there shall be appropriated and set
apart for the pajment of said improve,
ment tho sum ot $17.12G00, tho estlmutcj
cost of said lmpiovement.
Approveel Janiinrv n. lioo
JAMKS MOIR. Major. '
Cltv of Scranton, Pa
city Controller's Olllce.
January. 12, 1W
Stnti ment of the net Indebtedness of ttiv
city of Seianton, Pa, at tho clospior
business, October 31, Pill
Citv lmpiovement Roan, 4 per
Duo Julv 1, I'fiO and amiuallv to
vear Urn, rate $2,Oji0(ki $ 11,000 04
Due Julv i, I'Wi. mid iinmiallv to
vear 1910, late $1,500.
Funding Roan, lvM!, I pi r i lit
Duo Julv I. HOI
Due July 1. Wi
Municipal Building Roin, Mo.
4 per ce nt.
Due Februaiy 1, 19"0, Nos. 10 to
13 Inclusive ... ...
Duo Febrmr 1, V0", Nos ?t, to
60 Inclusive
Due Febiu.iiy 1. I'M". Nos f,l to
90 Inclusive'
Municipal Improve nu nt Roan,
Vi)l. 4Vs per tint
Due December 1, liul
Duo December 1, l',
Duo December 1, 1111
Duo December 1, l'Ui
Redemption Roan Si lies, isv, ix
n r e out.
; fv no
FiOOll H)
r.,oivj in
20 rvio nj
2'i.ani oa
"il ovi 03
22 '"in 01
21IIIHI 11
22 Oirt I'j
2, uoO I j
ii.ihvi ri
31 ono oi
,1 00i) o
.is om M
90,000 of
5110.10 0I
Duo Juno 1,
inclusive . .
Due June 1,
'ii;, ,os. i id ;;i
lims, Nos. 2" to is
ni!,' NoV."cb"ti) ift'i
Due June I
Inclusive ..
Duo Juno 1, lib, Nos. 107 to 111
Blidges Roan Seiics, UJ1, 4'i per
Duo June 1. 1WI. Nos. 1 to 90 . .
Duo Juno 1. Wil. Nos. 91 to 140 .
Due Juno 1, 1914, Nos. Ill to 190 . 5niil 01
Duo Juno 1, 1919, Xos. lit lo 250 fiiloon ivj
$iS Otrt 0
Unpaid warrants to October 31,
IS'U, Inclusive) $ II 711 a
Contracts and other accounts
subject to adjustment . . .. 121(,2 71
Judgments J5,219 M
Amounts certltled on seweis ns
cltv's share of cost:
North Main, Providence Ro id
and Phllo street K.JioOl
Sec. C, Fifth Sewer dNtilot . 1.S70 H
Seventeenth dlstiict main sewer. 229t7l
Total . . . .'$ I2,1237l
Less JiulKinents obtained lin IucIj,
ed lu Jinlgnii nts above .. 92. t, 11
?2V.s" 3
$.'09,PVi 1
Total Kio;.s lndubt'Mnfy' j.iJ'.1,?'5-
Cash In ge-neial city .'. V.". ?,""..;.. .n.JV'
Cash in sinking funds ,f -r. . I27je" 11
Delinquent tax und othet JlcruS.
collectable , ,i;.. ., WfW ff
Uonds of the. e Ity series olVlFi.
which haii lietn puiehiisil j";
and inn hold' In the , s-
slnklng funds of t homily ,,"r;.,Ti11jKV' fl(
Tax duplicates, 1SH, loos exon--
e ration and cnmmbikitons auT'' i
less collections to Octobei 31, -
lsn ,. ics,'B3l
i,". - $131 9V- j.
Net liulebtielntss of tlw elty ,$IIJ,19T1
State ment of tho uinount evCJast pre.oe9i
Ing nssesed vnhntlon otv tht tnsakW
pioperty of tho city of Scranton, PC,
tho same bclng'the nssessmoitt for tb
ear IW! J
Occupation , .yj i.3Qftl3i
Rial and personal pioi'rty.... 2l,71(,i'il e
Total . . t ,i..$23,02O,''8lS
Commonwealth nf Pennslvania,cotinti
of Rnekawauuii, ss. : ., -
On tho tlih teenth day of Janu.iiy, X
D. li'io peusoujlly appuvd. brfoio n
tho subsirther, tho mnvor of tho tlwJ
of Seianton, l'a,, Rsdras JIowclJ wlfOi
bslng dulv sworn, cloth dopooMmd sni
tint ho is tho eltv controller, of Scrajx
ton, Pa , and Unit P"sthu best of hit
knowledge and belief the foregoing stntix
ment nf the llnanrcs of jho city of Scyant
ton, P.i,, and those t-ontalnecl In tl nroo
Inmitlon Is Just, coirect and true."' "
Ifllgncd,! ,' II. HOWRf.R. -
" City Controller
Sworn ami subscribed to before me thlf
January Kill, I'.