The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 05, 1900, Morning, Page 2, Image 2

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Special to the Scranton Trlbuno.
Susquehanna, Feb. 4. The next con
fetence of tlm Haptlst ministers of the
Hrldgewater association will be held
lit Hallatend on Monday. Following is
the programme arranged: 2 p. tn.,
opening service, Hev. I. D. Mallory;
"Denominational Fellowship," Hev. J.
V. Madden; "Denominational Loyalty,"
Hev. V. C. Tllden; "HxegcsK" IteV.
E. K. Allen; "Music In Worship," Hev.
E. K. Thomas; business nnd adjourn
ment. L'vcnlng session: Musle by the
llallstcad choli; "Echoes fiom the
State Meetings," Hev. M. .1. Wntklns;
ad.lrofv, Hev. Dr. L. M. Ha-jnet, of
Blnghamton, subject, "Muses and the
The Crescent club held a pleasant
hop on Friday evening In Hogan opera
F. T. Burke, of Choconct, has been
appointed nicieantlle appraiser by the
commlsBloneis of Susquehanna county.
Frank H. King, of Susquehanna, has
become an attache of the Crandall
House In ninghamton.
Doian's Susduehatina oichestra fur
nished music for a ball In Hancock
on Friday evening.
The Hag Time Social club will hold
a masquerade ball In Hogan opcta
house on Wednesday evening, Fob. 21.
Music will be furnished by Doian's
Susquehanna oiehcstia.
Hairy O. Tilde, of the Journal, has
taken a position in the Kile pilntlttg
H. V.. Holmes has remood fiotn
Glen Hazel to Siiuiiiohanti.i. C. Fred Wright Is
home fiom Washington.
The names of the pupils In the
schools of Susquehanna count v aie de
sired by the Susquehanna Historical
In the stomach of n Hancock cow
were found the large nalK a piece of
brass, one buckshot and a dime. It
is suimlhcd that the ownoi.s of the
cow became thirsty and killed the cow
to get the dime.
The Susquehanna County Medical so
ciety will meet In Hullstead on Tues
day next, when seeral Impoitant pa
pers will be lead.
Iiev. John Davis, foimeily pastor of
the Uaptlst ihurch, has been holding
a seiles of evangelistic meetings In
Lostoishlie. He is now laboilng In
Heading. Duilng the summer months
he will hold meetings In Chicago.
Hev. J. C. Madden, pastor of the
Uaptlst church In Dimock, w 111 remove
to Iloxbuty, New Yoik.
William O'Neill, late of the Taibell
House, In Monti of e, has taken a posi
tion In the Ciandall House, In Hlng
hamton. It Is snlrt that there aie forty-eight
old maids In the village of Pleasant
Hallstead people aie agitating the
subject of building a foot bridge acioss
(he river between that brnough and
Great bend, using the old Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western piers.
A number of Susquehanna county
people will go to Scianton on Tuesday
evening to attend the banquet of Key
stone academy, of Factoi vllle.
The mariiage of Miss Kasei, of Sus
quehanna, to a Deposit business man
will occur Feb. 22.
Hallstead believes that If she se
cures the Ili.mdt chair faetoiv tho
Ilinghnmton eleetiie railway will be
extended to Hallstead next summer.
The management of the toad has pub
licly slgnilled Its Intention of making
Mich an extension some t'nut in the
future. Hventually the load will be
extended to Susquehanna and Lanes-boro.
The time for filing applications for
space In tin- 'Tile's Sununei Home
Hook" will exniie Feb. 10
Miss Minnie Zeller, of this place. Is
Mting Mi. and Mi. John O'Malley
In C.iibondale. who gave a party in
her honor on Thuisday evening.
There Is a rumor fiom Washington
that Hon. Giliisha A. Oinvv may 'not
be lenomlnated for eongiessni.m-at-Jmge.
Geoige T. Oliver, of Allegheny
county, Is said to be slated for the
nomination. Hitter not shelve our own
Galusha, "The Sage of Glenn nod."
The Lite Is stoiing a gieat amount
of coal at I'oi t Jervls, to be piepaiod
In ease of an emeigeney and to have
the use of the loaded i.iis that hive
In en ,-tandlng on sidings ilong the Jef
ferson branch.
IMchnrd N Hitish, of Hiiishvllle, who
ran foi sncilff on the Demoeiatle
ticket last fall. Is said to be a candi
date for tppn s( ntntlve at Han Islmrg.
I'uiondale i iplt.illsts aie boilng for
coal In Geoise McClonnglo's faun, at
Henlck (Yntie. The Indications nre
said to be I'vellont.
Theie will be a local fanneis' Insti
tute on Welsh Hill, Match 3. under
the direction of I A. Duls.
At the count couit this week, John
Musan, convicted of assault with In
tent to dsllgiiu, was sentenced to pay
a tine ot $."fi and undeigo impilson
nient In the county Jail for four
Geoige '. Hill of Silver Lake, an
nounces himself us a Republican can
didate for lepiesentatlvo in Hairlst
The Indebtedness of Susquehanna
county, Jan. 1. lstS. Including tempoi
nry loans and Susquehanna-Oakland
bridge bonds was $18,000. On Jan. 1,
1900, all tempoiary loans had been
paid ami all tho Susquehanna-Oakland
bridge bonds had been paid, except
$1,000, which Is not due until Aug. 12.
Chailes V.. Moxley, tho nblo and pop
ular county superintendent of schools,
Is 111 with malarial fever at his home
In Hallstead.
Miss Lucy M. Morle, fur years ii
teacher In the Monti osc public schools,
lecently died nt Halo Alto, California.
She was attending the Lelnnd Stan
ford university.
A local teachers' Institute will be
held In Hopbottom, Feb, 10.
1 Ml tor Psalmaus Moore, of the Great
Hend Plalndeuler, Is the "Hepubllenn
candidate for burgess of Gieat Hend.
Mornln' merry Mayor Moiel
It Is now almost a week since the
employes nt tho silk mill Initiated a
Btrlko and Mnco then everything- re
mains unchanged. Mr. Ashley came up
fiom Hiickcttstovvn, listened to the
committee appointed to state their
gtlovnnces, and emphatically refused
to accede to their demands. He lost
no tltno In icturnlng to his home, feel
ing, perhaps, that his presence is not
requited In Avoea white he pays three
or four overseers for that purpose. In
this he Is mistaken. It might pay Mr.
Ashley to spend a few months In Avoca
nnd Investigate the condition of affairs.
There would then be less cause for the
wrongs that tho employes complain of.
It Is not enough that ni. girl receives
only $2 per week In the mill, but when
pay day comes niound she finds a de
duction fiom this amount, even though
she Is present every day and Is at her
post from iiioi nlng until night. Tho
stilkers ate linn nnd on Sntuiday even
ing they effected a union and deter
mined not to report until their de
ninnds are granted.
Hmtnu, the fourteen -months -old
dauchter of Mr. and Mis. Joseph
Dommetmuth, died yesterday morning
nt the family residence on Lincoln hill,
nfter ono week's Illness of catarrhal
fever. Tho parents are extremely un
fortunnte, this being tho fouith child
they have lost In a few years. The
I funeinl will take place toinoirow nfter
i noon nt 2.30 o'clock. Services at the
house will be conducted by Hev. H. M.
Pnscoe. Interment will bo In Langcllffo
I cemetery. ,
i The f unci at of Frank MUlignn took
i place on Satuidav afternoon fiom the
family lesidonco on South Muln stieet.
The icmalns, reposing In a handsome
otsket. wete viewed by several hun
dred soi rowing filpnds. Theie was a
I pciiietul expiesslon on the face of the
' .1 ...... ..n.l 1.... .1... .. ....oil !-... ..Intnl.
ui'Ll'll-sru. IIUL (111 HilDlVU II'HII i'lUIIUJ
time tinccs of tho gieat pain he nnd
endured during his ptolonged Illness.
The services at the chin eh were con
ducted by Hev. D. T. Smvthe. who
Tht Awful Lifeofa Uwful Wtffa.
All have been told " Ijrnorsnce I the
Mother of Crime," nnd that no crimes ate
no severely punlnhed as those committed
g.iiitt Nature. The courts only echo
the vlce of Nature when they affirm:
Special to tho Scranton Tribune.
Thompson, Feb. 4. The Honesdalo
dlsttlct Hpwoith League i (invention
will cpen In the M. S. chinch, Thomp
son. Tuesday evening. February 1, nnd
close Wednesday evening. A fine pto
gramnie will be given. Hev. O. H.
l'l entice, of Moscow, Is president of
tho convention, and will pioslde. The
league hole Is making niiatigements
lot the entettalnment of tho delegates
and a ptuiitublu and pleasing time Is
S. D. Hirnrs entertained the grip
last week, and as a consequence ho
lomalncit ln-'loots the meanwhile.
Mis. W. W. Mcsbpngir has been con
fined to her bed by sickness for sov
cial days
Om undertaker. A. H. Ciozler, was
i..,. ... ...mi- i ti-.v iMitn-iii- ,,.,, ,l,rt.l ...,.- Ilinl rnniMVm .1
, . -. .. . ' l'1 . in.', i. ni iiui'ii ...... i... . . v
o .jury me wue 01 u. it, nan, 01 ;nai Iul(n , ,, ,h(lt w
IffliuuuuimiMM I
Iff HHPinl ,l&w9fat
I, f M
Wwtff Vouarelogjtngup
I MKWM lUflne pore, polling I
I aRrSvu tb Dams erery tlm I
JhiWl you use Inferior oil to a
The oyster supi er nnd dance at
Grange hall last week piovel the
(Hawing caul ol the season, If halt of
tho repot ts are true.
C JK Lew hi and wife have loturned
to their homo here after n ten cla.vs'
vllt with ft lends In Hlnghamtou nnd
Sidney, X. Y.
('. F. Wnteiman Is slowly lecoveiing
from his recent Illness.
Helen, the daughter
of G. I. k and wife told h"V pa
rents at noon the other day that her
nrm was lame, but as ah mad" no ado
about It tbev thought little of It un
til the evening. When putting her to
bed thev discovered something was
vicing and called the doctor who fount
it out of Joint et the elbo-v.
H. X. Har.dall. of Blnghainton, was
doing business here Satutday.
W. H. Walker, of H'nghamton, vis.
Ited his sister, Mrs X. S. Foster, Fri
day. Mnnly Wrlchter nnd wife enter
tained nt dinner Ftlday Hev L. Cola
and wife, Hev. I. It. Tower and vvlfo
and Hev. A. D. David.
Mis. Ada Torn-ll made a business
ttlp to Blnrhimton Wedn"sqiy last.
Mis. Hemy Walker and son, of
Scianton, and Mi". AVUllim Snedeelu
and Mis. George Fletcher, or Great
Hend, visited at Mis. August Smith's
a day or so ago.
Postmaster 15. F. Haines was doing
busincFs In Susquehanna Satin day
The Wiluht house at Araiat belong
ing to the T:ile company, was hunted
Saturday morning.
Here Is a Chance to Do Some One a
If the leader of this should chance to
know of nnv one who Is subject to at
tacks of bilious colic he can do him no
gi eater favoi than to tell him of Chain
beilaln's Colic, Choleia and Dlaiihoca
Hemedy. It nlwas gives piompt le-
lief. r or sale by all diugglsts.
Matthews Hios',, wholesale and letall
Spec I il Corrc spoiulenco of The Tribune.
Forest CItv, Feb. 4. Mis. George
Hoi ton nnd llelle Kennedy spent Sat
in day In Caibondnlo.
William Painter, of Vnndllng, was
kicked bv a mule on Ftlday while at
wotk and quite seilously injuied. Dr.
McGuiie attended him. Monto visited fi lends In
Dttnmore the latter pait of the week.
Hev. Mr. Cook, of the Jeimu Metho
dist chinch, pleached at the Methodist
EplMopal chinch Ftlday evening.
John II. Cunningham is in New Yoik
Dr. Lcioy PetUlns, the new dentist,
who has leeently moved Into H. W.
Hiown'.s building. Is ic.uly to attend to
business todav.
Last week a bit thd.iy paity was given
In hoiio,1 of Miss Polly livans, at her
home on South Main stieet The even
ing was passed pleasantly with songs
and games, Helieshmetits were seived
at a late bom. Those piesent wete
Misses Jane Hobeits, Mtuy Davis, Mag
gie L'vans, Josle nnd Myitle Mat tin,
Me.isis. Geoige I'.iny, lletity Davis,
Wendell Dnud. Oscar Jones, Willie
Hughes, Owen Jones, Willie Jones, IM
ward Stialfoid, Itobert Hobeits and
IMiiiund James.
The (lass In slsht singing, which Is
taking the International Conespond
ence School ot Musle course, under tho
ilh action of Piofessot J', L. Moigan,
will todav take the review In the llrst
one hunched questions wlileli cove.
nlue weeks' instiuctlons.
Mattle Hacker, of White's Vnlley. Is
visiting her sister, Mts. Leroy Pel kins.
Mao Shapley, who has been visiting
ft lends In Wayne county, has i etui nod
Mrs. Joseph Ackeiman Is paying a
visit to her father at Pleasant Mount.
The Vandllng and Forest City T'nlon
bund became a chni toted .organization
last week.
vote present, also
voicing a deseived tilbute to the blame
less life of the deceased. Miss Mary
Hnstle feelingly sang "Home Land."
and the choir sang "In My Father's
Home Aie Many Mansions," two of his
favoilte hMiins. The pall-bearers were
J. T. Wlddal. William McGinth, Hugh
Giuliani, James O'Malley, John Schultz
and Ddward Lnlid. Interment was
made In Lungelifie cemetery.
Hev. and Mis. D. T. Smvthe will
leave today to spend a week with
ft lends In Lebanon nnd Philadelphia.
Febiu.u y 12 Is the dny appointed by
com t to hear applications for Avoca
liquor licenses.
Mis. Clysses Hliley. of Atlantic City.
Is the guest of Mis. Anthony Swift, of
the West Side.
Michael Dougher, of the West Side,
has returned home, after neveial weeks'
visit at tho home of his daughter, Mrs.
Stafford, who was seilously 111 In Mar
quette, Mlchigin.
Misses Mattle and Emm.i Deeble arc
visiting f i lends In Olyphnnt.
Miss Hlanehe Sandeis enteitnlned the
membeis of the West Plttston High
school class at her homo on Lincoln
hill on Friday evening.
Specla to the Fcranton Tribune.
Towanda, Feb. 4. One may be as
suted of seeing a fine mlnntie' show
whenever In leach of a date for HI
Heniy's companv of fifty artists. They
will appear at Hale's opera house on
Tuesday evening. Mr. HI Henry bonis
the reputation world-wide ns a mln
stiel manager, nnd Is In the Held with
n l.u ge and expensive oiganlzatlnn.
Their r'og'amme pieents new, novel,
leflned nnd elegant mlnlstielsy. Th"
tine press notices always vouch for
the fact.
Hon. r X. Mooie will go cm a lead
piospectlng tilp to MIsuQinl this week.
The Pomeiy and Mitchell b ink at
Tiny has been cnii'olldated with the
Flist National bank of that place.
Viola Campbell and John Millard,
of Oviton, have been ni rested and
lodged In Jail, on the ( barge of house
bi caking and stealing chickens.
J. II. Codding presided In the Insti
tution of a new Masonic lodge at Wll
llamspoit a few days ago.
Alba Allen, of Meshoppen. Herbert
Fuller, of Sayre. ate In the county Jail
awaiting the tiial on the charge of
Jumping boaul bills.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Hromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists lefund the money If It
falls to eute. E. W. Grove's signa
ture Is on each box. 23c.
"Ignorance of the law does not excuse
Bttltt." It Is thee fundamental facts in
the operntlons of natural law that make it
possible for a woman who enters the mar
riage relation with llic full sanction of the
law of the land and love of her heart, to be
condemned to an awful life of servitude
and suffering.
Don't let her smile deceive you. She has
trained herself to bear what she looks upon
as part of the burden of her state.
The underlying reason of this sad con.
ditlon of affairs Ts Ignorance. The younf?
girl grows to womanhood ignorant of her
physical needs and dangers. When a ord
might save her ears of suffering, modesty
bids ner keep silent, sue loves anil mar
ries and enters upon the marriage state
with all its obligations to the unborn,
handicapped by conditions that make life
a burden to herself and a menace to her
what can be done to correct irregularties
resulting from neglect, to restore the dis
placed organs to a natural and healthy con
dition, to eivc back vitality to a system
drained by disease, to re-attune the great
to divine melody after the jears of dis
cord? It was the endeavor to answer these
questions that gave to the world Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Presctiption, the most effective
remedy ever compounded for the ills and
ailments peculiar to the delicate feminine
Ity the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Trc
scription the drains that debilitate the sys
tem are promptly stopped Inflammation
and ulceration are quickly cured. Dis.
orders of the womb and the organs sym-
fiathctic with it are overcome, and woman
s put into a condition where the functions
of nature are her pleasure as well as her
privilege. In this condition children are
bom without anxiety as almost without
pain. The elasticity Imparted to the organs
of parturition practically does away with
the pangs of childbirth. Vitality is im
parted which makes the nursing of the
child a delight instead of a drain, and the
robust child sharing the strength of the
mother grows day by clay in health and
beauty. Contrast this plain statement of
fact with the condition of -a many women
who anticipate motherhood, worn-out, suf
fering, feaiful, anxious, bringing children
into the world with reluctant suffering and
rearing them painfully through a sickly
childhood. Can any wotds speak for Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription like these
facts that are part or tlie sum ol puiit
knowledge and testified toon both sides of
the Atlantic by hundreds of thousands of
women? "Thank God for Dr. Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescription " has been the heartfelt
cry of many
ay its means from the results of ignorance
uid. neglect. There is no longer any rea
ion why women should endure the suffer
ng which they have almost come to regard
is the heritage of their sex. Women who
nave failed to find help for their disorders,
sr who have not found the "Favorite Pre
tcription " to work ns cjuickly as they de
irc arc invited to write to the Doctor him
elf. Write without fear and without fee.
There is no charge for such consultation,
all communications arc absolutely held in
iacrcd confidence, and the cure given does
not involve local "treatments" and "ex
aminations " at which the natural modesty
3f every woman revolts.
a i-Rrr cift!
To every reader of this paper who will send
name and ackhess with the st-imps to defray
,-ost of mailing onl. Dr. R. V. l'lerrc will send
his great work on home-treatment of disease,
"The Common Sense Medical Adviser," It Is
plainly written to be intelligible to man, woman
or child. It ib essentially-practical It is full of
hvgienlc hints which put the reader In the path
of the short cut to health. Over seven hundred
Flctures illustrate the text of this ureat wort
f you want the" Common Sense Medicil Ad
viser" In paper-cover j send 31 cents in stamps,
to cover the cost of mailing only. Or send y
cents in stamps for the same book handsomely
and strong!) bound in cloth. Address th
World s Dispensary Medical Association, 66f
Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y.
Nervous Children Should Not Be
Ridiculed, but Treated Wisely.
From tho Philadelphia Record.
It Is so natural to laugh at tho
strange Imaginings of children, nnd to
ridicule their fear of tho dark, but
mothers should renli that this Is a
matter needing serious consideration.
There Is a great difference in children,
of course; some nro naturally nervous
and timid, while others show very lit
tle hesitancy about going to bed nlono
In a daik room If they have hnil wlsa
training from babyhood. Hut with tho
majority of ehlldten tho great bug.
bear In their lives Is this fear of the
dark. Little folks as bravo us lions
when tho sun shines become nrrnnt
cownrdn when rooms grow shadowy
and strange forms loom tin In dusky
corners. As the yeats go on this fear
keeps pace with their growth, and
even when maturity Is reached they
still drond unllghled apartments with
an overpowering fear, tho secret of
which they cannot even tctl to them
selves. This terror, that Is actually a species
of real misery, can often tic traced
either dltectlv or Indirectly to tho
weird tales told by nutses to their
small charges or the threats of dan
gers that lurk In dark tooms If a child
Is naughty or disobedient. ' The bl-r
dark" becomes an ogre ready to oat
them up, and twilight s-eoms n pteal
thy, foul Mend, sulking In their wake,
v Ith nil sorts of mysterious devIcM
with which to frighten and to punish
Mnny grown persons cannot sleep In
a loom unless a dim llpht Is binning.
Thoy do not acknowledge that It Is
fear of tho dark that makes the faint
glimmer a neeesaty adjunct of peace
ful repose, vet such Is the case: .and It
tMy were to toll the occasion for such
a fear It could be sifted down to the
root of tho matter and the bugaboo
stoiles of childhood held responsible.
Strange ns It may appear, It Is the
children themselves who actually revet
In the tales of ghostly vlltatlons,
clanking chains, fleiv eos nnd ImlUir
attractions that make them shudder,
yet which have such a vvoltd fascina
tion for them that the person pos
sessed of a stock of such legends is
In most demand. Notwithstanding
this mot bid taste, pnients should look
to It that the mental appetite of their
children Is not pandered to by stories
that, while they are fascinatingly hor
rible at tho time, leave Impressions on
heart and mind that tend to weaken
tho moral chniacler, as well as causing
them many an hour of actual misery
In days to come.
When a child begins to exhibit an
unncrotintnble fear of the dark trv
soothing It to sleep with a song In a
darkened room, and the habit may bo
foimed from early babyhood ot put
ting the child to bed In the datk It
everything Is In readiness before tho
baby Is taken to the room, and tho
light then put out and the little ono
Is taken Into the room and tucked Into
bed In the dark, and the mother or
nurso remains to sing the little one
to sleep without rocking. Ilut If a
chilli Is rocked to sleep each night In
a lighted room until It grows out of
babyhood, and is then expected to
form entirely new habits. It will bo
nctuiil cruelty to epect It to go boldly
Into the dark room alone each night
and fall asleep In the midst of fearful
Imaginings that the mere contrast
from light to darkness Is sure to form,
even without the assistance, of ghostly
tales. Harly training and patient help
to ovetcome mot hid nervousness will
help the timid children to overcome
this childish fear, which might other
wise develop Into actual cowardice
later In life.
Wall Street Review.
New York, I'eb. 3. Speculation In to
day's short session of tho stodt market
was swaved by lorg ventures encour
aged by tho Btatcment or the Southern
1'iKlllc for the fourth week of January
unci u disposition to tnko prollls. A level
of prices had been early established
which Indicated a handsonin rlso on ec.
curltlet tmtchnscd earlier In tho week,
the ttiidemy to leallre was very mani
fest lifter the publication of an execp
tlonnlly favorable bank statement. Al
though tlm downward movement as
sumed seme force Hear the end, ovvltu, to
n violent break of " per cent. In Sugar,
tho earlier advances gained by the St.
raid's i-honltii! mid that of tho minor
roads wns not etitllcly cancelled, lntei
est was ruvlved to a mulled extent In
a number of Iron and steel Issues, Na
tional Steel moilm: tin 2 nolnts and ie-
cedlng fructloiinlly. 'luilicsseo Coal It II
Into eompni alive dullness nnd nlthnimh
It covered a range ot 3 nolnts, termin
ated unehiiiged. Some comment was ex.
cited by a Use of 5 points In General
Dlcctrlo which was generally attributed
to repoits of enecuraglng earnings. Hut,.
ar's plunge, downward wns attributed to
gossip concerning tho trade war. Third
Avetme occupied a less conspicuous po
sition In the market than of late, and'
movid In somewhat niurow limits, A
tendency to cover In some directions
coupled with freo selling In spots caus-ed
u very Irregular eloso to tho day's busi
ness. Transactions vveic oiisuallv heavy
for n short d ly, urd .the number of
stccks dcult In almost equalled that of
venliiday. Total hales, 316 too shnrci.
Domls have been will nhsntbed (lining
the week, but there litis been some li
reguhirlty In pi lee movements. United
States old t ndvniued 'i. the Is u, nnd
new As i In tho bid price; tho 3s de
clined ;.
Tho following quotations nro furnished
The Tribune by M. S Jordan X Co.,
looms 70G-7WJ Steals building. Telophono
Open- High- Low- Clos
ing, est. est. Inr.
Am. Sugar ltsij lis1, if. ItSVi
Am. Tobacco lot Kit lmt'. la Hi
'.icn., ao ."i s. i e. iii".
a., t. & a. r.. ir .. t.-.'S
Urook. II. T 7b' 1
Con. Tobacco .Ill
dies & Ohio m,
People's Oi.s 10V,
Win n
About their wives' cooking. If
a man's wife Is a good bread
Maker ho lakes pains to let
people know It Whenever
jtrts a chance. There's
doubt If ehe uses
Chic. H. &
St. Paul ..,
Itock Jshiiul
n, i,. ft v . ...
Knn. Sr Tex.. 1'r .
louls. gi Nasli ....
Manhattan Lie ...
Met. Traction Co .
Mo. Pudtiu
Jersey Central ..
North. Pacific
Nor. Pacific, Pi ..
N. Y. Central . ..
Out. & West
Pacific Mull
Phil. & Head ....
Southern It. n , Pr
Tenn., S. A: Iron
V. S. Leather ...
IT. S. Leather, Pr
Union Pacific .. .
Union Pne , Pr ..
Wabas-h, Pr
West. Union
Penna. It. It .
Am. S ft W
fed. Steel ....
Pod. Steel. Pr
. 17s
.. V.-t.
. ?,
.. ..
.. Hil',
. Mi4
.. id;
.. i'S'4
.. JTi
... '."
... l'.t
.. 71,1
... I7'i
TV q
... i
... MTU
... r.s
... fiV,
... 75'i
12V Si
17 14
4 IT,
7'.' 4
21' j
20' j
7'" i
,',11 .
1 01i
flour that she IS a good bread
ranker and he Is perfectly right
to brag about It. A good bread
maker Is rather to bo chosen
than great riches.
All grocers sell "Snow White."
"Weonly wholesilait "
Carbondale, Olyphant.
Open- High- Low- Clos.
Ing. est. est. Inn.
..lit', lite, r.s'f, .ntf,
.. I,S' (,sig CS (.S'a
IU ant poret, ipoIIIdi
be name erery time
you uit interior on id a
lamp. Don't blame tb
lamp for the retuiu. A
Door oil make a poor
Hint. Wbtn you're tired of poor
IlirbU. mai want t, rich, brilliant
white light, ct our
Water White
The nit oil that tb belt rjlnrle
I iu lDQ can mane; ana ii uut
only mad pur. i aeuvrca
pur, aik joui uair uwm iv.
Ciosi'ng the Atlantic Without a Soul
10 Speak To
1'H.nn tho Century.
In his nairatlve of his .solltaty voyage
mound the woild In tho sloop Spiny,
Captain Joshua Hlocutn desctlbes his
attempts to oveieonie the sense of lone
liness that beset him on the way from
Uostou to (Jlbi altar.
Cm the evening of July 5 tho Spray,
after having steered all day over a
lumpy sen, took It Into her head to go
without the helmsman's aid. I had
been steeling southeast by south, but
the wind hauling fnrwaid a bit, Mi
dioppcd Into a smooth lane, heading
southeast, and making ubout eight
knots, her vety best wotk. I crowded
on sail to ctoss tho track of tho llneis
without loss of time, and to tench as
soon as possible the fi loudly gulf
htrenm. The fog lifting before night,
1 was nffotded a look at tho sun Just
as It was touching the sea. I watched
it go down and out of sight. Then I
tinned my face eastwntd, and there,
appatently at tho very end of the bow-
May IO.s-i
January low
Januaiy G.10
May bOJ
fi 12
10 .-.
10 ')
10 S7
8 11
0 02
Hid. Asked.
. 300
Death of an Old Soldior.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Plttston, Feb, 4. Thomas S. Young,
nged 53 years, of Parsonage stieet,
died Friday night after a lingering Ill
ness of a complication of diseases, lie
hud been a resident of Plttston forty-
three years and had a taige circle of
friends. He was a man of lino phy
sique and his soldierly beat Ing made
him a familiar figure. He served
three years In Battery Q, Fifth United
States artillery, duilng the Civil wnr;
was a member of Nugent Post, O. A,
it.; Falling Springs lodge, Knights of
Pythias; Plttston Castle, Knights of
Golden Eagle; Plttston lodge, Indepen
dent Order of Odd Fellows: Slocum
council, Junior Order United Ameri
can Mechanics; Thalia lodge, D. of H..
and Barnum Colliery Keg fund. Five
grown children survive. The funeral
will take place Monday afternoon at 2
o'clock, with services In the Hroad
Street Methodist Episcopal church at 3
Losing Flesh
indicates insufficient nourish
ment. It leads to nervousness,
sleeplessness, general debil
ity, and predisposes to Con
sumption and other prevail
ing diseases. To guard
against these take
the Standard remedy for
all wasting diseases in young
or old. It improves diges
tion, gives flesh, strength,
vigor and resistive power.
toe. and I oo, all dcufiltu,
&COTT ft BOWNE. ChinUtt, Niw Yerk.
sprit, wns tho smiling full moon Using
out of the sea. Neptune himself com
ing over the bows could not have star
tled me more. "Good evening, sir," I
cried; "I'm glad to see you." Many a
long talk since then 1 have had with
the man In tho moon; ho had my con
fidence on the vojage.
About midnight the fog shut down
again denser than ever befoie. Ono
could almost "stnnd on it." It con
tinued so for a number of duys, tho
wind Increasing tn a gale. The waves
lose high, but I had a good ship. Still,
In the dismal tog I telt mjself di If ting
Into loneliness, an Insect on it stiaw In
the midst of the elements. I lashed the
helm, and my vessel held her coutse,
and while she sailed I slept.
Duilng these das a feeling of awe
ctept over me. My memoiy worked
with startling power. The ominous,
tho Insignificant, the gieat. the small,
the vvondeiful, the commonplace all
appealed befoie my mental vision in
magical succession. Pages of my his
tory wete recalled which had been so
long foigotten that they seemed to be
long to a pievlous existence. I heard
all the voices of tho past laughing,
cr.vlng. telling what I had heard them
tell In many cot nets, of the enith.
Tho loneliness of my state wore off
when the gale was high and I found
much woik to do. When the fine
weather returned, then came the sene
of solitude, which I then could not
shnke off, I used my voice often nt
Hist, giving some order about the af
falis of a ship, for I had been told that
otheiwlse I should lose my speech. At
tho meildlan altitude of tho sun I
called aloud, "Eight bells," after the
custom on a ship at sen. Again from
my cabin I cried to an Imaginary man
at the helm, "How does she head,
there?" and again, "Is she on her
couiso?" Hut getting no reply, I wns
reminded tho more palpably of my con
dition. My voice sounded hollow on the
empty nlr, and I dropped the practice,
However, It wus not long befoie the
thought came to me that when I was a
lad I used to sing; why not try that
now, vvhero It would disturb no one?
My musical talent had never bred envy
In others, but out on tho Atlantic, to
realize what It meant, you should have
heard mo sing. Vou .should huvo seen
the porpoises leap when I pitched my
voice for the waves and the sea and all
that was In It. Old turtles with largo
eyes, poked their heads up out of tho
sea as I sang "Johnny Hoker,' 'and
"Wei'll Pay Dai by Doyl for His Roots,"
and tho like. But tho porpoises were,
on the whole, vastly more appreciative
than the turtles; they Jumped a deal
higher. One day when I was humming
a favorite chant, I think It was "Haby.
Ion's a-Fallln'," a porpoise Jumped
higher than tho bowsprit. Had the
Spiay been going a llttlo faster she
would havo scooped him In. The sea
birds salted n round rather shy.
Mothers Too Often Deny Their Chil
dren This Pleasure.
Trom Harper's llaraar.
The mother who would have her chil
dren healthy must lot bo afialel to
have them occasionally dlity. While
cleanliness Is akin to godliness, theie
Is a certain (Hit that comes fiom con
tact with tho sweet eaith that Is
wholesome. Have the little ons
bathed frequently. Insist that they
come to meals with Immaculate hands
and faces, but between meals huvv
them so dressed that thev are freo to
run and romp as they will.
An over-careful mother of an only
child complained that her baby whs
pale and delicate. He asked to see the
child, and the nurse hi ought In the 2-
eat -old from the veranda, wheie i
hud been seated on a rug, looking at
a plcturu book. His dainty nnln.sook
frock was spotless, as were also the
pink kid boots and silk socks.
"What the child needs Is wholesome
dirt," was the phvslilan's vetdlct.
"Put n gingham fiock and plain shoo
on him and turn him loose on the l.iwn
or In the frsh earth. If he Is not
losy nnd happy In :i month let mo
At tho expiration of the prescribed
time the babv was traiffot tiled. The
eye that had been heavy wete btlght
the skin had acquit eil a healthful
glow, I he aims nnd tegs weio plump,
and the languid, tiled llttlo patient
had become u rollicking boy. Tin
fieedom. fresh nlr and dean dirt had
in a month's time wioiisrht a greater
change in the child's system than all
tho skill of tho medical fiatemlty
could have, effected.
Motheis who take their Utile fi hoot
bos and pills away for vacation
should let them romp at will out of
doois fish In the hiools, l lite on the
hay, and wear stiong nho"? and cloth
tno'iif which thev need not bf too
careful. A child Is much happier If
untrammeled by too many 'dent's."
And the mcthor I1 happier, too. If she
neede not say "don't" every hour lu
tho day.
Scranton Boaid of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
rii't Nation il Hitik ...
Fcrnnton Savings Hank
Scranton 1'acKliig co
Third Ntitlonnl IS ink
Dime Dop & Dis. Hank
Economy Light, H. & P. Co ..
Lacka. Trust & Safe Dep. Co.
Scranton Paint Co
Clark Sinner Co., Com. . .
ClJlk & Snover.. Pref
Scr. Iron Fence .V: Mfg. Co. ...
Scranton Axle Works
Lacka. Dairy Co. Pief
Co. Savings Hank & Trust Co
1'lrst Nat. Paul: (Carb inilalc)
Standard Dillllng Co
Scranton Pats. Hallway, flist
mortgage, due li'i)
People's Street llullu.i, fltst
mortgage, dee 1 IIS
People's Street Hallway. Gen
eral mortgage, due 1S21
Dhkson Manufacturing Co....
Laika. Township School 5rj,
City of Scranton St. Imp. 0. ...
Mt. Vernon Coal Co
Scranton Traction ST, bonds.. 115
Entire Stock
of Diamonds,
Jewelry and
Pledges Are
Now Sold at
Auction to the
Highest Bidder,
as We Must
Vacate the Store
We Now Occupy
by April I.
Davidow Bros
227 Lackawania Av3.
inns s
Mnmiracturer.1 or
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Coreelcd by II. O. Dale. 27 Lackawanna
Htitter-Crfameiy, Xu.: dairy, tubs, 2bc.
EBgSSelect western, loe. ; nearby Mute,
" Cheese Full tieam. new. ISU-c.
Heans Per bu , choke mairow. $2 40;
medium. $2 20; pea, $2 20.
Onions Per bu., 43c.
Flour-$4 :.
Phllndelpliln QirT "nd Prncinr
Philadelphia. I'eb. .".-Wheat-Quiet lint
steady; (Oiitraet grade. IVliruarv. 7Ia72e
Corn I'll in and 'ic blghei , !biuat.
;Vi"s'4c Oath Quid but McikU ; No 2
white dipped, IHtiCie. ; No .'! do. do. :,(l,(
.JlUc,; No 2 mixed do, JOirjUie. l'ota
tot's riichunged; Peuni-ilvuula emtio,
per bushel f.i :(., N w Yolk and west
cm, do do, ."laVic., do do. fair to good,
do, fiOaSJc. Htitlet- Finn: rood demand,
fnncv v.estcin cieumei), 2V,a20c. ; do.
prints. 2U. Hlvs-DiiII and le. lowir.
trcsh luarbv, lsc.; do wolem, lSi,, do.
southwi stdti. 17c; do MUithtiti, 17'"
Che( w I'm handed Hellin d Sugais
Qutti but Ilim. oCtton I'lrm and 1-Ke
hlgbci . inlildlliia uplands, S o-pc
low- I'n liuiipt-d, cltv prime in lioi -he.nK
."'n ; (ouutiv do. do.
r.'sulc.; dark do, PtnVe. (.dees, r.'ja
f.e , greasi . l'iii"(. as tn mini. Live
Poultry da luiiuid. lewis, loiiic; old
435 to 455
N. Ninth Street
Telephone Call. '23S1.'
(oiidltlniis and xviupithy with corn later
coiiultiiictcil lhl. tho market closing
film; JImv i.e. iindd Vffttldiy Colli
wus up on llglu iiuiiitiy offerings and
(I image rrpoits toi Atgentlue, M.iv clos.
Ing '4a V. tllghel. O.ttx dosed un
til ingdl and piovlslons liil'ie. lower.
Cash limitations v. ere as follow h: 1 lour
Stcadv; winter patents. l.'.il w,
MialghtN tUS !3. dears. I2MUIM; wprliiB
specials, $ fin 1 1, patents Wju m;
Htialght, $2(.UT; bakei.s. $2 10a23): No.
! i-pilng, ih.u'ic.; .o - mi, i.i--. ,
1 No. 2 coin, '-'(.; No 2 vcllovv. .:2i.!2',(c.;
No. 2 oitx. 221iuV '.(.; N. I white, 23a
'".i.e.; No. 2 rve, .11 i.e.. No 2 b irley, 4a
jitd. ;,. I llnv -ped. tl.V). northweKt.
St Vi : nil -s pcuk. 'iiiilasri, laid, $'sfti
.192' : hhoit tlb-i, $1 7ii.i.i.'il. drv t-alt'(
tboilldi'is, r.Cjii'i ; i-liort deal, j"i.piafi(Xi;
whhkc), mi basin ol high wines. 1 .V!;
sugars, (ill loaf. $M'1: gi.inutatcd, $J 19.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Chicago, I'tb " - Cuttle Nominally
stendv . poor to medium. $lii; mixed
HtixkeiH l 21a !:!".. belected feeders, Jt 25
I I si; good to choice (own. $'.0,it VI; heir
ns. $t2i.t1; canneiH, $2 21i2!i0; bulls. $2 73
nliin; cnlveH $1il: lid Tc, 54.1,120.
loost.iK. ,a7'5e : Chilians. : .aim : iIikks. i '-; """'" V ,,'; ,i.
lOallc.: tuiKevK. "iliic. Uiehseil , io - -,;,. - " -. " T',"
ii i ii i 1 1 ii ii iii-i .". ..-'.. . "'.
lougn mi, inii.i"i
lie: geese
Poultr rirni,
di ni mil; tow Is
. .1. ..I. 11.111 .. ,1.. 1 . ,1. to r, ,,iil nil III ,l 1 I . . ' w .
Oi . . a d 1V.0V, ih 7e b . kensV neVr- 1 light.- l "it tO,: bulk ot h ties $1 lanl.s?.
:;r,;.lo,;vi,v,o-ndo(.t:i-1 F1-S111 ;r r S?s
1 ill. Is: coin. 1 n.i bu" hel. oat-. 12 i'W , K..5' head; Muep. 7s,0i head.
busluK Xhlpmi ntK-vvheit. Uwi bil"li
ids; coin, lyum biishclsj o lib, (..eou bush
AltU CUHi:D.-"Vhin 1 read that Dr.
Agnivv's Catarrhal Powder could lellevo
Caturrh In 10 minutes I wan far from be
nc convinced. I tried It-.i Hliwle puff
through the blower alforded Instant re.
lief, mopped pain over tho eyes and
cleaned tho passages, lo.hiy I am
free from Catarrh." 11. L. Kgan (Las
ton Pn.). experience him been that of
thousands of otheis and may be youis.
Sold by Matthews Hios. and W. 1. Clark.
Effect of Prospority.
Tourist I undcibtand piospetlty has
made Kanms faimcrs forget free t-llver
Kansas r'arini r-Oh. land! Yes! hat
,,t ffir.ners Is mostly dlsiiutln' 'bout now
Is vihuther 11 cvclone sultd d'nughter bo , tr.,Vi; v lilte, Wm'Slo.. ol
built In the Queen Annie cr the u loniai ' ,,, Ht,.m)V vftli nun.
Btvlol Detroit journal.
For Infants nnd Children.
Thi Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature 1 of
Now York Grain nnd Produce.
New York. Tib ". I'lnui Qub t and
easy; Minnesota patents, $JS1a4 11; do
bnkeis 2Su.i,l, wluier pitentx. $iuT.a1sr';
do, Htialbts. $140,1 1. "0, winter exti.iK J."
11J si, do low i-rad(s, $2 21i2 40, Iniit
Spot steady; No 2 lid. 71-. elevator:
77c f. o. b.; No. t northern Du
lutli, TKc. f. o. b. afloat prompt; op
tions opined easy and V1 lovvei: con
siderable unloading took plan; lu too
erulv maikit hour, tradots itnli a voting
to udlust n( counts until next week; the
doso was dull and ensv at '(. net de
cline; M.uch closed 7i'e ; May. (Ie.;
July, 7le. Coin Spot linn: No. 2. 10,c
f. o b. afloat and 40e. elevator: options
opei I'd steady. It HUbscmuiitly strength,
tiled, iidvuicis weic bised on higher
cables and Influential bulng at the we.-t;
closed llrm nt e. net adv.iucn: Mnv,
r'.i'iC O.ils Spot dull; No. 2, SHtc.; No.
P.. 2se.; No. 2 while, 3U4i'.: N. ' do.
ro'.c.; track mixed, vventern, 2i'aai')c:
llioill. Illlll'livtl
Hutter 1'lini:
western eieameij. 2la2ic; (in. racioiy. tii
;u.i.ic; iiuiiaiioii
nisiic Juno cieanieiv. 20a2Jc; Imlti
do.." 17n22c.; stale dairy. ISiSV.; do.
creamery, Zla2v, c-icesi nieanv; 11111
miidi' tunc v huge and sm ill. l.'nl'e.t
lingo late nude, lllinlit'.: small do,, 12a
12'4C i:ggs Lasy, slate and enm-vl.
vaula, lt'-.c,: w(stim ungraded, at mink,
11 u 17c; wcslctn, 1'Ue.
Chicago Gratn nnd Pioduce.
Clilcago. I'eb. .1 Wheat vvn early
easv on dlsapp'dnilng ( aides, but sonio
buying by loielgncis, a bet
tci curb demand, apprehension over crop
Philadelphia Stock Market.
Philadelphia. I'eb 4 Hi ev( s. 2,01 1 head:
sheep, l.ill head, hogs, lull head Href
Cattle I'nlr lopiest and pilcis Him; ex
tra, .la'.i.. good, fial'.c . nu ilium, M4.11.
:i ; loinnun. .a4it(.; lambs, ii''-c.
Hogs -A(tlvi) and higher at iii4a7'lc. for
western. Put cows, 2j.tle.: thin cows,
giod ilcmnnd at $Hii20, veal calves, actlvo
at t'-i'M'., inllch mws, uiuhiiiiKid ut
tJl.i.'iif; dMssed bievtb, good dunund and
steady at L'iui'tc.
' East Libel ty Cattle.
Last Libertv. 1'di. I. Cattle Steady;
ptlnu, $i.40aV"l; common, $J 21.1J W.HiifSH
Slow and lower: prime mediums and
heavy Yorkers. $'10; heavy hogs, $5 15 15;
light Yorkcis and pigs, $uo.ri0J; roughs,
$I2jii4 71 Sheip Steady: ehotcu weth
ers, $1 r.ijto. (omnion, $2MiaSM; ilmlea
lambs, $7 10 17 2.1; 1 omnion to good, $5a7;
v eal culv cs, $7ui M.
Buffalo Llva Stock Mr.rl'e:
Last Hnffaln. IV h. Ii C.ittliw Receipts.
5 tais wiln; steady to tiini; l.unipnund
steus. $11; fat cows, $lal.21; veals, $s u9
ai, common to good, J-.iMl; ffish cows,
$l.1iVl; common, $22a!0 per head. Hogs
Kecclpts, p2 cars; lower: Yorkers, liiEn
DM; iilgs, $.1n."o.1; mixed, $110; inisliuni
and lie iv v, $".ln.t3 15; loughs, $4bOal70;
stags, WSl.i3.75
New York Llvo Stock.
New Yoik, I'eb 1 Peeves No undine:
fiellng Htiurlv; icfrlgnalnr beef, firm at
lOaln'ic. Calves 11 In ad on sal"! llrm;
good veals. $0. Sheep and Lambs
Htsnlv; lambs, lltm to inc. higher: sheep,
$la5.75: lambs, $7.ij2V.a7.b5. Hogs N0110
for salo ulivc.
, t Htj-HjllHWO v
. iK-llr