THE SCRANTON TUJLHUNE- FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1900. Tr LACKAWANNA COUNTY. CARBONDALE. BIO CARS ON BRANCH. Yesterday tho tlrst tt.iln if huge pasf-cnger coac-hct went oxer th Uonofdulo binnch. It xva In chaigo cu' f'onductor l'lcice and engineered by O. H. Hl'tcd. Tralim Ic.ixo f'nt bomlalo nt 7.30 and 11.26 a. in., and at SOI and i 0 p. m. The tunning time I ticnily the fame as before, an linttr and twenty-three minutes being rettilted to muko the tun fioin thW city to Hones-dale. Tho Himcilnle ticket oilier H In charRo oC duties E. Chapman, a former Cntlmndnle joung jnan. Quite a number of people xvcre on the ttnln this morning, anxious to bo anions the llrst to take the ti fp over tho new load. OFFICERS INSTALLED. Fidelity conrlave. No. ISO. Improved Older of lleptasophs, has Installed tho follow InK olllcets: Past aiohon, W. It. Johnson: aiohon, F. It. Dover; piovont, Isaac P. Rogers: nccrutaiy, C. A. Kane; tlnanelal seetotaty. H. W. Rex Holds': Measurer, A. R Loftus, prelate, Hub ert Rrodle: Inspector, John W. Klrk xvood; xxardon, Alfred Masters; stn tlnel. JoKcph Lindsay. This conclave Is one of the most nourishing In the state nnd underxxent such a steady giowth that a second conclave xvus organized and Is now thriving under the name of Carbondale, No. :!''.'. LOffAL AND PERSONAL. 1.. i:. Robcits Is In New Yoik city. Mis Ide E. Mcfomb will leave today for Nexv Yoik city, xxhcie she will le hlde for a time. Mrs. J. 1. Huir Is In the metropolis. A. .1. Wells If convalcFcent. Miss l.cty Lowiy and Wellington Millet, of Clifford, weie mauled Wed nesday. Each has actiii.ilntances In this ilty xho xxlsh them Clod-speed. James Hutherfnrd has accented a place on the municipal xx liter execu tive committee. The f uncial of Michael 1 Hoffman at St. Hose chinch. A leciulim high will be held this morning at in o'clock mass will be celebrated and the Hrnth erhood of Itallioad Trainmen and St. Honlf.ico society xlll attend. Superintendent Flvnn, of the Ti ac tion company, left yisterdav for his nexx position at Easton. P. V. Hellly now has go of the C.iibondalc olllce. HI llenr's minstrels appealed to u big house at the (liand last night. The U.ubonilale oonclaxc- of Hepta sophs will hold their installation In l'.urke's hall next Tuesday pvenlng. James F.ojlun and Thomas Hien n in haxe puichased the Henley res taurant and xx III take possession at oiice Pao Heulock. of ltalx sent to the county Jail because he peislsted In his desire to xxel a 13-eir-oId Ital ian gill of this city without Hist se cuiing a dixou-i- from the xxoman xxho now has a claim upon him. J. W. Mxers had his hand crushed xvhile coupling cm is on the Dolaxvaro and Hudson load xesterdax'. He xxas taken to Kmcigency hospital, xvhere ii thumb and txvo flngeiw xvere ampu tated. The Best Medicine for Rheumatism. "I think I xxould go craz xxith pain xxoie It not for Chamboilnln'n l'nln Halm." xxiltes Mr. W. H. -Stapleton. Hoi-mlnle,' Pa. "J have been afllletecl xx lth iheumatism for seveial years and haxe- tiled lemedlrs xvlthout number, but I'.iln lUlm is the best niedicluj ' have pot hold of." One application "Mlevos the pain. For sale b.x all drug-,-lsts Matthews Hios'., wholesale and letall asents. JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. Miniature Strike at the D. & H, Col lici y Bort Mason's Nexv Appoint merit- Personals. The Delawaic and Hudson colliery suspended operations nt 11 o'clock e t onlay morning, owing to a strike In one t the sections of the colliery. As is customary In all collieries xxhon fehort of dilxorn and runnel , men are taken iioui the chamben to till their places. Hllheito these have been paid $1.69 per day xxhen so engaged. Yesterday a number ot Ubners, xxho have frequently been called upon to till the boys' places, ufued to run nrs for less than $1.9S per day, and as a consequence thcio xxns no woik In that section. The eollleiy will start up again today, anil it is possible tlu dlfllculty xx 111 be oxeroome. Hert Mason, of Olyphant, has been appointed to succeed Y. II. Tennis ns assistant loicman of the D"lawaie nnd Hudson colliery. Mr. Mason has for tome time been lire boss at Oly phant No. L' eollleiy. He Is a married man nnd expects shouly to move to this, boiough. He took charge of tlw position xeterday The Infant son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Isaac Heriy. of Fourth street Is ill of bron chitis. Mrs. Mai la Jay and Mrs. Toman spent yesterday in Scianton. Yesterday xvns the coldest day ex- GOLD DUST The Best Washing Powder, Housework Is Hard Work Without It. ITVFRY WOMAN AXr-4,lP mi,: a .mmr "H" BieaaoBnt9ilirUiBH,BiowiTirKxiUUnt m4lelD. Ont? hrmloMir,i (be poreit drup Msold M i. If you wtst h bui, gi cl Dp- Paal's Pennyroyal Pills vvl They are prompt, safe and certitn la retult. MTbuceDulMDr, IVolHijnsTerdUappolot. Bold for 11.00 per box. For Sale by JOHN H. PHELPS, Spruce strtst. perlenced for the winter. At 7 o'clock In the mornltiR llio thermometer xxn 8 degrees lvlov vero, A child of Mr. nnd Mrs. Kbdon, of Third street, Is 111 of bronchitis. The Ice nt Alumni I'.irlt Is again In excellent condition and la being on Jewel bv numeious skatirs. Mis. A. I.nndci, of Thhd sttict, Is xMtlng at the I'lnes. Mi. nnd Mis. Thomas I'tichuiiati, of Kllznbeth, N. J.. ne vWtlng Mr. and Mis. Moslier, of remotely street. TAYLOR NEWS. Surprise Party Hold This Even ing's Debate Chicken Thieves at Work-Personal Notes. A sui prise party w.t ten lei ed Miss May Morris nt her home In North Tay lor on Wednesdny evening, xvhen a large gatheilng of her fi lends took pos sesion of her homo and xxnt'ed tho hours away. The usual paitv diver sions xieio Indulged In. Hefi"s!iimMt xxere seived. In attendance were; M'lsses Mattle nnd Minnie Francis, Annie Llewellyn, Mny Mortis, Hachel Jones. Xcnla Kvans, Lizzie and Mag gie Maish. Muud Ex ans.uggle M. Davis. Francis Winters Edith Pugh, and Masters Eddie Pugh, Dannie Ev an, Willie Powell, Hundol Oiltllths, Hlratn Phillip", Dannie Morris nnd AAllllo Ott. Master Willie, son of Foreninn and Mis. W. H. Oxxens, of Noiti Tnxlor, Ir seilouslv III. Chicken thieves paid a visit to the huge hennery of Hobert InglK of Noith Taylor on Wednesday evening nnd succeeded In carrying away, minus their heads, fifty of his choicest feath ery tribe. On the same exenlng some inlseiennt xlslted tho hennerv owned by Thomas fJrimths nnd heie, alo, nude themselxes at home. Much sus j Iclon Is on the tramps xvho are located In the cave along the Jersey Central railroad. The respectable residents of the above place have been gieatly nn n(ed ot late by these hoboes. The chief of police should look up the mat ter nnd try and detect tho guilty p.u ty. This ex-enlng the members of the Pike Library association will debate the question, "Ilesolved, That the Ad mlnlstintlon's Policy Tnixnrd the Phil ippine Islands Is Just." The dobatois will be: Attlrmatixp side, Messis. Hk'h aid Oondall nnd Fredeilck Stone; neg- ntlve sld, Messrs. Frank Oendall anil Josepl- J. Whltefoid. A literary and musical programme xxlll also be len deied. All nie eoidlillv invited. Piofessor J.imrn F. Foley, supeiln tendent of the hoiougb schools, made Ills xvoekly Inspection of the schools yesterdnx-. Miss Llzle Jenklir. bns letmned fiom her x-lslt to Piovldonee. Mlses Lilllm Howells, Maty drlf Ilths, Llzla Davis and Olxxon Hoxxells and Messrs. E. O. W.itklns, Trank Decker, Adolph Trxx elder and Isaac Paxis, of this toxxn, attended the re ception tendeted Mr. William D.uvy at the Archbald on Monday evening. Invincible commandery, No. 232. Knights of Malta, xxlll meet this even ing In their rooms. The funeral of Chester, the blight and Interesting son )f Mr. nnd Mr. Isaac S. Davis, of Oreenxx'ood, xvhoxe death occurred on Tuesday from dlph theila, occurred sesterday afternoon. Services xxere held nt the family resi dence by the Rev. Dr. "H. H. Harris, of this toxxn. Burial xvns made In the I Marcy cemetery. The floral offerings j xxere x'ory beautiful. Don't forget to attend the masquer- ado ball of tbo Taylor Hose company, No. 1, to bo held at Weber's rink on Thuisday evening, Feb. 8. Tho Cry- s tnl Hose company, from Scranton, will be present In full uniform. Tickets aie onlx' ? cents. Tn!or camp, No. 494, P. O S. of A., xlll meet this evening. Scranton Woman's Trouble. Scranton, Pa., Jan. 23, 1900. Mrs, W. A. Stanton, 406 Fourth avenue, this city, has had trouble xxlth her stom ach and at times, xvould bo veiy dizzy. She took four bottles of Hood's Sarsn paillla, xx hen she xvas entirely cured. OLYPHANT. -Mr. and Mis. Morllj Banelt wero tendered a reception In h-inor ?f their wedding, at the bom of tin bildt's paients, Mr. an 1 Mis. Thomas L. DavU, on Su.squeh inna stte"t. last ex-enlng. Tlv e,enln,v xxns ))leasantly passed xxith music, gunes and oim-v amusements, Abo-it II o'e!o;k a deli clous lepast xur seived. after xxhichs the guests iK,x.iuo'l wishing the urwiy xxedded couplo a ptospeious and happv life. Thost present xveic: Mr. and Mrs. Samuel lWrrett. Mr. nnd Mis. Hobert Parsons, Misses Cctdel'n and Clara Harrett, Samuel Hanett. Mr. ami Mis. John Davis Mr. and Mis. J. H Feeley, Mis. Maigaiet Hlmer, Hei tie Davis and Lena HIner. Mis. William Hc-ese, t)f Hill stieet, Is 111 xvlth tho grip. The Juvenes' Dnnclng class Kav.- a delightful social to their friends in Mahon's hall last evening. Laxvienco'" orchestra furnlshei the music. The nffalr xx-as enjoyed by nil present. Benjamin Tany, of Pell rtreet, xxa painfully Injured while engaged at his ri Pharmacist, ccr. Wyoming avenue and THE FAT IN the food supplies warmth and strength ; without it the digestion, the muscles, the nerves and the hrain are weak, and general debility follows. But fat is hard to di gest and is disliked by many. supplies the fat in a form pleasant to take and easy to digest. It strengthens the nerves and muscles, invig orates mind and body, and builds up the entire system. j-. and 1 1 no, all tlrugcbtt, SCOTT & HOXV.NF.Uinil't.hwVoa. duties In Xo. 2 mine on Wednesday. A laige prop fell, striking Mr. Parry, llilllctlng sevcin! seveic injuries, ll'i xvas taken to his home, where medical attention xvns given him. William McLuughlln, recently fore man for the Temple lion company, has been made foreman of the Htr rlck Cieek Coal company's colliery nt Peckville. Tho Junior Christian Hndenxoi so clety of tho Prosb"lei Ian chinch held nn Interesting entertainment and so-cl-il In tho social loom of tho chinch last exenlng. The nffalr was very suc cessful. Miss Padle Matthews Is xlsltlng re latives nt Landsford. Mls Flosle Hvnris I quite ill at her home on Snsnuchann'i street. Miss I.oretta '"tossln xlsitect ft lends In toxxn We'lne.'day. Mis. 11. II. Hnuthnirl. of Oieen Ttldge. w is the gurst of 'Mis. D. C. Hxmii9 yestetday. THEATRICAL. "An Innocent Sinner." Tonight the Huntley-Jackson com pany will piesent "An Innocent ."In ner" nt the Academy of Music" nnd this afternoon, "The Totnado." At tho Gnioty. In tho bill at the Claletv this week appears the gieatest trapeze net ever piesented to n local audience It Is accomplished by tour of tho clexeiest lady gvmnasts In American, the four Hail Slsteis. Another act xvoithy of paitlculnr mention is that ot Smith, Dotv and Coe, probably the xeiy best musical tilo on tho boards today. Mr. Smith, the trombone sololt, xxns for a long time associated with Sousa's band and no one accunlnted xxith the Insttument xvould doubt his nblllty to till the posi tion of soloist xxlth that famous oi ganbation. Mayo in Pudd'hend Wilson. Hdwln Mao as "Pudd'nhead Wil son" and "Pudd'nhead WIKon's" In tel estlng neighbor fiom Dawson's landing, Missouri, xxlll come to tho Ivycoum this exenlng, xxhen Mr. Mayo and a capable company of players xxith which he has ".in rounded himself xxlll piesent his father's dramatization ot Mark Txxnln's Mlrsouil story. It Is said the diowsy atmosphere of a sleeply Hinge lulled bv the How of a mighty river Is delightfully piesent In the scene amid xvhlch Judge Drlscoll, Tom Dilacoll, Chambeis, Hoxxnrd Pem broke, the twins and the xxlso men of Dawson. Aunt Patsy, Hoxxy, Hocy ami dear old Dnx-e Wilson, called "Pudd'n head," tell the delightful story. There nro scveia! other diameters that go to mnke up this plav: all deep ly Inteiestlng. No play of tho day has exceeded this In popularity. It Is now on Its triumphal tour ncros tho con tinent after Its long lun In New York. Hi Henry's Minstrels. HI Henry's Great Improved Mln stiels will appear at the Lyceum tho nter Saturday. Tcb. ", inatlnec and night. A leading exchange says: "HI Henry's minstrels made their annual nppearanco heie last exenlng befoie a large audience, w hlch enloyed for oxer txxo houis the best mlntiel shoxv xx hlch this old time manager has exvr brought heie. The shoxv opened xxlth an original descriptive first part called Who Amoilcan Navy.' Tho setting xvaa the forward deck of the battleship Prooklvn nnd about tlf'v men x-ero on the sfgo. "Hilly Claik, Raymond Teal, Charles Whnlen nnd Frank Moiton xveio the funmakers, and they x.'ere a big suc cess. Mr. Clark takes Arthur Dem Ing's place ns tho monologlst, and ho Is one of the funniest men seen here In this line. Tho final net In the sec ond part xx as the appeal anco of the Coutuie Hiotheis, aeiobats, and their xxotk xx-as the best ever done here bv two athletes." An Intellectual Thieat. In presenting Lewis Mouli-un's "Faust," xvhkh Is lcrognteed as one of tho gems of llturatuie, tho manage ment bns succeeded In stamping Us name upon the ago as jdaptots of vast Intelligence. After having been presented In nil paits of the world during tho last six teen years. It Is announced that this season will posltlx-elv be the last one In xx hlch this famed production xxlll be presented. It xxlll be seen at the Lyceum Monday night. The Gibney-Hoefner Company. Manager Long Announces for one solid xxeek, commencing Monday, Feb. 4, tho Glbney-Hoefller company In giand scenic pi eductions. This company xxill present for thp first time In Scranton, by permission of Jacob Lltt, "The Last Stroke," "The Woman In P.I ick," also, "Jack of Diamonds," "Xexv Chnilty Pall," "A Country Girl." "Pilnec- of Liars," "Inside Track." "Hands Across the Sea" and "Monto Crlslo." To this high class x-au.l-'vUle Is Intiodtieed, Dcllollb and VnUrn. wot Id's greatest comedy Juggleisj Hilly Sanforrt. the oilglnal Pennsjlvnnla tramp; MncMIUnn and Giey, sketch uitlsts, slngeis and danc ers; Oaddlng nnd Cattnn, musical ar tists, nnd othere. Trices are 10, 20 nnd 30 cents for night perfoimances; for matinees. 10 cents. Ladles half tick ets for Monday night. "A Stranger in a Strange Land." An epoch In dramatic annals will be tho coming next Tuesday ex-enlng, Feb, 6, to the Lyceum, of the Anglo-Amcil-can farce, "A Stranger In a Strange Lnnd," This Is the same uproariously funny comedv that for months past has been a magnet at the Manhattan the iter New Y rk. tslns tho ennn- city of the house by the croxvds xvhlch flocked to seo It. The play In from the Joint nitthor shlp of Sidney Wllmer nnd Wulter Vin cent nnd will bo presented hero under tho direction of William A. Urndy and Joseph it. Orlsiner. Tho scene Is Inlet In Hngland nnd the plot lntroducc.1 Ameilcan characters In a manner that Is novel nnd unique. The cast, xvhlch Is one of unusual excellence. Is bended by M. A, Kennedy, supported by James T. ClnlloxxTiy, Oeurge S, Probert, Hd xvnrd aillesplo, Wnlter Cllffofd, I.ouls FioholT, Kdxx'nrd Chaptuan, Ft .ink Don nelly, Jennie Ilolffarth, Hva Westcott, Mao Williams nnd Katheilne Mulklns. THAT RAILROAD CASE. Argumants Heard by Judge Purdy in This City Yestorday There Wa3 a Great Array of Lawyers. Before Judge Purdy. ot Honesdnle, In court loom No. 2 yest.tiuy, ai;;u nients xveio hemd In tha Injunction proceedings of th-j Hrio an.I V inning alley Hnllioad compiny ir;,ilmt the Hile lnllroad. Tho plaintiff company seeks to restrain tho defend Hit front Intoifcrlng xx lib tho construction of a road xvhlch the plaintiff proposes to build from Hnxvley to Lackirxuven nlong the bed of the Dolawaio tird Husoii canal. The Urlo company blocked the bed of the canal xxhero Its main line ciosses It at Lackaxx-nxen, and tho present pro ceedings xvero brought In Pike county to pi event the fuither olistiuctlou of tho canal nnd to compel tho Kile com pany to leniove the obstructions al ready placed th-io. For the conven ience of the patties reiicetmd Judge Purdy ngieod to hear the Piguments In this city. These proceedings xxcro un offshoot ot the light being made by the Kile nnd other iNads to prevent the ton stiuctlon of tho Delnvnro V-illey and Kingston i.illroad. The testimony lti the case xxa; he.ud nt Honcsdile eniiv In .Tamiaiy, TlK-ie xxas a braxe ntrav of law eis on eiuh side yesteidiy. For the plaintiff appeared Thorn is O. Sin ai mini, of New Yoik; A. H. Mc Cllntoek, of Will es-Pairo, e -Judge Henrv Wilson nnd Homer Gicene, of Honcsdale, nnd J. U. Toney. of this city, nnd for the defendant ex-.Iudgo K. N. Wlllard and C P. O'Mnlley, or this city, nnd A, T. Searle, of Hones dale. Mr. Greene and Mr. Wilson opened the case for the plaintiff and Mr. Wll lard spoke for the defendant compnny. The closing mgiiiiii'iit for tho tliilntltr xxns made by Mr. Shearman. At the conclusion of the arguments Judgs Pmdv took the papeis. His decision is awaited xxlth gu-at Interest. An Awful Punishment. Of all the horrors tint have shocked mankind throughout all history, one of the most terrible was the punishment meted out by the British government in 1857 to the leaders of the famous Sepoy Mutiny. They were lied to the mouths of loaded cannon and blow 11 in mutilated ftagineiits into eternity, xvhile a thrill of horror xxent through the civilized world. Mistakes and broken laws inxolx-e an awful penalty, and the most vindictix c men arc not more cruel than Nature herself can be xxhcii her lixs are violated. Ex-ery day we ste men and women suffering af. most the torments of the condemned as a pmalty for breaking Nature's simplest law I. Mistakes and carelessness count as crimes before Nature's stern tribunal. Nature never forgives a mistake. Irregular habits, wrong food, over-xvork, worry, late hours, lack of proper exercise, neglect of little precautions, are punished by the pangs of iHspepsia, shattered nerves and a wrecked id xvastcd constitution. I!ut this misery and hopelessness are not forexer fastened 011 those who are willing to come back and obey the laws which Nature has Hid doxvn. Her pcnilties are sex'ere and inevitable, but her rewards are generous. She seldom pronounces a death sentence. Thousands ot broken down men and women, xxho could not find either en couragement or cure in the medicaments of ordinary doctors have obtained a perfect restoration to health and strength by the use of Dr. 1'icrce's Golden Medical Dis covery, simply because it put theit entire ph sical being into pi rfect accord xv ith N i ture's laxv and brought them her rex-ards. This extraordinary "Discovery" begins its rcstoratixe and building up process in the human system at the same point that Nature begins her own xiork, that ia, xxith the digestixe and blood-making organs It gixci the entire, nutritive organism power to appropnale the esseutht life creating element 5 of the food th it is eaten, and con xert them into healthy nutriment, Gnu muscular flesh and active vital force. Many littl warnings arc usually given by Nature long before her most terrible punishments are xisited upon those who disregard her regulations. When a man feels that something in his way of lixiug has put him "out of Rorts," exen though not seriously ill, he must know that he 1 to some extent .1 trespasser. If he has headaches or bilious turns and periods Xvhefl he doesn't feel like lifting a hand or a foot about his business, something is certainly wrong. It ought to, and can be set right immediately by the " Golden Medical Discox'ery's " wonderful tonic and alterative properties. It chrifies and enriches the blood, arouses the lethargic lixcr to tid the circulation of excessive bile ; putges the system of the scrofulous and muddy impurities which rendci the skin unwholesome and uti subtly ; makes e-ery uerxe and muscle tingle with xivacity and life. The permanent strength -making quali ties of the "Golden Medical Discoxery" are xastly superior to the temporary stimu lus of malt extrtcts. It is far preferable to nauseous emulsions. It docs not aid the accretion of flabby fat ; but eliminates inert useless tissue from the sjstem, unk ing the tic sh firm and xrholesomc, and bringing the weight to the normal btandaid of perfect health. Mr. John Crozicr, Cox si, MoirUtown, !l mont Co , Ohio, writes : " My face wns n solid na of pimples or red spots ondery sore. I commeiiciil uslna I)r. Pierce a CulUcn Medical I)lcoery about the jd of April ; J.alo used his I'clleis.' I wn. jut neatly irdry when I wrote to ou. Iu from ten to twehc days my fice was well, J)r Pierce's medicines are worth more than their weight 111 gold, to me. My entire system is built v b them. My men Rot well so fast that people came to ask what I did." There is no better home counselor and guide to the proper care of the health of all the family than that grand book, "The 1'eople's Common Sense Medical Adviser," bv k. V. Pierce, M. I). This thousand page illustrated xolume is the outgrowth of his thirty year's experience as chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and .Surgi cal Innitutc. of Uartilo, N. Y. A paper bound copy will be sent absolately free for the mere cost of mailing, twenty-one (31) one-cent stamps. Address, World's Dis pensary Medical Association, of Iluffalo. If a heavier cloth-bound copy is preferred, send ten stamps extrt. .11 in all. ten t Sntt The People's Exchange. A POPULAR CLEARING HOUSE for tha nenitlt ot AH Who Hrtvo Houses to Rent, Ucnt Estate or Other Property to Sell or Exchange, or Who Want Situations or Help Theio Small Advertisements Cojt One Cent a Word, Six Insertions for Five Cents u Word Exeep: Situations WantuJ, Which An In scrtcd l'rce. , FOR RENT imn o t t ,- alWt'l'V HI! AIM'S ('ON. siswys.' Burners' Ico Co. stock. Hald to pay 10 per cent. Henry O. BINcmun, Maple wood, Pa. Foil ItKNT " THN-UOOM iiot'sn. suitable two families, luirr: modem Im proxemetits. Vll Monroe axenue. lit ipilro Mrs. 0. Held. FOK RHNT-KHOM Al'llll. 1. HOIISHS No t2il-f.2H Qulney avenue; olexin rooms and nil Impioxi ments: rent .8tw per month. Ilou-es No. (U.l-fi37 Qulney axenue, nine looms nnd all Improve ments; rent, $2GiiO per month. Apply to J. 1J. WnolHcy & Co., Contractors and liulldcrs, 21J-J1J Forest couit. FOR SALE FOR SAI.H-FIRST CLASS BrFFAI.O robe, cheap, inquire Dr. Frcdcrlcl, -03 W.xomlng axenue. FOR SALH-THi: WHITF. H01JSH ON Penn axenue. Inaulro William Craig, H. Roblnaon's Sous, REAL ESTATE. FOR SAL.K-AT A HARGATN TO A quick buver, 417 and -II) Ollxe street. Apply ".'9 Qulney. F. St. Amand. not'Ul.K HOt'SH FOR 8ALH, 512 AND Ml Qulney axenue, JO.WO, icdilced from $7,Cuii. Tell our Irlcnds. Rargaln. WANTED-TO RENT. WANTnrrn'RNTsHKD ROOM, St'IT able for gentleman nnd wife: cential ly located. Address. X, Y. C. Tribune. FURNISHED ROOMS. for" RiirNTciTiv;iHisin:D front loom xxlth closit.s, hot and cold water, gas and electric lights, 422 Adams nventip. Ccntrully located. For hi:nt-a pi.i:asant fur- nlsbed room xlth bath, rent reason able. No. ,:i'i Jl idlson axenue. wanti:d-two nici.i.y furnishhd rooms with board. Centrally located. Address W., Tribune cilllee. BOARDING. EOARDINO 623 PINB STREET. HELP WANTED-MALE. wNTiTDm?iviTr llxer and collect. S il irv $13 per xxeek and expenses. Address Globe Co., 71! Chestnut rtrcet, Philadelphia. Pa. WANTED-TWO OOOD MACHINISTS upptv nt olficc of the Scranton Button Company. KNKRGKTIC SALESMAN - COUNTRY work. School supplies. Salary HM and etras. R. O. Exnns & Co, Chi cago, III. WANTED-RY AN ESTAR1.1SHED business of n high older, a representn-tlx-e of nblllty nnd backing who can take up its work In the state of Pcnnslx-anla; no scheme; rermnnrnt business with money in It for the right party. Address. Bixliig leferencea. FOUNTAIN BATH BRUSH CO., Grand Rapids. Mich. HELP WANTED-FEMALE. LADIES TO DISTRIBUTE FREE 8AM pies in city. Call at 320 Washing ton avenue, from 8 30 to 10 30 a. m. today. WANTED-TO BUY. WANTED-TO BUY FOR CASH SEC- ond hand xx ate bus, jewelry, old gold nnd sllxcr. Gaidncr, 220'2 Spruce street. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY WANnitJ-A REM ABLE PARTY' WITH one thousand dollais cash, xxho can take a position its district manager In nn established corpoi.itlon. Good salaiy and Interest In the business. Must fur nish good reference. Address Leonard J. Iliutls 7C Montgomery street, Jersey Cltv. N. J. $500 TO J1.000, WITH feERVICE. "TO 17 xest in unv legitimate business that will bear Inx estimation. Address E, Trib line olllce. CITY SCAVENGER A. B. BRIGGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS and cess pools; no nlor. Improve-. 1 pumps eseil. A. B. BRIGGS. Proprietor. Le.ixo crders 1100 Neilb Main ax'enue. or Eleke's ilrng store, coiner Adams and Mulbeny. Telephone S310. NEWSPAPERS THE WILKES-BARRE RECORD CAN be hnd in Scranton at the ncw-s stumls of Relsman Bron.. 403 Spruce und 503 Lin den: M, Norton ."22 Lnekuwanni axenue: I. 8. Scbutzer. 211 Spruce street. DRESSMAKING. DREFSMAKING TOR CHILDREN TO order; also ladles' xviiUts. Loulso Shoemaker, 212 Adams avenue. SCALP TREATMENT. MKs.LT'r?idLTElL8 ment, 60c ; shampooing. BOe. ; facial musH.ipe. manicuring, 2.c. ; ciilropody, 701 Qulney. Feeling the Effect. Sandy I'lkcs We'so bin hangin' 'lound ills xx .iter tank fer four hours an' dor ain't no freight hove In sight ylt." Hilly Coalgate Now we knows how bad ills freight cur famine Is, Chicago Nexxs. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach tho sent of the disease. Catatrh is n blood or constitutional dis ease, and In older to cure it ou must tako internal remedies. Hall's ('atari h Curo Is taken Internnlly, and acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catauh Cuto Is not a chuck inedlLlm, It xxas prescribed by one of tho best physicians In this country for jcir, and is a regulat prescription. It Is compjseii of the best tonics knoxvn, comulind with the best blood purifiers, acting iMiecllv on the mucous surface3. Tho peifoct com bination of tho txvo IngredlentH what produces such wonderful results in eui ing Catarrh. Send for U'sllnnmlnls free, F. J. CHENEV it CO., Props , Toledo, O. Sold b druggists, price 73c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Noble Boy. "I wish 1 owned this gieal hlg'huHpl. tnl." "You xxould mr.ko It free for evei)bod, xxouldn't ou, Willie, dear?" "Ws'm. And then 1 loiild trnilo It for n elicus." Chicago Tribune DIME VS. DOCIOR.-Somo pcjiplo haxe spont fortunes seeking to repair the Inioads of dlsonKo which hax'u hnd oils In In tho simplest of beginnings food fer mentation and Indigestion a illsoulcred stomach the money's gone tho physi cian has failed to cure-but Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets have proved tho little "specialists" in a thousand eases and n box of IS of them havu made a cure cost Just 10 cents. Sold by Mm- theixs Bios, and W. T. Clark.-lO. SITUATIONS WANTED 81TPT?lw7NT7iaJ-I to go out by the day, grudiiutu of Now York; nil xxmk gimianleed; uond refereme. Addlesj M. M earo Tribune olllce. WANTMD-A POSITION AS OHOOIJRY clerk or trnxillng salcnimi fur a lo cal territory. Speaks lixe languages. Has ten years' eNpi rleiiee In business; sluulv and sober; muiiltd, Address 1). 21, l'tice burg, 1'a, SITUATION WANTIHl 11Y YOUNG married mini; any kind of xxoik. F. S , Trlbuno olllce. SITUATION WANl'lID-RY A YOUNG girl to do light hoiisoxxnrk or illsn wnsber. Apply li North Main axenue, Hydo Park, WANTKD - RY A MAN OP GOOD habits; able to fuinlsli beHt of cllx references, position as llroinan. engineer, or xvatchman. Pit use addiess "SI. T.," l'Juf Ash street, Scranton, Pn. AN kxperiknckiTand COMPHTHNT Phlludclihla bartender would like sit uation. Call or address for Inttixlew. A. F. Weston, 1117 Albright axenue. S ITUATION WANTGD lTr.HV.VmR man; porter In stoic. William riju per, fill I.nrknxx'annn axenue. PooKKPi:iiTR wotn.iTTKiTi :n gngement for txvo dnx nch xxeek to assist on books. X. Y. . , Tilbune otbi 0. WANTHD-ornci: work liy-a man of 40 xiars' xnrlcil busliiiss expcilcnei1; moderate sjinry; good leferenccs. Ad dress F Tributu nfllic. DRUGS - SITUATION WANTED MY .xoimg man with thin' ears' experi ence In drug store. Diugs 1714 Wune axenue. City. PROFESSIONAL. ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR. E C. SPAULDINC, 21 TRADUBS' BANK building. rncHiTEcrs EDWARD H. DAVIS. ARCHITECT, Conncll building, Scranton. LEWIS HANCOCK. JrTaRCH ITEC T. 433 Spiuco st.. cor. Wash. av.. Scianton. FttEDERICK L. BROWN. ARCHITECT, Prlco building, 120 Washington avenue, Scranton. DFN77ST3 DR. I. O. LYMAN, S-CRANTON PRt-x-ato Hospital, cor. Womlng and Mul berry. Dr7h. F. REYNOLDS, OPP. P. O. DR. C. C. LAUBACH, 115 Wyoming nxe. WELCOME C. SNOVER. Coal Exchaligo 2nd floor, Room D, Hours, 9 to 1, 2 to 5 HOTPLS ND nFSTAUIfNT3 THE ELK CAPE, 123 AND 127 FRANK Un uxenuc. Hates rersonable. p. ZEIGLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D., L & W. passenger depot. Cnnducted on tbo Eu ropean plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. ; ivv7? RICHARD J. BOURKE. ATTORNU.Y-at-Lnw, 500-2 Lackuxxntina axenue. Gen eral law business, collections and loans. J. W. BROWNING, ATTORNEY AND Counsellor-at-Luxv, Rooms 312-31J M;uis building. D. B. REPLOOLE, ATTORNEY-LOANS negotiated on real estate secuilty Mears biillillng, eoinri Washington avenue and Spruce street. M. j! DONAHOE. AT"rORNEY-AT-Lnw Office". G12-C11 Mears building. FRANK E POYI.E, ATTORNEY AND Counsellor-nt-L.ixv. II u i r building, Rooms 13 and 14, Washington axenue. WILLARD. WARREN & KNAI'l', AT torness nnd roiiii"Pllor-nt-Lnw. Re publican building, W.isbbiKton avenue. JESSUP & .irSSUP, ATTOBNIS AND Counsellor - at - Law, fommonxxenltli building; rooms 1, 20 and 21. JAMES W. OAKUORD. ATTORN'EY-AT-Law. Rooms 511. 515 and .310 Board of Tradn huPdtng. EDWARD W. THAYER ATTOBXEY Rorms P03-11J, nth flour Menrs bulldliv.'. L A WATnES ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 502 Board of Trade building, Scianton, Pa. C. R. PITCHER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Commonwealth biilMliiff Peranton, Pa. PATTERSON WILCOX, TRADERS' Nation il Rank building. C. COMEGYS. 9-11 REPUBLIC A N building A W. RERTHOLU, Meals' building. ATTORNEY "fV""!""""- I'll 'iiv-fnvs DR. W. E. ALLEN. 511 NORTH WASH Ington nxrnup DR S W L'AMOHEAUN. OPUICE 2'1 Wnshlncton nxrrue. Resldenre ms Multieirx-, Chronln diseases, lung", henit kldnnxB nnd cenlto-uilmrv r gTiis n sppelnlty Hour 1 to I p" m SCHOOL or THE LACKAWANNA. Scrnnton Pn Courses prepnratnrx to coUpbo. law. nudlrliie or busnrs Oppn Srpt Utb Pfiid for r-itnlocp Rpx-. Thomn M, Cnnn l.L D. piliicl pil and proprietor: W E. Plumloy. A M.. I eadmastcr. O R. CLARK CO , SEEDMEN AND Nurse r.x men; storn H R Washlncton axe nic, gieen houp, 1130 Ninth Main uxe nuc; store telephone, 782. wg SCfgHS JOS KUETTEItEAR Ml LACKA wnnna nvenup, Si ranton, Pa , manufac turer of Wlro SeiPPiis. MISCI.'. '"'?-3U9 BAUER'S ORCHESTRA-MUSICI'OR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, xxed dings nnd concert work furnished i'or leims address R. J Iluuer. coudueto-, 117 W inning nxent'e, oxer Hulberti' music stole. MEOARGEE BROTHP.RS. PRINTERS' si pplles. cnxclnpej paper bags, twine Wurehoupe 1J0 Washington uxvnuo, Scranton. Pa. RAILROAD TIME TABLES Central Kiillnttl ) Ncxv i's' Stations In Nexv Yoik Poot of Liberty stieet, N. R. and South Peuy, Whitehall Anthracite coal used cxcluslx'cl, Insur ing cleanliness and lomfort. TIME TABLE IN El'PECT NOV If' IV1. Trains lqnxe Herantor for Now York, Newark, Elizabeth, Philadelphia. Easion. Bethlehem. Allentown, JIuuth Chunk and White I lux en, nt 3n a in.: iximn, j.jj, express, -I tJ p. in, Sunduxs. 2.13 p. m. I'or Plttston and Wllkes-Barre, S 10 a, m . 120. too p. m. Hondas s. 2 15 p. in Kor Biltlmoie and Wnshlngtuii, um) points South nnd West Via Bethlehem, 8,30 u. m , 1 20 p. in. Sundavs. 2 13 p. m For Long Branch. Ocean Groxe, etc., nt 8.30 a. m. und 1.20 n. in. For Reading. Lebanon nnd Harrlsburg, via Allentown. S 30 n. m.. 1 !0 p. in. Sun dnj s, 2 15 p. m. For Tottsxllle. 8.10 a. ni.. 120 p. m. ThrouKh tickets to all pultun oast, south and weBt nt lowest rate at tho statiun. , J. H. OLHAU8EN, Oen. Supt.. ' ' H. P. BALDWIN. Gen. Pass. Agt. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Schedule in Effect November 10, 1800. Trains leave Scrnnton: 0.45 n. ra., week dnys, for Sunbury, Hnrrlsburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, and for Pitts burg and the West. 0.38 a. m., week days, for Hazleton, Fottsville, Reading, Norristown, nnd Philadelphia; nnd for Sun bury, Hanlsburg, Philadelphia, BaltimoreWashington and Pitts burg and the West. 2.18 ? m., week days (Sundays 1.58 P. m.), for Sunbury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and Pittsburg and the West. 4.27 p. m week days, for Sunbury, Hnrrlsburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. J. R. WOOD. Oon. Pass. Agt. . J. R. HUTCHINSON. Gen. Mgr. Del.. Laeka. unl Western. cn, In Effect Dec. 17, 1893. , V.11 Lrne Scrnnton for New York "' "''.IW, .r30. S0O und 10 03 n. m.: MRS 'mil .1 p. m. For 1'lillaJelpbla ut 5 JO, w and 10 03 n. m.; 12.53 nnd 3 33 p. m. ' or .Stmudsburg at C lu p. m. Milk nnd Accommodation nt 3 40 p. m. Arrlxe at i j. -,," ut 6S5 7'"- -10 a. m.; 1208, 2 17, ,i..i.' ,'i'19 nll(1 9 rs P- ". Arrlvo ut Phlla "iipnia nt 1000 u. m.: lOfl. 3 48, COO and -- i- in. At rix 0 from New York ut li 03. I- and I.Oj rt. m.; loo. 162, fi 31 nnd S.43 'vm:tl Fiom Strouilsburg at S03 a. m. n.wi 1 " Lenxo Sininton for BiitTulo aim Intermedlato stations nt 12.10, 2.30. and 9 0.1 . m : t 53 n,i r, so p. m. For "mx ego and S.icuso nt 4 03 u. m. and !.'.' !' m. Tor Utlui nt 2 50 a. m. and '" P. m. I'or Moutriiso nt 900 a. in.; ;',!? '" nni1 "50 P. ni. For Nicholson nt 4 CO nnd C, 13 p. m, Arrlxn in Scrnnton rrom Burrnlo nt 2in, 2 53, 5 23 and 10 00 n. ni.! ,H) 11 ud 7.40 ., ,, pi nni Oswego and Hxracuso at 2 53 n. m.; 1J.DS and 3 30 p. m. ' '"'u Sjinciisc-nt 7.10 p. in. Fiom Utica "'I'll, ni.; 12 ,-s and 3 30 p. m. Prom leiioNnu m t.uo n. tn. nnd con p. m. i join Montrose at 10.00 n. m.; 3 20 and 10 p. m. BLOO.MSBUno DIVISION Lenxo Siinuton for Northumbetland nt C30, 10 03 . m.: if, nnd lilO'p. m. Kor Plx mouth at 1 07. ?, 10 nnd " 30 p m. Per Nnntleokn at x 10 a, ln .rihn nl Northumbeiland nt !"i 11 ni : 1 10, 3 us and 010 p. m. Ar )'' Mantle nl.e ut P 30 II. in. Ariixo .It I Ixmnlitb yt 2 0.7, 4 Hi und 0 43 p. m. Al Hxe at Scranton fimu Nortbumbiiland nt PI.' a. ni,; 12 33. 153 and 8 30 p. in. 1 rum Nnntlerki nt 11 00 n. m. Prom Pl.xmoiitl nt 7 37 n. m.: 3 23 nnd 0 05 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. SOUTH-Leave Sernnton lit 2 13, 300, BX 10 03 a. m.; 3 31 nnd 3 10 p. m. NORTH-I.o-uo Sni.iton al 12 10, 230. 4 03 p. ni : 1 33 and 5 50 p m. , Ut.OOMSnUWC, DIVISION Lcnve Scranton at 10 03 n m. nnd r, 10 p. m. Dclaxv ire uni Hudson. On Nnx 3tb, ISM, trains will lcaxe Scranton as fiilliis: Fur Carboiiilale BIO, 7 3.1. 8 31, 10.11 a. tn.! 12 noon; 12!. 2 20. 3 52. 3 23, 0 23, 7.57, 9 13. 1100 p in , t.P. ii. in. For Alliiux, S.uatogu, Montreal, Bos ton, New England points, etc. G 20 n. in.; ! 20 p. m. For Honednp-i so. 10.11 n. m.: 2 20, 3 23 p. in. For WIlkcs-BiriP-C 13, 7.48. S 4.1, 9 H, 10 I) n. m.; 1201 1 2S, 2 IS, 3ZZ, 4 27. (.10, 7.ts. 10 41, 11 1) p. m For Nexv York, Philadelphia, etc., xla Lehigh Valley Rnllrond-fi.r, p. m.: 12 01, 2 is, 4 27 p. ni.: xxlth Black Diamond E). pi. ss, li.-o p. m. Pur Ppnnsxhonl.i Railroad points, 6 13, 9 IS n. tn. ; 2.1S, 27 p. m. I'or western points, xla Lehigh Valley Railroad-7.4!. n. ni.: 12 0?. 3 3.1. with Black Diamond Express, 10 II, 11.30) p. in. Tiiilns will urrlx'9 In Scr niton ns fol lows. From Carbondale nnd the North G 40, 7.4!, SIS. 9.31, 10 IS, 11 IS a. m.; 121, 2.13. 3 23. 12,5. 7.41, 10 "S, It 27 p. 111. Fiom WllUrs-Hute and the South (1.1 , 7. IS, 8 4S, 10 3S, 1K.3 a m.; 1.1. 214. .1.49. 5 20, G 21, 7.53 0 03, 10 03 p. m : 1.13 a. m SUNDAY TRAINS For C.irbondnle 9 03, 11 3J p. m.; 2 21, 3 52, 5 17. 9 5 1 p. in. For Wllkes-Barre 0 1S, 12 01 a. m.; 1 5S, 3.2S, .3 4 7.4!. p. m, For Allnnv. Suatogn, Montreal. Bos ton. Ncxv England points, etc., 2 21 p. m. Lowest rates to nil points In United State nnd Canada. J. V. BURDICK, G. P. A., Albany. N. V 11. AY. CROSS!, d. P. A , Scranton, Pn. Lehigh Vatlsv KullmiJ. In Effect Nov lllli, 1S11. TRAINS LEAVE SCRANTON. For Phil idclpbl i and Nexv York, xla D. fi H R. R nt C.45 a. m and 12 0.1. 218. 127 ( Diamond Fspress), and 1110 p. in. Sundays, D. & II. R. R , 1.58, 7.4S For White Haven. Hnzleton and prln cliul points In the coal irglons, Ua D. dli. R R. B4". -'I8 and 127 p. in. For Pottsxllle. 0 43. 21S p. m. For Ri Ihlehcm. Eii'ton. Reading. rlsburg nnd pilnclpil Internii'dlito sta tions xla D. & II. R. R . i! 13 a. in . 12 :, "Is 4 "7 (Blael: Diamond Express), n JO Sui!dns. D. O. II R. R . 1.3. 7.13 p m For ''1 iinkh innock. Townnda. Elmlra, lthacn. Genivn nnd principal Interim-ill-ill', stations, xla D. L .1 W. R. II., 6 0S a in.; 1 W and 133 p m For Gciiexa. Rochester. Buffalo, Nlag nn Palls Cblctigo, and nil points west. "u D. H. R. R.. 12oJ.'31l (Black Dia mond ExpresO. 7 is. 10 41. 11.30 p. ni. Sundns. v. & H. R IL, 1J01 p. m.. 7.4S Pullman pallor and sleeping or Lehigh Vnlli v pirlor ears on nil trains between Wllkes-I irie and New York. Philadel phia. Buffalo nnd Suspension Bridge. ROLLIN 1! WILBUR. Gen. Supt., 2G CortluniR street. Nexv Yolk. CHARLES S. LEE. Gen. Pass Agt.. 21-; Cnitlnmlt stiei t. New Yoik A W NONNEMACHER. Dlv Pass Ant, "niith Rpthlehi m Pa. For tickets und I'lillinan resenatlons npplv 309 Lnrknxxiiima n,xo. Scranton, Pa Dricnu.i Wyoinin; Valloy. Time Table lu Eflect Sept. 11th. 1F01 Trains b-axo Scranton foi New Yoik, Nexsbuijjh and luti imedlatu points in 'W i.illro.ul, also for Hnwley and local iM.lnlF at 7 03 n m and 2 23 p. m Reluming tialns nrrlxe nt Scranton rt 1021 ii. in und 3 IS and 0 10 p m SCIC l.VI'OX JIIVINM. iii :ift-et Oft. j.3ii, isnn. North Hound. Noutii naund. jnr. voi i i(M2ue Ba-I Stations' ,ftJi 5 IS a A m i n x 1 1 Ix e I.iaxe, A Ml ....! , TS'N Y l'rimkim s.t..., 74) tv. ... 7 10 e-t 4Jli(l strict' .... 5Ji3'.X. .... , "tM xxeiimwkuti ',, 8io, ,,,, ii i m Anlxo leaxee hi- jit m 111 I, I 1 1". illlo-H , .... "is oC 10 40 . 109, lliinejcl; .... a ij 4 3 1031 II.1:'. Mlirlk'lil I . .'.'.' 4 4S pi it UNI, 1'rcaton I'aiU .. an im ;a n .... it j in wiuucioa .miUux 100 .. .. l.'.n I'nyntelte '. .... ,v!S'T44 ifii lilt wistm -, c Bri ') U .... uu. I'l"Jnnt Mr. BiS'st 'I tl ... II !V I'nl JIHlltO ll( 034 IUI .1114') loMttUl) 3I'J A 41 9 1 1131 C'ailumlH U ..... 331 BC4 '107 .. Him XX lilts lirl.l? I13S 6 5b SO) Ill-')' Xlnjlhla 13 43 (1 01 hm li.'i, Jriui)ii ..... a 45, tira t, aj ills Arciiibxid .... sail , o i KMH 11 13 Wllltull ., a.'-t'llW mo .... mi lvckxuio ... u.xg nj6 b4.H Iti'7 Ohlliant, 4 01 6 si Ml 11 0j 1'rlicburg 0788l S J- .... II 01 'Ihroop mo 7 hit' ... 110' I'inxlileiice 14 ' 631 hi.' 11037 I'ttlk l'laco f4 17 631 buO 110 53 SCiulitoa 4 JO blj a mI U nl.eaxe Anlvt. :.. -ji t, Huncl! only. .V f HU'uiiiea that trains stop on slgn&l for put. sungers. ,,.. 1 1 .Uns im and KOii isimrJay only, other tral&k dalh except euiidny. . "" secuie i an b xla outaiio Western betoa uuicUaslng tickets and saxe uiojioT. . Z inuinh XXagnor ouftft slrej-rr ma frr if- Chlcigo hUmIi cuniiKV. (-uB-it'iiurr itnics IfctlUCf HcUucl THDCtHit i-rr .itiift, J C, Auilereon, Uen. PtM Act, , P.riltcroft, PIT. fttM, AH,C(M0B,rt? ' V I fc