THESCRANTON TRIBUNE-FU1DAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1900. EVENTS OF DAY IN WEST SCRANTON IPUILIOAN CLUB INATJOUR TXB MEMBERSHIP CONTEST. Lieutenant and Assistants Appoint ed to Carry on the Work Society Folks Enjoy a Cake Walk and Dance Funeral of John Anneman. Fire in the American House Ini tial Supper at J. M. Eaton's Resi dence Other Minor News Notes and Personal Jottings. The West Side Central Hi-publlcan club hold a regular meeting lust cv on iric and transacted Impmtntit bUHlm'si relative to the club's welfare. A nieni bernhlp contest pool tournament and pedro contest was Itiuuguiiiteil, nil of which promises to bo of genc-al Inter eat to the members. W. A. Phillips and P. H. Uec-se veto Appointed lieutenants In the men.bcr hhlp contest which will lun until the first o( July. The following meinbeia assist the leaders In the contest: Phillips' side W. A. Ill owning. John W. James, Charles' It. Acker, l.lewel Ivn Davis. Hubert Kliltcil. William liewls, James Lcvi-ium, Dav hi II. Jones, Chatles 13. DnnltN. T. A. I'hil llps, David Owens, Klcbaicl Unbelt-". Reese's side W. 1 Thny-. W. ftaylord Thomas. Mnignn Lewis, fi. A. "Williams. Fred C. Jones. Kmest 'Wal ker. William Thomns, Haul", imi . .1.1111 1. T !.,? i.. n.ivwi mer vviui.mi-. . .. "'.., J. Davis and W. It. HWglu. Messis. Khlied, Lewis ni'd Hushes were appointed a committee to ar range a pool tournament and pedi contest, which will commence some time next week. good players me connected with the ilub and some Inteiestlng garni s are epei teil i.'AKi: WLK ND DANCIK The society yolltlg puple of West Scranton who lepiesent some of the best known families In the ilty en joyed an ecluMve cake walk and dance In the vacant storj loom at 122 North MuWi avenue last evening. The noelty of tho affair was In the make-up of the pattlcirunK Each of the dancers weio "blackened up" to lepiesent the "ical thing" In true cake nnlk style, and the costumes wcie in keeping with the event. Prizes were aw aided to the ladles In the shape of a handome Jewel ease find stcillng silver mounted cut glass Ink stand, and to the gentlemen wore given some fancy artiiles. Prof. Leo Crossln furnished the ruile for danc ing and refreshments wi re served. Twenty couples participated In the grand march ilid a Luge nuuibei of spectators onjojed the atfali. KUNLKAL or JOHN ANNUM AN. Despite the cold weather viMiuIay afternoon a laige number cC veterans WHY DON'T U TRY IT ? Don't vou know a t loiigli niav piove serious latn. l'i lustlnallon at such K. time is the ciy worst tiling that ii n happen. Itlvulcth bicome iliti' ncorns oiiks. and an ordinu toiih oftin leads to lung tloublc. DlTOI'll'S rnnNC'H TAU Is what vou want It Is tried and true. Tor lie at i!. W. Jen kins. Druggist, 101 S. Main avenue. A WORD OF WARNING Our unique three-price sale of Ladies' Higli-Class Whiter and Early Spring Jackets lias reached a suc cess far beyond our expectations. WE NEVER That which we caunot perform to the letter and so deem it advisable to warn our friends and patrons, that while sizes, colors and weaves are still complete and just as described wheu the sale was first an nounced, the indications are that within a couple of days the breaking point will be reached and as prices will not be lowered one single point further than they stand now. The reasons for quick buying are too apparent to need enforcement. WE REPEAT THE BARGAIN PRICES "" '...fOr? YOUR CONVENIENCE AND REFERENCE. At $4.98 At $5.98 At $6.98 REMEMBER There is not a last season's garment in all this bar gain collection, while the tailoring and finishing is of the very highest possible order. Globe Warehouse VIN MARIANT Marlnnl Wine World Famous Tonic. Written endorsements from more than COW phvilclans. Never bus anything re ceived M,eh high recognition from tho medical profession ; therefore. Vln Marlunt enn he tr.kcn with perfect iafety. Sold by all Druggists. Refuse Substitutes?. and ft lends attended the funeral ser vices over the remains of tho late John Anneman, which were held In tho Washburn street PicsbytTlun church at '1 o'clock. Tho services weic In charge of Uiv. J. P. Moffat, V. .. pastor of tho church, and Itev. O. J.. Alrlch, of draco Kofoimcil Kplsropa! chutch. The members of i:zru S. Orltlln poat, No. 11 , Oiand Army of the llepubllc, were In attendance, and the pnll-be.trera weto elected fio.n tho rinks. They were S. II. Stevens. George Geary, K. U Watter. Samuel Shurtllff, K. H. Kip- ple and W. S. Jones. The regular burial ritual of the Grand Army was cairb-d out at tho Dunmorc cemetery, whore the Inter ment was made. INITIAL SL'PPKU AT BATON'S. The ladles of the First Ilapttst church whose Initial .tippciH have become famous, served mic'.her sptead last evening at llu home of Mr. and Mis. James i:aton, on Tenth btieet. A l.ttgo number availed themselves of the opnoitunllr to imtwnlzii the event. I Thoe who wete in '.huge of tho uf ' fair weie Mis. 1!. !. Heddoe, Mrs. I liu-h. Mis. Phillip, Mis. Joivs, Mis. .UU )illll Mis. Hale. Mis. A runt long, ,ii. .,n,. T- i .Mis. .uiimui'i;i. .una w ..... .-- on Long and Jons. G.-orge Asbuiy nKo agisted dining th owning. FIIJH IN AMKUICAN HOUSK. Shuitly ati?r 1 o'clock ycsteiday afternoon a slight mo o. currej in tha Ameilcnii house on V-t Lickawinna avenue, which was caused by a defec tive Hue. The 'lanus wen discovered between the iwo buildings and were extinguished by the PhuenU Chemical company The damage will amount to about $150 The place M conducted by Mrs. John Lilly, who owns the butiuing. INSTALLATION J ONIGHT. The newly elected officers of Lack awanna council, No. 1133, Iloyal Ar canum, will be installed this evening In Ivculte hall. District Deputy A. O. Hewitt will conduct tho ceremonies. After the Installation a phonogiaphlo entertainment will be given by W. K. Clearwatet. The members will also enjoy a smoker during the evening. C.UNLUAL NKWri NOTES. Evangelist Gtis Niebell will conduct the services this evening at the mlJ- wlntir (amp inciting In the Salvation At my bai lacks on Pi lee street. A hearty welcome is extetidol to all. The Ladlis' liish Catholic Benevolent union have changed their meeting nights to the tit st and thiid Thursday ev initios nf e.uh month, instead of the second and fourth Wednesdays. A meeting was beld last evening In St. Leo's rooms on NoUh Main ac nue. "A Sti anger In a Strange Land," the scieaming fatee from the Manhattan the'.itei at l. ecu in nco.t Tuesday night. Your choice of any Jacket iu stock that sold this season for $7.60 to $10.00. Your choice of any Jacket that sold at from $10.50 to $12.50. Your choice of any Jacket that sell at from $13.50 to $18.00. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Fourteen Friends' New Officers In stalledFuneral of Walter Nape Other Notes. The Fourteen Friends Installed o!Jl cers for tho ensuing year ut their regu lar monthly" session at Motel Best last evening. The newly Installed officers are as follows: President, Louis Zltn mer; vice-president, Fred Uhrhardt; recording secretary, Ben Moore; treas urer, John Schunk; tlnanclul secretary, WHOum Budenbach; sergeant at arms, Albert Mclsc; Stewart, James F. Best. President Louis Zlmmer appointed the following as anntcrtalnment com mittee for the ensuing vear: Fred Ehrhardt, Charles Klrst, Thomas Spruks, James F. Best, Albert F. Wcst pfahl, John Schunk, Ben Moore. Audit ing committee, Albert Quthelnz, John Dcmuth, James McCoy. A social ses sion followed the business meeting. rUNKILVL OF WALTER NAPE. Thef uneral of Walter, the 2-year-old son of Mr. and Mts. Walter Nap?, took place yesterday afternoon from the family residence on Stone avenue. Funeral services were conducted at tbc house by llcv. William A. Nordt, par tor of the lllckoty Street Presbyterian church, and Interment was made In the Plttston avenue cemetery. Tho lloral offerings were numeious and the funeral cottuge was v. cry latjjo for so young a child. TOLD IN A FEW LINES. Follwlng are the depos'lts made with the different teachers at school No. 7 for the week ending January 27: MI3S Elizabeth Bice, (for kindergarten), $1.59; Miss Elizabeth Gaughan, 67 cents; Miss Elizabeth Joyce, jl.CJ; Miss Kate O. O'Malley, $.'.45; total, JG.05. John Rellly. of Cedar avenue, has returned from a week's visit with friends in New York city. Mr. Itelllv will leave for Montana on Monday where he vrtTl reside permanently. Miss ltoaa Demuth, daughter of ex County Commissioner John Demuth, ef Cedar avenue, who underwent an op eration at the Moso Taylor hospital has fully recovered. Mrs. Kate Hurd, of Plttston avenue, Is visiting friends In the metropolis. Pea Coal 81.25 a Ton Delivered to South Side, central city and central Hyde Park. Address olders to J. T. Sharkey, 1911 Cedar ave. 'Phone 6683. NORTH SCRANTON. Miss Nellie Tuttle.of Diamond ave nue, was tendeied a surprit-e patty Wednesday evening, the occasion being her twentieth birthday. Music, games and phonograph selections weie feat ures of the evening. Two Ilashllgh'c pictures were taken. Those present were: Mlses Rachel Evans, Myrtle Stevens, Edith Williams; Messrs. Maurice Heading. Will Evans. Edvvnrd Evans, Chatles Emory and T. II. Ev ans. Ph. G. The social club which was lecently organized at Church's Is progressing very tapldly. Hoy Uilnk has been elected president and Pieston Brown, secietaiy. Their rooms will soon be fitted u). Last evening the Christian Endeavor society of the Welh Haptlst church held a debate In the church patlors. The .subject for debate was, "Ilesolved, That England Is Justltled In the Pres ent War with the Boeis." The affirm ative tide was suppoited by Emellyn Jones. Itobeit H. Williams and James Lewis. Tile negative was supported by Ml.s Ilunnah Williams. David E. Jones anil Daniel Thomas. A musi cal ptogranime was als-u tendered. The Keystone Literary and Dramatle ilub held their weekly social In the Auditorium last evening. An enjoy able time was had by the large num ber who attended. Tho Young Women's Christian asso ciation of this section is organizing a class In embroidery. 'It Is requested that all who are desirous of Joining tho class will hand In their name at an caily date. These lessons will be very icafconable and will be taught by Miss Potter, of Dunmore. Tho funeral of the late Peter Ma loney will be held this morning at 9.30 o'clock from the home of his parents, on Putnam street. A high mass of le qulein will be tead by the Hev. J. B. Moylan at 10 o'clock In the Holv Itos aty church. Interment In Cathedral cemetery. Today will be observed as Candle mas Day In tho Holy Itosary church. Kred Mayo, of Hen wood's diug store, Is convalescing from la grippe. Mis. N. P. Osteihout, of Summit avenue, who has been quite 111 for the past two weeks, Is convalescing. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Payne, of Paik er street, visited Dr. itnd Mib. T. N. Wilson, of Moscow, this wecK. MUs Mary SutclirCe, of Cayuga stieet. Is lecovering from a severe attack of dlphtheila. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Shenner. of Butte city, Montana, left for their home Wednesday, after spending the past week with Miss Maig.itct Gilles pie, of Duiklu street. This evening's mm vice In the Piovb denee Presbyteilan church will be a piepaiatory one for the speelnt sacra mental seivlces of next Pabbath morn ing. It will begin at T.i'O o'clock and will be In chaige of the pastor, Hev. Dr. Guild. GREEN RIDOE. fail Hughes, of Dickson avenue, has leeoveieil from an utt.uK of scailet fevei. U. M. Lindsay, of Mon.y avenue, is confined to the house by an attack of grip. Mis. William Stover, ot Dickson ave nue, has 1 etui ned from a visit with Plttston friends. Clteen Rldgo Lodge, Independent Or der of Odd Fellows, held an Impoitant meeting last night. Healrlco Lodge, No. 71, Daughters of Itebeknh. will meet tonight In Ma tonic hall. Dickson avenue. Gieen Ridge people me more than ever proud of their own fire company, who dared the elements yesterday at the Loreiu Hie. None did better worfc than the members of the General Phlnney. The children of Mrs. A. B. Dunning are suffering from scarlet lever. Mr. and Mis. H. P. Reynolds left yesterday for New York, from which WHAT DO THE CHILDREN DRINK? Don't give them tea or coffee. Have you tried the new fcod dilnk called OK.UN OY It la dtltclouH and nourishing and tukes the place of coffee. The more Qratn-O you give thn ihlldren the more health you dlstrlbuto through their sys tems. Qraln-O Is made of pure grams, nd when properly prepared tantes like the choice grades of coffee but costs about H an much. All grocers sell It. lie. und SSc. Dr. Junes' Headache iPowden. NERVES ON EDGE. It is when tho nerves are irritated and disordered that headaches come. May be any one of a dozen primary causes, bat the result is always the same. Dr. James Headache Powders Soothe and restore tho nerve force mako it impossiblo for headache to exist. Perfectly harmless no unpleasant after-effects. Do sot street the heart la any way. At all Drug Stores. 4 doses 10 cents. CureWhare Others Fall. place they expect to sail for Switzer land Saturday, when they will be the guests of Mrs. HcynoMs slater, Mrs. Haskell. The tilp Is taken In the hope of benefitting Mis. Ueyii'jlds' health. DUMORE DOINGS. Funeral of the Late Miles McDonnell Will Take Place This Morning. Allen Wilson Buried. The funeral of the late Miles Mc Donnell, who was killed on the Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western rail road Tuesday night, while engaged at his duties as a brakeman at Washing ton, N. J., will be held tomorrow morn ing at 0.30 o'clock. The services will be held In St. Mary's Catholic church, at which a solemn high mass of re quiem ivlll be celebrated by Rev. M". B. Donlan and his assistants. Later the funeral procession will move to Mt. Cannel cemetery, where Interment will bo made. Division No. ai. Ancient Order Hi bernians, of which the deciased was a member, will attend the funeral In a body. A meeting of the membeis of the organization was held last even ing In the lodge rooms, at which all arrangements for attending the funeral of their departed lit other and other matters .pertaining to his death were made. KL'NKRAL OF MRS. ORADV. Tho funeral rei vices over the le malns of tho late M-.. Margaret Orady will occur this morning at 3 o'clock. The funeral will move from the home of the deceased's 'on, P. J. CJtndy, on East Di Inker street, and proceed to St. Marv's Catholic church, where a sol emn high mass of icil'Iem will bo celebrated. Interment will be mad In the fam ily plot In the old Catholic cemetery. ALLEN WILSON HURIED. The remains of Allen, the little x-year-old son of Mr. and Mis. Thomas Wilson, wlne death net lined the Hist of the week, weie laid to rt In the family plot in the luinmoio cemetery yesterday aftrnnor. The set vices wei. held at the homo of the patents on Clay utrcet ar.d weio well attended. SCHOOL DISMISSED YESTERDAY. The intens-e cold weather of yester day made the large room. No. 1, In the high fchool building, and the rooms occupied, by the lomir.eiclal deput ment, untenable'. In the morning the tcmpeiaturo of room No. 1 was 40 degiees, while the business department was U( degieea. The pupils were dismissed for the day. NUBS Or NEWS. The Ladies' Auxiliary, Anrlent Or der of Hibernians, conducted a in hall last evening which was successful in all Its fea tures, A large number enjiyed tl.e ev ening. Today H Candlemass day at the St. Mary's Catholic church, and It will bj celebrated In a fitting way by the cem gregatlon. A mass will bo celebrated at 8 o'clock, after which the usual dis tribution of candles will take place. Solid Gold Watches and Oenuine Diamonds with Tong Tina Tea at 127 Penn Ave., Scranton Pa. The Boston Tea Party have leased the store, No. 127 Penn avenue, for tho put pose of placing befoio the public their delicious Tea. Tong Tina Tea has come to stay and will soon be the people's, choice. With each can the purchaser lecelves some aittclc of jew elry, the vuluo of which Is regula'ed by the amount of tea purrhabed. The ni tides of Jeweliy consist of solid gold watches, genuine diamonds, iu bles, opals, peails and many other ar ticles too numeious to mention. Fol lowing Is a pattlal list of names of puichasers and what they lecetved: I''. II. Cohy got with his $3 oiUent $15 in cash and a solitaire diamond lng. Val Hopar, ro.ildenco 71J Cedar avenue, barber, got a. gent's open face watch, American movement. Joseph Kuhn, carpet cutter at Williams .fc McNuIty's, Wyoming avenue, a. gent's hunting case wutrh. O. Chupman, merchant at Clark's Green, a lady a beautifully engraved watch. Mlka Langan, 2111 Luzerne stieet, vvoiks at Continental mines, a lady's hunting ease watch. William D. Morgan. 32U Fifteenth street. Hyde Paik, a g'.-nL's watch. D. A. Hill, furnltuie dealer, Washington street, Hesldence .1.'6 Clay avenue, a gent's watch. Miss Floi ence IMalcus, of Plttston, with her $10 ov clers. a brooch set with 7 genuine dia monds, and many othets received val uable articles which we have not space to mention. How can this be done? Simply by putting tho expense of two years' ad vertising In ninety days, after wnlch time these choice teas will be sold sanvj place, price and quantity, but without the prises. Watch papeis for new list of numes eveiy day. All mall ordeis, when accompanied by cash or draft, will be piomptly at tended to. Open evenings till 8.00 p. m.: Saturday, 10:00 p. m. Price, slnglo can. II: 6 cans, $5.00: 13 cans. $10.00. Lady cleiks In attendance. BOSTON TKA PAKTV. 127 Penn avenue. HIHIHrlHIMUHIIIIIItniHinillllllllllllllllllllllllllllHrHIIHIII (Hmmtltmirillltllllir.ll UIIIHHIIIIHHHMHn As I Usual Big Bargains in All Kinds of Shoes. You will find here Shoes to protect your feet and look well, and our February prices will enable you to easily own a pair. All our regular grades marked as follows : These Are $6.00 SHOES FOR $5.00 A S, ' 4.00 " " 3.35 Will Oil Regular 350 .. 295 pay Goods, 3.00 " " 2.6O Y We Have 2.50 " " 2.10 I0U Broken Lines 2-00 t' " l65 To and Small I,5 ,. l'35 Attend ana .man l25 . II0 Lots ,.00 " " .90 oar At Larger .90 " " .75 MJ Reductions, -75 " " .60 Sale .50 " " .42 i s Corner Lackawanna MMm, SiiiiisiiiiiiiiBiiiBitiiBii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiu.- OBITUARY Mis. Margntct Moran, wife ot Thomas Moran, of ' River stieet. ilied jestes. d.iy evening .it her l.on.e. She was a well known mid generally HKid lesliUnt of the citv. having lived here bttween foitv llvo and lltty e!ll. and was a number of the Tlilnl Oulcr of St. Pi.incls ut St. 1'etetV cjthedwil. Hirfimiial will take place Mmid iy morning with !-ei vices at tit. l'eln'b and Inteimeiit lu the Catlu lenicttiy. Tiiei ilece.iseil is sill vlved tie tho following ihlldten: Ml- Intel. John, 'llminis. William, Jlai g.iret and Kate Moi.tu. Mary, the 17-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mr". John Juvee', of Main stieet. Mlnook.i, pa"si.,i away on Wednesday night after a brlel illnes". The will take plato this atternoon at .1 o'clock. Interment will bo made in tho Mlnook.i Catholic cemetei.v. Sergeant James C. Wlnteis, a biother of Rev. I'. C. Wlnterh. of Ilavvley. was burled with military hrnors at Tort Ham ilton. Iiiooklvn, Horn the Catholic church, a few days ago. lie was a mem ber of Battery C, I'lfth artillery. United States volunteers, having volunteered at tho beginning of the war with Spain. BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS ... MANUFACTURED BT ... CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. nrXOTE TIIK NAME. Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers a r OLD STOCK PILSNER 435 to 465 . SCRANTON, PA N. Ninth 8treet, Telephon; Call, 2333. MADE ME A MAN AJAXTAU-tlSi'UbriiVEUXtJCJtua jLtiii Utrvout J. iuoe-rii u Por sale In Scranton, Pa., by Mutthovvs Bros, ana H. C. gacderscn, Druggists. TRIBUNE WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RETURNS Kill IS v1 er7,impaisnc7,HiMpieunw,ue.Bfa V r by Abuc or otter i:icauM Hi Indtr M cretloM. Thtinutcklti.ana lurtlu l"-T tejtoto tort VltqlltT In ollorroung.tal CS. Iltamaaforttttdr, DiuUwMor marrlMfi 4SKlBriTat Isunity oad CosiamBtlon it Ulea latino. IbolrohO abows iismsdUta fniBroto. ment ted Cocti OUHE wbcrq ,olT rthw f ilj3- lit upoa.hulaa te e-aclno AJax lobltti. Tner tTt cared thouiaadt and will cars too. Via s pos- ItlT nrlttca caaranteo to oSoct u cure Kfl nT in uchuuoi rotcad tho.eiontr. I'riooWiWIwirjr pocUcai or.U tlcei Hull ueatiienti for Btt ft R-tl, la plal n wrr prr, own racijct ot r rice. Irraur AJAX REMEDY CO,, "iir Corner Lackawanna and FEBRUARY and Wyoming. Avenues. AMUSEMENTS. I YCEUM THEATRE - BUKUUMDLR & KBIS. Lssseis H. K. LO.SU, Alaaozer, Friday, February 2, EDWIN MAYO Pud-'nliead Wilson Mark Twain's Great Story, Dramatized by Frank Mayo. Pricc--$1 00. 75c , :uc 23c. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, MATINEE AND NIGHT, A Big Amusement Novelty. HI HENRY'S Oicatcr Improved MINSTRELS Positively tho Most Original, Novel and Most nxpcnslvo of Its Class. fO All White G'ji16 Pine Singers lii Stars. ,9 Star 0 40 $10,000 Hand 40 25 Concert J Orchestra. Comedlun. II New Yoik City 14 vaudevilles. Prices i:cnlng. lory, 2Jc. Matinee, aic, t;c, ji.oo; gui- 23c, We. Monday, February S, l.iibt Presentation of LEWIS MORRISON'S Complete and lllnbornte Llec trloal Prod uc. ion Car Loads of Se.nei.v. Magnificent. Electrical UfTcets. Tho Nurembtir Ci theilral. Tho Blazing Crosh. Tho Illum inated n irdi n. Tho 1'lery Hroi-Ki'ii. 'I hu Walpuigls Hevels. Tho Devil and tho Duel Piiceh-$1.00, 7r.e.. .'A-., i'e. Tuesday, February 6, Win A. Ilrmlv mid -lo' U (.iiimnn' lg I.iiuIilii lilt, t He fcruumlng Imee, A Stranger in a Strange Land I'roni the Mnnlnttun llienter, uw York, M. A. KENNEDY And a Good Cast. l'rlces-81.00, 7sc, aoc 25!. ACADEHY OF HUSIC, nUKQUNDER & KBIS. Usseet. It M. LONU, Atinr. AU. THIS WDT.K. THE HUNTLEY-JACKSON CO. f'haiiRO of play at each performance. Pour P.lg Siiccliiltles. Prices, 10, SO und ;t0c. Dlmo matinee daily. All Week, beginning Monday, Feb. .1. Matinee Dally, beginning Tuemlaj. Nlfcht prices, 10, it) und Sec. Matinee. 10 cents The Qlbney-Hoetller Company. 10 people. High class Vaudeville. Car load of special t-cencry. I.udies Half Tickets, 15e.. for Mumlny night. Seats on sale PiiiUy. To PATENT Botd Idus my be secured by our aid. Addreu, THE PATENT RECORD. gllUmot. Md. FAUST B Wyoming Avenues. SALE fit iff fnnistrV tliufttvinn miiitj ! M fi THE FIRST i i I i COST of a cheap range (so-called) Is not the only expense. Re pal! s soon run Into dollars. BuytautSterling.- j 57 uilt of heavy, clean castings rjr 1 with biieks twice the thick- fi ju ness of those in other ranges g then you make an cconoml- 2t srs cal put chase. 5? I I fs Foote & Shear Co. 55 n 5i U9N. Washington Ave !i llllllllllll ill SHORT IU DELIGHTFUL TRIPS of tno to five davV by duration, are offete tha Q1D DOMINION LINE to Fiieli wtll-kuovMt htitorlo points as Norfolk Old Point Comfort Richmond Washington nt the above prices, ravorlte Itoiile fioni the Noilh nnd Rit to tho Winter Itrsorts of Virginia and North Carolina. rm full Information npply to OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP CO Pier 20, North River, New York. H. B. Walker, Traffic Manager. J, J. Brown, Qen. Pass. Agt. 3 Daily, One Week, January 29, MM I Kennedy's Top into SAYS I TO JULIA." Mouelay, Tucbday and Weduesday, February 5, 6 aud 7, Grasshopper Burlesquers iM1 f3 1 noilP I l .....,, , , mx,.W.-j" j