.Vr- tfft W -TVKi'r''fHPr'WWr TtWrWf tvwvii -i t " jv" 7J . wywv. t ' irvtrv " ''T'TrwM'J',5S?klr,Mi'.,S?"'' -i - in THE SCRANTOX TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1. 1900. EVENTS OF DAY IN WEST SCRANTON KXOBAEL T. OtfLKIN INJURED IN BRiaOB SHAFT. While Engaged in Laying Tracks a Fall of Roof Occurred and Injuicd Him About the Head and Body. Several Other Accidents -Drawing for a Piano in Misonlc HallEn tertainment at St. Fatiick's Fair. Other Matters of General Interest to West Side Headers. Michael r. f'ulkln, who wn eiu plaved as n tinck Inyei In Hit- 1'tIbrs haft, mpt with a" lait.ful lecldmt while nt woik .vevtenh-y. whit li will incapacitate hlin for nmn time. He was engaged In laving .1 luitk leading Into one of the new thambei when h fall of roof occuned nnrt taught lilru beneath It. His shouldeis, legs and hips were badly bruised and he w is otherwise Injured. Heveinl woiknien assisted him to his home at 110 South Van Itiiren nvenue, when Dr. Htennin attended him and dressed his Injuikn. Hogrr Campbell, who Is also eni plovcd In the Ihlggs shaft a a drhe-, had cine of his tlntreis unshed whll nt work on Tuedav. '1 lie iiieinlii i was caught between a piop and a cat. He resides on Pike stieet William IMI. it miner In the Hamp ton, nui row ly osi.t) ed Pilous lnjiu fioin a blast while at woik on Tuesday morning. He was lliini: u blii't and had stnlted to it place. of s.ifotv when i the powder cxple.'ed. 'lho tljlng oal knocked him down fin! Iiuled hlin about the held and bud v. He w.n , able to w ilk hump aft'i the anldont. I Ml-s Beltln K-llj of i:inui stieM. , diu,rhl"r of Mall-can lei John H 'l- ' lv, 'lipped and fell "li ihe pavement ' nir her homo and it:i hi i late quite badlv. Miss Kelly I- it li at In l In No I 1 m hool. ' A .:.e.n-ell rhlM of Ml ami Mm Frank S. Hivden of I'vnon -Uett. fell a few das ago and -tl i ut li mi heal on ii stone iti'Motlng a deep gash In her foithead. SOl'INL functions. An enjovuble bhthday pally wa held at the home of Ml? Hay Davis on Hock stieet, Tuesday evening, and vas attended b a large numbe.- or aullar pejple Thov, presel.t weu: Misses Miiv I'eiber, Olive Piillev. Anna Williams, Anna I'nie, Mabel i;vans. Mabel Him oik, Mtlla Hvans, May Lewis, Canle Holllnbeck, Ray Uavls, Mav lial. H inn ih Wilklns. (iortrude ilooie, I.-na hoie, Iine Morfrans, r "-le r.Mis Masteis Koy "Wlnler, Hert Symtuis, tloiduii Thomn , Clinton Coiles, l;iin!e 1 ins, R', Williams, Roy Odtll LINwDith Will iams, Jo-rph Hoblnt-on John Ion w, I'en y Hanson, How lit' M.tsehal, !. ter Oliver Walt-1 Wilklns and Aitluil Wilklns. A laiRo ctowd of oiiiik people en- WHY DON'T U TRY IT ? Don't ou Know a MIkM couth m i unp hrrlou- l.itil. l'loi i.iitin illon at sui-b (i tlmi is the m r woisl thine llmi an liLpjieli Hhiiltts h ome ilt.lv iiioin. onh-. and an ordln ir uiili often leads to lints trouble. Iirrot'R'h I'RHNCH TAR I? what Mill want It N tried and true. I'or ule nt W. Jtn Klns, Druprlst, 101 S. Main nxenut. A WORD OF WARNING Our uuique three-price sale ot Ladies' High-Class Whiter and Early Spring Jackets has reached a suc cess far beyoud our expectations. WE NEVER ADVERTISE That wh'ch we cannot perform to the letter and so deem it advisable to warn our friends and patrons, that while si.es, color? aud weaves are still complete and just as described wheu the sale was first an nounced, the indications are that within a couple of days the breakiug point will be reached and as prices will not be lowered one single point further than they stand now. The reasons for quick buying are too apparent to need enforcement. WE REPEAT THE BARGAIN PRICES FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE AND REFERENCE. QiA Q& Your choice of any Jacket in stock that ' r,T,'"0 gold this season for $7.60 to $10.00. A-f &C O& Your choice of auy Jacket that sold at tW apCF.VO from $10.50 to $12.50. A 4- fcA Oft Your choice of anv Tacket that sell at tl, eJJV.y O from I3(SO t0 SjS.qo. REMEMBER 1 There is not a last season's garment in all this bar gain collection, while the tailoring and fiuishing is of the very highest possible order. Globe Warehouse Health Guarantee Get a bottle of Hostettcr's Stomach Hit lers from any druggist. It w ill cure your vvak stomach. The Bitters is for consti pation, Indigestion, djspcpsla, bilious ness, nervousness and all diseases arising from weak digestion. It has bceu known nil over the country for the past fifty years as the Cnnqueror of Dyspepsia. Sec that a Pnvn e Revenue Stamp covers tue hcck ot tnc uoiuc. It Makes Uoatetter's Rich Blood ilSgJr. Jovod a .sliav lldc to l'iftstrn on Mon day evening, v. he re the; weie cnltu iiilu'.'d at a supper and dance. Miss Atleluldo Urown acted as chapcion, ard the participants were Misses Han n ih riaherty. Martinet A. Tadden, (Jerlriido Hlewltt, Maigmet Q. Fad din. Apnea Walsh, riorenec Murray, tiiate llellly. l.aura Mchurds. Sadle Cjulntmn, i:tta dimming, IJllznucth Dully, Margaret flllroy. Alice Mash tan, Annie Mat ion, Messrs. Janus UtitTv. llobert 'J'lguo. Claude I.ennlng.t. Hex Lyons, I.eo Lynch. William Mur ray. Ituvmond Lesll. Paul iMuiray, Sthtiivttatl. X. V.: Maurice Qulnn. Chester Mason. Walter. Jteyno'ds, Her: .Snvdti, John Sweeney and Mai tin rngan. Mi. anil Mis. James RlthiiiiUon, ot 21T. Noith Varlhnen avenue, enter tained a paity of ft lend Monday oven lnf at a surprise pany In honor of their sust, I'luules 12 Mullet, of Salt Like tity. The i veiling a spent in Klines and othet dlvclsions, and re ft esnments weie witcil it .1 icafon uble hmu. Mi. Mullet has been visit ing heie for the past live icks inJ will t ' tin n home In a few das. VIHI'R I'OMINti ):vi:xts5. 'lln- toniuiltteo In chirse of the ar lanuemeiit loi the nnnlveisaiy or Itlpple HKMini, X-. 4", Sons of Tcm pei mt i1. will meet thl j cvertiiK i.t tnc home of Miss Maine )hllllp. Tlv ("It In itlon will be held in Meais" hall on ruesdav ivenlnn, K.bru.uy SO. Camp No '. !, I'atiiotle Older of Anietliiiiis will stv,. a dime supper in Itorite lull on Tuc-dav icnlni?. J-.'bin u I'. The members will ats- hold a Miclal In their looms net Tues dav o cnliif?. An enteitalnuif nt and social will be Blen bv the Sons r,f Voteians In Meirs' hall on Wednesday evening, rebriiuy -'I. An excellent progi amine is b?ing ui landed for the occasion The Hist annual ball of the St. Pet t'l's Total Abstinence and Hencvolent soi letv ill mil coips will be held in Meats' hall on Monday evening. IVIj luuiy .'i The pioceeda will be used in pin chasing instruments for th ootpt. rrxr i:AL axxoi'xchmkxts. Hi . J. U sswpet. pislor ot the Simp son Mi thodlst Kplsc opal church, olll- lated at the funeral of the late John W. Sandeis Aestetday morning. Tho services weie conducted at the housts on Houth Seventh vtioet and the remain- were taken to Clirk's Summit, win-re Interment was made yesterday afternoon A nillltniv but Lit will be accorded the late John Anneinan this afternoon. He was. a imminent member of Lieu ten mt V.na S. Grltlith post and an e-mimber of the Thirteenth regi ment. The erviees will be conduct. ! at the Wahbiiin stu-tt I'lesbjteilan ihuith at 1' o'clock 6y Hi v. J. V. Mof- fat, 1). " , ntnl Interment w 111 tic made. In tho Dunmorc cemetery. A PAIXl'UL BEUrJAVOtnXT. The Rev. Jamrs Hughes, of Lincoln avenue, writes saying: "Mi. and Mrs. David Jones, of Re becca avenue, have Just lost a little son S veara of age. They aro now In the midst of tho chilling gloom of a most painful bereavement. Ho was their onlv child and the Joy of their home. Tho dear boy tiled of starlet fever and because of tho nature of tho direful disease very few persons have felt nt liberty to tall on the- utrlckn patents to express their condolence and rvmpathy; but I urn pleased to s ly thot they have the deepest sympathy of the whole neighborhood. "This fact may prove some consola tion to them when they read It In your paper. The dear little boy was well known and very many In this dlstr.ct will miss tho familiar form of poor "Alfy." Tho prayer of their many friends is that God will grncelously sustain and comfort the soi towing patents." AXOTHLU COUNTRY DANCE. The Ladles' Auxiliary of Division No 1, Ancient Order of Hibernians nre mak ing arrangements for a countiy dance at Mears' hall on Wednesday cvtrlng. Fobiuary 14. A prize will be given to tho best dressed couple with the least dlsguhe. A cake walk will be a featuie of the event. The rommtttec of nnnnsements ton slsts of Mrs, Mai tin Moinn, Mis. P. J. Moran, Mrs. McMunn, Mrs, M. H. Mo ran, Misses Mellndu Aller, Nellie Rid del!, Maine Gavin, Maty MeHugh. Julia Limb, Xoia Gerrlty, Knthcrlne Healey, Nellie Grlfiln, Sarah Duify, Sunk Me Andiew, MM Slatteiy, Miss Gallagher and Miss Hogan. MAXAGKR BURR HUSTONS. ChuilcM A. Huir, of Madison avenue, who has been manager of the W. T. Smith Stole company in North Main avenue for the past twenty jears, has tendeied his resignation to the Fuller Coal company, who at piesuit i ondtict the gelieial store. The stoic Is conducted in conjunction with the Mt. Pleasant collluy and when the Tuller company imri based the mine they also assumed control ot tho store business. Mr Pun has been succeeded by A. C. t'wittliell. TICKET NO. 9J9S WON. Eiectiic City commandeiy. No. 177, Knights of Malta, conducted a draw ing In Masonic hall last venlmt for an upilght piano, whl"h .wis won by tick et No. 9J9S. held by Thomas H. Jones, of 151 Everett nver.ii. The thiiteenth ticket drawn fiom tin: wheel by Miss Vodils was th .'ucky coupon. During the evenlinj giapho. phone selections weie rerdeied under the direction of Isaic Jlanlels The committee in chaise of the Ji awing were Meredith Jons. M -. Diinmlck, Thomas Thomas anl Aithur Evan. KEYSER VALLEY HOSE CO. Conti actor P. J. MeArdicw has been awarded the tonti.tc: for the erection of the new building wh'h tin Keyset Valley Hose ."oni'iin will occupy on Jackson stieet in the Twentj -first waid. The stiucture will m two-sloi-les high. The giound llojr will be- oc cupied with the nppnatus and horses, and the second Hoot js a meeting loom and for social pin po-.es. WoiK on the building will bt com menced in a few das Tne company iceentlv lecelvci 4 '3 fcr- of new cot ton hose md will respotn to all aluims In tli.u tleinltv. ST. PATRICK'S CHFRCH FAIR. A mtislinl and litei.uy entertainment was tnjnjtd by a l.uge ciowd at St. rati kk's thine li fall Inst evening when a delgatlon from Noith St i. niton weie In attendant e. The piogranime consisted etf recita tions by Ciii.ildine Phillips, jnd vo nl solos bv Loretta Jennings, Rhnela Clarke. William Ljnott ami William F. liuike John Lai Kin, of Van Huien avenue, and MM Sweenev. of Lati.j ctte stieet, won the dom plUe Tuesday evening. P'TNERAL OF MRS. Dol'D. Tin it mains of the late Mi. Mlcluel Doud weie but ne tiom the lamlly ies el' in c on South VanUuien avenue to St. Patilck's i lunch itertlay morn ing. Willie Rev. .1. J. Rut'dy etltbiated a high mass of .-uleni. luge dele gation fiom the Ladies' Catholic Utne veilent nssoelitlon was In attendanee. The pall-beaieis weie. John Tight. William Fan ell, Hniiy Cuimon. Rieh ai tl MeHile. Thomas .Tn"Jin and Mli liul Stapleton. Tnt-iinent was mad' In the Cathedral ee:ueter. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. 'J he third of a seiles of Initial pup pets iv III be sfred by the ladior of the Fiist H.iptlst ehuiih this evening at the home ot Mi. and Mu. James M. Eaton, on Tenth Mseet. Tho inl tlils nic II to M Inclusive. The pub lic is invited and the r'gulii piln will be chaiged A ihlld of Mr. and Mi. Honr Davis, of 19 :s Washbuin stret t. while plalng iceentlv, had a needle broken oft In liei hand, which iaued n pain ful liiluiv. i.MIss Rebei ea Hiuke, .,f N'oitli Main avenue, is. visiting iiIn lives In 'e. Yoik. Misses Maiv Burnett nnl Mule Her ilty, ot Plo is mt slieit .ne spuidlur u few dajs with fib-nds In Caibon dale. The leviva' Fervites at the Simpson Methodist Eplstopal chinch aie b-huj lond'itted this week by tho p inter. Rev. J. li. Sweet. The embioldeiv el iss of the Young Women's Christian As cutlon v ill meet this i veiling at 7:30 o'clock All membets aio leejuested lo bo piestnt. Anyone wishing to join :ue nl.o invltsd to lie lucsent. L. M. Keene the jewele;, of JaeKson stieet, h.ia been cont'ned to his home What do the Children Drink ? Don't give thein tea or toffee. Havo you tried thu uw food think rnlleei GMIK-Or K ih tleliiious uud uouriaUiug aud takes tliu pl.ao of coffee, Tho more Grain.O vou give the children the worn health jou distnb. ute througu their bvstems, Graiu-0 U made of jiuro grains, und when jnoperly prepared tastes like the choice grades of coffee but cot about I as much. All grocers sell it. lEc. and 25c. Try Crain-Q ! Intiit tbtt yoarsrocerg.vft touGSAIN-O Acctptnolmitiuoa. After Searching Tests Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy lias Proved Itself to Be the Only Positive Cure for Kidney and Blad der Diseases, Thousands of reeiuests for ficu bottleH of Dr. David Kennedj's Favorite Rem edy are received nenily every day by the manufattuicis, and upon stilct In vestigation it has been found that no lehs than 91 out of every hundred of those I ciclvlnR tllal bottles have been so helped by the Remedy sent, that they have bought large sized bottles at their diugglstu. It has been pi oven beyond question that Favorite Remedy is tho very best medicine known for diseases of the Kidneys, Liver. Bladder und Blood, Rheumatism. Dyspepsia Chionlc Con stipation, and the sicknesses peculiar to women. The manufacturers are pre pared to send free trial bottles post paid to all those who will wilte, giv ing their full name und postoffiee ad dress to the Dr. David Kennedy Cor poration, Rondout, N. Y and mention this paper. Put some of your mine in a glass tumbler; if In 24 hours it has a sedi ment, or a milky, cloudy condition: if it Is pale or discolored, lopy or strlngv, ou need a good medicine, nnd Fa vol -ite Remedy Is the best one jou can tuke. It soecdily cures such danger ous symptoms as pain In the bin k. fre quent desire to urinate, especially at night, scalding burning pain In passing water, staining of your linen by the urine and Inability to hold It. Also the unpleasant and dangeious effects pio due ed on the svsteni by the use of whiskey or beei. Dr. David Kenned.v's Favoilte Rem edy Is sold nt all drug stoics at $1.00 ,i bottle-, or K bottles for to 00. j-lnce Monday with in attack of the grippe. Rev. W. D. Thomas, of PlOstcm, was a visitor on Ninth Bioniley nvenue, esterda. The GIojiki of th" Simpson Meth odist Episcopal chin eh will t ouduct .1 colonial tea on Washington's bhth day, Februarv L'2. The West Side Republican club will hold h regulai meeting this evening St. John's church fair will be re opened Saturday evening and ten al uable articles will be chanced off. Di. J. J. Roberts and Dr. J. J. Car loll will serve on the Weit Side hoi pltal stafr duilng the month of Feb ruaiv. Dr. Caiioli. of Plymouth, spent j,es terday with his btothu:, Di. J. J. Car roll, of Jaekt'on street. A large audience gleeted the Yoke Fellows band of the Rillro.id Young Men's Christian Assentation at the ui'd winter camp-meeting services In the Salvation Army barracks last evening Mis. Margaiet Davis, of Seattle, Washington, who&e serious Illness was leported a few dajs ago, died a shoit time after the death 'of her daughter. Mis. Samuel R. Price, was repotted. Both were former residents of West Scranton and had many friends In this vicinity. It Is repotted that Councilman Kd waid James, jr., of South Muln avenue. Is ill at Buffalo, N. Y.. where he went a few das ago on a visit. Rev. L It. Fostei, of Xoith Lincoln avenue, has Milllclently reeov creel from his leeent Illness to bo out again. NORTH SCRANTON NOfES. Officers for the Excelsior Dramatic Club Elected Funeral of Mary Edwards. Tin l"ei Isior ri.imalie i lull held i nietlng In their loomt- lest Sunday afti innon. The follow Inn ollbeis wen elected foi the en-uing jn. Pu. tie nt. .Tami Muiphv. vice piesident J. P. Golden: tlnim ill "eiutaiy, Dan ii 1 P. Healy: iccordlng feeiitaiv, G. J. l.ottus icasnier, Thomas Nov comb: lllnai 'an. J. J. Bariett: ?er-geant-at-arnis. J, J. Roland. On Marth lti the i lub will pioduic "Cat tain lack, or the Iiish Outlaw." an Interesting drama, for the benofl of Division N'o. if Ancient Oidei or Hlbcinlin. A PI.EASXT EVENING. Thioiish the klndlii s.s of Outside Foieman G. S. Dei ker. a veiv pleas ant ti lp thioutjh the Ca ugi mines was Tuesday evening enjojed b.v a paity of young pejplt composed of James Hat tw ill, 1'itd Thomas, is. T. Gould, Chat its Loiens, Fied Gould, Ms Maud Sbumwav, Miss Ou.'stt Bo gardus, Miss Ella Walters. Miss Mui g.uet Gould. All the points ot inteifst weie v love 1 bv them und ,u exceedingly pleasant I fine was spoilt. Flashlight pletuies weie taken and then ut 10 otlotk the tioivd was hoisted to the sulfate and lett for home. FUNERAL NOTICES. The funeirtl of Maiv, the little daughter of Mi. and Mrs. William J. Edwards, was held this afternoon at ' 'J o'tlock from their home on Spiing street, and was laiel altonuiitl. Th' t-ervltes wetc conductid by Rev. 3 A. Evans. Intoiment at W.nhbuin stieet temeteiy. The pvll-benerr. weiu. Olivet G. Piiwtll Itobert Thomas, Reesi an I SIU Evans. Thi tuneial ot Petei Maloney will be held tomonow morning ut 10 o'clock. The icmains will be taken to the Holy Koh.ny cliuicli, vvlieio a high linibs of ieiiiitm will be teltlnrttod. TOLD IX A FEW LINKS. 'I he Ladies' Aid sotlety of the Pi evi dent u Metric 1st Kplscoi.il chinch will hold a thimble paity in the cliuicli pailois this afternoon, The ladles of the Piovli'eme Pies bteiian i lunch me n.iil.lng ptepaia tlons to hold a .supper on Washing ton's blrthdiy. The Kejstone Llietaiy and Diamatle club will tonduct their weekly m lal in tiie audltoiiiim thisi evening. Mlt-s Jennie Veils, of Wilkis Haire. was tilt guest ot Mis William Obeits. ot Feidlnand stieet. the foic part of this week Tho Modao Social club conducted a social in WoiklnBmeii'.s hnll last even ing. The ifi air whb largel.v attendul and wits thoroughly enjoed by thosa piesent. Tlio membeis of the Christian Kn deavor boclety of the Welsh Congre gational chinch, Wist Market stieet, will conduct a debate und enteita'ii ment on next Thuisday evening in tho vestry loom of the chuuh, The tiue-"-tlon to be discussed Is: "Resolved, That England is justlfled In her piesent war with tho Hoers," Those repiesentlns the itfllnnattve ure Emlyn Jones. Robert R. Williams, Janus Lewis; negative, Miss Hannah William, David E, Jones and Daniel Thomas. A musical and literary piogram has been pre pared for the occasion. Admission will be Jiec. DAY'S DOINGS IN DUNMRE BOROUGH DEATH OF MRS. STANTON AT WHITNEY'S POINT, N. Y. Funeral Took Flace Yesterday and Was Attended by Several Foraono from This Place Miles McDonald Killed at Washington, N. J. So cial for the Benefit of Frederick Hartnoll Was a Success Ladies' Auxiliary, A. O. H., Will Hold a Social Tonight Personal Nctes. Tho deith of Mis. Katharine Stan ton, which occurred at Whitney's Point Monday night, came as a most cruel blow to the many relatives and friends in this borough. Mm. Stanton was well known throughout town, having lived in the borough for a. period comprising mony jears prior to making her home at Whitney's Point. She Is suivlved bv one son and tw daughters, who arc Dr. William Stan ton, of Philadelphia: Mrt. Connolly, ot Green Ridge, and Miss Grace Stanton, who lived with the deceased at Whit ney's Polni. The funeral occuned yes terday afternoon with lnpicslc ser vices. Among there who nttoml.'i fiom this borough wte Misu Ji sale Wagner and William Pottei, of Green Ridge and Rlakelv sttiltts, ane! Mr. and Mis. Robert P. Savage, 'if Grcjn Ridge stieet. MILES M'DOXALD KILLED. News leached this bototigh yester day of an accident, which occiurcd at Washington, N. J., in 'vhlch Miles Mi -Donald, a. well known and popular young man of this plan, was Instant ly killed on the Delaw.ut. Laekawanni ad Western railroad, while engage 1 at his duties us biakeman. Deceased is u son ot P.itilck Mi Don ald, of East Drinktr stieet. The le inalns weie brought to the heme In this borough estriday. The funeial etrangements will be made l.Uci. PRED IIARTNOLL'S BENEflT. La t evening' Washlngion hall wa the 'ccne of a billllunt and merry eomnanv, tho occasion being the. bene. lit social given Fredeiiek Htutnoll. Seldom has the hall b -en so ptoftisely decoiated as last evening's quests saw It, and with music furnished by Wuh leis brothers the evening vvas jasjol In a moht pleisant maunci. The committee stiove haid to make the rfiali a social und 1lnintl.il suc cess and tiny succeeded. LITTLE NEWS ITLMH. The Roma band Is making anange ments for anothi r grind nclul and ball, to be given In Kejstone nail dur ing the month. A speeltb data will soon be given The Centurj Dancing clcss will not meet this evening as tinnounced, but have postponed their usinl social to Thursday evening. Pebiuiry s. The Ladles' Auxiliary, Ancient Or der of Hibernians, will hold a social In the Young Men's Trnperaute Llt eiarv and Renellclal societ's hill to. night. The Ladies' Catholic Benefit ast-cli-tlon will mtet in their looirs inis even ing :t S o'eloik. All rmmM. aie ".e iiuested to be present. The eei lithe -tafr of St. Marks Eplstopal chuitli will ni'it.thls even ing in the e hut eh turlois at y o'clock. PERSONAL MENTION". Rev. M. IJ. Dr.nlan is in New York i lt.v, when he w 111 i lid - -vei.il tl lf- Earl W. TSMiop spent jesteidiy In Wane coant. Miss Ltiiitsc Hoffm.ini., Dilnkr ttnet, is the guest of fiielid'. in Phil i delphla Vlitoi Plnknev. v lit his oten visit ing his parents, Mr. and Mis M. Pink my, on Hloom i-tn"t. Mr the jnt two week-, has letuind to hi- duties ,it San Juan, Pueito Rim GREEN RIDGE. Mis. J L lini, eif Saiiclti-eei avenue, has etui lied from an ixlcndcd lslt at EiM litt lln. Pa. The Telephone tump.Miy Is etenl ing their wires up Muns-ty avenue to Sunset avenue. Mis. I. ,-diafcr. of MontroM, is visit ing liei sistei, Mrs. T. I'oore, of Ca pouse avenue. Alexander Meldiuin, of Richmond .tvenae. Is enteit lining hU nephew, Alexander Law, jr. of Abeiden, Seot land. Mr. Law is on a pleasuie trip to this tounti v. Last evening about .' o'i lock t small bi horse .u tin lied ttv a light covered Solid Gold Watches and Genuine Diamonds with Tong Tina Tea at 127 Penn Ave., Scranton Pa. The Uoston Tea Paity have leased the htoie, No. 1-" Penn avenue, for tho put pose of placing betorc the public, tlieit delicious Tea. Tong Tina Tt. has come to stay and will soon bo the people's ihnlte. Willi each can the puichaser leeches some article of Jew ell V, tho value of which is tegula'ed by th amount of tea purchased. Tin aitleles of Jeweliy tcinslst of solid gold watihes, genuine diamonds, m liics, opals, pc.nN and many other ai tleles too iiiiiiicious to uientlon. Kol lowiug Is a pan lal list of names of puieha.seis and what they leeelved: Mr. William Davis visiting in the cilv got with his $5.00 oiilem $50 00 in i ash and a lady's tolid gold watth .set with 7 genuine ill mionds, Mts, Waltei Williams, of Niihol-on, an elegent hoise-slioo lnooih, Matthew Golden, lilenuiu Exeelsloi Hose house, ieldence ::iti Oak St., a genu' watch. Anieilcin movement; Win. D. Roberts, engineer on I), L. & V. 11. It. Stioudsbuig, Pa., Gietn bt., a gLiits' hunting i.iso watcli. James Waul, winks ut Hyde P.uk mines, les, ::js Quay ave an njiiii fate wattli beautifully engraved: E. Iliownell, cuipentei. ics, y.'O Pig bt., n gents' watch: John II. Jones, DJ4 Urom ley ave., woiks at Pine liiook mini"', a'solltuiie diuiuond ling: Chis. E. Fa lien. gt. foi lliiifh Mfi.. got with his $10.00 oideis $13 00 In cash and a gen uine diamond stud. How can this bo done'.' Simply by putting the expense of two ve.us' ad leitNng in ninety days, uftei wnich time these choice teas will bo sold sumo place, price and eiuuntltv, but without the prizes. Wattli impels for new list of names eveiy day. All mall oideis, when accompanied by cash or draft, will lie piomptlv at tended to. Open evenings till S.00 p. ni.; Saturday, 10:00 p. in. Pi he, single can, $1: 6 cans, $3 00: U tans, $10.00. Lady cleiks In attendant e. UOSTON TEA PARTY, 127 Penn avinue, JH EH TS0. iwta JiEjTTnTTg tiSBVfi Sovereign Remedies stand Pre-eminent as tho only full line of Pharmaceutical Preparations on the Market. ,- They are mado not only to sell bat to care. SOVEREIGN REMEDY CO., 'i?f PhDaMphia, Pa. eatilage became unmsmgeablo and dashed down Marlon street fiom Dun ii'oio at a liightful rite. The dilver, whose name tould net bo learned, leaped from the carrippe as the hoise started down the deep hill blm, Washington avenue. The hoise ton tlnuid his mad (light to the Delawaie and Huds-on tios"lng on Dlekson ave nue. whei" It i an aalnrt the large gate post. The force of the collision u lleved the hoTe of the ciuhigo and In continued his uin up Dickson ave nue, where he wns e aught, 'i lie cai ilage vvas badlv vteeked, but the n.an and horse were not hint. Mr. and Mis Jotepli Ilangl spent este relay at Dalton. wheie they were the guests of Mis. C. 11. flalam. The Women's Christian Temperance. I'nlon of Green Ridge will meet thli afteinon at S o'clock in the Giton Ridge library. All are welcome. Pea Coal $1.25 a Ton Delivered to South Side, central city and central Hyde P.uk. Addtes oidei s to J. T. Sharkey, 1914 Cedar uve. 'Phone 66S3. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Distressing Case of John P. Kaub, of 027 Cedar Avenue, Reported to Mrs. Dufjgan. A tllstiesslng i.i'-e of si(knis and poverty w.is npoittd to Mis, Diiggm, ot the Associated f'll.nlllt s, Hie foi p.nt of this wiek. John P. Kaub'. an aged in in, with ills tiftiep-vi u-old diiiightii, IUkI in tin bailment . i. iij" C dai avenue. When Mis. Di'g g.m uiiiveel mi the scene Kaub w.n blllg 111 bed suffiiing fiom diop- . and to nil appeal. Hire the elhease i id I e n lied the ,ul vane ed stge. No visible means of suppoit vt!' oti putnt and Mis. Duggan hid tb smc man lemoved to Liekawauna lio-pltil for tir.itment The giil was i iki .i cue of b" Rev Piter Chi 1st and placed in an Institution. A pretty; wedding. A veiy pretty wedding took plao yesterday morning at 10 o'clock in ht Marj's, German Catholic chinch on River stieet, the ontraitlncr yuitl's being Mis-, Ann i A. Reich nbaeb. elaugl'tei of Mr. and Airs. Jacob U" Reidenhich, of M! Store aveni'e. ,nii H J. Mi Gcehln, telegraph npci.itoi for the Mrantoii Tinif-. The w ie united In marriage with a nuptial high mass. Rev. Pttei t'hrlst. pasloi or Si M.u'n chinch, ollleiiting. Tile biich was hnud-iimelv eosluiueil in brown silk, tilmmrd Ith veU"t satin, while her niaid. Mis-. Kate Reld enliach, hei sistei wa-. tastily gownid In a diess of steel silk. Riidal to wero cairied by both oun.r I idle.. James Kitult, ot Minool.a, vias gionni'-maii l.it evening ! reiepilon t.as In M at thi home of the bible's puents on Stone avenue, at wh'ch mnv filtmN and iclitlvisof the oung temple wei 1 lest J. and tendeied tlielr eougiatil l.itions and best wl'-hes, iuong those pu-ent in the muiiilni; at the w Hiding weie M1.-S Mai Ion M iieeliln. a vister of tla gloom and nui-e at Ilelleviii hospital, Nov Voile tlt. and his biother John MiGtehln, of M.uleteiu. Ml and Mrs. Me Gcehln will tomnien e housekeeping in i tozllv fiun'shiil home on Stone avenue. NPHS OF MT.VS. At Hotel Host pallors the Fnuitiiii Fi lends will met t in icaular session this eViIlill!.'. The ollkeis who Weie elected at the last meeting, will be in stalled and the puseiit c of eveiy mem ber Is leijuestid. The Pleasuie tlllb, of Moltke e.istle Knights of the Golden Eagle, will ton duct their annual misiuciadu bill u I'lbrimiy s. Mis. Willl-tm Helnwlch. of Maple Htiet. on Sunda celebiated her slt sKth blillidav In peifect health. Dur ing tho day her ihlldiou and grand chlldien galheitd at the family homo aud oNtcnded their toiirfiatulations, wishing the aged lady many liappy ia turns of the da. Mis. Stephen S. Spiuks. of Cedar ave nue, is uenveilnir tiom a seilous Ill ness The ninth gill in rived vestenlav ut the home of Mr. and Mir. Heiman Hclnvicli, of C.7 living avenue. OBITUARY Mrs. TlioiuiH tlrud. of 1015 Kusl lirluk er street, IMnnioie. died yt titi rd i niiiiii. lug ut the home of lur son, 1. J, (irmly, lifter an Illness of the last few months. Sho was un old und well known resident JHEY POSITIVELY CURE, Coueht Oolf Grippe Sore Throat Rheumatism Dyspepsia General DebllltyN Catarrh Asthma Blood Poison ' Diarrhoea Croup Heart Failure "; Kidney Trouble Liver Complaint ( Worms Nervous Trouolet Neuralgia Whooping Couch r00R pain plasters give Kistont relet sovereign Tonio for Man. Sovereign Tonlo for Women. m Bt"Hom$Tnautrt" ixn AMUSEMENTS. I YCEUM THEATRE - BURCIUNDKR & REIS. LiiMII. M. K. LOU, Alanazer, Friday, February a, EDWIN MAYO Puuu'niiead Wilson Mark Twain's Great Storj-, Dramatized by Frank Mayo. Prites-$100, 75c, Me., 25c. ' " ... - i . SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, MATINEE AND NtQHT, A Hlg Amusement Novelty. , HI HENRY'S Grc.'trr Impioved MINSTRELS Iostlveh the Most Oilglnal, Novel and JIo"l Eniiislve of Its Clns. :o All Wlilto y li, Fine Singers 38 Stais 'i star S to JlufKi Hi oil til Comedians. ;i. Concert M1 II New Ynilc rity H Oieliistia Vaudevilles Piltis-Eviiilnr "rte. 7"e, $100, gal bi ""c . Mntiuii , " . rue. Monday, February 5, I iifct Pi oscillation of LEWIS MORRISON'S I'oiiiiileto uad Rliiborato Lief. trie ill'rndiicnon n Li ids of Sniieiv. .VIngnllie tut Eli e Mli li lllfuls 'I lie Nilltmluiig t'.i Hi di il Ihe III ili g fro s, Tho lllum in lied 'inlilf li. 'lln l'leiy Hiopken. '1 ho iViilpiiigls it. viN The Devil and tho lni-1 I'rlc es . em, ;v , frie , lie. ACADEHY OF HUSIC, BUHOUNDKR & REIS, Lejseej. tl. K. LO.MJ, Manager. All This Week, Thi Hu.itUy-JicHson Company. I'h.uirfe ot pi ij at i ach performance. 4 BIG SPECIALTIES -4- w rr I.i ml of Sieicn. See the 'Two Tucks" In Si ?, Diikos and Chirac- lei f'hiuires. Aces, .', and 7 cais. Prices 10c, 20c and 30c. Dime matinee dilly. il Matinees One Week, .lanuarj 29, Stieefian l Kennedy's lop Notcliers "SAYS I TO JULIA." .Monday, Tucsihy and Wednesday, February 5, 6 and 7, Grasshopper Burlesquers of Spent Hill unci n tinge number of tileueU iiioilin her death. TYPHOID IN THE DELAWARE Trenton Will Continue to Suffer from Polluted Stream. Tienton, N. J Jan. 31, Dr. Hcniy Mitt hell, setictaiy of tho stite houid uf health, has suhmitted n ieport on tho 1 ondltluu of tho Delawuio river water, which was iinal.vcd at tho sug gestion ot the Titnton lio.itd of heulth. The iiiiulvsls shows that then ure lm pinltles In llio watei, and that while it Is used In Trenton for drinking nnd looking pui poses tliero will he out hitaks of typhoid, Tho boaid found tint gaihagn is dumped into the Dt-luwuiu liver fiom stows at Hasten atul that at Lambert vllle it fuse matter Is dumped along the liver bank and chains Into tho liver. Tho pollution wus found to he worse at Tienton than ut points fui- ther up the river. ' General Correa Dead. M.idild. Jan. St. flcnenil Correa, for n.eily minister of wui, U dead. FAUST , '1 L-JP11 ' i' ' i il 1 1 gi yivJJVSa Daily. S '- - r-