The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 01, 1900, Morning, Page 3, Image 3

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The latest in Sheet MurIc, both
popular nud classical.
If you don't see what you want
isk for It, and we will proruru it In
three days time. A few second-hand
Planes and Organs cheap for cash,
or on easy payments. Must make
room for new stock.
Ice Cream.
g Per
fOc Quart.
Telephone Orders Promptly Ho. I versa
2Jj-37 Adims Avtnua.
Scranton Transfer Co.,
Always Reliable.
All kinds of tiansfer work
promptly and .satisfactorily done.
OfHco 100 Lackawanna Ave.
Office Phone 525. Barn Phone 6082
fill, lS fl IIMEN FRUITS
420 Spruce Street.
Masonic Temple.
The Only Dentist
In treC'ity Wholsn Graduate In
Heclnca piltcs fur the net 1 rials as
Gold Crowns $2.50.
Gold Fillings 50c.
Best Set of Teeth $4.00.
Silver Filling SOc.
t'iniMi nml hiidgc woll. n spot tally. If
on lrive ,in Denial work to Vie done rail
ii rl have ynin teeth . indued tree of
charge. Painless ..Miactlu'i.
Dr. Edward Reyer
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Office Hours 9 a. m. to K 00 p. m ; 2 to 4.
Williams Building. Opp. Po&toffloe.
POOR IHlAiili M1;i:TS.-TIh'. will lie
a regular meeting ot the our liu.nd In
its rooms in tlu tit hall tonmiiuw .u-
ton tins and Wati r rumpiim is tunny
p:i)lng Us usual iiuartult ilhldiiid of
one -halt ol one pir ci nl , bclm, at the
lain n two pi r out. per annum.
Joseph Clirllmiiiowsky was last e rutin;
committed to thi i omity Jail bv JiHtlie
of the 1'iaic Willi, mis, ol Pi i cinii'..,
rhitgid with ilot-ruloii and noii-suppott
of famllj.
HAND INMl'ltBD-llail. Ciatkeltill.
l mlu r. istird.iv wint into the L.icka.
wiiinn liiipital and nkni lot tieatnunl.
Ino of hl.t bands had l en cnlud uu
ler a large plcrc of ro.d wl.l. Ii (ell on It
mil was badly biitlMii It was banting, d
nd tlui man thin v. cut home.
I'lltST AHHOT MADB-Tlio Hil ar-ts-t
maile in time tlatu took pl.ict at .! l"i
"tlorl: vostenlay afternoon when Pa
lolmiin I, r. Jones in i est id on Adams
itcnue. a man who was In a very ilium.
u condition, and whom be tool, tn thu
eutial police station for sate kit plug.
APPLt: SOCIAL. Tito Upwoith leaguo
)t tho Hlir Paik rluirth will holt an
'apple nodal" In tlui lei tine room of tin.
liurcli tonight at S o'clock All ouag
jieopb) mo ceii-illillt iutittd to attend.
This is something i ew in tho way of ,.o.
rials nnd will bu vt i' liiteresllntr, Tin re
will bo a shoit literary progiammu In.
toio tho sotlnl.
.MAKING PISO(ilu:s.S.-Dald Morrl".
thn tuiployci at the Hciauton Nut ant
Bolt woiks, who was rctlrnisly but tied
Monday by a itdhot bar of uteel, Is mak
lug good prngicrH nt the Lackawanna
hospital wheru Ins was taken. J lis left
leg, however. wu badly Injtncd, a Urgo
holij being burned Into It, nml It will ie.
nulrc some lime lor It to heul.
Mrs, Wlnslow'a Soothius Srup.
i, thn '.ett ninnlv for DIAItllHOKA.
Hold by nil JJiufglfctH In tv'ery part of the
world. Be sure and ask for ".Mr. Wins
low'o Scotliliif Sjrup," and take nu othr
klci. lwertj'flvc cent a buttle.
Has been usicl for over PH.'TY YKABS
,,' MILLIONS of MOTI1HR8 for tl.tir
I'AlNt IJl'llJ-.n niU COLIC, and
Will Assemble in the Mayor's Office
Monday Evening.
Minor Mnlr, at the rceiucst of Com
mon Count ilmnn Calpln. Ins decided
to call a special nitetliiK of the via
duct confluence committee for next
Monday evening In his olllco lit rlty
hull. This rommltlce, Mr. Calpln
thinks, has not done alt that he de
slrtd It s'loiild do when he Introduced
the resolution providing for Its ap
pointment. The olllrlals of the Traction company
hut! been seen and asked what that
corporation would contribute towards
the viaduct lmt no effort has been made
to him- the otllilals of the Lackawanna
company. The mayor whm Instructed
to y 1 1 1 c In tht'M' w Itli it view of mak
ing,. in nppolntnient but he haw not
done so, claiming that Mr. Truesdale's
rental ks while heio Indicated plainly
that he will not consider the piesent
plant for a moment.
Mr. Calpln says that Mr. Truesdnle
has never seen the present plans or
rather that no mi'tnber of the mmmlt
teo has shown them to him. At next
Monday evening's meeting he will In
sist that some definite action be taken
one way or the other.
Spent by Members of Liederkranz
Ball Committee on Tuesday.
The committee whlih had charge or
the l.i'ldoikiana m iseiucrade ball,
which was held list week, wa.t ten
doted a leceptlon Tuesday evening at
Hie home of Chillies Wcti.'.el, on !. ick
awanna avi nue, at hi"h they vvro
rtitel tallied with an excellent supper
which was followed by t'tmrlng.
The committee If-elf .vjis riiinpo.f.l
of Plunk P.cclur, tieolKu Nelson Veils,
Vletoi Wenrel, lsadoie Itom and
Chiulcs Wrtizel. The lollowlng were
piesent nt the jeicptlon: Mi. and
i.Mr. Fied New, Mr. and Mts. 1
Xlm.urr, Mi. and Mrs. Coniiid Wen
mi. Mr. and Mts. 1'hiitini Wenel, Mr.
fin! Mis. enslave Wensrel, Mr.t Her
man i-chmhH Miss I, nun i Vitv.el,
Ml't melhi Wenzcl, Ml His! We:i
rel. Uessis. Frank, Nels m
Tee's Victor Wenzci and Im'I"ii'
I too".
In the cutrro of the evening -"ivial
tla-hllght photost.ipus were taken of
the party.
Circular with Reference to It That
Has Been Issued.
The following ha bten Issued bv Dr.
1). A. CapwcJI, provident of Hie board
of ti unices of Keystone academy, with
lefcrt nee to the eomlng baneiucC
The misters of It.v stone iicaikniy have
ai ranged to give a li inouet to the alumni
and liknds of the ttii-tit lit tun tui the
evening ol Pc brunt v i. at Ii :.0 o't leek tn
the pallors of the 1'iiin Am nue Baptist
chinch, Sci union Tim iiilcict& of our
worthy aciulmj hae nut ruelved the
n Mention they mult fiom ittsons red
dent In thn Held ill " hleh It Is located
It Is the di sin of the 1iii.ii it to a-m-tile
Ke stone's fl lends on the occasion
n.innd for .in ew nlng of social tnjuv
inent when, afttl lull ill-dice lias been
dune to the kooI things tor the boilv, the,
sin ngthmiug and cnliitginicnt of the
school inn be eonsldiicd.
Arinngenicnts have bftn made with
the D"liwaie. I.aekawnnn'i and West
ern (onipaiiv In .s"ii the lialn leaving
here at midnight at Olmburn. D.illon
and rr.t'toiyvllle.
F. D. Van Burea Entertained Frientlo
Last Evening.
t". 1. ' anlli'i-en. ,'nnlti l of the board
of trade building, t nf'itiillit d a l.'i.'e
numb' r of his n lends ii his nun un
III pl.lle last lligt.l II pies, nt
spent a ven pbasant i veiling-, an -tellent
Imiih 1'i'liit; K'lMil and v.ulous
amusements In I nil ludiilj.'cd in.
Mus-le was toiidtitd by n body of t"ii
liaiiii'inli.i plnjei.s T!tore In atleiid
iiinv weie: Willi mi .1. Yliomas. Will
iam O' HlCSrel', M. .1. Delpll, Ji'S'O
C.llcs, diaries H, Heed's. .John W. Kck.
Chailcs H. 1'olt. Willii'ia Decker C.lles.
William IUppH. K M. Bll.-s. l-'i.i!
Sprmdel, William Challenew. r. .
Mi t zee, Aiihur Wllinoie. t'liailes
D.tln I. II. Bliss, '. II. Uiipii. K.
o'tliiiu. T'lunias Itleliard.'in, Tlnniiaj
Ciam and .lohn 11 .SUP' ml.
- .
City Will Be Represented at tho Com
ing Meeting in Wilken-Barre.
I'lom )iri.tnt iudit itinus Stiautou will
be repuse'ittd In the Atlantic league of
base ball clubs I lit- turning season. The
Tillnuie ha hreu idlably Informed that
seu-iid nun lntfrelltl lu the nune will
reprt'M'iit this elty nt tb" meeting ot thn
piomutets which will be In Id in Wllki ie on I'Vb. I", but their Idtutlty r,iii
not be posllltely tout hid for at the pros,
tut time
Wllkrs-Barre will also b" In line wlnn
thu i limit Is foimetl, and ii Is undet
stood that neal 1 JJ,i"ii) has nlreatl been
subset Ibetl towards a club In the
til. The oilnr towns will probably bo
Allcntown. Iteatllug, Lam aster. Wilming
ton, and Itlioi' Newaik, HariDbtilg, At
lantic fit. Cluster or Tienton.
I'nder this heading short lettcta of In
terest will be published when accompa
nied, for publication, by the writer's
name. Tho Tilbune tines not assume, ic-
spontlblllty foi opinions here expressed.
Mr. Hartnoll Expresses Thanks.
IMItur of Tin Tilbune
Sit May I ask a btiet spate la your
miliums tn iiublbly in know bdge tho
gi'lieinas ii"pncsi in an appeal vnliin
larll made in my behalf bv Mr Tom
Waig, tilegraphir at the I'etinsjlvanla
Coal tompain's ollici of this botnugh,
Thtoilgh Iho couites iMtndid Mr.
Waig was pernilttid to visit tath de
paitimnt ot the above olllco to ni licnc.
III. T all toulribullng. I wish in ex
pie"S my slntete apptt t latlon for their
s.Miipathetle and peeuniaiy unieiii
branco of me. Pn. similar cvldcnic ot
kindness I am hubbttd to many ouug
men of this lommunity who nssumed a
fico will effort In the iiatuio of a "liene.
lit" which was In Id last ev tiling nt
Washington hull. To the lommltteo In
ehirgo nud tin so eonttlbutlng to Its sue
ttss whit It I thieitully leiognlzu among
all ilt nominations. I most lespectfully
uslt the acceptance ot my appreciation
and giatltude. I wish al.-o tn thank the
inemberbhlp of thu Young Men's limit
tutu for their hospitality In tendering tho
Hsu of their rooms for the occasion and
for any other aid contributed to and
fulminating to my Interest,
To tho committee, patrons and bene-
utters nl gener'l, I thank you all.
Prcdtrlck Hartnoll,
Dunmore, Jun, 31,
A Feast of Literature.
Passengeis on the Lake Shote Limit
ed, tho most luxurious train In tho
woild, are treated to a peifoct feast of
llteintuie. This palatlul tialn. is sup
plied with thieo libraries, Including so
lected lists of standard and popular
novels and books of refeicnce, and the
latest niaguzlnes. weekly Illustrated
Journals and principal dally papers.
It Was Served in the Booms of the
Organization on Wyoming Avo
nue Speeches Were Made by Hon.
James J. O'Neill, Rev. D. J. Mac
Goldrick, Dr. W. M. Reedy, Attor
ney James McKinnoy, Frederick
Forbes and Attorney M. F. Conroy.
Thoso Who Attended.
The second anniversary
Scranton Council, No. 1M,
Columbus, win held last
banquet of
Knlghttf of
evening at
the society s rooms on Wyoming nve
nue, and was a sutcessftil tiffulr !n nil
that this, much used but nevertheless
llttlntr adJretlM' impllos'.
Successful as regatds attendance,
lor thers weie over U'" luenibei.s of
the oilier piesent; successful as o post
tuaiiillal effotts, for the afttr dinner
spcei lies were In all Instances blight
and entertalnlniy, and List but not
least. Fticccssful :n reir irds the menu,
for Cateier Hartley had In readiness
a most delicious and enjoyable repast.
The dinner was neivd In the largo
nieetliiK loom of lite club qunttors,
made beautiful by artistic floial utc
otations, After lb" menu had be.-n
tl'orjttghly discussed tho ';1?uih weio
passed mid general Rood fejllnu pre
vailed duiliiK the after-dinner re
uullk. .lust befoie the peei hnrikhiR beuan
the followlnt; beautiful poem, typiry
linr the put pose of tin order, was sum;
by all stttrnllne;:
Shuf e Ills pralsex loud and Imrx,
And let the unenlightened know,
In ivuy 1 1 ho of your son,,
The Kieat dei ds done though hum line.
Bv Columbus ot the iilliitit soul,
Who tilsl old Neptune lli.s eontliillfd,
Bespit,, of (iiv. ihttUue, i;old.
In the dim past ol louu "c,o.
With Uine o'er stotni sea.
He thrilled the world of leiiK ago,
While wisdom, llukid with destiny.
Ill Justlto scabs It.i Wiinht did throw,
We urn bis bells; we biar bis nume;
We boast Ills duds, we spiiad
Our order l. the i-hlnliis fl.uni,
That llnhts the stlonm of Iijiik iifjo.
B. .1. Jiourke, Brand knight of
council, acted as toasttnaster
proved a most able and clever one. In
his opening ivmaika he lefened to the
Kieiit progress made by the society
since Us organization two years ago,
the membtishlp huvlng been Increased
tiom 7.1 to 173 In that biiaeu of time.
The first speaker was Hon. James J.
O'Neill, of Carbondale, whom Mr
Bouike lefoned to as the "Chancey
Depew of Lackawanna cnuntv."
Mr. O'Neill spoke on "The Knights of
Old." He said thnt ehlvalrv was one
of the most beautiful things in a'l
history and "The vety soul of knight
hood Js the individual honor." Mi.
O'Neill tract d the history of ohlvalty
fiom Its earliest beginnings after the
fall of the Roman empire to the pies
ent time. He said:
"Knighthood elevated woman from
the rendition of a .self to her piesent
pioud position as man's equal. Men
who have practiced knighthood lme
left their niai k in the hlstuty of all
ages. A knight lsnlwaia soldier and
whotlii r lighting for a light or a. wroiis
tause is nlwa.ts a Hue knight."
He leferiid to the modern Instunees
ol ihlvaliy taking as examples I'. S.
tir.tnt and Hnbeit H. Lee, and told of
the latter' s mu tender at Apiiotom i
when the fin mer refused to accept the
swiml of the latter.
The in xt number was ghen by John
Ciinnilf. who delivered in magnificent
voice "Satan's addicss to the Sun,"
fiom Milton's Immortal poem. "1'ara tost" As an i neore Jio Kate clever little poem, "Me and Jim."
fir. W. M. Heedy, the medical ex
aminer of the oignnlzatioii. next hpoko
on "Mullral Knights." He said that
theie was nothing In the annals, nt his
tory to sutpass the daring of Alexan
der McDowell, the first surgion to opt n
a living human body, "who weie mom
btnve." said Dr. Heedy "than the
ph.vsbiaiis to use anaesthetics."
"The status of a nation Is not in r
petuiitcd by the work done by the few,
ii is rather the work of the rank and
Hie. and the common ordinary Physi
cian Is as great a man as any of them
If he but does his part and does it
The net toast was icspondeil V by
Rev. Ii. J. MtOoliltiek. S. J., the chip
lain of the council, wno spoke in his
utiuil able aiul scholarly mauiiei on
"The Knights of Columbus and Lib
erty." In mumum lug his lemaiks rather
Mactiolditek leferred to an Incident
he had in one of the Knglish pa
pers legal ding a nteetii.g ot a certain
sient society In Edinburgh. One or
the members, lefeitlug to the war in
South fili a. stated that the oiganiza
tlon should not take slibs with either
partv. as there weie lunther niembein
on both sides.
"T! at mini." stbl the spiakei, "was
not i ttue citizen of his national toun-
try: lie was a traitor and the very
blackest kind of a ttuitor, 1 ir above
all In should be loyal to Ids t otintry
despite the oiganlirathm rf whiib he
was a member. ThnnK God thai this
organisation of which we i,re members
leaches no such tcintt but teaches
pilmaillv loyaliv to rirntry v hen ai
enemy thtetitcns her."
"I.iheity Is only the light lo do that
which ran not be wiong, Thnt whlrli
Is reasonable I" light and which
Is not light Is not reason iblc. A tine
Knight of Columbus ea.i iitvcr swervj
from the .urhangel of llbeit.v. No
Knight of Columbus unilei standing the
rules of the filler can do v. long If in
follows those mice Implicitly.
"Their Is no roiti'ltion In tho onler
where their Is a ruspli Ion nf a mem
ber having to torswear allegiance to
his native land. One of the gteatest
tunetic.'i.t vve tan exeirlso Is loyalty
to country, which In Duly loyalty to
flod. Wo are a so: ret society and let
me tay why. There an? roiletle vhos
object and aim Is secret. If this ob
ject Is sen et it cannot be leuHouable.
We ate an association of Vnthnlle
young nieti bended together for soelat
Interrouise and our secrets nru only
vertets Horn day to day in order that
young men may be atu acted by this
fascination of tecrecy.
Their la, Ivivvver, a greater attrac
tion. It Is the attractiveness of asso.
elating with men who have upon their
faces the stump of truo manhood and
In their voices tho ilng of true hon
esty." At this point John A XNiate. of Arrh
bald, tendered a delightful gultur solo,
and after much aunhiusu gave a sec
to Duplicate
It in
Scores of representative citizens ot
Scranton arc testifying on the follow
ing subject. Such a record of local cn
doiscment Is uncc-unlled In modern
times. This public statement made by
a citizen Is but one of the many thnt
bate preceded It and the hundreds
that will follow. Head It:
"Miss Mary I.utz, of 1310 Sanderson
avenue, says: "I used Doan's Kidney
Pills for a severe pain In my back,
which troubled me more or less since
I was small. It annoyed me mostly af
ter doing a hard day's work, such as
ironing, but u few doses of Doan's
Kidney Pills soon drove It away. My
hi other also used thern and they did
111 in n great ileal of good."
For sule by all dealeis. Pi Ice 50 cents.
l'ister-Mllbuin Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Hole
agents for the United States.
lleniember the nume Doan's and take
no substitute.
ond number, successfully buccecdln?,
as the toasttnaster sa'd "In coothlnrj
all the savage hearts ptesint."
The nest speaker was Attorney
James MeKlnney, who icspondcd to
"The Young Lawyer," who, he said,
was the nns,t abiifed and woist paid
professional man In the world. Ho
made only a few happy remark", hav
Irg had short notice, but he made a
most favorable Impicssinn and related
:t number of witty htorles, tilling of
the humoious side of the law.
Piederlck Forbes, whom Mr. liouikj
stated was one ot tho leading lUIita
if journalism In the btate. spoke next.
Mr. Forbes took as his topic "The
Piesh" anl made a brief but clever
and enttit. lining speech. He relate J
siveral Incidents pertaining to news
paper life and wound up by saying.
"The pi ess has its faults and per
haps grievous ones, but let me assure
you that its workers an; honest, hard
working, faithful and conscientious
men, whose almost unlveisal aim Is
to live up to Joaquin Miller's motto,
'On. ever, ever on.' "
The last speaker of the evening was
Attorney 51. V. Corny, who spoke on
"The Ladles." Mr. Conry, dliregard
ing traditional precedents, did not
rouih his leniatks In light and airy
vcisllluge, but Instead delivered an
able ctilogv of nue womanhood, tell
lug of the great and wonderful in
liueme wrought by this sex through
out the history of all ages.
Present at the bamtuet were Hon.
Jamts J. O'Neill, of Caibondale: John
A. Poote, of Archbald: F. 13. Ciiffoid.
of Caibondale: P.. J. Lynch, of Oly
phant: T. F. .Ionian, of Olyphant; Ed
waid F. McGlnty. of olyphant; James
J. O'Malley. of Olyphant: Rev. J. V.
Moylan. Rev. J. V. Malotie. Rev. D. J
MacC.oldrlik. Dt. Walter M. Reedy, Dr.
F. L Mcliraw. Dr John T. McOrath,
Dr. J. J. Walsh, Dr. C. n. Thomson.
Hon. John P. Quitman. Hon. T. J.
Duggan. Hon. M. E. McDonald. Fled
rick F. Forbes. John J. Murphy. Hi. h
anl J. Bnurke, M. F. Conrv. M. .:.
Cnddeti, M. J. MeAiidtvw. John H. Col
lins. M F. Wymbs. Thomas F. Murphy,
M. P. Caw ley. James MeKlnney. M. J.
Donohoe, John J. Cunnltt. Fiank II.
Coughlln. J. H. Taggart. AV. P. tlal
lagher. Frank J. McConnolly, James
J. Haw ley, James F. Honan, Michael
Czojktowskl. Thomas J. Ilandb'v,
Thomas Bushnell, P. F. Loughran, Joliu
J. Kelly. Watt P. Brown. Hit hard M.
O'BiIen, Frank P. Canavan. H. C.
lagher. A. A. Duffy. John F. Clbbons,
William C.uirell, T. J. E.ican. P. J.
Ilonatt. J. C. Gallagher, P. S. Mall?,
William H. Ouilghaii, A. P. Brown. P.
MiCrea. T. P. Ford, J. J. McHale. v".
P. Coughlln. J. K. Walsh. T. J. Mi -Gulie,
John F. McDonough. James T.
Million, Peter T. Ilowley, M. H. HU
glns, P. F. Cuslck, M. T. Glynn. H. P.
Mellel. D. F. Gibbons, R. D. Joinings,
James J. Powell M. J. Kelly, C. G.
Roland. Thomas P. Duffy. John B. Ro John Colllgan. M J. Colllgan. T.
J. Council, P. J. Ruane, John F. Cu."
tan, Frank J. o'Horo, James J. Scott.
Rlehaid Kellv. P. F. Madden. Frank
S. Hughes. William J. Fitzgerald, Jehu
A. Collins and Marcus L. Duffy.
Twenty-three Days' Tour via Penn
sylvania Railroad.
The Pennsylvania Rallioad Company
has arianged for a special personolly
condiieted tour thiough old Mexico by
special Pullman train of parlor-smoking,
dining, sleeping, compartment,
and observation cais. lo leave New
York and Philadelphia Februaiy 12.
visiting all the principal points of In
terest In the "Land of Montezuma,"
and spending five days lu the City of
Hound-trip tickets, covering all nec
essary expenses, J200 fiom all points
on the Pennsylvania Hullto.ul.
For fu.-ther Infoi million apply to
ticket agents; Tout 1st Agent, lllii!
Bioadway. New Voik; 1 Court street,
Brooklyn; 79 Broad street, Newaik,
N. J.: B. Couilaeiider. Jr., Passenger
Agent, Baltlmoie Dlstilct. Baltlmote,
I Mil.: Colin Studds, Passenger Agent.
Southeastern District, Washington. I).
C; Thomas K. Watt. Parsenger Agent.
Western Dlstilct. Pittsburg. Pa.; or
addles George W. Boyd, Assistant
General Passenger Agent, Philadel
phia. A Card.
Wc, thn undersigned, de hereby aorefi tn
refund the money on a iVQ-ceiU bottle e,f
Ciiteno'tf Wo l ranted Syrup of Tar If It
falls to euto vour cough or cold. Wo
giir.rniiten a 2j-cciit bottle to prove satis
fin tory or menev refunded:
J. fi. ISt no V Son, Dunmore.
el. W. Davis, Providence.
W. D. DuvIh Providence.
llcunlmau & Co., Avoea.
W. 11, Manners, Slooble.
V. A. Knne, Mlnooka.
Joseph Davis, Taylor.
KlZEIt-TI'KKKK-In Bcrnnton. Pa..
Junuary SO, i!Kw, Mr. Nathan Klrcr, of
Dunmore. und Mls Margin A. Turner,
of Nay Aug, bv Ilev. J, M. Howell, at
his home, 72.1 Clreen Itlclgo street.
Court Was Formally Notified of the
Death Ex-Justice Alfred Hand.
District Attorney Jones Has Made
Up Another Trial List Order
Made by the Court with Reference
to Changing a Polling Place in
Benton Township Marriago Li
censes Granted Yesterday.
Court, will not sit for the remainder
of this week on account of the death
of Judge F. W. Ounslcr. Judges P..
W. Atthbald and It. M. Edwards were
fin the bench when court was formally
opened yesterday morning. Ex-Jus-tlee
Alfred Hand at onco stepped he
fore the court and said.
"It becomes my painful duty to an
nounce to this court the death of Judge
Gunster. This It not the place to pass
a eulogy upon him. -but It must be
said ho graced this bench by the
unanimous vote of this county. He is
to those of us here, Including your
honors, though his body lies cutlet, a
brother. He Is to us nil a friend, a.
fellow citizen. It is meet that th-s
stteam of justice ceare to How. I moi'ii
therefoie that this court out or i expect
for him, and in doing this we, lespett
ouiselves nnd tho people of this coun
ty, will adjourn until next Monday
"This is n. fitting motion," icpllcd
Judg'; Archbald, "and vve win but agieis
to it. A constlttieent pat t of this
eoutt Is gone. We leel the loss deeply,
both bench and bar. The high legard
vve have always had tor cur associate
calls for the most matked token of ie
spoct wo ran give, that Is that tlu
public i-esslons of this cottit be sus
pended until our hi other Is laid away
In his list testing place. We there
fore will now adjourn until Monday
next before lesumlng any further busi
ness." Then turning to the Jurots,
Judge Archbald said:
"Gentlemen, as a lesull of this mo
tion there will be no further occasion
for attendance hole. We regiel any
thing so sad as this Interrupts the
business ot the coutt, but you will
agree with us that It Is proper we all
pay this respect to the memoty of
Judge Gunster. and now gentlemen
you are discharged."
The court, though It will hold no
public sessions, will be open to tran
sact business that has been specially
set for times in the interim.
Voters to Decide.
The following order was handed
down yesterday in the matter of ths
chunglng of the polling place In Ben
ton township
Judge Aichbald handed down the
following orders in the matter today:
"That an election be held on tho
third Tuesday of Ft hruary next by
tho qualified elctors of Benton town
ship, under the tlltectlon of the elec
tion oflicets of said township at the
regulaily appointed polling plate, to
determine whether the said polling
place shall bs changed from the place
where It Is now ned at a room In the
hotel of M. D. Potter at Fleetville", In
said towiihhlp, tt it room In tho build
ing of DeWllton Swtet, nt the south
east corner of Fleetvllle Four Corners.
"This order shall be certified to the
county commissioners, who hliall print
upon the official ballot for the said
township, to bo used a- the said elec
tion, below the list of rand Ida te.s, the
" 'Shall the polling place be changed
to the building of DeWllton Sweet at
the southeast of Fit etville Four
Cm tiers? Yes No.'
"The said commissioners shall also
ptepate piopcr tally mid letttrn sheets
lor said illsliltt, so that due returns
of tl:e vote upon the said question may
be in ulc.
"Notice shall li given by Hie consta
ble ot said township, by at least ten
pi luted handbills net up In the most
public places In the township illUeii
flay befoie the said election, that the
question of the rhang:- of the said poll
ing plnre will be oted upon at the
.said el-'ctlon."
A New Trial List.
rJeeause f the adjournment of court
to next Motid i.v morning at 0 o'clock.
In respect to the memory of the. late
Judge F. W. Guust'T Distilit Attor
ney Jones was obliged to make out a
new trial list. All cases t.n this' wi ek's
list lemalning untiled go over to nest
week and will be disponed of on the
following days. All rases on the orig
inal list for net week remain the
same, and subp'if,naes Issued In them
will i eniain effective ind parties mid
v,"itncsse.s must atttnd iieoordlngly,
New subpoenaes should Issue in all
rases carried over from this week to
next, and wltneses must be subpoenaed
again. The new list will be printed In
tomortow's Tiibune.
Karriage Licenses,
..Sci anion
Louisa Miller .. Wro7 ..
Teekln Tonmsek
Peter jii"fegniek
Tlllle Buigiio ..
Tony Setting who on Tuesday was
tried for shooting Owen Sweeney, of
Olv pliant, was yesterday itjtiuned, not
Mill in Walsh yestetdiy began an
action In trespass against the boiougii
of Winton. She Is lepirsented nv At
torneys Frank Lynch and O'lJrien ii
Tho Calumet Tool and Optluil mm
pany yestciday seemed n writ of tc
plevin to recover a set of tools valued
at K'O which It is nlligi 1 are unlaw
fully in the posses.-lou of Benjamin
Silvei stone.
John Turner and Maggie Turner yes
tciday began i suit against Nelllo
Iluuold to receiver $".,000 damages. Thn
plaintiffs are represented by Attorney
John H. Bonner. It is alL-ccd in the
declaration that on Jnuuaiy 12, 1900,
tile attendant charged Maggie Tinner!
with being a woman of little virtue
and with being the mother of an Ille
gitimate child, all of which is asserted
to be wholly false.
Mine and Mill Supplies,
OFFICE-Dimc Buuk. Building.
When pandng China Hull, Just take n
gnat bargains In Brle-a-Hrac, Jnrillnlers, Pedestals, etc., also Huvlliind &
Co's Prtneh China Dinner Set, lit pieces. Only !3iP0. Rttp In and look
over our baruuln tnblcsi hero are only a few of thn many bargains;
Fruit plates were JI'i.W, now $'i 00 per dor.
Fruit plates were $12.01', now a 00 per doi
Fruit plates were S.V.o, now 4 do per doz.
Fruit plates wire t-'.'.' now ?.M per doz.
Breakfast or tea plate.' were 111.00, now M 00 per dos,
Breakfast or tea platen were JIl.Oo, now 7 1.0 per doz.
Brtakfast or ttu plates were $..iu, now 4 00 per tloz.
Soup plates were 57.1, now 4 0 per doz.
Also mativ odds nnd ends In dinner and tea sets, glassware, tc. BE
WARE. These will not lust long.
Millar A Prk- 13 Wyoming Avs,
XTllllCtr VX. rCtlAi "Walk In and look i-aund."
Cloth Jackets
My stock of Cloaks, Jackets, etc., both for Ladies, Misses and
Children has been unusually larRe and handsome this season, and many
handsome garments remain, owing to the warm weather and late win
ter. We are sure to have cold weather yet, but the Cloth Jackets must
go. Consequently you will find
All $25.00 Jackets for $12.50
All 20.00 Jackets for 10,00
All 15.00 Jackets for ... 7.50
All 10.00 Jackets for 5.00
AH 7.50 Jackets for 3.75
All 5.00 Jackets for 2.50
All 4.00 Jackets for 2.00
Golf Capes in Handsome Effects.
Were $2.00 for , $15.00
Were 20,00 for 12.50
Were 15.00 for 10.00
Were 10.00 for 7.50
Were 7.00 for 5.00
Great reductions in prices on Furs. These are not old garments,
but all new, up-to-date the kind you always find at
F. L. Crane's lacS$na
Raw Furs Bought. Furs Repaired.
Filled aud extracted
absolutely withontpain
by our new scientific
Reputable Dentists
Should not be judged by the catch-penny methods of the Dental
Fakir. Our prices are the lowest possible for first-class work. Our
system of Crown and Bridge Work is superior to any other. We are
up-to-date in all branches of Dentistry.
134 WYOMING AVE. (Over Millar & Peck's China Store.)
From the Lackawanna Dining Car
After February 1", Cateier William
Iliinley. who has mi hiieeissfull.v conduct,
ed tho dining car setvln on the Lacka.
wanna raihnad shuo May 11, lv,i", will
re tiro and devoir his entire time to lib.
Increasing catetlng busline. Dining .Mr
Hanley's control the sirviie was im
proved in many wajs and it now second
to none (a that line.
The company Is low having several
modern dining cais built for seivico be.
tvvren New Yoik ami Butfalo and the
standard m ilnlnlpt d by Mr. Haiiley will
he t an led on by cfllelcnt ami rxpetluuul
The restaurant at the Del.ivv.tiP, Lack
awanna and Wt stern station will :
main under Mr. Hanley's tontrol and the
same relations betwitn him and the mm
pany whiib now exist will prevail.
It DidnTwork.
At the lime of the Sioux attack on Pott
Ripley, in ISIS.', the .Mille Luc Cldppiwa.s
assisted the white men. and the sterc
tiiry of the Interior and tho state of Slln
nesotu, grateful fer this assistance, prom.
Isetl that as a n ward tho Jlllle rhlp.
pew as should never bo removed from
their reset vatlon Only u few .veaislattr,
the Interior ilip.ntmcut sent a spiciai
agent lu the rcscivatlon, to mdcavor
to peisil.idn the 111 to move fiom Mllln
I.acs to north ot Leech I.nke There
was quite a powwow, and one of tin best
known men in Minnesota .uldicsscd n
meeting of tho chiefs.
"My brothers," ho said "the gieat
father has he.ud how' .vou have beni
wronged, nnd ho said. "I villi m ml inv
red children an honest man to talk to
them.' So he looked to tin north, to the
east, the south, ami the west, and be
said, 'lltio Is an hoin-bt man,' ami 1m
suit me. So, brothers, look at me The
winds of llftv-lhe vcats have blown over
my head ami sllveicd It over with giay
and iluiliu- that llmo I hivu uevir done
a wiong to iiiij I am yout frit ml.
my ml brothers, nud as .vour friend I
ask .miii to sl'tu this tnatv."
When h" had llnl'lad, one of the chiefs
aio-e and salt!
"My tilt ml look ut me. Tin winds of
mole than tlfl winters have blown over
mv head and sllviml It over with Ktav,
but they have not blown my brains
'1'lun he sat down, and the coiunll was
emit tl. Argonaut
Universal Peace.
The end of wars? It might impose
Some rather tioublesonio conditions,
Since wo must tin n our habit s ii.unn
For potts or mcio politic bins.
Detioit Journal.
Smoko tho "Hotel Jermyn" cigar, 10c
glance at our windows nnd see tha
at Half Price.
We Call
Your Attention
To Our .
Immense Stock of
Horse and Mole Shoes,
Bar Iron Steel,
Channells, Angles,
Shafting, Toe Calk Steel,
Bolts and Nats,
Rivets and Washers.
An Endiass Stock of
Wagon makers'
Supplies. ..
f -.L - J
I Af f t A
J M II l
r l I p
. I 11 111 I 11
120 ami 128 Fmhrilin Avc.ii
nun iiTLireniiu
miu nuiuunni uii
SEE " ", v
720 Connell BulldingrV -
Horses and carriages are su
perior to those of anyother
livery in the city.
if you should desiie to go
for a drive during this delight
ful period of weather, call tele
phone 704, and Uverett will
jend you a first-class outfit
Caurt. (Near City Hull.)