The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 01, 1900, Morning, Page 2, Image 2

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Bpcclal to the ficrnnton Tribune.
Susquehanna, Jan. 31. -In St. John's
parochial Jcnco this mornlnc. b
tho pastor. Uv. I. V. Urodoilck. Oal 1
McMnhnn and MNs Clraco Aldilch,
both of Su(uehanna, wore unltod In
After a lnk'f lllnc") Mis. Luke D.
J tall dliil nt hnr honu at Lake View,
Jackson township, on Monday. Tho
funeral was lirsoly ntlcndrd from th"
family residence today.
In the lovlvnl meetlnps In th Kltflt
Vrc-tbylei Inn church seveial person
have already professed eoinctslon. In
terest continues untih.itcd.
At an cirly bout on Tmsdiy niiun
Inc Kile Klieinan .1. S. Miilic-v, t'ot
lneily of Sitsitiebnnn. I"t now or
Poit Jcivlll, fell ft om his engine .it
Itoso's KUltch, elKht tnlWi v.ct of I'.irt
Jet vis, as his tuiln wiii luntiliiR rap
idly wistwaid He vn. niNseil at
l.iicliuunven and Intel was found un-lonsilou-
on the tnik. He was taken
to the t'oit .lei vis hospital. His In
juries are sellout.
Tlie Nat-list (iiiKiefiiillon has ap
pointed it coinmlttie to secuie a p i
toi to kih coed tScv. H. X. Allen. Hli'iv
ul;natlin soon takes i-rfctt.
I'li'fs. flood and Pleiie. of Htm:
hanitoii. held u .ittci-liop In Ho
Kin upoi.i hoiiM' t 111- evenin;'. Th"
attendani e was 1 lino
The IMe i riep.nlllK to 1-stlO It
Siunniei Home book.
1, pander Wliltmy. of Thompson, has
had his pension Incieas-id fiom ?fi to
$i per month.
Janus MfMlnn. of Jiul:nn. I very
Hi rUms-lv 111.
Mi.s. John Moi can, of r.uhonilale,
Is vNltliiK her raient.-i. Mr. and Mis.
0 H. Plmnioii", In this place.
Tho l'lohlbltionlsis or Fount fit
will not place a ticket In ih Held at
the c-omlinr election
Miss Lena Kastahrook ol Clianl
Biieet. a vNltlnc I" riiulnuclt.
Mi's M:n Stonier, of LhiKlnniton,
is V!ltlnR S'.lsfpieh.intn fi lends.
Ilev. J. J. HeniV Is r-olillliB loviv.ll
Meetings at lllckoiy Ouim. iSteut
Jien'i town-ihlp.
Hev. I). C. Harncs, t astor ol the
Lanesboro Methodist church. Is hold
iiiR ielal meetings in the iU vnns
l'oinf Methi'tllst church.
Kticlne patties lellevo ece?slv.i
monotonv In "tald Monti ose.
The Ladles" .ulllar of the lirotli
erhood of Locomotive iTngineers will
hold a m-W pig stippei In Knights of
I'vthlas hall on Tilday evening.
Senator William Ciojbcl. who was
shot at Frankfort, Ky. on Tuesday,
was hoin in N'eu Ttiadfot-l
county, this Ftate, and icsicldl sK
yeais In C'iubondnle. He has Sumuii
hanna eountv lelatlves
Tho shaieholders of the Surqiiehan
na Water company will elect i-luc-ton
on Titc-dav, Febtuaiv ".
A number ol Serantou and Caibon
d.ile dameis attended Ihe thirteentn
annual ball of the Suqinhaiin.i Ath
letic club. In Hognn opera, house, last
The Men's club ot C'hrit Cpl'copil
chinch will tender Ucv. Kthclbeit Tal
bot a complimentary rui per at the
Camwaet'i house, upon the occasion
ot his ofllcial visitation to tills pail-h.
Februaiy 15.
Fiank Pooly, of .loisvy City, is the
guos! of Susquehanna iol!itli".
Seveinl plriismt weddings me le
ported to'1 tlie Immediate tutuie.
The 1'ile Is Oolncran cm client lieisht
biihinc-s. The "old lellable" Is pios
pellllg. A Hiooino county biiiHpto-un of M
and his btlde of 7 vlslti d
na iclitUes on Wednrsd.iv
Hun aid I' Spmm.v, if HIiiKhvimlon,
Is visiting Susquenanra i dative.
t'pjn some ot the lakes and pond
of Su.squelianiia oount a s-et nml ciop
01 ice will ut, loubtodly be cut.
Purine: the coining Wit of lit, Hev.
Iilshop Talbot the debt upon riuist
l.'pisicipjil chinch will I'lidcubledlv be
wiped out.
Colonel Wllbam H. Is ill at
ills nonie on Jlin.itl street.
i'. S. Hivnes, at. Albany dliectory
publlsbi r. Is In town.
Special to the Scr.mtun Tiibane
Honesdnlc-, Jan. P.J Rev. II J. YVhal
en, ot the Haptlsi chinch. Is to be
.iinio iiasior nf ihe Herecn llaptlst
chilli h at "'aibondale. the date on
which he will sever his connection
with the. Honosil.ile cluueii not yet b -Iiik
Manai;er Sihcistone was fiitun.uo
in secuiln for tb( HuncHlili- opeia
house last nlffht HI Heniy's inlnstieic
with their lanums band. They aiva
an excellent entei tuinincnl. Kvcry
&. cures
female weakness)
It makes
weak women!
sick women
seat and available space for standing
was orcirleit and a number could not
Kal n admittance.
The Philharmonic Orchestra Is re
heat slnK for u crand concert, to be
Klvjn In Honesdalc about the last of
Mrs. KuKonc Ham, of Scranton, was
a visitor In Honesdale today.
The first train composed of tho lnre
Delawaie and Hudson coaches an I veil
heie this morning over the new llones
dale branch, with "upcilnicndont
Mar.vllle and ether Pelaware and Hud
son olIlclaK The cars vtll be left her
to be ifed on the llrst oiitpolnR train
tomorrow mornltiR from the new sta
tion. AL the Democratic cuiiiis lust nli?ht '
J. Samuel Itrown, the Itepuhllcau
i nominee for buiKess, van endorsed, i
1 and the following nomination-) iniule:
h'oliector of tasi's. T. Frank Hani:
imIiooI diteetots, !', V. Kimble and Tr. '
I'M ward V, Ituins; town council,
Vnvm Kimble and Patrick Mo
Special to The Scranton Tribune.
Tuiikhannoek. Jan. .'it. A movement
is afoot here looking to the organiza
tion ot a local chapter of the Daugh
ter of the Itevollltlon. Tin; matter Is
In chaicc of some of the local people
who nre mcinbeis of different lodges in
the vallev. Among these ale M'".
.lames W. Piatt, Miss Kulalle Piatt.
Mis. M. H. Ilunnell, Miss Kilab-th
HiiniTell. Mrs. Alvln Pay, .Mis. S. Jurt
son Stalk. Mis. Mahaln Miller, Mrs.
Maltha Hialnhall and Mis. F. J. Hind
well, nil of whom are membeis of
Dene Hock ih.iptcr, D. A. H of Pitts
ton, and Mrs. W. "!. CJiahani, who Is
u member of the Wllkes-Hane chapter.
The leiiulteiuents of the oiganlzatlon
me that twelve persons at least shall
make application for the organization
of a chaptei. Thcie Is no chapter In
Wyoming county at the pichent time
and the neccssaty membeis will be
easily attainable. It Is tlie Intention to
oig.mlzc ubout Mnrch 1st. If necessary
auangements can be made in that
The owneishlp of tlie (Jray bikeiy
at this place has passed into the hands
of Ul.mdo S. Ace and he opens up
theie on rebruaiy 1st. Mr. Ace has
been in the meicantile business c
Tuiikhannoek for many yeais. hav
ing been connected with the stole s of
J. K. Shaw son and F. C. Ilutgeis and
will doubtless make a Micees.s of this
The body of A. O- Stark, late f
Scianton, was brought lieie today for
bulla! tn n ravel Hill cemetery, whei
some of his famllv aie bulled. Mi
Staik lived here for many yeais an'1
held many offices of trut here. He w is
also in the mercantile business lieie for
some time.
i:. K. Wentzel, of this place, who
has been located at Wilkes. Hal re foi
the' past ear engaged In the piactice
of law. has iemoed to Philadelphia.
Ilemy Hunting, esq., and H. N. Stoiv,
Mliveyor. ate In Laceyvllie thi-i aftei
noon. The pension examining bo.ud of this
eountv composed of Dr. Hellei, of Fa.--torvvllle:
Dr. Stuidevant, of Lacey
vllie, and Dr. Hand well, of Tunkhan.
nock, met at the Packer this
The Demociattc caucus of the
waid of this boiough met at the couit
house on Tuesday evening uml nomin
ated Cliailts U. Teiry for cnunellmau.
and !3. H. Shoid; for t-chool dlieetoi.
Mr. Shook is the Itepubllean nominee
and his nomination is in recognition of
the nomination of J. Wood Piatt. Dem, by the Itepubllean-. of the First
Special to the Scranton Tilbuue.
New Mllfoid. Jan. .11. Mrs. L W.
Mooie In spending the week with Har
fold lilends.
Mr. Aithur Hauhy is Mifferlng with
a seveie attack ot pneumonia.
William VnnCott spent Tuesday In
Hlnshamton oii buslne.-s,
Mr. J. H. Sdffuid spent several days
In Huston lecently.
Mfss Lena Spencer Is spending a
couple of weeks visiting Hlnghaintoii
ft lends,
Mr. Henry Cobb, of the townshlo. la
seilously 111 with tvnhold fever. I
Fied Millard, Ji of the township,
has been confined to his home for sev
eral days by nines.
Miss .Maud Hi own was tendeied i
suipiise paity bj a laige nuinbei of
her school fi lends last eat ui day en
liiB. to cclebiatc lun- 17th hlithdaj. A
very pleii.sani. evening was icported by
those who attended.
Kelal meetings aie being held at
the llaptlst chinch,
lllhhon Talbot will conduct the ser
vices at St. Mink's ihuich Febiuaiy
Mr. Finnic Bannciman, of Hrooklyn, '
X. V., is a cuest at the home of Mi, j
and Mis. Charles Tuckci. I
Miss Josle Dlckeiman, of Hlmlia, Is I
a guest of Her giandmotlier, Mis. .1.
Lee J. DoWitt called on Olbso.i
ft lends one day last week.
Special to the Scianton Tribune.
Hallstcad, Jan. 31. Waireu Slmiill
and John Crook were fishing in Vall's
pond Monday and succeeded In catch
ing a number of pickerel.
The Lawsvllle band, about twenty
strong, came to Hallstcad Tuesday
night. They weie accompanied by a
debating club. Tho music leudeiea
was much appreciated by a laige aud
ience. The debate was between Laws
vllle and Hallsteud. the latter winiilii,;
by one point.
M. U. Qualley is building und Hull",'
up an office in the room occupied by
his iiitut niaikct. The olllcu will bo
used for h justice of tlie peace olllce.
The laigest Democrutiu caucus helcl
In some time took plucu In tlie town
hull Sutuiduy night. The prlncljul
contest wuh over school dlrectois and
tax collector. C. T. McCormack and
George Lamb weie nominated school
directors and M K. Qualley tax col
lector. The engine that pulls passenger ti am
Xo. 5 on the Lackawanna, Is now
equipped with an electric headlight and
the cab la fitted with Incandescent
Mr. and Mrs. C, J. Lunglcy aie vis
iting relatives at Albany,
During the absence of C. J. Langley,
Ward Ives Is superintending his gioc
cry business.
Friday night the young ladies' circle,
of the Baptist church, will give u so-
clal at the llaptlst parsonage. Profes
sor J. L. nichnrds, of Clreat Hend, will
give a reading. Kvcryono Invited.
M. J. Cartigg was lust week the guest
of Stumtivlllc friends.
Daniel Hanrahan hits had his shoe
store on Main street equipped with
electric lights,
Mis, CJenrgo. Vosburg, of ningham
ton. was last week tlie Kuest of Mrs.
Frank Lawrence.
All married and single ladles are cor
dially Invited to attend tho meeting of
tho Ladles' Debating club In Y. M. C.
A. hall Friday evening. Arrangements
will lie made, to challenge the Century
Hrldget Dale. Maty Leaty and Klla
Cannon have gone to Xorulch, X. V.,
where they have secured employment
in the .silk mill.
II. F. Hernsteln Is In Xcw Yoik on a
business tour tills week.
Monday n slight accident to tlie ma
chine) y In the brush factory caused
the faetoiy to be shut down for tho
da v.
David Ilui inn and sixteen other vol
umes have lecently been added to the
association llbraty.
At the home of Ilemy P. Trowbildge.
on Chase avenue, Tuesday night, It. It.
Hat lies was tendeied a fuiewell lecep
Hon, He left Wednesday morning for
Sunbuiy whcie he has secured a posi
tion In a H. H. Y. M. C. A. on the
Pennsylvania tnllroad.
Fildav night the weather was so se
vere that the blower pipes on the en
gines standing on the nsh pit were
frozen. An Inconvenience that seldom
Lazelle Hayward, forme! ly of Hall
stead, and son of the late Hctiben Hay
wind, fell fiom a bos car at Mohawk
on the Delaware and Hudson tallica. 1
and broke his neck. The deceased Is
survived by n wife and small son and
seveinl brothers and sisters and his
mother, Mis. Iteubeii Hayward. The
leinnlns will be brought to Hallstcad
liom Hlnghumton on the milk tialn
iiuusiljy. Tlie f uncial will be held at
1 o'clock In the Presbyterian church,
Hev. It. X. Ives, of Xcw Mllfoid, of
lli latins, nssisted by Itev. L. W.
C hui eh.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Plttston. Jan. 31. Thumas C. Mar
riott, aged fil years, died suddenly last
night of hc.ut tiouble. lie had boon
a lesldent of West Pitt item for six
teen years. A family of eignt gtown
up sons and daughtein survive.
Arrangements nre beln made for a
series of union Hlble loading', to be
held in tli dlffeiei't chmche-i of the
city eeiy evening next week.
Mis" Catheiine Qulnr.. of Wet J'lttf
ton, ami Patilck Dillon, of Port Grif
fith, weie united In nmuiage In St.
John's Homnti t'athol'e church this
J. T. Tettr, formctlv n iininncr of the
Lehigh Vnlle's mine enaini"'!- corp?,
later stiperintenden of the Keystons
mliv, near Lallln. his s'Hicied the po
s'tlo'i of assistant to General Manager
James Mole, of the Xewton and OM
Fotge Coal companies, and will rs-s-ume
the duties of his new position
tomorrow. Jerry Dwer. of Scranton
fennel ly nt Mt. Pleasant collleiy, Is
the new outside of th-'
Plioeniv colliery of the Old Forge com
pany at Duryra.
Il.i'iy Hlandls, tiavcling agent for
the Honesdale mill, is conf'iied to his
bed In the Kngle hote.l thl-: city.
Th.- tunesal of the l.iie 11. K. Cov
aid, of Wet Plttston, took place till'
afternoon Intel incut beina: ninde In
Foity Foit cemetery, P.ev. Pr. Simp
son, ot CJreen Hldge, assisted In the
sen ires.
UNtilct Deputy J. 11. Hughes, of
SiMMitton, assisted in the foimatlon of
a blanch of tho Older of Modem
Woodmen of Americi in this city
Forty-six Days' Tour via Pennsyl
vania Railroad.
The Pennsylvania Hailroad potson-tilly-eondeted
tour to Mexico and Cali
fornia which leaves Xew Yoik and
Philadelphia on February 12 (Pltts
lnug Februaiy 13)' by special Pullman
tinln, covets a largo and Intensely in
terestlng pnitlou of Xorth America.
Mexico, California, and Colorado are
u mighty trio In all that appeals to
and fasiinate-i the tourist.
Stems will be made at San Antonio,
Tampico, (luunajauta, Ouadalajara,
Queietaio, City of Mexico (live daysj,
Cueinavacn, Aguuscallentes, Santa
Hatbaia. San Jose (Mt. Hamilton), Del
Monte. San Franelco (Ave days). Salt
Lake City, Coloiado Springs, Denver,
Chicago, and other points of Interest,
Foul teen days will be spent In Mexico,
and nineteen In Callfoinln.
The "Mexico and California Special,"
an exclusively Pullman tialn of Parlor-Smoking,
Dining Drawing-room
Sleeping, nnd Obrervntlon cars, will
be used over the entliij route.
Hound-trip late. Including all neccs
saty expense- during entile tilp. $550
fiom all points on the Pennsylvania
Halhoad System east of Pittsburg; $5t3
from Pittsburg. For Itinerary und full
itifoi minion apply to ticket agents;
Tout 1st Agent. UDfi llroadway Xew
Yo:k: t Com t street. Diooklyn; 7S9
IP-oad stieet. Xewark. X. J., R. Cour
lacnder. Jr., Passenger Agent Haltl
mnte District, TJaltlmore, Md.: Colin
Studds. Passonger Agent Southeofit
ein Dlstiiet, Washington, D, C: Thom
as n. Watt. Passenger Agent, Western
District, Plttsbuig, Pa.; or address
fleorgo W. TJoyd, Assitant Oeneral
Passenger Agent. ISiond Stteet Station.
Her Cordial Recaption.
A strong-minded xwi man, albeit she
looked ft not, moed Irto a lalhtr lonely
subitib and the house was topny-iurvy
ft om the nurting. On tho second night tho
stmng-mlnded woman wai awakened bj
the light of u claik luntein slilnlug into
her face fiom Ihe hand of a burglm-. It
was tho last stiaw, ctul she sut up In bed
anil exclaimed with vex.itlin "Well, ir
ou citn tlnd atnthlng In this home
ou'ie wfleonio to It: It's more than I
can do." Tho hurglni snapped down tho
slide, of his lantern. "Oood-nlgbt, ' bo
said, and left the Iiouko without tuiichlm;
n thing. X( w York Cr.mmetclal Adver
tiser. Took It Literally.
The llttlu d.iughki if an nichltict
wanted a dilnk of water, but was afrulrt
to go Into tin adjoining loom to get it.
Her mother, in an effort to overcome this
childish tlmtdlt, told her that sho aught
not to bo afraid of tho dark that Jesus
was always with her. Thus assured, tho
child started Into tho dark room, hut
wlun Just liislilo tho door, stopped and
timidly called out: "Halloo, Jesua!" (Jet
ting no response, (die scampered back to
her mother. Indianapolis Press.
m iltaW 9l9kHmmtlaotn.
10 cents ana 25 eeoU, at all drag stores.
Evidences Which the Visitor Can
See That the Incoming of the Yan
kees Has Been in Most Respects
Beneficial The One Exception Is
in the Introduction of the Ameri
can Bar Room.
Prom n Havana Letter by Dr. (Mimics 11.
Klsher.pitbllslied In the Chicago Kccord,
To the touilst who was hcio last
ppilnsr It Is not dinicttlt to note that,
inipiovoments of the most substantial
and satisfactory kind have been going
on dining the summer, though per
haps not lit the degtee expected or
desired. Put Havana Is In Infinitely
better condition than when the Amer
ican soldiers entered Its gates at tho
close of lVii, and fur and away im
proved over the spring of 1S93. Xot
only aie the tmpiovcments of a char
acter to please the eye In many In
stances and giutlfy the olfactories, but
they ore also of a character to appeal
to the consldertlon of the Incomer
from the point of convenience and per
sonal comfott,
Hoglnnlng at the et beginning, the
methods at the customs house landing
arc moio satisfactory. Lat spring
there was confusion woise confoundeJ,
on almost every hand. L'mploycs who
had been accustomed to the Spanish
regime weie (if ten annoying In their
oillclousness, lln,i nivays indicating
their vlh to be tipped for evciy move
ment made, even though legitimate In
ccrv sense. Today under the dltec
Hon of an Anietlcan who understands
his business this is all riirfetcnt. Cour
teousness ha tnken the place of of
flelousneos. Promptness has super
seded the ledlousness of old-tlmo
method!.. The fees of the olllce ntu
piomlnmtly poslcd, so that each In
comer knows just what he has to pay
to have his baggage bundled during
examination. Last spilng tiunks were
as rudely emptied on the dirty floor
of the Inspection room as is too oftn
the case in Xew York and some othar
American ports, while this year a lea
sonnbly careful and not nnnoyingly
thoiough inspection ratisfles, unles3,
perchance, the trained olllclal of tho
olJic" Is led to believe a cittlcal exami
nation Is required.
The stieets aie Just as old, Just as
narrow, just ns Interesting, because
of their forelgnesa, but they are a hun
died fold cleaner, a thousand fold les
smelly. The older and nartower
streets, paved with heavy blocks of
stone, are Just as lough and noisy
Little improvement has taken plae
ir. the w holesale district In the appear
ance of the houses themselves, but
that business is better is quickly ap
parent. Eveiynorty seems busy. Theie
ate lew loltereis and hardly anv beg
gars; whereas last January thousands
weie ragged, dirty, unemployed and
offensive, while beggnts and nipple !
of the most repulsive character weia
to bo seen on every thoroughfaie.
Entering the letnl! district tlu
change Is even mote pronounce 1.
Many of the stoics and shops have
been moie or less model nized, though
the changes in this particular are not
enough to destioy the foreign aspect
of the city. Ft each plate glass en
ables the shop-keeper to display ills
goods to better advantage that for.
inetiy, modern glazing having super
seded many of the old and dllap'Catei!
shows windows In Obispo, Compost .
la and O'llellly streets. Some of the
stores have been deepened by haviti.j
the residence department formeily oc
cupied by the employes thrown inn
the main stoic, laiger stocks having
been added and positive attempts hat
Ing been made to keep up with the
spiiit of the day. Xew ond pretty
shops have crowded out some of the
joints" found heie and theie last year,
new awnings have taken the place of
old and dilapidated ones, more of vat.
ety of stock is shown, and Havana
Is clearly trying again to becom. the
Pails of America, as It was styled be
fore the late civil war between the
Arriving at Central and tra
versing the Prado again it Is nntleea
that improvement has been the or lr
of the day. The park Is cleaner and
better kept, Where occupied last
spring by Uncle Sam's troops the
Prado has been tilled Into tho depth
of several Inches with gravel and treat
ed to a heavy tolling with a steam
roller; seveial of the business build
ings have had another stoiy aldei, or
this woik Is now going on; the Ingli
tetia hotel has been enlarged by the
addition of a thiee-stotv bulld'iig to
the north, the upper floors of which
aie to be used by this hostelry, and
the whole couise of the Prado has hiJ
the same treatment that has been ac
corded It In trout of the Hotel Pasale,
where our Hoops formerly bivouacked.
An especially delightful Improvement Is
thellghtlngot theesplanadeof thcifiado
by aie lights, a low of tall white poles
having been planted In the center from
La Punta to the south end of tho
couise, beyond the Pasajo, This work
has been well done, and as tho nlghtlv
promenade of tho Prado Is a striking
feature of Havana fife, tho blighter
light of the ute lights, elevated beyond
the distance of annoyance to vision,
makes the evening scenes of the espla
nade especially atti active.
Many changes have occuned on the
Prado dining the summer, some for
the better, some, unfortunately, for tho
woise. To the south, beyond the paik,
the business dlstiiet has been some
what bettered by a higher class of
shops having crowded out many of thn
dcns fonnei ly located thereon, Xcw
American shops have taken the place
of some of the dingy ones of the Span
ish regime, and model n American bais
have found their way Into some of tlie
buildings In that section, A decided
Impiotement In the character of the
shops Is also noticeable In the Pasaj
arcade, though here theie Is yet room
for betteiinent.
Down the Prado to the north, whero
the promenading Is done, there Is also
a considerable change. The American
bar has, unfortunately, encroached
upon this lesidence district. There
are a number of cafes not here last
spilng. Thero has been some build
ing in this section also, several new
two.story houses having been erected
during the summer, with otheis now in
the process of constiuction. Paint and
calcimine have been liberally used,
many a residence formerly dingy and
weatherbeaten showing now as h mod
em and attractive home. Tho well
known Sport club, half way down the
street, n Cuban organisation too much
given perhaps to gaming for tlie con
dition of tho people, has failed. Its
building Is nhortly to he occupied by
tho Spanish club, an oigaiibatlou ot
good character nnd morals, whoso so
cial features arc among tho most
pleasant of the day.
Many of tho streets crossing the
Prndo In the northern section which
weie last spring In a wretrhed state
have been bo decidedly I nipt o veil as
hardly to bo recognized. Colon, Troea
dero, Animas, Vlrludes and some near
er the sea have been substantially ma
cadamized, attention having been giv
en to drainage, whereby the lakes and
puddle befoie making them almost
Impassable In places aie altogether
done away with. The Piado Itself has
been made the recipient of a gloat deal
of labor, but the street is so abused
by heavy tralllc, which should be made,
to take to tho ido stuels, as In all
rltlee having boulevaids for light dtlv
Ing, that It Is dlMlcult to keep It in
repair. Eventually It will be paved
wUh cement blocks or asphalted and
iiiuda a most beautiful dilve. At pres
ent It (illicitly bec'.nies dusty In drv
weather and muddy In i.ilny' seusons.
Law-abiding Americans, who leallzc
that their example Is fat -reaching
among a people whom our government
Is trying to teach the piinclples of
good conduct and correct self-government,
regiet to see the encroachment
upon the better patt of Havana's tesl
deuce and business district of Anietl
can bar-looms. This is not necessar
ily a (mention of morals or religion,
but of governmental economics. A
few nights ago theie was an "opening"
of one of these places cm tho Prado.
Passing It late at night I noticed that
it was crowded with American ptos
pectots and residents in a moie or less
glorious state of hllaiiousncss, many
ot them well beyond self-contiol, while
the walks outside we ciowded with
observing Cubans of the middle and
lower classes, whose temaiks about th-
"malo Ametlean" wete not to our cred
it. A drunken Ametlean Is always a
bad American, ,i half-drunken Ametl
ean Is always a half-bad American.
While Cuba is an American camp,
might It not be well for the govern
ment at least to limit the number of
such places that It licenses, and thm
avoid In good part the frictions nnd
annoyances between our people and
the natives growing out of the habits
of bibulousness?
While reconstructing this Island It
might as well be dono right, so far as
our people and their Ions to It aie
concerned. Dives of various kinds have
been concentrated Into and limited to
vaiious districts of the city, whoio
valuable tesldence and business piop
ertles are not depreciated by their
presence. Likewise the Piailo and
other good residence sectlono should be
protected by the military authorities
from the encioachment of the saloon.
The niatket places of Havana have
been Impioted In many paitlculats,
though some of them will bear fuither
overhauling and sanitation. The .stieets
In the wot st sections ate dally spilnkled
with disinfecting fluids, and whenever
yellow fever or other set ions illness
shows itself In a particular district the
sanitary force gets after It at once.
All the sew cis for sut face water drain
age are dally treated to chloride of
lime, old gutteis nre flushed and like
wise given attention, dingy and un
wholesome walls aie sciaped and
whitewashed, and garbage Is removed
fiom hotels, cafes, shops and residences
with a promptness to which this popu
lace lias never befoie been accustomed.
For the Babies.
Theie is no better medicine for tho
babies than Chambet Iain's Cough
Hemedy. Its pleasant taste and prompt
and effectual cuies make it a favoiln
with mothers and small children. It
quickly cures their coughs and colds,
pi eventing pneumonia or other setious
consequences. It also cuies croup and
has been used In tens ot thousands of
cases without a single fullure so far as
we have been able to learn. It not
only cuies croup, but when given as
soon as tho croupy cough appears, will
prevent the attack. In enses of whojp
lng cough It liquefies the tough mucus,
making It easier to expectorate, and
lessens the severity and frequency of
the paroxysms of coughing, thus de
priving that disease of all dangerous
consequences. For sale by all dtug
glsts. Matthews Btos'.. wholesale nnd
ictall agents.
Wall Street Review.
Xew York, Jan. 11. Today's stock
market showed the stimulating cfteci
of yesterday's sharp advancer and In
creased activity In a hugely augment
ed outside demand. The commission
houses had mom buying orders to ex
ecute this moinlntr train for many
weeks past, and their biokeis made
a lively opening on the floei ot the
board loom. The stent activity of the
maiket and the steadiness 0f price
during the flist hours made It obvious
Hint speculator who had bought
stocks esterday wcio feeling the new
demand with a Judicious- liberality so
as to realize pioilts on yesteiday's' Hsu
and vet not dlstuib the new level of
values. The steady and confident ab
sorption of these off-Mings pioved high
ly satisfactory to tlm piofessional bulls
r-nd before the end of tho flist hour
they commenced to hid tip prices again
and to take on new lines of stock. The
market was a good ib al unsettled by
a sudden btenk of four points in sugu
nnd the announcement of the failure
of an Important stock exchange house.
The closing out of the accounts ot this
house under the rule ct the exchange
caused a p.uwe in the speculative ac
tivity, though the slian r. wete well ab
sorbed and pi Ices well sustained. Thn
best pi ices of the day in tho majority
of stocks weie made after tills episode.
the demand fiom the i,hoit Interest
becoming eager and piesslng for some
or the stocks which hnvn recently been
targets for bear opeiations.
Hut while tho f lightened slums were
eager to coter it cannot be said that
tho bull contingent ictalnd the same
placid confidence dining the latPv
pait of the duy. Thee dlspored to
avail themselves of tlm forced demand
from the shotts to realize and pi Ices
yielded quite materially dm lug tho
last hour. The mixed sentiments thus
manifested were parUy due to tho facts
disclosed by tho day's Incident,-) that
an Important part of e.stei day's hugi
bulng was due to a reckless and In
temperate attempt to ucoup bear loss,
op by plunging' into a long account. It
was evident that operatntB shoit ot
the general maiket had inaJe a niodi
gal outlay In sugar, which relapsed
weakly In face of nn effort to realize
prollts. Them was very heavy cover
ing In evldepce at rations points In
tlie list, the Industrial rtocks recently
under pressuie being most conspicu-
ously affected, The very heavy deal
ings In II. A. T and npart of the de
mand for steel and wire, were attrib
uted to this cause. There was verv
large demand, however, for rtiol and
wire for the long account. The sym
pathetic effect on other motnl stocks
was less marked than yesterday. Con
spicuous strength was dlspliycd by
the giangcrs, the coalcis and some of
tlie "otithwctems, but the galuf In the
uillroad stocks weie much affected bv
the lute realizing and were nearly all
reduced to fractional limits, arter hav
ing extended well abote a point. Third
Avenue nnd Plttsbuig, Cincinnati,
Chicago and St. Louis continued heavv
In face of the genet nl tendency of the
markets. Total salts (JDT.noo shines.
The bond market was' active but
yielded at some points Total sulci;,
par value, S-.r.Vi'lO.
Pnltcd States coupon diclliied and
the olds Is', In the bid ptlce. Th 'Js
rose ',4.
The follow lug quotations arc fiunl-dicd
ihe Tlltiiiie lit M. S. Jordan
looms T03-7W Mears building, Telephone'
Open- Hluh- Lotv- lios.
ing. est. est. lug.
Am. Sugar l.t2 uin Hi'j m't
Am. Tobacco Co 10) V, 0J- W l"!
Atch., To. & S. !'( .. 2il 2U, I it, :i)-.,
A., T. Ac S. P., Pr .. i,l i2i. i,l i!'i8
Hrook. It. T Tl'i 77 71 7fi
Con. Tob.icio ,",;i', si'i "'J1'. ::!''
Cites. & Ohio .... ?i'l "i V9'i 'Jlii
Piople's 10". tut. 103 KC .
chic, It. i. & v .. ,v mi i.'.-n v;
St. Paul Its', ji'ii4 lis,!, in
Hoik Inland 107 17i Wt Will
llelatver Ar Hud ..117 117 117 117
D., L. 6c V 7'.H(. W'.'ifc i;.)'-j 17'l'j
Kan. ft- Te., Pr ... "., .'! .u4 :'.)ij
Louis, & Niish ... . 7li'i 7'i 71 7'i't
Manhattan Ele r,u. n,ir 'i,, ;t"i,
Met. Tnctlon Co ..171 " 17l'i 11) l.-H
Mo. Puclllo IP4 ir-s II iTu
Jersey Central lis US lis lis
N. V. Central .. ,.1M UtV-j 1".4 111
North. Pailile ;i'H ,v.'h 15 ."1?m
Nor. PaelMc. Pr . .. " 7t 7"i
Onl. & West Ii 2V i 2J 21'i
Pacllle Mali 4V I :, II I!
Phil. & Itend is is"', 1 WJ
p. .. Pr .Mi'i ,-p; y,is
Southern It. It. Pr.. "i X, .',1 r,4Ts
Tentl., C. X Itoti .... s S71'. Mil, m.;,
Southern Pacific .... ?s" :,i " nsi. :,.,
1. S. Leather 17 " 17 K'i 10i,
I'. S. Leather, Pr .. 7i'.?s "u 71S, 7iP4
Union Padllc t7 I7'i -lilTi lb',
Union Pac. Pr ..,.. 7,'is, 733 7.Vi 7V k
Wabash. Pr 2int 21 '2u 21
Pennu. H. 11 i.:n inn i.-i iit;
Am. S. & W M r.s'4 ", o7'-j
Fed. Steel .IP; ul'(. ,V,S T,V
Fed. Steel, Pr 7PJ 7I 7l'i 7IU
Open- High- Low- Clos.
WHEAT. Ing. est. est. itig.
July l.s'4 i'ji, t,Ni; cst;
Mav bSH Gi, 1,7s, CSi
July ,n,iu ::p4 ap:
May ?,y4 pj4 jm.. ;;:
July 2h 22', 22', 2j'J
May 214 ;t4 2JU 2JU
Mnv MO .'00 5.00 3,90
May 10.67 10.7U 10.b3 10.67
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
STOCKS. Bid. Asked.
Tlrst National Bank soo
Scranton Snviiig.i Hank Sm)
Scranton Packing Co 93
Thiid Nntlonnl Hank ir.
Dime Dep Ar Disc Hank 200
Ecnnomv Light. H. A: P. Co 47
Lnckii. Trust A: Safe Dep. Co. 130
Scranton Paint Co SO
Cluts & Snoter Co., Com. . too
Chirk & Snoter.. Pre f 123
Scr. Iron Fence & Mtg. Co loo
Scranton Axle Works ioo
Lackt. Dairy Co., Pref. 20
Co. Savings Bank A Trust Co 230
Pit st Nat. Bank (C.irbondale) ... 300
Standard Drilling Co SO
Scranton Pass. Railway, first
mortgape, due 1'iJO 113
People's Street Railway, tlrst
mortgage, due 1918 115
People's Street Rnllwav, Gen
eral moitgage, duo H21 115
Dickson Manufacturing Co 100
Lai kit. Township School ufp 102
City of Scranton Si. Imp. G. ... Iu2
Jit. Vernon Coal Co b3
Scranton Traction Cfj bonds.. 113 ...
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corectcd by II. G. Dale 27 Lackawanna
Butter Creamery. Sue; dairy, tubs, 2Sc.
Eggs Select western, loc; nearby state,
Cheese Pull cteaiti, new, J3'lC,
Beans Per bit., choice niauott, S2.40;
medium. $.' 20; pea, 2 20.
Onions Per bu 13c.
Flour $1.30.
Philadelphia Grain nnd Produca
Philadelphia, Jan. 31. AVheat-Slcady;
contract grade Januaiy. 71'a72c Coin
Steady: fair demand: No. 2 mixed Jan
uuiv. J7l4a.i7s('. . Oats Pnchangcil; No.
2 white clipped, .'illalje.; No. 3 do. do.,
3'j'c; No. 2 mlMd do. 20'ja7)c. Potatoes
I'nclianged: Pennsylvania choice, per
bushel, .Viijv.: New Yoik and westeta
do. do. .'laKSc: do. do fair to good, .Via
32r. Butter Finn and pilots lc. hlgb
ei ; tti"tcia cre.inieiy. 2'c. ; do
prints, iv. Eggs Steady, tresh, tiear
b, 1-c ; do. vvisteiu, lie. : do. south
western, lse ; do. southern, 17c. Clnec
tjulet but stoail.t. Rt'lhied Sugars 1-Tim,
Cotton I'm hanged. Tallow Quiet but
steady; city prime. In hogsheads, ,r)ii"i'i
(ountry do., li.ureN. -ie,iiu,ic,: dark, do.,
4a3c ; cakes, 5iu."2c-.i gn-ase, ll'a'c. as
to color. Lite Poultrv Firm: fowls, 10a
lie; old i ousters, 7n7lcO ; chickens, S'-a
10'jc.i ducks, He., geese, 10c; tuikt-.ts,
MjiiS'Je-l Uiessi-il Pollltl J Film, good
dennnd: low Is, choice, lie, do fair to
good, loalo'te. ohl iou-Uts, 7e : ehltk
ens, iie.ubj, lOal.'e: westetn do., aige,
lO'vall'ie. ; midiiim do, 'UlOe.: small i'o.,
7'iac. : nil Keys, choice, liilii , do. lair
to good 1ii11e : Inleiior do, 7aSe. ; ducks,
!I,1.V.: giese, i.tV Iteeelpts Plour, 2.100
bairels and l.'.oM sacks; wheat. 1 s.oOil
bushels; corn, Ul,oM bushels: oats, II, y)
bushels Shipments Wheal piiou bush,
els; (inn, 2'i,lil bushels; oats, 7.3i) liilsli
els. New York Grain and Pioduce.
New Yoik. Jan. 111. Flour Only trod
eintely lutltn nnil at lit s L tte.iktr. lol
lovvtd b Impiotement iaar the clo-e
with w Ileal. Wheat Spot llrm: No. '.'
red, 75-1Ke elevator. No 2 ted 77'e t. o.
b, atlimt: No. 1 noithein Diiluth, ?ne. f
o. b, pliompt; options opened 111 111
sulisiquentlt advance!) then collapsed In
thn eaily afteinoon, followed liy na ,u t
lv uillv neui the close; i lie Ing '.a-ic
net hlglici: Miucli closed 7."ke. ; Jluy,
71'. C, duly 7l'c, Coin Spot ens'!, No
2, 40i. alloiit and .:ne. elevator; optlonn
opened steul. suli--tlUi,iitl,t ilnJImil
and market closed dull and i asy at 'i(
net loss: May closul ;5c Oats Spot
ipilit: No. 2. V. '(C. ; No. 3, L's'-.e.; No. .'
white, 314ii :!( ; ,'i, 3 white, LO'jC ,
itack ml.ed wcsti'm. tlMJO'sc .
white. -ila.-Tr, . epiluns dull and east-.
Butter Firm! vm stein cuamcr). Jl.i.'.V .
do. f.ictoi), P'sils'-ji., Juno eitatneiy, Jo
aJV.; imitation itciinoi). 17n2.'c: slato
dally, ls.i2;c.j' do. cicanieiy, 21a.'3e.
Cht'cse Str-ulj ; lull made tiinev lai(,o,
12al3e: fall made fauev small, 12'4tii:e ;
laige late made lllinl.'i-., small l-ite
made, lia,iiUc ; small lite made, l.'il."(c,
Bggi Finn! state and Penusv Itiinla,
lkc,: western urgraded, at, Hal7'.e;
westeiu, i If, ut l-c.
Chtcngo Grain nnd rroducr.
CIiIcikii. Jan. St. Tim zero weatber uml
11 repoited boter liiiiiliy Mile tlie main
I'lictoiH In it (inlet iilii at uiurktt today.
May clor-lnt; 'iiic. (iic-r eHti"rda. Porn
closed ii. and outH a flmili loner. I'm
vlrlnnH ut tlm rlos-i) Mere S'jiii'.c, Im
proved. C'.iHti (uctatloiiH iveiti un fn.
iomh: i-iour humiyi .n. : reii iibeat,
J.M'i; poik, Jinn.iio.rvj. laid, $. ir,a.-i,77'-.:
sldosb, $1 rJia" ?".; slimildcis, ."iijiife. , clear
sldtw, $i.7oa5.t.1; whisky, Jl. .'.!'; sukuis,
Chicago Live Stock Market,
('lileauo. Jan. Jl. Cnttlo-Uood to
holco untile stcirs, steiulv; olds, Meal.,
Tt-Miiiti, Htiuim: cow market and can.
nei.(, htoiitl) to H'ruiiK: feedeis. ;
sond to choice, $5.-.',iii,:ri: poor to medium,
frl.i'i; mixed stockuii, fl S'iuTM: selected
firilns. rd.'-'Oil Sn; khoiI to cbnlto ioiv,
$!4('al.r,o: hi'lfers.; ciinnerH. sj.'sii
2 sj; bulls .'..VUI W; iitlics. $l.riiiaS.-J."j fit!
Tt-xu. beeves, laS-.'u. Hot's Active,
unawje.; .mi . inn, .ii-i.e.; o. z jeuoiv
coin. .11'siill"-ic.; No. -' oats, '.'2?ii-.'1e. : Xo
'1 white, a4-i3.V,c. No. !1 Mblte, fn2",i ie. , '
No. "i lie, S:tu31c,; No. " barley, :i7'ja IJc-. j
No. 1 llax and noi lliwisl. t.t,e: timothv.
! mi
The Question of
In articles of food is as
important tothehouse
wife as PURITY or
ECONOflY. Ceylon
and India Tea is HA
CHINE - HADE, and,
therefore, FREE from
all deleterious sub
stances FOUND in
DIRECTIONS. Use less tea and In
fuse JHUEK to F1VK minutes. Al
ways use boiling water.
Ceylon Tea
Sold only in rtcUtt.
50c, GOc, and 70c par pound.
I Dyspopsia,
ISick-Head -lacho
and Livor
Bold by all druKetatt
or Bent by mall.
Nervlts Mcdlcil Co., Chlci(0
Sold by JIcGarrah &. Tlioma?, Drug
gists,, 209 ave., Scranton, Pa.
ferLontftr' iJit-Jov and ainhitloniuf
ltu tan I
wo rat en if tut pftrnu llehlllfv A
D ifiuifu io j"ti inft erT
absolutely itiritt by I'KEtFF.f'TO
LTAULhi m. ui?e irorapireiierioin
lioninl. fnillnrf memory and the wt
' and drain of ltol poner. tncuiied by
lmltHrrctloni ureiceieiof tly rati
Imnart visor and Dotencv toer func
tion Brace up the yi'em Uto am. bloom to tna
r) eehsand lustre to the eve ofjyoun(f orold.
unoivoc box renews vuai eneryy kvivjd
ti. ton cam pletgtfuftitnteedcu re TffTOr or money re-
mltd Ltn be carried In vett MaV Docket 8ol1
eterywheie or mnilil In plain wrapper un leeelprf
price by TttK ritKntitr tU, laiica Vdf., Ckltaf,
Sold in Scranton, Ph., by Matthew
Bros, and McGarrah & Thomas, druggiati.
ff ChlrheMer'a KasUab DUmoiiil Or an A.
Rtfut danon
ttontaht initation$ AtDiucilils (Tmi4
to ftams for partlculnri, t itimoatals aaC
Itellf f fop lisillra." 1 1 (rftrr. bv rmtmwm
f Math 10.000 rmlraor lals Kmm raptr,
Eh1htrri .IimlAftlf?n..ttfMi1tftn Hnum
8o!4 bj all Lorn Drucclm. I'HII. Vll, l'
. If din toil " iinrulluimu- luU-rtti from
(AllilljlCUrilttfc.illa.t.'-i Illoodl'al.on,
) , LL'tiful 1 rrori, I.u.t iitlitf aricoKlc. etc.
lnint T.r '( p. I'itl. ftli4 Bck
C... rrmh ' to l"r,.f. ;. Ir'. '1 II (I I M. It..
rf'J f!SS 0 i orlh Milh St.. I'hllailrlplila, .
J Ir vWy.'"' I'J'UUilj ib. onij- i?w la In at .
J vLttt i Stat, s to cun ett.j tlowh lh iuoii ctkl ratcl p
luil.itlalUl. l'(f.icautur dlii t to IKiUti lluur.9 3 C9
Ir-TT TT t ry-rT'T f "yr TTTtTTTT
Hluiilo blu'lui tM. SI SI: soml oleaMticps;
mll uml IniU'lieis, Jl!15:il.b0; ku1 to
cllOlc-t llillJ. $17 Ml.'. KlUKll llCUV).
$I"i.i1ii, llKbt. Jl.'ifia-ITJij: bull: of sale,,
M7u.ll "". t-'lin-ii uml I. unbi Steady to
hliaib l(nvcr mr lanibf. $7; until wetli-11-,
Jli.O.t." -J"., lamb-', Ki7i westein netb
UH JKi'a'J'i, iiit-iein lambs. $ba7. Ho-nlitH-('utlle.
1' r.iii bead; hoss, 2'i,00ij
In ad. hill en. .'J.OW bead.
Buffr.lo Llvfi Stock Mnrl'o:
Kas-t lliill'alo, Jim. .11. CnlHe Kcielnts.
'! iai. sternly lor I at mailed, (.lockers.
Ill in. euK Jii "Ats i lmlce to laney, JS.23
n!i; Irisli ioivt, S-IJaMl, ( ommon to talr,
$JVi"n; no oale for spitmscis mer JWal'i.
Ilm;f ltecelput.-i "0 cms, hteady; YorU
ib and mlMd, "i best MeiKlit-(, $.".ariU")i
plUh, 'il'j.lil. KillKllS. $l.ll.l4.l'.'). ht.lKM. S1.5I)
i.l 71. Klu ep uml I. unbs Hcceiptc, 4u;
binbei; l.iiubf, lop. 7u7.-J"i. new fancy,
filTiil; otbcih, Jiii.ili ', sin ep. Sl.'Airi.&l;
wi'tlitrn uml (MllillrH. $" 75.pi..'.
New Yoik Live Stock.
N'eiv Yoik, Jan. 31, Hrcvoh Steers
(low but F,ti-inl . Inillw and c-nu'i, stcudv
to 10c. IllKlur. all soldi Metis ( wa'..7.":
Kiitnl lo elioln nM'li. ) .(). 1 bulls, $!.J
at.;:',; 40, JJti'il 10. I'alies Active and
titiom;; ital". l''".5. little cilns. Jir.n.i
I .".!' baiii.Minl stoek, J! .".n.ii.Vr, south-
in "culicri, l '''. Shet'is 1'Iim, lambs. 10
al.'.e liU-bei, sin ( P. Jl.i.J'..ri..V); culls, V."
i rt.fii is iinlw, $'i Ttn'."i . Ciniida linnb-,
iT.'rii- xeiiiiini.'s. ij. lions Steady at i'i.0
llu Jl
East Libeity Cnttle,
Kast l.llieit.i. Jan. :il Cattle Stonily;
Mta, c".7u.iii; prime. J.'.-t'ia.'. ui; common,
J)2.'ai.Mi. IIoks l.oier; prime iniilltiius,
".u'a'.lii; ileal i lions. $1 li.1,i5: heiliy
Yoikm. r.a'.iV-,. UkIiI YiuKcih. $19a4'i".
piss, Jl 7i'al.-'i; loiiKliH, riria4..r.n. Sheep
Wight r. clioli e Mi'thiis, J.1 jrt.i." i"; torn
mmi. W.iVMa.511, iholft liimliM, i!!';.0)a7,t0;
ciinimim to noml, .VaU,-"!; eal calies,
Kin. '
Tor Infants anil Children.
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Signature of
WjMl i i j i mBSI
1 25 CTS.
Original aDd Only wenulno. A.
arc. altayt reliable, LAOcaikA
Druulit for CMchdttrt Ji-fjittk lt" i-PfaA
no ni rand In Kcd toi if M metil iflr
botes tied with blue rtM )n Take Vv
no otht r. Rtfut dancm ui $ubttilu
C. 41 if !
Ivk tfk