"V " 'it Tr if vr ,f .t, t, Ay av I THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 31. 1900. LACKAWANNA COUNTY. CARBONDALE. DEATH OF 0. D. SHEPHERD. Pity Knglnccr O. H. Shepheiil, of South Washington street, died ycster dny uftornoon nt 3.10 o'clock, ufter nn Illness or four davi with pneumonia. Mi. Shepherd cume hern from Sunn ton Inst Apt II, when ho vvns elected en gineer of the city. He was sixty-five yoats old and well known throughout the viilley. owing to his connection with linpoitnni engirT'crlng works. The famous old Gravity horseshoe, or Shep heid's crook, bore hit name. He is sur vived by a. wife. The funeral arrange ments hnve not been made. HORSE RACING ON ICE. A number of the members of the Oentlemen's Driving; club, who con duced Anthrnclte park before Its trans foimatlon Into a coal storage plant, arc arranging for some port at Crystal lake. Ftldny. They have measured oft a half-mile sti.ilght-iwav and will tiy the -weed of theli steeds on eighteen Inches of Ilp. Thu mifnce will be toughened with a road sm.iper to make It safer. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Mr. and Mi. Gem go Snvdor, if Salem avenue, are entertnlnlng Mr, and Mis. Clarence Cole, of Wyoming. .lohn Ro Inn's meat wagon tipped over on Wayne stieet vesteidnv' and was conldeinbly datnaged. Tin- condition of John Coinlsh ie mains unchanged. L. C. I.lnds.iy Is visiting friends In Honesdale. John Von Hetk Is able to be out agnln. Miss Anna Kendall has n-tttincl f i om Dunmoie. .1. A. Sthermeihorn Is In Phlt ulelphli erecting a filter press for the C.ubon dale Machine i onipany. J. I'leipont "Hamilton and wife have gone to New Voil., when- thu fornix v .'1 go Into business. He was lecently propiletor of Hotel Anthtaclte. The Fionz-Wilcek comnany np pejied at the Grand last night as the font th ut ti action of the Century club'H couise. The audience was large .ml the tntcitalnment satisfactory. JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. A Former Well-Known Resident Sorely Afflicted Republican Cau cusPersonals. Tredeilck H.utnoll, of Dunmoie. win Fevei.il uin ago was a ics-ldolit of this bmiiugh. l'.is bom raielv aflllctud with eje trouble for the past nix months, i exulting1 In tin- entire Iof of one eve an 1 th" othoi Icing n badly nrieotcd that It is feared he may be come totnllv blind. He lias a number of friends In this bcrotigh by whom h Is ple.i.intlv k mviuboied, and they me deckled to lro'3ll, him with n tistltponk'l A ub"ti!pion list has been opened nl the ilrur loro of J. M. .v J". M (iiMts who will gladly le iele any suim tlptlonr. to the fund. " The concert which w- to nave been glve.i bj the choll I'l thi' PeekIU Metl.odist Episcopal eliuuh lor tin1 benefit ot tht'Lnd les' Aid si doty of the M.n field Yard Miss'o.i In th MuvflUd van! school hove list night, but. hem postponed un'li this owning. At a caucus of the R'publlL'in votis of the Third wind, hi id Mond.iv even ing. Albeit Moon was nominated for louivilman and .lolin . Giant, schoil diieitoi, David Reeve. jtifi.ro. mil lohn .Men lik, lnp''i t n P.ivld EI klns, of West Mafk!d. Is laid up with an ut'.iok oi lumbago Mi. and Mis .luhn Day. of Pickvlllo. 'lent Sund.iv nt tl'o I-mi of Mi. and Mis. W. T Kobeif. of Main sticot. Mis Arthur Pav. of (Vim-t.'iy street, who was ieci,'ilng fivio bei locent lllne was estMdi taken with a. i el ipe Dr. M .1 Shields w th n Si i wton istor ve-.teilay MKsCoia Lindoi.of Thlnl stioot.lu. letuined home nfttr spending a fe.v days with Olyph.int fiit'inK Ml. and Mi.'. Will Seyt.iotti. of i street, iiic ii udlng the day In Scian ton. John Tight?, ot South Main ttoet, Is nttenllng the funenl of the late Mr. Muiphv, at At oca, toeiay. The Democrats of the buiough will hold x caucus in Knteipiiso hall to. nUht. Thomas M. Hcndiicks Is visiting nt Hoboken, N. J. Having a Groat Sun on Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. Manager Martin, of the Pierson drug stoie. Informs us that he is having a gieat tun on Chamberlain's Cough Itcmedy. He sells live bottles of that medelne to one of any other kind, and It gives great satisfaction. In these days of lit grippe there is nothing llk-i Chambet Iain's Cough Remedy to stop the cough, Ileal up the sore throat and Iilms and ghe itllcf within a viiy shot t time. The sales aie growing, and all who tiy It .no pleased with Its prompt action, South Chicago Dally Calumet. Foi sale by all dtugglsts Matthews Brotheis, wholesale and re tail agents. OLYPHANT. The Fourth ward Republican" held their t aliens on .Vondnv night. The ptlnclpal fight was for council, and tesi'lted as follows- jchn R Pottl giew, riJ; Iiuuh Lewis, li; Samuel Ar cher, I'O. Thomas Synions was chosen ns school director. John Palmer, a tlmbennin employed In Lddy Cicek mine, was stiutk by a falling timber and had his back badly Injured yesterdny afternoon. Th man was removed to his home In Prlcchurs: and medical aid summoned. I'rlreleft Infnrmttloti In tealtd tlivclox.' iNUrvduuk Irciliiaut. remedie und t pllsncc, ruroltlicd on trill Dtidftpprovut, Miiotalirauil Suet-mi, relu-'i tbem at our expense and Fay Knthlne, Vtetnutyou. Vigor rettored, Iohc checked. No UO.li, nur other deception. fRlP1 TOXIJ ERIE MEDICAL OQ BUFFALO, N.Y. EVERY WOMAN Bar ti(H neodo s nllrtlt, k.7tt 1 ' us pnraii aiui Dt Peal's TVC iTbeyarx irompt.iafo and certain la reiult. " m ,Tborenuu(tfr. Peal's) never dlmppolnt. 8oldfor$tX0prboz. For Sale by JOHN H. PHELPS, Spruce street. The Juvrnlfl Dancing class will ten tier their friends a complimentary so cial In Mahon's hnll tomorrow night. Lawrence's orchestra of flcranton will furnish the music. A lcgtilm meeting of tho board of tnuli will ho held at the horoush hall on Monday evening. Mrs. William Maulers, of New Tori:, who has been the guest of MtB. John Ferguson, has i "turned home. T. V. White, of Scranton, was a vis itor here yesterday. The ncmociats of tho Fourth .vnrel last night placed the following ticket In tho Held: Connoll, Hugh Lewis; school director, J.imfl McAndtew; Judge of election, Frank McLnttghlln; Inspector, John Grady. TAYLOR NEWS. Welsh Baptist Church Eisteddfod, To Bond the Borough Industrial and Personal Notes. The eisteddfod to be held In this town on Washington's birthday, Fcbuiaiy BJ, Is sure to be a grand success. '4'hu occasion will be held under tho aus pices of the First Welsh Baptist church Aheady three choirs have been organ ized In this town to enter on the chief competition, and cm the minor prizes j. list of names are being entered. The ndjudlcatois will be: On music, l'io fessor Wllllnm D. Evans, of Cnrboti elale: tetitatlons and poetry, Rev. D. D. Hopkins and J. Courier Moril. These will be two hc-ioiis, afternoon and evening. Admission, single session, twenty-live cents; full ticket, thlity flve tents. Much Interest Is being manifested in the coming Februaty election, when the question of bonding the botottgh foi' tho sum of JJ0.0O0 for the election of a boiough High school will be decided. Rev. L R. Foster, of Scianton, was a visitor with friends here yesleidav. Mr. L K. Welsa, of Scianton, was a tallei on business men heio yestei day. James and Geotge Prendergast, of Depot street, are taking n course of study at the Scianton Business t, allege. The work of constiuctlng the new en gine house at the Aichbald colllerv of the Lackawanna lompany his bien completed. A new first motion engine has been placed theieln and eei thing Is now in readiness with the exception of connecting the lopes to the caul.ige, which w 111, In all probability, be uc compllshed as soon as the necess try lepalrlng about the towet of the breaker i.tn be completed It Is lumoiej that the above tollleiy will soon sus pend (inflations to make a few minor lepairs about the Intel lot of the breakei, which tannot be done while it is being opeiated. A new tall rone s being plated In the mine at that place. Taylor lodge, No. 462, Knights of Pythias, will meet In their looms In Reese's hall this evening. The Pyne mines resumed opeiatlou on Monday, after a week's Idleness for repairs nbollt the woiks. Mlnonka tribe. No. I'l. Impiaved Or der of Rcdmen, will meet this evening, when several pilefates will be adopted. All members of the Lackawanna (otincll. No. ,'ii, Daughteis of Fncnhon las, are leeiucsted to be present at to moi low evening's t-csslun. Misses Maiy Motlltt and Alld.i Nea Ion. of Carbondale, lslted friends In this town on Sunday. John Ridgway will open a hotel In tho Jones propel ty on Main stieet din ing the coming week. Miss Lam a Morris, of Ninth Taylor, Is rapidly icioveilng fiom her leceiit Illness, Mi. nnil Mis. Junes P. Loftus and Mr. Patrick Motlltt. of Carbondale. at tended the dedication seivlre of the net Catholic chutch heie on Sunday. Ccianton Woman's Trouble. Peranum, Pa.. Jan. 25. 11)00. Mus. W. A Stanton, 406 Fourth avenue, this city, has had trouble with her stom ach and at times would-be very disv. She tool; foul bottle of Hood't, S'usa paillht. when she vwus entliely lined. PECKVILLE. List Stiudav was a great day for the Pifsbyteilan chutch In Petvklll". At th morning sen Ice the p.istoi and people celehiated the li'iuidation of all church Indebtedness and all sahules woie paid to Febiuarv t, 1900. In De cember, 1809, a special effoit was mada to meet a note at n bank ot $l.t."0. The congiegatlon and othois sub set ibeil liberally, the largest subscilb oi.s being V. S. Jones and Mis. Maty Jones,. $100' the Mooslc Ponder com pany, $100, and the Steiiiek Creek Coal lompany, SIOO. Tho cftort was suet ess. ful, with the aid of a ui.tnt from thei chtirch erection board ol $7i.' and March '.", IbOS, the note was ptld, and all indebtedness resting on tho church edlftte was removed. Soon iifterwnrd the church was dedicated nvl later the present pastot. Rev. S H. Moon, was 'ailed and Installed. Other Indebted ness has been gi.uluallv ;iald, the crow'nlng effort being made last vveek, the Young People's sotiutv (ontiibut lug flfil. and th.- Ladles' Aid $12 ol. Tho entlio indetbednejs jald In the Int two venis and three months. Includ ing pu1 chase of an oigan. Is $.',100. Deducting the giant from the boaid of ('hutch erection the amount inlsed by this literal congtep.it Ion fir debts Is. In iouiiiI numbers, $1,100. The con giegitlon Is to be heartily congra tulated. The little folks tnttlnp- pint In the .mothris' enteitalnment will meet In I the hose hoifc Trlday night Instead ! of tonight, at 7 o'clock. I D. B. Thomas has nte.cpted the pol ! tlor. as section foienuin under the Delawaie, Lackawanna and Western. Mi. Thomas will have chiige ot the Jennyn section. He w.n formerly see ! tlon foreman at thlK pbite, but un signed his iiosltlon and for the pau year has been laboring for the Dolph Coal company. Mi. Thomas will as suirm his new position February 1. Tlie Keystone Stoie company's stonj will oppn up this mot nine after being closed for the past two days on no count of taking inventory. The Ontario colliery will bo closet! down for a few days on account of tba breaking down of the large breakei engine. Tho -accident occurred y.ster- asostblj, ncalatlai mtdielnt. Onlr hutnloM bA lasiia o wa, ii ; yeu wast th txtii, gel Punnvroval PIIIn Pharmacist, ecr. Wyoming avenue and A BUFFALO ATTORNEY. Cnreil of Catarrh or Long Stand ing by rcrunn. Hon. George D. Ycomans. Hon. George D. Ycomnn", nominated for District Attorney for the city of Buffalo, N. Y., Is a well known and popular lawyer of that city, wtltet.: "It affords me pleasure to be able to add a word of endorsement for tho great and lasting benefits I havo le ceived from Peruna. I had been a sufferer from catarrh for a long time and found no permanent relief until after taking a few bottles of Peruna, which, have permanently lelievoJ mo." Addiess the Pel una Medicine C ., Columbus, U, for a lice book on "Winter Catarth." Ask your diugglst for a free Pel una Almanac for the year 1900. dav. The engine was h.idly d. image-. Met chant 1. Knv. hn--e places of business Is In the l.cdverJ block, will on Tliurdnv move his slock to Foiest City, whole ho will embarK In the s-ntne tnde. Cateiers H. Gtelner & Son fuinlshr-d the refreshments at the I'reo anl Accepted Ma-ons' ban iuel lJfet even ing. BALD MOUNT. Mr. and Mis. o. Vanllusklik spent Sunday In Scranton. Dr. it S. Cooper, who has been ser iously III, Is convalescing. Mrs. Hliz.iboth Robsnn has leeovered fiom her lee "nt Illness. Llmei RIchaids, son and daughter, spent Sunday with his sister, Mis, i:d Felby, at Tayloitown. Joseph La Cop ind family expect to lemove to Scranton In the near future. Mi. LaCoe will leave his faim under capable supei Intendence. Mr. and Jlrs. i:. R Waid have psu-nl Invitations to a patty to be given at theli home on Friday i veiling, I'eb unry 2. Mi". W. L. Sperte, who has been "pending a week with bei patents, Mr. and Mis. c. Vanlltiklrlc, letipncd to her home in S ranton on Tip ''lay. W. A. Hill made n tilp to Taylor on Sntuidav night to oecui the son Ice i of a voteilnatv surgeon for one of his hoisei-. Th? treatment wis elfcctml. C. V.mHusklik has lecoveied fiom his recent Indisposition. H. P. Rlclriids Is suffiiiiif- fiom the gtip. Hl son, Jay, Is oer upjlng his position in the mnll seivici- n-mpoi-nilly. Rev. AIilI Wilgley t"ects to ligln a seiios ofeMia meetings in th" .Meth odist Episcopal chuith on Sunday e veiling next. A company of tlfty-thto- constitut ing the Ladles' Aid society of the Mt thodist Episcopal church, was in tei tallied at dlnrei on Wodnes-day of last week by Mis. .Taim.s White. Mis. i)cl Wrlgley is entei tabling hej niothui. Mis, Chase, ut ractoty v llle. lohn Kunsmun. of Milwaukie, was a tallei In town on Sunday. Catarrh Cannot Be Cuied with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as tlity (iimiot reach the soat of the disease. Catarrh Is a blood or constitutional dis tune, and In older to cuio it joii must take luterml remedies. Hall's Catarili Cure Is taken Internally, and ici illnctly oi. the blood ami mucous burfaces. Hull's Catarrh Cure Is not a ciu.ick medicine It was prescribed by one of tho best lihyMcians In this country for yeiM, and is a icgulnr prescription. It is conip i-vd l of the best tonlts Known, combined vlth the best blood purifiers nctliu dliectly 1 on thu mucous sui faces. Tho perfect com binitlon of the two Ingredlnntii s what nrodiites such wonderful icsnlls In mr. ing Catarrh. Send for testimonies free. F. J. CUKNHY &. CO, Plops.. Toledo, O. Sold by (liuggistH. price 7'c Jiairs jamlly i'llls are the best. KIPLING AND BABBIE. The Two Writers of This Decade Who Will Live. Hairy Thurton ppek. nfter levlew Ing the llteiatme of the past ten year.) In Alnslee'r for February, decides that Kipling and Hurtle in th" only writ ers 'vhosowoilt will survive. He says; "Above all this mats of mtdlociity thi'io lises befoie tho mind the tlguio ot lliidy.'inl KIplltiR, win alone of thu write! s of tho p.ut tin yenie has given to the w oi Id something tint teallv thillln' It, aril that bns loused a genuine and cndiiilng iidmiration. Ills cxt inordinary fence and vlgoi, his fiee-h.md tioatmeiu'ot his rtibjee,ts, even the cntoloss nudiclty of his stylo mid something that eices upon im pudence In his Hit i aiy manner have made him quite unique; and In his Jungle Hooks theie Is found n wealth of cientive imagination and a peno tiatlon Into the mvsterlcs of what Is primitive nnil pilmcvnl that cannot be paralleled In the literatuic of any psj pie. If any nine; novelist of tho pist ten yearn ins wilt ten an thing in Hngllsh I bat will enUurt, It Is pcilinp'3 Mr. j. M Tlairle. whoso ''oinriand of tho pa thetic is something mn'e than a nierj literary tiltk. und suggerts the nos- i session of that Intuitu gnlu which goes unerringly to the tiy kouicc of both feais and laughter. Yet If Mr Kipling is to be lemeinbe.rc', t will b'j by his Jungle Rooks and his shott stoibs onlvj for in his. novels, It they can be called ro, ho Is obviously ill it ease and dees not attain to the aills tic completeness that ni.uks Ms shoiter stoiies, In lik.i manner Mi. Uirrle will prob ably bo remembered by ono or two of hU pinc'tictlons rt the mo-f just ns I myself believe that Stevenson In the end will live thiough the one nhort tour do foretv-whlch he hlmrclf at last dime to datest tho ttny of 'Dr. .lekyll and Mr. Hyde.' which cannot possibly Iw forgotten, be-MUte it has c;lven to our laiis-urgo nn nllegorlctl tnodt of repiesrntlng tie ethical qual ity of man." THEATRICAL. "Tho Fast Mail." Another largo house hist night saw "Tho Fait Mull' pioduced by tho Hunt-lcy-Jat kjon (Stock company, it Is strong In a set tile niul dramatic way and gtoatly ilrllchtid the auillenct'. 'J'ltls afternoon the bill will be thn "Do fmiltei," mid tonight 'Tor Liberty and Love," which Is one of tho strongest dramus In tho repertoire of the company. 'The Top Notchor8., At tho Oalctv tl Is afternoon ni.d cvtn Ing "Tho Top Notchers" Vaudeville com pany will close Its engagement. It Is suld to be tho best vaudeville or ganization seen at the Qnlcty thU sea son. A White House Concert. The first formal soclil affair given nt the White House by President and Mis. McKlnley was the Male dinner, which took plate en Wednesday evening, March 21, 1S'7. Alter dinner the distinguished tompnny adlourned to the Hlue Parlor, and weio delightfully entertained by u c harming musical programme given by Rlla Russell and Franz Wlttitek. In ad dition to tho dinner guests a number of tho most pi eminent residents were In vited to the concert. At the cIoro of the coi cert tho president congiatulatcd VII7tk In most flattering terms upon his highly niti'tlc rendering or of his violin olos, and presented him with a "bou tonnlere" und autograph, as a slight toV cn of appreciation. Tho rare orportui.lty of appealing be. foro so distinguished (.n nsunbly at tho oxocutlvo mansion Is nllotcd to a few, but thoso who mo so fortunate as to at tend the concert at tlio Lcum theater this evening and hear this grent artist will not wonder at the high cmnpllinput paid bin: by that engagement. Mark Twain's Campaign. It Is not generally ki.ovvn, remarked lMwbi Mnvo, tho actor, recently that Mark Twain was for a time nn ofllcer In Conltclerate service, during tho lato lebclllon. 1 got thu Moiy from himself, and It Is pretty good. During tho time nn father was dramatizing "Pudd'nhcail Wilson," Mi.. Clemens wis for a time our guest, and one dny nt dinner be told us his soldles lag epeilvnee being In ought up In a slave-holding community he naturally sympathized with the south, and soon nftei tho o eplng ot lio.itllltii s Joined tho Confederates at Rallh county, Mo, as a tctond lleuten mt, under tten ci.il Tom lb ills Ills military career lasted two weeks, n,u row Iv missing the distinction of be ing captured bv Colrnel Ulysses S Giant. Shottlv after he resigned, eplulnjiig that ho had become Incapacitated by fiillgm lliioiigh pe'ipctiril rutrenllng. "Puild'n head Wilson" vlll be .seen at the Lytcum ntt Fild iv evening Hi Henry's Minstrels. HI llenrv's Greater Impiowd Mlnstul Aggregation of llftv nll-nliltf artists will aiipeir nt the Lyceum theater Saturday, Feb. ,",, matlnco and night. The com piny haK Just retimed from tho most successful engagements ever known on tho Paiifle ttast Thev are specially cuniplimeuted by the Sun Fianclteo. Denver and Pot Hand Jomnab, whne they hive npi cared, as having flno sing er', talented comedians, accomplished dancers nnd n brand new first part, and their olio of high-grade vaudevilles is composed of th very best. Among the principals Is Ttllly Claik, Rivmuiul Teal. Charles Wlulen Frank Motion, Walter Flliott. the Coutures brotlnis. the Premlim CU-a tlub, the Plttston bovs. Divld Caller and Will Picbvn. Mr. Ill Hi nr- and a host of other well-known artists. GERMANY'S STRIDES. Emperoi William the Star Expan sionist of Today In Sixteen Yeata the Germans Have Acquiied Col onies Five Times ns Latge as the Mother Countiy. In an aitldc on 'The Fnit-d States of the Wen Id," wilttcn by Cc-ihko L--land Hiintoi. In Alnsiee's, -.o ilud this Intel esting oiitliiic of Goiniuny'h pio gics in the last twenty years. "The Ooman c'lurlie. loatnlng wisdom fiom Fngiind, and perhaps lemimbeiin. the .nubltloiiq of tlu- Oit.it Fletten two centuiles b.'f.iio, l r-fiMf tl to be i cm tent with land empire tnul longed for the fioedoin oi the eea They went to lbltish shlpyarc's and learned how to put together the enormous shells of steel that are used today for com mcico and for war upon tho ocean. In many lespects, they hr.e alioady Miipahrod tlvlr teacheis. "In the shoit space of sixteen year-i the Oeimans have a"ciuirod colonies with live times the area nnd one-fifth the population of the inothet country. As tho most for tilt spilr of the earth hul already leen puempted. how ever, thoy wore obliged to take what bad been neglected by clheis ns of n.) neenv.nl. The llrst litb piisso they se cuied was Kino Chati bay, with the province of Sliantitnrr as n. nhnm nt inlluencc. Hcie thoy will have- an op- luriuniiy io hiiow vvnat (icininn iia tlence, German thrift and Oeiman method can accomplish. Judging by what has been done in less piomlsln'r colonies, the result will be gratify ing to German expansionists, of whom L'mperor William is ill si "In China tlieie Is ovety leason why Germans should :ill,;n themselves! with tho t'lent enmnieiel ii nntlmn German uiaii'ifactiiieis havo leached a point when they em compete In open maiket with unv In tho wuild. What thoy nsk now Is Unit their gov. eminent should give their, an oppoi I ttinltv to compete wnd while Aginr- lan influence has in tho past hampered tiade lolatlons notably vlth thJ I lilted Sfite. the Industiial growth of Geimanv Is such that tho political power of the Agiailnr.f. 1 dlialnUli ing. Of coi'.isp, tile Geinniv) would not be too niodoht to uiubntiiko alone the exiiloltntlon of ihn wlinlA if Pliln.i I but that Is Impossible'. ..vct.il... .... n.... .n.. ... .1 ...... ., I.lll- III' .MM- c-.lll IICJilloSV Willi certainty what gieat power Is some day to occupy Cmstimtlnople, It Is significant tint the Go: mans are ex ploiting commeiclully not only Tur l.c y, but also the Halkan states. Ger man tnpit.il has taken .idantnge of the pei son il filendshiji existing be tween the kalsor nnd the sultan to seture conceshlons in Tuikey for the building of railways nnd the intro duction of steamship lints. Tho Influ ence that Fiance nme exoiclFcd In the Levant has been superseded by Gorman Iniluence. The Iiiiluencn ot Russia, still great because of fear, be. comes lesj In propoitlon ar the sultan loans more upon his filend. Vmiperor William. Tho tlu-atib a! tiJp of tho Intter tu Palestine w.ts an outward sign of this. I.'nglaud, it should ba noted, rppeais to hi content to allow Germany to grow nt the expense of Husjdu. In Peisla, npain. Geininn anl Fng Ish Interests nre opposed to Russian Intel tsts. When tho G"imans build to F.ugi'id, tho railway for which they nlro'idy have a concession, and which tho rultnn Is eager to have construct ed, It can bo made to piy only bv .extending 't tniougn t'oisia to con nect with Ire nnullsh inllvvnv in In idla. This v ould complete the over- The People's Srf'-'rfW.t'rf'''' A POPULAR GLL'ARING HOUSU for tlto lleiuflt nt All Who Havo Houses to Rent, Real Estnts or Other Property to Sell or Exchune, or Who Want Situations or Help Thais Small Advertisements Cost Ono Cent a Word, Six Insertions for Five Cents a Word Except Situation! Wanto.1. Which Arj In sorted I-'rce. FOR RENT Wi:ST.MINSTi:tl HOTEL FOR RENT April 1. Enqulro John Jermyn, lb) Wjomlng avenue. I'OR UKNT-FnOM APRIL 1. 100O, store No. 231 Lackawanna avenue, oc cupied bv Lackawanna Hardwaro Co. lnuulro of J. II. Qunster. FOR SALE FOIl BALE-A GOOD LIOHT COUPE IN good order; suitable for a physician. Price, Undertaker, South Main avenue. WANTED-TO RENT. WNTnDJRrnHED'TlOT'BinT able for gentleman nnd wife: central ly located. Address. X, Y, C, Tribune. FURNISHED ROOMS. foii" RnNTNicLLV ruRNisimn front room with closets, hot and cold water, gas unci eltctilc lights, ill Adams uvtntie. Centrally locnttd. FOR KENT A PLEASANT Fl'R. lilshed room with bath, lent teuton able. No. Jll Madison avenue. WANTKD-TWO NICKLV rURNI8IIED rooms with board. Centrally located Address W., Tribune tilllce. BOARDING. EOARUINO 525 PINB STREET. AGENTS WANTED. I WANT SOME GOOD AGENTS. MEN and woinin, to canvass, people who can and will work, cun makn good money, lmiutro between 7 and b p m , St. Charles Hotel, Imjuliu for Mr, Cook. HELP WANTED-MALE. WANraDnVOGiTOlTM apply at otlieo of tho Si ranton Uutton Company. ENERGETIC SALESMAN - COUNTRY work. School supplies. Salary $UK) and extras. II. O. Evans & Co , Chi cago, 111 WANTED- EY AN ESTARL19HED business o a high older, a representa tive of abllltj and backing who can take up Its work in thn state of Pennsylvania ; no fcchemo; permanent business with money In It for the right party. Address, giving references. FOUNTAIN RATH I1IIUSII CO., Onind Rapids. Mich HELP WANTED-FEMALE. vvummjFiNi:D, educated. energetic, young woman as nursery governess; must bo able to sew, havo liulgment In feeding, clothing and car ing for the general health of three small children. None others need applv. Ap ply to Rooms 5 and i! Commonwealth. LADIES TO DISTRIBUTE TREE SAM pies in city. Call at 320 Washing ton avenue, from 8 20 to 1010 a. m. today. WANTED-TO BUY. WAXTED-TO RUT FOR CASH. SEC- iind hand watches, lewelry, old gold nnd silver. Gardner, 2:u' Spruce stieet. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY OOOl) OPPORTUNITY FOR THE light pirty to Invest JGOfiU foi hair In terest in a coal mine In the 10ft coal re gion The mine can bo made In four months to net J'U a day. This will stand a thorough iiivestiKitlon Address, c'onl Mine, Trillium oiilte. j:00 TO $100). WITH SERVICE, TO IN vest In unv legitimate buslncs that will bear Investigation. Address E. Trib une ollU'e. . REWARD. TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS REWARD will be paid tor the emlli-t. n liable and most complete Information, regarding the nut lenient made between the Anthrn eltu Mlnlrg Comp my nnd the miners in the Wve,mlng and Lackawanna Valleys, ns to the price to be paid for powder. It Is alleged that this agreement was made when wages weio adjusted In 1S7J or 187! If possible gives names and ndditc4. of the p.ntlis who represented the miners at that time Anthracite Alliance, car.) John C. Haddcck, No. I Hroadwny, New Yoik. CITY SCAVENGER A. R BRIOGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS and cess pools; no odor. Improved pumps used. A. 11 HRIGGS. Piopilet"r. Leave crdcis 110) Noith Main avenue, or Eleke's drug store, corner Adams and Mulbcriy. Telephone SiJO. NEWSPAPERS THE WILKE3-BARRE RECORD CAN be had In Scranton nt the news stands of Relsman Bron.. 405 Spruce and 503 Lin den; M. Norton 322 Lackawanna avenue; I. 8. Bchutzcr. Ill Spruce street. DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING FOR CHILDREN TO order; also ladles' waists. Louise Shnemaktr, U2 Adams avenue. SCALP TREATMENT. VWX WVw MRS L. T. KELLER, SCALP TREAT nient, 50c; shampooing, 50c.: facial mats ige, manicuring, lmc. j chiropody, 7iil Qulucy. LEGAL. - r , ,-w THE ANNUAL MEETING OP THE btockholdtis ol the Lickuvvunni Trust nud Safe Deposit Company for tho rleetlon of cllrectots to setvo tor tho en suing year will be held ut tho ollleo of the Company, 4M Lackawanna uveuue, Kciuiitou, Pu . cm Mi'iiilns February, 6, 19. between tho hours of thieo and four o'clock p. m. SHEPHERD AYARS, Vice President. land route from Berlin, and the west to Rombay and v.nuld make Poisla to a consldeiabbi extent eoinmercl.illv subsldlaiy to eleimau mere hints In Tut key. On the other hand, if Russia soled Rerdct Abbas, on the Peislan Gulf, nnil connected It by rail with the Russian railway systems to tho noi th, Russia would have in Tersla unothei vassal slate, and would be in a iiosltlon to w taken Go man influence In Tutkcy, Alone, Eu?lnnd would find it dltflcult to pi event IUisfUi fiom bo. coming ptedomlnant In ull IVisIa aa rln now Is In northern Persia. Togo' thei, Englmd and flermuny can to their mutual advantage open IVisIa to the conimeice of the world, and, while maintaining Its nominal indepen dence, Introduce moduli: civilisation." PILES CURED IN i TO C NIGHTS -Ono application gives relit f, Dr. Agnow's Ointment Is a boon for III hlng Plies, or Blind, Bleeding Piles, It relieves quickly and permanently. In skin eruptions it stands without a rival. Thousands of testimonials If you want evidence, 3i cents. For pale by Matthews Bros, and . T. Clnrk.-t. Exchange. SITUATIONS WANTED SmMTK'wAlTK !d-"i7y'YOI,N( tnurrled man! uny klr.d of work. 1. 8., Trlbunu ofllcc. SITUATION WANTE1J-1IY A YOUNG girl to do HMil houewoil( or dlsn washer. Apply tt5 North Main avenue, 11 do Park. WANTED - 11Y A MAN OF GOOD bnblts; nble to furnish best of cllv referencts, position us flremnn, engineer, or watchman. Plcaie aeldreas "M. T" IW1 Ash street, Scranton, Pa. AN EXPERIENCED AND COMPETENT Philadelphia burtruder would like sit uation. Call or address for Interview. A. P. Weston, 1137 Albright avenue. SITUATION WANTED ELEVATOR man; porter In stole. William Sou. mr, ih3 Laekavvanun avtnue. BOOKKEEPER WOULD LIKE EN- gagument for two days ench week to assist on books. X. Y. 7. , Tribune olllc e. WANTED-OFFICE WORK MY A MAN of W v ears' varied business experience; niodornto nlaiv; good refennces. Ad diess r Tribune ollite. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG iron to do driving, or farm band, ago 20 and willing to work. Address Ch.uley M. Cniy, No. 4 Joins' block. In rear of 1711 Price street. Answer at once. drug8tuation'wanti:d BY voting man with three years' expert encu In drug store. Dings, 1711 Way no avenue, City YOUNG GIRL. AGE l". EXCELLENT soprano voice, arents poor, would like to have some training free, sci vlees In return: lefertnces. Address, J. M. Tilbuno ofllcc. ' PROFESSIONAL. ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR. E C. SPAULDINC, J I TRADERS' BANK building. ARCHITECTS EDWARD II. DAVIS, ARCHITECT, Connell building. Scranton. LEWIS HANCOCK. JR. ARCHITECT. 13" Spruce st , cor. Wui-h. av.. Scianton. FREDERICK L. BROWN. ARCHITECT, Prlco building. 12G Washington nvenue, Scranton. OINTISTS DR I. O. LYMAN, SCRANTON PRI vate Hospital, cor. Wyoming and Mul berry. DR. H. T. REYNOLDS. OPP. P. 6. DR. C. C. LAUBACH. 115 Wyoming ave. WELCOME C. SNOVEH, Coal Exchnngo 2nd floor. Room D, Hours, to 1. 2 to 5 HOTELS UND RESTAURANTS THE ELK CAFE, 125 AND 127 FRANK lln avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZEIGLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D , L & W. passenger depot. Condiictid on tho Ea ropean plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. i wmif RICHARD J. BOURKE. ATTORNEY-at-Lnw, 5O0-2 Lackawanna avenue Cen tral law business, coll"ctlons and loans J. W. BROWNING, ATTORNEY AND Cciunsellor-at-Luw. Rooms 31J-213 ilvars building. D B. REPLOGLE, ATTORNEY-LOANS negotiated on real ctati' beuurlty Mi'ars building, cornet Washington avenue and Spiuee street M J. DONA1IOF. ATlORNEY-AT-Law. Ofllces. bl2-C13 Mears building. FRANK E FOYLE. ATTORNEY AND Cotinsellor-nt-Luvv. Burr biilldlns. Rooms Ti and 14, Wu-hlngton nvenue WILLARD. WARP.EN ,t KNAPP. AT tennevs and Counc llor'-nt-Lnw. Itc publlcan building. Washington avenue JESBFP & .irSSl'P. ATTORNEYS A.NTi Counsellors - at - Law, Commnnwealth building; rooms , 20 and 21 JAMES W. OAKFORD ATTOItNEY-AT-Lnw Rooms Ml 515 and 510 Board of Trade buPellng. EDWARD W. THAYER ATTORNEY. Rorms 103-!VM, nth floor Mears building. L A WATRES ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. r.02 Board of Trade building, Scranton. Pa C. R. PITCHER. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Commonwealth building Scianton. Pa PATTERSON WILCOX. TRADERS' National Bank building. C. COMFGYS. rrJ3 R j- p n L f C A N building. A W. RERTHOLF. A T T O R N E Y. Meats building DR. W. E. ALLEN, 513 NORTH WASH- Ington nvenue. DR 8 W. L'AMOREAUX. OrriCE '.""l Wnshlnclon nverue. Residence nis Afulherrv. Chronic diseases, lungs, heart, kldnevs nnd conito-iirlmry c,r gnns a specialty. Hours l to 4 p m "unii.i SCHOOL OF TMELACKAWANN.V Scranton. Pa. Courses preparatory to oollojro, law. medicine oi biM'io.s, Opens Sept 11th. Send fir c itnlojue. Rev Thomas M. Cnnn LL D . princi pal nnd proprietor; W. E. Plumley. A M., 1 e.admaster. G. R. CLARK K. CO. SEEDMEN AND Nurserymen; store HC AVashlncton nve ui o' Breen hoit'c, 1359 North Main ave nue; stcro telephone, 72. JOS. KFETTEL7 REAR Mt LACKA wanni nvenue, Scranton, Pa, manufac turer of Wire Screens MIFC'LU'V-SWi BAUER'S ORCHESTRA-MUS!CfoR balls, picnics, pnitles. iceeptlons, wed dings and concert woik fuinlsheii Fur teims uddri'H R. J. Manor, conductor. J17 Wyoming uveiu'e, over Ilulberts music store MF.GARGEE BROTHERS ' PRINTERS si pplles, envelopes piper bags, twine Waiehouse 130 Washington avenue, St ranton. Pa. RAILROAD TIME TABLES Central KallrmJ '' N'civ Iciw Stations tn New York Foot of Liberty stieet, N. R . nnd South Ftrr, Whitehall street. Anthracite conl used etluslvil, lusur. Ing cU.iullneB!, und comfn-t TIMETABLE IN EFFECT NOV it W, Trains leave Scranton fot New Yoik, Newark, F'i7.ib. th, l'hll idolphln. Eastern, Bethlehtm, Alleiitown, Maurh Chunk und Wbltu Huven, ut l 11 u tu i ivpius, i,io, express, IVJ p. m. bundas. 2 15 p. m, For l'lttston and Wilkes-llarre, s :o a. ' . n.t .1.1 .. n, UlKiiliiVU "f, ... 8'0 a. m. nnu i .; n. iu. For Reading, Lebanon and Hnrrlsbuig, via AHentown. 6 3) a. m , 1 2J p. m. Sun dus 8, 2 15 p. m. For Pottsvllle. 8 a m . 1 20 p. m. Through tickets to nil points east, south and west at lowest into at tho station. ' J. II. OLHAFSEN, Gen. Sum.. II P. BALDWIN, Gen, Pals. Agt. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Schedule In Effect November 18, isoa. Trains leave Scranton: 0.45 n. m., week days, for Sunbury, Hnrrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltl more, Washington, and for Pitts burg nnd tho West. . i 0.38 n. m., week days, for Hazleton, Fottsvllle, Beading, Norristown, and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Hnrrisburg, Philadelphia, Bflltimoro.Washlngton and Pitts burg nnd the West. 2.18 ?. m., week days (Sundays 1.B8 p. m,), for Sunbury, Harrlsburg, Phllndelphli, Baltimore, Wash ington and Pittsburg and ths West. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. J. R. wood, Ocn. Pass. Atrt. J. II. HUTCHINSON, Gen. MgT. Del.. Luokit. nni Western. Oft.,.,T" I:TcC, n!(' 1". 1899- . ?HTI,I',a,e Scranton for New York SI rh 300' r"ic,' sw lid 10 05 a. m.t 12 55 nnd s 33 p. m. For Philadelphia at 5 30, jw and 10 o-, a. m.; 12 r.1 and 3 31 p. m. ' or Stroudsbtirg nt C lu p. in. Milk and .vccommodatlon nt 3.10 p. in. Arrive at i",cn nt C5S' 7'18' 9'W n- "! l'0''' 2- l.'.'i19 nml s:!S V- m. Anlvo at Phlla oephla at 10 00 a. in.: lew. 3 18, 8.00 and S -t !' m. Arrive from Now York at 1. 03. -t and 4 00 u. m.; 100, 152, 6 33 and 8.4 K-A'f,n..rom Stroudsbiirg at 0(1 n. m. i , V Lonvo Scranton for Buff nit "" Intel mediate stations nt 12.10, 2 50, v and ) CO u. ,. ; 1 55 unci 5 50 p. m. Foi t'swego and Sjricuso at 4 05 a. m. nnd .'.' P. m. For Ulica nt 2 50 a. m. and ' ' P. m. For Montroso nt 900 a. ro.; . . L nnd 5 50 p. m. For Nicholson ? nnd C.n i m. Arrive in Scranton noni Buffulo at 210, 2.55. 6 23 and 10.00 u. m : a v0 and 7 in p. m. From Oswego and Hvracuso nt 2 53 a. in.: 12 3S und 3 30 p. m. ' "'m Sm.icusc nt 7.10 p in. From tltlci nt .in u. m.; 12 3S anil 3 30 p. m. From Nicholson ut 7 50 a. m. and 6 00 p. r.i. i-rc.m Montrose at 10 00 a. m.; 3.20 ant 7.10 p tn. BLOOMSBFUO DIVISION - Lenv Scranton for Northumberland at 6 30, 10 0) a. rn.i l 51 nnd fi in p. m. For Plymouth nt 1 , ,i io and S p-l p. in. Tor Nantlcoko nt s.in a. m Anlvo nt Northumberland nt P3, n. m.: I.to. 60S and 930 p. m. Ar rive Nantlcoko at D 20 a. in. Arrive nt Plv mouth at 2 0-., 4 10 and 0 17 p m. Ar rive nt bernnton fiom Northumberland ii t 9 12 n. m ; 12 r,. IV. nnd 8 50 p. m. rom Nantlcoko at 11 no n. m From PI) mouth nt 717 n m : 3 2' nnd 6 05 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. SOt'TTI-Loavo Scranton at 213, 3 00, 5 30, MO-, n. m.: 3 31 and 140 p m. NORTH Leave Scranton at 1210, 2 30, 4 0", p m ; l r and 5 r0 p m BLOOMSBURG DlVtSION - LcaVo Scranton nt 10 05 a. m. nnd 6 10 p. m. Delaw.irj aiii Hudson. On Nov. Fith. 1S09, trains will leavo Scranton ns follows: For Carbonel ile-rt 20, 7 53, 8 53, 10 13 a. m : U noon: 121. 2 20, 3T2, 5 21, 6 23, 7.57, 9 1". 11,00 p m ; 1 Pi a. in. For Albany. Saratoga. Montreal. Bos ton, New Englind points, etc. 6 20 a. m ; 2 20 p. m. For HonoMlalc-e; 20, 10 13 a. m.. 2 20, C25 p. m. For Wllkes-Barre-C 41. 7.4?. 8 43, 9 . 10 II n. m : 12M, 12S, 218, 3 33, 4 27, 6.10, 7.41. 10 41, 11 10 p. m For New York, Philadelphia, etc., via Lehigh Valley Rallroad-C 45 p. m.; 12 03, 2 IS, 4 27 p m : with Black Diamond Ex press, ii ro p m. For Pennsvlvnnla Railroad points, 6 43, 9 r.S n. in ; 2 IS, i 27 p. m. For western points, via Lehigh Vallcv Rallio.ul 7 4S o. m.: 12 0.1. 3 33. with Black Dlumond Expres". 10 41, 11 30 p. lil. Tinlns will arrive In Scranton as fol lows. From Cnrbondiile nnd the North 6 40, 7 4. .;?, "4, 10 2S, 11 IS n. m.; 123, 2.13, 3 21. 4 21. 7.11, 10 IS, 11 27 p. 111. From Wllkcs-M.itit' unci tlio soutn un, 7.4S, S4S, 10 ns. 11 13 'l m : 1.18. 2.14, 3 4S, 6 2), C 21, 7 6! 1 01, 10 01 p m ; 1 11 a. m. SUNDAY TRAINS For Curbiuidilej-U 03. 1113 p. m.t 2 21. P 62. 1 47. 9 11 p m For Wilkes-B.irre-i is, 1203 a. m.; 1 5i, 3 2S. 5 41 7 IS p. in. For Allnnv. S irntog.i, Montreal. Bos ton, New England points, etc.. 2 23 p. m. Lowest i ites In all points in United Ht.i'o and Cnnndn .1. V BURDICK, G. P. A . Albany. N. Y. H W CROSS. D. P. A., Str.mton, Pa. LchiKli Vatljv Kuilro.iJ. Ill F.ffec t Nov 11th, 1S99. TRAINS LEAVE SCRANTON. For Phllailelphli and New- York, via D. fi 11 It. R ut (.13 a m und 12 01. 2 18. 4 27 (Black Diamond Express), and 1110 p m. Sunilajs, D. & H. It. It, 153, 7.43 I 'iir White Haven, HazlPton and prln elpal points In the coal regions, via D. fi 11 R It . ii 41, 2 IS and 4 27 p. m. For Pottsvllle. fill. 2 1S P. m. Fur Methlehim. Enstoii. Rending, Hnr ilsburK and prlnelpil Intermediate sta tions, via P Sr H. It. R . 0 45 n. m ; 1J01. " 1 4 27 (Black Dlnmond Express), Ji . Sumlnvs. V & H. II. R . 1 51. 7.4S p m. Fur Tunkhannoek, 'lnw.indii. Elmlra, itbaea. Geneva and principal Intermedl ite stations, via I). L. W. R. R., SOS n m.; 1 W and 311 p. in. For Geneva. Rochester. Buffalo, Nlag m.i Falls, Chltago, nnd all points vvhki, via D. & H. R. R" 1-M- ' '-! (Rlatk Dia mond Express). 7 IS. 10 41. 1110 p. m. Sundajs. D & H. It R.. 12 01 p. m , 7 IS Pullman pallor nnd sleeping or Lehigh Vnllcv pirlor cars on all trains between Wilkes-B.il i o and New- York. Phlludel iihli Buffalo und Suspension Bridge. IIOLLIN H WILBUR, Gen. Supt., '.i Ciirtlnndt street. New York. CHARLES S LEE. Gen. PabS Agt, 21 Coitlnndt street New- York. A. V NONNEMACIIER, Dlv. Pas. Agt, South Bethlehem, Pa Fur tickets and Pullman reservation applv "09 Lnckawannn nve , Scranton, Pa. i:rle and Wyoming Valley. Time Table lu Eftect Sept 11th. ISal Tinlns leave Scranton for New Yoik, New burgh and Intermediate points on Uric i.iltroid, also fur Haw ley nnd local iinlnts nt 7 05 a m. and 2 28 p in Returning trains nirlve nt Hcranto.' nt 10 21 n. m. and J 1C and 9 10 p m stu.N'i'o nivusio'v. in i:rfc( t net. '-"wii. is. North Hound. houtli Bound. 2t: t I -'(HI 'flUSOfl P K I L. M' ' Stations T. ,! u irlu' . leuvoi . 7'.'..N V l'ranklln ti., ,i 7 lowest 4ind Mrttt ,, 7 on voehinn.eu .. 'p m Arrive .Leave' rsrr 7 40 .... 7 W . . ll M 4 :o4ii 1U40 i in, ( aau-U Hancock starlight I'rt'gtou park Win wood 1'oj'utello orso t-l'le-inanf Mt. , I'llllIICllllO Ioiini t ny I'.iibniclaiu Ulnie PjHIt'e .Mujlltm itruivn AiclilUild lutein I'eckvllle . uliLliunt Trice burtr 'lbiooji Trov Ideuco 1'uik Place p-TiTid nv lilll 4 Si 10 31 10 '.'1 i-' 'I, 1 .. 3 311 (9 .. 141 6 0S 10 1.1 10 0 J I J It) I.1 .'.' 18 11' I.'l'l II W, 1149 II Wl 9 10 9.0 347!Tfcio .109 134 3 10 Mi 814 if, 0 IV a in1 . It :J I III ii , IIU'll ..if.'i .11 is . II IV 11 II ..1117 ..11 Hi . II Ul . II rtM ..IIUi7 ..110 M yirr1 n IS, 6 M '4 ni 13 43 6 01 1 43, 6 l)J 3 51 6 0J SM1 HtJ a.vj lis 4 0i, est 4 oi e 21 4 10 6 17 4 14 (111 t4 17 6 14 4 SO1 6 Si 8 51 H.'K H4 4.' si) 13 h II h .' SSI) A Mi " hcrantou ,ia u Leave Arrtre nwirtt u 1. Sunday only. Ml t Mk'idiien tliat trains stop on signal tdttta. StllKClS j itf 1 1 uliis '1M and VM SuDday oeIt, Other Utln dalli t xcept suuday. T tftr rfcure uues via ontaiio a Weitern IWfcrs purcli i-liig tickets aud save money.. Jt hioiiuli Wacner uuiTtt sleeper 6d rrilKre. cllDtiigtlmtrcji Newtorkto diicico Btou clmii.'e. 1'nt.M'iiitrr Hatra HcducKla nucvmirniuill. V r. rilicroit, DIt. Fan, Aei!crtnt oiiTrt. I