The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 30, 1900, Morning, Page 5, Image 5

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    t :,) i-v. rt
February Magazines.
Bccelvcd ftt Norton's This Week.
Century, Hnrper's, Scrlbncr's,
Indies' Homo Journal, Metropolitan,
Cosmopolitan, Strand, Pearson's,
Wide World, Argosy, Designer,
Delineator, Ladles' Home Companion.
All the New Books
at Cut Prices.
Blank Account Books,
all Sizes and all Styles,
for All sorts of business.
Mercantile Stationery and
office requisites, all sorts.
882 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton.
Are Very Proper.
Umbrellas and Canes $
In an Endless Variety of
Beautiful Patterns.
109 Wyoming Ave.
oh Penn Avenu:.
Atloiri-y I. H. r.uriiM is in liiiladclphla.
l'ostmastT John l. Thomas, of Cu
bnnclalo, was In tho city csterday.
1.. M. Hoi ton has icmovcU from
Mifflin avenue tn tilG Monroe avenue.
Ituv. It. A. McAmlreu, of Wilkes,
llarrc, w.i a vls-ilor In tin city yrste.-id.iy.
.Mis. K J. Jordan, of 1ZZ2 Noi th Jtuin
avenue, H eiitoi ttiit Ins lior hlstor, Mlw
Margaret W.tMi, of l'aisoiis.
Mrs.. T. H. Wntklu, MI-. Stroll!?. Ml-s
llndjH 'Wat'clna nnd Mr. Law Walklns
left c3tctd.iy for Pacini Uench, I'l.i.
J. H. Kendall, lr.. of I'lttsburs, foimer
Iv of tilt; Rich. ml Muii-flflil cciniiiaiiy, is
vMUhk Clurles C Swisher, of tills city. M. J. Mailln la in Williams.
port traiif-actliiK busbies.-? connected with
tho Scranton iinil StroueMmiR Telephone
t ompany.
Jmlgo Alfred Hand and Heee O.
Hrooka left for New Yoik estcrday on
tho Z"0 Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western train.
William arllllth, of thl city, will lond
u paper on tho "riuslihiK of Culm Into
Anthracite Coal Mines" beforo the min
im; iind s-eetlon of tho
l'ranklln lnMltutc in riiilndelphla Wed.
nesday evenins.
Dr. P. II. McAndtew, u j-urjseon In the
tegular nrmy, who has been vHltlns
friends in this city for tho past few
weeks, left jrstt-rd.iy for Tort Slocum,
New Yoik, where he will remain until
March 1, at which time he lcaes tor
active service In Manila.
Mr. rnd Mrs. Kleko entertained a num.
her of their frlondi lant Wcelnei-day
evening nt their homo on Adams av
nue. Mutlc was rendeied by a number
present and an enjoyable evening was
bpont by nil. Thosu pre-ent were Mr. nnd
Mr.. II. I.esh, Mr. m.d Mrs. Kvann, Mr.
nnd Mrt. Wendover and Mes.srs. 11. W.
Allen and Charles Bacon.
Very Key. Eugenic Garvcy, of PlttMon,
Icar general of the Scranton dloceso, left
for New York ycHf day afternoon, where
ho will bo joined by Hev. Father Crane,
of Avoca, nnd Hev. T I Klornan, of
Parxons, and together thev will salt for
a trip to Kurope, AmotiB those who w ere
In tho city yesterday to bid Father Gar.
ey bon vovkko wore Father McAndtew.
of Wllkes-iiarre, and Father Orillln, of
To Taxpayers.
Prompt payment of 139 poor tax be
fore delinquent lists aie made out will
avoid penalty. City treasurer's office.
There will bo a special meeting ot
Uranclt No. 07, L. C. H. A., on Tues
day evenliiK at s p. m. to take action
Jn regard to the death of their lato
sister, Mrs. Emily Pnud. AH mem
bers are ien.uc.stcd to bo pieiont.
Smoke the Pocono Sc. cigar.
We can supply you at sui prising
The Heaters there are
but few at cost. Relrigerators and
Ice Cream Freezers are going fast.
Probably all gone by night. You
can afford to buy Mixed Paints of
us, to hold till you want to use
them, and save big money. Come
early in the morning when we are
not so busy,
Lackawaona Hardware Co.,
481 Lackawanna Avsnut.
in n
lis id in
Health Officer Allen Ordered the Cir
culating Department of the Public
Library Closod and the Directors
Complied with His Wishes, Though
They Thought the Measure an Ex
treme One Books Now Out to Bo
Called in and Fumigated Alarm
ing Spread of Scarlet Fevor.
Acting In accordance with the otders
of Health Offlcer Allen, tho dlrootor.t
of the Scranton Public library yester
day afternoon decided to close tho tit
dilating ilopaitment of that Institution
until such time ns the health otlloor
limy deem safe for Its lo-openlng.
The meeting of tho directors was
called to order at 10 o'clock by Presl
dent Alfied Hand, there being nine
other members present. Dr. Allen mil
Dr. Itodham, the latter a member ot
the board ot health, weio also prcseiu
and presented the various phases of
tho question from a medical point of
view, telling how, In their belief, dis
ease germs were In many Instances
conveyed from Infected homes Into
healthy households thiotigh the med
ium of llliiary books.
The matter was discussed pio nnd
con at some length, the dlscussl.m
being quite animated at times. Tho
following te.solutlon was, liovvuvj-,
flnnlly adopted:
Hcsohed, Tlint In compliance with the
order ot tho health officer, the llbiary dis
continue tho Issue of books for home use
until permit bo Riven by that officer for
Its rc-openlng and that all books now out
when returned to the llbnity are to be
kept sepalate and not replaced on the
shelves for circulation until thoroughly
Tho above resolution went into effect
yesterday nflernoon Immediately nftor
It had been pissed and no more books
will be Issued. The re-idintr loom de
partment, however, will remain open,
as will also the reference department.
The books as they come In will bo
placed on shelves In nn up'tali loom
and will be fumigated by the foimal
dehyde gas method, which all agree
will kill all the geims. If there an:
any, which may bo found In tho vol
umes. While the library directors think that
tho closing down of tho circulating- de
partment Is an extreme measure, thoy
novel theless bowed to the wishes ot
the health officer, who is empowered
by law to close the building, despite
what the directors m-iv say. Librar
ian Carr .stated yesterday that after
twenty years' experience in llbiary
woik he nvor knew of a single ease
whom contagion was cllstiibuted by
means of books circulated.
m:nx DiscrssnD befohi:.
He said that the question Ins been
thoroughly discussed a number of
times at the meetings of the: Nation il
Llbrailans" association. Tho last tlmo
It was brought up a resolution was
adopted to the eftect that In cases of
an epidemic of contagious disease the
closing of llbrnilos was unnecessary,
and ull that should be required was a
list of the ntmes of those families In
whose homes contagious tilt-ease ex
isted In oredr that they be refused
book, and that such books ns they
had taken out might bo called in and
disinfected. Mr. Can said he was
given to understand that this plan
would be put In foice hero until tho
dlrectois' meeting yesterday.
Dr. Allen, when seen and naked If
the closing of the circulating tlcpait
ment was a piecautionaiy or a neees
saiy step, said:
"This is by no means a precautionary
measure" It Is n necessary one if wo to stop this spread of contagious
disease. There are people who are
contracting contagious disease by this
promiscuous distribution ot books, or
If there ate not any there are many
who are In constant danger of con
tacting either scarlet fever or diph
theria, but scarlet fever moie partic
The doctor said he could not st;to
at present how long he would keep the
circulation of books discontinued.
He further jemarked that the boaid
of health has done all in Its power to
prevent the spread of disease, having
closed the schools, absolutely pre
vented public f uncials and taken other
steps tending towaid a diminution In
tho number of cases of transmlssablo
Nevertheless the number of cases Is
Increasing i.ither than diminishing.
There were last week reported to th
secretary of tho board of health 103
cases, of which thlrty-flvo were diph
theria and seventy-two scarlet fever.
This fhiws that diphtheria Is abating
to a certain extent and scarlet fever
Increasing at an alarming rate.
Hcarlet fever Is considered more dan
gerour by far than is diphtheria, on
account of tho Ferlous sequences that
follow It. Children are left deaf, or
jcilpplcd with iheumatlsm and oth?r
dlsnat-es There are thuo grades of
i-carlet fever, the mild, medium and
malignant tpos. Pr. Allen savs that
tho type now prevailing In this city la
the? medium, which Is nlmost as much
to bo feared as Is the malignant.
Veda Siesta, No. 77, Convenes in
Malta Hall.
A meeting was held last evening In
Malta hall, In the Guernsey building,
of Veda Siesta, No. 77, Pilnces of
fiagdad. It was an Interesting session
nnd a large number of members were
In attendance.
After the regular business had boon
transacted n smoker was enjoyed by
all present. The next meeting will take
place Saturday, March 10, and will bo
a very elaborate aff.ilr. A Iatge num
ber of candidates will be present upon
whom tne degree of prince win bn con-
icrreo, anci oiner very iiiipuriiiiiv uum
ness will also be attended to.
I-ast night's meeting was presided
over by Sultan Thomas Stewart.
Steam Heating and Plumbing.
P. F. & M. T. TJowley,231 Wyoming ave.
' '
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup.
Has been used for over riFTY YrJAKS
b- MILLIONS of MOTHKKS for their
is the bent remedy for OIARItHOEA.
Bold by all DrugKUts In every Part of the
world. Ue sure and ask for "Mr. Wins
lovv'a B&othlne Hyrup," and tuke no othur
klnd. Twerty-nve cents u bottle.
Read by Rev. S. F. Mathews at Bap
tist Conference
TlOV. H. P. MnHimva iinafnr nf Hio
Vltst Haptlst church, lead a paper be
fore tho Haptlst conferoneo csteiday
morning upon "Chmcli Finance." Tho
paper wns quite novel In Its treatment
of the subject, presntlng tho two ex
it cities of sentiment and principle upon
which the tuattei ot llnaucc Is based
In the church economy. Showing whern
llnnnce Is built wholly upon sentiment
alone, nil tho evils that curse the
church at present nnd dlsgrneu its
otherwise pure and beautiful life arc
traceable to It, and that the possible
declension In chuich life may be the
subtle outcome of Its Inlluonce.
On tho other hand, the Kciiptuie was
appealed to as furnishing tho fact tint
flod Intends principle, order nnd sys
tem, to bo the divine forces both In
natural nnd spiritual life, that Clod had
himself outlined the finance polity that
would give stiength, power and fence
to the church ns nn oiganlaatlon.
Tho principle of the tithe, the obli
gatory and tho ft co-will offerings each
in Its place working as Jehovah had
decieed that they should do, was pre
sented ns tho divine plan In the solu
tion of the vexed problem ot "Chut en
Finance." Tim Illustrations dtawn from
the Scrlpturo nnd from chuich life
were vivid and foiccful In their point
nnd Interest and yet very simply given.
The subject mm very ably discussed
by the conference, on the oneluslon ot
tho paper, and It was voted by tho
same that the paper be published In
the next issue of the "Church Messen
ger," edited and published by Hev. Di.
S. CI. Heading, of North Main avenue.
Assurances Roceived with Reforonco
to the Mercantile Appraiscmout
That Is Now Being Made.
A somewhat uneasy feeling has per
vaded the bosoms of tho wholesale mer
chants of this city, for fear that the
appraisement of the mercantile ap
pialser will be published and the exact
business done by them bo thus made
known to the public.
They felt this would injuio their
business and they held a meeting to
forestall It, at which John T. Porter, A.
W. Dickson and M. J. ltealey were ap
pointed a committee to wait on County
Treasurer M. J. Kelly to see what could
bo dono concerning the matter. Tin
latter wrote for information to th-i
auditor geneial of the state and In 10
sponso received this communication:
llarrlsburg, Pa., Jan. 2i, VM.
M. J. Kelly, Eq , Tieasairtr Lacka
wanna Cui.nty, Scianton P.i.
Dear Sir: In reply to jour letter of the
SM would sa that it Is the In
tention of tills depaltinellt to Issue a cil
eular of instructions as to tho fnim In
which tho mercantile list Is to bn pub
lished or advertised. It Is not the in
tention of tho ik.i'.itment that the vol
ume of btijners of cieli dealer shall be
advertised. Tho commonwealth ot Penn
sylvania, does not prnposu to go Into the
meieantllo rating agency business, tor
the rating of business In the state.
Tho main object to bo attained Is to
securo a svvoin letuiii of the exact vol
ume of business transacted during the
Dievlous calendar voar for tho put pose
of securing u unit urn and equitable basis f
I'm- Issuing u mercantile license. When
those i etui lis h ivei be-e-i lecelved ami tl e
olllil.ll notice has bi-en delivered, then, to
all Intent and put pose, tho act has b.-en
compiled with nnd the detlrc-cl end at- .
tallied. 1 Iicm) returns, beiag sworn to,
will be far mine comet us a commercial
or nicie.intlle rating than tho repoit ot
any nieu-antlle latlng ag ne-y now In o
btct ce.
It Is Intended tl at these returns or re
ports shall bo ami not open
to tho public for Inspection. W- cutlto
ly ngieo v lth tho Wholesale Dealers' as
sociation of Serantoi. In this matter.
Very truly yours,
Sam Matt Fildy,
Deputy Auditor Ooneral.
Per Myers.
Clerk Mahon Has Begun the Work of
Registering Them.
John P. Mahon, the clerk recently
appointed by the county commission
ers to keep tnb on the witnesses in
quarter sessions court, began that part
of his duties yesterday. lie established
himself In the corridor outside of tho
court rooms and the witnesses who
were suupucnaeu iop yesienmy were lieon pica9lUcd to the Doer pailiamcnt,
dl.eeted to register with him. T1io-p or Volksnad. lequestlng that the Ult
vvho do not do so will get no witness ,aluiels ,)0 allowed more privileges, but
CCS. ttw.i. . .i lniir-lio.l nfr nrt.1
When the witness is .summoned, say
for Monday, ho registers on that clay
and reports to Clerk Mahon on each
subsequent day he Is In attendance
until tho case Is disposed of by tho
mutt. The new practice will enable
tho commlssloneis to tell exactly who
nto witnesses and how many days they
aio In attendance, and will gieatly eut
down the fees of many piofesslonal
witnesses who never returned less than
tlvo or six days for any case in which
they weio called.
The Center of tho City.
The stations of tho Eako Shote and
Mlchlqnn Southern Hallway tiu locatc-J
In tho veiv heail of almost ovciy city
along its loute, and in some cases tho
principal connecting lines arrive and
dopatt fiom the same depot, enabling
patrons to make connection with other
roads with the least possible Inconven-
i om.e nnd loss of time. The I.ako .Shore
and Michigan Southern Hallway is the
mad for n trip between Huff aio nnd
western cities.
Try a "Hotel Jeunyn" cigar, 10c,
Asparagus Tips
We offer 15 cases 3-lb cans at
19c, $2.25 pur do7. New Yoik
wholesale price is $2.50.
Asparagus Points, i8c, $2. doz.
Fresli Roasted Daily.
Rio, 12c lb.
Coiirsen's Java, 20c per lb.
BreakList Java and Mocha, 25c lb.
You will find it cheaper to buy
your Coffee of us and your presents
when you require them.
E. Q. Coursen
Forced to Lcavo tho Transvaal
Shortly After Hostilities Wore Be
gunTells of tho Causes Leading
Up to the Present Btrugglo-Says
That tho Uitlandors, Who Paid
Three-quarters of tho Taxes, Had
No Voico Whatever in the Govern
mentExpects to Go Back.
llobeit Jackson and wife, of Julian
liesbuig, South Afllcn, who loft the
Transvaal since hostllltloi begun, is
at present visiting his brolhcr-ln-law,
Dr. James Stein, ot 101 Wyoming Jtvu
nu Mr, Jackson was horn In South Af
llcn and has lived thole nil his life-.
Hi- lift Dm ban on tho cast eo.u: on
October JS. lust u little ovci two weeks
after netual hostilities had commenced.
At that time tho troops were Justjio
glnnlng to arilve, and on their Way
to England the ship on which Mr. ut.d
Mis. Jackson weio traveling pasod
no less th in cloven troop ships out
ward bound.
Mr. Jackjon wns a commission mer
chant In Johannesburg and was fotcod
to leave tho countiy when the war
bioke out. His long residence In the
Tiansvaal and the fart that ho speaks
Dutch ns fluently as !u does English
makes whnt ho says regarding tho
country entry much weight, and ho
tnlks most Interestingly. In the eoutso
of u conversation with a Tribunes man
yesterday he said In p.nt:.
"You tit st want to know, I suppose,
what tho forelgneifr, or ftltlandors, as
they nro '-allpel. think of Ooni Paul's
way of governing them. These Ult
landeis, It must bo understood nt tho
outset, are not all Encllshmtn. All
nationalities are lepresented, but prin
cipally the English, American, Irish
and Gorman. You may bo surprised !
nt the latter, but there- are a number
of donnans in the Transvaal who don't
stand in very well wltn the Doeis. Tin
Fltlauder Is, however, pilnvuily speak
ing, an English speaking person.
"Almost nil of them have been dls
satUtled for years with tho Doer lti'o.,
Tho fundamental i onsen for this dis
satisfaction lies In the rltuplo fact that
they have no volco In tho government.
It can bo proven bv statistics tint
they pay nearly three-quarters of tho
total taxes, and they nto more heavily
taxed than any others, yet they have
absolutely no voice In the distribution
of this levonue.
"If thin revenue weie propel ly ex
pended thoio nilgl-t not perhaps bo
such n decided opposition to tho gov
ernment. It Ins been used In late
years for constructing immnnse forti
fications at Pretntl-i and Johannes,
burg, which the Fltlauder population
considered extravagant. When asked
the!.- reasons fur consliucllng theso
foillfkatlons the Doers would teply
that they needed them to prevent as
sault from the black tilbes, while we
knew that they lind suTlcient means
nt hand to rope- with till the black
tribes In South Afllcn.
"Those fortf weio built to totrotlze
tho people, though Jnhannesbuig Is
i;robiibly the most law-abiding mining
c-amr on the f'ice of the earth. "We
can sec now, however, that they build
ed better than we know, 'is tbes-e fo--tlPoatlons
may now b u--ed to ward
olt tho nttuks of the Eiillsh.
"To prove conclusively that tho Uoeis
have never elcslied tho Ultlandets to
have any voice in their government,
the fact might be mentioned that long
years ago, when foielgners first began
to settle In the countiy, they could
become citizens after a lesldence of
twelve months. This was raised flrut
to two years, then to live yeais and
finally to fouiteen years. Even now
Financier seldom bscomes a citlzon
after fourteen years, as charges of im
moral conduct or something else are
feudally trumped up against them
when they apply for naturalisation
"Memoilals without number have
,llw .-- ....... ..,, .. ...,. ..... ..., .....
Unnlly pigeon-holed forever. The last
petition of this sort presented con
tained over 21,000 signatures.
"Tho most noticeable tialt of the
Koer character Is their suspicion. They
are exceedingly suspicious of anyone
speaking tho Kngllsli language, and
llieie Is always a strained feeling be
tween them and un Kngllsh-speaklng
poison. Generally speaking, the farm
ers are Ignorant, but there are many
lloers who aio well educated, cultuied
and as far ndvanced in modern thought
as manv people of continental Kurope.
"The Incivility ot the Uoer to nil for
elgners Is another marked trait. Go
Into a postoillce and ask an attendant
for any Infoimatlon, for Instance, and
you would be nicely snubbed for your
' pains. Another point, and ono that
shoves tho high-handedness with which
things nro run In that country, Is that
all buighcis, or Itoc-ri, may entry nuns
In tho snoots, whereas If a I'ltlander
canles even a icvolver ho Is liable to
an est.
airr no i'15ivilj:gi:p.
"I notice that theio has been con
siderable discussion in this country im
to whether the Jews and Unman Catho
lics nie granted any privileges In the
countiy. I desire to stato that from
my observation I can say that they
are not.
"The lloers ate pmbably more em
blttciod against Unman Catholics In
particular than any other people 011
the globe. If theio is tho slightest sus
picion that a man belongs to that faith
ho cannot attain to even the ineunest
posllioa under the government."
Mr. Jackhon Is not veiy well ac
quainted with the country now being
fought In, having only had n blrds-eyo
view of It. Ho Intends going back us
soon ns hostilities cease.
Be Careful
What You Eat
We handle but ono kind of nutter, and
i:UY." 27c. a pound, direct from ULOIN
ILLINOIS. It Is by far tho most Doll
clous. Stvcetrfct nutter made. Others ad
vcrtlfco It, but nono keep It,
The Great Atlantic and
Pacific Tea Co.
411 LacVtiiwnmui avenue, 123 South Main
avenue. 'Phono "J.. Prompt deliveries.
Local Camp Formed in This City
Last Night.
A local camp of Modern Woodmen of
America was organized last night ut
421 Lackawanna avenue with twenty
flvo charter members. Tho work of or
ganising was conducted by District
Decutv J. It. Hughes, who has been
hero for several weeks, Introducing tho
merits of tho organization, lie was
assisted by Special Deputy W. M.
droves, of Illinois, and It. II. Peterson,
of PHtston.
The now camp stmts upon Its career
with bright prospects for the future,
and as tho order Is of a benctlclnl char
acter It bids fair to be popular with
tho citizens of this city and vicinity.
Other camps are on the way now, nnd
a camp will be organized at Plttstor.
tonight. The Modern Woodmen Is a
fraternal Insurance, and Is very popu
lar In the west.
The oMIecrs of tho new camp are:
Venetablo counsel, Ij,F. lllorns; wot thy
advisor, J. II, Woell: banker, Dr. Ficd
erlcl; clerk, II. W. Dennett; escort, I
E. Forrcll; watchman, S. S. Fuhrtnnn;
sentry, C. H. Dentzer; physicians, Dr.
Capwell, Dr. Wincbrnko: managers, E.
It. Peckens, W. J. Douglass, M. M.
Amorico Mariangello and August
Bonnanl Resting Easily at the
Lackawanna Hospital.
Amerlco Marlangello and August
Iiotinanl, the two Italian miners who
were shot, a week ago last night at
.Tossup, by Peter Chlprlano, are resting
ensily at tho Lackawanna, hospital,
where they worn taken the day follow
ing the shooting. The bullet which bad
taken effect on Donnnnl wns discovered
by means of tho X-rays, and removed,
but neither of tho cartridges which
lodged in Marlangello's body have been
taken out.
Tho ono stiuck him in tho left shoul
der and tho other In the right leg.
Luckily, no bones were broken, and as
tho bullets do not seem to Incommode
0I" !" tho young Italian, it Is more
than likely that they will bo allowed
to remain where they are, ns they can
not be located at present by the X
iay.1, and the physicians do not v Ish
to probe for them.
As has before been noted in these
columns, Mariaugcllo is a magnificent
specimen of humanity, having a splen
did physique and gieat strength. He
will probably pull through. Doth of
tho men prove very good patients, be
ing quiet, docile and good-humored.
When seen at tho hospital yesterday,
Mailangello chatted with a Tribune
man and Inquired after the health of
Chlprlano. It Is a noteworthy fact that
neither of the- men seem to cheilsh any
particular malice against the- mnn who
tiled to kill them. Marlangello says
Chlprlano wns always quarrelsome, and
that, In fact, ho had left Italy because
his ugly disposition had made his na
tive village a trifle waim for him.
Important Event in Knights cf
Malta Circles.
The grand committee of tho Knlpiits
ot Malta, of Pennsylvania, will tonight
hold a session In WHUe-s-Darro, dele
gates being present from nit over the
state, for the put pose nt the conferr
ing cf the pist commander's degiee
upon nil who have been past rom
mnndois since Inst May. Grand Gene
ralissimo Jonathan Llebensbuigor, of
Hazleton, will bo In charge.
A largo number of Rcrantonlans will
go down to attend the affair, a dele
gation of at least twenty being ex
pected fiom tha various local com
manderles. Tho degree will bo confeiied at S
o'clock In tho rooms of Thomas. Knot
commando: y.
Keciucsted for the Maintenance of
Lackawanna Hospital.
The attention of the woiUlngmen of
tho vai Urns largo companies In this
vicinity has been attracted by Iatge
cards, put up about the works and In
the offices, to the needs of the Lacka
wanna hospital, which lequlres funds
to continue In its work.
This Institution has dono a wonder
ful amount of service, to injured work
men, and that Its efforts are appreci
ated has boon manifested by tho men
of the Pancoast Coal company, who,
tluough C. D. Sanderson, were the fit st
to respond to the call. Their contribu
tion was $143-10, and it Is to be hoped
that tho other contributions will bo
equally generous, and so enable th.
Institution to continue In Its praise
worthy and humane woik.
A Card.
We, tho undersigned, do heieby agiea to
refund the money on a fu-cent liottlo of
Oreene's Warranted Symp ot 'J'nr If H
falls tu euro jour ce ugh 01 c eM. We no
guarantiee n "".-cent bottle to prnvo batls.
factory or money reliineled:
" Thoinps-ou. M. J, Vetter.
A. W Musgrave. Albeit Sohults.
David M. Jones. c. I.oren.
Phryir'a Pharmacy ,. Terppe.
II. M Cile. Chns. P. Jones.
Finest wine and cigars at Lane's,
820 Spruce street
neecham's Pills no equal for cons. I
patlon. m
Smoke the "Hotel Jermyn" cigar, 10c,
Choice N?cku)?ar
3 FOR 91.00.
We are closing out all of our
50c Neckwear to make room
for spring goods. This your
opportunity. See our window.
"On the Square."
203 Washington Avenue.
1.11 iri 11
Mayor Wants tho Cases Taken Out
of Court and City Solicitor Vosburg
Recommonded tho Drawing Up of
an Ordlnanco Providing a Penalty
for tho Keeping of an Unlicensed
Saloon Rocommondation Wns
Adopted and Moasuro Will Bo In
troduced Thursday Night.
The conference committee appointed
by councils to advise with the mayor
regarding the suppression ot the
"spcak-enslcs" met last evening In the
mayor's olllco In city hall nnd dliectcd
tho city solicitor to draw up an ordin
ance prohibiting tho selling of liquor
without a license and atllxlug n penalty
thereto for a violation of Its provi
sions. Tho mayor stated that his reason for
asking councils for assistance In the
premises were that the eases might tie
tried by himself or any nldoiinnn (
tho city, Instead of having them nil
como up In court, as at picsent.
City Solicitor Vosburg, who wns pre
sent, dated that while the act of as
sembly governing third class cities
gives cities power to lestt.itn, piohlblt
and suppress the unlicensed sale of li
quor, nevertheless that power Is un
opcratlve until taken advantage of by
He further staled that the objection
had been rnlsod that the city had in
right to punish by ordlnanco any of
fense ulicady punishable by statutes
and offered the following supieme couit
decision as against this nigument:
"An authority granted by law to a
city to punish by ordlnanco offenses
already Indicted by statutes Is consti
tutional; the same offenses mav be
made punishable under the criminal
code and municipal legislation."
All the members of tho commute;
present, with tho exception ot Select
Councilman O'lJoyle, thought thi'.r tho
passage of such n measure was neccs
saiy for tho thoiough abolition ot these
places. Mr. O'lJoyle contended that the
matter should bo taken care of by tho
county officials, without the city pit
ting Its foot in it at all, as ho expressed
City Solicitor Vosburg wns, however,
directed to draw up an oidlnanct- and
to nfllx as a penalty a flno ot from
$10 to $30, nt tho discietlon of tho
magistrate trying the case. This or
dinance will be Introduced Thuisdav
evening In select council and an effoit
will be made to put It through as
quickly as possible.
. .
Two Weeks' Tour via Pennsylvania
The llrst Pennsylvania, railroad tour
of the henson of Jacksonville', allowing
two weeks In Floiida, will lcavo New
Yoik and Philadelphia February .
Excursion tickets, including railway
transpoitatlon, Pullman accommoda
tions (one berth), and meals en touto
In both directions while traveling on
the special train, will be sold at th
following tales: New Yoik, $50.00;
Philadelphia, Ilairisburg, lUltimoro,
nnd Washington, $4S.OO; Pittsburg,
S'iS.OO, nnd at propoitlonatc tales from
other iiolnts.
For tickets, Itlnerailes, nnd other In
foimatlon apply to ticket agent''.
Tout 1st Agent ut 1190 Hroadvvny, New
Yoik; 4 Couit stieet, Urooklvn; 7S9
Proad street, Newark, N. J.; H. Cour
laendor. Jr., passenger agent Haltl
moro district, llaltlmoie, Md.: Colin
StutleK passenger agent Southern dls
trict, Washington, D. : Thox. n.
Watt, passenger agent Western dis
trict, Pittsburg, Pa.; or to Cieo. W.
Boyd, assistant general passenger
agent, Hroad stieet station, Philadel
Will Be tho Pastor of the Blakely
Baptist Church.
At a meeting of the congregation of
tho Uiptlst chinch at JJ1 ikely Mon
day night Hev. David Spencor, r. 1.,
formerly ot this city and now located
at Dover. N. J., was chosen for pasto-.
He was foimeily pastor of the l'onn
avenue Ilnptlt ohm eh for nine yens.
Last Monday ho olfered prayer nt the
opening of the New .Teisey legislature.
Ho recently pleached to the Illakcly
congregation nnd tho favorable Im
pression ho ciented mav bo judged by
being now summoned to (111 their pas.
Snoko the Pocono Sc. cigar.
if HE
Usui m
has nttutc-tcd a great deal of
attention the past few jenrs.
No matter bow puro tho food
may be, It will buffer. It
cooked In a cheap enameled
kettle that Is not acid proof.
has four coats of enamel, burnt
on separately. Suppoio you
It y one pleco of Stransky
Our name on ovciy article.
jj Foote & Shear Co. 5
!H! M9 N.Washington Ave M
Paerce's Harket
P.ceelving dally Turkeys, Povvh,
Springers, Ducks nnd Squabs; also Hock
away, Maurice Illver and Illuo Point Oys.
ters; i:erytlilni; tho market affords in
truiti and vegetables.
Your orders will be tilled promptly with
bent goods at rcusonablo prices.
UO. 1 12.11 'U'liNN AVENUE.
The ciunllty of the oils uiert In mixing
colors determines tho durability of th
such ns wo offer telll make paint of great
nmoothncRs and durability. A large sur
face! can bo covered nnd tho coating will
not peel, crack or went- oft until It has
dono Its full duty.
Theso prices will show that good oils
ore not expensive.
Chas. B. Scott
119 Franklin Ave.
Tho Popular Hoiiia Fui
ulshlng Store.
I tfcAldaff'es
lor a Penny,
Delicious hot waffles
are always acceptable
they are healthful, easily
made and cost little, pro
vided you have one of
our splendid walllo Irons,
costing only 90c. A
penny's worth of ma
terial will make wailles
enough for our break
fast If vou have one of
theso Irons.
Foote & Fuller Co,
Hears Building,
140-42 Washington Ave
Fur and
Woolen Gloves
Fur and
Cloth Caps.
30.") i.iicknwumui Avenue.
A jobbers stock of jt dozen
Ladies Upholstered Rockers
no arms, just the thing for
sewing Solid oak trame
worth Sz.-i any time but here
for the next few days for
ii i 'jy
221.223.225-227 Wyoming Aw,
Id P fcarartlon Our Fcurtb Annual
4 4- 4- -f 4 4-
u nr n o
1A II M lllll '
if i
nn Ufa nnnnlim f X
1 I t a . Ila . . T-
Mumi i