The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 30, 1900, Morning, Page 3, Image 3

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The lntest In Sheet Music, both
popular nud classical.
If you don't reo what you want
ask for It, and we will piocura It In
three days time. A few
Pianos and Oipans cheap for easily
or on easy payments. Must make
room for new stock.
Ice Cream.
2JW Per
Oc Quart.
Telephone Orders Promptly t) lvero.1
135-317 Adtms Avenua-
Scranton Transfer Co.,
Always Reliable.
All kinds ot tiansfer work
promptly and satisfactorily done.
Offlco 100 Lackawanna Ave.
Office Phono 525. Barn Phono 6982
(itift its n mm fruits
lio Spruce Si reel.
Musonlc Temple.
The Only Dentist
.n tLeClty Who 1h :i ariidua'o lu
ItrtJiicnl piltc-s for the next li us
Gold Crowns $2.50.
Gold Fillings 50c.
Best Set of Teeth S4.00.
Silver Filling 50c.
frown mid hilclge- work n specialty. If
jnii h ive any woil; to ho done call
nnd have your tteth CNUinliiuil Dec of
i bulge. Puilik-ss e uuctlou.
Dr. EcUyard Reyer
xvye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Office Houra 9 a. m. to 12.30 p m.; I to 4.
Williams Building. Opp. Poatofflce.
SAlOKLK TONlOIlT.-'J'he m. nibcrs of
tho local Street Kullwu) Mens union
will hold a smoker this cvuilng la Indus
trial hall cumuli niliig at s ocloeK,
Knight, was list i-vcnlm, icimniltted io
the county jail by Aide I man : sail ly, ot thn
Thhd vvuid, on the ilutifiu oi .tc.mlt anil
GAltUXKll PL'NHKAL Seivhos ovei
the 1 1 mains ol the late .Mciiltl Gaiilm-i
will bo held at 'I o'clock till-, inoii.liuf
nt tin. house, Pil, Uli Kmiii .im inn , ami
nftoriv.uds to Factor v Ilk lor in
lei mint.
LNQFLST TONKIUT.-Cnioiu r Iiolmts
wlrl conduct an hupiest at T o'tlock thb
evening lu o'liilui' b ti i, ol pliant. In
tho i.iso of It ion l'.ilnt) r, who was
found dead in llio Lackawanna liver lasi
MTlJItATrniJ SWTIu.V-Au Impor
tant nic-eling of the lllti.ihuc section of
tho Women's ibib will bo iniij at tho
Green Uldgc llbi.u v, i uesda alteinoou,
January :', at 'iXH p. in. A luigy .uicnel
unto is uigid.
w. c t. r. Mi:i:riN(i-Thi tvmr.ii
Woman's e'hiistl in riiiii.iiin union
will meet this afternoon at a o'clock in
Guenise's hill. All inteiftnl are in
x llr U. Kiibjid, "I'.vanrellhtle and Moth.
cis' Met lliiKH,"
the lato Itt' Hi own will be eomliii led
fiom thn house hi Momow nt lOJu o'eloelt
this inoudi.t. Tho n mains will be
brought to this t Ity on tho l.Eii p. in. tinln
and intnicd in the Wusliluun btuet
f'athollo Illstoiical Society and Newman
Magazine club will hold an especially im
portant meetinK Hils cinliiK In (litem
sey hall. The, leature of the pioKranimo
will bo a. leclurn by Hev. John l.oimh
ran on "The OrlKlu of tho (Jrcck Chinch."
YOUNU MKN'8 rORl'M.-Tho leKUlar
nifelliic of the Ymiiu; Men's Knruin will
bP hehl 'i'ucbdav uvenlni,- In St l.iilsc's
parish house. Tim mcmlxis will ilcbato
on "Ilci'olveil, thai Cuba .Should J!o An
tiexed to tho I'nlttd States. ' Pant rs will
also bo lend by .Missis. V, 1'ilie, C
ktwltiser and A. Kuufini'ti
WATisn coMMirrin: Mi:i:TiNf,-
Wbauecial committee huliik- under con-
siderntloti (ho Mrhln ordinance cl-ib.
Hulling llMd iuUh for water will mrt
imnoriow evening In tlio illy cleric's of
Hen for tlin purpose of lorniulallnu- u te.
poit to lie ptesentcil to select council
mi Tliuritiliiy cvtnliiir.
Employes at Bolt and Nut Works
Badly Burned.
H.ivld Morris, of 212 Meridian sttect,
im yesterday afternoon taken to tlu
Lackawanna hospital as the result ot
an nccltknt at the Scronton Nut and
IJolt works', wheio lie Is employed.
About - o'clock, as he was busb-l
with his weak, n Irir of steel which
was at white heat suddenly was lost
control of anil, coming In contact with
the lower p.ut of lils body, serious
burns vvoto ltiillctcl. Among othets a
large f 1 :: . 1 1 hole was bin tied Into his
left log.
lit' was ta,toii to the Lackawanna
hospital, where his liiluiles weie- a.
tended to. It Is piob.iblo lio w'd
have to lipt kept at the Institution
for consltletnblo time ot.
Mayflold Political Dispute Will Bo
Reviewed by tho Court.
Objections weic yesterday Hied with
I'lolliouotaiy .lohu Copeland aKalnut
tho ceitlllcatcH of nomination tiled with
the county minmlssloncis on Januaiy
VI, which purpoil to Loiituln the names
of candidates nominated at a ltepubll-
ill caucus. The ticket is headed h
llcniv I.oiiKinnti ns it candidate for
burs' vs.
(leoiKc I!. Cobb, V. J. Ituidy and
I'eter t'oiby, who claim to be Hie
VlKllailie coiiuulttcc'ot the botouttll. '1c
clato that the caucus at which I.ili!---inan
and Ills associates weic nominated
was not a lei?.il body and was ca'b'd
and condiictid without authoiity. They
iiIIckc that tho regular caucus was
held January 24 and ;t ticket nominated
which Is headed by Jeremiah O. riulll
vn n as a candidate for bur'ess. Court
will hear the matter on y '' at
10 a. m.
Inquest Conducted Last Night by
Coroner Robeits.
An luquc't In the .Issitp niuider w i conducted be Coii.ner Unb
elts last evening' anil tli tcrtlmony
of sevcial iyi'-wItnp-M-. to the hoot
lmr wen- IiimkI.
The jtnv leudeml : verdict to the
tflect thai umist ISeonla tamo to
Ills death fiom Riin-'hi't wounds troiu
si tevolvor in the hands of I'eter Chep
leair.o, anil that lit shootlnc was tloito
Intentionally, ilellK int. iy ainl without
cait'c of iiiovm.itlin
The Juiiii wi'io 1'. r 'imlfr.-y, l'a
ikk t'onioy .John riUduil, Thomas A
Hunno. Tianl; Gdon mid Thomas
Handed Down by Justico Harlan.
Lickawanna Case.
W,ishii!;tuii. Jan. 2!i In the I'nlled
St.itts Supiemo mutt today two ile
elslons weto handed down by Justico
lliitlan ill i.isi'i invohiiiK the tiues
tlons of the lepoit of piefcieliee over
the nioitK.iKe holdeis of Insolvent lall
io.uK b Ihc ciedltot.-! of such mails
whose debts are contracted 111 connec
tion with the cunent conduct of the
loads. The Hist of the case. was that
of the Southern Uailroad company s.
the Caiut'Ele Steel lotnp.iliy This suit
Inxolvcd an Indebtedness coutraeted bv
the Richmond and D.tnxlllo Hallitind
company, whose- ptopeity was stibs.
illlently absotbed by tho Sotithein, to
the f'.sinesle company tor two pin
chasi .s f)f steel mils made by the i.ill
load company within a year pi lor to
the appointment of a leeeUer of the
Danville company. The Carnegie com
pany asseited that this condition of
nff.ilis wive it an equitable Hen and :t
prefeience over the muttwiKu ciedlt
ots, because the Indebtedness was con
tracted in tho operation of tho loul
and was thcicfore a part of Us run
nini; expenses. The Tnlted States Cir
cuit eouit of appeals accepted this lew
of the case, and Justice Hai Inn's opin
ion sustains that view. uflirmliiK the
cleciee of the lower couit.
In the other case, that of the I.ieka
wvnna Iron and Coal company s th"
Kaimers' Loan and Trust company, an
opposite conclusion was leached and In
this Instance the contention of thy
Lackawatinu compiuv was sustained,
as the contract contains no pronil--e to
pay out of any p.ut of the fund, and
because e.ils had elapsed be
tween the election of the debt and the
appointment ot a loceiver.nnd for other
leasons not bilnKhiK it within the iiile
laid clown in the CaineKlo case. This
case i ante iroin the Clieiilt couit of
appeals for the fifth clutilt.
According to a Ruling of Judge
chlc.iKo, Jan. 2'.i. Ju.lKe c. c. Kohl
saat, in the I'nltetl States Ciicult couit
tod.i, itilcd the iiiiti-tiust Ijw of th
Ullnols liKlslatuie ot I'.'.i.i void, cm the
Kiouud that the s'lilutc contains both
class and sn i.. legislation and is in
c ontiaeutloii of th,. ielci, il and stale
Constitutions. The opinion of the i out t
heats moie dluctly on the ninth clause
of the Act or IS'.!!, bin the aliditv of
the whole act is also denied.
The iiillmr was made In the ase of
the 1'nloii Sewer I'lpe c oiupaii.N n:uii!t
Thomas Connelly, but implied as welt
to the case of the same lillllntllfM
auaiust William Die, the two ca-es
hsulllf been tllecl conjointly. The mill I
took the case liom the juiy and Kin.
Instiuciloiis that the tlndiiiK be lu t.nor
of the plaintiff. The I'nlon Sewer I'lpo
company bioticht suit to icecner on
Pioml-oiy notes kIvpii by the oViend
nnts, who coiitendeil the plaintiff
was n Must oiKiuilzeel for the express
purposo of cif.itlnir and caiiyliiir out
lestilctlons lu trade. The matter piob
ably will be taken to the I'lilted States
Supreme couit Opinions differ widely
as to whether Judge Kohlsaat's decis
ion leaven Illinois without niiti-tiust
laws. It Is held by some lawyers that
the Act of ISO.! did not supetsede Unit
of ls'.il, and that the latter statute Is
still lu force. Judtte Kohlsaat did not
touch upon this point In his decision.
Striking Blacksmiths Return.
Dunkirk. N. Y.. Jan. L".i.-Tho strlMiiK
blacksmiths nt tho llrooks I.ocomotivo
woiks leturned to work today havhiK
bten stunted an Intrea-e of 10 cents per
1 1 . 1 v
A Caid!
We, tho iiiideislciK'tl, do hereby nureo to
refund the nioney on a f.(i-ceiit buttln of
Orccnu's Wui runted Siup of Tin If It
fulls to cuio our ioukIi or cold. We also
Ruuiunteu a '.'".cent bottle to prove satis
factory or money lefunded:
J. o. Hi no At Son. iJiiumure.
C.. W. Davis, Providence.
W, D Davis Providence.
ItPimlniaii V Co., Avoca.
VV, H. Manuel h, Mooslo,
K. A. Kline. .Mlnooka.
Joseph Duvis, Taylor.
Richard Sivley Tried Boforo Judgo
Archbald on n Charge of Torrlbly
Injuring Andrew Maxim Casos in
Which Pleas of Guilty Were En
teredMotion Made to Quash tho
Indictment in tho Case Against
William F. May Minor Cases
That Woro Tried Yesterday.
Thomas Ludelcn, of MInooki, will
not be tiled at this term of court for
the klltliu; of Police onicer P.ttilck
ItalTeity at Old l-'otise on Sunday, D.1
ceinher IT.
The case was at the he. id of the list
for the let in of fiimltml eouit which
opened estelclli.v, anil w hell ll.e ous.
was called Hon. John 1'. an J
Attorney John .1, iMttiphy, who appnif
for the defendant, nketl for the ccn
tinu.uuc. Mi. (julnnan said he was
alone In the care until last Saturday,
when he was lelnloict el by Mr. Mur
phy. Thi'ie was u meal dial of vvotk
In ! done In the ptoper prcpaintlon of
tl i"ie and he felt that It .votiltl b
a steal Injustice to Ills client to com. I
pi 1 them to go to court at this lime.
The motion was stionsly opposed by
Dlslilct Attorney Jones.
Judge II. At. IMwuids who Is pie
siding In the nrilii court loom this
week, and befoi" whom the motion tor
u continuance was made, paid that he
vi mid continue the' iase Inasnmch as
this was the Hist tlni" It was on the
list, and that the motion for u con
tinuance appeared to have bten made
lu good fulth
Was Terribly Injured.
Dlchaid Plviey was tried befoie
Judge U. W. Arch! aid In court room
No. '-' esterdav 'ifteinoon on it charge '
of nggiavatecl assault and battel y.
County P.t"ttlve Thomas Leyshon
was the pioseetitor, but the pel son In
Juted was And'ew Maxim, who ie
sldes at Dutyni He Is a ninn about
15 yeais ol age nnd is mauled and ,
has a wife and seven children. Slviey
Is ti vouth about 1 veuis of and
was defended by Attorney James II.
Watltltf A-i,lstaiit Di-tilel Attoiney
W. liayloicl Thomas cmidueteil the
ca-v for the coinmonuealth.
Al.txlm was employed as a miner In
the Council mine at I)i.iea and SivLv
was ii dilvei at tl " s-imii- pl.t "-o. 'It
was shown jeMonlny on the part of
the commonwealth that em October l't
a driver boy went into At ixlm's lum
ber and hit him a leiiit'c blow with a
pb i e of coal, lie wis taken to the
Lackawanna hospital, where for some
time his lite was de spatted of and he
still has his lead swathed In b milage.
The blow has lendeied Maxim al
most blind and affectcM his speech. He
has not woil'eel liiuo ami It Is ilotilii
lul If h" will again. The common
wealth was not able to biing the eilin
home iHici't to Slviey. Two drive:'
boy", Slvle-y being one of tlit-m, were
eniplo.veel 111 seiving' a tier of four
chainbeis, In one of which Aluxlm wjs
employed and It was not shown with
any 'lo','ioe of i leainess wbeth"f It was
SI'. ley oi the other driver who com
mit ted tln assault.
Alter the dofene opened Slviey went
on the stand and swore that he 'lit
Alnxini but did It In -eli" defense. He
also maintained tlit the blew he
struck did not result In the iniuile
form which Maxim Is now suffering
The case was given to the Juiy ct L'..!0
o clock, but a vetdlct bad tiot bjen
leluineil up to tlie hour tint couit ad
journed. Pleas of Guilty.
William Palmer admitted having
st den a razor and some house hoM
goods fiom his fatho'-. I.'. S. Palmer.
He was lined $1 and iiucotcd to speuJ
six months In the county jail.
William T. Kelly, who entered, and
stole sllppeis, gloves, etc, fiom the
home of John J. O'lioyle. on IVnn :iv -Mic,
on Januaiy 1, admitted tils guilt
anil was sentenced to pav a. tltn of il
and spend thtee nionths in the munty
Jul I.
James tlamm'll pleaileil guilty to
having stolen an, two sack
to it-, and a hat tiotn Oeoige P.iub u
ami will spend six months lu the coun
ty jail and pay a line of $1.
Alaggle Dlmler. who has been lu I til
six. weeks awaiting tslal on a i haiv
of as-lulling and battering a touncr
fiiend, Alice Lovelanel, admltteel her
guilt The vi ntetico waa ?1 and costs.
Charles Sheier, of Madison township,
w is called to answer a charge of lar
ceny anil leeching, pictured bv
Chutles T. Y'ites The aitble he was
bulged with -baling was a hleyil
He admitted having the machine -when
ni tested, but said lie obtiln.'il it fiom
his biotlur-ln-luw lie bail nn know I-
h;e as to the manner in whlih the
luttei lUlile Into pos-cssloil if it He
was diieeteel to p iy a tine ot $1 ami
sptnil cue mouth in the coiiul.v jail
liobeit Sniid ndmltti'd having as--nulled
P.itiiek (ull.iglie.t on a 1'iovl
ili'iu e car and was sentenced to p-iy
a line of M costs
Nicholas Destine, who was chained
with di-eliaiglng ilie.iiins with intent
to kl'l, vas siuteuitil to pay a tine of
M and spi ml thlily d.ivs in the i tint
I ill alter he had uileitei a nleii of
guilt. Ibstlne lives in Dunker Hill.
James pleadetl gulltv Io hav
In i nblu'il. Walter S. Weaver of ?-'..")
lu the hotel Columbia or. kawinna
avenue. It was alleged that he look
the money out of WenveiV pocket.
l'isdu'r was lined ?1 and sentenced to
pay a line of one jour In the county
Itanv thews admitted hiving
stolen it watch fiom IMw.ud Hu.en lu
Ceutie stteet. He alleged that he Ji
di link nt the time and did rot know he was doing. The watch was
valued at $1". W w.h senti in ed to
pay a tine of SI and spend one year In
the county Jail.
Action in Other Cases.
.lame H. Coleman, of South Scian
ton, an ox-pollco ofllccr. was tiled be
tou Jiiilgij IMwuids on ii chin go of
heating- his father. John S Coir man.
Tho father and mother of the license.!
and tin en brothus went on the stand
and swoio ho was guilty of fh
ciiui ge made against hhn.
(,'oluuan admitted having talsed a
disturbance In his fathct's lious'.-, but
denied that he was guilty eif commit
ting tho assault with width ho was
churned. Tho Jury had not telutned a
verdict up to uiljnuruimr time.
A. l'"o, tho blielmiti, was tiled for
u-satiltlni? and battering l. I. Sim
momi. The assiiuilt was nlltged to !io
the outgrowth of a dispute over chick-
Marlonl Wine World Famous Tonic.
it mild stimulant, the only one that
has no unpleasant ic.icllon, nr.d that
produces no hiumfut effects. This Is
asseited after continued expel lettee
dutlnK the past tltli ty-llve years.
All Drttpijlsts. Ilcflls'c substitutes.
ens. We Juiy salel not guilty and
dlviiled the costs.
W. T. Smythc was ttlcd ror ,isault
Ins Clutlieilu Wells, son of Alls. A. T.
Wells, oi t.'r.inltllii avctitic, with whoni
Sinvthe for it time hoaided. Smythc
admitted striking young Wells, but
slid he did It In self defense. A ver
ellct was agreed upon by the jury after
court adjourned and will bo u put tod
this moitilng.
Thomas llviins was found trnlltv of
having u.s-aiillccl hit wile. Surah
llvans, titul was sentenctd to pay a
.tM. ,..' .1., ..... .....1 ,.....! .1.1..... .,.... I
inn' ui ii', i iii.ii. ,iii'. si'uiiu it.iti cm a
lii tins county Jail.
Just b"fote couit Jidjourncd for the
d iy a Jury iclirod to pas upon the
case of John At. Klytin. who Is charged
with aggravated afiuit and battery
by Alls. Catlii'ilno Shannon. The par
ties live lu the Twett'.y-llrsl vv.itel of
this city and lnd a dispute over a.
well. L'ach dcclatC'l tuosl htleiiuously
that tho other wan the figgresnr. Tho
case vau tiled before Judge. Archbald.
On ae count of the nbsitteu of Impor
tant witness the case airaln"t Adam
ltobblns and Stephen Dobbins, charged
with assault and battery by Louis
Westchlnsky, and that of Adam Dob
bins, Stephen Uetbblns. Ike liarton,
chuiged with nrxrult mil battery by
Joseph Konlzney, were contlnucl until
the next term.
Motion to Quash Indictment.
When the case of William K. Alay,
chutged with malicious mischief by his
wife, Mary Alay, was called for trial
yesterdnj, Hon. John P. Kelly, who
lepieseiits the plaintiff tiled a motion
to quash the Indictment for the "re i
son that the was Issued and
swoin to by Alaty May, the wife of
the defendant, and, therefore, tho
whole pioce'edlng piecedlng the indict
ment was void and Insutllclent to sus
tain the Indictment.
Judge IMwards, before whom the mo
tion was made, lefused the motion to
ciuash, on the ground that it was regu
lar on its face and that they could u it
go outside of that document to incor-
poiate something Into It. He Intimated
that he would listen to a motion for
binding In-ti actions to the jury to re
turn a verdict of not guilty when the
case came lor trial. It will be tne
llit case called this morning.
Thny Wore Married.
Michael Cohan was at tested and
committed to the county Jail Saturday,
chuiged with being the lather of tho
unborn child of AIlss Agimska Alem
lee. Doth live in the Rcllevue district
of this city. Yesterday the parties
came to an understanding and AIlss
Alcmiec took a white satin tie and
other wee'dlntr Ineiy up to the county
:.ll to'!.
He Went d iwn to the court house,
with liu lu ihaige of a deputy sheiilf
and after a niutrlaero license had been
grunted Aldetman Myron Kason was
sent for and man led th- couple. Tho
accused was then cscotled before
Judge Kdwa'ds and was rvdeased em
his own recognizance In the stun i f
$"H and fioban and his wife left th
court loom happy and smiling Tlu
charge against him will now be vvltu
diavvn. Marriago Licenses.
David l'Vlclman Scranton.
Celia Gross Scrunto l
Joseph Wel.sbeig Seianton.
Sat ah Kabalchuek Seianton.
N itliun Klzer Dunmoi".
Alargle A. Tinner Nay Aug,
Alphonsus AlcCahe Forest City.
Aluiy AIcKuue Carbondulc.
Frank Shemma Taylor.
Nellie fiuldulaiio Tu lor.
Aliehuel Goban ."Ciuntou.
Agnusku Nlemlec Scranton.
Patilek Conway Old Fotg
Alurcaict-O'Haia Old Foige.
.To-eph Heiko Sri. into l.
Dlla Aliliollo Serantoii.
The habi as t orpus pioee"illnjra of
Al.tile Kellv ae.ilnt Henry Mid AIMi
ael llillj were .vcstciday dlhinl--eil
at tile cost of the telator
Xoio A. Stover ye-stt itlav, thniugh
Attornev D. J. Doiuke. obtalnetl .i
will ot icplevln to recover some paint,
a f i e d i utter, snihllc, lauib r, stove,
colli, etc, to tile- ullle f ?17a which
It I- .illeg.-d ai e being unlawfully held
by John Ab oic.
Heoi go W. Willi, mis ,vas yosteiday
appointed to till ihe vaiancy in tho
"liie of Judge of election in the Second
watel of ltl iki'ly. 'J'he vacancy wis
uiusi'il bv the nomltullon of David
c Phillips for the oillcv of tux celle--tor.
Alt-. Clam Widiicr, throimh her ut
toiney, I' J. Fitsimmens. jesteiday
iippbeii lor a dlvoice from her hn
baud John Wldnei. 'J hi' couple v. eie
in ii i led Januaiy 1", 1VJT, and it Is
alleged thai tliic'o il.r s later AVldiiT
dtse'tci Ills wife am! hast not since
lived Willi lid.
In the matter of the 'ule for an at
tachment in tho case of W. II. Davitt
against John H, Duggan, the cotnt
yesterday elliectoil that the attach
ment is-ue Dusgan lias failed to com
ply with the elocif of the court ill the
equity case of W H. Duvitl against
J. II Duggaii ami Patilek Cullen.
Aigumi'iits in l.tvor of changing (ho
locution of the polling place in Denton
township were made yesterday befoi
Judges Atehb.ild and Kdwards by At
torney ('. H. Dawson for tho petition
ers and by it. H. Holgate and W. W.
1'iiilor for the icspomlents. Tin for
mer contends that the polling place is
located In a room adjoining the bar lu
Potter's hotel, which Is i unitary to tlw
linker ballot law. The ai guinea t is the
result ot a factional light, which was
also lespon-lble for the an est of Harry
Seamoiis for piimuiy election ftntid
some tinio ago.
On Warrants Sworn Out by L. B.
Dowson, Yesterday.
On win units Issued at tho oflice of
Alilt'iniuu W. S. .Millar, ai the Instance
of L. D, Dowson, !. Young ami a
woman known as Polish Aluiv weie
lust night arrested at 3.'3 Center sticet
by l'ollco .Seigeunt Itccse Jones und
Putiolman Louis (ioerlitz.
Young was aceu?td of uttemptlns to
leave tho city, witli intention of de
fiaudlns Ills creditors, whllti tlio wo
man was charged with keeping u dls
leputuble house.
Ono of tho Features of the Day Was
tho Presentation to Retiring Presi
dent Charles Hoffman of a Bilver
Service -This Was Done at an In
formal Reception in tho Hotel Jor
myu Following tho Closo of tho
Convention Next Meeting to Bo
field in Philadelphia.
The business meeting of the trprc
Fentatlvcs of about llfty sub districts
to the biennial convention of Dlstilct
No. :i. Grand Lodge Independent Oieler
of H'nal H'titlt was yesterday tnorti
Itnr and afteinoon comlllcted nt the
local headqiiatteis lu Guernsey's hall,
on Washington avenue.
Tlie chief fcattue of the day's work
was the election of olllceis for the en
suing let in, Ficcl L. Woimser, of this
city, being chosen ns president. Fol
lowing the afternoon session un Infor
mal icceptlon was held In tho wait'n
room of the Hotel Jermyn, at which
Chailcs Hoffman, esq., of Phllaelel
phli, was picsented with a inu.Tiilll
cent case of silver conta't.Ing about
four dozen handsome plecs of laole
S. J. Strauss, esq., of Wllke.'-Dirre.
in behalf of the dlstilct m mibers, pre
sented Air. Hoffman with tills token of
appreciation, saying that It was a test
imonial of the geneinl regard felt for
him and a recognition of the value of
Ills services. Air. Hoffman was deeply
affected by the presentation and In a
few wot els accepted the gift and e.x
ptessed his gratitude.
The morning session was called to
order at tt o'clock, w ith President Hoff
man in the chair. The first busine-T
transacted was the election of officers,
the following being chosen: PiesideiU,
r. L. Woimser, of this city; first vies
president, O. H. Ilosenbuum, of Pltts
butg; second vice-president, Adolpa
Platovvsky, of Philadelphia: sectetary.
AI. K. Cohen, of Philadelphia; treasur
er, AI. K. Hlisch. ot Philadelphia.
The regular routine business was
then transacted, committees being ap
pointed, repoits tead, etc. Tile; execu
tive committee for lPOO-'Ol will consist
of the olllcers of the gtand lodge and
Chailcs Hntfman, Jacob Singer an J
Denjamln Nussb.uim, of Philadelphia;
Jay Hcrolel, of Tienton, N. J.; Dev. I.
Doseiithal, of Lancaster, and Henry
Jackson, of Plttsbuig.
Delegates were ulso appointed to the grand lodge convention,
which will take place at Chicago, April
::!, 1U0O. The occasion is a great event
In the order, us it Is held only once
every llvu ears and is ,i national af
fair. The repicsentativcs from tho Third
dlstilct will be chailcs Hoffman and
Jacob Singer, of Philadelphia; J. D.
Coons, of WIlkcH-Hnne: Reuben Trier,
of, N. J., and F. L. Wormser.
of this city.
In the afternoon among other busi
ness transact eel was the amending of
the constitution and bylaws, the fol
lowing additions being made:
Section 5 Add "past piesident- of
lodges In tuiv district who mav become
ainilated with lcelges In this district, ma
lie rteognied as menthols of this grand
lodge upon apiille.iiioii to mill approval
by the grand lodge or genera! committee."
artici.i: xviir.
In-ert hi the sei oml lino ot said artie le
nt Iit the v.oid "Ite presentatlves" "or by
anv imigo oi tne ui-triet. uttcstni dv the
pre -Idem ami secretin y. and uinl. r Us
proper seal."
In-ert on the second lino aftci tlio word
"Repietentallves ' " or by any lodge of
tho district, attested by Its pri-sliluit ant!
secietari. and under its pioper seal."
This session was ptorldcd over bv
the newly elec-trel iuesident. Air.
Woimser. lie having- been in
stalled in his high position .it,
noon. by S. J. Strauss, of
Wllkcs-Daire. President Hoffman, an
leaving the chali. made a tilting ad
dles? and welcomed his sui'cessor,
v.iio then gave a. lluent and t-loipient
speech uncnt his intention to fulfill to
the best of his ubillty tlie duties In
cumbent upon him, and expressing his
lecognltion of the vvelpht of the re
ttpopslbilltv unelertukcii.
Vaiious committees i c. polled dining
the afteinoon, among them being the
one which hud chirg'j of the prefl
ilcnt's message, v nlcli was df-llveieel
Sunda. Alt. Strati's, the i halt man
of this e-oiuiilllte-e, made Ills tcport, the
committee thoioiighly I'lidorslug all
the sentiments put fi rwnid in tho
message, uiglng nil the inipiove
niiiits ndv si el
The tepott of the miiiual liainmg
school committee was also tlioioughly
appioveel end recommended, by u spe
cial committee which had it under
llabbi 1. Rosenthal, of Lancaster,
who had opened tha services In th.!
tiioiiilng willi a piayet, closcel them
about :: o'elod: in th" atttriioon by
piolioaucing a beiicilietion, after tho
lust bit of business line! been tian
satted. The nc.xt mnvc-ntlon will be
held two yeais fiom dale at Phila
delphia. Nuuly all tlio dele-gates left town
yosteiday atlcrnoen, Koing ellrect o
the- cle-oot 1 1 nm the Hotel Jctmyil.
alter the presentation lnd taken place.
They weic all unanimous In their
dtcl.uatlon Hint this was one of tho
finest and best conventions In the his
tory of tlio otclei, and nil of them left
the city high in their praises of the
hospitality of their host-, and the goo J
cheer orfercd by the city of Seianton,
In general, and Amos J. edge, No. l,!0,
in pat titular.
The Republicans of this borough held
a caucus on Saturday evening at the
opera hotiFCr The following ticket wa3
nominated: For buigcfcs, Stephen II.
Gay, for Justico of tho peace. Jlartln
F. AlcIInle: collector, L. AI. Wcstcott;
Mine and Mill Supplies,
Machinery, Etc.
OFFICE-Dhnc Bank Uullding.
3 When passing China Halt. Just lake a glance at our windows nud reo tho
5 grrut birgalns In Hiic-a-Hrac. .lanlluleis, Pedestals, etc., also lluvilaiul &
,B Co'h French China Dinner Set, 111 pines. Only Step lu and look
J over our bargain tables; heio me only n few of the many bargains:
S Fruit pi lies weic IS.(K, now TO 11) per do..
S Fruit plates were SI.'.W, now n frn per ilnx,
3J Fruit plates weie S",.r. now ! I op per iloz,
cS Fruit plates were SJ.tiK now 3M pt r io.
g5 Uti'iiktHst or tea plate.! were Ml c now s Oi) per iloz.
5 llreakfast or tea plates Welo St 1.00, now , 7 iM) per doz.
S llieakfast or tea plates were jV.'ii, now 4 W per doz.
3J Soup plates weie 57..'.0, now , 4 .0 per doz.
t5 ''so tnaiiv ix'.ds and piuIn lu dinner and tea sets, uUtswarc, etc. 1)C-
"m WAR!:. 'Jiasu will not last long.
rlISII. Cm r.l
millrtl (X rC"Ut.t
Cloth Jackets
My stock of Cloaks, Jackets, etc., both for Ladies, Misses and
Children has been unusually larjje and h.indsomc this season, and many
handsome garments remain, owing to the warm weather and late win
ter. We are sure to have cold weather yet, but the Cloth Jackets must
Consequently you will tind
All $25.00 Jackets for
20.00 Jackets for
15.00 Jackets: for
10.00 ackets for
AH 7.50 Jackets for
All 5.00 Jackets for
AH 4.00 Jackets for
Golf Capes in Handsome Effects.
Were $2j.oo
Were 20.00
Were it-.oo
Were 10.00 for
Were 7.00 for 5.00
Great reductions in prices on Furs. These are not old garments,
but all new, up-to-date the kind you always lind at
F. L. Crane's
Raw Furs Bought.
Filled and
absolutely without pam K--iLl
by our new scientific &?,!?
Reputable Dentists
Should not be judged by the catch-penny methods of the Dental
Fakir. Our prices arc the lowest possible for first-class work. Our
svstem of Crown and Bridge Work is superior to any other. We are
up-to-date in all branches of Dentistry.
134 WYOMING AVE. (Over Millar & Peck's China Store.)
school dliectois, F. L Pioper and J.
K. Harding; eoiine-il, F. AI. William:!,
Chatles Spencer and O. D. Piatt; po r
master. Hom.v Miller, judge of elec
tion, l. G, lllack: Inspector, l. Stephens-
high eonstablt, L. AI. Westcotf.
The Dc-moeiuts hold their cum-us on
Tuesday evening and a ll ely time is
T. It. Button ami wife visited their
parents In Spilngvllk- over Sunday.
Geoige Cornell, of llullstead, is vi-it-Ing
his parents at this place.
They are holding niis'tlngs nt
the Alcthoeil'-t i:pl-copal church at
this place cvciy evening this wiek.
A gl'.e-st social was held at the hous
of H.'irrv Taylor on last SulunlnV even
ing by tlie Lend n Hand society of the
Hplsropal chute b
James Fecit y and -son, of f)l pliant,
arc vihltim.,' his biothei, lv. J. J. It.
'AIlss 15 Alctii.iw, of HhiAhamton,
Is visiting her sl-b i. Alls. Will .Mor
gan, at this plui c.
Smoke the "Hotel Jermyn" cigar. 10c.
In a
Modern ifii
i:ei.vlhlliR Is as clean as 111 a
modem kitchen
Flour is n atie in a AlODKHN
Get It of jc.ur gioecr.
'We only wholeiale ; "
Carbondale, Olyphant.
vygiv v .
13A WyomlnK Ave,
"Walk in and look around."
at Half Price.
. . i
!. 3)lOU'
Furs Repaired.
We Call
Your Attention
To Our
Immense Stock of
Horse and Mule Shoes,
Bar Iron Steel,
Cliannells, Angles,
Shafting, Toe Calk Steel,
Bolts and Nut?,
Rivets and Washers,
k Entll3ss Stoc'f of
Wagon makers'
Supplies. .
m nnd 12S Franklin Are.
720 Connell Building.
.v r tszFk: a
1 1.
Horses and carriages are su
pcrior to those of any other
livery in the city.
If you should desire to go
for a drive during this delight
ful period o'f weather, call tele
phone 794, and Hverett will
send you a first-class, outfit.
236 Dlx Couit. (Near City" Hall.)