The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 30, 1900, Morning, Page 2, Image 2

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New Interest in the Lino in Contem
plation at Towanda.
BpecUl to tho Seranton Tribune.
Tovvnndn, Jim. I!'. Still later do
vcloprnonts hnvc become public during
tho past week, which awaken new In
terest for the people ot Northern
Pennsylvania In the piopeiscd Brad
ford Central railroad. The load will
connect with the HulTalo and Susiiue
hanna at Ansonla nn the went, and
with the extension of tho Hnrcl.iy rail
toad, now being surveyed, on the cast.
The Rarclay line cast will bo pushed
Into tho I.ickawanna anthracite coal
fields and will bo the moans of th
Dolavvaie and )Iudon Coal company
leaching the P.uiTiiln markets. With
the Ituffaloand Susquehanna, Uradfoid
Ccntial mid Harel.iy roads consMI
dated In interest, this line will Ininis
dlately become one of the most Im
portant In tho State The annual
nicotine of the Uradfnrd Central com
pany was livid a few dan ago. and the
hit that the noodyenis, owners of
the liuftnlo and Susnuohnnna, wei'j
dieted member of the l.o.ud of dlrec
tori, Is most significant. Clrorge V.
Adams, of New York, was ie-elccted
president, and the following werj
chos"i dlrectois' V. II. Kimball, (.5.
"U'. Adnms Nov Yoik; C. 1.. Tracy,
i: F. Klcr. i:. .1. Angle. !'. A. Saw
yer, Towanda: .1. A. 11111, I'.nvllj J.
N. Reiudxhe. C. A. lines, Hugh Craw
fold. Canten: F. 11 and C. Y. Uood
year, Htiffolo.
A gentleman of authority Informs .1
newpapoi man thai work on the new
load will certainly be begun In the
caily spilns. The pioinoteis of the
lino have the auiunre fit in Coot
year that they will deliver to the new
loid at least ino oars of fi eight a day.
In addition to this very nice buslne"
from the Uoodyont's alotm their aio
other Interests alone the line that will
swell the shipping. The milk and pro.
duci shipments tow aids Sc.'.inton and
Wllkfs-Hniip will, of themselves, af
ford the new line consldetnble tratlle,
while as a passenger lire the combine J
system ftom Seranton to Huffalo and
vice vi't-.t. Is found to become pop
ular. The Delaware and Hudson hard
coal business west Is .perhaps, the
most Impnitant of all. 'Ibis meat eor
poratlon, which pvvnr some of the laig
est and most productive nnthrncit
mines in tlio Lackawanna and upper
Luzerne fields, has hnotofoio ben
handicapped In the shipment of coal.
It Is lestilcted to mi mailed
alone, but with th completion of the
Rateluy extension and the bull. lint: ot
the proposed Uradfoid Cential con
necting with tho liuffalo and SusuU'
hanna, the markets in the west can
be reached. "al mnv thou be shipped
direct to the like ttade at liuffalo. The
propesed now line will cioss thioo
railroad lines nut of Willlamsport the
Tall Rrook division of tlr New Yoik
Central, the Not thorn Central and
Is'otth lhaneh. The now line will inn
thiough one of the most pi elide fuim
Ing section" of the state: then, too,
with the new oil and gas npcintlntH
In Tioga and Uradfoid counties, thn
piopospii line is bound 1" absorb some
of the business that these make.
body lay an still as ever. It took con
side! able force to eject tho man from
the room, lie told afterward thnt ho
knew nothing of what had occurred,
and It li believed that he Is Insane. Ho
has ictumed to Montrose,
Father and Son Marry Two Widows
in Bradford County. to tho Seranton Tribune.
Towanda, Jan. 19. Alexander Kane,
aged fiO years, and his son, Alexander,
Jr., nged 40 years, together with brides,
traveled fintii Knnes, Pn to Shlnk,
Sullivan county, In :i democat wagon
last week, on their wedding tour. Tlu
brides were widows who resided on
taims adjoining those owned by the
KIder Kane, nnd the double mnirlnge,
which occuircd on Tuesday, has
brought to ii happy termination n feud
In love that has existed between tin;
two women for a peilod of five years.
The circumstances of the case aie one
of the oddest matrimonial nlllances
ever lecorded In Noithtastein Penn
sylvania or Southern New Yoik,for
the Joint wedding was a compiomise
In u law suit which ir suited over a
light between the women over two
Tho senior Kane Is Justice of the
pence of Ward township, v hlle tho son
Is constable of the same dlstilct. Tlu
trouble dates hack In 1SHI, with tho
two women and about one year before
that time the Justice's wife died. His
laimJoIntd those of the two widows.
As time ppsed the 'siiulie paid neigh
hotly attention to both widows, and
as a cons'iuence a sphlt of Jealousy
Is alleged to have been the lcsult. I'.ot't
women afteiward became involved In
n quarrel oer their lospectlvo dogs.
It is stated also that the set vices of
the constable became litccssaiy, who
escorted tho would-be assailants to
the Justice's ollh e, win re they wcr
nnalgned for disturbing the peace. A
joint i onsu'tntlnn uttcrwardi followed
and as a result Justice Kane, the f Uh
or, wedded one of the widows, and his
son, constable Kane, took unto him
self as a Hide the other widow, all of
charging him with assault. The prose
cutilx alleges that Lawn knows some
thing In regard to the Ill-treatment re
ceived by her son, causing his death.
A party of boys wctc playing about
the Delaware, Lackawanna and West
ern lea house, when Lawn and others
gave the lads nn Ice water bath. Tho
sympathy seems to be In favor ot Mr.
John Mee, of Athens, has been ar
rested, charged with selling liquor to
lies. John McCabc, of Seranton, ad
dressed a meeting at St. Agnes hall an,
Thutsday evening, In the Interest etf
organizing a total abstainers' temper
ance association. One hundred signed
the pledge.
The Northeastern Press association
elected tho following olllcers nt their
luecUitig, Saturday: President, 11. L.
Lyman, Tunkhannock; lce-ptcsldint,
O. 11. M. Ward, Laceyvllle; C. F. Hev
erly, Towanda: secretary and treas
urer, I;, II, McKce. Towanda.
The Republican borough caucus on
Saturday gave the following result:
liutgcss, IMvvntd Frost; Justice of the
pence), John Meredith: collector of
taxes, rii'orge ltldgeway: councllmen.
1-Mwnrd Stevens, C. Obei nailer, A, C.
Smith; school directors, Hon. J. II.
Codding, A. It. Urutsiniiti; auditor, J.
L Mulr.
Sensation at a Funeral in Bradford
Special to the Seranton Tribune.
Towanda, Jan. .'V. A religious see,
known as "Sien Day Ad. enlists,"
closed a four days' meeting at Oveilll
last .Sunday. The sessions were In
charge of IlenJ.tmlii Stoeus and a Mr.
Lane, of Montrose. Dining their stay,
Augustus Chubbuck, of that township,
died, and the fuueial was held at the
family home. Mr. Lane went to his
boarder's, barn on the day of th
f uncial and began hitching his hoist
to a wagon. When asked w licit he
was going, he replied that he did not
know, that he had been told by the
sphlt to hitch up and go when- tin
sphlt should lead him. He drove to the
Chubbuck house, half a mile distant,
and in lived Just at the close of the
funeial services, while the fi lends were
viewing tin lcmalns. I.ane at once
went to the room wheie the casket
lay. and. phulng himself beside it,
stood silent for some time. The loom
was tilled with ft lends waiting to view
the lemalns, but the undertaker, think
ing him a lelutlve who nulved late,
said nothing.
Suddenly Lane began trembling, and,
extending his baud tow aid the body,
said In the words of Chi 1st, "Young
man, 1 say unto thee ntlse." Hut the
Railroad from Honcsdalo to Carbon-
dnlo Will Bo 27 Miles Long.
Special to the Sei .niton Tribune.
Honesdale, Jan. 21. Hy the opening
of the new Delawate and Hudson
Honesdale bianch the distance fiom
Honesdale to Caibundale will be twenty-seven
miles. The time-table will
contain twenty-four stntlons and pass
ing places, among the new names be
ing Fortenla, Steene. Mtinson, Svvaol:-
hammer. Panther Lilutls, Raeivet It rook
and llushwlck.
A plutfiHin Is now being laid on the
sticet side of the new passenger sta
tion, fiom which the trains will com
mence lunnlng Thutsday, Fobiuarv 1.
The llrst tialn of large passenger
coaches will anive on that date. Loco
motives will be nttaoht d to the ttalns
the entire loute, as the new toad will
be Usui. Telegiaph opeiatois ale to be
placed at the pilncljial stations, sta
tion Agent Dibble nnd assistant-", of
Honesdale, will hae eh.uge of the new
passenger .station. An yet theie has
been no definite atrangement lor the
l mining of the Ihlc trains to the new
station of the Delaware and Hudson.
Special to the Seranton Tribune.
Tunkhannock, Jan. 2'.i. The final sts
sion of the Januaiy term of cmut wa
held this morning, at which time a few
matters wen aigued and seveial mo
tions heard, and couit then adjourned
until April.
In the estate of Robot t Myeis, lato
of Tunkhannock township, deceastd,
James H. Pi ear, esq.. Is appointed nn
auditor to distribute the fund in the
hands of C. O, Dershimor. trustee.
Asa S. Keeler, esq., Is appointed on
the examining committee of the Wyo
ming count v bar to nil the vacancy
caused by the lellti-meiit of C. O. Deis
hillier. esq,
In puisuance of paitltion proceedings
In the Orphans' couit of Wyoming
Special to the Seranton Tribune,
Susquehanna, Jan. 2H, Tho funeral
of the late John Condon took place
fiom St. John's Catholic church on
Sunday afternoon. The remains weio
Interred In Laurel Hill cemetery. Re
qulem high mass was celebiated or.
Monday mm ning.
The hoi ough election occuis on Tues
day. Thete will be quite a strife f."
several of the olllecs.
The young widow of J. James Eagan,
under her maiden name, has been at
tending a public school In Hinghamton
since last fall, quietly devoting her time
to studv.
At the home of the bible on the Oak
land Side today. Miss Ilclle Council
man was united In marilage to Char
les H. Harris, of Washington. D. C.
Mr. and Mis. Hatrls will take up their
icsldence In Washington.
llov. P., K. Tower, of Thompson, was
called to Klngsley on Saturday by the
Illness of his sister, Mrs. Oakley.
Charles C. Piatt, esq., of New Mlt
ford, is said to be a Republican can
didates for state senator from this dis
trict. And there arc others.
William Shaffer, of South Olbson, his
leased the Jay House. In New MllforJ.
It Is lepoited that Union, New York.
Is also deslious of securing the Hiandt
chair factory.
The new (iieat Bend brush facto.'
Is continually Inci easing the numb:'
of Its employes.
The Cieat llend board of trade held
an open mass meeting on Saturday
evening to consider the chair facto-y
project. Tho attendance was large.
It Is repoitcd In Hiandt that th
chair factory will still remain In that
village. The shareholdets In the fsi'
toiy also own much real estate Inthe
village and the dlffeiences between the
company and the lhlc over ft eight
lates may be adjusted.
The annual convention ot the Hones
dale district Kpworth league of th'.
Womtng eonfeieneo of thn Methodist
chuich will be held in Thompson uii
Tuesday and Wednesday.
An oil stove In Dennett's cafe ex
ploded on Sunday moinlng and set Hit:
to lace curtains. The the department
was called out, but tin names were
extinguished with a few buckets of
The Ice fiom Heait Lake will be
shipped to the Laekiwanna vnll-y.
Last season's crop of Ice Is still stoied
In the large Ice house at that point.
P.ev. Dr. KdwarJ Taylor, of IJIng
liamton, pleached on Sunday morning
and evening at the Oakland Methodist
e lunch.
The Susquehanna Maennerchor he'ii
a masqileiade ball in Its Oakland Side
Music hall this evening. The attend
ance was huge.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Williams, of
North Jackson, aic guests of relatives
In Iowa.
llov. H. J. Whalen, of Honesdal.
occupied the pulpit of the liaptlJC
chuich on Sunday morning and even
In tr.
Messis. Pred Slngletond and Edwaid
Humble, of New York, visited Susque
hanna relatives on Sunday.
Piesldlng Elder Hall pleached In the
Avenue Methodist church on Sunday
Miss Uessie S.veet, soprano soloist
'of Tiinlty Memotlal church in Blng-
,:,'"; '"" "" ' "'"T1" "' '' ' haniton, veiy effectively icndeied sev
r-mv; hi. iih- tuuu limi'l' J 11 I UII IMlilll"
What Makes Beauty?
Beauty is made or marred by the blood.
'-When the blood. is impure, tbe cheeks
troW sail oiv, '.the eyes dull, the hair loses
its luster. When the blood flows through
tbe veins in a pure, rich current, the
eyes sparkle, the 6kin is clear, the com-
lexiou' beautiful. Women who use Dr.
'ierce's Golden Medical Discovery, find
that it is a genuine beautifier. Uy puri-
fying and enriching the blood it puts a
bloom on the cheek and a brightness in
tbe eye, which tell tbe story of perfect
"Havtnr bcn left weak from ftver last Oc
tober, I was under tht doctor's cart here," writes
' Mrs. Alice E. Casebler, of Crawford, Dawes Co ,
. Web. I took medicine, but did not seem to
gain very much. I was tired alt the time, bad
o appetite, had wauderinf pains all over me
more or less, and was very nervous, as I had
' been stele all the summer. I was sit run-down
nd didn't know what ailed me. I got advice
from Dr. Merce, ItUtng mi nt tymfioms tilltr
- than I could iturtti tktm myulf, and alio tellinr
me that I would have to take care of m self, ana
t how to take the medicines. I took four bottles
of 'Coldeu Medical Discovery,' and Ave of ' Fa
vorite Prescription, and gained strength right
alone. I took one bottle of the ' Pleasant Pel
lels.'also. I know that these medicines will da
U that they are recommended to do.
use ur. tierces neataui renew tor
nock borough, on Satutday. Febtuaiv
IT, next, at 1 o'clock p. m., the valuable
leal estate of John Lee. late ot Palls
township, dei east d. consisting of two
fauns, one In Knton township and one
lu Falls township, and also a valuable
feuy pilviligo acioss the Susquehanna,
known as White's feny.
Tills Monday evening was the date
fixed for the net entei tainment of the
Hiuh school lectin p cmuse. but the
management has been not tiled by Dr.
f'uln, who was to be the lectin er. that
he miinot be hen on that evening,
owing to a conlllctlug date chew here,
nnil tlie (into lid!., linn lidun ,l.m,--l tn I
. ' ,.. . T, , ' " . some
some nine in r eiiriuir. .
The Hepubllenu ticket, as nominated
nt the caucus on Satuiday evening for
the February election. Is ns follows:
For buigess, 11, 1., I.ynmn; for tax col
lector, J, It. Hunger-fold: for boiouuh
auditor, II, i Piovost; Flist ward
Town council, F. 11 Jennings; school
dliector, .1, Wood Piatt. Judge of eltc
tlon, r. A, fiiulmm; inspector, 11, S,
Hauling; Second wardTown council,
N. A. MvKovvu: school dliector. II. H.
Shook; Judge of election, James P
Harpe: Inspector, Hairy f'ortilght
W N. Ueynolds, Jr.. and !'. K. Little,
of Wllkes-Itarre, spent Sunday here.
Judge Dunham anil wife, who hav
been slopping at Hotel niahint dining
the January session of couit, left for
their home in I.apoite, Sullivan county,
( M. IUu-nii, founeily of this place
but now employed by the II. A. Mack
Woodworking company, at Neatherly,
Pa., is in town visiting his daughter.
Mrs. Ilyron Koon.
Dr. James
Yes, it will euro Neu
ralgia tooany kind
of hentlnche, in fact
and without any bad
Dr. James'
Headache Powders.
Famous Prescription
of an old nhysician.
Perfectly harmless
and perfectly sure to
Babies, invalids, any one e&ntsko
them with perfect safety.
At all Drug Stores.
4 Doses 10 Cents.
Cure Where
Weaver nnd O. H. Whitney; school
directors, A. C. Lindsay anil H. 7..
.usell; tax collector. Otto Tcnabner;
Justice. R. A. Smith; auditor, A. J.
Itehbeln; Judge of election. W. II. Lee;
Inspector, V. C. Charltsworth.
Special to the Seranton Tribune.
Poi est City, Jan. 20. At n meeting ot
the Prohibitionists held Friday even
ing It was decided not to place a ticket
in the Held. This eleclslon, It Is
thought, will ndd consldciably to the
chances of Republican success nt the
coming election.
At the Democratic primaries, held
on Trlday evening, the following nomi
nations were mide for tho oillces that
are to be tilled concurrently Ilurges.
John F. Oallpgher; Justice of the
peace, Thomas Cavennugh; tax collec
tor, James White; overseer of tho
poor. Frank P. Holmes; nudltor,
Charles D. Kurdlck. In the First ward
Michael Krauts and Dcnnl Fallon
were nominated for eounrllinc-n, John
P. Jlunay for school director, William
Murphy for Judge of election and Mar
tin McAndrew for inspector of elec
tion. In tile Second waul the nominees
were: School director, William
8 wart z; judge of election, P. M. How
ell, inspector of election, Hdward JO.
Maivin, the S-year-oId son of Mr.
anil Mi s. a. G. LilJe. is 111 with the
whooping coimh.
The Infant son of Mr. nnd Mrs.
James Mlskcll died Saturday of diph
theria. Tho funeral was held yester
day. On Tuesday and Wednesday of next
week the district Kpworth League will
hold a convention at Thompfon.
Dr. Leroy Perkins, of Wnymart, Is
nboul to open a dentist's ofllce In tho
II, W. Brown building on Main street.
Henry Rennett, who has been ser
iously 111. Is improving
Tomorrow evening, at tho opera
house, Lyman II. Howe will give an
entei tuinment icpioduclng n'any of
the South Afi lean war scenes by means
of the nnlmatiscope.
eial solos In Christ Hplscopal church
on Sunday moinlng.
I Rev. II. D. Sheldon, of Kingston.
I N. V., on Sunday commenced a seik.s
i of evangelistic meetings In the First
Presbyterian chinch. A little blind
ghl of Syi artist led the singing. Thq
uticndanco was laigo nnd much Inter
est was manifested.
St. John's branch. No. 11, C, M. R
I A . on Sunday afternoon attended tho
' funeral of the late John Conden.
I Theie was an Incipient blaze In tho
I court house In Montiose on Saturday
moinlng. While some fiozen pipes in
the basement weie being thawed out
woodwork caught the. A few
buckets of water quenched the lit e.
The icpoit that the Delaw.aie and
Huibor will abandon Farview ns a
summer report Is said to have no
foundation In fact.
Sherman Is to have a creamery.
The First National bank of this phico
leeently purchased $ir,,000 In coun:
bonds and not M.iiOO woith, ns was
stub! lu this column a few days since.
Nothing less than best values could sustain the activity
that centers in and around the aisles which bound our Linen
Department. There's no nonsense, no guesswork in the state
ments we give out. A rich variety of flaxen things uncom
mon values always within easy reach. That's the Connolly &
Wallace reputation. It is completely merited.
i8-incli Heavy Union Crash, .... 6c Yard
Hemmed Huckaback Towels, 12C$1.40 doz
Hemstitch Huckaback Towels, 15c $1.70 doz
Half Bleached Table Damask, 56-inch, 50c yard
Very Heavy Unbleached Damask, 58-inch, 50c yard
Full Bleached Table Damask, 70-inch, 45c yard
Full Bleached Table Damask, jo-inch, 68c yard
Here is the last call on Sheets and Pillow Cases at thesfc
prices. Intending buyers should get their orders in during the
next two or three days. The Stock can't last lotlg 4 r
er. Special Pillow Cases, sizes 45x36. Each .... 1 1 C
Pillow Cases of Atlantic Bleached Cotton
42x36 45x36 50x36 54x36
12c 13c 15c 17c
Sheets of Atlantic Bleached Cotton
03x90 72x90 01x90 90x9c
42c 48c 55c 60c
We offer unequalled values in white Bed Spreads at 98c,
$2.00, $2.50, $3.00 and $5.
Special Blue and White Mitcheiline Quilt, full size, $1.75
luggitb liver.
Special to the Kcrunton Tilbune,
Towanda, Jan. 29. "The Heal AVidow
Urown" comedy will hold the boauls at
Hale's opera house on Wednesday even
ing. Asa Oi linth, of Athens, who was ac
quitted In our courts of involuntary
mnnslaURhtcr by itintdni-; into .Mis.
Stanton Kilt while rUHim n blcyclo nnd
causing her death, has disappeaied
fiom his home. It Is feared that tho
strain on his mind during the trial was
too much for him and that ho Is suffer
ing from temporary aberration. He Is
a young man and man led.
John Lawn, a respected citizen of
.South Waverly, haB been arrested on
la warrant sworn out by Mrs. H. Averlll,
Special to tho Scianton Tillnme
Honesdale Jan. 29. The Fran
Wllcek Concert company will be hero
Fe biliary 1 ns a substitute for the
Ailel Ladles' tiuattette on the Chris
tian Ihuleavor entertainment course.
i-ipeeial levlval services will b held
lu the llaptlst church each evening
this week. 1'astor Whaleu will be as
sisted by Hev. K. H. Allen, of Susqu
hanna. Mr. and Mis. 1'aul Clardntr and Mr.
James Crossloy, of Seranton. spent
Sunday with Honesdale filendr.
This cvcnliiR III Henry's bis mlnstial
show will bo at the opera lous. Tha
company Is highly recommended us
first-class entertainers. Look out for
the big street parade ut noon time.
The rtepublloan caucus Saturday
evening nominated the followlne; bor
ough candidates. For burscss, 3,
Samuel lirown: town council, J. H.
Special to The Seranton Tribune
Fnctoryvllle, Jan. 29. It might b-j
well to mention ilsht here some of the
musical talent that will assist at the
iutei mediate session of the Lackawan
na and Wyoming Musical Alliance,
that will be held here beginning Mon
day evening, Feb. r, and closln? Fri
day evening, Feb. 9. The sessi i will
bo under the Immediate dhectlnn of
Mr. Walter Manchester, secrotar of
the alliance. It is expected that Mif.
Loullia Smith, soptano, and Miss Nellie
Smith, violinist, of Laceyvllle, Pa., will
be present nnd assist. Hoth Mr. ani
Mrs. Smith come from the Mutual
Musical Alliance, of Bradford county,
where they aie warmly welcomed In
solo work. The Factoryvllle Ranlo
and Mandolin club will be heard at the
concerts Thursday and Friday even
ings In characteristic selections. Tno
club consists of Messrs. II. S. Reynolds,
first mandolin; Luman Reynolds, sec
ond mandolin: filen Marsh, first ban
jo; Paul Ralney. second banjo; Miss
Nellie Millet . Kiiltar, and Miss Sarah
Watklns, pianist. Miss Sarah Wa'
klns, of Hjllstend, has been secured
as accompanist,
The man fi lends and relatives of
the late Merrlt Gardner will assemble
at the Methodist Kplscopal thurch in
this place this afternion a 2 o'clock
to attend divine services r the r
niatns of the deceased. A quai tette
fiom the Gieen Ridge lode of Jd I
Fellows will bo present and assist In
the singing. Mcmbeis of the Ilrothc
hood of Locomotive Knglneers quel of
the Roaiing iirook lodge, Knlghls ot
Pythias, will also take part In th s't
vices. The Odd Fellows will have
chaise of the services at the prave.
All membeis of P.iulowna Uebekah
lodge, No. GS, I, O. O. F., are earnestly
icqiiL'sted to be present this (Tuesday)
evening at a special meeting called by
the noble crand.
The funeral services of thn late Mr,
P. J. Slocum weie conducted from th
residence at La Plume yesterday at
2.30 o'clock.
Some good sister of the IlaptKt
chuich lefets, through the column-' of
the Republican, to the new pipe organ
of the Methodist Kplscopal church as
"the vocallsm organ." This Is cet
talnly something new In the shape n
x musical Instrument for tho town.
although thcro tuny be some "vocallsm
organs" attached to the Republican
staff in this place, but wo know of no
other surh Instruments here.
At the Republican primaries h!d
last Satuiday the following borough
ofllceis were nominated. Councllmeii.
three years, A. A. Urown and N. A.
Oardner; councilman, one year, W. H.
Reynolds; fcchool directors. V. R. Oard
ner and Knieison Sweet, for throe
yeais; tax collector, O. C. Cair; audi
tor, John Walters, poor master, O. t.
Sprague; Judge of election, C. If M'U
thewson; Inspector of election, W W
Don't fMllto try
whmn mufforlnm from any
condition of tha Stamaok
or Uvr.
lOccnt.oprtasrcJ... lit druntorra. I
He Had Cause to Rejoice.
"A young man came Into our stop)
yesterday suffering fiom a severo at
tack of cramp colic," writes U. F. Hess,
miller and general merchant, Dickey's
Mountain, Pa. "He had tried various
homo remedies without relief. As I
hod used Chambei Iain's Colic, Chol
era and Diarrhoea Remedy I gavo him
a dose and It soon brought him out
alright. I nover saw a fellow so tj
jolced." Sold hy all druggists. Mat
thewn Urgtheis, wholesale and retail
agents. -
127 and 129
Wall Street Review.
New York, Jan. 29. The New York
stork maiKet coutlniKd to vli'W with
equanimity tho dWtiiibame in the London
mat ket on aceount of thu misfortunes to
tho Hritlsh aims In Smith .Uiieti. In spite
of a drop of a lull point In Hiltlsh consols
In Ijomlon anil ns a couh'muohco ii eon
ditloii on the exch.irgo llicic described
as panicky, the eomve nt thi market
hero was exeeedingly sluggish nnil thn
dealings were narrow and professional.
The Industrial specialties itmlimii'd to
lend in point of attlvlty. Tho spemla
tlon in Sugar showed some strength,
the stock rising an extreme 2 points on
n demand fiom tho shoits who covered
on tho announcement of a fuilher ad
vance In the in leo of lellned sugais.
Part of tho gain was lost. The session
of the direct!, is of the American Steel
und Wire company seenird to bo t lie
great lever for the strength In tho com
pany stock, though no authentic news
was recutved regarding dividend action
before the close. Other metal stocks
were lirm in tome pans. Glucose Sugar
made a show of strength on the Judicial
decision ngnlnst the constitutionality of
tho Illinois anti-trust law, A drop of 2
points in Denver nnd Rio Urando pre
ferred was unexplained by any news of
the day. With tho exception of thest
special movements the mat ket cotitlnutd
near the level of the sluggish opening.
Total sales, 2.'.",!i shares. The bond mar
ket lapsed Into dullness today nnd price
changes were mled. Total sales, par
value, $l,3i)."i,TO0. I'nlted Slates new 4s and
old Is coupon ndvai.ced 'i and tho .Is
decreased 'i In thu bid price.
The following ipintr.tlcns are furnished
Tho Tribune by M. S. Jordan & Co.
rooms 'Oj-PC Mcnrs building. Telephone
Open- HUh- Low Clos
ing, est est Ins.'i ns um; n;i',
.. '"'I inn
Am. Sugar ....
Am. Tob.i"co ,
AtehUoii l'i P.i'J
Atchison, prf. ... . ri'i wiy,
Itionk. Tr.ic Tl 72'4
Consolidated Tob. . . 32 ::2
C. & Ohio 2'l'J 2LH0
Gas lnl'i injTi
('.. H. & II 12fli j llifs
St. Paul 117 HTH
Rock Isliiud Km nii,
Kan v Tex., mf . . :i- .2
L. & N 77'i
Manhattan Rl .. .. !!
Met. Traction .. . . 1J7
Missouri Purine . It
Jern-y Central . .. 11 Mi
Northern Paellle .... .Wi
Not them P.ic., prf.. 7Tj
Ontr.ilo ii West. ... 21
P. .: R.. prt .in
South, l'.ultic . . 17
South. Railway, prf. :1
TVnn. C 1 W
l.eatlu r 1"t.
I.ruther, prf 7
Paellle r.'i 4fii
P.icllle. pif "Pi. ",
Wabash, prf V; 21':.
Penm V l-'i
Am. Steel & Wire ... I't ROii
Federal Sled Si , .'.14
115 ...
. . HW
People's Street Rallvvnv, Gen
eral mortgage, duo 1(21
Dickson Manufactiii lug Co..
l.iuK.i. Tovvnohip School ''", .
I'lty of Seranton St. Imp. i.'J
Mt. Vernon Coal Co
Seranton Traction G"c bonds.
Seranton Wholesale Market.
(Coreetcd by II. G. Dale, 27 Lackawanna
Rutter Creamery, SOc. ; dairy, tubs, 2.c.
i;ggs Select western, lu:.: nearby state,
Cheese Full eii-.un, new, IS'tc Ptr bu.. i holce mairow, 2 40;
mxllum, $2 20, pea, $2 20.
Onions Pel bu., 45c.
7S 7ii2
Pi".. ir,7
1 fit It
li.'.'v no t
6I'X Mi
71 li'j
21'4 - 21
iVI's if
rr-Z :i,7
r.r, r.i5
S(U 82
I'.'I IVi
2 i'i
1 (
Pull If.
Open- High- Low- Cloi.
lug . est est inc
22 '4
1, 0. .
5 07
lu 70
Rid. Asked.
li j
2e J
Seranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par cf 100.
i-iri Nntlnnnl Hank ....
Sennit mi Savings Hank
Seranton Parking C
Third National Hank
Wine Dtp . DIs. Hank
Kcotiomv Light. II. & P. Co...
Lacha. Trust A: Safe Dep. Co.
Seranton Paint Co
Clink fi Snuver Co., Com. ...
Clmk Suover.. Prof
Scr. lion Fence V .Mfg. Co. ..
Seranton Axlo Woiks
Licka. Dairy Co., Pref
Co. Savings Hank . Tiust Co
First Met. rami; (I'nri-Miiiiaip ...
Standard Drilling Co
Seranton Pais. Railway, first
mortgage, duo TO) II,.
People's Street Hallway, llrst
mortgage, dee 1918 115
Philadelphia Gin'n nnd Praeluck
Philadelphia, Jnn. 21 Wheat I'll m and
lc. higher, conliact glade, J.iiiu.ii., 72a
72c. Coin (inlet but steadv ; No. 2 mixed
Januaiy. ,!7,.a37,ie Oati Stead; No. 2
white vllppdl. .ilia12c. . No. I! do., Wi.,
No. 2 mixed do., .".I'iaJ'ic. Potatoes Dull
and iiiielianged. Pi i,iivlvanla o, per
bii.-ht 1, r&ii.-iM'. ; New York and wrstetn
do., 53a5'.c. ; do. do. fair to good, 5)a.'2c.
Flour Film but quiet: winter supciior,
$, do. ctia, $2 5iia2.70; Pemisjl
vanl i roller, dear, jl.10au.Sl; do. do.
straights, JI2"i; vvrtern vlnter. el ar, ?.!.li
a.t.i; do. do. strnlght, $:.'Atl.50; do. pat
ent, .'.Cii.i3 8i; spiltig clear. $2.s".ii 20; no.
ttinlcht. fHu.i:: 70, do. p limit, $J.7'a!'.iO;
do, favorite brands, higher, ellv mills,
extia, $2T0a2.70. do eleai. $1.25.1 ! .'!": do.
straight. J. .'a!..Vj; do patent, ?.l.754.
Rvo rieuu yulet but steady. : l"
per barrel, ns to qualttv.
Floui Dull. $2 2rta2.3i per liuudieil pounds
as to qui.llty. Ilutter Finn; laiuv west,
em cteanurv, 2"c. . do. pilots, 25c. llgsr.s
Dull and weakei, tresll. near!), lN'sa
19c; do. western. IS'j.ilie; do soiithtin.
18e;, do soutliVM stt rn, lc. Cheese ln
chunged. Re lined t-i grits Strong and .V
higher; povvdeied, euivvii A, do, $1.50;
cubes, $5 3",; granulated and ervstal A.
$5.2n; lonfeetiimeis' A. $5; Nos. 1, 2 and
3 at Jits'.; No. I at $I.Si): No. S nt $1.75;
No. II at $1 7o; No. " at $l.t". No. S V t,i.0;
No 9 at 1.C5; No M at U 50: No, 11 at
$4.45; Nos, 12 to 16 at $1 ID. Cotton I'll
changid Tallow Dull und weak; i lly
prime, 5.i5e.: (oiintry do, barrels, l'n
r,'4c ; cakes, 51 .a.V',e ; giease, :,i4a5c. as
to color. Live Poiilny Firm and higher;
fowls Malic ; old rooslels 7e . ( hie ke lis,
PalOc. ; ge(se, 'lalile. ; tlllkiS. MOe,
Dressed Poulliy -Firmer, goeiel demand:
tow Is, choice, lie,: elo fair to good, 10,i
lO'ie, : olel toaster!. 7c , ehlt kens, ntarbv,
10il2c: western do. lalge'. Iiialle'.; somo
luls, IP-nL'c medium, O.i'j'ie- ; mell,
!c ; tinkers djnlce, L'alle do. fair to
good, JifilOe. ; Inferior do.. 7uSe. : eluiks, sa
lie.; geese, 7n'ie Itee f Ipts I'lour, ".()
bands and ".inn s.uks; imn, 52.iK"i bush
els; oats, .10 m iiu-hels. Shipments
Wheat. 3'W bilslulH; eotli. 1,S() bushels;
eials. 1,1 H) bushels.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
(""hieairo, Jan. 21 Cuttle Good to choice
ste'ers, steady, eithcis sh,u1e lower: Tex.
mis. tei shade) higher; biltelicts'
steek ill in: cauuers, sie.idv: feeders
steadv to lirm; gooel, S5 25i1iii: pexir in
medium, $".ifi; mled, $ 1.25a I v.: selected
Itedeis, $1 2ii,i1,Mi, gooel to choU o cows,
S.MOalW; Ik Iters. $:.2'a5; ciirneis, $2 20a
2 00: bulls, $2.50.U25. calves, $ joa!; fed
Texas beeves, 8l,t520. Hogs Openul
strong, dosed weak, top, $I.'i2's.: tnlr clear
mlscil and bllteheis, l,W,i.!l; ffopel te
choice heavj, ?l.7.'al ?2'j, leiugh he aw, 70; light. $l.55al.H; hulk of sale-s,
$l.70a I.1 5. Sheep anel I.nmbsAcllve, in.i
15e. higher: I'utlve wethers, $1.10,15.15;
lambs, ra0.!l; western wethers, $1 50a5;
wester n lambs. $5.75aij.'5. Receipts C it.,
tie, 15.1U) he ail; hogs, S70,ii0 head; sheep,
lu head.
New York Live Stock.
New- York. J.ui. 21. Reeves Demand
fair: steers lite, liighei , bulls nnd cevs,
linn to Me', higher: stceTs, $.70a5 so; oxen
mid stags, $525: bulls and sows. $2'il:
calves-, market 20n2"c. higher; veals, $5 50
ill in; little calves, $ barn.vaid
slock, 1 1 25 sound calves. $150. Sheep
Steaely to fair: lambs, 25c. higher, nil
sold, sheep. $125a150; lambs, Si 37,4a
7.02I. dills, $5 ui: Canadn lambs, $7.i5
1 Iocs Mai Ket higher; $5a.1.15. state pigs
$5.15a5 2i).
Buffalo Livft Stock Movl'e:
Rnst liberty, an. 21 Cai tie Higher;
extra. $5.70.ui; prime. $5.10a5.C5: cominun,
$125.1.1 S. I leg' Active ilhtl higher: ex
tra assorted mediums and heavy. $5.10.i
5.15; heavy Yoikers. $5.10; light elei.. $5 1
5 05. pigs, an to weight and quality. $1.75
ui!'": toughs, t! 25a 17). Sheep Aetlvo
and lllghei : (holee wethers, 5. 15a 5 25;
e omnioii, 2. .ion '1.7.5 choice lambs. J0.S5.i7
(iimiunn to good, $l.S5ati.7.5; veal calves, $
aS 50.
Oil Market.
Oil City. Jan 21 Cicdlt halaiii ch. $1.6S;
'cillllcates, $l.i "s: shipments, 12. UI bnr-
lels; average. Si,12. Panels; runs,,
balieN; nve-iage, Sj.eL'O bands.
New York Grain nnd Produce.
Nuvv Yoik, Jan 2 I'lour Moio uillvo
and hold higher on enoU-e lu.inils, clos
ing til 111 with wheal Wheat Spot lirm:
No. 2 led. 77c. f. " b. nlloat. No. 1
noithern Duliith. -o'-c f. o. b. nlloat
piompt, No 2 red, 75c. elevator, op
tions opened 111 in but soon tumid weak:
lu tin afternoon, however, a vtiy shui;i
rally took plnco and the mm ket closed
lirm at .ie nt aiivance. Miiieh elo-ed
7ij7ie.: Mav, 715ne.: Julv, 7"ie Corn Spot
stenelv , No. 2. M'..e f. o, b. alio it, 40e
elevator, options opined steael but eased
off llliallv, Milled with wheat and dosed
II c in and unchanged. May e loseil "Illc
Oats-Spot steadv No 2 2l.e , No. .1.
2"?e. ; No 2 while, ll'.a , N'e., ,1 white
".iiijc . tinck mixed, western, rO'-.e1 tinek
white. illaUt i options quiet but steady
Hiltter Stindv , western iieamci.v. 21a25e;
do, factory, li'aloi.; Juno creiimei, Sin
i3e. : imitation ore unci, 1 s,i 22 ie . stuto
dnlrv, 1'.M2lc: do. creumeiy, 21n25c.('heeso
Steady: fall made lanev large. IJVilli.;
do. small, 12''e.. large lato mude. lla,
a lie., small lato made, 12a12'jc. Kggs
Steael VI state nnd Pennsjlviinla, 17c.,
weitiiu ungraded nt mark, llaP.e , west,
cm, bus olf, at 17c.
Chicago Otvin and Froducv.
Chicago, Jnn. 2. Iltlllsli. tevciscs, tho
Liverpool rulvnurc; ssero weather over
the ban domestic H'IiIji and I ho deeionsn
In the wolld's und In the Ruglish visibly
(omblueil In piitluelri; a siioug und act
ive wheat market lido today, May cluj.
lug K. i vi r Satuiday, t'uin cloced a
Hiildo up and ot. '(.('. impiuved. Provis
ions i h si I weak, i'.iil'ic. weaker Cash
ouotntlors vvete as folleiw-s: t'loui l-'lrmt
No. .1 spth'f, wheit, i,4ni i ((.; No. 2 nil.
iu iii a ei. - linn. .i--ve.
jl'jasHic. ; No. 2 oats,
IS CATAItltll YOl'R I.IFll'S CI.Ol'D?
Rniincnt nose nnel throat specialists In
dally prii'llcei highly leeommend Dr. Ag
new's Cataiihal Powder, as safe, sure,
peimaiieiit painless and harmless, in nil
i uses uf Cold In I he Head, Tonstlltls.
lleiarscness. und Cntiinh, It gives relief
lu 10 minutes, Hint banishes the disensn
like magic For sale by Matthews
lltos and W. T., 7.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Slgnatun of
and Liver
Sold by all drueelst
or sent ny rnnii.
Ntrvlti MHIcal Co., Chlcif
Mrfinrrnh &. Thonns. Druk
25 CTS.
Sold by
gists,, 2"D Luckawar.ra avc, Seranton
Nn, 2
il'jnnHic ; No, 2 outs, '.2-iii2!c ; ,N"ii. 2 J ittCv Sif(it',"1oiririuuu.dii-r"iiriu
while. 2ie.: No. II wl lie. 2l'a2.'iie Nei " Jot I 'IIIHiOU'rtintUi i-i uiuodl'sltoa.
," "Y''f V v, i .Hev I. ,.' S T JWi-tl "l''ll-jrMi.U.HIlii VMKwlt.t.e.
J.J "'n,'it''.v Ji . .i l P V, Jrl 1 V iil " " fn IcIloiuntBl. .ol Hk '
IlilX Ktrd. .T-i'. No 1 noilliwest. J1 KS; ANecS-Tuili-i Prof.!.. Ir'. 'JIILhl, M. II., .
tlnioih. J2.1V potk. lo.'jit.d i; laid, i."i)
n!iS2iT'. i lbs, f'le'AiMii: t-houldeis. S'siSV;
cranulbted, fi. 11.
-------AA J.AAA..AA.
r-i i vi Ojuii i kill) sti ni-.vit, nk,
fc... n . t..f . li t.
"l.wrii IIMIIIUUIHUIX U 4" -
lu lr..r. I.. I-'- 'I IILK1-. U. II.. .
lonif riiia !. -iittaripniat
-MJa r Willi cij in vQiy ptmin m tb
fallt-J. rcttC(Uiaurtliu4 lt Q.lj.lljufi9 3 81
1-iMliiffnlr iijiMhl! ' JifoMnftft .'
A' "
f04 "-