rUnme. crantmt .,wj SCR ANTON, PA.. TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 30, 1900. TWO CENTS. vVTO CENTS. f NO HOPE FOR LADYSMITH British Obliged to Relin quish the Advantage Obtained. ROUTE TO BE ABANDONED Gravity of General Bullor's Failuie Realized Militaiy Critic3 Aban don All Hope of Early Relief of Ladysmith Urge Chango of Plan. Another Long Fauso Regnided as Inevitable. T,onloii, .Inn. CO. 11 j a. in. llNteiy pauses lor a tlmo In Snulh AH Km. It s out! of those uns.itistaetury inures tin' nit ne.uly as ti ing in Piltlsh nerve as a iiit'ii. f ii'Mrii'". ami . iipp,mi'tt It will ttiiuln ito only wli:i l.ird Kobei t.? fIm tin- wonl fur the j feu ward movement Into tin- Vice State, which, tit rcmlliiL,' to tlii. most cii'M'tful lev in1 Mill In- unable to do for i lortms'it. Win t'li r ho will penult (Jenc-i il Uul h'i tn in,lc .motlm (itli'itiiil to ro ll v Liil,sni'ili Is (tilti outside th- kpov ledt'i even oi those con nected Willi tlio war uflh o. With the tioopi dm to anive month he, may think litiuilt strong enough t) trv two latrv op.'i.itlon". Combining th" fulfil undr 'ieiuiuls Met'nion, l'u it'll .ind Oa'.aue olid .'deling ii tin in the airlving tioops, I.oid ltob eili voiild lia( 70 mhi iin Hit Invasion of the 1'rte Stall. Mill: lu.wi) to :,n,nn mi mill g iPiiiinunlc itions and 40.n j tiv'-ig tn 1 1"- tic l.'u'.v-miith. "'In' ;ul)li' hut in villi Impatience 1 1' it ( iiellil'iK should bo dene to nlMii'-t Mic 'I'-t nf a big 'M w pump 'l Ill-It' lit lllllltiiIUl' tlllt some thing h 'Hid ho done hut thin is milling tn do lull to wait mi tlu )iitiiii.itit irt tiioiiii or Ink an. pniied out In advance. Oi i tir -s .tli at vvnik In the loilitis t !14ltHT ti.o pn-ple tlii' i:i(,;liiil h.'.s M'l I'l t" III ill SI Mil ill l( I'lllllllllilM to ice It tliiotiirli Tlii" govt i nun nt' doi li'iatlons in )i ulianii in, tin lonntii i us-n stious of tli -i nnt-ddi tin' fun iinr.i'iit 'tnl tlii museum n' din iisMu'i Hi th- pi ess .mil 'il th '.iltii"i stli public Inti'i- l-it I'M i. !i" i agns. that unite jii"ii ll'ltst u- 'I v t in v I hot's in 1 two hun dn 1 and jiifii and IV gun- itli .it -I I'l ' -i tliotf-tnl int. mil v and '.'.tui'i mviiv IticHidl'i ri (100 women, nic i t ,n i i'l ii-adv to, tlHM'i ui 'i r ii inn r.t without do ing sun' (.in pi no at the dl pnsal of Lotd Houctt. lo.iWn additional men and 11" gt lis. The fuither imt o-t - of the war of- lllU ,Ilt SUPPOSl'l' to Olllbl.lie soiu - white In fin in ighboihood of ."n.OOO lnoio inoii A.-, tin- Indiiatlon Is that t undid ids v ill ho lather sc.iicp. the war otliir h.ii Issued onlcis for tho'c tpsetvist.s who wei found unlit at th previous mobilization examinations to icpoit for t in tin r (iininatlon. Ap plicants fo; eavahy seivh-e uip still fit ply otfi'iiiiK a.s jeomamy. (h' littllcr's opetatloii has cost niL' men. so far otllclally icpotlol, within ten davs. Apphlnp: to the SOS Spina Kop casu altips. repot tnl toil.iv tin- iulc of pro jmitlou the lo?sch ot olllcpis Int1li'.ltr pioh.ihly r."0 c,i-it'.ltlt'it Pt to t'oiiic. Thf total (MMtaltii.i of the war. (om Alled 1 1 oin ollli' loporti ate ;"i.'!, aily a division Of tin m . .'.ISC, a,t" Killed, 4, Ml woiuulid and tin ii"t pii- tr.ei. The aemtri.itc lhitlhli tioop-. In South AfiK'a nuniher llti.tiOu, the N'atallans., and tho Capp Colou- lltlS, ''1,1111. Ladysmith Still Holding Out. London, .tan. mi Ootii'ial Ittitlot 's casualtli'i wpip uy lic.iy. tlu war ollh'p annoiitiK.s The INt is to lie pub. llslu'it tonlKlit. Kad.Minith In Iioldlin; tun, and Ioi ti D'.iudoirild t tataliy fort( is .sif. , with tin ipiuniuilpr of Waiicii's iiouin on the Miutli of tlio 'i'tlf.'Pl.l liter. Ahy attinuiti- to inliilm!. the hPti-)iiMio-t of tlu tdtUiitlon In South At 1 1' i Mltieli luni liiep made line after loi nu r lPtPins to litltish nuns nie laiK Iiik this afteinoou, and It is niktiol ctlKPil f lankly that tho most set Ions cflntl nf the piet-tin war has failed dlHiiall, ThPie h no hIkii ot a wish on the pait nf the Kaih-i of pulilie illsKl'ifi the HKly f.ii'lH, hilt, on the co'll Iriuy, thPip is cm ty dhpoHitlon to faci the full dittiPiiltli'S and dlscuvoi' tho het-t win out. In tdioit, tin pulley UIKOd i('lWllPte W the KlltliPiliu; up of foieih for moip effoitltp lilmnt, All hope of tin speedy lelK'l of Ladv emlth has Ik en abandoned, and the i on hPtlSUS of Pvpeit opinion HI Res the llu- ineillatP fdilfttiijr of the tlic.itm of llr fioni the mi lv kupjes of Natal to the open veldt of the Kn-e State. One thlir-f appp,ii,s n rtain anotlipr Ioiik p'liiro Is liipvltable uiiless the Hoc-re asstiino tile oftenslve. buaiiso V(-n !f IJuller Is to iiKnlu at tempt to leaeli Laih smith, the plan nliiB of a new tnote will, npcess.uily, oetupy tlr:p. The afternoon newspapers ate diaw ltiK attention to tho closenpss of tho parallel liptween the Kedetal attack on ienetal at Ftediiplsliur; and the oppratlon-i on tint upper TukpIu. Hellef Is pxpeileiii-fd, pspcclally In nillitaiv clicles, tit the news th'jt thu Hrltlsh are t-afely south of the. .URela, for the repoits of Satuid.ty nad con Jilted tip lslutis of Kieat dii-aRter. The nfteinuon patier. am dlselinFliiFr the question whence aie to eoim the tioop for a piotiucttd eamnalt;n. It Is recosnlzed cencruliy that some form ot tonipulsoiy serthu Is liecomlnK tiiori and mote Imminent. The St. James' tlazette, however, says that the effoit to solve I lie ptohlein of the South Afrh.m war by .inuring mine Iroops Into .South Afili-.i jtuviiifcof tho Span ish aillon In Cuba, ami adds that miik Inw better me ot the tumps there might tUKKest Itself. The nut en's sppfeh at tho rcashem blliiR ot patlliimeiit toiiioiiow Is await ed with unusual, In the expec tation that a t-onsldei.iblo Increase In the naval and mtlltaiy expenditure will he ucipssltated apait altogether fioni the special war vote. British Casualties. London, Jan. 29. tiem ml Duller wires fioni Spe.irnuiu't Camp, Jan. :;!', that the casualties amoiiK the iiIIKom of the I'ltth division mounted hrK'.ulo at Splon Kop, Jan. I'l, were: Killed, iJ; wounded, 20; mls-slti;?, G. The killed italude Captain the lion. V. II. 1'etif and Lieutenant C. U. Oicnfell, both of Thoineycioft's iiiuunt i'il Intimity. Anionp; the wounded aio Coloiud Hlomlleld, Seiond Uint.ishlti ftisllt- :., who was taken inhonei; tJeneial Wooduato, datiReiously, and Major i: W Stott Moncielff. It will be seen fioln the pmt that the an- I iiouiu intents ot WoodK.ito d death was eitoneous. STEYN IN PRETORIA. Hoad of Orange Freo State Wel comed by Transvnal Officials. Pii'toila. 1'iiday, Jan 2S. Vic-ldptit Ste.vii, ol tlio 'Iran?' 1'iee .State, and A. riiiher, of the exeeullve cmint II of that H public, aiiived help this mom- liu. They wpic met at the lalltoiul tt itlon bv I'nsidtnt Ktiniet n'ld other otllelah-, and were eheeted while dilv Ini? to the lesldence of the ptesliknl oi thp Tinnsaal. The Volk'Meni, th- in Kin of th" Kovdiituent, in weltoinliiK the I Riipsth of the statp, says- "IJ'lt ! )1 tl.e tout i it cults attitude of tlv I-'ioe State tin of the I ineselit stlllfwle would be pbanm d. It would have In en Impos-slblo for the i Ti.intv.iil to have talun the tntitse followed with such sintiss." BRYAN VISITS EAST. Tirst Step in Extensive Speaking Tour Taken at Pawtuckct 1'iovldenc, It. I, Jan. 2 1 William J Iti.van .ml i'oiiKio;?-'iiiau Lent, or Ohio, allived ill this eit.v today fioni .N'( w Yolk but thev )ii(i(peded Inline- II itelv to rawturkPt. At New ll.iveil .Mavor (linn, nf Woonioikit, .Mi.vo. I'ltt'Ri laid, ot I' and a com mittee 1 1 nni the Ui mociatlP state i-a-ti. il eoiuniittie of Uhoile .ni t the vMtots and at . onip.'uie 1 the .1 tin remainder of the loin m v. Tli" flisl stop In the extensive speak ing toiu of New Iln;;lauil plana-d lor I'oloncl 1 it .in In tin- iipm ten tliv v is iiiuIp at I'l.i tucket duiiiiR tli a'teino if. I'.ivv tucket, It. I., Jan. 2!. W. J. Hi van was well pleased with the n Milt ot hi.- Hist in pi h in the st.UP ol Kliode Island at the opii.i house heie this afternoon. The lam" aiiditoiium ns p.u'l-'-d and tin te vvah nun h eiithu-l-asir. .Mr IJi.van was Eivin the findnui of tin- city by M.i. John J. I'lti-Rtiald, who IntriVluied him The colonel kppt pveiy one in rciihI humor h apiilvlnsr siIiirs to his hiibjtet Mi. Hi .van dei lined that the t'hltapo Im m stands today th" only one adopt, (d In IS'Mi that vill be li-nii mbi led tor all tiuip. "I have a hichcr ambition than to be piesldent," said he. " Is to do Miinelhlnt,' to make the rovci tililPtit better. I have no doubt that the time will tome when the tnlntiple of tho I'hlcnRO plHtfoim will be a pal t of the liw of the United States. I believe In Its ultimate tiiumph." Mr. Iltjati rcfened to the inonetaiy tomnilsslon sent to Ilutope bv 1'iesl dent MeKlnlej-, and said that the ph si dent betiaved the petiole by tiy Iiir to sot the fou-lRn Rnveinineiit to help the t'nltpd StatPS Ret lid of a thiliK that people had alieady deelaiel for. The siiiaku relet red to the panic in London as the tesult of a 'eveie In South Attlea, and Hip panic In the I'tilted Stater in a fuither l ill't. "If fie tew leveises ot .'Innland dis till b tin llnauics nf this loutir-.," said In, "wheie will ou be If ever 'InKland takes a nation of her hU' 'We will nevei be Independent until e have a niijntiiil system of our own." SPANISH MAJOR RESCUED. Taken flora tho Filipinos by Adju tant General Washington. Washington, Jan. 2D The following has lit en iceeived at the wai dppai'. iiu nt: ".Manila, Jan. iX Uihttaut eiciieial Washington lescind s.pmih nialn who repotted that ho suv Major Hoc-k-efeller in Noithein '. uiib.ilcs, Die 1.'. Another Spanish tilllcer In Snuthein l,uon slates that he saw him tlieie a shoit time ago. No safe eonchniou can bo tenched. (Signed) Otis" Coal Rates to Bo Advanced. Phllitdt lphl i, l.m. .''. Thu Mil lulls bitu minous dial i an v lug, altci a liumbt,!' ol toillf tenets, liavi piaetleallv ngieiil to ailv.imc the mitslili tftlevvat i ratis about U5 tents per ton 'the new l.ites will go Into i ffi ct cm Vpul 1 Thn Inside tlilewatir l.ites have hot et been tlM d, but It is btlli'Md the new lUuiiri will shew mi advance of iiliimt .i'l ctuts a ton. Choked to Death. Wilkes-Hiirie, Jan. Si. (hoi go Stanton, nged TI, a iisliKnt ot khiKslou, was ehokrd to death last en nin?. lie was ill and bin supper was muled to Ids loom. A plico of moat India d in his and bet oi it nicdiiiil assistail" could leach him lie cplnd. Miss Gould's Generosity, Now York, Jan. S9. Hov. William fjood ell I'rost. president of Hen a college, Ky., anniiiitictd today that Miss lliltu M. Clould had contributed J'.oou toward tlio fund of JiOO.On which he Is iiihlng lor tho colli u'c and thut li.ilf the fund was ulrcady siibst rlbtd. President's Birthday. Washington, Jan. 2X Piesldent MeKln ley It 57 old today, having hem born at NIIph, Tiumlmll county, n,, Jim, !", U. He lectin d niiinv t uiuiatula tlous and telCKlitnis ti lit IIiiiIiir IiImi upeii tho octaslua. Muuy lloiul te-iiumliraiiees wr Hent hid. OUR COLONIAL POLICY HAS BLEN OUTLINED ADMINISTRATIONS DESIRE RE GARDING PHILIPPINES. Formulation of an Elaborate Scheme of Government at This Time Is Deemed XJnwiso The Republican Lenders Want Islands Ruled ns Dependencies Question of Consti tutional Right to Hold Territory Not an Intogial Part of the United States Probable Action Regard ing Puerto Rico. Wa-dihiKton. Jan 2'J. The .idinlnls tiallon Is anxious that tnintre-M sdinuld act fpcullly with levjutd to the l'hll Ipl lues by passing kKlslatlon ot thu' ot the bill ItitloiltK i d by Stnatof Spoonir. viliKh I1S--PI ts the Jttr Ntllition of Loiniess vhllc vestlnir si-I-' power tempoiailly in tho pusldent of the fulled States. ll Is s ild tint tu Ithi-r the piesldent nor the Kepubli (.iti leadeis In coiiKit-i'i deem it wls to attempt any (laboiate ! Illation at thU tlnip m to foii'iulate a -olit nn of o, eminent for th' l'lilllpplnes. ( They de-Ire nitlief "'i.K' KkI'IiuIimi I ptovldltiR for the lontiol of tho Phil- I Ipplnts ami of other ii'tilir posips slons ni dependencies ol the Unit -d States, but not as an pait of tlu- tenltoiy of the United States. The lawypiH of the udmlniMiatlon luive been devoting much time and to consltleilnv the Kr.iI and eonnltittlon al tiuestioiis Involved In the liolditiR of the l'lilllpplue-i, and the ptc-ddent is convinced It Is within the power of coiiRre'-s and the executive to Rev et n the Insular po-sesslons as tcirltoiy .ipppitalnliifr t the I'nlted States without extending- over lliein the ton stltulion oi RiviiiR to them the pilvi leRej which the constitution itetoul.-. to iltUens of the states and teniloiles. Hut tlieie Is no deihlon of the stipieme court to sustain oin. view or another, and until null a lninial de i islnn Is obt. lined the picdddlt is m iolIs that toiifipis ihould do nothln ; vvhlc-h would seive as a jitncedi nt lor tie.ititiR the Pldlipplm-i as an pan ot the teiiitorv of tli" I'nlted States. Spooner Bill. Tin of the Spoonei bill would ludlc.itL the puipoie of ( oiirk ss to have the Insula" i uti iiiniis litnteil .n tie pindeurlts oh eoloilies. The p.'las.lRe ot u similar bill with icr.iuI to I'ueito Itii o would tonllim and stieiiRtliPii that position, and for ihitt le.ison the sentiment, both in uilmiulitiatiou and toiiRli.islnnal tlicK-s, .iR.ilnst atlempl iiir elaboiate 1i-rs1 itlo i for I'tnitn Hit O Is RIOViHR StlOllRC" dulv. It 11 bellevi-1 that whatuvu is dmi ah Hit I'm i to Itiio now should be doiu- witli a view to Hi lioisible eiT"tt on th tn.itment of the l'lilllpplnes later. Tlieie an- Miy fevs Ii-r.i1 opinions of any gnat weight oil the ictttitlon ot the new poiici-doii". The moil Im portant opinion Is thit of Chief Justie Manhall It Minis lo In aRaiuit th contention that then- Is nothliiR in the fonitltiitlmi to pmlillilt the holding of I tenltoiy without nuking it a pait of the I'nitid Mites and subject, theie foie, In all ie-piel.s to the piovisiuns of the Constitution. Hut it Is believed that whi n the Supieine mint comes tu i (insider the question In the IIrIU of I toiidltlons as they exist today its d--ilsluu vvlll be favoiable to tlio tliat nient of I'ticrto Hlco and the Philip pines as teirltory appei talnliiR to the 'United States, but not a pait of t lie United States. After an opinion of thr eouit has been Riven cohric-s can act with a full knowledge of its constitu tional poweis. If eoiiRtess undertakes any K-rIsI.i-tlon foi the lellef of Puerto Hlco it W practically settlpd that piefeiential tut Iff Kites and not absolute ftep ti.ule will be rImii. That would open to Ptieitit Hlto the American markets without establishing a pi et ode lit whlih might ( mb n i ass coiirioss later In deal Ins with Cuba and the l'lilllpplnes. Should a bill be p.isied for Puuto IJieo on the lines of tho Spooner bill, th admlnlstiatloi'. of the likunl wnukl lest with the president. That would give the tulhst uieaiuie of elasticity lit adinlnlstiatlon HUMMEL SENTENCED. Eighteen Months for Enticing Minor Child. Philadelphia. Jan. :9 neoij.- Hum mel, of Habttiti was K.-utilleed tod iv j to i-lghtteii niontlis in tlu Kastiiiii pc-nltentl.ny on tin thuge of entklng a minor child to this t Ity it r iminoi il liuipuses. Anna Ihwlebeii. of this tllv, was aim giv mi llfteen months for h.u holing the ihild. Tin si't-tltie chaige ncainrt the de- ftntlauts prt-ftiied by Anna Schil ling, ot South liothlehem, who t- sti lled that lluiumel brought her tn this city and placed her in the woman'n home. Seveitl other minor gills gave testimony. I Will Not Reconsidor Samoan Tieaty Wasliiiigtou, Jan K'.-Tho senate in e.. ((ii.tln se.idmi tcicl.iv tli elded by i'l to "i mil to icioiisidii thn vote by whith tin S inio in Unit) was latlllod. Si nu tor H.nls, ih.iliiniiu ot tho fun Uif lela tions toiuinlttto dining the cvi'iitlvr se' slon liifoi intd tin sPii.ito that tomorrow ho will uk It to tako up Th H113110 peatt) tituly. Charters Granted, ll.inlsliiiig Jan. ?i-C'lmiti is wcin l sin d today at thu sliilc dtpaiimul us follows: Tho A tr i ik" in lie lompimy, Phlkiile-lphla, eapital K-u.OOn; Mlttlln Nat ural Has company, of niiiiii'iiie, tapltil JIO,i0j Osteopathia Heal Kstnto com puny, WllkcH-llarre. capital I,0). Molineux Trial Postponed. New Yolli. Jan. ?. Tho tllnl of Holaml H. Mollnifx. chiuvcd with tho murder t'f Mrs, Katliprltio J, .ilums, was today fuither potpnnei1 until Tluirnluy on ao i ouut uf the tontliiue'd llliieii of Juior Hrown. Pennsylvania Pensions. Wtishliigton, Jan. I"). Pension ceitlll cilcH Issued under dale of Jim. IK: Ito. situation and lui-roio-iv P. Ho ten. Atht'iix, Hiailford, $ to JIT. tliimual vvldiiws Hiiinui I.. Ci.tlliiji. Hiultlon, l.u reine. fS CHINA AGITATED. Trouble Feared Because of tho Depo sition of the Emperor. Shanplial, Jan. 29. Thu deposition ot the liupeior KvvmiR-su has causjd preat dissatisfaction amoiiR the Chi nese olllelals In the YatiK-te valley, nnd the native mcicatitlle circles are dlstui bed, fearltitf troiibK'. It I'l lis tened that the empetor will he leln stated In one year. St. Petetshuip, Jan. Lfl. The news paiu'ta ht'te ate p.ijinR conidetabli attit'tlon to the events In China. Tlu Xovostl explores the opinion that the d.Miaxty will last for u lout; time to eonip. but adds that Chlntu will never be lestoied te her winter condition and that tli" "unavoidable woil ot , partition will be aceompll.ilied peace fully, thoimli, pet haps, in the distant futuie." The Isoxslja .ii-otti' that it was not tippesaiy for i:usIa to take a hand In tho coup d'etat, and adds; "A UiiFso-Japanesi alliance Is In evitable. It Is only a nuestlon of tline. In the me mvv hlle It Is Itupot taut that the tontiol ol the naval and nillitaiv fones of t 'bin. i dois not fall Into the hands of tho Aniei loans, Hiitlh or (iPinmns" The paper loneluiles' "Wo must Ktcp on the alert and sco how the new- --Ituatlon affects tho In tel ests of vvctem Kuropu, above all those of llnnl.intl." Wa-hltiKton. Jin. 2'). Xo (onhtniii tlon has le idled the state dcpai tint nt of th lepoited death of the Chinese cinpi'ior. Hecause of the loundabout way In which the stoty was circulated Its at cut. icy is subject to consldeiahle tloubl. At the Chinese legation It was said that absolutely nothing o'.llcial had bein lei'.-lvpd on the lepoited death of the empeior, not had the legation had unv le.ison to believe the lepoit true. THE DAY IN CONGRESS. Bill lor Reorganization and Im provement of Weather Bureau Receives Black Eye Other Busi ness. Washington Jan. 20 The bill for the lioiRanir itlon and impinveni-'iit I of th" weathei lam au, which includes ptuvMmi for penii'iitlng disabled and I ai'Pil einplo.vii ot the s-ivlce, ust'iv-d a hlick p.vp in the houn toda. Th" bill wus bltttrlv t'oiifht bv the oppon ents of ( iv 11 pension lolls in at count ot the lite tni'-e prevision 11 contained, I lid it was slditl.uked on a test vote b -i7 to T: Although the speaker tilled tint It if in lined uiitlnMi"tl busl ni si, vhtn the house wis agiinst It In i oninilttef of the vvbole. the oppon ents ol the meisiu,' bMicvo the T-tion ot today kills It. Th-- early poitioti of the d-iv ' devoled to a lively sctiium.iRe om r the snilei ns-olutlon to Investigate Sceie taty ti tge, v.hlih thp eoniniitti" on lilies ii commended should be sent to th- was and in- .ins et'innilttee, as tli! latter lommlttee Ins the lespoiite of the M'Clct.ny ill its potieision. Tlieie was no objection to the pr lptned a--tion but Mr. Hlehaidsim (Ti-im.i, and Mr. (Xi-vv YtnK), used It as a tet tor teiiewlng tlu-lr attaelc upon i the v. Mr. f!iR. w.n defendea bv Mr. Hopkins Hill. Mr. Hill (Com.), mid Mr. rxi'ell (Pa ) A bill to ieiiilro idiots and otther of i team m suds to make tilth 'i their applb.ilions for lKetii-s wat pio senli tl. FILIPINO BARBARITY. Mutilated Bodies of Three Ameri cans Found Near Calino. W.iteitown, X. Y., Jan. L'O. The Standard today pilnts a letter ftom its coiieFpondent with the TwentV-sK"i infantiy, 1'. S. V.. dated ot Hollo. IM nay Island, Uee. lfi. vhich ?as that thiee men. VlllIain Hupan. IVn-ls I,. Hajts -ind Michael Ttacv, who wi ic lepoited missing at Calino, when th lolunm under tieneial Ilughet sioppet! at tint town, have been inur leied. The tin ee men belonged o Company H. Second battalion of tin Twenty .ith infantiy. The bodies of the men w v found on the giound 111 a coeuauut giov near the town of Calino. The.r lilies un.l ammunition belts had been tauen fioiu them. Their tluoats wc".c cut from ear to ear mid the bodies w mutil ated in a honible ni.miiei. Tl hornet nf the thiee men hip not known heie. They ,uol-ably belonged In t' pait of the state. It Is said tlu' Tracy's home It In Ithaca, N. Y RAID ON CHINATOWN. Opium Dons and Fan-Tan Houses in Philadelphia Cleaned Out. Philadelphia. Jan. L'fl. The death of May Hiblghaui, a nung woman of n Mi' '-table fiuullj t oniiectlons, fioni opi um p isoning in a "furuithed loom lioife" In Chinatown last week was the, cause of a police laid in sec tion today. Seven opium ileus and fan-tail establishments wcie visited and forty Chinamen, t mr white wo- "' "" Nl,Uo '" "l Nerc ""f t"1' The pilioneis were nuaigiied for .1 pilioneis hearing on vailous chaiges. Including nplttni snioklng and maintaining ill leputablii and RambllllR hoiu-t-s. The alleged pioirletots wtie held tor trial in $M0 ball and the inmates In $'iOO hall. Appeal from tho Peace Society. Hoston. Jan. 21. The board of dlrectois of th" Anieileaii Pence society today for winded an to Piesldent MeKln ley to offer tho good utile es and medli tlon of thn T'nllid Stubs to Great lint tt In and tho Transvaal, basing the action e.n the fact that thn wholo clvllUctl world has not foigotteu that one of tho benign features of the sclu mo approved bv ull at Tho Haguo tonftmui' was that which entltltd good nlllrea and mediation. Modal for Miss Gould. Washington. Jan, '.'). Mr. Hilggs, nf New York", today inti educed a bill giving the thanks ot coiikuss and n gold medal to Helen Miller tiould for patrloilu sol vico during the war with Spain. "Kid" Out in tho First Round. New Yolk. Jan. 29 -Kid Mel'artlanil was knocked out III thn llrst itiund by Matty Matthews at tho Iletcules Athletic rlllb 111 WcfrtVlwi. Innlwlit. THE BOERS DESIRE MORE VOLUNTEERS WELCOME TO FIGHTERS WHO WILL PAY OWN BILLS. Thoy Promise Nothing for Ameri cans Who Will Enlist and Fight tho English, but Intimato That They Will Bo Pleased with Ameri can Aid Shy Bid of Consul Fierce New Yoik.Jan. 39. Charles D. Pleiee, the consul general In this tlty of tho (Jraiige Free Stale, today received a tiimmunlcatlon fioni Vr. llcndtlck Mttl ltr, tnvoy cttnotdlnaiy ot the Oiange Fipp State, consul genc-inl to the Neth ei lands at Thu 1 lactic. The letter, In patt. leads: "As to volunteciH tiom whom 1 re ceived n huge number of offeis fioni Amulet by eveiy mall, none of them may be e-ngaRed either by Dr. Leids, envoy c-xltamdinaiv of the Ttansvaal lepubllc jit Hiussels, or by any re-pte-senlatlve' of the two republics. "Anv pcison who wants to go to South All lea must do so on his own uetoiint and at his own risk, via De.- ltigun Hay. "It thereto! c must bo cleat ly under stood by men wishing to volunteer I hat I cannot pay them any money and th it I cannot engage them. The only thing I can do Is to lecommend to the Hoer authorities people who have presented themselves to me and are possessed ot ext client testimonials and ciedentlals. After arriving heie, they will be ad vised veib.illy how to get to the. frem iti r without much dllliculty. I have not the light to give them any assunme-j ieg.ii ding an engagement by our gov ernment. The same tlifllculty as to sur geons and ti.ilned nuiscs. To be ad mitted to the Held of war by both bei llgeicnt pat tle, they must be legiti mated bv a ii cognlitil lied Ctoss sotl- et. Ot, mllitaiy men who will go for their own ateount, who know how to shoot with t.innon or gun, who do not claim to ask a commanding posi tion, knowing that a Hoer never llRhts under lotelgn command, will be wel comed If they tan piove their ttut woithv t tei. Aim cleetiiclan. or otlu-1 technical people may be useful, but our government has positively 11 luiiil to live an older about them. Should suth people he sent out for love of our c.iuie. In case they tatiuot pay their own passage money, this should be done by us or by our friends in a pilv.ite capnilt.. It Is, of couise, vety po.islhlu thit the two lepubllcs, after a happv tinlsh of the war, will tepay some of such money if the olunteeis , have rcndeied nal seiviei, but tlieie Is no ceitainty about this. I "Am to monov, will say that this Is ' most urgeiitlv ie(tilicii for niaiiv pur poses'. Theiefore I shall be I ly h.ipp.v If money N sent me. It Is piolotted that the donois do not stipu late anything", but that it should bo, spent for the Orange l-iee .tate rov ci nnu lit, whli h lpquest vvlll be M-iy t ai efully obieivpil. I have myself spent a small fat tunc already lor our just t aine." WILL FAN THE FLAME. Tho Irish Joan of Arc Arrives in This Country. New Yoilc. Jan. iV-MIsi Maud (lonne, the Iiish Joan of Aic, auived today em the steamer Ha Xtamandio. from Havre. Mies eionno could say but little about her futuie movements In this country beyond the fact that she would stay it month and then hurry back to Ite land, as her lime was fully engaged, there. She will adthess several meet ings in the Intel est of the Boers. On the uirlvnl of La Noimnndie at tho pier Miss eionno was escorted tn the Fifth avenue hotel. "The object of mv islt here," said Miss Oonne, "1.4 to aiouse sentiment here In favor of the Hoers. I have hpen in Franco elermanv and In Holland nnd thero liava heard c.xpiesslivir of suiprls-; that America was not foiemoft In ehampIoniiiR the Hoer side. They nro. struggling for liberty, they are tight ing as ou did for Indei-endenee. I believe that the seutimtut heie In favor of the Hoeis is growing and I shall do all in my power to fan tho Ilamc. RUSSIA'S INDIA MOVEMENT Gcoiffo Kennan Thinks It May Bo Only to Harass England. Chicago, Jan. 1'J. Oeorgo Kennan, Sibcilan e.p!oiet, wilier and one of the best Intouued Americans on the Internal conditions of Hussla and i's lelations! with the nations of the woil I, when asked last night whether the movement of Hoops towai 1 tin Indian bonier was an Inetdent ol its di she to inter Htitish tenltor.v, said' "No: I luu illy think that Hussla has any serious intention In India, mid the mobilization of troops may mean noth ing more than ti wish to hat ass uaJ woiry Hnglaud for other put poses." Commissioner Payn'o Successor. Albanv, Jan. ? A featuio of tho stn ate tonlshl was the sending in of tho name of Prancls Hendricks, of Syracuse, by (lovernoi Itoi)ivelt , to succeed Louts I. Pa) ii as slate supeilntt iitlent of In surance. Steamship Arrivals. New Ymk, Jan. 19. Auived: La Nor inamllt, fiom Havre. Cleared: Aller. for Hronitn via Bouthamptou: llottcidain. lor Holtcidani. Liverpool Failed: Tiiuile, for New Ytrk. Hainbuig Sailed: (Iraf Waldersce, for New York. - Jack Ward Knocked Out. Haltlmore, Jan. 29 Terry McGovcin knocked out Jack Wuid, of Newark, to. might in two minutes and llvo seconds. Tho men vvero booked to go twenty louuds. DEATHS OF A DAY. Willluinsport, Jan. 9. Stephen S. Ilioun. one of thu most prominent lum bermen In this stcllon of tho state, died today, lined iO. Ho was a. descendant uf tho family that tounded Brown unlver. slty. Ho canio to Willlamsport In 18JJ mid soveu c.irs later started in tlio lunitier bti!liiess, his operations being on mi exteuslvo scale mid continued until M d.iilli THE NEWS THIS MOKNINU Weather Indications Todayi FAIR AND WARMER. News of the South African Win. PltUlmrg HollliiR Mill Winked. Thu Hot is Seek Voltintet is. Undo Sam's Colonial Policy. fletipial Niirtlte.istprn Point-. haul i. I'lliaiielal iilid Comme-ii I.ocal Court Proi ceilings. H'nal ll'tlth UKcts Otllccrs. Hdltorial. News and Comments. Hocnt Publlo Miliary to He C'lnicd on Aectiiint of I'levnlllng Ilpldiinle. Spink-ciisy Cotnniltfpo Mieting. Hubert Jackson's Yiews of the Trans. aat. Hocal West Sci.inlon and Siiluirlnn. Hound About the County. local Llvo Iniliislilal Notts. BASE BALL MEN MEET. Organizers of the Now American Association on the Giound at Phil adelphiaNew Magnates Become Acquainted. Philadelphia, Jan VK Man bill mii from vailous tedious of ih- tountiv who aie iiiteitited ill tlv.' new Ann" -lean nsst elation, whlih i- to meet to moiiow lor the purpoie of oiga'ih'in and to lay out a tin nit, began to m rlve today. Mo it of th-l'i .lie mm on the piolllld. Those here tonight an 11. It 'Jiiln. president of the association, nnd f. K. Havener and Josph X .'Uileii, if Milwaukee; Adtlan C. Anson, of Chl e.igo; A. H. Hockel, 'if St. I. mis. Thomas i.McC.itthv Hn-I .1. II Hicwsm. ot Hostou, ami Phil Peteisoii, Conway M Sams and John Mctiiaw, of Haiti mine. Hettolt will b-' i,iii-iiitfi1 at th" meeting by ptoy in tho hands ol h Milwaukee pnnplf. Whli- no on has yet ui i ived to lake" of Pii.vidi nc a Intensts, it Is eppctPd tin. icpic.-,cn-tatlvei lioin that t-itv will a'.nv- to morrow oi later. Phil nlelphla's inlei eits aio looked after bv Frank Hleh fer, but It was slalnl by Mr. Hit liter tonlsl't thut some one other than him self who Is Illtc-PMtel In the club to be placed heie will oilleintlv iopient this city at tli- iiu-'lln.-. Wlvi thli representative is hn nit .M t cume to light. The to ai live .vas the l'aliimoro contingent, ml as sum i- th"v got heie, which vas lite tonight, tli- new inagnitei u-tlu-d to an upper mam of 111" Hotel H.iliOM'i, wheie .i'l tonfennie was held. It w is i-pl lined tint unity of the visitors wcie new to tuih other and that the i oulctcni c was held for the soli1 pau-cse ot h -coming better at quainti d. It is known, however, that plans for the meet In-? tomonow wen dlMUSM'd and that Si.tue of a lough piORiiimino was in ipped out It Is belle. eel that then will lip t nli sldeiable dlllltulty tniouiiten d whin It conips tc making up the i limit. It Is known that tin anoil.itloti has inon than enough appliiations tor admis-don to complete the oig.mlzatinii Louis ille is a stiong applicant, and It Ii undcistood that a delegation Jioin the Hlue Hiass state is now on the way to this city for the of pushing Lnuisvltlu'H application. Washington and New Ymk aie uNci knocking for udiulislou. Then vas a luinot aioiind the hotel eotiidor tonlRht that Will iam Hai nie Is the moving- sjililt that Is pushing New Yolk for membeishlp in tho new oiRanization. Hainie Is now t unnot ted with the Providence i lub, and whether the ninior Is tine umld not be learned tonight. When President Quin was seen to night reRaidlng the dispatch fioiu Washington, which stated that Piesl dent .Young, ot the National league, had tecelved appliiations for piotee tlon and nipinbetship under the na tional URlceiucnt of the Aniei 1 nil as sociation fioni v ai loin clubs, he em phatically denied that any sui It appli cations had been made. Mr. (juln salt! that such a thing would be ildieuloiH, as the new aisoi latlon Is full.v able to take cue of Itself and does not Intend tu ask favots of the National leagut. STANDARD DIVIDENDS. Statomeut Made Public by Indus trial Commission. Washington, Jan, 21 A st.itenii nt by S. C. T. Podd solldtoi of th" Stan daid Oil company, i uitcinlug divi dends of that company liom lSJ to tin- present cai, has In mi nndi pun Ik b.v the (ommiislon It shows that the lompanv'i dlvldenils have miiIi d fiom .r,i per cent. joi an num 111 liJ in ill per cent 111 is. i speaking of the method" that luiv ill tile the Stuitdaid OH t ouipanv n stic tess, Mi. Umld says They have obtained and utilized tho best si Untitle skill In Invcstlgatlti.r nnd I'.NpetlnientlnR' upon the obt lining of new and usettil pioduits liom pe troleum and have elie.ipeuetl illumi nating' oil and otheivvNe hem titled it'iinklnd by the utllUatlon id these b'-pioducts, "They hive used their united cap ital in opening up th" matk'ts of tin woild for American ictioleum, mil have held these niatkets ng.ilmt the lleiet'it fotelgn competition 'Ibis w is lendeied possible- only by the employ ment of million of capital in th cheapening tf ttanspoitatlon at liouw. acioss the ocean and in fotelgn lauds, and by the best and cheapest methods of manufacture." Dr. Loyds' Visit. Heilln, Jan. is -An olllclal agency has communicated tho following to tho pies: "In spito ot uiiotlKlal statements that Ur. Lejils, thn diplomatic repreteiit.itlvo of tho Transviitil Is hero by olllt lal In vitation, his visit la entirely by his uwn initiative and though he has lecelved or. dlnary couittsy. his presence Is entirely without iHilltlcul slgnlllcanec." Distillery Destroyed. HaBfistovva, Md., Jan. . Tho Hoxbury distillery was destroed by tho today tu b'ellier with about sixty barrels ot new no whisky. Tho loss will reach about JU'.OOO, tally Im-urcd, Tho flames did not communicate to threo warehouses where in are stored lwtwecn 6,000 and i.d.n) tiar- rcls of whisky. WRECK OF A ROLLING MILL A Pittsburg Plant Des troyed by an Explor sion of Boilers. ONE WORKMAN KILLED Many Aro Badly Injured, and Mora Deaths Will Probably Follow Tho Explosion One of tho Most Terriflo That Ever Occuricd in a Pittsburg Mill Heavy Beams and Masonry Thrown from tho Foundations. Fiantic Women on the Scene. PMli-butg. Jen. H'i. Tin steel depart ment id' Phllllpps. Nlmlek .1 t'o.'s roll ing mill on Wist I'aitoti stieet vv.n ioniiletely wieiked anil .1 d'w.eti men wet-- Inllllid bv tlii- i Miloslon of a liatt -iy ot I'olll I, ll,,'" Imllelp. (Ill- of the Itijm i'il bis since illetl. 'Ho loss to the pin lit will be elloinioU'i. Th" Injiiu-d wcie leinnvtil fiom the lillns. l-'Ive Wen be.dly niul llateil ami one or two ninit deaths may ic suit, rollowlng Is the llbt of thu most serious e isu iltles: Dead. SIMON llul.l.ANIi. lilt man; dlnl at lloiueil albii hn-plliil. Injured. IMn'rl Nioi.iii. Iniilv i ill and si.ildnl. Const intlini liall.igl.i l. I'.idU tut and lull in d. William Klikjutriik, net leitlly hurl. Prank Muiio Patrick lialv, not b.atly butt, leieml tli Colllin Itutiev H.isiiilniig, not tiullv hint. W T. C(.i.k. IN t( r P.J lies The explosion was our of (he most tPtillle tint enr net ui led ill a Pltts buig mill The i oof of the IhiIIi r loom was i ouiplelely llflttl fioni the bulld iiu; and the living It mi and steel fell in all din i lions. Heavy beam" and noitions of thn mtsoniv wen Ihioun fiom the foun ilations. The men vveic eitnhrd to tho giound and these beside the holi'M I vvei" nalded by the (M.iplug steam. Women and chlldnn iiishnl at onto to the mill, civ ing for their loved ones, and lor a time the fiantic women In tel fi'ietl with the wotk of tin rccucr.s. The mill had been stopped over Sun day and the biili-ii had been just (hod proi uatot.v to siutipg the mills. Mole than a hiniiln-l mi u were si Hid ing .'bout n.ulv to go to wutk when th-) explo.don mi mini, (Jne of th boilPis lose on end nnd a sin et of llanie shot o-it of th" fi'M.iee door, complctcl1, (iivlopiiiR Hull ii, d. The i,ilii' of the "plosiou i. intuit be known until a thoiouuh Invctlga- ilon Is made. No t stiui.ile (jf tlio piop- eity loss ( oiild be made. SIX AMERICANS SHOT. Were Found with the Ynqui Indians ot Moxico. Washington, .Ian J'J. -The snietaty of state Is In lec-ipt ot ,i flegiain from United Siati-s Consul Kindilik. at Jauir, AlPMiti, lepoill.'ig that K Atueihaiis luive lien shot. Tlu ll I n iin.-s an lm t'li-u-k, .Ink Adildg-'. (ii-oij.'-e l.iillt, e' l.miiei, I.i u Webster and litlliv Willi nil-. 11 Is said thit tl'.v win shut bv mil i if (iPli' Toiios iiein i. n tlu ground thn tlu wcie louiid with a qilt Inill ills f Tin toinul has nut ,-,. bun able lo toiilii'ii Hits, icpoit. but th ipt 1 1 tar of slate has suitably li.stiueted our iiiilb.iti.idor In lt-latlon to the alleged shooting nnd has aim liistuuttd Con sul Kiinlilik to t'ct'i tiilii and teport to the imb.itsador all p.n tit -. BASE BALL COMPANY. Organization Will Back tho Ameri can Association. Haltiuinie, Jan. S.). The Haltlmore, Hasp Hall nnd AuilU'ement company was tin tu pot atcd today. The stoi k Is $jn,iKio, and those who signed the Im oi'iei ition p.ipois ate John I. Million. William 11 Mi (he. Wlibtrt. Hoblin-m, ll.tny Coidman, Phil I'ttei son, James P. Shannon nud Thomas H. Jenkins. The speillli object of the company is to conduct piotcsslonal ball games, atlili tic exlilbltlous and other amusements. This is tho company which will hick the new Auiciicun association club foimed la this city last week. Resolution to Withdraw fiom Cuba Washington. Jan. 19 Mr. Clajton. of Alabuniu, today Introduced a n solution providing that on July I, liw, tho military iird naval forces of the I'nlttd States bo withdrawn from the Island of CuKl and thut tho government theieof bo left td tho Cuban people. Twenty Sound Draw. Huffalo. Jan. ?'. Hddin Connolly and Juck Ualy fought twenty lounds to a draw hum tonight. t WEATHER FORECAST. -f Washington, Jan. 19. Forecast for Tuesday and Wednesduyt l-'or eastern Ptnnsvlvanla, fair, warmer Tuesday; rain or snow Wednes day; winds shitting to fresh south erly. tttttttttttttttti i : if r -.iH v - Afc-j.-i w.'l&L eftZ .Hfl.V t X-J U& jJA k