The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 27, 1900, Morning, Page 3, Image 3

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thk miQ store
More 10c Music Today From Finn & Phillips'
Branch Store
in Stroudsburg
In closing up their Sheet Music Department in Scranton, Messrs. Finn & Phillips also find it desirable to dispense with the selling in their
branch stores so their stock from their Stroudsburg store is here for today. You buy it on the same great saving basis as has characterized the
sale here all this week. When it's gone, you'll buy no more under 25c. Not a sheet in this lot is worth less than 50c mucli of it, $1.00. Best
Sheet Music and best Pianos was Finn & Phillips' war cry. We've the Music they'll sell you a Piano.
A Wnrmln I'p In Dixie.
SotlK f the Fairies.
Untidy Mimdy's Cake Wnlk.
Consolation Sons Mendelssohn.
The Know Hull Club Rockwell.
My Sweetheart Kllcen.
A Picture No Artist Can Pnlnt.
My Sunny Southern Home.
Jack, How I Knvy You.
My Blackbird.
Jossaniy Waltz koiik.
March The Citizen Soldier.
The. Huffnlo News Mnrch.
Xllutui Wultzes.
My Ca'llno.
Bridal Tour March.
I Clues I'll Have to Telegraph My
She's a 'Spcctahle Married Colore.!
ft rtlpk 0- O iX ccrc Many were disappointed last Saturday because the advertised titles were
V1I cllC d.L V J W1UWIV too late. Consequently today's sale will not begin until 9 o'clock. At
for all who come. Fifteen minutes later we cannnt say. In addition to the advertised titles, there are many hundreds of
Another Saturday Flyer.
Pounds of very fine MIXED CANDY Made
O from pure sugar and honey for
Galleries Filled with Eager Specta
tors Mr. Littlefleld's Argument n
Surprise Fit Successor to the
Maine Statesmen Bryan. Attracts
but Little Attention in Washing
tonThe Republican Vice Presi
dencyAnother Quay Bugaboo.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Washington. D. C, Jan. 26. They
were all titer. Kvi-rybody, or rather
every woman who could squeeze Into
the hou'jr galleries was there. It was
Roberts day, and was the one Inci
dent of the week's proceedings in the
house. The mere mention of polygamy
Jills the galleries and all the corridors
on the gallery Jloor of the house. So It
was this week. The Roberts case was
calendared us the week's event. By
HI o'clock there was hardly standing
jom In the galleries. And the ex
pectant crowd was nine-tenths women.
They jammed and crowded each other
until every inch of space was twice
tilled. They Jollied eaeli other and
walked and fell over each other with
out losing their temper and without
broken limbs. And what a spectacle of
patlenc and endurance. From 10
o'clock until nearly ti hardly one of the
vast throng left the gallery. 'hey
heard the dry legal argument of Mr.
Tayler, chairman of the select com
mittee, with apparently as much un, -tlon
and satisfaction as they heard
the Impassioned and brilliant effort of
Mr, Llttlelletd, who submitted the min
ority report in the case. A whisper
swept through the crowd with the force
of a cyclone that Huberts would not
speak until the following day, but no
body appeared to credit It. They had
waited to hear Roberts, and still they
wnlted, comforted with the hope that
all things come to those who wait.
And so it did.
Ry courtesy the Vtah man was given
one hour and a half, and he used every
minute of the time, to the supreme
delectation of the galleries, In an ef
fort worthy of a better cause. It was
a forlorn hope, and every word he ut
tered emphasized the desperation of
his case. The galleries cheered his vlt
and otherwise made some qualified ex
pression of sympathy. This was a dis
tinct gain over his first appearance in
the house at the beginning of the ses
sion. Then he was shunned ns an un
clean thing. He was avoided by man
and woman ns a pestilence. The Dem
ocrats abandoned him under the fierce
lire of public reprobation. The gal
leries hissed and Jeered him. It was
not po when he addressed the house
on Tuesday. He !.ad a respectful hear
ing on the tloor. Ho had managed his
own caso before the committee, and
managed it with the ability that al
ways commands attention, whatever
the cause. Hut the Influence that won
for him this distinction in the current
debate was the masterful and stirring
speech of the new member from Main;,
Mr. Llttlefield.
Another Blaine.
It was a surprise. He was only
known in the house as thu lamented
Dlngley's successor. But Speaker Hen
derson had fully sized him up, it is
said, and knew the manner of man he
was when he was selected by him as
a member of the select committee to
consider this case. His reputation is
made. Maine has given the Republi
san party another leader. A decade i:
politics has evolved another Hlaine.
Blaine was magnetic, powerful, Invln
rlble in debate. I.lttlelleld Is all that
and more. He is a perfect specimen
of Xew England manhood. His pres
ence is commanding. The newspaper
pictures of him are execrable carica
tures. He was dressed in a dull brown
business suit. When both hands were
not employed in handling miners thev
h were trust Into his trouser pockets.
It was the speech of a splendidly
equipped constitutional lawyer, of a
profound logician, of a powerful de
bater, of on Incomparable analyls:.
There was irony and sarcasm and
bristling repartee, but It was not of the
offensive sort. In that respect ho was
greater than Hlaine, and Is without an
equal In either branch of congress to.
day. There was no suggestion of sin
gle performance appearance In tivi
speech. He will not go nt once Into
obscurity. Ho has made himself, n
the discharge of a public duty, the Re
publican leader In thu house. He will
be heard ngaln In the debates of the
session. The retirement of Thomas H.
Reed from publlu life and tho lament
able death of Nelson Hlnsley had ro
fuced the Maine representation In
.engres8 to the too common level. Mr.
Llttlefield ii a revelation.
I.lttle Cotton Dolly.
Baby's 1'' 1" Yonder Window.
Break the News to Mother.
Just You and I. Mother Dear.
Just Sing a Sour for Ireland.
I.lttle Bo-Peep, or Off to Prcam-
She Is a Sensible Olrl.
My Love's the Same.
ITncto Sum's Nnvy Phillips.
Hero of the Santiago March
The Hello of Hohcmla March.
Ander's Third Regiment Hand.
Held by the Knemy Mnrch.
IInii.v do Lucky.
Oh, Miss Jemima Hunch.
My Old New Hampshire Home.
Tlie difference between the majority
and tlie minority reports In the Rob
erts case seems to the plain, unso
phisticated layman the exhaustively
discussed difference between tweedle
dee nnd tweedledum. Whether Rob
erts should bu kicked Into the house
and then kicked out "according to due
process of the law," or whether he
should stay out and figuratively kick
himself back into the godless land of
polygamy, was tlie bone of the conten
tion. The minority favored admission,
and Mr. I.iltlelleld made a great legal
argument In support of Roberts' al
leged constitutional rights. Precedents
and authorities were cited to sustain
tin pro nnd con of the proposition,
Tlie preponderance seemed to b
against admission. Hut all the mem
bers of tlie house are not lawyers. Th-
great majority are plain, common busi
ness men and farmers. In the reeoid
they made today they only had In
view the determination to exterminate
the iibliorent practice of polygamy ir
this country. The debate has served
a good purpose In giving the majority
in the house a thoroughly equipped
leader in the new man from Maine.
Bryan in Washington.
iiryau attracts l.s attention here
than he does In Xew York. He is tlie
main end man In the combination Unit
has taken the load with nn ultimate
date for the white house. The big and
little l.eiuoeiiu.-i hero all idoll. him,
nnd they talk with bated on
campaign Issues until Hrynn given
them tlie word. He is now dictator of
the Democratic party and Ideally u
resents all the odds and ends and
broken lots and fragments of omiosl
tlon to the Republican partv. Ho Is
more daring and assertive than ever
before. He doesn't suggest imy lnoie.
he directs. The reported disagreement
between him and National Committee
Chairman Jones was slluhtly exagger
ated, but he gave Jones his ordeis in
such ex-cathedra, terms that the ve
hement protest of Jones suggested to
the people who overheard 'the animati d
discussion, the danger of a unisonal
encounter between the two men. It is
no secret that Hrynn Is tired of Jones
as chairman of the national committee,
nnd It Is no carefully concealed pur
pose on his part to dispense with Jones
In the next campaign. Hrynn is now
on a still hunt for campaign funds
and a vice presidential candidate.
The Democratic leaders agree, It is
alleged, to furnish tho funds If al
lowed to name the vice president and
the secretary of the treasury. Tins
overture has not been rejected as yet,
but what will come of it depend:? upon
what Rryan hears in New York. He
is a good listener and takes nothing
for granted. If the deal possesses any
tangible possibility of success be will
agree to Helmont's candidacy for the
vice presidency und, later to iJorman's
appointment as secretary of tho treas
ury, if there Is a chalice for such a
t'leket to win Bryan will Jutno at the
While In Wnshlimton he said; "We
must win the tight, and differences of
-''on nVout Issues shall not prevent
It So ir as I am concerned." It Is a
sententious way of putting It, but af
ter all that Is what the opoosltlon to
the Republican party will mean In the
coining campaign. Th situation !s
unique. Hrynn Is leader fin 1 auliator,
healer and owner. He n ns the Dem
ocratic party "breeches and boots." He
ia Invested with plenhmenUaiv au
thority to do with It just as h." pb r-ses.
No restrictions are imnoaed, N. man
in all our political hMrory has ..ver
attained such subllmal.vl distinction.
If he lives through tlie modlgious or
deal ho will be nominated im tlie Dem
ocratic candidate for tho presidency.
He begins the campaign with the elec
toral vote of the "Solid South" already
111 his pocket. What wl'l he
not take to secure tlrj olectoral vote
of New York. The storm center Is
the enemy's country. He Is there now
and It will be well enough to watch
Republican Vice Presidency.
This situation seems to be a god
send to New York 'Repuolicans. Upon
it they base their wholo claim for the
vice presidential nomination. It Is the
old familiar cry of tho flesh pots. U
is heard in every national campaign,
and will probnbly be heard until tho
end of all time,
"Give New York the vice presidency
and make tho electoral vote of tho
state certain for McKlnley." And it
makes no difference what thu otfice
that has whetted New York gre?d, it
is the same old story. New York
wanted tho secretaryship of the sen
ate, and got It upon thu pretext that
this little crumb of feed was essential
to Republican success in the presiden
tial campaign. And now tho stale
wants the vice presidency for tha saint)
overpowering reason, and Is making
somo progress, according to the first
returns from Florida!
Tho Florida outfit was boused by
National Committeeman Long, who
has recently been appointed to a po
sition In tho consular service. He Is
very, very close to the administration,
She Was Bred In Old Kentucky.
Just One dlrl.
My Creole Sue.
Marie Louise Hallnd.
Kiss Mo Honey, Do.
Mustered Out Callahan Loftus.
Whistling Uufus.
Country Club 15. W. Phillips.
The Capture of Santiago.
Harlem Raff Two-step.
Just ns the Sun Went Down.
Sweetheart Jane Vocal.
A Coon's Holiday Uennle.
The Cardinal March.
Girls of America March.
Hall Player March and Two-step.
At 11 Darktown Cake Wnlk.
Down Souf In Alabama.
Rose of Mexico Waltzes.
say the New York people, and the ex
pression of Long's preference for Mr.
Woodruff Is a. significant straw Indi
cating the trend of the administration
In the matter. It Is all stupid non
sense The vote of the average south
ern delegate In national conventions is
too well understood, when It passes
the negotiation preliminary, to make
it significant of anything but tho tran
saction Itself. So thnt the thousand
nnd one stories one will hear from
now on to tlie dav the convention
meets in Philadelphia, Indicating the
president's attitude in icgard to this
nomination may b." disregarded. There
is no political necessity In tlie situa
tion Hint watrantu New York's de
mand for the vice prcnldenry.
Does l'ennF.vlvar.Ia want the honor
It Is the greatest of all the Republi
can slates: It Is the greatest of all the.
Industilal states: It is truly an imper
ial domain. Hut with all il" magnifi
cent nnd stupendous lesourcev, "t
wealth and citizenship the vice presi
dential nomination will not pc that
way. as a matter of centse. Hut it is
In the power of the Republican parly
In tlie state, by a united and aggres
sive effort, to name the vice piesldent.
If not Postmaster Cleneral Smith, then
soui" other distinguished Pennsyl
vanlan. If there Is icie man In the
state who Is better equip) ed, who Is
more available, who would so effec
tively elevate the ofllro into a place
of dignity and character and useful
ness and power, let him be named.
Hut what an ideal candidate Mr. Smith
would make. How quickly his tact
and perception, his Intuitive knowledge
of men and of public affairs, would
metamorphose the olllco from its dull
ness and Insignificance into a place of
stirring activity and prominence. Or
dinarily the relations between the
president and the vice president
frigidly formal and painfully perfunc
tory. The late vice president, .-mart
was the single exception In the history
of the olllce. Mr. Smith's incumbency
of the olllci; would distinctly mark tho
exception again. It was Smith, as edi
tor of the Philadelphia Press, win
first publicly proclainu-d Mr. MeKln
ley's candidacy for the presidency,
and since that time the two men have
been closer together than brothers.
Mr. Smith is at the head of Die great
business department of tlie govern
ment. He has exhibited thu same
matchless ability and poiclstont in
dustry In. the administration of that
olllce that has. made him a successful,
callable. Indomitable man of affairs.
Now Is Pennsylvania's opportunity.
Rut a long pull, and a strong pull and
a pull altogether will be necessary
The Tribune's suggestion of Mr.
Smith's nomination lias Impressed
Pennrylvaula Republicans bete as both
timely nnd wise. Tlie leader, among
them are giving tho matter very ser
ious consideration, and :i movement
looking to Mr. Smith's nomination ma
be soon Initiated.
Another Quay Bugaboo.
Senator Cullom was hurrasssd by the
anti-Quay crowd here Into a positive
avowal to vote for Mr. Quay. It seemed
to be the only escape from persistent
and pertenacloijs Importunity. Hut
the latest bugaboo used to frlghte.i
senators is that tho bijr corporations
throughout thu country sue taking an
active und offensive intercut in Quay's
behalf. These slily stories all prove
boomerang.. In tlie end.
Tlie Quay casa lias attracted wide
ati'iition. The prominence of tlie man
In public life mil in national politics
accounts n sivnu extent lor it. Hut
it Is the principle lnvolv-d that com
mands the gtealer Interest. The whole
trend of thought tin the subject un
mistakably points to tho I'sttblUhtrietit
of a precedent that will settle the ques
tion Involved In thl.i case. When the
matter will be considered is uncertain.
The financial bill will occupy the sea
ate until February 1". and It Is not
probable that the Q'la vip? will ho
considered until the dl-qioslilcn of that
1)111. The Porto lllcau Dili, the Ha
waiian bill, the Nicaragua canal hill
and thu bill providing for n Vaeiilc
cable are all exp"dod to bo taken up
by the senate and passed as speedily
ns possible, mid the, consideration of
theso matters will consume a great
deal of time, nut the Quay case Is
prlvlledged matter and may be called
up any time for consideration. It will
take u majority vote of tht senats to
prevent Its consideration. Pennsy.
Special to tho gcranton Tribune.
llallstead. Jan. 26. Rev. R. N. Ives,
of New Wilford, was the guest of his
son, Ward Ives, Friday.
Frlduv's wind storm wae one of the
severest tliat has visited this section
in somo time. Those who had to walk
across the cinder path from Hallstead
to Great Rend found it nlmost Impass
able, owing to the wind storm.
Dr. W. Henri Hacker having re
gained his health, is now wintering In
Miss Clarissa Hall, of this place, who
is taking a course in music In tho Sy-
Gov. Roosevelt's Hough Ittdcrs -Phillips.
Army Kchocs March.
The Dewey March ami Two-step.
Dashing Cavalry March and Two
step. The Charlatan Mnrch Sousa.
Honda Waltzes.
Mollle, I Love You Alfred Woole.
The dli-1 I Loved In Sunny Tennes
see. Smoky Mokes.
Hampton I load Two-step.
After the Hall Two-step.
True Love Would Have Saved Her
Waiting Alfred Wooler's New
Underwood March.
racuso university. Is meeting with
good success. The facujtv of the
school speak favorably of her accom
plishments. Hoyle and Coddingtou, the West Side
grocers, have announced that tlie tlim
will dissolve about August 1 by mu
tual consent of both partners.
D. A. Teed and H. F. Hernstein were
in Hlnghaniton on business Thuisday.
The (Jreat Rend brush factory l,s con
tinually increasing the number of em
ployes. When ii specified number of
hands are employed the borough of
Creat Head will donate iZOO to the
Saturday night. Jan. -'7, a mass
meeting of the citizens of llallstead
and Oreat Rend will be held in the
Voting Men's Christian association hull
under the nusplcen of the llallstead
hoard of ttade, tlie object and pur
pose of the gathering Is to inform the
pcuiile as to the course the board Is
pursuing in regard to building the
chair factory.
Tlie Lawsvllle band, accompanied by
the Lawsville Debating club, will come
before the footlights at the Young
Men's Christian association hall Tues
day evening. It Is billed by the Cen
tury Debating club as the stellar at
traction of the season.
The Democrats will hold their cau
cus In the town hall Saturday evening.
A dime social was held at the home
of (Jeorge Hatlield Thuisday evening
anil was well attended. Refreshments
were the attraction.
. . .
Do not forget the box supper next
Tuesday night at the patwmngc.
A trustees meeting will be held In
the church on Monday evening for thu
purpose of electing two new trustee.!.
The canning factory seems to be a
sure thing. It will be unite a boom
for Clark's Summit to have a plaster
mill and a canning factory, too,
Miss tlrace Myers ha.s been visiting
m Scranton the past few duytt.
Miss Nina Pedrlck bus returned
home after visiting her grandmother
at Nicholson for some time.
Mrs. George Warner is tdlghtly Im
proved fiom her long illness.
Frank Naunian has been spending
the week with is family at this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Van Do Rogert nnd
daughter, .Maud, have moved to Oly
mayou's ori'ici;.
In compliance with the law, and tlie or
dinance of the city of Silanton, 1. .lames
Molr, mayor of said city, do lienliv give
notice that an election will be held at
the places of holding municipal elections
In said city. n Tuesday, the twentieth
day of Fi'biuary, lining llio third Tues
day of February, A, 1)., 1!M), lor the pur
pose of obtaining the assent of the elec
tors of said city to an Increaso of bonds
In the amount of lin.r.LS.uo, for the pur
pose of procuring land for. and construct
in.; a viaduct on the south side of West
l.acUawanna avenue over the trades of
the J)., ,v- W. It. R. Co.. as provided
In amended ordinance of said city, tile of
common council, No. 1,7, ), entitled,
"An ordinance providing for the sub.
mission to the vote of the electois of the
city of Scranton an Increase In the In
debtedness of the said city to the
amount of fi;7.rcM.i), or as much thereof
as iiuiv be iieces-aiy to pay for thu con
struction of a viaduct on the south side
of West Lackawanna avenue, over the
tracks of the D.. 1.. K- W. It. It. Co., to.
gut her with the purchase, of the right of
way for siiin. and In case the vote Is In
fi.vor of such pitipntcd Incuase making
1111 appropriation of said sum for said
piirpiir.u." Approved Jan. 9. Ul.
As required by law the following infor
mation Is given to electois:
First Tho amount of tho last assessed
valuation of taxable property in said city
"frond Tho amount of thu existing
debt of the said city is I12.U,.".4'!.
Third The amount of tho proposed in
crease of debt Is $
Fourth The prcposul Increase of debt
Is .'ij72:I per cent, of the city's assessed
valuation of taxable property for fS!i,
Fifth The purpose for which tho In
debtedness is to be Incurred ale lierelnbe
fore stated.
Annexed hereto Is the city controller's
otllclal statement of tlie Indebtedness ami
resources of tho city, nlso a copy of the
city ordinance-. Illo of common council.
No. f,7, I S!i;. uhuvn referred to.
Witness my hand and the seal of tlu
city of Scranton. this 12th day of Janu
ary, A. D JOUf.
Mayor of tho city uf Scranton, Pa,
File of common council, No, C7. K'!. as
amended In select council January I,
an onniNANOi:
Providing for tho submission to the vote
of thu electors of tho city of Hcr.iutoii
an increase in the indebtedness of the
falil city to the amount of lC7.52ii.Oi, or
as much thereof ns may bo necessary
to pay for tho construction of a viaduct
on the south side of West Lackawanna
avenue over thu tracks of tho D 1. & V.
R. R. Co.. together with tho puicliase of
right of way for same, and in caso tho
vote Is In favor of such proposed In-cre-ase,
making an appropriation of said
Sinn for said purpose.
Section 1 Ru It ordained by the select
and common councils of thn city of
Scrnnton, and It Is hereby ordained by
the authority of thu same, that for the
purpose of paying for the building of a
viaduct on tho south side of West Lacka
wanna nvciiuo over thu tracks of thu 1).,
I. & W. R. R. Co.. together with tho
purchase of rlclit of way for name, a 11
Corncob Dance.
Schley's Victory March.
St. Augustine Mazurka.
Dance of the Philippines.
The Club Two-Step.
The Press Club March.
My Honolulu Fairy.
Over and Over Again,
(live Me Hack Dem Clothe.
Sadele Song Hockwell.
Over the Fence Two-step.
There are several hundred copies
of such titles ns "Country Club,"
"Hough Riders," "Coon's Holiday."
"Snow Hall Club" nnd Alfred Wool
er's Songs all of which are pub
lished and soldi at 50 cents. You'll
buy none of them after Saturday
for 10c of that you may bo sure.
all sold when they came
that hour there'll be plenty
others just as good.
Ilicre.ipe In thn Indebtedness of said city
by an issuo of city bonds to an amount
Hot to exceed thu slim of $Hi7,."2li.O)) Is
hereby authoilzed, subject nevertheless
to Hid consent of the electors oC the said
dtv of Scranton as hereinafter provided.
The question of assenting to the above
proposed Increase of the debt of tho city
shall be submitted to a vote of the quali
fied electors of the city of Scranton at the
next general election occurring not less
than turty days after the passage of this
After the passage of this ordinance and
at least thirty days befoie said election
eue mayor sli.ilt publish u notice of the
election hereby authorized in three diiilv
papers published In said city and a state;
Jiienl such as Is required by law, which
statement shall be furnished by the city
If said electois agree to Increase the
Indebtedness of said city for said pur
poses there shall bo appropriated and set
apart for tho payment of said improve
ment the sum of, the estimated
cost of said Improvement.
Approved January !!. lltuu.
City of Scranton, Pa..
City Controller's Olllce,
January, 12, V.
Statement of the net Indebtedness of the
city of Scranlon, Pa., at tho cloc of
business, October SI, 1S-W.
City Improvement Loan, 4 per
Due July 1, lOtW, and annually to
year '.:. rate J2,imi.iii $ U.uOO 00
Due July 1. 1W7, and annually to
year llifii. rate t:!"J .Vi.lmo 11O
Funding Loan, b,'!, I per cent.
Due July f. 1'iul .' l.'.oM Co
Due July . !: 1 r.,orm Ik)
Municipal llulldlng Loan, ivm,
I per cent.
Due February 1, IWfl, Nos. i", to
::. Inclusive 2ii,fiX) 00
Due February 1, l'JU.", Nos. "1! to
1,0 Inclusive .".iJ0 HO
Doe February 1, ltno, Nos. ill to
'."(Inclusive .in.OOOOo
Municipal Improvement Loan,
INiJ. 4'i per cent.
Duet December 1. Wil 22.0MU1
Due December 1, l!n iM.iHKHii
Due December 1. It'll 22,0)1) "o
Due Di'i'ctnhcr 1, ll'l'i 2:.,UW ml
Redemption Loan Series. W,. l.j
per cent.
Due June 1, I'm::, Nos. 1 to 111
Inclusive Ill.'i"! I)
Due June 1, l!i Nos, x, to t!
Inclusive :M,(j() fto
Due June 1. lit::. Nos. i) to 1'W
Inclusive .ns.ocl if"!
Due June , IMS Nos, 107 to lit
Inclusive r.S.Oml 0)
Bridges l.oan Series, iv.'l, 4'a per
Due June 1. l!ll, Nos. 1 to !") M.iW 10
Due June 1, 1'VKi. Nos. flt to II'!.. Oil
Due June 1. lilt. No. Ill to im).. M.fiOO M
Due June 1, 191'J, Nos. M to 2,",'!.. Mu.OuO (Ml
ft'..1S.0l0 00
t'np.ilil w.'irnints to October ".1.
1W, Inclusive $
Contracts and other accounts
subject to adjustment 1
Amottntx eertllled on sewers as
city's shnte of cost:
North Main. Providence Road
nnd I'hllo street
See. Fifth Sewer district
Seventeenth district main sewer.
nt w i
Tola! !2,12.f7.-
I.i ss judgments obtained Includ
ed ill Jiiilmncnth above 9,535 M
Total Kfoj-s IndebUiliiess $$47,Ki 25
Cash hi Kent ral city
Cash hi sinking funds
..? II.S71 0.)
I27.aii 17
20,0i0 00
Delinquent tax nnd other items
Ronds of the city 'eiles of!,
which have been innvlmsed
and are held In the several
hluklni; funds of the city
Tax ilujillenles w, lej-s exon
cratlon und commissions und
leis collections to October 31,
101,000 00
1CS.50D C7
USUI) 77
Net Indebtedness of the city.. $112,195 41
Statement of the amount of last iire-ced-hnr
assessisl valuation of the taxable
property of the city of Scranton, l'.i.,
tho Hiimo hclnit the assessment for tho
year 1MW:
Occupation i,noi,i20 Oil
Real and personal property.... 21,71!'.S0l 00
Total $2f,02O,iiSf (0
Commonwealth of I'ennsylvanla, county
of Lackawanna, ss. :
On tho thirteenth day of January, A.
P., 1900. personally appeared before me,
tho subscriber, the nriyor of the city
of Scranton, li , Ksdras Howell, who,
heliur duly sworn, doth depose and say
that he Is the ellv controller, of Scran
lon, l'a., and that t" the best of his
knowledge and belief the forcKoinR' state,
meiit of the ihianccs of thn city of Scran
lon, l'a., and those contained in tho proc
lamation Is Just, correct and true.
ISlKliedl R HOWBI.T..
City Controller.
Sworn nnd subscribed to before me. this
January 13th, lOuO.
In eonipllauco with tho law, and the or
dinance of tho city of Scruntoii, I, James
Molr, mayor of t-ald city, do hereby ulve
notice that an election will bo held nt
the plae-es of holding municipal elections
III s.ild city, on Tiie'Silav. tlie twentieth
.day of February, behu,' tho third Tues.
nay or reuruary, a. u i:i, lor tho pur
pose of ohtiiluliur the iissCnt of the elec.
lors of said city to an Incrcaso of bonds
In tho amount of $27J.2o.'.SO for tho pur
inn of paying tho assessments niado
nmiliiRt tho said city for certain sewers
t-et forth In tho fifth section of nn
amended ordinance attached hereto, as
provided In uu amended ordlrtanco of
said city, tllo of common council, No. I),
Important Sale of
Toilet and
Proprietary Articles
Beginning Today
WE ARE NONPLUSSED at the quick response to
these trade salesthe public are keen observers
of values. Today we turn our thoughts and yours
to Toilet Articles and Proprietary Preparations, offering
many of them at less than the present wholesale cost.
Scan the list carefully, and you'll come in contact with
many needed things which you'll buy today, because
the prices are a great deal less than usual.
Claver's Glycer-
ine Soap, cake
Saunder's Face
Powder .... 5
Mermen's Tal-
cum Powder 1 o
Genuine Vase- ,.1
line, bottle., o
Imperial Cold
Cream, box. 1U
Pinaud's Eau
de Vie Lav- .
ender 50
Genuine Bristle A
Hair Brushes. 5U
Coke's Dan-
drulTCure.. 95
Sozodont, bot- ,-.
tie 50
Cream 2,0
Carnation -,
Pink '98
Coudray's Rice Pow
der, larger
box d
Large Chamois A
Skin 4
Pure Violet Tal-
eum Powder.. 5
Mack's Peach
Meal 19
French and English
Tooth Brushes,
value up to -.
3c 1U
Dr. Raymond's
Dental Alba.
Violet Smelling
Florida Water,
(Jules D e
Jonas Long's Sons
JNOii, entitled "An otdlnunce providing for
the rubmissloti to the vote of the elec
tors of tho city of Scranton nn Increase
hi the Indebtedness of the said city to
the amount of $:7;t2"..&0, or us much
thereof us may be necessary to pay the
usse-ssnicnts made ukuIusi. said city for
certain tewers, and In case the vote is
in favor of such proposes! Increase, mnlc
lii un appropriation of said sum for said
purpose." Approved December IS, ltf'.'.
As required by luw the following infor
matlon Is t;f veil to electors:
First Tlie amount or the last assessed
valuation of taxable propel ty in said city
Is J2;!,020,9S1.00.
Second The amount of tho existing
debt of the Mild city is ,Ml-',l!Vi.4'J.
Third The amount of the proposed In
crease of debt Is $27J.2"5M'.
Fourth Thn proposed Increase of debt
Is .OollS per cent, of the city's assessed
itluatloii of taxable property for IVX).
Fifth The purpose for which the In
debtedness is to be Incurred are set foilh
in Se'Cllon live of an ordinance attached
Annexed hereto Is the city controller's
oltlcial statement m the Indebtedness and
resources of the elt. ulso a copy of the
city ordinance, tile of common council,
No. In, IV.i'.', above leferred to.
Witness my hand and the seal of the
city of Scranton, this 12th day of Janu
n i. v. A. P., 1900.
Mayor of the City of Scranton, l'a.
File of rommon council. No. 40. 1S99, a
amended In select council November IB,
I'rovldlne; for the submission to the vote
of the electors of the city of Scranton
an Increase hi the Indebtedness of tho
said city to tho amount of $27:!,205.80. or
ns much thereof us may bo necessary to
li.-iv thn assessments made analnst said
city for certain sewers, and In caso tho
vote Is in favor of such proposed In
crease, making nn appropriation of Bald
iun for bald purpose.
Section 1 Re It ordained by tho select
and common councils of the city of
Scranton, and It Is hereby ordained by
tho authority of tho same, that for tho
purpoMi of paying the share of the cost
ot the construction of certain sewers in
said cltv, which has been assessed against
said cltv. an approximate estlm.ito of
which is itemized In the llfth section of
tills ordinance an Increase in the indebt
edness of said city, by un Issuo of city
bonds to an amount not to exceed tho
sum of two hundred nnd seventy-thren
thousand two hundred and live nnd
eighty one-hiindredths dollars is hereby
authorized, subject, nevertheless, to tho
consent or the electors of the said city
of Scranton. as hereinafter provided.
Section 2. Tho question of assenting to
the above proposed Increase of tho debt
of the city shall bo submitted to u voto
of tho qualllled electors of tho city of
Scranton, ut tho next general election oc
curring not less than forty days after tho
passage of this ordinance.
Section 'J. After the pas.iEO of this or
dinance, and at least thirty days before
said election, the mayor shall publish u
notice ot thn election hereby authorized
In three dally papers published In said
city, and a statement such as Is reemlrcd
hv law, which statement shall be fur
liNhed bv the city controller.
Section 4. If said electors agree to in
crease tho Indebtedness of said city for
said purposes, there shall bo appropriated
nnd set npart for the payment or tho
share of said city of tho estimated cost
of said sewers, tho sum of two hundred
und seventy-three thousand two hundred
and llvo and eighty one-hundredths dol
lars, or so much thereof ns shall be iiec
cssarv, to be apportioned according to tho
estimates set forth in thn fifth sec
tlon ii f this ordinance.
Section n. Tho following Is the share,
of the cltv of tho approximated estimates
of tint e-ost of constructing the following
sewers In said city of Scranton:
Svstcm of sewers, section "Ii,"
Fifth district. First ward $ 4,972 50
Svstem of sowers, section "C,"
Fifth sewer district, First ward 1,870 00
SvHteni of sewers, section "It,"
Fifth Sewer district. First ward C4M 25
Main sewer on Phllo street,
I'rovidence road und North
Main avenue, in Second ward,. 17.S90 00
System of sewers south of
Mulberry street nnd evist of
Schultz court In tho Seven
teenth ward S&1 77
System pf sewers in tho Nine
teenth district, in Fifth. Sixth.
Fifteenth and Klghteeiith
wards 47.MOQ
System of sewers In the Klgh- ,
teentli ward J-'J W
System of sewers In the Sixth
ward WW
System of sewers In the Kiev-
cnth ward 13
Svstem of sewers In Sixteenth
dlstilct. Fifth. Fourteenth nnd
Rlghtfenth wards 6.3 SO
System of sewers In Seventeenth
district. F.leventli. Twelfth nnd
Nineteenth wards 2.03 7j
Svstem of sewers hi Rlgllteentll
district. Twentieth ward 45,000 00
Main sewer In Twelfth district,
Fourth, Fourteenth and Twcn-
ty-llrst wards 20,000 00
Additional sewers In Seventeenth
dUUri;t. 15,000 00
Hard Rubber e
Dressing Combs 5
Rococo Sham- t
poo 19
Kirk's Violet, Car
nation, Lilac and
Jockey C I u b
Bradley's Cele
brated E x - t
tracts 1 U
Pure Tar Soap,
two cakes for. 5
Lazelle's Toilet
Water, 8 oz. 5U
Bradley's Vio
let To ilet .
Water 25
Medicated Toilet
Paper, perforated,
per dozens.
rolls 23
Additional sewers In First and
Third wards 12,000 00
Additional sewers in Second und
Twenty-first wards Ij.ouO On
Additional sewers In Nineteenth
dlstilct n,ori li
Additional sewers III Tenth ward 10,000 00
Reconstructing old sewers in
First Sewer district 12,000 00
For the reconstruction of f'hclps
street sewer 1,00 00
For uu overflow n'wer from Lin
den street, between Adams and
Franklin avenues .10,000 0')
For reconstructing Third district
main 4,0m) on
For sewer basins In the Four
teenth ward 1,000 on
Total $273,205 0
Approved IVeembcr 19. 1S99.
'lty of Scranton, Pa.,
City Controller's Olllce.
January. 12, 1900.
Statement of the net Indebtedness of tho
cltv of Scranlon, fa., ut thn c!oe of
business, October 31, 1S99.
City Improvement Loan, I per
Due Julv 1, 1900. and annually to
vear 1900. rale $2.mj.o) $ 14.000 00
Due July 1, 1907, and annually to
year 1910, rate $1,500
Funding Roan. 1SS. I per cent.
.Ti.oort on
15,000 on
15,000 00
Duo Jiuy l. r.iii
Due July 1. 1M!
Municipal Building I.oan, 190,
I per cent.
Due February 1. 19i, Nos. 10 to
35 Inclusive
Due February 1, 1905. Nos. ::1 to
60 Inclusive
Hue February 1. 191". Nos. 01 to
20,')ihi 00
25,01)0 00
so.floo on
90 Inclusive
Municipal Improvement l.oan,
P-91. 41i per cent.
Rue December 1, 190f
Ruo December 1. 1900
Duo December 1, 1911
Duo December 1. 1910
Redemption Loan Series. 1S93, 414
per cent.
Dun Juno 1. lOoSI Nos. 1 to .11
".non m
23,001) 00
22,O0i) 0)
j:,ooo oi)
31,0110 0)
Sl.Onn 01
35,000 00
3,00n Oil
Due Juno 1, 190S
Due Juno 1, l'.'l'S.
Nos. 25 to OS
Nos'. C'J to 100
Pun June I, 191S, Nos. 107 to 141
Bridges Iioun Scries, liDI, 4i per
Duo June 1. 1nl. Nos. 1 to M
Duo Juno 1, 1909, Nos. 91 to HO..
t.. 1 1 lull V-.d 111 ii Vrt
90,000 fn
.VI irnil Ihi
jlin unit" ., ..n. ..-,. ... .-',. ; 'VV
.--.(""! in
Duo Juno l. law, isos. uu 10 .m.. ii,vi
$C!S,0UO '!
Unpaid warrants to October 31.
1S99, Inclusive $ 11.711 i;
Contracts and other accounts
subject to ndjustment 129.H02
Judgments &I.2I9 o-
Amounts certified on sewers ns
city's shnre of cost:
North Main. Provldonco Road
and riillo street 17.2i ')
Sce. C. Fifth Sower district l,0 oo
Seventeenth district main sewer. 22,9'i3 75
Total 42,12775
Less Judgments obtained Includ
ed In judgments above ., 9,5.15 5.1
Total gross Imlebteduex ?Sf",U5 !M
Cash 111 general city I H,
Cash In sinking funds 127,
S7I 9!
'105 17
Delinquent tax und other Items
collect a bio
Ronds of tho city series of IS'.':!,
which have been purchased
and are held In tho several
sinking funds of tho city
Tax duplicates, 1S99, less exon
eration nnd commissions and
less collections to Octobnr 31,
20,000 l:
101,000 M
lOSIO 67
mw 7
Net Indebtedness of thn clty..?U2.1954s
Statement of the amount of last preced
ing assessed valuation of tho taxabln
property of tho city of Sciauton, l'.i.,
the same being the assessment for tho
year lVfl:
Occupation t 1.201,120 00
Real und personal property.... Sl.7t9.Siit 00
Total .J23.02O.9S1 00
Commonwealth of Reiiusylvunlu, county
of Lackawanna, ss. :
On the thirteenth day of January, A.
P., 19on. personally appeared beforo inc.
tho subscriber, tho mnyor of thei city
of Scranton, In Ksdras Howell, who.
being duly sworn, doth depose mid say
that hn Is thu cltv controller, of Scran
ton, l'.i., nnd that to thn best of Ills
knowleilgo nnd belief fho foiegolng state
ment of the llnunces or the city of Scran
ton, l'.i,, nnd thoso contained In the proc
lamation is Just, correct and true.
Signed , K. nOWBM,,
City Controller.
Sworn nnd subscribed to before mo thl:
January 13th, 1900.
' i