,r- THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE- SATURDAY 11 vvvvvTvvvvv Cheated by Lawyers m m 3 HI WWWWW(WWWWWWeWW(WWW!f 11 W Q i(M, "the tower Ih m 1 mine still.' unci I In- I tcwl to lceji It. Kv- L. nytliliiK i'Ihu they W h a v u taken away y frntn mc, because untiin lncri?pi'hpn.tlccl old ancestor of mini- tdened his nnms tn a deed "John li. lloblnson," instead . of 'John C. KoblnKon.' As If one lettet of the alphabet i-mild tnulte nny uiuci pneo! I've n tutU-nce with piople! The majesty of the law, inueeu. r.hnv!" "Hut If the lent of the propel ty be. longs to your Cousin Koblnson, so does the towel," BURfiestod Mis'. Mllioy. 'I can't help that." said Miss lstdora. "Here I am, and here I mean tn stay, law or no law." Mm. Mlltoy opened her weak eve'. I'Veblo as a Kitten hemelf, she could Kcattoly comprelund sin h valiant u.s- ollltlon In another "llllt If they (imio hen- with t li - siieilrr, and a po"-- eoinltatus, aril a wilt of habea-i ooipus"."' she falteicd. "Then." said Miss IMilolu. "thi'j'll have to elcir out iiKaln. Common c.'tifce Is common sense. The houe Is mine, nnd T mean to keen It. I've sot new bolts and bars to all the doors, and I kfv-p a kettle ol boiling water on the stoe nlKht and day, nnd ny ft lend, Mr. Jeffreys, who Is n clcik In a law ollUe, has given iiu the hint neer to let In a man with a bap." "Why not." bii.ithlissly questioned Mr?, Mllioy. "Don't oil see?" v.iiil Ml-K 1-adoia. snappishly. "Hecause It will be full of law papem. Wilts and summonses, and all that sott of thliiK." "Oh!" said Mrs. Mllroy. The tower was hoie, and the tower she meant to keep. And Kohcicd, her little maid, was stilfkcn with bteath less adinli.itlon tor her waillke quall ties. "Hut of course, ma'am," said He becca, "nobody can stand against the law," "I'll see whether they can or not!" said .Miss Isidoia Ives, "Be sure you keep the kettles well filled, Kcbece.i, nnd don't let the tires go out, dav 'jr nisht." And whenever she ieeelod thtouph the mall a letter with a lecjal appear ance, or an en elope crested with the fli in address of Messis. Tape & Sti Ing ham, her cousin, ItobInon's lawjeis, she imatiablv poked It between the bins of the mate, and smiled vindic tively to sec It blaze. "What .no wo to do with such n ease as this.'" bald Mr. Taps, when he heatd nil this. "Put in n sheilft's oHle""' nt once," aid SttliiKham. "The woman Is a tres rriisstr, and has been nil her life." "So. no, no'" said Mr. Tape, bland Iv. "She's a woman. No harsh mom uies II Is (ildeon Knblus n's expie'S injunction 111 it all oouitesy be shown tn the diftlidant. We'll liy sotnethlliB else beloie we pioeed to extremities." And Inn- pleas uu October afternoon, when the air was all blue niM, and the settlm: sun shone as If tluou'.'h a 'medium nt opaque koIcI, the luudloid if the Tnplady Aims camo pufllnK up the hill with it stout, pleasanl-faci d gentleman, and lanff the bell, which echoid like a double chime thioufih the tlnv towei. "(!o away!" said Miss Isldou, fioir, i window, spliu; the tops of two h.i's, "Oh. my. ma'am!" squeaked itebeeia ei her shotildei, "fh.ill i KOt th" KHiiV ' "I h 'jr pit don. ma'am," ild tho straiiKH. "but" "Go nwas. I -h!" si inly icpited MKc Isidoia Ives. "ilehoce.i. biiiiK In that kettle' 111 hne vu to utid i stand that I am not o bo tillled with" l!ut bv this time in. no host of the Tnplndy Aims bad simultaneouslv io tiiMMetl his In tilth and his presence of nilud. "Miss lps," bp puffed stei toiously, "don't be llustiadd! It's only Isia.-q Jenkins." "filess the man's heait'" said Mls L.I-ldnia, "why didn't he say so befoio" And what on eaith did ou want here, Jenkins? "It's n Induce. Miss Ies," said Jen kins, uim had mauled Miss Isldora's old nurse, and somehow felt himself to be ronuetted with th family. "A lodger''' tepeattd Miss lve. "This isn't a lodging hoiine, man alive'" "Ycs'm I'm quite awaie of that," Ifxild Isiael, meekly "And wheie no of- riense Is Intended, lt'.s hoped as none will bi; took. Hut, knowing as oll was iilone and Ulipioteeted " "I don't know what you tall un protected," brusquely Interrupted Miss I'e. "I've got a loaded gun and a slv-gullon kettle of boiling water here," "And," mildly went on Isinel Jen kins, "this 'cru gentleman, a Mi. Mar shall of Alabama, wanted n pleasant lodging In the neighborhood, which meals could be look at the Toplady Aims though our npatttuciitR Is all oc cupied with the gentry as come to tlsh and shoot, through Octobel and N'o- voinbei nnd It might be u consolation to you, Miss Ives, to hae a gentleman about the premises." Mr. Marshall pi o veil himself a quiet and peaceable member of the lltt'e household. He liked dogs, and allow d Miss Ives' King Chalks spaniel to sleep, undisturbed, amid the papeis on his table. Ho was paitlal to bird", and enteied at once Into the most friendly of al lium os with the pal rot and the macaw. Ho giafted Miss IMdora's orange tiee for her, and showed her a new way to train her wax plants. And nt the end of four weeks Miss Isldoni put Into execution a plan which she had long been forming. "Mr. Mnrha11," slip said, "it's a gieat deal of tumble for you to go three times fi day tiumplng down that long hill to the Toplady Aims and back again. You nip no longer n stranger to us heie. We havo learned to respect and trust ou. If you thooso to take your meals with us here. I shall be quite willing to acl mlt ou to my frugal table, as a f i lend." Mr. Maishall's countenance elinnge 1 oddly. He made a curious sound in ids tin oat as If bo weio swallowing some thing. "Miss Isidoia," he said, "I can't," "Can't!" lepeated the lady. "Nothing could Induce mo to eat salt under this loof," said Mr. Marshall, in coheiently. "Itless nnd save us! Is the man mad?" cried Miss Isidoia Ives. "I am, socially speaking, a fiaud," said the stranger, "n forget v." Miss Ives sat down on the sofa in a helpless way and stared at him. "Hut your sweet giaclousness nnd kindness hiuc completed me," added Mr. Marshall. "What do ou mean?" said Miss Ives. "Just this." said the stranger. "1 am here on false piotenses. I am your cousin, the plalntllf. My name Isn't Maishall, but Gideon Marshall Kobln son." "Ma'am," whlspeied the heai tlcss maid, who turned absolutely gieen on healing the name of the family enemy. "shall I bring the kettle of boiling water?" "Kebecca," says Miss Ives, "hold our tongue and go out and feed the ouiir tinkers. I am fully competent to manage this matter myself." And Kebecca, feeling heiself put jlown, depaited. "I came hete," went on Mr. Kobln son, "to look into the facts of the case myself. I have heatd of youi pteju dlees against me " "Yes, I think so," lntcrpobed Miss Ivej. "And I do not blame j,ou for them," said Mr. Koblnson. "Now that I nm peiuonally acquainted with ou, Miss Ives, nothing could Induce me to prose cute this" "Iniquitous claim!" Intel posed Isl dora. "Iniquitous claim!" .uceded Ml. Kob lnson, with a repi'tltlou of the swal lowing sound. "Just what jou please to tall it. I respect you as a lady, but r apiueeiatc you as a relative; but, of coin so. knowjng who I am, you cannot toleiate me any longer ns our filend. I will pack my bag and depait at once. I can only feel regietful that I have deceived vou so long. I feel mjself to be a hypocilte and a swind le!!" He waited meekly to receive the full tide of Miss Isldora's curbed wrath, She put out her plump llttlp hand, with four dimples In the four points. "Don't go," she said In a low voice, "What!" cried the Incredulous plain tiff. "There's no reason w hy we shouldn't be fi lends," said Miss Ives, In her odd, brusque way. "Things seem so very Ulffcient, now that we aie ac quainted with each other. Couldn't w e cfimpi omlse?" "Isidoia," said Mr. Koblnson, "we'io cousins, you know, twice removed. I may call you lsldora?" "Oh, icrtainly," said Miss Ives. nrW'jMAJi2L'L M ngM 3 nvTiHyiim . u w--im wmmmmp :- SORE THROAT fl f l?!t VmT- M ASTHMA ' ' L - MfBKI BLOOD POISON 4 1 - ..fillBl CATARRH - CROUP 1 I """--Si&&JHI DIARRHEA II -Z&P OMmWM dyspepsia IV V A yimmmsmn GENERAL DEBILITY I CW rSHHOKoi HEART FAILURE I P"-4. :flnWHRilB KIDNEY TROUBLE fc 1 I T ftKfPDiHMHiMl heme trouble ltimm&mamBmB NEURALGIA A 49 Wfm HJJ Hff MtW. nrt pnn uru a. nw our pain flusters 2i J& REMEDV INSTANT RELIEF. mmBmmSJB 'Ck tSA' al products of the temperate zone. Of the exports from the United States to Cuba In 1894, which nmounted to KO, 125,321, $9,440,953 were- agricultural pro ducts, and of the $18,616,3:7 exported from the- United States to Cuba In 1899, $9,799,513 were agricultural products, the principal Items being live animal, $2,367,704; breadstuffs, $2,300,172; provl slonn, Including beef, hog and dairy products, $3,540,722; while the most Important manufactures were cotton cloths, $447,839; midline! y, $454,0.11; boots and shoes, $J14,944; saws and tools, $166,061; cotton goods other than cloths, $U2.8S0, and nails, $60,655. To Potto Klco tirgtlcultur.il product's founed $l,321,4b0 of the total of $2,CS5, MS eported fiom the United States 1 1899, and nvei nglng nbout the same proportion In earlier years. Spain's exportatlons to Cuba, 1'orti Klco and the Philippines, which under not mat conditions amount to about $10,000,000 annually, weie mute largely manuf.ictuies, though probably two fifths of her cxpoits to thu Island's were agricultural piodttcts. of her to- t ttil exportatlons to Cuba In 1s96, which. iininunieo in i;i;i,wu,iiuu pesetas, o.nuu, 000 In round terms weie nrgilculturil ptoditcts. To I'oito Klco the propoi tlon was about the same. atnTfTrmttiNi nn iimnTiii'fninTnr AWKWAHD fBEDICAMENTS. m. b1 ''- '' ' I "'Hi tTH5T0ftlA ! n ' 'rrrrrrrT ."' ' ,; r GASTORIA y For Infants and Children. Jcgctablcrrcparationrcr As similating thcFccdfltulttcvjula ting tlic Stomachs aruiUocls cT Thoy appeal to the Common sense by the Exercise ol a little judgment ucotors mn&'can oe avpiaeu. ALL DRlfUaiSTS ANO .MEDICINli DGAL12P.S. Send for the " HOM E TREASURE " - a book filled with use ful Information and household receipts sent FREE to any address. SOVEREIGN REMEDY CO., 1237 ARCH ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA. lie TrstgEM of Love is Happy, Fruitful Marriage. Weryman who would know the grand truth, plain facts, the new discoveries or medical science as applied to married life; who would atone for past errors and avoid future pitfalls, should secure the wonderful little book called "Complete Manhood and How to Attain IV " Heru at last is information from a high medical source thatnuu WORK WONDERSwiththiscnerationof men" Tli hook fully describes a method by which to attain lull ij;ot and tnrnly power. A method to enU all unnatural drains on the system. Tocureiieivousncss.lackofselpcontrol.dct.pondency.etc To tch.in;t: a jaded and worn nature 'or one of bright ncs, buoyancy and powci. TeKte full stnnsth, development and tone to every portion and urati of the lody. Age no barnei . Failure impossible. The book, is I'URELY MED1CALANDSCIENTIFIC, useless to curiosity beekers., invaluable TO AlEN ONLY WHO NEED IT. Freo Trial Treatment We send one full month's Remedies of wonderful power, and a marvelous Appliance tn strengthen. and develop, on trial and approval, without pay, deposit or obligation. No exposure, no "collect on delivery " scheme no decep tion of any kind. i A desoairinii man who had anolied to us. soon after wrote : "Well. 1 tell vou that first day is one I'll never forget. I just bubbled with joy. I wanted to hug No Monty In Advance. Treatment on Trial and Approval. "We aie the two last neeinlng heirs." "Plaintiff and defendant." nodded lsldora. "i:actlv so. Xow, It ha3 just oc curred to me I mean, I've been think In cof It for Kinie time thai If we weie to unite our claims" "To set mauled, do you mean ' aid Isldoip, bluntb "Yes, pieclsely. Ii would put an end to all litigation," pleaded Maishall Koblnson. "Would jou be willing to mairy me?" said Mr. Gideon Maishall Koblnson. "Y-yes!" Kild Isidoia. "I think I should. I'm not young, but then Mx-.md-thlity Is not absolutely old." "You aie a ioe In full bloom, ' -'ild Mr. Koblnson, enthusiastically, "and I m t-elf am not a mere boy, It must be ieinembeie.1, "And If people" should I.iUrIi at us, why let them laugh," altl lsldora. "And we'll laugh too," said the middle-aged lover, choeifullv. The Hie was allowed to go down, the kettle coei taken oif, the haigc3 diawii fiom the gun and the Tower inonounced to be no longer in a stage of siege. And this Is the way In which the fa mous case of Koblnou vs. Ives which hud piomled to swell the fees of the law cis Innumeiable for the net ten oais, ,,is, icmovtd fiom the conit of lecoids. And no one was sou except the lrg.il gentleman afoie-,iid Chica go Tltnes-Heiald. OUR NEW POSSESSIONS. Their Commerce, Conditions, Fioduc lng and Consuming Power Inter esting Dati Compiled Regarding Cuba, Potto Klco, the Hawaiian, Philippine nnd Samoan Islands. li oni the Washington Star. Cubi, loi to Klco, the Hawaiian, Philippine and Samoan Islands; then commeice, condition, and ptoduclng and consuming power, Is the subject of a moiiogiapb Just Issued by the tieas ui y buieau of statistics in response to the lenowed demand for infoimatton regarding these Islands. In 'this vol ume, two pielous editions of whlc'i base been entliely exhausted, nn effoit has been nude to pletuie piesent phy sical conditions, ;is well us the piescn tiitlou of statistics of commeice, an 1 the pio-ipectlve ptoduclng and consum ing power of the Islands. Theli pies ent consuming power Is estimated .n lound tetnis at $100,000,000, about equally divided between the piodn'ts of agileultuie and manufactuies. The lrapoits Into Cuba In l?0i. when noiiu.tl conditions of piospeilty pie Milled. weie $'.101.S2: those of Poito Klco In lS'.iG. ),fi-,t',r.;s, those of the Hawaiian Islands In 1MIS $ll,0'.0,S'JO: of the Philippine Islands in ISM. J.'R,- Siri.O",", while those of the Samoa a Islands In W weie $US,S10. the chief commeiclal value of those Islands be ing as a h.nbnr nnd poit of lopalr, letuge and supplies. The CNports of the Islands hae In e.ns of piospeilty exceeded consid erably their lmpoits. In 1802 Cuba's expoits weie 3,0,22"!, against $12, ltil.r.sj of Imports; those of the Ha waiian Islands In 1SDS $17,110,711, against $U,i'.,n,S0O of lmpoits, and thoe of the Philippines In 1S9'J. 31,4S1,1M. against $28,S13,07." of lmpoits. Fuito Klco's expoits usually about equal bei lmpoits, the density of population In that Island icrpilrlng laige Importi tlons of manufactures and tho agil cultutal products of the tenipeiato zone. The expoitatlons of these Islands consist chtofty of sugar, tobicco, cof' fee. t the the sugar cxpoi ts undei normal coiull tlons foimed fully four-fifths of the total value of ai tides exported. Fiom tho Hawaiian Islands sugar fauns pioba'ily nine. tenths of the total ex poitutlonB, Vioin the Plilllppliu ex poits of sugar and hemp aie about equal In value, together fonnlng abiitt scived up to this time as pastuics, and as most of this land Is extremely feitlle Its ptoduclng capabilities, when leached by loadi. and lallways, are almost beond piesent conjecture. Similar conditions exist In the Philip pine Islands. In the Hawaiian Islands the siigar-pioduclng uiea is being gieitly Ineieased by the Intioduetloit ot li ligation. The expoits of sugar fiom the Hawaiian Islands in 1W', 1S37 nnd lsal aie nearly double those of 1SSB. 1SS7 and ISsi. In Poi to Klco the coffee-producing atea may be vety matet tally Inct eased by tha Intioduc tlon ot loads and facilities for leach ing the Intel lor of the Island an 1 ttansportlng Its pioducts to the coast, laigo nic.is In the mountainous poi tlons ot the island being capable of pioduelng coffee of high quality so soon as thoy can be hi ought under cultiva tion and their pioductr tianspoited to to the son bo ltd. In Cuba coffee was at one time the pilnclnal source of wealth, the uilue of lt ptoduct having i cached timing the e.uly part of the ccntuiy about 2fi.C00,OOO in a single ".ear. The Industry was eslabllshel by the Fiench icfugces fiom Santo Domingo. After their expulsion the plantations pissed into tho hands of rfpanlaids ami Amci lciui and It Is -stlmated that theie wete at one tlinjl 0f 'Ix coffee estates to one of sugar, cof fee plantations coiitalnlnlng fiom f.no. Oi'O to l.ooo 000 trees being In existence in the Island pilot to lsjij, when tho decline In the pi ice of coftee led to the Intioduction of sugai -glow lug. The tobaceo-ptodueing aiea In all of the Islands in, iv ills be miteil.illv In eieased, while the hemp pioductlon of the Philippines may be doubled wi'ti propel Uicllitlcs fir tiansportntlon. 'J'iio great Inciease In anas devote 1 to tho production of coffee, especially In Ki.tzll and Central Ameilca, hits ma teil.illy Incicaced the woild's pioduct and loweied pi ice?, which Is lllustiat cd b the fact that In the United States the aveiago Iinpott price ot cof fee has declined fiom 14 cents per Iinunil In ISO! to C7 cents In 1S83. In surmi -pioductlon similar conditions picall Tho lapld development of the beet sugar Industiy has icsulted In a inaikcd ineieise ot beet sugar-production, and at low pi Ices, until about two-Mill ds of the woild's sugar supply Is now fiom beets, thus gtently io duclng the pike of sugar. This le ductlon Is show n bv the fact th.it In the United States tho average Impot t pi lee of sugar has fallen fiom 5.0i cents in 1S7( to 2 01 cents In 1S&7. Some wh it slmllai conditions exist In lefe,' ence to hemp which has iceentlv en counloied stiong eoimictlt'on fiom sis ii and tiom jute, whose pioductlon and use In ceitnln lines of manufae tuie have been gieatly Ineieased. Thus, while the pioduelng aiea of these Islands may be gieitly enlatged, It can scajcel be expected that the pi Ices obtained hi culler e.us for their piliulpnl pioducts win again be icall-'ed PUINCIPAI. PKODUCTS. All of the piliulpnl product" of th"se Islmds aie l.ugely lmpoited Into the United .itute? and seem llkelv to con tinue Indellnltily among our laigest Hems of Impoititlon, .Of our lotcl lin poitutlon" of the llseal joar UOn, sugar ainouutLV. to $yinni;n, cofiee, ", -275 170. llbeis, TJn.'OfttiH!: fiults an I nuts. $1S 111,200; entile lubber and ttojilcal pioduetf. f'.I 7.",207: law silk. I with which sui'cessful expeilments have been made In Cub i and the Plill Ipplnes. .',:, 17P,G'7. while I'V.mcrous otl.er product? of th" Islands, Includ ing tea, cabinet woods, gums. Indigo and spices anioun' to many millions I of ilollats. The noi.ige annual lui si cuioiiy or sugar, iooicco, coi- ; -. , , , - tropical fruits, nnd In the case of "M.,a,,,02.o.f tl"op,C,lI,p,??-U.,lifni!H0 U", Philippines, hemp Uio.n Cuba T ltr"1 " T -J"-000'0?0- " ver oouy nnu icu mem mat my oici sen nan uicu yesiernay ami my new sell was born today. Why didn't vou tell me when I first w rote that I w ould find it this way? " And .mother wrote thin; "If ou dumped a cartload of gold at tny feet it would not brine such cladtu's into mv life ns vour method has done." In iinswerinir be uum and mention this naoci. and the comnanv nromises to send W tj-kl Liiiliifl nmmliMxii ii4liA nun v irld nn1 nntivnit. .... - .1. . jiiiu uuuiv ui 3trtui vmt-tujfv vvuiiuut any uiai R9( ujiu iiimvi iicc ui uiai)(C . Write to the ERIE MEDICAL COSIPANY, Buffalo, N. Y and ask fcr the little Uoo'-called "COMPLETE MANHOOD." ' all, or ne.ulv all of them, may be pro duced In the MandR In question At present the total lmpoits of these Isljnds amount to about $101,000,000'. that of Cuba In 1S9J being $32,101,082; the Philippines In lSfl.l. S2S.S1S.07". tho Hawaiian Islands In 1S3S. Jll.CiO.SSO. and Poi to Klco In U93. $J,i"C,r,7S. Their Impoitatlons aio alieady being stlmu- foui-ntths ot the nnim.il expoitatlons , JmpoitatlonB aio alieady being stlmu whlle fiom Hoi to Klco coTee Is the ! -tl by ieee.it developments, as s tuou li u uu uiei mm no l'lol lai- -' Item of export, Its cxpoitatlon having been In 1S95 moio than line times ns great In value as sugir, and foi inlng consldeiably moie than one half the total expoits of the Island. PKODUCIXa CAPACITY. That tho producing capacity of cei taln of these Islands, especially Cubi and the Philippines, may bo gieatly Inctnascd by the creation of Inipioved methods of internal communication cannot be doubted. Of the S'.Oio.OOA ncies composing the Island of Cubi, not moie than 2,000,000 havo eer been under cultivation. Them am 17.000,000 acres of virgin foiest and 9,000,001 amen of fertile plains which line only fiom tho United States to the Hawaii an Islands In the (leal year 1S00 amounted to $9,10',I7Q. ns-alust $3,907, V' In ISO1?, and $4,f90,075- In 1S97; to cubi, $ts,ni0,377 In 1S99 against $9.S61, 011 In 195, nnd s,2.',9,776 In 1S97: and to Potto Klco, U.CS'i.ilS In 1S99, against Sl,S0$,Q4C In IS."., and 1,9SS.88$ In 1S97, AYith Ineieased pioduilng nieas and pioduelng power fiom the Introduction of modem methods of cultivation and picp.uutlon of pioducts for tho maik.-t tho conHiiinlnri and importing capac ity may be expected to Incioasp. Consumption of foielgn pioducts In theue Islands Is about equally divided between mamifactuics and agilcultur- Embnrrnsslng Posltloin3 in Which Conjurors Are Sometimes Placed. from the Tlerson's Weekly "It doesn't matter how eaicful you are. YOU m emlllov ovnrv unt'fTlnrit. both human and mechanical, that ex- perlenco may suggest, and the oec i- i slon seem to warrant, and yet. despite ' nil i our precautions, you will get cor nered every now and then." Such, at uny rate, was the opinion of a well known prestldlgltateur. "I have often found myself In some particularly uwkwnrd corneis dining my career ns a public entertainer," said he. "One of my earliest disasters oceui ted during nn enteitnlnmmt I was giving in the quilnt old town ot i llanbury. I had run through my usu il ' stock of country class perforin inces, ' In which the familiar tuinlps, carro. and i.ibblts had been pioduced from every possible part of the room, an 1 had determined to give my audience a regular slap-up-to-date Egyptian hall sort of a inysteiy for a finale. In short, I pledged myself to get rid of my propei ties In full face ot the audi ence without leaving a trace of their existence. "The Hi st p.ut of the trick went well enough. It was merely to make tho vegetable disappear Into the rabbits a feat which, as I had purposely kept the latter for some hours without food, war speedily accomplished. The lest of the tilck was to piocluce tho sedi tion. It would apparently .consist of lolling the two rflbbits Into one, undr cover of the usual silk handkei chief, and throwing the resulting animal Into the air above the audience, when it would suddenly must Into a highly col ored balloon and float up Into the i afters until such time as I should choose to haul It down. Xeedless to say, the genuine labblts had to be smuggled Into my side pockets and a dummy substituted containing a com pactly folded balloon which would spilng Into shape Immediately a set of Intel mil spilngs were released. "This letter movement was biought about by a mlnlatuie explosion, wh'ch was carefully timed to occur at the moment the dummy uibblt icached the highest point In Its ascent and was pioduced by the sudden mixture of a small quantity of sulphur and chlorati potash. Unfoitunatcly for me. however, the hunger of my tlrst rabbit had been by no means assuaged b his meal of uncooked canot. So soon er was he Inside my pocket than he Introduced his teeth Into the dummy which lay there, waiting the correct moment for production. That nibble was his last, and, ulas, was well nigh the end of me. too. Ills teeth had no sooner crashed Into the detonating mixture than I was conscious of a se veie shock In the legion of my coat tails. These were blown to smither eens, whilst personally I was only snv ed from severe Injui les by reason of the paraphernalia of a picvlous trick, with which I was luckily en cumbpted. "A second disaster occurred to me dutlng the same week whilst goln through the ancient 'globe of gold fish' tilck. These so-called 'globes' are not loally globulat, but are shallow tioughs of thin glass which fit Into tho sldc.pockets ami ate rendered wa ter tight by means of a rubber cap which Is withdrawn with the empty handkerchief when the bowl is 'pro duced.' Unfoitun.Uely for me, how ever, the rubber cap had split with out my knowledge, Tho icsult was that on Inctutlously stooping to pick up a card I was hoirlficd to find a perfect cataract of water and wtig tllng llsh descending out of the depths of my dress coit. "One of my favotite caul tricks wai once lulned by the proverbial smill boy, who, I may add, should never be allowed upon the platfoun except In cises of extienie urgency, I had con siderably m stifled iny audience bv eiuslng six unimpeachable citizens to unwittingly choose the same card lioni a pack which each was at llbeity t. shuffle for himself befoie choosing The card In each case was the ace nt lieatts, and, I explained, was chosen by each of them whilst unconsciously under my own hypnotic direction, "The trick ended, I Incautiously tluew down the cards near the small buy In question. Whilst my. back was momentailly toward hlin, he calmlv tinned them over, with the result that, almost befoie I had time to realize the situation, he wis gleefully announcing to my "friends In fiotit" that the caul' weie all 'aeeu ot hearts'" "Peihaps one of tho oldest and mint popular ttlcks of any Is that In which some dozens of yards of ilbbons va tlous at tides of clothing and a largo number of uppaiently soil I balls sum produced fiom a borrowed hat. The balls, however, aio really thin cloth cases which are expanded by matins ot lnternnl splial sptlngj. Tin piae tlce Is to ptess a dozen or so of these close tonether until they form it small disk the size of a crumpet, and to se cure the whole by means ol a few easi ly broken stitches of flno thread. Th" disk Is then placed Into tho empty hat. which, the moment th) thre.idB aie biokcti by , the pnu Id'sltateui's linger, begins to oveillow with split re fiilllclent to fill a good-sU'-d poitman lean. "Hut I o.ice man'tiw'. to himp Ike retaining threads of the lmndlj whllt: It repospd peacefully In my picket. Tha tesult was that the nnlot,leu weie ti fated to tho edlfylnr spjj'r.e'o or n swallow-tailed coat til"; suddenly poked In the back anl m'u'i-d to sot piopeily agein until It had ll,'mg.'d somo scoio or so nf piopniy IrilK Happily the audlenei uc;ptod the situation lis pirt of '.be perf jini.ince, hut the evercreen hat Mltk hai for once to Ve abandons 1." Promotes I)igesUon,Chccrful ncssanrlRcst.Contalns neither Opium.MorpWne nor "Mineral. Not Narcotic. jaxjvortxja-svanmnmi ItmfJUn Stt&" MxStnrui AnillStrd tftjrtjntibSeXo Sugar . MMmrnnflanr. AnofecHlcmcdv forConsltpa lion, Sour Stoniach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions.tcvensn ncss midLoss OF SLEEP. Tae Simile Signature of NEW YOHK. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of mkWmnmmvfmxtM H IsIillllM $ ill 1 OTfl VI - irri. rn im t nirn uwwi wwri wr n-i.--i.i M,r- -.zy we ,r. m w 1 y(fAi AAtf WL IV k h Til1 vf Alt The Kind You Have JUways Bought. RIA Mt CtNTAUn COMPANY, NCW YD UK CITY. FOR ANY CASE OF FsokS&i, Pimples Qir ESiaokho &3mea &a RtflFPERT'S WORLD-RENOWNED lr&GB Blm&h The aboc offer of Fic Tliousand Dollars (5,ooo) lxewartl is hona fide. Am one havinir Freckles, l'ininlcs or lllackheads that Mine. Kuppcrt's Face rcniine harmlessly and effcctinliy will receive amount. Mine. A. Kuppcrt's fin inn il condition l ! iiiuuicstiimeil. lileacli will not the above Thousands of the most beautiful women of America and Kuropc can honestly testify that Mine. Huppert's Face lileacli is the only article known that will remove all blemishes of the complexion without the slightest injury to the skin. It clears and beautifies the skin, nuking it smooth and velvety. "jroftf f'JTtb 6?JR) (Ofib nft tf?!xa-T: K,ir a IEzzemm permanently. If )ou me tioubled with Kczcni.i, Acne, Red Nose, Wack lie.ids, or any other disease or discoloration ot the skin, do not wait until the disease Kets deeply seated, but use Face IHe.iih at oure. It docs not require a Ion;; trcitirent a few applic.it'oiis will -huw a great improvement, and ,i few weeks euros you pvrmniiaUfym l'ace llle.uh is not a co,nictie, hut a peilcet hkin tonic. It does not show on the face after npjilic ation. and its use does not in an) way interfere with oiir daily duties. It is applied twice dail, n '.ht and mornini;. , I housands wlio read this- may hac m.idu up their minds to in estigatei vvliat Face Illc.ich K but have .h et neglected to do m. it will ($&&$ Ygb &tMngg but the mailing of jour letter to Mine. A. Kuppeit, 6 Kast 14th Street, New York, and 011reerv itutuirv will be ronli.ilK replied to Mine, kuppert's'bonk "Woiv Jo Sjo HasziUful," will he mailed to any address on leceipt of fu. post ic,o Ibis b ok is the result of Mme. Rupperfs life stud). mu is invaluable to any woin.iti who pruet. perfection of the face and figure. Addiess all v oiuniiiiur.itious Kme. fl. RUPPERT, G E, im SJ?qoJ, llva York. X.ADIBS IN TOWN CAN SllCUItl KY i?ACI5 BLEACH OR ANY OF MV VOUKT PKEPAKATIOrrO KHOll 21V I.OCAI. AGENT, Jonas T Q Loiigs Sons 60 PILLS SO CTS. nervita mm Restore Vitality, Lost Visor and Manaona Cure Impotcucj , N'litlit Kmilnin, Lou of Mci,'. orj, nil wuiiiiB u-'ciisrt. nil olTcctd ! .I'lf'iihiinMir Irxcuss and iinllkcutlim. A nervo tonic and I blood bulldor. liilnw tho pink kIow to pnlo iIiooki niul itttmca tin' Jiro of Muith. Hy ninll BOq nor Ijuz. 0 Ikixcs for $2.50, with our baut.nblo gauruntco to cm a or rufund the monny paid. M'lul fur circular and copy of our baukablo eiuirautco Loud. EXTRA STRENOTH Immediate Remits Posltlvoly KunrantcsHl euro for Lo3 of Ponor, Vurlcticclo, Uiulovclorocl nr llrllnkc;n Oriniu, rarsci", umiinuiur .ttnxui. .crviH rm-ira. thin, Hjsti-rn, Tin, lr, aultv. t'nral)! mill tho Ri'sultd of KitiMilui I'n of T 'i u ro. Onlum or ! L'tiuor. By mall In pliln ni k:ii.'.. U51.00 .1 box, 6 for $6.00 with our bankable himv ftntoe bona to cure la 00 days or rufutul I mopey paid. Addie.' NERViTA MEDICAL CO. Clinton A Jackson fits., CHICAGO, ILL. Soli liy McCuiruh. & Tliuitia, Uriiri elite,, SO.) Lackawanna ave , Her niton, i'.i. NervitaTablets (YELLOW I.LIL) WINTER RESORT. ' WHY GO TO EUROPE, I'-clnis the I) inters of the Ocean In Winter ? Oajratlna Or llii Sjutliera Pac fi:, "Sunset Limited," SUNSET ROUTE, frod fiom tho Income nlc ncix of hlch ultl 1 imli'h unci of M'liw, will ei.iiy jou bMUOTIIl.Y. SAI'i:i.V AND I'l.llAB- ANl'I.V to Amulca'H fainous. wiute-r re ' Holl In Califtiul.i I (ipicl.il ilnoiiirli tinlns, PonslHtliiK of 1 fKtpllll' I'IKi 1II11I11K p.iis will Ituo Now I York WiiUiiihivH anil TitcclaH, connfci I Int; .ll'ictlv with tho "Slllitict I.lmltct'" , ut Nm Oilcans- fir lull liiloiiiiiitl 111, frro lllustralrd inmphh'tii. in.iii 1 ml tlinc-tnliliH, Ui 1 luwrst i.itis, -.Us pltiK-c.ir tickets, nnd 1 hifcMK'o tncltil il'Pl. n Botithuiii I'.i- cllli C'o 11'.' rion h Thlnl St., 1'hlla , To. Pi Chld.ttr' r.uUtfc DUkciiiI llru. ENNYROYAL P3LLS uri(inal and tlnly venulnc A rc. tint rrtitti ladii tik XX PruvyUt for ChUhtmrt iaUth Jut TA nanJBroH I u lie 4 1 tU iuf f 1 1 IbQiu $tx cJ wltU tluv rli t t 'I iiLci r nu atbrVi H tfu.it dunfiirvMM juttfiiu Hcniattil nltationt A(Imj;Uu prarnjia. In tttnifia f r ptrrlculiri intltai(.ltU til BoMbTtULi.tltiri.icli1. 'I'll rA.,t'C fM S lt3 TRIBUNE WANT ADS, BRING QUICK RETURNS. WAKE PERFECT MEN r Luiidvrl Tti Ion itr il fiinbltloni nt lift 4iit t rriTarrd ii u Th very urttrof Neryvu U!illjf pj ri mm cyi w K.V -tM tm IB. titulutwly rtrru b TAIlLRTV.Uif iu.nnn AtllBff mruorT iS;'iiJdrftln vt vlui power. Incut ird by tS indlirrptloni or tiritici of kr I r iiiil r i .miwt 1 iirar kn.I natunet to trr luiuk tlon Ur( ") upthjUm Uiv xv "i to 'M iln-rki juj jnr l 'J the ntf ofirounjr9ld One vjc bsuitmi- viinl intrgy tAJ0 bvits Si 3uac)rti(i.ttouuBrtnttfdcurwr79wor moty r fwrntrl tn to crnU In ett r pock(- toii ipvryvArt or maiifit In ptln wrtppr on ectlpLj pur by int. rKiik.iri o., laiua W$ ltm$W Sold In Hcranton, Pa., by Matthews Broa. and McCIarrah & Thomas, Urugctsta. BJSF iSMm. Hirvii vKTIiriifi tiny I'npxulm ur. ' Jrix In 4H bnura wllbout , rr.l In ilN inconwnlenrr. nflert tonal In wlili'U t ppalbn. A'n.l bcbH and Inlrrliana full. '