THE SCKANTON TRIBUNE- MUD A V, JANUARY 26, 1900. LIVE NEWS OF THE INDUSTRIAL WORLD 3CAKB-UP OF THE D., L. & W. BOARD FOR TODAY. XAokawanna Company Proposes to Abolish Several Grade Crossings and Many Improvements Ato Con templated the Coming Year Pro duction of Fig Iron in 1800 Dam ages from Conl Dust Big Coal Shipments Nippers Quit Work. Other Paragraphs. The Dolnwnip, I..u.l;i,iuna unci Western ttallio.ul tompany Intends to make a number of extensive- Imptovc ments during the tonilng year, unions which vlll bo the dolnfj tinny of sev eral guide ironings In the nmthetn part o Jersey, hhjb the Phtl.idc.lphl i Pros1? yesterday. Tor Home time past the engineer of the company lmu been nt woik piopai lup plans for this work, and it Is thought tint In a short time everything will be In iudlnc-8 for the assistant online c is to go tihutd with the new construction. This tompany has had In contempla tion the change of line between Its ter minus In New Jeisey and Newark for u long time. In the lutteu city It Is the Intention of the company to levalc th tracks, which wilt necessitate the building of an metlunel stiuctuie of nbout one mile In length. This uotk Is to be begun uuly In the spring, and It Is expected, unless theie Is delav In fecutlng the material, to have It uitii pleted within seital iiKinths The t Ity nuthuilties of Now ink aie anxious for all the latlioids tint inn tluougti It to f leate theli Hacks. The l'i'iin.i)liinii liaihoid tomp.inv has for some time past Ind plans jne fared with this object In le, but as this line pas'is umlei the Jeisey Cen tial railroad, which is iloutul, it will leijulie a ( hunge of line iif both com panies bcfoie any woik cm be done. There Is some conticiveisy civet the in inner in which this woik shall li done, and ab soon as the authorities can reach a settlement it Is belli ed both nt these companies will n ahead with the woik. The cnglnct ling pni tlnn has been mapped out, and It 1 4 stated theie will be no dilllcuttv in making the change. It Is contended by the Jeisev Cen tral otllclals that in unv i hinge In their line the city shall bear tin cost, as the company it few ago went to con siderable expense In putting Its 3 aboe the stint level The Del.ivvur , Lackawanna and Western Kallrn.i'l compinv has not the dillli ultie.s th it the Pcnnsjhanl i Hailinid compinv has to contend with, and as soon as It Rets the autlioiity, it will go ahead with the woik. This lompanv also Intends to change its lines between South Change .mil Milbuin, so that the giade closings between these pi ices will be done aw ly with. Hesides this woik, the company will do a considerable amount of new bridge biillellug dining 1SU0. Many of the present biidge.s aie to be super seded with heavier and inoie modem ones to actoinniod ite the l.uger fieight cars and heavier locomotive s. New tracks will be put down in a number of places, and the conip inv, u few das ago, iccehcd .1,01)11 tons of steel i.iiU whleli ate to be uspil at one e. H is also having foit loiomolhes huMt, which aie to he mmploted eirlv this summer, besides having a luge num ber of modem fieight cats constructed. D., L. & W. Boaid Today. Tollowlng is the make-up of the Delawaie, Lukawanne and 'Western boaid for todaj : I'llclav, .Tin W, line) AVII.T) CATS. hOlTH. 32 "f 1 111 W. P. Jl 11111. 120 a. in II Hcimett. R a. m-i: M Halle tt. !! a. m J. Mo-ki, with (' 15 nthnloiiiew's men 4 n. tn-O. Case, with II. T. l'dlews' men R n. m Oeorge Wnncl.ill. h a tn K. 1) Seem. 5 n. m-O. Millet. fc a. m I. Iiurkhart ! a m 1'. Caxaii.uiRli, with fe rinenj's men lei "el a. 111 .1. Sn.iru 11 0 a 111 J. Diisli. 1 p. m t. Devine. I p tn T. Hi en k .! p m A. flerrltv. 4 1". p m T. Mit'.nlh. with (!. Wal lace's men I 4 p 111 W. A. Ilntholomcw, SUMMITS T a. m , north 1! riounrdkcr II a. m . south H Hush t p m , south M. M idig.iu. pui.kun. 10 a. m Peckln. rusunna. In m , j-outli llciuset. 31 30 a. rn . uuth Men in T p. m , south M. Murphv, 31 p m , south 1 Ciulcv. PASSKNGCU KNUINKa, CSO p m Mcciovcin. WILD CA'IS, NOKTH. r a. m , - engine" (, Hill fl a. m , J engines it Castnei. 11 a. m , 2 uikIirs C Klngslfj 'i p. m , S engines J V. Miiters, t p. ni , 1 engines s i""irmol. S p. ni . - englres o Itumleilpli, 30 p. m , 1 engine sT. Doildieau. Pioduction of Pig It on. The Ameikan lion and .Steed asso ciation has iccelved fioni the niunu faetuiei.s complete statistics of the pioduction of all kinds of pU lion in the United States in 1S99, nUci . oni plete statistics of the stocks of tg it on which were on hand unci foi sale Fill Every rwith Hbad- rUGHT Water White Oil. Just the thine for the finest banquet lamps, economical enough for the common kind. Headlight Water White Oil it the finest household oil for lighting pur poses ever renncd. . Lets charred wicks, , lets smoky curat- IV disagree ' "rf able g sssr !s KVLamp ijjHRAunra SmWt LM rBrarBKW'vearBrBrj odon. Your HpIiB dealer has it. JJjiOU 1TL1VTIO aTaaTaW i 'JMaTaB U mriMiwooo. S"JM I will guarantee that my Kidney Car trill cure 00 per ent. of alt forms of kidney eomplslnt antl In ntny tnitiocei the Biost Mriout forms of Brlfht'i If tbe dlitii Is com plicated end e four ounce Till of urine. We will anstfie tt and adrlae jou free what to do. MU.NTOIC. vWHflLleVv At in erontiti. He. 1 rUI. Outd to Bisltb inel mxllfill nemee free law Arcn it . i-mia, em Dec. 31, 1&93. Twenty-one states made pig lion in 1S09. against nlns teen in 1S97 and 189S; Minnesota and Notth Catollna again entctlng the list. The total production of pig lion In ISM was 13, CO, 703 gtoss tons, against ll.77n.il4 tons In 1S9S an Ineieaso nf l.Mti.TfiU tons. The production In the second half of IS!)) was mote than a million tons greater than In the lltst half, helng fi,Jo,iC7 tons In the llrst half and 7,'lil,05i! tons In the second halt. The production of hessemer pig lion was s,.0J,77i( tons, 7.3S7.JS1 ton's In IS'li. Hasle pig lien. 99S.0J3 tolls, against 7r.,lli tons In lWt. Kplegelel seti and fe iiomanganese, L'19,7bS tons, against L'tl.Tfil tons in 1S9. Chatcoal pig lion, .'S4.7Gfi ton, agalilbt J9G.750 tons In l"'s. The stocks of pig iron which weie unsold In the hands of inanufTctuiers 01 their agents on Dee. 11, lS'i'i, amounted to 03,429 tons, against 2'11,-jn tons cm Doe. 31, 1S. The whole ntimhei of tut u,ues In hlist on Doe. 31, 1VM, was jvi, against .'40 on Ju iu ui, lv.i'i, and LOJ on Dec. .51, lb9s. Damages from Coal Dust. A new tumid' eemfronts the corpor ations of the anlhiacitc coal lcgioi The election of handsome dwelling houses In the iclnlty of the hlg coal hie.ikiis makes the companies lltihle for damages by lpastm of the fact th it the mil dust fiom the big breake.s eilsilguics and damages the costly houses. s,i) long as the coal bi cake is were .stit louncled by shanties and small houses no one bothered about 1. Home time ago. Thorn is Maloncy, a ucalthv 1 evident of Plttston, elected a mansion near a coal hieakci. In a shott time It was blackened liy the coil dust fiom the bieakcr. Mi. Maloniv In ought .suits In the ceiuiii and leuive ted damages. Slinilat suits followed. Colonel V. J. Hntvey, of Wilkes-Haiie, teioveied damages w teidiy fiom the hiseiuehann,i Coil compinv of Nantlecike. The aniount aw 111 ded was $.',100 The 1 o il comp lil ies aie becoming allium! and will ap peal to the high mutts foi tellef. Big: Conl Shipments. The gieatest da's woik on tin Heading i.iilwav slme Its advent Into the- Sihulvlclll coal legion slty eais ago was done this week in the wj 'if coal shipments riftj tialns were ""'iu out timii I'alo Alto, Hfteen fiom Sihujlklll Haven, and ten fiom Ta niaeiua, nuking a total ot scventv-lho ti ilns I'assenger tialn hands h i'l to he piessecl Into sonh,. affi tnev had finished their legtilu inns. Th" i:n inensi' stoiage jaids at I. indlngv llle, usuallv lontalnlng 111 m thousiml tons, ate- now emptj. Th tfe.nt talk of .1 still.u his ceased. Nippeis Quit Woik. A few nippeis emplojed at ihe I.Ttiee colIIei, Phniouth. of the Lehigh and AVilkes.H.n if Coal eompanv, stliieK We dnescla 11101 nlng foi higher wages. Tlie'Ii i.inksweie, Thuiselay. lelnloieed bv a like numbci ot slate pickets who had sinillai giieanees. The numbi r who tuineil out elld not cause a 'its pension of woik. At the Haltimoie mine the situation Is somewhat changed. It Is said that some of the men aie advising a leturn to woik, but that otheis aie holding out as Hi inly as evei. A conferenc" with the olllclals In a tlaj, or two is Pi obable. This and That. Aithui jMHIei, of Lebanon, seeuiel $1,000 damages tiom the Lackawanna lion and ate el company foi false ar icst. A building of the company, .it Cornwall, ne.u Leb inon, was uiuned, and he was .11 tested on a ehaiga of setting It allie. He was aeruitte d by the Jin j. The stilkes have pi cv ailed among the coal miners of the Wyo mlng Valley for the past ten nr now ended, and the talk of a genet il stilko has dlfd out for the present, at least. The minus at the Austin eollleiy, ne.u Slble. who stiuek because a non union man was put to work in a head wav, will pibably letuin to woik, the nilsundei standing between them and the opcratois hailng been satlsfae tmll adjusted, It Is said. A lllliro clntlhln fe.otf veimi ,lf,n. fn,. use mi the Lackawanna load anhed esteteHy. It is called the Russell snow plow, and Is built to sweep bo'h Hacks at the same time. It Is really a huge shovel, the edge of the shovel running within .1 few Inches of the tails. . LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE. Under this heading short letters of In terest will be published when accompa nied, for publication, by the writer's name. 'J ho Tribune eloes not assumes re uponslblllty for opinions here expressed. Taylor Hose Company. Hdltor of Tho Tribune. Sir: Mho Hem which appeared In a Sir.inton lupci last Siindav concerning tho Tailor Hose, company No. 1, put tho above' company In .1 fulsu position be foro the people id th it boiough. Ther is not the. least truth In the statement that thej old company intends to disband nor do they think ot disposing oven 0110 cent's worth of their equipment. The motto of this company Is and has alvvajs been since It was organized to Increase their flro lighting apparatus, and that Is exactly what wo intend to do in the fu ture. It was a surprise for the old company to hear that they Intended to drop out of the flro department. The people of tho borough of Tnjlor can rely on tho ToIor Hoso company No, 1, In tho future as they havo dono In tho past, as they will respond when their ser lccs aro required. Tho membets of the old company have not the least prejudice against the now organization nor Is there any unpleasant feeling against any of Its members from what source that paper obtained such Information Is a mystery! as noth ing of such a nature waa ever mentioned in any of our meetings. John Bush, Foreman, Taylor, Jan. 25, m The Geimun postoflico at Klao Chau, China, forwarded S3GSSS letters, papers and packuues during the first year of Its I existences MAYOR'S PECULIAR ANNUAL MESSAGE Concluded lrom Pago Si parlment, submitted by our energetic street commissioner, Roland Thomas. PARKS. Tho action of councils In p.islng a bond ordinance for $.,xi to bo used by tho park commissioners for Improve ments in Nay Aug park, meets with mil crsal approval. The commissioners havo ulreidy dono wonders, considering tho small approprlitlcn placed nt their ills poal. L'nthuslnstic themselves, thev have Interested manv of our spirited citi zens, who liavei effected permanent Un til ovements nt their own expense. Dr. Hverhirt and Dr. Hill have earned the listing grntlttide of our people for their enterprise In this respect. Heese, O. Urooks & Son have erected a. lasting monument to themselves In tho coal mine, which at great personal expense they have completed, und It Is now the partic ular feature of tho park. It Is utilciuo and appropriate: and Is appreciated by all. especlallv visitors from abtotd. VT1II0 Nay Aug will lemahi tho city park, the Council park must not be overlooked It, too, his Its own natural beauties. Prom no point In thu 1 Itv can such n conipie 1 enslvo view be had ot Scranton, as from tho towo'- In Connell park. It Is well worth a vllt were It only for that. Much has bwn done to beautify the ground considering the sm ill amount nntnialtv nppropilitcd Tlin e Itlzens ought to know that the original donor has dono mote leu tbe Improvement of this resort than the 1 Itv li i The arproprlitlon should he Inercised c on-lelerably. And weie the httcct Knllwnv company to run a blanch line tei the cntmie e, this beautiful South Side icsott would bo visited by thou mils. HOARD OP HHALTH. The boaid of health deserves commen dation fot their vlgllineo In endeavoring to ptisprvc the public lie ilth. The du ties of the- boiiel nt i- exacting anil veiv often tiiipliMsint. 'J he membeis devote tlelr time and glvo their service without liliy leinuner.tllon whalevci, and their efforts for tho betterment of our uil t iry conditions m.ij bo iiald to be un ci ilng, but not alwavs ttppticiit. The bo ml his aided, iu fact has en itcel u public sentiment iu tuvor of the com plrtc si we ring of the elt, b ised upon tho tnoU advance el methods nf sanitary science, and which ottr honorable bodies Ins now made possible ley passing tho general bond mdlnitue anil submitting the- s mip to a vole of the people at tho lift mtinitipil election, I'cbiuiry 10. I predict the veullit of our citizens wilt be In favor of the sLvveis I m f tho opinion that the sal irv of the heilth ofli ee ollgh to be mcll si 111 It he i ould elevoto all his time to tho work of tho bo ird Tho report of the boaid ought to bo studied bv eveiv citizen The report ot the food Inspector showing the work dono b that offlelil Is especially interesting. HL'lLDlNCr INSPECTOR'S DEPART MENT. T. II Jackson building Inspector, pie cnts .1 eiy sitlsfactory report from his dcpirtmcnt. Slnco the adoption of tho building ordinance, more or less dount bis estnl ns to Its legible either as i whole- or in put. ronsenucntlv, there was 11 disposition on the p irt of some to Ignore the law and p i no bet d to tbe Inspector. 'In properlv mid forevet settle tho mat- tei, 1 issunii vvanaiits ami nrougiii 111 too 1I1 llnipient parties and Imposed 11 medium line- The ease was appc ileel to coutt; tbe e ourts tub el In f iv or of the clt, sust lin ing the orelliiimie In everv point. Sumo time has lapsed slnre nut present ordi nance was eli awn up Theie has been much leglslitlnn nnd rulings sine e then on bullillng law. T woulil ciiniUv tee online nd a new oidili.inic be ill awn mine fullv covering the ginund than the one now In force Plumbing Inspecto' OM.lllev, whoso duties ire elosclj coll lieeted with this depot tnunt. Ins proved the neiessltv foi the eientloli of his ottb e anil his own nbllltv nnd eonselen llotisness In the performance of tho elu lle c thereof. I.KHITINC. AND WATHR. I hive nothing new to offer under this head. 'J he water question has been en tllateel ot bite and vnu are conversant Ihetevvlth 1 would leeomnieud vour hor oiable bodies, tint t ll I Is no rslsttng entrail foi tin- siniiilv I tier of electric stteet lights A lesolutlon ought to be Iiassed bv oll itdv 11 Using foi bids for lighting the cltv. All bids should state the c indie powi 1 tin v propose to furnish Have the meter sjstein applied, and If possible ge t Ihe epialltj ot light tho city conti.icts foi. SCHANTON L1HRART. '1 here Is no be tter spent motie v thin the nppinprl itlon set nslilo for tho support of our dtv v There is no Institution bcttei conducted or doing moie good In Its w av. than Is this Institution, the crown ing pilele of our cltv. I would suggest that the estimate committee hold one of their meetings in the hall of the library. 'Ihev can ge t It I am satisfied. If they should meet thcte and leallze fullv tho silent work done for our elt. tho ap propriation for the lib! ary would be- lib eral. LAW DEPARTMENT. Cpon this department rests the lespon slbllllv of gnat cling, preserving and pro moting the healthful legal actlvit of all other sub-dlvl-dons ot the city govern ment. Its linpottiinie In tho suceessul administration of the business affairs of the city cannot be ovet estimated. The management of this department Is at pie sent In able- hands, fclnce the Induc tion of the prtsent Incumbent, A. A. Vosburg, esq, 11 largo amount of Im portant legal business nffecting this city has been transacted Acting on his ad vice the allditv of the building ordi nance has been sustalnid, a matter of gicit moment to tho cltv was the con tention raised by the city solicitor that assessments for sown lug eotild be rondo legal, where liens had not been filed the Easy to Operate Because purely vegetable yet thor ough, prompt, healthful, satisfactory fbrzll'f7 &"!$ U..S,L.kA..S.L.Ul,LAcUa Pointed Paragraphs. Rocker Reed Rockers, were $3.75, 5.00, $6.50, $12.00. Now S2.7C. $2.7.;. l?U.on. Fancy Rockeis, were $3.75, iov 2.75. Bed Metal Beds, were fi7.;o. With best springs, Bureau Bureaus, white enamel , 4 uiass, were fcio.iro: now 4 'I'iiinfrTnfrfUfriiMfriftm East Mountain Lithia Water Sold by All Flrst-Class Druggists. Highly Recom mended by Physlclnns. FAMILY ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. JOSEPH Offlce M2 West Lackwann Atenie, TKLKfHONB 4732. court ruled In favor of tho city. This has saved many thousands of dollars to tho city: every case ugnlnst tho cltv Is now tried In the courts on Its mrilts. Slnco July six cases of riamago suPs havo been tried In the courts. In four ruses verdicts were rendered In favor of tho city, and only one verdict of two hun dred dollars has been rendered against nnd In this caso a rulo for a new trial Is pending. Manv opinions have been ren dered bv tho city solicitor to the various departments and wo tiro all satisfied that his opinions am his conscientious Inter pretations of the law, and not wide Iu order to suit any man or set of men. Owing to the constantly growing vol ume of business In tho law department, he modestly asks for n raise of $400 per annum, for his able assistant, D. .1. Dnvls. esq , and $300 for stel ogrnpher hire. This nt present ho pays for himself. I believe von will consider this request lor a Justi fiable raise favorably. THE CITY GOVERNMENT. The spirit with which the ellfferent heads of departments have taken hold ot their work, und tho disposition they havo mnnlfcstul. to assist e tell other has been gratlf.vlng to mo and run but result In gtcat good to the cltv's Interests. 1 wish at this time to expiess my thanks to tho members of both councils for tho support they havo extended to mo since I assumed ofTlco. Onlv bv tho harmonious action rf the lcgllatute nnd executive bianeh's of tho city govern ment inn the best results be obtained. Roth bi.inelns are eqitallv Important, nnd neither should nt auv time presume to obstruct without good cause, imv usilul in tlon to tho ilctilmetit of the public good. OUR CITY. Surelv Scrimton promlsis to enter upon a new era. of ptospeiltv. The outlook for Its futute bus never been so encouraging. Its luituuil advantages for business and Industrial ctitcrmls uto now onlv be ginning to be fullv appreel ited. A gleet rallioid center with inpld lines of 1 om nium ntlon to the senbii ird cities and 1allro.11! facilities eve r where. Our geo graphical location fot lmlmss Is being rccog!ii7ed In the 1 irge Industries now lo cated .mil about to be tstiblslitd heie. uur cltv s charming lot itlon. nestling be tween the mountains sttrrouniled bv tho most plctuiesipie scene rv: a never falling supply of tho puiist watei, and with a death rate lower than anv city on tho continent. A be eld or tiui'c wnose patri otic efforts In Inducing the loc itlon of helpful Industries and fosteilng those who havo nlreadv located, has in ido our clly famous mil has given our bond of trade a national rtput ttlctr, n population pos sessed of a hlMi older of Intelligent e: cultivated MKletv: be.euttltl homes clm ncterUcd bv the highest degtce ot com fort atal i'li g line: a public sehool svstitn iiiistn pissed, to nay nothing of our hlghei institutions of learning, Including the In ternational schools whose dlssemln itlon ot knowledge extends fo wheiever civil lz itlon 1 sts All this associated with good economical municipal government combine to m ike our city a clcslrible pi ice to live In Sin h Is the Seratiton of today, never theless, vvo find a few who, Inspired bv tmvvortln motives, Instead of ehant'pg our cltv s prilsis, never seem to tire of dlscicellting Its Institutions and govern ment, thetebv eleing their utmost to create a susplilou In the minds of strangers who contemplate making theli home nmotig us This class or defamers of our city constitute a publli nuisance Hid should be snppresseel In a legil sense. If It weie possible, as thev stand condemned b the- tlinial sense of all those who f- 1 a lust pride In nut cltv's futute welfue and piosperltv. "W It li nn evei Ineienslng elclie foi the advance me nt of our e Itv's imtetl il int. r etts mil the stead v gtowth of her i du rntlennl and moral povvei upon width our free -nstltutlons list. 1 do eirnestlv Iu closing mv tltst annual tnes igi itn plcro the blessing of Divine Piovldtmc nron .ill tint eotuein be r best and cn elurirg piospi rlt. James Molr, Major. FOR RED ROUGH FOR ITCHING PALMS HANDS. FOR PAINFUL FINGER ENDS Ove Xtonr Treatment. SoiV the hands thoroughly, on retiring, In a hot lather of CimcuitA Soap. Drj , and anoint freely w 1th CuticuiiA ointment, tho great skin cure and purest of emollients. Wear old gloves during tho night. For sore hands, itcbinn', burning palms and painful finger ends, this one night treatment is wonderful. UfflMElM Especially Mothers twmotteomprtent flUinr.ll to appreciate) the remtikible cleui.inK. puriljlng. end emollient propertlee of CiTtco Soap nd to Und new um torlt daily. Sold throughout Ihe world Poitii D line Cobi , rrope., Uoitou. " How to litre Beautiful Uendi," free. The Dickson Manufacturing Co. bcranton and Wllkes-Barr, 14, Manufacturers of LOCOMOTIVES, STATIONARY ENdlNES Boilers. Hoisting; and Pumping Machinery. General Office, Bcranton, Pa. Tha fjAMiaadcioitespcrieiiccd UiaooecoL luB DBalcomuUir you euOcr from PriTatef uikuei a. L.xcc..ei. a'rvr. t. X a I unLI, I u. u, out flpru oixin ., a'auaaei nhla. Pau. alrti a Guarantee In erfrr I arloocele & htrictttre (no cuttlog). Iit Iror k A Health rfitored I'arti ealirecd. noure:9 3L 9 bun 9 13 tlouriforloacitaodlDcaaildancrrouir dtiir to SO to 2 80 Freeh riteea cured 4 to 1 o dare r fer Swcrn ceitimoclali and Bod. All Iraula cspoaed.f IIIIIIIIIIIIHttTTMtl To PATENT Good Ideas may be secured by our aid. Address, THE PATENT RECORD, Baltimore, Md. Talk. Sj.5o,"$7.oo, $10.00. 4.00, j.t;.5o, 7.50. Talk, 10.00. 12.00. Su;.oo. now $j.7j, $7.50, $9.0, 12 Talk. or oak. Dvnl RpvpI Plta - -- , . . . ,VW i2.;o. fc AGENT, Bcranton, Pa. f i i iMfc lMSMfSIw fuUcura5oaBiffi$Wr-Tf fEaSTIjMtli 1 a, in a a 1 trail r ca.-i is04 a f T HI CorniolJvSiWallac Wash Goods Capital, enthusiasm, will. Our Wash Goods stock shows the influence of all chese. The variety is rapidly reaching its zenith. View the display from every point. Easy to prophesy your 'verdict "Perfection." your appreciation striven faithfully For witness of our efforts A texture of the finest all colors; also plain shades. Uur success with this that we have providsd a line this year double in size and even lower in Cr nrice. and this under the nresent hicrh market ennrlitirms: Our Price... l'V , j A fabric of acknowledged superiority. Iu the quality ot texture, artful color blending and fanciful woven designs these Madras Cloths easily lead all Cr cotton goods of their class. Our Price -GOV. Dimity The aim of the makers of American Dimity has been to provide an equivalent for the most saleable imported goods at a tempting reduction in cost, and the effort has been crowned with the most notable success.v A close comparison with quality and finish, as well as excellence of colorings and designs, reveals no inferiority to the same grade of work by the noted makers abroad, while the nominal price of our Domestic Dimity will secure its popularity. This Dimity is unquestionably the best fabric ever offered at the price iu the history of the Dry ry Goods business. Our Price " 72r' CONNOLLY & WALLACE, $.- THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. DEPOSITARY OF THE UNITED STATES. Capital- surplus ssoo.000 . 450.000 WM. CONNELL, President. HENRY BELIN, Jr., Vice-Pres. WILLIAM" HrPECK.'CMhie'r." Our Entire Stock of Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry and Unredeemed Pledges Are Now Sold at Auction to the Highest Bidder, as We Must Vacate the Store We Now Occupy by April 1. Davidow Bros 227 Lackawanna Ava. MOUNT PLEASANT COAL At Retail. Coal of tbe beat quality for domestic use and of all sizes. Including Uuckwiuvt and Olrdseye, delivered in any part ot the city, (t the lowest pi Ice. Orders received at tho otllce, Connell building. Iloora S06; telephono No. 176?, or at the mine, telephone No. ill, will he promptly attended to. Dealers supplied at the mine. PLEASANT COAL CO SCRANTON'S SHOPPING CENTER, Linen, with a fiuish like silk, i gj - - WW..-.. Your New Draperies. 2 I 'in m imkiiSwwt 1 1 III I iiiMil . If I ft fl-irl rm'-ai,1-aMniK1l h r- il We have the Furniture Coverings and the men who know how 1o use them. As to the price come in and see how small it will be for good work. WILLIAMS & ITANULTY, 129 WYOMING AVENUE. His Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers or OLD STOCK PILSEMER 435 to 456 N. Ninth Street, .PA telephone Call. 2J3. DR. DENSTEN 311 Spru39 St. Temple Court Building, SCRANTON, PA. All acute nnd chronic dUeanes of men, Tcuiucn and children. CIIKONIC, NKHV OILS. DHAIN AND WASTING DIBHAH I.S A Sl'KCIALTY. All of the Lhor. Klelnojf, Jil.lilder. hKlli, Hlood. Nonti. Womb. Ke, llai. Ncikc. Tlircmt. anil I.ungs, I'uncprs. Tumor, I'lle.i, Hupturc, cloltrc, Hhe-uiiiultsm, Aathm.i, faiarrh, Vurlococelc. l.nct M.inlirmil, NlKhtlv llmleulonis all Kemalo Dltc men, l.ouceirrhoca, etc. Oonorrhcu &yphlll, Hleioel TolHon. Imllncretlon and voutiiful ImbltH nblltiratrd Surgery, Klti, lepsy. Tape? nnel Stomach Worms ("A. TAHUHOSJONi:, Hptrldc for C'ntirrli. Threo months' treatment only J3 01. n 1 1 free In oleic o. Consultation nnd exami nations free. Otllce houri. dally and 8und.i, 8 a. m. to o p. m. I dr. DENSTEN We've striven fori and succeeded. in neat stripes and checks oil cloth last seasou was so great! .- -. V - - .-WW... 127 and 129 WASHINGTON AVENUB We know our new spring arrivals of Foreign and Domestic Upholstery stuffs will interest you. Come and see our novelties in Lace Curtains, Brussels, Irish Point, Nottinghams, Hahw rirjinp ripe . Vlniir Tapestry, Damask, Bagdad.' We'll make your old furni ture look like new. !iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiii Umbrellas Repaired or Recovered. I Skates mm I Sharpened I at i a a '.Ml Washington Ave. We can show you the 1900 J S Model Chainless Bicycle if you a c will call. s riiiiiei.iiuiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiic THE SIC POWDER CO. Booms 1 and2, Com'lth B'l'd'g. BCRANTON, PA. mining and Blasting POWDER UdeatMooiloand KmUlalo Worii. LAPLIN & RAND POWDOR CO, '3 ORANQE GUN POWDER Electric llatterle. Eleotrlo Rx plo Jr, ezplodlue blaita, safety Kau J Repauno Chemical Co.'s cxh'.Vu. 10 c