THE SCKANTUiN TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, JANUARY .20, l!)0l. K-F st, CARBONDALE. WSVW. PRESENTED TO E. 53. HENDRIOK. A handsomely engrossed nnd beauti fully framed tony ot the appended reno lutlons was presented to Hon. 1. E. Hendrlck ut the Columbia's nmoker: "At a meeting of the membeis of Co lumbia Hose company, No. ii, of the city of Cutbondnlc, held In their looms, December 7, 1&99, the following resolu tions wore unanimously adopted: "Whereas, The Hon. K. E. Hcndrlclc ha-? manifested his personal Interest In this oigunlz.itlon by voluntnilly eon tilbuting the sum of $210, thus enabling us to pav for out handsome hoises, therefore be It "Hesohed, That p, the mombeis of Columbia Hose company, No. C, of the city of Cnrbondale, In regular monthly meeting assembled gratefully acknowl edge tills generous gift from our es teemed fellow-townsman by a rceoided oto of thanks of the entlio luster of this company. "Renolved, That our filend and pa tton, Hon. 13. E. Hendilek, be and Is hereby elected a life member of Colum bia Hose company, No. ft, of the city of Cnrbondale. He It futther "Resolved, That these resolutions be spread at length upon the minutes by the secretin v and that n copy of the same be suitably engtossed and pre sented to Mr, Heudrlck as a testimonial of our apptrolatlon of his pi.ietlcal ic Jalel fI the welfaie of the bovst who make up the .icthe meinbushlp of Co lumbia, No. u. .T. P. Povlnn, .1. V. Hi own. P. V. Mornn, otiimitteo. ELECTRICITY FOR HOSPITAL. EmeiReney hospital, which his al vva.v.s bei n lighted with Its own Ras plant, will have eleettliltv In the near futuie. An attiaotlvo i.Ue having been quoted by the Electric Light company, the elliectois of tlie Institution decide d to abandon the old plant. The (hinge be n s.ivlng as well as an Impiovc m en t. DR. MEAKER'S CHANGE. Tor FCeml dnvs past wnikmon have been making nlteiatlons on the second floor of the building on Siletn nvonue It will be occupied bv ('. T. Meakei. M. 11, D. D. S, who lias been located over the Olobe store for the past ten ears. His new qu.utois will he admirably adapted to the doctor's lequliements. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mis K. A. Morgan, of Piuk street, entei talned jestordav Mis, Lucy M. Van Kirk and Miss Lizzie Keminerer, of Set anion, and Miss Madge Hrlnk, of Mllfoid. .T. U Nicholson has leturned from Danville, I' i Heniv Ikckci, of lliikett stteet. Is 1 ild tin with a wound sustained on the Holnvvaio and Hudson lallwav. MI" firace Jtaglev has lotuined from We it rittston. Mr. and Mis. (5. W. Evans and son, Leslie, spent yesteiday in Setanton. Mi" W. R. Foster and Mstor. Miss Cora Hciml, paid Scranton a visit yes, teidaV. Janies Mason has lcslgned his situa tion at Ii r. r L Hallo's. Having a Great Run on Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. Manager Martin, of the Plerson drug stoic, Informs us that he Is liaIng a gicat nin on Chamberliln's. Cough Remedy. He sells 11 o bottles of th.t niedcliie to one of any other kind, and it gives great satisfaction. In these dajs of la gilppe there Is nothing like Ohambci Iain's Cough Remedy to stop the imigh. heal up the soto throat and lungs and gjve icllef within a vry shoit time. The sales ,ue glowing, and all who tiy It aie pleased with Its piompt action South Chicago Dally Calumet. For sale bv all druggists. Matthews liiotheis, wholesale and re tall agents. MOOSCC. The Moosle Hose rnmpin niimbeii an i undue ting a fair In the Moos(:j Audltoi lum building, on Wonilng ave nue, 'lbe lire laddies hae had tin 'o nights of a most successful tun. E.ith exonlng the attendance has t.iNcd tho building to its fullest capacity. The building I. elaboi.itely decorated, add ing much to Its lnllllancv. and theie. aie neatly ,u ranged booths placed In a ti Lingular foim ' bedecked . 1 j fligs. The music furnished Is ten eleied by the noted Moolc otehesti.i. Tue.sda evening the diill sciuad fiom the Independent Hose eompin, of Dunnioie. was In attend nice. The y gave a cl i III pci foi manco undei the able Instiuetlon of Mi. VIctoi Huischel as captain. Welnesdav evening tii- banjo and mandolin elub of Wvoming lendered seveial veiv choice selections. Last evening Mi. William Maguli wa-. the eentl il liguie of attiactlon. pie sentlng the cake walk. Ml. Luke No lan gave a lew sections fioni his phonogtaph. Mi. Dan Donovan favored with a solo ami icsponded with ,i cmn'o solo Mi. Thomas McMillan, chief of the MooMc Hoso comiany. Is holding thkot No. IBS, which entitles the hold.-.-to the door pilz' which Is a pair uf r.ent's slippers. Tuesday evening tick et No. :tj53 won a pm trait of George fHousmorklshaidwoAwithotttGoUPust Washing Dishes To wjh dUhts Ii, half the tin.e. and do Ii well, follow this reclps! AIays use hot wucr notrm, but hot. It Is best to use mops with chlrt and etas:, and, to have a nice lather, Instead -F using soap ue Gold Dust Wishing Powder Dljeoh e a tiWeapoonful in the hot u ater and T.ieh qulcxl) i have plenty of nice, drr tocveN to wipe wlih t tuve drainer that will allow the water to rv.n off rtu dlilie Into receptacle be low, w inn you will have highly pillihed glasa and china. 1 h ihr vt U tikrn t ton tr t r bnolclel 'G0UISN RLltsrOR liOtSI'tVOM ' w&lfrwonriuttt(, .w www n rMtnvMnn wvnriui(. ui, naw vara, saataii. 1 flhl. EVERY WOMAN EoBUsianew!Brflnabla,mOBthl7,TarBUtuif madlelna. Only harmlcaud the j.ureal diugi ctould b oaad, II you rail tha bail, gel Dr. Poars Pennyroyal Pills Tliey are prompt, eafo and certain la result, "F wm Tho csnufnu (Or, Peal's) never disappoint. Bold for $1.00 per box. For Sale by JOHN Spruce strait. H. PHELPS, Washington: Wednesday evening's ticket, No. Ml ii box of toilet soap. Any persons hot ling any of the above numbered coupons can get the prteo by calling upon Mr. McMillan. The dlrectois of the Mooslc Powder company wete In Mooslc yesteiday tin! mado a general tour ot Inspection through the Powder vvoikfi lieie. The Luge dwelling which Is being erected by Contractor Davli, of Mo.j slc, for Mr. Adam resold, of Oieen vvood, at this plaee, Is rapidly noarln.; Its final touch. Mr. Fasold etpects to occupy It In a couple of weeks. Miss Grace Pettlgrew, of Olyphnnt, Is being pleasantly entertained at the home of hei iclatlves, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hops, of Wvoming ivenue. The funeial of Mrs. Hlehard Kem bler occut led yesteiday from the fam ily home at 2 o'clock. After brief ser vices at the home the icmalns vvero taken to the Presbyterian ehutcli, where the strvlces weie continued, Rev. S. young otllciatlng. After the funeial set vices were held the le miilns weie entnejed to the Mniey cemeteiy, Duryca, and consigned to the grave. Deceased was aged 40 ears, 8 months and Jl das. The pnll-bear-eis weie Mcssts. Peter S. Hamlin, Jos eph Zelgler, George Wilder, Joseph Ilollslzer, David Jones, John F. Faubs. Deceased leaves to mourn her elepart uie a loving husband and six chitdtcn. JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. Local Politics Becoming Interesting. Funeral of Frank Martin This Aftelnoon. Political mattcis In the First vvaid aie getting rjtilto Interesting unci when election day lolls mound theie pio mlses to be one of the liveliest elee -tlons In the hlstoiy of that waid. In response to a call a tltlzens' caucus was held In the ward Monday evening and a ticket placed In nomination, as stated In vestcidav's Items. Ycsttidny morning Homy Men com, who vas chaliinnn of the meeting, took the flist ti.iln to Sannton to file the papeis at the tommlssloners' ofllce. On teach ing there, however, he was sutprlsel to flnd a Citizens' tlcKOt nlre.idy 111c tl. the nominees being: Councilman, Geotgc Edmunds; school dlicctoi. A. F. A. llattcnbutg; judge, John Mason: lnspectot, Jant(S Robei ts. The death of Fiank, the little son of Ptof. and Mis. n. H. Mai tin, of Mos cow, was caused by Intlaminatlon of the bowels, and not noni dlphtheila, as enoneously stated estciday. The funeial will take place this nftoinoon. The lemalns will be biought here on the Delaware and Hudson ti.iln .u liv ing at 1.53 and will be taken to the Methodist Episcopal church, where services will be held by the pastor. Rev. J. H. Cook, interment will be made In the boiough cemetery. Colonel Boles and the dliectois of the Mooslc Powder company came up fiom Sei.inton jestcrday motnlng and made an official Inspection of the pow der mills. M. F. McDermott Ins decided not to i tin for the ofllce of cottnc llman In the Third ward and esterdav had ills name wlthdt.nvn from the CltUen'.i ticket on lile with the county com missioners. Ilev. Wilson Bentle was a lsltoi at the home of Mr. and Mis. Joseph Will eis, of West Mayfield, Tuesday. Mis. John Yates Is confined to her home on Kushbrook sticet with sick ness. "IF THE CAP FITS, wear it." If you have bolls, pimples, scrofula, salt rheum, dyspepsia, rheumatism or ca tanh, you are Just the one that should take Hood's Sarsaparllla. for this medicine cuics all these tioublcs. HOOD'S PILLS cine all liver Ills, Non-lirltatlng. TAYLOR NEWS. This Evening's Debate at Libiary Rooms Harris and Evans Nup tials Other News Notes. At the Ptlce Libiary rooms this evening a giand tieat Is In stoie for the vouns men of this town when ic debate vvlll be held on the tniieh ellscusseel qustlon: "i:eolvecl, Tint, Kimlind's War In tho Tiansvaal Is Justified." Messis H. G. Watklns and T. J. Hughes will act as England's champions, while Mossis. H. J, Cooper ancl Isaac Davis will look aftei tlu Inteicst of tho noei. An addition il ptogi amine will be lendeied. All am Invited. Emblem Division, No. 57, Sons of Teniper.uice, will celebrate their twelfth nnnlveisary this evening at Weber's link with a giand entei tain ment nnd social. The following pio gi amnio will be rencleieJ: Addiess, Chih man Ilev. II. H. H.nrls; plaiu -(election. Lydla Hoklnt, recitation. Alma Havaicl- harmonic selection, L'vnn Thomas; solo. T. DeWitt Ed-vvaid1- tieltatlon, Leal. Evans; ilu-t, Messrs Tubbs nnd Jonf; leeltntlon, Annie Phillips: solo. Olwen HowelU; iceltatlon, Thomas Ellas: solo, Arthur Morgan", piano (election, William Hcese; recitation, Maryle Evans; solo, John Evans, solo, Margin et Thomas; closing song, audit noe. Invincible tonnrandery, No j,".. Knights of Milta, v 111 meet this even ing in their rooms. Dr. William Van Buskirk, of Oly. Pharmacist, ccp. Wyoming avenue and fell C ,, .. V . - as ri, . ,t . .- wu - $$ WiS & V) tJirros Oouyhs and Ooltls urcs them quicker and -iter than any cough mi. .u'c ever made. It doeo lore. It enriches the .lood, strengthens mind ancl K).ly, gives vigor and vita! 'ty. Cough mixtures won't lo this, nor will thev cure ' ar eep-seated, stubborn coughr,. Scott's Emulsion r-, . i. ? r phnnt, was a caller on Dr. J. S. I'or teut, of Mnln "troet, yestercHy. Mi. William (5. Witklti". of New York, U vlsltlntj his brother, Kvnn O. Wtitkln'' In this place. Miss Nomla the accompllshc! ilaURh ter of Mr. nnd Mrs. William HnrrK vv.m united In marriage to Mr. Tlinmai Kvnns, n liopulnr joumr man of the 1'yne. at the lulde' home on Tnjlor sti eel, on Wtelnescliv e vonlifr. Ilo,. Ivoi Thomas pt'iUirnied the nuptial service. At the conrlutlon of the cere mony u vvcelellns; supper vras eivcd. Taylor camp, No. I0f. I'.ifi lotto or der yon of Ametlct, vvlll meet this c ve-nlnc: In their icom Toninuow evcnln.T the T, mplo of Love loelqe No. 7, Till, tvciiitcs. Will hold a Rinml eiitcitalniiitnt nnd i-inok-er In their to mm on Minn slieet. The musical prciiri.imme vvll he furnished bv the Dewl Want loelgr, No. A of Hyde l'ark. All meinbcrt aio leejuest ed. to be present. Miss Kehecca Davis of T.ivlor .tieet, was the Riirst of Mrs. Ooitfo Dorttoe. of Moscow, the fote put of the week. llleh.nd Watklns sue e ceded In cip turlnir the tenor solo pil"e at u Pitts, ton eisteddfod on Tui-mIjv ovenlni?, of which Piofi-sscii d. i:. Jones vas tho adjudlc.itoi on music. PECKVILLE. round At Roll Place near Peckvllle stote, Hdles' wtajipei. The ov ne r tan have same bv piovlnn tiroj 1 1 ty .ml pajlncr fu this ntl'.e l tt-eiiient. Kn eiulre e-f Mi. Pud Hoell. Stato ot Ohio, City of Toledo, I.ucus cvuntv. " : Prank J. I'licnev mni s mth Hint ho Is senlot partner of the til in of r. J. Cheney it Co. clcinR buslnc-. In the Cltv of To. lcelo. f'ountv unci htate nfortiilil, .mrl Unit said Ibm vvlll pav tho Mini of ON 13 HPNDRI.D DOI.l.AKS for rich and ev ery case of Catarrh that be cutid bv the U'-f! of Hill's Catarrh Cure prank j. cih:ni:y. Svorr to before me nnd fulwrlbid In my pitsrme, this (lb d ly of Diecmber. A. D. lsp A. W. OM3ASON. IPenl Notary Public Hall's Cntnrili Turo is taWn Inteinally, and nets cllicctlv on tbo bluod and mu cous surfaces of tho sjjtcm Stud fur testimonials, fice. P. J. rjll3NI3Y CO , Tiiledo, O. Sold by dllKBNts, T3e. Hall's Panilb Pills .-ic tlie best. THEATRICAL. Lyceum Theatre. "The Piide of Jennieo," James K. Haekett's newest pioductlon. which tomes to the I-veeum this cvenlnjr, Is (ssentlally a costume play. The locale Is HutiR.ii and therefoie; one may e--lH'ct a lainbow of tolois on the staije, foi the people of that land have Ioiir been note el foi theii eciulsltu tnste In color combinations and luilliant cos tume effects, in the Hnckett pioduc tlon. the costumes are decl.ued to be unusually Hue. Of tin. major eluu.u ter, Hot tha (J.UInnd, as the Pilneess M.ulo Otllle, will be especlallv scintll lant. Her costumes aie all of the 13m pite period and ellow In their pi ev ail ing color. Indeed there Is a piofuslou of ellov In all Its shades in each of them for the piincess, ns those- who read thc book vvlll letall, hnd a pen chant for this lum. in the Hist act Miss Clalland will wear a frown of ed low fabile simply made. Over this she tluows later a supeib mantle of loval hioadcloth appllqued Willi irolrt coid and purpled velvet. Two ootumes ate worn in the second act one is a quaint ildlnpr h ihlt of tan. fawn and ellow, with plctuie hat adorned with :,ellow plumes; the other a dinner noun of i Ic h ydlow mliror velvet applleiueel with silver peat Is and spanffles .,nd made over a heavy undei -sown of cream duchess,, satin. A heael cliess of peails nnd feathets complete this The costume for the thlid nnd louith acts is n golden hi own velvet ildlng hibit, trimmed In vellow bio cade and a larse plctuie hat. the litter belntr tilmmed with brown and vellow plumes. TWO NOISY NATIONS. The United States and China Have One Thing in Common. Prom the New York Mall ancl i:press. It seem. MrniiKe that two nations so antipodal in the matter of Ideals as the United .States and China should shaie the distinction of being cieat noise-Iovlnfr people. Yet it Is a fact that the two countiies consume nearly all the fltcciackcifl cnth ear manu faetuied by the when and Uilldien of tho Chinese cracker mei chants. Unjr land annually buj.s n small (juautlty of the explosives. Other countiies take only Infinitesimal amounts. He(e in Amu Ira the ilucinekir Is tne .small bov'j, lepltliuulo medium for epiessiiir his patilotlc appioval of a meat na tional evem Ills eutliuslasiii expends Itself In a elav, and coiiseeiuentlv tho nolfae of (otiutifssc numiu'is of csplod IriK lasts but a Phoit time. Not so In tho Otlent. Theie the inn of ilrectackeis l.s jiot limited by nuo or position. Tlult use Id unlvei.ul nnd has been as far buck as hlstoiy )0 coids n S hupi;. thnt , Ul0 )egn. nlnrr they weie eniplojed to filftlifn away evil 3pliits. Hut as the countrv partially emerfred iiom Its dense is", norancn ancl shook off a j,vt u its lend of oupeuitltlons, (he e'iaeJ:er hi -came an esptesslnn if ooil vlll and of eeiemonlous compliment. N'ow tho explodlns of tliccrncK'is Is Hs rnieh of an Incident at vv milling festivities in China as tho throw lug of ilco or old shoes Is heie. Not only Is tho mar riage feast enlivened by tho tiarUor, but births and funerals and festivals, lellglous, civil nnd nilllluy ceiernon hs brlnp the ui acker Into pin v. Also they aro used at New Year to salutes pel sons ubout to mike a Journey, and, In fact, on all occasions out of the en dlnary routine. io.4l WHITNEY'S WEEKLY BUDGET OF NEWS ADVENTURES OF SUSQUEHAN NA HUNTEHS IN PIKE. News of Interest in the Railroad Circles Susquehanna County Edi tor Moves His, Goods nnd Cbattels. The Tendtn -hearted Hunters of Burnwood Personal Point3 Vic turestiue Politics. lo the Setanton Tribune. .Susquehanna, Jan. 25. Haton and Peters, two Susquehanna county hunt eis, a few thus since went over Into Pike county In search of name. After barrKliiE a lot of rabbits one day thev sat down on a Ior to rest nnd cat their luncheon. While slttltiR there, their doff suddenly bettan to bristle up and Rrovvl. The huntets looked about them, to see whnt had attracted the atten tion of the doers, nnd were staitled to see a bear sitting on Its haunches on a nine mound not more than thirty paces distant. It was oveinir. the two huntets Impudently, but manifested no hostile Intention. It was only when the dog snapped and snailed loudu than usual Hint the bear showed any evidence of annoyance. Katon was for making for some other part of the woods at once, nnd leavlnK the bear in peaceful possession; but Poteis, after lreoveilntr fiom Hio ptntt tlm dlscov ety of the bear hid Riven him, was In clined to lescnt the Intiuslon, and ex pressed his Intention to shoot the In ti ticlcr. "lie's near pnoutrh for mo lo vvlncr. him with the shot we ate uslnir. If thev nrc small," s.ild Peters. "He'll run, anvhow, as soon as he he.ns the gun. Hears aro tenlblc tow aids" Peteis ptepaicd to phe the hear a silute, not withstanding the protest of his com panion. .Seeing that Peteis was about to lire, 13iton bciran to plik out .i favorite line of "Hold on," said Peters, "I'll Rive him a load In his nose, and then Just watch him run. The bear bad not moved, and the dead ly Intent of the confident hunter had not affected its amiable mannei in tho least. "Now watch him inn," said Peteis, pulling up and blazing away at the b-.u'h nose. And the bear did nin. Hut not the way Peters c ileiil.ited on. Ho inn eliicetlv tow .ml the hunteis. They both dropped their guns, and It was the woik of but a few seconds for 'Peteis to shin up one lice, and for 13aton to find the bmnehes of another. The bear made dliectly lor Peters' ttee and got undei It Just as the mistaken hunter t cached the lower blanch and was pulling himself up In It. The blanch biol.e. Peteis fell ten feet and sti nek with his bick across the back of the beai. Pettis weighs ISO pounds, and that weight, falling from such a height on the bear, knocked It flat on the ground. The bear had not expected an attack of that scut, and without waiting to piv any attention to the hunter. It crawled out fiom under him and huriled away Into the woods ns fast as it could. Peteis was not ln Juied bv the fall. The hunters returned home tho next day. IN HAILUOAD CIRCL13H. There Is no bank In Hallstead-Gicat Rend, and the Lackawanna lallroal emnloves down theie aie not in love with the new scheme of being paid by check. The Hrle tried it biielly. The I3rle Is having a splendid run of fi eight, and It hasn't a locomotive too many. A ecu jis of i alb oiel suivevots have of lite been woiklng between the Jcffei son bianch of the Krle, and thej hive concluded their labois without maklnir a vviitten lepoit to the geneial public. William J. Muiphy, a Susquehanna boy, and a foimei geneial supei Intend cut of the Kile, Is now one of the most prominent lallioad odlclals In the south'. At piesent he Is acting piesl dent of the Queen and Ciescent load. llH WAS MOVING. A Susquehanna countv editor, win was not supposed to be ileh, built him self a modest tottage. The nelghbois wue all liueiested, and mutually mad fieqiient Inqulile" as to how the build ing was progiessln-j. The editor finally Hied of be lug asked whethei the pl.istei was diy et, whethei he expected to move In this week, etc, As he c Piessed it, lie could not appear on the stieet without somebody bundling, "How's tho home getting along'.'" One day he was quite out of patience, and then a subscilber asked, "Wei', Mr. , have jou moved Into jour new home yet?" "We began this morning," answeied tlie editoi, "I cairied over a chilli ancl a salt-cellai, and left the dog In the yan." "Well, well," said the iiibscilln'r. "mnv Inc Is bad business I'm glad you've got so neai through with It," FLOTSAM AND Jl'TSAM. The Honesdale Independent hopes the Wayne county Republicans will, this jcir, endoii' the candidacy of Homer Gieene foi cougiess, Ah-um! Clirrnce R Tltswoith his assume I the business mnnni;em' nt ot the Sus quehanna l.edgei-Ti.mscilpt. Honesdale, one of the pettiest towns In Peiinsjlvanl.i, . earns foi a summer hotel. Sen itor Piatt has Introduced a bill for the relief of alcoholic suffeiett.. If all of the Jiiftcrois from alcohol ,iie financially lelleved, the national in will become bnukiupt. Somehow the Jliltlsh-Boei war In Afilca overshadows the groat water wat In Carbondale TIJNDi:R-iUAKTi:i Clirlf Steve's and a Geimun ruined Heck weie. a few ila ago, bunting neai Burnwood and treed a wild cat In a hemlock ties not far fiom Ste ers' home. The tat climbed neaily to the 'top of the tiee which win viy tall. The hunters had but one gun lio twecen thr-iii, ind St"vrs v.ds to shoot. He levelled hi' piece, took aim, and then waited an If taking a moio fateful slcht. Heck vvnlt'vl anxloudy foi hip com panion to lire Out of patience, he at length, exclaimed: "Why don't oi shoot " Steveis, who Is a veiy kind-hearted man. deliberately low ei eel bis gun and mid: "1 can't beti to gee tho poor thing fall ho f.u'" "Ain't jou a soft one!" exclaimed tho Geiman. "Glf nu de gun del I rt iis Helilllty and It Cumpll. ?AI 1 IMtilMia, blldl OH MCllLlIM rV'l BIL auxiU),bolciisnci, decline curcil leicvtr by our exclu. slvo tnatinent, vvhleh viejoid Io j on upproxal If not a ii"ro, return it at our ex. Ik iixi unci I'uy Notlilnc, lull nrcount ronllcd icukeTi BRIE MEDIOAL CO.", BUFFALO, N.Y. II The People's A POPULAR CLEARING HOUSi: for tho neiufU o! AM Wlw Have Houses to Kent, Ucul 1'stutc or Other Property to Sell or Exchange, or Who Want Situation or Help Theiu Snioll AUveftlsements Coat Oiu Cent a Word, Six Insertion for Five Cents a Word L.vccp. SlttmtiorH WuntoJ, Which Arj In. sert'ed Free. FOR RENT wi:stminsti:h hoti:i, ron ih:nt April 1. 1'miulia John Jeimu, II J Wjomlng avenue. Poll HKN'T - PROM APilttj 1, ltOO, store No 221 Lackawanna avenue, oc cupied bv l.uckavvannu Hardware. Cu. Ituitilro of J. II. minster. TO riPNT-PltOM TI1K PIltST DP May to tho tlrst of October, furnlshdl house JelTerson avenue. Adelrc, A. I. M., Tribune. dophli: STonn pon nnNT-APiut. 1st, three-story building. 117 Penn avenue. John Jermyn, 11J Wyoming nvenue. ron nr.NT - Arnn, iar, story brlik building, t'HIT street. In quire John Jermvn, 119 Wyoming avenue. FOR SALE POn SAMJ-A GOOD LIGHT COUPD IN good order: suitable for a physlelnn. rileo. Undertaker, Botith Mnln avenue. POIl 8AI,i:-A SALOON. LOCATDD ON Lackawanna avenue; a good oppor tunity for anv person who wishes to embark In this lino of business. In quire William Crnlg, 1. ltoblnson Sons' blew cry. ron SALi-.iinvi'LitY and npavs store; a bngnlii. Address llustlei, Tribune. WANTED-TO RENT. wvOTnnrrriH suit- able for gentlimnn and wife: cential ly located. Aclelress, X, Y, C, Tribune. FURNISHED ROOMS. WANTED TWO NICLLY PtinNISIIUD rooms with board, rcntially located. Address ' Tilbuno cilice. BOARDING. COAllDING E23 PIND STnEET. HELP WANTED-MALE. IlI'LlAULi; MAN WITH Sl.Oiio ANn s i vices, secures salaried position and lntetest; established cash pajlug busl ness: lnvestlgntlcn solicited. Parties meaning business call on oi address L. J. Uurtls, Itoom 2.', To Montgunierj stieet, Jersey citj, N. J. i:ni:p.outic salesman countp.y vvotk. School supplies. Salat y $10) and etras. H O. Evans &. Co , Chi cago, III. WANTDD-P.Y AN ESTABLISHED business nf a high older, n represent i tlvo of ability nd hirUng who can take up Its work In the state of Pennsv Ivanla; no scheme; permanent business with money In It for tho right party. Addre '. giving references FOUNTAIN PATH liUUSH CO . Grand n.iplds. Mich HELP WANTED-FEMALE. LADIES TO DISTRIBUTE PREE SAM- pies In city. fall ut 320 WushliiR- ton av enue. from 8 10 to 10 JO a. m. today. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY MANl'PA vestorb and promoters should notice this list of inventions, fur salo at rea sonable figures; Van Namee's Pramlng Square. Bircus' Water Hold Hick Fast ener, Allen's Plow Attachment for Regu lating Depth of Pin rows, Macv's Ro id Grader. Otto's Improvement In Invalid Beds, Hubbard's P irlor Grate for nett ing bv Hot Water. Bite's Tln-i'l id Shingle Roof, Rosonkianz's Combination Rule. Other valuable patents fni Mle. Pel nils di siting to piuebise In nuv p ti tle ular line should state requite mt nt'i. We aid Inventore lo Kit capital, ami as sist caplt ilists to llnd niciiloilous inven tions. We have clients seeking p irtners to furnish mouev viltb vhlch to patent their Ideas: IlKifl Is infeted for an In vention. Address Tho Patent Reeonl, Biltlmciie, Md. $00 TO $10O WITH SERVICE, TO IV vest in nnv legitimate business that will beir Investigation. Address L' , Tub uic ofllce. LOST. J.OST-TI'ESDAY.'c'aSE CON PAINING gold llninnd spcctai les Rewaiei If retutiied to !iuD Monroe avenue REWARD. TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS REWARD will bo paid for the earliest, n lliblu and most complete Information, regarding tho acrcement in ide between the Anthr.i elto Mlnlt g Cnmp niv and the miners In the Wvemlng and Lack iwnnni Vallevs, as to tbo pileo to bo paid for powder. It Is nlleKid th it this imieemint v is made when wages weie adjusted in 1ST2 or 17! If possible glvs names and addresses of the p n ties who iepreenled the mb.ets at that time Antbraelle Alllanee, cine John f". Hnddcck. No 1 Broadway, New York . CITY SCAVENGER A B BRIGGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS and eefs pools; no odor. Improved pumps used. A. B BRIGGS, Proprietor. Leave orders 1100 North Main avenue. or Elcke's drug store, corner Adams ancl Mulberiy. Telephone 9310. DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING TOR CHILDREN TO ordpr; also Indies' waists. Louisa Shoemnhtr, Hi Adams avenue. SCALP TREATMENT. MRS.To T?"lC El'XHnTAdTjTEATV ment, 00c: shampooing, 50c; facial maire, manicuring, 2ic. ; chiropody, 701 Qulncy. NEWSPAPERS THE WILKE3-BARRE RECORD CAN be had In Scranton at the news stands of Relsman Broi . 405 Spruce and 503 Lin den; M Norton T2.' Lackawanna avenue; I. 8. Bchutzer. 211 Spruco street. LEGAL. THE ANNUAL MEETING 'op THE stocUboldeis in tin Ltckavvaui t Trust und Kilo Deposit Company tor tho election of dlieetens to seivo fur tho en suing lar will be held at tho olllee of the Company, 401 Lackawanna avenue, He i anion, Pu.. nn Menelav. Pebruaiv, C. lijii. between tho hours of tbicc and four o'clock P. in SHEPHERD AYARS, Vice President shoots him If he falls mlt do giounl till ti t'ous.ind feet." lie selnd tlvj gun. and tho wild cat soon came tum bling down. The Republicans have nominated Ellas H. Eauett for binges. Gasoline lamps aie being quite ex tensively introduced In Susquehanna county. RUBY LIPS And a clear completion, the pi Ide of woman Have jou lost these charms tluouiili Torpid Liver, I'oustliia tlon, Biliousness, or Nervousness? Ur. Agnev.'s Liver Pills will restore- them to ou-10 Little "Rubles" In a vlil-10 cents Act llko a charm. Never urine. Por sulo by Matthews Bios, and V. T. Clark,-. Exchange. SITUATIONS WANTED SITUATION WAT,rE5A'YoTN'G mm to do dtlvlng, ur farm band, aire 20. and willing lo work, Address Charlev M. Cnrv, No. 4 Jones block, III tear of 1711 Price street. Answet at once. DRUGS - SITUATION WANTED BY voting man with three vcirs' opeil ence In drug store. Diiirs, 1714 Wajno avenue, City. YOUNG GlitLT AGE 15. EXCELLENT soprano voice, pare tits pom, would like to have some training free, set vices In return: rcfctetiees. Addrcrs, J. M . Tribune ofllc e. WANTED-SITUATION BY EXPERt enccd ind competent Rill doing gen rnl housewotk hi private family. Geml cook and laundress. lUfeunces. D. J., care Tilbunc. WANTED-SITUATION AS COACI1- mnr bv an Englishman: tan lurnlsh best of lefercnces. Address Coaehm in. 81TUATION WANTlD-BY A YOUNG man stenographei, Imokkecpt r or tvpevvrlter, experienced. Address "Tjpe writer," Tribune. bnEffsMAKER, .11.' PIIANKLIN AVE ntie, wishes fi w moro customers, or will go om by Hit chiv. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG man IS jc.irs of nge, In utile cut wholi sde lieiisc, or any kind of woik: inpll petimin, oubk and ncciirate at llguies, understands I oukkceplng: l st of nin eiiees. Addiess lie my Buil.e, ? i Penn avenue. PROFESSIONAL. ACCOUNTANT AND fUOITOft. E r. SPAULDING. : building. TRADERS' PANIC ARCHITECTS EDWARD II DAVIS. ARCHITECT, Conncll building, Scranton, LEWIS HANCOCK. JR, ARCHITECT. 43u Spruco st., cji. Wnsh nv., Scranton. FREDERICK L BROWN, ARCHITECT. Prleo building, 12G Washington avenue, Sciuntun. DANCING. PROP? ST. M KOVACHY AND DAUG1I lers. Dinclng Tenebers Strlctlv ptl vate '"( ns my time ut lesldcnce, O.'J Qulncy avei.iif. DR. I. O LYMAN, 5-CRANTON PP.I vato, cor. W liming and Mul berry. DR. II. P. REYNOLDS. OPP. P O. DR C. C. LAUBACH, It" Wjomlng nn. WELCOME C. SNOVER. Coil Ech inpo 2nd floor. Room D, Hours, 'i to 1, 2 to 5 MOTELS 1NO RESTAURANTS THE ELK CAKE, 12", AND 127 PRANK lln avenue. Rat cm icnsnuable. p. ZEIGLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D. L ,t W. pisscnKcr depot. Comlui ted on thf Ea ropean plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop LfWYEf, RICHARD J. BOURKE. ATTORNEY- at-Law, 100-2 Lackawnnna avenue Gen eral law business, collections and loans J. W. BROWNING, ATTORNEY AND Counsellor-at-Lavv. Rooms 312-ilJ M.ais building. D B REPLOGLE, ATTORNEY-LOANS in gotl ited on teal t'tato sectnitv. Meirs bullillng, eoiuei WashiiiKtun avenue and SpiUPi1 street. M ,T. DONAHOE. A1 TORNEY-A'l- Liw Olllces, C12-rr. Me us building. PRANK E POYI.E, ATTORNEY AND Cotinselloi-nt-I. iw. Buir building, Rooms 11 and II, Washington avenue. WILLARD. WARREN .t KVAPP, AT torncjs und Cotinn llors nt-I. ivv. Re public building, Washington avenue JESSUP .V .TrPSUP ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors - at - Law, Commonwealth building; rooms 1, 2o nnd 21, JAMES W OAKTORD AT I'ORNEY-AT-I.iw Rooms Bll, rii and S10 Board of Trado building. EDWARD W THAYER ATTORNEY. Roems invil! nth floor Meats building. L A WATRE5 ATTORNEY-AT-1 AW. T02 Hoard of Tinde bulldlnr. Scianlon, I'.t. C R PITCHER, ATTORNCY-AT-LAW. Commonweilth building Scr niton. Pa. PATTERSON X WILCOX, TRADERS' National Bink building. C COMEGYS. 0-11 REPUBLIC A N building A W. P.ERTIIOI.P. ATTORN P. Y, Meirs building PHVs''5'i''5 llO '"T-O's; DR. W. E AT LEN. Bl", NORTH WASlT Ington avenue DR S W L'AMORHAUV OUPICE "" Wnshlncton nverue. Residence ms Mulbenv. riironle dlseips, limes, heart, kldnevs and renlto-utlnarv or gins a speclillv. Hours 1 to 1 p' m "unni. SCHOOL OP THE LACKA WANNA. Scranton, Pa. Coutsos pupuatotv to college, law. medicine or business. Opens Sept. Uth Sond fir c italouue. Ri v. Thomas M. Pnnn IL D princi pal rind proprietor; W. E Plumley. A M , headmaster srros O R. CLARK CO . SEEDMEN AND Nurservmen: store 110 Washington nve me; green bouse. J io North Main ave nue; store telephone, 7S2. WIR? SCRnZNS jos. kuettel"rear mT LACKA wanni avenue, Pcnnton, l'.i , minufac tutei of Wire Screens Mscct.t.,i'"'y3 BAUrtVS ORCHESTRA-MUSIC-I'Oll bills, plci.le.-, pit lies receptions, wed dines nnd conceit work furnished Tor terms nildiess R. J Bluer, conducto-. 117 Wvemlng avenue, over Hlllbcrts' music stoic MEGARGEE BROTHERS. PRINTERS' sippllf illM'lepcs Paper bigs, tvlne, Wnrehoupe 110 Washington avenue, Sciantnn. Pa. RA I LROA D TIME TABLES Central KnUro.i I o' New o-:r Stations In New Yolk Foot of Liberty iiiuei, N 11.. and South Feiij, Whitehall i treet. Anthiactto foul used CNcluslvel, insur lug tleiinllness nd romfoit TIME TABLE IN EFFECT NOV V IW Trains leave I'siuntoi' lot New York, Nivviii'n. Kllalxlh, i'hlladelpbl i, Huston lie tide hem,, Muuch Chunk and Wblto lluveu. at n) a in ; cpiiss, jo, cMUiss. 4 0) p. m Miudivs. 2 11 p in. For Plttston und WIIUes-Bane, SCO n in . 1 i. 4 oo p m. Suniiav s, 2 15 p, m For Baltimore and Washington, und points South and West Via Bethlehem, gin a. in. 1 '-'') P ui. HundajH, si; p ,,i For Long Uramlj, Ocean Grove, etc, m S 'uO u, m. nnd 1 2) p m. Fur Reading, l.ibannu and Hurlsbtirg, via AUintown. S 20 a. in., 1 20 p m. aim davs, 2 15 P. m. For Pottsvllle, s &) a m. 120 p m. ThroiiKh tickets to all points cast, south ancl west nt lowest rate at tbo station. J. H. OLHAUSEN, Gen. Slipl,, JI. P. BALDWIN, Gen. Pass. Act. RAILROADTIME TABLES. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Schedule in Effect November 19, 180D. Trains leave Scrnnton: 0.45 n. m week days, for Sunbury, Hnrrlaburg, Philadelphia, Baltl more, Washington, nnd for Pitts burg nnd the West, 0.39 a. in., week days, for Hazleton, Pottsvllle, Rending, Norrlstown, nnd Philadelphia; nnd for Bun bury, Hnnlsburrr, Philadelphia, Bnltiniore,WnshlnRton nnd PittB burp nnd the West, 2.18 p. m., week dnys (Sundays 1.58 p. m.), for Sunbury, Harrlsburg, Philndclphin, Baltimore, Wash inpton anil Pittsburg nnd the West. 4.27 p. m.. week dnys, for Sunbury, Hnrrisburg, Philadelphia nnd Pittsbuip. T. It. WOOD. Gen. Tags. Agt m J. B. HUTCHINSON, Gen. Mgr. Del.. Lnckit, uiii Western. .,, I" Effect Dec. 17, 1899. -. ., '!IT'I-Iaavo Scranton for Now York ...... .. , ,,. m. inr riniadclplila nt , i' i'l!!'1 00"' n' m : 12 nd 3 33 p. m. n Mro,l'durg at G lo p. m. Milk and Accommodation nt 140 p. m Arrive at ioboken at CM 7 IS, 1UC a. m.: 12 OS. 2 47, .1 ii'i' "'", P3S !' m- Arrive at Phlla- ami Intrrmediato stations at 1210, 2 50. jo and y oo n. m ; 1 61 and C r.O p m. For Jswrgn nnd Svr.iruso at 101 a. m. and 'ii P. in. For mien at 2 50 a. m. and ' -; P. m. For Montrose at 000 a. m.; .". L' '" n'l ''SO p. in For Nicholson at 4 00 nnd 0 n n m. Arrive in Scranton , "i ,n'"lnlo nt 2 10, 2 m. B 2S und 10 00 u. Ill ; ,. !) nnd 7 10 ,i m t', nm rtou ecrn nllrl 10 1 1. II'. Bf.OO.MSBunc, DIVISION - Leavo Scnnton fni Northumbeiland at fi 30, 10 01 a. in.: 1 H", und 010 p. in. For Pl mouth at 1 o., ,1 10 and S -.0 p. m. For Nuntlcokn at s 10 n, m. An he nt Northumberland ot o 1 a. m ; l.ln. r OS and 0 30 p. m. Ar r vo Nantlcnlu- at 0 20 n, in. Arrlvo at I lv mouth nt ra, 1 lo and 9 4", p m Ai rlvo at Sciantnn fiom Northumberland a t oi.' a. m ; .',. iv, and 8 Do p in. Jiom Nmtlcoko at 1100 n. m From Plj mouth nt 7 r.7 n. in ; 121 and fi 0"i p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS SOUTH-Loivo Scranton nt Up, 30). 5 "o, 10 in u. m. ; .! "1 and 2.40 p m. NORTII-Lein S( on at 12 10, 2 5), 1.0". p in ; l i; nnd r. ri0 p m HI.OOMSIIURG DIVISION Leave Seiatiton nt ion" n. m nnd fi 10 p. m. Dclnvv.iro an. I Hudson. On Nov. IMh. 1S9D, trains vvlll leave Scnnton as follow k: For C'.iilioiid.ile-fi20, 713. 8 7.3, 10.13 a. m ; 12 noon; 121, 2 20, ?,Z2, D23, 6 23, 7 57, 9 1". 11 ( p m ; a. m. For Alb my, Saratoga, Montreal, llos ton, New Euglind points, etc. 6 20 a. m. ; 2 L0 p. m For Honesdnle C20, 10 13 a. m.; 2 20, 5 23 P m. For WllUes-ltirre C 4". 7 IS. 8 41. 9 31?, 10 4J u. Ill ; 12 01 12 2 18, 3JJ, 4 27, b.10, 7 4. in II, 11 10 p m For New York, Philadelphia, etc., via Lehigh Valley R illtoad-fi 4". p. m ; 12 03, 2 18, 4 27 p in : with Rlack Diamond Ex press, 11 10 p m For Pennsvlvnnla Rillroad polntu, 6 13, 9 IS n. m ; 2 IS, I 27 p. m For western points, via Lehigh Vallev Riillrond-T.IS a. m : 12 01. ."Il, with Black Diamond Epress, 10 41, ll.M p. in. Ti.iln-i will arrive In Scranton as fol lows: From Carbnnd ile and tho North 6 40, 7 41 R'!S, T!4. 10 "S, 11 '.S a. m ; 1 2J, 2.13. 2 2. 12! 7 II. 10 'S, 11.27 p. m From Willie H-U.irre und the South fi 1",. 7 IS, 8 IS, im 11 f, n m ; LIS. 2.14. 3 43, 5 20, 0 21, 7M no" 10 0" p m : 1.13 a. m. SUNDAY TRAINS Foi r.irbond lie 9 03, 1UJ p. m.; 2 21, 1 r.' 3 I", n '! p m For WllUes.Rane-0 3S, 1203 a. m.: 135, .! 2- 3 11. 7 IS p m. For Albinv, S irntnga, Montreal, llos ton, Ne w England points, etc., 2 23 p in. Lowest rates to all points In United SI i'm ,md Ciniil I. .1 Y. HURDIUK. G. P. A., Alb my. N. Y. H. W. CROSS, D P. A , Setanton, Pa. Lshleh V-Miv KallroaJ. In Effect Nov 11th, 1S11 TRAINS LEAVE H'llAMO.V, Foi Phllidelphli and New York, via D. ,i: If R It at i15 a m and 12 01. 2 IS. 4 27 (III u k Diamond Express), und n.iu p m Sundijs, 1). & II. II. 11., l.CS, 7.1 For White Haven, Hazleton and prln clp. I points in tbo real n glons, Ki D. .VII R It . 0 I". '-' IS und 1 27 p. 111. For lVUsvilli fi 13. 2 is p. in For P.i thlchem, E istcn. Reading. Hai-il-diiilg and pilnclpil liiteriuedlilo Htn tlnis, vliD All R. R . 0 13 n. m ; 12 0!, " is 4 27 (111 ick Dlimond Express), 11 J), bmid.ivs. D -H R. R . 1 r.s. 7 4S p. m For Tunl.b iniinck, Tovvanda, Hlmiri, llbica. Gem vi and prlnclpil Intermedl iite ftatlons, v 1 1 D . L &. W. It. R., SOS a m.. 1 r,) and '1 '3 p. m For Gcnev i. Roenester, RutTnlo, Nlag iii i Falls, Chicago, nnd all points west, vli D. .v. H. II It., lid. 133 (Illack DI i mnud Enres,i. 7 is, 10 11. 11 ',0 p. m. Sundiss, D ,"e II. R. R. 1-' 03 p m , 7 IS Pullman pallor nnd sleeping or Lehigh Vnlb y puloi cm cm all tinlns between WIlKi s-ll mo and New York, Phlladcl nbl i. Huffalo and Suspension Hrldge. ROLLIN H. WILRUR. Gen. Supt., 2S CottlauiU t-tieit. New York. CHARLES S LEE. Gen. Pass Agt , 23 Coitlindt i-tteit, New Yolk. A W. NONNEMACI1ER, Dlv. Tass. Agt., South Hetblehrm, Pa. I'm tickets and Pullman reservation npply roo Lickavvanna ave , Scranton, Pa. 1'rie anJ Wyoming Valley. Time Table In Enect Sept. Uth. 1SH. Tialns le iv o Scranton for New York, Newburgb and lulu mediate points oi Frle lallrnul, ulsn for Han ley and local points nt 7 03 a. m. and 2 2S p. in. Returning trains arrive at Scranton at 10 21 a m. and .! Ifi and 9 10 p m. .St'U.tM'I'M UIVI!SIO.. In lllfrc-l Ui't. 85tlit lfsBO. North llouiid. Nuuth nound, co",'"" ''l JL,UI' a. m.; too. .X48, uoo ana JP m. Arrive from New York at U 05. -'j and 4 00 a. m ; 100, 1 C2, C .i.1 and 8 43 m,,1.rom Stioudshurg at 8 0Ji a m. .MJin ll-.riiM.. an . .,,.... fnM tii.ff.ii .;. . ic-usij ut i'j,-, n. m.: ii s anils so p m. '"i1" fer"'"se at 7 10 p in. l'lom Utlc.i nt -I, ii. m : 12 IS and SIM p. m. From Nicholson at 7',o a, m. nnd COO p. m. I rom Montros,. nt 1000 a. m.: 320 and t. . nnl (SHIP 205 '.'OI I t 1 9 'i M S m Stations J W A . It tOISQl ;3U IP H I t f. W IS to 8 a a- m Arrive J eave i ui 72V.N Y. I'ranklln ht .... 740 . T 10 Wet 4.'uet street .... ;iu ., .17 00 WceliawKcu .... 810.. i ii i mai rive i cave a ir ur 10 15, 10 4li: l 11, 1 ii'i Ufb L'41. K40 l.'-'i, l.'ll1 12CU 11'! 11 4U 11 il 1 adoi SiS, 10 llancnek Starlight, li estun part Uluwowl l'o nle Ho orHun I'l '(iant Mt. L'ulundalo rorc8tLlt t'aibrirnio bito 111 icie -Mujllcld .Ii nn) 11 AiclitbnM Intern l'eekvlllo (Jlj pliant Printing Tliroop I'rov tele nco 1'arl: rmce A U 4 35 10 31 10 21 c vi 4 4fi 10 IS ti !J1 a 41 4 58 Ki 5 14 K )1 101)1 sss' 9 13 I 0 3C S?0 3 09 t?4 a IV, t 41 a ml R ui Jo 9 11 1'07 firo, lllJll 112M II H 11 13 II 111 11(171 110" II 111 11(1), fia-71 ifi as, r, da 13 43 6 01 JHH hill hit, Hie jj S4J1 Kl-i S15 6 I .' 6E0, A 111 3 43 Ii 03 3 51 6 09 3 i4 6 U UM )6 44)1 6 Jt 4 01 6 21 4 10 6 VT 1 II1 A 4i f4 17 6 39 10 55 bcianton ,U m Leave 4 ., 6 So r lit u Anlvo t, Sunday onlv ' f blgnltlea that trains stop on alznal for eis. KiigeiB. r 'I inliis Jitt and vog Sunday only, other tilni dallj 1 ccpt Siiiiday. iuiui ncuru i.itp via ontailo a Weitern MMor purwuslng tickets and save money T .iJioiuliNXmrncroulTetMwjw Md fntTre- cllnlng chair car New ork to Chlcjgo wHkout clause. I'libarngrr HKlra Hcduc ( ' J. C.'AndcrMD, Gen, FtM Art. T.rilteroit, 1)IT. fui, AtC.einiSa,tSr '1