THESCRANTON TRIBUJNE- MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 1900. 7) 'MUimM'S INHALER CURES CATARRH Colds, Coughs Hay Fever, Bron chitis, Asthma and all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. Clouds of Mcillditnt Vnpor nr Inhllod through tho tnoulh nnd i-mltte-d from tin- not trlls, clrnnidne nnl mpnrlrliiff all tho Inflame! miit illsiwil iarl which mnnot bo rcaebi-d I'j medicine trkia Into the stunuch. It reaches tlif mm spot It heat the rate ptrvvslt nri tathc fat nftttieaii'It net ai a balm vmi tun -1" tl,c uhr,lc ftittiDifl.nOat uriiralnfiori")'' l 'it ntt. JM'i Arch fit,, J'Mta. JARBONDALE POLITICAL SITUATION. Tho political situation Is (latt be coming nunc complicated. Tho latest .citizens' ticket Is In the Fointh waul, where' A. V, Conk, for pour dliector, and r.itilck Mellon ild and M. Muiphy, for common i oiincll, mo luiiticd. Tho1?. Uojhin may bo peisuaded to urn Indc pentiy for nchool dliector. T. M. Noai on, who was turned down by the ll'in-oc-tatlu convenllon. will put up u fight for bolcct council In the Thlid waul. The Deninetats conuileted theli ticket by naming Thomas Haiictt for .elect council In the Thst waul, iiheio his opponent will be (5. F. Sivlgert. V. It. Masters will use the municipal water argument to win votes with which to defeat W. W. Fletcher for select council In the Fifth ward. Add Ins to theso the candidacy of Prof. Itocketibeny for school director In tho upper wards and we have combina tions which ought to produce a very interesting election. TWO FIRES. Saturday evening shoitly after 8 o'clock considerable excitement w.13 caused on Mala street by a brilliant blaze on the fiont of the Uurr build ing. It was euised by an arc light wire. Tho lire was extinguished by n bucket of water after tho wlie had been, cut by Lineman Myers. Tho awning and wood woik were burned considerably. At l.uO In the afternoon an alarm was mug In fiom bo No. 4fi. The fire was confined to the house, occu pied by Thomas Finnegan, near the "Lookout." The blaze was put out before the companies arrived ani little damage was done. ANOTHER CATHOLIC CHURCH. The Italians of this city have pur chased the plot of gtound at the old Norton pump houe, paying $1,000. A Catholic ehuuh will be erected at once to be known as Our Lady of Mount Cnimel church. Tho Italian colony of this ilty is assuming laige pioportlons and is miking lent likable progress along business, political, educational and religious llnet. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. H. F. IMiiy Is in Shenandoah on business. lle William IMgrii. finnieily of this city, now of Pniildonce, called on fl lends lieie last week. Mr. and Mis. Flank Itollcnbeck, of Copeland avenue, aie entertaining Mr. and Mis. Alonzo Rhodes, of South Ca iman. 1'iof. Scott, of Scianton, who foimer ly conducted a shoit hand scliool heie, was In tills city Satin day. The piofes oi went from heie to Homo, X. Y but was obliged to sell the Interest In his business college theie, owing to ih health. He is just now getting mound after n four months nines-,. Mrs. rtank Stephenson, of Wnymait, called on ft lends In this city Saturday. L. C. Elite, of Wllkes-Uaire, spent ' Sunday with telatives In tills city. Mis. James Smith and son, llorac, blue t etui nod fiom a visit with friends in Kingston. Daniel Itoblnson, of Hotel Anthra cite, is ill with grip. The Ti action company's bus trans fer has bien done uwa with find the cais meet .on 1'pper Helmont street. The condition of Ml-s Maiy Hoffman is lapldly linpiovlng. Itev. Philip J McLean, of CioWer seminal v, pi cached two eloquent set -mon.s In the Dei can Baptist church vehicular. Rev. Oeorge PKoti, of Plttston, suc ceeds Father Xealon, who has gone to Europe. (Seneial Manager Flynn, of the ti ac tion company, has resigned. He will go to Kaston Feb. 1 to take chaige of the consolidated lines theie. He only Repents What Hns Been Said Aiound the Globe. It has been demonstiated repeatedly In eveiv state In the union and In many foreign countiies that Chamber lain's Cough Remedy Is a leitain pre entlvo and cuie for cioup. It has become tho iinlieisal lemedy for that disease. M. V. Fishei. of Liberty, "'. Vu., only lepeats what has been said around the globe when he wiltes: "I have used Chambei Iain's Cough Ilom cdy in my family for several yens a and uluas with peifect success. We believe tluit it Is not only tho best cough icniedv, hut that It Is a suro cure for croup. It has saved the lives of our children a number of times. This lemedy Is for sale by all druggists. Matthews Hi others, wholesale r.nd re tall accnts. m PECKVILLE. The battle of the ballot ended Sat urday evening. The bone of con. mi Hon was tho office of tax col lector. There were six candidates in the field. The lucky candidates aio as follow: Hurgess, A. D. Haines, ma Joilty. 241; tax collector, I). C. Phil lips, majority over next highest can didate, 91; auditor, Frank Picketing, if your tyitem it dovltnllteej by disease) or exec-stes ua viniarc)ou. Ablu-cial. iiU tudy jour cic. He faut rtmetltii eiwl apptianct on appromi, Itetum at our cipenso it not Mtlifuctory. Wo truit jour honor. No COD. fraud. Fulll nfnrma- ttnn Iinr1p rtlnlti mtm ft-an me MKDIOAL CO., BUFFALO, N.Y." wr Wn lISsiOHks EVERY WOMAN BmmUbm nedi reliable, meathl?, ncaUtlsi tntdlrina. Onlf haraloa Uti the ptue diuf ihonli be tt4, M yeo vast the txi, get Dr. Peal's Pennyroyal Pills Trinv im iwnmnt anfA Ann (MUln In lAaiilt. Tbo koouIdo (l)r. IVal'aj never - -j-'trj"jT-.. --- I Fnr RU hu JOHN H. PHELPS, j d ' ":."t: 0jruiv Birssi. Jr., no opposition; Justice of the peaco, S. W. Arnold, no opposition. First ward Councilman, C. H. lirong, three year.", S. II. Itilggs, one year: scliool director, J. C. Tuthlll, three years, E. It. Hitter, one year; Judge of election, W. J. Lloyd. Xo Inspector voted for. Second ward Councilman, Jnnien Mit chell, three years, Henry Walters, one year; scliool dltector, John J. Wil liams, thtee years; Judge of election, David L. Thomas: inspector, 11. F. Tor wllllger. Thltd waid Oouncllmen, Oeorge Monies, three years, It. V. James, one jear; school director, Ii, K. Morgan, three year: Judge of elec tion. William llell: Inspector, Kdivatd Oernien. Mr. and Mis. S. It. Hriggs visited Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hriggs, of Curbon dale, yesterday. Mi. F. S. Arnold, of lllchmondale, was a visitor In town yesterdny. Mr. Hoy Wademan, of Wllkes-Harre, visited his parents, Mr. nnd Mis. M. It. Wademan, esterday. Mr. Flounce Swingle, of YutesvllK lslted his patents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Swingle, yesterday. Mis. S, W. Arnold Is visiting her brother. Ml Charles Arnold, at Los Angeles, California. Mr. Arthur Thompson, traveling salesman for the Thoodotc White Man ufactuilug company, of Sctanton, spent Sunday at his homo on Main stieet. Tho managers of the following coal collleiles In this lcinlty paid their employes on Satuulay: The (Xew York nnd Seranton Coal company, Stenlck Citek Coil innipiiny. Dolph Coal com pany, l!lerslde Coal company, Mount Jessup Coal company Mr. William Allen hid tho mlsfoi tune to split his big too oh his right foot with an axe while cutting lie at Hlelimoudalc Satuulay. JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. Second Ward Republican Caucus. Death of a Mayfleld Lady Per sonals and Other Notes. The Republicans of the Second ward held their caucus In Entotpilso hall Saturday evening. W. 15. Swlck was appointed cliairmnn; Frank Heinel ilght, senetaiy, and Attorney Caiev nnd J. O. Xlcholson, telleis. The ticket nominated was as follows: Council man, J. II. Wheelei; sihooi dliector, Oeoige Blake; Judge of election, Ed waid Stubbs: inspector, Joseph Tem by; constable, Oeoige L. Dunn. Mrs. Ollgallon, a well known and re Fpected lesldeiit of Ma) Held, died on Saturday. Thomus, Ji of Second .stieet. has accepted a position ns stenograph er In the Tradeis" National bank at Scianton. The Itev. and Mis. J. H. Cook aie rejoicing over the unival of a little daughtei. The Sacred Heart chuich fair was closed on Satuulny night to re-open about tho middle of Febiuaiy. A child of Mr. nnd Mis. Thomas P. Williams, of Thltd stieet, is seriously ill. The genet al borough caucus will be held next Saturday evening. Miss Maty Jones, of Rushbiook sttcet, visited friends in Oljphant and 1'iliebuig yestciday. Mis. Aithur Hattman Is ill at her home on Second street. Mr. and Blrs. Itimton, of Unlondale, and Mis. Geoige Davis, of Caibondale, weie the guests of Mrs. Thomas Hiay, of Main stieet, on Satuulaj. "HE MISTAKES THE EFFECT for the cause." That la what tho nerson does who tries to cure iheumatlsm or any other disease bv alleviating the symptoms. Hood's Saisanaillla ic moves tlic lauso and ucimauently cuies HOOD'S PILLS do not giipe. All druggists. 25c. TAYLOR NEWS. Republican Primaries Price Library Debate Taylor Band Concert. Death of Dr. E. E. Weston Per sonal News. Tho Republicans pf this borough held their pilmaiies for burgess and tax (ollectoi and vailous waid offices on Saturday between the houi.s of 4 and 7 o'tloek. The contest for tax col lector was bltteily fought. Tho candi dates and otis cast foi tills otllce wee as follows: James Morris, 21'1; James Maploson, IT.', and John D. Jones, JJT; Jones' majority, 14 votes. William P. (iiilliths was elected tor buigess by a good majority oer three candidates. William II. Uobbins was selected for auditor, and D. M. Davis for high constable, in tho Flist ward, Thomns Moses was elected councilman, having no opposition. For school director, T.illle W. Jones defeated Thomas J. Hughes, hi Second waul. John IS. Johns and John w. Heese weie clectel foi councilm in and scliool director, baling no opposition. Mlihncl Fluth luan was elected for constable 'i the Third waul. William T. Evaiih and Casper Ott had a Uwly light for council in thu Fouith waul, Evans being elected, hi the Fifth waul, John Thomns defeated Anthony E. Jones in a one-sided contest. William H. Thomas had no opposition for school dliector in this. waul. "Resolved, That This Is the Twen tieth Ccntuiy" was the .subject of dis cussion at tho debate which was hell at the Pi Ice Libiary association rooms on Friday eienlng. W. n. Owens and John It. Thomas icptesented the nf tlnnatlve sido and Oilier M. Williams and Sidney Owens argued tho nega tive side. The subject was satlsf.u--toi llv dlnt'iubed unci proved to be an cxtraoidlnaiy tieat, as well as Instinc tive and entertaining. Tho spcikets did well, especially the Messis. Owens and Williams. Their uddi esses weio Intel estlng. Tho Judges were Messis Joseph J. Whlteford, Evan Davis and John H. Owens, who, after carefully weighing the many points, gave their decision in favor of the negative paity. At the next business meeting, on Fri day evening, another will be held. Sub ject, "Resolved, That England's War in the Tiansvaal Is Justified." The membership of the library Is largely Inci easing. At the last meeting six teen proposals weie received. All members me requested to attend on Friday evening. The funernl of the late Mr. Powell occurred fiom his home on Union '--r:- --tt - :r ui dlaappoint. Boldforfl.OOperboz. Pharmacist, ccr. Wyoming avenue and PLENTY Of II. Lots riore Proof Like This and It Is All from Scran ton People. "The pi oof of the pudding Is In tho eating of it." If any city or town In thu Union has suillclent pi oof on thu following subject it Is Seranton. Oen ulne met it is ilndlng its rewnid In the hearty endorsatlon of local citizens. When people right heie at homo, friends und neighbors of our leaders, give a statement like tho following for publication, it Is pi oof convincing for the moat skeptical. Head this testi mony: Mr. A. L. Harncs, of 41S North Main avenue, engineer at the Scianton Elec tilc Light station, says: "I Injured my back by a fall and it affected my kidneys. There was a soieie pain In tho loins, accompanied with inegu l.nity of tho sectetlons. Thev were highly colored and contained sediment. 1 got Doan's Kidney Pills at Matthews Pros', drug stoio und they entltelv le lleved the pain and regulated thu se-cietlon.-!. 1 believe Donn3 Kidney Pills aie fully up to tepresentatloti and 1 will reply to anyone questioning this statement and enclose stamps, corrob orating it In eveiy detail." For sale by all dealers. Pi Ice, B0 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Huffnlo, X. Y. Solo agents Tor the United States. Hemunber the name Doan's und take no substitute. stieet yes'teulay afternoon and was hugely attended. Hurlal was made In the Forest Homo cemetery. This evening tho Taylor Comet band will conduct their mnceit and social at Webei's link. An excellent pio gramme will bo lendoied, as follows: Overture, by band: local solo, Miss Ithodii Clink; clailnet solo, Master Hany Watklns; lecltation, Miss Oer aldlno Phillips: ilolin selection, Lydln Housei: solo, Edwaul Muiphy: Instrumental selection, two colored gentlemen: iiuaitette, IJ. Watklns and paity; violin duet, Master Harry und Francis Watklns; lecltation, N'ln.i Olmstead; duet, Messrs. Tubbs ami Jones; overtuie, Watklns family; piano solo. Hay Morgans; mandolin selec tion, Mr. Albeit Hlnes; vocal solo, Hhod.i Clark; vocal solo. Olwen How ells: mandolin solo. Mls Lulu Jones; baritone solo, Arthur Moigans; oier ttlie, by band, Sad news was received bote fiom Plttston yesterday, announcing tho death of Dr. E. E. Weston, foimeily a lesident of this boiough. Deceased was well known thioughout the valley and the news will be iccelved with much regret by the leadeis. Ho was a pioniliient member of tho Talor lodge. No. 162. Knights of Pjthlai. Funeial announcements made later. The funetal of the kite Mis. William E. Jones, notwithstanding the Inclem ency of the weather, was lu,?ely at tended here on Satuulay afternoon at 2 o'clock. Sei vices weie luld at the Welsh chinch of which she was an actlie member. Pastor Ilev. Ivor Thomas and Hev. Dr. II. 11. Harris officiated. Ruiial was in the Piesbytcilan cemeteiy. The pill-boar-eis were William Han Is, James Ston lteese Lewis, Price HariK Davit Lloyd and John Jones. Pilde of Lack awanna lodge, Xo. IS, A. P. L. A., an 1 Daughtei s of Pocohontas. Xo. .14, if which the deceased was a member, at tended In a body. The Ccntuiy Hose eompiny. No. :.'. will hold their legular nnetlns in the lioi ough council looms this evening at S o'clock and alt members aie ieo,:io?t ed to be piesent Mrs. John E. Evans and daughter, Margaiet, have letuined home after a few days' visit with lelatlves in Xanti coke. Mr. and Mrs. William P. Oriniths. of this plice, visited fiiends In Plttston yesterday. AVOCA. Tho Itepubllcans announce that theie will bo a geneial aucus In O'Malley's hall on Wednesday evening. The Democratic nomlneees did not meet with tho appwval of the taxpaveis and Wednesday evening's affair will be 1'tiown as a citizens' ticket. A few In dorsements will be made, while the nominees who hae no ie.iI estate will be opposed by strong candidates. Mr. nnd Mis. John Mauley, of Dun more, weie guests of Hev. M. F. Crane yesterday. The f uncial of Mis. Thomas McDon nell took place on Saturday nioinlug with a loiiulem mass at St. Maty's (hutch. Hev. M. F. Crane pre.icho 1 the sermon. Tho cortege wns one of tho laigest that ever wended Its way to Plttston, where Intel ment was made. Mis. P. E. Walsh, of Dunmoie, spent estoidnv with friends in town. MKs Mary Walsh, of Hellevue, spent yisteulav at the McClaughlln icsldonce. Hoger Henncssy Is in New Yoik city adjusting a shaie left by a deceased I vc, a few yeais ago. Maiie. the fi-yeai-old daughter of Mr. and Mis. James Huekley, Is seilously ill of pneunionli Hugh Jennings will leaie tndav for Cornell uulvcisltv, wheie lie taken cliaige of the base ball team of that place. Mis. Petor Haiiett, of tho North End. Is seilouslv III, Mrs. T. J. Newton, whlip coming down stalls a few das ago, lost hir foot ing and fell a considerable distance. Her condition Is quite ciitlcal. Prof, and Mis. Hany Harris, of West Plttston, were vjsltoi.s in town yesterday. , Court Livingston lodge, No. 7Hfi, held their regular meeting on Friday eienlng. Tho enteitalnment lommit tee had at ranged an excelb-nt mo gramme, after which lunch was seived and a smoker indulged In. Past Chief Hanger William Gilchrist acted ad chairman. Hobett Oliver gave seveial selections on tho mandolin and violin. Ho was accompanied on the organ by John Atwell. The Atwell Hrothei's C.lee club gave a few selections. Solos wetu given by Hobeit Taylor, Joseph Taylor, Walter Odgeis, William Major, William Atwell, John Atwell nnd Hlch ard Hlehards. Mr. Ollehilst addiessed the membc'18 entreating them to pio vlde tho best enteitalnment possible In order to encourage delinquent mem bers. This style of meeting will taki placo frequently. Tho organization Is one of the best beneficial societies in the town. -. he rasslon 'Play, In motion picture, was given on Saturday In Sarsfleld hall nnd wub attended by more than u thousand people. Tho subject Is one of absorbing Interest and the treatment of It by HorltB peasants of Bohemia Is a solemn religious act. Mr. Sltclly II lustratcs tho scenes, Incidents and tho vnrlous personages of tho play until It becomes an nwful teatlsm. The singing of Miss Yewell added greatly to tho scenes. i SUSQTJEHANNA COUNTY. Special to the Seranton Tribune. Susquohnnnn. Jan. 21. Tho session of the Susquehanna. County Teacher Association, hold In Lanesboro on Saturday, was well attended. Tlw ptogramme wns uu cxecellent one, and the occasion was both Interesting and profitable. Super Intcndent Mo ly added much to tho Interest of the meeting. Hevlvnl meetings lire' being .held In tho Unlondale Methodist churcji. I'oiest City's school nppt epilation for the state this year amounts to $J,1D.!.26. Ptofessors Flood nnd Plone, of Hlnghnmton, held a select hop in Hogan opera house on Friday evening, at the close of their dnndng school. The Lanesboio Hose company will hold a reception In the new tiro hall on Friday eienlng, Januaiy 20. Muslo will be furnished by Wasnor & Htow cr's oichestra. Sheriff Maxey has tippointcd Sidney Lott Jail wm den. The Susquchatnvi Mnennerchor will hold a social hop In itn Oakl md Side music hall on Monday evening, Jan uary 2!. The Eile will woou Issue Its "Sum mer Homes" book for H'OO. Tho W.ivetly authorities have passed an ordlnmce prohibiting spar ling exhibitions, nnd the Huiley Ileckwlth bout, announced for Satur day eienlng, was knocked out In the thst loiind. Htilkes do not pay woiklngmon. Susquehanna had one. sonfe yearn ago, and it took her ten years to le cover from It. She will never have another. Will J. McConnell, whoso sad death is reported fiom Philadelphia, wns a grandly gltted man. He had. few peers as a lectuier. Had he practiced what he pleached, the wot Id would have been tho better for It. Charles, tho thlrtccn-ieat-old son of Mr. nnd Mis. Samuel Euir. of Willow street, was killed by the i.iis. in the Eile yaul this moinlng while picking (oa'i lrom tho tracks Death was in stantaneous. Tho funeral will piob- ably occur on Mondny. Cards are out announcing the mar riage, Jniuian 20, of Miss Hello Coun cilman, ol the Oiklind Sid", to Ch.ules E. Hauls, ot Washington, D. C. but foimeily ot I.unoboto. Edltoilnlv, Judge CJildar, of the Foi est City New, states that, some years ago, when attacked with scar let fever, his life was saved by an application of law onlona to his throat and feet. Ever since the meniniablu occuslcn the Judge 1ms esteemed th3 succulent and uiomatlu onion the fin est fruit under the blue canopy of heaven. Advices from various parts of the county aio to the effect that the re vival meetings are all belnc attended by crowds of Mn-Mck slnneiF. The woild Is growing bettor. Hy the way, what lias beiome -if those cold deposits which veie dls i Dieted in a number of Pennsyhanli counties about six- months ago.' Philadelphia Inqr.lier. Hespict fully lefened to Ilior Haines, of the Hones dale Independent, the tlllthful histor ian of the Wavno county gold fields. In the coming Republican county convention. Hon. C. r.vil Wilght, of Susqaehannn, congiessnian ftom this dish let, will be a candidate for re nomlnntlon. He will, of coutso be le nomlnated unanimouslv. The dedication of tho new Kaptlst church in Monti ose will occur about Feb! nary 1". Fav Oilier will heieafter conduct tli" Jay house. In New Milfoul, Mr. Jay will conduct the Ciaudill house in Hinghamton. Koth aie pnpul ir gentlemen. Jack Skillet, of AVInwood. who six years ago lived in this place but sines lias ben converted. Foiert City News. Kather lough op Forest City. Tho usquehnnra County Medical society has twenty-eight membeis. It is safe to say that the Hon. Oal usha A. Oiow, "the hage of Olon wood," will bo re-nominated for con-grescman-at-laigo by the coming Re publican state convention. He Is the youngest old statesman in tho land today. Miss Mav P.oylo, of New Mllford, Is vlltlng Susquehanna lelatlveJ. People who have -not hai vested Ico aie sitting on tho lagged edge, ill un mindful of the fact that thei,. lie six weeks of winter weather In th- mor ly month of March. There are several rtep'iblle an randi dites for iepreontatlve at Haiiisburg from this county, alieadv In slglit. They desire to succeed Messis", Tlf fenv and Adams, who deslie to sue. iced thcnifcelves. "Let the good work go on." State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Luc is . , UlltJ . bv the use of Hall's e'.itatili ture. FRANK .1 ('IIENEV. IJillir-v-ttiii,i ...... .-- ..,.,, .1111-111 illy, nid aits dliectly on the blood and mu cous surfaces of the t-y.teni. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO,, Toledo, O Sold by rirt isfjIstH, "Sc. Hull's IYiiillj Pills cie the best. THEATRICAL. McCauley-Paton Company. In this piollflc ago of stage pioduc tlons It happens ociaslonallv nnd only oicaflonally, that some gifted writer succeeds In wilting n play tlrut rhei clear cut and ndmlrnblv nboio tlio thickly dotted, undulating plain of dramatic mediociltj. Such a man Is W. H. Patton. nnd the delightful etory Incorporated Into tho pastoral com edy, "Tho Minister's Son," ia fully en titled to rank with the best pioduc dlons of his fetllo bia'n. This play Is tho offering nt tho Academy lit Music toiii?ht as tho opening of the McCaulley-Patton com pnny. It Is extiemely iaio that such an nttiactlon falls to the I it of popu-lar-piiced thcatro rations, and If Manager Long's pla house is not pneked to the doori at every pet foi in ance next week, It cannot be ntti Unit ed to any shortcomings on the part of either play or players. At tha Oaietv. Owing to Al. Iteeics cancelling with out notice the Gaiety will bo daik th's weak. The Joys of Authorship. It has rlwuys been (incited that bonie . , Ullt i . , Frank J chcno nia-ces oitb that he !s cnlor p.utner ol the film of r. J. Client v d Co, dring businest In Uu. c'ltv of To. ledo, County and State aforesaid, nnd that said tlrm will pin the Mim of ONE Hl'NDIll'-D DOLLARS for ..lib and cv. . .. .f r'nturrh .initio, l.r, ......1 :w Swori to before mo and uli-i hi mv iiresenco. this lib day ot December, A. D. 150. A. W. C,l,i:ASON. ISe.ill Notary Public it. .11. ...,r.1, fll, ( 1 1 1 1 em ImI.ihh .11.. The People's ' ! a . , ifcM - Sjwhr - A POPULAR CLHARING 1IOUSC for tho Haiiit ot All Who Have Houses to Rent, Rctil Lstutc or Otltor Property to Sell or Kxclituiitc, or Who Want Situations or Help Theie Small Advertisements Cost One Cent u Word, Six Insertions for Five Cents a Word-lixcept Situation WautoJ, Which Arj In. scrtcd Free. FOR RENT Foit iient-ohi:i:n niDau, EXCEL lent clRht-tooin hous(8. Apply M'2 Marion street. FOR SALE FOR SALE - C. J. CAHTKIl ItESI dence, SOT M rtlo street. All Impioie nients. Stnrk, Attorney, Traders' Hank building. 13U1I.T TO OKt)i:it LIOHT AND heavy sleighs, bobs, etc. Slelshs In stock, 13 00 each. Helrlegel, SIT l.ocuht street. WANTED-TO RENT. WANTF7nt8m:rT'nofTM. riiit- nblo for gentlciiinti nnd wife: central ly located. Address, X, Y, C, Tribune FURNISHED ROOMS. wantudtwo''n ronins with board. Centially located. Address W Tilbtuie nlllce. BOARDING. BOAKDINa CM PINE STP.KET. HELP WANTED-MALE. 'VWWWWWWWWWi vww w w vw v KNEl'.QETIC SALESMAN - COUNTRY work. School supplies. Salary $100 and extras, n. O. Evans &. Co , Chi cago, 111. WANTED-IJY AN ESTABLISHED onilncs. of n high ouler, n reprcentn tlvq of ability nnd backing who can take up Its work In tho stnto oLPennsvlvanln; no i-chpme; permanent business with moncv In it for the right party. Address, Riving references. FOUNTAIN BATH ItBU&H CO.. Qrand Itnplds. Mich. HELP WANTED-FEMALE. WANTEI-A TtEFIXED EDrCAT!:D, eiurgitlc oung worn m a nut scry goierness, must be able to sew, ,haie iudgment in feeding, ilnthlng and cu ing for the genoral hcilth of three sin ill (lilldiiii. Xone otbeis need apply- Ad dress box ::3, Iteiord ofllcc, Wilkcs-Birie. LADIES TO DlSTninUTr. FREE SAM- Tc in city. Call nt 320 Wiishttm- ton ni enue. from S.10 to 10 50 n. m. today. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY $M0 TO $1.00n, WITH STMtVICE, TO IN iiht in any leRltlmato business that will bear Inicstlsntlon. Address U., Tub-line- ofllce. DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING FOR CHILDREN TO order; also Indies' waists. Louise Shoemaker, 212 Adams avenue. CITY SCAVENGER A. V. BRIOGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS and cess pools: no odor. ImpronJ pumps nspil. A. It. HKHH3S. Pioprletor. Leave orders lino North Main iiienue. or Eliki's. drug torc, coiner Adama and Mulherrv. Tclepbono D3I0. SCALP TREATMENT. MRS. L. T. KELLER. SCALPTnUAT ment. COc: shampooing, 50c; facial massive, manicuiliig, i'c. ; chiropody, T01 Qulncy. NEWSPAPERS THE WILKES-BAURE RECORD CAN be had In Seranton at tho news stands ot Relsman Broi.. 405 Spruce and 503 Lin den; M. Norton HJ2 Lackawanna avenue; I. S. Scbutzer. 2U Spruce street. LEGAL. Al'DITOR'S NOTICE-IN HE: ESTATE of J. M. Mormjn, ilccoascd. In tbo Oi plums' Coiut of Luckim iiiina County, No. bi'J, Scrlea 11. The limit r.-lgned, nil auditor appnlntdl by said court to distribute tho funds In tbo bauds of D. L. Fickes, udminlstiator, ttc, of tbo about n mud J. M. Mormau, us sbowu bv his llrbt und Dual account, In re by glvts notice that ho will attend to tbo duties ot his appointment on Fil du, thei SJd day ol I'ebriluiy, I'tJi). at 9 o'clock a. m al tho ofllce ot D. L ritkes, Room M'.', isiilldlng. Wash liigtou a enue, in the Cltv of Seranton, In said county, at which tlmu and place all peisoni baling cl ilms against miUI est.ito aru ueiulicd to appear ami pre si nt tho same, or otheiwlso be foieier barred trom coming in on said fund. J. C. VAUUHAN, Auditor. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF Till: Htoekholdeis of Tho Tribune PiiblWn lug Com .my of Siranton, will bo held nt tho office ol the company on Tues day". Jumitiiy '"el, IfOO, .it .1 p. m., to elect otl'cers foi tbo onwilng e.u. an I foi tho piiiposn of ti.insactlng any other bus ness that mav totno before the meeting. EZRA H. RIPPLE, Secretin . THE ANNEAL MEETING OF THE stockholders of the Licl.tiw.inna Lum ber Company will lie be Id nt the olilco ol the minium. Roaid of Tr.ido build ing. Tuesdai, Jan. "!, I't ), at 10 a. m., for the election of dheetors for tho insii. jng jenr and sin b other biiflne ss as may piopeily lome belore the muting, J. L. CONNELL, bteiftar. THE AXNl'AL MEETING OI" TIIE t-turkhulileis ot thu Liu Kaw.tnra Tuiht and Safe Deposit Company lor thu election ot dllectois to bene toi the in suliig jear will be held nt tbo olilco of tbo Company, 4''! L ukawnnn.i aieiiue, Seranton, l'.i , on Mnnd.ii, IVbruaiy, S, lri i0, between the hours ot tluec and four o'c loc I; 1 1. m SHEPHERD AVARS. Vice I'lesldcnt. THE ANNEAL MEi:TING OF THE htoekholdeis ot Tho Enterprise Pou tier Jlaniitactuiing Coinp.uiy. for the elec. lion of dint tors and thu tiausjitlon of Mich other business as m.iv pioperly eonio belore It. will bo held on WednoHd ly, Jan uary 21th. l'lOO. at tho otllto of the Com puny. Seranton, Pa., at 3 W o'clock p. m No tiansfei of stotk will bee made for ten dins next preceding the date of the nbuio meeting. E. P. KINGSIRTRy. Secretary. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholders of the St. Clair Coal Company for tho election of dlrectoid nnd the transaction of such other busi ness as may propel ly cumu before It will be held on Monday, January 22nd, 1!00, at the olilco of tho company, Libra ry building. Seranton, Pa , at 2 o'clock p. m. No transfer of stock will bo mado for the ten dajs next preceding the date of abovo meeting. N. O. TAYLOR. Secretniy. of the noiels bnulng the Mgiintuio ot Alovindre Dumas thu eldei wtm wiltlen by bis assistants. Duo day whin Dumas peie met Dumas tils mi the stieet bet tifkcd him whether ho had lead his latcxt noiel. "No," snld Dumas, Junior, "time youV" - - CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the Signature of Z&ffjffi Exchange. - - WWXXO'gt4j'nfjrJ SITUATIONS WANTED nue, wishes fow mom customer", ur will go out by tho day. YOLNG MAN. 20 YEARS OI' AGE. wlsbcs position In grocery stoic or rcvirkct: his had five oirs exiieilencet lust of references. Addicss. "it. R.," KM South .Main n Fiiiie, HY A YOl'NG MAN, 20 VEAR4 op AGE, at any kind of bt olllc" work. Ad dress, J3j N, Fltnioie uvciiue. SITUATION WANTKD-UY A YOUNG iniui H j cars of age, In nillee or whole sal" hoi se, or any kind of woik: inpld peninnn, e.iilck and accur.ito at llcuies, ttliderstntnlH bookkeeping; best of n fer etices. Address Hcnty Durke, BT) l'.nn aieiuip. HlTfTATrON WANTED-TO GO OFT BY thu ilnv or take borne washing and Ironing. Call or addrisM L, 11 , n.11 Ninth hiimner aienue. SITUATION WANTED-HY A PRACTI c.U tool-maker en ellcu, punches, forms or shop tools: bet of Aildri-ss W. II. S, General Dellnry. WORK WANTED BY A STRONG BOY willing to do niiithliig; understands '.vi'V,"11'"-' '" hoi sps and dellierlng. .1. W., 4J0 South Ninth street. SITUATION WANTED-tlY MARRIED man. no c,irs of imc: will work at nn thing, cm furnish thst class rcfu encea. Address, J. R, Tilbune otllce. PROFESSIONAL. ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR. E. C. SPAULDtNG, 21 TRADERS' BANK building. ARCHITECTS EDWARD H. DAVIS. ARCHITECT. Connell building, Seranton. LEWIS HANCOCK. JR. ARCHITECT, It." Spruce st., ejr. Wash. uv Sei.intoii. FREDirRICirTrBROWNTAlIcTnTEC'l'. l'rlco building, 126 Washington uionue, bcr.mton. OANCINCl. PROIST. M. KOVACHY AND DAUGIN ters. Dancing Teachers. Strictly prl into lessens an time at icsldcnce, 522 Qulncy aienue, DENTI9TS DR. I. O. LYMAN. f-CRANTON PRT i.ito Hospital, cor. Wjoinlng and Mul berry DR. hTf.REYNOLDS, OPP. P. O. DR, C. C LAURACH, U'i Wiomlng avo. WELCOME C. SNOVER, Coal Exchanro 2nd floor, Ronm D, Hours. 9 to 1. 2 to .". HOTELS PND RESTAURANTS THE ELK CAFE, IK AND 127 FRANK 1 1 ii nienue. Rates ro.-snnablo. P. 7.EIGLER. Piopilelo-. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D , L & W. p i"i-nger depot. Conducted on the Ea ropean plan. VICTOR KOCH, l'rop. fwrrv ? IUCHARD .T. BOURKE, ATTORNEY-at-Lnw, TfW-2 I. ulv.iw.inna aieiuie. Gen eral law busliuss, coll'-ctlons and loans. J. W. BROWNING, ATTORNEY AND Counsclloi-ut-Law. Rooms 312-J1J M -.lis building. D B. REPl.OGLE. ATTORNIY-LOAXS negotiated rn real e flute socuritj. Jli.irs building, coini'i Washington a c nue nnd Spruce street. M. J. DONAHOE. OIIIcp"!, G12-cn Mcars building. FRANK E BOYLE. ATTORNEY AND B u r r building. Rooms 11 and 14, WaFhlngton aienue. WILLARD. WAI!Ri:N & KNAPP, AT tornevs nnd Coiui'-ellnrs.nt-Law. Re publican building, WashliiKton aienue. JESSUP d JFSSUP. ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors - at - I.iw, Commonwealth building: looms 1, 20 and 21. JAMES W OAKFORD. Rooms 511, SIS and S10 Boaid of Trade bnl'dlng. EDWARD W THAYER ATTORNEY Roc ms POS-WI, Oth floor Menrs building. L A WATRt:S ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. W)2 Board of Trade building, Seranton, r.i C. R. PITCHER. ATTORVEV-AT-LAW, Commnnwraltii liulldliig, Scrmton, Pi PATTERSON & WILCOX. TRADERS' National Bank building. C COMEGYS, fl-H It E P U B L I C A N building. A. W. BERTHOLF. ATTORNEY. Meirs imiiiiing. DR W E. ALLEN. S11 NORTH WASH liH'tou aienue DR S W. L'AAIOREAUV, OFflCE V WnFhlnston nurnc Residence nil Mulberry Chronic cIIspimpi, lnnp, heart, kldnets and centto-iirinarr ur gins a spedalt" TIouis 1 to I p m SCHOOL or THE LACKAWWNA Seranton. Pa. Couivps pnpirntoi n! eollPRe. law. inrdielnn or btsmss Opens ent 1Kb Send for catalogue Rev Tliomns M. Cjwui 11, D, prlnel pnl nnd propiletor: W. E. Phimley. A M . 1 e.idm.T-ter. i SF'"0'3 G R CLARK & CO . SRRDMEN AND Nur'-erimen: -tnic lib Wnhliietoii aio me: ureon hoiii-e, U"i0 North Main aiu iiut; tcro telephone, 7S2, WIRE SCREENS JOS. KUETTEL REAR Ml LACKA unnnn aienue, Scianton, I', nuuuilnc tun i' of Wire Feteens. Ht'CLL'VOWl nAUER'S ORCHEPTRA-Mrstn FOR balls, plcnlis. parties, receptions, wed dings nnd concert work furnished. For terms address R. J, Biuer, conductor. 117 Wnmlns nveni'e, oier Hulbeit.s' muslo stoic. MEOARGEE IinOTHERS." PRINTERS' scppllts, rnvc lopes, paper bigs, twine, Wiirchniihe 130 Washington aienue, Seranton, Pa. RAILROAD TIME TABLES Central KailnnJ ( New lo-u Station!, in New York Foot of Liberty Htreet, N. Ii., and Smith Ferry, Whitehall birei't. Anthracite coal used exclusively, Insur ing eltanllnes aid comfort. TIME TABLE JN EFFECT NOV 1 ITO. Trains leaio Sciautoc for Now Yolk, Nel.alk, Elizabeth, Piilladelphlii, Easton, Bi tlilthi'iii. Allentowii, Miiuch Chunk and White llui en. at fc VI it in : express, 1,20; express, llrt p, m. Sundios. 2 13 p. m. For Plttston und Wllkcs-B.irre, s 30 a, ni . 12o. 4) p. m. Hundajs, 2Fi p. m. For Baltimore nnd Washliiuion, nil points South and West Vlu Bethlehem, S.30 u. rn , 120 P. ni. Huiidajs, 2.15 p. m. For l.oni! Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., nt SlOn. m, and 12) p. m. For Reading, Li bnnon nnd Harrisburg, via Allentown, 8 30 a. m . 1 20 p. m, sun days, 2 15 p. m. For Pottsvllle. 8 30 n m. 1.20 p. m, Through tickets to nil points east, south and west at lowest into nt the station. J. II. OLHAUBEN, Gen. Supt,, II. P. BALDWIN, Gen. Pass. Agt. RAILROAD TIME TABLC. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Schedule In Effect November 10. 1800. Trains leave Seranton: 0.45 n, m., weak days, for Sunbury, Harrlsburg', Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, nnd for Pitts burp; and the West. 0.38 a. m., week days, for Hazleton, Pottsvllle, Reading, Norrlstown, and Philadelphia; nnd for Sun bury, Harrisburp, Philadelphia, Baltlmore.Wnshington and Pitts burp and the West. 2.18 p. m,, week days (Sundays 1.58 p. m.), for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and Pittsburg and th West. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. J. It. WOOD. Gen. Pnfm. Agt. J. H. HUTCHINSON. Gen. Mgr. Del., Luclct, ul Western. ,,,, In Effect Dec. 17, 1V9. FOUTH-Lonio Hcranton for New York nt 2.1. ?,w, P TO, Sid nnd in or. a. m.; 12 r,5 a id ,TtT ,,. ,, j.or inuindelphla at 5..T0, and inrr, n. in.: JJ G1 and 3 13 p. m. "or htroiidsburg at C Id p. m. Milk and Aicoiiiinoilatloii at .T l() p. r.i. Arrlvo at Hnboken at (If,-., 7.1S. j.1 n. m.: 12 OS. 2.17, i ,'.';1!' "",l !'')! P- m. Airho at Phlui (tipbia at looo a. m.; 1 otf, .118, iSOO and -: I'- m. Arrli e from New York at 12 03. -1 and l.oo a. m.; i.on, l.M. CM and 8.13 ''."' Urom Stroudhburg at 8C5 a. m. .NORTII-l.c.nn Heraiiton for Buffalo mid Intermediate! stations at 12.10, 2M', 10, anil !i w a. ; j ;;-, umi ,-, r,(l p. m. For Oswego and Sir.ieusp nt 4 0 n. m. and J .'. 1'. m. Foi Utlca at 2"0 a. m. and ' P. m. For Montroso at 9 00 a. m.i 'I1' P- in and G50 p. in. For Nicholson nt I IV) ami cr, p. m. Arrlie In Seranton from Buffalo at 2 10. 2.". T. 2.'. and 10 00 a. in.: .120 and 7.M p. in. Fiom Oswego and Sirnruao llt or- , ,,. v, a(J ;I ?l0 p, m. I roin Sir.'i'iisc at 7.M p. in. From Uttca at 2.1 r. a. m.: 12 "S and 3) p. m. From Nicholson at 7 la a. in. nnd COO p. m. from Muntrose at 10 00 a. m.; 3 20 and i.M P. m. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION Lenia Seinnton for Northumberland nt C to, 10 0 a. m.: l.i" and ii 10 p. m. For Plymouth at 1.0',, .: 0 and S r,0 p. m. For Nantleoko at s.ln a in. An lie ,it Northumberland at fir." n. m,: i in, nos and :w p. m. Ar rlie Nniitlcolip at sal n. m. Arrive at Plimmitli at 2fV., and fi.1 p. m. Ar rlie at Scuintiiii ftcni Noithumberlaiid at f. IS- .i. m: 12 1". IV. und 8 W p. m. From NinitlcoKo at a. m. From PI mouth at 7." a. m : .!2'. and 6 05 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. SOUTir-Leaie Scianton nt 2 15. 30), H-ii. 10 ir, a, m,; SIT nnd 3.10 p. m. NORTH Le.uo Scianton at 12 10. 2 00. 1 0 p. m ; l.r." and n .10 p in. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION Leave Seranton at 10 0" a. m. and 0 10 p. m. Dclsuv.uv and Hudson. On Nov. 13th. niO, trains will Si l.inton ate folloiit.: For Caiboiidale 0 20, 7.M, Sm, 10.13 a. m.: 12 noon: 1.2J. 220, .ir2, 32'., 625, 7.57, 8 1". ll.(i p in.; Liu a. in. For Alli.inv, SaratoR.i, Montreal, Bos ton, New England polntK, etc. G 20 u. in.; 2 20 p in. For Honesdnle-B 20, 10 13 n. m.i 2 20, 5 23 p. in. For Wllkes-Bnire-C 11. 7.4S. 8 41,0 39, 10 G a. in : 120', 1 2S, 2 IS, 3.33, 4 27, C10, 7. t 10 41. 1130 p. m. For Nnv York, Philadelphia, etc., v Lehigh Valley Rnllrond-CF. p. m.: 12 01, 2. It. 127 p. in.: v.lth Blaik Diamond E.-pre-js, It. .0 p m. For l'.-imslanli Raltroad points, G 43, 0 3S a. in : 2 IK, 1 27 p. m. For iiestern point'", via T.ehlgh Vallev Ii illmnil T.IS a. m.: 120'. S 3.1. with Black Dlnmiilid Expiess, 111.41, 11.10 p. m. Tialns illll anlve In Seranton as fol lows. Fiom C'ai bond. ile nnd tho North fi 10, 7 I'. S iS. ! M. 10 "S, 11 ',S a. m.; 1.23. 215, 3 2-.. 121. 7.11. 10 1, 1127 p. m. From Wllkcs-llirru ,ind the South G 11. 7 IS. S lt, 10 X 11 Fl a m.: I,l. 2.11, 3.45, 5 2". a 21, 7 n. o o'.. 10 o". p. m : a. m. SUNDAY TRAINS For Uarboiidale tt 01, 1133 p. m.: 2 21, ",'1 -.47 t-,1 p m. For Wllkcs-Biiie-iUS, 12 03 n. m ', 1 5S, 3 2s, 5 41. 7 IS p in. For Albinv. Sir.itoK.i. Jto;itrcal, Bos ton. New Dngl mil polntK, etc., 2 23 p. m. Lov est i itcs to all points in United Stti'et umi Cnnnda. J BURDR'K. G. I. A., Albanv. N. Y. H W. CROSS. D. P. A., Sejantofl, Pa. r Lchifjh Vullsv Kullroai. In Effect Nov llth, 1W. TRAINS I.EAVi: hCRANTON. For Phllielelphia and.Npw York, ila D. S. H. R. R. at 43 df.'iu. nnd IJ Ot, 2.1s, 4 27 (Black Diamond Epress, and 11. M p m. Sundaj!?. D. & Hollj. Rw 1.5S. 7.1S P m. t For Whlto Union. Il.izleton and prlu ilpil points in tbo coal legions, U D. .V II. R R . I". 's t"d I 27 p. m. l'or PottsUllc r, II. 2 is p m For Bethlehem, EaMon. Reading, Hnr rNbuig and prlnclpil Inturmidlnto sta tlnn". ill D. .. H R. R.. '4 n. m.; l.'OI. " 1-. 127 ( It Diamond Express), 11.30. piuiilnis D ft H R. 11,13. 7.1? p. in. 'For Tunkhaiinoik, Taianda. Hlmira, Itlinta, Oencia and principal Intertnedl iitu n.itlcns, i la D. L t W. It. R SOS u. m . 1 0o and " '.'. p in. For Geneia. Rot luster, Buffalo, Nlag nta Falls, Chicago, and all points ivet, H D. . II. It R.. 120!. 3.31 (Black Dl l m md Espitss). 7 1, 1041. 11. ,0 p. m. Siind.i.i". D. & H. R. B 12 QJ p. m 7. IS p m Piilluviii pallor nnd sleeping or Lehigh Vallev pallor i.irs on all trains between WIlkcK-Buie and New York. Phll.idel lihl i. Buffalo and Suspension Bridge, ROI.LIN II WILBUR. Gen. Hupt , 23 Corlbindt tlet. New Yoik, ( HARl.BS S LRU. Gen. Pass Agt, 2(3 Cultlnndt Htleet, New Yoik A. W NONNRMACHER, Div. Pass. Ast., South Bethlehem, Pa. For tickets and Pullman reservation nppb 2"D Lnckaii.iimi nc, Seranton, Pi. L'rie ati.t Wyoming Valley. Time Table In F.flett Sept. nth. 1W1 Tialii'- Seranton for New Yoik, Nt'wbuigli and lute i mediate points on File lallni.ul ulo for Hniiley and local points at 7 05 i m. nnd 2.23 p. m. Ret inning tialns nitlio at Seranton at 10 21 a ni and 3 lii and 0.10 p. m. ' . 'T,tfr ' SCIIA.VIO IJIVIMOY, - ,ii . III Eflcct Oft. .'.5111. I Sill). Knrtti Hound. Houlli Bound. tiTii 7s20 i"j T04 200 ls& Stations l-5t 5 y, ' an A m ip m Anlve l.mve a Mi ....I 7'.'N Y Krankllu bt 740 .... ,,,, i 7 ni West 4.'iicl btrcot .... 75S t... .... 7 00 Weelianken .... 810.... "' ---'I' m Arrlie LeaOA mi- m r m 10 4"T .... I Hi taaoM 8TS, 1 io 10 40 to Hancock a ill 4 35 1031 L'.'ft HlarllKbt 4V2 4I5 lu.'l i.' ei Preston parte 1.11'tM 1J15 I.'40, Wtoweioa H 60) 0 0j U4V I'oyntello S5 5 14 'i Mi I.' II ursoa ks 5'." 940 l.'t.f rieasant Mt. ars oso Ul .... 11 W t'lilondllo 3 09 614 (j.'i .... II 19, loiestfliy 3 19 6 41 9 10 1131' CaibJiiUulu S34 6M 907 ... .fll'0. White 111 lrtje fS88 66D 4ih .Maj field 13 43 eoi h.Vs II Si .Icriiljrn 8 45 8 03 t- 51 II l- Archibald SSllaoj 8.' !n i vMiiton m'eu me . ii ir I'ecKuiit) .... aw eia si.' 11 in Oh i'liiint. 4 Oil 8 21 h 4oi uoi 1'rletburg 407 821 ! ll .Tin nop 410 7 (-111 II w l'rnildenco 14'61i bi.1, II0'i7 Park I'luco t417i8M bSH 10 55 hciaiitoa 4 so fiao a m Ml.taie An lie p up u t, Sunday only "j ; f Hgnliua turn trains stop on algoal fortaa senjers. V i 'I i aius 205 nmt soo Sunday only, otntr tralni dallv iiBit Sunday. i-ieure rates ila Ontario Writern before purcuaMiiif tickets and nave money" itiioiuUUavni'rimfTti sleeper aol tree re cllolng vliatr cm New York to dklctso wflkout ... $