The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 12, 1900, Morning, Page 2, Image 2

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Revival Meetings Held About the
County Fish In the Nozzle Sue
Graham Looking for Rewaid.
News Told In a Line or So Anxi
ety Among Wild Cuts.
Special to The Bcranton Tribune.
Susqileli.innn, .Tun. 11. Fanner Jim
Vnn Hcotti'ii'q Cukc.kIo Vallov rattle
snake fin in Inn ileclileilnnvelty. It Near
rled on for the purpose of propagating
rattlesnake1", Ahleh are sold at a Kood
round price. A certain linn In I'lill.i
delplila Is nt piesent uslnff rattlenaka
oil In the manutuctun of a popular
leinedy, for tlieitinatNii, and Van
Seottenthna iiKiecd to furnish two hun
ilieil and iifty lattlepnakes for the
laboratoiy cliiiliii; the s-eason, no top
tile heliiR less than six ycais old, or
niiMSUrlni? less than four feet In
Tliuio aie thlity-scen "mounds" on
the faun sllKlitly raised hillocks
whole the snakes bin low In winter,
and lle with their young In summer.
Un the south side of one mound, uheie
they could net the full benefit of the
sun, ueio to be hem, on the day of tlii'
vrltei's visit, oer llfty reptiles, which
took no notice of the lslt of specta
tor. "That mound," said F.tnmr
Van Scotten, "piobably contains a clo.
en nests, ami each nest nt least ton
eggs. I h.ue seen nests holding o1k!i
tecn young r.ittleis, the largest not
over two inches in length. The eggs
are about the size of those of a piit
rldge, but hao a soft shell."
In the farmhouse was a box of saw
dust under the stove, containing twenty-seven
inttlesnake egg, which weio
almost at the point ot hatching. After
they had done so, the tiny leptlles
would bo fed upon llles caught for
them by the children. Seveial pet
snakes glide about the home. They
nie absolutely harmless, the poison sua
having bpen removed from their
mouths, nnd their fangs clipped with
pincers while they were under the In
fluence of chloroform. The reptiles
have no equals as mice exterminators,
and In the summer not only keep tin
place free fiom bugs nnd tiles, but
from tramps, bonk agents, lightning
rod peddlers nnd other human In
truders, ri.OTSAM. AND JT.TSAM. meetings aie In progies-?
thioiighout Susquehanna county. The
county ought to be the better for It.
ltev. 1. K. Thomas p.istoi of the
Jlontioso llaptist chuiih, was in town
on Wednesday, officiating at the fu
neral of the late Cornelius Wells Shew,
whose spliltuil .iilvKor he was wliliJ
ho was routined In the county Jill.
The Kile is putting Into sen ice four
teen mid sixteen section sleep'ng cars.
Sheilff Ii or, of I.ackawanni coun
ty, sas that hi- never k.iw it moie sue
messful execution than the one In
Jlontio'e on Tuesdaj
The Stisiithnun i Tiancilpt pays
County I'ommls'-lonet's Cleik William
Tltswoith, of Monti ose, a ile-or O'l
compliment. Mr. Tltswoith Is ol
dently the light mm In the light
The count j couimlsoneis will soon
deteimlne who Is entitled to the in
ward of $1.IMIU ofleled by the county
for the niic"t and conletlou of the
niuicleieis of Tanner Topper. It will
piobably be dhlded between seeral
pel. sons.
Susie (iraliain, of Uinghamton, Tn
g.iu'.s foimer common-law wife, ex
pects to icclvo a ilee of the lewaid,
All the si me, Tagan anil Shew "light
liavc sent her to the pnltentlnry, but
they iefu-ed to give eldcnce agaliHt
her. This In .spite of the fact that th"
woman gave the lnfoimatlon which
caused the .litest of the muideieii.
It's a queer old world'
Dining ,i Hie In e'aibnndalo on Sat
in day night, when all was excitement,
all at oneo, It s lepnitcd. the nozle
of the hose was blocked shut, and stl'l
the pnssuie was on the hose. Fin. il
ly the water was shut off and the noz
?o was uuscieweil, when, behold, a
7-pound plckeiel, fiesh fiom No. 1
pond, came floumleilng out of the hosn,
l")uilng the leli thu lire gained gieit
Don't Judge a man by his failure In
life, for many a man falls because hi
Is too honest to hiu i ceil.
It Is healthy up In the Aiaiat sec
tion, while you can often see ,i rain
storm below you. A man doesn't fed
"under the weather," up there, you
Tiust In (lad but tiy and not stum
ble youiself.
A neat by newspaper has an elabor
ate article for amateur vocalists, "Hoy
to Uegln to Sing." How to get them
to quit Is still nn unsolved piohlom.
A drunken man Is seldom Injured
by a fall, and he piobably Isn't by a
spring If the water Is good.
The best cure for dtunkonncs K
when sober, to cilisonc a dtunken mm.
Considerable money exchanged hands
In Susquehanna on the lesult ot the
McGovern-Dlxon flglil.
The census ought to hao bein tak
en In Monttoe on Tuesday.
It Is said that the Motmons enp
tuieil ono conveit In Susquehnnn
county. She was the fool of the fami
ly. There are rumors that a lloncsdale
editor will soon commit matrimony.
It Is In order for ceitnln tempernuce
people to stop fighting the political
paitlea and to begin to wnge a war
upon the water company combine.
There may tome a time when the poor
man cannot nffoul to drink city water.
Of necessity he will bo compelled t.i
ill Ink the cheaper boor.
Since thu county commissioner
placed a bounty of $J upon their
scalps, Susquehanna tounty wlldcaN
cannot sleep nights.
All agiee tint the icccnt execution
In Susqiiehnnnn county was a "sue
cess," Theiu ought to be niou of
them! Whitney.
Special to The Ser.inton Tilbune
Thompson, Jan. 11. U. D. Harnes
was In Forest City Monday on busi
ness. ltiv. U. II. Tower was dolnj busi
ness In Susqiiohanm tailing on
f i lends In Tuneshiio iv.
Mis. N. II Melnt-ish. of,
spent Monday with bor V. lughter.
ltertlia. at i M. Lewis'
O. W. Newton ami wife, of Oiegon.
Ill, after a two wicks' iril at her
sistei's, Mis. will Whitney, in t'.u
township, leave for Strain m tomor
low, whole they will visit his In other.
James McMlnn, of NV.tli .Inks m,
is seilously 111 at this wiillag. Jlis
sister, Mis. TIoe. Df Duumoie, mil
his s!ster-in-l.iw, Mis McMlnit, ot
bondale, nie helping to t .no for him.
lie is a ti.itiv" of South Caanan,
Wayne county.
Dm ham Tickeiing, an aged resident
of Gelatt. chopped dead 'liio Monday.
He was hlghlv esteemed by all who
knew him.
The olllceis of Funk Hall pod and
those of the Itellct coips of siM post
were instilled ypstctd"' at n Joint In
stiillitlun seilce In Oiand Aimy of
the liepublic hall.
f'aptaln Hall, of Su-sqiiehanna, came
up to install the ofle-is nn I was cn
teit lined by his tlster, Mi.s. T. F.
JIls" Nellie ri.imv, of Susqtieh inna
utter a two ilnjs' islt Willi fi lends
lieie, icttiineil lo her home un Hi
ounlnir tiiilu esteid.iy.
Mis Smith, of the Jell'eison house,
is lonl'ned to her bid with iheuina
tNtc. Mis. rjeoige Ctutls of Hoi lick Cen
to! letuinid to her home toil iv f f tor
a visit of seveial elavs with icljttv.a
He only Repeats What Has Been
Said Aiound the Globe.
it has bem demonstiated lepeatedly
In evoiy state in the union and in
minv f'nelsn couutiles that Chambei
l.iin'i Cough Itemeily Is a leitain pie
vmtlvo and ctuo lor eioup. It has
become the imlvoisil lomed." fni that
i1simo M V. TMiot, of l.lbeity, .
Va., only iepeat.- whit his been siM
aiound the globe when he wiltes: "I
have used I'hambei Iain's Cough lloin
eily In m family for seveial
and always with poiteit success. We
believe that it Is not only the host
cough loiuedv, but that It Is a sui
cine foi croup. It has h.ivoil the lives
o'nur elilldien n liuinliiv of times. This
icnudy is for sale b.v all diugglsts,
Matthews liiothois, wholesale r.ud to
tall acents,
it's Scrofula
Those little kernels in the
neck I Has your child ever
had them? You know some
times they swell, become
painful, soften, and end in
a scar. Give such a child
just as soon as the kernels
appear. The little swell
ings will grow less and less
and soon will disappear alto
gether. Continue the Emul
sion until the child has good
flesh and a healthy color.
oc. and li.oo, alt druggist),
SCOTT & noWNC, Chemists, New York.
pen, was In attendance before the
county auditors on Tlnusday uf tot noon
engaged In settlement of his accounts
for the past tluee yens.
The dogioe team of the local Knlght'l
of Tythlas lodge went to I.nccyvlllo
on Tlnusday to confer degiees on some
membeis of the lodge thole. Quite a
delegation of members of the lodge
hoie accompanied the team.
On Friday evening, Jan. VI, the Ithl-
ca Conservaloiy of Mush Conceit com
pany, of I'lmli.i, gives an entoitain
ment in the li.iiitl't chinch for ths
bene lit of the i hut ch. The cntoit.iln
inent consists of piano and violin solos,
voial music, and leadings'.
The caiponfci.s winking on the can
ning factoiy building ale making good
piogicss and the building Is now mlsed
and ip uly foi siding. J. A. Gallons,
piesldint of the I'niplte State Con
stitictlon company, was In town on
Wednesday looking over the work.
This same Him Just finished a similar
plant at Deposit, N. Y.
Wilbur, of West Nicholson, In
tends to move his i evidence down here
slioitly and will build a house on the
lot locently puichased by him on Ilar
lison slieet
John W. Decker, of Mehoop.iny, wrs
In Tunkhannock on Tlnusday.
Sotclil to the Sol niton Tillmiio
Tunkhannoik, Jan. 11. The stock
holder (.f the l.aoovvillo Ilildge com
pany hold n uncling at the Mlngos
House in Laceyvlllo on Wednesday
evening for the puiposo of oiganla
tlon. The following boanl of dliectois
wcie elected: Dr. D. W. Still devant,
J. O. Mlngos, 1. II. Htlck, J. U. 1M
w ,ii ils, .. s. Hols. K. a, Teiklns and
O. N. Fasseti. This boaul of diteo
tois then by electing Dr. D.
W. Stui devant, piesldent: J, O. Mln
gos, vWo-pieslcleut; T. II. mink, tieas
uier and J. 15. IMwauls, societal y.
Chailes T. Teny, of WilKcs-Haii.
was in Tunkhannock on Tluusday.
The pension txaminlng boaul of Wy
oming county met at the Packer llou'so
on Wednesday. Doctoin Holler, of
Factotyville: Sturdevant, of l.ucej
vllle, and 15ai dwell, of tills place,
being lilvittendance.
C. A. I.lsk, of Factoivlllo, was In
town on Thin sil.iv.
I'x-Sheiilf A. G. Giegoiy, of Meshop-
Housework is had woriiwitlioutGoldBusf
Hertlo, the 3-veni-old son of Mr. an J
Mis. Chailes Johnson, of the We3t
Side, died at the lesldente of James
Laugher on Wednesday morning, af
ter two dajs Illness of membraneous
cioup. The case Is a partitualrly sal
ono. The mother Is suffeilng fiom Insanity and Is undergoing
tio.itnient in Danville asjluui. The
father Is loft toeaie for tluee elilldien,
but the lelatlvcs have taken consider
able Intoi est In their w elf.u e and llttla
Hoi tie had been taken In charge by
Mi. Loughoi. The f uncial took plate
".estoiday afternoon.
J. F. Conaboy and IMward Murphy
me candidates for buigoss on the Dem
ociatlc ticket,
T. J. Dunn Is n candidate for coun
tiliuan in the Socou I waul.
At a meeting of the tiustees of the
I.nngcllfTo cemoteiy John Connor was
elected snpeiintondont, to succeed J.
II. Andoison. All business lolatlve to
the cometoiv will be tiansacted
thiough Mr. Connor.
Miss I'dwniils, of Hyde P.nk, began
her duties as tc.ichei In vocal music
In the schools.
The I'llto otiliestia will fuinlsh ran
fie at the Hed Jlen's ball on Monday
To Cuie a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Taoino Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money If It
falls to tin e. I. W. Glove's slgna
tuie Is on each box. 23c.
Wishing Willow Furniture and
Wicker Chairs
Wicker cbilrt coon become lolled, bat they!
ciuaca ra iooi lite new with
Gold Dust Wishing Powder
and wrm weur. lUe a ecrubblog brmh; whea
wae bemM the least .oiled, (ct fresh; follow
...u wiii, ury cneete Cloib, eod wipe dry
While Iron fc.d. ran ! k. -...l.j .... .L,
--- ,w v w..uu ojr Ul
weiras,- bui must te wiped dry quickly.
,.. cou" Reus ro uoiimow."
HM an m iumI a
tni h. k. ramauNK com pant,
MeH. . Leal, Un$ y.rt,
Wall Stieet Review.
New Yoik. Jin. 11. Todnv's stock rair.
kit wis ihr.r.u teiied In consiiltiable
spiculailvt auivltv on the pail ot the;
luar iiiiiilnge'ii. The laid, however, was
lihtilctid lo a small number of stocks all
tin in In Hie list ot what ale called sp(..
chillies, Intituling tln .Now York tltv
imbllt, utllllli and thu older lilgn prlnd
li.eliir ti I.els,. There was posltho di niural
l.i tluii hi tin so active btotks, In tnn
ti tst tn the fall I v 111 in uudeitiiiio of the
policial list acd esptil.illv tho lallioitN.
'the octiisliiu eif thu i aid on Imlusiil.ils
was, ot iniiise, ; ttt Id iv's utteraiiies
b the pieslileni ot lliu AmeiUau Sus'ar
Helloing cniiipinv. Tho frleiidt, of otlur
slinks In thu iinliisirliil list in ulu strtn
iiiius illnits in utUiiitlatu tlir'li move
ment ti om that ot Sutrer and m.ukcd
Hi' m up at thu ope'iliig In tatu
of Iho vliilinl break hi the prko of Hits
slock iiiiiiiid, but the heals met this
in.itieiiMi with itllhi!; hi sni.h volutiio
Ulid with sutli conllileiice that one nfttr
iniother ot the sptcialtlcs ciumlilid la
pilce and fell thiough n Htotm of tils.
Icdged stoji loss ordeis. Kvun tho nil
lead list was utfectetl at last mid thu
t.ulltr gains In that depuilraciit were
geiiciall) wiped out. The only piiinilnrnt
i.iiltoitl slot k In which Hit not declines
it allied a point who H.iltlnmre mid Ohio,
IliiilliiKton, MUsourl I'.ullle, IVnnsvl
vaiila nnd Dtlawaio ami lliidsun, Lai k
avvniiiu. iltclliiti.1 2 points Tho rally be
Ion the t lo-o rt due ed all net declines in
tin niiliciils to trictinnal limits and io
btoied mlnn li soino cases.
The mime ot Sugar was cMtemely er
i.itlc nnd ltvirl"li all dnv. At the low
levtl It was overs points below last night 'i below the low bvcl hi tho Deet m
Iki panic. Its nit loss Is siv. All ot tho
Now Yoik unction imil lishtlng shares
w 'io stveitt suffeieih Mttiopolltun show
ing nn iMiiiiiu ibilliio ot ia, :tookl,n
Tianslt ii nnd Tlilid Avenue i.'j. Tho Jas
tum Un. Mauli iltim. l't ink V Has. 'In-
I bieco, 1'edi ral Mi el. hum piefenod and
reuiHssit i-oiii who mi 1 1 om ,i to -i1,..
'tho Iniiiuvliig dt iiiiind for Sng.ii stilt It
to a rucmlim In tin loan iioim! hcfoio
Hie t liise A hue pit pontic lain i ot tho
total tlenlliigs was uiadc up by this gioup
t spitl.illles At no level ol pikts wolo
theio nn iittlvily In lallioad stotki.
Total mlcs, ."I ''hi slinits The bund
market was dull, but bold film through
out. Total salts, p n valui, $,'JC,').
I'nltetl Stalls old Is coupons dicllnetl ".J
as legit-iciul and do. coupon and old Is
uslxtcitd 'i In tho bid pi lie.
Tho following iiuotulcns nrn furnished
Tho Tribune by M. S Jordan St Co,
rooms 7u.V0(i Muara building, Tcltphono
Open- High- Low- Clos.
lug est. dt Iiib.
Am. Sugar 11 ij ll'jv, n:u lll
Am. Tiibacco M loo joi i,i.
Atch , To .v.- S. Ko .. l'l, 'i3a pi jn
liajfia aatda a relltble, aaoiUly, tatnUtuif medicine. Only binaleaaHod
tk(aiHtdTU(eaaasldbM4, UyouweAtithaUel,get
Dr. Peal's Pennyroyal Pills
TUy rwssiBipt,aafoaiidcert4lalnreault,
Tbo renufna (Dr, FetPe) nerer dleappolot. Sold for (1.00 per box.
VorSile. by JOHN rUPHSLPS, Pharmaclat, cor. Wyoming avenue and
,jErue atraat. i v k
6S1 .VI
H'i li'i'. IiSV'j
W. W'S in
2c 2.1U V
v.. 'I' .is i' lit. r.t.i .
lliook. 11, T V.'i
Con. Tobai eo 12
Ci.ts. A: Ohio ?Hi
Con. iu loi'j, lvi'l iiia
line, i, iv .J J-l'l '-'"I II "j H'.i,
St Paul 1H.I 117 ir.14 ipa.
Hoik Islind lull, io,yvt ioJ jo-,
Delaware A: Hud ...114 111 111 111
li. L. A- AY l.'l 171 171 171
kun. & Tnx l'r .... SJ 3.' SPJ jii
Louis. . Nash Vk'i 7is m.V -UK
.Manlmttmi i:io .... til 95 ui'j 1.",,
Jlet. Traction Co ...171 17J KJ4 KIVs
-un. X ill-llie ,,,, lU'fc IUVa i , .kI
..III) 1U 11B
JtlHO.v Central
Ninth. I'll Ilia 5Pi 51K BOH Ml,
lS !'
Rll rat Rm m
Km IJnrlfli. Ti., tltl rtiF inir
?i-' - -..v, , .... , ,,. iu-n ,1 1,1
N. 1. Central HH, J334 1JJU 13.Vi
Out. Ai West S1I 211 21 il"
i-iitiiio .Mini ,,, ii n 41H 41
I'lill. H Heart, l'r .. M 61) 49J 4i
Koiltheril It. It., l'r.. Wi B!4 IWi 63U
'letni.. fV .1- Trnn 11 11 -iiif iitx
J.', g- J.eathur 'v,K ii, iitJ 1g,J
' U. 8. Leather. IT .. wl 7414 73? 71
1'nlon Tacino 41 45) 44'i K
J'lllon 1'ac, Pr .... 74k 74U 73 k 734.
Wnbash, IT 2i)4 S0 20H 2oH
WtM. I'llinn 8Si 8(5'4 Sji So-ii
I'enna. It. 11 in'fc 12.1 Usy W
Am. 8. k W 47V 4SV4 4HJ 47H
1-Vrt. Steel M fO, 47V 41
l'ul. Steel, IT li mi2 71 "2(4
I'x-dlvldend, 2 per cent
Open- High- t.ow- Clos.
WHEAT, lug . ml. est. lug.
July r,s nsi evj osij
MnV 67 6S G7"- 6t'i
July .11 nt .14 .11
Mny 83 Hl'i 31 33' 4
May 23, 21 21?& 21
Mnv COS C.02 Ct'a fi.02
Mny 10.S7 10.95 10 87 10.03
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Far of 100.
STOCKS. Did. Asked.
First National Hank MM
Permit on Havings Hank 3i0
Pcranton Packing Co S3
Third National Hank 4"'1
Dlmo Dcp & DIs. Hank 203
Kconotnv Light, II. V. Co 47
I.urka. Trust & Pafo Dep. Co. 150
Scrniitnli l'tilnt Co 80
Clink & Snovcr Co., Com. ... W
Clnrk iK Hnover.. Prof 125
Kor. Iron Fence & Mfg. Co 100
Scrnnton Axle Works 100
I.ack.i. Ualrv Co, ITe-r 20
Co. Havings Hank AY Trust Co 210
First Vat. flank (CnrboniHle) ... 300
Standard Drilling Co 80
Scrnnton Pass. Hallway,
mortgage, due 1120
Pooplo's Stieet Hallway, first
mortgage, due IMS
Pooplo's Street llnllwav, Gull-
eral mortgage, duo 11J1
Dlikson ilanufiictuiiiig Co...
l.aika. Township School 5...
city of Scranton St. Imp. iV,.
Ml, Vet non Coil Co
Scranton Traction C bonds..
bcranton Wholesale Market
(Corrtcted by II. O. Dale, 27 Lackiwanna
Huttcr Crinmcry. 2la27c; print, 23a
27c; dairy, tubs, 2Cc.
l'ggs Sclict western, lG'c. ; nearby
state, 2.
Cheese Full cream, new, ll'lc.
Heans Per bu , choice marrow, J2 30;
medium. W. pea, J.'.
Onions Per Int., 43c.
Potatoes Per bu Mc.
Lemons J 130.i3.73 per box.
Phllndelpliln Oin'n and Product
Phlliidelphli. Jan. ll.-Wheat-FIrm;
contt.iet giiule, JiiuiiMiy, d'ia7e. Corn
Firm anil Hi. higher; No. 2 mixed. Jnnu
aiy. ::7l.ii171c Oats Steady; No. 2 white
clipped, tl'iiiinic; No. 3 tlo do , IWiloijc;
No. 2 tnlid do., "0c. Potatoes Firm;
1'etinsvlvanl.i cliulcc, pir buslitl. He.;
Nt w Yoik and western do. do tin. of a
f.'c.; do. do. fair to good, do , f.lal'c. Hut
tcr Dull mid c islei ; fancy western
tteamery, 20a29'2c; tlo. tirlnts, 30c. 1'ggs
-Quiet but steady; fresh nearby. We.;
do. western, lUc. ; do. southwestern, ISc ;
do. southern, lee. Cheese Firm. Refined
Sugars Firm; good demand. Cotton
Firm nnd 1-lGc. higher; middling uplands,
7.c. Tallow Unchanged; city pi line, In
hogsheads, 4Kc: country do. do., bar
rels, 5a.1'ic. ; dark, do., 45ic : cakes, 6lin
fi'ic: grcise, Sal'nc Llvo Poultry
Steady; fair demand; fowls, Oalc; old
roosters, tj'iiiic; spring chlckent, SaSc;
ducks. lOalle.: geese, 'Mile.; turkejs, Mj
ale. Dreshcd Poultry Unchanged; fowls,
choice, 9',-e.; do. fair to good. !i..u'Jc.; old
roosters, 7c; chlikens, nearby. Dalle,;
v estrrn do., large, KHllc; medium do,
PaO'ic ; small do., 7asc. ; turkeys, choice
to fancy, lOallc; do. fair to good, OaO'ic;
Inferior ilo 7aSc.: duiks. luallc; geese,
SaOc. Receipts Flour, 4,n barrels and
7 000 sacks; wheat, (!() bushels; torn, 31,
CiOO bushels; oats, 11,000 buthcls. Ship
iiient" Wheat, 3,000 bus-hols; com, JO.OOO
bushels; oats, ",VM bushels.
New York Grain and Produce,
New York, Jan. 11. Flour Quiet but
firmer, not being pressed for sale.
Spot film; No 2 ml, "lic'i. f. o. t.
nlloat prompt (nominal) ; No 2 ictl, 71V..C.
eltvrtor; options steadv and for a gootl
put of the session dNpl ivitl ctinsldcr.iitio
III nine ' and tho marki t tloseil 'tnac.
net advance: Mauli clos-ed 73'4C Slav,
7.,e.; July, 71'e. Coin Stmt llrm; No.
2. Uc. f o. b. afloat .mil Vc. elevator,
options opened stt.irty anil adv.iniei'i,
closing llnii ut '40. net Hilvnnte; Jnnu-
II ry closed 40c. ; Mav. ."ic; Oats Spot
III 11; No. 2, ;;' : No. :i, Js'.c. ; No. 2 white,
I'.V ; No 3 white, He.: mKul west
1 rn, 2'i,'30'.c : white, 31a31c; onllons
dull ami milnloieitlng. llutter Sleatly:
vtestern ireamii v, 25aM'c : d ). factoiv, 17
a2oC. June rn. nutty, tMUM.c; Imitation
ciramei), ll'iu'tic. ; stale tl.iliy, LSijy1.; tlo.
cic.nneiv. 21,i'!)e. Chi est Film; fall
iniiilo, WtxKc, mil mmlo (.nicy
laige, 121iitlJe.; late madu lare, llal.'c;
small late made. 12al2'ic. j:ggs Film;
state and Pi nnsv lvanli, 20e ; western itn
gr.nlnl at mark, 14alSc; western, 20c ,
loss off.
Chicago Grain and Produce.
Chl"i.go, Jan. 11. Tho wheat market
steadied today bv the Liverpool ad ,11110
and the flimni'ss ot provisions. Mnv elop
ing Ha'iC over ttt rtliiv. Com close;
'jc. up and oats utich inged. Final llg
uits In piovlslons weie lOalJ'tc. up. Cash
'luotatlons were im follows: Flour
Stail: No. 3 Hiring wheat, U'ea'i'Lc:
No. 2 tod, Bd'J.aiii'f.c.: No. 2 corn, "'l'-ic:
No. 2 yellow, .ll'to ; No. 2 oats. 22S.i!231iC.
No 2 while, 2V,ii2V'.e.: No. 2 white, 2fi
n21Uc; No, J no, 51Hii32'ji.: No. 2 bai
ley, lis.ill'.o.: No. 1 flax seed and noitli
west. $1.4''al M; tlmothv. 2 3'; pork. Jl) 3"'4
11IOC71,'.; lnitl. $3 7'.a3!Kl; ribs, JUAi'bl;
shoulilers, ,rii-.n5e., incut tlear sides, 1 c0
ii5.S5; whiskey, $I.2M..:, unchangid.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Chicago, Jan. 11. Cattle Good fat na
tive steers, strong to p)c. higher; others,
steadv: Tex.ins, strong: feeders, about
steady; god to choice. 123a0 3O: poor to
medium. Jlao: mlx'd itockets. tJaSSI; se
lected feeders. $4 20a4.71; good to cholte,
cows, ) 1 40a 4.71: heifers. !50,i4!iO; tan
ners, $.' 21.l1; bulls, Jia4 3): calves, f 4 50
a7.W; foil Texas beeves, JI21a3 21. lings,--3
1I1V. higher: cloed sttady: good tic ir
anccs; highest prices for three months,
mlid and butcl.eis. lir3i4CO; good to
cholco heavv, $4 ro.i4 r7 ; ; rough heavy,
tir.a1.40; HUH. JlCOiirj'i; bulk of sales,
$4 llal.U'. Slitep-Hood sheep, stiopgi
lambs. 10c. lower; rativo wethers, Jl.lo.i
I 'hi, lambs, IllOaO.'O; western vvetheis,
$1; western lambs, :3 50i6.15. Re
ceipts Cittle. 7.100 heul; hogs, 31,001
head; sheep, 17,10 haul,
Buffalo Live Stock Market.
I'list, Hiiffnlo. Jan. 11. Cattle r.ccclpts,
one carloinl, dull and lowii gimlet vtiy
slow. Hogs Receipts, 11 cats; .I.1IO0.
hlgbii: Ynllieis, $1 1.0,1 1 C; Uuht, 14 11:i
41.0, pigs, $ijaji: mixed, jKm; mi
illums mid heavv, ; Sheep and
1. imbs Rcci Ipts, 2J ems; steadv, lambs,
$l.71a21; sheep, ton nilxtrt. t13i4 70;
wetlitis, I7'U5; yearlings, $1.73a3.23; culls,
to fair, JJal23.
New York Live Stock.
New Yoik, Jan, 11. Peeves Nothing
doing; feeling dull. Calves Veals, steady
at tl Suite 25; l.anoanl calves, slow at
J.TOai Sheep Steady; lambs, slow;
steady to vn; lower; comnion lo prima
sheep, $1.ilGJ'?; medium to cholco lutnhs,
$1110.73. Hogs Slow nnd wink at I 63a
4 so; western pigs. $H5al.75; good to
choice statu do., $ 1.73a I M
East Liberty Cattle.
I'ast Liberty. Jan. 1l.-Cattle Steady;
extin. J1 "u.ii;; gcod, fi ?0.i3 40; common,
$La3 ia). llogi-Slovv: pi line mediums, $1 1);
heav b'us, $4D3a1i.ij, best yorkers, t 30
airs, light takers and pigs, Jl.knvl ,r,'j;
loughs, ml. Sheep Firm; cholco vveth
eis, Jl 0; tonimon. J.'a.l: cholco
lambs, i;.1liiC25: common to good, SIDOa'J;
veal calves, $7n7.73.
Oil Market.
Oil City, Jan. U.Credlt balances. i.r,r,;
certltleatis, ,60Vj bid; shipments, J,e5j
baiuls; average, S3, 301 biiieis; tuns, 103,
01 1 bairels; overage, al,13S bant Is.
O, Drown, journalist, ot Dulutb, Minn.,
writes; "I havn been a autfemr trom
Throat and Nasul Catarrh for over JO
yeurs. during which timo my head has
been stopped up unci my condition truly
miserable. Within 15 minute after using
Dr. Agnew's Ca tan lull Powder I obtained
relief. Three bottlo have utmost, If not
ntliily. cured mo." For sale by Mat
lliivvs Hros. und W. T. Claik. 9J.
iA Mighty, Powerful Combination of Our j
t Annual Clearing Sale
READ EVERY LINE and profit by the saving. Never have
, we made such extraordinary preparations for a Friday
Sale. Never have goods been so fabulously cheap as for this
Friday. The record breaking sale of the century.
"jooo yards of very hand
some patterns in many
widths of
Jt yard.
Not a yard in the lot worth
less than 6 cents to io cents.
450 yards of exquisite new
styles and very rich patterns
X 39
Not a yard in the lot worth
less than"69 to 75c and 8-;c.
37 of the latest style ot
O.xlord, black and brown
Not a garment in the lot
made to sell less than $4.00
to $5.00.
Your choice of three styles
of corded effects, with um
brella ruffles,
In black only. Heavily
lined with flannel and worth
$1.2? each.
240 of extra good quality
and pretty colored flannelette
night gowns and
For children. Not a one
in the lot woith less than 50
50 dozen each of plain
muslin chemises, in all sizes;
also extra good
With full ruffles, inserting,
embroidery and cluster tucks.
Worth 3s cents.
One hundred dozen extra
good quality and very pretty
tints in
Two yards long and 36 in.
wide, mounted on good spring
roller, complete.
48 oak and mahogany fin
ish, with good cobbler seats
and carved
Rocking f CQ
Chairs, l"
Made from selected stock
and positively worth $2.25
and $2.50.
Two hundred of the lead
ing shapes and colors in un-trimmed
Including black. Sold earlier
in the season as high as $1.25
and $1.50.
Soo pairs of good heavy
quality, fleece lined and last
The same kind as you
usually pay 12 cents and
15 cents the pair for.
Sixty-four dozen ot extra
heavy quality camel's hair
All sizes from 16 to 54 and
positively great value' at 29
Extra large, extra weight,
in white and grey, with lancy
red and blue borders.
Edge tape-sewed, color to
match borders. Would be a
big bai gain at $1.00.
397 pairs spring heel Don
gola kid. patent or kid tips, lea
ther soles, heels and counters.
Sizes 1 1 to 2 machine
sewed one of the biggest
shoe b.u gains we've ever seen.
Broken lot in colored laun
dered bosoms, cuffs to match,
and soft bosom
In sizes 14, 14, 16, 6y3,
17 and I72. Reduced lor this
sale from 1 and 75c
300 yards full half bleached,
full two yards wide or 72
Not a yard in the entire lot
has ever been sold under 69
9f For your choice of s lb. Tin
C Canisters ; 50 feet Cotton Clothes
line; Steel Blade Kitchen and
Bread Knives; Varnished Wood
Pails; Maple Wood Bosom Boards; 11
quart Granite Coffee and Tea Pots; large
sire Painted Foot Baths; Three-size-in-one
Round Graters; Decorated Night
Lamps, Towel Racks, Mirrors, and one
hundred other things.
Worth up to 20 cents.
Your choice of White Por
celain Colored Dishes; large
In the Galvanized Pails; Solid Zinc
vv.isiiuu.irus; uesi uaiv.iuizeu
Base- Chamber Pails ; Wood Fibre Water Pails ;
3-ft. Step Ladders; half dozen thin
ITienf On --lown Tumblers; any size Pastry
J. Boards; Colfee Mills; 4-qt. Stew Pans,
rPidaU granite; Nickle-plated Dinner Pails, 12-
lluay inch Feather Dusters.
Worth up to 45 cents.
Jonas Long's Sons.
,t .