S t CjyS ys THE SCRANTON TlUHUNJb-WJSDJNlSSJJAX, JAJNUAHX 10, 1UU0. 'SiAt-- CARBONDALE. ALMOST A RIOT. FolirViman Defied nt the Democratic v Convention Last Night. Thn Democratic convention met In the Academy of Musde lout night, nnJ bofore.lt got down to business blood flheil huh narrowly averted. Mayor Kilpatrlc.lt was there ivs a delegate and he insisted on having Chairman ftoylnn and Secretary Moflltt, of the city committee, act, while a majollty of the delegates thought othetwls No motion to the contrary would he entertained by Chairman Hovlan, and the delegates nomlinted John III Id Rett. When he attempted to take the platform both factions stripped their coats for action. Then theiyTwas a pause. Aftei unsldcrabttalk and delay a motion to make Jrfvuph Hun nan chairman nnd John Hildgott sec retaty was rallied. Mr. Miennan iontod hlmsplf at a table In fiont of the stage nnd commenced to do busi ness. The major said to Ollleer Hud elv: "Put tint man out for dlstuiblnT thn peace." The delegates anil their friends, who weie deeldedlv In the mi Jority rose for the lontllct and the officer's good Judgmint In accepting the ineltnble without sti iking a blow prevented a fcerloils ilot. Finally the mavot and his party withdrew and the convention made the following nominations: Second vv .11 el Poor dliector, John Lynch; common council, J. J. Loftus, P. V. lievlno Thitd i aid Poor dliector. A. L. Cook: school dlicctoi, J. J. Gallagher; alderman, John Atkinson. Fourth waul Pool ch. color, Wllltim I,oftus; common council, Messn. Walsh and Kennedy. .I''lftliw.tid Pool dliector. John Me Cube; 'select council, Thomas Moua hau. .Sixth u aid Pooi dliector, M. H. riune; common council. Joseph Hat lis, Janus Lter; alderman M. H. gulllvan. HANK ELECTIONS. The lnc.il banks held their annual oloctloii"- esterdav with the follow ing result Two plunges weie m ide In the dlieetoiato of the Mlncrb and Mechanic. The new dlrectois aie L. A. Patteison, succeeding his father, deccuscd, and G. B. Jermyn, succeed ing his father. The re-clecled dlrect ois are: E. E. Hendrlck, A. P.tfeco-, W. W. Lithrop, C. E. Spencer, W. W. Watt, S. A. McMulIen, D. Scuny. . meeting of the directors was held Im mediately after that of the stockhold ers and the following ofllc ers weie elected: Alfied P.iscoe, president; E. E. Hendilck, vice ptcsldent, and Clai ente E Sreueei, eashlei. The stockholders le-clected nil th' old cliiectorh of the Flist National lunk. The dliectois will meet and elect ofllceis todnv. THE COMMITTEE SWEAES. The- following affidavit of the ati" committee explains Itself: "The membeis of the Citizens' E "cutlve Committeo of One Hundted jelng duly swoin doth iKpoao and say that the above ai tides fiom the Car bondalo he idoi aie 1 ilso In eveiy pui tluil.ir, a malicious lie m ide out of whole doth, and woithy of the paper that published It. '"I. A. Robcits I'lialimin: Henty J. Hiuinin, T. M Noalon, H. C. Wheeler, J. W. Kllpatrkk. II. I! itelley. "Peisonally appealed befoie me, oiu of the aldeimen foi Oaibondale, the above paitles who deposeth and saleth on oath the above affidavit Is tiue tj the best of knew ledge and belief. I Seal "William Mori Won, "Alderman. 'Caibondale, Jan. S, 1000" LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Mis J. J. Thompson is enteitalnlng Miss llutii Couitiight. of Seranton. Ml"s Kathi.Mi Gardnei, of Clifford, called en fi lends In this city v ester da v. It has been announced that St. Itoso's Crtlstmis eilYotlng was fl,r02, an Incie.isp o $:;i over that of Kaster. Mis. O. W. i:vana visited Olvphant f l lends e slerday. Vi ink Rhine, of Honesdale, was in tills e Itv vosti'iday. Poitii Willi, mis Is filling it tempor ary eleikshlp at the Delawaie mil Hudson ollle e on Noith Main stieet. I J. Hob in was In Honesdale on business vesteidav. Mis. T. II Mcdbind, of Copelan 1 avenue, is entii talnlng Ml.ss Hessie Itejnolds, of Vilkes-i5aup. Postniastei Thomas expects to pay H'jt Spilngs, Alh., a few weeks' visit In the neai futuie. The Ti action conipiuv has elected elluctois an follows, c. i. C'luk, Philadelphia. Fiank Sllllm in. jr , Se lantern, I;, E. Hendilck, Cailion dale; I!. A. Jaeluln, C'.ulinud.ilu; t I'oid Stevens, Philadelphia; S W. Colton, ji , Phil ide'lphl.i; c. A. Peat son, jl , Philadelphia. OLYPHANT. When Pie-fldent Van Sickle called Monday night's meeting of the pound! to oielei, loin menibciH we-ie absent, Messis. Polej. Gillespie.. Marks and Huike. bpcicimy O'Malley icad thp minutes of the pievlous meeting. After he had finished. Ml. How mil asked why he had made no reeoid of the business transacted aftei m er.il of the mem bers had depaitcd fiom the pievlous meeting. The secretary icplled that lie V, ben tbo sun boos down thcro'i k Booa suotutUi in Headlitrht Water White Oil th antidote to darkness. The outaairau'toxploelo.dnccn't (raen,ciciesn'ismol:e. Your cicaicriiasiu le'nHtlM Peflnlnor fin. BA k did not think that any business trans acted by the live members who re mained In the room was legal, because the meeting was left without a quorum, A majority of tha council sustained the secretary's action, and the minutes were approved ns read. The following bills were then paid: Street comrnls sloner'n time for December, $179; Oly phaht llecoi'd, $1.00: police officers, $90; Mrs. Wheeler, $1 25; Olyphant Water company, $203; Treasurer M. J. Lavln, $19 C5 for Interest; employes at electric Plant, $273; supplies, $107. A bill from Prothonotary Copeland was returned for explanation, The burgess then made his monthly report," He stated that notice of the permanent Injunc tion from the couit, icf raining the bor ough from Interfering with the work of the Olvph int Sewer and Drainage com pany, line! been served upon him by the sheriff, aftd recommended that tha ease- bo appealed. He also stated that Caleb Jones, a property owner In the Second wind, was about to bring suit against the borough for damages caused bv the sewer to his pioperty. Two opinions weie heard from Uorough Attorney I.vnoh. He recommended that a duplicate order be diawn in favor of Green, Tweed & Co, of New York, and also that the bill of the Globe Mutual insuinnpo company be paid before the penalty Is added. Council decided to dispose of the elamage claim of G. II, Piokopovltz, who had a coach dam aged on Delaware street last spring, by uibltratlon, by appointing a special committee fiom the council to net In conjunction with the lepresentutlvc of tile Water company, together with the borough attorney and Mr. Prokopovltz. Mi. I.awler offered a resolution author izing the borough attorney to nppeal the Injunction which the Sewerage company has obtained against the bor ough. It was passed unanimously. The bond of health having leslgned ic cently, Piesident Van Sickle appointed a new boaid, as follows: First waid, A. C. Fairell, four years; Second ward, David H. Lewis, five jears; Thlid waul. Mat tin Curran, thiee yeais; Tourth ward. J. A.Wllllams, two yeais: Di. A. I'. Crans, one yeai. A bill from John Murray was taken fiom the table and passed. It amounted to $,".2 C2 T hat muph-talked-of borough map then came In for Its share of discussion. Mi. Gallagher said it cost the borough sev cial hundred dollars to have 'i new map made some jear.s ago, but since that time the map has never been &een. At his suggestion the secret.uy was dlieeted to look up the missing map The minutes of the meeting of Oct. 1 weie approved, on motion of Mr. Law lei. The .secietary's collections for light for the month of N'ovember were as follows: Collections, $39S.07: expenses. $ 7 76 "DnnDS AHH FUUITS, woids aie but leaves" The many wonderful cutes c'fected by Hood's Tarsapirllla aie the fiult by which It should ba judged These prove it to be the great icinedy for all blood diseases. HOOD'S PILLS cure nil liver lllo. Non-lrrltatlng. JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. School Boaid Met Last Evening;. First Waid Republican Caucus Sat ui day Evening. The school directors held their month ly meeting last evening, but live of the nine dliectois being piesent. The ab sentees weie Prltchaid and Shields, of the Flist, and Loughney and Kdmunds, of the Third wards. The following bills weie read and oidered paid: J. G Avery, $33 71: Hlectrlc Light company, $1: Kdward Stubbs, $68 W. A communi cation was lead fiom Dr. S. D. Davis, stating he had given up the insurance ngency, and advising the board that he should nut icnew the $11,000 policies about to pxpiu. Insurnace Agent Dunn wns piesent and leciuested to have the business hltheito given the doctor. The mattei was left over until net meet ing. The pin chasing of four dozen drawing books was authoilzed. Mr. Hunter spoke of the heating and venti lating s.vstem of the schools and es pecially the smell so frequently pom plalned of In one of the rooms. At the close of the meeting the boaid went down into the loom mid made an ex amination, which disclosed the fact that the leglster In the room was di rectly over the vaults nnd at times when the air passes up, instead of di awing down the leglster the nlr must lie most foul and dingeious. it was di eldpel to at onpp make some alien tlons and repalis that will abolish this dangfi. Messis Wake, Giant ami Mellow wore appointed visiting com. nilttee for the present month. The First waid Republicans will hold theli caucus on Satin day evening in Windsor hall at 7.."0 o'clock shaip Hy older of the vigilance committee, Hcniy Mouom and Itichaul Kvans. Alumni p.nk Is piovlng a stumg at tiactlnn to local skiteis, and evety afternoon and evening numbois tuun bete go up theie. Mis. Hildget Tallet, of Ma field, Is n cowling fiom hci long Illness Miss Maigaiet Thompson was a Si lanton visitor vesteiday, IMwIn Gtaves, of Fouith stieet, has been confined to his home the past few das witli sickness On nccount of the wreck on the Dela waieand Hudson lallroad at Auhbild, .estoulay, the paymaster was an houi and a half late In teaching the Dela waip and Hudson eollleiy. A child of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mer rltt, of Mayfleld, is sick. Having a Gieat Run on Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. Manager Mai tin, of the Plerson drug stoic, Informs us that he is having a great run on Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. He sells five bottles of that medcine to one of any oth . kind, and It gives great satisfaction. In these das of la grippe there Is nothing like Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to stop the cough, heal up the sore throat and lungs and give relief within a vsry short time. The siles are growing, and all who try It are pleased with Its prompt action. South Chicago Dally Calumet. For sale by all druggists. Matthews Brothers, wholesale and re tall agents. - m i i OLD FORGE. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Seamans are lejolclnf over the artlval of a lit tle daughter. The Ladles' Aid society will bo held at tho home of Mis. E. T. Barnes on Wednesday afternoon, Mr. Ardee Udwards, who has bee i so seiiously ill for the past few weeK3, is slowly improving. Bom To Mr. and Mrs. William Mid dleton, Jan. 4, a son. Rupld progress Is being made in erecting tho abutment3 of tho new street railway bridge across the Lack awann.v jlvei. The Ladles' Homo Missionary sooh ty will meet at the parsonage Thurs day afternoon. TAYLOR NEWS. Sons of Temperance Install Officers. Ventriloquist Hartley Coming. Personal and Other News of In terest. Emblem division, No. 57, Sons of Ttmprance, installed officers In their looms, in Van Horn's hall, on Monday evening. District Deputy William J. Thomas perfoiincd the ceremony. The officers me us follows: Worthy pattl nrch, Elmer Davis; worthy associate, Lena Dally; recording serretaiy, Ed uaul D. Davis; assistant iccordlng sec retaiy, Evan Davis; financial secretary, Rexford Cardwell; tieasurer, RlclnvJ Robpits; past worthy patrlaich, Rev. II, H. Harris; conductor.Fiunk Depker; assistant conductor, Mary Griffiths; chaplain, Haivey Fitch; Inside senti nel, Lbzlp Davis; outside sentinel, Oscar Thomns Tile decoiators have completed their woik at the new Catholic church and everything Is now In leadiness for the celebrating of the flist mass, with tho exception of the new pews, which are cMiected to at rive dally from Indiana Charles A. Hartley, the famous ven trlloeiulst nnd Impersonator, has been engaged for tho conceit at the Calvary Uiptlst rhuich on Feb. S. Tho membeis of the Tnvlor Silver Cornet band aie leaving nothing un done: whatever for theli coming entet talnment and social, which will bo held at Weber's rink on Jan. 22. Last night's attendance at tho fair of tho Catholic chinch was huge. A first-class piogranune was icndered and added much to the pleasuie of the evening. Ai tides are selling lapldlv, and thobc which me being contested for will feoon be dlsposeel of. Mrs. Leslie Nyhait Is HI at her homo on North Main avenue. Mr. John Nelger, of tho firm of Nelger & Powell, is confined to his home by sickness. THEATRICAL. Maud Hillman Company. At the Aradcmv of Mule this after noon the Maud Hillman e ompi.ny will present "Chaiitv i;pss." Tonipht tin' bill will be 'The New South," tomonow aftei noon, "Hat Lynnp," and tomoirow nl-iht "Shaft No. 2 ' Th Tuxedo Club. The Fiod. Waldnnn Specialty com pany will close Its engagement nt the Galetv with peifeumanceb this nftci nocm and evening. Commencing on Thursdiy afternoon the Tuvedo Club will open a return engagement nt the Gaiety. This oi gnnizatlon left a veiv good Inipiesston when seen here caily In September last. So much so that Manag'T Walsh offeicel special Inducements in oidi to si cure u return e'lgigeinent. But little can be Bild of this oiganlzation but that is good, and the patioinge will undoubtedly be large. "The Soirovvs of Satan." This evening at the Lyceum the company whlrh ipcntlv pioduced "The Sol rows of S ittn" heie, will play a return engsgenont The Inteipietatlon given -o iceently hue by the oiganl7 itlon diieeteJ l.y Aithui ('. Alston was mi admit able that an Immediate dimind was made that -i l etui n vNIt be li'Tueste-d of the management. The eompenv will be In evciy role Identically the s lino as when heie a few week- agi, and the sant" care will be obSiivtd In cveiy detail of the pioductlon. A Farcical Romance. 'His Uxeellencv the Govetnoi," which comes to us lib the iecoi.1 of a most uneiuallfled and unexpected sllcces In New Yoik dining the "piin,? and summer just passed will be at the Ljceuin next Filday. The un Usmlly mu pi Hint; circumstances of its New Yoik hit an geneially known, and will no doubt pio'oke luiiesity tt s-ee the play which, put on to fill the last two weeks of the season, tan near ly all Mimmer, nnd was profitably re vived at tho opening of the piesent hcasun. It Is stjled bv Its authoi. Captain It Marshall of the P.tltlsh in my, a "far deal lom.incp." Ch.uhs Fi oilman has "elected a competent cast foi the en gagement heie. Including Hthcl Bairy more, Charlotte Ciane. Ida Vernon, Edwin Stevens, II. P.cpvk, Smith, F. Newton Undo, Edward See and others. 'Children of the Ghetto." The best wrlteis In this countiy who have seen Mr. Zangw Ill's f nne.us play, "Tho ("hlldien of the lir.eUo, which Is soon to bo piesente.! In this city, with the oilglnil New Yoils and Lon ilon cast, have given the author cudlt foi having stiiven lniK.sil.- und labor ousl to sttiko a new line, vlileh ho, they fltlm. has uoe .stullv a.'-nm-pl'lhed. Thev fuitlu'i daim that he lias e'lsplaveel coin tg In putting on the ftuge le.illstl" ilcfres of human habitation tha lu his ir ub the must ateuiate poiti.iit painting, and ob served all the accepted dramatic unit Its in the development .if a plot v.Ith an Intensely human basks. More than S'O.Ootl vwt expended in completing eveiy essential featuio foi the piescntatlnn of the play. Mote than two car loads of sieneiv are used1 tho play was staged by Mr. Jatne1-- A. Heme, whoso loputatlon In this lountry Is without ,n ecjual us a m istei In tho ait of stajju leilism. Moio than forty people links up the entire cast of which the following are the pilndp'il plaeis: Wilton Lackaye, William Nor-ls, Robert Edescm, Gus Wetnbeig, Adolphe Lestlni, Gus Frankel, Fmll Hoch, rnnk Cornell, Fred Lotto, Rosabel Morrhon, Mine. Cottrelly, Mabel Tnllsferio. Ada Dwjer, Lauia Almosnlne, Ada Cuny, Ellen Betg, Louise Muldenei, and Alice Evnnr. "Tho Children of the Ghtto" v.ill bo given at tho Lyceum theatre on nt Monday evening, and theie Is every reason to bellevo that It will bo given a most geneioua icceptlon by the theatie-e'olng public of this city, not necessailly betnuse it Is a plav that has attracted almost unlvcrsil at tention thioui'hout the United States and England, but lathei upon the basis of its intense intciest, its dinmatlo niipremacy. Its pathetic steuv, devo tion to lellgieus deiiees, rnd the ar tistic and splendid marner In which It will bo presented by. pen haps, ono of tho best dramatic nrpunlatlons that has ever come to this cltv. 7DkBuU'sN Cures alt Throat and Lung Affection. rmiftu QYDUD MV VH . A GetthcKcuuiuc. Refuse substitutes. m IS SURE Pt . Ji.i',1 iJVlscat l fff:ia. Ti tal, mnrje. THE PHILIPPINES MUST BE KEPT Concluded from Page . The Whole Question Elemental. Itr. President, this question Is elpepe-r than nnj question of nrtv politics; deep er tluni any uucsllon of the Isolated pol icy of our count! v, even: deeper even than any question of eonxtluitlmml pow er. It Is tlementiel. It Is rielil Ood Ins not been preparing the Kngllsh speaking and Teutonic peoples for a thou sand ears for nothing but vnln nnd Idle self-contemplation and self-admiration. No! Ho has made us the nincte r organ ize rs of the world to establish F stein where chaos reigns. He line, given us thn rplrlt of piogies to overwhelm tho forces of reaction throughout the eartl'. llu has Unaele us adepts In government that wo' may administer government among xaviige and UMille pontiles. Were It not for such a force as this, tho world would rclnpsn Into Inrbirlsm and night. And of all our race, He ins marked tuo American people as His chosen nation to finally lead In the rrge ncr.itlon of the world. This Is the divine mission of America, and It holds for us all the pro fit, all the glorj. nil the hipplness pos sllilo to man We an trustees of the world's ptofiie-ss; guardlnis of Its tlsiit eons pence. Tho liMgniont of the Master Is upon us: "Ye hive been faithful over a few things; I will make jou ruler over ninny things " What Mull history nv of us' Shall It say Hint we i enounced thnt holv trust, left the savage to his bae condition, the wilderness to the rel'ii eif waste, deserted tlutv, nb iiuloi ed glci, forget enir sordid prollt even, l)pnise wo fearpd our strength and lciul the elutter of our poweis with tho doubter's ce and the eiulbblei's mind? Shall It say that, called bv events to captain and eotnnnnd the prouelest, ablest, purest lace of his torj In hlstoi.e's noblest work, wo de clined that great commission? Our fathers would not have hint it so. No! The founded no p.ir.ilvtlc government, incapable of the simple -t acts of icdmln Isti itlon "lhev planted no "luggircl peo ple, pusslvu V hlle the world's vvenk e ills Hum. Tbey established no reaction vry nation. They unfurled no retreating flag. Ood'a Hand in All. I Thnt flag has never paused In Its cn ward march Who dares lull It now now when hltorj's 1 crget events nra euirlng it forward now when we are at 1 ist one people, -trong enough for any t isk gic it enough for nnv cloiy elestim can bestow. How comes It that our flist e cnturv close's vvltli the pro.exs of con tolldatlng the Arneilcan people Into a unit Just ne ccmplishcd. and quick upon the stiohc of that gieit hour pres-es upon us oui world opi'ortunltj, world dutv. nnd world gleiry which none but u people weleliel Into nn Indivisible n itlon can achlevu or licrfoim; ltllml, Ituloe rt, Is ho who sees not tho hand of God In eeenls i nst, so haiinnulous, so benigp. Re ictlon irj, liuleeel. is tlie mind Hi it ior eelves not th it tils vital people Is the stinngest of the -living foices of the wm Id, th it our place, therefeiie. Is nt the he id of the coti'-ti uc ting and ledeemlng n itlons of the earth; and that, to st mil aside while events tuirch on is n sunen cler of our Interests, a betr.cval of our dutv .is blind ns It Is bac. e'riven In deed, Is the heart th it fetrs to perfoim n woik so golden aid t-o nohle'that dates not win a glorv so Immortal f)o jou tell me that It will cost us nionev ' When dlel Ami i leaps ever mcsE uie dutv bv financial standards? Do von tell me ef the tremendous toll rcquiled to enercome the vas ellfllcultles of our task? Whit mlghtv woik tor the world, for htitnanltv, even foi nuit-clvo, has ever been done with ease'' Iven out hie id must we cat bv the swe it of our faces Wh- are we chitted with power such as no people ever knew, if we are not to uso it In a woik such as no people ever wrought? Who will ell-puto the divine me ml lg of the fable of the talents Do von I e mind me- of the pi i clous blood th it must be shed, the lives that must be five ii, the broken IicmtIs ot loved ones for theli slain." And Mils Is ineleeel a hcivler price than all combined And vet as n n itlon cverv historic dutv we have accomplished his b"en by the sac. ritlce of our noble "t sons Hverv holv nicninrv thnt glorllles the flag Is of those' heroes who hivo died th it Its onward m ireh might not bej staved. It Is the nation's dearest llcs ) hided for the flag tint makes it eie ir to u; it is the na tion's most pie clous blood poured out for It that makes it on e lolls to us That ft ig Is woven ot hctolsm nnd grief, ot the br.iveiv of nn u and women s tens, of righteousness and h title, of sacrifice and anguish, of triumph and of gloiv. It Is these which m ike our flag a holy thing. Who would tear fiom that sailed b inner tin gloiious legends of a hlnirle btttlo when. It luis wavid on land or see..' Vv h it son of a soldier of tho flag, whose lather fell beneath It on any field, would Mil render th it pi mid record for the hiraldiv of a king. In the cause of cIvlllsMtlon, In the si nice of the repub lic nnv where on e irth, Americans con sldei wounds tho noblest clecoiatlons in m pun win and count tho giving of their lives a ghiel and precious dutv. I'r iv God tint "plllt never falls Prav God the time mnv never come when Mammon nnd tho love of ease shall so debise our blood that we will fe.u to she el It for the 11 ig and Its imperlil destluv. Piuv God the time nun never come when Arneilcan he rnlsm is but n legend, like the Morv of the Cte, Arneilcan faith in oui mission and our might a elic.im ellsolveil, and the glm v of our mighty race de p uted And thnt time will nevei come We will icnew out jouth at the fountain of new anil glorious deeds. We will exalt our reverence for the fl ig bv caiijlng It to .i noble future as well ns bj- re mem beilng Its Ineffable p ist. Its lminor talitv will not p ihs, becnuse evervwheio and nlwiivs we will ui knowledge and dls clnrgo the solemn usponsihilities our sacred fl ig, In Its deepest me inlug puts upon us And so senators, with t'ver ent hearts, wheie dwells the fe ir of God, tho Arneilcan people move foiwurd to the future of their hope and tho doing of Ills work. LEGAL. thi: anni'al vii:i:timi op tiik steic klllildeis of '1 he Ihltel is(. I'nw eh i JI iiiutaciuilug f'omp inv foi thetlec. tlon of illreetois nnd t'10 transaction of htiihnthei business ns mav propeilv teuno before It will be held on Wtiliu mI.ij, J.in 11 it 2ltli, 1 mil, 111 the' utile o ot the Com pinv, Sci n. ton, P.i , nt . .0 o i luck p m. No uonsfcrof stock will be nunlo ten ten dll s next piiieding the elate of the nbovo nice ting. i:. P KINGSIJPUV. Se e rot II V. noti'i7"is ni:iii:uv givkn that tho ailiiu il nn t ling of the stotkliold eis ed the ihllloil Coil I. mil Coinpil'y lor tho cite lion of dliectois and the Hans ic tlon oi such other lni'ine-s ns nnv properlv come befoie It. will bo held on Wednesday, Januntj Jlth, l'ii, at the gill, cial olllce of the Compaiij. Common weilth building, Sit.intiin Pa. nt i o'clock p. m. THOMAS H. OALU. Sec ietai. Hsr.vTi: or amp.i.ia a. cahi.ino, lito of tho cltv nt Sciantnn, I.ackn vv annua eountj, I'ennsj Ivanln, doe eased. Letters testuiinntarv upon the above named estate having been gi anted tu tho undersigned, all persons having claims or demands against s ild estate will pre sent the in foi pajment, and all persons indebted theieto will please make lm mediate pajment to JAMKS H. TOimr.Y. P. H. CONNKLL. Kxecutors, Scrnnton. Pa. WKLLP.S & TOIUIRY, Attornejs. THi: ANNI'AL MKP.nNG OP a UK stockholders ot thu St. CI ilr Coal Companj lur tho election of dliectois nnd the tiansaetlon of such otlui busi ness ns may propeily como befoie it will bo held on Mondij, Jnnuniy .'Jinl, 1!00. nt tho office of the. companv, Llliri r building. Scianton, Pa, at J o'tlock No trinsfor of stock will be m.ido for the ten dajs n t ptcccdluj, the elate of above meetlus. . N. CI TAM.OH, Secutaty. Tin: annhal fiocKHOLnniis' meeting of the. Weston Milt Conip my will bo held at tho 1'iist National Rank. Saturelaj evening. Jan. li lno, nt o'clock. A. W. Dickson, Sec i tint v noticT: is iTiMiuny givk.v tu vta meeting eif the Hrckholcleni or the Hpilng JJrook Water Coinpiuv will be held nt tho otllen of the sniel companv, .No. Sul Hoard ot Tl.ulc liulliling. in the Cfy of Scranton, on Wedinsdas, Jiiiiu iry 17, JW0, at ten a. in. In tuiorehiuco with the bv-lnws of tho companj. foi Uio ptiiiosj of eleetltiB dliectois foi the rustling .voir, and for the train' ic tlon ot Hiieh other business ns maj' propeilv come before tho meeting. T. II. VVAI'KINS. Secretin The People's AHMAi'AiililiVkWV A POPUIAR CLEARING IIOUSH for tho neiiertt of AH Who Ilnve Houses to Ho in, lvcitl Lstntj or Other Property to Sell or Exchmt!;c, or Who Want Situations or Help Thew Small Advertisements Cost One Cent u Word, Six Insertions for Five Cents a Word L.vcept Situation! Waittod, Which Arj I a. hCfted Free. FOR RENT TUNAN'IS SKKKINO HOUSKS OH liinillords seeking tenants Blmuld sco Hnckett, Price Uutlcltug. tOIt IIHNT-S ItOOM IIOUSK, 11!) MON roo avenue, Dunmore. roil HIINT-PLAT, SIX ItOOMS. MOD em, etiitl.il, steam heat. ApplJ to W. 11. Logan, 202 Hoard of Tiacle. POtt ltLNT-l'UOM APIHL 1ST, STOUT:, 20x71 feet, J."J Pciin iivcnuc. Inuulro on pre mines. FOR SALE rou sALi:-KNTiim hoitsi:uoli consisting in parlor suit, book case, couch, e.iiptts, etc. 31.1 Madison avenue. ron SALL-A oni: hundui:ij-uol-l.ir nltinilnum blcjde, as good as nev for $.'S cash. Inciulre 313 M lellson live. HU1LT TO OUDKIl LIGHT AND heavy sleighs, bobs, etc Slelahs In stock, JJ3 00 each. Helrlegel, St. Locust street. no r.ioosi pati:nt ihoht ron sali:. of ii recently patented aitlcle. Us use Is everywhere linllspenslble. lor particulars nnd tellablllty of, ineiulro at Tribune ofllco. Poll SALK-t! HOOM HOL'sn. CELLAU and furnace. 1S1 Chcrr.v street, Dun more, Pa. a Finh sqTjaiu : Di:cici:n piano Will ho sold very reasonably. Apply to Miss Sanderson, 1530 Sanderson nve. WANTED-TO RENT. WATjTiTrCrsTifjDno'oM'. sttiT- nble for gentlcnian and wife: rential ly located Address, X, Y, C, Tribune FURNISHED ROOMS. LGirrnoNToovTron two gi:n- tleinen, with bond 110 Adams avo. WANTCD-TWO NICELY Pt'ltNlSHLD looms with boaid Ccntr.allj located. Address W, Tilbuuo nillco REAL ESTATE. nvo lots coitNnn Columbia and Cnpouse avenues, Green Itldge Must be sold; make' an offer. W. T. Huckctt, Price Building. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY 'i;oo to 11,000," wiTiTsT:iVvici:rTonrT vest In any legitimate business that will bear Investigation. Address i: , Trib une ofllco. IPJVEYJTOJLOA $100,000 TO LOAN ON It HAL KSTATH 'ccurity In sum to suit the borrower. J. C V.iuglian, 421 Lackawanna avenue. WANTED. a sinuli: iiopsi:. rrnNisiiiU) on unfurnished. Address with p irtlc u lars. H. Hunter, General Dellverj', Cltj. S'l OltKS OlTICnS, BA11NS, hoi'si:s. flats and loon's. Haekett, Piice llldg. AGENTS WA NT ED. activi: MCX AND womgn i:vi:Y vvhero to tnko orders for "Life of Moody," the gieat evangelist. Sells it sight. Sample enabling von to make from Jl to $7 dallv. by mall free on le iltiest Address Globe Bible Publishing Co, 7."5 Chestnut St , Phlladn , Pa. HNKP.GKTIC SALESMAN - COUNTItY work School supplies. Salary $100 and extras, n. O. Evans & Co , Chi cngo, III. W A NTED-BY AN P.STABLISHED business of a high older, a representa tive of abllltv nnd backing who enn take up Its work in the stato of Pennsv Ivanln; no scheme, permanent business with money In It for the right pnrty. Address, giving leferences POT'XTAIN BATH BnUSH CO, Grand Rapids, Mich. HELP WANTED-FEM A LE. WANTED-SALESLADY WHO HAS A knowledge of tho shoe business; must luce lefe renc e. Also Iidv to he cashier and bookkeeper. Inquire at Mori Is Bros ' Shoe stole, ,'SO T.acknwunu i avenue. LADIES TO DISTRIBUTE TREE SAM pies In clt. Call nt P20 Washing ton avenue, fiom S 3D to 10 10 a m. today. jBOPDVG BOARDING 823 PINE STREET. SPECIAL NOTICE. ALL PERSONS HOLDING ACCOUNTS ng clnst the estate of Alexandei Cialg. late of Scranton, Pa, will help to effect nn enlv settlement bv nt once milling Itemlcd bills of Unit ne counts to Janus R. Oinlg. H Unlveisity Pi ice, New Haven, Conn, DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING TOR CHILDREN TO order; also ladles' waists Louise Shoemaker. 1L Adams avenue. SCALP TREATMENT. w KWW MRS. L T. KELLER. SCALP TREAT ment, COc. : shimpoolng. &0c: facial massage, manicuring, 2'c. , chiropody, 701 Qtilncy. CITY SCAVENGER A. B BRIGGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS nnd cess pools; no odor. improved pumps I'sed A. It. BRIUGS. pioprletor. Leave eiders 1100 Noith Main avenue, or Elcke's drug stole, coinei Adams and Multicny. Telephono VM0. NEWSPAPERS THE WILKE3-BARRE RECORD CAN be had In Scranton at tho news stands of Relsman Bron , 405 Spruce and 003 Lin den; M, Norton 322 Lackawanna avenue; I. S. Bchutzer. 211 Spruce street. LEGAL. AUDITOR'S NOTICE-IN RE: ESTATE of John W. Rnub, deceased. In the Orphans' Court of Lackivvaiuui Count)', No 731, Series H Tho undersigned, nn auditor, appointed bv Fald Couit to pas upon evcptlons to tho administrators uccount nnd also to distribute thu funds remaining In thu hands of 11. It. Ilnub, administrator of the above-name tl John W. R nib heictiy rives notlco tint ho will attend tu tho duties of Ills appointment on SiHiidij', the twentieth clay of Jauttaiv, A. D , lrt at S o'clock n m , at Ids ofllco, No, IDS Spruco street. City ot Scranton, in said County, ot which time and place ull pel tuns having claims ngain.it said estate aro required to appear and present tha snmo or otheiwlso bo fouver debarred fiom coming In on bald fund. JOSEPH P. GILROY, Auditor. SEALED PROPOSALS WlLLiu7"ui celved by Prcel. J. Amsdeii. Architect, until & o'clock p. m, Satuulaj, January 20, 1000, foi the erection und completion of tit, Joseph's Lithuanian Catholic church, Scranton. Pa., In accordance with drawings and specifications by said archi tect. Tho right to i eject nnv and all bids Is reserved. Rev. Anthony Kaupaa, Rector, Exchange. SITUATIONS WANTED A LADY ' 'WOULD LIKE WOR1C BY tho d iv washing uiul Ironing or wash ing to take home. Addiess 112 Linden street, city. SITUATION WANTED-BY A MIDDLE- aged man who lias had eight .Mills' oih lie nco with locomotive and ev Under boilers; thniouahlv ncqu ilntcd with ma chinery! would Uicu to pi c are position in ilcctilcal pliint. Addics H. T. D, Prliebutg, Pa. SITUATION WANTED -BY YOt'N'O in.in ') veirs of age, married, In eilll"o or store: has seventeen Je irs cperlcnco In genrial stores; sobei and Industrious; well uiqu ilntcd tbloltghollt tho eouiily: capiblo of iniinaglng stole; verj' best ot lerercnco If requited. Addiess P. W. J., Tribune. SITUATION WAN I ED-CAN UURNIS1I good rote rem o, at engine cr nnd the man. Addles .1. O. C, icai fili ll.ml son avenue. SITUATION WANTED WASHING. Itonlng or any kind of bouse e lr inlng by the tlnv ir vvck: tnko wifbiug home. Addiess Mi i Lee, CJ1 Miner il street. YOUNG MAN WISHES A POSITION as salesman In clothing store; enn give best of lclelclices. Addiess Elm huist, Pa. I1ARBEII - YOUNG MAN WANTS ehnnco to finish trade. 709 Schnell s plac e PROFESSION A L . ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR. npCuTmNaiRblnVs'iiANK building. fRCHITEGTS EDWARD If. DAVIS. ARCIIU'ECT. c'onnell building, f-cr inton LEWIS HANCOCK Jit. ARCHl'I IVT, 413 Spruce st , cor. Wiuh. av , Scranton. rurDi:1tTcirL brown, architect, Prlco building, Kb Washington avenue, Scranton. DANCINQ. PROP. ST. M KOVACIIY AND DUG li ters Dineltw Teachiis Strlc tlv pii vate lessens any tlmo at residence, W-' Qulncy avenue. DCNTISTS DR I O LYMAN, f-CRANTON rP.l vato Hospital, cm. Wjomlng and Mul berry. DR. II. r. REYNOLDS, OPP. P. O. DR C. C. LAUBACH. 113 Wyoming nvc WELCOME C SNOVER, Coil Ec)nngn 2nd floor. Room D. Hours, tl to 1, 2 to r,. HOTFLS 'NO RCSrAURINTS THE ELK CArn. lfi AND 127 PllANK lln avenue. Rates leeson tide. P ZEIGLU.R Piopiletor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D . L . W. pisscnrei depot Conducted on the La rope in plan VICTOR KOCH, Prop Lfwyetf RICHARD J BOURKE. ATTORNEY-at-L iw. W-2 Lncknvv inna avenue (!e n eial law business coll"ctions and linns J. W. BROWNING. ATTORNEY AND Ceiunselloi.at-L.ivv. Rooms 312-11: Mens building. D B REPLOGLE, ATTORNEY-LOANS negotiated on teal estate sieiultv. Mc ns bullcllng. cornel Washington avenue and Spruce street. M J. DONAHOE ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Oflltes, G12-C13 Meals building. PRANK E POYLE. ATTORNEY AND Cnunsellor-at-Law llurr building, Rooms 11 and 14, Washington nvenue WILLARD. WARREN H KNAPP, AT toiuevs and Cotui'-eUors-nt-Low. Re publican building, Washington avenue. jpssup a .irssup. attorneys and Counsellors - at - I.iw, Commonwealth building; rooms 1, 20 and 21 JAMES W OAKUORD ATTORNEY-AT-Law Rooms CII. .11" and .lit, Boaid of Traelo bul'dlng EDWARD W THAYER ATTORNEY Rooms 101-101 1th floor Mens building. L A WATRE-4 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. m2 Board of Trade building, Scrnnton, Pa C R PITCHER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Commonwealth building Scranton, Pa, PATTERSON A WILCOX. TRADERS' National Bank building. C COMEGYS, D-11 It E PUBLIC A N bullcllng. A W. TtPRTHOLP, Meirs building ATTORNEY, DR. W. E ALLEN, 51 ! NORTH WASH liigtiin nvenue DR S W. IAMOREAUV. OITICE J") Wn"lilngton avi i in-. Pesldfiicc nis Mulbeuv Chionle dlspTo, s, lung'', henit. kldnevs nnd geiilto.iulnary or gnns a specialty. Hours 1 to 1 p. m scnonr, or the Lackawanna" Scranton Pa. Uouihcs prepiritoiv to college. I iw medicine ,n liisne ss. Opens i nt lltli Send foi e itnlngiie. Ri riiomns M C.inn 'L D. princi pal nnd proprietor, W, E. Plumbs', A 51 . 1 e lelnnstci. cre-o a R CLARK R CO , SEEDMEN AND Nurse rv men: rtoio lir Washington ne- me: gieen house, n,o North Matn ave-i line; More telephone, T'2 WIRE SGRCENS JOS. KUETTEL.REAR Mt LAfMCAt wanni avenue, Scr niton, I'a , manufac ture, r of Wire Screens-. BAITER'S-ORCHESTRA-MUSIC FOR balls', picnics, pirtles rceeptlnus, wed dings and concert woik furnished Pof tcims address R, J Bauer, conelucto-, 117 Wsnmlng avenue, over Hulberts.' nitiMc btore, MEOAROEE BROTHERS." PRlNTEriS' Hipplles cnvclopi'h piper b tgH, twine,' Warehouse K0 Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa. ? RAILROAD TIME TABLES Central Riillnil of Now c"i Stations In New Yorlt T'oot of I.thertv idrcct, N, R, and South Ueuj, Whitehall tl. e t. Alilhraelto coal used eclusvt ly, InMir Ing eUanllucsa and comfort. 'iun: tauli: in epi"i:ct nov it, isoi. Trains leave Sciantoe for New York, Now ink, ElUabcth. Phllndelplila. Easton, Bethlehem, Alleiitown, Mauch Chunk and White Haven, ul t jo n m , tpiHs, j i); t xiireKH, 4 Oi P m. SuneliH .Tip m. Tor plttston and Yllken-Barre, S "0 n. 1 ".i 4 ml ii. in. hlHHl.lNH. 2 1V n. m . Poi Bdtlmoie and iiHlilngton. and1 prilnts South und W e st VI i Bethlehem, b ji a. m , J 20 p. m. Sundaji-, .' y, p. m. lor l.oug(il.nieii. ue.-c.in uiuit', eie , ut 8 10 a. in. unci 1 20 P. m. Por Rending, Lebanon and Hnrrlsburg, via AUentovvii. 8 30 n. m , :.20 p. m. buui, duvs, 2 13 P in. l'or PotUvllle. S "0 n in.. 120 p. ni. riirough tickets to nil points east, south and west nt lowest rate nt tho station. J IT. OLHAUSEN, Gen. Supt,, H. P. BALDWIN, Gen. Pa&s. Agt. RAILROAD.TJME TAM velilWsi.yv'.ee f'. 'i 'WTtV PENNSYLVANIA RfllLROAlJ Schedule In Effect November 10. 1800. Trains leave Scrnntonr OVA "H 0.45 n. m., week days, for Sunburjr, Harrlsburir, Philndelphln,'- Balti more, Washington, and for Pitts burg nnd the West. . - ,. 0.38 a. m., week days, for Hazleton, Pottaville, Beading, Nortistown, and Philadelphia; and. for. Sun bury, Harrlsburp, Philadelphia, Daltimore,Wnshington and Pitts burjr nnd the West. . , 2.18 p. in., week days (Sundays 1.58 p. m.), for Sunburyy Hartisbtrrg, Philadelphia, Baltiinore,.. Wash ington and Pittsburgh SJitt the West. ' 4.27 p. m week days, for Sunbury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. T. R. WOOD, Gen. Pass. Agt, .1. B. HUTCHINSON, Gen. Mgr. Del.. Liuka. nni Wcstirti. , ' SOPTtt-l.iuvo Scranton for Npw Vork nt ;n ?oo, Bui), soo and 10 03 n. mf; 12. ".5 and 3 3.1 p. m. Por Philadelphia at D 39, 'lelpliln at louo u. m.: IOC, 348, 600 and s, -- P m. Arrive from New York at U 03. -' to und 4 00 n. m ; 1 00, 1,52. f,"n nnd 8.45 P. m. Prom Strouelsburg at Sin a ret NORTH-Leavo ScrAntcri for Rtirf.lto ami Intel mediate stations nt 12.10. 2M, 4 0 . anil 1 00 a. in ; 1 &1 and C TO p, m, Kor Oswego and SvrnriiKd nt 4 03 a. m, iMld J " p. m. Por Uttca nt 2 50 a. m. ana 1 P. m. l'or Montrose nt 9.00 n.'m.; 1 "j p m nnd 5 CO p. m. For Nicholson at I 00 inel C 15 p, m. Arrive In Scranton from Buffalo ut 210, 2.". B 21 Unci TOOT a. m : 3 "0 and 7 40 p. m. Prom Oswego and Sv mouse at 2f3 n. m.; 1J SS and 3.J0 p.,MI. Prom Svr.ieuse at 7,40 p. m. From Ulca at 211 a m ; 121? and 3 .'o p. ,m. tfiom Nlchol-on at 7 50 a. m. and 15 00 p'. m. 1 loin Montrose at 10 00 a. m ; 3 20 und 7 to p m BLOOVISI1URG DIVISION - Lcava Scrnnton for Northumberland nt C.0, 10 0J a in : 1 ." and fi 10 p. m. Por Plymouth at 1 in .! n .me! S r,rt p m. For Nnntleyiko at sio a. in. Arilve at Northumberland t ' ." a m : 1 m G os and 0 JO p m Ar llve Nantleoke nt ' M a. in Arrive at Plv month at 2 03, t to and 1 1". p m. Ar llvo nt Scranton fiom Noi thumbeilnnd nt 142 it. m.: 12 5.-.. 4r, und s-K) p. m. 1'ioin Nintlenke nt 11 ml a m Prom Plv mouth .it 7 57 a m : B2' nnd 0 03 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS SOUTH-Leivo Scrnnton nt 2 IS, 5 00, 5'ii loo'i n. m , in.! und 3 10 p. m NORTII-L. no Sn i.iton nt 12 10. 2 50, 4 03 p ni , 1 "" nnd 5 W p. m Bt.OOMSBPRG DIVISION Leave Scianton at 10 03 a. m und G 10 p. m. Dclavv.irj tin J. Hudson. On Nov. 13th, 1S10, trains will leavo Scianton as follows: l'or Caiboielile-t)20, 7 31, S 33, 10 11 a. m : 12 noon; 1 2i, 2 20, 3 32, 5 23, 'G 23, 7 57, 3 13 11.00 p in.; 1 11. a. m. l'or Allmnv, S.uatoga. Slontreal, Bos ton, New England points, etc. 0 '.0 a. m.; 2 20 p. m. For Honchdalc-t! 20, 10 13 a. m ; 2 20, C 23 P m. For Wllkes-B irre-fl 43, 7 48. S 41, 0 38, 10 13 a. in : 12 ('J, 1 2S, 2 18, 3 ii, 4 27, ij.10, 7 IS 10 II, 11") p ill For New York, Philadelphia, etc., via Lehigh Volley Rallroiel-fi 15 p. m ; 12 03, 2 IS, 127 p. m : with Black Diamond Ex ptess, 11 30 p m For Pennsjlvinila R illroad points, 615, 9 is n. Ill ; 2 IS, 4 27 p m. For western points. la Lehigh Valley Rnllroul-7 Is n. m : 12a'. 3 '1. with Black Diamond Expre ss, 10 41, 11 30 p. m. Tialns will arrive tu Scr niton as fol lows: From C.iiboiulilo nnd the North C 40, 7 4', i '8. ') :i. 10 "), 11 3S a m ; 121, 2 15, 3 23, 4 21. 7 41, 10 JS, 1127 p ni Ficm Wllkes-B me nnd the South 6 15, 7 l. S4S, 10 "S. 11 '', a 111 : IIS. 214, 3 4S, C 20. G 21, 7 31 0 03, 10 03 p m : 1.13 a. m. SUNDAY TRAINS For Carbondale-JO-., 1113 p. m.; 2 2 3 32 i3 47. ) 3 ! p ill For Wllkes-B in e-9 IS, 12 01 a. m ; 1.5S, V 2S, 5 1! 7 4i p ill. For Allunv. Snatoga, Jlontreal, Bos ton. New Engl ind points, etc., 2 23 p m. Lowest rites to all points In United State -e and Can id i. J W. HURDICK, O P. A . Albany. N Y If. W. CROSS. D P. A . Scianton, Pa. Lehlsli Vallav KntlrnaJ. In Effect Nov 10th, IS'il TRAINS LEAVE SCRANTON. Pen PliiliiKlphli and New York, via D. A H. R R at 0 13 a ni and 12 01. 2 IS, 4 27 (HI uU Dlinioud Fspressi, and 1138 p. m Suud.iv !, D. & 11. R. R, 158, 7.1S p m. For White Haven, Hazleton and prln clpil points In tho roil legions, ,i D. A. II. R R . fi I"'. -" 1S "nd I 27 p. m. Tor Pottsville Cj 43, 2 IS p III For Bethlehem, Easton, Reading, Har rlsbuig and print Ipil Intermediate st i tlons. vli D .. H It. R. 0 43 a. m ; 12 0', 'Is 1 27 (Black DI imonil Express,), 11.30. Suiiil.avs, D A. II R. It. 1 3S. 7 4S p. in. For 'I iinkhnniioe k. Townnda, Elmlra, 1th ic i. Geneva and prlnclp it Intermedl-nte- stations, via I). L & W. II. II. S03 u. m ; 1 00 and '23 p. m T'or Geneva, RotliestLr, Buffalo, Nlag m.i Falls Chicago, and all points west, Ui D. A II R. R . 12 0.1, 3 I J (Black Dia mond Emucss). 7 1s, 10 11, 11 0 p. m. hiunl.is, p- & H. R. R, 12 01 p. m . 7.4S I'ul'lm in ti irlor nnd sleeping or Lehigh Vallev pirlor i.irs on all tialns between Wllkes-B u ro and New Yoik. Philadel phia Buffalo nnd Suspension Bildgo. ROI.I.IN H. WILBFR, Gen. Supt., 2S Ceirtbiiidt stlc et. New Yelk. (.IIARI.ES S LEE Gen Pass. Agt, M Coitlnndl stiei t New Yoik. A W. NONNEMACIIER. Dlv. Piss. Agt., 'South Hithlehim, Pi Foi tickets and Piillm in reservations nppb "o11 Lick iw ami i ave , Scranton. Pa, Uriu ami Wv milium Vallev. Tlmo Table 111 Effect Sept. llth. POO. 'I r elns le ive Se I inton for New lit If, New burgh and Intel tne dl no points on Erie i. illro id, also foi I law ley and local points nt 7 o3 n in. and 2 2b p. m Returning tialns uiilvo at Mianton at 10 21 a. m and J h and 910 p m e""r !' JSK. ..DJCi l . 1 ..It, - wvih.1 tf- rniuvi' " III l.lftTt Oct. 'iSlll, tSUUt Riirth iioiiuiK u s ? , Stat jsound. Stations , y i i -O ' c !u irrlv -I.e. 7,tJK Y I'ranklia.S: .-,.,'! x- .,', i , 1 e ... ltQ- . Irf . trtI Jl' ft eVIIf 1UU TllUCll 7 00 Weeiiavvkou c si Arrive I eave1 If) nt ... .'Ll IV, e udeierttt I J .fTTii', :a n . .. 1.' io, vinwooa .. .. .mi 4 46 4 65 COS C14 :an, VMnwood a 10 u 'HAL A fitniii. 8 50 '145 . ..iJtr rieis-ant Mt. JW 58 3(6 0 30 3 09 514 3 19 641 Bit 5 54 t!3s 5 511 13 431 6 01 J 43, li 03 3 51 8 09 IN1 AW a 115',.. U'litliUll-llO IMH Wr'HPnest.Utjr Oiftl .. Ill Jr' caiUnidau SoS "... , iivP: -Mnjinia iHliUJ'F'O.s Jennju Vl'1 Vl'll.'r, lMi,lt..u v air eaiuinaaie llrldji) lain lH bar, 8 Ml lllh' Arciilbaia l iv Wluioii 40' i.e. J 111 x'ecKinte ohilmut, frlettmrs 'Ihioop l'rovldeuco park Place ymn 8 42 HUT 1.41 .... ,110V 8 3? ....'if 01 av 4Ut U2I 4 10 t 7 4 14 6 SI U 17 6 ni hS5 H1" -trtt'-...r-fttW S20 10W t-craiiton 4 20 0 3d --;..i?s.lfIiCLT -AfTWS u -r-BuncfiVTinTy: t Blgnltles that trains stop on signal foi nroiuu WA&pin ciarfy nie-t'iirr i fr cllulue chair ear .Nctrork to phiAYr.i ctianse. riiteu'iigc'r HmIvs Hcchci ow nun jue,, n. m,. z B5 uii(i'S p. in. I or StiouilBbtng at C.lu p. m. Milk and Accommodation nt 310 p. m. Arrive at foboken nt (, iV 7.1S, 9 10 a. m.rl-'O1. 2 47, I K 7.111 mill ! !. ii. i Arrlun (it TlllUa- II I llnSkij4Bi2tfP!sBkATB5lH 1 1 t- - -w wouOi P M eillfafft IB as iwia.i '755 ,,J .... H10 ...e A Ml' MTU Tsa tStV mt Jtte. teekAitt nefa riaw&ea&W