The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 10, 1900, Morning, Page 8, Image 8

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Steps Taken nt the Meeting Last
Evening to Carry the Plan to a
Successful Issue Branch Post
office Petition Adopted Officers
Elected by Franklins and B. Y. P.
V.- Democrats Nominate Horntio
Fellows for Select Council Other
Notes and Personals.
A well-nttonihil meeting of thn West
Bide board of ttitde was held hint ewn
Ing, when the ladmt was the princi
pal topic of discussion. The special
committee npi.i.lnted at the last meet
ing to wait upon the olllclals of the
Delaware, I, ..kiiw-.iunn and Western
and Seian'.uti Hallway Lompany, tela
tlvp to the viaduct and the deltas 'it
the West Lackawanna avenuu erod
ing, made their report, which was, in
substance, similar to the published re
ports. A committee rompilslng John It.
Karr, H. (I. Moigan and Joseph Ollwr
was appointed to act In lonjunetloi
with the mavor and councils' conimli
ti relatlNe to the Induct, and I'lesl
dent Daniels was Insti acted to appoint
a spctlnl (omniittee of sewn, with full
power to act In relation In holding pub
lic meetings, nuangltig for wotkeis 'U
t!l polls and furthering the sowcis
and bond ordlu.uuc piojccts. The coin
mlttee will be named ill a few daH.
Mr. Fair teporled piogitss In the tin
plate piopoltlnn, and th" committee
on tin tlu-iing the pmjeet for a hunch
postotllie SLlbmttti (1 its lepoit. The fol
lowing petition, eople of with h will be
forwiuded to Comriessman Council and
l'osllllas,l. Smith, wan utianl
inullsly emloistd:
To the Hon. William Council, lopi--s.
ntatlve of this dltilit In congiess
and to the lion. Chillies Kmoi-y
Smith, postmaster gcnetal of the
I'nitcd Stale:
The WeM .ilde boaul of trade, ole
ng the wishes of the citizen, t.ixpiy
'rs and business men of West Set an
ion. Ity of Sci anion, county r- Lacka
wanna. Mate of Pennsylvania, le
Meetfully tequesth the t'nlted States
pohtolliie depai tnient to establish, in
the afoMsald West Scranton, a bi'.tnen
postolllce. While this petition Is the
oHIiIh.1 at tinn of the bo. ml of ttade,
It can be supplemented on shoi t no
tice by a petition containing tne sis-l.-itutes
of thoiiundt of citizens, ta
yiayeiss and business men.
The botough of Hvde luk In lSiirt
became a iai t of the city of Si i anion.
Its population was .:,Vi. Th- hotoimh
had Its own sep.uate postollhe, whcie
nil business of such an otllte was
1 transacted.
In 1SSJ. the free dellveiy sstem was
Introdtn ed Into the city and icsultant
thPietn tne postotlli e, which had te
malned after the incorpotatlon 01 the
Good cough lemeily, take
fours French Tar. For Sale nt
lot S. Main Avetui
Last Call of
on Higfe-Grade Blankets.
These Blankets are every thread wool
and made by the best manufacturers.
They were never intended for the bargain
"counter, and the only reason for their get
ting there lies in the fact that the lots are
small, ranging from live to a dozen pairs
of each number quoted.
igh Class White
12-4 size, wore $1;) 50 a pair
12-4 size, were $12.00 a pair
12-4 sizi', were S.50 a jmir
J 1-4 size, were .. a pan'..
11-4 size, were $5.00 a pair..
Pure Wool Colored Blankets.
11-4 size, wprc$tt.00n pair
11-4 size, were $5.00 a pair
11-4 size, were M.00 a pair
10-4 size, were $4.50 a pair
: These Blankets would cost more at the
mills today than we are asking. They're
,tn perfect condition, but lots are small.
'; Silk Covered Eiderdown Comforts,
' and a few with finest imported silkoline coverings.
$12.00 Comforts for $7.40
$S.50 Comforts for $5.0S
$5.50 Comforts for $3.08
.'Fancy Lap
week. ..
Robes that sold
Globe Warebodse
Marlanl Wine World Famous Tonic.
All who hac tested Vln Marlaul imim
as to its uruit superiority this can !
lPHillly ctlllrd hy u peisotial test lull
gum d Hppiljllv against dangerous sub
stitutes mid would-be Imitators.
"In the only lonlo htlnuilmit without
UtlplfUSnllt IP.ll tloll."
Sold hy all DiiikkMh. Rcfuso Subrttl-
city, was abandoned. What was
known as "Hyde Park." the dlstilit
of old postolllce, became "West
Scranton" of the cltv of Scianton. It
Includes the Fotnth, Fifth, Slxtn,
Fourteenth, Fifteenth, eighteenth and
Twenty-Ill st wauls. Its population 'n
lound numbers Is lo.ouO.
The i Ity of Scranton loveis a largo
ten Hoi y, and West uciuuton, theie
fine, Is built Up In a stuttered way.
I'lom the postolllce building, which Is
at a point otib one block fiom the
gcogiaphleal eentte of the city to the
West Side city line, map measincment
Is thiee miles at all points .tint mii-
sldeiably mole at otheis, Nine ear
iltts, or one-thlid of the fotal iitiin
ber, do ilutv In West Scranton. These
canleis afoicsald sielul about Ivvj
bouts each day riding to and fiom the
cuituil oillce, making It veiy dltllcitlt
oftentimes and sometimes Impossible
for tin in to lover ihelr lollies In the
time spec Hied, gieatly to the Ineon
wnlelice of pel urns teslillng In the
pails which ehanie to be the end of
the lolltes.
West Scianton Is a potent factor In
the city. Is glowing constantly, it
iiulies much postal set vice and believes
that It Is entitled to a blanch post-
olllie, aiiii tint fill ther the levenues
of the Scianton postotllie justify the
leiiutht for a blanch oillce In West
Commissioner of Emigration T. V.
Powdcily will also be asked to lend
whatever assistance Is possible In se
milog the bianeh olltie. After seveial
other minor niatteis were discussed,
the board adjoin tied to meet at the call
of the piesldcnt.
The Fi.uikllu Knglne eompiny held
their regular monthly meeting last
evening and had an enjoyable tlnip.
Hi Milutlnu.s weie adopted thanking the
I'nlon File iiimp.iny, of Lebanon, for
the piesents leeently lecelved, and tha
cake, which was Included In the list,
was ihanced olf and won by George
Fiaunfelker, who tieated the boys to
a feast. Cigars weie afterwatds passed
and tlie following olllceis elected:
Piesldent, Heniy C.ieenwood: vlce
piesldent, Saiuuel H. Snyder; record
ing secietaty, John it. Kime; tlnanclal
seeietnty. John I.. Lowiy; tiustees,
Thomas P Daniels and Klchatd Da
ls; foi email, Thomas P. Daniels; Hist
assistant. Frank Hutchinson; second
assistant, Zeno Put by; Hist plpcman. il Davis; second jilpeman, Charles
Knowlcs; thlid plpenian, J. C. Urovvn;
fain Ih tieoige Chase; en
gineer. Thomas 11. Allen; stoker, Will
iam II. Kime.
i:nti:ut.ixi:d thi; choik.
The i hoir of the Simpson .Methodist
Up!. (opal (lull cli weie entci tallied last
evening at the home of W. J. Long,
lorner of Puscott avenue and Gibson
sticet, and spent a veiy etiJoable even
ing. Solos vvpip lenclereil by several
nieiiibclK of the choir, and at a. season
able hour Mis. Long seived icfresh-
Thou- In attendance weie Misses
Maty Jones. Kvu Kettle, Anna Jones,
the Season
Woo! Blank-its,
.now $10.00
.now $7.50
now $2.05
now $3.50
for $1.35. This
Kllcn Thomas, Verna Roe, Lucy Long,
Jessie Niiumnn, Mrs. Thomas Abrams,
Mrs. W. A. Long, Mrs. Bonney, Mrs.
Corey, Mrs. Hoc, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Wrlgley, Prof. W. W. Jones. Prof. Wal
ter Dnles, XV, J. Iiong, Addison Chase.
William Ilnusc, James Hurtnuui and
tlobcrt tionney.
A eatictis of the. Democratic voters
of the Fifteenth waul was held In
Foy's hall on Hampton street last
evening, mid Morntlo T. Fellows, who
was defeated for the llepubltcan nom
ination by Joseph Oliver, was nom
inated for select council.
Tho other watd olllcers nominated
were ns follows: Register of votei,
First district, David James; Second
dlsttiet, IMvvard (lenity. Judge of
election. First district, John II. Me
Xulty; Second district, Pattlck Uuikc,
Inspector of election, Flist district,
Frank Foster; Second dlstilct, Kd
ward Tlernev.
The unnouncemeiit was made ut the
caucus thai John Donohue, who was
mentioned for the nomination of so
Ipct council, had wlthdiavvn from the
Owing to the fnlluie of the prize win
neis to ptoscut their tickets for the re
mainder of the pilzes offered by Clarke.
Hi os. at Christmas time, another draw
ing was held yesterday, and the num
beis will be found in their ndvrrtlo
ment on another page.
Twenty-live coupons weie drawn, and
tile llrst tlnee are entitled to the pilzc.
In the event of the holdeis of those
mimheis falling to present their tick
ets within the next two weeks, the
next thiee will be entitled to the pilzts.
Joseph Taylor, of Lafayette street,
and Miss Uiidget Madden, of Ninth
stiect, will be married at 11 o'clock
this meaning In St. Patrick's church
by ttev. J. H. Whelap. School Con
ti oiler Thomas J. Jennings will Y2
groomsman and Miss Hose Cauavan
After the eeiemony a wedding din
ner will be served and the couple will
leave on an afternoon train for Wash
ington, D. C. Upon their leturn they
will reside on this side.
In Harl Gail hall tonight the re
cently elected oflleel.s of liianch 44,
Catholic Mutual Benevolent associa
tion, will be Installed. They are:
Piesldent, P. J. McAndrevv; first vice
president, Jame.s Cumnilngs: second
vice president, James O'Malley; re
corder, J. H. Mc Common: assistant
tcoorder. James J. Duikin: flnanc! il
sen etai y, John it. Haiiett: tieasurer,
Moiils T. Walsh; marshal, Pattlck
Fitzsimmons: guard, Teddy Steed.
After the installation theie will oe
a smoker.
Tlie Young People's union
of the Jmkson Street Ilaptlst ehuich
held their annual meeting last even
ing. Vice President Lewis preside 1
and Dt. dc (iiuchy gave a veiy en
couraging addle-"-. The society is In
a flotirihhing condition.
Olllien weie elected as follows:
Piesldent, Peter Lewis: vice piesldent,
Jtinlm.i Kodeiick; icconling secre
tary, I'lmer Davles: linanctal secre
tary. Maigaiet Grlfllths; tieasurer,
Ch.nlps HoIIp.v : choilster, ICdward
Watklns; oigaulst, Viola Hvans.
Itev. Thomah tie Gruehv, of this
Jaekhnii Stteet H tptlst church, offlel
ated at two funerals yesterday after
noon. One was the young child of Mr.
anil Mi. D.iId I. UiivIk, of Fellows
street, and the other one, William .1.
William., of Deeker's court. The In
terments wete made in the Washburn
stieet lemetety.
Membeis of the Diamond Mine Acci
dental fund mid Centennial court, Ol
der of Foiresteis, nttenrted the Will
lams funeial. The pall-beaters wero
Joruh Redman, Thomas Holden, Henrv
Martin, Hee&e Jones, George Richard?
and William James.
The lemalns of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
Hughes' child were Intened In the
Washburn stieet cemetery ychterdav
afternoon, and this afternoon an In
fant son of Mr. and Mis. Isaac Stark,
of Kvans couit, will be privately In
tened in the same cemetery.
A public funeial will be held ovr
the lemalns of the late Patrick fros
sin at St. Patilck's church this morn
ing at 0 o'clock. A solemn high nia.-"3
of lequlem will be celebrated by Kev.
J. H. Whelun. and builal will be made
In the Cathedial cemetery.
anxnitAi. ni:ws notks.
William J. Morgan. C. V.. Danle'.s
and William M. Andeison hae been
elected tiustees of the Plymouth Con
gregational church.
Mi. and Mis. IMu.u.l Ueynolds, of
Jackson stieet, celebuited their fifth
wedding annlveis-aiy Monday evening.
Thn union piajer meeting was held
at the Plymouth t'ongiegational church
last evening, when Dr. Moftat spoke
on "The chilli h rnlversal." Tonight
the meeting will be held In the Wash
hm n Stieet Presbyterian church and
Kuv. H. A. Iloyl will speak on "Nations
and Thnlr Unlets."
The Itepubllcan voteis of tho Four
teenth ward will hold a caucus In Co
opeiatlve hall this evening.
Itec'se Davis, of Syracuse, who hm
been vIMting iclatlves In Uellevue. ie-
tin nod home yesterday,
Mr. and .Mis. James Phillips, of Key
set' avenue, .no lsltlng In Wilkes
liane. An Intant urn of Mr. and Mis.
Thomas Quitman, of .rd! Pleasant
stieet, died yesterday. The funeial
w 111 be privately conducted at 3 o'clock
this afternoon.
tieoige Supervltz, a laboier In the
Hilggs shaft, was injured by a fall of
top coal Monday afternoon. His face,
back nnd legB weie badly lacerated.
Miss Ksther Hopp, of Kynon street,
fell thiough the lee while skating on
the Hrlckyaid pond Monday afternoon
and teeclved a seveie drenching.
Ueotge W. Claike and H. H. Ham
ford aie In New York buying clothing
for the spilng trade.
A boy named Hairy Brown, tesiding
on South Main avenue, shot himself
In the hand Monday morning while
playing with a levolver. His Injuries
were diebsed at the West Side hos
pital. Marg.uet, the 7- ear-old daughter of
Mr. and Mis. William Fox, of 1
South Keyset- avenue, died yesteiday
front an attack of dlphtheila. The te-
Auk our Orocer today to show you a
package of OHAIN-O, the new food drink
that takes tho placo of coffee. The chil
dren may drink It without injury as well
nx thn adult. All who try it. like it.
OHAIN'O has that licit seal blown of
Moilm or Java, but It Is made from puio
grains, and tho must delicate stomaeti re
rcles It without distress, ' tho prlcn of
infffe. 15c, and S3 Lib. per package. Hold
by all eroccrs.
Cau be found on sale at all
first-class grocers. Sold only
in one pound packages.
Buy One Pound
From Your Grocer.
mains will he privately Interred In
Washbuin sticet cemeteiy nt 3..D
o'clock this aftcmoon.
Gairett Smith and George Cooper
have been elected to succeed them
selves as tiustees of the Washburn
Stteet Presbyterian ehuich.
A well-attended meeting of the LMce
trlo City Wheelmen was held last
evening, after which a lunch an 1
smoker was enjoyed.
Alderman Kelly's horse ran nvvay
jeaterday and damaged the wagon to
some extent. The magistrate had a
narrow escape fiom Injury.
Miss Margaret Davis had charge of
the Christian Kndeavor meeting In tho
Plymouth Congregational church last
evening, which was well attended.
The Light Lunch Camping club en
Joed a smoKer and phonographic se
lections In their moms over Davie'
drug stoic last evening.
Ir. and Mrs. John J. F. York en
tertained tlie Thimble club last even
ing, at their home on Price street.
Officers of Camp 430, P. O. S. of A.
Installed Report of Secretary
for Year Ending Dec. 31.
At the tegular meeting of t'amp ISO.
Pattlotle Order Sons of Ameiiia.
which was hold at Hai Milan's hall
Monday evening, olllceis for the en
suing year were Installed, the pio
ceedlngs being In ehatge of Dlstiiot
Piesldent O. S. Lutz.
The following aie the new In
stalled otlleers: President, John
Doellner: Ice preslilont, Philip
Dlppie; tiv.isuier, (Seotge Ki.ible;
cording seiiet.ny. Fled. Uunster;
nanclal secretin y. Join. Nueher,
master of fotnis, Charles Muicli: i
W. W.
; ti
Jr.: I'on-
due tor, Oeoige Ieweit; Inspector,
Ilammen, outer guard. Fled. W.
Kiellleb, Jr.; tiustee for eighteen
months, Itohert H. Dieter. The fol
lmvlng Is the mcu tain's tepoit for
the year ending Dee. 31, ISM:
No. Initiated during year 21
No. reinstated dining car .". 21
No, dropped from ioll 5
No deceased 5 19
Present membei.shlp 21 J
Increase In membership timing
year 11
Amount In treasury Dec. Si.
IMS $l,T2't :.s
Amount lecelved duiinr jeur.. 2.0&1 .V)
Grand total i1,S2t 17
Disbursements during year.... :'.,23;: SO
Amount in tieasury Doc. 31, '03.
Value of camp lataphernalla..
Amount Invested, teal estate
r70 17
600 03
bonds, etc
Values of drum corps parnpliei
4,350 00
milla 3.-,0 00
Value of camp, Dec. 31. 1S91.. r.,S70 it
Amount paid out for sick hene-
llts during year GOO 00
Tho South Side Bowling club last
evening met nt their club house on
Maple street, and elected odlcers for
tho enusuiiig year as follows: Piesl
dent, Henty Klefer; vice president,
Hetmau aolilhamer: secretnty, W. II.
Walter; treasuier, Charles Klefer;
captain, John Klefer. When the ugu.
lar business had been disposed of a
social seslon was held, refieshmcnts,
solid and liquid, being served.
The funeral of John Schroeder. an
account of whose death appealed in
jesterday's Tribune, will tnk place
totnoirow morning with set Ices at the
family residence, UiO Birch stieet.
Interment will be made at Plttston.
The lem.itn of Mary A, the two.
and-one-half- ear-old daughter of Mr.
and Mis. IJduard Madden, of UlS
1'iospect avenue, weie yesterday af
ternoon laid to test In the Cathedral
The Harmonic Quartette ilttb will
conduct an entettalnnu'iit and ball at
Athletic hall on Wednesday evening,
Jan. ?4.
W. J. Melster Ins put c hast d the
milk business of Mattl . Co.. and will
hereifter look after the business him.
Joseph Haas, of Stone avenue, was
painfully Itijuied on the left left while
at work at the car ships on Monday
ntternoon, and was taken to the Mosew
Taylor hospital for treatment.
Miss I.lzlo Semlster. or Bethlehem,
P.i Is visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Fiana:. on Cedar avenue.
A motheis' meeting of special Inter
est will be held Wednesday afternoon
at 3 o'clock In the Young Women's
Christian association. Mis. J, K. Hes
will speak and Miss Blanche Dolnn
will give selections on the cornet. Cof
fee and cako will be served. The,
women of tho South Side are cordial
ly invited to be present. 1021 Cedar
Pea Coal 91-25 a Ton Delivered
to Houth Side, central city and central
Ilde l'aik, Addiess otders to J. T.
Sharkey, 1914 Cedar avo. Thono CCS3.
Mat tin Maloney, u young man of
West Mlnooka. wjs setlclusly Injur. d
In the mines of tho Uivonwood Coal
company yesterday by having a leij
and threo ribs broken and his chet
badly biulsed.
The funeial of tho late Martin
CJ.iUEhan, of Staffotd rtiett, who died
Monday, will tnko place todav with
a requiem high mass it tU'0 o'clock in
St, Joseph's churcn Interment In Ml
nooka rcmetery.
Mrr. John Walsh, of Pott ClilfMh,
Is visltnj,' Mr. and Mis, V. Hlgglns, of
Main street.
Held at tho Home of Mr. and Mrs.
Harland Plnckney.of Bloom Street.
Officers of St. Mary's Council, of
the Young Men's Institute Fu
neral of the Lato Robert Shaffer.
Interment Made in the Family
Plot nt Georgetown, Wayne
County Minor Items of Interest.
The home of Mr. and Mis. II.ii land
Plnekney, on Hloom stteet. was th.1
scene of unusual festl!ll"S Inst even
ing, the occasion being u leitnlon of
the Plnekney family of this s"ctlon.
Dining the ptecedlng week, extensive
prepatntlons had b"en made for th.'
guests who "tijovcd the many inver
sions planned for their intei t'llnment
last night. After a social chat, danc
ing was Indulged In until a late hour,
when refreshments wete etvod.
Those ptc-ent wore Mr. and Mis.
Peter Plnekney, Mr. and Mis. William
Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. William Cock
roll, of Taloi; Mr. nnJ Mis. Robert
Young, Ml. and Mis. Albert Hollander;
Misses Kdlth Johnson, litliel Plneknev.
Minnie Johnson: Mcsms. Thcopolls,
Kobett, George, Van IVke and Pryan
The following membeia of St. Mary's
Council, Young Men's Institute, have.
been selected for the various otUces,
and will perfoim the duties required
fiom each for the present ycat: Presi
dent, W. J. Crane: llrst lce president,
A. J. Miller: second vice president, Wil
liam Hughes: recording siKTetnry,
James Horan: tlnanclal secretary, John
Hurke: treasurer, James Dwyer: mar
shall, Frank Mctiowan Inside senti
nel, James Hlgglns; outside sentinel,
Oeoige Aimstrong; executive i om
niittee, A. F. C.olden J. W. Dovlne.
S. J. Healey, Timothy Hclily and
James O'H.ira.
The funeial of the late Ibaiert C.
Shaffer, of Peckvllle. who died Sun
day morning of patal.vsls, at the home
of his uncle, Bvion Davis, of PeteiH
buig, took place yesteiday afternoon
nt 1 o'clock, mm vices bdng held at the
After the setvlics. the lemalns weie
conve.ved to the Kile depot bv Fu
neial Director T. P. Letchwoith, to
meet the 2.31 tialn.
The pall beaiers weie chosen fiom
the older of which the dec eased was
a member. Junior nder United Am
erican Mechanlis. and wue Charles
Brong, A H. Jenkins. Walter Peck.
Miles Dlkemau, H. A. Fiear and
I.lewelMi D.uls. with II. K. Dlkeman
as nuusiiaii. intetmeni was made in
the family plot at tleoigctown, Wiiiw
county. iti:ms.
Tlie members of St. Maiy's Council,
Young Men's Institute, will conduct
their annual social In Washington hull.
Thursday evening. Jan. Ifi. Uxtenslv '
piepaiatlons aie belli,; made for the
The funeial of Calvin We.odilng, f
Walnut stteet, occttired yesteidiy af
ternoon. Interim nt was made in St.
Mary's cemetery.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Dud
ley Street Baptist rhuicli. will meet at
the home of Mis. William Hatvey, on
Cherry stieet, tills afternoon at 1.30
.o'clock. A huge attendance Is de
sired. The Young Ladles' MlsMouaiy so
ciety, of the First Presbtcilan church,
will meet nt the home of Mi?s Lucy
Decker, of Cherry street, tomoitow af
ternoon at 4 o'clock.
The subject for this evening's ser
vice at the Presbvteiian church Is
"Christ's Service to thj Multitude"
Matt. 14, U-21. This being the week
of prayer, set vices will be held every
Branch No. iC, Court Pildo Iodg'
Forestets of Ameilea, journeyed to
Olyphant last evening, wheie they at
tended the Installation ot ollicers held
at that place last evening.
Miss Lama Kitkwood. of Catbon
dale. Is the guest of iclatlves on
Blakely stteet,
Mr. Frank Sanders Is confined to
his home on Not th Blakely street with
Yesterday afternoon about 1 o'clock,
fire biokn out In thj duelling house In
the tear of St. Mary's hall, on West
Market street. The cause of the the
was the overheating of u stove In the
dining 100m. The Kxcelslor, Cumber
land, Niagara and Liberty Hose com
panies lesponded. Tho damage dono
v III amount to about $JuO.
The funeial of Mts. Jane Humpluey
was held esterdny afternoon at 2
o'clock. The lemalns were tuken to
the Notth Main Avenue It.iptlst church,
wheie seivlees weie conducted by th
Itev. S. G. Heading, pastor. A large
number of lelatlves and filendF viewed
the teninlns ns they leposed In a beau
tiful casket o: steel giay. The many
beautiful bouquets and designs made
of loses and cat nations, showed the
respect and high esteem In which the
deceased was held. The pall-hearets
were Giles Claik, Geoigo Orseor, Kvan
Jones and Joshua Johns. Intel ment
was made in Washburn stieet ceme
tery. The funeial of Thomas Uewiney was
held jestetday afternoon at 2.30 oiclock
fiom the home on Wales street. The
body was taken to thn Holy Kosary
ehuich, where services weie conducted
by the Hev, J. J. O'Toole. Interment
was made In Cathedral cemetery.
Undertaker O'Donnell had chaigo of
the funeral.
Monday evening tho Sunday school
of tho Notth Main Avenue Ilaptlst
church elected the following officers for
the ensuing year: Superintendent,
William Chappell; assistant supotln
tendent, Chailes Henwood; secretary,
Miss Anna Sheiwln; treasuier, John
Jones: librarian, Met ton J. Kmery;
choilster, Ilenjamlu Thomas; pianist,
KlIzulR'th Henwood,
Miss Maine Holleran, of West Mnr
ket stieet, left yesteiday for Philadel
phia. The Democrats of the Thlid watd will
hold their caucus In the Cumberland
hose house this evening from 7 until S
This evening the Father Whltty socl
ety will hold Its annual country dunce
at thn Audltnilum. This will be one of
tho most enjoyuble events of its khd
this season. Kvcrythlng Is in lentil
ness, the hall has been uniquely decor
ated already. Kxcelslor orchestia will
I furnish the dance music.
Governor of Oregon, hve 'had occasion to
use your Peruna medicine in my family for colds
and it has proved to be an
..i.. oui aiuhitt toi a tiee I'eiuua
Diamonds, Diamonds
We are now showing the largest and most brilliant
tion of Fine Cut Stone ever exhibited outside of the
cities. Having bought heavy before the rise, I am prepared
to give my pations teal bargains, from the finest
3 Watches, Watches.
We are offering the best in the world tor the monev. Gold
Filled 15 Jeweled, Warranted Twenty Years, for $10. In
Hunting or Open Face.
' 3I7 Lackawanna Avenue.
Hats, Hosiery, Underwear,
Shirts, Night Robes, Pajamas,
Choice of any hat in our window,
former prices 2, $5 and 4 --.
$4 $1.UU
Heavy colored B.ilbrig-
gan, fotmer price 50c 3vC
Natural Wool and Camel's n
Hair, former price $1.00... 5UC
Colored Wool Ribbed,
former price $1.25 75C
Imported Heavy Balbrig-
gans, former price $1.30.. . 95C
Natural Wool and Fancy Import
ed Wools at greatly reduced prices.
Union Suits below cost of manu
facture. HOSIERY
A large assortment of plain and
fancy Hosiery reduced M
to 15c
Two for 25c.
They Ave Awaiting Owners at the
Scranton Postofflce.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at the Scranton postolhce, Lackawan
na county, I'.i., Jan. 10, WOO. I'eisons
calling for these letleis will please ay
adveitlsed and give dale ot list.
lZzd H. Hippie, J'o&tm.ister.
Mm. U. C. AWih.
Mbs bjdlu liaili-s, W. J, Uro.n, Mf.
i:. A, Hellow, .Miss Cm ili liiown, I'hlilp
Haucr, i:. 1.. liatzel, Mlts Addle liuiluii,
t'imago lll.ul.-.
Mr. C.uey, Nay Aug uxemie; cjeuiu
Cutiv, .Msa I.llliau C.'Uiiliell, Mis. I.el
man Catty, Jlr-. Ida Caiptiitii, i'idhip
i- Sit 1 ling Co, .Mrs. Jiiiult) i:. I'Jatii.
Oeoige .M. Uais, ,lr!. L)aid h i:ans.
Mis. (Jracc iinillli l.'dwatd, II. .M. I.ilt
mail. i;. L. roMti, Min I.. 1'. I'l. 1. . II.
iVrn, Mrs. Kilo I'tclj, .Mhs Kutlunuu
lMnaul C'h.iiles Guile, Mrs. AlKc Gool
1 K li. Mis. Annie (iiiin
John lloldiu. Mis. .Maty lluekc tt. AI.
IlullUer. Mis. .Maty Henry. K. M. Ilu.t
le, special.
Mis, i:u Joitcif, Ktlato Charlotte Jones
It urge lue.
J. i:. Lowland. Ml-s 1:11,1 Lawls, .Mi.-,
r.uth Llglituei. 1'. I.tonard.
Mis. Catherine Mc.Means, John Moirfan,
John Miilhuin, t 1' .Maumrs.
Mis. 1. Near).
Mis. Hannah k'Uo.nIi.
Miss Nettlo Price, James I'lillo, eaic of
Mih. II. CoMii. II. I'olloiU, Piistmi,
W. Itoberts. J. H. lleMiolds, !', L.
dall. louls Itted.
Mrs. W. i:. ytono. William h.indets.
Mrs L. Samuels, l'hll Sossnn.', .Miss M.
H. Strong, W. 1 Smith, Charles Sehroe.
tier. Mis. Hiitlie Smith. KlUa Smith.
GrorKO 13. Shinheid, Loulh hatler, L. W.
Smith, secretin y: Mrs. S. II. Stone, W.
H. Shortz, Bticclal.
Henry Tr.ivelplece.
Or. Santoid L. I'liderwooii, .Miss Maiy
A. Umlerlilll.
Amos Whiting. Frank Wler. Mis, J.
Walsh, Miss K. J. Whllton, JudKn Itluliu
Williams. Mrs. Weldcmi, William Wil
son. lUtliaid T. Williams, Oecugo Wlngut,
Miss Clai.i Veakcr.
Italian I'letro Siicerale. Ol.iwnelll Mil
do, Miiichlo I'raneeheo, Antonio I Amino.
Polish Charles Kill. Jozef Dotnlslcnlrx,
Fraimlsnek y.ulloskev, M.ieel .
liesky, Jauos GoeWdkls, Jim dioJeusM,
Kaziinlcros Mikntas, .Ian .akuhowskl, ::,
Knslmlcrz IVuk.i. i:iihy K.ik'uKtbm,
Jank MUlius. (J. T. Kulit kins, Macy Mil
iuowsklj, Pettr Mlelintllt', J0I1111 M011I11M,
It.mliriiH ltalioukl, Kiauk Kaibuwskis,
Jiuef Jalimkii, Stleliar Mitl.l, Antony
hlkiowle, Juowlin Waenkowskl, Miss
Koso l'inkaiki.
IluiiKiirlau Jiiiiiis Donles. Janowy .Mai
Irleny, (!eon CuhuI.issoh, Was) I l)r
wale, Jau Wojowalka, yaelian Ku.ik,
Tick Kozulial, Anna Switiawn, lbru l'a
naska. Maryjana Diibleku, Dei an Pitiiko,
Was) I Psztur, He 1 man Moskvlts, Uln
tlo lloejl;, Jdrej Kuior, KatarMia
Gymr, Lesbuiseh I.lcty, (ionlaw llimi
olva, Oil Gloru Stunt i-lim. 2; Kllk Dun
kra, Jakob Lcutjk, Uildzl Hodzik.
excellent remeay.
Almanac lor 1IWU.
All $1.50 and $2.00 col
ored Shirts, reduced to. .
All Si. 00 colored Shirts,
reduced to
Special $1.00 white Shirts,
reduced to
Flannel Night rr Ajc
Robes, reduced to.. 'nd
Muslin Robes 48c
Flannel Pajamas, former
price $ and $2.00
High-grade bus- yjp
pend'ers, reduced to
Try our special Collars, all
modern shapes, 10c. Better than
any 15c Collar in town.
412 Spruce Street.
rfMn itm
H. K. LONU, .Manairr.
One Night Only,
Wednesday, January 10.
Triumphant return of W. A. Brady's
Pioduction of
Sorrows of Satan
Under the personal direction of A.
C. Alston. Adopted and dramatized
fiom the famous novel of Marie
Regular Prices.
Friday, Januury 12.
Clinics Fi unman 1'itsiuts l'iist Time
His Excellency
The Governor
Sparkling with Wit.
The l.tushhiK success of last sea
son at the Cmpiie theater, New Voik.
1'iicts-ji ;a. iH.o, 7:.e., :,ci , 2;.e.
H. K, LONU, Ali-nau.T.
One Solid Week. Commcni Ing Monday,
Jan. S. America's Gieutest Ilcpcr-
tolro Star,
Maude Hillman
Surmotted by her ewu comnanv and
Gi.un! Concert Orthestr.i. Augmented by
Snt Ulna's VaudcNllle i:ulert.iluers. Mon
day evening, "Special IJelhery," Tues
day math re, "A Hidden Past.
Pi Ices i:eiitlig, 1U. 20. ,'Oc. Matinee, tflc.
No waits a i ontlnuons perfoimance.
Monday night. Ladles' night.
Monday, Tuesday nnd Wednesday
Jnnuaiy 8, 0 and 10.
Returns of the McGovern-Dlxon
Fight Read from the Stage on Tues
day Evening.
Thuisday. Triday and Saturday
Januaiy 11, 12 and 13.
20 Beautiful Women 20.