The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 09, 1900, Morning, Page 3, Image 3

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TutJgo Albilght, of Lehigh County,
Who Wns to Try It, Found That
He Could Not Come Here nt This
Time Other Cnses Continued Im
portant Cme of Patrick Connor,
Guardian, Against the Scranton
Trnctlon Company Is Now on Trial.
Other Couit Matters.
The ui)cal of ex-County Commls
done it H. Kobertu, IIIIoh Holier'
nd John Dcnititlt from the report of
thi' county nudltori, hiii t-liai Ktnu the
or mnilNcloni m with ceitiiln public
trolley which, It H ttllegctl. v.-.-T"
ivionctfully 'expended, was at tho head
of the list of tlie teim of common
plean coin t which opened ycsteiiluy,
but becullM' of (he iih-teui-c of Judge
Albtlght, of l.chigh county, who was
to iiy the vaxe, It wiih continued u'ltll
the next term.
The local Judgts prefetied that a
Judge fiom an outside Judicial illtiict
wliould try Ihlf. ease and Judge Al
bright wiih lnvltel to come hen1 and
accepted. He found It Impossible to b'j
hen; estonluv, and eonneuuently the
fane went over until the next trim.
Thin week Judge. H. M. UclvviirdH l.s
presiding In the rtriln cou t room and
Judge n. W. Ar?'itulil In No. 2. When
the list for the m-rk was called yes
terday, eases v v illst sed of as fol
lows: rnntlnutd KHz tbeth .Mel..iln ugalnst
ftiilge & t'lcinetils. Interpleader: M. A.
MiOirty against Mai tin St anion, Judg
im nt opened; Deltware, Iickawauuii
am( Westcin Itnllroul company against
Urvan lllglln, c'lictmeiit: . J. nmnibci--lain
against Wolf A: Wairen, ei culort
anil (illicit, trcp is-. Maiy Mi (.ilnnlK and
others agiltiht Scranlon Hallway cum.
p.iny, tri"lis. i: M. Sluing against
John .1. Kiihey. appial: It. Schoenli'lel
iiiailnM K. .1 Wiil-di, ailmlnlstiattir, up
ptal; .Ion ph Ciilllln against Carl Si linen,
appeal, Michael Klimeity iiguin-,1 John
rimii'ity. ejet tnicnt. N, W. Hogg ami
otlieis agiiltiM V (SIIimiii Jniiei anil oth
ers, IH'SP I,
Hefirrcd-Cairii IVace agalnsl Dr.
II. 11. Hull, wagis 1'iank S. Stnltli, re
ceiver, nraln-l M. T Killir. anuniP'-dt:
Thonias C. .Mrhln against .lame rivnn,
Settltd Thinii is lbni agaliit
Hopkins, iittaeliiiii. t (.Mention; North
Hntl I.utnb'f conip-iiiv, lhnltid, ngaliist
West ltldge Coal i oinpaliv. trespass.
Is It Your Kidneys ? Try This
Test and Sec.
Why unit a physician to find out
whether jour Kidneys aro diseased.
Take u glass tumbler and (111 It with
urine. It there Is n sediment after
standing twenty-four houis, your Kid
neys ale slek. If you have n desire to
urinate often, a pain In the back, or If
your ttiltie stains linen, you should at
once take Dr. David Kennedy's Favor
ite Heniedy, as delay Is tlungoi-oil'.
Then- Is no loll about It being the
best and suiest medicine In the world
for any and nil tlls(isc of the Kid
ium, I. Her, Bladder and of the ut In
my passages, Hlieltmatlsm, Djspepsli,
constipation of the bowels, and the
sicknesses peculiar to women, It quick
ly lellevm Inability to hold mine, nnl
the necessity of getting up often dur
ing the night. Jt stops that scalding
pain when passing urine and corrects
the bad effects of whiskey and beer.
It Is sold by all druggists at one dol
lar a bottle. You can have a trial bottle
ami pamphlet of valuable medical ad
vice sent flee by mall postpaid, by
mentioning this paper and sending your
uddtess to the Dr. David Kennedy Cot
porntlon, Iiondout, N. Y. The publish
ers of this paper guatantee the genu
ineness of this liberal offer.
There Were No Formalities Attend
ing His Induction and the Court
Oot Sown to Business with a Sim
ple Introduction from tho Couit
Crier Lntpc. Attendance of Attor
neys from Out-of-Town and Many
Spectators Camo In to View tho
SiRc-bezowned Bench.
stomach t he a
dose of the Hit
ters tlirw time-.
a day. It has a
rcfre-liiin; taste
and will offiKt-i
itillv cure
lud section,
and Liver or
K dney
Trouble. ,
With only
Court Crfei
"(lentlcmen, the Supeilor
In the ear on the night of the accident.
He said the car was going veiy fast
He described the Hash of (lie tint
came from the continuing box and
said It frit emit him ery much. H"
was standing on the front platform at
the time and had bis coat sleeve
butned. He started fur the tear of tha
cat and saw O'Hoyle, who had been
sitting jn the middle of the car, do the
same. b'Holo went out on the back
plitfoim and when he i cached It ho
saw O'Hoyle lying In the loadway. el"
untitled the conductor and the ear went
back to when- the man lay. The case
will be resumed this momlng.
In the cum- of Sherwood ltrnthers
against (ieoige H. llolftlch, agent, n.
judgment was ictiirned in favor of
the nlalntlff foi SljJ.r.l.
The Hist case called foi tllal In tin
main com t room vv.u Michael W.ilh
against Mis. Mniy Ann Moran, an I
her son. Thomas Mornn. Walsh Is a
tontraetor and in IMS enteied Into an
agreement with Patilck Moran, hus
band of the defendant, to lay a flag
stone sidewalk and set steps In front
if Mis. Moran's prnpeity on Seventh
street, this city.
The woik was not paid for and
.Valsh brought suit bifoie Alderman
John, of this city, and leeovcred Judg
ment for sfiT.C., the lull amount of hH
claim. It was contended yesterday
that as WaNli has already sued the
husband, who directed that the wor'-c
be done and h.w obt ilneil a Judgment,
be cannot now bilng another suit
igalnst the wife for the same bill. It
s also chaiged that Walsh's bill Is cs
tessive. The Juiy was deliberating an
the case when couit adjournett. The
case with refeience to the son was
taken fiom the Juiy.
The .ii'tlou of William Dlggs against
James nnn was next put on trial.
Dlggs s a mloiL'd man and was cm
ployed b Klynn as a teamster and also
did some whitewashing. Altogether h"
claims- about $17. riynn denies that
he Is Indebted to Dlggs, alleging Hint
be paid vailouh bills for Diggs which
aie an offset to his claim.
In No. '.', befcii o Judge Arehbald, the
case of 11. M. Holes against It. Lew
was called fot It is a dispute
over the payment of a check drawn by
t'hailes Wartowsky, width tlnally
pnsM'd Into the hands of Colonel Holes.
,..f.,,.. .In c ..Li. ....... IlI...v ilii.T,,,ii,il
line ill- im-ir, ,-i- ,.-tii, it,un', .,,,,,
n the eiuly stages of the case. Judge " ' I.,,. .
John M. Harris Be-appolntcd.
Attorney John M. Harris was yester
day appointed by Judge Airhbald aj
a member of the law examining board.
In doing so the Judge said:
At tins time wu are cillnl upon to lilt
the vacant In the lioaul for the cvitnl
niitlon of students hi law caused by the
cxpli.itloii of Mr. John M Harris' term.
I'sually we do not lcappolnt. Wo hae
made that an almost Im.ulablc rule lor
the le.iFon we consider this duly
one that should be assumed from time
in time lij different mcmlurs of the h.ii,
and the thiee ears' selicu set ms to be
long t noiigli for imv one.
Itut the piesenl course of eamlnatlon
Is In a fotmutlve stale and Mr. Hants
lias done so much to bring this line n
examination to Its present excellent slate
that we It el as though It nuded Ills
raiding hand for another three vears
and as h" has eonsentcii to scre, laktng
upon hltnsilt this vnlunfiry obligation,
width Is arduous, we hae concluded to
reappoint him. We feel that Mr. Hauls
l entitled to this compliment, tor we
know of no one who has done more to
l.iio and keen up the stantlaul of ex
amination than has he In Ids ennneetioii
wiih this boaitl We. therefore, take
plea-aire in reappointing him for another
term of thiee siars.
A Couple More Divorces.
"Man led, March It. ISPS, descited
April 1, 1SUV Is part of the record 'n
the divorce suit which Jacob M. llnnun
yesterday Instituted against Mary .
Hamm. He declares he g.Tve lier no
just cause or provocation for leaving
him. O'Hrien & Kelly are his uttor
nes. Tluough Attorney C. .. Haw ley. Mts.
Jen. le H. Finn yesteiday in.ide appli
cation for dlvoice fiom her ulleged un
faithful husband, Mai ion W. Finn
They weie mauled Feb. 21. 1S71, an 1
lived together till Oct. 1. 1S9!.
Marrlao Licenses.
ase. Ji
Aichbald mule some lemaiks whlcn
hu said he feaied might hae an elte.u
on the Juiy ami he theiefore withdrew
a juior and sent the cape Into ih
main coutt i"om to be tried. It will
be the (list ease called this morning
befote Judge HdwiinK Anothei jury
will be selected.
The next case called was Patrick
Connor, ot I'ittston, gunidlan of Mar
gaiet and Anille O'Hoyle. tlaughtcis of
the late Patilck O'Hoyle. against the
Sei.tnton Ti.ietlon comp my. The ac
tion is for the purpotif of recoveilns
On the nlgl. of June IP, ISfltJ, Patilck
O'Hoyle was tiding toward the city In
one of the company's trolley cms. O'l
Andiew Jankowycz ..
Kvu Telep
Andy S. Hedlovltch .
Clara Sukasts
Michael Sefcsak ....
Mis. Kate Heicenlyk
Daniel O'Hoyle
Mniy Huike
Ch.nles Oogots
Olku Kueza
Han ell
Ma licit,
McKeesport, Pa,
old Forge.
Mt. Carniel,
New York.
Homo Ilciiluk Center.
Court House News Notes.
P. W. C istello, of Duunuae, was yes.
tenia y appointed an auditor of tin
Scranton poor dlsttlet,
The appeal In Vie cue "I Thnnns i
C. Melvln agalrst James Klynn was
yesterdas lefeired liv the couit to At- !
, totney M. A.'ey. I
! In the case of H. J. Walsh against '
K. J. Kill good and otbeis a vet diet of '
1 $n:4.ns. for the plaintiff wan yesterday
awuuled by agreement.
The cas- of Carrie PI ico ngainst Dr. j
W. II. H. Hull, an action ti teeover
wag"? alleged to be tine, was, yester-
Washington avenue near Larch stieet. i j;ly refeiied to Attorney C. P.. Pitcher.
a sheet of llame shot up from the con
twilling box ot the motor and so fright
cnetl O'Hovle that he started for the
lear door of the car. Next he was
found lying on the asohalt pavement
with his skull tiaetuied. Whether he
jumped or fell off has not as yet been
shown In the case. He tiled in the
I.uckawanna hospital two days later. (
The plaintiff Is leprcsented by Al- i
torneys T. J. Duggan, H. C Newcomb
and I. Ji- Hums and the company by
Major Kverett Wauen and Attoiney i
C. P, O'Malley. The two tlaushteis ot
the deceased, ages JI and 12, sit at I
.lie table with their guaitllan. Their '
mother died about two yeais befoni
their father.
Two witnesses were examined yes
teiday. H. U. Hughes, for whom
O'Hoyle woiked, and Frank Knight,
Mr. Huglus Is the manager of a biew
eiy at PIttston and said O'Hoyle had
woiked for him for beven years befoi-j
Ills death. He was a healthy and har
dy man and was sober and Industilous,
At the time of bis death he was woik
lug for Mr. Hughes in this city deliver
Inw ale.
Krunk Knight, of Ninth Scianton,
and O'Hoyle were the only passengeis
m 7i
for Good Shoes
and Rubbers.
by the court
The preliminary Injunction In thrs
case of It. K. !Imly against the Delt
waie and Hudson Canal company was
yesterday continued until fuither or
der of the court.
A rule to show enus why pmeeed.
Ings should not be vacated was ye.c
teiday granted in the ease of Susanna
Tripp uni ntbeis against Abram W,
Hi own. The uile Is ictumuble Jan.
1.". at 0 a in.
The i tile to show cause heretofore
gtantcil In the ease of the common
wealth ex i ell. Alva Dalev against H.
K. Hobblnn was yesteiday made ab
solute, and It was decreed that a
wilt of nun wntranlo lsue as pracd
for In the Information, It Is mad" ro
tin liable Jan, '.'2, at 9 u, m.
Shadracli T. Lewis and Kllza LewN.
I his wife, owners of two resilience prop.
cities fronting op Main street In May
field, biought cult against the Now
Yoik, Ontario and Western Hallwav
company yesteiday to recover $5 000
for damages done their pionerty b1'
the construction of the defendant com
pany's i.illioad along Main street, In
fiont of their propcitk-s. O'Hrien
Kelly are attorneys for the plaintiffs.
the usual formality of
Taylor's announcement:
the honorable Judges of
(.0111 of Pennsylvania."
the conunonwea'th's Itlnciant appel
late court cnteie.l upon Its first session
of the year, yesterday itftetnoon. In the
Supeilor couit loom al the court house.
Judge John I. Mitchell, the new mem
ber of the couit, wealing his silken
gown for the first time, took the sat
to the extreme left ot President Judge
Wee. formerly occupied by his prede
cessor, ex-Judge Dlmner Heeber, and
the position by custom assigned to thi
newest comer. Judge Smith being ab
sent, Judge W. Y. Porter, nf Philadel
phia, moved up to his peat on the light
of Judge Heaver, who' occupies tho seat
Immediately to the light of President
Judge ltlce. Judge Orlady, who with
Judges Rice and Heaver comprise the
only members of the couit who have
been on the bench since the creation nf
the com t In 18!,', sits on Judge Rice's
left. Judge W. D. Porter, of Allegheny,
sits on Judge Orlatly's left.
Theie was such a large attendance
of lawyers and spectators, Including a
number or women, when the juiig-i
came upon the bench, that many were
compelled to stund, until after the call
ing of the list had been concluded, win n
theie was an exodus of attoine.xs
whose cases were continued, sttleil or
well down on the list, and of spec
tators who had fully satlslied their
There was a muiinur of disappoint
ment when the second case on the lis!,
Commonwealth against Hazlett, ap
pellant, Washington county, was put
over to the Wllliamspott ses-don. Th
attorney for the appellant Is Colonel
W. W. Arnett, of Wheeling, W. V.i a
celebrated cilmlnnl lawyer ami nn un
usually Intci c sting charactei. He stands
about six and a half feet high, is awk
waiel and ungainly in appeaianee,
dtcises oddly mil neer attempts 'iny-
tiuug in the way or an argument or
examination without flist arming him
self with a Jack-knife and a block of
woo, Kven befoie the Supieme couit
he whittles Inivrsnntly when making
an aigument. The case In which he I)
engaged here was detailed at length In
yestei day's Tribune. Other cases weie
disposed of as follows:
Argued J. H. Dlsenhnwcr, appellant
against the school district of the boi
tuigh of Ctntralla. common plea.-? Colutu
Ida c utility : estate ot Kno S. Wheeler
and otlieis, executors, appellants, against
L. M. Pottei, common ideas Wyoming
county; commonwealth ex lei. school di
rectors of Meshoppen borough ngaltut
Charles S. Wheeler and others, appel
lants, Wyoming county.
Bottled Jacob Klntner against Jacob
Mosier and Matinla Mosler, appellants,
common pleas Mimroo county.
Discontinued Moslor and others, appel
lants, against Coolbaugh, assignee, and
others, common pleas Monroo county: In
re-wldenlng of Mill street, l.uzerno bor
ough, W. J. Donlln, appellant, common
ple-as Luzerne eouiitv.
Continued Cottier, appellant, against
Montour county, common pleas Montour
Xon-prossed Jenkins, to the ue or
ltuttolomus, against the Quaker City Mu
tual Kite Insurance company, appellant,
common pleas Luzerne county; Mi Cue,
appellant, against llolelran and otb n.
common pleas Lurenin county; Luth
1 gainst 1" Hi- and ethcis, appellants, com
mon pleas LU7CUIC count J.
The Lacaknwanna list Is to be called
tonioriow morning at 10 o clock.
a cnoor, ca?i:.
The case of I.lsenhowvr, appellant,
against the Centralla school tllstiict
was aigued by ex-Judge T. II. It. L - 1
on, lor the appellant, an 1 by H. J.
Klynn, for the appellee. In li'nl Hl.-,en- j
bower was hired as prin"liiil ef the
Centialla high school for .1 teim of
three years at a satiny of "i pr
month. In the summer of Hi? there
oecutied a dispute because the prin
cipal declined to the examina
tion papers unless allowed extia t 0111
pensatlon and the boaul dismissed
lihn. Klsenhower In dim time sneii for '
his first month's wages and se-uied
.1 verdict of ?xl, which the school dis
trict" paid. At the etnl of the ear be
sued for wage s for the reiti'ilnlng eight
months of the nine months teim and
had a verdict returned against him,
the couit deciding that his first suit J
was a suit for damages ant! nit ret!
him fiom fu'-ther recovery. From this
Juilrment the appeal was taken.
The appellant's contention Is that the
statute limits the causes for which 1
teacher can bo dismissed to four.
I namely, incompetency, brutality, neg
ligence nnn Immoi.iuty, anu, as me.
minutes of the board rend that Hlsen
hower was dismissed because of his
having been elected. It follows tint he
1 was not dismissed at an: mat tno ac-
1 tion of the board was a nullity, an 1
j that In lefusing to allow hltn to teach
the board had simply suspended his
duties without seveilng the contract
between them.
stood nn the borough side of the line
to the portion of the farm on the town
ship side, and took up his abode.1 there
in, with his wife, leaving his mother,
sister and niece living In the old farm
house on the liornugh side.
The law saK that the taxes on a
pi opei iy divided by a municipal boun
dary line shall bo. collectable by the
municipality in which the propel ty
owner's mansion house Is located. The
question for tho couit to decide l.s
which of the houses In question consti
tutes Wheelet's niuiisinii hou.-e.
The following attorneys wete admit
ted to practice in the superior court:
James J. O'Malley, Arthur Dunn and
T. P. Duffy, of Scianton; John V. Jen
kins Rush Tteseott, D. o". Coughman,
of Wllkes-Hane; H. J. Klynn, of Cen
tralla; Frank H. Holmes, of Sliouds-
bui g.
Bon id of Control Considering the Ad
visability of Employing tho City
Controller in Thnt Capacity.
The matter of ltlilng City Controller
Howell as ji special auditor of school
ho.iul accounts cainu up at last even
ing's meeting of the hoard of e vitro!
and after much discussion it was final
ly decided tn lefer the question to the
finance committee, body to confer
Willi the ctiiitiollcr tegardlng the com
pensation to be llxeel.
The question came up when t':o f)N
lowlng selt-explaiiatoiy letter w is
Jan. S, l'MO.
To the Honorable the lioaul nt School
(lintlimt 11: 1 submit herewith a copy
of the opinion In th ease of Washburn,
Wltllnrm .V Co. h II. Howell, city con
ttollir. I niler the tilling of Jude Arch
bald I am ullfrVtil ot nn- duties, with le
siki'I to school niaiteis which 1 b t
(until J 11 11 I l'"l')) ptllorme.1 as lequlrnt
by statute ami precedent.
As citei' In the opinion of Cltv Solicit
or A. A. Yosliuig, it lies within the power
nl your honernble body to employ mo as
nn Ini'h Id11.1l or special uiitlltor, anil, 114
iitated In my commuiilcnllon of Sept. 10,
lxw, there Is no constitutional prohibition
ut'iiltisl eur doing so, for tho constitu
tion prt lilblts 1111 lucre aso of emolument
only by act of assembly.
If our honorable body elect In puisne
tlili colli se 1 will be glad tti confer with
11 cnmniltleo you tray upp'ilnt with the
oblect ot llxlng conipciiRiitlon for services.
I nm Veiy lespet tfullv,
i:. Howell, City Coutt ollrr.
A letter from the boat el's solicitor,
D. J. Reedy, announced that Judge
Arehbald's decision declined 11 petition
of the act under which the preseli.
bo ltd Is acting as utieonsitutloual,
Mr. Olbbons was In favor of linmil
ntcly uppenlltig from the decision to
the supieme court. Mr. May thought
that even It an appeal was taken It
would be necessity llrst to engage the
controller for the Intel v nlng pe-'oe'.
of two or tlueo yens liefme tho dec'
slim of the couit would be ban led
Mr. Rat Iter thought that the lioa-1
should not act lashly and that It would
lie wiser to enter Into at least 11 tern,
point y iiuangement with the cont-o'-ler
until the handing down ot the opl.--.
Ion next month as to whether lh
boaul of twenty-one Is constltutloml
or not. Mr. May moved the mat
ter be lefcned to the finance commit
tee and Mr. Jennings amended that If
advisable they should in addition to
conferring with the controller, direct
the solicitor to take nn appeal fiom
Judge Arehbald's ruling. Roth the
original motion- and tho amendment
weie adopted.
Auction Sale of Horses,
Friday at 1 O'clock.
An Action Directed Against the Citi
zens Committee.
Suit was yesterday Instituted by At
torney T. P. Duffy to tecover J9G0 from
the citizens' committee which . had
(hat go of the arrangements for this
letter can lets' ((invention. He tepre
sents Joseph Melvln. smviving p.utncr
of McTIgue & Melvln, propiletors of
the Westminster.
A conttact was made bv the com
mittee to have the New Yoik Letter
C.inleis' hand and Dium corps quar
teied at the hotel timing the week nf
the convention at the rate of $l.ii0 per
ilav for each member.
Theie was some grumbling on the
p.nt of the musicians oVr the crowd
ed condition of the hotel, so the com
mittee, after the second tl.iv, took the
band men to another h'ostcliy, leaving
the ilium e'oip.s at the Westminster.
The committee ofiVtod to pay for the
actual cult italrmcnt which the hotel
had tumMied, but the piopiletots In
sisted upon leeching the lull amount
of the contiaet, alleging that they were
willing to pel form their pail and that
It was through no fault nf tbelr's thit
the band men weie taken iivvuv.
The cltl.etu' committee Is composed
" ii
Sold to the highest bickUr without reserve, at
of weather.
of llfty-flve of the most icpiesontatlve
men of the town.
the examination questions,
advised to book up and try
They weie
They Were Granted Naturalization
Papers by Judge Arehbald.
Judge Aichbald granted naturaliza
tion papers yestei tiny moinlng to thir
teen applicants. Their names, present
residence and nationality me given he
low in the older named: Cabilel Pa
lllcc'l, of Old Keu-go, Italian; Culseppe
Sehettlno, of Old I'tiige, Italian; Kuill
Ponlsaid, of Dunmoie, Krencli; Wlll
inm Raies, Twenty-llist ward, l'ollsli;
Henjamln II. Janus, of 1S27 Xorth Main
avenue. Wales; Jacob Smith, 411 Pemi
avenue, English: Thomas Dan vers, of
3.10 Wairen stieet, AVelsh; John Dan
vets, of mo Wnireu stieet, WeMi;
fleorge Chappell. of .I.".! Oak street.
Welsh; Rlch.'iul O. Lloyd, of ll!i Rot k
well stieet, Welsh; Michael Walsh, of
Caibondale township, lilsh: Mlc'ha.i
Kanle, of C.trbondale township, ltl-di:
Patilck J. Kelly, of C.irbondale tmvu
slilp, lilsh.
A dozen other applicants were stood
aside because they could neit answer
Is 'Being1 Ptcpaicd by Assistant
Postmaster Powell.
Assistant l'oit.mistcr l'onell has
commenced the woik of tomplliug the
annual leport of the Sciantou post
ofllce, mid it Is thought that it will 1m
leady In the touise of a week,
The tan lei s have completed their
woik of making a count of all the
niiinbeied houses and unmarked sheets
In the city mill an Itemized list of these
Is being prepaied tor submission to
the authoiltles in Washington. The
tarK pioved to be a little mole hercu
lean than It was at Hist supposed to he.
Educating- the Women.
"Mi Is it that joit always kcep eur
silt whlli wi'imn hive to stand','" one
Hiulemlti laid In anothei- on the way
home h cli'V.ited train.
"1 do it will i nialliloiis Intent," was the
leplv. "I am helping in ducat" wt men
to wait for the ue.xt tialn." New Ycik
1'icss. .
Used in Millions of Homes!
Accept no substitute !
Insist on LION COFFEE, in 1 lb. pkgs.
These articles mailed FREE in
exchange for lion heads cut from
front of i lb. HON COFFEE pkgs.
Silk Umbrella (either Lady's or dents).
Sent by ciprees f, f
(clnirire tire t a
paid), for 170
lion heads and
a 2-ccnt itamp.
Best Coffee for the Money!
Try LION COFFEE and you will never use
any other. It is absolutely pure
Coffee and nothing but Coffee.
A vry fine umbrella, made of union silk-tadeta ;
26-Inch frame with f even r!ln:He:l rod and 6llver
Congo handle. ould cost ti 00 at the store.
Fancy Gold Ring.
Genuine RubySettlng
Gold Ulna.
Tor 25 lion
heads and
a 2-ccni
These rings are ftcnulne rollcd-pold plate, hnvltu the exact i
ariearaneeand qualities of solid irold, and ru ininteed liy
tlie makers to last two ears with ordluury usae. New
patterns and Tery popular.
o p VI -I Ci V t3 13 f
11 t3 13 M
CulnMrip of thick paper so tint the ends w ill I
csui'tly meet when iliauu ff.4"iuiciuntl i-econd I
Joint of the linger, bay one end on this- dlit'
ui uie ei, aim oru t me uumucr iat ocae-r tuu
Dre3S-Pin Set.
Knickerbocker" Watch, i Pair of Lace Handkerchiefs.
Hailed free for 15
lion heads end n 2
cent stamp, Threo
plus In llii'.-et(lurKT
than shoun), com.
po-iei ef fine rollinl.
rolil. with tiandKiuio
rulij colored ft
tines fcultulde for
vvae.t.pirs, cuiI-plns,
neelt-pius or a a
child'.; ect.
5ash-Beltand Buckle.
in,,, . . . .
lnllilll.U..lli .. i
j,.iuuun jour ,, , I
waUt-raeasure li.Jiii
i! i.liiiitk
'!. y
Malted free for IS lion head! cut from
Lion Coffee wrapper and a 2-cent tamp.
Latest ft le of imported bluck bubi Bros
grain rimum U'liiiii;; stllsli Imitation
oxldlrvd bllvtr buckle; ucut, (troug and
Will Bo Read at Next Sunday's Con
ventlor. The reblgnatloti of Timothy Utirlto
fiom the otlle-o of prenlilent of the Sce
onil tllntrlet of tlie embolic: Totul Ab
htineiicG Henevolent union of thei dlo
cett of Scranton will be lend nt next
Suntliiy'H eonvcnllon, to lie Tld in
South Scranton,
.Mr. Huike Ih unable to Kive to the
position the time and attention the du
tics requite and liciee hua tendeied
tils icHlmiutlon.
The nppellec'B contention Is that Kls
enhower cannot ppllt up hli claim nnd
brim; suits for poitlons of It as he
wills. He had an action for damaiitv,
prosecuted It, recovered Judgment, and i
therefore was haired from proreedlnu I
further on the game allege! violation
of contiaet.
The case of Wheeler nnd other i-se-
cutors against Potter, is nn appeal
hi ought to tMt tho meaning ot the
word "as" in tlie clause of the nihi- ' Inn net dealing with the taxing nf
subsequent cos,ts in mi appeal from ,
an aldeiman. It readit "the cnstB shall
ne taxeu as otlicr costs in the cae,
Tho (luestlun at Issuo Is vchethcr "au"
means "an well us " or "In the Bamu
manner as." Attorney Arthur Dunn,
of this city, lepresonted the appel
lants and Attorney ( O. Deihhelmer,
of TunkhnnnocU, the ,uppellee,
V. K. l.ittlu for the appellants and
II, J, Jordan for the appellee, pie-'
fcpnted the arguments In tho rum nf
Meshoppen boiough school dlHtilet
agalii&t Wheeler. Wheeler, It appeals,
owns u faun that Is paitly In Meshop
pen boiough und pirtly In Meshoppen
township, The farm house Is located
on the borough side, but Just about
the time the boiougli undertook tlie
erection nf a high school building
Wheeler moved n small houbo that
Silver Napkin-Ring.
For 15 lion head und a
2-cent Ktamp. .Neat and
substantial. Mnelenfdur.
able metal, heavily sllvci
plated. Two duKrcnt
For 1 .1 lion heads and
a 2-ccnt stamp. Color,
darl: bronn Made ot
tliiu i:!d Icatiict : cham
ois lining: nickeled
frame, with strotij; tuap
fast nlng.
(liven for 175 lion
heada and a 2-cent
stump. .Neat appear
ing and an excellent
time -keeper. Solid
nlckel-fili crease, with
nrunineutnl back.
Nir itel movement',
escapement fully
Jeweletl The famous
Ladies' Watch Chain.
A double strand of best silk cord, united
at intervals with colored beads ; neat and
substantial. For 15 lion heads and a
2-cent otamp.
nailed tree for 90
lion headi and a
2-cent sump. The
celebrated " Inger
toll" watch; stem
wound and stem
setidurablc nickel
plated case; each
w atch accomjian
led by guarantee
ot the maker. A re
liable tlinc-kecpcr.
Ladies' Pocket-Book.
Large size and
latest fhape. Black
seal grain leather,
with live separata
a tucW'iHieketwlth
llaptulinlel visiting
cird secure
Olvcn for 25 lion
heads from Lion
Coftce wrappers
and a 2c. stump.
Ladies' Pen-Knife.
For 15 Hon henJs cut froai
I.lpn Ccffcc wrapicrs nnd a 2c.
stamp. Uireu size; good ma
ttrial ; Iianau nli cly dveonted
and assorted colors.
Table Cover.
that will
"J luetics
lnrludluii fmcy frliiKcd lionler Mailed
free for 25 lion heads and a 2c. stamp.
cambric hand
kerchiefs, with
beautiful lm
puited lacemc
ilalllnn I liner
tlons in the cor
ners. Half Inch
hem, mathlno
stvlish and dur
able. Apairol
throe handkr.
chiefs given for 18 lion head cut from
Lion Coffee wrappers and a 2c. stamp.
Art Picture,
Children's Picture Book.
w3? i
Given lor 10 lion
heads and a 2-cent
stamp. Sixteen
large pages of Mo
ther Ouoo Melod les
illustrated and with
nicely lithographed
cover. We havo
dllterent books, so
jou ran get an as-sortiacut.
Century Cook-Book.
368 pages nf valu
able cooking re
ceipts, also treatise
on the labor of the
kitchen, dining
room, l.uimlo, sick
room, and remedies
for the more com
mon dUc-ahes.
Ulvenlor 15 lion
heads and u 2-cent
'i.-.v.: ,' ' , ,,za-
Ji m ctNitnr fa.
r, rilCOOa800Kr
5 WW MiiSir
aiven for 8
Urn beads cut
t.oin Lion Cof
fee n rappers
and n 2-cent
A blghl
anitlc picture,
that will giiite
room 'lho
U.c Lgroutitl of
furulslies a n
contrast to tho
little girl and
be I white I'.asi
er lilies. Miv,
11x28 Inehct.
Kor 10 Imn lioarts
ami 3 ifntt mo
will sml It llnneil rernly for Iianlrir.
Flower Picture..
For B lion heads and a li. stamp, ..
Aiiie'rlcau Ituuty Hoi nnd Lllie-of.
the-Valley, hle. lU'.'l Inuliew. ..llrMht
and artistic coloring. . - ...
The. Dancing Lesson.'.;.,.,,
Boys' Pocket-Knlfe.
stinng, sharp
For 1 2 lion heads and o 2c. stamp.
The green nnd trees, tho little
brown kitten and the 'girl's JtomVCttlflii-
arcss leirm a pie-jsum cumi'inatinnoi col
ors. Hre, 1'ix-Jl inches Hailed free lor
8 linn hcaJs and u 2-cent stamp.
Obortly appear In this paper I Uon't miss It I The grandest list ol premiums ever altered I
You alwa.vs know LION COFFER by the wrapper. It Is a seated pack
age, with the lion's head In front. It Is absolutely pure If the package
Is unbroken. LION COFFEE Is roasted the day It leaves the factory.
. ...
iwhen wrltlnz for premiums send your letter In the sunns envelope Br" I
fBKciiiiii .iiv nun IIV11U9. ii inure inun 10 nun ucuuMfvui, yoMraan
save postage uy trimming uown ine margin. K your growr lerianw
Illustrated premium list. Address all letters to the
WOOLSON SHOE CO.. Toledo, Ohio,