f - - i V THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, JANUARY G, 1900. WHAT CONGRESS MAY ACCOMPLISH FACE HAS BEEN SET TO MAKE A RECORD FOR 1000. Republican Leaders Hope to Lower the People'a Taxes If Possible The Democratic Attempt to Initiate a Political Campaign by Assailing Secretary Gage Proves a Dismal Failure Folly of the Sulzer Bun combe Resolution Pennsy's Chat. Spccl.il Corrcspondente of The Tribune. Washington, D. C, Jan. C Congresi 1h hero again, and the question Is, what will It lo. or rather how little. will It do? In u tneslclentlnl "lection year It has long lieen the praetlco of the dominant party to do a little as possible, and there Is every Indication at the outset of the Impending Fesalon to adhere to that practice. Republican leaders agiee that the countty Is doing prodigiously well under cAlstlnR con ditions. The pace Is set to make 1900 pre-eminently the greatest and most remarkable je.ar In the Industrial his tory of the country. So that the new legislation of this congress, so far ns the majority may lie responsible for It, will he shaped to that end. There will bo no money waited this ycai. Ah al ready indicated In this coi ry-pond-enco, there will be no lhcr and hatbor bill, and the fellow whose eiy politi cal existence depends upon an appro priation to extricate him will oon b" an obscure Rtateoman hunting fir any snit of a Job. And a like fate waits tlio member who assured his people that his re-election meant the election t)f one or moie public, buildings In the district. There will be no public buildings bill If the committee can prevent It. The obvious policy of the Republican lead cm Is to out down t pen--cri all along the lino. They Intend to lower the peo ple's taxts, If such a consummation Is possible. If nnitmatlre legislation fails to accomplish It, they will tiy the most drastic negative policy. Theie aie two possible exceptions. The shipping subsidy bill of the last congiess Is one. It passed tin; house then and will pass again. A latge ex penditure Is Involved, but It has be come n public neccwltv. It Is not a prodigal use of the people's money, hut a wle expenditure, necessitated bv the expanding commercial and lndus tilal Interests of the country. Public enterprise demands It. The Pacific cable Is n erv Important matter. There ought not to bo any question about Its nulhotlzatlon by congte, but theie Is. "Walt until the shoit session" Is the f.ital argument that confronts It. Ah! sine enough, the presidential election will then be a thing of the past. And how many im portant public cnteipiisps thus leep the sleei of the committee loom pigeon-hole that Knows no tiwnkerrlrig? It may have Its dav of lesurrectlon. Public exigencies Imperatively demand It, and, in the Jubilant hour of the na tion's tilumph, following President JIcKlnlej's re-election, It may go through the short session with a w hooo. A GKOTnSQUE FAILURE. The house had a lulef session today nnd until the nppioprlation committee gives it something to do the sessions will continue to bo bilef. The puerile attempt to initiate a political cam paign by assailing Seeietaty Oago was u dlMiial and grotesque, failutc. The fact that a Tanunany clown was se lected to Introduce the lesolutlon was enough to disci edit it. Up to the mo ment of its introductions theie were even Demociats who did not bellevo that Sulzer would hau the clfrontoty to take the initiative In the matter. Hut thev didn't know Stilzet. Theio Is but one of the Kind. The leeords have been diligently searched nnd rothlng could be found that approxi mates him In the slightest, und tlio hope Is expie.ssed that some day, when Ills usefulness as a "specimen" Is over, that he may bo petrified In the Inteiest of posterity. There weie scores of Democrats, however, who weio eager that Sulzer should make n fool of him self, hoping that the unexpected might happen and nffoid an opportunity for nolsey and senseless declamation. The average demagogue Is nlvvaj on the alert for tlio monev monstei. Secretary Gage, It will be found, has made no mistaKo In depositing govern ment funds In coi tain New Voik banks. The fact that It was nn open transac tion possibly shows that ho Is more of n financier than a scheming politician. Had he followed the questionable methods of a politician Instead of the open, honest business method of the head of the great fiscal affairs of the government there would have been less criticism. The countiy has discovered long ago that tho secretaiy of the treasury Is essentially a business man. There are no concealments nbout his Jiscal operations. Those who know hlin well say that ho has not tho llrst con ception of politics. Thu thought of serving thu Republican party in the formulation of his methods nnd poli cies never crosses his mind. So utterly lost is he to such Influences, If nsked unexpectedly about party mattois, he is painfully embanassed and perplexed for an answer. Only when ho breathes the exhilarating and gladsome sunshine of Republican prosperity does he ieal 170 his political status. Ry h0mo Intui tive ratiocination he knows that it Is not Democratic: atmosphere. This guileless man of business takes tt 77 99 COLDS All of Dr Humphreys' Specifics aio as efHcireloiis us ;;" f0r Q,p nm, Colds. Hid Manual on tho cam and treatment of the sick muy bo had for tho asking at your drug store, or will bo mailed free, tells how Specific No. I dissipates Fevers, how No. o cures Headache, and No. 10. Dyspepsia, In ingestion and "Weak Stomach, how No. II helps HufTeilng Women, how No. 14 al!as Skin diseases, Eruptions, Salt Rheum, Nettlo Rash, how No. 15 helps the sufferer fiom Rheumutlsm. how No. 27 cases tho Kldnejs and No. 30 relieves tho Rladder. Koro sale by all druggists, or sent on ro rclpt of price, 23c. each, or Ihe for $1.0) (may be assorted), Humphreys' Homeo pathic Medicine Co , Cor. William & John (its., N, Y. tho Sulzer buncombe resolution ser iously, and Is eager to answer in sol emn official form tho Impeachment of his actions In the promises. In the disposition of tho public funds ho will probably say that It was necessary to do something to lellevo the money mnrket; that the only safo thing open was to Increase the deposits In national bank depositaries; that to do this It was neoissary to have pome banking Institution which would distribute the receipts as directed Inasmuch as no money once turned Into the ttcasuiy could bo distributed without dliect ap propilatlon of congress; that the Na tional city Hank piomptly came for ward with security In tho shape of $4,000,000 In bonds; that it was a num ber of dajs afterward before any other bank uppeared with sufficient security: that the bank mokes nothing, nnd Is really nt a heavy expense In acting as a distributive agency; theie can bo no partiality to any bank, Inasmuch as tho National Citv Hank does not di vide tho dally receipts, which are sent to banks; that tho National City Hank makes a dally report to the treasury, which U at nil times protected bv abundant sectitlty In the way of United States bonds. And what he sas will bo Indisputable and when lie says It. the rational part of tho country will npproclnto tho magnitudlnous asslnlty of Sulrer and tho "jellovv" but domin ant clement of tho Democratic minori ty in congress. The ways and means committee will consider the resolution tornortow. It demands certnln Infor mation. With due self-iospect, recog nizing the courtesy duo a coordinate blanch of the government ns amended It will simply request Secretary Gage to furnish the desired Information. It Is either Ignorance or bravado, or both, that directs and shapes Democratic In quiries of this fcort. Sulzer is not en tirely to blamo In this Instnnce. ".Make It hot" Is what tho Democrats said to Sulzer when ho sought their counsel and nppioaI In this matter. Sulzer didn't know any better, nnd honestly believes that this achievement means his nomination for tho vice-presidency on tho Democratic ticket. Who will dispute his claim to this distinction? . I'ehnsv. CAPITAL AND LABOR. In the Opinion of a Veteian Miner of Long Expeiieuce Nothing Is to Be Gained for Labor by a Hostile Attitude Toward Its Employers. Common Sense on n. Gieat Question. Tho following has been received from one of tho oldest and most lespeoted miners In this valley. We commend his words to thoughtful worklngmen: Editor of Tlio Tribune. Sir: Being a humble ilil.:eu of the borough of TnjlorUlIo and having livid In tho Lackawanna valley lor neatly lorty jc.us and hiving lullowed thu oc cupation of a miner fur the must of this time, I consider it my lnt .is well as the- dutj of all others of tlio sons of toil to pay the strictest and closest attention to thu great agitation goln- mi tud ly be tween capital and labor. In the llrst pl.ieo I believe tint capital and labor should go hand in hand together, for one without tho other Is of no earthly value, but wo must admit that It Is tho t m plojer who Invests all tho capital, runs all tho risks and assumes all tho le sponslbllltles, .so that In reality labor is simply an hand mild to capital. Hut with all that, labor has Us claim on cap it.tl, for capital will accomplish very llttlo without tho aid and service of la bor. So, therefore, wo nci d better il lations between capital and labor, nnd In order to reach tint agreeable situation labor organizations should bo established, for labor organizations me in discussion and higher intclllginco among tlio work Ingmin in which Judgment will tlinllv tuko tho place of pisslon WuiKlirgmen reading tin Ir pipn. talking in their branch meetings nnd being Instructed from the forum aio better thin woi Kins men lotting nn tho stiect corner, gos siping and drifting away from pure mo tives and good sentiment. Labor has tho same right to combine for protiction that people have to Join a church or any other combination. A VETERAN S ADVICE. Having had a little i.pcrlenco in laboi organisations In tho past jcars und IclI lng a deep Intel est In tlio rights and w ci tato ot my co-woil.crb that cam their bicad bj the t,veat of ihelr brow, theie foro 1 desire to suj, lit us inou uii slovvli and feel our way beforo we cuter into a gu.it stiifo and contest with cap ital, lor vu must rcalteo that it wo uj vo will bo coping with a foimidablo toe, as experience of thu lust has proven clearls to us on inoiu than olio occasion. I was MlcVcd to tho coio tho other d ly by leading tu ono of tho Scranton papcts that there hud been a "score of stilkcs In nuguialed within the lest six months by the Delaware, Lackawanna and West ern cmplojcs, rnd today thu talk among tho mine workers In its employ Is lull of stilku on an i Mended scale." I think this Is a fulsu statement, and I am pool tivu that there has not been a word nor a sentencu uttered tu our district to glvo thu slightest idea of such intention, at leabt tor tho present. And as 1 under stand tho situation, llieio has not bun a stilko Inaugurated by the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western trnplojcs slnco the ear ls7b ' Tho llttlo trouble or mis understanding between thu bteaker bojs, limners and drivers and the olllclals did not assume tho appearance of a strike for a moment, and I wish to till ou plainly that they wore not called upon to suspend work by the United Mine Workers, They simply quit work under tho irnpulso of tho moment and tho llttlo grievance that existed was settled ami cably and satisfactorily to both parties In less tlmo than ou could say "Jack Itoblnsou." Tho Delaware, Lackawan na and Western miners throughout tho region have worked better breaker tlmo during tho past six months than in sev rial curs, which nuans more money earned, us there has been no u dilution In piy. LESbONS EKOM EM'EHIKNXE Hut in regaid to tl.o tulk uinong tho inlno woikeis, let mo tepcat my state ment: Thu lank unci fltu of tho Lola wuic, LicKuwanua und Western cm plojcs are in total ignorance of such an Intention, Perhaps Presldunt Mitchell and Compels and other great magnates uro meditating and planning to tako such unwise, disastrous steps as to in augurate a strike. I bay unwiso and dis astrous from past experience, und In or der to substantiate my assertion I will M back ami begin with tho beginning and come all the way down to tho jear ISIS, when tho last strike of any magni tude occurred. In tho jcar 1SG3 Urn Lackawanna valley Inaugurated a sttlko and It lasted threo months. Tho purtlos that wcio Involved In that strike vvero tho Pennsylvania Coal company, tho Del uvvnre, Lackawanna and Western com pany and tho Delaware and Hudson com pany, nnd after losing and sacrificing tho threo long months wo humbly knocked at the door of tho three corporations and they, like the father of the prodigal son of old, opi r.ed their mires and permlttol us to resume work on exactly the samo terms that wo had taken out our tools threo mcrths previous; Lut they did not, on our teturn, kill tho fatted calf and put rings on our fli.gers. Oh, no; wo had to conduct ourselves with moro hu mility for our harsh uct and blundering step. In my next letter wo will como down to tho seventies and see how wo fared then. Taylorvillc Miner. GALLEN'S. OUR NEW STORES WILL BE LOCATED AT 225-227 LACKAWANNA AVE. Prices Slashed Right and Left The regular season is overnow is the time we begin to clean up odds and ends from the busy season. gin to enumerate the many bargains worthy of mention but suffice to say that you will of buying better values than you ever had before. 1L V Jfffl i M We are showing a big vaiiety of Men's Suits in single and double-breasted sacks in neat checks and stiipes or plain black, blue and brown effects, in cassimere, worsted and cheviot mateiials. There are not many of each size, but all styles are here. Every suit wai ranted tailor made and stamped with the maker's name (a proof against sweat-shop labor.) The prices are reduced one-third to one-half. All Wool $C Suits. 3 The Greatest Offer Ever Made Your choice of all Fine Novelty Suits in Vestee, iltw MdVy uJi U All Keeter and Blouse btiects, sizes 3 to 10, that weie j $3 to $10, for Jr $1.97, $2.97, $3.98. No higher; $3.98 buys the best suit in the house that means Can you money back if Penn - Look for the Yellow Sign. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS OF THE POOR Of Scvnnton Poor Dlstilct, For the Year Ending Dec. 31, 1899 Elrnvvlrrt; t!u locelpts, ilUbmnmenK sii; counlx. of f-ei-ietarv, tie.iMire-i. Lix col lotors, superintendent irrul resilient plii Hlii.in, rinnlueo of tiro farm anil an In vintorj nf tin" real urnl peih nul property of tlio district ns recruited 1 the- Act ot AM.tnllv Incorporating tlio district, ap proved April 9th, 1.'. accounts or Tin: si:cnr.T.HV. Thcto was (llsbtrn-cct upon claims aifilnst thu district, duly ap proved by tho board, for which vouchers arcs on file", tlio turn of $ S1.017 f'J Thou) accounts aro hiib-ellvlded as fol lows: SAmi:s and snitvicns Salaries of Directors for lVb $ 2,17) 00 Pulrrlcs of Auditors for l Uj ik) Salutlih of Olllcers, Attend ints, etc., lot 1SJS 2.2C0 03 Salaries of Otllecrs Attendant", etc., for ISM 14,310 09 Total for Salaries and Services.? J't,4ri II OUTDOOR KKI.IKF. firocerles, provisions, etc J 1LS7G Ot Medicines 1.51141 J'liueral experres l.ttsuo Transportation C4)2'J l'tiol If J (.1 Mill; 37 37 Nuihlni; 11 uc) LodcltiK and meals for ttar hlent? 11 "' ht Joseph's rorurcUlnir Ileum'.. . 21 t7 St l'attlek's Orphan Afjlurn ... Klu.ui Homo 12i on Stato Hospital Tor Im-ano 'it 2". Toll; Teeblo Minded Homo LuO W l'c nnsvlvanla Institution for lillml ISM Hlockley Almhhouso 2iu7 lliinlt Township l'oor DWtrlct .. 2177 Orders of llcllcf, Allldavlts, etc.. 3C 71 Totnl for Outdoor Itcllef $ 10.VJJ It si'iuu.n:s firocciles, provisions, etc $ S.1R? O Meat and fish 4,421 SS l'lour 1.01G io lVe.1, Meal, etc 1 fel M foal nnd oil 5,02'i Cs Druini and medicine's l.un Hi t'lothlriR and dry Roods 5,(V 70 Tobnceo nnd plies ..,,, SSJ) t'tocKejv and llarilwnro en 11 Tools nnd utensils 7J OS Hat n buppllCB k.. 7 CO Heeds 7140 Hlcetllu llKllt supplies 13'J SO 1'alnts. oils, etc ) 4s Cattlo 2.5 Cij Ite-nt of additional land CiK)ijO rreicht and express ("'. .V) Miscellaneous 2Ij Til Shoes und Leather l,3t,9 31 Total for supplies 32,731 CI i.mpuovi:sh:nts and ltnrAir.s Dams j rn ;? Hetnlnlni? walls and condullH.... SjI 1.' l'ower home, light and heat plant i,20S rs llpllcptle liitllillni-r 2,sv M KiiKlneer'fl houses l.M 4.' Hi finer farm 37) M Laundry fr, 01 Haltery (Ill Cottago on liecmcr farm 1.07J 41 Hhcd 4il SI Chapel v, 00 Tenees MIDST Cold Hloirik'o f, ?M 4.' Horses and cattlo 2l'i r,o Water lino and Uro hsdrunta .... 1,279 01 Wagons HI3S lllacUhmllhlng 123 40 REMOVAL SALE. " Irrrw Men's Suits. 4.A $ w 12.80 All Wool Suits. the best in bcranton. match these you can. values ? Your C Harness etc Administration buildhu .. ln.ine elipmment Mu!i bulldlrrif rcmalci building Cleneral repilts Lawn and eiitt mcc Colltelor's olllie, C'ty 11 ill 21 CO Li7 s 47) I.' 170 tu 121 40 721 77 Li'il 1 i 42 OU Total for Improvements and ltepilr-. $ 11.71 10 l'KINTIXa AND STATIONKUV. Publishing nrimnl report $ wM Advertising proposals .",' liooks and blanks :'!2, Stationery and otllce- hupplics.... 12' 9i Total for Tr luting arel Station ery $ 977 !'S rimxiTi'nn and nxTuiu:s. Chairs, stools and bettees $ 117 77 lleds and bedding :)M Caipets, mats, ote t'71 SI Chupil IKtures 22 1! Tvpcwriter and cabinet Vi W I'llo caseb 21 00 Kuirgei 70 20 Sewing rnachlno 1- W TotTl for rurnlture nnd I'lx- Hires $ trarso MISCKLLANHOL'S. Interest em Warrants for 1S1S...4 l.ntcre -t on Wnrrants for 1VJJ.... Telephone) rental Tax duplicate , Hooks and pipers at Homo .... l,inri si CJ .7. 207 71 477 CS :'2 ;o MIS r.J ?r r.7 &- ci ro 4 00 ,i w 12". 00 i,3 21 2i ) 0C 2i,l 20 .si 10 22 .71 IS 27 110 M l.tjsl ii Cleaning otllce. City Hall Sum rlnteiident's arid rcldent ph)Molaii's expems-es Traveling expenses .. l'ostagei and telegrams Uoconllng deeds Safo cli posit vault .... Musical Instrumerts . Stereoptlcon slldis . , Kent Hi emir firm .... Directors' convention . Maps and s-uivcy . ... i! lines and to . . .. Legal expe nes AnalMs ot viatcr .... Insurance Total for Miscellaneous S 1,711 SS ACCOUNTS OU COLLKCTOltS. Arja Willi ims, collector, U'1'. In ac count r, ith Scrnnton l'oor District. Dr. To lularco due Jan. 1. 1S99 J C.112 Z Cr. Dv cash nald i:. Jt Vernoy. treasurer ....$ 270 CS Uy eonoratlons nnd abatements 2.27)15 By commissions 3.C12 01 G.112SI Wndo M. rinn, collector. iwj, in ac count vvlth Scranton l'oor District. Dr. To balance duo Jan. 1, 1SD9 $ C.4-.2 2el Cr. Tiy exonerations and abatements J ST'NO'i By commissions 3,0s 1 21 $ C,i; 20 Wndo M. rinn, collector. H'i7. in ae count with Scranton Poor District. Dr. To Inlaw, due Jan. 1, 1SP9 t 7,101 OS Cr. Bv rash paid 17. M. Vernoy, treasurer . .$ 771 CG ISv exonerations and abatements 2 Rut 97 By eommltslons 3,777 45 i 7.401 03 Wndo M. rinn, collector. lS9s, in ac count with Scranton Poor District. Dr. To balnnco duo Jan. 1, U99 S 21.S22 9D Cr. II v cash paid John Von Bergen, treasurer $ 5000 00 By cash paid II. M. Vernoy, treuser .... 5,000 00 10,000 00 Balnnco duo $1i,$22 93 Sribeet to exonerations, abatements and commissions. loth leg GALLEN'S. You get a -double reduction on every article now our removal makes it imperative that we should dispose of the balance of our stock at once. Everything that is here must be sold regardless of cost or value. We will commence business in our new stores with new stocks. Therefore, all of this season's goods remaining must be sold here and now. Three months of wintry weather are before you yet. There is no need of further delay on your part if you need Winter Clothing buy here and now, and take advantage of the best opportunity you ever had to buy High Grade Tailor Made Clothing at almost half the regular prices. We can't be Ulsters for Men. The demand for these coats is greater this year than ever. They arc the only coats that give leal comfort in cold weather. We have about iooof them left in Irish frieze and Chin chilla, in black, blue, brown and the fashionable Oxford grey. The prices are nearly half of their foimer value. $10 $15 Coats. Coats. $18 $25 Coats. Coats. $6.90 $10.90 $12.80 $14.98 r7 and Dr. IMw.ml Parr, collector, 1st), In nccount with Mitmton l'oor DisUiet. To amount ot eluplleate. 1S9J .... S"i,510 4S Cr Bv cash pild i: M Vernoy, tie.T-uter 01,000 00 13 dances dun Jan. 1, IOiiO $ 21,310 4s Subject to exonerations, abatements and eouimUslous. THHASUnnil'S ACCOUNTS. Dr. John Von Her gen, 'lieasurer. is&, In ac count with Scranton Poor District. To cash on h mil Jan. 1, 1&.9, per Auelltot'H report $10,990 15 To cash lintrr Wado M. l'lnn, collector, lsis r 00) 00 I Cr. By warrants paid and audited $ 10,010 SO Bv cash paid D. M. Vernoy, treasurer 2,919 3S $ 21,'UG IS i:. M. Vernoy, treasurer, is'ei. In ac count with Scranton Poor District. Dr. To ca-h from John Von Hergen, tieastitcr ...$ 2,91l) iS At J i Williams, collector, iv". . 27) :'S Wado M. l'lnn, collector, 1M7 .. 771 CO Wado M. l'lnrr, collutor, IS'iS . nemom Hehvanl Parr, collector, lse9 .. 01,000 00 O. W. Beimer, t-upcrlnlendent, board of Inmates, etc 9 100 07 Statu Auditor cleneral 20.1SI .! I'ltthtnn l'oor District !" 23 C. J. Cillesple. secretaiy 3 30 $ 99, !33 99 Cr. By warrants cashed ? 71,019 S3 Balance on hand Jan. 1, 1900 . .$ 27,710 01 . WARUANT ACCOUNT. Warrants outstanding Jnn. 1, 1KIJ $ (,,3).7 Warrants Isbued in 1S99 M 047 99 Total $97,t,',s5S Warrants cashed In lijt '.i,6jo 7j AVartanta outstanding Jan. 1, )M) 4,941 U) 1NVP.NTOUV OP l'KBSONAL PUOP- LU'iy or t-ciiAvroN poou DISTHICT. Administration building $ S s31 in Insane building 11,3212! Mala building (pnupir) fi.lM 12 npllcptlu (old male) building .... 9 !1 32 I'emalu building (pauper) b,i,it 23 Chapel 700 l Octagonal bant n.M't i'i bhed 1.177 uo Piggery '. Ill w Now-barn 2.MI M Hnglnecr's houso 9!e) Carpenter shop CI 1 13 Blacksmith shup L,7 no l'ower and heat plant 20.MJ 0) Bakery ".'.0 23 Laundry 1.S32 40 Morguo u iX Stouo Shed 912 00 Cold storage) building TM SO Conservatory ai W. Bcemer or Vosbiirg farm 573 on Paint shop 10 u) Directors room, Sctarituir 1.2M 50 Total of Personal Property ... 78,921 1 invbntouv or iu:ai bstatb. Old farm. 13G acres $22 0nn00 Bcemer farm, 110 acres 11.2O0 00 Male) building i.oeil i) lVmalo building :i7,7oo iX) Aelmlnlstr.itlon building so.ouO 00 Insano hospital (malo and femulo departments) 90,io no Octagonal barn 7,0MO) New barn, piggery and sired .... S7i0(ji) Artesian well 4,u') () Bisitvolr 3,7H) Ico liousti a.OnO Oi Bake houeo 2.500 00 Laundry 4,000 00 Klectrlo light, heat nnd power buildings 10.000 00 Carpenter and blaekamlth shop.. 2,500 00 ( f4 U0r isSZa v ft V. W K - 'nrliai fr REMOVAL SALE. On Boys' Fine Clothing. Your choice of all Fancy Reefers and Top Coats in our stock, sizes 3 to 10, that were $3.00 to 37-5. for $1.97, $2.47, $2.97. In Silk Astrakhan, Freize, Kersey and Melton. They come in blue, black, brown and light shades. - Shoes, Hats and Furnishings at reduced prices. Shoe Penn Ave. Conservatory 3.7) ft) Kt citation .vanl 7,0) (") Betalnlng walls and conduits ... .1.100 00 Chapel 10,000 U) Bpllcptlc (old male) 5,uo0 Ot) B.uiis and Ice houso on Bcemer farm COO 00 Dwelling on Hi omcr tarm l,soooo Two ncres land and dwelling next Bcemer farm r,e 00 Lngincer's horrso 1,500 oo Total of Real Bstnto $7)1,030 00 Total of Personal Property ... 7S,')24 t0 Total value of property of Dis trict $379,974 85 RW'ORT Or SUPBRINTHNDDNT onoitun w. bi:bmi:r, rou tub ybar i:ndi:d dbc 31, hvj. The average number of Inmates at Hill side Home during the jear was 4IS 62-3ii3, und tlio per capita cost of maintaining patients at tho Home. Including food, clothing, light, heat, medicine, s tlarlca of Superintendent, Resident Phjslclan, At terdants, 1 tc. exclusive of farm pro ducts, was t.iV'j per week. Tho total of tlio board of Inmates, sane nnd Insane, Is equal t" the board of one pcrsorr for 101,572 dasj besides this, thera was taken nt tho superintendent's 'and emploves' table, during the year a num bir of meals enunl to the board of ono person for ll.OK) das. and bv workmen emplojed on Improvements and repairs meals canal to the board of one person for "00 dnvs. making the total number of das of board at the Homo 178,472. Number of inmates In tire Home Dec. 31, IKS. 412. Admitted during the vcar. sane, 151; In sane, 119: born. 11; total. 2X4. Discharged during tiro jear, san. 14C; Insane. C7; died, sane, 11: Insane, J7; to tnl discharged and died, ESI. Remaining itr the Homo Dec. 31. 1SD9, 415 classified ap follows: Sane. 1S3: In hane, 2C0 The nbove figures include epi leptics, 21; idiotic. 6; children. 7. Value of produce raised on the farms during tho year, 1SH $9 518.31; cash re ceived for board of patients vwis $9,0012'): cash tccetvrel for beef hides sold, $90,3'); total $o,100C3. Census showing population nt the Home ot tho end of each month: January. 412; l'ebrunry, 112; March, 437: April, 411: May, 411: June 1.3: Jul v. 121- August. 421; Sep tember, 4i2: October, 430; November, 4JJ; December, 413. Respectfully submitted. ciBORGK w. bi:i:.mi:r, supt. list or product: raisiid I'AP.MS DUR1NO YDAU Apples, Dlij bushels Beets, 155 bushels Siring beans, W'j bushels Buckwheat. J'S7 bushels Cabbage, 7,. '27 heads Carrots. 2071. bushels Celery, 4C2 heads Hnsllagc. 170 tons , Milk. 79,310 quarts Onions 9l'i bushels Com, Pop, 11 bushels Oats, l.lsl bushels Oat Straw, 1't tons Clreerr peas, 7G bushels Potatoes. I,S0t 2-3 bushels Sweet corn. SOO'i elorcn Berries, 1 IIS cjuurtH Lettuce, ,2,059 bunches Beef, 3,579 pounds Veal, l,ls$ pounds Lamb, 3,121 pounds l'oultrv. 923 pounds Kggs, 77',,i doen Onions, bunched, 1.C0I bunches Hnv, 5V tons Pork. 11CJ0 pounds Parsnips, 29 bushels ,, Radishes, i.TU bunches Rhubarb, 32 bunches StjuuHhes, 212 dozen Turnips, 171 bushels Cucumbers, 24.530 , Tomatoes, 1953 bushels PluniH. 9 bushels Crab apples. 2 bushels Pumpkins, 13 dozen ON T1ID ..,$ 23 50 ... 70 rs ... 17) (,9 ... L2S ft) . . 370 e5 ... lot 10 ... 2:10 ... CsOft) ... 2,111 "J ... C3 27 n 30 ... 4!7 93 ... 1)00 ... 93 37 ... 1,42 15 ... 59 65 ... 123 97 ... 102 95 ... 2sS 72 ... lib SO ... 301 IV, ... 117 29 ... J24 2.5 M U5 ,., S3ii 23 . Cfl 'ill ... 13 7S It Ct UtJ 1 GO ... BOSS ... 77 M ... 49 10 ... VI 12 9i)0 1 50 ... 52 0)' G ALLEN'S. have the opportunity Overcoats. We haven't many overcoats left but the assortment is quite vaiicd if you Und your size here your pocket will find luck with it. The materials are English Kersey, Freize, Rough Cheviots and Montagnacs, in blue, black, brown and Oxford shades; some lined plain or as elaborately trimmed as one would wish to have. The reductions are more than half in some cases. Worth $J.9(Un$f).90 Worth $10 to $25 IU 1 $10 to $25 House, - Look for the Yellow Sign. -o Mangel Wurzels, 200 bushels ltuto Bagas, 175 bushels 11COI 70 00 Total $9,5!S 31 ANNUAL Ri:i'ORT OP TIIH RBSI DIINT PHYSICIAN Or 1111,1,- sidi: 110MU. To the Pre-Ident and Directors of the Scranton l'oor District. Gentlemen: 1 most respectfully sub mit for jour consideration mj- annual re port for the jear lvel. On Jan. 1. lS'Ht, there vvero irr the nsjlunt males, 120; fe males, 119: total. 215. Admitted duilng tho jear, 71 males und 4$ females: total, 119. , The civil condition of those admitted was: Married, 37 males, 27 fe mules; to tal, Gl. Single, 2G males, li fern lies; to tal, 39. Widowed, b males, 8 females; to tal, 16. Discharged and died, males, "1: females, 33; total lol; leaving in tho asylum, Dec. 31. 1S99. 120 males, 131 females; total, ZA There haH been un average Increase) of 22 patients In tho asjlum over that of tho previous jcni. Of those illsclurged, 63 wero restored; 10 Improved, nnd 4 unimproved. Thero was ono of thos discharged ns Imptoved and one us unimproved ran awav while at work. The pticcntago of those re stored on tho admissions being nearly 45i. 'I here were 7,sr,l prescriptions filled dur ing tho j ear, as follows; Sano male, 3.02G; females, 1,311; total. 4,337. Insure, males, l,Cw): females, l,S3o; total, 3,511, at a cost of $1,013 P). Respectfully pubmltted, A. STRANO, M. D. During tho past jear the fiamo build Intr formerly used as tho old me n's home was removed from Its former location to u remoto part of titer ground--, it modeled and fitted up for tho care and treatment of tho Bplleptlo and Idiotic p rtlents cx eluslvely, of which eases tho district hut a largo number, a largo part of tho work thereon being performed by tho Inmatis of the Institution. Tho new Iron fence around the grounds, which wns commenced In l59b, has been ccimpletiel arid Is rons'dereel nno of tho best improvements mado nt tho Institu tion, imp only ns a protection to the In mates but preventing tho escape of ths patients. Tho facilities for combatting against fire from without tho buildings has nl wajs bien meagre and uus itUfae-tcrv'. This h is been much Improved by tho coir structlon of n water lino nnd the erection ot lire hvelrauts nt various places about tlio grounds, which together vJllr thu necessary hose and a- small foreo pump, jet to bo procured, will leave thn Insti tution well provided for In ease of lire. Tho moving of I arris, sheds and other outbuildings from In front of the Insulin Hospital, the changing of lond, grading of tho largo lawn, building of retaining walls, conduits nnd tho trow shed, the larger portion of which Improvements wero commenced In 1VS, have been com pleted during tho past j'car. Th necessity of a si itablo building 1111 tho Beemer farm lias been provided for by tho erection of a neat cottngo thereon. Tho hcrel of tattle are healthy and In good condltlon.'j having been thoroughly examined by a specialist and a certltl cnto from tho slate veterinary to that effect on flic. Respectfully submitted. ItnilSH a BROOKS. President, PRHDBRICIC PULLHR. THOMAS SIIOTTON. W. A. PA1N17. P. J. MUIU'lir. P. J. D1CKHRT. Directors of tho Scranton Poor District. Attet:-C. J. OILLHSPin. Senretnry, . Scranton, Pa., Jan. 1st, 1900. TRIBUNE WANT ADS..' ' BRING QUICK RETlfRNS.