The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 04, 1900, Morning, Image 1

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Boers Attack Molteno,
Near Stromberg.
Action in Progress as Dispatch Was
Sent righting Around Colesberg.
Boers Resist General French's
Attack, but Retreat Gradually.
London Pleased by the Success of
Colonel Pllchcr.
Stoihsltooni, Cape Colonx-. Jun. 1 -The attacked Mf Hi no this morn
ing. A Ijii'ik uitlrn Is In progress.
Nuaitw point, I'apo I'olonv. Jan. 1
Thoie was bi isk fighting tod ly in tt
hills mound ''oUsbeig The Hoe-H
stubbornly te-Nt'-d the lSiltNh it cxery
point, but gi iiluiillv rttu-ulcJ. The
HiHMi bold the- tsttome pr-dtlon to
tin- south east, oxc-rlo-iklng thu
The bills iimuiul 1'okfdieig are nu
muatis, not In laniros, but In group.
It l civ (lillliult to bunt thu Pons
out. Slti mi xxnundid men haxo ar
ilxod at Aiu-nkl.
I oiid hi. ,1th " A sPednl dlspitch
ft niii N.x.tuxx point, ikitrd Tui'-d iy,Jan
ituy :'. si.s that the Hit'.tsh loivmnnd
Notx-al's Palm b-'dgr. x.Ith two pun?,
and also i oinmand tbo rolrsben?
bildue, and that thu Hocis huxe no
way to k tic it ev-pt by xxav of Sttoin
beig. Tho dl-iakh adiN that bis -Jo-i
lopnionts aie ipeetoJ tomorioxx-.
Military Mine Ignited.
Klnib"tliv, Hit. 20 Tbo lions 1 ist
night i-x-lnc-d tonsldeiablo Interest In
tin? Piemloi- mine, using their starch
lights. This niouilirj: they actlxelv
shelled tilt foit, Tho iovU nitllleiy
icpllcd. oui lull. won- well plaiel
anil dropj nl nmld th smoke of tho
menu's gun
Last nUlit'- staini ignited some of
om mlllt.iiy mints luu there were no
(V- II Hhcdos has supplied the Doer
prlai rs with iirxx ilothlnrr.
London, Jan "A spot Ial dlspitch
from Naa vpooit, dated Tuesday, Jan
uaty '.', j:
Th" I'altlih conimird Notx.-U's Pont
biUH-c- with two suns and alo com-lni-itl
tho Colcsb"ig bi Id-re nnd tint
llio L'neis line no wa to letieut ex
icpt bj w ty of Noimb- it?. The rtl
pati h adds that hi.? developments aio
epet tt d tomonow.
Lcndsn Pleased by the Success of
Colonel Pilcher.
Loudon, Jan. " Larking nexxs fioni
tin main Iiiilish tamis In !outh Af
ilta, the futuie in tlon of nho( com
mindeis tail alone haxe an Impoitant
efiect on tbo laurel Kmics of th tarn
pilgn. the Hi ltl-li public Is making the
most ot Colonel Pllrhi'i'-, hiiecess. iiu
bounded ttiliiite Is jiald to the proxxew
ot the Canndlins and Aitialians, and
r phle aiiounth aie puhlbhcd of the
piithul ism In l'o'iglas as tin? xlctor
lous tioops t ntprnl tin- pl.ue. The n-r-lesentatlxe
ot the A--sotlated Pres,
xxlth the i'jlng toluniu, f.ijs:
"The Immediate icMilt of Colonel
rilihei's .ut it is in the entire dlppeisni
of the lebels xxho haxe been goxi-rnlnu
the lountiy for the last alx xxeeks
After tfuiinMdo had been ruptured
the Toiontos ottuiiiPil the laager for
th" night and joined Hie main body
the following liiurning, biluglng the
xx bole of the Hoer tens. wagons and
loot, a? J leaxingtbe Cmnxxalls In gar
llson ax SunnhUle. 'J lie mulsh foice
then started tor Pougl.ts, the Toion-
los minting up the tear In vngnns.
In thu afternoon the tioops entered
the town unopposed and anil I exttaor
dlnaiv stentf. The inhabitants wpip)1
oxtrjojed. 'IJley tiowded ;,bout the
soldleis and hook hands xxlth them. '
AVhen thev learned that their iMIxlt-
eis xxere Canadians and Autia!lms I
the entluisa-m bttame frenzied.
Jjeatentii!; ilit-eis xxero ulxin as the
tioops tiaxered the n-uin street, and
It was :ilnm- linpnsslble foi them t
make piogre-s, the noxNs being sj
eager to shake bands witu the colon
ials It apptais that the Landiost and
nil the moiinttd i obeli t-xiipiiated the
place on the piexkus night. The un
miiuntPd itbiW, t Ih lepoited, aie en
tremhed In the xlclnlty Quintltie.T of
ninniunltlon weie taptured and de
stioxed." A dlspalih fioni the Madder rixer In
timates that the .StinnMdi piisoiiPis
xx III not be treated as pilsonim of wai.
but as ltiltlsh subjects taught In open
At the Moddtr ilxer tamn tlie.Lon
dutt of the colonials Is admlied greatly
and exeiy one is delighted that they
haxe stiuck the Hist blow on the xx ost
ein fmtitler sinie the battle of Magtis.
fonteln. It Is believed the teller ot
Kuiunian Is to follow ijultkly.
The latest adxices fioni the Coles
beig distiltt tend to modify Oeneial
Fi ruth's suetpss. The piudloted oeeii.
patlon of CdlesbeiK had not been ue.
compllbhed ebteiday exenlng, whllr
the PoiFs guiib, which, it was an
nounced, had been silenced, weie still
active. The war nillce this afternoon
Issued a dispatch recelxtd fiom Uph
oral Fiencli. uiidT M-stenlax-H dale, in
xxhkh th geniral said his position was
tho same as It was on the pievlous
day. but that with small relnfoite
nients ho could dislodge tho Pons fiom
Colesberg and, In the meantime, he
continued manoeuvring.
Nothing further has been heaitl fiom
Molteno, whkh xx-as uported from
Steikstroom to have been attackPd by
the Poors this moinlng. So far as
known here, the Hrltlsh fouo theie Is
A dlApaloh fiom Kteikstromu an-nounit-H
that Hxxutit !.f. the Poor torn
innndnut at Stoimberg, Iihh died fioni
Ills ixoundx.
A special dispatch fiom lteiisburj,
dated Tuesday, Jan. 2. sajs a supply
ttaln without a locomottxe was set in
motion within thp ' lltltlMi lines near
Cohsbeig, and proceeded so near the
Hooi position that It was Impossible to
t li-ox it It. The Hrltish gun. theicfoie,
desttojod the ti licks. Trtut horj Is sui
peLted. The total Hiltlsh casualties about
C'olesboig In txvo days wan six men
killed and twenty wounded.
Tho supply train from Honsbuig, It
Is a-ietted In another dispatch, lan Into
u In okou oulxert and xxas xxietked. The
Hoeis began to loot It, and another
Hitishiitg train xas dispatched to th-'
spot In an attempt to recoxer tho pio
xl'lons. The liners opened lire on the
1 1 oops and natives who accompanied
the bet and train, and foiced them to
letnat. after several of the natives had
been killed.
The Knight3 of the Red Branch of
Philadelphia Will Furnish Recruits
nnd Money.
Philadelphia, Jag. 3 The inoxoment
In this tlty to send assistance to the
Uoeis icei-lxcd lenexxed Impetus last
night, xx hen the association known as
the Knights of the Hid Htanch held nn
adjouined meeting heir and derided to
pxtend all possible aid to Picsldent
KiURtr. Resolutions of sjmputhy for
Hit Uoeis xxere adopted.
Tho Knights of the lied Ili.imh claim
n membership of 100,000, made up prin
cipally of lilsh and Uen-ians. There
xx ire 2"0 deloRntes at last night's moet
Iiir. (irand Chief John A. llynn, of this
Llty, prcblded.
A mectinR of the local branches of
the Clan-na-Gael was alo held last
night for drill. Fully 400 youiiR men
haxe been fanned Into companies and
will, it Is said, be sent to South Africa.
The fund of $1,000,000 now belnp raised
by the Irish Nationalist union Is in
tended prlmai lly to meet the cost or
WIS per capita In smiiling lecrults to
the Boer nimy. The men cannot go In
a body, as that xxould be a violation of
the neutrality laws. They will, thete
foie, bo sent to Paris as Individuals
nnd eiiRlnepis, and anangements made
there for thcli transpoitatlon to the
Grand Chief Hvan left this iltv to
day for Troy, N. Y xvhere he epeets l
to oiganlze a council of the Knights of
thi? Itetl lb .inch.
P. J. MeManus, a leading spirit In the
moxe to aid the Uoeis, raid today: "Wo
do not eaie to publNh our plans. Wp
xx 111 nsslst tho Poers, and In such a
way that tesults will tell."
Commander Carlin and Captain In-
gate Pass Away.
Vnhlngton, Jan. 1 The navy de
partment has been adld In- a enbl
messige fiom Admlril M'atson of the '
death of Coininnnder James XV. Car- i
lln. on boud the culgoi, from an at
tack of PMitonltN. II xva-, on bis
xx ay to the naxal hcspltal at Yokohama,
for treitment xxhen h'j died. December
30. hibt.
Th- meisage also repot tod the death
of Captain C. L V. Inrale, of the
Mailne eotib, at Guam, wheio be xxas
stitlnned, on Hit ember 1.4. Ills death
followed a suiglcal op-natlon.
Commander Cailln xxas anting the
oflleeis of the naxy xxho xxeio at Apia,
Samoa, at the time of the memoia x'e
huriicane on the 16th of March, 1SS9.
Ills lank then xxab that of lleutena.r.
He xxas exoiutlxe ofilcer of the Vui
tialla and aftei the loss of Capfv!-i
SLhoonmaker he xxas in chaige of the
bhlp. commander Carlin xxas ."1 years
of age xxhen he died. Ho xxas a giad
uate of the naval academv class if
ISC1, Subsequent to the disaster at
Samoa much of his time had been
spent on the Pacini: and Asiatic sta
tions. He xxas a man of Impressive
appeal anee and highly regarded here
ah a capable olllcer.
After an Absence of Six Weeks He
Returns for a Conference.
Lincoln, Neb , Jan. 3 Colonel XV. J.
Bijan teturned to Lincoln today, after
an absence of bIx xxeeks. He found a
number of leading Demociats from
other states awaiting him and con
feirul with them in an Informal way.
Mr, Urjan will remain In Lincoln until
He Is interested in the meeting of the
Fusion state eenttal committees Fil
day and is to respond to a toast Fildiy
at the banquet of the Nebraska tiavel
ing Men's iluli. He will leaxe for Chi
cago eaily Saturday.
The Government Wilt Spend Largs
Sums to Increase the Army.
Budapest. Jan. J. Tho Pestle Hilton
says that the Austio-Hungailan Tfov.
eminent contemplates spending C20,
000,000 for increasing the army and
navy, in conscquenco of the grave
r,uiopran situation.
tt'he government, act aiding to tin
same authority, will also promise to
the Austilan and Hungailan parlia
ments nn Increase of the annual grant
for defenslx-o purposes.
Superintendent of Venango Schools,
linrilsbarg, Jan. 3.-G. XV. Ladd, of
Franklin, xxas today appointed superin
tendent of the public stboolH of Venango
counti. xlm John P. lilglor, reslgnul.
McLaurln for Senator.
Jackson. Miss, Jan. 3 Tho Demoeiallc
caucus hrc tonight unaiilniouidv nnml
luitt'il ox-aiixtrnor McLnuilu for tho long
tenn of Unltul States M-natorshlp.
Roland Reed Improving.
Now York. Jan. 3.-Itoland lleed, the
autui, xxas listing comfortably tollglit
unit Ids (ondltloii through the day bhoxxe-d
Chambersliurg, l'a., Jan. 3. One of the
most familiar tiguies In Cumberland
lounty alley busluiss clrclis and tlm
shrewilcHt biilness man tti Frank
lin iiiunly. Jucob l.o MnstPi, dlid
at bin home today, at l.o Master, a toxxu
iiamul after him, aged SI c.iih. Lo Mas
ter's fortune amounted to lllO.Oou, and
tie oxMiui imiHt of ,th.i toxn in which lio
llxrd and ille-d.
London. Jun, .'!. Hev. George Uuckle.
fatliu or liiorce rarle BurKle, editor of
tin. 'llntc. died today.
The Official Representations of Mr.
Choato Causes Embarrassment in
Official Circles in London, but Will
Not Be Likely to Cause Interna
tional Fiiction New Regulations
Rcgaiding Conttnbnnd May Be
London, Jan. 3. The United hiatus
ambassador, Joseph 11. Choato, vlsltid
the Hrltish premier, Loid Sallsbuiy.
at the foielgn olllt o this morning ror
the purpose of making tho Hist olllclal
lepic-sentatlons on the subject of the
liclagoa bay Hour hclzuics. Mi. ChoUu
lecelved no dellnlte iepl, as the pio
mler Infonned him that the Piltish
government had not yet arrlxed at
any decision as to xx bother or not food
stuffs xxere contiabind of xxar. but
Lord Salisbury asMiied Ml. Cho itu
that the commercial lights of the Unit
ed Statis xxould be equitably consid
ered and that a decision In this im
poitant matter xxould bo i cached as
soon as possible. The Interxlexv was
brief. The Associated Press teams
that Lord Salisbury has not only got I
the attorney genet al, Sir Hit haul '
Wobstei. xorklng hard on the question
of the flelagoa bay setzuies, but that j
he Is consulting xxlth the ablest laxx--eis
in Gieat Ptltaln. A high olllclal
said: '
"England is betxxeen Sejlla and I
Charybdls. If we declare foodstuffs
contraband x-e- put ourselxes In a most I
awkward position should 4- be a neu- ,
tral power In wmo futute xxar. XV o
are motl anxious to eonseive the In
terests of the United States, jet self-preseix-atlon
must neeesarlly come
New Regulations.
It xxas fuithcr learned by a lepro
sentatlxe of the Associated Piess that
( Biitaln may lay doxxn new regu
lations rcgaiding contiaband, making
a distinction between food exldently
Intended for domestlu pin poses and
food palpably Intended for field l.i
tions. Under the latter head ml, -lit
come cei tain classes of c inned goods.
The Pritlsh goxeinment fully real
izes that the lepuseutatlons of Mi.
Choate will compel It to duldu this
fai -reaching matter, and, xxhlle his ie
quest has been made and lecelved In
the mot friendly spirit, the quundry
Is not lellshed by Lord Salisbury,
though it is not legatded as likely to
cause intermtlonal friction. One thing
is, certain, the question will not be bat
tled hurriedly, though It Is impossible
oxen for the cabinet mlnMeia tofoie
cast the date when Mr. Chonte will ie
eelxe a definite answer, xxhlch must
settle Great Britain's stand upon the
question of i ontiaband.
Beitln. Jan. 3 It Is seml-onit lallv
announced that Geimany has not pio
tested against tho hcburo of the IJun
desiath, but has merel lequested that
the mutter be inxestlgated and settkd
ns speedily as possible. Frleadly notl
Heatlons In this dlicctlon aie pioceed
ing heie.
Colonel Whallen Held to Bill in the
Sum of 810,000 Taylors Attoi
neys Are Active.
Frankfort. Ky.. Jan. 3. The Joint
committee, xxhlch will hear exldente
In the Coebel-Taylor contest for gover
nor, and also for lieutenant gcxoinor,
xx 111 be formed tomonoxx-. The hixvt
provides that the membeis of the com
mittee shall be draxxn by lot, three In
the senate and eight in the house. The
policy of the Goebel leaders will be to
push the contests to a final Issue as
speedily as possible.
Gox-ernor Taj lot's nttoineys are pie
rating not only far lebuttal exldenee
to offset the charges of fiaud bet forth
in Goebel's notice of contest, but ac
i oi ding to Senitor Deboe, mo going
much fnither and uttrmptlng to show
up counter frauds of a glatlng natuie
on the Democratic side. (
Colonel 'xVhallen xxns today held by
Magistrate Thompson in SlO.flOO ball to
answer before the grand Jury the
charge of hax ing offered Se-iitor Har
tell $1,500 to xoto against Goebel In
the contest befoie the senate.
In the circuit court President Lov-
Ing, of the Louisville Tiust company,
xxas befoie Judge Cantilll, chaiged
xxlth contempt tor disobeying thu or
der of the couit to tm n ovei the xault
box alleged to hold tho 3t.,"00 which It
lu ,lntniirl n u ,. 1..-. rtnlrl U.. ..-.!, ,..
tho ex-ent he xoted against Goebel tin
the contest.
Loving btntrd that he merely de
sk ed to protect tho customeis of his
coaipanj-, nnd his attorney moved to
quash the summons ugainst hint. This
the couit ovei ruled a-id 01 tiered tho
box to be produced In the couit at It
o'clock tomoirow. It Is undei stood thi
oider of the couit will bo compiled
Challenge from Jeff lies.
Hot Spilpgs. Ark, Jin. i 'Join
blimkey tonleht recelxed a th illongu
from James L Jeffries to tight lxxtnt
rounds within Hilrtv dajs. the winner to
take all. proxldid Tom OHmulve l e.v
eluded from Shin key's coiner Sharkev
said ho was glad of rn opportunity to
light Jeffries on tho teims stated, but
would insist thi.t ticurgu Slier should
not lofeno tho tight.
Cooper Succeeds Fetteiolf.
Hiurlsburg. Jan. 3 A. V. lYttirr.If.
resident clerk of tlm hoii-m of ripiismt i
tlxcs, today tcnt'cied hli iislgiiitlou to
Speukir Farr, to tako tffiet Imniullntelv
Mr. Fetterolf has otiuplod Hie plain for
sixeial J ears, hax Ing prexloiigly In in
chief ilerk. The last xacaniy In llio of.
Ilco of rend cut cluk meurrcd wlnn John
A. Smull died In attli p. Hy agreeim in
the speaker appointed William L. Cooper.
American Flour Seized.
Heading, Jan. :'. The American Hour
seized b the Uiltlsh oft tho cuust of
Africa xxas manufactured bv llio hi a
board Milting eompary, of this tlty. The
shipment lonNlsted of kiwi burets,
xaiunl at JlJMml This company lias hpen
sending most of Its pioduit to South
A film for the pat four m.
Interesting Testimony Given
Chomlct Yocum.
New Yoik. Jan. 3. In the tilal of
Poland II. Mollueiiv for the tnuidei' of
Mis. Kuthailnc J. Ad mm the most
Inleipstlng tostlinony today was that
of John II. Yocum, a Liu-mist and a
xxaim filend of Il.uiv Coinlx'i. lie
t-.ilil that any chemist (ould inikorx-a-nldc
of met oui y, the poison which !-
alleged to haxe i auspd the di.ilh of
Mis. Adams. He had made It him
self nnd the ptocess xxas eai. II.
took prusvlan blue and olInv oldo
of meicuiy, boiled them togetie-, fll
teied the mass and the preclpltilo
contulnod tjanldo of niticurx. Still
other drugs xxould leld cyanide at
meicuiy. All the dings icqulicd xxeie
xx hit Is known as dry colors. Molln
oiix. It xx 111 lie lemembeied, xxas super
intendent of a dty colai faetoiv In Yocum testified that any
man known ns a chemist tan pnuute
the Imtiodlents of t.xanlde of meicuiy,
ex en xxlthoiit logistrilng his name.
Alvln A. Harpstei, xxho has tlguiel
In the ease as a frli nd of Cornish an I
an object of Molliicux's bite, had beet
expected to glxo Impoitant testimony
as to Mollneu.s's 111 will towanl Coin
Ish, but his cMiniln itlon today de
x eloped nothing Impoitant.
Audio Hustanoby, an emploxe of the
Knlckciboikcr club, and xxho had
been, he said, "xeiy frlcmllj" xxlth
Mollneux. tcstltled that when the far- ,
simile of the poison patkige -uldress
xxas published he recognized the lnnd-
wiiiuiH a timi ui .iouni ox aim toi i
Secietary Adams, of the ilub, of the
Othoi xxltiussp'- xxtie policemen xxho
xete lonneeted xxlth the case after
the mill del, tletks In pitent medicine
houses who handle) the "Cotnl-'h" and
"Hal net" letteis alleged to luxe been
xxiltten by Mollneux, and membeis of
the Knlckeibcvkor Athletic club to
xxhom Coinlsh had shoxxn his Clulst
lnas pi cent, xvhose contents aftc l waul
killed Mi" Adams. testlmo xv
built up the case of tho piosecutlon.
Some of them xxeie not c ro-s-ea'ti
Ined. Couit ndjourned until tomofixv.
rrecdom Given to Political Piisoners.
Public Meetings Held to Express
Satisfaction at His Appointment.
Hax ana, Tan. 3. Today General Wood
Issued an Impoitant aider glxlng free
dom to foity men In the proxlnce of
Santa Claia Some of them hail been
detained without trial, nnd othtis xxtro
suffeilng o.coive punishment. All
had been icleased ten months befoie
by an order issued by Ge-neial Bates,
but the" xveie Immediately re-nnested
by orders fiom division hcadquartois,
on the giound that a depaitment 10111
nnnder did not haxe the power to pu
don. Af tei looking i arefullj- Into the cases.
General Vood dt-olded that tho Judg
mnit of Geneial Bares legaidlng their
lolease was xxlso, and consequently to
daj's aider setting them at llbnty xxas
Pepiesoi'tatlxen fiom other depait
nients ale dally expected, and It Is !--Hexed
that befoie the end of the mouth
a laige number xxlll be released, es
pecially In the pioxincp of Hax-.ina.
The eases of those v bo haxe been held
for a long time In detention without
tilal will be the llrst to lie Investigated.
The people of S metl Spiiltus hid a
laige public nieetlnq: today to exptess
satisfaction at the appointment of
Geneial Woad as goxeinor of the Island
and at tils lehttlon of set letaile.s, all
of whom ate legaidtd as capable of
helping Geneial Wood nntei tally In es
tablishing a peimanent fouu of gov
Advances in Wages on the Pennsyl
vania Line3.
PIttsbuig, Jan. 3 A general adx-ance
In the x.-ages af trainmen an the Penn
svlxanla lines skeins nsurcd. but the
oatt amount of the Incionpo cannot
be stated as jet. Following up the
seiles of tonfeienets between tialn
men and atllclaks which haxe been hell
teeentlj-, another committee lepiesent
Ing the Biotlierhood of Locamotlxo
Fit omen, composed of Flank K. Pago,
of liidlanapollh; W. T. Wilght. of Dan
nlson, Ohio: XV. V.. Leonaid, of Colum
bus, nnd otliPis, mot General Manag, r
L F, I.oiee at a lonfoiente.
While no Infoiinatlon xxas glxen out,
owing to the failure of F. P. Saigcnt,
chief of the Biothorhood of Locomo
tive riiemen, to airlxo, jet It xxas ths
understanding that the Inn ease de
manded by the ttalnmeu, xxlth eeitaln
uiodltlcatlons, dependent upon pios-
peioiib conditions would be granted. A
geneial adxanie In Hie wages of the
trainmen of the- Pennsj lx-anla
sjbteni Is now piobable.
The Greatest Find Since the Famous
Karg Well.
Toledo. Jan. 3 A fpetlal to the Coin
uieiilal from FIndlaj, sajs:
A ten million cubic feet gas will was
ntiuck four miles east of heie at noo-i
today, by opeintois who aio "wlld
cattlag" In new tenltoij-. All tools,
rasing nnd tubing xxere blown out of
the well, nnd the roar of tsraplng gas
tan be heard far fixe miles.
This Is the greatest gas well In Ohio
sIiilu the famous King xx ell of ten years
ago, which stinted the natural gas
boom in Xotthwcsteiu Ohio.
Biidge Buildcis Stilke.
l'hllndelpbbi. Jan. 3 It was iinnounctd
todav by olllitrs of the National Assoc In
tlon of Hrldga i.ud Structural lion Woik.
rrs that iOO of tho mi n xsho xxent on
hiil'p jiste.dny had rotiirin-l lo xvoik.
th- li PinploNPis lnixlrg itKlud to lln
union ilem mils of 2s icnts an hour for a
ubip-hoiii day. this Itaxis fiom ini to .Mi)
meii still on stilke.
Money for the Boer Sufferers.
Gland Haplils, Jan. 3 John Stcketoe,
xlco consul af the Kc lbulund, today foi
xxardtd to Holland a draft of 0,2 rt guild
er. (Hand Hiiilds llollindtis latest con
trlbutlon foi the- villous and orph ins af
Hoots kllltd In South Afrlcii, Tho sum
emounts to J,Ve5 AmeiUaii monfy.
Astoi's Contribution.
London, Jan, 1 William Waldorf Astor
lias lontrlbiilul C1,i to tho Pilnco of
Walts' hospital fund.
Interesting Features of the Case
Brought Out by the Testimony
of Fireboss Radcllffe Peculiar
Method of Measuring Mine Gas.
Danger Signals Written with Chalk.
No Gas Reported on Day of Dis
aster. ITnlontown, Pa Jan. 3 The fourth
session of tho colonel's Inquest Into the
PraiMiell mine disaster began this morn
ing In the larg" couit room In the pres
ence of a large eioxxd. The thieo pre
xlous sessions xxeio devotid to the xxork
of xlewl- g the bodies of the victims as
thej xxeie irmoxed fioni the mine. To
daj's session xxas glxen oxer to the
taking of tho testimony of the ofllilals
of the- mine and others xxho knexv of
the condition of the mine, after as welt
as befoie the explosion.
An Interesting feature xxas biotight
out today dm Ing the examination of
Fireboss Jnme Hadcllffo by Inspector
James Hllck. Hadcllffo tcstltled that he
measured the gas by teckonlng the dis
tance fiom the top of the lamp to the
i oof and whatex-er that distance xvns,
he sild, xxas the depth of the gas. The
answer took Insnector Click by sur
prise and he had tho fireboss repeat
his theory, to make sure there xxas no
mlstnke. When the fireboss had con
ducted his explanation. Inspector Hllck
"How far xxas the llame doxvn In th"
lamp that Is, from the top of tho
"Fight Inches," xxas the replj'. I
"And the top of thp lamp was four
Inches fiom the loof ot the mine?,"
asked the Inspector, In a surprised
"Yes. sir."
"And jou xxould call that only four
lnclus of gas?"
"Well, I xxould call that twelx-e Inches
of gas," replied Inspector Bllck, xx Ith
some- emphasis.
The witness replied that Mr. Pllek
piobibly knew xxhat xx-as right In tho
matter, but that he had stated his cal
culations as he had always made and
lepoited them.
Danger Signals.
The dally report of Mr. Uadcllffc for
Dec. 21?, the daj' of the explosion,
showed that gas xxas found in loom
No. L third left heading, In a xolumo,
measutlng four Inches at the face and
"tailing" back possibly eighteen feet.
The xxltness slid he put up danger sig
nals at the entrance to this room at
the "neck" and thp other two at the
eut-thioughs Into Kxims-X-oflr-lind-S.
Gas xxas also found In the main head
Ini, about fou.- hundred feet from tho
shaft. At the point Indicated there had
been a fait In the roof ome time ago,
hax Ing a "pot" in which gas had been
standing foi a month. The place was
piateotid by timbers. A month beforo
the explosion, riiebass ludcllffe testi
fied he had put up a dangei signal at !
that place fat bidding anjore to pass i
the point xxlth open lamps. The signal
xxas piinticl with thnlk on a piece of
brattice cloth, xxhlch xxas tacked upon I
the tlmbeis. On the mornlnir of the ex- '
ploslonj xxltness said, he had changed j
this signal, maKtng it lean: ".mo one
must pass this section."
The fin boss' icport on the day be
foie the disaster showed no gas In the
mine, but on the two clays preceding
that his leport showed four inches In
the light main piitianee "tailing" back
thlity to thlily-uxe feet.
Fireboss ISadc'lffe testified that the
ioif In loom Xo. 2, In xxhlch gas xxas
found the moinlng of the explosion,
was In bad condition. There had been
no fall xxhen ho made his rounds that
moinlng. but the roof was alxvajs con
sidered bad. the xxltness said, and u fnll
may haxe oceuired after he left.
A Chiistianized Couple Will Be Mar
ried at Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, Jan. 3. The first mar
liage In this city of a Christian
ized Chinese couple xxlll take place
heio net week. The fact that tho
piospoctlxe bildu and bridegroom hax'H
ntxcv seen each other lends additional
it ten st to the event. The future hus
bind is Wung John, pioprletor of a
L htm Ft rtstauiant In this cltx-, and
his fiancee Is Su Ting Fu, xxho lb now
on her xxay to Philadelphia fiom Sin
Francisco, xxhen- she xxas a pupil in
the Piesbjteilan Sthool for Chinese
The xxeddlng xxlll be solemnized In
the Arch Stnet I'lesbjterian churih
and the icttor. Hex-. Meixlne J. F.ikels.
D. D., xxlll pei form tho t-eiemonj-.
Klaborate pieparatlons aio in progress
for the unusual affair and the nuptial
knot xx III be tied amid gorgeous floral
kdeeotatlons to ttie accompaniment of
the Lohengiln xxeddlng march.
Some time ago Wung John applied
to Hex-. FrederlcK Poole, In chnige of
the Chinese mission heie, xxlth the ie
qucst that tho latter endeavor to se
cure a xxlfo tor hlni. Mr. Poole xx-ent
to San Franelsto und selected Su Ting
Fu. She and Wung John exchanged
photogiaphs and the engagement xvas
made by mall. Wung John forwaided
J00 to his altlanced with xxhkh to
puichtiso her wedding gown and pay
her expenses to this tlty.
Steamship Arrivals.
Nexv Ytik, Jan. 3-Aiiixtd: Tauue,
fiom Llxtipool. Sailed; Ix'cxv Yoil., tor
froiitlmmptou; Kensington, for Antxxiip.
Cltnrid: la Normandle. for 1 1 ax-re;
Kalsc-r Wllt.ilm Dei Grouse, far Hremeit
xli Chcibouig and Southampton. South-i-nipton
Atrixril: SteanurSt. Paul, from
New- Yoik. Antwerit Arrlxed: South
wink, fiom New York xla Southampton,
ijun nstoiMi Airlxul: Teutonic, fiom
New York. Plj mouth Arrlxed: r.itihia.
Now York for Hamburg. Southampton
Silluli Uraxe, from Hicmcn for New
York. Kent Sentenced.
Jamestown, N. Y., Jan. 3. Alba M.
Kent, jr., of this city, xxho was recently
irn steel in Japin and extradited
i barged xxlth forging notes and obtain
lag $10,0uO thorchj', tctlay pleaded guilty
to two Indictments fm forgery, and was
Hiutcuitd to Imprisonment ivlth hard la
bor for three jeais and two mouths.
Weather Indication Today I
1 General Hattlc In Progress In South
Tiubonlu Plague in Manila.
The Seizure of Amitlcan Flour.
Inxestlgatlag the Hrazuell Mine F,x
plosion. i Gpiicral Northeastern l'ennsjlxanla. and Commcrtlat.
3 Local Diij'b Wctk In Equity Couit.
4 L'dlttrlnl.
News and Comment.
C Storj- "Tht Iron of Remorse."
6 1.01 at -Diphtheria nnd Scarlet Fexer
Sprendlt g.
W. 8. Lai gttaff netlgns.
7 T.ncaJ-Atttrnev Hatrls Kxplalus.
County Commit bloncrs Six Increase
of Officii Force Means Uconomx-.
Pled fmm Kscpositro.
R Local West Scrantor and Suburban.
9 Hound About tho County.
10 Local Llxo Xcxxs.
Foundation Laid for Proceeding on
Financial Hill The House in Ses
sion but Fifteen Minutes.
Washington, Jan. 3 The sonat"
evinced a disposition today to tale up
the xx oik of the session In omie-ct. nnd,
while the sitting xvis of only a little
more than an horn's duiatlon. a larje.
number of Important Mils xvoic Intio
duced and n definite founilillon laid
foi pioeeedlng xxl'h the flnancl il bill.
Tho hour for the beginning of the de
bate on this measure xxas IKrd tor 2
o'clock tomotioxw The most notable
exent of the daj xxa an objection on
teletl bj- Mr. Hoar, of Massadiusells,
to the summary disposition of lesaiu
tlons asking for Information about the
conduct of the Philippine xxnt. Hi- In
dicated a purpose to demand consider
ation for such measures ex-en at the
expense of the financlnt 1)111. The tenth
Instant xxas named as the day for thi
dellxt-rj' ot eulogies In honor of th
meinorj of the late Vice Piesldint Ho
bart. Tho house xxas In sc-s!on but fifteen
minutes today and during that time
had a little fltirrx' ox-er nn attempt bv
Mr. Sul7or. of New Yoik, to .(riux
consideration for a lesolutlon asking
information concerning the relations
of the treasury ilepaitment xlth the
Nitli.nal City bank, of New Ycnk. Thi
resolution xx-as referred to the commit
tee m xinjs and rreans. Mr. G lines,
of Tennessee, roe to a iiticKtian of per
sonal prlx llego respecting his vote on
the Tloberts resolution These exontn
nnd the ptaj-rr or the chaplain occu
pied the brief time the hoitbt was in
Among the bills and lesolutlons In
troduced xxeie the following:
Hy Mr. Coonej-, of Missouil, joint
lesolutlon for a constitutional amend
ment piovldlng that "no new state, the
tenltory of xxhlch Is not contiguous to
the United States, shall be admitted by
the congress Into the Union."
Hy Mi. Promwell, of Ohio, joint ipso.
lutlon proposing tho following amend
ment to the constitution: 'Congiess
shall haxo power to define tiusts an 1
to regulate, contiol ot pioblblt tho same
within any state, teirltoij-, dlstilct or
any othei plate subject to its Juitsdlc
Amendments Authorized by Republi
can Members of Committee.
Washington. Jan. .'. The Hipiibllrin
members of the- senate finance com
mittee authorised Senator Aldrti h to
present amendments to the financial
bill xxhtch he offered In tho &en it- to
day. Tho most Impeit'int ibite to
the gteenbitkn and Is as follows:
Aftei the xxoul 'authoiitj" an line
fixe, page 12 stilke out tho timn!ndr
of settlon and incrt: "And the gold
toln recelxed from the s.ilo of sail
bonds shall flist b, rox-eied Into tho
geneial fund of the tieasuiy and then
exchanged In the mannei honlnbefoie
proxlded, for an equal amount of the
notes redeemed and held foi eehaim--,
and the United Statis notes ecl auged
In nccoiclanco with th- pi ox Mans of
this section shall, xxhen covert d Into
the Mcnsuiy, bo to-Issued ns i ow pio
xlded bv laxv. and the told ooln In the
leserxo fund, together with tbo ie
deemed notes held for u-e ns pi ox Id d
In this section, shall at no time ceed
tho maximum sum of f i:,o,000 ooo."
It Is stated by livmbeis of the com
mlttit that the amendments aio for
tbo purpose of making nioie dear tho
Intention of the bill and to le i-o no
question ns to the toiiLttuetlcn of llu
laxv xxhen enattod.
Bodies Found in Apaitments Occu
pied by Them.
Noxv Yoik, Jan. 3 The dead bodlo
of George F. Gallagher, a -peoul po
liceman, unci Nellie Walsh, xxeio
found today In a Second uxe-nue apait
nient occupied by them. They hid
been asplij-xlated by gas, turned on
by them duilng a New Yeai'.s t amuse.
Gallagher xxas formerly a member of
the New Oi leans police foiee.
The bodies of txxo men found asphj-x-lated
by gas In a loom on Twenty
fouith stieet lust night haxe been
Identified us those of Wiro Walpuskl,
son of a xxoalthv manufactuier of
morocco juxxel cases, und u xxlndnxx
cleaner with whom bo had been llx
Ing, It Is belle-xed the men committed
St. Petti tilling, Jan. J. Tho latest re
polls from Acli.ilkalck, In tho koxciii
mint litusk, slum- that r,il llxis were last
during the en ' "' mlax.
Hershoy ui.ipj.... .-j Quick.
Luneastir, Jan. 3 Thu county commls.
sloneiH admitted today that last .xveek
befoie the guilt of Kmanuel II. Itcrsbey,
the abscoadliiiT county treasuur, was
positively known thty had secured a war
rant for his arrest on the Ultimo of em
be-i.zlt-mcrt. His flight defeated their
plan. They deel ire (hoy wilt make every
effjrt to bihig him to jubilee,
Man Found Who Has
Symptoms of (he
Disease. -
Rigid Steps Will Bo Taken to Pre
vent the Introduction of the
Plague to the Philippines Marine
Hospital Service Already Has Two
Quarantine Plants at Manila The
Bubonic Plague at Honolulu.
Manila, Jan. 3 The health ofllcers
haxo found a. natlxe having all the
symptoms of bubonic plague in a house
In the xx.illed city, xxhero two deaths
xxhlch may haxo been due to tho
plarue haxo octuned. The patient has
been Isolated and every precaution
taken to pitxtnt a ppiead of the dls
ero. Wahlngton, Jan. 3. The xxar do-,
pi! tment Is tnklng steps to prevent
the intioductlon of the pi igue In tho
Philippines. Sectetury Hoot this
moinlng called into consultation Sur
geon Wjman, of the marine hospital
serxlee, to discuss the establishment
of n ail n antlne system for tho Islands.
It was decided tint the xxar depart
ment should adopt toxxaril the Philip
pines a. sanltaiy policy similar to that
It pin sued In Cuba, and coaflde the
m ilntenanco of a quarantine system
to the- mailne. hospital seixlce.
Quarantine Plants.
The mailne hospital seivlce has al
ready two quaiantlne plants In the
Philippines, while two of Its surgeons
aie noxx on their xxay to Manila, so
that little delay xxlll be encountered In
beginning to draxv a ilgtd quarantine
line In the islands.
The toimi ts tecelxed by the state
depaitment nnd Surgeon-General Wy
liian fiom Hanolulu tanflrm tho news
piper despatches rclatixe to the exist
ent e of the- plague there.
Suigeon Ocneral Wjnian has no In
formation of the lepoit that three sus
pected places ot bubonic plague hax a
been dlseoxered xxlthln the xxalled t Hy
af Manila, but no attempt ts maSe to
conceal the gravity or the sltuatlm
should the report proxe true. 8ttllt .ItJ-
Is said, a few- sporadic cases need not
necpssaiily lesult In an epidemic In the
Sui-;pon Geneial Wyman said the
dl ise no longer eitates the constei
natlnn It once did, berruse It has been
tlemonstiatod It tun bo handled by
modern scientific woik.
San Pianclseo, Jan. i. Until all dan
ger of a sn:oad of tho bubonic plagif
noxv pioxalent In Honolulu Is past, the
tianspoits leixlug this pint for tho
Philippines will not stop theio. as has
been the geneial tustaiii, but xxlll go
stiaUht thiough to thelt destination,
taking Hiillliient coal with them fiom
hero to last the entlio tilp.
Will Not Ba Permanent Chairman of
Republican Convention.
ciext'and Jan 1 Sen ilm- Hanna d
rklltd tod.-j that although he had been
urged to stand foi tho peimanent
eh ilimat'shlp af the neM Hepub'lcan
national i omentum he xxould not do
"Theio aio other men," lie said, "wlii
aio moio a-ublllous than 1 am, xvho
xalue th it houoi moio than T do. I
xxlll glxo xvnv to them." Hh also do
clated that he will not lie one oi the
delegates at laige fiom Ohio In tho
"I gieatlv dtlio that 'Jenoial lite Ic
sh ill lnxt nn uneontosttd tdaso In th'
Ohio delegation at laige," he ox
pl lined, "uiid 1 am gl id to step nut In
lilr fix or. If 1 am to bo ons.'deied as
on- of tho delegates r.t laige, )in-ce-dent
glxlng the plan- to me as a -en-atoi,
theio will lie a tautest between
(iciiL' (iiosxenoi and Cioiu ral I)h k.
I being out of It, theie will be loom
for both of them, as theie should he,
and fi lotion will br melded."
It Is evident fiom the- toiegolng that
tho plan to make Senator II iniin a
ileltgite nt laige and pi ti.i inent tlinli
nnn at the Hepubllean national con
vention, was fotmetl vlihout his eon
Deroulede nnd Gueiin So Adjudged,
xvlth Extenuating Chcumstnnces.
Pat is, Jan. '' Tho I1I7I1 coutt sen
ate) todaj, londeilng Its venllct 111 tho
consplr.icj cases not pioxloasly dis
poned of, dei-ldPil bj a xoto of 136 to
37 that M. Deroulede was gu'lty, ant
by a xoto of .'00 to 1 dc tiding on exten
uating clicumst-incos. Liter the couit
at quitted M. Dubuu and M. Haillller
and found M. fiuerin guilty.
The sentences haxe not jet beet
Biitish Steamer Boikhese Founders
Off Cape Finisterre.
London, Jan. 3. A dispatch from
liilHtol annoiintes that the Hrltish
steamer Boikhese, ol (Hntgow, fnun
deietl off Capa Finlsteni' last l-'ildty
during a hurrlcune. Twenty-two of
the crew xveie droxxned. The surviv
ors, nine In number, haxo Ju-rt anlveJ,
at Hristol.
4- Washington, Jan. 3 Foi ecaat for s
4. Thursday and Prlilay: l-ar east- s
cm I'ennsj lx-anla, fair Thursday;
f limeiislng cloudiness Prldavj
-f thitatenitig In tho uftcrnoon; HgUt
f variable xxlnds breonilng easterly.
! IX-n