The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 02, 1900, Morning, Page 5, Image 5

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Deep Cut in Prices
of the balance of strictly
Holiday Articles, nil this week,
Olft Books, Fine Stationery,
Atlnsses, CJlobes, Children's Bookt,
Art Calendnrs, Booklets, Albums,
Toilet Cnbes, Glove nnd Handkerchief
Toys, Dolls, Games, Blackboards,
nt giently jeduced prices,
to clear out "Odds and Endsj"
an excellent chance to get your
New Year gifts at bargain prices.
1900 Diaries and Office Journals,
SOO Peloubet's Notes on Sabbath
1000 Blank Account Books, all sorts.
322 Lackawanna Ave.. Scranton.
and Men's
109 Wyoming Ave.
At Greatly
Reduced Rates
at the
1()3 AY) online Ate.
;oS Penn Avcnu:.
Major J. W. O.ikfotd gae a dinner
Inst exenlng at the Scianton club to
the membeis nt the bicycle paity xxho
nnnuilly enjoy a tour to New- Jersey
on Mi inoilal day
It was u Inlet dlnnei, the hue of
that taxoilte lluwei being lopeated III
caudle shades, bun-bons nnd decora
tions. The faxoi.s for the ladlcH xeu
eoi.s.iKe bou(Uets of l'ai am violets, the
men liaxine; violet boutonnleies.
Ainnni? the Biusts tie Mr. and Mis.
A. 11. Stous, Mi. nnd Mis. X. (I.
Hobuitson, Miss Welles, Miss Wilder,
of llothesui, X. V.: Miss Uelln, tha
Misses Ah lib tld. the Mlbses BterlinK.
ot Oi.uirc, X. .!.; Miss Hunt, Miss
Dann. of lluftalo, X. V.: Miss Lln
beipr. of Trenton, X. J.; Me.ssis. Fos
ter, I'. U. Uelln, Hlikok. of Harris
ouir: Watious, of Xew Haxtn; Smith
nnd Limed, of OiaiiKo, X. J.;
Htnoks, lil.ili, Kkhud Stuns
T. F.
Mr. and Mtc Kveri'tt Wan en gave
a Xew Yeai icceptlon .xesteulay. Th"
BUests of honoi weie Mit. Hartlett,
of I'hllidelphh. ai(d Mi. and Mis. H.
H. Hi adv. Ji . who let.dxed with the
host aim hostess. At the table In the
dlnlliB loom weie Mis 1.. X. I
and Mis. H. W. KliiBsbuiy. Mis. T
H. Watklns pieslded at the finpK
table. She xxas assisted b Misses
IMIth Holland and liuiotliy Wan on.
In the dining loom weie: Misses Mar
Joile Wiuen, Sophie Pike, Mill gat -ettu
llelln mid Until Aulibald.
About the looms were Mis. j. Uenl.
Oimmltk. Mis. ( S. Weston, Mlu
Clara Iti j nobis, Mlm, mIm
Willi, Miss llelln. tlio M(s-ia Auli
babl, Jllss Andeisnii
m a it
The Sd.inton i lull was one of the
met i lest plates In all the i Ity cster
day. Man ot the nioinbeis and .nmi
KUivts Mieiit the du theie, enJoxuK
the nmusr nn nts the house alloids and
paitakliiB of the elioUe u fiesbmenti.
which Stew aid VXi. had piepaied
Xew i u iihsonibly was hell
We are selling at Mark
Down Prices.
ftchen Utensils,
Tinware, Oil Heaters,
Gas Heaters. Oil Cans
enters' Tools,
Cutlery, Razors,
Wringers, Etc.,
831 Lackawanna Avenue.
Inst nlfiht nt the Hleycle club. It was
nn elegant affair, nnd was very largely
attended. Ml Willed. MIm Alchbald,
MIm Hunt nnd MIhs llelln constituted
the committee. Tlio rlinperones were:
Mr. .1. HcnJ. Dli"mlrl, Mih. T. H.
Walking nnd Mrr. A. l Tvltchell.
MIm Agnr Hart, of Hie ti-lrpliune ex
change, spent New Yiiu'm with iclatlxcs
In Nt xx York.
Mr. Mary Nllnml, of Urccn HUlge, was
vmiirilnv tlw ixuost of lar tluughter,
Mr, llurke, of C.iilmmliile.
Mr. Henry .'. Dotal and son, Charles
Dowl, haxe Just returned to tliclr home
In New York city nfti r xiiendlng the
hollilax with Pcnintmt fi lends.
Mrs. 1'rnnk A. Driuuln will give nt her
riHldtnie, Ad tins nnd Wooillaun nxe
ma, on Wednesday exenlng, .Tiitniirv H
"u (onui.drtim" for her Sunday
H-lieol clav. This xxlll nto he u farewell
to Mr. Itlnnda before taking up lier
rcsldenco In New York city.
Is Involved In Mystery Thero Is
No Satisfactory Explanation of
Way Ha Got on the Track.
Considerable m story envelops the
death of Michael J. Pureell, ot r'aibon
dale. xxho was tenlbly manxled and
crushed under the wheels of n Stoni
avenue -B.dlev lie car, late Sunday
About 11.30 o'clock, as the ear ixis
coming down Hemloek Bticet, It sud
denly "tiuck a prostrato body, and be
foio It could be stopped It hid passed
oxer the form. The result was u ter
ribly mangled and dlsflguied mnss if
bones and flesh.
The body was taken to Cuslck's
morgue nnd there Identllled ns this
Ixidy of Mieliacl J. Pureell, of Caibon
dale, emplojed at C'laiko Hro.' stoi-3
nnd llxlnsr with his brnlhei -In-law,
William Welsh, of Oichatd street.
The manner In xxhleb he was killed.
Is eonehtHho proof that he xxas lylnn
on the track, for If ho had been stand -Ins
the motormnr. would have peon
him. It is pretty iertiln then that he
xxas prostrate xxhen inn ox"cr. He xxas
known to be a oiinp man of stilot,
temperate habits and the supposition
Is therefore done away xvlth that ha
xxas in an Intoxicated condition.
As for foul play in the ease, It seems
even moio difficult to Kiln any exi
dtnee on this point. Vuui.ll left hiss
home at S '0 o'clock. Intending to go
to town and attend the midnight mass
at the cjthedial. Ho left for town,
nlon". and after tint no mote x u
heard of him.
It '.s not likely that l' was waylaid
and killed for anx' xaluables on his
peron, and then laid on the track, as
the only thing of any aluo that he
canicil xxas a gold xxatcn. nnd this
xxas found on him nt Cusiik's.
He xxas rexer Knoxxn to haxo an
enemy, and it Is Improbable that his
death xxas the result of any sort of
feud. The fact of bis belnr on the
track at that hour is accounted for,
by the reason that In all likelihood,
oxxlne to tlio gient crowd at the cathe
dral, he could not gain admittance anl
started for homo.
Only one more explanation for his
diath can bo glxen anil that Is that
bo max- haxo fallen in a faint acioss
the tiaek.
Vesteiday morning his biollier, Pat
k, nrrlxed from Carbondale aril In
the atteinoon at ."03 o'clock left for
that city xxith the letmlns. They xxlll
b Interred theie Wednesilav moinlns,
xxith serxkes nt St Hose's churili,
and Interment in the Caibondalo cms
teiy. His mcther, fixe si'tirh, f'tlla,, Krtle and Margatel. of Caibon
dalo, and Mrs. William Welsh, of this
clt, and two hi others, John and Pat
ilik, survive the dead man.
Coroner J. J. Hobeits xxas notified of
the case yesteulay morning, and in
tlie afternoon pild a xUlt to Cuslck's
and examined Puicell's lemalns. They
xx ere In such a teirlble condition that
It was Impossible to glxe a post-mortem
examination, ho the coioner satis
fied himself with a look at the body,
and later Impanelled a juiy to hold
an Inquest at some near date. The
following xxlll be the jurors: Chauncev
H. Derby. John Peuster, M. A. H.after.
David Owens, w. H. Malla and J. F.
Court Was in Session for a Brief
Period Yesterday.
Judge Archbald. jesterday, charged
the grand Jury after appointing
Charles A. Wiggins, fnieman. C'ouit
and the Jury then adjourned till 9
o'clock this morning.
A xxeek's session of equity court
xxlll begin today. Judge Saxldge, of
Xorthumberland xxlll pit'Slde.
Hayes Grate and Mantel Company
Is Organized New Plant Will Bo
Located Near the Dobble Foundry
and Will Give Employement to
Many Men.
The Hnes date and Mantel com-
nai.. xxas imianled in this city xestei-
I da. It xv ill elect a plant and manu-
factute lion grates and mantels.
Hmplojnient will be given to a largo
nitnibei of men.
Headers of The Gazette xxlll leinem
her that the Dobble roundiv, some
thing oxer a yeai ngo, seemed the con
tiaet for manufactiiiiug an lion giatj
patented and designed by Heniy O.
Hales of Hlniiiu. Tills giato lu3
pioxed m successful and the demand
foi It lias been so large that the foun
diy can no longer meet xxith the oi
eleib. It xxas ileildtd to foini a h. pirate
company and this xxas done yeMerday.
No odlcciB haxo et been elected ex
cept the dliectms for the flist ear.
They Heniy O. Haes, John Dob
bio and J. t'hallls Jones, of Pittsbuig.
A largo plant will be put up near
the Dobble Foundry. This will cost In
the neighborhood of $15,000.
A large number'of men xxlll be given
employment und xxoik will begin on
the new plant as soon as possible.
Nlagaia Falls Gazette, Dec. 28, 1809.
" -
To Taxpayers.
Prompt payment of 1899 poor tax be
foio delinquent lists aro made out xxlll
avoid penalty. City treasuter'a office.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup.
Has been usid for oxer FIl'TY YKAKS
b' MILLIONS of MOTHKH8 for the ir
Is the best remedy for DIAHHHOEA.
Sold hy nil Diugglsta In every part of tho
xxiirld Ho sure nnd ask for "Mr. Wins
loVo SrotMng Syrup," and tike no othr
kind. Txxtrt).lvo ctnU u bottl.
Two Other Former Scrantonlans,
Georgo Pootu and Robert McKay
Are Assisting Him In London.
Seymour Was Formerly Employed
as Draughtsman In This City but
Is Now a Millionaire and Gold
Mining Expeit Captain Stokes
Tells Why They Want to Fight.
Wind lias reached here that Louis
Seinotir. forniuly of this tltv, but
noxx of South Aft kit, 3 at pieent In
London otgaiilring a olunl"er regi
ment of englneeis for perx ice against
the Iloeis. It Is uKo stated that Hob
cit .McKay. Cleoige Puoio and another
man named nobeson. all of whom at
ono time lived here, nie associated xxith
Mr. Seymour in the xxorlc. All of
these xx ere at one time membeis of
Compnny A, Thlitccnth leglnunt.
Since Mr. HcMiiutir left this city,
ome ten yeais ago, he has had an es
pecially xarled career and is uoxv tc
puted to be a mllllonalic. In addition
to holding one of the most Important
mining positions In South Airlca. He
xxas emplojed xxhlle In this city as a
draughtsman and machinist by the
Lackawanna lion and Pled i ompany,
and later bv the Dickson Manufactur
ing t ompany.
While xx oi king for the latter com
pany lie xxas s,nt, to South America
to supii!nl'nd the election of nn en
gine. He there met the reprcnla
tlves of the Inn of Tinker & Chal
meis, manufnctiueis of machinery,
xx 1 tli plants In London nnd Chicago.
They x-ero so impiessed xxith his raio
mechnnlcal ability that he xxas of
fered the position of general inanagi-r
of their London plant. He accepted
tho position and lenialned In London
for some three yeais In that capacity.
While In London he saxv the possi
bilities of the iindet giound rallxxMy
sjstim theie and Inxested a larga
amount of his saxlngs in the stock. !!
has since added to this and is now
one of the largest stockholdeis lit tho
He xxas sent to South Africa in 1W
by his emplojers and while theie camo
under the notice of some of the dl
lectois of tho Kami Mining company,
an immense corpoiation. controlling
upxx-aids of twenty-five gold mines In
and around Johannesbutg. He xxas of
feied the position of consulting engi
neer of all the mines, a position xxhlch
he accepted and still holds
His y In this capacity Is said
to be about $2",000 a ye.n, and by In
vestments In various vxajs in that
Klondike for inx-ctors. South Africa,
he Is now lepulcd to be xxoith at least
$1,010,000 Ho has also patented sev
eral Improvements on mining mnchln
erx, tiie sale of xxhlch have also con
tributed to his vxoalth.
(leorge Poore is tho .son of Toxxnsend
Poore, of 1710 Cnpouse avenue, and also
lift tills city .some ten eats ago. He
holds oxen a more Important position
with the Hand company than docs Sey
mour, bi Ing the assistant general man
ager. He has alsu aciiuiicd gteat
wealth In South Afilca nnd Is reputed
.1 mlllioualie. Hobert McKay lett this
( ity xx 1th Poore and is now managing
engineer of one of the Hand mines.
Hobeson also holds a similar position,
but he Is not xeiy vv oil knoxxn hoie.
Captain Tremoiit SUiko. of Company
A, Thliteentli legimeiit, and xxho, up
to txxo yeais ago, was also emplojed
by the Hand company in the capacity
of clxll engineer, mixs that Sejmour is
consldeied one of the gieatest englneeis
in all Afilca.
"I can lcadliy mulct stand," said the
captain yesterdny, "how tluse men
xxould desire to tlfiht against the Hoers
after having put up with their in
solent e for ho long. The personal In
dignities which KngliHhmcn and other
foiilgneis experience at the hands of
the Hoers almost beggar description.
1 have had personal ixpeilence mjself
and I know wheieof I speak.
"A foreigner isn't one, txxo, thieo in
the Transvaal and lie never was. If he
gets Into a uiilioad car and takes ,a
seat, it is just as likely as not that an
ovei bearing Jioer will come along and
push him out of it. Even one txord of
resentment would be the signal for his
must and justice is not veiy blinl
"Hxen in the stotes one ennnot be
tieated with even the rudiments of
common decency."
Captain Stokes ,ald that while the
T'itlanders xxould undoubtedly prefer
Kngllsh into to that of the Hocis, that
he believed an Independent gov em
inent xxas what thej debited most of
Seivices Held Last Evening at the
Home on Madison Avenue.
The senilis of the Iato Mis.
Tuink Hejnolds took plate last even
ing at tlio family lesldence on Madison
avenue. Hev. Hi. C. M. (liffln offici
ated, The rooms wcte tilled with tloial
The icnialiis xxlll be taken to Kings
ton, N. Y this morning lor Intiiment.
A pecullai ly s id featuio of the occasion
Is the actions illness of tho husband of
tho deceased.
Golden Rio, 10c; 5 lbs 50c
(limit at price.)
O. G. Java, 25c per lb.
O. G. Java and Mocha, 85c
per lb.
Triple Blend, 32c; 5 lbs
81. 50.
Coursen's "Best," 35cj 3
lbs 00c.
Coursen's Breakfast Java,
28c per lb; 10 lb lots 27c.
Our Coffees are bought in
the green, roasted fresh daily
and ate fresher and cheaper
by .05c per lb than stores
who give presents.
420 Lackawanna Avenue.
William Kelly, of New York, Sus
pected of Larceny.
William Kelly, of Xew York city, was
nt rested early yesterday morning on
Penn avenue by Patrolman Peuster,
while trying to dispose of seveial ar
ticles In his possession.
On Ills arrival at police headquarters
he xxas searched and there xxere found
on blm a small gilt clock, a lady's belt,
u pair of fancy slippers and several
other articles.
Yesterday morning ut his hearing ho
could not gixe any s.itlsfactoiy expla
nation as to how be gained possession
of the things, nnd he xxns held over for
u further hearing.
Ho gave his homo ns Xew York, and
said hu xxas a hostler by trade.
Andrew Ognlskey Slashed Him with
a Knife.
As the acting seigeant nt the police
station in Piovidenco was jesterduy
morning warming himself befoto his
file, the door xxas suddenly burst open
and a man rushed In, saying In broken
HnBllsh that ono Andtow Ognlskey had
tried to murder him, nnd showing In
cxldence a knife cut In the legion of
his abdomen.
The man, xxhoso name x-as John Bar
tl, xxas taken to Dr. T, H. Hodhnm,
xxho bandaged up the wound, aftPi
xxhlch the Injun il one left. The blnda
of the knife bid not penetrated liU
llsh to any extent, but had inctely
made a sexeie sciatch.
The light In which the stabbing took
place occuned in a boarding house on
Lloyd stieet and was merely a drunken
braxvl. After the ftacas was over, Og
nlskey took to his heels and has not
been ariested.
Samuel Williams Appointed by
Judge Archbald to Fill an Al
leged Vacancy on Poor Board.
Judge Archbald yestenlay, appoint
ed Samuel Williams, of 622 Xoith
Mnin axenue, to succeed W. S. Laay
stalT, as a member of the pcoi board.
In making the appointment. JuU'c
Archbald said he xx anted It expiessly
undei stood lie xxas not passing upon
the matter of vacancy. It lul been
alleged to him by members of the
poor boaid that a vacancy existed and
upon the petition of thlity free-holders
he nppolntcd Mr. Williams to All the
alleged vacancy. As to xxhethcr or
not a vacancy exists, -win have to be
decided by quo xxaranto pioceedlngs,
providing, of course any one conies
into question the existence of a va
cancy. Mi. Langstnff xxas leappolnted last
month foi a term of Unco yeais. He
xxas defeated for the chairmanship
by Heeso O. Hrooks, and after that
attended very fexv meetings. For the
past seven or eight months he has
been employed in Ohio.
The nppolntment is made In antici
pation of the annual reorganisation
next Filday. Mr. Williams, the new
poor dliector. Is pioptietor of the
xxholesale leather stole at -'21 Spiuce
Well-Known and Respected Resident
of Peckville Passes Away.
Mr. Samuel Major Rogers died at his
home on Hlckoiy stieet, iPeckvllle, nt
3 o'clock jesteiday afternoon of heart
failuie. Deceased xxas aged AH yeais.
Ho xxas born In Cornxxall, Hnglnnd,
June 20, 18j!. At the age of is years
he came to Ameilca and took up his
lesldence at Doxer, X. J He remained
there txxelxo eats. He was mairid
In 1S7C at Doxer, and slxtei-n eat3 ngo
moved to Peckville, xxliete he had since
ieslded. Ho began hi labels theie for
the Delawaio and Hudson Coal com
pany at their Glassy Island collie ly.
He remained xxith the above company
as a ti listed emplove until nbout two
eais ago, xxhen his health began to
fall. After a short i eating spell, with
no appaient benellt to his health. In
decided to Islt Ainmogoida, Ne.v
Mexico. On Oct. 12, !S9s, ho stalled for
this health-giving place mid upon his
atiix'al there he soon found that tlio
climate did not ngiee xxith him and ho
then Journeyed to Hi Paso, Texas. For
six months he ieslded theie and then
xlsited Denver, Col. His health still
did not letuin. and on Aug. 1 he le
Mitned to his home at Peckville. His
health continued to l.apldly fall, nnd
about a month ago became confined ti
his bed. On Sunday morning he com
plained of a htiange feeling about the
lie.nt and shoitly alter became uncon
scious, and only at long Inteivals did
he legaln consciousness to recognize
his family at the bedside, When the
end came he passed peacefully away.
Deceased Is surxixvil by a xxlfe and
thieo childi en Willie, aged 22: Wal
ter, aged 12, and Ola, aged S A "brother
and a sister of the deceased icslilo at
Cornxvall, England.
Deceased, xxho was formerly u Til
bune conespondent, was ono of Peck
vllle's most I expected citizens, and xxas
a member of the Hlnkely school bonid.
At the time of his death he xxas a
member of the order of Knights of
P thins and xxas also a member of
Oilentnl Star lodge, Froo and Accepted
Masons' .ilo a member of the Order
of I.'astern Stni. He xxas n icgulai nt
ttndant at the Methodist Hplscopal
chinch befoie his Illness ami xxlll ba
gieally mlxscd by a largo circle of
fi lends. The funeini serxkes will be
held at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon
at tho Methodist Hpleopal chutch.
The icinalns will not be exposed to
v iexv at the church. Those xx ho xx Ish to
viexv tlie lemalns may do so at the ics.
donee on Thutsday from 11 a. m. to
1.10 p. m. Hex. S. C. Slmpklns, assisted
by Hex'. J. It. Sweet, of Scianton. xxlll
perfoim the funeral heixices. Inter
ment will he made In the family plot
at Piospect cemetery.
Steam Heating and Plumbing.
P. P. & M. T. Howley.SSl Wyoming ave.
Smoke the "Hotel Jermyn" cigar, 10c.
Finest wines and cigars at LanVa,
S20 Spruce street
Smolto tho Pocono &c. cigar.
fl. & P. Baking Powder
Wo have long Hindu it a study to fur
nish a llakhig 1'oxxili r that xxould bo con
duclxo to Hiulth. Wo fiel tlml we haxe
uctompllshcd that result In the piodue
tlou of A. & P. Making Powder. This
Ilaklug Powder has been subject to the
l'OPl'LAH TESTS, and his been pin
liounnd Si'HICTLV Pl'Ili:. PERFECT
The Great Atlantic and
Pacific Tea Co.
411 Lacknwanna avenue, J23 South Main
avenue. 'Phone 732. Prompt dcllverlea.
Fred C. Hand Receives a Letter from
Reed's Father-in-law Giving a
Statement of the Condition of the
Stricken Actot Joseph D. Lewis
of the Census Department Has
Been Spending the Holidays in
This City Charles R. Acker of
Fourteenth Waid.
"I knexv Holnnd Heed xxas popular
In tho toxxn, as, of course, evcrjbody
knows," said Ficd O. Hand yesterday,
chatting with a Tilbune teporter, "but
I never fully realized how deep seated
was the friendship he won In Scranton
till he was taker, ill. My Intimacy
with Mi. Heed being quite generally
knoxxn, led to tho supposition that I
kept In communication with his famllv
nnd for the past txxo or three days I
seldom walk a block but some one
stops me to ask how he is getting
along. I have been receiving a dally
letter fiom Captain Hush telling of
Mr. Reed's condition and I I egret to
say there is nothing eiicout aging In
the rcpoits. The chances of recovery
me one In a hundred."
Mr. Hand had dinner vxlth Mr. Reed
two xx i eks ngo yesterdav and the great
lomcdlan uppaiently never felt bettor
In his life. One week later, while pro
pal Ing to go to Rochester to begin
his Chilstnina week engagements, ho
was suddenly taken 111 and hns slnco
been slaking l.iplilly. An oriatlon
for appendicitis did not glxo ullef nnd
It Is noxv feaied he Is suffering from
cancer of the stomach. A second op
eration xxns decided upon and his phy
sicians admit that it is a case of kill
or cure.
Chailes R Acker, xxho has been se
lected ns the Republican enndidato for
school controller In the Fourteenth
wntd. is tho oldest son of the late John
Acker, and a man well fitted to fulfill
tho duties of such a responsible office.
He Is a htudent of political economy
nnd thoroughly posted on city, county,
state and national affairs, nnd one of
the most public spirited men in the
city. For sexei il years Mr. Acker was !
engaged In the coal and also the noxx's-
paper business at Pottsvllle, and upon
bis return to Scranton became chief
cletk to W. F. Hnllstead, when tho
latter was general mannger nf the
Delaxxnro, Lackawanna and Western
Mr. Acker Is prominently Identified
xxith several fraternal otganbatlons.
and has been the secretary of Lack
awanna Council Xd. 1131, Royal Ar
canum, for several terms. He Is also
an nctlve member of the West Side
Republican club and tcsldes at 22
Talrvlew axenue. He xxas hecretary of
tho Republican city committee when
the Crawford county sxstem of con
ducting piimarlcs xxas llrst installed
in this county, and did much haul
xxorl; In connection xxitli pieparlng tho
preliminary arrangements for the elec
tion. Joseph D. Lewl, a member of tin
clerical foicc of the TTniiPd States cen
sus buieau. who has been spending
the holiday vacation at his homo In
tills city, returned to Huston estenlav
to legume his duties ,,n the staff of
the illiector general of tho census do
pal tmoiit. Mr. Lewis solved In a sim
ilar capacity when the census of 1S0S
was taken, nnd xxas later enraged In
special xxoik for the dnpartnient at
Washington and Pittsbuig. During
ex-Congiessninn Sei. niton's last tenn
he sorxeil ns societal y to the commit
tee on stntos and tenltorles. of which
Mr. Scranton was c hall man.
Mr. L"wls was one of the fexv men
xxho have been re-engaged by the cen
sus bureau, and nt tin completion of
the work in Hoston next spring the
force vx ill letuin to Washington nnd
begin the compilation of the general
returns for the 1000 census.
Pi lor to his firt engagement In cen
sus xxork Mr. Lew la xa a cletk In the
county conimlfslonor's office and xxa
elected to icpresent the Fifteenth vxard
in common council, but lclgncd before
helng sworn In, oxxlnt' to his nppolnt
ment In the government sen Ice.
P. F. C.alpln.comnifon councilman from
the Sixth vxaid, xxho 1ms lately been
In ought Into public notice ni. account
of bis being the Introducer of the via
duct ordinance, is one of the youngest
: Warm
I Lined Slippers
All Felt or
Leather Soles.
M.ide by Alfred Dolge,
known by every one who
wears Shoes or Slippeis.
Women's All Felt Romeo,
bl.ick and brown, t nr.
fur trimmed p 1 .UU
ti tan r .-
women s ah reit suppers,
in colors, green, &t .
blue and brown. p 1 ,UU
Women's Felt Fur Trimmed
only small sizes lelt, formerly
sold lor 81.25. To
close out 5(JC
Mine and Mill Supplies,
Machinery, Etc.
OFFICE-Diine Bank Building.
men In cither branch of councils and
Is ono of the ones xxho can say some
thing xxhen they get up to speak.
Mr. Cnlpln Is enthusiastic regarding
the viaduct question, but believes that
both tho traction company nnd tho
Delaware, Lnckawann i nnd Welint
company nhould contribute 111km ally to
the Improvement If It Is ilecldcd In
build It. For this iciison he also In
troduced a resolution providing for
the nppolntment of n committee to
confer with the olllclnls of both rout
panics for the putpn of finding out
just what each xxlll glxe. He Is him
self a member of the common council
committee appointed with this end in
He N especlnllv well vet sod In par
llatllentnrx practice and makes it i
piactlce of attendllH' every meeting,
seldom, If ever, missing one. He In a
successful bu-lnef man In tho ward
fiom which he halls.
Conducted Yesterday In Flr3t Pres
byterian Church.
Tlie usual annual New Yeni's pi.ale
service, xxhlch has been a fcatuie of
tho First Presbyterian church since
Hex'. Dr. McLood became pastor, x?s
held vestorday morning in tho main
church loom. There xxns a Scilpture
reading conducted bv the pastor nnd
then a short peilod of Christian socia
bility. nvoty the members of the con
Rieg.atlon gather together on Xew
Year's day and renew filendshlp for
the coming year. It Is a beautiful cus
tom nnd one that xxas jislerday taken
advantage of by a very largo number.
Underground Passageway to tho
Lackawanna Shop1?.
Plans for an underground passage
way to connect the T.arknwnniia sti
tlon and tlie shops are now b"lng pie
pared In the ulllce of Chief Hnglneer
McFarlind, In Hnboken.
It is to liaxe its not them terminal
on the station platform and Its south
em, at the machine shops. The tun
nel xxlll be ventilated by gialcd open
ings at stated spaces tbiough the jatd
and xxlll be llglttpd by ehctrKlay und
heated bv steam. The utcli will have
a txxelxe-tool radius.
The Scianton Times almanac for 1100
Is tlie handsomest ex or Issued fiom
that establishment. In addition to tin
usual stntlstlr"! nnd Infm mitlnti nf
' general and local Intel est the book
contains attractive features In the xxay
of handsome Illustrations, Including
portraits of Pie.sldent McKlnley. Gov
ernor Stone and seveial xx ell-known
Scrantonlans, and also many reallstl:
views of the RIectilc cltv.
The Twenty-third annual of the
Scranton Republican xxns issued es
terday, and Is a complete and merl
toilous publication In every icspcct.
The Republican almanac is tho oldest
of its class In the city, and is one ot
the best, continually linpioxlng as the
ears go bv.
Tho Wllkes-Harre Recoul almanac
for 1900 Is without doubt the most com
plete of nny that haxe been issue 1
from that establishment, hax Ing been
compiled xxitli great cine In tho xxav
of condensation and accuiacy. Willi
the book contains less than 100 pages,
nothing of Intel i st locally seems to
have been omitted.
A Card.
Wo, the undersigned, de hereti;1 airreo to
refund the iminw on 1 Pi 1 ent bottle of
rirrcnu's Wai ranted Srup or Tai if It
falls to cine xour cough or rold. Wo aNo
guarantio a SVcent bottle to puixe satis
factory or inonex ic fundi d:
J (1 Hcne Ac Son. Dunmore.
C. W. Hax Is, 1'iovlilinoe.
W. V D ix Is I'rovidi lice.
Hcmdmiin & Co, Ax oca.
W. It. Manuel s, Mooslc.
F. A. Kane. Minooki.
Joseph Davis, Valoi.
Smoke the "Hotel Jermjn" cigar, 10c.
Beecham's Pills cttie sic' headache.
Their knuckles sore
that is what yoitr frietids
do when your
Are out of Repair.
Chas. B. Scott
119 Franklin Ave.
Is hctc. Hoxx about your
Arc vou xx ell supplied? We
can furnUli you Underwear tn
the folloxx itit; grade :
Fancy Deiby ribbed . . . .$1.00
Fancy Cashmete 2.00
Natmal wool 3.00
Camel's hair 2.00
Wilght's fleece lined.... 2.00
Wright's rleeco lined .... 3.00
Fancy cashmere 3.00
Fino natuial wool 5.00
Silli and wool tlbbed . . . 0.00
"On the Square."
203 Washington Avenue.
Tho quality of the oils used In niUlns
colurn dutermlues tho durability of th'
uch as wo offer will make paint of great
rmoothncss und durability. A large sur
face can ho covered nnd tho coating will
not pod, ciack or xxear oft until It hat
donn Its full duty.
Thco prices will show that good oils
aro not cxptnslxe.
Hen's Furnishings.
Nexv Styles foi the New Ycarv
Full Dtcss Requisite.
Fur and
Woolen Gloves
Fur and
Cloth Caps.
.'505 inckiuranim Arenui'.
I Getting in
We .lie pierurmp; tor an
iigtressive e.imp.iign for a
iccord in our selling his
tory, there'll be plenty of
interesting values every day
we'll make it a memorable
year a 1 1 owing year one
that will only further con
vince you that our store is a
secutcone a safe shopping
place for you. There
will be no cessation in tne
buying interest there will be
no day, quality considered,
but that our prices will be
found the lowest.
yb "" W
f 4-
X 221.223-225-227 Wyoming Ave,
In Preparation
rlnraru t
5rIean Sweep Sale
VfiV The Popul 11 ltmiHix 1'urllil I
j TfeverslijT 1
L It Creepers. Ull
llil f A on the 11
, If WJL1 Ice! 1 )
lira (JLjT ';) Clever III
US V- J& aPthe (f
li f v Ml 0nor III
vfl B"",-Vl A'Uu'stablo II I
f Foote& Fuller Co, If
ml Hears Building, 111
'iff 140-42 Washington Ave l
. i
m, ,, 4f4Ak