The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 01, 1900, Morning, Page 6, Image 6

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Addresses Were Delivered by Rev.
L. R. Foster and Rov. A. E. Boyl.
Watch Night Party of St. Leo's
Battalion Entertainment of St.
Paul's Pioneer Corps Robert Car
son Entertained a Nunthor of His
Priends Donation Day at the
West Side Hospital Others Notes.
The auditorium ot the Plymouth
Congregational church was tilled last
evening, the occasion helm? h mem
orial service held In honor of the
lato D. L. Moody, the noted evetiKellst,
who was a member of the Cohkic'KI
tlonal church. Moody and tfankoy
hymns weie sung. The speakeis of tU-i
evening were Rev. I.. 11. roster, pastor
of th? Sumner Avenue l'
church, and ltev. A. K. Rov I. paitor
of the church, ltev. W. I .toms. of
the First Welsh Congtcgatlunal chuich
was unuble to ho ptescnt on uccount
of Illness.
ltev. Royle Introduced ltev. Kostcr
hh a man that had been closely as
sociated with Mr. Moody In his work
at Chicago, ltev. Foster said In lmit
us follows:
"1 Hist met Mr. Moody In ClrtiagJ
In the summer of ISO!, and was i lose
ly alllllated with him. In the death
of Mr. Moody. I believe, that th.
greatest light of this cental y has gonu
out. Ills life was as simple as that
of a child. He was human and had
his faults like tho test of us. He was
n man of Uod. his only aim being t)
lead souls to Chi 1st. 1 believe ovei
woik and woiiy over his woik biought
ku his death. Moody was a Jovial
man. full of Hie, but .stilet. Mr.
Moody In his tiavcls found a laige
number of voting men and women
who wanted to preach, but weie un
able. The iiu.Uk of tliesu vomit,' peopl"
Is what caused him to establish his
school at Notthtleld. His only re
quisite for admittance being equabies-'.
lively pupil desiring admission must
sign a paper, that they will do an
equal uuiount of woik and tieal each
other iquully."
In concluding Rev. Foster paid nn
elegant tribute to the noted evangelism
After the singing of "Only Remem
bered," one of Moody's famous songs,
the pastor, Rev. A. i:. Rov I, said:
"Moody's life and woik Is a standing
answer to every foe of ('hi ibttanttj .
Ills success came not fiom seholai
shlp, for he was no scholar. Like Lin
coln he was educated at the unlveislty
of natuie. His Him faith In a pi ilii
gospel was the secret of Moody's pow
er. D. j. Moody died as he had lived
a victor, now Ulffeient that funeral
fiom those which we si, often see.
Good cough remedy, take Dti
fours French Tar. For Sale at
ioi S. Main Ave-tus
Cut Right
That's what we've done with the
All Trimmed Hats, etc., go at exactly
half what we asked for them ten days
ago, or we'll make up to your order any.
thing you want on about the same terms.
Ladies' Trimmed Hats,
75c to $7.50.
Untrimmed Hats, Shakers, etc
For a fraction of former figures and
the selection is still good.
Trimmings and Ornaments
At gift prices. If your taste is good
and you're handy with your fingers, you
may fix up your own mid-winter mil
linery for a mere trifle.
Globe Warehouse
No crape, no hearse, no funeral music,
nor tolling belts; no walling lamenta
tions, no bltttr heart-breaking utter
ances, no black veils to hide face!
suffused with tears, for the calmest
faees In the chuich were those of Ilia
Immediate family. They looked as
Kllsha might have looked upon tho
ascending Klljah. His citizenship was
In heaven, and dying was but going
home. Ills lust words were: "1 see
paith receding: heaven Is opening, find
Uod Is calling me.' "
The seivlie which was quite mi
piesslve, was hi ought to a closo bv
the singing of the "Christian's Hood
The annual tea paity of the Welsh
Cougicgut Intuit l hutch will he held In
the t hutch pallors this afternoon and
evening and continued toinotrovv even
ing. During the evening nn cntoituln
ment will bu held, when tho following
programme will be given:
1'ART rillST.
Ovcrtuie Church Orchestra
l.cudii, I'rof, Ueese It. Diiviis.
Vocal tiolo. Selected .....Mr. Josbua John
U citation, ticketed. .Miss l'hocbo l'.vuns
Solo, Selected Mr. John I.. Kvnns
Recitation, Heli c lid..MNs Harriet F.vans
Recitation, ticketed Mr. Wm. Davlcs
Rcdtatlnn, Selected Mr. Titus Davlcs
Solo, Selected Mr. John Uvans
Kit itatlon, Selected. ...Mr. Thomas Jehu
Solo, Solcetid Mr. Rsau l'rlce
Recitation, Selected Samatlia l'rleo
Solo, Si lecti il ....Miss llltclilugs
Recitation, S lected ..Ucoigu Washington
Selection lty Vo Oldc Folkcs Choir
l.inihr, Mr. Julile Smyth.
Solo, Hclcitnl Mis. 1). I). Lewis
He i ititt Inn, Sclei ted ...John Longshaliks
Qinirtette Win. J. Lewis and Party
R i itatlon Miss Margaret Lewis
Sol Mls Owen Price
Recitation Mr. l.lnvd, of Kingston
Solo Mi. V. J. Hopklii'i
ltd Itatlon Mis. McDonald
Recitation Miss Anna Prlcu
Selection Ily Yc Oldc Ladles Choir
Snlo Miss Mary Davlcs
Rei itatlon Ml. David Jones
Solo Mi. R. I!. Jones
Recitation Mr. Joshua John
Soli Master Willie Hughes
At the com luslon of Sabbath school
esterday the inembeis of the Flist
U.iptNt Sunday school held their an
nual election. Dr. B. fl. Reddoj was
elected superintendent for the six
teenth consecutive time.
Thu olllceis elected aie as follows:
nut supeilntendent. W. C. Phillips;
Superintendent, P. CJ, Rcddoe; asslst
.ccietaiy, Miss Lillle Dawes: assist
ant seeielniy, deorge Phillips; treas
uier, Miss Ressio Williams: chorlstei,
Miss Llvla Jones: oiganlst, Mis Clata
Reld; assistant oiganlst. Miss Alice
Williams.; assistant oiganlst, primal y
depai tiuent, Lillle Moore; llbiatlan,
Chailes Mathews; assistant llbiailans,
Fiedciic Relets and A. Rovd .Tncoby,
lvhnts of today.
The West Sdanton branch rf the
Young Women's Christian association
will hold a teception for all oung wo
men and theh friends tonight from 1
to 10 o'i loi k. at thtlr rooms on toulh
Main avenue. An Interesting pio
gi amine, consisting of musical and
llteiaiy numbers, will be lemlereU. At
the oncliislon of the piogrammc le
fiesiiments w ill b seived.
The Clioial soilcty of the associa
tion will sing at l!".t o'i lock. Piof.
John T. W.itklns and tho Schubert
quartette will enteilaln until 7.30
in Two
o'clock. Mr. Phillip H. "Warren will
sing, as will also Miss Ell&abcth
Thomas, In boIoh and ducts. Others
who will contribute to vocal music are
Miss Margaret Jones, contralto, and
Mrs. Mary Boston Williams, contralto.
Miss Marlon Hutchinson, oiganlst of
tho Jackson street Raptlst church,
will bo the accompanist. Tho orches
tia of tho Washburn Btieet Presbyter
ian church will also bo present.
Tho members of tho Kloctilc Cltv
wheelmen will hold a dance In tho club
hoitsij this evening fiom S to 12 o'clock.
Elaborate preparations for the event
have been made. The club at first an
ticipated holding an open house, but
on Saturday tho furnace broke down
ni'il could not bo repaired In time. Tho
aftcmoon entertainment and supper
will therefore be dispensed with. Tho
Interior of the club house has been,
handsomely decorated for the event.
The Keyscr Valley Hoc oompanv
will conduct a ball In Mrars' hall thin
evening. All purchasers of tickets en
teilng the hall will be given a chanc
on a $,". gold piece to bo chanced off
during Intermission. The Ktnr orches
tra will furnish music for dancing.
St. Leo's battalion held a watch
night patty last evening In their rooms
on North Main avenue. The looms
wore inadequate to accommodate all
who dcslted admission. The following
programme was rendered:
Remarks p. H. Rucklcy
Piano Solo J, K. uilroy
Vocul Solo 1'. Smith
Vocal Solo J. M. Phillips
Ocarina Solu M. Madden
Rcmnrks Dr. P. J. O'Hora.
Vocal Solo M. Doing in
Declamation J. Mulley
Vocal Solo Matthew Malla
Remarks J. II Devlno
Clog Dame Peter Smith
Vocal Solo W. tlurko
Ocarina Solo W. Lavello
Vocal Solo Thomas Ford
Remark: Dr. V. J. L. Davis
Vocal Solo W. Kellctt
Voial Solo Frank
Remarks .1. 1". Darkin
Voial Solo M. McDonald
Piano Solo James Uilroy
Vocal Solo John Sheridan
At the conclusion of the piogratnme,
refreshments were served by Caterer
P. J. Ollioy. Cigars weie also passed
niound. The battalion will meet next
Sunday, when the newly-elected oftl
ceis will be Installed.
St. Paul's Pioneer coips fittingly eele
biated the going out of tho old year
and tho dawning of the new year at
St. David's hall, last evening. Thu
hall was ciowded with the members
of the coip and their friends. Walter
McNIeholls was chaliman of the even
ing. Tho following programme was
Piano Solo Mhs Mollie Joirlan
Vocal Solo ....Master Walter Deckelnlck
Vocalo Solo Miss Ma mo McCaithy
Recitation Ji.-eph MiOolt
Violin Solo Prank Dolo
Vocal Solo Prank McDcrmott
Harmonica Solo Nicholas Loom Is
Vojil Solo Agnes Coyno
Selection Si rauto l Musical Club
AUUiiss on Temper: i if,
Uv Mcmbei of St. Paul's
Vocal Dii"t . . Justin and Ml-s McCarthy
Vocal Solo William Lvnclt
Vocal Solo Siilue.v lliiKhei
Piano Soln Jllss Alice MceJInnls Teiesi McCoy
Vocal Si lo Mlf-s Snah Kinney
Vmal Solo Martin Jordan
After the closing of the entertain
ment the membeis of the corps and
their fi lends matched to St. Patrick's
chuich, vvheio a midnight mass was
Robot t Caison. on of former school
Co nt i oiler Ocoige Carson, entertained
a few fi lends nt his home on South
Main nvenue nn Pildav evening. A
most enjoyable time was had bvi all.
Diversions Incident to such occasions
weio men Ily Indulged In. IUuclug
foimed the feature of the evening's
enjovment. At n seasonable hour Mis.
Carson, i assisted by her daughter,
served refreshments.
Among those, present weie: Mls3e3
Ressio Davis, Diana Rosencrantz. I.y
dla Davis. F.thol Hevan, Ressio Fnun
felter. Mabel Spent er nnd Klki Shaw,
and Messrs Robi 1 1 Cm son, Rohort
Rradley, Ftank Magovern, Kdwirl
Davis. I'Mu.ud D. Mm so and Lej
Tod iv Is Iho annual donation dav at
the West Side hospital. For snni"
ears past the day has been set aside
by the Institution for the looeivlng of
gifts On Junuaiv I. IStfl, tho hospital
was fonnally opsiud
Cash, wealing appaiel and edible
will bo lecelved nnd heirtlly appro
elated by the recipient.- Dm lug thu
PTst voar tho hospital has been con
tinually tilled and nu uumeious occ i
slons patients have boon turned
Tho woik done at this Institution for
sufteilng humaullv has boi-n excellent
and the cltUens of this sldo should
show their appiecl itlon ot tho same
bv liberal contributions. Anything!
and eveij thing of usrulnes. will bo
acceptable and nppi related. Mlsi
Sarah A. Smith, the supctlntondent,
will bo present and receive the dona
Miss Dalsv Case, of Ninth street,
entei tallied the Cadet club at h"r
home 011 Friday evening. An enjoy
able time was had by all.
The pastois of tho Hi.gllsh speaking
churches of this side nro requested to
meet at the study of tho Rev. Dr.
Moffat, on Washburn stieet, on Tues
day morning nt P o'clm k, to make ar
rangements for the holding of union
services during the we-k of piayer,
January 7 till January 14, Inc !ulve.
llvangellst P. .1. Kane, of Philadel
phia, will conduct meetings at the
Simpson Methodist Hplscopil church
for two weeks, commencing Junuarv
1.". Rov. Knno Is nn able speaker and
Is well known throughout this city,
having conducted meetings hero on
several occasions.
The choir of the Simpson Methodist
Hplscopal chuich will lopeat their
Christmas muslo nxt Sund-iy evenlnff
under tho dliectlon of Pi of. William
Tho Raptlst Young People' union
and the congregation of the First Rap
tlst church conducted a union seivlce
last evening.
The barbers of this Mil a will closj
their respective shops n. noon today.
The students of Flsk university,
known as the Jubilee Singers, will glvo
ABk our Orocer todav to show )ou a
package of ORAIN-O, tho new food drink
thnt lakes tho place of toffee. The chil
dren may chink It without Injury as well
11s tho adult. All who try it. like. 11.
CIRAIN-O has that rich seal brown of
Mocha or Juva, but It Is mutle from pule
Brains, und tho most delicate stomucn re
ceives It without distress. ' the prlco ot
coffee. ISc. and 23 cm. ner n-ickuce. Hold
4 by all grocers.
Mrs. Barnard Thanks
" Dkah Friend I feci it my duty to
express my gratitude nnd thanks to
you for what your medicine has dono
for mo. I was very miserable nnd los
ing fleshvory fast, had bladder trouble,
fluttering pains about the heart and
would get so dizzy and suffered with
painful menstruation. I was rending
in a paper about Lydia E. Plnkham's
Vegetable Compound, so 1 wrote to you
and after two bottles 1 felt like a
new person. Your Vegetable Compound
has entirely cured mo and 1 cannot
praise It enough." Mrs. J. O.llAnNAnu,
Milltow.v, Wasuinotox Co., Me.
An Iowa Wcmtn'i Convincing Statement.
" I tried three doctors, and tho last
ono said nothing but nn operation
would help mc. My trouble was pro
fuse (lowing; sometimes 1 would think
I would flow to death. I was so weak
that the least work would tire mc.
Heading of so many being cured by
your medicine, I made up my mind to
write to you for advice, and 1 am so
glad that I did. I took Lydia K. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound and Liver
Plllsand followed your directions, and
am now well and strong. I shall recom
mend your medicine to all, for it saved
my life." Mies A. 1'., Rox 21 Abbott,
a conceit In the Jackson stieet P.aptlst
church tnmoirow evening. Admission
will be '.'3 cents for adults and 10 cents
for (hlldicn.
Tho Clulstni.'U music was repeated
last evening at tho Wushturn street
Ptesbyteflnn churt li. A delightful
piogramme was tendered.
A mlsslonarv meeting was held verf
leiday aftirnoon at tho Voung Wo
men's Christian association rooms on
South Main avenue. MIks Mai ilia Mott
was In charge.
Tho streets and hi Idges committee of
tho West Side Hoard of Trade nnd thu
mombeis of the select and common
councils of this sldo will meet at Dr.
Strupplor's office on South Muln ave
nue on Tuesday.
The funeral of tho lato William D.
Morris was held on Saturday after
noon from his late home on Washbuiu
street. A laigo number of fi lends nnd
relatives were In attendance. Inter
ment was made In Washburn street
Fourteen Friends Entertained Last
Night Christmas Festivals Yes
terdayOther News Notes.
The Fourteen Fi lends held their an
nual New Year's icceptlon last night
at Hotel Rest. The membeis and their
lady friends assembled In large num
bots to watch the old year out and tho
new j ear in, and proceeded to mako
merry until the midnight hour should
They were entertained by Peter MV
Cormack. cornetlst, and Patrick Hag
geity, violinist. As tho new year
dawned the assemblage proceeded to
the huge dining hall, whete a banquet
was served. Tho numerous tables weio
laden with all the delicacies of tho
season and were beautifully decorate 1
with vases tilled with cut (lowers.
The tables were In chut go of Mrs.
James Rest, Mrs. Fied Welchel and
the Misses Maine and Nora Loftus, who
were kept busy for some time attend
ing to the wants of the uumeious
guests. When all present had pat taken
of the good things to their heart's con
tent, dancing was Indulged In until tho
caily morning houis, music being fur
nished by Messrs. McCormaek and
Haggei ty.
On Satuiday evening the Krueger
Vereln, nn association composed of sol
diers who served in the Gorman army,
held Its annual Christmas festival at
Zuleger's hull on Plttston avenue. Thij
membeis and their families assembled
and spent a very pleasant evening
around the Cluistmus tree. Recitations
were given by tho children and music
was furnished by Pi of. Schmidt.
The Scianton Suengeirunde yester
day afternoon held their Chilstmas fes
tival at Athletic hall and an excellent
progiamme, consisting of recltutlons
and vocal and Instrumental music, was
given. The affali was a source of much
enjoyment for the children of the mem
beis, as they were abundantly supplied
with candy, etc.
Vesteiday afternoon the Arbiter
Fortbllrungs Veieln had their annual
Christmas festival at their hall, corner
of Prospect avenue and Alder street.
The members nnd their families as
sembled In large numbers and the nf-
fair was veiy much enjoyed by all.
I Recitations were delivered by the chll
' ciren and vocul music was tendered by
tho singing section of the Arbiter Ver
eln and by the Junger Muenneiccor.
Prof. Gust Schmidt pieslded at tho
The Young Women's Christian asso
ciation will hold their annual New
Year's jeceptlon this ufternoon and
evening from 4 to 10 o'clock at tho
rloms, 10:1 Cedur avenue,
A special musical progiammo has
been ariungcd und gentlemen us well
us ladles ure invited to attend.
The funeral of James O'Connor will
take plac c this afternoon from the
home of his bi other, John T. O'Connor,
on Genet stieet.
Miss Claia Royer. of New York city,
Is spending the holidays at the homo
of her mother, Mrs, John Schunk, of
Plttston avenue,
Messrs. Charles Graf, Conrude Pell,
Thomas Ruddy und George i:ngel re
turned on Satuiday from a veiy suc
cessful tlshlng trip to Lake Coma,
Miss Llvclyn Jones, of Adams ave
nue, gave a lunch Saturday afternoo-i
to tho following young ladles: Hattlo
Lindsay, Mabel Fordham, Louise Cot
nolly, Jessie Callender and Nelllo Ulls.i.
Mies Carrie Hitchcock, of Washing
ton avenue, gave a tea Saturday af
ternoon fiom 4 to 6 o'clock. The fol
lowing young ladles weie piesent; Lou
Dlmmlck, Minnie White, Lizzie Pal
mer, Iris Hums, Jean Mitchell, .Mary
Wude. Francis Lindsay, Hattlo Lind
say, Isabella Jones, Clara Woodiuff
Nellie Morgan, Ruth Hann and Molllu
Chailes Fot nd has so, far recoveiel
from his lecent Illness as to resume hU
position at Mr. Hazard's market,
The members of tho Qieen Rldgj
Presbyteilan oabbith school enjoyed
their Chilstmas entertainment Sutur-
J duy evening
A Union Service Was Conducted In
the Methodist Episcopal Church
and Addresses Delivered By Sev
eral of the Pastors Midnight
Mass at Holy Rosary Church.
Funeral of Cathorlno Haggerty.
Other Funerals of the Day Inter
esting Bits of News and Personal
Watch-night services, welcoming tho
Now Year, were held last night In sev
oral of tho North Scianton churches,
anil In oath Instance they weio well
attended. The Metho.llst, Presbyter
ian, Congregatlnnallst nnd Christian
churches united In tho service which
was held at the Piovldence Methodist
F.plscopal church, and which began at
9 o'clock.
The music was In charge of Prof. J.
II. Cousins, und the selections rendeieJ
weie fiom the Hymnal. iThe setmon
was preached by tho pastor of the
church. Rev. William IMgir, and ad
dresses appropriate to tho occasion
were made by Rev. W. D. Clymer, of
the Chrl"tlan church, and oth
ers of tho olergvmen present. There
was also a testimonial und pinlso ser
vice and tho Sacrament of the Lord's
Supper was observed. As tho mid
night hour was nnnounced the organ
bioke foith In melody and the whole
congregation joined In singing "Prals
Ood From Whom All Blessings Flow."
Then thete weio many New Year
gieetlngs and joyous hand clasps, and
the congi cgatlon dispel sed for their
Reglnnlng at 11,"0 o'clock a watch
night seivlcc was the feature at Holy
Rosary church, In whhh thcro was a
midnight mass. This was the llrst ser
vice of the kind to bo observed In tho
church and coii'-ociuentlj there was a
largo congregation of d vout worship
pels In attendance. A high miss,
commemorative of the New Year, vvasi
celebrated at midnight bv Rev. N. J.
McManus, lector of the church. Spo
ol il music was tendered by the choir.
Mis. John Lvneh singing "Adeste
Fldeles" at the offeitoiy and also icn
deiltig the solo. "Holy Night." Ther
was also benediction of tho Blessed
Sacrament after the ma's.
A special watch-night service was
also held at tho Noith Main avenun
P.aptlst i lunch, hd bv the pastor. Rev.
S. !. Reading. Thoie was a song sei
vleo under the direction of Choiltcr
Reeso W.itklns and many testimonies
weie ofl'eicd by those piesent.
GHUTY The funeral of Miss C'athcilne Haij
geity occuued on Ki tut day motnini?
from tho home of her parents on N01II1
Main avenue, near .Toms stieet. A
huge outpotulng of fi lends and rela
tives attested the waim place In their
affections which lite Uncased had se
cured, while a mas of floral token
of many designs gave evidence of the
kindly tegird of those who mourned
her and svnibollzocl the put lty of her
charac tor.
From the house the lcmalns weio
taken to Holv Rosaiy church, whete
a solemn high mass of tequloui was
celebrated by Rev. J. J. O'Toole. Rev.
J. A. O'Relllv being deacon, and Rov.
J. V. Movlan suh-deacon of the mas.
There was no seimon. At tho orteitorv
Mrs. John Lyni h sang "Ave Aveium,"
and as the body was homo liom tho
church she sang, "Ne.uer, My God, To
The pall-bearois were; Mlcs Gib
bons. Michael Mahon, Thomas Gtady.
John Coicoran. Patrick McAndiow and
Patilck Salmon. Interment was In tho
cathedial cemeteiy.
The fumial of Chailes Rrady, of
Keyser avenue, who was Instantlv
killed Friday morning while nt woik
In tho ( 'ayttga mines, took pi ice es.
teiday afternoon at 'i o'clock. The
body was take 11 to tho Holy Rosaiy
chuich, whete services weie conducted
by the Rev. G. J. O'Toole. Intetment
was made In cathedral cemetery.
Tho deceased was employed as a
driver In the mints and had his car
at the foot of the plane when another
car cume down the Incline and with
out a minute's warning young Rr.ulv
was squeezed between this and his
own car. This 1 the third death which
has occuned within the past year In
the Rtady family. Chailes Rrady, sr.,
the father, was killed last Apill whllj
coupling some mis on the Delaware
and Hudson ralhoad, the mother died
a few months pi lor to thi.
The following hi others and sisters
survive: John, Phillip, Mrs. Joseph
McAllister, Mis. Dommick Kllno and
Nellie Riady. all of whom have th
sympathy of tho community.
Tho funerul of Joseph, the little son
of Mi. and Mis. Robert Smith, of
Boulevard avenue, was held yesterday
afternoon fiom the homo. The Rev.
Mr. Pioser, pastor of the Piimitlvo
Methodist church, officiated. Inter
ment was made hi Foiest Hill ceme
tery. The funoral of Fred, tho fi.yoar-old
son of Mr,, and Mis. S?th Smith, of Hill
street, took place yesterday. Inter
ment was made In Washbuin street
cemetei y.
After the "abbith t.chool exercises
In the Providence Methodist Episcopal
chuich yesterday afternoon, the teach
ers and ot'leers held a ineetlne in ie.
gard to the death of Ambrose Mulley,
who has been Identllled In tho woik
of tho school and chuich for many
years. Next Sundav afternoon a me
moilal service will bo held.
This afternoon an Informnl reception
will bo h"ld fiom 4 until 10 o'clock. An
Intciestlns piogiammo will bo ren
dered each hour. Refreshments will
be served.
John Loftus, of Jefterson Medical
college, Is tho guest of his parents
on West Market street.
Misses Katheilno and Lucy O'Royle,
of William street, r.10 visiting fi lends
In Caibondale.
Miss Udyth Marlln, of Church ave
nue, who attended tho wedding of her
hi other In Wilkes. Tlnrro last Thuis
day, has returned home.
Dr. J. p. Stnnton, of West Miirkit
street, left for New York Saturday
evening on professional business. He
Is expected to bo home this morning.
Pea Coal $1.35 a Ton Delivered
to South Side, central city and cential
Hyde Park. Address orders to C. I).
Sharkey, 1914 Cedar ave. 'Phone C683.
Diamonds. Diamonds
We are now showing the largest and most brilliant selec- (:
tion or Fine Cut Stone ever exhibited outside of the large :
cities. Having bought heavy before the rise, I am prepared g
In nlujv mw i!r-ine rnl Ivirrr.ilne Irnm lbi linnet
1 Watches, Watches.
We are offering the best in
Filled 15 Jeweled, Warranted
Hunting or Open race.
E. SCHIMPFF, Jeweler I
317 Lickawnnna Avenue. &
We Opened Today
Eleven Hundred Dozen
China Dishes
Which We
Invite AH the Ladies
to Examine.
i M Arc
We displav
JJ ond floor of our new
312 and 3!4 Lackawanna Avenue,
It. I'. LONU, MmiUKcr.
Thicc dav.s commcniicg Monday, Jan. 1.
Matinee eveiy d ly.
A Musical Comedy.
By George Totten Sr-.ltr
All Star Cast.
Gin. Plxlcy, Rdltl. Klugslcv, cilmlvs
Vnn, Charles Roach. Mac Mci'abc. Phil
MiehleK Ollvo North. William P. and
Hlidlo DoVuull. J R. Mitipliv. Ruth Jor
dan. J. (!. Odell. Ucrtha Wllscu, Rlcliuld
Conn, Lillian HcbeM".
Pi Ices IS, "5, I', and M cents.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
Juuua'.y Hh, Cth and bin.
Matinees Friday and Saturday,
W. II. Tower's Company In the lomaiitlc
Military Drama,
Startling Cllmnes. Novel Mechanical
Rffeots. Pilcis ro, ISc, JCc- and We,
Matinee, 5o and STo.
James ritzGlbbon, of 212 Tenth street,
ono of tho eldest implodes of tho Dcla
v aie, Lackawanna and WisUin 1 om
pan, died at (i o'i lock last evening at Ills
home. Thu deceased was born In Ire
land In isu, and emigrated to this coun
tiy In IM'i, Milling at Khiiiclmk-on-tlu'-lluJsun.
He tamo to this city in 1"I, and
bus u sided lure ever since, llo sceuud
a po-itlou as machinist under tho Lack
awanna coinpauv, which lie held until a
few jeus ago, being compelled to rctllo
on account of 111 health. He .u a mcm
bei of St. Patrick's chuich. Deceased
Is suivivcd by a daughter und two sons,
Miss Maty FltzCJlbboii, principal of No.
Pi school; M. J. FlUUIbtion and J. W.
litzdlbbon, superintendent of motivo
power on tho Laekawumm road. Tho fu
neral will bo held or. Wednesday ui 9
o'clock at St. Patrick's church. Inter
ment will bo mado In Cathedral cemetery
John Reed, an old and respected resi
dent of West Scrantou, died ut his hoire,
331 North Sumner avenue, esteiduy
morning shoitly bcfoio noon. The de
ceased had been ailing for over 11 year.
Tho cause of diath was heart trouble.
Mr. Reed was born at Cailmndalu in 1M5
and has resided hero for seventeen jcars.
Ho was nulto prominent In the Improved
Order of Red Men i.nd was secretin y of
tho Pancoka tribe. No. HI, abo n mem
ber of Rlectrlc City cemmandery. Knlgnts
of Malta, and of tho Capouse Mine Acci
dental fund. The funeinl will take plaeo
nn Wednesday at noon fiom his lato
home. Intetment will bo undo la Rrnok
sldo cemeteiy near Cnrhondile. Tho fu
neral cortiso will have over the Rein
waro nnd Hudson railroad at 2 H o'cloik.
Mr. P. S. Re nobis, of 511 .MiuIImki
l uvenue, died at her home Saturday even.
I! I
the world tor the money. Gold g
Twenty Years, for $10.
these goods on sec-
- BUROUNDPR & REIS. Leise.-s.
H. K. LO.NU. .Manager.
Monday nnd Tuesday, Jan. 1 and 2.
Special Mntlnea Monday, Agustus
Pitou's Mammoth Scenic Pioduction
The Gunner's Mate
Not a War Play, A Strong Com
pany. The Gicatest of All Naval
Dramas. Scenes laid in New York
and on board the U. S. Cruiser New
Prices Nirjht 25. 50. 75, and $1.
Matinee 25, 50 nnd 75.
Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday
Jnnuaiy 1, 2 and 8.
Thuisday, Friday and Satuiday
Januaiy 4, 5 nnd 6.
Rica & Barton's English Folly Co
30 Beautiful Women 30.
The Best
Washing Powder
twm TOtlS!. r.ti.v Tt..r...A nu.
rwv r m bii.uiw vmuvmi rmmw
iivnan.. .in'i.itun. ( .'I i.,I.IB vriBDB
... ..n' . '. .III.UI.T.i LB.IISDBWiV ABV
,' Hill. lll.bUU rmtnerMt Kmml ftpn
CalrhrOrrtlicmliotl'o., HnilUiinSaatMk
Mil Ut jscIiu. l'llll..UAi'
"ii.iiri wr 1 u,r iii.iwr. BTlwiarS
luff. Set vices will bo held at tno liuuko
at 7,30 o'clock tills cvcnlut; and 'i'uusday
il.teliueut will bu inuilo ul KlllSBton, N.
Y. '1'lin body will leave hem on the Rrie
und Y)omliitr VulUy at , o'clock a. in,
Mnrtln rat 1 ell, of 10 Clbson street,
died at WJ) o'clock last night at his
home, lie wus .',0 cnrs old and is sur
vived by IiIh wife und clulil children,
John M., 1'atriek J., Thonnis l'., A. J.,
Mary, Mareuiet, Julia und Rose,
Mis. Tlumas Ruins died esteiday at
hci lioine, 1-.VJ lllocni avenue. Kilo Is
survived by iho ilaiiRliters and two sons,
'iho tuutial will bu I eld tomorrow mom
Ilii; at H.'ui) o'eluck v.ltll Intel incut In tho
Cathediul cemeteiy
li. os ley M (in li
Arc. ,lwjt rUUU. lADicttitAV
ljru(;ln f r VMcku $r tn ( !, JVV
tncmj brand (q Kf d o4 U U 6if 11 l0flr
hoirs it gj fitbtlac rltl TmVtXw
noulhrr. Hffti$(tanatrutub$titu
m &