The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 01, 1900, Morning, Page 5, Image 5

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    tx jt ft wv
Deep Cut in Prices
of the balance of strictly
Holiday Articles, all this week,
Gift Books, Fine Stationery,
Atlasses, Globes, Children's Books,
Art Calendars, Booklets, Albums,
Toilet Cases, Glove and Handkerchief
Toys, Bolls, Games, Blackboards,
at greatly leduced prices,
to clear out "Odds and Endsj"
an excellent chance to get your
New Year gifts at bargain prices.
1000 Diaries and Office Journals,
1000 Peloubet's Notes on Sabbath
1000 Blank Account Books, all sorts.
382 Lackawanna Ave.. Scranton.
We Are Headquarters
For artistic Christmas
Goods. Our stock is
fine and torger than
evci before.
I 1
and Men's
0 109 Wyoming Ave.
At Greatly
Reduced Rates
at the
103 Wjomlnsr Aie.
;rS I'e-in Avenus v. B. WARMAM
Today tho Youiir Women's Chils
tian, ussoUitlon and its an lous
brnni'lios will open house, vvhi'ia
n. delightful outoi talnmont will bo giv
en. Theo Now Yimi receptions havo
been ureal featuies In the association
In the past, and fiom eir to ear
liae enjojed the Interest and udmlra
tlon of the most piomlnent people of
the city. Today various officers und
managers will be present at all tho
looms, both the eential. South Bide.
Not th Knd and West Side branches.
Coffee, rake, sandwiches, etc., will b
sened U all callou, and a chaunlnj
tnusiial pi oki ammo has been pie
paud toi cadi place. The public Is
eoidlally Invltui to attend the lecep
tlons at one 01 all of the association
Mi. and Mis, T. Ciamer on Stored
Kae a beautiful ucoptlon Satuidiy
night at tlndi home on Montoo avetiu.
Mis, Von Stoic h aKo iccehed on th
ufte-noon of that day. A eiy largo
numbei of people called during tho
afternoon and evening, when the chl-r
topic ot conversation was the Huhe.
lot's ball, anu the general verdict was
that all "hid the time of tholi lives."
Mm. Von btiUL.h w.w assisted In re
ceiving by Miss Shotwell, of Olovets-
llle, N. Y. About the looms wero
Mis, if. T. 1'uinvpacKer, Miss Penny-
We are selling at Mark
Dowu Prices.
Kitchen Utensils,
Tinware, Oil Heaters,
Gas Heaters. Oil Cans
Carpenters' Tools,
Cutlery, Razors,
Wringers, Etc., Etc.
, SSI Lackawanna Avenue.
packer, Mrs. acorge Hlco, Mrs. II.
V. Cross, Miss Mnudo Matthews, ot
New burgh; Miss Eleanor Heynolds,
Mlna Hennell, Mian Helen Mlnshall, of
Philadelphia; Miss Watson, Miss Klnlse
ailmore, Mis Hi Ion Matthews, Miss
Kuth Jackson.
Among those present Saturday even
ing wore: Miss Curtis, of Washington.
D. C; Miss Anna Archbnld, Miss BoIt.
MIm Kntzenbach, Mr. and Mis. Heck
with, Miss Wnrlng, Miss Weller, Miss
eOrtrude Sprngue, Miss Tdlth Miles,
of Yonkersj Miss Janet Dickson, tho
Misses Heynolds, Miss Turnbutl, of
Baltimore, tho Mlsser. Matthews, Miss
Sanderson, the Misses Ncttleton, Lieu
tenant Orton Jackson, Messrs. Bar
rett, of Philadelphia, Katzenbach,
New York, Baldwin, Cotirtlandt
Jones, i:. W. Holland, David Boles,
Jesse Jones, of Wllkes-Barrei Ouerln,
M. B. Fuller, T. P. Puller, D. T:.
Chase, J. H. Brooks, Cross, Nettle-ton
and others.
By nn error the names of Hew Dr.
and Mrs. C. 12. Hoblnson were In
cluded In the list of guests In tin
printed report of tho Bachelors' bah
As they were not there, this correction
Is due to the honored pastor of the
Second chuich, who with
his wife Is not seen at dances.
Mrs Thomas Sprague will have a
large reception tomoirow afternoon at
her new homo on Qulney avenue,
Mrs. nvcrott Warren will lecelve this
Mr. and Mrs. Oeorgo B. Smith will
entertain tomortow evening In honor of
Miss Oalpln.
Mr. and Mis. N, A, Hulbeit will
give a dancing: putty totuoiow eveiii
This evening tho New Yetr assem
bly will bo held at this Hluvile oluti.
MUs Milts, of Ycnkcrs V. V., Is tho
guest of Mls Janet Dickson.
Uobert Crossln, of Nev Yolk, Is visit
ing at thu homo of his mother on Madi
son avi nue.
Among tho guests at the .lumjn mo
Mr. and Mis. iJeorgo AW Stratton, of
Washltigton, D. C.
Alderman and Sits John I'. Kelly on
Saturday night left for New Yoik tlt,
where they will und this week
Mr. l'rnnk Williams, son of Mr. and
Mrx. Arja Williams Is visiting at the
home of his ui cle, Dr. Olln, of IJtlcu.
Mrs. C. U Jenkins, of IhotiiDson, en
tertalncd over Sunday Mr. and Mis. W.
W. Uiamlow und duughtcr, Charlotte,
of this dtj.
Mr. and Mr'. 1 K. Greene, Ororgo D.
Tavlor, Havdn Evar.s, I. O. Carr and J.
Holden, of this cltv. wcro registered at
the Hotel Albeit, In New York, last week.
William Haslln, son of T. Hashn, of
'Ihuioi), Ins leturned from I'ttotto Kieo.
'lhuo lie hi ted In the military hospital
attached to tho Third rivalry. M my In
tcrctlng mementos of Ills v ear's ser
vice were broti'.ht home bv him.
Dr. Theodore Wehc tiluirg, lite house
burgeon at the I.aikr.w inn.i hospital, vts
titd.iv afternoon left that institution fcr
I'hiludelphli. There he will (titer tho
Philadelphia cltv hepit il, having ob
tained a pi ire on Its staff. Dr. Welscn
hmg was at the l.aekivvanna hospital
for about six months, and In that time
nude many warm friends.
Man Supposed to Be Michael Pur
cell, of Hickory Street, Crushed
and Mangled Last Night.
A joung man, thought to be Mlcha.M
Put cell, of Hickory street, was struck
and instantly killed nt 11.1" o'clock
last night by a, Scianton bound Belle-Mie-Stone
avenue tiolley car No. 11?,
at the corner of Plttslon avenue and
Hlckotv street.
It was coming down Hickory strfo.
at a fair late of bpecd when .suddenly
It stiuck a nian'3 body.
Befoic the car could bo stopped, the
Int. 1 1 form had been diagged several
ards, and when extiieated fiom un
der the wheels, presented a teulblj
appeal ance. Tho entlie body was fcat
fully mangled, the flesh belns liter
ally torn off, and the bones crush 3d
and shattered. Blood streamed firm
eveiy part of the fiamo, and the
man's head was almost seveted fia-Tl
the body. A crowd Immediately path
eied, but In the dark no one could
lecognlzo the features of the unfor
tunate man.
One member of the crowd was sen:
for Undertaker Cuslck, who sent Ins
ambulance to the scene, and the bodv
was taken to the undertaking estab
lishment. A hat worn by the man had In It tho
Initials M. P. A young man named
Got don, who lives on the South Side,
and had entuied In, on seing tho
man's face Imedlately said:
"That's Mike Pun ell. I'd know his
face anvwheie."
Puicell was a oung man of about
twenty, and boatded with his btoth
ei -in-law, a man named Welsh, living
on Hlckoty stteet, near Irving ave
nue. Ho came licio a few yeats ago
fiom Caibondale, and obtained a pos
sltlon as conductor with the Scranton
Ti action company. About sl tnontlu
ago he left their employ and has since
vvoiked In Clarke Brotheis stote.
Neither Conductor Benett nor Motoi
man W. K. Welnlng, of the car, can
give any satisfactory account of the
way the accident happened. They say
that If he had been standing he would
have been lifted directly on the fend
er, and that he must liavo been ljlng
on tho rails.
Puicell vvus a oung man of gool
habits and well liked by his fellow
employes, and the news n the teniute
death win be nn awful shock to
V., L. & W. Depot Entered and
Robbed Saturday Morning.
Burglais entered tho Delaware.
Lackawanna and Westtrn depot at
Hunlock's' Creek Patutday morning,
but did not mako much ot a haul, They
blew open the cafe and finally left,
after securing 150 onecent revenue
They tore up a laige number of tick
ets and time tables, however, and left
behind a burglars kit of a file, wrench,
hand drill, fine saw and three bits.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup.
Has bcn used for ovei T1FTY YKAHB
bv MILLIONS of MOTHKKR fur their
Is the best remedy for DIAHRHOUA.
Bold by all DluggUts In every part of the
world Ho sure und ask for "Mm. Wins
low'n Brotblng Hrup," and tak no otkr
kind. Twcrti-nve cent n bottle.
i '
In nn Interesting Discussion of tho
Weather for the Year Just Closed
He Expresses tho Conviction That
This Particular Valley la Safe
from the Insurslons of the Big
Storms Despite the Dry Spell in
the Summer the Total Frcclpita
ticn Was Above the Averag?.
Theic are those of nn observing turn
of mind who contend that the jear
Just closed was one of the drjest In
tho memory1 of the oldest Inhabitants,
but despite throe observations and the
fact that small water companies had
to draw on tho laiger ones for their
supplv, nnd thnt water trains, for tho
first tlm. on lerord, wero run up and
dov n tho sallev, It wiu not only not
a 'I'.ioughl" j ear, but wetter by some
three-quiiteis of 1 per cent, than tho
average year In this end of tho coun
try. So, at least, sas Weither Observer
H. K. Paine, and he gets his lntoi ma
tlon ftom obseivnllons made dallv
with nppaiatus furnished by tho gov
ernment. The precipitation In Ufn vv.ih "4 V.
Inches. In isns It was 3109; In 1JT
It was 33 C3, and In lSid It was 31 :.s.
The average precipitation for the four
years was 33 CI, or .74 less than It wis
last ear.
The fact that there was a diy spell
when water was most In demand is ac
counted for by the following table,
showing the pieclpltatlon bv months:
.lanuaiy, J 13: lVbiuirv, 4 -0, Match,
3.TC; Apt II, 1.; M iy, 2 TJ; June, 2 CO:
July, 1.7 i; August, 3.C; Seplembet,
3 47; October, .CI: Novembci. 2 11: De
cember, 2 03. Tho pieclpltatlon, as
will bo noticed, v. as in a, laigo measute
snow-fall. We got moio than our
usuul o of wet In the winter and
consequently i.m horl In the summer.
The natural subteianean water cours
es and tho artificial suiface reseivolis
filled up and ovei flowed and then sur
plusage was discharged and went Its
way to the ocean.
This prodigality, coupled with the
fact that the precipitation for n cer
tain locality does not vary as to Its
aggiegate, eplalns the apparent ano
maly of a severe di ought In a. ear
when tho precipitation Is above the
av erage.
The temperature, Mr. Paine finds
was 1.31 degiees lower than the aver
age. The mean tempetatuio for the
past four veais was 49 21. Tor 1S91
It was 47.90. The fact that neatly all
of last wintei's frigidity was ciowdel
Into the lattei pait of tho winter ac
counts for this, Mr. Palno savs.
These months vvete unusually cold.
rubiu.iry having sl sucesslve das
from the ninth to tho foui tetnth whon
the tempentute was below zero fo
at least n pait of each day. Tho cold
est dajs of the ear wero Januarv
2 and Tebruaty 10, when tho mei
euty was down to Vi degiees below
7010. The summer months were qui."
noimal. The hottest day of tho jcar
wa August 21, when all tlneo of th"
government thermometeis apteod thu
It was 93 in tho latticed coop ei cited
on n four foot pedestal In the back
of Mi. l'alne's gaiden on MudNon
Last month was a record breaker.
Tho total snow fall for the thirty-one
days was only l1- Inches. This Is the
smallest snow fall In a December
month tint Ml. Palno has any recoi 1
of and he has been Keeping tibs on
tint Foit of thing fot twenty cais.
Tho maximum tcmpuatuie of tha
month wan CJ defjiees which was
l cached on the twelfth. The mini
mum was fcero, iccotded list Satuidiy.
Yesterday It was above 7ero. The
month was chxiacteiled by a very
even temperatute, gt owing gradually
colder and colder until the ptesent
zeio weather was reached.
Mr. Palne's observations has led him
to tho conviction that Scranton Is
impregnable to heavy general storms.
Tho two gteat stmm centers are
the Carrlbean sea nnd the legion about
Manitoba. All kinds of cyclones and
blizzards start fiom those points anl
head in this direction, but they Invar
ably pass us by. The storm from tho
equator will bo predicted to create
seiious ruction In Eastern Pennsyl
vunla, but the btoim always falls
shott of the piedlitlon by the dis
tance between heio and tho Poconos.
Now Jersey will be deluged with tain,
covered with snow or teulbly tossed
about by tho wind, and we will e
petlence nothing mote than an otdl
naiy little dlstutbance of the (lenient-.,
If nnv at all.
Theio Is sleighing now In Now Yoik
state aim New Jeisov and several
In lies of snow In Maijlind. On S it
uiday It was coldei In Louisville, Ky ,
than It was In Scranton. Juct nt pies
ent, Mr. Paine sajs. It Is cold all about
us, and a spell of cilsp weither can be
looked for.
Seven Men Held in Ball for Their
Appenmnce nt Court.
Before Justice of tho Peace Mason,
Golden Rio, 10c; 5 lbs 50c
(limit at pilce.)
O. G. Java, 25c per lb.
O. G. Java and Mocha, 25c
per lb.
Triple Blend, 32c; 5 lbs
Coui sen's 'Best," 35c; 3
lbs OOc.
Coursen's Breakfast Java,
28c per lb; 10 lb lots 27c.
Our Coffees are bought in
the green, roasted fiesh daily
and aie fresher and cheaper
by .05c per lb than stores
who give presents.
429 Lackawanna Avenue,
of Blnkely, Saturday. Domlnlck Bo
many, Samuel Smith, John Cozenl,
Charles Mason, Anthony Langoff, An
thony Hlldock and And tew WlnchecU
were given n hearing on tho charge ot
the larceny of beer barrels nnd kegSi
nnd wcro held In $100 ball for their ap
pearance tit court. Tho men live In
the lolnlty of Marshwood nnd wero
in tested on complaint of rieoigo Ilof
migul, of the Dickson City Brcwlnvj
Fot ti long time tho lager beer biew
rrles hereabouts have been missing
large numbers of their beer barrels nnd
kegs and they propose to make a de
termined effort to prevent further
Given a Hearing Befoie Alderman
Millar, Saturday.
Thomas Ludden, of Mlnook.i, who Is
charged with the killing of Patrick
Hnffetty and tho wounding of Thomas
McKenna nt Old I'orge, two weeks tigo
lost night, was given a hearing before
Alderman Millar, Satin day morning,
and committed to Jail without ball.
Luddeii's attorney, Hon, John P.
Qulnnan, wanted to waive a hearing,
but District Attorney Jones Insisted
Upon the Introduction of sufficient tes
timony to establish a pilnia fnelo case
and the alderman granted his motion.
Coroner llobetts desuiibed the wounds
ho found on Bafferty's body, and En
gineer Matthew Barber nnd Klrennn
John Mot an testified as to the occur
rence In tho engine room.
Ludden's case wilt go befoie the
Rinnd Jury this week. McKenna Is lm
piovlng and will likely locover.
Ccm:.iI'-.sloneis and Auditors en Re
oiganlze Today Nothing Au
thentic Knowu A lout Plans.
Nothing authentic could bo learned
Jesterday of tho pi ins of the Incoming
county commissioners rcgatdlng pos
rlble changes In the wotklng force ot
their ofllco and the "election of a suc
cessor to County Solicitor H. A. Knap'',
who has declined to seivo another
It is genetally understood, howevet,
tint Hoi belt L Taylot Is to bo tho
nest county solicitor.
As to tho position of chief clerk, thero
Is a vailety of tumors, but tho cotn-
' mlssloners-elect will not say which of
' them Is tho conect one. In fact, they
1 claim thev do not themselves know
what will be done In this tegard. One
of them said jesterday that even If tho
I imjotity of the commissions s were
disposed to remove Mr, Wagner, there
is a question as to their power to do
so, considering his nppolntment made
lecently for three ears, under the act
pased last jear authorizing Just this
The commlssloneis will take chatge
at high noon nnd will at once enter
upon the task of selecting their assist
ants. At o'clock a meeting of the
commlssloneis with Piesident Judge
Archbald and Sheriff Prjor is sched
uled to reoiganize the ptlson boaid.
Mr. Monls sajs he will not leslgn
his position on the boatd of six school
contiollets. Ho has been unable to dis
cover nnv thing In the law making the
two olllces incompatible and until such
time ns he Is convinced that ho must
give up one olllce or the other, he pio
poses to hold both. ' Tho people elected
me to the offices; I'm willing to serve
In them, and why should I give one of
them up?" said Mr. Morris.
The retiring board of county auditors
will file their annual report this morn
ing, and at noon vv ill reorganize, Will
iam H. Johns taking the place of F. L.
It Was Taken Fiom the Penn Ave
nue Synagogue.
While ret vices weie being conducted
Saturday inoinlnc; In the Penn Ave
nue sjnagogue, a sti anger ftom New
York, lejolclng in the allluent name
of Rothschild abstt uted an overcoat
and departed ftom the piemlses. The
gatment belonged to Simon Aaronson.
When the latter discovered tho loss
of his coat he Instituted a search for
the coat and Bothsehlld. Ho met the
latter on Penn avenue j,estoiday and
demanded to know vvheie his coat
was. Hothschlld did not answer, but
did his best to bieak away from
Aaronson's giasp.
Patrolmen Rodham and Hnggerty
arrived on the scene, and took Roti.n
ohlld to tho Centte street police sta
tion. Tho ov oi coat was still missing,
however, and Rothschild only could
say that he had pawned It In a saloon
for seventy-five cents.
Patiolmen Chnrle's Perry and Victor
Sartor succeeded In flnilly locating
tho coat In a Lackawanna avenue ho
tel, whence It was Immediately re
moved. Bothsehlld will bo given a
hearing this moinlng befoie Mavor
It Has Bean Issued by C. I. Hood
ft Co.
Hood's Sarsaparilla Proveib Calen
dar for 1900 Is the piettlest we hive
seen. It is home in ftont of two Utile
gills, whoso fresh, iicet faces, an1
dainty lobis of blue and pink form i
phasing plctuie upon which to look
during the coming voir. 'I ho calendar
Is pi luted fiom laigo, plain typo and
gives vnluablo Information,
The calendar Is made to stand alone
or It cm be suspended fiom tho wall,
Kverjone will want Hood's calendar,
and jou should ask our diugglst for
It at once. You can obt iln one, If mote
convenient, by sending six cents In
stamp-, to C, I. Hood fl Co, Lowell,
Soioke tho "Hotel Jermjn" cigar, 10c.
You Will Need One.
As a book of lcfetenio In local poll
tics and gencial topics The Scianton
Tribune year book will have no super
ior. Finest wines nnd clrars at LanVs,
"20 Spiuco stieet
Smoko tho Pocono Cc. cigar.
fl. & P. Baking Powder
Wo have long made It a studv to fur
nish a lluklng Powder that would bo con
duclvo to Health. Wo feel that vn havo
accomplished that lesult In the produc
tion of A K V. Baking Powdir. 'ilils
Biking Powder his Uctn subject to the
POPULAR TESTS and bus been pro
The Great Atlantic and
Pacific Tea Co.
411 Lackawanna avenue, 133 South Main
avenue. Thono 73J. Prompt deliveries.
Deny That There Is Any General
Rate Cutting and Say the Proprie
ties Are Rigidly Maintained by
the Members of the Local Bar. At
n Meeting Held Saturday Resolu
tions Were Passed Which Express
the Sentiment of the Members of
the Lackawanna Bar.
Nothing In eais has occurred to so
stir up tho members of the Lacka
wanna bar as Attorney John M. Hat
rls' icpoitrd otitic Isms at the meeting
of tho State Har association com
mittees In Pittsbutg, as told In Sntut
daj's Ttlbttne.
With scaicely an exception the law
is who hive expiessed thcmselve-i
condemn the speech ns unwarranted,
uncalled for, and highly Indiscreet.
That thete is any general late cutting
or that the propiletles aro not llgldly
maintained among the members of tho
piofcsslon Is emphatically denied.
Thete may be some Isolated Instances
of rate-cutting, the lawyers say, but
It Is not such as would vv at rant Mi.
Hatrls In making the sweeping asset -tlon
ho did, even If it was made at
home and to a pin pose, Instead of
the manner In which It was made.
Tho general Indignation aroused by
the reading of the press dispatch ct.vs
talbed In a set ot lesolutlons, adopted
nt n specially convened meeting of the
dlrectoisof tho bar association Satui
day afternoon.
Whereas, 'llio Associated Press dls
pitclns of toduv contain lefcrenco to
statements alleged to buve bctn in ido b
John ji. llirils, a member ot this bar,
at u niectliu of the genei il committors
ol the State liar association held at Pitts
burg jesteidav, reflecting upon the pro. stamllna ot the bar nnd upon
the wlllltgnrss or ability of the couit
ot this county to properly punish un
worthy numbers ot the bar, the ulrcctors
of the Lackawanna Law nnd Library as
sedition, which Is tho only associated
body of the membeis of tho bar of the
lounty, place upon their minutes the fol
lowing action:
Wo leillze that It would bo unjust to
Mr. Harris to net upon mcro telegraphic
reports of statements alleged to havo
bren tnide by him, et tho widespread
publlcltj of the report makes It neces
saiv that somo nc lice bo taken of It,
and thus nsumlnp, without piejudico to
him, thut ho Is ccrrectly reported, wo
n plv that the association has a most ex
cellent and efficient board of tensors,
composed of tho following members of
tlio bai : W. W. Lathrope, Georgo S,
lloin, Everett Wan en, II. M. Strectcr
and Joseph O Uilen. This boatd of cen
sors his lever refused or hesitated to
piomplly take up and thoroughly purniie
anj clu tms made rgalust un member
of tho b it, nelthei have the Judges of our
courts been neglectful of their duty In
tills matter, but linve nlwavs been quick
to rebtiko nnv breaches of professional
pioprhtv committed In their presence,
ind to ussi mo Jurisdiction of any com
plaints against members ot thu b ir, end
It such tompl lints wcro sustained, to
promptly end rlgoiously punish tho of
fender. Neither the assocUtlon. tho
board of censors, nor the court, however,
e..n uct In a disciplinary manner In anj
way except upon specific chaig'S made
agilnst particular Individual". No such
charges and action upon such chaiges
have ever born neglected.
We further state out conviction that the
standaul of ptoprletv, 1 onesty and honor
In this county Is qulto equal to that of
nnv se-ctlon of tho etate, and th it the b ir
of this county has been foi veais p irtlc
ularly noted for tho esptlt do cotps
among Us members. Wo further rtato
th it the standard of examinations for ad
mission to tho bar of this county his
been steadily raised fcr it iiumhei of
vcaii p ist nnd thero is no b ir in tho
state In which tho standrrd is now higher
or the c imlnailons made more thoiough
and ilgorous.
James H Torrey, H. A. Knapp, II.
Ostiums, John P. Kelly, T. P. Hob in,
W. A. Wilcox, Walter Brlggs, Directors.
Mr. Hntrls had not returned up to i
late hour last night and Inqulty at his
home In Taylor elicited the Infotmatlon
thnt It was not known when he wouU
tetuin. His close fi lends nte hoping
that he will show he was misquoted In
the dispatch.
Smoko tho Pocono 5e. cigar.
Beecham's Pills cure sick headache.
4- 4
I Lined Slippers
All Felt or
Leather Soles.
M.'tle by Alfred Dolge,
known by every one who
wears Shoes or Slippers.
Women's All Felt
black and brown,
fur trimmed fl) I ,UU
Women's All Felt Slippers,
in colors, green,
blue and brown.
Women's Felt Fur Trimmed
only small si7es lelt, formerly
sold lor $1.25. To
close out 5UC
Mine and Mill Supplies,
Machinery, Etc.
OITICU-Dime Bunk Building.
Opinion of Judge McPharaon in
United States District Couit.
Judge McPherson, of the T'nlted
States cotitt for the Eastern district of
Pennsvlvnnla, at Philadelphia S itur
day filed nn opinion In Ihe test suit ot
tho United States ngalnst the AloU
club, holding that tho club Is liable for
the payment of the spcclnl tax of $23
per annum to the government ns n to
taller of liquor.
This Important and much disputed
question, whether n club which soives
liquors to Its members should have to
pay the government tix, vvus nigued a
short time ago, The decision Is fat
1 caching, ns It has a bearing to the
effect that clubs throughout the coun
try must pay this tnx.
Will Pioceed to Condemn Pait of
Drinker Turnpike.
W. W. Lathrope, master, and John
IT. Fellows, Di. 11. II. Hauls, A. II.
Stevens, J. H. Rlttenihouse and Will
lain II, Roe, view ots, cotnptlslng the
commission appointed fo pas upon the
petition for tho condemnation of n
much of tho Homing lltook turnpike
ns Is within Duninoie boiough, met
Satin day and, after being sworn In,
proceeded to lay out Its vvoik.
The commission will go over the toad
tomortow nnd then tnke up the matter
of heating testimony.
Ninth Wnid Republican Primaries.
The Republican piltninlcs for tlio
nomination of a select counillman, reg
ister of votcts, Judge and Inspector of
election will be held at the polling
booths of the Ninth waul on Thurs
day, Jan. A, ftom S to 8 p. in. The Hag
ticket Craw foul count sslem will be
followed. Candidates announced for
council: C. E. Chittenden, AV. H. Hus
latuler, Peter llaan. l!y older of tho
lgllance committee.
Oeoigc F. Millet, Secictnty.
Smoko tho "Hotel Jernin" cigar, 10c.
Which won the magnifi
cent Emerson Piauo was
which was held by Mrs.
Keefe, No. S16 23rd street.
Mr. Keefe is a miner em
ployed at the Archbald mine
and has several daughters
who are overjoyed at their
good fortune.
Their knuckles sore
that is what your friends
do when your
Are out of Repair.
Chas. B. Scott
119 Franklin Ave.
Is hero. How alir.ut jou
Are jou well supplied' We
can furnish v 011 Underwear m
the follow lug yr.adc .
Fancy Derby libbed . . . .$1.00
Fancy Cashmeie 2.00
Natural wool S.00
Camel's hair 2.00
Wright's fleece lined. . . . 2.00
Wilght's fleeco lined .... 3.00
Fancy cashmeie 3.00
Fine natural wool 5.00
Silk and wool ribbed . . . G.OO
"On the Square."
203 Washington Avenue.
Clarke Bros
The quality of tho oils u
colore determines tho dut
uch mo offer will make paint of greav
moothnrs and durability. A largo sur
face can bo covered and the coating will
not peel, crack or wear oft until It has
domi Itn full duty.
Thopo prices will show that good oils
arc not expensive.
U. M -
'XuVt &
ivr,-f ui
rx rt,
Gsi c- ,J
Hen's Furnishings.
New Styles for the New Year,
Full Biess Requisite.
Hotel Jermyn
The Popular lloueo Fur
nishing Store.
Aittle Oil
Just the thing for warm
ing sleeping rooms
where it's best not to
keep fire all clay. We
have them iti (.cvcral
sizes, some ns low as
54.50. They arc pow
erful little heaters, free
from smoke or odor.
Foote & Fuller Co,
Hears Building,
ijml 140-42 Washington Ave
Fur and
Woolen Gloves
Fur and
Cloth Caps.
305 Lackawanna Avenue.
"d v k
11 1 11 1
w &. 11 un 1
X To all our friends
X and Patrons, pres-
ent and prospective,
Health, Happiness and
Prosperity. Wishing
that a share of all good
things may be yours
in the coming twelve
X months, and hoping
X to see you all at an
X early date, we have
X the honor to remain,
Very Truly Yours,
221-223-225-227 Wyoming Aye, J
X In Preparatlon-
I I tW4
wu. siC-P-v
l J
sik J
I Clean Suteep Sale
4-4-f 4 -