V THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1899. CARBONDALE. POLITICS AND WATER. A Warm Tlmo Promised tit the Polls Over Municipal Ownership. Tot ccs nro already at work on tho preliminaries of the sprint; election In which municipal ownership of n water plant will be tho dominant note, and tight heto It should ho mild that those who faor city ownership and thev number more than 99 per cent, of the population must be ever vlRllant. The only ones opposed to tho scheme nro thoro Interest d in tho Consolidated or some other private cnterpiise anil tho litiKbenr with which they will attempt to frighten tho voters Is this: Oh, yes, your water rates will be lower, but jour taxes will be doubled. TliK they say, will be tho icsult of bondlnp tho city Now It should not be forgotten that Judge Hliono pointed out a way to ncqulre municipal water without issu ing a dollar's worth of bonds, and he gave It as by far the best way. The Interest on tho plant will, according to this plan, be taken out of the water le venues nnd will not affect taxation one cent. DEATH OF PATRICK DUFFY. Patrick Duffy, of Fallbrook street, died yesteiday morning. He was sixty-eight years of age. His demise was due to a paralytic stioke. He was born in It eland and for thlrty-llvo ycats lived In Carbondale. coming to this city from the place of his birth. Ho had always onjoed good health with th" exception of a paralytic stroke, which ho had several eurs ago. Patrick Duffy was a man of genial disposition and was well liked. His wife died three yrats ago and one sister lives at Dit slioie, Pa. Tliete Is also one son, Pat tick Duffy, who sutvlves. Tho funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment will be made In St. Rose cemetery. OBSEQUIES. The funetal of Mrs. II. G. Raker wns held yesteiday afternoon. Rev. Charles Lee conducted the services. Ho h id known the deceased for many yenis. The kind words he sale, wete the testilt of a personal feeling of grief. She had been a member of the First Piosby terlan church. Sllont tokens of esteem ere many beautiful floral offeiings. The pall-bearers were Frank H. Hurr, R M Shepherd, T. L. McMillan, R. D. Stuart, R. A. Jadwln and Dr. C. T. Meaker Interment wns made In Mnpl wood cemetery. Among those fiom out of town who nttended the obsequies were Superintendent and Mrs. Gcoigo Dowe, of Hlinira, formerly of this city. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Dr Morrison has returned to Phila delphia, after a visit with his parents, Alderman and Mrs. Mortlson, of Hlghth avenue. The Amaianth Social club will give a dance lit Burke's hall on Now Year's night Mrs i:vnn Tucker, of Duquosne, Pa , Is visiting 1 datives in this city. Kdward Hurke, of Now York, is visit ing his mother on Cottage street. Mrs Rolton expects to return to RInghamton tomoirow. The wotk of relaying the pavement between tho rails of tho nnt rowed street car track has been commenced by Blair & Kennedy. A True Friend. A friend in need is a friend Indeed. That Is exactly what Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is. It Is the mothor'3 help when she Is suddenly awakened in the night by tho ominous husky cough, nnd labored breathing, of her babe It Is the safe lesort of tho youth or adult when he has "caught cold" and there Is coughing and Irrita tion of the mucus membrane of the tlnoat It allajs the irritation and cures the cold. For sale by all drug gists, Matthews Bros, wholesale an.l retail agents. ELMHUF.ST. Rev D. H. Rohiabaugh, of Carbon dale, will pi each In the Presbyterian church, Sunday morning and evening. Mr B B. Klpp is on the sick Hat. Dr Knedler attends him. The Baptist Sunday school presenteJ the superintendent, Mi. Byron Buck ingham, with n handsome Bible on Christmas. R II. Holg.ito, of Scranton, made a business trip heio on Tuesday. S. A. Wilcox and family have moved Into their new house on tho Gtifrtn road. MUs Lucy Fuller, of Scranton, spent Tuesday n.pht with fi lends heio. Mm By: on Buckingham and Miss Inez UlesUng will entertain their Sun da scuool i'is'os nt the home of the .'ormer in Mrnday evening, Jan. 1. Mr. Fiutik .A.acDonald, of Plalnfleld, The Washing Woman's Best Friend. EVERY WOW AIM Sometimes neeo a wlltble, monthly, wjolitlnst mrdlelno. Only tunnies 22& tho purtil drugi should b nied. If you want tho but, get Di?a Peal's Psneiwrawaa PfiSHa Thov aro nromnL safoncdcert&ln In result. k Tho conufno (Dr. I'eal'y never For Sale b, JOHN H. PHELPS, Spurce strest. U re-marked. ' 0 M Wait N. J., an 1 Mi'. Albert Hillings, of Tunk hannock, client Christmas at tho homo of Mr. V. V. Jenkins. Tho Ladles' Aid society of tho Pres byterian church will wel(imo their friends nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. It. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Hdward lloswell, of Philadelphia, arc tho guests of Mis. George Detrloh. Tho Christmas cantata, "Good Tid ings," was delightfully rendered by tho pupils of the Prcsbyterlon Sunday school on Tuesday evening, and reflect ed much ct edit on those who had tho pfTalr In charge. Miss Dalw Hubor is unable to attend to her du'c3 nt the postofllce, owing to Illness. Pud Davis takes her place during her nl sence. Misses Iiii and Maty DePue, of Mos cow, liiivi bptn visiting their aunts, Mis. C. 1- Stnf ns nnd Mrs. II. S. Finn. Mis. S. B. Machette, who has been receiving treat.Ttr.t ct tho Hahnemann hospital, wns able to return to her home on Fundav, last. JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. Martin-Bloomer Nuptials Election of Officers Other Newsy Items. Sacred Heart church was tho scene of a pretty wedding Wednesday ufter noon when John J. Martin and Miss Mary Uloomer wore united In matrlage by the pastor, Rev. M. E. Lynotl. The bride was attired In a handsome sown and was attended by Miss Annie McAndrew. who woio a pretty cos tume. Peter Martin, a brother of tho gioom, acted as groomsman The In teresting cremony was witnessed by a laige number of the eontuctlng par ties present. After th" ceremony the wedding party wete driven down tho valley. They returned In the ovenlmj to the home of the btide's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Plooniei, on the Host Side, where they were warmly congiatuluted hv a host of fil.nds. Tho toceptlon plvon b the bride's par ents was nttended bv ft large number of invited guests and was a most en joyable affair. The festivities lasted until a late hour. Mr. and Mrs. Mar tin have manv fi lends who wish iheni Mtecss In their new life. Thev wers tho teclplents of a long llt of valuable articles. They hae decided to dis pense with the customary wedding trip and will nt onco commence housekeep ing on the Cast Side. The local branch of tha Am": lean Fedc ration of Labor met In Windsor hall Wednesday cenlng and elected tho following olllccrn President. Al onn Whitley; vlco president, Homy Morcom; tecordlng scori'taiy. Hdward Stubbs; financial secetaiv. James Davitl. treasurer, Fred VanSlcUlo; trustees, Judscn Wall, .Abraham Mash er; Inlde guaid, John Sauer, outside guard, Theodre Spettlgue. Miss Gertie Carter, of Cemetery street, Is ilsitlng her courln, Janet Gardner, at Green Ridge. Mrs. W. M Grosbv and daughters, Emllv, Cora and Hell, of Gieen Ridge, nnd Miss Irene Games, of Tiovldence, are the guests of Mrs. Jane Raker, of Main street Paul M. Cuie, a well known young man, nnd Miss Jenny M, Decker, of Scott township, were married at tho Penn Avenue Raptlet chutch parson age, Scranton, by Re. R. F. Y. Pierce, Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Willman and son Ralph and daughter Dana attended the concert given by the Wesleyan Glee club nt Sctanton Wednesday. PECKVILLE. Mis. B. Richards, of New Jersey, Is visiting her sister, Mis. W. Biundage, of South Main street. Oiiental Star lodge, T. and A. M., Installed the following otllceis Tues day evening: Worshipful master, John II. Klnback; senior waidm, Miles M Male; Junior warden, William L Al len, treasuier, J. D. Peck; soeioUiy, E. II. Ritter, tiustees, J. R. Bell. Windsor Foster, .1. H. Schnerr; repre bent.itlve, William Suedlcor. Mr. William E. Hniloe and son Wal ter, of Winchester, Va., aie the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Morton E. Hailoe, of North Main street. The Wilson FIro company, nt their regular meeting Tuesday evening, nominated ofllceis for tho new year. The election will be held Jan. 9. Mi. and Mrs. Henry Vander'juig le turned home yesterday fo n n few das visit with relatives at Miners Mills. The Jessup Sunday school and kin dergarten will have their Christmas tree and exercises on New Yeai's day at 2 p. m. The public In general Is Invited to be present nnd enjoy the pleasing entertainment that has been prepaied. Rev. S. C. Logan and Col onel II. M. Roles, of Scrnnton, will bj piesent The Tribune almanac will be dlstiib uted by the carrier bos as usual on Now Year's day All those who wish or.o of these valuable books of lnfor- Best Powder Dirt's Worst Enemy. disappoint. Bold for $1 .00 por box. Pharmacist, ccr. Wyoming avenue and cincl . ...,,. . i iic prices win De tne matlon should place their order with tho cnrrleis as catly as possible. The Tribune almanac for 1900 w 111 bo much moto complete than formerly and will contain valuable political and local ref erences. It Is a book that should be In every house. - TAYLOR NEWS. Master Russel O'Horo Pleasantly Surprised Skating Is Excellent. Personal nnd Other News. A surprise reception was tendered Master Russell O'Horo at the homo of his mother, Mts. Richard O'Horo, on Wednesday tnenlng, previous to his depatturo for Philadelphia, whore he Is attending Qlrard college. Games and other amusements were Indulged In, until a reasonable hour. Master O'Horo was the recipient of a number of beautiful presents from his friends. Refreshments wete served. Those present were: Misses Ethel O'Hoto, Ethel Reese, Virginia Relnhnrdt, Helen Rolnhardt, Alice O'Hoio, ?adlo and Nellie Gendall, Alice Relnhardt, Blanche nnd Margaret Davis anil Masters Geishom Motrls, Spencer Reese, Patrick Lally, Arthur Davis, Leslie- Reese, Wllllo Lally and Russell O'Horo. Foreman and Mrs. Geoige- Powell, of Old Forge borough, wete the guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Powell, of Oal: stteet, yesterday evening. The Immaculate Church of Concep tion fair, which opened on Monday night at the link, Is proving a strong1 attraction and the larg'e auditorium 13 nightly ciowded by voting and old. The lucent spell of cold weather has brought much gratification to our joung pejplo here. The largo pond neat T.ilor lollletv and Jrrnvn's reservoir hag frozen over with clear and crisp Ice. Hundreds of young peo ple of both s"es spend evenings with much enjoyment whirling I'round the fioi'on niena. Coal Inspector and Mis. Fredetlck Wnlllck. of Tajlor stieet, have i" turned home from Stioudsbutg, wher. they spmt Chilstmns with th" latler'.i parents. MIm Rattle Evans, of FIeetIlle, Is the guest of her parents, Mr. ami Mis. Charles J Evans, of Noith Main street. Attorney John M. Hnirls Is attend ing the meeting of the State Bar as sociation nt Plttbuig this week. Mls-ses Olwen M. How ells find Aiiiila Davis have returned home fiom their visit to D.inille. Mr. and Mis. Alfred Waters, of Old Fotgo borough, have letutned from their islt to Jermyn. BALD MOUNT. C. VanFuskirk Is visiting his son, Justin, at Newbuigh-on-the-Hudson. Misses Gertiude Thompson nnd Anna Briitzman, of Dalton, are guests of tho former's father, Adam Thompson. Mr and Mis. Moi timer Pratt and C. II. Pleseeker nnd family pent Christ mas ut the home of G W. Beisecker. Miss ntnnia Winter spmt Chilstmas day at the VanBusklrk home. Mrs. P C. Wlntor and Miss Xuth nilne Thompson ate visiting Mrs. John Llod at Forty Fort. Mis. Ros" VanB Speece, of Scranton, Is spending the holidays at her old home. Mr. and Mrs John Snover, of Scran ton; Mis. Phoebe Van do Burg and Mr. and Mrs Will Fuller vpent Christ mas with Mr. and Mrs. John Newman. Mr. and Mrs. Amzl Rcengtana and children spent Christmas with Ml. and Mrs S. VnnSickle. W. L. Speece letuind to Scianton last evening, having pent Sunday and Monday at the home of his wlft's par ents, Mr nnd Mrs. C. VanBusklrk Mr. and Mis. Weldon Swallow, of Claik's Summit, weie callus at the VanBusklik home on Tuesday. A telephone line fiom Random, via Mllwauklo and Newton, to (iaiK'a Summit, there to cnnne t by long dis tance with Scianton, is agitating the minds of our citizens Many of tho poles have been set. W 1. Thompson Is genoi.al superintendent and .secre tary; Dr C. V Hlchntds, piesldnnt. nnd Dr. W. H. Newman treasurer of tho company. Most of tho prominent men have taken stock. Homer Pease, of Keystone academy, spent Friday and Saturday with his sister, Mrs. O. VanBusKIrk The teachers and pupils of Newton Centre school me enjojlng a week's vacation. Mr and Mis ,Tnra? White have Is sued Invitations to a celebration of the twelfth anniversary of their marriage, to take- pi ice on Triday evening, tho 29th Inst. Mrs. J. C. Cobl) is spending a few weeks with her patents. Mr. and Mrs. C. VanBusklrk. NICHOLSON. The Keystone Conceit trio will ap pear in the Nicholson opera house on Friday evening, Jan. 19, 1900. No bet ter entertainment will be given In that place this season. The featuie of tho evening will be the singing of Miss Sadeo Estelle Kaiser, who has an In ternational reputation. She has sung befoie royalty In England. The fol lowing wus taken from tho Sunday Tin s. London, England. "The Prin cess of Wales und daughters and Prlnco Charles of Denmark gieatly enjoyed tho piogramme Bet before them Spe cial mention must be made of Mis? Kulsei's ehaimlngly sung songs." A voice of remaikable power und sweet ness." Buffalo Courier Record. Ficd Brown, of this place, nnd Miss Mulroney, of Kingston, wero married in New York cit last Suturduy nnd re turned homo on Tuesday. Charles Loid and Mvrtio Fnrnham wire mairlcd Jabt week in Klikwoocl bj the Rev. Cortland TlfTunj. The members of tho Methodist Episco pal church had n Christmas treo in their church on Chrlstmns night for tho benefit of the children of tho Sunday school und tho young folks enjoved It. Santa Clans rondo lota of fun for tho children. Mr. WlekhcUer mado a verj good Santa Claus. Miss Vic Walker ercnt her Christmas In Scrnnton, the guest of Dr. Prey. Tho stone mill nt this place Is shut down until further ordcis "IF THE CAP FITS, wear It." it you have boils, pimples, scrofula, salt rheum, dyspepsia, iheumatlsm or ca tarrh, you aro Just tho ono that should take Hood's Saisaparilla, for this medicine cures all these troubles. HOOD'S PILLS cine all liver Ills. Non-It rltatlng. 5? Watch lowest in tne History ot the store. THEATRICAL. A Wonderful Woman. In a dramatization of one of Frank Stockton's odd conceits built around the Incident of a thcosophlcul trans position of souls, Miss Fannlo Rice and n company of earnest comedians nt tho Lyceum last evening tried hard to entertain a laige audience; and by dint of familiar expedients In horse play and broad fat deal elTects, In cluding ludlcious gesticulation, fi an tic arm swinging nnd vaudeville puns, to Borne extent succeeded. But th vehicle of this humorous work wns unmlstnKably Inadequate. Miss Rico Is deserving of a better play. The Secret Enemy. The Elroy Stock company will pro sent "The Secret Enemy" nt tho Ly ceum tonight. This afternoon "Turned Up" will be tho attraction. At the Gaiety. Tho "Little Egypt Hurlcsquo" com pany began n three days teturn en gagement nt tho Gaiety theater yes teiday afternoon nnd gave an enter tainment that formed a pleasing con trast to the wretched performances thut have recently been witnessed in the house. Aside from tho only "Little Rgypt," who needs no Introduction, the company contains some excellent spe cialty artists. In the foremost rank may be mentioned Eddie Leonard, whose renditions of the "Messenger Boy" and "Rag-tlmo Cake Walk" can scarcely be equalled on the vaudeville stage. Kittle Lenton sang us sweetly ns ever and the "Little Ginger Glr's," who aro becoming rather beefy In ap pearance, have lost none of their abil ity to charm the occupants of the front low. Joe Love, Glen Emery and Bi Me Mnilow woio successful In sustain ing much of the humor thiough :. performance and were well received. The bpectators were enthusiastic dur ing tho meritoilous turns and Indul gent In passing without hostile demon stration many of the nntl-dlluvlan Jokes nnd hoiso-power hits that were Introduced. "Little Egypt" will b heen at tho Gaiety for the balance of the week, afternoon and evening. Bluo Jeans. "Blue Jeans," Joseph Aithur's fam ous comedy drama of Indiana country life, manners and customs, will be sen nt the Lyceum on Saluiday afternoon and evening. It Is a strikingly realis tic picture of the section ,f the coun tiy whore the story is laid, and no small portion of Its grent success 13 duo to Its naturalness. There Is no sttalnlng for effect, even in its most thrilling scenes; nnd that makes the storv and its stirring Inci dents nil the moie effective. The Gunner's Mate. The .attraction at the Lyceum Jan uary 1 and 2 will be Manager Augus tus Pltou's massive and magnificent production, "The Gunnel's Mate," a naval drama, dealing with the new American r.avy. It Is not a war play. There Is no -conflict. Theio are no scenes of battle, no shots are tired. It is a play of human interest, with nn abundance of good, clean comedy to relieve the tension of Its dramatic story a story full of episodes,, that will ap peal to every heart. The play depicts with absolute coneetness the life of our gallant sailor on land and at sea The scenes on ship board aie faith ful lepioductlons of photographs tak en on boaid of the United States ciulser New Yoik The production Is on an elaboi.ate scale. The play Is In four .acts and five scenes A Kag-Time Reception. This meuy and amulng comedy, with Its large company of brilliant plajers, will be the attraction at tho Academy thiee dojn. commencing Monday, January 1 "A Tt.aqr-Tlme Re ception' Is a bright, happy musical melody, written upon the subject of the hour, replete In brilliant comedy lines and amusing situations. Incidental to the play, manv new, original and unique specialties nie In troduced by the principal members of the company, which occur In the na tural m inner. The management has; shaken off the dust of the ordinary combinations of farceurs and has weeded out nil tho old and conventual moss-covered ldea, piesentl.is' a legi timate comedy, Inttoduelng a company of well known plavors in the pilnclpil rolp, together with a ( hoi us of pn-tty gills, handsomely costumed and ,a pio duetlon perfectly staged even to the smallest detail. Thn'i clcvei aitlst.1 head tho list of this laige company of pion incut plajc-i.s Gin Pi.xley, Biicll- DeA'aull and Gladys a:i SITUATIONS WANTED abliTodIedlv'pITent out of woik v(iulil HUe Hltuutl'in of any kind. Address T. 11 , Tribune ofllie WANTED - SITUATION BY A RR spectahle oung 1 id nt housework In small fumil) Aildicss J J It , lioii North Washington avenue. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOl'NO man ns driver. Address J M. Trib une olllce. SITUATION WANTED-BY EXPERT, enced and thoroughly competent loco motlvo nnd stationery engineer. Good reference. Address Engineer, Tribune of llce. SITUATION WANTED - WASHING. Ironing or nn Und ol housecliatilng by tho dav, or will tako washing home. Addiess. Mis. Loo, oil Mineral street. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG mnn ns stcrogniplHr oi bookkeeper; referenro even, bond if desired. Ad dress M. 1(02 Juckson street GROCERY CLERK. WELL FXPEItl i need, one Unit understnnds the buri ?. " bt'3t pf Nicionces. Address, II. -. Tribune office BOOKKEEPER WOluTiTMKE A PO- sltlon, dther ns nsslstnnt or piinclpiil, strletlv temprrntn nnd reliable. J. Y. Chester. Stroudsburg, Pu MIDDLE AOED 17xD WOUI.D LIKE to hove a situation ns housekeeper; general housework Dlif-et to ros Rlvo street, corner of Mudlson, city, In a Bmall family. CITY SCAVENGER A B BRIGGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS and cent pools no doi linpioved pumps used A B BRIGGS I'loprletoi Leave ciders 1101 Nulli M tin avenue, or Elcke'B drug store, cornet Adams ami Mulbenv Tvleph inn 0310. For Our Clearino- The announcement will appear in this' paper in a few Bays. and Rebuilding; w miuiw wAivuaiyw uiiwiauuiis. The People's tSkMVWMW A POPULAR CLEARING HOUSE tor tha Ilsnalt ot AU Who llnve Houses to Kent, Kctil Kstnto op Other Property to Sell nr Exchange, or Who Want Situations or Help Theie Small Advertisements Coat One Cent a Word, Six Insertions for Tive Cents a. Word Kxcept Situation Wanted, Which Arj In serted Free. FOR RENT STOKE FOB RENT ON GARFIELD avenue, between Price nnd Lafayette street. Inqulru on tho premises. v FOR SALE FOR SALl-ROI.I, TOP DESK AND clinlr for $12 00 cash. CIS Wuslilngtou avenue. HOnsnSHOEINO A SPECIALTY. BAR Shoes, 75c. each. J2 DO per set of four; Never Slips nt llelrlcgul's, 347 Locust bt. FOR SALE - BLACK MINORCA?, white Plymouth Recks, Cockerels, pul lets nnd hens. C. W. Brockwny, 13j Mousey avenue. Green Ridge, city A FINE SQl'ARE d"eCKER ITANO Will he sold very rcaponubly. Apply to Miss Sanderson, 1D30 Sanderson avc. WANTED-TO RENT. 3TTlD,VN?;iNG'HALTi IN GOOD location Particulars send to Pro fe"or Kovachy nnd Daughter, Dancing Teachers, 522 Quinty avenue, Scuinton, Pa. WANTED-FFRNISHED ROOM. 8UIT nblo for gentleman and wife; central ly located. Address, X. Y, C, Tribune ROOMS WANTED. WANTED-THREB OR FOt'R NICELY furnished rooms for housekeeping. Rent not to exceed 0 n month. No chil dren References exchanged. Address B.. Trlbuuo ofllce. FURNISHED ROOMS. roRTuNTrRNisiLnn front roim with or without boaid. 41S Noith Seventh street BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY 500 TO $1 000, WITH fSERVlCE, TO IN vest in nnv legitimate buMncbs that will bear Investigation Address E., Tub unt olllce $1,000 AND $1 M0 TO LOAN ON FIRST mortgage, city propert D. U Rcp logle, attorney, Menrs building. AGENTS WA NT ED. AGENTS WANTED-BY THE EQUIT able Life Insurance Company of Iowa. Under long time commission renewal con tracts. In the principal cities of l'enn sjlvnnla. Requirements are about SO or more eais old, good habits, good char acter, and nblllt to succeed. Reliable leference requested. I T Martin, Su perintendent of Agencies, Des Moines, la. SALESMEN-IP YOU WANT TO MAKE $1,500 u enr work for us Our leather suspenders sell themselves, cannot wear out, attractive assortment: exclusive ter. rltory; samples free conditlonnll. J. S. Berry Mfg. Co , A E29 Cincinnati. O. HELP WANTED-MALE. WANTED - AT ONCE. TWO T1N smlths. C P Slack, 1515 Dickson ave nue, Green Ridge. ENERGETIC SALESMAN - COUNTRY work. School cuppllcs. Salnry $100 nnd etrns. R. O Evans cX. Co, Chi cago, III. WANTED BY AN ESTABLISHED business of n high older, a representa tive of ability nnd hacking who can take up Its work In tho state of Pennsvlvnnla, no schemo, permanent business with money In It for thi right party Addrcs, giving references FOUNTAIN BATH UIU'SII CO Grand Rapids. Mich HELP WANTED-FEMALE. LADIES TO DISTRIBUTE FREE SAM ples in clij Call nt "JO Washing ton avenue f i om S 3u to 10 ".0 a m toda DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING FOR CHILDREM TO order, nlso Indies' waists. Louise Shoemuki r, il Adnms av cnuo. NEWSPAPERS THE WILKES-BARRE RECORD CAN bo had in Scianton at the news stands of Relsmnn Bron.. 405 Spruce and 503 Lln der.M Norton 322 Lackawanna uvenue; I. S. EchuUor. 211 Spruce street. SCALP TREATMENT. ment, 50c s-hnmpoolng 50c ; fncial muHBire, manicuring, Jic ; clihopodj, 701 Qulncy LEGAL. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Notiee Is hereby given that tho cc pirtnusWp luntoforo existing between Julius S. Weiss and M. 1'rlulman, as IViIvs A: Friedman, dnli.g buslntss at No. 133 Pel n avenue, Scrnnton, Pa., Is this day eUssalved bv mutual consent. All debts owing bv said firm will be puid bv tho said M. Friedman, who Is entltUd to receive nil monevs duo to said firm. JULIUS S. WEISS, M. FRIEDMAN. Scranton, Pa., Dec. 28, 1S9'J. To Jlv Frier ds and Patrons. I tako pleasure in announcing to tho public thnt the business heretofore con ducted bv Weiss & Friedman bus beei puichnsed by me, nnd 1 will continue to c.nry on snld business nt No. 133 Penu uvenue, Scrnnton, Pa. Respect! Ully. etc , M. FRIEDMAN. NOTlTTlfs HEREBY GIVEN THAT A meeting of the stockholders of tho Spring Brook Water Company will he he,d al tho olllce of tho said company, No. Mil Board of Trade Building. In tho City of Sirnuton, on Wednesday, January 17, l'WO, nt ten a. m . In accordance with tho b-lnws of the company, for tho purposj of electing dlrectots for the ensuing enr, nnd for the transaction of such other business as may propetly enmo before tho meeting T. II. WATKINS, Secretary. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the nnrunl meeting of the shnrehold ers uf tho Third Nation il bunk of Scian ton will bo held at their banking rooms on Tuesday January 9, 1300 between tho hours of threo und four o'clock p. in for tho purpose of electing directors und tinusnctlng iin oth'r business thnt may properly come before, the mooting WM H I ECK. Secretary. Scrnnton, Pa . Dec. 27. J609. THE ANNUAL MEHTINO OF THE shareholders of the "Fiist National Bank of Alnmogordo, Now Mexico,-' will bo held at the ofllce of the bnnk at Aln mogordo. In tho County of Otero. Terrl. lory of New Mexlio, on Tuesday. Junu I nry 9th, 1900. between tho hours of 12 und i " p in for tho elcrtlon of illrectnis nml in v other business that may properly cc-mo beforo such meeting. IIKKKY J. ANDERSON. President. Sale Jhe s?eat SAMTER BROS., Exchange. PROFESSIONAL. MAAAAA'fVMW ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOn. E C SPAULDINO, 'J.! TRADERS' BANK building. flnCHITCOTS EDWAIID II. DAVIS. ARCHITECT, Conncll building, Scrtmlon. LEWIS HANCOCK. JR, ARCHITECT, 435 Bpruco st cor. Wash, nv , Scrnnton. FREDERICK L. BROWN. ARCHITECT, Prieo building, 120 Wushlngton avenue, Scranton. DANCINQ. PROF. ST. M. KOVACHY AND DAFCIH. ten", Dancing Teachers Stilctly pri vate lessens any tlmo at residence, 622 Qulncy avenue. DENTIST! DR. I. O. LYMAN. SCRANTON PHI vnto Hospital, cor. Wyoming nnd Mul berry DR. H. F. REYNOLDS, OPP. 1. O. DR C. C. LACBACJI. RS Wvomlng nvc. WELCOME C SNOVER, Coal Exchanro 2nd floor, Room D, limns, 9 to 1. 2 to B. HOTELS AND IICSTAURANTS THE ELK CAFE, 12T AND 127 FRANK lln avenue. Rates rcrsonnble p. y.EICLER. Proprietor. SCRN'TON HOeIe. NEAR D . L & W. passonrcr ilopot Conducted on the Hi ropenn plat.. VICTOR KOCH, Piop. i "wvrvi RICHARD J HOt'RKE, ATTORNEY-nt-Luvv, &0fl-2 Lackawanna avenue Gen euil law lnirliHs collections mil loans. J. W BROWNINO ATTORNEY AND Counsclloi-nt-Law, Ruoms 312-313 Menrs building. D B REPLOOLE, ATTORNEY-LOANS negotiated on leal cstnto seiurltv Menrs building corner Washington avenue and Spruce fctrcet M. J. DONAHOf ATTORNEY-AT-Law Otllces. C12-cn Menrs building. FRANK E BOYLE. ATTORNEY AND Counsellor-nt-Lnw Burr building Rooms n and 14, Washington avenue WfVLARD. WARRFN & KNAPP, AT tornevs and CouiiFcllori-nt-Law Re publican building. Washington nventic. JESSFP ci JFPSU' ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors - at - Law, Commonwealth building, rooms 1. 20 nnd 21. JAMES W OAKFORD. ATTORNEY-AT-T.avv Rooms Gil. 515 and MG Board of Trndo building. EDWARD W THAYER ATTORNEY. Rooms ElOI-snt nth floor Menrs building L A. WATRES ATTORNEY-AT-LAW r.02 Board of Trade building, Scranton, Pa C R PITCHER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Commonwealth building Scrnnton, Pa PATTERSON R WILCOX. TRADERS' Nntfonal Bank building C COMEGYS, 9-11 REPUBLICAN building. A W BFRTHOLF, ATT O R N E Y, Menrs bul'dlng. phviih' rin "if-a-ovs DR W E. ALLEN, nil NORTH WASH ington avenue. DB S W L'AMOREAUV OFFICE 2 Washington avenue Reidence 131S Mulbprrv Chrnnl" diseases, lungs, henrt. kldnevs nnd cenlto-urlnary or gans a specialty Hours 1 to 4 p m. '"ini' SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA. Scranton Pn. Courses prepniutotv to college Inw. tnedlelne or business Opens ''"nt 1ttli Send for catalogue Rev Thomns M Cpnn. T,, n , prlncl pnl nnd proprietor W. E. Plumley, A M.. 1 eadmaster. pr'o G R CLARK Jt- CO . SEEDMEN AND Nurservmen, stole UP Wislilmrtnn ave m e; green house, H50 North Mnln ave nue; store telephone, 7S2. wine rcncENS JOS. KUETTEL. REAR 111 LACKA wanna avenue. Scranton, P.i., manufac turer of Wire Screens. Mf ;B.L, 'l--3Wi BAUER'S ORCHESTRA-MUSIC FOR bulls, picnics, pirtles receptions, wed dlngs and conceit work furnished For terms address It J Buucr. conductor, 117 Wvomlng avenue, over Ilulbcrts' music btore mTxTaTiGEE BROTHERS PRINTERS' si pplles envelopes paper bugs, twine Warehouse 130 Washington avenue Scrnnton, Pa BOARDING. BOARDING. 625 PINE STREET RAILROAD TIME TABLES Lehigh Vnllov Wullrii.U. In Effect Nov nth. 1SU TRAINS LEAVE bl'RAM'ON For Plilludelphia und New York, via D & 11. II R nt 0 45 n in nnd 12 03, .' 1 4 27 (Blnck Diamond Express), and It :o p. m Sunduys. D & II. R. R. 1 5S. ih 'por Wlilto Haven, Hnzleton and prin cipal points in tho ceial legions, via D A; H II R . C 4", 2 is und 4 27 p. in. For Pottsvllle. 0 45. 21S p m Feir Bethlehem, Easton. Reading, Har rlsburg and prinrip il Intermediate sta tions, via D. ic 11 R R. 0 15 a m , 12 01, 2 1s, 4 27 (Blnelc Diamond Express), B JO Sundnys, D & II. It. R . 1 M, 7 4! P in. For Tunkhunnock, Towiindu. hlmlrn, Ithiica, Geneva and prlnnp.il Intermedi ate stations, via D. L & W. R. It. SOS u in , 1 Oi) nnd 3 35 p m For Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Niag ara Falls Chicago nnd all points west, via D f. 11 It R, 12 03. 3 31 (Illick Dia mond i:press) 7 IS. F II, 11.30 p. m Sundnys. D i 1111 R.. 120,1 p m , 7 4b p. in. Pullman piulor nnd sleeping or Lehigh Vnllov parlor eurs on all trains between WIlkes-LIarre nnd New Yoik, Plillndel phln Buffalo und Suspension Bridge. ROLLIN II WILBUR. Gen Supt.. 20 Cortlnndt stieet, New York CHARLES 8 LEE. Gen. Pass Agt. 20 Coitlnndl street, N w York A W NONNEMACHER. Ulv. Pass Agl , South Bethlehem Pa For tickets and Pullmnn reservations upjily 3')9 Lnckawanna iip Siumtnn, I'u l.ric an.l Wvomlii.: Vall-'v. Time Tnble In Effeet Sept 11th, ivm Tinlns lenve Scranton for New York, Newbiiigh und Intcrineillale points on Erie inllroad. also for lluwley und local points nt 7 05 a m nnd 2 23 p m Returning trulns nrrlve at Scianton at 10 21 a. m and J 10 and 9 10 p. in '"crease in our business compels us RAILROAD TIME TABLES. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Schedule 1800. TrnlnB leave Scrnnton: 0.45 n. m., week dnys, for Sunbury, Harrlsburff, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, nnd for Pitts burg nnd tho West. 0.38 a. m., week dnys, for Hazloton, Pottsvlllo, Rending,. Norristown, nnd Philadelphia; nnd for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Dnltlmore.Washlngton and Pitts burQf and tho West. 2.18 p. m., week days (Sundays 1.58 p. in.), for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and Pittsburg and tha West. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, IXarrUburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. J. 11. WOOD. Gen. Pass. Agt. J. 11. HUTCHINSON, Qen. Mgr. Del.. LsicUu, nnJ Western. In Effect Dec. 17, 1699. SOUTH Leavo Bcranlon for Now York at 2 15, 3 0), 5 30, S 00 and 10 05 n. in. ; 12.53 and 3 33 p. m For Philadelphia ut 5.30, 8 00 und 10 0" a. in.. 12 55 and 3.33 p. m. For Stroudsburg at C 10 p. m. Milk and Aecommodatlofi at S 40 p. m. Arrive ut Hoboken lit C 5", 7 IS, a IB n. in.; 120S. 2.17. 4 IS, 719 nnd 9 38 p m Arrive nt Phila delphia at WW ,i. in , 10, 3 4S. bOO und K 22 p in Arrive from New York ut 12 03. 2.45 and I Co n 111 ; 1 00, 1 52, 5 3.1 and 8.45 p. m From Stroudsburg at S 01 a. m. NORTH- I.envo Serimton for Ilurraio nnd Intel nicdlnte stations nt 12.10, 2 50, 4 05 nnel 9 00 n. m ; 1 CO and r, M p. m. For Oswego and Srncus-o ut 4 05 u. m. ami 1 5" p m For I'tica nt 2 50 n. m. and 15" p. m For Montroso nt 9 00 a. in.; 1 05 p in nnd 5 W p in For Nicholson nt 4 W und fi 15 p. m Arrive In Scrnnton from BufTnln nt 210, 2 5". 5 25 nnd 10.00 u. m . 3 "0 and 7 40 p. m Fiom Oswego nnel Sv mouse nt 2 Ti n m ; l.'.JS und 3 30 n 111. From Sjiiieusi it 7 40 p m. From Utlc.i at 2 15 ti tn , 12 IS and 3 30 p. m From Nicholson at 7 50 a m. nnd G00 p. in. From Monti oso nt 10 CO n. m.j 3 20 and 7 10 p in BLOU.MRBFRG DIVISION Leavo Scranton for Northumberland nt 8 30, 10 01 n m , 155 nnd fi 10 p. m. Eur Plv mouth nt 1 ir, 3 II nnd s M) p m For Nnntlcoko nt s 10 a m Arrive ut Northumberland ut9 3"iii m , 1.10 5 OS nnd 9 30 p in. Ar rive Nnntlcoko nt 9 20 u. m. Arrlvo at I'l mouth ill 2 05. 4 4) and 9.4", p. m. Ar rlvo at Scianton from Northumbeilnnd nt n 12 u in , l.'.S.", 1 55 and S 50 p m. From Niintle oko at 11 00 a. m From PI) mouth at 7 57 a m ; 3 25 and COS p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. SOUTH Leave Scianton nt 215, 3.00, 5.20, 10 0". a. ill ; 3 3-. nnd 3.40 p. m. NORTH Leave Se runton nt 12.10, 2 50, 4 0", p m ; 1 5", nnd 5 50 p m BLOOMSBURO DIVISION Leavo Scianton at 10 05 a. m. and 0 10 p. m. Dclavv.irj and Hudson. On Nov 15lh, 1S09, trains will leavo Scranton ns follows- For Carbondale 0 20, 7 53, 8 53, 1013 a. m ; 12 noon. 121, 2 20, 3 52, C23, 6.25, 7.57. 9 Fi, 11 00 p m. , l.lh u. in. For Albany, Saratoga. Montreal, Bos ton, New England points, ctc.-C.20 a. in.; 2 20 p. m For Honcsdale-G 20. 10.13 a. m.; 2.20, C.25 t-, willfou.Tl.irre C 45. 7.4S. 8.43. 9 33, 10.13 a m ; 12 0), 1 23. 218, 3 33, 4.27, 0.10, 7 IS, 10 41. 11 20 p. m ' For New York. Philadelphia, etc., via Lehigh Valley Ratlread-C.45 p. m.; 12 03, 2 IS. 4 27 p in.; with Black Diamond Lx press, 11 JO p m , For Pennsvlvnnli. Railroad points, C 4j, 9 38 a. m ; 2 IS. 1 27 p. m. ,,.,,, For western points, via Lehigh Valley Rnllrodil-7.4S a. nl ; 12 03. 3.33, with Black Diamond Eptess. 10 41, 11.30 p. m Trains will arrive In Scranton ns fol- Friuii Caihondnle and tho North 0,40, 7 41 8 IS, OKI, 10 "5, 11 r.S a. m.; 1.23. 2.15, 3 25, 4 2!, 7 43, 10 T 1127 p. 111. From Wllkcs-Barre ond tho South fi.17, 7 4S. SIS, 10 3S. 1155 n m.: 1.1s. 2.14. 3 4S, 5 20, 0.21, 7 53, 9 05, 10 05 p. ill. ; 1.13 a. m. SUNDAY TRAINS For Cnrbondnle-9 05, 1133 p. m.; 2 23, 3 52. 5 47. 9 53 p 111 Tor WIIkes-B.irre-9 IS, 12.03 n. m ; 1.5S, 3 2S, 5 41. 7 18 p m For Albnnv. S irntogn, Montrenl, Bos ton, New England points, etc., 2 23 p. m. Lowest rntis to nil points in United Stntes nnd Ciiimla. J W BURDICK, G P. A , Albany. N. Y. 11 W. CROSS, D. P. A , Scianton, Pa. Central Rallro.v.l of Now Jerssyr Stations in New York root of Liberty street, N. R., and South Ferry, Whitehall street. . , , , , , Anthracite coal used exclusively, Insur ing cleanliness nnd comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT NOV. 19. 1S99. Trains leavo Scrantor for New York, Newark. Elizabeth. Philadelphia. Easton. .i.. ... ....... .. t...U T.U....I. .....1 ' f . ,.n Ciin.1.11 l 1-. . ... in 1 20, 4iii p in. oi,,i...j , f .u ,,. ,,,. For Baltimore nnd Vwibhington, und points South nnd West Via Bethlehem, t, "On m , 1 20 p. m. Sundays, 2.15 p. m. For' Long Branch. Occnn Grove, etc , at S.'.O u. m. nnd 1 20 p in. For Reading, Lebanon nnd Harrlsburg. via Allentovvn, 8 30 a. in , 1.20 p. m. Sun elnvr. 2 15 p m Foi Pottsvllle SJ0 n m.. 1.20 p. m. Through tickets to nil points east, south nnd west nt lowest into nt tho station. J. 11 OL11AFSEN Gen Supt., H P BALDWIN. Gen Pass. Agt. SCKAVrON DIVJSIO.. Ill Infect )el. i.llli, ISD'J. Nnrtli Hound. hoiitli lloiinil, in Effect November 10, HcthlehPIIli WUHIUh, .iieiut.ii vyiiuun uuu White Haven, ut 8 30 a in.: express, 1,20; e'snrcss, 4 00 p m Sundays, 2 15 p. m. For Plttston and WIlkes-Barre, 8 30 a. lw??! B JAlsMJkll B lWitWiYH 2iir. 'JO! 201200 Igaa StatlODs p u.Virlve Leuvc , 7i!N Y Franklin ht i i 7 11 .... "H . .. a 10 .... MP M 7 io West 42nd street . tUU . veeuiiKCll 1 M p m Arrlvo . Leave a ion 10 40 10 31 10J1 ion 100 (I o 9 40 9 h Ui, Uli) I 15l 1 oi. .is 'a u . iu lol 11! SV . IIS 14 .lis I V iiiri' 'II4U, I13I .(11 0 . HIS,! . IISIl ..Ills . II 13, .11 11 'fllC ftov ttui n mi . 11017 e aaoMft. .... Si 5, 111) .... SMI 4 35 221 4 45 .v..., J -11, IfB .... S4t GUJ ; l SW 6 14 8 SS1 6 J am & so Ot'J 6 31 3 19 5 41 all km H3S :w IS 43, 0111 3 45 uoa 3 511 0 0D 3 54 G W 3 N, 14 4 01 a SI 4 o: 6 SI 4 10 6 V7 4 14 6 31 on1 asi ... r k'p u lliiucoclc btmlls'lit Preston Part lUnwnoel . l'ujnfille OrvJH l'li'isant Mt. I'ulunililo Forest Cliy L'nibanda e White in nigo .Mid field Jermyn AichlLuld W lutein l'ecMlllo ill limit I'llcebnri; Ihroop rinvlitenco l'aik Place) 9 07 'Mil MM 8 5J 8-o 816 3 S11 811.' 6'M .,10 5V t-ci anion a SI ,.Ia Mj.ff.VC. Anlvo t. huiiilfty only , ' . f sltfiiliies thnt trains stop on slgflml tpr-Vfts-bcnt'era ;.. - . -, , 1 1 aim sov and son sundny oDly other trains dully except Bund ly. ncuie lutes via Ontario a Western before purcUuslUfc' t(cljcta iriid.Mive inonej ilnouili WiiKiici uufltt sleepei und free re clldln? clmlr cm New (irk to riilciso wiihout ctiauwe- l,ii'eiicer Knit lleUucciet lu 't'vvei I'euU J'er .11 He-. J C Anderson, Gen, Pass Agt. T, nitci OK, Ulv l'a9, Act scranton, Fa. " vs'J'K'nvcuig Scranton's Lcallng Outfitters to Alen and uoya;-"