r t)-ftt, TBJyfc . t--- ' 'H -W WW THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1S99. PERRY BROS. Uose and Sons, Briggs and Liiduig Pianos Vocnlian Church Organs, Car penter Pallor and Pneumatic Sym phorv Organs, Angelus' Criterion Music Box.'s Finest line in the city of Violins, Mandolins, Guitars and Banjos. Call and see the $80. Martin Gui tar and Mandolin at RRY BROTHER 205 WYOMING AVENUE. Ice Cream. DES IN TOWN. Per c Quart. mk DAIRY CO Telephone Orders Promptly Delivered Jij-37 Adams Avenue. Scranton Transfer Co., Always Reliable. All Kinds ot transfer work promptly and satisfactorily done. Office 100 Lackawanna Ave. Office Phono 525. Barn Phono G082 HUhT'NGTOfi'3 BAKERY. CEH ICES PFD III FRUITS ISO hmicc Street. SlnRonlo Temple C. S. SNYDER, The Only Dentist in the City Who Is n Qradua'e In Medicine. 420-422 SPRUCE STREET. Dr. Edward Reyer DENTIST Bt4 SPRUCE ST. OPP. COURT HOUSE. All Kinds of Dental Woik Done at U trcmoli Low Pi Ices 22k Gold Crowns $5.00. Gold Fillings Rl.OO. Best Set of Teeth $5.00. Silver Filling 50c. Crown and RrMye work u specialty. If ou h.io nn Dental woik to bo done call iind lmo our tooth examined. Ha ad ministered All operations arc made painless li the aid of electtlcltj. Pain less oMtuctlon DR. H. B. WAE, SPECIALIST. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Ofllco Hours 9 n m. to K 30 p. m ; 2 to 4 Williams Building:, Opp. Postotlh-e oK DNiO?C&fi:ABED --"-- I CITY NOTES j t -- port iunioiith co.nci.rt -Tickets for tlii Wtit miii illeo iirb i tit 1 1 talnmi'iu at Ft Luke a pailsli house tonight can bo h.id at Hand & Pa) no's), or at Phtlpj pharn uoj. rOMJinTI.1) I'OH ASSAl'I.T.-Ueorgo lilt of Old Poise, huh list night com milt d to tin Lountv jail bj Alderman Rlckelts White wits ihtigeil with as bault ai.el battel ji DiciAiiY coji.Mirn:i:-Tiio judi- ilurj eommlttco ot select council will meet tomoirow evening In tho i It j cleiktt olllie Just befoio the tegular mietliig of ho bra lull of council. COrNTRV HANCR - The. Scranton J.leilerkiatu will hold their counttj daneo Thurt.il.iy evening at the hall on Lacka vwinna (ientu Haucr'h full oichcstia will f'irnlsli the music lor the occasion. NO INQUCST HHLD-Coioner Rob ctts viewed tho lcmalnx ol Michael Ru schak jostculay. the man who wus killed en the Doliwnre and Hudson luilroid near the Muivlno thaft, and decided that nn Inquest was unnecesarj. NOT SURlOt'SIA' INJURKD -dames Ciawlord. of 'J'luvxip, who was struik by a trollcv car niilitmns ' Ight and who It mil. fcuicd wan j rlounly Injun l. Is repotted b bin 1 1 yslctnh. Pr. .IuioIm, to lui( nistsliiod in, bicUen bonea or other Rtveio buns Ttom INC, ri'.i:n.I.-T,io lemaln.s of the late Joih Holding were vestcrduv Intoiieii n the Cnthidrul ceiiioioiy. t ! ",0 o clink a litsh mnws of i ciu'em was celebrated nt .St Pctet's cathedral hv Ile J J Lottglirnn The bodv wan born to the gravo by tho following pnll-beai- 4- 4--f 44--f 4- . anANOPST DISPLAY AT " THE MODEL," DELICATESSEN EMPORIUM, Prosit Invoice of finest tublu de.ll cn"le. Impoitcd 1 lures, Laudjuger S.iunihC Nomi Bcoil.i Salmon, l'ulcti of all Minis, Imported una Cilllomla I'rultN and Jollies, .Naltl nclstei Dellit.tom Jleiilng in V. Ino Sauc. Italian I'lic'stnuts, l.cb Huohcn, JIuilp"n ami Uontv CbKps of nil elesfilpiiona, and full linn of ftini'v eioetraw lot tho linl(1nf Cnlcrliiir i.nlcra tnken now- for tlio hollilajs Dinner Table il'Ilnti Hiuikfadt, l.uncli cm nnd Supper u la eaite. Ojh. teiH feiMMl In rnj ?tIo 221-223 Washington Avenue. f TTTTTTT NSiSW' crs: Messrs. Dousherty. l,ynn, Uarlhol omew, Lathropc, Kltssstrald ami Phllllpii. ACCUSl'.D OP NON-SUPPORT. Yen. tolay mornlnr; Kllzabelli Marcher, of PrlceburR, beforo Alderman Kasson Hwore out n warrant for the arrest of An drew llnicher. her lumband. Bho accused lilm of elesertloii and non-mipport of both herself and their children. After Aldeiman KiiFson had heard tho case, ho held tho defendant In $100 ball, In default of which ho was committed to the county Jail. TAKKN TO Tim HOSPITAL -Lena Knbatschtnck, tho deaf mute felrl. who Sunday nfti rncon attempted milcldc, In Raymond court, was rcmoNcd to tho Lackawanna hospital Into Mom! ty tilRht, 'I lie wound "ho Inflicted upon her throat when hc tried to cut It wllh n razor wuk but of a trllnl inture, but kIu1 be came nick iih nn after effee t. Tho doctors there Ki) nhc N In no orv rerlous con dition mid that her plekneni Is onlv tho re-nil of melancholy ni.d despondency. FOUR WERE COMMITTED. Alleged Burglars Given a Hearing Before Alderman John T. Howe. Identification of Goods. riank ContttlsH, Joseph ntzgcrald, John Crow nnil "Mairc" Crow, tho pane: of nlltrfdl bursters touneled up on Christmas dr. by Chief of Polite Itohllns; anil the local police oileer, were esti'rclny mornlnc taken b"foto Alderman John T Howe fr a hcc.tliM and by lilm i nmmitte 1 to tho county jail Uesldcs the defendants and tho po llco ofllcers, wire prcaent ntemheis of the families of H. lie 'nn, of Capoue acpuo, Mrs. V S. PattH. o( Sanderson avenue, mil Profersor John T. Jones, of Main avenue, the homes of till ot whom had been plundcied by the de fendants. They Identified the e.trlnus nrllcloj foune' In the possebslnir of CourtrlKlit, rit7serald and the ('row ns their own nropert, and the justice then rommlttei! to the county Jail all four of the burc'ats. They v 111 there await trial on the tharqes of burglarizing these homi". All of tlio spoils cap'tirtd htc now ben Identified with the exception of seeril silver Kiies. folks and spoons It ls not known to wl-ien lhev belonir, but it is supposed that they are tho pltindei fralned from kciiic out-of-town iohber Coiirtilght Is the onlv local man mi:.ed up In this affair, but tho others arc well known to the ircranton police ns sum lelous and dln putablo charac ters. Crow. It Is said, reeentlv serve 1 a term for a buiglary committed at Potlsille. JOHN MORRIS, OF PROVIDENCE. Man Claiming to Bo fauch Is nt Pitts ton Hospital. A middle-aged man, roughly dressed, giving the name of John Moirls, unl stating that he was from Providence, was leeched at the Pittsiton hospitil Chilstmas niu'ht with an arm frae tuieel, his head cut and his body badly biulsed. He .aid he had been assault ed nnd robbed and thrown fiom tho biidge nt Lackawanna station. According to the story he told .it tho hospital he- and thiee filends Mio ha! been In Plttston, looking for work, weio going to Scranton by way of the tiollo. They lode to Duryea and then walked to Lackawanna to take the car on the Taj lor extension. Upon arriving at Lackawanna Mor ils dls-covered he had forgotten his umbrella and wont back to Plttston Returning to Scranton ho took the same loute and while going across tin biidge at Lackawanna he was het up on by four masked men, who took his watch and what little money he had and then threw him from the bridge to the rocks below, a distance of twenty-live feet. When he recovered con sciousness he called loudly for heln and succeeded In bringing assistance. A local phvMolan set his bioken arm and dressed his wounds and then had him sent to the hospital. Inquiry made nt Providence failed to discover that theto was any John Mollis missing. A telephone message to the Pittston hospital wrought tho Information tint the patient now claims his home Is in Nnntlcoke. SHERIFF AT ELMWOOD HALL. Sale Was About to Be Had When a Claimant Intervened. L'lmwood Hall, at ElmhuiHt. whlcn was conducted during last summei as ii sanitailum, was to have been bold at sheilft'h sale jestetduy, but .i post ponement was caused bv the Intern ,.n. tlon of Dr. C. V. Roberts with a UalirJ, in ui!i-!iui x no Saie mubt now await the outcome of an Interpleader suit The execution ci editors, William Ing ham & Company and the Hunt & Con nell company, teptesented bj Welles & Toitey, expei fenced no little dbll culty in having a levy made. The hall was kept locked against them and, as the law does not countenance a foicl bly entiy the sheilff's m in hadtohau it tho piemlse.s nnd await his opportu nity It came after a long and weary vigil and lie was not slow In embrac ing It How he got in does not de velop, but It Is said lie found an up per window unfastened and clumbeied In .vlth the aid of a ladder. How the Institution became Insol vent Is more than tho company con tiolllng It can explain, and the man ager, Dr. Hull, has as jet failed to help them out ot their dllemmn. SCRANTON TALENT IN DEMAND Judge Edwards Is to Conduct the Cincinnati Eisteddfod. Judge and Mrb. Tl. M. I-klwnrds leave tomonow for Cincinnati, to at tend tho big national clsW.dfod to ho Ji'.lel theto Now Year's day. Judge Tklnairis has been honored with tho position ot eoiiduetoi, of the three ses sions, and adjudicator i, tho literary cintist. Tho eisteddfod will bo held In Music hall, which bus an auditoilum capa ble of seating 5 001. and Is claimed to l ntcotiHtltally tho best laigo lnll In the United States. Tho cash pilzes to be dlsttlbutod amount to W.ooo. nnd ovei twenty c'lolrs are entered for the three prin cipal ptl?es. T J Davles. Mus Da of "lltsbmg, founerly of this city, Is ono of the ndjudlcatois of music. Smoke the "Hotel Jermyn" cigar, 10c, DIED. HUGHDS. In Scranton. Dec. a, ISM, Her ald Hiifche, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ml oluiel Hughes. okccI 1 jour ten montlm. Funeral this nfti noon fit J o'clock fiom residence of pauuitH, J flraeo utrect. In IcTiuont In 11) de I'utk Catholic unto-tcry. THAT OFT-RAISED OFT-RAZED FENCE POPLAR STREET BARRICADE TO COME TOWN AGAIN. Juilgo EtUvnrds Dismisses the Pre liminary Injunction Preventing tho City fiom Interfering with tho Delawaro & Hudson Company in Maintaining tho Tence by Which tho Company Seeks to Avoid Hav ing a Crossing Over Its Tracks at Poplar Stieet. Down comes the Poplar sttect fence again. Judge Kdwiirds yesterday ie fused to continue the Delawuio and Hudson company's prellmlnaiy Injunc tion against tho city, under the pro tection of which the fence vus re erected, and this morning the major will older tho stieet commissioner to le-raze the fence. Last June, when the Holt nnd Nut company selected the site for Its woiks, the Delawuio and Hudson company raised a fence along Its tintks, block ading vv hat would be the extension of Poplar stieet. The city tore down ths tfnee and laid a plank ciosslng. Then the company tore up the crossing and re-erected the fence. The city once more tore down tho fence and then te lald tho ciosslng. I'.y this time the company reached the courts and secured fiom Judge IMwntds a pielimlnary Injunction to straining tho city from Interfeilng with the mnlntalnence of the fence. At once the company again put up the fence and took up tho crossing Yes. terdny Judge Edwards decided th-it there were not giounds enough to make the preliminary injunction pei manent and dissolves It. This leaves the city fiee to exeicle Its supetlor force In gaining posbesslon of the crossing and It proposes to do so nt once. The case Is set down for a ilnnl heailng next Tucsdaj-, when all the featmes jf the case will be presented. MAY OO XTP AGAIN Should tho permanent injunction be granted, the fence will go up again and the crossing will be removed. Should the couit, hnv.ever. decide tint the ciosslng is a part of Poplar stieet and not a portion of the company's right of way, the fence and ciosslng v 111 stay down nnd the thoroughfaie will lemaln open to the public. Appended Is the full text of Judsc IMw aids' opinion dissolving the pie llmlnaiy Injunction: The Noithern Coal and Iron company and the Oeluw ire and Hudson Canal col l pany, lessees, vs. the city of Su, niton nnd Roland D Thomas, street commis sioner Rule to continue ptclimln irj In Junction. The question Involved In this ease re lates to the extension ot PopI ir riticct over and across the tallro.nl tracks of the plaintiff compmy The plaintiff claims that Pcplai stieet Is opened only to the easterlj lino of their right of wni '1 ho defendants den- this and contend that the street has been lawfully opened across the trai ks to the Lackawanna rlv er. When the bill of complaint and Injunc tion nflldavlts wcro presented to us, our Intention, In allowing a prellmlnan In junction, was to preserve the status In quo between the parties until their tights could be established at a final hcurln.r Tho allegation which Induced us to grant the Injunction Is to be found In tho seven teenth paragiuph of the bill, which states, that the street commissioner of the city ot Scranton tore down the feme which had been erected bj the plaintiff aloti,' tho said right of nay nnd proceeded fo la- a crossing along the railroad tracks, thus extending Poplar street bejond lis westerly tei minus by force. WOULD JUSTIFY INTERVENTION. Such action would be unwarrantable nnd would Justify instant Intervention bj the strong arm of our equity power. At tho hearing on the rule to continue the prclimlnarj injunction we confined tho parties on both sides to testimony showing the condition of matters clst tug beforo the prtsent controversj aroso. At this healing 11 appeared clearly that tho fence referred to In plaintiff's bill was erected In Juno of this jcar. This was the fence which tho clt authorities removed, claiming that It was an ob struction to the uso of Poplar stieet The building of this fence and Its remov il originated tho piesent contention between tho parties. The light of the plaintiff to build and milntuln tho fence refeirod to and thus prevent tho publlo from crossing the plaintiff's tracks Is not by any means e lear At 1 est It Is not so clear as to wanant us In continuing tho present In junction The evidence already t ikon ill- lectlv and Incidentally Involves several questions. Wo aro content with merely stating what theso questions are rirst Tho uso that has been made by the public of tho alleged extension of Poplar street across the plaintiffs rail road tracks before tho election of the fence In Jure, IVi'i Were the pedestrians who crossed theso tracks daily befoio that time merely trespassers or did they have tho right to cross as travcleis over a city road? Second Was Poplar street to the Lack awanna liver dedicated to public use by the Luckuwnnna Iron and Strel company, and did tho plaintiff company nc-qulro Its right of way subject to this public uj-C On this question rcfeience is mnilo to the map of the town plot of the city jf Scranton and to the exemplified reeoro In the c.ieo of the Lackawanna Iron and Coal company vs the H iltlmore Coal and Pnlon Railroad ootrpam wnr.nr rights Ana in popbt. Wheie tho telatlve lights of the paitles in the prcfopt contention are In doubt wo IIH nnv Bright, Fresh, Clean. New i-ocatoes, Fresh Pears, Fresh Radishes, Poultry, Etc., Christmas Trees and Holly Wreaths Thomas 5 Brandamore 424 SPRUCE STREET. fll do not feel Justified after tho preliminary hearing, In continuing tho Injunction. Tho t'Mcstlon between the parties Is nn opih one, Involving a right vigorously asserted on one sldo and us vigorously denied on tho other. The railroad company nnd tho city must settlo ihclr dlsputu at a tliuil hearing. 'Ihls etui bo ilt ne speedily. The de fendants havo filed their answer. Wo know of no icason why tho enio cannot bo heal el next week. Since, under tlio pnsent iqulty rulis. It Is possible to bring n cuse to a dual heailng so piumpt ly. tho Judges of our court aio very re luctant to grout a irellmlnary Injunction In the Hist Instance. Wo moy do so to prevent Immediate Irrepainblo lnlury to preset o the status in quo between the paitles. As to the law api 'doable to the present case there tun bo no question, it Is slated lp the i uses In various wujs. "A preliminary Inliictton will not be granted unless the plaintiff show a clear right and Immediate and uigent danger of lne parable Irjuty." "Where tho plaintiff's light Is doubtful a pre Minimi! y Injunc tion will not bo gnu ted " ' A piellimnary Injunction will not bo riantid wlier" thero Is n mtiterltl dispute as fo tho question of right " The lase at bar In ItH present condition Is elcnrlj governid by theso principles l'or the icasons herein given tho lule to continue the preliminary Injunction Is discharged and the said Injunction Is dis solved, it Is not ncccss ir to make anj further order as lhe utiswer Is already filed. Suits by Dismissed Employes. Formal declarations were yesterday Hied by Attorney P. r. Loughran lu the suits brought against the city by the foi tner crematory superintendent and assistant, D. O. Thomas nnd James T. White, to recover pay for alleged overtime. They claim they were employed July 27 1S!)7. to Oct. 1. 1809, and worked ten hours a day, which Is two boms In excess of the time for which they weto paid, they aver, as the law states that Ity employes shall not be required to work over eight hours a daj. They ll the overtime at l.UDS houis and demand compensation In tho sum of $3S5 apiece. Trial List for Equity Court. Six cases aro set down for equity court, which convenes aext Tuesday. They are entitled Thomas Davis against the Lackawanna Coal com pany. Charles J. Keogh against tho Plttston and Sctanton Railway com panv. City of Scranton against Chailes DtiPont llreck, trustee nnd executor, and otheis; Commonwealth ex rel. Thomas Ford against the Ilush Brook Coal company, tho Real Estate Tltl" and Tiust company against the Car bondalo Traction company; the North ern Coal and lion companj' and tho Delawaro and Hudson Canal coaipanj'.n lessees, iigalnst the City of Scranton. Couit will convene on New Ycoi's day to stait the (,rand Jury at woik. Maninse Licenses. Hany A. Hlesecker Scranton Lizzie Seheuer Scranton Frederick G Merkel Scranton Kntle Ciouse Scranton Rtiffacle Chlodo Caibondale Angel Antonla Scaocla Old Forge Couit House News Notes. The suit of Anna Walsh against tho Sctanton Button companj was jester clay settled by the payment to the plaintiff of $J30. She sued for $5,000 damages foi Injuries to het hand, which was cut under a die and badlysqueezed. An appeal was jesteidaj taken bj the defendant fiom the judgment of Alderman Ruddy In the case of Patrick Million ngilnst the Suunton Railway company. In which the magistrate al lowed the plaintiffs claim of $2M for personal damages, when the defend ant failed to appeal. Mahon sued for Internal Injuries sustained by being "violently and disgracefully thrown fiom a tiolley car" by a conductor. FUNERAL OF D. O. FREDERICK. Remains Were Taken to Lewistovvn, Where They Will Be Intened. Funeral services were conducted jes terday morning at tho late home of D S. Fiederlck, at 3.9 Madison avinuu. A set mon was pi cached by Rev C. M. Ginin, D D, of the Him Paik Metho dist Episcopal ihureh, and utile t vices were held 'n LewlstMvn, wheie the body was temoved jest' lay mum lug at 10 Oj o'clock on tlu Del.awaie, Lackawanna and Western tail.oad A laige number of the :n iiib"is of Lackawanna lodge, Inden.d'iit Or dei of Odd Fellows, of unci tho de ceased was a prominent in-jtnber, v.cic present at jestet day's set vices and .n chat go of two of them the boay left town Vice-Grand Master I! F. Ti'iHi.-m and Assistant Secretary F. C. W'di rlcl were the oKlceis of tho lodge vviio ac companied their late member. A large number of Ft edei IcW's fellow employes at Kellers canlage works were o'tio piesent At Lewistown the funeral will ptob ably be taken chaige of by the lodge at that town of Masons, to whlcn or ganization he belonged. FUNERAL OF MRS. HARVEY. Held fiom tho Home of Her Son, Alfred Harvey. The f uncial of the lute Mrs. Dolly Haivev took place jesterday afternoon from the home of her son, Alfred Har vey. 111S North Washington avenue. The services In tlio 'nousewerc con ducted bj Rev. D. M McKee, of th Christian tfeli-neo church, and niusli' was furnished by a quartette composed of Mr and Mis. Alfred Leuj nnd Mr. nnd Mtc. Arihui Ceer. After tlio bet vices in the house the remains vvn taken to tho Forest Hill oemcteiv. wbfie Intetment was mad' The pallheait'is vero ns follows u pust Albert. John Ballej-, John Cir veM Alfied Merry, AtUiur Geet and Holuud Fiantz. Scranton. Business College Notes. Day and evening sessions will re open on Monday evening next, Jan. 2d. Ne.v students uie already unt oiling. Many ladles and gentlemen fiom city and country will come dining Janu aiv. "The Scianton Business collego leads nil slmllai schools In Philadelphia." So said each of two Phlladelphlans who called on ellffetent dujs recently Remember that those who qualify themselves ut the H. II. C. for doing good book-keeping and stonogiuphlo work are certain of securing pleasant and lemuner.itlve situations. Smoke the "Hotel Jermyn" cigar, 10c. Mrs. Winslovv's Soothing Syrup. Has liem iin il foi over FIFTY YEARS bv MILLIONS of MOTHERS foi their CHILDREN WHILE TECTHINO WITH PKRFECT Src'i'llbS. It SOOTHES tho CHILD. SOFTENS the OITMS, ALLAYS all PAIN; CPRKH WIND COLIC, and Is the best lemedy for DIARRHOEA bold b all DtuggUtB In eveiy part of tho world. He HUto and usk for "Mr. Wins, low 'a HeolMug Sjrup," nnd take no othur kind. Twetti-llvo eenta u bottle. ERIE COMPANY FILES ITS FORMAL ANSWER DEFENSE OF ITS POSITION IN BIG CORPORATION WAR. Claims That tho Erie and Wyoming Valley Raihoad Company 3annot Legally Tako Possession of the Canal Bed nt the Disputed Point, Bccauso It Owns a Competing and Parallel Lino Just Aciosa tho River and Because It Will Impair the Contract It Has Made. Wlllnrd, Warren & Knapp, attor neys for tho Kile Railroad company In the suit brought by the Ktle and Wyo ming allej' Railroad company to pre vent the blocking of tho canal ut Lackawuxen, under the Krle com pany's biidge, have prcpated und Hied their answer In Judge Purdy's couit. The claim of the plaintiff that 't has a fee simple title to the whole of the disputed premises and that It and Its predecessors in title have en Joyed practicable nnd undisputed pos session of the same for more than foity j'ears Is denied. TIip Delawuio and Hudson company and the Kile, the defendant ulleges, held joint pos session of the premises prior to the year 1S99. This joint possession was amicable, peaceable and continuous until the June 20, 1S99. when, the Del aware and Hudson company having de serted the premises, the Krle took full possession, peaceably und lawfully of all the space beneath Its brfjge, giving bond to the Delawuio and Hudson company to Indemnify It against any possible damage that might accrue. NO RIGHT OF POSSKSSION. The Erie und Wyoming Valley com panj, It Is averred, has no right of possession to the premises under nny title or valid convejance from the Del uwaie and Hudson companj-, or nny other paitj", and has no standing lu court to question tho defendant's rltjht to do or perform any of the acts al leged In the plaintiff's bill to have b?n done and performed by the defendant. It Is admitted that the Delawaie and Hudson company had ttee pas sage for Its boats under the biidge prior to the time of tho alleged occu pancj of the whole premises by the defendant, but the occupancy In ques tion was without protest or objection on the pait of the Delaware and Hun son companj. The Erie's tight to the premises. It Is claimed. Is founded on an express giant from Russell F. Foul and wife, dated Match 3, ISIS, and by express giant from tho Delaware and Hudson company elated May 1, ISIS, both le coided In Pike countyr Further the defendant saj-s: That the premises and propeity de scribed in the first paragraph of the bill, at tho time of tha alleged tiurcnasu anl acquisition thereof by the plalntlft, was the canal bed, works and appurtenances of a public canal companj, known as tho Dcl.eevaro and Hudson companj, und was a public hlghuaj, r.nd so diclarod by positive enactment of the legislature of this commonwcMllh That tald canal, Its works and appurtenances so purchased bv tho plaintiff, were unlawfully pur chased bj said plaintiff, and said pur chase was an utler violation of bectlm 4 of aitlele 17 of the constitution of Penn svlvir.li, whetcin It Is pteseribed that no railroad, canal or other corporation shall "lease or puiehaso th-1 works at.d fiai'chlses of or In any waj control, ,iry other railroad or can il coiporitlou ewn lng or having unuer its contiol a parallel or competing line " OWNED A PARALLEL LINK. And this defendant on Information and belief, chatejes that at the time of said aheged piircniue, tho said p'alntltl owned a lailroael on the opposite i Ide of the Lackuvaxcu liver, located between Lack awuxen and Ilawlcj. lu tho state of IViin sjlvaula, fifteen and elt.l-sevcn one-hun-dredths miles long, und not distant to exceed from two hundred to eli,ht hun dred feet, at any point, from tho i an il bed, woiks, etc described In the first parngiaph of plaintiff s bill, mil is paial lel theieto, and was a competing line and the routo of tho plaintiff's railroad Is al most Identical v Ith the routo of the rami, with the simple illffeiene u that thej' arc on opposite sides ot tho Lackawavcn liver Our Inforn atlon nrd belief as to tho ownership of tho said railroad by the plaintiff Is founded on 'he declaration of tho plaintiff us to Its ownership of said railroad, contained in an agreement be tween tho plaintiff and tho defendant, hearing date tlu 23d daj of June, lsid And for futther nisv.er lhe defendant soj-s- "that If the said declaration of tho plaintiff, as to its owucishlp of said rallioad, Is untrue, then wo say that we aro Informed, and believe, tho said rail road belongs to the Pcnnsjlvauta Coal companj, and tint the said last named company Is tho owner of a very largo ma jority of the capital stock of the Erie and Wyoming Vallej Hall road companj, and, vlrtuullj controls the same. Am' the said tho Erie and Wjomlng Valln Itullro id company, being so owned and conti oiled, bin no rl(,ht to pui chase or lu any way control the parallel and com peting canal III o ot the Delaware and Hudson companj. HAS NOT CLKA HANDS. And this defendant, showing to tho court that tho plulrttff Is not hero with clean hands, further answ cling, sajs: That the alleged blanch line, surveved und located by tho plulutlft, us ollegt d Is not projected for the purpose of Increas ing Its business and accommodating tho liuele und ttuvel ot tho public, but for iho purrobo of Impairing tho rights of the defendant In a certain eontrnet be tween tho plulntlft and the defendant, dated tho 2Jd duy of June, 1S5, by the terms of which the plaintiff leased to tho defendant Its rallioad from Haw ley to Lackuwaxen, heieli beforo elcjciibed, for tho term of twenty -live jears, at an an nuut lentil! of fifty thousand dollar j which said contract this defendant piajs may be taken as n pirt of this answei And wo further say: That It the said branch lino lb constructed, It will greatly Impair tho rights of the defendant un der tho contract between the plaintiff and tho defendant, nbovo mentioned, bv dlveitlng from the lead leased by tho plulntlft to tho defendant a largo amount of transportation of peisous and prop erty. contruiy to the true Intent and meaning of tho contract so entered Into as aforesaid between the plulntlft and tho defendant. Tho heating In the case Is set down for next Tuesday bforo Judge Purd, at Mllford, Pike county. Finest wines and cigars at Lane'a, S20 Spruce stieet Try a "Hotel Jermyn" cigar. 10c. W. R. SHOOP. 146 W ashltiBtnn Ave Mears Hulldlntr. Smoking Sets, both in Silver und Burnt Iv.uj A special line of Briar and Meer schaum Pipes. The finest lino 6f Key West Cigars, In boxes of 25 foi Xmus trade. All pi lees. I A Fine Effect 5S Is obtained where candies, with beautiful tinted shades shed 5i? eJJJ their ladinnco around, lending their lich decorative effect to eg parlor and table. Nevor weio they moro beautiful. Wo have 5S the latest in Shades, Decorated Candles, Candelbra and Candle rj lamps ns well ns accessories shade holders, Bobcches, etc., at re- 5" markablo low prices. Millar & Peck. mmmmmmm,mmmmmmwm iwuu Cold weather is sure to come arid with it the Furs. What hettergift thau a uica piece of fur neck a ne.v Muff", or perhaps an Electric Seal or Lamb Coat ? We quote a lew of the prices : Brown Marten Scarfs, natural color.. $0.00 to Brown Marten Scarfs, dyed tf.f0 to Electric Seal Scarfs 2.00 to Mink Boas, some as handsome as Sable 1.00 to Sable Fox Scarfs, beauties 10.00 to Handsome Collarettes, all prices 3.00 to Itual llussinii Sable Boas 80.00 to Electric Seal Coats 30.00 to Alaskan Seal Coats 150,00 to Persian Lamb Coats 100.00 to F. L. Crane, Rh'l!rE Raw Furs Bought. Prices Reduced. Watches Solid silver watches, Am erican works, were $1000, now 6 00. James Boss make, filled watch, jew eled move ment, war ranted, for Solid Gold Watches at wonderful prices $10. $20 and $25, every one bargains. Ladies' solid silver watches.hand engraved, hunting case, American movements, warranted, tor $6.75. Rexford Co. 132 Wyoming Ave. 225 Lackawanna Ave. Dmlng the Ijolldajs at Rottoni Pi lees Rcautlful l plight Pianos for $150 unequalled In the e Ity foi the money ORGAWS. live 01 six octave, nearlj new, as low as $4 j Don't fall to eomo and look over the bat gains be foio jou conclude a pun huso J. W. Gl'FRNSKY, Prop. 31, 3 Kiiind :$J8 Waoliinfiton Ave. SCfAVrON. PA. The Dickson Mamir.ictiirln;,' Co. tcrouton and WllUoi-Ii.irro, Pa, Miuiufao.urorJ of LOCOMOTIVES, STATIONARY ENGINES boilers, Hoisting and Pumping Machinery. Qcneral Offlce.y Scranton, Pa. t A ft 4 - -Jlllllp8iS' Pianos and Organs Qusrnsev rial! Birig 1I1 Tho Popular Houso Fur- Mil niching Store. j ,J I kittle Oil I mjfeatersr il lid Just the thing for warm- WM J il nig sleeping rooms M VJM where it's best not to ffi TO keep fire all day. Wc fj JjjM have them in several Ml vM bucs, sonic as low as U 1 11 f4-5- Tcy ure pow- JJjj j crful little heaters, free lU jjjlj from smoke or odor. fill (II Foote & Fuller Co, fl II Hears Building:, j( HI 140-42 Washington Ave ffl lal AvoplnfT Awn "Walk In and look around" "3? - - -a & .- -. w m need of for the Persian $15.00 5.00 5.00 18.00. 15.00 00.00 40.00 50.00 250.00 110.00 Furrier. Furs Repaired. Horsemen Should use the W. & B, RUBBER PUD HORSE SHOE, "AND THE HORSE WONT SLIP" Ask your blacksmith to shoe vour horse with the W. & B Shoe. AGENTS FOR Neverslip Removable Calks HO D iih iU 126 mid 1'2S Franklin Ave. Jobbers in J?Mry, 227 LACKAWANNA AVE. ATTENTION To the peoplo of th elt of Scranton and fts vlelnitj: We have the tlmsi and luigcst stock of hoi. ldaj goods hui b i s Diamonds, Watches, J ewe I ry, Silverware, ; Etc., ;- " at very low pikes We Invite every bodj to e ill and seo them, and b' -so doing jou will find It will bo to jour ad vantage to secure jour holiday presents. livery article lrt guaranteed to bo ns rep resented, or money refunded. Davidow Bros 227 Laokaw3ii3 Ava, Jffir GIVES ffiik J0nrao& PRESSURE. Hl mS D0NT EXCLDDE AIR iffll Banal lessens JPJm HfflK C0NCDSSI0N.OM I tadowlros Everett's Hoises and carriages are su perior to those of any otrfer livery in the city. If you should desire tQ go for a drive during this delight ful period of weather, c.ill 'tele phone 794, and fiverett will send you a fiist-class outfit. EVERETT'S LIVERY, 230 DIX COURT. (REAR CITY HALLfi