The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 23, 1899, Morning, Page 11, Image 11

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EVKNlNQ, 7.30.
Orson voltintnry.
Anthem, "When Bethlehem's Shop
herdB" Herbert
Soprnno and atto duct, Irlo nnd chorus
Hymn Choir and congregation
RcadlnR of Scripture.
Anthem. "It Came Upon tha Mid
night Clear" Sullivan
Hymn Choir and cowjrPKatlon
chorus, "Thy Light I Como" ..Palmer
Tenor 30I0.
Mr. Owllym Edwnrds and
chorus of male voleco.
Sermon, subject. "God's Greatest
nnd Best Oift to the "World."
Grand canon, "All Hall the Power,"
Organist. Miss Rllzabeth Owens.
Choir leader, Ttees Wntl'.lns.
PaBtor, Hev. S. G. ltondlng.
Jackson Street Baptist.
At the Jackson Sticet Haptlst church,
vest Scranton, the followlnR program
of Christmas music will be observed
Organ prelude.
Hymn, Adoration, No. 111.
Lord's Prayer. Congregation In Unison
Duet, "Glory to God."
Misses Lance and Lewis
Announcements nnd Collections.
Solo, "Behold, I Bring You Glad Tid
ings" V. Combs
Edwin Bowen.
Remarks Rev. de Gruchy
Anthem, "Shepherds Abiding In the
Field" Choir
Hymn, "Antlocli," No. 103.
Organ voluntary.
Hymn Congregation
Anthem, "Behold, I Bring You Glad
Announcement and Collections.
Solo, "Christ Child" Barnby
Mr. Bowen.
Hymn Congregation
Anthem, "Fear Not, Fear Not, for
Remarks Rev. de Gruchy
Anthem, "Let the 'Earth Hear."
Hymn Congregation
German Baptist Church.
At the German Baptist church, on
Hickory street, Christmas will be ob
served on Sunday and Monday morn
ings. Services at 10.3J each morning.
Rev. John C. Schmidt will preach on
both occasions. His topic will be '"xiio
Birth of Christ."
The Sunday school will have Its
Christmas festival tomorrow evening
at 7.30 o'clock. The programme which
has been arranged by the superinten
dent, Mr. Fred Schuman, consists of
recitations, musical numbers and dia
logues by the children. A special mu
sical programme will also be rendered.
St. Luke's Episcopal Church.
At St. Luke's Episcopal church the
services on Monday, Christmas day,
will be as follows: 6 a. m., holy com
munion; S a. m., holy communion: 10.30
a. m., morning prayer, sermon and holy
The music service will be sung by
thirty nmn and boys under the direc
tion of Mr. Willis Conant. The fol
lowing programme will be rendered:
Processional, "Hark the Herald
Angels" Mendelssohn
"Venite" Anglican
"Te Deum" Smith
"Benedlctus" Marchant
"Introlt, Adeste Fldeles" Reading
Kyiif ' Gilbert
"Gloria Tib!" Gilbert
Hymn No. 53 Avlson
orfertory, "Before the Heavens
Wen- Spread" Parker
Presentation. "Wo Give Thee,"
"Snnttus" Gowcr
"Agnus Del" Gower
"Gloria In Excelsls" Marshall
Recessional, "Sing, Oh Sing".. .Conant
St. David's Episcopal.
At St. David's Episcopal church,
West Scranton, the- following pro
gramme will bo rendered:
Processional Hymn,
Gloria Tib!
Laus Tlbl
Hymn No. 54
No. 311....Jerfery
.... Mendelssohn
Offertory anthem. "I Us Go Even
Unto Bethlehem" .
Hymn No. 49
Benedlctus (jul Venlt
Agnus Del
Gloria In ExcelBls....
Nunc Dlmlttus.
Recessional Hymn N
o. GO.
Christ Lutheran Church.
At Christ Lutheran church, on Cedar
avenue there will be morning services
on Christmas day at 10.30 o'clock. The
pastor, Rev. J. Wltke, will deliver the
sermon and the holy communion will
follow the services.
Special Christmas music will bo ren
dered by the organist, Charles Scheuch,
and by the choir.
Tomorrow evening the Sunday school
will have Its Christmas festival, with
.1 tree nnd a special programme, which
will consist of recitations and special
Holy Trinity Lutheran.
The sonices at the Evangelical
Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity,
corner Adams avenue and Mulberry
Sprang into popularity
as the true euro for
When crip prowills. Cough Syrups.
Emulsion. Inhalers and oven Pills and
Plasters ure palmed off nh cures.
But tho tri-e euro Is "77" prepared
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Its fatality. '77" sprang Into popularity
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pie, Its popularity Is ever extending until It
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receipt of price, 23c. or llvo for $1.00.
Humphreys' Homeopathic Medicine Co..
2or William & John Sts., N. Y
street, to-morrow and Christmas day,
will be of a chnracter befitting thla
high festival of tho church. The aug
mented choir under tho efficient direc
tion of tho chorister, E. Prolheroe, will
render a -well selected programmes,
which together with tin regular Ltr
turgy wll mnVe these ugrvlces edifying
and profitable. At tho chief service
to-morrow, 10.30 a. m., the following
programme will bo rendered:
Anthem, "Hark! tho Herald Angels
Sing" P. Lyon
Duet, "The World RcJolcotli"..A. Glbet
Misses Bessie Shlvo and Victoria
Anthem, with soprano and bass solo,
"Arise, Shine" Maker
Mrs, Randolph Jones and Edward
Anthem, with obllgnto solo. "Mor
tals, Awoke" J. B. Herbert
Mrs. Randolph Jones.
Duet, "Tho Lord la My Shepherd,"
J. Denlts
Miss Bessie Shlvo and David Davis.
Anthem, "Glory to the New-Born
King" G. Gardner
Venlto lExuItemus.
Te Deum Laudamus.
Sormon nnd morning prayers.
St. Mark's Lutheran.
The services In St. Mark's Lutheran
church on Sunday will have tho char
acter of the Christmas festival. Spe
cial music has been arranged by tho
choir, under the direction of Mrs.
Smead Cross and tho church orgnnlst,
Miss Martha Evans. On Christmas
day there will be Mai in sirvloc at 7
a m , nnd at 7 p. m. tho Sunday school
will render a Christmas programme.
Anthem, "Break Forth into Joy,"
By the Choir.
Confession and Declaration of For
giveness. Introlt.
Gloria In Excelsls.
The Scripture Lessons.
The Creed.
Hymn, "Hall to the Lord's Anointed."
Sermon, "Beholding His Glory."
Offertory, "Te Demus Laudamus."
By tho Choir.
The Prayer.
Hymn, "Rejoice, Rejoice, Ye Chris
tians." Benediction.
Anthem, "I Heard tho Voice of Jeus
Say" Gabriel
By the Choir.
The Verslcle.
The 145th Psalm.
The Scripture Lessons.
Hymn, "Hark! the Herald Angels
Sermon Subject, "Tho Prophecy of
Offertory solo, "Glory to God,"
Joseph Phelps
Nunc Dlmittls.
The Prayer.
The Christmas festival of the Sun
day school will begin at 7.30. It will
be followed by tho distribution of gifts
to the members of tho school.
St. Paul's Evangelical.
Christmas will be observed nt St.
Paul's German Evangelical church,
Prospect avenue nnd Beech street, on
Christmas day with service at 10 a. m.
Rev. Ballhorn, pastor of the church,
will take ns h'ls text Luke 2, I, xlv, and
tho Lord's supper will follow the ser
vice. Tomorrow morning service will be
held at 10.30 o'clock. Rev. Ballhorn
will preach from John I, II, xvill. Spe
cial Christmas music will bo rendered
by the organist, Edward Kroll, and by
the oholr. Tomorrow evening at 7
o'clock the Sunday school will have Its
annual Christmas tree exercises, for
which an excellent programme has
been arranged.
Evangelical Church of Peace.
At the Evangelical Church of Peace
Christmas will be observed on Christ
mas day at 10 a. in. Rev. E. J.
Schmidt will deliver the sermon and
will take as his text Psalm 50-2. Ser
vice will also he beld In the evening
and Rev. Mr. Schmidt will preach from
John 1, 4-9.
Tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock the
Sunday school will have Its Christ
mas tree exercises, for which ati ex
cellent programme has been arranged,
consisting of special Christmas music
nnd recitations by the children. Rev-.
Schmidt will deliver an address and
will take as his theme John 1, 4-19.
St. Mary's Church.
At St. Mary's German Catholic
church, South Scranton, a high mass
will bo celebrated on Christmas morn
IniJ at 6 o'clock by Rev. Peter Christ,
und other masses will follow at 8, 9.15
and 9.45. The second high mass will lie
celebrated at 10.30 o'clock by Rev. Geo.
Stopper. At this mass Rev. Christ will
deliver the Christmas sermon. Ula text
will be from the Gospel of St. John
I, xlv.
Special Christmas music will be ren
dered by the orgnnlst. Professor Ack
erman, nnd by the choir.
Re'igiims News Neks,
Rev. Dr. S. C. Logan, LL.D.,
preached In Princeton last Sabbath.
The Dickson Pity Sunday school will
celebrate CluistmaR In their chapel
next Thursday evening.
Owing to Rev. Dr. Mcl.eod's con
tinued Illness at Brooklyn, N. Y., tho
morning service in ths First Presby
terian church will ho conducted by
Rev. Dr. S. C. Lopan.
Tho gospel meeting Sunday at tho
Railroad Young Men's Christian asso
ciation will bo for railroad men and
families. Tho secretary will give a
lantern talk on "Christ ns Redeemer."
Illustrated hymns will be used. W.
J. Long will give a baritone solo.
The Sunday school of tho First Pres
byteilnn church will h-n'o Us Chrlst
mns exercises at 4 o'clock Wednesday
afternoon. Special r ontrlbutlons of
toys and food and clothing will be
made for tho missionary work In
charge of Rev. Dr. Logan. "Freely jo
hove received, freely lve."
The men'H mettlng of the Young
Men's Christian association will be held
In tho Young Men's Christian asso
ciation rooms, Guernsey building, to
morrow afternoon at 3:45, to which
all young men aro cordhly Invited.
Gunrul Secretnvy Many will speak on
"Christmas Experiences." Good sinn
ing Is always nn enjoyable feature at
this service.
Rev. J. M. Gllmere, pastor of Howard
Place African Methodist Episcopal
church, has been Informed by Bishop
Lee ihnt ho wss selected by tho Soutn
American missionary station to repre
sent It In the general conference which
meets ut Columbus, Ohio, In May. Tin
confoience will bo In scslnn one month,
and Is made up of tho most represent-
Sunday-School Lesson for December 24
Christ's Comimig Foretold,
.Secretary of American Society of Religious Education.
INTRODUCTION. Tho observance
of a day In commemoration of the
birth of Jesus Is a church appointment.
There Is no Intimation that the Divine
Master desired, or that His apostles en
joined, nny celebration. By the sup
per alone, fit memorial of His death,
Ho sought to perpetuate His memory
nmong those who loved Him. A na
tural nnd spontaneous Impulse, how
ever, causes Ills followers to rejoice on
account of His advent, nnd to set
npart a time, supposed to be nn anni
versary, for common expressions of ad
miration, for His character and deeds.
Today the Sunday schools of the
world sit at the feet of an old prophet,
who lived seven centuries before Mes
siah came, to learn what vision was
granted by the Holy Spirit concerning
Him who should bo born "in the full
ness of the times." Tho words, pre
served for twenty-five centuries, form
a good text for Christmas study.
LUSTER. (Verso 2.) Looking down
the centuries Isaiah saw Jesus first ns
a lumlnnry, as John saw Him (John,
I, 4). and us Jesus speaks of Himself.
(John, Ix, S.) He saw Juden as It
would be In the coming time, "the land
of the shadow of death" (Psalm, xxlll.
4), Its inhabitants walking In dnrkness.
Reference Is here made to the spiritual
condition of Israel, which at the ad
vent was Indeed deplorable, notwith
standing alt the mercies and Judg
ments of God sent to turn men from
their sins. Suddenly, while this Ignor
ance and wickedness abounded, Jesus
appears. He was like the rising of the
sun after a long and weary night of
gloom and unrest. (Malachi, Iv, 2.)
The most luminous character in history
appears at a time and place nnd among
a people, when nnd where there could
be no way to account for His origin. Ho
was not the product of His race or age.
(John, I, 24.) His environment did not
explain Him.
GLADNESS. (Verse 3.) That which
Isaiah next saw Is Imperfectly repre
sented In tho authorized text. The re
vised version makes the verse more In
telligible, "Thou hast multiplied the na
tion. Thou hnst Increased their joy.
They Joy before Thee according to the
joy In harvest, as men rejoice when
they divide the spoil." Nntlonal glad
ness caused by natlonnl prosperity in
the way of expansion Is the theme. It
Is probable that the true spiritual Is
rael was In the mind of the prophet
(Galatlnns, i, 10), those who through
faith in Jesus should become heirs of
tho promises made to Abraham (Acts,
II, 39), a great company whom no man
can number, gathered from all lands.
(Mntthew, vlll, 11). Their gla'dness wis
proclaimed at tho advent of the shep
herds (Luke, II, 10), and John In Pat
mos heard the Joyful refrain. (Revela
tions, xlx, 7.)
tlve men of the African Methodist
Episcopal church.
Tomorrow's Services
Saint Luke's Parish Rev. Rogers
Israel, rector; Rev. E. J. Haughton,
senior curate; Rev. M. B. Nush, junior
curate. Fourth Sunday In Advent.
St. Luke's church 7.30 a. in.. Holy
Communion; 10.30 a. m.. morning
prayer and sermon; 7.30 p. m., evening
prayer and sermon; 9.15 a. in., Sunday
school nnd Bible classes.
St. Mark's, Dunmore S a. m. holy
communion; 10.30 a. m., morning prayer
and sermon; 7.30 p. m., evening prayer
and sermon; 3 p. m., Sunday school
anil Bible classes.
South Side Mission, Fig street 2.30
p. m.. Sunday school and Bible classes.
St. George's, Olyphnnt 2.30 p. m..
Sunday school and Hlble classes; 3.30
p. m.. evening prayer and sermon.
Christ's Protestant Episcopal church,
Washington avenue and Park street
Rev. F. S. Ballentlne, rector. Fourth
Sunday In Advent. Morning praper,
litany, sermon, 10.30: Sunday school,
2.30; evening prayer, sermon, 7.30. All
seats free. All welcome. Christmas
morning nt fi.45 there will be a Christ
mas song service, arranged specially
for the Sunday school. This will be
followed by Holy Communion.
St. David's parish, Edward James
McIIenry, rector Celebrations of Holy
Euchailst nt 7.30 and 10.30 a. m.; Sun
day school nt 2.30 p. m.i evensong at
7.30 o'clock. Midnight celebration of
Holy Eucharist on Sunday night.
Evnngellcnl Lutheran.
Fourth Sunday In Advent Gospel,
John, 1:19-28; epistle, Phil,, 4:4-7. Vest
ment color, Violet.
St. Mark's, Washburn nnd Four
teenth streets, Rev. A. L. Ramer, Ph.
D.. pastor Services at 10.30 a. m. and
7 p. m.: Luther league at C p. m.; Sun
day school at 12 m. Morning subject,
"Beholding His Glory;" "venlng sub
ject, "Tho Prophecy of Zachaiias."
Matin service Monday at 7 a. m.;
Christmas festival of Sunday school
Monday at 7 p. m.
Holjk Trinity, Adams avenue and
Mulberry street, Rev. C. G. Spieker,
pastor Services at 10.30 a. m. nnd 7.30
p. m.; Luther league nt 0.30 p. m.; Sun
day school at 12 m. Christmas pro
gramme by tho Sunday school Mon
day evening.
St. Paul's, Short avenue, Rev. W. C.
L. Lauer. pastor Services at 10.30 a. in.
and 7.30 p. m.; Sunday school at 2.30
P. m.
55lon's, Mlfllln avenue, Rev. P. F.
Zlzelmnnn, pastor Services nt 10.30 a.
m. ; Sunday school ut 2 p. m. Christ
mas programme by the Sunday school
on Sunday evening.
Christ church, Cedar avenue and
Beech street, Rev. James Wltke, pas
torServices at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p.
in.: Sunday school at 2 p, m.
St. Peter's, Prescott avenue, Rev.
John Randolph, pastor Services at
10.30 n. in. and 7.30 p. m.; Sunday school
ut 2 p. m.
Grace Evangelical Lutheran church
of tho General Synod, cornen Madison
uvenue and Mulberry street Rev.
Luther Hess Waring, pastor. 9 30 n.
m., Sunday school: 6.30 p. m., Young
People's society: 10.30 n. in. and 7.30
p. m.. preaching services. The sacra
ment of the holy communion will bo
administered after the morning ser
mon. Tho Sunday school will hold Hi
Christmas entertainment next Tuesday
evening at 7. 30.
Methodist Episcopal.
Asbury Methodist Episcopal church,
corner Monsey avenue and Delaware
street Rev. W. G. Simpson, D. D.,
pastor. Devotional meeting of tho
Brotherhood of St. Paul nt 9.30 a. in.;
preaching, 10.30 u. in,; Sunday school,
2.30 p, m.; Senior Epworth league, C.30
p. m.; preaching, 7.30 p. in. Seats free.
All aro welcome!
Court Street Methodist Episcopal
church, Rev. O. C. Lyman, pnstor
Class at 10 a, in.; preaching bv pastor
ISA. 3X:2-7.
DELIVERANCE. (Verse 4.)-Tho
Jewish people were successively In
bondage to the surrounding nations
the Assyrians, Chaldeans, Persians nnd
Macedonians. The heavy yoke of their
oppressors had been grievous In tho
extreme, and there was constant long
ing for deliverance. This tho prophet
declares should come under Messiah.
Tho yoke, the rod. tho staff emblems
of servitude should bo broken, and
tho people should be free. These pre
dictions filled the public mind with ex
pectation of n temporal prince, cher
ished oven by the apostles (Luke, xxlv,
21). after the resurrection. (Acts I, 6.)
It Is generally believed, however, that
the prophet referred to spiritual deliv
erances, which were to bo desired be
er use more Important than any release
from political control. It was to this
that Jesus directed the attention of His
hearers (John, vill, 30) nnd showed the
way. (John, vlll, 32.)
CONTRAST.-(Verse G.)-Thnt Isaiah
spoke of spiritual freedom Is evident
from the contrast which he next makes
between military achievements as pre
viously conducted and the victories of
Messiah. The battle Is with confused
noise, and tho blood of tho wounded
nnd dying stains the garments of the
living. A most revolting spectacle Is
presented on the field of enrnage.whlch
Indeed was allowed under the old dis
pensation when the world's sin must be
overcome by force. God wns pleased
to order Ills people to fight for His
cause, as In the case of David. (Psalm
cxllv, 1.) But In the time of Christ, as
foreseen by Isaiah, tho deliverance to
bo wrought out will be with other
weapons. Fire, an emblem of the holy
spirit (.Matthew. Ill, 11), shall burn and
purify, nnd the hearts of men shall be
changed, so that they will prefer
CHILD (v. C). How shall all this be
accomplished? By what nseneles and
methods? Our author now becomes
explicit, nnd lays down nn historical
basis. It will not be by vnst armies
led by some warrior like Joshua or
David. It will not be by the direct
and all powerful Influence of tho Holy
Spirit, adequate as that is, as In the
time when the walls of Jericho fell.
(Josh, vll: 20). Isalnh saw In the dls
tnnce a child as the ngent, one born of
Jewish stock, a son upon whom the
government should rest. He thus
gathers up the predictions of all the
centuries, those In the garden (Gen.
Ill: 15), those made to Jacob (Gen. xllx:
10), to Moses (Dent, xvlll: 15). nnd to
the prophet (Mlcah v: 2,) "Unto us He
was born," for our benefit, our Sure
ty, Sacrifice, Advocate, and Salvation.
How the prophetic utterance (its In
with the historic utterance seven cen
turies later. (Luke II: 11).
NAMES (v. 0). The name given to a
at 10.30 a. nt., subject. "The Unspeak
able Gift:" Sunday school at 11.4.1 a.
m.; Junior league at 3.30 p. nt.; Ep
worth league at C.30; 7.30 Junior league
will have charge. Sunday school
Christmas exercises on Thursday, Dec.
2J, at 7.30. There will be a Christmas
tret?. All are welcome. Scats free,
Howard Place A. M. E. church Rev.
J. jr. Gllmore, pnstor. 10.30 a. in.,
Christmas service nnd sermon by the
pastor; subject. "Tile Glorious ' Fulfil
ment of a Long Standing Promise."
2.30 p. in.. Sunday school; 6.4," p. m..
Christian Endeavor society; 7.45 p. in.,
preaching by the pnstor. Sunday
school Christmas exercises and distri
bution of presents Monday night.
Tho Second Preshvterlnn church
.Services 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Dr.
Robinson will preach morning and
evening. There will be sneclal Christ
mas muslo at all services. There will
be In the evening n Christmas eve.
service of song, with the quartette,
chorus and church choral society, as
sisted by the organ and the- Sunday
school orchestra. A cordial Invitation
Is extended to all.
Green Ridge Presbyterian church
Rev. I. J. Lansing, pastor. 10.30. ser
vice of worship, with sermon by the
pastor; subject, "Incarnations: True
and Mythical." 12 in.. Bible school;
6.30 p. m.. Christian Endeavor; 7.30 p,
in., service with sermon; subject, "Ravs
from Bethlehem's Star." Christmas
music both morning and evening. A
welcome to all.
Washburn Street Presbyterian church
Rev. John P. Moffat, D. D pastor.
Services at 10.30 n. in. and 7.30 p. in.:
Bible school nt 12 in.; prayer meeting
Wednesday. 7."0 p. m. Rev. Dr. Mof
fat will preach Xmas .sermons niorn
Inc and evening. Special musical pro
gramme of Christmas music nt each
service, elsewhere published In this
paper; double quartette choir. All cor
dially Invited to these services.
Sumner Avenue Presbyterian church.
Rev. L. R. Foster, pastor. 10:30 a. m.,
prayer nnd .prnlso service; 2 p. in.,
Sunday school: B p. m.. special Christ
mas music, led by Mr, and Mrs, Clir
eneu Sampson. The pastor will preach
and P. H. Warren will ping a solo.
Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m.
Providence Presbyterian church
Rev. George E. Guild, D. D., pastor.
Special Christmas services nt 10.30 a.
in. and 7.30 p. m. Sunday school at 12
m. Special Chiistmns Endeavor socie
ty service at (J.3." p. m.
Taylor Presbyterian church, 10.30 .a.
in., special Christmas pervlce: The
pastor, Rev. L. R. Foster, will preach
at this service. Sunday school at 11.30.
Peim Avenuo Baptist church Preaching
morning. 10.30. and evening, 7.30, by thu
pastor, Rev. Robert F. Y. Pierce; 9M,
morning prayer service, a memorial to tho
late Isnae Post. Topic of morning sir
mon. "Tho Heavenly Anthem." Special
Christmas services by tho Sunday school
at 2 o'clock. Topic of evening sermon,
"Who Is to Ulamu If You Aro Lost."
First Baptist church Rev. S. F.
Mnthewa, pastor. The usual service
Sabbath morning. 11.30 a. in., In the
basement of the Welsh Baptist church,
Main avenue. Subject for tho morn
ing. "The Prince of Peace." In the
evening the united choirs of thu two
churches will sing tho sacred cantata
of the "Light of Life" In the audi
toiium at 6 o'clock. Sunday school,
2.30 p. in., Plymouth church; Dr. Bed
doe, superintendent. Industrial school,
2 p. in., Saturday nfternoon at Ivorlte
hall. Prayer meeting, Wednesdny
evening, 7.30. All are cordially Invited.
Jackson Street Baptist church
Morning prayer meeting at 9.30; leader,
Brother Ben Smith. Preaching ser
vice nt 10.30, Tho pastor. Rev. Thomas
de Gruchy, D. D., will preach u sermon
for the occasion. The choir will sing
Christians anthems ut both services.
Sunday school at 'i p. m.; Alfred Rob
erts, superintendent. The evening ser
vice at 7 sharp. The choir will render
special Chrlstmuu music followed by a
child by an Orientalist expressed the
pnrent's hope concerning Its chnracter
and future. So here tho eye of pre
science turned on the predicted one
beheld so glorious a history ns tp rc
fjulro several names. He should bo
called "Wonderful" In His nature
and mission; In his love and mercy; In
his hatred of sin and righteous regard
to tho holy liw; In his compassion to
the vilest of sinners; in his mnjfsty
nnd humiliation. He should be called
"Counsellor" the Word nnd Wisdom
of God should como forth from him;
nnd he should solvu the problems nnd
remove tho perplexities of men. He
should bo called "tho mighty God and
the everlnstlng Father," because ho
will possess and dlsplny all divine at
tributes nnd exercise them through
his human nature. He shall be called
tho "Prince of Peace," the author of
reconciliation between man nnd man.
These names are all applicable to
Jesus only.
KINGDOM (v. 7). Tho last view of
this person had by tho prophet repre
sents him as tho head of a kingdom.
Ho should sit upon the throne of David
whose splendid reign was the glory of
Israel. In Him should be fulfilled the
covenant made with David. (Psnlm
Ixxxlx: 35-36). The kingdom under
Him should have no end, even ns Dan
iel In Babylon foretold, two centuries
nfter Isaiah (Dan. II: 41), and ns Nebu
chadnezzar, tho proud king of Baby
lon, was made to confess after his hu
miliation. (Dan. Iv; 34). But here
Isaiah perceives that this everlasting
rule shall be one of "Judgment and
Justice," when God's will shall be exe
cuted and thereby the rights of man
shall bo secured. The vision was u
most cheering prospect reaching for
ward to that good time yet distant
when Jesus shall reign in all lands and
nil men shall confess Him to the glory
of God. (Phil. II: 10-11X
REFLECTIONS. It is with such a
spirit that we should como Into the
Christmas festivities. We may see
even more clearly than Isaiah did how
Jesus Christ, the light of the world,
the source of Joy to human hearts, the
liberator of the oppressed, working
through the gentler forces of the spirit,
once the child of Bethlehem, Is now the
king In n new nnd enduring kingdom,
that extends Into all the earth. His
beneflent sway Is fast ushering In the
glad time when shall disappear and
when righteousness shall fill the enrth
even as the waters cover the deep.
Unto Him let every heart give glory
Let every mouth he filled with nrnlse.
Blessed be the day and sweet the re
flections that remind us of His coming.
Fervent and united be our prayer that
His kingdom may spread until all ure
His loyal subjects. (Matt, vi: 10).
short nddress by tho pastor. On Wed
nesday evening the Sunday school will
hold their Christmas entertainment.
Tho public Is always welcome to all
our services.
Green Rldge Baptist church Rev. W.
J. Ford, pastor. Church services at
10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Subject In
the morning, "The Pearl of Days"; In
the evening, "The Christ Spirit at
Christmas Time." Special music by
the choirs at both services. Sunday
school at 11.45 n. in. Junior meeting
nt 3.30 p. m. Senior prayer meetlug at
6.30 p. m.
Grace Reformed Episcopal church,
Wyoming nvenue below Mulberry
street, Rev. George L. Alrlch, pastor
Prayer and praise service at 9.30 a. in.;
divine worship at 10.30 n. m. and 7.30
j p. m. Preaching by the pastor at both
services. Morning, "Servants," Psalm
i 131:1-8: evening. Studies in Zecharlnh,
"The Message," Zech.. 1:1-8. Sabbath
School at 12 o'clock noon; Young Peo
ple's Society of Christian Endeavor at
0.30 p. in. Seats oil free at each ser
vice. Strangers always welcome. Spe
cial service and Communion Christ
mas morning at 10.30 o'clock.' Sunday
school Christmas festival Thursday
evening nt 7.30 o'clock. Union Bible
class for the study of the lesson on
Friday evening nt 7.45 o'clock. Bring
your Bible.
Adams Avenue chapel. New York
street, Rev. James Hughes, pastor
Morning and evening services at 10.20
anil 7.30 o'clock; Sunday school at 3 p.
m. A cordial Invitation to all.
Plymouth Congregational church,
Jackson street, Rev. E. A. Boyle. pas
torPreaching at 10.30 a. m., subject,
"Lessons from the Birth of Christ;"
Sabbath school at 12 o'clock: Sabbath
school at Sherman avenue mission nt
2.15 p. m.: evening service at 7 o'clock,
subject. "The Divinity of Christ." Sp
ciol Christinas music will be rendered
by the choir.
First Church of Christ (Scientist)
519 Adams avenue. Sunday services,
10.30 u. in. and 7.30 p. m. Subject,
"Christian Science." Wednesdny even
ing meeting at 8 o'clock. All welcome.
Chapel Mission, Hulbert's hall. 117
Wyoming avenue. Morning subject.
"Prayer": evening subject, "Gospel
Hid." At 7.30 p. m.. Christian Endeavor
society. Good singing. Jnmes Wilson,'
lender. All are welcome to attend.'
Rev. J. H. Bell in charge of work.
All Soul's (Unlversallst) church, Pino
street between Adams and Jefferson
avenue Rev. O. R. Beardsley, pastor.
Residence, C29 Adams avenue. Morn
ing service. 10.30; subject, "The Origin
of Man; a Chiistmus Thought." Even
ing sermon, 7.30; subject, "The Destiny
of Man; n Christmas Thought." Sun
day school after morning service; Mrs.
S. Benjamin, superlntenduntt Y. P.
C. IT, meeting p. m. sharp; subject.
"How Shall We Sing tho Christmas
Anthem"; Miss Ida Smith leader. A
cordial welcome to nil our services.
Special topics will bo presented by the
pnstor when requested by any earnest
The People's Prohibition church
Rev. Dr. Bird, pastor. There will be
a sneclal service on Sabbath evening
In Finn ehupel on Penn avenue. Green
Rldge. nt 7.30. Subject. "An Erratic
Star Over a Strange Cradle." All ate
Calvary Reformed church, Rev. II. A.
Parson, pastor Services at 10.30 n. in.
and at 7 p. in. will hold thulr Christ
mas service, and after the recitation
tho gifts will bo distributed. Sunday
school at 11.45 u. m.; Christian En
deavor at 6.45 p. m. All are welcome.
United Evnngellcnl church, Capouse
avenue, Rev. C. D. Moore, pastor Sab
bath school at 9.45 a. in.: preaching at
10.45 a, m, and 7.30 p. m.; KeyHtone
League Christian Endeuvor at 0.30 p.m.
A missionary service will be held In
the evening. Address by Rev. O. II.
Dosch. A, B professor of Greek In
Central Pennsylvania college.New Ber
lin, Pa. Christmas exercises Monday
evening at 7.30 o'clock; prayer meeting
Wednesday ut 7.30 p. m. A cordial In
vitation is extended to the public to
attend these services.
Tho Kind You Havo Always
in uso for over 30 yciir.s,
nnd has
fc2. Honnl
K ACA44i Allow
All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd Substitutes nro but Ex
periments that trillo with nnd endanger tho health of
Infants nnd Children Experience ngainst Experiment.)
Cnstorin Is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops1
and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless nnd Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
Hubstnnce. Its ago is its guarantee. It destros-s Worms
nnd nllnys Fovcrisbncss. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
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Stomach nnd Bowels, giving, healthy nnd natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears tlio
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Representative Firms
TO st;i'i'i.n;s.
Tho Grlffln Art Studio, 209 Wyoming.
Scranton Savings Hank. 122 Wyoming.
Merchants' & Mechanics' Hank, 420 Lack
Third Nntlonal Hank. 118 Wyoming.
West PIdo Hank. 103 N. Main.
Lack. Trust & Kafo Dep. Co.. 401 Laclcju
Traders' Nat. Hank. Wvnm. & Spruce.
Dime. Dls. and Dcp., Wyom. & Spruco
hoots ami snoi:s
Goldsmith Bros., SOI Lackawanna.
WIUHXSAI.I!. Williams, J. D. & Hro., 312 Lackawanna.
Wegman Fruit Co., It Lackawanna.
Kelly. T. J. & Co.. 14 Lackawanna.
Hunt & Connell Co., 431 Lackawanna.
iii:atin; and i'utmhino.
llowlcy, P. F. & SI. T.. 231 Wyoming.
Fritz. G. W 410 Lackawanna.
nt'' iiAitimAui:. stovin. inc.
Lackawnnnn Hardwaro Co., 221 Lacka.
ismniNG. sphin'os i:tc
Tho Scranton BeddlnK Co.. C0C Lacka.
iiAKim'Aiii:, stoves i:tc.
Leonard. Thos. F., Lackawanna avo.
Finn & Phillips. 13"! Wyoming.
ri.itxrrrnr. anmi cakpi-.ts.
Protheroo & Co., 13t Washington.
Ansley, Joseph & Son, SOI Scranton.
Mcrcereau & Connell, 307 Lackawanna.
mi:ais and vroiiiAHi.ns.
Carr, T. E. & Son, 213 Washington.
Owens Bros., 21S Adams. '
Security Bldg & Sav'gs Union. Mcnra Bids
citACKiutt. caki:s, ivrc.
Nat. Biscuit Co. (Scra'n Branch), 20 Lnclc.
Simrell. V. A.. E13 Linden.
Uthman Paper Co., 223 Spruce.
Stevens, F. D. & Co., 32 Lackawanna.
li.Olit. IT.i;i, HAY AND (iU.VIN.
Tho Weston Mill Co., Lackawanna avo.
Casseee Bros., D9 Lackawanna avo.
Levy. N. B. & Bro., Traders' Bldg.
niTTr.u. rfios,'K, hay.
F.astcrlo & Co., 131 Franklin.
Babcock. 11. F.. & Co., 110 Franklin.
Phillips, Geo. & Co,, Coal Exchange.
Casey Bros.. 216 Lackawanna.
Northwestern Mutual Life, Mears Bldg.
Yocum. Geo. C, Connell Bldg.
Florcy & Brooks, 211 Washington.
Harris, 8.. 322 Penn ave.
Maloney Oil Mfg. Co., HI Meridian.
Maloney Oil Mfg. Co., 1U Meridian.
Prendergast & Gelpel, 207 Washington.
Tague. P. W.. 113 S. Main.; Hesldence nil
Price. William, 135 S. Main.
McCann, P. J., 441 N. Main.
fr Longer ' 1h Joj rt ainMtloniut
lit cn tt rfttorrd to )u, Th very
vrortcnifof Ttertou IiMtliyi
b.uh.lelv by l'KllFKrTO
TAIILI-Trt. UlT prompt rvllcHo Hi
omnia, fftlltiig memory and the m
fndlfcrttloniorctrtHtiuf tty ytnt
lmntrlvltor and bomnev loaf trv func
Hon Prartupttiaijraiijia. Ui x. bloom to l bo
tr)rkaal Idttr to tti ytt tf iirounf or old.
Onrtoo boirnwi itul enW-lJ'j0 bniei At
!!.tOftC0tnplttuuraiiiffi1cure jruyor monty re
fwntitU t'tn t cvrrleJ in eit ULf pocket. oM
vrywbtr or mailed la plain wrapper on relp'-r
rie by Tit It rmmTr tu., fallen fctdi., rMc,r
Sold In Scranton, Pa., by Matthews
Dros.and McQarrah & Thomas, drunglota.
Bought, nnd which has boon
has homo tho signature of
been mndo under his per
supervision sinco its infancy.
no ono to deceive you in this.
Signature of
The St. Denis
llronjuay and Eleventh St., N:w York,
Opp. Grace Church. Uurop:an Plan.
Rooms $i.oo a Day and Upwards.
In a modest and unobtrusive way thers
nro few better conducted hotels In tho
metropolis than tho St. Denis.
Tho groat popularity tt has acquired can
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Its home-IIko atmosphere, tho peculiar ex
cellence of its culslno and service, and Ma
cry moderate prices.
Cor. Sixteenth St. an J Ir?lij Plui,
Day unci Upwards.
Day and Upwards.
4 -f 4 -f
X l'oi' Business Men X
f- In tho heart of tho wholesale
- district.
X For shoppers X
4- " minutes' walk to Wanamakers; T
4. S minutes to Slpgel Cooper's Big J
T Store. Easy of access to the greut "
J Dry Goods Stores. 4
X For Sightseers X
4- One block from B'way Cars, glv- 4
-f lug easy transportation to all 4.
4- points of Interest.
4 cor. 11th ST. & UNIVERSITY PL, 4
4 Only ono Block from Broadway. 4-
X KOOIIIS, 51 Up. Prices Rtajonable 4.
Facing the Danrers ol the Ocean In Winter ?
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tmlch and of sic,w. will carry youl
ANTLY to America's famous winter re
surts in C'nllfrinlu.
Special through trains, consisting of
sleeping und dining curs, will leave New
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ut Ni. Orleans.
Kdr full information, free Illustrated
pumphltits, maps. 1 nd time-tables, also
lowest rates, sleeping-car tickets, nnd
hitfcgiigo c-hri'ked. apply to Southern I'a
clllc Co., 105 South Third Si., I'hlla , l'a.
"1 jlZ.r.ticrrout VUtnict-VzUlnt Mem
, l ory, iTpotoncy. Hleeplouneu, etc.. caaiea
; VI br Abuso or other Kxcouea on 4 India
WJ. eratioao. They nulcklv anil tunlii
rostoru Lost Vlluliir la olaorionng.n
in. Ihelr
11. u UHUJurKuu, uuaiunaui iuuu,uti
ca'lutiun. 'llielruve shows immediate jmprOTo-
blot upon, tuning the cjnnino Ajax Tob!t. Thty
havacureathou'aBdsasarlUcuroToa. Vtoiiroapqv
itlronrl'.teaencrantcoloeliactactiro KnnTQ la
each c&bo cr rctuca tho cjoocr. i'rlca CV Ul J per
rackapci cr els rkcee (full trcatmont) for flW. By
UBll, la pltln wrapper. mon recplrtorrrlr.t1rcalac
'" AJAX REMEDY CO., V.'ul'"
merit cud rbects a (.'UUC w.
ccro en piner iuii .la
For salo in S'-rauton, Pa., by Matthowa
Bros, and It C. Sandcrton, Druggists,
CMrhettrr'e llaslltli Diamond Bran.
Original and Onlj GtBulne.
vara., avwija rename,
mon J Brand la lie A tl
unrriM tor t,w.Jitr
Hi if 1. fCileJ vtih b ua
noolhtr. Htti jiiijnoi
ttontarKiimtlationt, Al.
Id fiinifi for JjMil5olri
for fcrl culftri. tttftimftsUU &i
iritf r fu. Y.A.iittu. k .
a 1 ii ii'ivuu triiiinrti! it rpf
CoU bj til Locil UriufUu.
BThrsn liny Capinlra tor
VreMt In .IH tanurM ivlluaut
Itn'. wtm-h l.'ppIUiL JJn.'
juciis una linrciioua lull.
U 7Vv
1 tapiia) J
2k r t.i
tllXan. TiUV
trtntt iuhititu "
, m ws
M C4J 1
Tt I