The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 22, 1899, Morning, Page 2, Image 2

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Awaiting Trial for Killing Dillls J.
Koons, of Lemon,
fcpcclnl to the Sctobtnn Tribune.
Tunkhannock, Ilcc. 21.-Otls Whip
ple, the man who stabbed and killed
Dillls J. Koons, nt Lemon, tills coun
ty, on Tiic-ulny cvcnlnir, wnB brought
to Tunkhannock Wednesday evenlnf?
by Constable Thomas M. Harding and
placed In jail to nwnlt tilal on the
chitrRo of muider. He was captured at
his own home after eludliiK the con
stable for nine hours. The facts In
the case, as gathered from the people
"Alio were piesent are as follows:
William Clark, a single nian,
lives about n mile and a half from
the town of Lemon, in this county.
uu Tuesday evening some of the neigh
bors happened along and stopped nt
his house. In the party were Dillls
Koons, Otis Whipple, Cotry Clark,
Will Com ad and u woman named Nel
lie Pinch. Theie wbh cider on hand
and the party pioceeded to enjoy them
selves. There had been tiouble before
this time between Whipple and Koons
over Whipple's wife, and under t'l"
influence of the elder the men h-nu
to quaitet. Which one struck the flint
blow no ono seems to know, but the
vere soon down on the tloor io"ctiu'i'
and befoie nny of the par., c mid Ir
ttrfero Whipple bad drawn the ltn"f-
and stabbed Koons tw ono
thiough the hcai t and ie I-t t'le
neck, seveilng the Jugular win, liber
wound being fatal. Koons died al
most immediately without being able
to speak. Whipple was brought down
here and seemed to be still under the
influence of the elder and talked In n
rambling manner about Konns bavin?
the knife In his hand and falling on
it, stabbing himself.
This is the only explanation he could
Whlpple will have a hearing i
before 'Squire Kut:" today His tilal
will probably not occur until the April
term of unlit. The knife used was
found and bi ought down heie by Cou
ntable Harding. It was an ordinary
rocket knife nnd was coveied with
blood. The Jury of Inquest ImpannelleJ
by Dr. L. 12. Neele was composed o'
the following persons: James Ace,
Wnllntn Iirooks, Hobert Lane, George
Klntner, Charles Abner nnd Da Id
Haney They leturned a veidlct In
accordance w ith the facts.
Special to The Scranton Tribune
TunUliunnock, Dec. 21. The Voin
Ing County Te.tcheis' institute con
vened for their thlid c1-'h session on
Wednesday morning. The proceedings
of the day woie opened by devotional
exercises under the dliectlon of Itev.
O. C Hodge, of the Presbvtei Ian
(hutch, nt a. m Dr. Kemp addressee!
the Institute, having fni bis subject:
"The Pedagogy of Jesu." Tiom 3.1.0
to 10 the time was taken up bj an
address on ' Lite wUuio an 1 flood
Memoiy Woik" by Ml-- Loyd. riom
10 o'clock to U JO the Institute v. 'is dl
lded Into sections nnd iuldiesed bv
Prof. Smith. Pi of. Mnteloik. Dr Kim?.
Dr. Kemp. Miss Lojel nnd 111. Itedwav
At 11. 30 It uasT-e'ikct In the court
loom nnd the lulmee of the miming
session was conuirned by an neWioss
bv Di. I!nui King m. "Ilniks and
Theli Secrets." The afternoon "essioti
.viis opened nt 1 M bv 'tuisle under th
direction of Maik i .laires, the Hist
addioMS being by Di. Kemp, subject
"lilrcl Life" At 21r Pi of Iltonil-y
Smith, of Keystone academy, was In
tioduced and talked foi half an hour
on "The rive rundamentnl Institu
tions of Hlstoiy." Di. Hymn King fol
lowed with an Interesting addiess. sub
ject, "The Art of Ilxpieselon" The
balance of the afternoon was given
over to Dr. Kemp In a tnlk on public
Hany Lewis, son of Attorney It. W.
Lewis. Is home from St John's Mili
tary school foi the holiday vacation.
A petition has been lilcrt with th'
county (ommlssloreis asking that tlf
bildge across the Sueuehanna rlvoi
nt Mehoopiny be bought by the county
und made a fiee lulilne unaer the act
of assembly pis'-eu by the leRlslatui"1
nt the lat sees! in The tens in ivui
being that the tolls on the bildge have
elief for WomeKt
Hentr.lnrlln,MaIcdrnTeloiw. Writs
tcwlay fur chin liooL.conuiliUnw I'nrtiru. '
larnftaa TMtimoniais ct Dlw MAKThLy ,
French Female Pails.
Pral-itd by iboiiNimls of Mtlnred ladlcn u
Hn nn fnn In Tllna VI I. it. . t..l Sir.. n- I, .. , . i!.
hohllivnll !rilL'L1klHITi mntnt fui tntieli
y- vn 'i su uiiO uiiuaiui uvu I H&V IIU otlirra
reucbI)rugCoSiil&33J 1'tarlSC. tiow Yoili C't.
From the Ordinary Hemstitched Up to the
Finest Hade Duchesse Lace.
Lace Edge, fine insertion center I5c, 25c, 50c
Swiss Embroidered 10c, 15c, 25c, 50c, 75c, $1, $2.50
Special Value Pure Lineu, fine embroidered 25c
ittnd-made Duchesse Lace, from 95c up to $12.50
Kid Gloves
Kid Gloves, 2-clasp, nicely embroidered in English
Reds, Browns and Tans ."" 75c
M, & H. Kid Gloves, just as good as ever $1.00
LaRome Kid Gloves, very desirable $1.50
a - . ' ft
become butdensome to the people of
the vicinity. The petition iis Hlgncd
by about 150 taxpayeni of Alelioopany
and Washington townships Th
county comnilfsloneis undei the pet ot
assemblv hae thirty dajs In which to
consider the intitPr.
Miss Kulalle Piatt, of Welleyley col
lege. Is spending the vacation with her
people here
A subscription dance will be given In
Piatt's opein house on next Monday
evening. The committee In tbnrgo Is
Dr. J. W. IJ Tew kepben y and O. V.
MeKown. Music will be by Oppcn
helm's oichcstin.
Special to the Scritiitnit Tribune.
Itnllstead, Dec. 21 Mis. William
Ilaulcastle, who has been !sltlng her
mother, Mis. Joseph Weley, mlled on
Wednesday for Puerto Hleo, where she
will Join her husband who Is employed
In the census department,
Mr. and Mis S. U. Chnse will leave
for Ualtlmoie. Md , Saturday, to spend w eel't. with their sons there.
The Piesbytcrlan chinch will ob-
serve the annual Christmas festival
I Saturday t veiling at 7.S0 o'clock. In
the chinch. A mulca! concert will
I take place and n large old fashlonel
llreplace and chimney with a live San
ta Clans has been ntinngcd.
The sei vices la all of the Hallstead
chinches win be appropriate to the
observance of Chrlstuutx, on Sunday.
Special set minis and Christmas carols
have been ai ranged by the pieachers
and choirs lespectlvely,
A meeting of the board of
rilicdniti of the Young Men's Christian
association Is called foi Suulay after
noon nt 31.0 o'clock.
The Centuiv Debating club will, on
Tuesda evening, Jan 2, hold a pub-
lie debate on the question, "The Win
Prosecuted Against the Uoeis by
deal Urltnln Is Justifiable."
The Methodist (hutch have ai ranged
to give a Chtlstmas cantata Saturday
evening at 7..10 o'clock, entitled "Santa
Claus" " boys. A large house has been
built, on the thuieh platfoim and cov
ered with cotton batting lepresentlng
snow. Seven little bos are to appear
In the musical choius.
Monday evening the ISaptlst church
will hold theli Clulstinas cilebiatlon.
The choir has ptepaied special mitf
for the evening, and the chlldien aie
aKo to sing. A large Chiistmas tren
will be, In the chinch, loaded with
presents. All chlldien who do not at
tend any school a:o tcndlally Invited
to come and icielve a piesent.
The tuiliitviH have the Hi st coat of
paint already applied to the passen
ger depot.
The new huge locomotives leeently
built for the Lackawanna, now make
dally tuns civet the load between
Suantcin and Hallstead.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Hromo Quinine Tablet
All druggists refund the n-in-v If i
falls to cure i: W. Clove's slsni
ture Is on each box. 23c.
MONEOE cotryiY.
Special to The Feranton Tllliuiie.
Stroudsburg. Dec. 21. Mrs. Prank
Staples Is visiting her f .ther In Scran
ton Miss Lizzie Cphets, a Normal nt.ul
liute. has been elected principal of the
Houspi vllle school
William Home, who was dlschaiged
b Justice Di.iku fjr the latceny of
biass ft out the Lackawanna tallroad,
found that his stable had been broken
into carlv today and a hoise so badly
lnjuied that It had to be killed.
Kast Stioudsburg's boaul of ttade
has decided not to take up the new
Hie plant and gla-.s factory project.
At a meeting held on Wednesday even
ing le'lsed estimates of th? eonstiuc
tlon was given. It was found that the
(line and glass factenj together would
ec t ftoin $20,000 to $2.000 to elect nnd
equip. One Item was $',000 for a glnss
tank Some discussion was given the
Idea to Increase the subset Iptlons, but
It was Ilnallj decided that such a
com so would be Impossible, both In
Katt Sttoudsburg nnd Philadelphia.
When the project wns Mist luoaehed
the boiough agreed to give $10,C00 and
the tlbte company $3,000,
Iniinovements to cost seveial thous.
one's of dolling will be made to the
PU'P and paper mills at MltlSl next
stlllnir In fact the mills will lm to
' h- ' l '" nuns win Do te-
consirueieci uirougnout.
Within tluee miles of Mllfoid, Pike
(ouniy. on me .ew jetsey side or th
t- lil ill
to Uvei,
nn Ind'nn grnvojanl
has been found.
About foi ty skeletons
have nlieady been exhumed. Relics of
almost every conceivable sort, size nnd
Dhapu also havo boon unenrthed.
Mis Mary Jane, widow of the lato
llev. Samuel Huff, died In her resi
dence at Annloinlnk avenue on Wed
nesday, of old age. Deceased was In
her soventy-flftli year and hail been a
lifelong tcsldent of this town. The
f uncial will be held on Saturday nf-te-noon
Speelnl to The Sciuntuti Trlbuup
Susquehanna. Dec. 21. While nt
woik In the '"'lndsor milk station
Lewis Day noticed what he thought
was a stick In a cake of Ice Un the
pool. I'teseiuly the Ice melted, and
whin the "stick" was free It began
fvo take on the appearance of life. In
a moment It wilggled violently nnd
proved In be n leptlle of the lizard
family eight Inches long.
Clnlstiims exercises will bo held In
the Methodist Sunday school on Mon
day evening, when there will be a
Chiistmas tree and presentation of
gifts to the scholars.
The Susquehanna county Clulstlnn
Kndeavor contention will be held In
the Presbyteilan chuicn In Montrose
December 2S and 20. Among the stellar
attractions will bo a chalk talk bv
Itev. Dr. Picice, of Scranton, nnd ad
diesscs by Hev. William Jessup, of
Syria, and Itev. Dr. L'dwaid Taylor,
of ninghoinlon.
A Susquehanna county colony will
leave for California next spring.
The Kile's coal Oniric lem.alns very
heav y.
The Presbvterlan society will give
a reception to the Sundny school In
the church parlois on Monday even
ing. Ueftoshments will be solved.
The Oaptlst Sunday rchool will havj
appropriate exerclcs on Monday even
ing. The Krle shops w ill be closed on
The Krle paymaster will arrive this
Mis w. Tl. Strachen, of this place,
on Tucsdiiv evening Instnlled the olll
ceis ot (Jl Chapter No. 121. Oidci of
th- I ostein Stni, In Client Itend.
The levlval piertlngs In the Great
Heml Methodist ehureh have rlosvl
until aftei Cip holidays.
An application will Iv made to the
count j couit at the January teim for
the dissolution of the Gieat Rend
P.rldge company, the stiucture having
become a enuntv, or fiee structure.
M W Mngulie foimcrly an Kile di
vision superintendent, has become sup
eilntondent of the chnUnooga division
of Hip Cincinnati Southern tallroad
nt p n ? r, KmT?G,t,h,,1,0n;1
of Kall.oad T.alnmen. vv I 1 hold Its nt-
teenth annual ball In Olstler hall. In 1
Gieat Henel
cembei 21
on Friday evening. De-
The Susquehanna Athletic club will
hold Its annual ball January 3ii.
Conductoi lould Ci'ivvcll, of Hall
stead, and William D Lusk, of Mont
lose. have been in Piterson this week
to ascertain from the dlstilct nttotney
what he Indended didng In the matter
of the lecpiit Lacknwnniia vieck.
In Ilnlltcad the Liikaw.inni coin-
panv Is arresting boys for stealing coat '
fiom thp c us. i
Kdl ni itnrtmv .if th ii-.ii,.., ,1 mo. .
sengei L'di'oi Hlrchnrd
of th" Susquehanna Transcilpt, Is dls
c iiltrteniiu.
Tens nf poultty ar being shipped
this we lc fiom Susquehpitna county to
Ne. Yoik. Philadelphia nnd oilvr
Mis. William Hudcastle. cf Gttat
P.?nil. todi sailed for Potto ltlcei. to
join hn husband, who Is engaged In
the census Inn can.
The funetal ot the late Hi tdle.v Heebe
took place nnd was latsclv nttended
this afteinoon, fiom Mte t.amlly lesi
dence In Oakland township. The ie
m.ilns wet" Intoned in tho cemeteiy In
South Windot, X. Y.
Not a Surpiise.
It will not be a sut prise to any who
are at all familiar with the good quali
ties of Chambet Iain's Cough Hemedy,
to know that people evetywhere take
pleasute In relating their experience In
tho use of that splendid medicine nnd
In telling of the benefit thev have re
celved from It, of bad colds It has
cured, of threatened attacks of pneu
monia It has aveited and of the child
ren it has saved frojn attacks of croup
a"d whooping cough. It Is a gtand,
good medicine. Tor sale by all drug
gists. Matthew Brod . wholesale and re
tall agents.
Humors of His Practice in a Remote
Country District.
I'lom tho Nineteenth Century
Thete ate two enemies hard to cot,-
i quer In this countty of the young One
Is tiellel in wltthciaft. the other a love
for "matter out of place." In my dlr
trlct the people leallv believe In L-p-lech.iun.s,
or little people. They still
visit n wizened witch doctor to hnve
"dead hands" cveorclred from be-
witched butter, and they hunt mjthl
cnl hates as often as living led game
Quito lately I was asked to visit a
maiden of half a century who wns
possessed with a "demmur." Now I
know Lizzie Iledmond I.s only suffering
fiom lonellnes.s, pure and simple. Her
tiny shunt, dumped down In a naimw
borcen, Is sin rounded by acres of gol-
j den gotse miles or peat land and fields
of silky bog cotton. No neighbor,
lovev r, enlivens giay existence fur
1 poot Lizzie Wh.u ever Is non-under-
fclandulle to the un!iioferlonal mind
In Sallyboggln Is cvilled a "demtnui"
nnd Is treated as a possession nf the
Hvll One Hence T found Llzzl' lying
on the mud (looi of her cabin In a
"snipped" condition. On her naked
lit east wau a penny On the penny an
end of candle. Over both penny und
candle rested an lm cited tumbler. A
"wise womun" was standing gazing
earnestly at her handiwork and mut
tetlns a charm
"Ah! doctor datllnt," set earned Liz
zie ttlumphaiitly as I entered the loom,
"It's a live elemurr' And tho wUi
woman hna located It, doctoi dear! SO'i
It u-leppln' an' n-ilsln' Into the glass."
I took In the matter at u glance. The
wise woman had Hist exhausted the
nlr b lighting her candle end nnd Im
mediately eoveilng it with a tumble:.
'J Ids. ot couise. acted as a, kind of cup
Pli'fJ glass, and flesh rose Into tho vac
cum In vuln I demonstrated on my own
in in iburnlng u Inde in my Bhlit si svo
as I did no) Llzle saw the "toi, too
solid flesh theieon following tho law
Get the genulue. Refuse substltutea,
lutes. M
as sum
Dr. BulFt IWts curt Vtfrfsi'a, 7Vial, nforic
Cures all 1 hroat ami I.ung Affection.
of suction ius well as the demmur un
der the breast bone. Dut sho clung to
the belief In the wise woman, npd I
was dismissed with Ignominy.
In Ireland wo do not lulte offense at
this kind of thing. I wrote to Lizzie's
landlord, Lore C , saying the wo
man was glowing "soft," nnd by re
turn post received a 1 note to pay
expenses of n chance for her. A short
spell In Dublin worked wonders. The
demmui' no longer set her heart n-gal-lopln',
nnd "the Joultlng of the train
stopped the beatln' ov her poolse."
My skill was equally Blighted by
another patient. She told me her liver
was trou ling her, nolntlnc nt the
same time to a spot high up under
her left arm. "God bless us, woman!"
I roared, "your liver does not Ho
"I think I ought to know whero mv
own liver lies," was her disnlllcd, In
sulted repl. "Haven't 1 suffered
from It these twentv venis7"
A third patient was more grnnde
dame than either of these twain. Cm
being called In my "token" being a
(ertaln ted ticket I nsked: "And
what's the matter with ou, Mrs. Doo
lan?" "I'm thlnkln' that's for you to tell
mo," was the haughty response, Just
ns If she were paying me a five-guinea
I have, of course, a due circle of pa
tients who firmly believe in every bolus
given by nny Ksculnplus To one such
went my friend, the vicar, lately.
"How aie vou today, Mrs. N'ealo?"
was the question addressed sympathe
tically to the greatest grumbler in Sal
lvboggln. "Mi1 'erv bid, vety bad. 'TIs the
desgestlon, your reverence! Like a
hive of bees n-buzzin' an' a-bussln' In
try buzzuni."
"la it always the same?" Inquired
the vlcai, hta eyes twinkling, but with
Immovable face (for we leatn to com
pose our countenances In Ireland).
"Nny, not at all, your reverence. 'TIs
often like a load ov bilcks, a-poundln'
an' a-poundln.' that's when the bees
olnt buzzln'. Hut" and the wrinkled,
smoke-grimed old faio brightened
"but the doctor God bless him Is af
ter glvln me a description, nn' if It
don't cute me, he'll describe me agin."
In Sillybojsfjln for yeais a certain
old woman levied u weekly trlbuf on
chailtably disposed folk. All at once
a "nevvy" from Ameilca turned up,
called on her "pattrons," and after
thanking them for their kindness car
ried off his mother's sister to end her
days In comfort Hut the widow Hoo
ligan monounced "Hoollhan" did
not lay her bones across the water. She
nn.... Mnn.mAnn.l "T nniitdn't iilnn 11
". mistiness deal." she explained to a
,nU Mo sstcl.a son.s a BOod bhoy
..... ,. ... m, i,i
j,a. washe(, nl0 t0 doath...
Yankee Tourist Didn't Propose' to Be
Left Out in the Cold,
fiom theeattle Times
"Here at home a bluff doesn't count
for much," said the globe trotter, "but
l m telling you that a good, stiff bluff,
with a cheeky Ametlcan behind It. is
worth a lot of money in Lutope. When
I got aiound to Nice last year the best
hotels woie crowded and I had to take
up with a small loom On the same
lloor was a Ueiman who was occupy
ing a suite, though not spending much
money or putting on uny great style.
One day there was a gieat row. The
Intullotd h.ul asked him ns a pattlcu
lat favot to vacate for a newcomer
nnd, of course, the man didn't pio
pose to be turned out. At the desk
was un Ameilcan I had tun acioss In
Venice a buyer for a Chicago orv
goods house. When the landlord an 1
the German began to gabble In ehoi js
the buyer pulled a. blank check fiom
his pocket .and reached for a pen and
"All this talk Is of no use. I want
rooms here I will buy the hotel nnd
select my suite. Sir, what Is jour cash
pi Ice foi this hotel?"
"'You would buy the hotel!" ex
claimed the landlord as he threw up
bis hands In surptie.
"'Grounds and all, and I want It to
day. How much n million 'hree or
four' And what name shull I nil In on
the check?'
"Say now," laughed the tourist, "but
you ought to havo seen that thing
woik! The German had determined to
be ugly about It. but when he bumped
up against a man who had as soon pay
four millions as one for what he fan
cied he felt awed and humbled nnl
leady to quit The landloid figured
tint to tutu away such a Croesus
would niln his house, and It wasn't
half an hour before tho bluffer was
Installed In the suite and the German
wns chucked Into a dog hole on the
top tloor. And that wasn't all, mini
you. When they sent the buyer a bill
based on his supposed millions he got
up and thieateued to buy up the town
and stmt six soap factories to mnnlng,
and they cut every Item In two an i
begged his pardon to boot I don't b'-
i Heve that chap had $1,000 to his rnira,
but he Just walked ovet everythln:
and everybody for two weeks, and It
was current gossip that he owned the
whole of Chicago and a good share of
St. Louis and Cincinnati. Nothing but
cold bluff, which wouldn't havo taken
him Into nn Amerlcnn dance hall as a
deadhead, but It was equal to a letter
of credit for Jl, 000,000 over there."
Lytton's Wonderful Faculty.
Hulwer Lytton's wonderful presence
of mind Is Illustrated by two unedotcs
In the curtent Quarterly Review In a
Taunton ball 100m. the shawl of a
lady with whom Ilulwer was goln-
through tho lnnccis suddenly caught
Pie Stepping a few paces aside and
so ciulell) us caicely to attrai noli"?,
hei pnitnor ten 1 ed the wiai pe- fiom
her shoulder, extinguished the sparks
with his hands, nnd with his usual fin
lshed lnsoucla'ce, icturned th mantle
to Its possessor. 1 ot being much the
v orse for the .vcldent. Heneat'i Idsl
" er's roof Lj d Carnarvon wltnejed
another proof scarcely less dramatic
of tho composuie of his official chief
In dlsconceitlng circumstances. A
young mnn had taken off the chimney
piece a small vaso of valuable china,
given to his host during his travels by
an Asiatic celebrity. With sueldert
nervousness the visitor lost hold of
tho precious vessel. It was actually
about to drop upon the health. In an
other moment It would have been shiv
ered Suddenly Hulwer. who war
standing plum bv, stretched out hit
hand and caught the falling ornament
vv Ithln a few Inches of the lloor. "Fleld
td. by Jcve' But I've saved my crock
cry, vvh"ili 1 would sooner not havo
written 'Mnnc y' than havo lost."
About the Size of It.
Illxon But tho law can never make n
man honest.
Dixon No, but It can niako him aw
fully uncomfortable when ho Is dishonest,
Chicago News.
Wall Street Rovlew.
New York, Dee. 21. The stock market
had to uirry another heavy load of liqui
dation todaj. Trndlng Has on a Mnaller
toalo than on any previous dn ntul
weak but tho tone wiih leverlsh and un
settled throughout und tluctuutloiiH were
instant. The) principal celling pressure'
c line from London, vvhero tho monev dif
ficulty was agginvntcd bv re new eel np
prdiciiAlons over the sefttv of the llrlt
Ifch tcilnmns In South Aft lei and the. ad
vance In the dllelal discount rate of the
Hank of France, l'erced liquidation in
i ho London exchange was on a huge
HCiilo and oveifluwul to the New Yo.k
market. The Internally listed stocks were
acutely depdessed at the opening niul
were not nblo to make nny tulistuntlnl
headway all elav. In the lust hour thete
was renewed selling of thitt group, which
forced down prices nil through the rull
road list frcm iu to fi point, tho ex
tremo decline being In Ngrthwcstein. T.10
leading specialties were also at tho low
points of the day In the Inst hour. lho
bcurs wcio active In the late drive liny
Ing to cover Fhnrt contiacts caused soma
sharp rallies but thev were not well held
nnd tho closing wns exceedingly unset
tled nt Pieces compared with
last night's cloe notable feature of
the weakness, as was the case jestciday
wns the easier late ruling nt the time foi
call money. After leudli g nt 7 per cent
In tho morning loans were being made at
5 to 3 per cent at tho time when prises
were dropping most rapidly The weak
ness was not so much confined to tho
i.pecul.atlvo Industrials ns was tho case
.vesterdny and If liquidation wns being
forced bv discrimination as to collaterals
tho standard rnlhond stcekB were thrown
over to obtain funds for the protection
of holdings of ImlustrlnW Prices In a
number of tmpciitnnt stocks approached
oi fell below the low point of Monday
nnd this fact seemed to Incline holdets
to K'll Brooklyn Itnpld Transit was by
no means so conspicuous ns j c sterday but
the dealings were ver) Inrge nnd the Hue
Illations very wide It was vigoloiiHly
supported In the early de illngs, but ap
parently only for the purpoo of muklnt;
11 market for further lleiuldatton Sup
poir was forthcoming from time to time
eluilng tho day which checked the down
ward tendency Sugar was verv erratic
at a level below lost night nnd fell to
within of Monday's low level Metro
politan nnd Manhattan were acutely de
pressed, the former falling 8 polnt The
New York Ons st irks were strong during
the oarlv dealings on tumors of a settle
ment nf the wnr, but they weak
ened before tho clc se, Uxcopt for the
continued strict dlcrlmlnutlon ngalnst
some i lnses ot toeks ns collateral, ensv
ci iiilltleinii weie maintained In tho money
market Total sales "21 llKl shares, liouds
weakened In sjmpathv with stocks. To
tal sales, par value, J.'.Cl" 000 United
States 3s and the old in udvanced 'i In
tho bid price.
The following cjuntttlcns are furnished
Tho Tribune by M. S Jordan & Co ,
rooms 70j-0G Mears building Telephono
Open- High- Low- Clos
ing est est ing
Am Sugar 1JP4 l'.Vi 120 1:14
Am Tobn'CoCo .. . SOU vii, S7 8"1.
Atch., To .1 S. To lh 1vb4 17 17
A . T & S r. I'r .. 17, 57v, ,,; ;r,s,
Hiook It T CD C7, Ii24 64Vi
t'on. Tobncco 1!74 2Si 27'i 27
Ches & Ohio 2SH 29 28 2s
People's (5as MV4 95 1214 0!
Chic & N V Ill -it2 151 151
Chle.. 1 & Q US W- 1174 H'
St. Paul lliiV4 UfiVi 1111 IUS
Itoek Island .. . .101 10Ih VVt 10J8
Delaware &. Hud ..1Wi UVi 112 1IJ
D. I. & W . 173 172 17(1 170
K.m & Te , Pi .11 ,'l't ? 29
l.oui" ft Nfinh . . 71'S 7C"i "rt l'4
Manhatten Hie . sn'i 'nic. wt mt.
Met Tl action Co 171 l")l 1'J I'd
Mo I'.iclllc Tf, .!) 3i &; ... 1U14 lll 11134 1114
Nor I'acllle .11 ulK, IS", 1'U,,
Nor Pacific. Pr . Tl'J. 71';. 74 7m.
N Y'Cential . 12ii3 US 127 I'-'i'i
Ont & West . 21'Si .'1'4 ?n, '. .
P.irine M.ill . ."S ' 17'i 'I7'i
Phil. rt. Head . . 17 17Vj 17 17
Phil. .4 P.eail . Pr .. 17's 47'4 4Sic, W2
Southern It IJ . Pr. Mi Hhi C01i .rd
Tenn , C & It mi ... 77 774 7.1 ,1'j
1' S. Leather .... 12'4 12' 12 12
f S Leather, Pr . VJ (., CS fS
1'nlon P.itllle iVi. tV' 4P, -,Prt
I'nlnn , Pr . ..71V, 71S TOU 70',
AVabish. Pr 19S 2u 19 l'i-h
West. Pnion . ... S.I". K4 VoU NT'i
Ponni It. It l.K l.ifl 1.") i
l'ed flteel -IVi I14 4 li"
IVcl ?tccl Pr 70 71 1.914 70
Am. S S. V Il'4 42 40'4 40..
Open- High- Low- Clos
WHEAT lug . est rt Ing
July 7U 70i. 0 7u'4
Mil) W 70'4 C9U V
May 3i Tl 32'4 3.1
Ma 2!'i 24 2Pi Jt
Januniv !)9o 10 j0 9-w 907
May 102.' 1032 102J lu 21
January .1.32 .141 .112 141
May .151 5 iZ 5 53 5.(j1
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
. xTntliinnl ItnnlE ....
Bid Asked.
Pcrnnton Savings Bank
Scranton Packing Co
Third National Hank
Dime Dep&DlH Bank. ......
economy L Bht. H &P-Co...
Scranton 111 . H " -0
LacUa Trust & Safe Dcp Co.
Scranton Paint Co ...
Clark & Snover Co. Com. ...
Clark & Snover Co. Pr. .....
Her lion fence A. Mrs Co....
Scranton Axle Works
Lacka. Dalty Co, Pi .
Co Savings Bank & Trust Co
Btarda.d Drilling Co D.g.
Scranton Pass Itnllway, drat
mortgage, due 1920 .......
i--.-.-.t.a CtrAot llnllnnv. first
mortgage, duo 1913 11
People b Street uninvay. uen
oral mortgage, due 1921 ....
Dlekson Manufacturing Co ..
Lacka Tovwitdilp School 1 ..
City of Scranton St. Imp. 0
Mt Vernon Coal Co
Unronlnn A V 1 P Wnrkfi -
Scranton Traction Ci bonds.. 115 ...
Scranton Wholesale Market
(Corrcctid by II. G. Dale. 27 Lackawanna
Avenue )
nutter Creamery. 21.i27c; pilnt. 25a
27e , dall, lulls'. .'Ge
IZest Selce t western, lfiic. ; nearby
state, 2lc
ClieexB Pull cream, new, liue,
HeaiiH Pt i lm choice mariow, $2.30;
medium, tl. ea U.
Onions Per lm , 15c.
Potatoes Pt r bit , Site
Lemons $!50aJ,75 pel box.
Plour-JI 30.
riillndelplim Qinin nnd Product
Phllidelplila. Dee. 2I.-Wheut-Weal:
and barely Htend , contract Kiade, Uc
cembei, 70j71e Coin Steady; No 2
mixed, December, 17'i'i37'.c O.itH
Steady; No. 2 white clipped 31'4a"2e , No
2 do do 30'4u!lc , No 2 mled do. 204u
2')jc PotiitucH L'nc handed, l'eniii')!
anla choice, per bushel, 55nDVe ; New
Yoik ami weMtein do do. do. (ili55c ; ijo
do fulr to Kflud, COaJJe nutter Firm
und 'i.e. higher, fancy weiteru cicatner,
-T'it , do. prints, 2so. Kepg Plrin, fresh,
ncurlij, 21c , dn. wtc rn, 21c , do nauth
wi stein. 10c . do southern, lSt Cheese
Plrm; rttlned SiiRntH Sttiulv Talloi
Kteadj , tlt prime, in jcikmIih.ic!b, 1"4c ,
country do do. baricls, S.iS'iC , dail.,
do, lc. ; cakes, K'iiio'ie , Kre.iHc Sal.c
Live Poultry-Steady; fowls, S.iDc. , old
iciosters, frt6H.e , sprlnp chickens, 7'4a
4'jic ; ilurki, iuii'jc , kccsc, hVvnic ; tut
He8. 9al0j, ; chlell, OiOiJc. Dreseed Poul
tr Plrm. wnoil dimancl, funis, choice,
10c. : dci. fair to i;c.oi1, 'JaO'-jc. ; old roos
ters, "c , chickens, nearby, flille , west
ern do, lurge lOall't'- ; medium do. Da small 7afe tutUejs ibolco to
fanev. Ual3e foi western and t.inllc. for
nnarle do , fat ito Rood, PalOc Infertoi
do. 7 ic KcM'clpts Plcuir. l,om bun els
ntul 7 OM s.ccks, wheat. C 000 bushels; coin
llii OW bushels; oats. 11.0)0 bushels Willi
mints Wheat, 4 Oflu bushels, corn, lO.ftl'J
buthcln, oats, 12 000 bushels.
NowYoikarnln and Proiincn Market
New York, Dec, 21, Flour Asaln very
fclow but HtcMidy, dosing firmer, with
wheat, Wheat Spot HUudy; No. 2 ud,
71c. f. o, b. ulloat; No, 1 northern Duluth
7fHc f. o. b. afloat, nominal; No. I hard
Duluth, SOMc. f. o, b. afloat spot; No. 2
Sensible Gift
itiiFor Geiitleiiieii)''''"')'')'')''
Men ;irc pcncially practical. Nothing pleases a man
more upon Christmas time than to rcceivt a sensible
giftwc mean something useful.
Our store is full ol useful things the kind that
make ideal holiday gilts. Among them are the very
finest assortment of
Trnvcll 11?,' Iliis,
('a ties,
Tunc suspenders.
House and llatli Holies,
;- We reipectfullv ask you to call and allow us to show
'Z, V'Hi our magnificent stoJc. Should be pleased id have c'
55 you look around, alliough you do not buy. $i
iionlsrras.... 412 Spruce Street. f:
We will thoioughly lenovatc
your house after sickness, using
gcnculcd Formaldehyde Gas, the
bet known germ:icide and disin
fectant. Our work is effectual and
charges reasonable.
ifficii&t$ PricBS
SCREENS, three-fold, now $1.75
Upholstered R-cUers, uow 2.75
Jardiniere Stands, now 85
Foot Rests, now 75
Enameled Beds, now 5.75
Sofa Cushions . 50
Ladies' Dressing Tables, now 7.50
Ladies' Desks, now 4.75
Everything New and Upto-Date.
ast Mountain
Sold by All Tirst-Class Druggists. Highly llccom
incmlcd by l'hys clans.
Offlce 902 West Lackawanna Arena?, Scranton. P.i.
Eoarllircanccdt! a reliable, nroathly.wgnlitlnR modlclne. Only htrmlcasand
tho l utcst druga BhouU b ntod. II jou l-ant tho beel, got
ITP deal's Fsff3K3Bs3!8 FiBflS
Thoy aro prompt, :ifo nnd certain In remit.
R.t;Sv..c,n m,ifc,i',i rvovor clls.inrnlnt. Go d for 81.00 ter box.
For Sale b JOHN H. PHELPS,
opruco sircji.
led, 72Vu? elevntor; options opened steady
and unchaiiBcd, but t-oon d eloped weak
ness and closed llrm at 'j.i'.i nc I .id
uiuc. .Mitch closed 71V , AIu, 7'n. .
Jill, "Vie., Deccmbei, 7.'.i Com Spot
llim. No .' WW r. 1 ullont ind alt
eb'vatoi , options opined ttc,ul and un
chanccd, Kiaduallj adanced latei In Uu
da and tlctccl llim at c i,datie. May
closed uOf ; December, J'i'i.i. Oats Spot
unlet; No. 2. 21e ; No I 2S'..e . Ni 2 wlnle.
..P4c , No S white .,"'-.! tn.ik mt "I
western, Slla'' c. ll.nlc while. .1 i.b op
tions ipilet and Ktt.icl. Ilutlci Steady.
Wfslein cicaineiy JJa.'7i ; luemr). l.V.u
Sue , June crcimcl), 22a."lki . Imitation
cr Mtieij. l'n'.ii slate elalij, ItaJje , do
fimimry, J- - Clieisi riim. fall
n de fain small. 12olSc ; fall niiiile
I kc fnt.c. U i.ille lato made small, 1."
ii'. ''ji' ; latKe late made, ll4,il.'e. l';KS
Lteail) , Muti and Ptnnsj Ivi.niu SUiM- ,
i western iiiiKimkii nt man:, iui:i',.c. ;
wcstLiu. 21a2le.. loss off
Chicago Grrin and Produc?.
ChlcaRO. Dec. 21. Tho cnpauemenl by
KiiRland of ocean Hueis toi the trans
port stuleo was the ihlef bullish ot
the daj 111 wheat Muj dosed 'Ho oer
jislcrdi Com eh nil c. und oats 'ia
V hlfihei Pi jvlslons in tho rUn-o were
u trllle up In May polk nnd ilhs We. hot
tcr In Utel. ('ml ciuntatlons weie as fol
lows: Kb ur sM'ndj , No 3 sprliiR wheat,
UlCc. No 2 led. UaijC , .No. 2 colli.
S'lVtiiSHV' N i 2 jellow coin;
No ? ontr i2i..'i2.1:je No 2 wl'lte 251
2"."iC. No 1 white. JUiuWjc ; No. : te,
Sle : No. 2 barley. 'KnlSe. No 1 fins steel
mill northwest, 11 ISH. tltnotliv seed,
JJ '15; miss polk, SOulO: lard, $510a!il0;
rllis. loose, $5 15ar. 40, railed shoulders,
CJharWc ; eleai sides, boxed, ?510aC.50;
whlskcv. ?12".'' sugars, cut loaf, 15.70;
cr.inul itcil, $5 is.
Chlcngo Llvo Stock Market.
("IiIcuko. Dee Jl - Cattle. aoml to choice)
native steeis, liv lilshei . llRlit and In
ft lint klneU rlow. Tcmis. llrm, ICalBc.
hlKher Cow in irkei nnd earn us.
utronger; hocKcih und fiLdcrs. utcuel) ;
c oel to choice. $5 30.10.73. pool' to Hie
elluiu. $123(15 30. mlscel stockers, $3aJ.76;
selected f.eders, JIJUI.Hl, noml to tholeo
cows. W; lulfers. $l.ira5, chuiicts,
J'.Ml, bulls, J.'.'Wal.a; e,iles $h7. ffd
Toxhh beeves. JIT,a530. Hokh Hiy
openeel stioiurer, rloeel weak; IlKllt, shudo
Irwer; niUeil und butchurs, $190,U.lTMi
Hood to choko hcay, $4a4.1Ki loub'h
Dress Suit Cases,
Hats, Klc.
412 Spruce Street.
Lithia Water
Pharmacist, ccr. Wyoming avenuo and
To P&TEfIT Good Ideas
may bo secured by
our aid. Address,
Baltimore, Md.
u.w iw.i"i-. llKht f: on i4 10. bulk of
files H"iill.'i. Ph ii Market Hlrons
iiml i 1, I, nnl iimbs, inlOe hlKlu i ,
i iiiimnn iriinlrt sttmh to shook native
we tin rs tsull! Iiimbs, Jl",0al75, wc-t
i in we iliers ( 1 1 Vi. wesicin lambs $) 73a
S.Vi Receipts -Cuttle 7 Odl head, Iiors,
J.'.uui heiid sheep -' iHO be ad
Buffalo Llvo Stock Market.
Kust Kuffiilo Dee .'1 Cattle S'endy
for cuod (trades, c oinnum Mockers b r,
leuls. $oa7 73 lines Active anil c htch
er; Votkers $IJ-inl2'i, ll(,ht. $1 13u4 JO.
miMd. $1 2ia I o, medium and heaj, $1 ,
lies, $110.1115, roushs, ?!c,0a3S5, stuf-s,
$on3 3ei Sheep and L'imh' fitronirer lor
Kood lambs, sheep nime uellve, but prices
no In iter, best lambs, I'.tn.ileO; mils to
gociil, Ia3'l"i, sheen tips $!70a.!SO, iii'ls
to Kouil. K'u J 1,0, welherH ami eai line's,
$la4 10 to (l.bO.
New Yoik Live Stock.
New York, Dee 21 Heeics PeeltiiR
slc:td' calves, bdoi! e:il, llrm. othera
Heady: l t u urel cuhes, nninlniil, lowei,
Mills. 40.125, tops, $S.r0, llttlo calies.
Jl riheep and Lnmbr Sheep not wanted
arid lower, choice lambs, hiimiH ; iiu'ilium
Kradis, . eak; ceunmon to prime she p,
$2 2ria4 23; common to choice lambs. $l 50
I to. Hops Finn on llcht cuppli , prim
western Iiokb, $1.50.
East Liberty Cattle Mnrket.
1'nct I.licm. Dee 21 Cuttle-Ste al ;
iNtril. J'lWlil'ri. pilme $3.ih5SO, com
inon, $3nu. Moss- Actle, prime heuiy
hues,, plluie meellums, $1 2J,il :7Vj,
belt heiuy Ye Ik rs, l.?u. (food I 1il 1 Tk.
ers. $llrit20 plKs, u to iiuulll. $1 10a
113; hood i'oi"iiH. $;.Ma.76; iIkk
mid stUKS, $2.6i'.i3. 10.
Oil Mniket.
Oil Ct. Die. 21, Credit Imlanees. $1 CI,
cmtlUcates, l,00 Imiials cash sold at $1 C3,
bhlninoiits. 0.ii8 hauels: uverane. 7J2II
liHiretlsj runs, ?1,SJ bairuls; uvui.ego. H,-
1 ClSO rets.