The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 19, 1899, Morning, Page 8, Image 8

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Board of Trade Committee Will Be
gin an Active Canvass Today.
Fifth Ward Caucus Next Satur
day Officers of Hyde Park Lodge,
P. and A. M. P. 0. S. of A. An
niversarySchool Deposits Fun
eral of John Roberts Adoni3 Club
Social Minor News Notes.
lion. John II. Parr, William Farrcll
and B. G. Morgan, the special com
mittee appointed by President C. 13.
Daniels at the recent meeting of the
board of trade, will today begin an ac
tive canvass for stock In subscriptions
for the proposed now tin plate plant,
which they confidently expect will be
located In West Scranton.
In conversation with a Tribune man
last evening, Mr. Farr stated that al
ready he has met with much encour
agement and several well known busi
ness men have promised to take stock
In the new Industry.
"It will require considerable capital
to secure the plant," he said, "but 1
am satisfied that It will be the greatest
boom for West Scranton we have ever
"If the moneyed men of this side
will only put their shoulders to th
wheel," continued Mr. Farr, "we will
be able to raise the required amount
by the first of- January. That Is the
time limit for the West Scranton peo
ple to show that they mean business
ond secure an Industry that will bo of
great benefit to the city and our people.
"Men who owe their success In life
to the start they received In West
Scranton should have sulllclcnt pride
In this locality to Invest their money
In an enterprise which will be con
trolled by local stockholders and bring
employment to our people. The plac
ing of valuable tracts of land on the
market for home sites has made It
possible for West Scranton to become
one of the best Industrial sections In
Northeastern Pennsylvania and I hope
this proposition will receive the re
cognition It deserves."
The twenty-eighth anniversary of
"Washington camp, No. 17S, Patriotic
Order Sons of America, will be cele
brated in Mears' hall next Friday even
ing, Dec. 22. The Foster Star Lyceum
company, of New YorK, has been en
gaged for the event. The artists nve
J. Stuart Blackton. the famous car
toonist and humorist, late of the New
York World: Albert E. Smith, prestldl
gltatcur and mimic, and Miss Mattle
Holmes, monologue entertainer.
The American vltagraph, the latest
and most perfect motion picture de
vice, will also be operated, showing
Good cough remedy, take
(ours French Tar. For Sale at
ioi & Alain Avenua
Is now at its height aud the stream of visitors was
never greater. The reason is plain. We thought the
situation carefully over before we started to make p;o
vision for the Christmas trade, aud our long experience
has enabled us to hit the popular faucy just right in
every detail. The little folks are provided for with
Toys, Story Books, Games, Dolls, Doll Furniture, etc.,
while the variety of suitable gifts for their seniors is
simply iufiuite.
Gloves, Hosiery,
Fancy Aprons, Notions,
Neckwear, Underwear,
Ribbons, Laces, Pictures,
Sewing Machines,
H-: - China, Toilet Requisites,
Fans, Purses, Blankets,
Bohemian Glass, Fine Furs.
Smart Petticoats,
Silk Waists, Cloaks,
Men's' Furnishings, Silks,
, Underwear, and One
' Thousand Other Things
As usual, there are little lots here and there that are
slower at uioviug than others. In these we've cut deeply
t former prices and made buyiug easier thau ever before.
Globe Warehouse
Wisdom of Health
Is tho wisest of nil wisdom. The
quickest way to make weak stomachs
strong, to make sickly people well, Is
to use Ilostctter's Stomach Bitters. It
Is tho best medicine In tho world for
Indigestion, dyspepsia, lilso liver or
weak kidneys. It cures nil stomach
Ills. It makes and keeps people well.
A I'rlvat R v nu Stamp should
cover tho neck of the bottle.
Imitations BITTERS.
moving pictures of tho Dewey celebra
tion, International yacht races, fight
ing In the Philippines, views of the
Transvaal, South Africa, British sol
diers leaving London and a special
scries of magical subjects.
The cntertulnment will bo followed
by a social.
Following nro tho deposits made at
the West Side bank yesterday by the
principals of Nos. 13, 19 and 32 schools:
No. 13-Davld Owens, 1; Martha Wat
kins, COc; Bllzabcth Lewis, Cci Allco
F.vans, $1; lMna D. Evans, 25c; Nellie
Richards, He; Cathcrlno Phillips, -lie.;
Nclllo Kelly, 42c; Sarah McDonald, 20c.;
Kllza Price, $1; Mary Harris, G-ic; total,
No. 10-Mlss Lees, $2.50; Miss Nichols,
29c; Miss licamlsh, 91c; Miss Morgan,
$1.75; Miss Flynn. i'Gc: Miss Evans, $1.15;
Miss Kellow, 4'jc: Miss Murphy, $1.13;
Mies Wade, 7Sc; Miss Yost, 40c; Mrs.
Ferber, $1.35; MIbs Peck. 45c ; total, lll.SG.
No. 32 Miss Knapp, $1.1G; Miss Free
man, 43c; Miss Ruddy, r2c. ; Miss Mullen,
$1.19; Miss Carpenter, C2c; Miss O'Con
nor, 35c; Miss Fellows, 45c; total, $1.72.
At a stated meeting of Hyde Park
lodge. No. 339, Free and Accepted
Masons, held In Masonic hall last even
ing, the following ofllcers were elected
j for the coming year:
Worshipful master, David J. Davis;
senior warden, W. Hayden Evans;
I junior warden, George Oberdorfer:
treasurer, William R. Williams; sec
retary, Charles E. Lannlng: trustees,
Thomas D. Carey, James Eaton.Charlcs
Charles W. Lull was elected repre
sentative to tho Grand lodge. The in
stallation will occur on Wednesday.
Dec. 27.
The vigilance committee of tho Fifth
ward announce that there will be a
primary election at the several polling
places on Saturday, December 23, 1S99,
between the hours of 4 and 7 p. m. for
the purpose of placing In nomination
Republican candidates for select coun
cil, Judge of election, register of voters,
and Inspector of election.
The candidates for select council nl
ready mentioned are Richard II. Will
lams, tho present Incumbent, and
George Carson, ex-school controller.
The funeral of the late John Roberts
was conducted at 3 o'clock yesterday
afternoon from tho home of the de
ceased's son, William Roberts, 123
North Ninth street. Rev. A. L. Ramer,
pastor of Mt. -Mark's Lutheran church,
The pall-bearers were Henry Lord,
George Nott, Jacob Bischer and John
Keen. The remains wcro Interred In
Washburn street cemetery.
The Adonis Social club conducted an
enjoyable country dance In St. Da
vid's hall last evening, which was at
tended by a largo gathering of young
people. AH manner of costumes wero
worn and many wero very grotesque.
Anthony Cummlngs was master of
ceremonies and John J. Langan was
his assistant. The reception commit
tee was composed of John Langan,
John Howell, Joseph Goft, Michael
Cook, William Griffiths, James McCoy
and H, L. Rowley.
Division No. 1, Ancient Order of Hi
bernians, will hold n smoker In Harl
Garl hall this evening and afterwards
tender a reception In St. David's hall
to Ladles' Auxiliary, Division No. 4.
John J. Langan, of Hampton street,
employed ns a company hand In tho
Central mine, hnd the lingers of his
left hand badly crushed while at work
on Saturday.
The Gleaners, of the Simpson Metho
dist Episcopal church, will hold their'
regular monthly business meeting this
evening. All members are requested to
be present.
The "S. T. R." will cntertoln their
friends at the home of Charles Mat
thews, on North Hyde Park avenue,
Jan. 1. 1000.
The Bertha La Monte society will
meet at 4 o'cIock this afternoon In tho
Washburn Street church.
The Christian Endeavor society of
the Plymouth Congregational church
will meet this evening at 8 o'clock.
Tho topic will be "How to Pray."
Tudor R. Williams, of South Main
avenue, Is home from Cornell for the
holiday vacation.
Christmas exercises will be held at
the Bellevue Calvlnlstlc Methodist
church next Saturday evening.
Mrs. Charles Edison and daughter,
and Miss Minnie Laubach, of Benton,
Columbia county, are visiting Mr. and
Mrs. James Eaton, of Tenth street.
Miss Laubach was taken seriously 111
on Sunday.
Albert Wicks and brother, of North
Hyde Park avenue, have returned from
a successful hunting trip at Susque
hanna. C. B. Ohl, Ell and Frank Jones, of
Bloomsburg, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Eaton, of Tenth street.
The members of the Plymouth Con
gregational church nominated officers
nt the annual business meeting last
evening. The election will take place
In January.
The young ladles' society of the
Washburn Street Presbyterian church
hold a meeting last evening In the Chi
Upstlon society's rooms. A large num
ber were present.
H. B. Detts Charged with Violation
of City Ordinance Another Sewer
Cave-in Other News Notes.
IT. B. Belts, of Grand View avenue,
was before Alderman Myers last night
on the Information of C. S. Watson, a
neighbor, who charged him with vio
latlng a city ordinance In discharging
firearms within the city limits. Tho
case grows out of the shooting of n
blooded dog owned by Watson, and
which was nt tho time In a lot adjoin
ing that of Betts. The defendant, it
appears, has been pestered of lato by
the visits of neighboring dogs, which
have tracked his porches and com
mitted other depredations not to h!3
liking. Ono of three of the canines, it
is stated, have suffered by his gun,
and Watson's dog was tho last to come
under the eye of the shooter.
Watson's dog was not killed, how
ever, nnd a further action of cruelty
to animals, and also one of trespass
In a claim for damages was accord
ingly brought. In the matter of vio
lating thn city ordinance there was n
summary conviction nnd the fine pro
vided was imposed ns well as ihe costs.
The sewer trench on North Main
avenue, In the neighborhood of Jones
s'reet, continues to make tioublo for
the traction company. Despite the fact
that their track has been braced and
propped with heavy beams and girder
rails, another section of the trench
gave way last evening, until now di
rectly In front of Palmer's store there
is scarcely any earth left under the
rails for several feet. Thn track re
mains Intact, however, by reason of
the supports placed beneath It, but
for the safety of tho passengers It was
deemed best io transfer at that point.
This was done during tho evenlnff,
greatly to the inconvenience of hun
dreds of people who wero coming ti
or returning tvpm the Central City.
The Ladies' Aid society of the East
Market Street Primitive Methodist
church has elected tho following offi
cers : President, Mrs. Wells; vice
president, Mrs. S. Fldlnm; secretary,
Mrs. Powell; assistant secretary, Mrs.
T. Williams; treasurer, Mrs. William
Central Lodge No. S'C, Independent
Order of Odd Fellows, at its regular
meeting last night, conferred the sec
ond degree on three member.''. Hyde
Park Encampment No. 93, Indepen
dent Order of Odd Fellows, at Its meet
ing this evening, at the auditorium,
will confer tho royal purple on eight
Mrs. Charles Taylor, of Scott town
ship, mother of County Superintendent
Taylor, Is tho guest of relatives In this
part of the city.
William Janctt, picked up on Main
stieet late Sunday night by Officer
May, and who was helplessly Intox
icated, was given a hearing by Alder
man Myers yetscrday, und In default
of tine nnd costs was committed to the
Grain- !
Itemeinber that namo when you
want a delicious, appetizing, uour
ishilifj food diink to tako the pluco
of coffee. Sold by all grocers nnd
liked by nil who have used it,
Graiu.O is mado of pure grain, it
aids digestion and strcuRtlicus tho
nerves. It is not n stimulant but a
health builder, and tho children ns
well ns the adults can drink it with
great benefit. Coots about as much
as coffeo. lEc. nud 25c, per pack,
ago. Ask your grocer for Graln-O.
Try Grain- !
Inalstthat your grocer elves too Graln-0
Accrpt no Imitation.
and Nerves.
(MARUNI Wlrtd)
No other pieparatlon has ever received
so many voluntary testimonials from
eminent ptcplu us the world-famous
Marlanl Wine. Agrceablo and lasting.
Bjforo Heals APPETIZER
At nil Times TONIC
Sold by all druggists. Refuse substitutes.
Marlanl & Co., 52 W. 15th St.. New
York, publish n. handsome book of en
dorsements of Emperors. Empress, Prln
ness. Cnrdlnals, Archbishops and other
distinguished personages. It Is Bent
gratis and postpaid to all who wrlto
for It.
county Jail for ten days. Janett Is a
mine laborer and lives on Ferdinand
All the property owners of Ferdinand
street who are Interested in the Im
provement of that thoroughfare aro
requested to meet at tho office of Do
wltt Brothers, on Thursday evening,
December 21, at 8 o'clock, for the pur
pose of hearing reports of' committees
and transacting such other business
as may come before them. By order
of John P.. Owens, chairman.
Miss Bertha Roes', of Taylor, was
tho guest yesterday of Miss JIarao
Thomas, of Spring street.
Tho choir of the Providence Presby
terian church will have a special re
hearsal this evening. The choir will
present an elaborate programme of
Christmas music next Sunday.
Members of King Solomon Lodge In
stall Officers and Banquet Yes
torday's Funerals Notes.
The members of King Solomon lodge,
Free and Accepted Masons, last even
ing Installed In their rooms over Bone's
drug store the following ofllcers, re
cently elected: Grand worshipful mas
ter, George J. Gilford; senior warden,
W. R. Wilson; junior warden, Almon
C. Mitchell; treasurer, Joslah P. Sear;
secretary, Abner A. Klotzer.
At the conclusion of the ceremony
the members of the lodge and a num
ber of vifeitlng Masons repaired to Odd
Fellows hall, where an excellent ban
quet was served, covers being laid for
slxty people. Short Impromptu speeches
were made by many of the membeis
and a very enjoyable evening was
spent by all.
The funeral of Emma, tho little 3-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Frederick Probst, who died at the
home on Pino street Saturday after
noon of pneumonia, occurred yester
day afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. The fun
eral services were conducted by Rev.
Stelnman, pastor of the Petersburg
Presbyterian church, at the home of
the parents. Interment was ma.le In
the Dunmore cemetery. The pall-bearers
were the Misses Bertha Uucher.
Florence Nauman, Mabel Butler and
Sophia Wolf.
The funeral services over the re
mains of the late Mrs. Jeannette Miller
were held nt the home of her son. Da
vid Miller, on Rlgg street at 2.30 o'clock
Rev. W. F. Gibbons, of the First Pres
byterian church, officiating. Inter
ment was made In the Dunmore ceme
tery. The pall-bearers were as fol
lows: John Hollow, Stephen Richards,
Aaron Gay and William Flew.
Examinations of the successful can
didates for positions as night school
teachers In the borough schools were
conducted last evening In the Central
building by tho superintendent. Only
two of tho candidates present 'took the
examination in full.
The programme for the Lackawanna
base ball club's entertainment, to be
held In Manley's hall, Monday, Jan. 1,
for tho purpose of raising funds to lay
out a plot of land near Murray's
breaker as a base ball park, Is nenrlv
complete nnd will Include many well
known performers.
A little child of Mr. nnd Mrs. John
Walsh, of Spencer's field, is very ill.
The Young Ladles' Mission circle of
tho First Presbyterian church has
made arrangements for a "candy sale"
to be held at tho home of Mrs. C. J.
Chamberlain, on Blakely street, Satur
day afternoon, Dec. 23,
Miss Florence Whiting, of Welles
boro, and Miss Olive Walker, of Luke,
who have been the guests of Miss Jes
sie Swnrtz, of West Drinker street,
returned to their homes yesterday.
Mrs. Coo Dtirland, who has been vis
iting Green Ridge friends the past
week, has returned to her homo In
The Asbury Methodist Episcopal
Sunday school will hold their Christ
mas tree exercises Monday evening
Dec. 23.
Among the society events of tho near
future Is a series of dances to bo given
by tho Misses Sturges, Rlttenhousc
and Mitchell.
The steep hill on Breaker street Is
being cut down and the street graded
and otherwise Improved.
Tho ofllcers-elect of Green Ridge
lodge, F. and A. M., will be Installed
In new Masonic hall, Spruce street,
Tuesday evening, Dec. 20.
Andrew Fike underwent a delicate
surgical operation yesterday morning
for tho removal of a large tumor from
the back. Dr. S. W. Stevens, assisted
by Dr. F. W. Davis, of tho central city,
performed tho operation.
Thoy Were Installed Last Night in
Masonic Temple.
Lackawanna chapter, No. 185, of
Masons, Installed ofllcers last night at
Masonic temple on Spruce street. Dis
trict Deputy High Priest U. A. Zim
merman wns the Installing officer, and
tho following were tho officials In
stalled: High priest, W. H. Brutz
man; king, J. J. Tnylor; scribe, A. J I.
Shopland; secretary. C L. Van Bus
klrk; treasurer, Fred L. Amsden.
After these services wero over. Past
High Priest Edwurd Evans was pre
sented with tho Jewel of past high
priest. Supper was served by Caterer
John Barnes.
iri i sfwJfl B ffl ywl MH
Select Councilman John J. Schnei
der Unanimously Nominated to
Succeed Himself Election Officers
Also Nominated Camp No. 430,
P. 0. S. of A., Elects Officers.
Robert Gaurd Committed to the
County Jail to Await Trial for
Assault nnd Battery Other Short
News Notes.
A large number of tho Republican
voters of tho Eleventh ward assem
bled nt Germanla hall last evening In
response to a call for a caucus, the
purpose of which was to nominate can
didates for a select councilman and
ward olllcers.
John Scheucr was chosen chairman
of tho meeting and after calling tho
assemblage to order tho nominations
were proeeoUed with.
Select Councilman John J. Schneider,
whoso term expires on April 10, was
tho only candidate mentioned to suc
ceed himself, and was nominated by
an unanimous vote.
Tho nominations for district elec
tion officers wero then made nnd are
'as follows:
First District Judgi of election,
Adam Frucchtel; Inspector, John Tlck
us; register of voters, E. R. Corrtey.
Second District Judge of election,
Fred Kelper; Inspector, Fred Kessler;
register of voters, William Meistcr.
Third District Judge of election,
Fred Rempe, Jr.; Inspector, Plerco
Enston; register of voters, James Mc-
Camp No. 430, Patriotic Sons of
America, last evening met In regular
session and elected officers for tho en
suing year as follows:
President, John W. Doellner; vice
president, Philip W. Dlppoe; treasurer,
Georgo Frable; recording secretary,
Fred Gunter; financial secretary. John
Neher; master of forms and ceremon
ies, Charles Mursch; conductor, Georgo
Lewcrt- Inspector, Adolph llammen;
outer guard, Fred W. Krolllch. Jr.;
trustee for eighteen months, Itobert U.
The financial and recording secretar
ies were elected for a term of ono year.
The other officers being elected for a
term of six months.
Next Monday being Christmas dav
no meeting of tho camp will be held.
The next meeting will take place on
Monday. January 1, 1909.
Installation or the above named offi
cers will take place on January 7, 1000.
Patrick Gallagher, of Providence, a
few days ago appeared before Alder
man Ruddy and swore out a warrant
for the arrest of Robert Gaurd, also of
Providence, on the charge of assault
and battery. Guard could not be found
until yesterday morning, when he wns
arrested and placed In the lockup in
the municipal building.
Last evening he was brought before
Alderman Ruddy for a hearing. Ac
cording to tho evidence of Mr. Gal
lagher and several witnesses, the as
sault took place on the night of Oct. 7,
when the defendant and prosecutor
were passengers on a Providence car.
It appears Gaurd and a man named
Monahan had a dispute and were about
to strike each other when Gallagher
stepped In us peacemaker and. as Is
usually the result In such cases, he
was roughly handled, hence the suit.
Gaurd was asked to furnish $300 ball,
In default of which he was committed
to the county Jail.
The employes at the Lackawanna
mills will receive their pay for tho
month of November on Thursday nf
ternoon, between the hours of 4 nnd G
o'clock. The mills will bo idle on Sat
urday and Monday.
According to present Indications, the
William Connell Hose company will re
ceive the new addition to their hose
house in the near future. The new
building, when completed, will be a
credit to the city and will greatly facili
tate tho work of responding to fires.
Pea Coal $1.25 a Ton Delivered
to South Side, central city and central
Hyde Park. Address orders to C. B.
Sharkey, 1914 Cedar ave. 'Phono 6CS3.
George D. Klngsley, of Peckvllle, out
side superintendent of tho Johnson col
liery ut PrHceburg, died at his home
yesterday afternoon nt 4 o'clock. An op
cratlon wasi performed upon htm Thurs
day by his physicians. Drs. Slckler, Van
slcklo and Gardner, on account of troublo
of tho Internal organs. Ho was 42 ycai-3
of age and Is survival by u wife and
two children. Mr. Kingslcy was well
known throughout both this and Luzerne
counties and icgardcd as an efficient
mlno superintendent and un excellent
man. llo was employed by tho Dela
ware, Lackawanna and Western com
pany for a great many years, at their
collieries near Kingston. He, was a Ma
son, Mystic Shrlner nnd Knight Tem
plar. The arrangements for tho funeral
have not been completed.
Mrs. James Scott, tho wife of 'Squire
Scott, of Throop, a former well-known
resident of North Scranton, died on Sun
day night, nfter a long Illness duo to
cancer. Mrs. Scott was nn esteemed
member of tho First Primitlvo Metho
dist church of East Market street, and
was always active In every cause which
was helpful to tho upbuilding of the
same. Sho had a host of friends, all of
whom deeply regrot her death. Tho
funeral will take plaro tomorrow after
noon. Services will bo conducted at tho
house at 1 o'clock, and at the church at
2.20. Rev. Mr. McKay, of Plymouth, nnd
Rev. Charles Prosser, the pastor of the
church, will novo charge of thn service.
Interment will be at Forest Hilt ceme
tery. Patrick Troy, of .S2G Birch street, died
Saturday after a short Illness. Tuesday
mr-rnlntr at 0 o'clock tho funeral will
toko place, with Interment In Cathedral
cemetery. He Is survived by nlno chil
dren, Patrick, of Forest City; John, Jul
ius. Mathew. Thomas, Michael, Mary,
Ellen and Margaret.
A 3-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Mnr.
tin Rush, of 122 South Fllmore avenue,
died yesterday from un attack of diph
theria. The funeral will bo private this
nfternnon. Interment will bo made In tho
Cuthedral cemetery.
Cnnrnd Statib, an aged and respected
veteran of the late war, passed away ot
his lato homo on Stone avenue, on Sun
day morning, aged 78 years. Tho de-
a : e
1 Diamonds, Diamonds 1
r$ Wc are now showing the largest and most brilliant selcc-
j$ tion of Fine Cut Stone ever exhibited outside of the large
us cities. Having bought heavy before the rise. I am prepared
5J to give my patrons real bargains, from the finest
1 Watches, Watches.
j Wc are offering the best in the world tor the money. Gold
j5j Filled 15 Jeweled, Warranted Twenty Years, for $10. In
S$ Hunting or Open Face.
E. SCHIMPFF, Jeweler 1
317 L-ckawanna Avenue.
Our Building;
yed by
But a Finer One
Has Been Raised.
We have Passenger Elevator Ser
vice to every floor of our establishment.
Is a wonder to behold. Toys of
every variety. Come and see the
Menagerie and Santa Claus. We
invite you to examine us thoroughly
Sunday Schools and
ceased had been ailing for tho past year
with liver trouble and on account of his
advanced nee the attending physician
could do nothing but ease his sufferings,
nnd ho gradually sank until death te
Ileved him. Tho funeral will take place
this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Services will
bo conducted at the family residence hy
Rev. Rogers Israel, of St. I.uko's church,
nnd Interment will be made In tho For
est Hill cemetery. Mr. Staub was a
charter member of tho Arbcltcr Fortblld
ungs Vereln. which society will attend
the funeral In a body.
They Looted the Residence of H.
Tho residence of H. Bevan, of 1013
Capouso avenue, Green Ridge, wis
burglarized Sunday evening white the
family was at church. Over $150 worth
In valuables nnd .$20 In cash was se
cured by the thieves, who left no trace
whatsoever of their Identity.
The robbery happened between 7.30
nnd 9 o'clock, while the family was
attending dlvlno servlc-s.
The thieves entered through a side
window on the first door, which hnd
been left unfastened.
They then mado n leisurely and com
plete search of tho house and secuivJ
four watches, two belonglnsr to gent
lemen and the others b"Ing ladles'
timepieces, several bracelets, stick
pins, rings, chains and like article. rf
jewelry. Besides thin they obtained
the cash already mentioned.
Tho Bevan family returned homo
about 0 o'clock and discovered tho
havoc that had been wrought. The
police wero notified and aro working
up tho case.
Solemn High Mass of Requiem Cele
brated in St. Peter's Cathedral.
Tho funeral of Miss Rosa Shields
took place yesterday from her lato
home on Phelps street and was attend
ed by a large number of those who had
known and esteemed tho young woman
In life.
A solemn high mass of requiem was
celebrated at St. Peter's cathedral by
Rev. John J. Loughran. and Interment
was made In St. Mary's Catholic ceme
tery nt Dunmore. The pall-beurers
were Terrence Flaherty. .Martin Wolr,
Martin Kolllher. Fdward Kelly, Rob
ert Petit and Robert Payton. The
flower bearers were Elbert Clark anJ
J. Hunt.
Tho morning session nt the schools
In the Seventh word was dispensed
with yesterday to enabl.- the teachers
to attend the funeral. Miss Shields
having been ono of tho teachers at
No. 0.
John Swiff r. who was arrested Sunday
on tho charge of robbing Wilfred Fletch
er. In the Columbia hotel, vns yesterday
discharged. The evidence against him
was not deemed sulllclcnt to hold him.
In police court yesterday morning,
Mnvnr Jnmes Mnlr Imnnseil Onon nn .Intm
I Moody, John Foley and John Keforber.
and Retail.
Churches at Special Prices
II. K LO.NO, Manu-er.
Wednesday, Dec. 20th., ono nlcht.
First and only appearanco in Scranton
this season of
Francis Wilson
nud his new company In the latest
Comic Opera Conquest
Cpi De Bin
By Victor Herbert and Harry B. Smith.
Prices Il.&J, 51.00. 75c., i0c., 23c.
nUKUUNDKR & liUIS, Lessees.
II. K. LOMJ, Munazer.
Ono week commencing Monday, Decem
ber IS.
Engagement of tho
Supporting the young romantic actor,
LKSTKH WAI.TF.H. In a scries of now
und popular scenic productions. Monday
right, for tho llrst tlmo here, the ster
ling romnntlc drama,
"A Prince of Russia."
With special scenery, brilliant mechan
ical etfects, handsome, costumes, now and
novel specialties. No wait a continuous
performance f'hanpe of play nightly.
Ladles' ticket M nilay night Popular
prices, 10c, 20c , SOc. Dlmo matinees dally.
Monday, Tuesday nnd Wednesday,
December 18, 10 nnd 20.
'S III 6.
1 N
who wero arrested Sunday night In Hall
stead ci.urt. for creatine a disturbance
Tho Three Johns tugclher yielded up $35;
tho first two paying $W apiece, and th
last named 115.
Mlko Whalen, tho man who was arrest
ed Sunday noon on Stutli Washington
avenue, as drunk and disorderly and using
profane language, was yesterday tincd
$3. When ho was arrested he asked tho
putrnlmen, with si-eral oaths, what they
wero Urlm; on tho avenue. lo found
out yesterday.
Can grafting change the species? Well.
Tho Christmas poet, as wo know,
Has worked his graft until he'B made
A chestnut of the mistletoe.
Dotrolt Journal.