liipC-'- T!maiyj'"""''yi' ""Hiauw " 10 THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE- TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 189D. Mwpiy LIVE NEWS OF THE INDUSTRIAL WORLD MAKE TJP OF THE T., L. & BOARD FOR TODAY. W. Pumping of Oil nt tho Station of the United States Plpo Lino Company at Parsons Has Been Resumed. Alfred Harvey Proposes to Start a Silk Mill at Forest City Expects to Begin Operations About Jan. 1. Now Erie Locomotives Too Large. Odds and Ends of News. E. Se- Followlng Is the make-up of the Del aware, Lackawanna and Western board for today: Tuesday, Dee. 10, 1899. SOUTH. 3.30 p. m. W. A. Bartholomew. 8.30 p. m. A. Gcrrlty. 8.30 p. m. O. Kearney. 0.30 n. m. J. F. Stevens. 10.30 p. m.V. ailllgnn. 11.30 p. m. G. T. Staples, with I cor a men. 11.30 p. m.-W. D. Warfcl. SOUTH. 1.30 a. m.-John McCuc. 1.30 a. m. T. Muipliy, with II. J. Larkin s ?.30 a!"n"-E. E. Duffy, with P. J. O'JIal- ley's men. S a. m. George Itafferty. 4.30 a. m. W. II. Uartholomcw. 4.30 a. m. F. Hnllett. 6.30 a. m. C. Towiibcnu. 5 it. .m. 11. IUnnett. !U5 a. m. J. Mci'ann. 0.15 a. m. J. Howe, vlth WnndsiU's men. 11 a. m.-A. G. ilammctt, with A. Polha- mus' men. 1.30 p. m. O. Miller. 1.30 p. m. John KnnK 3 p. m. A. llopkln". 4.43 p. m. V. McAllister. 4.43 p. m. Georgo Ludlow. 6 p. m. James Glnley. SUMMITS, ETC. 6 n. m.. north-G. Frounfelkcr. 7.30 a. m.. north Mcl.anc, with Warrick's men. 11 a. m., north S. Carmoily. II n. m.. south H. M.-Alllster. 1 p. m south M. Mudlgnn. C.C0 p. m. J. Mosler, with Flnerty s men. PUSHERS. CM a. m. llouxcr. 11. CO a. m. M. 7 p. m. M. Murphy. 10.30 p. m. O. Cast. PULLER. 10 a. m. Perkins. PASSENGER ENGINES. 7 n. m. Wlilener. 6.30 p. m. McGovem. NORTH. B n. m., 2 engines J. (VHarn. 6 n. m., a cnKlncs-C. Klngalcy. 7 a. m.. 2 engines A. Kelcham. 9.30 it. m.. 2 engines R. Castnrr. 11.30 a. m.. 2 engines V. Labar, with Kltzpatilck's men. 2.30 p. m., 2 engines G. 11MI. 3 p. m., 2 engines O. Randolph, fi p. m., 2 engines T. Dniidleun. 7 p. m., 2 englnei A. Mullen. 8 p. m., 2 englnes-J. E. Masters. 9 p. m., 2 engines Jchn Gahugan. Pumping Oil Again. The pumps of the United States Pipe Line company, at Parsons, voiv etarted on Saturday, after u suspen sion of two months. The oil will not he numped to tide ps heretofore, but only to Frpemansburg, Pa., where It will be transferred to tank care. The company was worsted in tho New Jer ney courts, from the lowest to the highest, and has had to rcmovn its pipes and .stations from that state. The company took this knock-out blow as gracefully ns it could and asked for sixty days Ir. which to close up Its operations In New Jersey and the court granted the request. The company then withdrew across tho border Into Pennsylvania, laying twenty-four mll"s of plpo to Frec mansburB and tearing up Its twenty Blx miles of pipe In Now Jersey. Tho sixty days having new expired and the Freemansburg station being1 ready, the pumping of oil from Paisons was resumed Saturday. A single pump ing1 carries It to Freemnnsburg', as when tho oil is once lifted over the Wllkes-Earro mountain it runs the rest of the way to gravity. Freemanshurg- Is In Northampton county, near Fasten. The United States company Is supposed to have been forced out of New Jnrsey by Its only rival, the Standard OH company. Wilkes-Barrc Record. Sullivan Uallroad company, to take effect Jan. 1, 1000. It has been discovered that five new engines built for passenger service on the Erie road are too big to get Into Chicago. They are too high to go under Fourteenth street subway. Tho smokestacks will have to bo cut down and the whistles and safety valves lowered. Blcyclos are to bo carried by all of tho roads running1 east from Chicago. Tho proposition to levy a uniform charge for wheels carried In tho entire territory east of that city has been voted; down by the roads running be tween Pittsburg and Buffalo and New York, known ns the trunk lines. This forces tho transportation companies between Buffalo and Pittsburg and Chicago to drop their scheme. Pittsburg may have a new railroad to the sea nnd to the south. Tho outlook Is promising, although until after January 1, the public will not b? taken into the confidence of the projectors. One rumor pays that tho projectors of the Pittsburg and Bee Railroad company ure back of It. Another, which does not receive so much credfneo among those coal men nnd others of the Upper Mononga hola Valley who are interested, Is that the Pittsburg & Lake Erie will build an extension which will give Pitts burg direct communication with tho sea coast and the south. DIED AT THE HOSPITAL. Coroner Called to Perform a Post Mortem Examination. Mary Brown, of Dickson Cltv, died at the Lackawanna hospital Sunday night. She came to that Institution under somewhat peculiar circumstan ces. Saturday night a teamster arrived at tho hospital who had brought Mrs. Brown down In his vehlelo. Shj was unconscious nnd in that state she re mained until Sunday night at 7 o'clock, when she died. Soon after h:r admittance to the hospital she dowl'jpe.l sy-nptoms of acute pneumonia. She was suppO"c-d to have been n.d1l:'cl to motphtn" and yesterday morr.ln.r the hospital doctors called In Coroner .T. ,T. Roberts. He performed nn autopsy on tho woman and dlscoveied that her internal organs weie in bad condition, being almost wholly diseased. He did not consider an Inquest necessary. The woman's burial will be attended to, probably, by tho Dickson City authorities. She was a woman of about SO years of age and hns been a widow for sev eral vears. Since tho death of Mr. Brown she has been a sort of charge on the community nnd has been main tained by tho Dickson r-lty poor nu thoiitles. She has done work, how ever, In tho Llovd hotel, where she served at times as a domestic. by the high school correspondent to carry cut Inn revengeful plan to plaou (nut kuhui.i in u, wiong light befuto lite public. 'Iherclutc, In Vluw of this luut, una uincu 1 utn an ardent admirer of truth urnl liuti euly, 1 feel It my auty to the sunoul lu ylvo the tacts Just us they aro, without any coloring, buch as Indulged In so(iiul ly by this writer, and Inclueiitully to blot out tho bud Impiession given by Satur day's Republican. Having stated tho cuuso of this writing, 1 um prepared to continue. Mr, Ilorun was choucn chairman after tho becond ballot had been taken, but not by tho rcmarkablo majority which Mr. Elliott gave. Thut correspondent manufactured this, as ho did many other things to accomplish his object. How ever, It Is not worthy of devoting mora spaco to, but sufllco to say any ouu present will tell a much different Btory than Mr. Elliott published. Tho chairman than told tho object of tho meeting and Mr. Klrkbrldge mado u motion that a committee of eight bo appointed, nnd also the chairman be in cluded, making a total of nine, to ar range a presentation for Principal Grant. Mho motion was not seconded and Mr. Lldstono made a motion to give a pres ent to each member of tho faculty, Inas much ns It would be showing partiality to clvo ono and not the others. This was promptly seconded, but Chairman Horan refused to tako any notlco of It until compelled to. Then some ono stntcd that it would In volve a largo sum of money to do this, and nt this point It was brought out that It was against tho laws of the board of control to glvo presents to tho teachers Mr. Horan mado nn unsuccessful at tempt to brazen this fact out, but other members stated that such wns tho case, and tho meeting was adjourned. Tho Republican correspondent states that Mr. Horan Is, or, more correctly, was the leader of the school In all affairs, i and this Is the only truthful statement In the entlro account. As for the fac tion to "oust him and to securo a now leader." Mr. Elliott knows as well ns I do that this Is nil rot. If thcro is any faction In school It Is that of which John Horan Is tho leader and tho Republican correspondent a member. And as to tho conspiracy, all tho conspiring was done by tho real faction at Intermission Fri day, nnd, undoubtedly, this correspond ent can glvo tho full details of that meet ing. Tho abovo Is my version of the me morial meeting, and 1 challengo Mr. El liott to bring forth any ono who can honestly contradict It. Arthur J. Keller. Dec. 16, 1893. Rlhousness, aour stomach, constipa tion and all liver ills are cured by s Ss Tho non-irrltatlng cathartic. Frlco 25 rents of all diusgist" or by mall of ieillMllr43 i ;-r Tiik Mon km H.vitnwAitn srotis Especially Mothers Aro most coropotcnt to appreciate tho purity, sweotness, ami dollcacy of Cuti cuttA Soap, and to discover new usos for it dally. Its rcmarkahlocmolllont, cleansing, nnd purifying properties derived from Curi cunA, tho great skin euro, warrant its uao in preserving, purifying, and beautifying tho complexion, hands, and hair, and in tho form of washes and solutions for ulcer ative wellnesses, annoying Irritations and dialings, as well as for many sanative pur poses which readily suggest themselves. In many of tho abovo conditions, gentlo anointing with CimcunA, tho groat skin euro and purost of emollients, In addition, will provo of astonishing benefit. 8oldlhrouehouti)ieorl!. IMTtf Dim AvnCmH. Coor.,Sot( ITop... Doiton. " Bend for Skin 3rtt,"ftt. SCRANTON'S SHOPPING CENTER. 4- f -f f-f -f-f -f-f k NEW YORK HOTELS. The St. Denis Broadway and Eleventh St., New York, Opp. Grace Church. European Plan. Rooms $1.00 a Day an i Upwards. In a modest and unobtrusive way there nro few better conducted hotels In the metropolis than the St. Denis. The great popularity It has acquired can readily be traced to Its unique location, its home-like atmosphere, tho peculiar ex cellence of its cuisine and service, and Us xexy moderate prices. 1 1 Umbrellas s I Women's Neckwear WILLIAM TAYLOR & SON. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, Cor. Sixteenth St, an! IrvhJ PUsi, NEW YORK. ANCIENT EGOS FOB FOX. Unhappy the Manicure Sets I sett Silk Mill at Forest City. Alfred Harvey, who owns a large silk mill on South Washington ave nue, has decided to start a similar factory at Forest City. There Is a building -13x$0 feet at that place, owned by R. K. Taylor, which was formerly used as a car shop, and Mr. Harvey Is now negotiating for the purchase of this. If successful he will start tho silk mill about Jan. 1. At the outset thirty or forty hands will be employed, but after tho mill gets Into full working order It Is ex pected that about 200 hands will find employment. Experience of Foz, Birdman. While P. A. Fox, the blrdman, was enjoying his dinner yesterday, his place was violently broken Into by two young- men, Arthur T. Sweet and Wal ter II. Sweet, of Penn avenue. Fox claims they started a fubllade on him of ancient eggs. They had an abundant stock of these and continued tho bombardment until at last their supply ran out. Fox then made his escape and returned soon with Patrolman May. At this the two belligerents pitched Into both Fox and the blue-coated guardian of the peace. At laBt the patrolman managed to get tho two Sweets up to Alderman Millar's office, twiuic Lutv iiuu u iic.ii ilia I'll iiiu uuuib- i HnV rt n rrrrvri . nrl ncenillt ....! Intl... r. n I - Fox. They were both held In $500 ball, and In default committed to the county jail. Walter If. Sweet wns fined an addi tional $10 for assaulting May. At this, both Sweets sprang up and began to swear and yell at the top of their voices. Another $10 was then added to their debit account, and they were finally removed from the office. They were both In a very drunken con dition. Fox was very much battel ed up In the encounter. Hencklcs ferand the test Jjl made In neatly lined cases (h jTj containing Manicure Scis- rr?: SllS sors, Corn Knife, Nail File, M $ Coticole Knife, Nail Polish ij& ers, from $3.50 to S J 3.00. jjjj Open Evenings. I 1 i FOR MAKING ILLICIT WHISKEY. This nnd Thnt. A new Lehigh Valley station will be erected at East Maush Chunk. Tho Cambria Silk Throwing com pany, of this city, was chartered at Harrlsburg last week. The capital stock Is $00,000. The Cross xle company has been organized at Willis-Hat ro. It is cap italized at $200,000 and will erect a plant at South Wllkcs-Barre. Notices have been pr.Mert at Bernlcf. stating' that an advance of 5 per cent, on th? present wages will be granted the employes of the State Line and Jblectric JLighted Trains Still Found on the Premises of Frank Manley Near Hawley. As noted in last Saturday's Tribune, a still was discovered last Friday In tho cellar of a house owned bv Frank Manley, In the small town of Tafton, which Is located near Hawley. Collector of Internal Hevenue Pen man, of this city, has ordered Deputy Collector F.vuns, of CailKindalc, who made the discovery, ti seize the still and all the apparatus Manley lies open to tw ) charges, one for operating a still without n permit from the rev enue officials and tho ether for operat ing one In a dwelling house, both of which nre direct violations of tho law. The penalty for the t'.rst offense is the payment of a $500 forfeit, while In tho Focond lnstauci It Is $1,000 fine and Imprisonment for not h-ss than six months or more than iwo yeaiK. There Is also another charp", namely, the selling of whiskey without paying the required revenue thereon, but this has not been legally proved yet, although tho existence of the still Itself Is proof in Itself. Foote & Shear Co. U9 N. Washington Ave J If 1IIS3II$$III3I33II& MAKE PERFECT MEN no not praPAiR t Donotaur. Ir Longer! The Joti and amlHlouio( me can be retoiei to "ii, Th nrj wori cMtiol Ttervon 1cM1It r AMERICAN PLAN, Day and Upwards. L.UKOPEAN PLAN, Day and Upwards. S3. 50 Per S1.50 Per Now, i f you've decided to give au Umbrella whether it be to a man, a woman or a child you'll be helped to a quick, satisfactory choice here. See the collection, anyhow, even if you haven't decided. It's not a gathering of numerous ordinary styles. Novelties the best that can be found. All prices. 68c to $10 Surely there was the gift-making thought in the mind of the buyer who chose these attractive stocks, The col lection seems brighter, cheerier, prettier than ever before. More extensive, too. You'll find variety enough. Newest, best styles throughout, and not a piece in the store that's dear. Fancy Bows, Jabots of Lace and Chiffon, Scarfs of Lace and House- X line De Soie, conveniently displayed at rear of lace counter. -f 4- -t- -tf Men's Full Dress Protectors This Men's Furnishings store is a complete store not a counter. It ranks with the best-tone store you know. Full Dress Protectors, $1,00 and $2, -f -f pender -f We've lots of fine ones meant for gifts, which means they are strong and good looking. The best come a single pair in a box. $1.00 to $2.00. I. D. CRAWFORD, Proprietor. I or Bnsinp.S' Men i- In tho heart of tho wholesalo 4- district. For Mioppers T s minutes' walk to Wannmakers; T S minutes to Sleeel Cooper's Big "" Store. Hasy cf access to tho great Dry Goods Stores. X 1'or sightseers f One block from B'way Cars, glv- X Inc easy transportation to all X points of Interest. I HOTEL ALBERT NEW YORK. 4- xiufi iviui. 4. Cer. Hth ST. UNIVEItSITY PL. -f Only one Block from Broadway. 4- Pnnm? 1 In. "L. A WVM $1 Up. Prices Reasonable 9 TA SllttlTB. Give prom i, i relief lu in oninitv, failiatr memory tnd (be att and drain or vital pocm. Inclined by IndlvrretlOHioreicetieHOf eailr ). mticrt vlffor and coffnet taevrrv tun ft. Hon Orarc uplntijritam. aire yA bloom to in rhftka and luatro to the em of AAyounnir old. OneOOc boi rnewaHal energy tPJJJp boici at fi.cVOacoiapletetfuarantrdcure?7?jyor money re rinded. Can be carried In vest Oo' pocket. BoH every where or mailed in rlaln wrapper on i ecelptfif price by THE run liar troM cuu i4r. fkifi,r Sold In Scranton, Pa., by Matthewa Bros, and McGarrah & Thomas, druggiats. MADE WE A MAN AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CURE jlLTtlitrroui Ditoatt tonus juota ory, Impotence, f':oer"3incs, eto caused crtlon. aJirv i4cMa and turetu rwtero Loot Vitality In oldorrcnr. r.enJ lit a oaa i cc tttiar, dubidpcs or memat c. I'Mmnl Tni.nKv ti.l llni.nnnrhn if tuien la tins. Tholr ntn ibom Immediate farroio nentoaJ rSeelt a CURB where all ether tail la l2t Dpon having the cvsnlno AJnx UnblotJ. Thej bnrocurcuthocsauliecdnlllcnrersa. wanlroopoi ltire written rnarailoo to effect ft care tti pTQ 'n eachcasoor refund th.9 money. XicevvUIOiper racUazei creli rkcee (full trcatnantl (or (2X0. Or trail, in plain wrctper. nnon rec.tptotrrlfo. ( bcnlur AJAX REMEDY CO., cSS:rI1' For sale In Scranton, Pa., by Matthows Bros, and II. C. Sanderson, Druggists. - -f -f- -f -f -r X Women's X Silk Stockings Not inany,but very fine. Some plain, some with open work in black aud mauy of the new colors. $1,90 to $2,50 Pair, -r- O -f -f -f f f f f f f andkerchie in billowy heaps piles of snowy whiteness whether it's a plain linen hemstitched handkerchief or a fine eui- broideied one we can suit you. Conine- tent people to serve your wants, 4- 4- 4- 4 -f--f--f -f -H CONNOLLY & WALLACE, 127 and 129 WASHINGTON AVENUE STEAMER ON EIRE. Chicago, St. Paul and Minneapolis T!E North'Westcrn Limited service, 6.30 P. M. daily, cannot be ex telltd. Any agent will give you information about It and tell you the Chlcaco & North-Western Railway , oUirUheJest.ot. everything. Three other fltfttfOsst rains from Chicago alsa-rO.OO ArM. Daylight Train, 10.00 P. M. Fast Mall and 10.15 P. ty. Night Express. Call i any ticket octnt or address lit trtaitti. Nn Xnk Several Hundred Bales of Cotton Destroyed. New Madrid, Mo., Dec. IS. Tho steamer City of Kansas, of the Ten nessee River Packet company, burned to tho water's edge early today, while lying at the foot of Main street. All the passengers escaped, but sev eral hundred bales of cotton, consider able freight and baggage was de stroyed. The total loss Is estimated at J500.000. LETTERS EROM THE PEOPLE. 13S Vint St., Clll"ixtl tOlSmUkfldttmttbuig ltrnt re,. ciiik 1 1 CtmwPtrtSw. Dttitit Under this heading short letter of In terest will be published when accompa nied, for publication, by the writer's name. The Tribune docs not assume re sponsibility for opinions hero expressed. That High School Meeting. Editor of Tho Tribune Sir: It was with much amusement that I read In Saturday's Republican the quite evidently prejudiced account of a meeting held at tho high school after the school session Friday last. At first I was puzzled as to how the writer could bo guilty of writing an account so un truthful, misleading and uncompliment ary to Scranton's greatest educational center, but soon solved tho enigma when It occurred to me that that gentleman Is a member of tho only faction In school, and that was defeated for the first time in a number of years last Friday, I am proud to say I am not a membor of that party, nor of tho "faction" manufactured I ut, UUi HID NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. DEPOSITARY OF THE UNITED STATES. Capital $200,000 surplus 450.000 WM. CONNELL, President. HENRY BELIN, Jr., Vice-Prw. WILLIAM II. PECK, Cashlar. Dra penes Mm The most complete stock this side of New Yorlc at our well known low prices. 0 I COUCH COVERS I t BED SETS l LACE CURTAINS Renaissance, Brus sels, Irish Point, Tambour, Nottingham. FUmTUKE COVERINGS Tapestry, Velour, Silk Damask, Frou Frou, Corduroy. l7VGLECOVE?SI 0 . CHAIRS I O o HEADQUARTERS FOR CARPETS, WALL PAPER, RUGS. The greatest pleasure comes from sub stantial gifts at Christmas. You will be pleased with our array of Christmas Shoes. Attractive, substantial, stylish footwear, sure to be welcomed as Christmas gifts, sure to be pleasing remembrances all winter S i OVER JH jhoc ; i Ww 1 I ; To Tru s To luck In making bread Is not n very wlso or satisfactory thing to do. If you havo good flour no such thing as luck need enter Irto your calculations. If you havo "Snow j Flour you may bo absolutely Sl'RK that yon will havo good bread, or whatever else you un dertnko to bake, "SNOW WIUTK" Is ALWAYS reliable and uniform, Wo guarantee it. All grocers sell It. "Me only wholesale)!." THE WESTON MILL CO. Scranton, Carbondale, Olyphant. WILLIAMS & M'ANULTY. 129 Wyoming Avenue, F DfllMINIUl' ? I1IN L tUIUl loUll o uU o Lager TTwtTT'nmvwV inn mil coal Beer Brewery Jlanufncturcrs zt OLD STOCK P3L UH!!Iilll!IIUI!i:illUHII9Ui!IlllHIUS 1 Archarena 1 tm m ms tm s We have just received s s a new lot of these popu- 5 s lar game boards, just the s thiug for the home or s S club room. It is one of the most fascinating sj s gamesever inveuted,from 10 to 16 games on one a is board. Prices $2.50, $3.50 5 S and $.00. 3 435 to 4D5 N. Ninth 8treot, . SCRANTON, PA Telephons Call. 233.1. I FLUEY S BROOKS Atlilctlo Oooas, I s Cnmeras.Kodaks & Supplies 211 Wnslilimton Ave. STORE OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL AFTER THE HOLIDAYS WE take Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Checks In Payment for Shoes. At Retail. Coal of the best quality for domestic use and of all sizes, including liuckwheat and Dlrdseyo, delivered In any part of the city, at tho lowest price. Orders received at the onice, Connell building. Itoom S0G; telephone No. 17C2, or at the mine, telephone No. 272, will ho promptly nttended to. Dealers supplied at tho mine. T PLEASANT COAL CO HK 1 S . FT "A lui L . L.... AIIIICIBQ ITIi.uii-..,.. i;.h1 t'nlMn.r ) o.tli'ul Lrron, lit lulu; 4ricw-cl. . f lend Kt hupa TtlDinnlall ! SKkr tratu " u t'ruf. C. V. THCr.L, 31. !., I Vi')i'iot Korlb sum tU 1'bllaarlBlilA. r uyr. Poftlllrrlj tht .a) i-vUllit In Ut L Ml butc to euro fttaUKMjgb uo bot cf!hrtii ..t T iu rlle4. VMh cui mndll4ll O irJIiran 1 1 C 9r TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT nHiUHUilSlfUniUEUICIHllHSEKSIIIIS THE I0OSIC POWDER CO. Kooras 1 and2, Com'llli BTd' SCRANTON, PA. flining and Blasting o wa i POWDER Mnde at Jtoosio and Itaib iala Vo:Xi. DR. DGNSTDN, .in Spruce Street. Scrnn. ton. P- II cuts an i Chronic I)l5es ul Men. Voni'n an. Children. Contulta'lonand examination tree. Olltce llojr Daily and bunJay 8 a. m. to o p. m. I.AFLIN & RAND POWDUR CO '3 ORANGE GUN POWDER El-ctrlo lUttertea. Kleo'.rla Ktpf1tri. ezplodliu tilaiti) tintely Fun ai 1 Repauno Chemical Co.'s uxiSves V J