The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 16, 1899, Morning, Page 2, Image 2

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tersistent hobo.
Will Commit Suicide If Demands for
Money Aro Not Acceded To.
Special to The Bcranton Tribune
Tovnlidn, 1'ee 1.. A hol)0 about 15
jeais old and who would easily t'li the
scale at 200 pound?, arrived In To wan
da. on Wednesday morning and noon
became with the doings of the
town. At night lw enteied the I'ark
liotrl and, alter hanging up His nvoi
coat, demanded a free snipper. Ilelng
lefuacd his request ho departed, tnk
lng nnotlier ovoiooat with his own. He
made his second visit nt the Metho
dist parsonnpe and demnnded the sum
of $1 from Mrs. Ilosouginnt, stating
if he did not receive it he would com
mit suicide In her house, but this Idea
v.ts soon quashed by the anlval of
the llc. Hcueugiant.
He was placed under arrest In HIckoy
A Kilmers gimeiy stoic, where he
hid a deslie tn leave with throe ovet
roats In his possesion.
Special to The Sciautou Tribune.
Susquehanna Dec. 15 Piom Ave to
ten ttamps dally saw wood tlnee hours
in the boiough wood aid In payment
fur a night's lodging and a brenkfavt.
Pew come a second time.
In .Meadvllle, I'a , on Tuesday last,
Miss Ada Frances Fordgeo, foimeily
o fc.Mquehaniui, was united In mar
riage to Albeit ClilYe.
The funeral of the late 'William II.
Jtoblnson oecurieii on Thursday af'"
noon nt the lcslilenco of Halph Con
fort, nt State Line, Hev. D. C. Hainan
pastor of the Lanesboro Methodist
chinch, olllclatlng. The lemalns won
intencd In the Windsor Crossing cfmo
terv. The I.anesboro firemen's hall Is com
pleted. It Is up to-date In evoiy ic
spect. There was a large attendance last
night nt the Lanesboio firemen's fair
and festival, held In the new building.
V.uncr and Hiowne's Susciuehanna or
chestia furnished excellent music TMi
eenlng the Hiandt Male qr.i- eit" will
lender selections, and on S.itnnliy
evening the Stlquehann i bai.d wlil
lender n choice ptogramme.
In Hogan upera house this evening
the Cecellnn quartette and Hdwlu It.
Weeks, Impersonator, all of Hlngham
ton, gao an excellent enteitnlninent
befoie a latge and delighted audience.
'Miss Jessie Hahcock this evening en
teitained ovei one bundled guests nt
hei liome on fJiand street The occa
sion was the celcbiatlon of the fifteenth
annlvei.sarv of her blithdny.
John P. McDonald, of Caibondale,
was In town esterday.
Sheilff Waul Dcull. of Monti ose,
was ofllclally engaged In town Thuis
day. He Is finishing up his work pie
puatoiy to lethlng to pilvale life .Inn.
1 next, ne lias made a most ecellent
otllclal. He will remain In Monti ose
dining the winter and In the spilng
letuin to his faun.
A laige delegation of Susquehanna
people visited Itlnghnmtou last even
ing to witness the piesentntlon of "Th.
Sonows of Satan."
Two Salvation At my ofllceis weie In
town today and It Is unnoted that
the y will open a here.
Dr. S. S. Simmons was piofosslonal'v
engaged in Sidney, X. V , on Thuri.
dn. Insurance Supeilntendent I'eter H ri
non will remove to Xoiwlch. X. Y..
nest week.
After a protracted Illness, Mrs. Hob
ci t Thompson died nt her home on the
Oakland Side this niotnlng. The 'i, ti
er U will take place on Sunday, with In
tel tnent In Deposit, X. V
William J. l'lke, of Hallstend, who
some months since sustained a stroke
of paialysls, has so fai lecoveied ns
to be able to lesume his duties as pri
vate to Calubha A. Oiow, in
The new blush fnctoiy In Client
Hend has commenced oper.itlons
While pushing a ttaln up the Oulf
Summit giade last night locomotive
From the Ordinary Hemstitched Up to the
Finest Hade Duchssse Lace.
Lace Edge, fine insertion center 15c, 25c, 50c
vSwiss Embroidered 10c, 15c, 25c, 50c, 75c, $1, $2.50
Special Value Pure Linen, fine embroidered 25c
Hand-made Duchesse Lace, from 95c up to $12.50
Kid Gloves, 2-clasp, nicely embroidered iu Kuglish
Reds, Browns and Tans ." 75c
M. &H. Kid Gloves, just as good as ever $1.00
LaRome Kid Gloves, very desirable $1.50
Given Away
With every pair of Kid G'oves, a Fine Enameled
Glove Box. With every Handkerchief, price ijoc
and up, a Fine Enameled Haudkerchief Box.
Xo. S21 hioke a driving Journnl and the
Susquehanna vvieckeis weie called
Mrs. Joseph Seldon. of Spilng ave
nue, Is the guest of Susquehanna rela
tives. H. M Hills, foimeily of Susquehan
na, will be weddeil to Miss Small Phil
ton In Caibondale cm Wednesday net.
Mt. nnd .Airs. Hills will temove to Sun
quehnnnn. S. S. Doollttle, of Deposit, vico-piosl-dont
of the City Xntlonal bank of Sus
quehanna, Is In town todny.
Congiessman C. Prod Wright nnd
family will be domiciled In Hotel flor
don, In Washington.
Lackawanna Conductor Gould Cap
well, of llallstead, had never had a
wicck during his twenty-five yenrs e
peilcnce until tlic recent vvieck nt
eison Today n farmets' Institute was held
in Hnrfoul. The week's seiles will
close with an Institute In Dundaff on
On Sundny the Lackawanna will dis
continue the "Owego local." one f
the oldest lielght-pnsenger tialns inn
ing between llallstead and Owego'
The Haptlsts in Monti ose are nbout
to erect a new chinch edifice.
An Hdlson moving picture entertain
ment will be held In the Haptlst chinch
on Monday evening.
Hev f'hailes W. Port, of Susque
hanna, will preach in (Iiace Hplsoopil
chinch. In Ore it lleiul, on Sundny
evening. Ml-s Oraco Hun bus, of Sus
ciuehnnna, will be contialto soloist.
Special to Tbe Fernnton Tribune.
Townnda. Dec 1.. The Catholic:
Henevolent society of this place has
elected the follow leg ofllceis for JOni:
Past president. Mlts, nn Donovan, ,
presllent, Mr". John Plt7gevuld, llrst
vice picsldent, Mrs. S Wllcn. --econd
vice piesldent. Mis Mary McDonald;
recordci. Mlrs Maigntet Fitzgerald;'
assistant lecoider, Mrs William
Po.vle, financial sccietaiy, Miss Cath
erine 01111 treasurer, Ml? M M.
Moklnson; mm shall. Miss Mary
WUsh; guaid, MNa Li?zlo O'llcarn;
tiustees, Mis Wllllnm Klrwln, Mrs.
James Dalton Mis. S. Culllnan. Mrs.
Morgnn McMnhon. Miss Ann Donovan;
nudltois. Mis. Arthur HurchMl, Mr.s.
Thomas Walsh, Mis. James Dalton.
A llteiarv club has been oiganUel
by tbe school teacher? of Monioeton
and v Iclnlty.
The fair under the auspices of thi
Llntn Hnsp company 1st in full blast
in Xalad ball, which has been h-Miitl-fullv
dec oiated for the occasion. The
ptinolpal feituies me the different
booth", vl.: n lilsh Imntli, In chaige
of Mrs c. H. Tinner and asslstntits.
Amcilcan In "til. In clung" of Mrs.
Waltei Iiuinpiuey and assistant". In
dl. in wigwam with Mls (tiace Shn.v
as siuaw, assisted by otbeis, Hi'
Jnpanc-e ten loom Is In c hargf of Mm.
P 1. D!(l'h"nn nnd heipeis; Cuban
booth, w llli MIs Maigmet Stevens In
charge . and the caudv and ll w r
booth Is lit hnige c,f Mhu Helen Tiney
mid her able ussisfan.s Th barn u
of uitions Is also wrv iittiaetlv . The
hall In well filled with fin- mtlcl s.
which were clonat d iI.ili ally liv the
Towandu meichnnts A cafs Is aim
pi ovlng u good featuie. Tlti fair wl'l
continue a part of n-t v ink and so
fin Is being l.aigelv attend d
Twenty voting mm nnd vvi men ie;
lesent this eountv nt the Mansfield
State Xorinnl school.
Peter Mnloney, a nlgbl watchnmn In
the Cnvutn wheel foundry nl S'yre, relieve! of his r-volver by thre .
itrnngeis on Wednesd iy morning.
The (licit Hnstein Oil mid O is com
panv will soon commence dillllng an
other well at South Inr.nch. this time
on the Hldgevvnv farm
Hdwaicl Hatch's throc-voat-old sen
died nt Xoith Tow end i on Tuesday
fiom bums leclved bv falling Into a
Captain J Andrew A lit hns loslgncil
his oflli e as justice of tin pe u . to b--c
i profile v on ,T immy 1
The iit.idford Countv Agile
isters of St, Francis Rely on Peruna
To Fight Catarrh, Coughs, Colds and Crip,
In every city nnd large town In the United States the Sister of Char
ity has become a familial object The Catholic Slsteis sweet messengers
ot cttailty, e.-asiies ,iiid Inder Ulgable In their labois move quietly ind
swiftly in and out among the people lecclvlng, dispensing, assisting and
Uy no menn3 the least service thoy tender helpless humanity Is their
dispensation of nv db Inc. Theh oMiMloiite among the sick, and their nnx
iety to be eif assistance to them, soon lul them to know the most etllclcn
and sale uniedl.s. It would be Impossible that so popular and valuable a,
remedy nt Peruna could have escaped their attention Manv lettets have
been irci-lved fiom institutions of this kind pt.ilslng the hen 'lit that P. ru
nn has been to them. Following Is a Utter lecently received hv Dr Hart
man: St. Vincent's Oiphnn Asylum,
last Main St., cor. Rone A j. Columbus, O.
Dr. S. B. Hartman:
"Some yenrs ago a friend of our institution recommended to us Dr.
Hnrtmnn's 'Pentna' as an excellent remedy for the grippe, of which wo
then had seveial cases which thieatened to be of a serious character. Wo
began to use it and experienced such wondrful lesults that since then Pe-ru-na
has become out favoiito medicine for la grippe, catan, coughs,
colds and bionchitis."
Sifters of St. Prnncis.
Mi TlmopMIe Schniitt wife of th
P-s-icr t n v of the C! ihiau consulate
Mlh 'lie iiblli Si limit t wife .if the i:.
Sniit.ii i I tin (i nil. in Consul id
wiltis th following lett.r to Dr.
Haitmnn, fnun HIT .1. ish nve Chf-
i .iff". 11' Mi' Sibmltt says :"I suf-
feied this white t with a seven- attack
ocletv ha te irfrnnlzed by rleetlnt; the
following oflln rs for the ensuing enr:
Pienldent, K J. Avies- vice piLSldents,
O. V Kllniu. F r. Ke-iiick. ,1. V
cllols. Mllo Men 111, II. H. Coleman;
secretaiy, V. Kuvkendnll, jr.- tieas
urer, V. T. lloiton: inan.iK.-i.s. P.obei'
Timpleton. p, u ICcrric k. C. J Hastt
brook, nudltoi, Joel Htivens The so
ciety now linn Sine" In tb iMMsury
nnd has utieollicted bills amoimtlni;
to ..; -.0, with llibMItles of $l,0JlCf.
Used by British Soldicts in Africa.
Captain C. G. Heunlson Is well known
nil over Africa as commander of the
forces that c.iptuied the famous rp
Galishe. Under date of November 4
1SD97. from VijbiirR. Heehunaland ho
writes : "Hefoic starting on the Inst
campaign I bought a imantity of
Cliambeiluln's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Itemed, which I used myself
when troubled with bowel complaint
and have given to my men. and in"
every cao it proved most beneficial"
Tor sale by all druggists, Mutthew
liro-., wholesale nnd total! ngts.
Sperlul to The Scrnuton Tribune
Poicst City, Hee 15. The following
are tho new nlllces for tlie Hmvotth
league for the ensuing six mouths.
President. .1. C. Wnlteis; first vice pres
ident. MIf.s Hunice Dunn: sec-ind vlcr
president. Mrs H P Ames: third vlco
president. Mis T. C. Manser: fourth
vice president. Miss nthel Alexander:
secretary. MrR Hdward Ilorton: treas
urer, N. J. Lung. The meetings of the
league aie well attended nnd interest
Pr. C. It. Knnpp nnd family hnvo
moved Into .1. T. W'olllnock'H new
building until their own Is finished. Tho
The doctor lins just completed n special
course In surget y, wheh lie 1ms been
tnklng in N'e-.v York city.
IMwnnl Flynn. the genial Ontuilo
and Wcstcni station agent, has io
slgned his position after having served
the company In that eapnelty at tills
plneo for the past two jeais. Mr. S,
W. Cnjiwell. ol Peckvllle, who will .suc
ceed him has moved his family Into
the suito of moms over the Btntlon. nnd
unsullied chaige the Hist of tho week.
Thomnii Hienvn. Jr. Is on the sick list.
T-'rnnk Heklier. who ha lecently ie
tuined fiom Iiaw.sun City for the nee
nmi time, w up a rnicst of T. C Mansser
ycptoiclny. It Is u putted that ho
lnought hack Siro.000 He says ho ex
pects to loturn In Febiuarv.
Mr. Moils Wilcox, who Is in tho em
ploy of KiiKono Demmlnr. has moved
his family fiom Pleasant Mount to this
phtce. Tiny will icslde with Mr. Dtni
nilns. Mis. Amanda Tonkin, of Poyntolle.
Is the guest of her daughter. Mrs. J. N.
Cntr, on Muln street.
I.oien Arthur and family lmvo moved
to Vandllng.
Tominiow at the Methodist chinch
the pastor, Hev. V. N. Steelninn, will
dellvor a seimun in tho morning on
the "History of tho Hlble," at tho usual
hour. In the evening tho sermon will
be on "One of the Fooks of the Hlble
History." at 7 o'clock. At the Pres
byterian church Hev. Carrlngton 'will
Dreach on tho Bitbject, "Sowing nnd
of la grippe, and having icpeatedly
In aid cif the value of P'-runa In such
cases I thought I would trv it. 1 usd
It failthfullv nnd began to feel a
change for the better the second dny,
and in the couise of a week I WoS
veiy much Impioved. After usltu
three bottles I not on!; found that th"1
gilpfie had dlsappeai mI, but my geu
etal iKiilth was much bettei. I am
sitMled that Peruna 1 n wonderful
family lemedy and gl ullv endoise tt
"Ynur, Mrs. Tl ecq Mle Si hinltt."
Li grippe leaves tin- stoiu s itur
atid by ratal ill. This condition Is
known as systemic ca.irrh. Pot una.
Is tbe onlv umedj. Allow no one to
peiseade vou tint tleio is any i thnr
lemedv just as good.
Mr Piank Hauei, Mlnnelska, Minn.,
in a ie cut lette-r s tys
"I can not say anything else but
go id of vour meijli Inc s Foi sev.-M
wintus I had Miffcied with In gilppe,
and bv each uttui k was confined to
the bed In t'e wln'i ot "'is I vvcs
an uked with la gilppe I had a ter-
tlhle cough I I'sked niV wife to pet
me a bottle of PcilMiu. but n- th"
ill llrirtiet iltit mil Imee i' lu. "-nt iti
s me thini: ele th it w is l.lirhlv n eom-
men led for la iriliine. ostlntr tbe smn
! as Peiima. I took that, but was not
) abb- to leave the bed
Iti aping," In the morning, nnd In tho
evening on "Piollt and Loss Account
of the Houl."
Mr. nnd Mis. Petci Cuilston, of Hud
son stieet. aie lejolcing over the blith
of a twelve-uouiiet hoy.
Special to the Seriuiton Tribune
Thompson, Dec. 1." Phebe Wrought,
nged 77 ve.ais, mother of Mis. Will
iam Howe, of North .laeksou, died
there WodncMlav niotnlng and Is bur
led theie today. She had been an In
valid foi live yeais.
C C Wllmaith, of the firm of Pick
ing, Wilmaith & Co.. was doing busi
ness In Scrartnn and Towanda Tues
day and Wednesday of this week.
Chailes l.eonatd, of Afton, was doing
liusiui us In town yesteiday.
Mrs Fiy. the evangelist, lifter n ten
itfivR' win If nt "V'liee. letmnril to '
hpr home In Paterson, N. J., Wednes
day. Alvln Hairett, of Lake View, was In
Thompson on business vetterday.
Mis. Smith, of the Jefferson hous,
who has been unable to v.-alk for some
veel. undeitook to go by the aid of
clutches Wednesday moinlng, when
her dutches failed and she fall to tho
floor, hi caking her nun.
Time were over eighty
the Ladles' Aid in Grand
Wednesday nfttrnoon.
prisons nt
Auny hull
Charles M. and Piank Lewis and
Thomas Glover wero transacting busi
ness In Monti ose yesteiday.
James Solomon, of Fluid a, Is visit
ing nt Fied Wilght's anil other it
latlvcs this vveek.
A man evldenilv not over 2"i years
old, with a huge mouth, same chin,
much ihcK nnd benrdllp. driving n
siinnll black liorso to a top buggy, un
deitook to do some of our buslnei.i
places yesterday. He was interosiol
in the levenue for 'n le Sam and
would know if the law was violated.
and tili'd to convince that it vn, but
was so fiutiv to leport Mich vlolatoifl
nnd linso theli stoics nnd "V. hut
would you give onu not to leport you'.'"
Wh-n nuoiitluncil as to his nuthoilty
lio showed a laige i oil ot bills, Hay
ing, "This Is all the nuthoiky I need "
Probably the only tiuth he uttered
was. "I am no nngcl," when nsked who
he vvau.
John Hnelev and wife, of Point
Ch.iutauciun. N. Y. aie f-pendlng tho
weck with C. n. Jtnklus and wife and
other ichitlves In tills vicinity.
Deafness Cannot Bo Cuied
by local applications ns thev cannot icnch
the diseased poitlon of the car There Is
only one wn to cuic deafness, and Hint
lfi uy coiiHtluulotiul lenifiUuH. Deafness
Is caused bj an Inlliimed tondltlon ol tho
mucous lining ol tho Kustnchliin Tube
When this lube Is Inflamed you have a
rumbling bound oi beorlnif, und
when it Is eiillielj clone d, Deafness i
the le&ult, md unless tho lull unmalum
can ho taken out and tills tube restored
to Its noimnl condition, bearing will bo
dentroved laiover, nine cases nut (,r ten
rnd cnuHCd ly Catarrh, vvlilih Is notbbig
but nn Inflamed condition of tho mueoin
um faces.
Wo will Rive Ono Hundred Dollais fur
nny cuse of Deafness (cuused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Caiiirrh
Cure, fiend for circulars, free.
F J CHHNHY .v; CO., Toledo, O.
Sold bv DrueglBts, 75o,
Hall's Fumlly Pills are tho best.
"I told my wife that If I did not
get Pel una soon that I would mireiv
bo a grippe victim, an my lungs felt
ns If knives were sticking In them.
"Mv wife went to town and got me
a bottle of Pcrunn nnd t took It four
davs accordlnr; to the directions on
the bottle. The fifth day I took an
axe on mv shoulder and went out Inta
the woods to chop vnod,
"I had another sllrht nttnek, but ai
I had Pet una in the house it c.itne-1
me but one trying night My wife
wanted to send for the doctor, bin I
tool; "iniiU does of Peruna every halt
hour nnd Improved light along"
Mrs. M. C Cooper of the
Acndemv of its, Louden, Uncland. Is
iinuouij'c uiv e . ,ii
the gicaust liv
ing sculptois She
Is now In Well
ington making
'busts of dlstln
gttlsl'.'d Aincil
enns . She wrlieE
"1 take pleasure in
recommending Pe
runa for citnuli
ti'id la grlppt I
have fulfilled for
months nnd nftet
the use of one Mrs M C. Cooper.
bottle of Perunn I
am entirely well."
Mr", rilzn (luest, Kearney, Huffaln
eountv, Xeb , Fnvs: "I took your 1'e
runn for some time for e.vtairb, and
1 mil hapv to state that I am new
enll.cly cured of It. I took both Pe
mna. and Manalln. I nni "till taking
Peruna foi la grippe nnd flpd that It
helps me fieatlv I have Influenrel
seviral otbeis alTlleted with ehionle
catarrh to take Peiunn In this 1 ical
ity, and Ihey ate alt Ir.iptovlng"
Hon. F. Simmons. Pnlted States
Marshal, Mobile, Alalia ra, speaks in
i high praise of the merits of Pemna.
He sav "Aftn lavlnr. usc-d l'eiuni
. fot a shoit lime I fin 1 that It Is the
nvnt ceell"iit lenn d i" ( r the grlpp
and eatnnh evei piepaied. I cm
heaitllv rereinmerd tt t. nnv one."
Ce ngreastnan M.
V Hnvaid if
For; Pa v ne, All.
wit ' "I have
tak.n Peruna.
now for t w
week", nnd find I
am v cry mm h lm
llcvcd I feel that
mv cure will i-
peirnanent I linv
also taken it for
la grippe and I
take pleasure In
! rec ommendlng Pc-
Hon M W Howard rune as nn ecei
I lenf rorncdy to nil
fellov suffeierH"
I Mrs June (lift, of Uubbirdsvllle,
Ohio writes the follow Iiib "Sl years
I aw I had l.i Klippe vciv bad The
doctor came to sec me every uny, ink
I gradually Krew worse I told my
husband I thought I would surely die
if I did not Ref relief soon.
'One day I picked up the newspaper
and in i Mentally found a testlmonlnl
nT n ,t n,.n. ii 1... T....1 lmmi t ,,,n 1 t f
. "I .1 ...lllltlli li", lli.v, ,'v .-ll Wl .
grippe hv Pel una. 1 told mv husband
I wanted to tiv- it. If- went directly
to the ill in; store and pot a bottle
of Peruna I could e the Improve,
ment In a veiy Fhnit time and was
soon able to do liv vmk I tontllllticl
llshiB It until 1 W.'s entlielv cmetl
"I have Induced a u"'it mi nv ti
tiv the medic Inc and all ha"i had the
same lesull. I haw us d It In mv
family for my husband and Illicit -n
for colds and U rilppe I would tun
br without It In the bouse I icillv
think It hn iddecl veni" to t"V IT
and I feel I have no on to think but
fled and Dr Il.utnvin If othei suf-feiei'--
are Indilied to trv this wond r
ful niediiltio they v III loin me In sins?
Ini; its pnlsi s "
AHdlisx The Pctum Midii ! Co
I Columbus, (i. f i' flee biok
Ask vour dniRclst foi a fiee Pel una for the year 1900.
Wall Street Review.
New York, Dec 13 Tbe strength mani
fested by the stoek market In face of the
engagements of gmd fur export bv tn
inm row's stiinniis was the feature of
the dav There was hesita
tion and some reaction In the enl deal
ings on the recuirenee ot fears over tho
ef 'c t.s of gold shipments Ycsterd.iv
recoverv In stocks. It will he lemenibernl,
was based on the hopes that gold e
poits hnd been averted for the time be
ing 'the fact that iippichenstou cnei
this development was still apparent this
morning made the stiong advance In
ptlces. In the very face of the news of
Hie gold exports, all the more sulking.
The sterling exc bange rate today not
only failed to rciover but declined an ad
ditional fraction to Is7l for demand Tho
shipment of gold at this level for ex
change demonstrates that some unhid
erablo odv.intiige Is offend by the Hank
of Pnghtnd a an Inducement for thu
phlpment It Is known In fait that tue
IhiRllsh Institution allows luteriM to the
shippers for the ptilod of the transit
It has also advanced tbe buvlng prlee
of gold both for American eigles and
for bar gold The reporti d eng igement
of $! i.iQ,O10 In gold for export caused no
sflfienlng of the local money rate, which
ruled fnen G to f per cent
The absence of dl tin banco In the local
monej market hv the withdrawals of
gold and the favorable i ffei t produced
on the London market arouse hope Hi it
the operation inav move bem llcliil to the
financial woiid at large In sufllc lent de
glee to offset any local Inconvenience A
fnvoiable effect was produced on the
stoek market hi n by the buoyant tone
In the Huston market, m going n satis
factory settlement of the dllllcultlrs tho
miuket is beset with The substantial
gains In price throughout the btoek mar
ket list are the net results of tho dav s
Hading A lute niHnnee of ", In tho
pilec of l'lttsbuig. C. c A St L. was a
leiituie ol tho dui. Totul sales toda.
R 19,700 sluires
The following iiintr.tiens are furtilslied
The Tilhune by M. S .Ionian & Co.
rooms 7CC-0G Mcars building. Tclophono
Open- High- Low- Clos
ing, est. est. um
Am. SitRiir
Am. Tobacco .,
Atihlxon Pr. .,
Hrook Traction
Con Tobacco ..
("lies .L Ohio ..
People's lias ...
Chic d N W. ,
C. H c O. ....
Si. Paul ,
Itock island ...
Del & Hudson
. . 9314
... 20-H
... gi
... 70V,
... Sl,
... S0'
1H ir
lOHi m
Ss "
HH'i iroe l."'.ii
.mo ir, wi
. .ii'tv.,
sot 5
15' ',
D. I- .Si W.
Kim. & Tex.. Pr.
Louis. Nnsh. .
Man. Plevuted . ,
Met Trnrtlon ....
Mlsso Pnellie ....
Jerjey Central ....
North Pacific. ..
Nor Pacific, Pr. .
Ont .t West ....
Pi'tlllc Mull . ...
Phil fc Head .,
P .. Head.. Pr ,
South Hv Pr. ..
Tmn. C ft I
P S Leather ....
V S I.en . Pr. ..
Pnlnn Pacific ....
4;t jsi;
Tnlon Pae . Pr.
Wabnch Pr
j... . ... .. .
i Pr .. 1..
Pnlnn ,.....
Tl Tt. ..A..
7P4 7ir,
21 2t(;
Mil SS
West I
laim jiiv.
Am S Si Wlie
Ped Steel ...
Veil Steel. Pr.
ii 4,
UK 70V
Open- High- Low- Clo.
lug . est est pig
70Vm 7i, 70 70V,
00 09TJ G9'l 001 j
Vlfil ,''B1W."l
Sensible Gift
iasiiniFor Geiitleiiien,ii"n''i"t'it'''
Men .ire generally practical. Nothing pleases a man
more upon Christmas time than to receive a sensible
gift vc mean something useful.
Our stoic is full ol useful things the kind that
make holiday gifts. Among them are the very
finest assortment of
Travel I n s; Hags,
Can os,
l'ancj .suspenders,
House ami Hath Holies,
We respectfully ask you to call and allow us to show
you our magnificent stock. Should be pleased to have
you look around, alhough you do not buy.
' HonrnulL, 412 Spruce Street. g
'if 5?
We will thoioughly icinvate
your house after sickness, using
gcneiated Formaldehyde Gas, the
best known germacide and disin
fectant. Our work is effectual and
ch.uges reasonable.
Is the reason our store is always crowded.
Morris Chairs, velour cushions $5.75
Rattan Rockers, best make 2.75 &
"5?3 t..,i.. .- c.,,i n ...,,
-j i cii u ill icji a wJiauua. ii wwseo.... uv i-
Incliau Seats, all woods
Go-Cart Robes, angora
-2 Coon Pictures (will make
Mcchllioiis, all subjects
Notice Omb
i j: w(i 'LACKAWANNA Aj-)
Mav L'l LM'h 21 2I'
Jnnuarj ... 1 17 HI"-". 10 12 1" "
M iv in 40 10 i.J Hi i 1 'iii
.laniiat.v I" 3 " 1 17 m
Jill) 5Ci 5 M 5 iii 5 7.
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Jrar oi iuu
Bid Asked.
First National ISank ..
Scranton Savings Bank
Third National lunu 4Jj
1,11114 p ni IT.iV onrt
scinnioii "", i?.i7
Tblru jji"'"''," '
n mo IJfD V i'i iii". w
:conom Light II . P. Co..,
Scranton 1H . H & I Co ... fcS
Lncl'a Trust & Safe Dep Co. 150
fit riinton Paint Co
CW.k& SnoverCo.Com ... m
CC11K a: nii";i j" "r
Clnrk : nove. wi.. i i ..
f-cr lion l'ence.i- Mfft Co.
I uikn Dali Co , I'i
Ce Savings Pank S. Tiut Co
Btardard rllll,Ui!ji;.DS;
Scranton Pas Hallway, first
mortgape. ilue Wi
People's Street Hallvvnj, llrst
molfgORe ilim V'lS
People's Stieet lt.illwn). CJen
nl mnrluace. die 1S1
,i. i Ur.r AT.i.iiifnf tin Inc? C7n
Scranton Wholesale Maiket
(Collected bv II G Dale, 27 Laokuwanna
Av enue )
Ilutter Ci runic iv iUZiv : print. 23a
27i , dairy, tubs, J'.e
iiggs Select western, lC-c : nearby
stiite, 2o'c
Cheese Pull cream, new, HlVjc.
Peans Per bu , 1 hoieo mtu row, 2S0;
nn dlum. ii. pen. 52.
Onions Per bu.. 45c
Potatoes Per bu . 50c
Lemon $1 tolas "3 per box.
New Yin!: Q 1 aln nnd Produces Mnrkat.
New York Dee P. Plour Inactive and
barely steady Willi huvcrs 5.iine. under
tl.i markit. Wheal S"ot easy: No. 2
7tte. ufloat, No 1 northern Dululh, ?i1b.
f o. b nlloat; No. 1 liurd Dulutb. mitc.
f 11 b nllnut. snot No 2 nd, 7. kC
el valor. Options opened eusv at 'fee ile
cllne. otheif light declines followed, but
finally the market milled sllshtlj with
corn, and (lovuil sleiulj nt 'nc net de
cline. Marc h e-loKcd 73',i . Mill 71V ;
July. 7."'c ; Dee . 72V Corn-Spot easy!
No. 2. 40V f o. b afloat, and 4ie ele.
valor. Options opened weaker nnd sold
off Later, however It 1 allied ..i4P "H
deniand. Prices dosed unchanged to '..c.
pit decline. Mas 1 losed OV Dec.
Til' c Onts-Spnt dull. No. 2 29".e : No.
3. 2i'.c; No. 2 white, No .1 white,
ItO'sc ; tiuck mixed vvi stern. 29a1o,c ;
truck while. .Ihulle. Options Inactive.
Ilutter Quiet unil sicnuv ; wcxicrn
en nmery. 23a.'7c ; do factory. 13'o20e :
Juno rreair.ei. !2ii2ittP.: Imltntlnn cream
civ. Hn'.'ic : stnle dilrv. lSn'JSc., do
cienmeiy, 2Sa27c Cheese Plrm. fall
made fancy small 12sial1c fall made,
large faucv, 12' 'O'iC late made, small
1.'a12ir : large late made ll',c Hggs
Steadv , Htate and Peiilia . 2lu23e . west
ein ungiadid ha.'l'sc ; western, 2la2U ;
lots off
Plillnclelpbiii Uia ' ""' T'iochics
Plilhidelphla Dec 15 Wheat-Steady ,
ei ntraet Krtnle. Dec , 70a7le Corn Plrm,
No i mixed Die . 17Wa.l7!V(f Oats
Sti'.ulv No 2 white .Mimed ai4R'i:c ,
No 1 do do, .a)1 ut1i No J mixed no.
2fitC otateies Plrm IVnnii choice, 6.'u
5Sc , New ork and western .UutVic , do.
do. fulr to good do., 4Su50c Ilutter
Dross Suit Cases,
Hats, cite.
i lt a
you laugh) 2.00
25c, 40c and 50c
Big Window
To PATEHT Good Ideas
may ho secured by
our aid Address,
Baltimore, Md.
Thrp,n flnv !nliriiilefl ier
iiicoiiriilenre,nlli'Ctionsl fflinY I
Id which . opiilbii, Cii-V,uu
ue'lm nmi inirciiiiim inn.
t in banged fancy western creamery,
27i do prints jsc Hggj-Steadj , fresh
lie.irbj. 2ile . do western, 2"e do south
western, le . i'i H'Uiheiii, le Chece
Plint, but ipilet Itellnul sugar" Dull,
but steadily held Cotton Pnehnngcd
Tallow Plun: eltv pi line In lihds, V" :
couiitrv do do, bids, '15't.i dork do,
4"'e cakes S'luVnO : grease 3.i43kC Llvo
pcuiltiv Dull and, tow Is 7nSe :
old roostirs. f, spring chickens 7a7':c ,
ducks and geese, MlOe ; turkevs KaOc
Dnssid pnultrj Stciulj. fdr demand,
fowls, choice. 0'jilOe ; do fulr to good
S'sa'ie ; old roosters, 7c ; clueki ns nearbv
ldal.'t ; westein do. laige, ImlU med do , O.i'i'.c small do 7ase lurkess
choice to f.ine. Ilul2c : do fair to good,
lal0c . Inferior do, 7avc Receipts
Plour, 4 000 barrels and 42 mio sacks,
wheat. SHOO bushels; coin n im bushel",
outs. 22 0i1 bushels. Shipments Wheat
31,H0 bushels, corn, 163.U0J bushels oats,
Chicngo Grain and Produce.
Chicago, Dec 15 The wheat market
today weakmid oil the cpci tail m of a
bearish government leport closing ,i
under vesterday. Mav coin . lused He
and Mav oats a shade down Provisions
sipportid hi n lluht movement and an
excellent demand, were strong Mav elos
Itig 50e laid. I."j.il3e , and Mm ribs
rw higher Cash ipiotntions were as
follows Ploui-Sleiids. No 1 spring
VVhcnt (il'iiiC7c : No B red, (!7aljS'.c No
2 coin, ol'j.iill'.e No 2 oats .Unify
No 1 white 2ln2V-e- : No J ni rl4.
No 2 barley !S.if3c . No 1 fl in seed uel
nnrthwest $1 I'i tulnie llmothv seed
$2 45, pork IMMilo-i 1ml f .0a5 22' i .
litis $5.''ii5'.0. shoulders W,a".,i sides
5.Vi.i'ii5; whiskey, $1 23'; sugars, un
cltansed ButTnlo Llvo Stock Market.
Hust liuffalo, Dec 13 -Cattle- He. dpts
two, stend for good grades orders
falllv steady, eals l.owei bulk $7n"V;
few fancy. $; others. $5.i0 7' Hugs He
celpts 40 excited nnd hlghei voile
era. $1.20 1125: mixed $l25ul H med
iums nnd heavy $l25allo, pigs M rv
4 25: roughs $!50.i3S0 Sheep mid lambs
-Ite elpts '0 ears, active and buhcr for
lambs Tops, " 5nn5 00, fair to good,
$5 10u5.f0: culls to cotnmnn $la5 mixed
sheep tops, J175al: culls and good 2a
350, vvctheis and veiiillngs, J125u150
Oil Cltv Dec 15 Credit balances 1M;
crrllllciucr fid bid tor ensh Shipments,
31127. nerige, 71,23. Huns t'ltw.', av
ciage, bl O'Ji
For Infants nnd Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
8 I
30 1,