THE SCRANTON TBIB UN ii-THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1899. Depressed ? TRY ETTITO TRY EE (MARlANl WINci) WORLD FAMOUS TONIC. Mnrlnnl Wino Is n tonic '"'V "nr,' truly Hclontlllc pilr.clples It Is safe unu UptlClU'lllI UK vwll IIS (IglePllUIO. Mnrlnnl Wine Inm more, hun R.W0 writ ten Indorsements from lending physicians In nil pnrtM of Hip world Marian! Wine gives i to thp brain, strength nnd .InHlclty to the musclob una llchmm to tho blood. It Is u. promoter of gnml hrnlth nnd longevity Makes Pic, old J out g keeps lln loung I'lrnnB. Murium Wlm Is specially tecommoml cil for General Deblllu, Overwork, YicaK ncss from whatever cnuseH. Profound Depression nnil Etnustlun. Tin oat nml Lung Dlfceiises, Consumption nnil Miliaria. It Is u dlffUMlblo tonlo for tho entlro sys- Mntlunl Wlnf Is Imnlu.iblp for over worked nun dellcite wumen and sickly rhlldreii ll Mlmulntps stu-ngthens and sustains thp sjsteni and brnies bolv nnil bruin It LiimlMtn Malaria nnd Li Grippe Mn bo lifted ofTeetlveli In form of n hot grog. Sold by till druggists Beware of Imlta- & Co . r,2 W 15lh St . New York publish n handsome book of en dorsements of Enineiors limine" Prln- ncs CnrdlnnW Archbishops and distinguished tiersnniigis 1' I1 gratis nnd postpaid to all who for It other sent utile. CARBONDALE. NEW QUABTERS. Tho Cycle Club Ilns Moved to the Van Bergen House. The Cirbondale Cc1p club, which was iccentli binned out at the Watt house on Lincoln avenue, has moved In to the Van Bergen house, on Notth Chuieh street. Much of tho f urn I lute which was at Hint thought to bo to talli ruined has been repalied and polished up until It looks blighter than It did before the (lie. Since the ciiganization enteied Its new quarters a half doyen new mem beis Ii.up been admitted, making the club more than one hundred stiong. Attorney H. O Butler has been In structed to apply for a charter The entertainment committee rejected the proposition of Mis Juniata Saulhbury t present "A Stilng of Bells" In the club's name. GRADE CROSSING ABOLISHED. The traction company Is filling the depression below eighth .uenue, pre paratory to the abolition of the guide crossing at the Delaware and Hudson Hteam nml This will be accomplished b tunning the stioet cai Hack under the stonm mid and the old gravity load bed. xhe change may not be made until next summer LOCAL NAD PERSONAL. Mrs rrnnlc Smith fell on Church street icsterday noon and hutnlned painful Injuries. Ex-Aldeiman William Williams, of No 4 Is entertaining his imislns, John and i htrlts Kobeits, of Barker. South Dikoti They will va Situiday for Englan 1, wheie they will st lela tlps at Wadbiidge. Mi and Mis. Aloxandei Tulley hive icmoved to Majlleld. . Miss LarNsa Blace. of Honesdnle, visited Parbondalo friends yesteiday. Seven hundied excursionists went to Scianton lesteidni, taking advantage of the Jonas Long's Sons' cheap nill load fa:e and free dinner. J W Aitieen has returned fiom Philadelphia. MKs Alice Can has gone to Pent Tervls to spend a month. The funpial of Mrs Caroline J. Van Under will be held nt half paht ten i lock th' morning fiom the ence on Canaan street. Rev. A. I" hnffee will olllclate.. The Mitchell Hose company contem pl ites billing a hook and ladder tiuck. A committee bns been appointed to In siect apparatus of this sou In nearby tons Chamberlain's Pain Balm Cuies Oth eto, Why Not "icou? My wife has been using Chamber lain's Pain Balm, with good icsults, for a lame sdiouldet that has pained her continually for nine icars. We trie I nil kinds of medii Ines and doctors without lecelving any benefit from nny of them. One day psni an advertise ment of this medicine and thought of tiylng It, which we did with the best of satlsfai Hon She has used only one bottle and her shoulder Is almost well" Adolph L Mlllett, .Manchester, n! H Fo, sale b all druggist. Matthew Bros., wholesale and retail agents. PECKVILLE. Misses Blanche Butterfleld, of Arar at nnd Lena Tucket, of Jackson, mo the guests of Mrs. T. II. Koup, of North Main stteet. Mi Geotgp Klngsdei was taken setl nuslj 111 while attending to the duties of his position In Ptlcebutg Tuesday and was removed to his home, wheto Doctors Ptans and SIckler attended him The church supper held at the tesl demc of Mr. nnd Mrs. O M. Hull, of Blake I j was a success both socially and llnancinlH Mi and Mis. A. W. Thorpe and Mr nnd Mrs B K. Benjamin are at Nich olson attending tho funeral of Mts. Thorpe h and Mrs. Benjamin's father, Mr Jesse Spencer, a fotmer resident of this place The attendance at night school In the Third watd Is reported as continuing to nverago well The different committees on tho Wil son Fire company's fair will meet at The Best Washing Powder. Ask Your Laundress to Try It. tho rompanyV rooms on Thursday evening. A full attcnilnnco Is desired. At the Baptist bazaar hold recently the entire proceeds Un thu four nights were 1328.74: expensex, fOS; net, $230.74. Mrs C. L AVhlte Is somewhat 1m pioved. The display windows of the different stores about town picscnt a very pret ty appearance, having assumed thnir holiday nttlro. Mr nnd Mis. George Newton aie both seilously III. 'Squire 8. W. Arnold Is again able tn attend to his duties, after u shott Ill ness. JERMYN AND MVYF1ELD. School Director Gannon's Illegal Voting Pievents ZLlaa McChroncs' Election ns Teacher St. Jntnos' Bazaar Sam Haivey's Case Crlt- icnl. Our account of the school board meeting on Tuesday ovcnltig was In complete because of the ftift that ws were obliged to leae befotp the meet ing ended. When Chairman Piltch ntd nnmed Hunter Mouom nnd Gan non on the visiting committee for the coming month the latter objected on the giound that his term would expin1 before the next meeting on account of his inolng from his dlsttlct When questioned by Blake he admitted tint he had nlieady moved, but was of opinion that he would not lose his seat for thltty davs. Blake oblectod M Miss MrChtone'r election on the ground that Gannon having admitted moving front hi ward his votp was il legal nnd should not have been count ed The school lnw was toad on the subject nnd was corslc'cied sulllclent l" explicit to sustpln Ml Blake's oh- I Jcctlon nnd Miss McChrone's election was theietipon declatcd Invalid It i was then decided to nv et again next lucsdav evening fot th put pose if i appointing u director to HniHh Mr. Gannon's uncxplicd term and elect a teachei. j The Ixiznnr under the auspice" of th Ladles' Aid of St. James' church, was npewd last evening. On a 'count of the many counter attractions the at tendance was not as large as could bi wished. The four booths wete very j tnste'ully decorated and contained a variety of prettv and useful attlcbs stiltnblp for Christmas gifts. Th. ' booths are in chaigo of the following ladles: No. 1, Misses Emily Fesen den, Stella Pondeted, No J, Mlssec Mabel Davis and Onto" Vnll No 3 Mts Arthur Day and Mrp Kessenden, No I. Mts Shields, Mih. Hills Mis Merrltt, Miss May Pizer and Mr P.o senctant? have chnrr of the tandv ' booth and rcfieshmcnts The ont'i- talnment Inst evening was bv the Citi zens," band our musical or ganization, and every number was rendered with then usual god tnsi. nnd nhllity. Perhaps the most enjov -able number was the march and caU" walk. "The Mississippi Side Step," Just published by Bprllnder .t Co of Npw ' Yoik. and which was i mindly applim 1 cd The bazaar will be continued thU evening when the opeietta, "Little) Rod Hiding Hood." v.lll be given bv about thirty children. It Is in four acts and the principal clntncteis will be as follows Bed Hiding Hood, Jes sie Lee, Bed Hiding Hood's mother. Gladys Sobey wolf Percy Houghton, fairy oueen, Maggie Max-well The chlldi en have bpen cmefull trained by Mr. Henty Mjets, of Arehbald, and will be well wotth seeing. Tho mti lingo of Mr. W. D. Hill, of Maylleld, nnd Miss Mnrgoiet V Jones, of this boiough, will take place this evening at S o'clock. The ceremony will be petfotmed bv Itt'v. D P. Jones, of Scianton S.nmul Harvey, the joung man ly ing at the Catbondalo hospital with a fractured skiil, v as considetablv wotse vesterday. Meningitis has set in nnd his rase s quite ctitlcal. A large number i f ladies fiom tins buough took In Jonas Long's excur sion to Scranton .veytetdny. rnfottu tuitelv through some inihliiko In nr langlng the tlip no oxcur-lon tiekels weie i.sued fium this bcrough ami many ladles who had intended to go were o nnnoyed upon discovering th" fact that the.v letttrned to their homes, MOSCOW. Mis. Snow den, of Nichols, N. , for mei'v of this place, U tho guest of Mi 3. M. V. Viughti. M" and Mrs Chat Irs Wurdell, of (louldsboip, spent Sunday with Mf. and Mis. Davis. The Woinuns' ("hiistlar. Temperance, union will meet nt tho home of Mri C II. Travis, this afternoon Mis i:. Vv Davis and daughter, Florence, of Elmhurst pent yesterday with the former's pai.'iits, Mr. and Mis Chutl- s Noack. Mr. Ptink ictumed Monday fiom a vlsl with relatives at Now Voik Mlts Grace Hcurn, uf DilevlUe, lmi been visiting her mat friends lieu for i few dnyii. Hdwnrd Van Thunl. who tccenlly pur-i.nsed the KeiJor, on V m Htll'lt stieot, trover Into It yesteidny. J:. I.. W'nllersteln was a Sivinton visltoi yesteiday. OLYPHANT. Ml. and Mis. V. .1. Fadden. .Mrs. HI len Murphy, Mts AVIIlInm .McDonnell, Mr nnd Mrs. Domlnlck Fadden. Wil liam Hogan and Miss Nellie Gallagher attended tho f uncial of James Teeney at his late home in Jermyn jesterday. Mr. Peeney was emplojed nc a black smith at this placo for the past sl months and was a btother of Jits. i: J. Fadden Miss Mabel Edwards gave a thimLlo tea to u number of her young frlnds ut the tesldence of her parenn, Mr. und Mis 'A D. Edwards, In U.ik-ly. Those present were Misses 11-len Jones, Jessie Cullendet, Huth IIu 1, APPETITES Created and Maintained by Vinol. THAT THE FOOD IS DIGEST ED IS ASLO EQUALLY NECESSARY. We Recommend Vinol as an Appetite Creator. WE GUARANTEE THAT VINOL WILL AID DIGESTION. Vinol Is the greatest aid to digestion that we have ever know n. It is because Vinol beneficially upon the stomach that it accomplishes bo much good. Vinol contains tho active curative principles that arc found in c6d liver oil. without any oil or grease. These medicinal elements act so favorably upon the stomach, that this organ obtains for itself the elements neecsbiiry forcreatlngnevv flesh, muscle tissue nnd for making rich red blood. When the stomach nets easily tinil naturally, u deshu is created for good simple food and u, good appetite is. the sure result. With cod-liver oil ns formerly taken the medicinal elements which it con tained were too often unable to counteract the harm that was done by the obnoxious grease that enveloped them. Now that ii. Vinol we 'have those same elements separated from the vile tasting fat, we huve u tonic and re builder that is simply marvelous in its action. The following is a letter that vv ill ex plain itself: "This is to certify that I have used 6ix bottles of Vinol, nnd have found it of great value as un appetizer and tonic in general debility. I have re ceived so much benefit fiom its use that I glnd'y furnislj this testimonial in order that others may bo induced to five it u trinl and prove to themselves ts recuperative powers." Mn. Hlu aiieth Flunky, VVatcrbury, Conn. We want every one In tills place to know more about our Vinol, how it cures nnd what It cures. Certainly the greatest tonic and rcbuilder we have ever sold. We, therefore, cordially Invite any one interested to call upon us; and we want all to bear in mind that we will gladly refund to any one who is not satisfied w itli the action of Vinol every cent they pay for it. MATTHEWS BROS.. Pharmacists. C'laia Van Sli kle. Nina Thomas, Net tle Mason, Nina, Ue.ssle and Veda Ed wards. The Juv fills Danclug class will glv n social to Its members and a number of ftlemls on New Villi's night T.iw l dice's oi chestt a will finnlsh the mu sic. Mis. M. J. MeAndiew spent yest3--dnv ct Jeuiivu Miss Grace Cnllenilar, of Scranton. visited her giandmothet, Mrs. I-dwatd Jones, ostenl.iy Miss Jennie Mason Is cleiilng In Lloyd's jew eli y store. Attorney James Milton, of Sev itcn, was a caller In town jesteriuv. Mis Thomas Holnn s of Par". Is the guest of Mrs J J ( ummlng?. Itev. J. M. Smoultii, uf 'to k take, was a visitor hete estenluv. TAYLOR NfiWS. I. 0. H. M. Will Commemoiato the One Hundredth Year Anniversary of the Death of Washington Tay lor Band's Coming Conceit Other Intel esting Matters. Mlnooka tilbe, No 247, Impioved Ol der of Hed Mtn, will commemorate the nnnlveisaiy of the one hundtedth year since the death of Geoige Washington nt theli hall on Main street this even ing. The following will tnke patt In the exeiclses as ptomulgated by he Gteat council of the United States: Master of ceiemonies, W. G. How ells, sachem, Thomas Samuels, senior sag amoic, David Heechain, prophet, John D Jones, Junior sag.imnie, John C. ltlehnids Hist sannap, James Heffer; .second sannap James Palmer, reclta tor. Mis Mary M Keoney, the Gieat I'jcahontas of Pennsylvania, orator ot the evening, 11 U Han Is, accompan ist of the evening, Pi of Divid E. Jones. The piograinme Is an excellent one and It Is made more Intet esting by the- Introduction of several patriotic alis. and Is full of amusing features. At the close of the annlversaty ceie mony ham sandwiches and coffee will be set veil and n programme of solos, iccltutlons, etc, will bo given. All aie welcome. Ceremonies will start nt T o'clock shuip A huge audience was ptesent at the Price llbtary last evening, where Pi of. George Howell gave a powerful ad dtess. The statement circulated around the boiough for several days past to the effect thut Mis. Ooiner Jones had die I ut a Scranton hospital, wheie she Is receiving treatment Is untrue nnd Mis. Jones Is Impioving In her condition Miss Lizzie Hodge, of Washington street. Is Improving from her recent Illness. Miss I.i.zle Evans, of Providence, was tho guest of relatives heie yester day Mrs. Edwaid D. Davis, of Middle street, was the guest of relutlves in Iittston yesterday. Taylor castle, No, '.'CT, Knights of the Golden Eagle, w 111 meet this evening. Misses Jennie Favey and Margaret Thomas, of Hyde Paik, wete the guests of Miss May Phillips, of Taylor street, tho forepait of the week. PIUCEBUIta. A surprise paity In honor of ClnrU-3 Harrett was glvep at the homo of his parents, on Lincoln street, last evening by his many young friends, who en joyed themselves thmoughly. Ell Hose, a young man well-known bore, sailed for his homo in Enelnnd yesterday. Golden Chain lodge, Independent Or- dor of Odd Fcll0VV8. Will hold their regular session tomorrow evcnlnn". i'reci unver, or urook street, who was severely Injured by being caught In machinery nt Johnson's breaker several weeks ago, is slowly Improv ing. Finnk Drodosky, a Polish laborer, employed In Storra' No. 1 mine, was eallrrht' under n full of rnnf In ,ll,..1 bony) on Tucsdny night about 7 o'clock. no was lauen to nts noannng hoiirfo on Main stieot In the comoany's nm bulnnre, having received Injuries to his back und right leg. Thp new homes of James Barrett nnd James Cook, under course of construc tion near school building No. 1, nio Jupldly nearlng completion. Worthy of Record. Moscow. Pn., Dec. 11, 1899. An uncle of Mrs. George Miller, of this place had a largo ulcer on one of his limbs. After being lanced It beenme a run ning sore. Ho began taking Hood's Snrsnparllln. however, and after taking live bottles the sore was healed. THEATRICAL. "Tho Brooklyn Handicap." The Aubrey Stock company scored n big success producing "The Great Hrookljn Handicap." This samp play vras seen here? dlffeient times at high prices, but was not presented any bet ter than seen nt the Academy of Music last night Thtee beautiful hoists were on the stage, t tinning like a Hush of lightning In tho tnce scene. The piny made nich ,'i success that the immurement have decided to play It fin tin matinee today. For tonight the company will ptoduce Ollvei Doiid Hi t on's successful duima, "Fps und Dow ns of Life." Olcott at Lyceum Tonight. Clnuncev Olcott, whopp advent Is al ways ?in event In Scranton, will ap pca'' at the Lvceunt this and tomorrow evenings, presenting for the Hist time In this city Ills Intel and gteateit success, "A Honiano" of Athlone," by bis manager, ugust Pltou. Tho pi ty Is a strong romantic piny, of the poilod of 1S0P, and the spenety and costumes ate most beautiful. It gives Mr. Ol cott an pxce'lent chance to exploit hli rhatmlng peisonallty rnd to consls entlv lntioducc new songs that are al w.s an important factor in any pr formnnce whoteln he llgmes. The pioductlon will be given with the sam-j cast and rcenety that matl.ed Its suc cessful tun of over three months in New Yoik. At the Gaiety. On Thursday. I'tlday and Sitt'telay, Lang's Opeiatlc Ilurlsiiuers will b at the Gnletj The ntpttainment com pilses an olio ot viudevlile nnd n bu" h tto, Inttoducing beautiful women Rotgeously to-luined, nnd funny com edians Tl-e olio Introduces seven big vaud-vill" acts SUSQUEHANNA. Bppclal to The Scranton Tribune Susquehanna, Dee. 13 .iheiiff Ward Deal!, of Montroe, was officially en gaged In town last evening, Congressman V. Fred Wilght nrrlved home from Washington on Tuesday. The Fit st wnid graded school, te cently closed on account of the pie valence of scarlet fever, will not be le-opened until after the holMae. The funeral of the late Ulchard M. Iirown. of the Oakland Side, took place this afternoon from the Oakland Meth odist chuich and was largely attended. Kev. David I Sutherland, pastor of the Ptesbyterian church In Susquehan na, olllciated. and the remains were Intoned In McKune cemetery. Eight of the eighteen of the new "Atlantic" type of pa&senger locomo tives otdered by the Erie from tho Baldwin locomotive vvoiks In Philadel phia have nlrcady been delivered. They aie of the largest and most pow erful type A few dajs ago one of them hauled a heavily loaded train of eight cars at the tate of seventy-one miles an hour. The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Hrother hood of Locomotive Englneeis have In definitely postponed thelt publTc sup per, announced to be held on Thurs day evening In Odd Follows' hall. Tlu Odd Fellows refused them the hall. A number of Susquehanna county Giangets are In Lock Haven attending a meeting of the State Grange. A farmers' Institute was held today at Hlrchaidville. On Thursday an In stitute will be held In Montrose. A great number of Chtlstmas trees will be shipped fiom Susquehanna county to the cities. In the Avenue Methodist church last evening Evangelist Will. Moun tenoy pleached on the subject, "Publi can and Sinner." The "London Holies" company ap pealed In Hognn Opera house laU evening to fair business. They will complete the week nt the BIJou In Elnghamton. William F. Met rill, second vice pi esident of the Erie, has been elected ice-president of the New Yoik, New Haven and Hnttfoul tailioad, to suc ceed William D. Bishop. The people of Monti ose nre arrang ing to entertain the delegates to the Susquehanna Count Epwotth league convention, to be held Dec. US and 2J. Sheriff Ward Deall diovo over fiom Montrose last evening to attend the "London Relies" entertainment Thu Young Men's Library association has received a supply of new books. Tho llbiary Is one of tho finest In this section of the state. AVOCA. The Pennsylvania Coal Lompany will not pay this week, us eiroueously pub lished, but they will do so next week. Miss Agnes Gibbons has been ap pointed night school teacher at No. 2 school Thomas L. McIIale has received n check for $123 from the Metropolitan Life Insurance company In recognition of his services during live yents. Itev. nnd Mis. Hnlge, of Providence, were guests of Mr. und Mis. Thomas I Llevelln this week. All who had the pleasuio of being with the Heptnsophs on Monday even lng weto tteated to nn excellent pro gramme of vocal and Instrumental music, as well us satisfying tho wunts of the Inner man. Tho Tennis quar tettt , of Scianton, liberally responded to the bursts of upplauso that followed each rendition. Miss Helen Eoylo beau tifully tendered three selections. Will iam Williams does not loss his favorit ism and ho was obliged to respond sev oral times Miss Clara Schlagei nng n pretty. lovo song In a winsome man ner nnd was obliged to respond Will- lam Golden nip Anna Whnlen also sang and MIsspb Itlta and McDonald played I u rluno and mandolin duet, and Wat kin Morgans gave a humorous speech The speakors wore PI of. C. F. llobnn, ' Dr. Eerge, W. II. Holllster and Messrs, The People's Exchange. APOPULAU GLKAKING IIOUSF. for ths nemdt ot Ml Who Hnvc llonscs to Kent, Rcnl Ustats or Other Property to Sell or Exchnntt, or Wlio Wnnt SltuntloiH or Help TIibs Small Advertisements Coil Ons Cent rt Word, Six Insertions (or Five Cents n Word Kx:ept bltuiitloiu Wnnted, Which Avi In. sertcd Tree. FOR RENT vAs FOlt HENT-HALr DOUULE H-UOOM house. Modern Improvements. 1423 Adams avenur. FOR GALE ron sali-two pool tahlhh in good ronilltlon. Address W5 Court slrpet, city WANTED-TO RENT. WANTED-FUItNISHED ItOOM, HIHT abla fur gentleman nnd wife: central ly located. Address, X, Y, C, Trlbuno FURNISHED ROOMS. rbitnENTAT iNisimn tront room vvlth or without boatd. 418 Noith Seventh street AGENTS WANTED. AOENTS-AUTICLr. OF VNt'Sl'AL merit, highest medals, governmont endorsement, half million sold Write for uuttlt "Monarch," 27 William, New York SALERMEN-ir YOU WANT TO MAKE $1,500 u j ear work for us Our lenther suspenders sell themselves cannot wear out, attmctlvo assortment, exclusive ter ritory, samples free conditionally. J. S Berry Mfg Co . A 529 Clnclnnntl, O. LOST. LOST-LAST WEEK. A BPNCH OF kes. $1 tewurd for return of same to Scranton House. DRESSMAKING. DHEFSMAKING TOR CHILDREN TO ordei , also ladles' waists. Loulso Slmemnkcr, 212 Adams avenue. NEWSPAPERS Tttr. WlT.KTSa.nARKK RECORD CAN bo had In Scranton at the newB stands of Relsman Bron., 403 Spruce and 603 Lin den; M Norton .122 Lackawanna avenue; I. 8. Schutzer, 211 Spruce itreet. SCALP TREATMENT. MRSI?' T KELLER, SCALP TREAT mont, 00c ; shampooing, BOe. , facial massage, manicuring, 2nc ; chiropody, 701 Qulncy. LEGAL. IN RE. INCORPORATION OP THE Stiatford Cemeterj An-oclatlon In the Court of Common Picas of Lacka wanna, county. No 3I7, January Terra, Notice Is hereby given that nn appllca tlon will be made to the bald Court, or a Law Judge thereof on rrlday, the 28tll day of December, A D IStiO, ut 0 o'clock a. m, under an act entitled "An Act to provide for the lncorpotatlon nnd regula tion of certain corporations, ' approved April 29, 1S74. und its supplements, for a charter for un Intendpd corporation to be called the "Stratford Cemetery Associa tion. ' the character nnd object whereof Is to purchnse re il estate, to lay out suit able avenues, to divide tho same Into burial lots and to dispone of the same for purposes of fcepulchre, and for thebe pur pcecs to have, maintain nnd enjoy all tho rights benefits and privileges affordpd by the said Act and Its supplements M T SANDO Solicitor. ESTATE OP WILLIAM VON STORCII. late ot the City of Scianton, County of Lackavvanm, Decease l. Letteis tistumentiit j upon the above estate having l-een granted to the und- -signed, nil jeisons having claims or de mands ufHlnst the said estate arc hereby notllled to piesent them for payment, and all persons IndebtPd theteto are ic r.ucbted to make Immediate payment to CHARLES II A'ON STORCII, T CRAMER VON STORCII. Exec utnrs Scranton, Pn WILLARD, WARREN & KNAPP. Attoinejs for thp Estatp. SITUATIONS WANTED MIoTGElTTlADTTOniMKl to havp a situation as housekeeper, general housework. Dliect to 2CS River street, corner of Madison, cit, In a small family SITUATION WANTI.D-BY A YOPNG girl to help with housework or as nurso girl Address II V L , Tribune office SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG girl as cirrk or c-lllce glil; has some knowledge of bookkeeping. Addrecs Clork, Trlbuno otflce. SITUATION WANTED-BOOKKEEPER would like to make nn engagement for two clays each veek. Neil and ac curate. Addiess C B, Tribune office GROCERY CLERK, FIVE YEARS' experience, best of referencts wants position Address A C B, Tilbune of fice PInneil, Jones and Frederick, of Pitts- ton. The Hpptasonhs arp ninoncr tho favotlte organization In the town. At a regular meeting of tho Lidles' Catholic Benevolent association on Tuesday evening the following ollicets were elected' President, Kate Demp sey; first vice-president. Kate Claik: second vice-president, Maty Osborne; lecotder, Kate Gibbons; financial bpc tetarv, Kate Hogan, tifasuret, KatJ Johnson; marshal, Maiy Herbert guatel, Mai In Cunningham; tiustees, Maria Reap, Ella .Callahan, B. Reap, Clnin Holland, Maty Merrick. A gathering of young folks assembled at the homo of Mr and Mrs Jumps Morton, of the- West Side, on Tuesday evening The time was plensuntly spent In playing games and other ninuse ments, after which refreshments vere set veil. The following were present: Mabel AIIph, Nellie Graham, Ruth Morton, Leah Laird, Marv McQueen. Mary Howell, Macgie Motion, Lizzie Ulggar, Edith Andetsnn, Bessie Mor ton. Benjamin Oliver.Alexnnder Young. William Ulggar. William Ftew, Will iam Hnstle. Glen Holllster, Gilbert Alexander, William Morton. tO GEMS. 10 CENTS -Dr. Agnow's Liver Pills euro all troubles arising from torpor of the liver Easy and quick Banish Sick Ile.idm he Purify Hip blood urd eradicate all Impuiitlis from tile sjstem Tho demand Is bijr The Pills uto little, cns to lake, pleusant rpsulls, no puln 40 In a vial 10 cents Sold by Matthews Bros nnd W. T Clark 09. RMDE 1WJE A SVIAIS UAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CDItE Jl tiTi 2,'ervcua Disease! TalHna Mcc- ' SKI pi7,Ipiietoac7,Bloerlotaaeti,eto. cautfu ..VI V3 Au-30 or othor 1 ico-ses end Indli- i kskL cretloaj. 2eu qu(ci.(u anil turilu W-.W.U -W .IIBIt,, .1, WIMV. UUII...UU :Lacei cr.etx t-co Ifcll Ireotaect) for CX0. B: il 1 t3.-i it 11, ia plain wrnrner. npnn rncolrt et rrlco. I trcnlir "" AJAX REMEDY CO., S'uV1- For sale In Scranton, Pa., by Matthews Bros, and II, C. Sandei sen, Druggists. fi "1 ItainaawrBiucr, ocsicr&aor m rriazr, . . - - ,- '"".T1; 1 Inmnttj oca Coinucctloa 1. tuLralutlco. 'ibclr n-utf howi lmnojlato irtrcjc nontnad eCo-tj a CtlllR whero ell rthcr fall I Blot oloal " t!io rtacl-o s Uililati, TUcj (inTOc.rlOsaisaiBcltrillcaioi'aa. Worltnoroj lllronrlttcarocrantootse'cc'ocuro RftTCJ 1 eucasocr rslui-ltao cca?7, IilcoWUsJlCiitr pucLacei cr.etx t-co Ifcll Ireotaect) for CX0. Cr HELP VJANTED-MALE EjHEnjIcn'DpTwTl WANTED nt HI. Churlcs Hotel ENKHQETIC HALi:8MAN - COUNTI'V work. School supplies Solury IllW nnd PNtrns. It O EvniiB & Co, Chi cago, III A LIVE AGENT FOlt HCU NTON FOIl n lck and ncclilrnt rnmpunv that Is erdorBcd by the entire pollco nnd fire de partments of Phllndclphlt Addrrss nt ncp, E, W. Oooilrlch. Jermyn hotol. WANTED-HY aU ESTAlTiTisTiEn mulnpfis of a high older, n representa tive of ability and biipUng whi in t.iko up Its work In the stnte of I'pniisjlv.inlai no schemo; pprmnnent business with monev In it for the Hunt pam Addrpss, giving rcfercncps POPNTAIN HATH IUU'SH CO. (Irani! ltnplils. Mich HELP WANTED-FEMALE. GlltL WANTED AT ONCE, 41S NORTH Seventh street HANDSOME PREMIUMS EASILY earned bv selling our Extracts and Baking Powder'vps vvnnt pd In pprnntnn nnd Hiirrnundlng towns Write for particulars Lack.i. Home Sup ply Co . Scranton Pi HOARDING. BOa'rd'iNcTmS PINE STREET." PROFESSIONAL. ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR. E C BPAULDING,23 TRADERS '"BANK building AI1CWTEOTS EDWARD II DAVIS. ARCHITECT, Connpll building, Scranton LEWIS HANCOCK. JR . ARCHITECT, 433 Spruco st , cor Wush. uv Scranton FREDERICK L. BROVVN. ARCHITECT, Prlco building, 12G Washington avenue, Scranton. DSNTIST DR. I O LYMAN, SCRANTON PRI vate Hospital, cor Wjomlng nnd Mul berry DR H F. REYNOLDS, OPP. P. O DR. C C LAUBACII, Iff! Wyoming nve. WELCOME C. SNOVER. Coal Exchange 2nd floor, Room D, Hours, 9 to 1, 2 to S HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS THE ELK CAFE. 123 and 127 URANK lln avenue Rotrs reasnmble. P. ZEIGLER. Proprietor SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D , L & W pis3engcr depot. Conducted on thi Eu ropean plan VICTOR KOCH. Prop I wve'?" RICHARD J BOURKE, ATTORNEY-at-Law, 500-2 Lackawanna avenue Gen pral law business, collections and loans J W BROWNING, ATTORNEY AND, Rooms 312-J13 Mcars Building D B REPLOGLE, ATTORNEY LOANS nepotlatPd on real estate security Mpnrs building, cornpr Washington nvenup and Spruco street M J DONAIIOE ATTORNEY-AT-law Offices, 012-011 Mcars Building PRANK E BOYLE. ATTORNEY AND Countpllor-nt-Law, Burr bulldlns, rooms 13 nnd II Washington avenup WILLARD. WARREN & KNAPP. AT tornevs nnd Cour.F llois-nt-Liw Le publlcnn bnlldlur. Washington avenue. Scranton. Pn JESSUP & JRSSUP. ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors . nt - Law, Cominonwea'lh bulldlnu; looms 1. 20 and 21 JAMES W OAKUORP ATTORVKY-AT-Lavv Rroms S14, 515 and 51G Board of Trado budding EDWARD W THAYER ATTORNEY Rooms K3-f0l Itli floor, Mears building L A WATOCI ATTORNEY-AT-IAW H02 Bontd of Trade building. Scranton, Pa C R PITCHTR, ATTORNPY-AT-LAW Commonwealth bullcllnir. Scranton. I'a PATTERSON WILCOX National Bank bullrtlrg TRADERS' C COMEOYS, Building 9-13 REPUBLICAN A W RERTIIOLr, Mears building ATTORNEY, Hf!";if1 ""10 -IIT-a-rV5 MARY A SHEPHERD M D , HOME npitblst, C1G Linden street. DR. W E ALLEN. 313 NORTH WAS if Ington avenup DR L M GATES. ROOMS 207 AND MS Board of Trifle l-ulldint; Odlee hours, S to 1 p m 2 to 3 nnd 7 to 8 p m Rpslclence, 209 Mndlsnn nvenup DR S W, I.'AMORPAUX OUUICE 2T1 Washington nvpnue. Residence, IMS Mulberrv Chronic dlscneps lunus, hpnrt, kldnevs nnd genlto-nrlnary or gans a sppclnlty. Iloins 1 to 4 p m sr-inn-.'; SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, Scranton, Pa. Cniirps prpparntnrv tn pollegp law. inPflb Inp or business Orens Sept 11th Send for catalogue R"V Themis M Cinn, T L D , prlnelpnl nnd proprietor; W E Plumlpy, A JI , head master G R. CLARK ft CO. SEBDMEN AND Nurseivmen; store 110 Washington uvo nue; green housp. 13,7) North Main nve nuo; storo telephonp 7J2 wine scnrzNS JO1? KUETTEL. REAR FU wnnnn nvpnue, Scrnnton, Pa, turer of Wlro Screens LACKA. mamif.ic- A!".Of -TJ3 BAUER'S ORCHESTRA-MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, pnrtls receptions, wed dings and cone, rt work furnished For terms nddress R J Bauer, conductor, 117 Wjomlng avenue, over Hulbeits' music stoie. MEOARGEE BROTHERS, PRINTERS' supplies, envolnpes. paper bags, twine Warehouse 130 Washington avenue, Scrnnton, Pa RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Knilrtit ' New i'-' Stations In New York root of Liberty street, N. R.. und Smith Ferry, Whitehall street Anthinelto coal uspiI expu.dvcly, Insur ing cleanliness nnd comfort TIME TABLE IN EFFECT NOV. 19. 1S99 Trains leave Hirantun foi Now York, Newark Elizabeth Philadelphia Eastou Bethlehem. Mlenlown Mnui h chunk .i-d White Haven, at H 30 n m oxireis, I Jo, e-xpress, 4 CO p m Sundavs, 213 p m. For Iittston nnd WHki-Ratio. 8 30 a. m , 1 20, 4 00 p tn Sui.iliivs 2 15 p in. For Bnltlmoio nnd Washington, end puiiils South und West VI 1 Bethlehem, 8 id n m 1 20 p m. Sundavs 2 15 p m For Long Blanch Oeeati iliove. otc, at S.30 n m and 1 JO n. m For Rending. Lebanon nnd Hnrtlkbuig, vlu Allentown 8 ,m a m , I 20 p m Pun. duvs ? 15 p m For Pottsvllle, S 30 a in , 1.20 p m. Through tickets t all 1 olntn Ens'.. South and West nt lowest rnto at tho ttatlnn. J. H. OLIIAUREN, Gen Supt. II. P. BALDWIN. Oeii Pass Agt. RAILROAD TIME TABLE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Schodulo In Effect November 10. 1800.. ' Trains leave Scranton: 0.45 a. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrlsburr;, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, and for Pitts burg nnd the West. 0.38 a. in., week days, for Hazleton, Pottsvllle, Rending, Norrlstown, nnd Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Hnrrlsbuip;, Philadelphia, Baltlmore,Washlngton and Pitts burg and tho West. 2.18 p. m., week days (Sundays 1.68 p. in.), for Sunbury, Harrisburg. Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and Pittsburg and tho West. 4.27 p. m., weok days, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Plttsbtug. t t, t.JU.?'00"' 0,n''- P". Agent. J. D HPTCIIINSON, Ocnernl Manager. Del.. Lackn. nn. I Western. Effect Monday, Juno 8, 1SD9. nrT-S f?Je3vc sSrtlul0 s follow 11 n mw )ork a'"' n" roll 140 3 W, 8 00 und 10 03 n. in.; 12.B3 s: Ex- points pa. una 3 si nllln'nfM or nnstn- Tipnton, Phlladol Tnbilintinn nJ. ;.L.t. i ... EvnsnVJ r "v"""iuuiiiion, u lu j). m. mlr?pSIr Ulnghnrnton. Oswc-bo. EI- Uf n..l. - .' '.""K- .. ".1111, Danville, Mount HUi l.t- tlor,nrn' ."J:, !?Wn? cl 9 00 n. m.: close connoc- northwpsV U.r . .1" ",m" ln In tho west HinoVl",.on nccommodntlon. 3.40 p. m. I'J.JiT,S,mt,,,'.n nn1 WV stations. 1 C p m. NiHiUri vl" ncpoinmndntlon. 4 00 p. m. Pvn.805 ""wmodatton. 6 00 p. m. iT m V n,ehne,d SprlntrS' Ithnra -n 9 00 ,,' m nn(, , r, p. m. nniPB f'humlxirlrrd. Plttston, Wllke- umMn,?S,nJr c,'",;, ".nneptlonS ..." . I Illtllll n 1-lnnn.B-Mi.i. n ml Tn n ,1.1...- '. v,iii-,-.uiB lu.vuii- at North- Ilarrlnlmrtr. 'nrti.... ." '"""iKinn nnil tno soum. tno soutn. Hnni p ii" .Vnml nml tntprmpillntp sta , l""('. 10 03 a m nnd 1.53 and C 40 p. n.i J1. ,0K' nn(1 Inteimcdlnto stalons. 3 0? "tnii!1 ,0 SJn I'lmnuth nnd Int 12 "V n ' 3 V' nn1 s M 1' m Kor Intprmonlalo or Kingston, nil l'?"ln r-irlor nnd plcpplng conches on ail pprpiH trains ,.5 dptallpd Information, pnekpt tlmo r?lrl. "tC- nnn,v tn 'M !' Smith DlB- "'" 'aTenger Agpnt, depot ticket ofllce. Dclavv.irj nn J Hudson. On Nov. 15th. 1W, trains will leavo Scranton ns folIowB- For Cnrbondalp fl 20, 7 57, S Gt, 10 1". n. " ! I? noon; 1.23 2 20, 3 52. E 23. 0 25. 57. 9 15. 11 00 p m 1 10 a m. 1 or Albany, Saratoga. Montreal, Bos ton, Npw Englind points, otc G 20 a. in., 2 20 p. m For Honcsdnle-C 20, 1011 a. m.: 2 20, 5 25 p in For Wllkes-Rnrrp C.U-. 7.4S. S 41 0:13, 10 41 a m 12 01, 1.2S, 21S, 3 33, 4 27, 610, 7 4S. 10 41, 11 ro p m For Npw York. PMIndPlphli. etc, vli Lehigh Vnllpy Rntlrond C 43 p m.; 1203, 2 1S. 4 27 p tn ; with Blnck Diamond Ex pifss, 11 30 p m For Pennsvlcnnln Ilnllinnil nntnls C.4X. 9't a in , 21S, 127 p in For western points. la Lehigh Vnllcv Rallrond-7 4S n. m : 12 01. 3 31, with Black Diamond Espies'', 10 41, 1130 p m. . Trains win nrrlvo In Scranton as fol lows From Cirhondnlp ind tho North fi 40, 7 41 S is 9 11. 10 38, 11 BS a m ; 1.23, 2i5. SSI. 4 21. 7 4" 10"!. 11 27 p m From Wllln's-Parre nil the South 1 1", 7 Pt, 8 45, 10 IS 11 V. n III , 1 11. 2 14, 3 (3, f 20, C 21. 7 1. 9 0". 10 0,-, p m : 1 1". a. m. SUNDAY TRAINS Per CnrlinndnlP-OO1',, 1123 p. m.J 2.23. 3 52, 5 47. 9 r,1 p in. For WIU'es-Barrc-O "1 12.03 a. m ; 1 5S, 3 2. 5 41 7 1-s p. m For Albnrj. Snrpton, Mintrpal. Bos ton New England pmts, ptc , 2 21 p. m Lowest rntps to nl' points ln UnttPd States nlid Cnnndi J W Bl RDICK. O P A.. Albany. N. Y. H. W. CROPS. D. I' A , Scranton, Pa. Lehigh Vallov KnilroiJ. In i:iTect Nov 19, 1S99 TRAINS LEAVE SCRANTON. Tor Fhllnde Iphla nnd New York, via D. & II R R. nt fi 15 n m nnd 12 03, 21?, 4 27 (Black Diamond Express), nnd 11 SO p ni. Sund.11 s. D & II R P... 1.53, 7 ii For Whlto Haven, Hizleton nnd prln plpal points In th real regions, via 1). & II It R H" -1S nn'1 '''' I1 m- i-"or Pottsvllle. C- SI? P m. For Bethlehem Hasten. Rending, Ilar rlslmrc und principal Intcrmediato sta tions, via D & II It R fiU, .1 m . 12 03. MS 4 27 (Black Diamond Ex'piess), 1130. Sundais D & H. R II. IK". 7.4S p m for Tiinkhnnick Towanda, Elmlra, ttlinea Geneva and prlmipnl IntPi medi al" stations Ml D. 1 ft W. R. R, 8 03 a m , 1 00 nnd 3 ". p m Cor Geneva. Roche slpr, Buffalo. Nlag nra Falls CI Ic.igo, nnd nil pnlnt.s wpst, f,n&ii R k i:,(n isi (niopk Dia- mmd Express). 7 41 10 11 11 30 p m Sun eTavs D & H B It .1201 p m , 7 41 p m. Pullrran parlor and slepplng or Lehlsh Vnllev nnrlor cars nn all trains between Wl kes-Bnrre nnd New York Phllndpl phln Buffalo nnd SunnsiMi Brldre ROLL1N H WILBUR. Gen. Supt, M Cnrtlnnd st New Yoik CI IAS S LEE Gen Puss. Agt., 20 Cort- lundt street New York A W NONNEMACTTER. Dlv. Pass Agt , South Bethlehem. Pn For tlckpts and Pullman rpsprvatlf"f npplv 309 Lnckav anna nvp , Scranton P" r.i'ic nnJ Wvouilii'; Vnllcv. Tlmp Table In Fffct Sppt 11 1"" Trains Irave S'rnnton foi New York, New bin gh and Inti-imedlntp points on Brie mill "ol nlso foi llnwlej anil local points nt 7W, it m und 2 2S p m Returning trnliH arrive nt Scranton nt 10 21 n in nnd lir and " 10 p m .('II I'NTH.'N DIVISION. iii i:irct-i (let. '.villi, is'iii. North llouuil. Koiilli IIoiiikI, 203 t I 201 iCOt oe Stations 1" ,-. 10 s a I i vrrlvc l.cinoi 7 J.N rraiiMIn m ' 7 10 West l.'nU street, 7 00 celiawlien I 11 . .. 85. 10' .. . M 104V, 11140! M3l tear MUrilve I eavo a mi1 ' urn I U1! 101 118 'B IV Id 'S 40 ia ai i.'ii 'un lit "i 11 ) nst (ll-'O lllJil II .'1 HIS 11 IV 11 II II 1)7 110) II (II 11 IA flO'Tl ( IlllD-lll lluncoclc in 4 8i m 443 )1 151 tf41, 6 0S &! 514 159 6l'3 3r sn S(9 614 J 19 6 41 234 6M IS 28 ( IS 43 0 01 .145 6 0.1 9 51, 6 03 aUtu 4v;i an 4 10 6 7 turn 120 (.34 r up m htarllitlit l'l pitou P.arL V Inn nod l'o niello ursmi I'leisaut Vlt 1'ntnnd.ilo I'm en city Cat bond 1 e White Hi I Jge Mai field ,Uiui n Archibald Wiilou I'eikvlllo Ohilmut I'llcetiiirg '. a 1 nop l' I'mlrl'inco ion 10 u H',11 0 40 9 0 n .1 OI' 907 V0I, S'.S 851 ivn 840 H4.' e4i H H hill s i;' 8 to A il Ills') hcrunion a 11 leave .Vnlve t Piimlai only f sU'i.llle'stlint trains stop on Menal for pas Bcnsers nalusaivaud 'M hiiuiliy oclr. Oihor tiiUnj dalli .xcept SuihUij. reeuni ratis via ontaito & Western before puicliadni, tlckcn and naveinoney Ii v ugner ouflet sleepet aud free ro-cllnlii,-cunli-cui .New oikto chlcigo Klthoiit clmiu'e I'nui'imi'r Hull lleiliiced to X Cciil I'pr .tlllo. 1 J C. ACtcteoD, aHurM-jCgL T.FIItcicft. l)v Us, aki scranton, 1x7; CITY SCAVENGER A B BRIGUS CLEANS PRIVY VADJW;S und cess pools, no odor. Improved pumps Ubrd A 11 BRIGGS. Proprietor lAavn (injerij Him JCoUh Main jivciiue. -iT Wte diMotS.-cnrni-AflalriKAnd "ajuTWi'yf-TcIey bona- & -.. L