The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 09, 1899, Morning, Page 7, Image 7

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for the
Holiday Trade
is now ready
for inspection.
322 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton.
Christmas Goods
larger Block, llnor goods than
ever before nt
The Hembrnndt Photos nro
the Intcst Mr Orllllu gives per
sonal attention to sitters.
Lace Curtains Cleaned
1 ntlrcly by lliiiul Heturn dSania
bl7F and tsliaro in New .
;o8 I'cnn Avenu:.
A. 13. WARMAN.
Scranton Elks and Scranton Bicycle
Club Struggle for Supremacy.
The bovvllnjr teams repiesentlns thj
Scranton Elks and the Blcjcle club
played the third game of thplr series
last nlsht on the former's alley. The
Bicycle club won two out of the three
matches played, but the total score of
the Elks was larger by sixty-one points
than that of their opponents.
The same was the l.u Rest-scored one
ever plajed In the city, for sK men on
a side. On neither pait was theie a
time when the total score was below
900, while In the hocond match the Elks
broke all their ptevious records, am'
for the (list time In the hltory of their
bowling dub scoied over 1,000. making
1,014, while In the game the cycle
club scored 994. The high men were
principally of the Bicycle club and
were as follows: Iloper, 199; Captain
Warden, 197, Worelen, 19G The Elks'
champion was Captain Charles Fowler,
with 194 The highest Individual aver
age for thn l!lc do club was made by
Woiden 1R1 while row lor again led
the Elks with 177 The Bicycle club
men felt hlrhly elated over their fine
worlc on their opponents' alley, and are
looking forwntd to the game In the
near future when thev will meet at the
BIccle club. The evening's scores
were as follows:
.Yelehel 14-i ICO 1GS
ieo Phillips 127 lf1 U4
M.i.lenspacher 147 1G7 ITS
Bi Walker 141 1SI 141
E Flinn HI 140 164
Clias Towler (Capt.) . ... 102 191 140
Total 914 1011 919
Worelen 1M ICC. 1M
Van Woimcr 13"? 12J liJ
Iloper 112 176 119
Northup Ipi2 n 121
l'ror 122 170 lb?
Wordcll (Capt) 17 3 lis 197
Total 915 907 91
A Card.
We, the undersigned, do hereby ntrrep to
refund the money on a no-eent bottle of
Oreene's Win ranted Sirup of Tai If It
falls to eure our cough or cold AVe also
guarantee a Si-cent brittle to proe jutls
fartory or monev rofnmled:
,T O Brno K: on. Dunmorc.
0 W DivIn Pruv lilrnee.
W V Bails rrildence.
Bernlm'in R. (" , Arr.i,
W B Moaners Mooslc.
V A Kane Mlnookn,
Joseph DaK Tnilor.
Catholic bibles Reynolds Bros.
Announcement of Candidacy.
1 hereby announce myself as a lle
publlcnn candidate for select council
In Ninth waid. W. S. Huslander,
S3G Jefferson avenue.
Fountain pens. Heynolds Bios.
To give to COO boys, foot balls, air
guns, lilies, sleds, hats, shoes and va
rious other articles. For pai
applj at 2HV3 Adams avenue,
Fancy opera bags, r.ej nobis Bros.
Tiy a "Hotel Jennyn" cigar, 10c.
Sterling desk blotters Beynolds Bros
Food Choppers
Price $1.25
C31 Lackawanna Avenue.
Niagara Tails Is Having a Wondei
ful Growth and Dovclopmont.
The Niagara Falls Power company
will nt once duplicate Its great plant
here, and we have no doubt you fullj
appreciate the significance of this an
nouncement; It is beyond question the
most momentous stroke In our city's
This ptodlfilolls enterpilso has been
fosteted bete by the shrewdest capital
ists In our country proven successful,
but has gone so far beyond their expec
tations that bcfoie the completion of
their drat gieat plant, which has cost
them more than seven million dollars,
they so forcibly reallo the great pos
sibilities of this unique situation that
they are going right nhead with n sec
ond development which will be nn exact
duplication of the plant which now
stands as the wonder of the woilil.
nml justly claimed to be the greatest
achievement of the nineteenth cen
tury, as well ns fixing this as the loca
tion of the coming gicntest manufac
turing city on the Ann i lean continent.
This will mean the expenditure of
millions In the construction of the great
w orks.
Such a prospect Is moie than suffi
cient to satisfy us that our fondest
hopes ns to the growth and develop
ment of this city will be abundantly
realized and wo could without doubt
find all the assurance necessary In this
most potent factor of Industrial devel
opment, but we rightly have reason to
doubly rejoice In the enjoyment of
equal Importance, and the two combin
ing to make Nlagaia a cynosure for all
manufactuilng enteipiises In the fti-
Indeed, the outlook however bright
It has been in the past. Is now much
better than nt any time since our de
elopments began and we do not hesl
tate to say theie Is no place on this
continent that can hope to have the
Increase pcieentnge of giowth that Ni
agara Falls will enjoy in the next five
In speaking of our gieat futuie wo
are not unmindful nf the growth and
deelopment we aie enjoying today
for we bae In course of construction
at this time four of the laigest Indus
tries that have ever been elected heie,
and which will be completed and give
employment before the end of the year
to twelve hundred men. which will add
nt least five or six thousand to our
rapidly Increasing population, we also
hae many other factories negotiating,
in fact we are informed the power com
panies have manv times more appli
cations today for power than at any
time In the past
You know It Is their policy never to
announce a new factory until It ac
tually begins building, but we know
some of the laigest yet to come to Ni
agara ate just about to close n deal
for power nnd jou may look for plenty
of good news along that line In the
near futuie Niagara Falls Gazette.
J. D. Williams & Bro. Aie Now Occu
pying Their Handsome New Stole.
Four Floois and Basement of Large
Double Building Filled witli Choice
Confections and Handsome Toys.
One of the finest and larrest confec
tionary and toy stores In the countiy
today is that of J. r. Williams &
Brother, who opened their new store
in the recently erected Ilenwood build
ing. No. 312-314 Lackawanna avenue,
Th' basement of the new building,
as well as that of Nos. 310 and 31S, U
devoted to the wholesale depaitment.
Upon the fiist or giound floor Is lo
cated the geneial retail department.
One of the most pt eminent futures
of this department being a handsome
large soda fountain on the left of thj
center. The remainder of this fl -mi-Is
divided up between ( nnfi etlonary of
evetv description and toys In endless
variety. The second and third floors
arc deoted exclusively to toys, In?
stock blng of such abundance that
the entire space of these two floors
aie taxed to capacity. The fouitli
lloor is used for a. stock loom, and
also an assembly depart mer.t, where
toys are put together before going Into
the letall department.
This, establishment Is entalnly a
model one nnd must be visited to be
appreciated. .
Willing Workers' Band Assemble nt
Penn Avenue Baptist Pnisonnge.
The Willing Workeis' .MIssIonaiv
band of the Penn Avenue Baptl-t
chuich held a pallor Micial last nlsht
at the latsonage of Itov. it. f Y
Pierce, on Jlllllln avenue. Mrs. Pierce
is the leader of the organization, and
takes gteat Interest In it. Last night
anions uiueies vveio disposed of, the
proceeds of which nro devoted entire Iv
to mlsslonaiv work. The affair was a
great success, over 100 persons being
present at different times.
An Interesting enteitnlnment was
also given, Miss Claia Biownlng ten
dering several musical selections, nnd
among other Inteiestlng numbers wn
the manipulating of a laige phono
graph, which was loaned for the occa
sion by C. M. Floiey.
Teacheis' Oxford bibles Itejnolds
Andiew Kieica3h Charged with Lar
ceny by Mnyfleld Merchant.
Andrew Kieicash, a young man, who
is a dilver for Mendelsohnn, the Jlay
fleld mei chant, was yesterday com
mitted to the county jail for larceny
While working nround the place, he
would occasionally lemove articles be
lonslng to tho stole, and theiefore 1
warrant was sworn out by Mendel
sohnn, the storekeeper, befoie Mendel
sohnn, the alderman, who Is himself
The alderman listened to the chaic
prefened and committed Kieicash to
the county Jail.
Calendar?, booklets. Beynolds Pros.
riDIAM-DARNFATHER.-ln Scianton,
Pn., Thursday, Dec 7. 1S99, by Rev
William Edgar, lu tho Providence
Methodist parsonage, Samuel Ulditwn
and Miss luabcll M Barnfnther, both
of Scranton.
DUVANEY-In Scranton, Dec. b. Uj9,
Bridget Duvane . the 4-year-old daugh
ter of Mr and Mrs M Duvnnc 1S31
Stone avenue Funeral Saturday af
ternoon nt 2 30 o'clock. Interment In
Cathedral cemetery.
M'CARQ-In Scianton, Dee. 8, 1SS9. Ber
tha Frances McCarg, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs, D. D. McCarg, 1S Mulborry
Were Received Yesterday by District
Attorney Jones nnd Will Bo For
warded with. County Detective Ley
shoii to Italy Noxt Tuesday Gov
ernor Stone's Requisition Papers
Will Surely Stagger tho Showy
Italians Red Tapo by the Yard,
Gold Seals Galoie nnd Autogianhs.
Next Tuesday, County Detective
Thomas Leyshon and soinn one other
who has not yet been named, will start
for Italy to secure and bring back to
this coanty Angela 'Pelozl, who Is
wanted for the muidei of Antonio
Splncllo, nt Old Forge, Sunday, Oct. 2D,
Mr Leyshon will take with htm a
laige blue packet containing the moat
Imposing array of olllclal documents
that possibly over left this county.
They were received yesterday, through
Governor Stone, from Washington by
District Attorney John B. Jones, and
were viewed with much Interest an 1
curiosity by those who happened In at
the district attorney's office during the
The most Interesting of the papers Is
tho wnrrant of the chief executive of
tho United States for Pelozl's deliver
to County Detective Leyshon. It Is
"From Wllllnm McKlnley to Thomas
Leshon," and bears the autograph slg.
natuie of both the president nnd Sec
retary Hay, tho "great seal" of the
United States The document nnd let
ter from Secretary Hay read ns fol
low s :
Dop.irtme nt of State.
Washlncton, Dec G, 1S99
John It. Jones, Esquire,
DIstri t Attorrcy, Scranton, Penna
Sir- In compliance with the request
contained In tho letter of tho t.ectetary
of the commonwealth of Pennsvlvatil 1,
dated llio fith Inst , 1 forward the presi
dent's warrant authorizing Mr. Thomas
Lejshon to t"ccive fiom the government
of Italy Angelo Pcloso, charged with
minder In Pennsvlvaiili, also the evl
(Unce certified bv this department.
If the certificate of the Italian cm
lass at this capital should not be ob
tained by the department, Mi. l.eshon
should ask tho Unlfed States nmbassaunr
at Home to authenticate the depai tmtnt s
The ambassador has been Instructed
to icqucst Pcloso's extiadltion, and Mr
Lejshon should proceed to the ombissy
as soon as ne reaches Home. I am, sir,
iour obedient suvant,
John Hay,
Kti"Iosures: President's warrant.
Certified evidence.
William MelCinlej, Pi evident of tho
Unlt'Ml States of Amu lea.
To Thom is Lei shop
Wlu leas, It appeals by Information !n
due foim by rae 1 ore Ived, that Angelo
Piloso, charged with the irlme of mui
dt r, Is a fugitive from the justice of tha
United States, supposed to have taken
itfuge in Italj.
And whereas, rpplleatlon lrn been
made to tho authontlis of Italy tor tho
extradition or said fugitive, In compl'
anie with existing treaty stipulations be
tween the United States of America and
And whereas, It Is underitooel that, In
compliance with .such application, th
neees.sari warrant Is uadi to be issued
by the authorities nforesalel for the de
livery of the above-named fugitive Into
tho eustodj of such person or peisons
as mav bo duly authorized to neelve I ho
salil fugltlvo nnd btlng blm back to the
United States for tilal
Now, therefore, ou are bercbi author
l7cd ond.i'mpovvered. In v Utile of the stlp
ulatloi s aforesaid nnd in execution
thereof to recive the said Angelo Pcloso
as nfcrenld, and to take- and holel him
in your custodi, and conduct him lrom
such place of delivery in Italy by tb
most diiect nnd convenient means of
tratiMicrtr.tlon, to and into the United
States, theie to surrender tho said An
kcln Pcloso to tho proper authorities of
the' state of Pennsylvania.
I'eir all of wh'ch these picscnts shall
be jenir UI'e!crt waiiaut.
In testlmonv whew of I have hereunto
signed my inme and caused the seal of
the United St ites te be aillxed.
IJono nt the city of Washington this
0th elav of December, A. D 1S1, nnd ot
the ludcjci deuce of the United States
the 121th.
ISeal Ei tho Piesklcnt,
William McKlnley
John Hay, Seeietary of Str.te.
President MeKlnle;, s wairant is not
a nmikor to the lequlsltion papers sent
b Governor Stone to the department
of state at Washington. They aie the
size of a oung newspaper, elaboiatelv
engiavcd, embellished with coats of
amis, bounel together with a jaid and
a half of half-Inch, satin, scat let ilb
bon, caught up in the middle with 1
huge, gold seal, signed with bold, flour
ishing signatures and, on the whole, an
amazing something that will doubtless
make the Italian government stand
aghast. Attached to It Is the endotse
ment of Secietarv of State Iiav, also
elaborately beilbboned.
Accompanjlng thct-e Is the corre
spondence between Consul General do
Castta and this count! y concerning Un
arrest and extiadltion, the affidavit ot
Coroner Robeitb that Spine Ho Is dead:
an afilelavlt of Geraio Pcssaro, an eye
witness to the sheading, that It was
Pelozl who did tho killing, and n state
ment of the crime nnd ti ailing of tho
Key West Cigars, broke u
lots, 10c Cigars for 5c. The
best bargains we have ever
Mi Favorita Key West
Cigars, from $1.00 to $3.50
per box.
Havana Cigars, wrapper
and filler, $3,50 per hundred.
Havana Cigars, Summatra
wrappers, $2.50 to $3.00
per hundred. Fresh Imported
Cigars for the holidays every
E. Q. Coursen
'12?) Lackawanna Avo.
Cigar Sale
For Decsmbsr
fugitive. The De Cnstra correspond
ence Is given here:
Borne, Nov. 23, UD'J.
Thomas Leyshon, csef ,
County Detective, Scranton, m.
Sir: The United States consul nt Genoa
transmitted to me jour telegram ns fol
lows: "Scranton, Pn. Arrest Angelo
Pcloso, passenger on Kalsir Wilhclm
Second, wanted for inuider American citi
zen Thos. Leishnn. county detective."
As tho Kaiser Wllhelm II. was to land
at Naples before going to Genoa, I im
mediately Instructed tho United Stntes
consul at that poit to liavo Pcloso ar
rested if founel on boaid,
I feared that the man might have left
the ship nt Glbriltnr but apparently he
did not think of It, for he vvaH dlscov
11 eel iiiiel eltilv arrested, as I cabled you
vestoulay ns follows: "County Detective
Lei slum, Scianton, Pa. Pcloso arrested
Naples. Send Instructions. Dccastro,
United Statis consul general."
Tho man will bo held until further
Instructions nro received from tho Uni
ted Slates I suppeso that vou will havo
called upon tho stnto department nt
Washington for such diplomatic steps ns
might be deemeel necessary lu tho ease
I hope that it might bo proved that
Peloso Is nn Amrrlcnn naturalized citi
zen, for In that case he will bo extra
dited. I have expended In telegraphing nnd
cabling $1', which klrdly remit. I am, sir,
Your obcellent servant,
Hector deCnstro,
Consul Gencrnl of tho United Stntes of
America at Rome, Italy
P S I note the contents of your tele
gram .lust received, ns follows: "Cable
received; hold prloner; officer will start
ns soon ns possible with extrnelltlon
papers Thomas Leyshon "
District Attorney Jones has had no
end of applications for the job of help
ing County Detective Leyshon bilnff
Pelozl back. He said yesterday that
he has fixed upon tho man, but was not
ready to announce It as yet.
It Is a Distinct Ornament to Lacka
wanna Avenue.
Last April the block on the southerly
side of Lackawanna avenue, between
Penn nnd AVyomlng avenues, was vis
ited by a dlsastious fire that wiped
out seveial buildings. Two of the
buildings destioyed were owned by A.
II. Shnpland.
The new buildings which replace the
old ones are completed and aie an
ornament to tho city. Their beautiful
glass fronts give to the block quite a
metropolitan effect They nro to all ap
pearances thoroughly up-to-date, being
four stories nnd having all the modern
Improvements. Electric passenger and
ft eight elevators run from the base
ment to the fouith floor, and the latest
Improved steel ceilings give an artis
tic effect.
These double stoics, in fact the whole
building, is occupied by J, D. Williams
t Bio , nnd w ill bo known as the Shop
land building Next to them tho beau
tiful new building owned by John II.
Ladwlg has been erected.
One Hunched nnd Sixty Assistant
Enumerators Needed.
One hunched and sixty assistants will
be required to take tho census in tho
district comprising Lackawanna, Mon
roe and Pike counties, according to the
apportionment just completed by Cen
sus Supervisor John R. Edwards and
foi w arded yestei day to the census
Of these sub-dlstilcts one hundred
nnd ten are In Lackawanna county,
thirty-five In Monroe nnd fifteen In
Pike. Each election dlstiict In the
liopulous wnrds of Scranton w II! con
st Itute a census sub-district and each
w 111 have a separate enumerator
In the populous centers of tho city It
Is auanged that there shall be on1
enunieiptor for evoiv 2 onn Inhabitants
In spiiselv settled territory, tho num
ber of noses to count Is much less
Lehigh, Gouldsboro and Covington, for
Instance, are grouped In one district.
City Engineer Phillips to See That
Houses Are Numbered.
City Engineer Phillips Is devoting all
of his spare time to a compiehenslve
le-aiiangement of the street numbers
on a number of the ai!ous thoiough
fares of the city whore an Improper ar
langoment Is in force now.
The record ot unnumbered houses
made by the letter caulers will also
bo used by the city engineer and prop
el ty owners will be notified by mall of
tho ordinance requiring that all build
ings bo propel ly numbered. An at
tempt has never been made before to
thoioughly enforce this ordinance, nnd
Mr. Phillips' eneleavor in mis uiieciion
will be watched with interest.
Call for a Primary Election.
The Republican voters of the Six
teenth waul of the city of Scranton
will please take notice that, bv older
of the vigilance committee of the first
and seconel districts of said waid,
there will be a primal y election helJ
in the said dlfcticts of &uld waid, on
Satutdav, December 10, between tho
bouis of t and 7 p. m., for tho puipos.'
of placing In nomination Republican
candidates for tho following offices:
One candidate fot the office of com
mon count II: one candidate for the of
fice of school controller, and one as
sessor of voters In each of tho said
Joseph Danner,
Walter E. Davis,
Return Judges of First and Second
Dlstilcts Respectively.
Sale Postponed.
Thr assignee sale of the stock of M
Solomon & Co., consisting of men's
furnishing gcods, clot ping, notilons,
ladles' underwear, hosiery, etc , has
been postponed until ThiuseUy morn
ing, December 14, nt '.' vclock.
Moses, assignee.
Mulberry Street Lots.
Neir Prescott: veiy cheap:
Jl O'.O 10n90- seweicd; fJdowalk.
fomegy's, Hotel Terrace, even-
Smoke the "Hotel Jermjn" cigar, 10c
Play and Pleasure.
If the title of a Uundsomo Moi nook,
containing 192 pages, nnd beautiful! il
lustrated, It has n magnificent colored
lithograph In gold em each tover, tho
nbove I'ttnsr.NTKD TO AM. purchasers
of C0o worth of Ten or Toffee Krlday and
Situidny. Dec fth and 'ith
Wo havo un exceptionally fine assort
ment of linking pivvi'.ei premiums for
the Hollelais. Hee bhovv window.
The Great Atlantic and
Pacific Tea Co.
411 I.acknwanna avenuo, 123 South Slain
avenue. 'Phone W. Prompt delivery,
Peter and William Fltzslmmons nnd
Thomas Bronnan, Employes of the
Grassy Island Colliery Near Oly
phnnt, Are Caught Beneath a Cave
In While Woiklng on the Night
Shift Tho FltzBlmmonses Are So
Badly Injured That Their Recov
ery Is Doubtful.
Three men vvero caught beneath a
fall of rock at tho Grassy Island col
liery of the Delaware and Hudson
company, near Olyphant, last night,
nnd two ot them were so seriously In
jured that It is feared they can not
recov er.
These two nro Peter Fitrslmmems.
nged CO, a miner, nnd his son, William
Fltzslmmons, aged 38, his laborer. The
third man Is Thomas Urennan, aged
32, also a laborer.
They were working on the night
shift and had Just fired their first hole
when the fall occurred. The Fltzslm
mons' weie caught squarely beneath
tho fall and badly crushed. There Is
scarcely n portion of their bodies buo
what sustained some Injury, and It it
feared they received internal hurts
which will prove fatal.
Brennan was caught by the edge of
the fall nnd cscapeel w Ith no'thlng
more serious thnn painful bruises.
The Injuied men were dug out by a
rescuing foico summoned by Brennan,
who was able to make bis way to an
adjoining working, and were tuken t
their homes in Grassy Island.
The jounger Fltzslmmons wns tho
most severely injured, nnd his death
was expected at any moment. At
midnight, however, ho was still alive
He is unman led and lived with his
Tho elder ntzslmmons has a wlf,
two sons and three daughteis. Tho
chamber In which the accident 00
cuircd was strange to lilin, as it was
his brother's regular place, and he nnd
his son went In to It last night for
the first time to make a shift In I1I3
brother's stead, .
It Will Be Seen nt St. Thomas Col
lege Hall Next Week.
The original repioductlon of the
Peasants' Passion Play, as will be
shown in St. Thomas' college hall Mon
day, Tuesday ami Wednesday evenings
of next week, by means oi the life-like
motion plctuies, has received the com
mendation of tho leading cleigymen
of the piesent time.
It is strongly endoised by Monslgnor
Maitlnelll, the apostolic delegate, and
Caidlnal Gibbons. Bishop Gillespie, ot
the Episcopal church of Michigan, pro
nounced this exhibition to be "a most
dramatic seimon on canvas." One of
the most noted Baptist divines In this
countiy, the Rev. H. M. Wharton, of
Baltlmoie, was so Impressed with the
Passion Play leproductlon that he ac-
Y We have given careful attention
O to our Holiday Uootweai and Sllp-
A pers Havo them all In stock, ro
j on can make jour selectlin nt
A once, and have them lalel avval
A until ou are ready to tako them.
Hen's Boys' and Youtlis
Holiday Slippers.
Our Imirense variety of Women's
Sllppeis, In all materials, forms,
colors and decorations, meets nil
individual f uncles as well as rep
resent the set stvlcs of fashions.
Women's fr-'ntin Sllppeix, 9
latest hhaeles . P'
Satin used Is made cvpiessly to
our older.
.. ... . .
Smoking Jackets,
Fine Neckwear,
lints, Canes,
IJ a ittidlLJM Tt- ltAr 5,f HJAV.1
" EMM ' wflm
tlffiSS SATURDAY, DEC. 9, fflW
See a. MroMfnA . LitttP?il
-i- WiM'SajAft t-"Vfc Ul MUUIUMT UUCJIJij. WE RE- A(lA!rjW
t WW$b SECTION. Mffl7
Hand &
--f -f4- -f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-ff
companlcd tho exhibition on a tour
through Virginia, his native state.
Tho presentation nt St. Thomas' hall
will be exactly the same In nil le
spects as was given by this same com
pany of artists In Dnli's New York
theater, following the famous Stoddard
Lenten lectures.
The history of the great Passion
play Is familiar to n large number ot
people, It is presented once every ton
yenrs bb a national sacred tlte In the
village of Obcr-Ammorgau in Bavurla,
not far fiom Munich, and In loiltz
Austtta, every tlueo years. It Is whnt
we could call a dramatization of tho
New Testament. Innsuuich as it vivid
ly depicts the stmy of tho life of Jesus
Christ. Thousands ot people parCVl
pate In the peifoimanees nnd the per
sons that nppear In tho lending char
acters, such as Chi 1st, Pontius Pilate.
Judae, etc, lire selected In theli Infancy
and tialned with constant care and
nttentlon for the impeisonntlons.
Deputy Constable Ellman Is Still Af
ter tho Slot Men.
Deputy Constable Ellman confiscat
ed two moie nickel machines yesterday
in his endeavor to lecover the machine
removed fiom the Bon Ton cafe. The
machines takes yesterday wete found
In Jnck Skelly's and tho Globe hotel.
A machine was taken from the Roma
on Thursday.
It Is reported that several machines
were removed from preimlnont places
yesterday by the ov ners.
Cheap Excursion to Washington,
D. C.
The Masonic lodges of the United
States will commemorate the one hun
dredth annlversaiy of the death ef
George Washington nt Alexandila. Va ,
opposite Washington. Dec 13 to 1'.
For the accommodation of those who
desire to attend this ceiemony the
Lackawanna railroad will sell tickets
from this statlo.i to Washington at a
rate of one nnd one-third faro for th"
lotind trip. Thcfco tickets will be sold
Dec, It and 13. PeiMins holding them
will bo required to make a oontlnuius
Journey In each direction. The ictuiii
Jourey must be begun leaving Wash
ington not later than Dec. 18. For
further paitlculais apply to locul agent
Leather card cases. Reynolds Bios.
Spangled Lace Robes, black and
white, for Bachelors' Ball. Flnley'3.
Gold plated Ink stands. Reynolds Bros.
Smoke the Pocono Cc. cigar.
Fnncy office baskets. Reynolds Bros,
Tha DeLery Inoandssoe it Gas Burnar
f -r -r 4.
... ..... -i-
iivtAa W&3L Jwl (vTy S
im Iff $Wjf
X no mantle. no chimney mmA fwaSFTr
$ CHASi B. SCOTT, 119 Franklin Ave. jj ($&&!&&& JJ,
X fT---" JZIrz?S et ni ue kys aud bring
V Hi The Popular FurnlshlTiirli iff yUr Cash to
6 VI Store Ml
fj Pretty I Cotlfad
S I Baskets I
illliil '" ji'ui iin-iiiiia- i'i -.- liuiii
Y ffll have juht reeelve-el tho hi
V IWll pi et tie st line nf fane i wen k I srr .
SIM baskets. Irutt uasicets, i ji
IJM waste baskets nnd clothes 11 ill
hampers ever hhovvn In Vm
0 fill II Scianton. C'omo look over ll
X tho lot, It may solve tho W)
X IMvil perplevlnff question What ll.lll
v Imffl sl1"" x b',c tov cl,rlst'
A Villi) mas'" mill
X 1 ll Waste Paper Baskets, 111
Y I 2'.e. to $2 21. WA
0 ll Waste Baskets, 10c to (, Ut
A II Fllllt Bahkcts 10e to Jl. 1,1 I
Y V, s. ..-i'!Hs!E'ir.r? tv I
8 1 fiiW! 1 p
x n
6 lis. s-m
nandkercuiefs, Robes,
Suit Cases,
20:$ Waslilnstoti Avenue.
4 4.4-4 -f-f4
Tho quality of the oils utcd In mixing
colors determines tho durability of tli
such ns wo ofTer will mnko paint of great
smoothness and durability. A largo sur
faco enn bo covered and tho coating will
not peel, crack or wear oft until It has
done Its full duty
Theso prices will show that good oils
are not expensive.
310 Lacknwtttni
style is srcnvED ur
loeiiKe .tntnert n well ill q'lnllty. l'ha
sterlc of Men's 1 eirnlshiius wo curry has
incut euoui.h to mieee 11 own way.
Motel Jermyn
Xmas Hints
Pen and Pocket Knives,
Scissors and Shears, Fine
Concaved Razors, Scissor
and Manicure Sets, Safety
Razor Sets.
He can give you the best
GLOVE values in town.
Pierce's flarket
Receiving dally Turkeys, Powls,
Springers, Ducks and Squabs; ilso Itock
away, Maurice River and Hlue Point Ois
ters; Evcrythlnu tho market affords In
fruits and vegetables.
Your orders will bo filled promptly with
best goods at reasonable prices.
110.112.11 PENN AVENUE.
utonomy is inc easy vnair --
- -f
-f -f
-t- -f
-f -it
t- o
f -t-
f i
of Old Age.
? iriirsiisiiisigs
You need for Christmas
now Jini by using our
" H.isy Credit" paying
will be more convenient.
Fifty Children's Morn's X
Ch.nib adjustable back like
tlie big ones velour cush-
ions, oak or m.i- o -t
hogany linish... p 1 ,4o
Medicine Cabinet,
bric-a-brac shelves,
plate in door, case a 5
inches wide and 16
inches high
Mt You? Certainly, -
221-223-225-227 Wyoming A?3
Co.p.-g "" '&SZZ&P&S-S&1
Secure the