TIIE SCRANTON TR1B UN IS-WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER, G, 1890. n rr Waldron's Big Horse Sale jE. eii'it-. ir,ndu"2iiiWttSffl Friday, December 8, CUSIGK'S OLD STABLES, Wash. Ave. CARBONDALE. JOHN H. THOMAS' WAENINQ. Postmaster J. H. Thomas has sent the appended letter to councils. It ex plains Itself. "Gentlemen I beg leave to call our attention to the subject of putting up the names of Btieets ard numbering the houses. In other cities postmasters are being ordered to furnish reports from the mall carriers as to the num ber of street corners marked and un marked and the number of houses numbered and unnumbered on the several routes. A call of this kind to a nearby town a few months ago was followed by an order to suspend free delivery of mall on unmarked stteets and unnumbered houses. "The same course will no doubt be followed here, and I would suggest the Immediate attention of the "ounclls to this matter, for when an order will have been received from the post offteo department there can be no delay In Its enforcement and It will be a great hardship to many people to be com pelled to come a long distance to the post office for their mall. "J. H. Thomas, Postmaster." , HAILBOAD TO CRYSTAL LAKE. Talk of a trolley line to Crystal lake has been talked of for the past ten years,, but something more than talk has been Indulged In (lining the just few months and those In u position to know say that a route has been select ed and right of w ay secured over most of It. The new road will stait at Brooklyn bridge and make a gradual ascent up the "West Side hill and thus avoid the principal obstacle heavy grades In the highway near the falls. WH.Ii BORROW $8,000. The school board has authorized n temporary loan of $8,000 for six months. This money will be used to pay our icnt expenses. Action on a bill of $33 from the Consolidated Water company was deferred. The board claims an overcharge has been made for hose bibs in schools Nos. C and C. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Gertrude Daw, who has been 111 with rcarlet fever, Is convalescent. Mrs. "W. J. Baker, of Blrkett street, entertained the Young Ladles' Cook ing cluo of Jermyn yesterday after noon. Miss Delia Williams, of Dunmoie, Is visltinjr Mrs. Archie Preston, of Gar field avenue. J. P. Love, of Cemetery sheet, spent last evening with Honesdale friends, Silas McMullen has taken up the study of French with Monsieur Arrydo Tetalre. Miss Ida Walsh has returned to her home In Plttston. A son has been born to Mr. and Mis. Frederick '. Forbes. Jack Normanton Gelder has assumed the business management of the "even ing News and II. B. Ralley is filling the chairs of editor, city editor and proof reader. Mr. nnd Mrs. J W. Tritz have re turned from Hancock. A True Prlend. A friend In need is a friend Indeed. That Is exactly what Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is. It Is the mother's help when she Is suddenly awakened In the night by the ominous husky cough, and labored breathing, of her babe. It Is the safe resort of thn youth or adult when he has "caught cold" and there Is coughing and Irrita tion of tho mucus membrane of the throat. It nllay.s the irritation and cures the cold. For sale by all drug gists, Matthews Bros , wholesale and retail agents. ' m PEOKVILTjE. Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Beatty returned lecently fiom a visit with relatives in New York. Mr and Mrs J. D. Warren and fani 41y spent Sunday In FactoryvlIIe. Miss Oilann Williams has returned from Waverly, where she spent Thanksgiving with 1 datives. Miss Katie Belcher spent Sunday with friends In Dorranceton. Vanderfort and Heardsley aie en gaged In the work of building a street through Anthracite paik. Q, J. Lllllbildge has returned from a business trip to the west. Mr. John Callender has been lmpi liv ing his store by un addition, previous to pitting In holiday goods. Lester F. Bassell has been made sta tion agent at the Ontario and AVtern depot at Dickson Miss Laura Roberts has returned from a week's visit with her parent', Mr. and Mrs. Sllus Roberts, of Muh lensburtf. Blakely borough will bo well lepie- lVabilltv and IU Cornell. rollout, inch u vcikneij, snxtctr, hqpelcsinea, decline , 01 nerrr force and control, I cured forerer by our eirlu- live treatment, which we taut ' yvti on OBprorn. If not 11MCJJ, return it at our ex pense and Pay Nothing, I'll 11 account nailed Haled no charze BRIE MEDICAL CO., DUITAIO, ty.Y. Elv WB sented on the ti averse Jury bennlng Jan 8 The following citizens have been drawn to sere Messrs. A A Aics, Stanley Newton, C.eoige Knight, T. Lewis and D Moigan Mr. E. A. Baibei made a business tilp to Forest City yesteiduj. A large number of people .11 e con fined to their homes In Peekvlllo by Illness. A physician stated recently that the number of cases exceeded any yeHr since he had been practicing here, while the cases of contagious disease are few i neumonla. grippe and throat trouble seem to be the piuvuleut case. The looal physicians are Kept on the go night and day. Cold .veathei would be most beneficial. JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. Offlceis of Mayflower Lodge, Sons of St. George, Installed Bitten by a Vicious Dog Personal News. District Deputy Crum M-itet Pen jainln million, of Vandling, assisted bv .1. C. Wateis, of Fo,.st Cliv. lust lib-I the nHlceis of Mayflower lodge Sons of St Geoige. at thell tegular ! Ing on Moiidnv evening, . follows AV. P., John Robinson, W. V. I. H-nty Smith: W S s" umtel Wateis: W. M., William r...stl u S. John Waters: W. . M, .Tod Mor om. W. C. Peorge Pendens, m I. S, Hem.1 Sniallacombe O. I-1 , John E.ibtlnke, tiust.ee, Thomas Henwooii. The fman clil lepoit showed th" Iidg to hi In a veiv tlouilHlitnt, cnndltlci'i. Tohn McGiand. ti.iv.MMiu ".il'smaii for the Serantnn IM-klm: 1 'iurauy. was iiainfully bitten hv a dog at "W iy fleld yistfidij-. Mr MtCiaml. In ecmtnnv with anothei Unveiling 111 in, was standing upon the .ti"et ennveis Ing together uw nil Ing t stre-t ear, v lion a large dog rat-bed om of 111 iillevwny and seized the call' of Mr. McOraniVs leg nnd afterwaids in-i awav. The wouml was an ug! and l.aliifiil one and wis inuteii:. bv Di. M. J Shields, of thl li lough. Neither of the gentleni"ti know to whom the dog belong!.. and It In. theiefoie, still at l.irre. A child of Mi. and Mis Pimm 1 Wns le.v, of Mnyflcld, was mil to Htlr,uslv scalded by hot water yi Meid ly. Dr. and Mis M J f-'hlelds are ie jolclng over the auK.il of a little laughtf 1 Mr. and Mis. John ?c Iplo and family aic moving, today, to Piioebuig. where they intend 1 eliding A child of Mi. and Mrs. John Tomp kins, of Cemeteiy meet. Is lecoveiing from an attack of crvsipelas In out lepoit of the Mav field coun cil In yestordii'.s e.iiiespnndes'co a mistake was made in the amount of the appatent shoitnp which should hive been $1,100 24. not $1369 21, as published. It was d. Idod to call a special meeting fcr the puipoe ot having the o-i-tieaMitoi pu-cnt. A little child of Mr and Mt? J.'invt Toman, of Thlid street Is 111. The! glee club will meet for rehear sal this evening, TAYLOR NEWS. Committees for Loan Exhibition Selected Unclaimed Letteis Re maining nt Post Office Other News of Interest. Committees have been ajipolnted to tnke ehiiige of thp dlffei.nl booths at the loan exhibition in conn. ctimt with the fair and suppei to be held at the link commencing tomnirow evening under the auspices of the Willing Woikeis society of the M E (hutch. Tbeie will lie a New England kitchen furnished In colonial stle You euii be furnished with pumpkin pie under the siipenrlslnn of His. F (ndall. The AVelsh booth will be undet the care of Mis John T Jones At this booth the ladles will diiss In W1IM1 Costume. In the fniu woik booth will bo found some very tine neodlo woik undei the supei vision of Mis. J. F. Tubbs. The curio booth will be a special featuie, as a number of Ameil can and Spanish war relies and a num ber of othei at ticks from 100 to IjO years old have been solicited. Among the most Inteiestlng of the collection will be the Inkstand made fiom a pleon of wood from the gulden of Oc-thse-mane and some shells fiom the sea of Galilee. The Swiss booth will huvo some grand scenery of Svvlts-.iilan'd, under the management of J L. Nelgei. .' rPl,at. tt'lll nil ilinflu Iti 4iil,.ti . nd,, ,,.,.. Theie will be a zoo booth containing n line collection of stuffed unlmabe and birds. Everything can be seen for 10 cents. Entertnlnment each evening during the week. Miss Maine Mnrnn, of Old Poige bor ough. Is visiting her sister. Miss Wini fred Morun, of this place for the past few duvs. Taylor lodge No 4G. Knights of Py thias, will meet this evening. List of unclaimed letteis lemalnlng at the Talor post office for thn period ending Dee'. 1. Persons calling for the same will please say advertised- Do mestic Miss Hyerly, Peter Brown, Hozee Louise Place, William J. Sloan, John Levi Jones, Foreign Mlhaly Doukulylc, Josef Jfallcr, Stanlslan Skowronsky, John Mlcah. August Stncholy John W. Reese, postmaster. At a meeting of the school board re- ccntly held It was decided to bond the borough for tlin Bum of $2,000 for the purpose of electing a high school on n. jilot of land recently purchased by the board on Grove street. Alt members of Lucknwunna coun cil, No. G4, Dnughteis of Pocohontns, are requested to be prcsenv .it the council room tomorrow evening to greet the Great Pocahontas, Sister Mrs. Mnry Kinney. Fiances, the blight nnd Interesting daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Mtn phy, of Not th Taylor, died jesterdiiy afternoon after a brief Illness. The funeial ot the late John Ciould will occur tomotiow nfteinoon ut 2 o'clock. Services will bo held In the house. Burial will be made In the Pot est Homo cemetery. Taylor Castle, No. 2G7. K. of O. K., will tender Pilvnto (leorge Williams, who recentlv returned from Manila, a leceptlon In Basham's hall tomorrow evening. OLYPHANT. The banquet of the Olvpnant fiel Hlalcly bonid of trad, held at the West End hotel on Mondav nlpht, proved to Ui one of th most enjoyable uffalis htld bote In sonvi lime. Pre vious to the banquot the boaid held a shoit sesslin and than lepalied to the dining room of the hotel vvhete tables jnetlilv decorate 1 nnd la Jen with the choicest llleailet of the lea son awaited them. TI11 following menu was heted Ulue iofnts on halt shell, cheese, wafeis, aspiiMgus ;on somme, dinner biscuits yellow peich. tomato dressing, po'ato bills, senile pel iqittnh, roast tin Key. chestnut diess ing. glblet since, cniii'i-MrbM, faney baked potatoes, lVem h peas, p. kles, (lives. Cold S't'od veal, pressed thliktn, potato saia'l. Ion ceani, ks torted cakes, cream a la mode, angel food, coffee, fiult. nuts, crackers, Now Jcrscv Ice cream. Aftei the menu had been thoiorghly discussed, T. Frank Ionian, who was chosen toasL mastcr, pieslded and Impiomptu ad-elies'i-s wee made by Sccretuty V. H Athciton. Seianton; Attomej I'rank Lvrch, Wllllnm 11. Davis, J. J Lenon, James J. O'.Malky. esq., Dr. F. L, Van Sickle. . 1) Kcwaids, II. .1. I.Mith, M. J. Livln and otheis. The (illleers of the Loi'id .-d node are: President, T I'. Jordan: vice piesl deuts, C. M. llnthnwn nnd John .T Lenon. sectetnrv Xi. J. Lvnch treas uiei, W. II Davis Th" follo.v.n weie those 1 les.-nf Jurv Athetton, Holph P. Athciton. secietnry of the Srnxntnn board of tiade; T. Fiank Jordan. P 1. Lvnch, V. II. Davis, P. L A'un SUkle M. 1, .. D IMwnids, M J L.ivin, G. A. Piokopovlth. J W. Patten. T. M Vcyle. 15. N. Kennedy, M. Uosnk, M P. O'Mnllev. T. M Lvnch. M Novvjoslel, .1 J. Lenon, P. T. DeiiiRher. J. W O'Brien. C. O. Sut t .n L. J Lloyd, .1. J. u'Malley, J. II Lallv D. C. Vovle, W. K. He.rnilcii T. L. Williams The funeial of the little daughter o' Mr. end Mis. Henry Wh.tbv, of Hud son stieet. took place yesteiday after noon Intetment was made In Pnlon cemetery The youngest child of Mr. and Mr-i. John I. Davis. ,if Susqtiul.iiun.i sti vt, died Tuesd i night after n s,'ei Di li, ss ot inilamm.iM.nl The lur.einl will take plnco this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Chniles Unban h.is totuuied fiom a tilp to New ,T i-ev. OLD FORCE. Mr I'. Piake spent Sunday at Car bondale Mr. M v Staik h.is been swnd'nu a few dnvs at Forest City. Mr. William Diake has ietuine.1 to L-hlgh Pnlveislty after spending his Thnnksglvlrp vacation with his patents. Mrs. Nolli man Belles, w ho has been sick foi several weeks, is slovvlv im ptovlng The woik of lepnliing the Biiek church Is progiesslng. U Is expected that seivlees will be held tluir nevt Sunday Mr. and Mis Holieit Waul, of Piovl dence, wcie visiting with lelatlves on Sunday Mis. Pntik, wife of Rev. AVIlllani Funk, died very suddenly on Sunday morning of heait failuie. Funeial services weie held ut the family ies dence Tuesday nfteinoon Her remain will be taken to New Jeisey this morn ing where interment will be made. Mr. nnd Mis. Alfred Aveiy have ic tuined from an extended wedding tour from Washington, Philadelphia, Ne-v Voik and other places of Inteicsl THEATRICAL. Com ted Into Court." A tlnee act faice. "Com ted Into Com t," .viis presented at the Lyceum last night by a company headed by Maud Until and Hilly S. Clifford, two e.irable fun-makei s. MisS Hnth in pel -son and mannei stiongly leminds one ' of Mm li i In The faice Is of the lag time variety and Is laden with tag time songs nnd music Miss Ilutli and Mr. Cllftoid, with the nsslHtance of the clever peo ple who are In tin Ir company, guve a veiv enjojnble petfoimnnce. Shea as 'Richelieu." Tills n'tetnoon nt the Academy of Music. Thomas E. Shea will be seen In the iok of "Richelieu," and tonight hlimelf and conipan will appear In "The Slaves of sin," u diamatlzatlon of Maile C01 fill's story. Yesteidny nfteinoon "The Man-o'- wiiis .111111 was icpeateii Define n, l.uge nnd delighted audience and lai-t night "Hi. Jekll and Mr Hyde" were the attiac tlnns. At the Gaiety Theatre. The engagement of the Rose Sjdcll London Helles nt the Gaiety will close with this ulternoon'H and tonight's per formances For the lost three days of the week the non-Ton Huilesqueis will be the atti aetlon The' Bon-Ton comprises an olio of vaudeville and a burletta. Introducing beautiful young women, goigeously costumed, funny comedians nnd strik ing eleetilcal effects. "The Sonows of Satan." This morning ot the box ofllce of tho Lyceum tho sale of seats will open fot the bilef engagement of "The Sonows of Satan " Nothing so striking In posi tive originality, so dining In Its unique picture of the devil on earth, has been published In many jeats as Mnilo Coielll's 1 emai knblc lomance. and Ie has the advantage unusual In novels dealing with mysticism and tho supei mutual, of being filled with staitllng and absmblng situations that lend themselves readily to dramatlo pur poses as well ns give substantial and elaborate aid to the art of the scene painters. The engagement heie Is limited to th last two nights of the week, with a matinee 1111 Satuiila. The People's VSMMMW mj A POPULAR CLKAKINO HOUSE for the Ben em ot All Wlio Have Houses to Kent, Keul Estate or Other Property to Sell or rxclmnnc or Who Want Situations or Help These Small Advertisements Cost One Cent a Word, Six Insertions for Five Cents u Word lixcept Situation! Wanted, Which Aro lit scrted Free. FOR RENT for rent-eagle hotel, 303-311 Penn avenue. Possession glvtn Apill i, isoo. FOR SALE FOR SALE-UPHIOHT PIANO. BAR gain for cash. 321 Jefferson avenue. Foil SALIMLHCANTH.i: HIJSINP.SS paling 100 percent, on the djllar, ciu trally locateil, Small capital required This offer will onlv hold sood to Decern her 9. Address C. W M , cure Tribune otllce. WANTED-TO RENT. WANTLD-KUBNISHLD nOOM Ht'tT able for gentleman and wife; central ly located, Address, X, Y, C, Tribune. fURNISHEDROOMSj FOn BCNT-A TtmNifiimtTTKONT room with or without boaid. 418 North Seventh street BOARDING. BOAnDiNeTTis riNn stuelt. LNUmOTIIATaL work Hehool supplies. Salary JlCiO nnd extras It O. Lvans & Co., Chi cago, III A LIVE AOENT TOR SCRANTON FOR n .Uk nnd nccldent companv Hint Is r rdorsed by the entire police and fire de partments of Philadelphia Address at once, i: V. Goodrich, Jermyn hotel. WANTED-HY AN ESTABLISHED business of n high older, n representa tive of ability and backing who can take up its work in the state of Pennsylvania; no scheme; peimancnt business with money In It for the right partv Addiess. giving references FOUNTAIN BATH HRPblt CO . tlrnnd Rapids, Mleli LOST. LOST -MONDAY EVENING. NHAll residence ut Mrs E H. He nobis, Sanderson avenue, blue mmtl hair shawl. Finder will be ren aided bv icturnlng ssme to il".n WashliiKton uvenuc DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING FOR CHILDREN TO order, also ladles' waists. Louise Shoemaker, 212 Adnms avenue. BANKING REPORT OP THE CONDITION OP THE Lackawanna Trust & Safe De posit Company, of No 404 LnckiwnniM avenue, Clt ot Sii.intnn, countv of L-.thawMtinn, P nn Mlvanla, at the cloe f bultie.s, Nov. f, ly''J REsnrncES. Cash on band . . . . f e hecks and oilier cidi Items Due from banks nnd bankers . Cinnmercl.il nnd other pap. r nuued Call loans upon collateral ... . Time lo.il s up in col'ileral ... I.o 11s upon bondr ana moit- gtigi s Investment hccuritles owned, Vi.5. Stocks, bonds, etc.. $111,4312 Mnitnses 01,ljO2 21 41,714 43 S.72U SO 12I..I70 S2 4Ml.1'f. 71 51 -.00 ll 40.0)1 00 S 100 W 3S.0S3 12 1 Real esiate, fnrrlturo end fix- tuns I Overdiafts I 111'iellaiiiinif. A-ets LIABILITIES. Capital s:.i(k paid In 230.000 00 103,00.1 00 31,173 C3 Suiplu- fund t'n.llvided prollts, less eperses ami trcs ptld Deposits subject to ch.ek JH2.211 70 Deposits, special ... 314,30) IS Due to the Commnnwi nlth .... Due to bunks and bankers.... 130 719 01 r. () 00 47, I'd Jl, US 6S3 2d Amount of tiust funds Invest- .I $ 63-.70CO Amount of trust funds tinln- vestid 7,Wj:2 I 7f,07S 32 Stale of IV ni.slvanl.i, county of Lacka wnmiii, ss . 1. Shepli. id Aais, vice president ot the iibove-n.nned con pnry, do solemnly swear that the above stotement is tiuo to the best of 111 v knowledge and belief. (Signed! SHEPHERD AYARS VI' o-Preslder.t Subscribed nnd sworn to before me this eeond Ki of December, IS'iS (Signed) P L HITCHCOCK. Notary Public. Collect Attetl (Signed) CIIAS H WELLES, HENRY P.rr.lN, JR C S WESTON. Dhector.s REPORT OP TIIE CONDITION OP THE Merchants' and Mechanics' Bank of Scranton, No 420 Lackawanna nvenue. of Lackawanna count.v. Pennsylvania, at tho clo'.e of business Nov 2'' ls'.'l RESOURCES Cash on hand .$ i,S,0i1 87 Checks and other cash items 1", 1m i Due from benks and bankers 7.' 701 th) Loans nnd discounts . . oj." J13 11 Investment securities owned vl Slockh, bonds, etc.. $012,79! 7 Moltg.U'es 1X.17M.1 $ C30.U7J 31 Real estate, fuinltute and fl- tiuis C0,"11 21 Overdi.itts 11 hJ Mli-cell.incoiis assets 0,'JH s3 Total $1,770,003 27 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In $ svi.noo M Suplus fund 130000 00 Undivided piotits, less expenses and tuxes raid 31,11.1 ST Deposits subject to check $477,457 U Deposits, special ... . S17,91i li Demand certificates of deposit 23.0SS10 Ceiiltled checks 1,57i 2. '1, 'oVI 22 "f.; M None 2 0"2 IS Nono None None None Cashiers checks outstanding. Duo to the Ccir.moi.weallh.. . Due to banks and bankers Dividends unpaid Notes and bills redli-countid Bills pa.vablo . . .. Miscellaneous liabilities . ... Total $1770.00127 Suite of Pennsvlvanla, count of Luc nwaiiiiu, ss.. I, Chnrhs W. Gunster, cashier of the above mined bank, do solcmulv swear that tho above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and btlltf. (Signed) C W. ClUNSTER. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2d dav of December, lw.i. iSlgll(d) JAS II TORREY Notai Public con ect-Attest JAt- J 1L1.IAMS THOMAS E lONUS FRANKLIN HOWELL Directors BEAUTY, U CONQUEROR BELLAVITA Axeenlo Beauty Tablets and Pllli. A per (ectlr tale and guaranteed treutment forall fcUla dUorders. Rettorei the bloom olyouth to laded licet. 10 dan' treatment 30c t SO days' $1.00, by mail Bond for clrcnlar. Address, KE8VITA MEDICAL CO., Cllli 4 Jitkuo Stt., Chlaf Sold by McOarrsh t Thomas, Drug- inlets,, 2"0 Lackawanna ave., Scranton, Pa. M,r,04 11 '11 on 4.40C S3 M.41S C&-, 25 Exchange. BANKING- BBPOIIT OF T11U CONDITION OF T1112 THIRD NATIONAL BANK at Scrnnton, In the stale ot Pennsyl vania, nt tlio close of business, Dtcem ber 2, Us'.i, nrsouitcKS Loans nnd dlbcounts $2,1T3,I2 j Overdi nfls, secured and unse cured KSl V, H. bonds to secuie circula tion JO.toOOO P S. bonds to secuie- V. S. deposits 521.000 00 V. S, bonds on band 1.500 00 Premiums on V. S. bonds 3".7.l 71 Stocks, securities, etc 410,072 41 ll.inklng house, furniture 1111.I tures rstWHI Dim from National banks (not reserve ngents) 13,632 0 Due fiom state banks and bankers v 11,4., 01 Due from approved leservu agents 207,479 92 Checks nnd other cash Items .. J2.SS3 It Uxehanges for clearing house., G.M0 W Notes of other National linnks. 1,803 00 Fractional pnper currenc, nickels nnd cents l,i0W Lawful Money Reseivo in Itsnk, viz : Specie $127.1S r,t J.tBHl lender notes. r.i,(iu m 1TS.6SS ".I Redemption fund with P. S. treasurer (f. per cent, of cir culation) Due from V. S. treasurer, other than 5 per cent, re demption fund 2,2".0 W 2,000 00 Total JG.777.C7S9I LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In $ 200,000 0-5 Surplus fund 4?) 0u) uo I'ndlvlded rrollts, less exicnss and taxes paid "".VM 12 National bank notes nuthtand- Ing t:.,0flfn) Due to other Nation ll banks . L'.wt 01 Due to state banks mil bank err 4.14137 Dlv blends unpaid Jr0 f,0 Indlvldiiul deposits subject to check 2,4 11. S1 C2 Demand certificates of deposit. BLOW "ti Cci tilled checks 2,103 22 Cashier's checks outstandl'ig . lit W Pnlted States deposits 4o,T02 41 Ueposits or 1 . S. .llHMirtdug af. fleers 2,0" 00 Notes and bills ledlsrouiited.. None Bills pa able Noiie Liabilities-- other than those above stated None Total $J,777.r7S 91 State of Penns.vlvatila, county of Iick uvvanna, s-s. : I, Wm II Peek, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to tho best of my knowledge and belief. W.M H. PECK, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me tills 3th day of December, ISM SAMUEL W EDGAR, Notary Public. Correct Attest: J. BENJ. DIMMICK, J L CONNELL LUTHER KELLER. Directors, REPORT OF THE CONDITION OP THE SCRANTON SAVINGS BANK of Scranton. Pa.. No 120 nnd 122 Wvn mlng avenue, of Lackawanna county, Ptnnnsvlinnla. at the close of business November 20, JSW. BESOURCES. Cash on hand . $ 40 13'' 'rt Checks and other cat.li Items... s.41170 Due from banks nnd bankers.. Its, 310 'i. Loins and discounts j 1.01C P"5 27 Investment securities owned vis-.: Stocks, bonds, etc J07.'i07 in Mortgages ll.Si,) w f,Ml 770 7.1 30 000 ll 1.7 h 37 Real estate, furniture utid tl- tuies Overdrafts Miscellaneous assets $1.9' 020 10 LIABILITIES Capital "tock paid in $ 1W.0.W 00 140,000 0) r.,471 lii aupius ninci Undivided nollts, less expenses nnd taxes paid Deposits., subject to check 141,218 9", Deposits, special .... I.MI.TjS CO Demand ceitlllentes of deposit ",,4i!2 ' Certified checks 2,'VI 11 1.C91.3SJ 71 Cashlei's checks outstanding Miscellaneous liabilities . ... 130 eo II 41 $t,97,ii20 ,W State of Pennsvlvanla, county of Lack- nwamia, ss.. I, II C Shafer. midilcr of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above ttntcmeiit is tlile to the bcit of mv knowledge and belief (Signed) H.i' SHAFER. C ishler Subscribed and swoin to before 1111 this fuiiitli day of Dec. mbcr. lsi. (Signed) e.'EOROE M OKEI.L. Notary Publie Correct Attest: (Signed) S. B. PRICE. A It BLAIR. J OAKPORD Dlreitois REPORT OF THE CONDITION OP THE on? soils en and Trusi ca of Seianton, No TV. Sprue o stnt, of I.aekavvniiiin countv, Pennsylvania, at the close, of business November 2S ISO) RESOI'RCES. Cash on hand 4i .'.r, .: Checks and other u Items .... l.'.sss i,i Due from binks nnd bankets . . . . 12 7i '; $ I'll 74J V) Loans and discounts S.'JMi.i, Investment securities owmd, viz : Stocks, linnds, ete,.$177,0 2 .Mortgages 72,iX,ii I 41S.131 4) 31 "17 01 '"IS iiJ 7ii" 96 Real estate, tuinlturo and IK luies Oveidr.aftii Miscellaneous asi-els, icvenuo stamps $I.52.V.,4 20 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In $ 100,000 ft) 70.0,'! 10 3.2"0 31 Milium limn Undivided piollts, let-s expeiues and taxes paid Deposits, subject to check $i.i,v;; fid Deposits, intertst ac counts To.MU 19 Demand certlllcotc of deposit 4,03.1." I.1P.711 72 $l.32.'.Mt 20 State ot Pennsvlvanla, eount of Lack awanna, ss,' I, A. II. Clulst, cin-hltr of the above named bunk, do soleinnlv sweat thnt the above statement Is tine to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Signed) A. H. CHRISTY. C.ibhlei Subscribed and twcirn to before me tbl fourth dnv ot Dccembei, is'io. (Signed) ARTHUR DUNN Notiirv J'ubllv Correct Attest eSlgnedl WM P. HALLSTEAD APOPST ROBINSON, I. A. WATRES. Dlrtftors AGENTS WANTED. SALESMEN-IP YOU WANT TO MAKE l,oo u jear work for us. Out ieather suspenders sell themselves; cannot wear out! attractive assortment, exclusive tcr. rltory; samples free conditionally. J. 8 Beny Mfg. Co., A 529 Cincinnati, O. NEWSPAPERS THE WILKEB-BARRE RECORD CAN be had In Scranton at the news stands ot ReUman Bron., 405 Spruce and E03 Lln. den; M. Norton .122 Lackawanna avenue; I. a Schutier. 2U Soruce itreet. PROFESSIONA L. ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR. I). C. SPAULDINO, 2J TIlADKltS' BANK bulltling. . AnoHireoTS nnWAItD II. DAVIH. AHClUTr.CT, Connell bulldlnr, Scrnnton. LnWt8ilANCOCK. .III., AltCIHT ECT, 413 Hprtico st., cor. Wash. av Scranton PunDnuirtc l, nnowN, aticiiit f.ct, Price building, 155 Wellington avenue, Scranton. OBNTISTS nn. T. O. LYMAN. PCUANTOM IMtt vnte Hospital, cor. Vjomlng and Mul berry ln. II. p. nP.YNOLDS, OPP. P. O. DR. C. C LAITBACII IIP Wynmltig BV. WLLCOMP. C. SNOVnn. Cosl KxchaniiA 2nd Hoor, Hoom D, Hours, 9 to 1, 2 to 8. HOTBLB AND RESTAURANTS THH ELK CAF1J, 123 slid 127 FP.AN1C lln nvenuc, notes reasnnntde. P. zniGLCn. Proprietor. SCRANTON HOPSH. NLAU D , L. & W passenser depot Conducted on the Eu ropean plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop. LAWYER RICHARD J nOCRICK. ATTORNEY-nt-Law, SOO-2 I.jcknwnnna avenue. Om cral law huslnets, collections and loans. J. W nilOWNINO, ATTORNEY AND Rooms 312-313 Mearr D. B REPLOGLE. ATTORNEY-LOANS negotiated on real estate security. Mears building, coiner Washington nvenue nnd Spruce street. M J DONAHOU ATTORNEY-AT- mw eimres. 012-511 Mears Buiming. PRANK E BOYLE, ATTORNEY AND Counselloi -nt-Law. Burr building, rooms 13 and 14, Washington avenue WILLARD. WARRKN & KNAPP. AT torneys nnd fouu'rlUirti-it-Lnw Le publtcnn bulldlnr, Washington avenue, Scrnnton, Pa JESSUP & JESSUP ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors nt - Law, Commonwealth building; rooms 1, M nnd 21 JAMES W. OAKPORD ATTORNEY-AT-T.aw Rooms 314, G13 nnd 310 Board ot Trade building. EDWARD W THAYER. ATTORNEY Rooms f3.f04 1th floor. Mears building. L. A. WATRE.. ATTORNUY-AT-rAW 302 Eoaid of Trade building, Scrantcn, Pa. C R PITCHER. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Commnnwcnltli bulldlnc, Scrinton, Pi. PATTERSON & WILCOX. Nutlonnl Bank building. TRADERS' C. COMEGYS, Building. 5-13 P.EPUBLICAN A. W. P.ERTHOLP, Mears building ATTORNEY, RHfSIOlaNt AND 3UfaSONS MARY A, opnthlst, SHEPHERD M. 618 Linden street D, HOME- DR W E ALLEN. 511 NORTH WASH lngton nvenue. DR. L. M GATES. ROOMS 207 AND Mi Board of Trade building. OOlce hours, 8 to ! a m . ? to 3 and 7 to S p n Residence. ?OT Madison avenue DR S. W. L'AMOREAUX. OFPICE "1 Washington nvenue. Residence. 131S Mulberry Cbronle dlsenes, lungs, heart. kldnes and genlto-urlnii v or gans a specialty. Itouis 1 to 4 p in. strnoes SCHOOI," OF-T7irc LACKAWANNA, Sciantnn, Pa. Coiiren prepantory to college law.medl Ino or business Oocns Sept. 11th Send for catalogue Rev Thomas M. C.inn, T.L D . principal nnd propiletor, W I. 1'lumley, a ai., nenu mnslcr. scco? G U CLARK X. CO SEPDMEV AND Ntirservmen: store 140 Washington ave nue, green 1ioum 1.1V) Ninth Main ave nue; store telephone. 7S2. Wine SCREENS JOS KUETTElT REAR '11 LACICA wnnna avenue Scranton, Ta , mnnur.ic tuier of Wile Screens MISCCLUtNEOW iTM'ER'S ORCHESTRA-MTSIC POR balls. plrnlcE. liartles. ree.ptions wed dings and concert won; rurnisiieu. 1 or terms address K J Bauer, conductor, 117 Wjnmllig inui-lc store avenue, over miiueris MEC.ARCP.P BROTHERS, PRINTERS' siimilles, envelopes paper bigs, twine. WnrehouM- 1.0 Wnsblnetoit evenue, Scrnnton. I'a LEGAL. IN RE: INCORPORATION OP 'HIE (ll.enwi)Od lemeierv ,ii"wuiii the Com t of Common Pleas of Uultn w.inna countv . No !47. Jii-niaiv lei in, Notice is heretic- given ib.it an iippllcn tluti will be made to the sild I'oiui. or a Law Judge thereof oil I'll'lio the ."11 1 itav of Decemliei. A I) I-". u ' ..clock ic m. unilci in nei entitled 'An Act to iilovlde for tin Incorpot illuti and legula Hon of certain ei.rporatl. -s ' approved Apill '." 1"74, and lis piipiiltinents, for 1 cl.aitei f.n 1111 Intended corporation to be c illc.l the 'Sttifr.ii. I iVnieterv Associa tion" the e litum lei unci c.blect wheitof Is to piiioliiiKe rent estate, lo lav out suit able avcnu.s to divide the same lulu burl il lots unci to ill'iio-o of the uatne for putpohn- ..I s.c puli lire, and lor these- pur po,es to have, maintain nnd enjoy all the lights. b m lit un.l pilvilt M'S silfoided l.v tin h.ild Ait and Its -implements M P. SAN DO. Solicitor Tin step, s s.m i: or valuable nil .state. 1'ublle noilce Is lntnhv given tint, bv virtue of nn urdei of C A Van Woimer Icferee In hii-ikiuptr In th. Distil, t Court of the Unlt.d States f.u tin- Wutem Dlstilct of Pennsl vuiib. the un.lerslmied, tiust.e of II, 11 lltiilleinnn. bankiupt. vclll on Wedlles dav, the .sith dnv ef D.cemli.'i. 19. nt 10 in lock In the tnienooil. Ir. the Albltln tlon loom In tin couit house of the dtv of S. i.intnu. countv of L.u k.iwann i mid slate of Pcnuslv.iiil I. e:.pne to public sale nil ind sli,'iilui, Hie following de scrlbcd K al esiut. : All that hi'f lot sltuat. iei the east c rl side ol Web-tci nvniue. between Linden and Mulbeirv str.-ets and being the soillbweslerl.v half ol lot number sl do hi situate or block number one bun dled and r.utv-.me (140, said hulf of iot being iweiin (2i'i feet In front on satd Webster avenue and twenty (20) leei In I. ar and cum hundred and tlftv cl'i) feet In il pth In a slUeen (lOi foot allev, ac cording to the Lackawanna lion and Steel i ompaiij "h plot of the ciiv of Scran tcn. Pn . loeotlui wllh ten (lOi f.et In tn.nl of the front line fur pinches, piazzas b.iv window and vuid. but for no other purpose Coal and minerals ie- Sald propert Is Impioved with the half of a lwo-stor flume dwelling house f!eort.e I. Peck, liustee In bankruptcy S B Price altenne) fot trustee SITUATIONS WANTED SITPATION WANTED-BY A YOPNO man who Is nnlous to get a position as double enm bookkeeper or assistant; can futnlsh good reference, salary small. Addiess W. 11 . 112) Hampton street, city A SOBER INDUSTRIOUS YOL'NO MAN woiild.llku woik In hotel or store, hut, Is willing to do uny kind of woik Ad dress B. W this otllce. SITUATION WANTED-BY RESPECT able young man, driving team or al most an tldng honorable, used to the cine ol hoises. Address Vernon Hunter, Mis Ejnon street, city. SITPATION WANTKD-BY VOPNO mnu ns assistant bookkeeper, or ulerK uf any kind, graduate from business school, model ate suliu Address box 81 Mrboouany, Pa. RAILROAD TIME TABLE MMrf PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Schedule In Effect November 10, 1800. Trains leave Scrnnton: 0.45 n. m., week days, for Sunbury, nnrrisburff, Philadelphia, Daltl mote, Washington, and for Pitts burg and the West. 0.38 a. xn., week days, for Ilnzloton, Pottsvllle, Bending, Norrlstown, nnd Philadelphia; nnd for Sun bury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Bnltlmore,Washlngton and Pitts burg nnd the West. 2.18 p. m., week dnys (Sundays 1.S8 p. in.), for Sunbuiy, Harrlsburg, I'mincieipma, iiaitimore, Wash ington nnd Pittsburg and tho West. 4.27 p. m.. week days, for Sunbury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. J R. WOOD. Qcn'l. Pas. Agent. J, B. HUTCHINSON. Q en cral Manager. Del,, Luckti. ami Western. Effect Monday, June S, 1S93. Tralrs Icnve Scranton as follow: Ex press for New York anil all points eat. 1.40, .100, 8 00 nnd 10 03 a. m.; 12 33 and 3 Ji P. 111. Expiess for Easton. Trenton, Philadel phia and the south, 5 10, 8 00 and 10.05 a. m. 12.V. nnd 3 33 p. m robyhnnna necommadutlon, 6.10 p. m. txpreiis for Blnghamton. Oswego, El mirn, Coming. Bath. Danville. Mount f'nrtls and Buffalo, 1210. 1.33. 0 00 a.m.: 1 s nnd uno p. m., making close connec tions at Buffalo to all points in tho Yes nn.rJhwcst and sotithweft. vvashington nccommodntlon. 3.40 p. m MtiRlmmton and way stations, 1.05 p. m. 1 nctorvvllle accommodation. 4 00 p m. Jjlcliolson accommodation, 6 00 p. m. .Express for Utlcn nnd Rlchtleld Springs, i' n m 11 nd 1.33 p. m IHincu '15. POO n m nnd 1 f.5 p. m. I or Northlimberlrrel, Plttston. Wllkes Hnrrc, PI mouth, Bloomsburg nnd Dan yile, mnklng clns- connections nt North "mberlnnd for Wllllamsport. Harrtsburg. ...,. ..mire vvasiiington nnu mo souin. JNoitlniinberland nnd Intermediate sta tlon. 6 30, 10 03 a. m end l.W and 6.49 p. m Nnntlrcke nnd Ititeimtdlato staions, 3tS and 1110 a m Plmouth and Intermefllat stations -!,13 and S DO p. m. For Kingston. 12 3.1 u ni Pullman parlor am! sleeping coachtt on all erprpss trnlns For detailed Information, pocket tlm tables, etc . applv to M. L. Smith. rU eilct Passenger Agent, depot ticket omen, Dclavviirc 11 n J Hudson. On Nov. 15th. ise, trains will leav Scranton ns follows Tor Carbondile 0 20, 7 31, S.W, 1013 n. m . 12 noon; 1.20. 2 20, 3.52, 5 23, C.23, V.57. i in. 1100 p. m.; 1 10 n m. For Albnnv, Siratoga, Montreal. Bosi ton. New England points, etc. (3.20 a. m , 2 20 p. in. For Honesdale-C.20, 1013 a, m.: 2,20, B 23 p m. Tor Wllkep-Barre-4;.41. 7.4. 8.4,1. P 11. 10 4 1 n m 12 0J. 1 28, 2.1S, 3 33, 4.27, C 14 7.4S, 10 41 II ."0 p m. Por New Yoik. Philadelphia, etc., xi Lehigh Valley Rallrond-6.43 p. m.; 13.01. 218. 4 27 p ni : with Black Diamond Ex pics, 11 30 p. in For Pennsylvania Rallioad points, C43, !.(; n. m ; 2.1?, 4 27 p. ni. Por western points, via Lehigh Valley nnllrond-7 4S a m . 1203. 3 33. with Black Diamond Expuss. 10.41, 11.30 p. m. Trains will arrive In Scranton as rol lew s Fiom Carbondnlo nnd the North C 40. 7 41. S3S H34, 1018, 11 3S a. in.; 1.23, 2.13. 3 r. 4 21. 7 11, 10 IS. 11 27 p. m. Prom Wllltes-P.ino and the South Is, 7P! S4(, 10 21 111" n. in.; Its. z.14, 3.. " 2.) C 21. 7 31 so", 10 03 p m. : LIS a. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. fcr Cnrboudalc 0 05, 11.33 p. m.: 2.2J, ST.; 5 47. 0 32 p m Por WIll-es-B-irre-P "s. 12 01 a. ta. l.CS. ,12S 3 41, 7 4 p. m. .. . , Por Albnry. Sitrntc'sa, Montreal, nos ton. New England points etc.. 2 23 p. rn. Low. st 1 ate to -II peilnts In United! States and Cnnndn . , .7 V BPRDICK. O P A . Albany, N. T. If W CROS, D. P A . Scrajiton, Pa. Central Railroad of New Jorsov Stations in New York-Foot f Llbertv street, N R . and South Terry, 'Whitehall S,Aiithracllo eoal us-ed exclusively. Insur ing cleanliness and comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT NOV. 19. 18H. Tialns leave Scranton for cew xoric. y-.. n.i,i,nm n..ci vrflnini:ioii i no. poll s South and West Via lie t hi. r i ni. S, 10 n m 1 20 P m. Sundavs. 2 1 , n ni For Long Blanch, Oocan tlrol, tic , aO S "0 n. in and 1 20 p m TT.i!,. Por Rending. LeWn nn-l "e,,"rn": via Allentown. 8 a. m.. 1 20 p. in. Sum dnv s 2 11 i m For Pottsvllle, 8 20 n. m . 1 20 pm. Through tickets to n r'3 Lost. Sc . ill and Wcsf at U'.v, st rato at thci UMTn. OLHATTSPN. Oen. ! II. P. BALDWIN Geo I Stipt. ass. Act. Lehij-h Vallov KailroaJ. In Effect Nov. 10, W. Vl 1RAINS LEAE SCRANTON. r-er Phlladclplu i Ji N. w Ytrlt, via t l I K. at t l1 a tn -l 12 M 2 1' I.-'7JD Sundavi. f. & H H. K. 3.a, 7.11 V ' J"'. ,m... ll,nrn Pazleton and prln- ir!ni noints In i'' cat ni-iol-a. via 1). cipal points i.5 xfj ( 1 4 J7 p r jB VoitRVllle. il4J 21' V ' 1-W llcthlehero E ten Ren.71"-. nir rliburg a 1 pilnclnal Intoimtnlli-tP m ,, i-or in"- .,. -r-. .. T'linicnanoc. Ithaca, ucnov.i an. ate stations, 'la D a m : 1 00 and 3 aFor Oeova. Boi ' nra Tnlls, Chicago i ' ;- i v , . 'il int. iiik Mi- ( . w. n. At., so3 n 111. i. C lCTnlo, Nlag- ,l (1 ill jmtntli West, K 0" 3"' ("Pis i k P'n- . lo T! Ai 11. 1. - BOI LIN II Wn-1 I -l O-n. Snpt. 21 nW'S'S.Ki: N0en. P'. Agt. 20 Cort a''nonnemacher. div. ras,. A:t.. W.csand'Punmnn rc?ervatlon, applj ""' Lackawanna n ' S. nnton, Pa. New Yoik, Ontario and Vetern r.all. way. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT MONDAY. V'.. f icon .r.ui,, leaves Scrnnton for Cnrbandal ...; i.n.inJn at lotjj a, m . connet'.ig .". -.." I. ,. "'JIi. titrnii.li trains cast and wft. Train ,Nn,l.i CadoMa. for Carbondalfl nnt aa,nnt0n at 2o3 P m, leaving Cnrben rie at "li P '" a"a ""MfK at ncian- Newark Elizabeth. Phltacleipnia losioh. Bethlehem. Allentown. Mnucb Chunk ant White Haven at 8 JO a. m; c-cpievs. 1 J)J exniess (Mil 111 Sundays. 2 It pm. For llttston .and Wllkoa-Barre 8 M iu mono i.wf"Vit, r ,. p m , 7 at p in, Wllkes-Barre nnu n.ii- Siimlavs onl" -For Cadosl.a. connecting -m. ninln line trains east and west at J"ii n !! ir living CadosU at 10 43 a. m. imurnmg, ."Ve" C-'adoMa at 4 30 p. .. leav ng Coibondale nt f. M p. m . and ar thing nt Scrnnton nt OT! p m. iivini, T r Alu.P1Bon, a. P. a. T Plltcioft D P A New Yorle. Scranton Trie nnd Wyoming Valley. Time Tahle In Effect Sept 11, 15M. Trains leave Seianton for Nw 1 ork, Kcvvburgh and Intermediate points oil Eile rallioad. aWo for Hnwley and loc.i noints n 7 05 a. m nnd 2 28 p. m P Re iirnlng trains arrive at Scranton nt 10 24 a. m and 3 16 and 9 10 p. m. SCALP TREATMENT, '.X ' iL.na t. T KELLER. SCALP TREAT ment, toe ; biiiiiiiim.uu, mass ire, manicuring, 2oc 701 Qulncy DOe ; faclsl chiropody. CITY SCAVENGER A. B BRKIOS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS ,i,anrnivi VAUiait no cHlor.LiHirjived IL BTtipaSOlrppTJtltor. 100 North Main avenue. t?nd cess Bopu numns ucdel. A. I Leave orders 1100 or Klcke's drug store, corner Adnms and Mulberry. Telephone 9oW.