The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 05, 1899, Morning, Page 2, Image 2

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    --wi' up. i m i i JUfffHm
ru-iru-Li-ii-n-ii-i! " --
Nearly 300 Killed During the Month
of November.
Bpcclnl to Tho Scrnnton Tribune.
Hawloy, Pa., Doc. 4. The deer season
in Pike county has been an unusually
Kood ono for hunters. It Is estimated
that during the month of November
nearly 300 have been taken by different
parties of hunters in that county nlone.
Of this numbor, eXfSherlff Hoffman,
together with various other parties,
has killed twenty. At Lord's Valley
some twentv-nvc have been taken at
various times during the season, Last
Friday n party of four from I'lttston,
hunting near that place, shipped from
here four fawns and two old deer, one
of which weighed 175 pounds. Tho same
day a party from Scranton took home
with them two fawns whtrh they had
shot in the neighborhood of Lord's Vat
ley. Tho taklnff of the animals has
not been confined to sportsmen from n
distance, exclusively.
Among our local huntsmen who have
on different occasions succeeded In re
turning with trophies of the chase are
William Qulnney, Christian Lehman,
August Frank, llolnhard Wnrg and Jo
seph Nell. Owing to the largo number
of fawns tnken this year, It is doubt
ful whether next season will rind the
deer so plentiful as they have been the
season Just closed.
Cases Continued at Sessions Hold
Special to the Scrnnton Tribune.
Stroudsburg, Pa., Dec. 4. A special
term of court opened thlH afternoon be
fore Judge Craig and Associates Ert
lnger and Hoffman. The following
cases wero continued:
Sarah A. Wilson vs. Eugene Everett,
Sarah n. Wilson and Stewnrt Everett,
on uccount of sickness; William Her
man and Frank Herman vs. William
O. Griggs, appeal on account of death;
Maria Howe vs. George Strayer and
Rosa Strayer, appeal 4 account of
sickness; Morris Nauman vs. J. M.
Shiclt, summons in assumpsit on ac
count of sickness; G. Martin Brill vs.
Pocono Mountain Ice company and
North Jersey Ice company, summons in
assumpsit, on account of sickness.
The suit of Thomas J. Smith vs. Sam
uel H. Correll, renlevln, lias been con
tinued and the case of Charles II. Det
rlck vs. Henry Leani, sheriff's sum
mons in trespass, hns been settled.
A voluntary non-suit was taken In
the suit of Mnry H. H. Meyers, H. W.
Frederick Snyder and John E. Fautn,
summons In trespass. The suit wa
the outcome of tho sale of the late
Juan F. Portmond's property at
Frutcheys in ISM. Mr. Fauna, one of
the defendants, Is an ex-speaker of thi;
Pennsylvania legislature.
Bangor Sportsmen Fay Dearly for
Special to the Scrrwiton Tribune.
Stroudsburg, Pa., Dec. 4. For catch
ing nve rabbits with a ferret. Helgel
Ott, L. P. Jones, O. P. Jones and Thom
as Lockard, well-known Bangor sports
men, were fined today one hundred an I
eighteen dollars and forty cents. The
hearing was before Justice Robert
Gruver. The men paid their fines.
They had no counsel nnd had nothing
to say when asked questions by Jus
tice Gruver. Detective Ross, of Han
gor, gave the Information which led to
the arrest of tho Bangor party. Early
on Thanksgiving morning Ross in
formed Constable John M. Docker of
the whereabouts of the party. Decker,
in company with a detective, made the
nrrest In Jackson township. The two
ofllcers of the law hid In a box stall
until the party returned from their
hunting trip.
The ferret was found In the posses
sion of L. P. Jones. At today's hearing
Detective Ross and Constnble Decker
told their stories nnd the Justice fined
each man $25 and cost, making a total
of J29.G0 to each defendant.
Frank Eentley and Mlko Donavan
Will Spar at Susquehanna.
Special to Tho Scranton Tribune.
Susquehanna, Doc 4. In Mogan op
em house, on Tuesday evening next,
Frank Hartley, of Rlnghamton, nnd
You take a genuine
medicine when you use a
Sovereign Cure.
They touc,h the spot,
that Is what you want.
t Iriue olvcs trite reputation.
freih Mark
Rhoumatlsm, Kidney Troublo,
Coughs, Dyspepsia, Blood, Ca
tarrh, Asthma, Heart, Liver,
:. Diarrhoea, Crlppo, General De-
u blllty,. Malaria, Neuralgia.
A Separate Remedy for Each Disease
Tor Bile at All Sroggliti .
A book (ull of valuable tnfermtloa,
to any addrtii.
If In 4oobt i to th natnri of roar lllnm, ion
ninnlt our doctor! bjr mall aUoluUIr in ot
J347 Arch Sg., Philadelphia, Pa.
m s
Mike Donavnn, of Rochester, will spar
twelve rounds at 112 pounds. Hartley
has tin excellent record and Donavm
claims tho welterweight championship
of Western New York and Pennsyl
vania. He has fought over thirty bat
tles. Ho has drawn with Judge and
Jack Honnott to his credit, nnd has
defeated the lato Johnny Loughlln, of
Buffalo. Tommy Dixon and Kid Oou
lette, of Rochester have Donavan In
charge. As n preliminary Kid Tru
man, of Sidney, N. V., and Mnxoy
Hough, of Brooklyn, will have a mix
up for six rounds.. The boys will
weigh 126 pounds. P. H. Murphy, of
Scranton, will be announced. A spe
cial train will bring Plnglinmton peo
ple to the event.
Special to The Scrnnton Tribune.
Susquehanna, Dec. 4. Editorially the
Montrose Kepublicnns says Tommy
Kllrow, of Great Bund, late a Republi
can lender in tho county "Is relegated
to a back, a far hack seat" and "shoved
Into innocuous desuetude."
A district Sunday school Institute
will be held In North Jackson on Friday
Artist Ralph Lyons, of New York,
but formerly of Scranton, Is vlslt'ng
his mother, Mrs. Frank Lyons, in
Erie General Yardmnster Moses Jor
dan and wife are visiting relntivcs in
Sulllvnn countv, N. Y.
Mrs. R. II. Murphy, of Baltimore,
rendered several soprano selections In
tho Methodist church on Sunday morn
ing. Rev. A. P. Merrill, of Deposit, occu
pied the pulpit of the Oakland Metho
dist church on Sunday morning and
Tho tenth annual ball of Jyevstono
Hook and Ladder company, No. 1, will
be held In Hogan Opera house on Fri
day evening, Dec. 29. Music will be
furnished by Doran's full Susquehanna
Susquehanna council, No. 140,
Arcanum, will have an entertainment
In tho council room on Tuesday even
ing. The Lanesboro Fire company will
hold a fair and festival as soon as IU
new hall Is completed.
Newton A. Croft, tenor of Trinity
Memorial church In Blnghnmton. ren
dered several selections In Chrl3t
Episcopal church on Sunday evening.
Detectives are along the Erie en
deavoring to discover the parties who
blew up the Tarbox block, In Han
cock, on Saturday morning. The vil
lage of llancocu offers a reward of $300
for the apprehension of tho mis,-roams.
Dr. and Mrs. F. A. Goodwin have re
turned home from an eastern trip.
A children's festival will be held :n
Christ Episcopal church, Dec. 2S.
Michael Murphy, a wanderer, lias
been sent to the Montrose Jail to serve
a sentence of sixty days for .teallnc
a dummy from in front of the Main
street clothing store of X. Kignor.
Mrs. C. E. S. Brewster, of Mouiroso
has published a book of poems, en
titled "Wayside Blossoms."
Tho Methodist church at Elk l-.ks
will he dedicated on Thursday next
with appropriate exercises. Rev. Dr.
L. C. Floyd, of Blnghamton, the p-t-sidlng
eler, will be present, nnd Rev.
Dr. H. M. Crydenwise, of Lestershlre,
and others, will preach.
Tho grangers of Susquehanna cjunt:
will meet in Brushvllle, a suburb of
Susquehanna, on Wednesday nn.1
Thursday next.
A young man named Ewlng sus
tained an injury while s work in tho
Erie shops this morning.
Martin Baall, of Jackson street, is
the guest of relatives in New York.
Will Monternoy, Into of England,
this evening commenced a series )f
evangelistic meetings in the Avenue
Methodist church, In Oakland. The
attendance was large.
John Donovan, has been nppolnted
Erie night operator at Jefferson Junc
tion. It is reported that the Erie will plnee
a second order with the Baldwin Loco
motive works, Philadelphia, for "At
lantic" type locomotives for fast pas
senger service.
Special to The Scranton Tribune.
Tunkhannock. Dec. !. -Company M,
Thirteenth regiment of H1I3 place!
went to Plttston on Saturday for th
purpose of shooting off the chlln,r
match between the rlile teams of that
company and the team of Company
M, Ninth regiment, of Pltlston. Tho
score, as reported by th" I'lttston team,
shows a victory for them by two
points, but the local team claim tint
there was a mlx-up of some kind in '
signalling from the target and that I
the proper score would show a victory '
for Tunkhannock by one point. Tho
score kept at the target bears out thin
assertion. Each team had previously
F. J. Sampson, who is employed by
a Philadelphia advertising llrm, spent
Sunday in Tunkhannock.
Mrs. J. S. Turn, of Scranton. is visit
ing her mother, Mrs. Catharine Town
send, at this place.
This evening tho third of tho series
of entertainments under the uuHplca
of the Tunkhannock High. School will
taken place at the court house. The
entertainer will be Piof. A. W. Hawks
in Impersonations.
W. r. Reynolds, jr., nnd E. E. Ment
zer, of Wllkcs-Barre. spent Sunday in
Chamberlain's Pain Bnlm Cures Oth
ers, Why Not "iouP
My wife has been using Chamber
Iain's Pain Balm, with good results, for
a lame shoulder that has pained her
continually for nlno years. Wo trio I
all kinds of medicines and doctors
without receiving any benefit from nny
of them. One day we saw an advertise
ment of this medicine and thought ot
trying it, which we did with the best
ot satisfaction. She has used only ons
bottle, and her shoulder Is almost well.
Adolph L. MllleU. Manchester, N.
II. For sale by nil diugglats. Matthew
Bros., wholesalo and retail agents.
Special to Tho Scranton Tribune.
Stnrrucca, Dec. 4. Dr. R. M. Nile
and wife, of Pleasant Mount, spent
Sunduy with frlonds In town.
Mrs. Minnie Mllea Is on the sick list.
Miss Francos Walker, who has been
seriously 111, Is gaining rapidly.
Mr. Tompkins Sampson, of Carbon
dale, spent a few days here with his
cousin, Carl D. Utter.
Mr, Thompklns.of Blnghaifiton, ipent
Thin sday with his cousin, Andrew
Sheriff Cnrtrlght was In town Satur
day. Emll Koehler was In IIono3dale, Mon
day. Miss Daisy Kelley nnd friend, Miss
Florence Corey, spent Thanksgiving
with Mr. John Woodniansee.
Mr. Nathan Weber and wife, of Iown,
are visiting at tho hoflio of Mrs, Shaw.
The G. A. R. nnd circle of this place
will properly observe the anniversary
of the death of George Washington at
tho Baptist church Thursday, Dec. 14.
Henry Harding, 'esq., of Tunkhnnnupk,
I'n., will deliver tho address,
The usual monthly union temperance
services were conducted at tho M. E.
church last Sunday evening. Tho Rev.
Elknnah Hully occupied tho pulpit.
Mr. Amzl Ilnrm'an, who, has for sev
eral yeurs been tho efficient nnd oblig
ing chief operator at the Delaware,
Lackawanna nnd Western station here,
bus resigned his tiosltlon.
The Rev. John Spencer, D. D of
Japan, occupied the pulpit ar the M.
E. chuwh last Sabbath morning,
preaching a powerful and eloquent ser
mon to tv large congregation.
Dr. Mllum Gardner and family from
the West are vl3ltlng at tho home of
his brother, N. A. Gardner, of Main
Mr. Burt Crisninn, who has been
spending a month with relatives In
Conned lent nnd New York, hns re
turned home.
Factoryvllle encampment, No. 24fi, I.
O. O. V., will confer the second degree
on two candidates next Wednesday
Another accident nt tho La Plumo
crossing of the Delnware, Lackawan
na nnd Western railroad nt La Plumo
last Saturday which crushed out the
lives of two men nnd two horses, sud
denly brings to the minds of the peo
ple tho long list of fatal accidents
which have happened ut that crossing
within the past few years, and which
largely nppeals to tho railroad com
pany to place gates or a watchman at
such dangerous crossings. George
Hutchison nnd John Blavltt, farmers
of Nicholson, while returning from
Scrnnton, where they had been to mar
ket, drove onto tho track of the above
named crossing some time Saturday
night, and were struck by the Nichol
son pusher, which is composed of an
engine nnd a caboose, nnd instantly
killed; also both horses. The mangled
remains of tho men were picked up
along tho track for forty rods. Fun
eral Director C. W. Stanton ot this
place took charge of the remains Sun
day morning and conveyed them to his
undertaking establishment, where
they were prepared for burial.
Mr. and Mrs. Truman Akerly, of Jus
tus, and Mrs. Mary Brown, of WestS
Plttston, ate Thanksgiving dinner at
the home of A. A. Brown, of North
Main street.
Miss Gertrude Snyder, of Nicholson,
spent Sundny with relatives here.
Don't forget to pro to the Methodist
Eolscopal church next Wednesday
evening nnd get an old-fashioned sup
per, like your grandmother used to
serve, for. only 15 cents.
Miss Minnie Capwell and Wnlter
Blddleman, of Dixon, were In town last
Saturday evening en route for home.
Paulowna Rebeknh lodge, I. O. O. F.,
will instal their newly elected ofllcers
for the ensuing term this evening. The
grand master's deputy, Mrs. Frank W.
Kollog, of Sprlngvillc. Pa., will do the
work of Installation.
The Gardner family held their an
nual Thanksgiving dinner this year at
the home of V. R. Gardner. Sixty-two
of the fumlly wore tiresont.
J. W. Wrigley, of Lake Carey, was a
cn'.'er 'net Suni'ti:-.
Editor W. TI. capwell, of the Dallas
Post, made a brief call here last Satur
day. "A HEART AS STURDY as an oak."
If the heart Is to bo sturdy and the
nerves strong, the blood must be rlelf
and pure. Hood's S.irsaparilla make
hearts sturdy because it makes gool
blood. It gives strength and courage.
HOOD'S PILLS are non-Irritating,
mild, effective.
The Women's Missionary society of
tho Methodist Episcopal church will
meet at the homo of Mrs. A. F. Uol
llster this afternoon.
At a, meeting of the Blessed Virgin's
sodality on Friday evening, Miss Mar
garet Loftus was elected reflect,
Misses Ella Dempsey and Mnry Unban",
assistants, and Miss Mnry Brehony,
sachrcsta. A reception will take place,
next Sunday evening. Seveial priests
will be present.
Yesterday afternoon, while Alfred,
tho five-year-old son of Mr. nnd Mrs!
Fred Oren. was playing about tho
kitchen wlih a dog lie backed Into a
bcilor fil of hot water and was badly
scalded irom the neck to tho hips. On
account of hia wearing heavy woolfcn
clothes his condition was woroe. than If
lightly clothed. Dr. Berge Is attending
the Jltt'e fellow, bm at n late hour
last evening he wes not pronounced
out of danger.
Jnipes McFarlane, employed as car
penter at the' Phont colliery, sus
tained a trnctuicd foot on Saturday by
being sirucl; with a falling car wheel.
Mil's Ea Ompbill returned homo
to Scranton yesterday after several
days' visit with Miss Mtib?l HInes.
Hannah, the eight-year-old daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. .Augustus Hcok, is
seilously 111 of tonsllltls.
Robert Donley Is suffering from n
severe attack of quinsy.
L. E. O'Brien, jr., has nccopted a po
sltlon as solicitor for tho Scranton cor
respondence school.
A large delegation of Wsonlseo TrlbJ
of Red Men attended the organization
of a now branch at Plalnsvlilo last
John n. Hayes, state secretary of tho
Emerald Benellcial association, will
address th" membi rs of tho order In
Snrsfield opera houro this evening. Alt
Interested In beneficial work nre In
vited to attend.
Charles Arkinnh was a visitor at
Miner's Mills last evening.
Jeremiah D. Williams, nged fiS years,
died at ills home in Monslc on Sunday
morning after several days' Illness.
Deceased was Uv several yours Justlco
of the peace. He was superintendent
of the Mithodlat Episcopal Congrcgu
tlonal Sunday school always In-ter'-sted
In the welfare of tho town.
The funeral will take place this after
noon. " YD Vn" Vkmzvs BOOK,
Kelief for Women"
yr-pv. BeiityVw.lnrliiln.MalDdtnTelopo. writs
u-.mj lur win imiit,ouiilAI!UIiK I onifu
Ura (tad TmIuhcoUIs or pit. MAKIIX'3
French Femals Pills.
Prnlred Lj thooMinds of utitftal Udloi m
Mf e. olwan reliable end without aji eciual.
fl"? on, top In Blue, Wwte Bndtled. Take no oilier,
breach Orujj Oo3i & tin f carl St., Hew VorKC'tJ.
Used in Millions of Homes!
Accept no substitute !
Insist on LION COFFEE, in 1 lb. pkgs.
mmAM. Mimw mni mi mmm h j mm. ZlML p mmmhwiumj 11 um
These articles mailed JPJ2JS2? in p MCW$:Mm I "tel Clock. Alarm Clock.
exchange for lion heads cut from,
front of i lb. IION COFi?UJ5 pkgs.
Gold Collar Button.
Mailed free for S lion heads cut from Lion
i Coffee wrappers and a 2 -cent stamp. Undo
of rolled cold nnd with mother-of-pearl
use; Fiumrne none ior lauics una eeuiic
men. Thin shape is linn J y aud tiopulur.
Daisy Neck-Pin.
Genuine Hard-Enamel
and Gold.
For 1 8 lion heads and
a 2-ccnt stamn. The
illustration Is only tuo-thinlx actual tlze.
Color a delicate pink, with jewel setting
nml Bold ttimtnlngs. Best enamel finish,
stylbli mid durable.
"The Lion's Bride.
issb. -s5$$ij ""
Mailed free for 12 lion heads cut from
Lion Coffee wrappers and a 2-cent stamp.
An unusually fine picture, from the brush
of the noted German artist, Gabriel Jinx.
It Is founded on Chamlsso's poem, "Tho
Lion's Bride " The story is Interesting,
and we send with each picture a liana
some folder, containing copy of the poem
and telling nil about It. Size, 15x26 Inches.
" Dorothy and Her Friends."
A bright,
cheery picture.
For 8 lion heads
and a 2c. stamp.
A bright, cheery
picture, rcpresent-uRnllttlepirlnlciy-lujr
with her chick
ens and herrabblts.
The predominating
colors are rich reds
nnd greens. Size,
14x28 inches.
Tor 10 Hon heads
and 2-cent Bt&mii we
will mall It tinned,
ready (or hanging.
Every time you buy a pound package of LION COFFEE you have bought
Don't overlook it ! You have bought a certain portion of some
be selected by you from our new Premium Lists 1
shortly appear In this paper
You always know LION COFFEE by the wrapper. It Is a sealed pack
ogc, with the lion's head In front. It Is absolutely pure it the package
Is unbroken. LION COFFEE Is roasted the dav it leaves the factory.
- i
Wall Street Ileview.
New York, Dec. 4. With weakness of
stocks today wan a response to tho world
wldo tightness In money. A marked ef
fect wan piodueed by tho Supremo court
decision In the Addystone pipe case, In
voking un infringement of the anti
trust law by nn Industrial combination.
Strenuous efforts wero made by profes
sional operators to belittle the force of
this decision on the ground that tho party
to tho case was a flagrant illustration of
it trust formation and that the points In
the ciifo could not apply to the general
run of industrial combinations, but tho
acute efftct produced on tho securities
ot theso combinations nrguert nn appro,
henslon on the part of the holders that
their value would be Impaired by the
drclslon. Stocks of the Industrials fell
nnywhero from 1 to over 3 points nnd
showed hut a feeble rail Ins power. To
tal sales. !ft;,700 shnres. lUllrnad bonds
were easier In sympathy with stock'!.
United States 2s, new -Is, nnd lis advanced
V, and the :!s and old 4s coupon i In thu
lild price. Total sties, par vnluc, $1,430,
000. m.'r'u,J'o"0w'n'f iuntatlcns nro furnished
The Tribune by M, S. Jordan & Co.,
rooms VUJ.OO Jlears building. Telephone
Open- IIIkIi- Low- Clos
ing, est. est. Ins,
Am. StKtir irOTi is,-,!, ir,2H 1M
Am. Toh&cco 117 HV, 117 113V,
Atoll., To. & S. Ko .. SI 21 KSi
a., t. & s. p.. t'r .. "i t;s cvu w
Hvook. 11. T k3',4 SRa4i SIU MV,
Con. Tobnrco 414 4B4 40H 4(Vft
Phes. ,t Ohio aili 31 sH sn;
I'cople's Ciaa UHi 11S, HH4 W
C'hie . II. A: Q Uli nUi 1321; V2
St. I'aul 12tj 12514 12354 124
Itock Island 1:it, in H2 U2t:
Delawure & Hurt ...120V. 12'M!. 12.1 12u
15.. L. W ISO lt, JS71, S7W
Louis. & Nash if.', K.V& m 81
jManlmttnn Kle i....10.Vj Wt'k 103 103
Met. Traction Co ...I0P4 lSKU 19? IK!
Mo. racllle ISV-i 4li 47i 4.94
Nur. Pacific I7'4 57'i 531i 53
Nor. Pacific. Pr .... Tr.'f, Wfi 7 7n
Ont. Si Went S5 23i 5" 2.3
Paclfle Mall 48 4Ii"4 47i 1714
Phil. & Head 20'.4 20'i 20 20
Phil. & Head.. Pr .. ri'4 W-'i 5S',1 fsi..
Soul hem It. It 13 i:ih 13 13'C
Southern It. II.. Pr.. SMi f.SU r.7'4 r.7!,
renn., ;. ,: iron ...,111 ill
ill 113 11.1.
V. H. Lenther 12 12 10'4
r. H. l.-nther, Pr... 7fl'i ,m 7sn 7Si
iTnimi Patiiie rd MS noif, r,oi
Vnlon, Pr .... 77',S 77U 7M4' 7iiJI
Vnbash. Pr 2:1 21 22U. 22'
AVest. I'nlnn S74 W4 S7r)i Ii7
Pennn. H. H 135 IKi 13IU 13li
Am. S. & V 41U,i 4!1V 47' ', 4711
Fed. Steel. Pr 62l4 KHi CI (ilt.
Fed. Oteel, Pr 82 e2 SI SI
. Open- lllRli- Low- Clns.
WHEAT. Ins . est. est. Inp.
July i,T4 r,ow csy, oo".
Mcoun W,i w
May ..'..' 32',4 82 32',fc 32U.
Mny .... 23T. MTi 23 2394
Jnnuary 5.22 r,.22 n.17 n.20
Mny 5.10 CIS 5.40 3. tr
Scrnnton Board of Trade Exchnnge
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
BTOCKS. Bid. Asked.
First National Hank h00
SK !'. vrJW3M.
E 4lfilUWi W&kwJ$M?S 1 fr By express, "
I mtirVmilullHuMil9Sl 1 jWAC3r prepaid. Jor tJJ
S 'MzW&tt)) AVilUlWi 1 fiPlfkfl 110 lion JS?
m mWtfflm ll 'VwiMvwrv3 1 djk$5?k heads undo s?k.
..iiii.ii m awi!&vm,TV''iv;i?r7?A !wwe m jwrwitiv f inches mjrf- miu
- r
Stylish Belt-Buckle.
with lioman
finish, and set
with ruby
colored Jewel
in the center.
This will be
welcomed for "drossed-up" occasions by
tho ladles who like to wear different
colored sa?licn. The gold-finish gncs well
with nny of them Cilven for 20 Hon
heads and a 2-cent stamp.
Ladies' A'pron.
Made of good
quality lawn, with
alternate revering
and tucks; broad
hem at bottom, and
is neatly gathered
at waist; a very
superior nnd stylish
nrticlc Size, 3US-I0
Given for 20 lion
Iieadj and a 2-cent
Fruit Picture.
Sl7c, 16x24 inches. Given for 0 Hon
heads and a 2-cent stamp.
- - iiumii
50-Foot Clothes Line.
Given for 15
lion heads and
n 2-cent stamp.
Made of closely
braided cntton
threads, strong, and will eisu. the best of
I Don't miss It I 1 he grandest list of premiums ever
Scranton Savlnprs Bank
Scranton Packlnn Co
Th'rrt National Hank
Idrno Hep. & Dis. Hank
Economy Lisht, H. & P. Co...
Scranton 111.. H. & P. Co ...
Lnckn. Trust & Safe Dep Co.
Scranton Paint Co.
Clark & Snover Co., Com. ...
Clark & Snover Co., Pr.
Scr. Iron Fenco & Mrs. Co. ...
Scranton Axle Works
I.ucka. Dairy Co., Pr
Co. SavhiRs Hank & Trust Co
Standard Drilllnp Co
Scranton Pass. Hallway, first
mortsace, due 1920
People's Street Hallway, first
mortgage, duo 191S
People's Street Hallway, Gen
eral mortsaffe, due 11)21
Dickson Manufacturing Co. ..
l.aeka. Tuwnhlp School 5 ..
City of Scrnnton St. Imp. 6
Mt. Vernon Coal Co
Scranton Axlo Works
Scranton Traction (i bonds..
yx mg&mmiyfr immsmwii, m.m
Wrka acre ajCZHRB stnt by express, prepaid, for 80 Hon heads and
JOT M jjjjjTft roWTY MjP jUWBj asaemAgg
Tift Wwnww
130 ...
123 ...
115 ...
113 ...
115 ...
... 102
... &5
Scranton Wholesalo Market
(Corrected by II. (J. Dale, 27 Lackawanna
Butter-Creamery. 2la23e. ; print, 23c.;
dairy, firkins, 23c; tubs, 23a23e.
Eggs Select western, 17!jc, ; nearby,
state. 20c.
Cheese Full cream, new, 13Uc.
Beans Per bu., choice marrow, J2.30;
medium, S2; pea, 2.
Onions Per bu 43c.
Potatoes Per bu., 43c.
Lemons $3.50c.3.75 per box.
Flour- .D0.
Philadelphia Qra'n nnd Produce.
Philadelphia, Dec. 4. Wheat Uc high,
er; contract grade. December, CSnCJttc.
Corn Steady; No. 2 mixed December, 30
n3C?,c. Outs-Steady; No. 2 white clipped,
31140320.; No. 3 do. do., 30'-a31e. ; No. 2
mixed, do., 30e. potatoes-Kim und high
er; Pennsylvania choice, per bushel. Mi
5Sc. ; Now York nml western do. do., Ma
52c; do. do. fair to Rood do., 43aiSo. But
terSteady; fancvy western crtamery,
27e.; do. print. 2re. Hues-Firm; fresh,
nearby, 2le. ; do, western. 23c. ; do. south
western, 22c; do. southern, V. Cheese -Firm.
Hellned Sugars I 'i.c hanged. Col
ton Sternly. Tallow Quiet; eltv prime,
In hogsheads, 45-ui?ie. ; country 'do., bar
rels, 4u5e. ; durk, 4Vit,ir.; cakes. 5'c. ;
grease, 3a4Uc Live Poultry Finn, lair
demand; fowls, 'JulOc ; old roosters, G',in7c;
spring chle.vkens, M&n9c.: ducks, Statue.;
geete, 9al0e. ; turkeys, DalOc Dressed
l'oultry Steady; fowls, choice, lOalOifC. ;
do. fair to good. 9a0l:c ; old roosters, 7c;
chlckons, nearby, 10al3c. as to qualltyi
western do., large, lie; exceptional lots,
12c; medium do., Jinluc.j small do., 7aSc;
turkoys, choice to fancy, lOallc; do.
fair to good, Sa9e. ; Inferior do., a7c;
ducks nnd geese, 7n9c. Hecelpts-Flour.
4,000'J barrels and 2::.hi0 sacks; wheat. 41,
000 bushels; corn. isr,,000 hushels; oats 20,
000 husheds. Slilpmcnts Wheat, 5.500
bushels; corn, 21.000 buMiels; oats, 20,000
NtwYorfcOrntn nnd ?roattca
New York. Dec 4.-F!our-Mnrket wu
nt llrst dull nnd heavy, but on the lute
option In wheat buyer appeared ready
to pay old asking pricts, ntnl u fair buil
nuss trunsplred: winter patents, $.l.55a
3.5; winter ktraighls, 3.30i,3.l3; Minne
sota, imteits. f3.75n4 Minnesota bakers,
$2.MU:M0; wli.ter extjns, J2Sa3; winter
low Kimlos. J2.23n2.40. Wlnut-Spot firm
er; No. 2 red, TSiiTSHc. ullont; No. 1 Du.
luth, 1 1 lie. afloat to nrrlvo (prompt); No,
,.'lu,, vuiuvii, ,a-v. I, u. IJ. llllQUt; iNO, , I
ila.lvie. elevator; cptlens opened steady
Best Coffee for the Money!
Tty LION COFFEE and you will never use
any other. It is absolutely pure
Coffee and nothing but Coffee.
fl Box of Colored Crayons. J Ladies' Scissors.
For 10 lion heads
and o 2c. stamp.
Tine wax crayons,
fifteen different
colors, a e c o m
pauicd with out
line pictures for
coloring. Each
crayon Tsvrrnppcd
to prevent break
ing. Child's Drawing Book.
A collection
ol nice outline
pictures bound
Into book form
with sheets of
tissue paper be
tweeu tho
leaves. On theso
tissue pnges tho
children enn
a ' lywaMftJ.
trace tho pictures beneath, thus aOordlns
enjoyment, as well ns instruction to tho
hnr.d nnd eye. These drawing books and
the Ikix of crayons, go very well together.
There are six different kinds, and each
drawing book requires 6 lion heads and a
2-cent stamp.
Naval Box Kite.
See it Fly I
The cele
brated llOZ
kite now so
Thirty Inches
long and
comes safely
folded, but
can quickly
tic spread to
ily. Every
American boy
wants one,
and older
rcrsons also
ure interested
flailed free for 40 lion heads cut from
Lion Coffee wrappers und a 2-cent stomp.
list will
offered I
.A.ic'HJ lKfp
When wrltlnir for premiums send your letter In the same envelope or
package with the Hon heads. If more than 1 5 Hon heads are sent, you can
save postage by trimming down the margin. Ask your grocer for large
Illustrated premium list. Address all letters to the
W&&LS&H SPIGE CO., Yvtetio, Ohio.
at '. advance oxer Saturday's curb
cluse and were subsequently strengthened
by a decrease In visible supply figures
where it liberal Increase was looked for,
shorts fuiTlshing the chief demand; the
lite afternoon market was active at top
point of tho day; closed 'aic. net higher;
Jenuary closed 72Ve.; March closed 71Hc;
May closed 74c; July closed 74VjC. ; De
cember closed 71V1C. Corn Spot steady;
No. 2, !0c, f. o. b. iitloat; te'ic, elevator;
options market opened steady and un
changed but later improved, closed steady
nt ',iaHc net advance; May closed 30',4c. ;
December closed 3Mtc. Oats Spot dull;
No. 2. 29!4a30c; No. 3, 29c; No. 2 white,
31c; No. 3 white, 30c; track mixed west
ern. 201-310.: track white, 3.'i3le. ; options
neglected but steadv. Butter Steady ;
western creamery, 23a27c. ; do. factory,
5t,ia2iic. ; June creamery, 22a25c; imita
tion creamery. 17a23c. : state dairy. lSa2oe.
do. crcamerv, 23a27c. Cheese Firm,
small September, 12hal3e. ; finest October,
12lial2ViC.; large fancy September, 12',a
12aic; large October, finest, HalF-ie.
Eggs Iriegular; western, ungraded at
mark, 14a20c
Chicago Grain nnd Produce.
Chicago, Dec. 4. Though wheat was
ensy early, the market later turned firm
on n bulssh December crop report, a de
crease In the visible and moderate re
ceipts, closing strong; May c over Sat
urday at OaCO'tC. Corn und oats closed
unchanged. Provisions sustained by a
good demand, llnht holding supply and r.
predicted sliortago In products, closed
2',$a3c. higher. Cash quotations were 11 r
follows: Flour Easy; No. 3 spring
wheat. C0aC3c: No. 2 red. 65'4nG7e.; No. 2
corn, 3Sc; No. 2 yellow, 30iu30Ue. ; No. 2
oats. 22ia23c. ; No. 2 while, 23Hc; No, 3
white. 21''U23c: No. 2 rye. 53c; No. 2 bar
ley, 3Sal""c. ; No. 1 flax seed and north
west. $1.39; prime tlrr.othv. 2 50; mess
pork, i7.75un.fw; lard. $4S5a5.17V: short
ribs, $4.90a5.20; dry salted shoulders, Mia
r.'jc. ; clear sides. 510a3.S0; whiskey,
$1.23fc; sugars, unchanged.
Chicntjro L-Ivo Stock Mnrkef?.
Chicago, Dec 4. Cattle ChMeo to ex
tra strong; Inferior to gond steers, 10al5c
lower; cow market asy; ennnors steady;
feedem, (ulet; good to choice. J3.30a7.40;
poor to medium, Jl.25a5.25; mixed stoek
ers, $3a3.70; selected feededs, $lal.50; good
to tliolcc cows. $3.40al.l0; heifers. 3.13a
5.40; canners, $l5a3; bulls. $2.40a4.23;
calves, $4a7: fed Texas beeves, $l3Ua5 50;
grass Texas steers, $3.25nl25; western
range beeves, $lu5.2.3. Hogs Active, SnlOo.
higher; closed weak; few left; mixed nnd
butchers. $3.S5n1.10; good to choleo heav,
S3.!Wa4.10; roughs. 3.73t3.S5; light. 3.30a
4.03; bulk of sales. tVMnl. Siu'e O00J
to choice sheep and lambs, llrm. nctlvo;
others steady to weak; native wethers. U
n4.75; lambs, Sl.10.i5.55; western wethers,
S1.25a4.53; western lambs, 3u3.50. Hecelpts
Cattle. 19.500 head; hogs, 3:1,000 head;
sheep, 20,000 head.
East Liberty Cattle Market.
East Liberty. Dec. 4. Cattle Active nnd
higher; extra, f0.i0 25; pi lino. $3.i6.ui.l5;
common. 3a3.C0. Hogs Active; prime
mediums and prime heavies, il.l3n4.20,
best Yorkers, $U5; p(gs nnd light York
eis. $l.lCnl.l5; roughs, $2.73a3.M. Shoep
Active und higher' choice wethers. Jl 30a
4.00; common, $2.i2.50; choiru lambs, 3.30
u3.50; ccn-inoij to good. $3.50a3.2j; veal
calves, $7u7 30.
New York Live Stock.
New York. Dec I, Beeves Slow but
steady; about ull Hold; steers, I.Wu0.40;
good to choice oxen, $l.5uu5: bull, $2.50n
3.fc7',4; export do., J1.C0; cows. J1.S0b1.28.
Cnlves Market 2550c. lower, closing dull;
car of souUiun calvea unaaldj veals, J5a
length, five inches, suitable for cutting,
trimming nnd general household use.
Given for 12 lion heads and a 2c. stamp.
Given for 35 Hon heads and a 2-cent
stamp. A first-class razor, made of best
English steel, and extra hollow-ground.
Rubber Dressing Comb.
For 10 Hon heads nnd a 2-ccnt stamp.
Length, 7 inches, full size and weight.
Made of genuine India rubber, finely
finished. Appropriate for a Indies' dressing-case
or for use in the household.
Game "India."
Similar to 'Tar
chesl," which has
been played In east
ern countries slnco
before the dawn of
history. The illus
tration shows plan
of tho game, with
usual coiinters.dlce
and dire-cups ac
companying It. A
came which reonlo
never tire of playing. Olven for 20 Hon
heads and a 2-ccnt stamp.
something else, too.
article to
Six Per Cent. Intereit I paid seml-nnnti-I
ally to Investors In "Th- lepew,sy.-iilente"
ioiiuiuou ts from frlOU to$10,OOa SAFE,
COM H IISM", riti it'll Alii, r...
J.T. McCoilom, Attorney
To PfiTEHT Good Idsai
may be secured by
our aid. Address,
Baltimore, Md
8.50; tops, $S.62'sr9; grassers, $2.62Vta3.S0
few choice, $3.33. yearlings, $2.50a3; south
eru calves, J3.25a3.fi0; westerns. J3a5.
Sheep and I.ambs-Hocclpts, 12,372 headi
forty-nlno curs on sale; opened siow,
closed firm and alt sold; i-heep, $2.50al.C0j
culls. Jl.73a2.25: iambs, JI.75a5.B0; Canadl
lumlw. mils. Jlu4.50. Hogs
Higher nt J1.23a4.40.
Oil Market.
Oil City. Dee. I.-Credlt balances, $1,611
certificates opened 1.4 bid; closed J1.041I
bhl; cash sales. 3 cash. Jl.filtt; 2 cash,
J1.C4; shipments, 109,139 barrels; average,
07,743 bands; runs, 120,331 barrels; nvet
nge, 70,071 barrels.
APOPLEXY.-Dr. Agnew's Cure or th
Heart Is equally effective in apoplectic
sypmtoms. If you have unplensant diz
ziness, lightness or sudden rush of blood
to the head, toko precautions against 11
recurrence. This great remedy will re
move the cause. The press of the land
has daily n long list of sudden deaths
which would not be chronicled if Dr.
Agnew's Cure for tho Heart were used.
Sold by Matthews Bros, and W. T. Ciarlc
Special to The Scranton Tribune.
Honesdale, Dec. 4. Rev. J. B. Sum
ner. of Blnghamton, has been spend
ing a few days with his daughters, Mrs.
A, C. Tolley and Mrs. Thomas Cross
ley. The funeral services of Robert Brady,
the llttlo boy who met his death from
the accidental discharge of a revolver
in tho hands of his brother, on Friday
last, wero held nt the family residence
this afternoon and were largely at
tended, Hew James P. Ware, of Graca
church, olllclatlng. The parents are,
Brief-stricken over the accident. Hob
ert was a bright boy, und a member ot
the Philharmonic orchestra.
The December term of common pleas
court Is being held this week.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho