tH&f4'f " THE SCRANTON TmBUNJ-SATUlUDAY, DECEIUBEIl 2, 1899. 35 Worn Out? try rrrrji try IMARlANI WlNc) WORM) FAMOUS TON 10. Murlanl Wine Is a tonic prepared upon 1 1 illy scientific prlt.clples, It Is safe and tietnllclal ni well ns agreeable, .Mnrlnnt Wine linn more than 6.000 writ ten Indorsements from leading physicians In nil ports of the world. Jliirlmil Winn gives power to the brain, sltength nnd rlaHlclty to the muscles ami llchness to tho blood. It Is n promoter of good health nntl longevity. Makes tho old you i g; keeps the young otronB. Marlnnl Wine Is specially recommend ed for General Detilllty. Overwork, Weak ness from whatever caused. Profound Depression and Exl-nitstlon. Throat and Lung Discuses, La Grippe, Consumpilon mid Malaria. It Is a diffusible tonle for the. pntlro system. Marlanl 'Wine Is Invaluable for over worked nun, delicate women and sickly children It Mlmulates, strengthens and sustains Hie system anil braces holy nnil brain. It combnts Malaria and La Grippe. May be used effectively In form of a hot grog Fold by all druggists. liewnre of Imita tions. Mnrlanl & Co., 52 W. 15th St.. New York, publish a handsome hook of en dorsements , of Emperors. Empress, Prln ness, Cardinals, Archbishops and other distinguished personages. It Is sent gratis and postpaid to all who write for It. JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. Council Meolng Councilman Moon Objects to r.iylnf Interest on Ar tesian Water Bonds Mr. and Mrs. Stocker Serenaded by the Glee Club. Other Newsy Items. The botouglt council held their monthly Hireling last evening. Super intendent flolihnrdt was present and nsked to hnve in are light placed near the powder mill. The matter has been befoie the council for several months past, but for some unknown reason It fins remained In abeyence. Before tho rouhcll had time to leply to Mr. Geb hardt's request last evening he made n. proposition to the council, stating that it council would use twenty-three me lights the company would furnich them for $72.50 per light per year. If llioy would take twenty-five lights the company would reduce the chaige to $70 per year. At present the borough has but eighteen lights; to get the re duction of J2.50 per light It was there fore necessary to use five more lights, but this council refused, but decided to put in three more lights, one at tho powder mill, one on tho east side and another near Second and Division strcts. The delay In repairing the bridge spanning the river was explained bv the committee through want of oak plunk. A communication from the Peck Lumber company, from whim the was ordered, was lead, in which the delay was explained. J. W. Grant, on behalf of the people of the South End, asked for a cross walk at tho corner of L street from Nieholson's to Maynard's. Councilman Edmunds ob jected to the expense, but Councilman Nicholson came In lust them iml was able to put In a few good words for the cross walk. A motion to have the committee lav the walk letmltluir In a tie vote, the yens and nays were called, the result bring live lor the laying of the walk and two Stanton and Edmunds- -against William Harvy, of North Main stivrt, was granted per mission t" lay u cross walk subject to the supervision of the street commit tee Swlck made suni" Inquiries re garding the wheieabonts .if some Iron rails belonging to the borough, which resulted In accounting for a portion of them which were loaned to one of tlii business men of the town. Councilman Moon desired to eiiW h's protest against the paying nt any more coupons from the bonif issued to pay for the arleMan well. While be believed the t eopl who had loaned th" monev should be paid both prin ciple and interest h- reminded the council of the Injunction Issued by tip (ourt restraining council from paying out any money on the artesian well was still in force, and any money, therefore, paid wax Illegal. While the matter dropped without further dis cussion. It may be mentioned the- bor ough has their. attorney at work, who l;i trying to get the Injunction so modi lied that the money borrowed and bills yet outstanding may bo paid. A num ber of hills were read, and with the exception of one from the Peck Lum b?r company, W. S. Hndgen and Mar tin McAndrew, were ordered paid. These wer" laid over for further action. Mr und Mrs. .1. 1). Stocker, who re turned from their wedding trip u. few iver.ings ago. wen: serenaded Thurs day evening by the Glee club, who. afer singing some selections, were In lted Inside, where they had tho pleas ure of an introduction to the charming young bride. The serenaders wer'1 treated with much hospitality and be foie leaving expressed their good wishes to their host and hostess. The work of narrowing the street car track is being rapidly pushed, ami when the workmen linlshed their day's work yesterdiy, the track hud been narrowed as far us Cemetery street ci rner where passengeis were trans ferred. If favored by fair weather to dav the work through this borough will probably be accomplished. Mr and Mrs. c. M, Hnrnurd. of Pecktillo. were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. 1. S. Graves, of Main street, on Thanksgiving day. Row Dunnett. the noted evangelist, with the two singers who uccompany him, who have been holding revival meetings In Carbondale, have been en gaged to assist in the special meetings to be held In the Methodist Episcopal i-liurch. They will probably come some time next week. William Trotter, who Joined the reg. ular cavalry some time ago. nnd who lias lately been stationed at Camp Meade, Is home. Mrs, Francis Gendall, of Taylor, was n visitor here yesterday. Mrs. Hadger nnd son, Preston, of Cemetery street, returned last evening from New York state, whete they spent Thanksgiving with relatives. "GRASP ALL and lose all." Many arc so Intent on "grasping all" that they lose their health. Hood'a Sar eaparllla has helped many n business inan on the road to succeg by making nnd keeping him healthy. HOOD'S PILLS are gentle, yet ef fectlve. 25. cents. PEOKVILI.E. The live pigeon shoot held by James Johns on Thanksgiving day attracted a large crowd. The result wos us fol lows. Six birds wore shot ut: Johns, 1; Doiice, 5; Shone, 4; Edwards, 3; Davis, G; Williams, 2; Conwell, 2J Tad den, 4: Howell, Gj rieese, 5. Services In tho Presbyterian church Sunday lit 10.30 n, m, nnd 7 p. m. Ser mon for children and ndullB In tho morning. Evening Biibject, "Saving the Lost." All welcome, Itcv. S. II. Moon, D. D pastor. I'cckvllle Baptist church Itcv. ,T. P. Thomas, pastor, Services tomorrow at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. in. Evening sub ject, "A Prophet's Vision of Cod's Love." Let all bring "Sacred Songs." The Baptist bazaar, which continued four nights, proved to bo a splendid success. Those who worked so hard feel rewarded for their labor nnd wish to tender hearty thanks to nil who so generously patronized the bazaar. TAYLOR NEWS. Funeral of Mrs. Joseph Hall Occurred from Her Iat Home Yesterday. Willing Workors' Fair and Supper. Religious nnd Personal Notes. The funeral of the latu Mrs. Joseph Hall, n much respected resident of this place, occurred from her late home on Union street yesterday nfternoon ut 2.30 o'clock. Services were held In the Methodist Episcopal church by the pas tor. Itov. Francis Gendall, who preached a very Impressive serm in In which Ip spoke feelingly of the deceased. Th church choir rendered several excel lent anthems during the procession. The service was largely attended with sorrowing friends nnd relatives. At the close of the serVlce the remains weie conveyed to their last resting place In the Presbyterian cemetery for burial. The pall-bearers were Messrs. Isaac Stone, Samuel Parker, Thomas Samuels, John Parker, Char les Mastern and David Heecham. Lackawanna lodge, No. IS, American Ladles' Protestant association, attend ed the funeral. Services at the Calvary Baptist church tomorrow as usual, Pastor Rev. H. H. Harris officiating. At the M. E. chur'h tomorrow Pas tor Rev. F. Gendall will preach, as usual. Extensive preparations aie. being made by the committee In charge of the grand fair and supper of the Will ing Workers' society of the M. E. church to be held In Weber's rink on Dec. 7, S and 9. Mnny useful nnd cost ly articles will be on exhibition and for sale during the progress of the events. An entertainment will be given each evening. Mr. Klthltuin Edwards, of Olyphant. was the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mis. David J. Edwards, of Main street, on Thanksgiving. Tomorrow evening the congregation' of the Welsh Baptist church will de cide at their meeting who shall be come their pastor. There are two can didates to be balloted for. All mem bers of the congregation an: requested to bo present. Mr. Harry Watkins. of Philadelphia, is visiting at the home of Dr. J. h. Porteus, of Main street. Miss Anne Jenkins, of PIttston, was the guest of relatives here yesterday. The Archbald colliery of the Lacka wanna company was compelled to sus pend operations yesterday owing to f cave in the mines. Rev. L. It. Foster will occupy the pulpit of the Presbyterian church to morrow at the usual hours. Sunday school Immediately after morning ser vice. The borough council has decided to erect three more arc lights on our prin cipal streets. They will be placed on the following streets: One at the corn er of Main and Oak streets, one on Pond street anil one on Grove street. Taylor lodge. No.fifiS. i.O. O. F., will meet this evening in their hall on Main street. Mr. M. C. Judge, of South Scranton, was a Caller on friends here on Thurs day. Mrs. Robert lnglls. of Yatesvllle. has been the guest of her parents, M. and Mrs. Harry T. Davis, of Main street, the forepart of the week. Mrs. Thomas Howells and daughter, Miss Ella, of South Taylor, were the guest of her daughter, Mrs. W. M. Evans, of Jackson street, on Thursday evening. Used by British Soldiers in Africa. Captain C. G. Dennlson is well known all over Africa as commander of the forces that captured the famous rebel Gallshe. Under date of November 4, 18997, from Vryburg, Rcchunnland, he writes : "Before starting on the last campaign I bought a quantity of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy, which I used myself when troubled with bowel complaint, and have glven to my men, and in every case It proved most beneficial." For sale by all druggists, Matthew liros., wholesale und retail agts. OLYPHANT. Miss Sarah L. Ward and Omc W. Williams were wedded Thursday even ing at. fi o'clock at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Ward, of Elakely. In the pres ence of a large company of relatives nnd friends. The biidnl pany entered the parlor In unison with Mendel ssohn's wedding march, played by Miss Carrie A. Kenyon. and took their places under an arch of evergreens and carnations, where they were met by Rev. J. It. Kills, pastor of the Blakely Baptist church, who performed the ceremony. The biids was attended by Miss Mauc' Williams a sister of the groom, und Arthur Wnitl. a brother of the bride, acted as groomsman. Tho ushers were John Esgleston and Fred erick White. The bride wore a very handsome gown of cream silk with pearl trimmings, and cnrrlcd a bouquet of roses. Her maid was attired !n white organdie over lemon silk and carried yellow chryanthemums. Tho groom and best man wore the conven tional black. After congratulations nnd best wishes for marital happiness nnd been offered, the company sat down to a sumptous wedding supper and en Joyed a plc-nsnnt reception for several hours. They wero remembered with many beautiful und cos.tly resents. After u short wedding trip Mr. and jiiiiiiiMimiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiL: iBEECHMSt PILLS ISranll PUla for IUg Ills Wco I INDIGESTION I I CONSTIPATION I ! BILIOUSNESS j I to cents and 25 cents Druggists, SlIllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIHUIIMIIIIIIIR Mrs. Williams will resldo in a newly furnished house on Flist street. Illake ley. Tho guests present were: 'Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Evans, Mrs.. William Nash, MIjb Jennie Nash, Plttstonj Frank Williams, Wllkes-llarrej Rev. J. U. Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Will Inms, Mr. and Mrs. 15. M. Ward, Mr. and Mrs., George Williams, Mr, and Mrs. Prosser, Mr. nnd Mrs. T. U Will lams, Mr. and Mrs. D. a. Jonos, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Hull, Mr. nnd Mis. Joseph Delvnn, Cr.rbondnlc: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith, Jermyn: Mrs. John Itecs, Frederick Rres, Lillian nnd Olive Hoes, Peckvllle; Mr, and Mrs. William Itecs. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Smith, Peter Smith. Jr.. Misses Mar garet Jones, Marv Samuel, Helen Smith, W. M. Murphy, William Mur phy, Scranton; Mr. aid Airs, A. 15. Robinson, Green Uldge: Mr. nnd Mrs. U. Meslnger. Miss M. A. P.nven, Peck vllle: Mr. nnd Mr. Z. IV Edwards. Mr. nnd Mrs. George Barwlg, Mr. and Mm. John linnet, Mr. and Mis. R. W. Taylor. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Morgan, Mr. and Mrs Edward Mills, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Priest, Mrs. William Pelsh, William Steed, Mrs. Jacob Jenkins, Mrs. William Gilbert, Mrs. Jane Davis. Misses Mary Morgan, Tlllle Davis. Net tle Steed, Emily Steed, Victoria Frew. Lucrotln Gilbert, Bertha William". Jennie Ward, Martha. Ward. Annlo Priest, Agnes Priest, Messrs. William White. Albert Priest. .1 times; Symons, John Davis, Roger Wood, Ueorg3 Mor gan, Fred Ward, Alfred W nrd, Robert Williams, Gilbert Williams, Roy Will iams nnd Willie Priest. Mlsn Jennie Patten is visiting friends at Wilkes-llarre. Leo, the oldest child of Mr. and Mrs Michael Nealon. died Thursday night of diphtheria. He was four years and six month1! old and was an Intelligent and promising little one. This is tho second child Mr. nnd Mrs. Nealon have, lost in one week and they have tho sympathy of the community In their sad nllllctlon. The funeral will take place this afternoon at 3 o'clock. In terment will be made In St. Patrick's cemetery. Mrs. Harry Clnpplson and children left yesterday for Detiolt. Mich., to spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Harndcn re turned home yesterday after spending Thanksgiving with relatives at Car bondale. Lawrence Bousteln Is visiting his home In PIttston. MOSCOW. The following programme was en Joyed by all who attended the Thanks giving exercises given by the pupils of the Moscow graded school Wednesday afternoon: Singing, "America," school, address, "Origin of Thanksgiving." Helena Holllster: "Thanksgiving Day," Mollle Eshlemnn: violin solo, Oiin Tra vis: oration, Harlaud Gould: "At "Thanksgiving Time," Lou Travis; song, school: "Thanksgiving," Lena Sayre; oration. John Campbell, "The First Thanksgiving," Mabel Chubb; "Our Thanksgiving," Howard Yeager; solo, "Somewhere," Mamie. Bortree; "A Welcome Holiday," Laura Chubb: oration, George De Witt; "Driving Home the Cows," Homer Balsley: violin solo. Fred D Pew; "Thanksgiving," Angelica 1,'Amor eaux: oration, Joseph Havenstrite; solo, "The Caroline Hills," Cordle Pyle; "Harvest Hymn," Edna Malone; "De scriptive," live pupils; sung, school, "A Joyous Day." Clair Poltori: "Star Spangled Banner," school. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hnyden, of Moo slc. spent Thanksgiving with tho for mer's sister, Mrs. W. A. De Pew. The Woman's Relief corps will hold a meeting for the election of otllcers on Wednesday, ..Joe. 0. All members are requested to be piesent. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Turner, of New York, and Mr. Charlie Pyle, of Scran ton, spent Thanksgiving with the Misses Sue and Cordle Pyle. Herman Ehrhardt, of Scranton, spent Thanksgiving with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ehrhardt. Miss Learn, of Stroudsburg, who has been visiting Miss Inn De Pew, re turned home yesterday. The Thanksgiving dinner given by the Ladies' Aid society In the I. O. O. F. hall was well patronized. In the evening an entertainment was given. A very interesting entertainment pro gramme had been prepared and was well carried out by those who tool: part. Dr. H. O." Errluson, of South Dakota, formerly op this place, visited friends here recently. Dr. A. P. Gardner, who bus, been 111 at his home for some time, died ut his home Thursday evening. The funeral will be held In the Presbyterian church at Elmhurst Sunday. DALTON. Mr. mid Mrs. Perkins, of Scranton, were the guests of their daughter, Mrs. William Brown, Thanksgiving. The cantata of "Phyllis." which Is being rehearsed under the direction of ' Dr. Gillman, is expected to be given in the Baptist church Tuesday and Wed nesday evenings of next week. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Ives and little Louise, spent Thanksgiving with rela tlces In Wyoming. Mr. C. B. Hanyon. Mrs. itnllln Charle.s and Mrs. Charles Smith wit nessed the Cornell-University of Penn sylvania game In Philadelphia Thurs day. Daltou celebrated Thanksgiving In a good old-fashioned way this year, there being three family reunions In town that day, one nt Mr. Haslcm's, another nt Mr. Whitman's nnd the third at Mr. Wllmer Tllllnghast's. The morning service was remarkably well attended also, as was the prayer and praise ser vice In the evening. The public school celebruted with ap propriate exercises Wednesday after noon, a very good exercise being ren dered. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to euro deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is caut-ed by un Inllamcd erudition of tho mucous lining or the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is Inllamcd you have a. rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It Is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, nnd unless tho Inflammation can ho taken out nnd this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will bo destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten mil caused ly Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucoun mrfaccs. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafnees (caused by catarrh) that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists. 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. For Infants nnd Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of &&&&&&. The People's Exchange. AI'OPULAK CLEAIUNG HOUSE for the ncnstlt ot All Wlto Have notifies tt Kent, Heal lvsttitc or Other Property to Sell or KxchniiRL, or Who Want Situations or Help These Snmll Advertisements Cost One Cent a Word, Six Insertions for Vivo Cents n Word Except Situation Wuntcd. Which Arc In sorted Free. FOR RENT IF YOtT WANT TO RENT HOUSES see Hackett. Price building. IF YOU WANT TO RENT BARNS SEE Hackett, Price bullJIng. IF YOl' WANT TO RENT STORES SEE Hackett, Prlco building. IF YOt' WANT TO RENT FLATS SEE Hackett. Price building. If YOtT WANT A F 1 1 1 INIHIIED HOUSE see Hackett. Price building. HACKETT, BUYS. SELLS. RENTS. 1N sures property, collects runts; loans money. FOR llHNT-FOl'R ROOMS WITH OR without barn, 3C(i N. Unitlcld uvenue, city. I1S-FOUH DESIRABLY LOCATED, unfurnished rooms, with range, sink, nnd use of laundry. Hackett, Prlco building. FOR RENT-'PLEASA.VT FRONT roems modern; conveniences. 433 Wy oming avenue. FOR. RENT-FOUR HOOMs"wiTII OR without barn, 3,0 N. Garfield avenue, city. FOR SALE HACKETT, BUYS, SELLS, RENTS. 1N sures property, collects rents; loans money. SEVERAL LINES BCSINESS-KSTAB-llshed and paying sco Hackett, Price building. RESIDENCES AND BUSINESS PROP erty, all parts city. Huckeit, Prion building. GOOD MILK WAGON FOR cheap. 116 Meridian street. SALE, REAL ESTATE. BARGAINS IN DOUBLE HOUSES. Hackett, Price building. BARGAINS IN SINGLE Hackett, Price building. HOUSES. BARGAINS IN ties. Hnckett, BUSINESS PROPER Prlco building. BARGAINS IN LOTS. Price bulldliis. city. HACKETT, HACKETT. BUYS, SELLS. RENTS, 1N sures property, collects rents; loans money. HACKETT HAS PROPERTY sale, netting over S per cent. FOR WANTED-TOJRENT. WANTED-FURNISIIED ROOm' SU1T fible for gentleman and wife; central ly located. Address. X, Y, C, Tribune. FOR RENT-A FURNISHED FRONT room with or without board. 418 North Seventh street BOARDING. BOARDING 525 PINE STREET. BO A RD WANTED. WANTED - YOUNG MAN WANTS board In private family; Hill pre ferred. A. C. W. SAVED FROM BANKRUPTCY A Large Wholesaler of Clothing Al most Gone The New York and Philadelphia Consignment Co., of 428 Lackawanna Avenue, Near the 4-Cent Store, Comes to Their Res cuePurchases the Entire Stock and Saves the Firm Stock Will Be Retailed to Turn It Into Cash ns Soon as Possible. Necessity knew no law when this large wholesale house was forced to save an honorable name In preference of going Into bankruptcy. They sold their entire stock ut 40 cents on the dollar from manufacturers' cost to the New York and Philadelphia Consign ment company, of 42S Lackawanna avenue, near the 4c. Store, Scranton, The stock has been shipped to our dif ferent stores. The Scranton store has Its shure and all will be again retailed to raise the ready cash. The stock Is now all arranged and the great sale will go on until this Is all converted into cash. Knee Pants, all sizes, only two pair to a customer none sold to children per pair. 8c. 1.93 buys Men's Good Serviceable Suits, cost tD.eo to manu factureSale price, $1.9.. 3.7.' buys Men's Cheviot Suits, all shades, cost $7.00 to manufacture Sale price, $4.7I, S.i.00 buys Men's All-Wool Suits (Nobby Styles) cost $9.00 to manufac tureSale mice, $3.v0. Men's Driving Ulsters from $2 to $7.50. Men's All Wool Pants. $1.49. worth $4..r0. Import ed Cnrr's Melton, all silk-lined, $0.93, worth $20. Boys' Harris Cnsslmere Suits, $2.93, worth $12. Boys' Sawyers' Casslmere Suits, $3.00, worth $10. Young Men's Cheviot Suits, $3.U3, worth $12. Nobby Youths' Suits, Imported, $4.65, worth $13. Elegant Irish Frieze Overcoats, $C.93, worth $22. Children's Elegant Scotch All-Wool Suits, $1.95, worth $5. Men's Elegant Dress Suits, $7.50. worth from $1S to $22. Men's Ele gant Pilot Dress Beaver Overcoats, black, blue and brown, $G,75, worth $16. Cutnways, silk-lined, $7.95, worth from $20 to $30. Children's Finest Dress Suits, $2.05, worth from $5 to $9. Ele gant Suits, $2.93. Silk Suspenders, 10c. worth 73c. Overalls, 37c. Hats, 69c, worth $3.50. Silk umbrellas, 49c, worth $3. Neckties, J5c, worth 25c. Hand kerchiefs, 3c, worth 25c Socks, 4c. worth 13c. All kinds of Gloves for less than one-third value. Blue Flannel Orershlrts, 39c, worth $1.50. Beware of Imposters! Keep your eye on tho number and place! And be sure you are at tho right place, as we are In dead earnest about giving you goods at less than half cost. Comn yourself, and tell nil your friends. Rules and Regulations for This Sale Hule No. 1 No one will be allowed In the store before 7 a. m. and after 9 p. in. Store open Saturdays until 11 p. in. Rule No. 2 No special discount will be given to merchants or storekeepers. Rule No. 3 All clerks are requested to exchange goods. Pleaso report any Inattention of clerks to our cashier. New York and Philadelphia Consign ment company, 428 Lackawanna ave nue, between Washington and Wyom ing avenues, a few doors from 4c. Store, Scranton. Pa. Cressinger Respited. Harrlshurg, Dec, 1. Governor Stone to. day respited Edwurd Cressliufer. from WANTED. PURCHASER FOR A GOOD PAYING business. Beo llnckctt, Prlco Bldg. IF YOU HAVE MONEY cent., see Hackett. AT G PER AGENTS WANTED. BALESMEN-1F YOU WANT TO MAKE $1,500 a year work for us. Our leather suspenders sell themselves; cannot wear out; nttracttvo assortment; exclusive ter ritory: samples free conditionally. J. H. Berry Mfg. Co., A DM Cincinnati, O. GVERNHINT POSITl ONSDoTrr prepare for nnv civil service or cen sus examination without seeing our cata logue of Infoini.ttlon. Sent free. Co lumbian Correspondence College, Wash ington, u. ,u WANTED-IIONEST MAN OR WOMAN to travel for largo house. Salary J6 monthly und expenses, with Increase. Position permanent. Enclose sclf-nd-dressed stamped envelope. Manager, 312 Cnxton building, Chicago. WANTED-A FIRST CLASS SAUSAGE maker. Apply at Scranton Packing Co., 70C to 712 Wyoming avenue. ENERGETIC SALESMAN - COUNTRY work. School i,upplles. Salary $100 and extras. R. O. Evans A Co., Chi cago, HI. A LIVE AGENT FOR SCRANTON FOR a sick nnd accident company that is endorsed by the entire police and Are de partments of Philadelphia. Address at oncf, E. W. Goodrich, Jermyn hotel. WANTED-BY AN ESTABLISHED business of a high order, n representa tive of ability and backing who can take up Its work In the state of Pennsylvania; no scheme; petmunent business with money In It for the right party. Address, giving references. FOUNTAIN BATH BRUSH CO., Grand Rapids, Mich. HELP WANTED-FEMALE WOMAN TO CLEAN "OFFICE ; 6NCEA week. Wnneii-Ehret Company, 1121 Washington nvei.ue. LEGAL. SHERIFF'S SALE-M1HA BURGE, ET in., vs. Martha Brown et nl. In tin court of uinmun Pleas ol' Lackawanna county. No. NX January Term, Hi')1!. Ac tion In Partition. By virtue of an older of the court of Common Pleas of Lackuwanna county to mo directed, In the above entitled case there will be exposed to public sulo by public vendue or outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash at the arbitra tion room in the court house, Scranton, Lackuwunna county, Pa., on Saturday, the 23d day of December, A. D., 1S39, at 10 o'clock a. in , all the right, title and Interest of MIra Bulge, widow of Will lam H. Burge, deceased; Elizabeth Burse, widow of Joseph Burge, deceased; Mary liurge, Elizabeth l.owrle, James Masters, guardian of Joseph Russell Burge, Mary Jane Trebelcock, Sallna Hurse Nicholas, Martha Brown, John Hodge, surviving husband of Kllzubuth Burgu Hodge; John Hedge, Elisbu Hodge, Charles Bodge, Joseph Hodge, Henry Hodge. George Hodge, Mary Hodge, Bes sie Hodge, and James E. Watkins, guar dian ot Josephine HodRe, In and to all that certain lot. piece or parcel of land situate In the borough of Taylor, county of Lackawanna and state of Pennsylva nia, described ns follows: Being Lot No. 19, situate on Main street, and beirs rectangular In shape, tblrty-nlno (SV) feet In front and one hundred and fifty (150) feet in depth, all of which will fully ap pear by reference to Plot No. 1 of lands nt Taylorvllle Intended to be fully regis tered and reconled bj the Deluwure, Lackawanna and WesUrn Railioad com pany. Coal and minerals, together with the llfchl to mine und remove the same without liability for damages to the sur face excepted and reserved as fully and to the same elfect as in deed fiom said Delaware. Lackawanna and Western Railroad company to William Burge. dat ed May ISth, 1S74, and recorded in Lack wanna county, in Deed Book No. l":t, page 4S1. etc. Said lot Is improved with a two-story frame dwelling house and outbuildings t hereon. C.E. PRYOR, Sheriff. CHAS. E. OLVER. Attorney. Sheriffs oftlce. Nov. 29, ISM. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN application will be made to the gov ernor of Pennsylvania on Tuesday, Dec 12. 1S19. by Ellezer D. Jenkins, Dan Pow ell, Elsie C. Powell, Helena Grace Jen kins nnd Anne May G. Jenkins, under the Act of Assembly, entitled. "An Aot to provide for the Incorporation and reg ulation of certain corporal oi)s," approved April 29, 1874, and tho tupplements then -to, fcr the charter of an intended cor poration to be called "Cambria Silk Throwing Company." the character and object of which Is the manufacturing ot silk thread from the raw silk and selling and otherwise disposing of its manufae tuied product; and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rlRhls, benefits and privileges of said act of as sembly and supplements thereto. WILLARD, WARREN & KNAPP. Solicitors. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT an application will bo made to the Governor of tho State of Pennsylvania, on the eleventh day of December, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and ninety nine, by John II. Poore, Edward B. SturKes, Clarence II. Slurges, Herbert W. Taylor. Edward S. Dolph, et al under the act of assembly of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to provide for the Incorporation and regulation of certain corporations," ap proved April 29, 1S74. and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an Intended corporation, to be called "The Scranton Steam Pump Company," the character and object whereof Is tho manufactuie and sale of steam pumps und other ar ticles from Iron and steel or other mater ials, and for these purposes to have, pos sess and enjoy all the lights, benefits nnd privileges of the said Art of Assem bly und Its Supplements. THOMAS F. WELLS. Solicitor. IN RE: PETITION TO FREE THAT portion of the Roaring Brook turnpike within the limits of the borough of Dun ii.ore from tolls und tollgates. Notice Is hereby plven that an applica tion will be made to the court of Quart'ir Sessions of Lackawanna county on Wed nesday. Dee. 20, 1S99. at fi o'clock a. 111.. In accordance with the provisions of an Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Polling lunln. appiiid Juno 2. 1S87. nnd the supplement thereto approved June 2. 191. for the nnoolntment of a Jury of view to view nnd condemn such portion of the Ronrlng Brook turnpike ns lies within tin- limits of the horongh of Dunmore, In Lackawanna county, and to make the same fiee fr.un tolls and toll uates and to assess the dnmnges to which tho owner or owi ers thereof mav be en titled therefore. JOHN G. MeASKIE. Attorney for Petitioners. NEWSPAPERS THE WILKE3-BARRE RECORD CAN be had In Scranton at the news stands of Rclsman Broa.. 405 Spruce and 503 Lin den; M. Norton 322 Lackawanna avenue; I. 8. Schutzer. 211 Spruce street. LOST. LOST-A BLACK LEATHER POCKET book containing money nnd papers, on Wasliburn-Drlnker street car, ut or near No. 0 brunch, between fi und 7 o'clock Thursday evening. Nnv. 31). Find er will please return to Miss Eva Whalte, Dunmoie, Smith street near Brady's store. Northumberland from Dee. 5 to Jan. 3, to allow his cnunuel to apply to th pardon board for n commutation of sen lence. Tribune want advs, bring returns. PROFESSIONAL. MAWWKWWWVWMWWWWWXWMMWlAWl AKOHITEOTS EDWARD It. DAVIS. ARCHITECT, Connell building, Bcrnnton. LEWtS HANCOCK, JR.. ARCHITECT, 433 Sprttco st cor. Wash, av., Scranton, FREDERICK L. BROWN. ARCHITECT. Price building, i:c Washington avenue, Scranton. T. I. LACEY A SON, ARCHITECTS, Trnders' National Bank. DENTISTS dr. i. o. lyVian Scranton" pri- vato Hospital, cor. Wyoming and Mul berry. DR. II. F. REYNOLDS, OFP. P. Q. DR. C. C. LAUBACH, US Wyoming ave. WELCOME C. SNOVER. Coal Exchange 2nd floor, Room D. Hours, 3 to 1, 2 to fl. HOTBL8 AND nBSTAUI1ANT3 THE ELK CAFE. 123 imd 127 FRANK lln avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZEIGLER. Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D.. L. A W. passenge-r depot. Conducted on the Eu ropean plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. i.Anynti RICHARD J. BOURKE, ATTORNEY-nt-Law, 500-2 l.ncknwanna nvenue. Gen eral law business, collections nnd loans. J. W. BROWNING, ATTORNEY AND Counscllor-at-Law, Rooms 312-313 Meals Building. D. B. REPI.OOLE. ATTORNEY-LOANS negotiated on real tstato security. Mears building, corner Washington avenue and Spruce street. M. J. DONAHOE, ATTORNEY-AT-law. Offices, 612-613 Mears Building. FRANK E. BOYLE. ATTORNEY AND Counsellor-at-Law, Burr building, rooms 13 and 14, Washington avenue. WILLHD, WARREN 6 KNAPP. AT torne i and Counscllors-at-Law. Re publican bulldlnr. Washington uvenue, Scranton. Pa. JESSUP & .TESSUP. ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors - nt - Law, Commonwealth building: rooms 1. 20 and 21. JAMES W. OAKfTiRD. ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Remus 5H, 515 and 610 Board of Trade building. EDWARDW. THAYER. ATTORNEY. Rooms fCS.roi. 9th floor. Mears building. L. A. WATRES, ATTORNEY-AT-IAW 502 Roaid of Trade building, Srrnntcn, Pa. C. R. PITCHER, ATTORNEY-AT-LA W Commonwealth building. Scranton. Pa. PATTERSON & WILCOX, National Bank building. TRADERS' C. COMEOYS, Building. 9-13 REPUBLICAN A. W. BERTIIOLF, Mears bulldlnr. ATTORNEY. PHrSIGIAN AND SUtOOVS MARY A." SHEPHERD, M. D., HOME opnthlst, C1G Linden street. DR. W. E. ALLEN, 613 NORTH WASII Ington nvenue. DR. L. M. GATES. ROOMS 207 AND I0S Roaid of Trade building. Ofllce hour", 8 to 9 a. m.. ? to 3 and 7 to 8 p. n. Residence. 309 Madison avenue. DR. S. W. LAMOREAUX. OFFICE S.W Washington nvenue. Residence, 1S18 Mulheiry. Chronic diseases, luntrs, heart, kidneys nnd genlto-urlnary or gans a specialty. Hours. I to 4 p. m. SCHOOLS SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA. Scranton. Pa. Courses preparatory to college, law.mcdl'ino or huslness. Opens Sept. 11th. Send for catalogue. Rev. Thomas M. Cann, T.L. D., principal and proprietor; W. E. Plumley, A. M., head master. GEFOS C. R. CLARK & CO., SEBDMEN AND Nurserymen; storo llfi Washington ave nue; creen house, 1350 North Mftln ave nue.; store telephone, 72. wine SCREENS JOS. iaTETTEL REAR fit LACICA wanna avenue, Scranton, Pa., manufac turer of Wire Screens. MISCELLAHBOUa BAUEIVS ORCHESTRA-MlFsiCF6n balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulberts" music store. MEOARGEE BROTHERS. PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse. 130 Washington evenue, Scranton, Pa. business opportunity HACKETT HAS SEVERAL LINES business, established and paying. PROFITS IN STOCKS. WHEAT AND cotton. Mackev's Modem .Methods Make Money. Wrlto for our free bool.. C. E. Mnekey & Co., 29 Broadway, New York. DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING FOR CHILDREN TO order; also ladles' waists. Louiso Shoemaker. 212 Adams avenue. SITU A TIONS W ANTED SI TUATION 'W ANTlflJB Y y'oUNG muii as assistant bookkeeper, or clerK of any kind, graduate from business school, moderate) salary. Address box 81. Mchoopany. Pa. WOULD LIKE TO HAVE WORK driving team or anything of the kind: willing to work at most anything. ;"3 AVashlrgton avenue. GIRL WANTS "PLACE AT GENERAL housework, to go home evenings. Ad dress M., Tribune ofllce. SITUATION WANTED-M1DD1.E AGED woman wants h'tuutlon in nice Pint estant family; cooking preferred. Ad dress Miss M.. Station No. 1, Scranton. anTixpkrTenced shoe sales"- man desires situation. Address "Sales man." Tribune office. BOOKKEEPER would like en ungement for three hours each du to nsslst on books in grocery or other business. Twenty cents an hour. Ad dress Y. '- Tribune olllciv PXC EPT1 ONALLY WELL QUALIFIED voting woman bookkeeper wants posi- tion i. S. W. 11.. Tribune oincc. SITUATION WANTED-BY LADY AS cashier, clerk or i.sslst In oillco cn ii citv Good education. Only those meaning business need upply. Address W. 523 Sumner avenue, city. SITUATION WANTED-BY A MIDDLE aged woman ns housekeeper or gen eral housework. Apply at 110 Penn uve nue, city. W NTKD WORK l'v TUB DAY AS laundress on every kind of work; can give best lefernce. Address A, Mur phy. 1101 Stone avenue. AN EXPERIENCED WOMAN WISHES a situation ns housekeeper, or light housework. 410 Wiluhts court. WANTED-W'ASHING AND IRONING, to talCH homo; restaurant and barber washing. 15 rents dozen, napkins und towels; table clothes, 20 cents dozen. 12 West Market street. MIDDLE-AGED GENTLEMAN. FOR nlno years In a responsible position as accountant and correspondent, would like position where his experlenco would be available. Flrst-cInBS references. John Clerkwell, Scranton postoltlce. SITUATION WANTED-BY SINGLE men In grocery store or driving, has had five years experience nnd can ulvo best of reference) ns to character and worth. Address p. A., 22.' Franklin uve nue, city. RAILROAD TIME TABLE rf-MJMM -l PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Schedule in Effect Juno 10, 1800. Trains Leave Scranton: 0.45 n. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrisbur(?, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, and for Pitts burg and the West. 0.38 a. m., week days, for nazleton, Pottsvillo, Heading, Norrlstown, and Philadelphia; nnd for Sun bury, Harrlsburp;, Philadelphia, BaltlmorcjWashlngton and Pitts burg and the West. 2.18 p. m., week dnys (Sundays 1.58 p. in.), for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and Pittsburg and the West. 4.27 p. m week days, for Sunbury, Hnrrisburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. r ,: " WOOD. Gcni. Pass. Agent. J. B. HUTCHINSON, General Manusor. Del., l.acku, mul Western.' Effect Monday, June 5, 1S99. Trains leave Scranton .is follows: Ex VjE ..&,r.. N.ew YorU 0I"' h points e - 1". in U"U 10M a ln-; liS und &'3 Express for Easto-i. Trenton, Phllmlel .. V-l'' ,l10 outh. ;, W, t.oo nnd J0.03 CU in;. 12.5.. and 3.3.1 p. in. Joliyhunnii iur..i,in...d-it,in. 10 p. n. n,i'pr?fs f.or Blnish. mton. Oswego, El V..'. Co'"lg. R.ith Danvt'le. Mount Mortis anil BurfMio, 12 10. vc, p.oo n. m.; i!!l,'!,l 'i-50 " ,rl making li.e conneo !'.?".? "t Buffalo m nil p. ints In the wcat northwest and sn,tlivc. Washington .rtitlnn. S.-iO p. tn. J'lngbnmton ni.i wnv tntion. 1 05 p m. enr-toryvlUr. in tmim tli.n, t.fiO p. m. jMoholson ncnn,imi..l.it1i.i,. eCl p. to. express for Uu.. 1 ...iri nkhflcld Springs. " i"!i'- '" '"'d 1-" P- m lllncii I5.1. n.Ofi i. r-l 1 55 p. m. ti.,or r'humber' id. Pit 1 -tun. Wllken ! 'ty'iiiouth. !-!' mbiirff nnd Dan- ....-, muKinff close r. mi, itinns tit Norm Vj.T1"'0"'1 fn- William-., irt. TT.rrl-l.urg. linltlmore. Washing!. .11 end the oinh. .1 "numheiiRtHl .in, I IntMwiint' sta- Hon C-30. 10.05 n. m. und 1.rr, (Tnil 5 10 p. 111 ... ."''llccke and Intctmci'li-itc "talons. 3.08 "in 1 11.10 11. m. Plnini'ih nnd Intermediate stations, n.33 and S.M p. m. For Kingston, 1- ij . m. Pullman parlor and 1 rb conches on nil express trains Cor detailed Infnrnn'lnn. pnr'.et time tables. r(r., nnv , M T c,rnith j,3. met P.'tsn'iiger Asrnt, i!rpit ticket olllco. Delaware am! Hudson. On Nov. 15th. 15W, trains will leav Scranton as follows: I- or Carbondale fi.2i). 7.'C. : f,n in.; 12 noon: 1.2!. 2.2H. ?.1.2. 3.J5, 9.13. 11.00 p. m.: 1 lfi n. in. 10.13 IV, 0.23, 7.57. lor Albany, Saratoga. Montreal, Bosi ton, Nw England points, etc. 0.20 a. in., 2.20 i). tn. For Hoiiesdnle-4;.20. 10.13 a. m.; 2.80, 6.23 p. 111. For Wllkes-Barre C.45. T IS, S.4.1, 9.SS. 10.4.1 a. m.: 12.03. 1.23. 2.H, 3 15, 4.27, CIO. 7.4S, 10.41. 11. SO p. ni. For New York, Philadelphia etc, via Lehigh Valley Railroad .4a p. m.: 12.03, 2.18. 4.27 p. m.; with Black Diamond Ex pifss, 11..IO p. m. For Pennsylvania Railroad points, J.45. 9.3S a. in.; 2.1S, 4.27 p. in. For western points, vln Lehigh Valley Rallroad-7.48 a. m.: 12.03. 3.3.1, with Black Diamond Expies.1, 10.41. 11.30 p. m. Trains will arrive In Scranton as fol lows: From Caibondale and the North C.4I, 7.43. S.3S, fl nt, 10.38. 11.58 a. m.; 1.23, 2.13. 3.25, 4 23, 7.4.1. 10.3S, II 27 p. m. From Wllkes-Parre nnd the South 6.15, 7.4K. 8.4, 10.38. 11.55 n. m. ; 1.18. 2.14, 3. 48, 5.20, C.21, 7.33. fl.03, 10.05 p. m. : l.W ft. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. For Carhondale-9.03, 11.33 p. m.; 2.33. 3.52. 5.47. 9.33 p. in. For WIU'es-Baire-O.SS, 12.03 a. m.; 1.58, 3.2S, 5.4.1. 7.IS p. m. For Albnrj. Saratoga. Montreal, Bos ton, New England points, etc, 2.23 p. m. Lowest rates to all points In united States and Canada. J. W. Bl RDICK. G. P. A.. Albany. N. Y. IT. W. CROSS, D. P. A.. Scranton, Pa. Central Rttllrnuil ot New Jorsejr Statlons lit New York Foot of Liberty stieet, N. R.. and South Ferry, Whitehall Btrret. Anthracite coal used exclusively, Insup lug cleanliness and comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT NOV. 19. ISO Trains leave Sernnton for New York, Newark. Elizabeth Philadelphia. Eaaton, Bethlehem, Allentown, Miiueh Chunk and White Huven, at 8 30 a. m.: express, 1.20 express. 4.00 p. m. Sundays. 2.15 p. m. For PIttston and Wilkes-Barro, 8.30 m.. 1.20. 4.00 p. in. Huuoays. z.m p. m. For Baltlmoie nnd Washington, pndl points South and West Via Bethlehem, 8.30 a. m., 1.20 p. in. Sundays. 2.15 p. m. For Long Blanch, Ocean Grove, etc., at 8.50 a. m. and 1.20 p. m. For Reading. Lebanon nnd Hnnisburg, via Allentown. 8.30 a. m.. 1 20 p. m. Sun davs, 2.15 p. m. For Pottsvllle. 8.50 a. m., 1.20P. m. Through tickets to all. points East, South und West at lowest rate at th station. J. II. OLHAVSEN. Gen. Supt. H. P. BALDWIN. Gen. Pass. Agt. Lehigh Valley Rnilron-J. In Effect Nov. 19. 1899. -'"'" TRAINS LEAVE SCRANTON. For Philadelphia nnd New York, via D. 1 i r 11.. at 6.13 u. in. and 12.03, 2.18. 4 27 (Black Diamond Express), and ll.M p.m. Sundays, D. H. R R.. 1.58. 7.48 '"'For Whlto Haven, llazleton nnd prln dual points In the coal regions, via 1). 11 It. It.. 6.13. 2.1S and 4.27 p. m. Fo Pottsvllle. .5, 2.13 P. m. For Bethlehem, Easton, Readlntr. Hari ruhurir and principal Intermediate sta tion". via D k II R. R.. 6.45 a. m.; 12.01, "IS 4 27 (Black Diamond Express), ILSOi, Sundays. D. & H. R- " 1-68. t P- For Tunkhonock. Towanda. Elmlra, Ithaca. Geneva and Principal ntermedU ate stations, via D., L. tc W. It. R., 8.08 1 111 1.00 and 3.35 p. III. For 'Geneva. Rochester. Buffalo, Niag ara Falls. ChlcaKo, nnd all points went. via D & H. R. R- 12-ra- 3M (nlack Ola 'a y.P-;; . mn 11 in r. m aim. phia Buffalo and Suspension Bridget. ROLLIN 11 WILBUR. Gen. Supt., 21 v..-.. 1 at Kew 1 orK. CHAS. S. LEE. Gen. Pass. Agt., 26 Cort. limit street. New York. A W NONNEMACHER. Dlv. Pass. Act., South Bethlehem, Pa For tickets and Pullman reservation apply 209 Lackawanna avc. Scranton. Pa. New York, Ontario and Western Hall way. TIME TAI1LE IN EFFECT MONDAY. vnv c 159- rrnlii leaves Scranton for Carbondalo and Cadosla nt 1055 a m., connecting i'lth through trains east and west. Train leaves Cmlosln for Carbondale and cTerVnton at 2.05 p. 111.. leaving CArbon dnl" "t 3.31 p. m. and arriving at Scran. l"simdnvs only-For Cadosla. connecting with mnln line trains east and west nt 0 a. m". arriving Cadosla at 10.45 a, m, turning, leaves Cadosla nt 4.J0 p. rn.. ivlnc Carbondale nt 5 51 p. m., and ar- K.: Ret 1 A.I, :..::,...- . cnninn ut on., n. m. "w"b j. C. Anderson. O. P. A.,. T Flltcroft, D. P. A.. New York. Scranton. Krlc mul Wyoming Valley. Time Table In Effeet Sept. 11. 1SW. Trains leave Scranton fr New York. NewbuiRh and intermediate points on Krlo railroad, also for Hnwley und local points nt 7.05 a m. and 2.28 p. m. Returning trains arrive at Scranton nt 10.21 a. in. and 3.1S and 9.10 p. in, SCALP TREATMENT. MltsITKJCLEFnir ment, 60c; shampooing,- BOc.j facial massage, manicuring, 25c 5 chiropody, 701 Qulncy. ' CITY SCAVENGER "'V fiAHmitrfi A. B. BRIOOS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS nnd coss pools: no odor. Improved 1 pumps used. A. 11. BRIOOS. Proprietor, Leave orders 1100 North Main wvcnti; or-Elcke's drug store, oorner Adanu awl Mulberry. Telephone 9510. S'nT DlaK 12-03 m..' 7.48 pTm. Piiilmiin parlor and sleeping or Lehigh VMIev arlor cars on nil trains between ..n. f.1.. Vr.V,.. mi New York. Philadel . - v I. .