11 rrr?tfM"p Wff.lVW nf lf P"Wr.fffy-r THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1899. 8 fTTO "Tf 5 EVENTS OP DAY IN WEST SCRANTON EXCELLENT CONCERT BY THE TILL FAMILY ROCK BAND. Given In the Plymouth Congrega tional Church Last Evening En tertainment and Japanese Social at Hampton Street Church Fu nornli of Geoigo Warnei and J. C. Moyer Fhat Baptist Church Is Being Misrepresented An Aged Man Knocked Down by n Wagon. The famous Hoc!: Hand Conceit com pany nave an ecellont entertainment In the Plymouth Congregational church lost evening before u laige and well pleased audience Tile nrtlsts were: William Tell, organist, director and originator of the Hock band1 Miss Mildred Till, contralto, und Miss lis thcr Till, humorous and dramatic read er. Their Instruments are rocks tit sklddnvv granite, which wore obtained in the mountains of Fngland: swing' lug Inrps and musical glasses. The programme was vnrlcd and In teresting and contained revcral high class selections The Unci: band, which l" composed of the ladles and Mr. Till, played "Qui Vlvl," "Scotch Airs" with variations, "German Patrol," "El Cap Itan," and other marches' nnd the na tional nlis The recitations nnd solos by the Misses Till were selected. The "vCt'tmlnstT Chimes" nnd "Tviolcso Airs" were rendered on the swinging harps Altogether the event was ono of the best conceits ccr given In West Seranton. SUNDAY SCHOOL, CLASS SOCIAL. A good Fl?ed audience attended the entPitainment In the Hampton Street Methodlu Episcopal church last even ing, which was given urder the aus pices of the membeis of Class No 11, of the SunUav school Hev. Jnms Eenninger was chili man of the even ing. Mrs Stone plaj t d a pleasing piano holo nnd Miss Clara Sanders sang a olo In fine voice, lteeltatlons were given by Ileba Williams, Con. Young, Eesslo Plehl, 13c sale P.Ichards, Maud Wetherhog and Olive Crown. Geoige King played a cornet solo nnd Mrs Eans nnd Mrs Reese sang a duet An Interesting feature -was the j.olng of everal little girls who have made quite a reputation In that line. Misses Elizabeth Ilelser and Edna Sae sang a duet, Edwnid James ten dered a tenor solo, and the class sang a song. A Japanese tea was held af ter the entertainment, at which lco cream and cake were also served. VISITED THE HOSPITAL. The olllcers of the trine and acci dental funds of the P:ie, Aichbald, Continental, Hampton -ind Hyde Paik mines of the Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western companj, visited the Uwanta Good cough remedy, take Dip .oin s French Tar. For Sale at GLORGD W. JENKINS'. ioi S. Main Avenue The First Eariy Winter Dis play of Seasonable ORE Genuine Price Cuts SSsriS savings, no matter where discretion or fancy may lead you in the Dress Goods stock. A FEW FACTS BY WHY OF ILLUSTRATION. The rest may be learned at the store. All Of our half-dollar Silk and Wool Mixture- (If vou'vo visited the de partment this season jou'd kr.o'v them bv trade mark). Your choice at 37J4C And You nny take youi choice of the best grade Silk and 'Wool Mixtures that sold foi 7fc, at 59c Choice Of our magnificent $1.00 Mixtures In exclusive effects, while the sale continues at 69c But Pot haps tho moot attractive fea,- r- turwfrit. thl" silo Is the stipetb line ZiJJ Heavy Granflo Suitings tho4 .' J&M f.f 85c n-vard. They're niark- ed down to 69c Yes There's another good thing in these 15-inch Whipcords. The shade list; Js, complete und tho goods aro hon estly worth $1.00. The sale price, 79c Maybe .) The 79c. Whipcords are heavier , than jou care for. Well, look at , this Une; just as complete. Pure wool und a regular S5c cloth sale. Price. I-: I i 69c GIobe Warehouse Moses Taylor hospital .vesterday after noon In company with Superintendent Thomas J, Williams, and were shown through the institution. The purpose was to acquaint the men with the su perior advantages for treatment of employes who may suffer Injury In llio mines. The officers In turn will Impart the knowledge to the men cm ployed In the mines. The party was composed of the fol lowing from the different mines: Pine President, Joseph Marsh; secre tary, Prank Dunstone; treasurer, John Coombo Archbuld President, William Anthony; treasurer, Daniel Olivary; secretary's proxy, '1 homns Wllry. Continental -President, M. Lavellc; sec retary, Thomas Parry. Hampton PresMcnt, Henry C. Mor gun; secretary, '1 unman J. Williams. lljdo Park President, James Morgan; trensurer, John Ord. The men were well pleased with their visit and nre high In their praise of tho hospital. FUNERALS YESTERDAY. Rev. John P. Moffat. D. D., pastor of the Washout n Street Presbyterian church, officiated at tho funeral of the late George Warner yesterday morn ing Tho bearers were Da!d Rich ards II. W Rlvenbcrg, Uoratlo Keller and W. Hnydn Evans The remains wore Interred in the Forest Hill cemei tei y The funeral services of the late J. C. Mayor were held at the Jackson Street Raptlst church yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. Thomas do Gruchy, D. D, and Rev. Jnmes Hughes were the clergvmen In attendance. Roaring Brook lodge. No. 401, Knights of Pyth ias, of which deceased was a member, weie also present. Burial was mads In Torest Hill. CHURCH MISREPRESENTED. Rev. S. r. Mathews, pastor of ths First Baptist church, desires Tho Trib une to annonunce that ho Is In no way responsible for tho publication of a paper pertaining to Christmas ex ercises, for which a solicitor has se emed n number of advertisements In the city. It has been learned that the, Individ ual reptesented to advet Users that the public itlon wn for the benefit of the new church, but the only remission granted by Mr. Mathews was to have the papers circulated in the church, provided they were properly edited. AN INITIAL SUPPER. The ladles of the Flist Baptist church, whose names begin with the letters C, D, E, F and G, will servo another of their popular initial suppers tomorrow pvenlng, at the home of Mis. Robert Pecklns, 112 North Lincoln avenue. Tho tables will be set from G to 9 o'clock ind the bill of faro will bo of tho usual high order and will be seived U the regular price. The public Is cordlallv Inv ltcd. The proceeds will be devoted to the building fund. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. The funeral of tho late Isaac Rich aids will be held tomoriow afternoon at 3 o'clock at tho house, 332 North Lincoln avenue. Bjrlal will be mado In Washburn street cemetery. A clnm chowder supper will bo serv ed at the home of Mrs. W. L. Grass, on North Hyde Park avenue, this even ing. The Christian Endeavor society of the Plymouth Congregational church w III inc et this evening. The funeral of John Gray will occur Plaids Rleh Pure Silk nnd Wool Goods, 10 inches wide They were cheap at "c Best eftccts for line waist 1, childien's Mjllsh diestes, etc. New ptice 69c These Are rough weather favorites. All Wool Cheviots, n; inches wide. Best effects In browns, blues, greys, otc. That fuinous !5o line at 69c Nine Pieces extra high tlnNh Muscovlt tho Sultrngs 4 inches v !do and pure wool. Similes little btoken, but all goods wero V,v. To close, 49c Our 5De line of -lO-lnch All AVool Whip eoi d, had no erunl In this city. Choice during this sale for 49c Here's A dressy weave. Heavy Satin Pplka Dots, aimuro efects and very high finish. Not a good shade missing. 16 inches wide. A splendid $1.0) value at 85c Storm Serges. BO-inoh wide, and Strictly Pure Wool. Navv and black only. A maivdoiiB valuo at 49c Scores of other Bargains just ns nttrao tivo ns tho foiegoing. This salo lasts for 10 days only. OOD THE Ills of women overshadow their wholo lives. Some women arc constantly getting medical treat ment and are never well. ' ' A woman best understands women's ills," and tho women who consult Mrs. Pinkham find in her counsel practical assistance. Mrs. Pinkham's address is Lynn, Mass. Mrs. Madel Good, Correctionville, la., tells how Mrs. Pinkham saved her life. She says: " I cannot thank you enough for what your medicine has done for mo, I can recommend it as one of the best medicines on earth for all women's Ills. I sufferod for two years with female weakness and at last became bedfast. Three of our best doctors did me no good so I concluded to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegctablo Compound. After taking a few bottles of your medicine, I was SSTJSSSflSSTSS m&d&jimm ir ft "r. i w -a . r . r r .- S5T ' S- v Gy .V . l sr4 4 l G I - evening and recommended Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, saying that she knew that it would cure me. I then sent for your medicine and after taking five bottles of it, I was entirely cured. I cannot praiso it enough." this afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. Mem bers of Washington commandery, No. 232, Knights of Malta, will attend. Tile young ladles of the Washburn Street Presbyterian church organized a literal y society last evening. The members of the Jackson Street Baptist church nre meeting with suc cess In raising money to buy off their mortgage. A laigo delegation of West Seranton people nttended Ballot's band concert in the Ljoeum last evening. Miss Annie Argust, of Washburn street. Is slowly recovering from a se vere attack of acute indigestion. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Seven Polish Lads Arrested Yester day Oriental Tea Party a Suc cessOther News Notes. Anthony Swlrkowskl ycsteiday swore out a wan ant lor the arrefet of An thony and Stanislaus Wllezjnsky, Wladlslaw Ceraikow.sky, Joseph Slan dowskl, Johnnv Swetata and Martin Karplnskl, bos between the ages of 11 and 14 ears, charging them with entering his premises by force, break ing fence and gate, using vile language and making threats. The defendants were arrested and ar- 1 ralgn"d bffote Alderman Lentcs last evening for a hearing. They all cried plteously and promised to do better in thf future. After giving them a se vere reprimand the alderman discharg ed them. SHORT PABAGRAPHS. A erv unique aOalr was held last evening at St John's church hall, when tho ladles of the Blessed Virgin Sodal ity conducted an Oriental tea party. The interior nf the hall was decorated In Oilentnl fashion nnd tho ladles who served the tea wero robed in Oriental costumes. The attendinco was very large During the evening the follow- 1 Ing very interesting programme was lendered Overtuie C'uslck's otches ti.i solo, Sidney Tluglus; selection, string Instruments, Mamie, Thorn is and Edwnid Buiko nddress,, Hev. J. J. McCabe- piano solo,MIs Kate Rear don, selection string It.struments, tho Hoffmans recitation. "A Little Sur- prise." Thoivis Handling The pio. gramma will be contirucd this even ing and a name quilt, valued at $3, will be chanced off. A very pleasant entertainment wis given nt the Young Woman's Christian association rooms in Oe'iC avenue last evening. The ladles wore rewarded for theii untiring effotts by a very largo gatheilng of members nnd their f 1 lends A very Intetesllug piogrammu bad been arranged and was well ren- 1 dered. Mr and Mis George Tuchs and Miss Doia Filch" of Cedar avenue, left yes teidev for New Yoik city, where they , expect to spend a welt. Fiank Nallln of New York city, Is the guest of James Caveney, of Cherry street. Born To Mr. and Mir Fnnk Rlbel, of Plttston avenue, a daughter. Meadow Biook Washer. Pea coal .sold to teams 75 cents a ton. Corner of Cedar avenue and Gibbons street. GREEN RIDGE. Rev. Dr. W O. Simpson, of the An bury Methodist Eplscopil church, will lecture In the Moosic Methodist Epis copal church on Thursday evening on "Life in the Highlands of Scotland." Tho marriage of Miss Kate Crane and Patrick McAndrow will take place In St. Paul's church this afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Miller, of Dela ware strpet, will leave today for Ster ling, Wayne county. Cards are out announcing the fact that A. B. LIdstone, of Dickson ne nue.wlll be a candidate for Belect coun cil from the Thirteenth ward, subject to the decision of the Republican caucus. The young ladles of class No. 12 of the Asbury Methodist Episcopal Sun day school, with tho assistance of their teacher, Mrs. W. G Simpson, will hold a musical social in th echurch parlors next Friday evening. A silver collection will be received and all are Invited GRfllN-0! GRAM! Remember that name when ou want a delicious, appetizing, nourishing tood drink to take tho place nf coffee Sold by nil grocers and liked by all who have used It. Oraln-O U made of puro grain, It ulds digestion and strengthens the nerves it la not a stinulant but a heulth builder nnd the children as well ns the udults can drink It with great benefit Ousts u limit ; ns much ns cof fee, 15e. nnd ?5e. per package. Ask jour grocer tor Oraln-O, PRAGTiGAL HELP FOR able to do all my house work. I know that your medicine raised me from a bed of sickness and perhaps death, and am very thankful for what it has done for me. I hope- that every suffering woman may be per suaded to try your medicine." Get Mrs. Pinkham's advice as soon ni you begin to bo puzzled. The sick headaches and dragging sensation como from a curable cause. Write for help as soon as they ap. pear. Mrs. Dole Stanley, Campbellsburg, Ind., writes: " Dear Mrs. Pinkham I was troubled with sick headache and was so weak and nervous, I could hardly co. A friend called upon me one DUNMORE DOINGS. No School Board Meeting Last Night. High School Alumni to Ban quetOthers News Notes. Tho special meeting of the borough school directors announced to take place in the central building last even ing was again postponed, there not being a quorum of tho directors pres ent. At half past eight Piesldent Webber, Secictaiy Kollam and Director Cos tello were at their desks and Tax Col lector W. E. Corcll was also present waiting for the boaid to continue the consideration of the eNoneiatlon list presented. Directors Miller, Spencer or Peck not coming In In a teasonable space of time, President Webber ad journed the special meeting until the regular meeting of the board on Tues day evening, uec. 5. Tho deliberations ovei the tax collectors list of exoner ations have now been going on before tho board for several meetings and It Is hoped to straighten out the entire list nt this meeting. SHORT ITEMS OF INTEREST. Dunmore lodge. No. 1022. Junior Or der United Americans Mechanics, will attend divine services In a body at the Methodist Eplsocpal church Sunday evening next. At 8 o'clock the addreM to the jnembets by the pastor, Rev. A. J. Van Cleft, will be dellveied. The High School alumni will hold a meeting In the central school building. No. I, Thursday evening for the pur pose of making anangements for u banquet to be held soma time dui Ing the Chilstmas holidays. Tho pioposed lecture of the Rev. James Hughes, recently returned fioni South Afilea. in the Dudley Street Baptist church, Thursday evening, will be full of Intel est to manv, dealing, as It does, with the Brltlsh-Boer wai. THEIR AGREEMENT BROKEN. The contract for the erection of a two-stoiy frame school building on the Thioop propei ty, awatded by the bor ough school board to Conti actors Brink & Evans, Is now literally broken, ns the specifications call for tho comple tion of the building teady for school pui poses by Nov. 20 That date Is al ready passed nnd the bu,MIng is far from completion. It being doubtful if it will bo finished by the twentieth of next month. The school board Is In possession of letters from the contractors asking fot an extension of time, but whether this will bo granted Is extremely doubtful, as several of the membeis nrp In favor of re-letting the contract to another firm The contract was let to Brink & Evnns in October, their bid being $1,P but nt present they seem to have an elephant on their hands, as the sum of $3 a day is to be' paid for eveiy day the structuio remains un completed after Nov. 20. PERSONALS. Dayton Ellis, of Church street, has returned to Sjr.icuso unlvciMty, where he will lesume his studies preparing for the ministry. Miss Gllgallon, of Aichbald, is spend ing several days In town ns the guest of Miss Mary Moirlson, on Walnut street. Taxpayers of Dunmore Borough. Tho rebate on taxes for 1S99 will close November 26 1899. I will be in Borough building', Dunmore, on November 22, 23, 21 and 25 for tho purpose of receiv ing taxes. W. E. Correll, Collector. PARK PLACE. John Davit and Miss Grace Saxton were married at hlh noon jesterdiy at tho homo of the bildo on Provi dence road. Tho couple were unit tended and only the Immediate friend nnd relatives of both weio present at tho ceremony. They left In the after noon for Methlehem, where thfv will spend their bonejmooii, returning1 to reside in North Seranton. OBITUARY Mrs Rachel Trltchard pissed away at 1 o'clock jestcrdny morning nt her homo in Olyphant after an Illness of four weeks of pneumonia Mrs J'rltchnrd wus born In Wales In 1S36 nnd camo to Ol) pliant In 1RC6, whero she has since resided Sho wu3 a faithful member of tho Congiega tlonal church A woman of many esti mable traits of character and had a'lanto circle of friends. Sho ib survived by one daughter nil one son, Mrs. John M. Mvnns and Alvln Prltchnui Tho funeral will take place Thursday afternoon ficm her late home on Laokawiuiu.i meet, WEDNESDAY gs 3gw?-?? ?wT?f S?3 MIND YOU, although these ptices border on the ridiculous, because of their lowness, every item offered in the following extraordinary bargain list is GERSON'S, and quite up to Gerson's well-known high standard in Millinery. In fact, although the prices have practically been halved in order that our immense stock may be forced down to what we call the safety limit, the exquisite creations in artistic headwear offered, are quite equal to the best of the season, both as regards quality, designs and correct fashions. But remember, This Sale Lasts for One Week Only. We cannot afford to gfve GERSON'S MILLINERY away all the time at figures like these. Trimmed Hats in strictly exclusive styles, made from high class material, or to your special order if you desire it. Not a Hat in the two hun dred and fifty offered that is not honest value for double the money. Here are the sale prices . $2.98, $3.48, $3.98 The money asked would not begin to purchase the materials used in these beautiful examples of Gerson's Millinery. Untrimmed Hats. Fine Felts, including goods that were bought to sell for three times the money asked. They're all this season's productions, and handy women of taste can make really smart winter head-1 gear for very little money. Three prices only: 25c, 39c, 48c All the proper shapes and shades are represented :n this triple bargain offer which has never been duplicated in this city. Velvet Hats, l All hand made and ready to trim according to your own fancy. The shapes are what you care to select, the velvet is of strictly reliable quality and absolutely fast in color. Ask what good vel vet is worth a yard, then think of the prices as noted : Ostrich Feathers, 75c 98c $K48 All colors and full rich plumes. We can safely say they are woith double the money. Each Bird's Wings, Aigrettes, 19c' 25c 48c 73c Any color in the rainbow and many that don't appear there. An other lot of Half Price Bargains at Ornaments, Steel Buckles. 10c' 19c 25c 48c The most popular and prettiest for Hat decoration of the season. They were j$c and $1.00 each. Choice 25 Cents. 1 wwa m i in us it is m ism m He minni m in con am wiim M. Gi Olphnant Hev R S. Jones D D, will otllciate Interment in Union cemetery Mrs Joseph Knott, of the Brlsbln, died vcstmlay after a short i.Inesb She Is survlvtd by her husband and Ave chil dren Deceabed was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Meredith Morgans, of Company street Tho funeral will tako place to morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock Rev. D. D Hopkins, of tho Tlrst Welsh Raptlst chuich, will officiate Inteiment will bo mado In tho Washburn street cemetery. Stella, the 2-vc-tr old child of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Walters, of M North Rrom ley avenue died esterday Diphtheria was tho cause of death. Tho remains will be privately Interred today In For est Mill cetrctery. UNCALLED-FOB LETTERS. They Await tho Owners at tho Seranton Postofflce. List of lettots lemalnlng' uncalled for at Seranton postofllce Nov. 22, 1VJ3. Persons cabling for some will pleasq say advertised and give date of list. rJzia, II. Hippie, P M : American Sick and Accident Society, Anthraclto Hotel Co , 12 Anderson John Haur, "special." Joe Blshing, Rosa Uorth, Marco llairowman Dr C. K Barker. II. Brown T II Baker, M. H Bvles, attomtv , Ralph 1. Barber, Will iam Blume &. Co , Jako Base, Herman Beck, Mlshael Burke, J. D Rowe. Charles Clark, J. J. Claik. Jumes Cor coian James F. Dillon. Mrs L Davis, Pohn DeVAitt, "special," Mib William Dan iels, Mrs. Catherine Dougherty. Benjamin Bmorj. Sirs Mvn B. Kdwards Mis Kato rir.neBi.il, Master Prank, 51S Jelferson avenue; Henry Pltzgerald, Mis Kato lVbtenden ' P. B Gcai. J. V. Grey, Hezeklah Kiln; Grant, M V Gllmnrtln, Harris Green b.ium, Mls3 Rose 0111, Guesford & Shel don Charles Millai J C II. Harwood, Geo J. Hudson, B F. Harris, R. J. Horner & Co Mrs II S Jones Mi. Albert Klnnel, nestle Hoffman, O T Knceller, J M Kemp, M. D.; Tho Kej stone M i. M Co Mrs Matj'aret I.awience. I.uklns & Montgomery, Jeromlf.li Lttticn B B Mlllei. Mrs A Mock. Prank Mc Nally Jane Meliugh, Miss O. T. Morley, Mrs Slarla McCllntcck. lltighio Murphy, i Thomas. Murphv. V J Morris I Miss Knto Nash, "iipeclal," Martin Ncalon 1 Silvester Phillips, Mrs. Mlna Phlnnev, Mrs J. Petri. I I. G. Rlckert. Mrs L Rose. Mrs. El len ljuane. Mnile Lle Rowe, Mrs. Ellen Rnfferty. Mrs Grace Seeley, William Stlne Sam uel Staples Jot-eph (' Smith. John Shear, Gertrude Shotton, R D. Siivre, I) D S. Sara M .Twining Henry Turner, II. A. Taj lor. William Tr.i lis E Tobln Pastor Universalis Stlttj Genrgo fl Wilson, Mnttlo Wells. Ncttlo Winters, Mrs M llon Mrs. J G. Watsoh, Jefferson Wlelbert, Henry Will iams. CUCUMBERS WERE THE CAUSE. Cnrbondale Couple's Troubles Ilntl n Small Beginning:. Conflicting tastes got Mr. nnd Mis. J. Sprat, of Mother Gooso momory, Into I no end of scandal, Including poetry. MILLINERY -AT- AMUSEMENTS. ACADEHY OF HUSIC, BUKUUNUER & RGIS, LcJiecs It. K. LONO, AUnaesr. Ono Solid Week, Commencing Monday, Nov. 20. Dime Matinees dally com mencing Tuesday. BURRILL COMEDY COMPANY. Supporting Laura Hulbert, in a reper toire of standard scenic productions, in cluding "Tho Ensign." "Infatuation," "A Flag of Truce," "Saved from the Sea," "Down In Mississippi," "A Wife's Se cret," "Rip Van Winkle," "Paradise- Re gained." A carload of special scenerj used Prices 10c 20c , 30e Ladles' tickets Issued for Monday night Ccn3?nafory Concerts. St. Luke's Parish House, TO-MORROW EVENING. The Great Russian Pianist. Tickets and Diagram at tin Cons:rvatory. Same way In Carbondale, except thtt It Is a vegetable Instead of a viand that caused the split in tho local case Mr and Mrs J. Thompson, accord ing to th testimony adduced In divorce proceedings before Judge Archbald. got along well together until the summer following their wedding dny, October 4 lSS7,vvhen tho wife unfortunately serevd cucumbers for dinner. They were In v inegar. The husband legretted the fact that they were not seived au naturale, as ho was vciy fond of cucumbers nnd could not eat them In vinegar The wife was very much chagrined She was (Irmly impressed with the belief that her husband had said once ho fnlily adored cucumbers In vinegar, and sho Insisted that her memory served her right. It was "No, dear, you are wrong," nnd "But, dear, I know bettci, you did," and so on until Anally the husband, according to Mrs. Thomp son's story, broke forth Into a fiery show of temper. Instead of it being1 a momentaiy outbreak, Mrs Thompson claims, it was the true nature of the man, and after once disclosing Itself, kept contlnuosly exposed So unbearable was his conduct at times that she was compelled, she says, to leave him, nnd, finally, In Mnrch last, when sho quit his bed nnd board for the fifth time, sho stayed quit and Instituted proceedings for divorce throuch Attorney Louis Gramer Tho husband Is not opposing the petition. HE WANTED THE BONDS. Alcatraz Company Must First Com ply with tho Rules. A repiesontatlvoof tho Alcatraz Pav ing company called in tho controller's olllce yesterday and asked for nn Issu ance of bonds ns payment for the paving- of Hyde Park avenue. Ho did not bring any estimate with urf& MSr-MMMwarwffffljLwmjfl ss fs S&&&CST- GODOWSKY BARGAINS 413 Lackawanna Avenue AMUSEMENTS. I YCEUIVI THEATRE - DURdUNDGR & RBIS. Loners It. R. LONG, Manager. Thursday, November 33, You'll Get Your Money's Worth nnd All That Is Good In .Vllnstrelsy. Tho (July und Original ei's Greatest isi Every Act In "Hlack l'ncc." The World's Loxllng Monologue VltlMt. Geo llmteher, the Deuu ol MIiihUcIkj The ruinous lilt; 1, l'resetitlu 1' utommio In Black Face. Nlblonnit lilt 1, the SI iglng nnil Dancing Duo The firamercy Quartet Pastimes of the. 'treat Allen WeWhtinan, the World a Greatest Plnv Modeler ana Pastel Painter. Green und 111 tnsoti, In an I'lvto- Date Mu sical Act 1INI M) Old llLSTUA. PUICK's-Sl 00, 70e, 50c, 25c. Saturday Afternoon jvt and Evening llOV.uii? The Show That lias Mado the Universe Laugh. THE RAYS' HOWLINQ SUCCESS A HOT..... OLD TIME New Soncjs! N'ew Dances! New Mils el .j llouuof Puro aucl Wholesome 1 un. rniors: Lvenlnj-Sl 00, 70c, 60c. 260 .Mutlnee-oOc, 'Joe. Matinees Daily, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, November 20, 21 and 22. LflRKIN'S ORIENTAL COONS Thursday, Friday and Saturday, November 23, 24 and 25. Ric3 and Barton's Big Galsty Co 40-PEOPLE-40. him from the city engineer, nor did he evldenco any deslro to give any writ ten authority to M10 controller author- Izlng him to pay tho claims, amounting 1 to $1,041 15, against the company which are on file In the controller's olllco. The ! company's representative leftmuch dls- pleased.but tho bonds will not be issued till he can comply with the above re quirements. The total cost of the pave Is $10,072 98, of which sum J1.3S5 91 is now In th? city treasury. This is more than suf ficient to pay all tho claims against th company, which must bo done, In pur suance of a concurrent resolution of councils, beforo tho bonds can bo Is sued. Liver complaints cured mil's Pills, by Beech-