THE SCRANTON TKIBUNE-MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1899. rwriraBvyrrrcra ljIltfrVflHIUl in-ifwm wr-M I v. Ill Riwrantce tbat bij- Kidney Curo will curo 00 per cent, of ill forms of kidney eoniplnlnt and In many tnstnecci tho mott serious forma of Hrlgkt'i disease. It tlic illscn'o la com plicated send a four ounce rlnl of urine. We will analyze It and ndvlso you free TTliHt to do. MONTOX. it all dreiirliti, S.V, a Tlal. Oeitde to Ttlth ar-l Tnrfllfnl ftOrlrp fro l I'D Ami e , i-nw CARBONDALE EXCITING RUNAWAY. The team of Thomas Walker, an em ploye of the Grand Union Tea com pany, ran away on Pike street, Satur day afternoon. Tho horses carried the fiont wheels from the buggy and made a dash for the "Lookout" crossing. The gates wore down und the animals turned Into tho old gravity roadbed, crossed the bridge Just west of the tower, galloped through the river nnd went up the steam road like a cyclom until they reached the big red bildgo below Eighth avenue. This bridge Is not plankedund the horses fell through One got nil fouis down between the ties nnd tho other fell between the tracks into the river, a distance of nearly twenty feet Tho former wns extricated b the use. of planks and the latter helped Itself out of the river. Both weto badly bruised and cut up, but the remniknble feature of the af fair Is that they were not killed. FAMILY ASPHYXIATED. Mr. and Mrs Thomas Mornn nnd three children, of Gordon avenue, were asphyxiated by coal gas Sunday morn ing. They retired In their new house nt 11 o'clock Saturday night nnd w eu found unconscious by neigh bom yes terday afteinon at 1 o'clock Dr. Stu laun was called and restontlves were ndmlnlsteied. It Is thought that Mr. and Mis. Moran and two children will recover, but Charlotte, six years old. who has been 111 with diphtheria, Is ex pected to die, If, Indeed, she has not already succumbed. Defective stove pipe caused the escape of the asphyxi ant. ACCIDENTS. George Gilbert, of Gilbert street nnd Copcland avenue, fractured both bones of the light arm while engaged at tho Delawnie and Hudson machine shons Saturday Rex, the ten-year-old son of Mr. nnd Mrs Giant Nicholson, fell, struck his nbdomen on a box and sustained an In Jury fiom which peritonitis has de veloped. TOO MUCH MONEY WASTED. Rev Charles Loo, of the First Pros liyterlnn church, preached n rather direct sermon to his congregation yes terday morning Ills discourse was In behalf of synodic sustentntlon and he took occasion to cite the fact that Im mense sums of money nro wasted weekly on confections, useless orna mentntlon and Innumerable other trivi alities. Ills heareis were deeply Im pressed by the force of his remnrks, which fell upon the guilty everywhere. BUSINESS CHANGE. The Palace Crenmety firm of Munn fit Avery was dissolved Saturday after noon F C Munn established tho busi ness eight years ago. A couple of yeais later ho admitted to partenrshlp E. 13. Avery nnd shottly nfter that D. B. Avery was taken Into the business. A month ago the two first bought out th last named nnd Saturday, as before stated, the final dissolution occurred. Mr Munn has assumed the debts of the firm and will continue the business at the old stand. FAIR CLOSES. An Immense throng was present at the close of the Mitchell Hose com pany's fair Saturday night. The lad dies had a very satisfactory week, and while the accounts are not yet bal anced, It Is thought they will havo cleared more than $200. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Dr. n.nd Mrs. II. C. Wheeler, Miss Hoffman, of this city, and Dr. Reed Burns, of Scranton, drove to Waymart yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Anthony Roemmclmeyer and daughter Leona.of Blrkett street, spent Sunday with friends in Honesdale. Mrs G. A. Singer w 111 leave today for a visit In New York city. Mrs, Samuel Goodwin Is visiting Jn Scranton. Mrs William Whltelock Is visiting In Philadelphia. Mrs Nina Dllts has returned from Hornellsvlllc. n W Dlx Is filling n temporal y clerkship In the People's shoe store. A bouncing baby boy "brightened the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilson, of Belmont street, Saturday evening. Tho officers of the AVomen's Catholic Reneflt league have presented to Michael Kelly the sum of $1,000, the amount of insurance carried In the so clety by Mrs Henry Kelly, who died recently It was the first money the league has up to date been called upon to pay Mis Kelly was the first mem ber of that society to die. The Indians, Jr., and nn Archbald eleven played a gamo of foot ball at Alumni park Saturday afternoon, In which neither side scored. Pupils of the High school will soon give an entertainment In tho assembly room to raise money for their new piano. MOSCOW. The Women's Christian Temperance union tea at tho homo of Mrs. O. K. Vaughn was a most delightful occa sion. From 3 till 6 o'clock tho spa clous parlors were thiongpd with guests fiom Dalpvllle, Madlsnnvllla Elmhurst und Moscow, About thu rooms were the Misses Florence Cart non, Ruth "Gardner, Hnttlo Noble and Agnes Watts, At tho tables were Mrs. Posten and Mrs. Clements, Mrs. L'Am oreaux and Mrs, J M. Noack. Beau tlful solos were rendered and many short nnd pithy nddresses were m.xdo. New members wtre added to the union. Mr Bert Plescker nnd Elizabeth Brown were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Reu ben Hiown, Thursdny afternoon. Rov HusHI Powell, pastor of the Christian church nt Madlsonvllle, performed tho cere, tnony. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hiescker left on tho 5.09 train for IHngbuintoii. Preaching Rcrvlco will ho held In tho Methodist Kplscopnl church Saturday evening, preaching by tho presiding el der, uev. Warner. The member of the Itebekah Lodge tendered Mis. Kllrabeth Costler n sur prise In honor of her birthday Thurs day evening. Purine mi' evening Mrs. Costler was presented with n chair. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Lovplnnd, Mr. and Mr?. D. .1. Roberts, "r- n.nd..?l":.5: 11;..rJ0S.,,0;,M' "?.d JUT? J. -H'U-', Uir( V I la 11UI0 Mrs W A. 1 Peu. Mrs F. Kolb, Mis. A. Itnthtlll, Mis. t:. N. Swnrts, Mr?. J W. Snyre. Mrs. Lancaster, tho Misses Inn De Peu, Lizzie. Kolb, Grace Travis, Dorothy Travis nnd Messrs. Daniel Clouse, George Kolb, Ell Trnvls, Orln Trnls, Allen Clouse nnd Fred Clouse. Mrs. Newman Drown of Thomhurst visited Mrs. II, O. Frlschkom Thurs day. Mrs Hoffman of Scrnnton Is tho guest of Mrs. F. W. Posten. JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. Birthday Party Miss Rymer En tertains Hor Sunday School Class. Personal News. Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Crawford of Sect' ond street entertained a number of little folks on Saturday afternoon In honor of their son Foster's fifth birth- day The children had an exceedingly happy time nnd were liberally sup piled with refreshments. Those pres- ent were Helen nurdlck, Minnie Parks, afarjorie Mellow, Florence Mil- ler, Mlldicd Rogers, Emma Davis, ' Louise Nicholson, Alice Gregn, Mnr Jorlo Mumford. George Jennings, Ne- well Townsend, Raymond linker, Al lan Nicholson, Charlie Winter, Ilnrold , Dobson, Walter Gebhardt, Nlles Klcfer, nil of the other disagreeable features Thomas nnd Willie O'Hrlen. eliminated, the benefits of Vinol nro Peter Gulsle, a Hungarian laborer I easily understood, employed In the Glenwood shaft, was Vinol nets favorably on the stomach, painfully Injured by a flying piece of creates nn appetite nnd enables the coal on Saturday morning, which food that is eaten to do the greatest struck him on the hand, cutting nn , possible amount of good, artery which bled so profusely that thi' I Following is a letter that bears ill man was In a weak condition when, rectly on this subject : the physician reached him. I " I was all rundown and took Vinol. Mls Dnnlp Rymer entertained the It did mo so much good and It was so members of her Sunda school olns-t pleasant to tako that I gave It to my at her homo on South Main street on children. They were growing fast and Saturday evening. Miss Rymor proved needed something in the way of a tonic herself nn excellent entertainer and and I found it to be just the thing for the young Indies had a most enjoyable I them." Sakah Pickeihno, 1032 Tall evening together The niembrs of the River, Mass. class are- Evn Teffery. Margaret j Wo cordially invite mothers intcr Davls, Elizabeth Battcnborg, Emma estcd In tho welfare of their children, Notherton. Emma Whllbeck, Maud as well ns any one else needing a sure, Jones and Louis- Cudllp I safe and delicious tonic, rebullder and Joe Law ler. tho boy lying nt the I rejuvenator, to call on us. We will Carbondale hospital suffering with a gladly tell any one all we know nbont fractured skull, as previously reported, Vinol and why vv c so highly endorse It. was operatPii upon on l-nuity evening and the latest reports fiom tho hos pltal are encouraging for his recovery The Ladles' Aid of the Methodist Kplscopnl church will moot this even ing nt the home of Mrs. Theodora Townsend on Bacon street. A child of Mr and Mrs. Job Williams of Fourth street Is recovering from an attack of tonsllltls. Claud Stocker Is linm from Blalrs tovvn academy on a visit. Mrs Fred Binfleld Is confined tn her home on Second street by sickness. The Twentieth Centui v club's annual meeting, postponed from last wetk. will be held nn Wednesday evening Pr S H Moyer of Onrbnndnle spent vrsterdnv In town 'with friends. Dave and Irene Games of rrovldence spent vesterdav here with relatives. .irs. i.uwara .viinams nnci Mrs. for- puson and son Thomas of Olymphant were yosterdnv the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Matthews of Cemetery street. Not a Surprise. It will not be a surprise to any who are at all familiar with the good quali ties of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, to know that people everywhere take pleasure In relating their experience In the use of that splendid medicine and in telling of the benefit thev have re ceived from It, of bad colds It has cured, of threatened attacks of pneu monia It has averted and of the child ren It has saved from attacks of croup and whooping cough. It Is a grand, good medicine. For sale' by all drug gists, Matthew Bros., wholesale and re tall agents. CLARK'S GREEN. W. P. Coon Is suffering from a largo caibuncle on tho back of his neck. Mrs. Benjamin Mead, of this place, and Miss Snbea Jackson left here on Tuesday to visit iclatlves In Tomftklns vllle. Mis. A. W. Lovlseo Is visiting friends In Sprlngllle, her former home. The funeral of Abram Singer, oldest Bon of our townsman, Mr. Andrew J Singer, took place on Wednesday morning last. Interment wns made In Clark's Green cemetery. He leaves a wife and two children to mourn his loss. Mrs. Georgia Walters, of Green RIdgo, visited relatives here In the enrllei part of this week. Mrs. Arthur LaMont, of Scranton, Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S Fraco. The members of the May Griffin lodge of Rebekas, No. 84, I. O. O. F.. were guests nt the homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. B. Austin on Thursday last Mrs. Henry Roichard, of Wllkes Barre, Is visiting relatives here. The assembling "of tho following ladles at the 6 o'clock luncheon nt the home of the hostess. Mis. W. S Frnce, on Wednesday last was the occasion of much pleasure and delight: Mis A. L. Courtrlght, Mrs Irene Hall, Mis. O. B. Jones, Mrs. W. S. Swallow, Mis. C M. Parker, Mrs. O Chpaman, Mis W. S. Frace. Mis. J. B. Austin, Mrs. M. II Coon, Mrs N. S. Davis. Mrs. A. D Fitch, Mis. A. A. Davis, Mrs. J. North up, Mrs. B. F. Akerley, Mrs. A. F. Brigham, Mrs. 8. Paiker. Mrs. Arthur La Mont, of Scranton, nnd her sister, Elizabeth Frace, assisted in the dining room. Mr. N. 8. Davis Is erecting a laige addition to his residence which will greatly Improvo Its appearance. Mrs. W. II. Sow ell and two of her children nnd her father, Mr. Boehm, of Corning, N. Y.. ure visiting acquaint ances here, nnd are en route to Galves ton. Texas, where they expect to make their future home Mrs. J W Mulllnex Is visiting the home of her father, Mr. A. G. Wheeler, In Tomcklnsvllle Mr. C C. Cook attended tho confer ence convention of the Epworth league jfv So Money In Advanct . n(-. " iieiore euK Men, Xys- Wo it o fend our remcdlei nnd vHWillauce (for men onh) 'trial und uuproY&l. If i the (Jrnudett 'Jhtng on not ic on Knrth for weak and tfrblli de v a uttea men, imp all back at V lUre little book, (ells It all. ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO, N.Y. A, K &Z&S 4 TO E jtfTR? I? PUNY CHILDREN TOO MANY OP THEM DIE. Their Little Bodies Unable to Stand, the Ordeal of Development. WE THINK EVERY MOTHER IN THIS TOWN SHOULD KNOW ABOUT VIN0L It is the Delicious Tonic We Advise for Growing Children. Is your boy or girl palo nnd listless ? Do they act differently from other children ? Do they sleep poorly niul cat poorly? Docs your boy avoid tlio sports and games of other boys ? Does your girl complnln of headache anil find her studies a hardship? If so, you may make up your mind they nro growing too fast. They need something to help nnturo in her great work of furnishing tho necessary ele ments for creating flesh nnd muscle tis sue, bono structure and rich, pure, red blood. They need a tonio in the full sense of the word nnd wo can tell you what to get. It is Vinol "Wine of Cod-Liver Oil, the great modern reconstructor. Children like it, it is so delicious to tho taste, In spite of tho fact that It contains a highly concentrated extract of the medicinal principles that are found in cod-liver oil. Hut because the vile-smelling and tnstlnc grease has been disenrded and Inasmuch as we arc always ready and pleased to refund the cost of Vinol to those who don't find it exactly what we claim it to be, it will be seen that we are prepared to substantially endorse our claims for the excellence of this marvelous preparation. MTHEWS BROS.. Pharmacists. this week and reports most favorably of the work done. The old-fashioned "Husking Pee" given by Mr. Parker was the occasion , ,,.i, !. , i,r n.nioi m..i in- bels of tnls vicinity on F?Iilay last Tho Rev. F. H. Parsons, of Milfoid, N. Y., was a welcome guest at the home of Prof. F. II. Greene on Thurs day and Friday of this week. TAYLOR NEWS. Price Library Association Will Elect Officers This Evening Dr. Harris Preached Two Forcible Sermons. Personal Paragraphs. aii peisons desiring to connect, mem selves with the Price Library associa tion nre cordially Invited to attend the business meeting to be held at the as sociation rooms this evening, when of- ... -.... . . .. llcors will he elected for tho. ensuing terrn- Borough Solicitor John M. Harris has been busily engaged during tho past week serving notices upon ptop erty owners In regard to laying stone sidewalks on Main stieet. This or dinance was passed by the council last July nnd If not compiled with In duo notice the council will have the walks constructed nnd charged to the prop erty owners. Rev. II. II. Harris pre-.ob.ed nn elo. quent sermon at the C'alvaty Baptist church last evening In honor of his eighth annlvoisnry n pastor nf tho nbove church, taking for his text from Hebrew 4 11 Dr Hums Is nn ablo speaker nnd has n very 1-irge congre gation. P.ev. Hniris became con nected with tho church n November 22. 15M. The membership at tint tlnio was ilnotv Inercnsp bv baptism, 12": uv letter, ir riv experience, ,"i: totil 2M members showing n total increase KnK1ent a number of scenic produc of 1"!! Amount of money evpended tlons wl" he ofored, Including Wlll-$21.4,V1?- amount nf debt on church lnm Havvorth's famous naval drama, nnd pirsnmee $2.10n. Spcal music "Tne Ensign;" "Paved from the Sea," wns rendered for the porvL-en by th a Krent melodramatic success; "A Flaar chinch rhnlr under the- direction of of Truce," by the author of "The En Prof. David E. Jones. sign," will bo seen during the week's A surpilse pirtv was riven In honor engagement, of Mr Hnrrv Btirler li James' hall Tll above successful plays havo of tho Archibald mines on Faturdny never before been presented In reper- evenlng. A largo number r.f i-uesN tolre, and loveis of nielodtnma have a were present tnd spent lbo evening In rare treat In sight next week. Ladles' n plenpat manner dancing being tlrketivhave been issued for this even. bolng nmong the features of thp even- tpg which lelnned supreme until a lau hour. Refir-shments wore served Miss Choice Powell ins returned from ber visit to Nnntlcoke Thomas Holmes of this town has left for New Castle where ho expects to permanently reside. MlneiOrcanl7-r John Gvmnno nf thl United Mine Workers of Hnzletnn was "weil up as minstrelsy, It Is a wel a caller on relatives here tho latter co,n Innovation to see n minstrel part nf Inst week I show containing nil tho plctuiesque- Mr nnd Airs John Orimths of West nP8S of tno darkey. Life Is what wo Scranton spent th" Snblnlh with th make It, and so. too, the value of a lntto's pnrents. Mr nnd Mrs. Jacob I ll,lm'0 representation can be easily es llobblns nf Union street tlmnted by a glance nt the names of Mrs Tnhn OrlOlths of Davis court !s seilouslv ill nt her homo. Wllllim Johns of II vile Pnik called on relatives bore vesterdnv. John Thomas of the flats Is recover ing from bis recent inurl, 'vblth'hn sustained In tho Taylor mines list w pok. . Mr and Mrs Edward Carter of Mnln street visited friends In South Scrnn ton ypsterdnv. Emblem Division No 57, Sons nf Temperance, will meet In their rooms thlR pvenlnp Mrs. David T. Davis of Has-leton U vlsltlnc relatives in this town. David Wllllnms of West Scranton called on friends In this borough yes torrtiv, Thf employes of the Gr-?nwopd Coal company wcro paid on Saturday for October month. Jormyn and company nro having four nrc lights placed about each of their two mines In Old Forge. Elec trlclan M. W. Pell of this town, and his force of workmen nrc constructing the same. MIxh Gertrudp Wnlklns of Pockvlllo spent the Sabbath with her mother, Mrs. W. W. Wntklns, on Grove street. PEOKVILLE. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Barnes passed yesteidny with relatives at Kftnutun. Mr. F. L. Taylor Is spending a few days In Philadelphia and will Inciden tally take In the exposition. Mr. Hoy Wndcman, of Wllkos-Bnrrt. called on friends hero yon'rrdny. Tho Gypsies who are encamped nt Mott Haven wore besieged by visitors yestcrdny. The fortune tellers reaped a harvest. W. 1 Nye, of Carbondale. called at tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. U. V. Mace Sunday. W. 11. White, of Scranton, cnlled on his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. I'. White, Sunday. Mrs. Fannie Hoisted attended the funeral of Mrs. William Hoisted at Carbondale Sunday. Main street Is In almost nn Imss,. ablo condition. Mud a foot deep. A grand concert under tho auspices of Wilson Fire company, No. 1, will bo held nt Firemen's hall, Peckvllle, this evening. Progrmme will be ns follows: Piano sol Mr. Bonsteln; solo. Mr. William Kelly; recltntlon, Miss Hnttlo Matthews; solo, Mr. Wal lace Jones; zither solo, Prof Morgan Lloyd; phonograph, Mr. II. li. Mat thew son; duet, Mr J. L. Bengough nnd Miss Bengough; solo. Miss Mnrcella Maxwell; solo, David 7. Davis; zither solo. Prof. Morgan Lloyd; solo, Mr. W W Wntklns; phonogmph, Mr. H. B. Mnthewson; solo, Mr J. L Bengough; piano solo, Mr. lionsteln. THEATRICAL. Jnck and tho Beanstalk. Under tho new management, which Includes Mr. E. J. Goodwin, of Scran ton, the magnificent extravaganza. "Jnck and the Beanstalk." Is better than over this season, as the delighted audiences that gieeted tho spectacle at the Lyceum on Saturday afternoon nnd evening will nttest. Upon witnessing a presentation of "Jack" It Is easv to understand why the exttavaganza should Increase In populntlty. The catchy music and goigeous features of the spectacle In tho way of dazzling scenery nnd costumes are lctalned, while tho company has been strength ened by tho nd (lit Ion of tho well-known comedians Frank Deshon, Sarpny Lam bert. George Gorman and Dan Dar lelgh. Miss Edith Yerrlngton, ns "Jack" Hubbard, gave an excellent Interpre tation of the character and sang sweet ly throughout the entertainment. Miss Mnrgaiet Mills and Miss Coia Leslie, as "Pilncess Mary" and "Little Miss Muffet," were ns near the Ideals of Mother Goose creations ns could be Impersonated by grown persons. The chorus Is largo nnd as effective as that of any comic opern troupe In rendition of the bright music that assists so materially In making the production pleasing nnd the vocal numbers were all that could be desired. From pres ent Indications the extravaganza will bo more successful this season than ever before. At tho Gaiety. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, November L'0. 21 and 22, Larkln's Orien tal Coons, with dally matinees. For the last half of this week the manage ment announces Rico and Rarton's big goyety spectacular oNtrnvaganzu com edy, which this season Is practically a new show. The performance thev glvo Is unique, bright nnd entertaining tlnoughout. Among tho features of the progiam Is a laughnble fnirlcal succeg In three scenes called "Maud of tho Tender loin." In which Chalks Barton will take the leading pan of Woodhy Smart, who goes to Now York and falls In With tho flliepn nf lbo Tmnlnrlnl,, I ,"--.. ... .... - This cnmpiny carries its own eonlc artist and eostnmer, nnd tho result of their labors Is omo very hnndsom" and original rostunies which nro well fllled by a score of pretty shapely nnd , vivacious girls who know bow tn sing nnd dance. The performance will nlso Include the- funny fan-e comedy en- titled "Me Doodle's Flats" ir "Satan's Inn." In w-hl-'h thnt pretty builesquer, Trnnkle Halnos. will have the letellni part. In the olio there will appear Barton ami Eckhoff, come dians: Pilnceton Pisteis, J K, Mullen, Annlo Dunn. Toughe-y and Mnck, Hlckev nnd Nelson nnd other clever specialty pel formers. Burrill Comodv Romni" This evening "The Bun III Comedy company," nn organization of unusual merit, will commence a week's engage ment nt the Academy of Music nt popular pi Ices. This company has an established reputation In the larger cities, and the closs of plays piesented are fnr superior to nnythlng ever pro duced In ropotrolie. During tho en- I"g. Tie bill will be ' Saved from tho Sea." Thatcher's Minstrels. Tho coming of the only nnd original George Thatcher in those days of stage trlllPS, when worn-out Jokes, sketches and iifter-pleces aie rehashed and I lnp artists engaged in the perform- nnci'. George Thatcher's greatest mln stiels will appear at the Lyceum on next Thuisduy evening und the com pany will be Identically tho same In every icspect and detail as that whicn has received tho unanimous pi also fiom press find public In all the 'cities It has visited this season. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. CHILD, SOFTENS tho GUMS. ALLAIfl all PAIN; CURES WIND COLIC, and It, tho best remedy for DIARRHOEA, Bold by Druggists in every part of the world. Be sure nnd ask for "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup." and take no other Kind, 'twenty-five cents a bittls. Hub been used for over FIFTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their t lllLIJItEN WHILE TF.F.'IHINU WlJ'il IM'IIPECT SUCCESS It SOOTIina ti, The People's amawwvnmama A POPULAR CLEARING HOUSE for tho lienollt of All Wh Ilnve Houses to Kent, 'Kent 1'stntc or Other Property t Sell or Exchange, or Who Wnnt Situations or Help Thsu Small Advertisements Cost Ones Cunt u YVorJ, Six Insertions fn Five Cents a Word lixjcpi Situation Wanted, Which ArJ In serted Free. FOR RENT rOR BENT-1N GOOD LOCALITY, A 5-room house. 1023 Cnpouso nenue. FOR RENT-FOUR ROOMS WITH OH without barn; modern Improvements. 330 N. Garfield avenue, clty.s FOR RENT-rOUR ROOMS V ITII OR without barn, 350 N. Gnrlleld avenue, city. WA NTEDTOJiENT. WANTiTD-ruRNtSHEDRM.'sUIT' nblo for gentlcmnn and wife, central ly located Address, X, Y, C, Tribune NICELY' Ft'RNISHRD ROOMS WITH prhato family. 1120 Mulberry. FOR RDNT-A FURNISHED FRONT room with or without boaid. 18 North Seventh strcot AGENTS WANTED. WANTDD-SDVnRAL GOOD CAN vnsslng agents, ladles or gentlemen; salnry or commission. Addicss M., Trib une ollleo BALESMKN-ir YOU WANT TO MAKE l,W a year work fur us Our leather suspenders sell themselves; cannot wear out; attractive assortment, exclusive ter ritory; snmples free. contlltionnll. J. S. Berry Mfg. Co , A E29 Cincinnati, O. HELP WANTED MALE. ENEtalrTcsuTEsTrAN- corNTiw work. School supplies Snliity $100 nnd extras. 11. O. Evans R. Co , Cht cogo, 111 A LIVE AGENT FOR SCRANTON FOR a sick and acclilent comnnnv that Is endorsed by the entire police nnd fire de partments of Philadelphia Address at once, E W Goodrich Jcrmn hotel. WANTED-RY AN ESTABLISHED business of a high older, a representa tive of ability and backing who can take up its work In the state of Pennsylvania . no f-chemo, permnncnt business with money In It for the right party Address giving references FOUNTAIN I1ATM BRUSH CO , Grand Rapid. Mich. WANTED-BAKER AS SECOND HAND Scheuer Bros , 311 Brook street. LOST. LOST-SUNDAY" AFTERNOON. BE tweon Mulberry rnd Pine streets on Monroe avenue a ladj's black silk hand bag with a silver top Finder Is re quested to return to "IS Monroe avenue BOARDING. BOARDING S23 TINE STREET. DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING TOR CHILDREN TO ordtr; also Indies' waists, Loulso Shoemaker, 21L Adams avenue. CITY SCAVENGER i A. B BRIGGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS and cess pools; no odor. Improved pumps used A B. BRIOGS. Proprietor Leav orders 1100 Noith Main avenue, or Elcko's drug store, corner Adams nnd Mulberrv Telephone 9110 MISCELLANEOUS. MRS rENTON. CLAHWOYANT.aiVES advice on business investments love and marriage. Bulvvcr street, Tripp's park DALTON. Mis. J. C Leacock attended the an nual meeting of the Women's Foreign Missionary society in Blnghamton, Wednesday nnd Thursday of this week Miss Beulah Bailey Is visiting her aunt, Miss Anna Wordon, this week. Mrs. II. M. Ives and Miss Elizabeth Bunrell, of Hyde Park, are spending Sunday In Now York. Miss Rosa Snntee nnd little Miss Loml Ives are tho guests of Mis. G W Reynolds, of Wilkes-Bnrre. Mr- Fl0(J Johnson, who plays right tackle on the 'varsity team of Wyo- mlng semlnnry, Is tho guest of his Mend, Mr. Nelson Dershlmer. vIrs. Henry Decker, Miss Rosa San- tee and Rev. J. C. Leacock attended the conference convention of the Ep- worth league at Caibondale, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week Mr. Hairy Dean, of Scranton, was a caller In town yesterday. Mr. Nelson Dershlmer witnessed the game between the Cornell "scrub" nnd the Wyoming seminary 'varsity teams at Kingston last Satuulay. Mr. George X. Smith Is attending school at the Scranton' Business col lege. "HE MISTAKES THE EFFECT for the cause" That Is what the ncrson does who tries to curo rheumatism or any other, disease bv alleviating the smptoms. Hood's Saisuunrilln re moves the cause and uermanently cures. HOOD'S PILLS do not Kline, druggists. 23c. GOULESBORO. All Mr. S. A. Adams spent a few days at Staten Island. Theio was a Methodist dinner at the homo of Mis Staples for the benefit of the Ladles' Aid. Rev. Mr. Menken Is holding n suc cessful series of meeting nt thO'M. E. church. Seveinl have Joined In full membeishlp nnd several on probation. Tho Ladles' union of Grace Lutheran church Is doing work making com fortables. Lehigh people held a supper for the benefit of their chuich on Tuesday evening. Dr. Theodoie Hnrvey, of Wesjjfleld, N. J., is visiting in town. How's ThisP . Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any ciish of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Unit's Catarrh Cure. F J CHENEY & Co . Toledo, O We, tho undtrslgiR-d huvo known F. J Chenev for tho last 15 jenrs, .mil bellevo him perfectly honorable In nil business transactions nnd Ununilullv nblo to cany nut any obligations mndo bv their firm West & Trunx Wholesale Druggists, To- ledo, O Wnldlng. Klnnnn & Marvin, Wholesalo Druggists, Toledo O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is token Internally, acting directlv upon the blood and mu cous surfuces of the sjstem Price 'i.le. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Tostl nioulals sent free. Hall's Family Pills nro tho best. CINNAMON-COATEI) BILLS -Dr. Ag novv's Liver Pills uio coated like a cln numon diop, very small and dt light fill to take. One pill a doec, 40 In a vial for 10 cents. Their pnpuurlty I it a whirlwind, sweeping competitors bifoio It like chaff. No pain, no griping, no Inconvenience, For sale by Matthew Bros, and W. T. Clark.-43. Exchangee. PROFESSIONAL. fRCHITESTS EDWARD II. DAVIS. AHCUlTT.C'l Council bullillng, Rcrnnton V. L. WALTTin. ARCIHTr.CT. OPt'lCT. rear of fiOG Washington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK. JR.. ARCHITECT 35 Spruce St., cor. Wnsh. uv., Scrnnton FREDERICK L. BROWN. ARCIHTr.CT Prlco building, 12ff Washington avenue bcrnnton. T I. LACEY & SON. ARCHITECTS, Traders' National Bank. OENTIST9 DR. I. O. LYMAN, SCRANTON PRt vnto Hospital, cor. Wyoming nnd Mul berry. DR. II. F. REYNOLDS, OI'P. P O. DR. C C LAUBACII, llf. Wyoming nve WELCOME C. SNOVER. Coal Exchnngo 2nd floor, Room D, Hours, 9 to 1, ' to B HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS THE ELK CAKE, 123 and 127 FRANK lln avenue. Rules reasonable. P 7.EIGLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D . L & W pnscngir depot Conducted on thi Eu ropean plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop -wV"f RICHARD J BOl'RKE. ATTORNEY-nt-Lnw, FOO-2 Lackawanna nwiuit Gen eral lnw business, collections ond loans J. W. BROWNINO, ATTORNEY AND, Rooms 312-.113 Mtnrs Building D. I! REPLOGLE, ATTORNEY-LOANS negotiated on real rtato security Mcars building, coiner Washington nonue nnd Spruce street. M J. DONAHOE ATTORNEY-AT-law; Offices, C12-613 Mcars Building FRANK E BOYLE. ATTORNEY AND Burr building, rooms 13 nnd 14 Washington avenue. WILLARD. WARREN & KNAPP, AT torncjs and Courrellors-it-Law. Lo publican bulldlnr. Washington nvenue, Scranton, Ta JEPSUP ft JESSUP. ATTORNEYS AND Counspiiurs - nt - Lnw. Commonwealth building, rooms , 20 mid 21 JAMES W OAKFORD ATTORN'EY-AT-Law Rcoms M4, C13 and BIG Boird of Trade building. JAMES J IT HAMILTON. ATTORNEY-at-Law C02 Copimonwe-ilth building, Scranton EDWARD W. THAYER. ATTORNEY Rnom f-Ci-fdl, 0th floor. Menrs building L A WATRES. ATTORNEY-AT-IAW W2 Board of Trade building, Scrantt-n, Pa. i C R PITCIiril. AI'TORNEY-AT-LAW. Commonwealth building, Scrnnton, Pn. PATTERSON & WILCOX. TRADERS' Nutlonal Bank building. C COMEGYS, Building 0-13 REPUBLICAN A. W BERTHOLF, Mears building ATTORNEY, PHYSI''" "IO -!l-?OVS MARY- A. SHEPHERD M. D. IIOME opathlst, C1C Linden street. DR W E ALLEN. 513 NORTH WASH Ington avenue. DR L M GATES, ROOMS 2tt AND 20$ Roard of Trndf building Office hours, 8 to 0 a m ' !n 1 and 7 to S p m Residence, 300 Madison avenue. DR. C L TREAS, SPECIALIST IN Rupture. Truso Fitting nnd Tat Reduc tion OfTlco telephone, 13C3 Hours, 10 to 12. 2 to 1, 7 to 'J DR S W L'AMOREAUX. OFFICE 2T Washington avenue. Residence, IMS Mulberrv Chronic dlsenns lungs, heart, kldnevs nnd genlto-urlnary or gans n specialty. Hours. 1 to 1 p m W G ROOK. VETERINARY' SUR goon Horses, Cattlo and Dogs treated Hospital 121 Linden street, Scrnnton. Telephone 2072 CWTK.S SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA. Scranton, Pn Courses preparatory tn colioge liw-jnedl-lne or business. Onens Sept. 11th Send for catalogue. Rov Thomn M. Cann. T.L D . principal nnd proprietor; W. E. Plumley, A. SI., head- mnster. isrni G R CLARK ft CO. SEEDMEN AND Nurserymen, store 110 Washington live, nue, green house, 1"V) North Slain ave nuo; Btore telephone 7?2 WIRE SCREENS JOS KUETTEL. REAR F11 I.ACKA wnnna .m-niie, Scrnnton, Pa , manufac turer of Wlic Screens MISO"'.' -""5US BAUER'S ORFIIESTRA-BIUS1C rOR'sundajs D & H..R R , 1 5S. 7 48 p m li.ills nlcnlcs. parties, iceentliins. wed dings and cuncut wuik furnished For terms address It J. Bauer, conductot. 117 Wvomlng nvenue, over Hulbcrts' music store. SIEGARC.EE BROTHERS. PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twlno Warehouse 130 Wushlngtoii pveiuie, Scinnton, Pa. G'TujziPjysjyA-J SITIt1oNVANTED-HYA OI'NO nmirled man t do i-nv kind of work Addltbs, I). L, 41-i Hlckorj stteet. WANTED-WASHING AND IRONING. to take homo, iixinurnnt nnd b.uher washing. 15 cents dozen, napkins and towuls, tnblt clothes, 2u cents doen. 11 Vht Mn-ket trt"-t. SHDDLH-AG ED GENTLEMAN FOR nine c.irs in it u sponsible position is accountant und correspondent, would llko position vvhero his cperlriirc would bo available. Flist-olns-. rifi-n-nces. John Clrrkwell, Scruntou postoilk-e, SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG woman ns housekeeper, cun glvo bot-t of references AiIiImhh, Sirs J J rear r.G; N. Washington avenue, cltv. A SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG lady to do ptmoral ollleo work. Good refeiences. Address 1. H.. Tribune of fice. STENOGRAPHER, EXPERIENCED, wishes position; has had two jours' oj.perlenco unit can glvo excellent lefer onces. Address. II S. L.. 1205 Cedar avenue, City. SITUATION WANTF.D-HY SINGLE mm In grocery storo or driving, has had five cms oxperlento and can glvo In st of referi nces as to tharicter and wot th Address F. A.. -21 Franklin ave nue, cltv. BOOKKEEPER WOULD LIKE POSt tlon Hist references Addn-ss Hook keeper. (2i Slonrce uvinuc, Sciantnn. SITUATION WANTKD-DR ESS.MAKER. swell, stvllsb work up to ditto; donu b the dnj In ptivntr f.unlllii N. York, ilri-ssmnker. 133 Prunklln nvtiiuo. Situation wanted-hy a phacti- ml iiuiso who Oioruiighlv unileiktands her liusineHH-, best of rifi-itKi-s Addles .Mis. M. Giover, bhiuiuI delivery. WANTED-A LAUNDRESS ON ANY kind of work; can Kivo best reforence. Atldiefes T, A,, 1101 Stouo uveiiue. RAILROAD TIME TABLE mMMAAMvMww Schedule in Effect June 10, 1800, Trains Leave Scranton: 3.-15 a. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, and for Pitts burg and tho West. 0.38 a. m., week days, for Hazloton, rottsv.llle, Rending, Norrlstown, and Philadelphia; nnd for Sun bury, Hairlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington nnd Pitts butg and tho West. 2.18 p. m., week days (Sundays 1.58 p. m.), for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimoro, Wash ington nnd rittsburg nnd the West. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. t 'I,11- WOOD. Oen'l. Pass. Agent. J. B. HUTCHINSON, General Manager. Del.. I.ackn. an. I Western. Effect Monday, Juno C, 1S53. Trnlrs lenvo Scranton as follows: Ex rmSS,X,,rNew Yrrk n"d h Points can', 1 40. 3 00. 8 0) nnd 10 05 a. m.; U.D3 and 3 31 P in. Express for Enston. Trenton, Philadel phia am' tho south. 5.10, 8 00 and 10.05 a. m', l2?5 "d 3 31 p. m. lobihniimi aiiouiinodntlon, 6 10 p. m. impress for Illnghnnitan, Oswego, El mirn, Coming. Hath. Danville. Mount jUorils and Buffalo, 1210, 1.33. 9 00 n. m.; J t nrd ,.r,0 p. m.. making close connec tions nt Buffalo to nil points in tho west "'..""i"! and southvvo-t nsiiingtnn iicrorr.mod-ttlnn, 3.10 p. m. "inghnmton nnd way stations, 1 03 p. m. i nctoryvlllo accommodation, 4 00 p m. iclio!son ncoommodntlon, COO p. m. Lxprcsa for Ftlc-i nnd Richfield Springs, -ii n m nnd l r,- p m Ithnca -.-!-, 0 00 n ,. ml 1 15 n. m. lor Nrrlhuinberlrnd, 1'lttston. Wllkes Hnrre. I'lv mouth, Bloomsburg nnd Dan Mile, making close connections at North ""Vfrlnnd for Wllllamsport. Harrisburg. inlllmorc. Washington nnd tho south rvortliumbctlnnd nnd Intermediate sta tions, 0.W, 30 03 a. m nnd 1.63 nnd 5 40 p. m Nnntlcoko nnd intci mediate stalons, 3 03 and 11 10 a. m Plmnuth nnd Intermediate stations. 3.33 and 8 50 p. m. For Kingston, 12 Rl v. m. Pullmnji parlor nnd sleeping coaches on all ovprr,M trnn. Tor detailed Informttlon. pocket time tables etc. apply to M L. Smith. Dis trict Pnsbonger Agent, depot ticket office. Dclnvv.irj ani Hudson. On Slav 11th. 1W, trains will lcavo Scranton ns follows: For Carbondile 0 20. 7 53, S 53, 10 13 a. m . 12 noon; 123. 2 20, 3 52, 5.25, 0 25, .57, 0 1", 11 00 p. m , 1 1C a m. For Albany, Saratoga, Slontreal, Bos tun, Now England points, etc. 6.20 a. m, 2 20 p in For Honcsdnle-6 20. 1013 a. m.; 2 20, 5 23 p m For Wllkc-Barre-C 43. 7.4S. S 43. 0 33. 10 43 n m ; 12 03, 1 23, 3 33, 4 27, 6.10. 7.45, 10 41 11 si p m For Now York. Piillndolphli, etc., via Lehigh Valley Rallroad-G 43 p m.; 12.03. 121. 4 27 p m : with Black Diamond Ex pics u "o p m For Pennsylvania Railroad points, 6.43. 0 IS n m , 2 IS. 4 27 p m For western points, via Lehigh Vnllcy Rallrond-7 4! a in ; 12 03. 133, with Black Diamond Expiess, 10 41, 1130 p. m Trains wih arrive in Scranton as fol lows From Carbondale nnd tho North 0 40, 7 43. S3S, 0 31 10 3"!, 1158 a m.; 123, 2.15. 5Zi 4 KJ, 7 VI, 10 Ti. 11 2, p m From Wlllio-B.arrp nnd the Smith 3 15, 7 4S S 4S, 10 ,-S 11 55 n mil 18, 2 14, 3 43, F 20, C 21, 7 53, 0 05 10 05 p. m ; 1 13 a. m. SUNDAY' TRAINS. Uor Carbondale 0 03, 11.33 p.m.; 2 23, 3 52. 5.17. 153 p m. For Will cs-Harrc-0 3S, 12 03 n. m ; 1 5S, 3 2S 5 41 7 4S p m For Albnr, Saratoga, Montreal, Bos ton, New England poims, etc, 2 21 p m Lowest rales to nil points In United Stiitos nnd fanndn J W Bt RDICK. G P A.. Albany. N. Y. II W CROSS, D. P. A., Scrnnton. Pa. Central Kailroii or Now .j".' Stations In New York root of Liberty street, N. It . nnd South Terry, Whitehall street. Anthracite coal used exclusively. Insur ing clinnllness and comfort. TISIE TABLE IN EFFECT NOV. 10, 1S9D. Trains leave Scranton for New Y'ork, Newark, Elizabeth. Philadelphia. Easton. Bethlehem, Allrntown, Stanch Chunk .iod Whlto Haven, at X 30 a m ; express. 1 20t express 4 00 p m Sund ivs. 2 15 p. m. For PIttston and Wllkes-Barre, 8 30 a. m . 1 20, 4 fiO p m. Sundays 2 15 p m. Tor Raltlmoro nnd Washington, end points South nnd West Via Bethlehem. 8 ".0 a m , 1 20 p m. Rundav s, 2 15 p m For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc , nt S ".0 n m nnd 1 2ft p m For Rending. Lebanon nnd Harrisburg. via Allentovvn. 8 30 a m , 1 20 p. m. Sun dnvs 2 15 p in. For PnttsvlIIe, 8 30 n. m , 1.20 p m. Through tickets to all points East, South and West nt lowest rate nt th station. .1 II OLHAUSF.N, Gen. Supt. II. P. BALDWIN, Gen. Pass. Agt. Lehigh Valley Knllroad. In Effect Slay 11. 1S90. TRAINS LEAVE SCRANTON. Tor Philadelphia and Now York, xla D. & II R R , nt fi 13 a m. nnd 12 03. 215. 1 "7 (Blnck Diamond E-ipress). and 1130 P. m. Sundojs, D. & II. R. R. 1.58, 7.43 Vor Whlto Haven, Hazloton nnd prin cipal points In tho coal regluns. via 1). & H It R. C43 21S (lml i"1 V m- For I'ottsvllle. 6 43 2 18 p 111 For Bethlehem. Easton, Rending, Har Hshtirfe and print ipal Inteimedlato sta tions, via D & H R R . 6 43 n m ; 12 03, 218 4 27 (BlaeU uinnwnu i;prpsj, i.., TunkiinnorK. townniia, j.imirn. Ithnca Geneva and principal Intermedi ate stations Ma D. L & W. R. R. 8 03 n m 12 55 nnd 3 X' p m Tor 'Geneva. Rochester, Buffalo, Nlng nr.a Fulls Clile ago and nil points west, via D S. H It. R . 12 03. 3 31 (Black Dla nond Express), 718 nnd lim p m Sun lays D & H R R . 12 01 a m, 7 48 p m. Pullman parlor nnd sleeping or Lehigh Vnllev parlor enrs on nil trains between Wl kes-Ilnrro and Now Yotk Phlladel nola nuffnlo nnd Suspension Bridge. nOLLlN II WILBUR. Gen. Supt. South CHAs",SCLEEaGen Pass Agt.. 20 Cort- a'VoNNUMACHER. Dlv. Pass Agt. South Bethlehem. Pa For tickets nnd Pullman reservations apply 300 Lackawanna ave , Scranton, P.i. New York, Ontario and Western Rail way. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT SIONDAY. NOV C U00 Train leaves Scrnnton for Carbondale and Cndosla at 10 55 a m , connecting with through trntns enst and west Train leaves Cndosla for Corbondnlo and Scranton nt 2 05 p m, leaving Carbon dale at ill P m. nnd nrrlvlns at Scran- '"sundnss only For Cndosla connecting with mnln lino trains east and west at R30 a in . arriving Fndoiln at 10 4j a in Returning, lenves C.adnsla at I JO p. m, leaving CorhondalP ut r 51 p m. and ar riving nt Scrnnton at 35 r m. ,f C Anderson, O P A T nitcroft, D P A . New Y'ork Scranton. Eric ami Wyoming Valley. Time Tnblc In Effect Sept. 11, 1853 Trntns leave Scranton for Now Y'ork, New burgh nnd Intermediate points on Krle i.tllrnad. also for Hawlej and local points ot 7 03 a m. and 2 28 p. in. Returning trnlns nrrlvo at Scranton nt 10 24 n m nnd 3 16 and 9 10 p. m. SCALP TREATMENT, , sirs.' lT"tiTeller scaIVtTTeat mont, 50c i-hiimpnoInK 00c , faoial ninsiio, inn-iliiirlng. 3Rc, fhlrouodv. 701 Quliicy NEVSSPAPERS THE WILKES BARRE RECORD CAN bo had tn ficiunton at thu ucvvs stands ot Rc-lsmun Bron , 405 Spruce and 603Lln den; III Norton 322 Lackawanna avenue; I. H. Schutzer. 2U Spruce street. .y