The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 15, 1899, Morning, Page 3, Image 3

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Newo of Internet In Rnllroni Cliclnu.
Two Talented Brothers Meanest
Man Discovered More Wood Acid
Factories to Be Built The Recent
Bpeclnl to tlio Scrni ion Tribune
Susquehanna, Nov 14. George C
Frank, of Yalcvllle, lias n curious freak
ot nature Whether It In a pig or
pigs Is not ceitaln. The creatmo has
one pel feet head and Is formed like an
ordinary pig as far back as the middle
of Its baek, except that It has two sep
al ate tongues. Half way fiom Its
shouldeis to Its hlplts body blanches
and the thlnd Quarters are those of
two well formed piss, with two per
fect hlnil legs and feet for each p.ut.
On its back Avhere the body divides
there Is a single leg, not so well de
veloped ns the other, which divides at
the nnklo joint and has two separate
feet. It was born alive and for sev
eial hours was Just as lively ns the
lest of the litter, miming mound and
squeaking like any pig. but. on account
of Its having two tongues, it could
not suck, and It died apparently of
starvation Mr. Frank has placed the
curio In the hands of a taxidermist.
Honesdale edltois have built an Krle
short-route acioss Wayne county,
so after this thev can almost hear the
whistles of the locomotives. Our gifted
brcthien over the Mooslcs have una
bridged Imaginations.
A book containing the pot Halts of
all the engines on the Eile system Is
soon to he published by a Chicago
firm. It will be a thing -of beauty, if
not a Jo foiever.
The lle could use a few thousand
more freight and coal cars
Every railroad oiganlzatlon In Sus
quehanna Is In a prosperous condition.
The Hrle will run a cheap excursion
to New York Nov. 22
Some Krle engines aie getting In
more than double time.
The rails on the Delaware and Hud
son road do not get cold nowadays
Ten extra heavy switching locomo
tives ojo being built In the Susque
hanna shops for use In Jersey City
two talknted nitoTimits
There aie two bachelor brothers who
live together In a little one-story build
ing at Lanesvllle, this county, who
certainly give evidence of cccentilcl
tles ot genius. In their own peculiar
way They are giants In statute, and,
but for a careles-s lndiffeience to dress,
might be termed handsome Their
home Is made the gathering pine
for many who lesort thither laigelyt
out of curiosity to see what the two
brothels will next originate One Is
an artist and paints a fine picture.
He iias a natural gift, and main of
his painting! have brought a good
price. The other brother is a genius
In an electrical way He has designed,
ininufactured and devised many eleo
ttlcal appllcances. The home of the
gifted brothers is well worth a visit.
The next meeting of the Susquehan
na County Teachers' Association will
be held In Lanesboro In January.
The newly-formed horse shoers as
sociation of Susquehanna county, will
meet In New Mllford on "Wednesday,
tor peimanent organization. Some of
the grangeis im the county do not fa
vor the oiganlzatlon. They call It a
sort of combine to raise prices.
County Commissioner Isaiah llnrils.
of Ttusli, will rebuild his hotel, some
time since destroyed by fire.
Leandor Lott, the Republican candi
date for county treasurer at the re
cent election, received a majority of
A revival Is In progress In the Rush
"Baptist church.
Montrose Catholics are to have a
fine new parochial residence.
No ono would blame Sheilff-elect
Maxey If he favored removing the
county seat to Forest City. His home
town saved his bacon.
The unhappy oyster Is wi lining In Its
Kind words and bald heads never
If a great big man calls you a liar
treat him with silent contempt. Do
not. however, make your contempt too
A young Montrose lawyer denlps
that there are too many lawyers In
the county. He says thra aren't half
enough clients, that's all.
The meanest man out !s the man
who knows who will 'je the nxt presi
dent, but will not tell.
Sonje women should he awnrdel the
"meddle" from the services they ren
der society.
A Jackson man has a hen foui teen
years old The othei day a hawk
stole It, but after an hour came back
with a broken bill and three claw
gone, put down the hen and took an
old rubber boot In place of It
It Is more than probablp that the
next governor of Pennsylvania lll
come from Lackawanna county.
Quite a number of wood acid fiic
torles Will soon bo built in this section.
There are not quiet enough Republi
cans In Wayne county for two parties.
It is evident that there ought to be
more offices or few er office-seekers.
In Susquehanna county some of the
"organs" in explaining a recent mlx-up
at the polls give the politicians sonn
most excellent advice, which ought o
have be-' dished out prior to the nomi
nating conventions. There Is little
use of tlllng a man that wnlk'n,; a
railroad Hack Is a dangerous pastime
after the locomotive has struck Mm
The Carhondale Leader reflectlngly
Insinuates that the report that the Eile
Is about to run its main line across
Wayne county "seems to have como
from Honesdale and Is being used to
boom that place and Beech lake." In
view of the iccent flight endured y
Honesdale, who can begrudge her Joy
In building castles In the air? Let her
toot her trumpet! "He who docs not
blow his own horn, the same shall not
be blown unto him." Whitney
Special to the Scranton Tribune
Tunkhannock, Nov 14. Com t con
vened here on Monday with Assoclato
Pricele. Information In
tealed enrelope. Marreloui
treatment, remedies nd ap
pliance, furnlttied on trial
andapprovil. If notallrmml
bucceti, return them at oat
expense sua l'uy Nothing.
Wc trait you, Vigor reitored,
louei checked. No C.O.U.,
nor other deception.
Judges Eastman and Vaughn prcsld
Ing. On account of the absence of
President Judge Dunhnm tho equity
cases and argument list, set down for
hearing at this time, were not taken
up and the court adjourned to Friday,
Nov. 24, the equity eases being put
over until Thursday of the first week
of January court. The auditor's report
In the John H. Rrungess estate was
Hied and confirmed nisi.
Dr. I). W. Sturdevnnt, of Lneeyville,
was In Tunkhannock on Tuesday.
The regular monthly meeting of tho
board of health will be held on Friday
moinlng at the olllce ot the secretary
Henry Harding.
Messis. Uurnett and Emmons, of El
inlin, are again In town ngltatlng the
canning foctoiy pioject, and are hav
ing good success In obtaining mibscilp
tlons to the stock. Thev propose to
erect the plant ns soon as tho stock Is
subsctlbed and have it In opeiatlon
early next spring.
The rlllc match at Plttston on Satur
day last between teams leprescntlng
Company M, Ninth regiment, of that
place, and Company M.Thlrteenth regi
ment, of Tunkhannock, tesultcd lit a
rather easy victory for the Plttston
company, some of the best shots of the
home company being prevented fiom
attending. A leturn match Is to be
shot here next Satuidu
Henry Harding Is In .Mehoopnny and
Forkston today.
Special to the Scranton Tribune
Townnda, Nov. 1,1. The Towandu.
police have been oidered to make a
laid on all of the gambling dens of
the town.
Mr and Mis. Volnev M. Wilson havj
Just celebrated their fifteenth wedding
tmnlversniy. Over one bundled guexts
attended the celebration at their honi
In Alba.
Fourteen of the emplojees fiom the
dosed Lehigh Vnllv shops nt Easton
hae become l cedents of Sayre. and
on Monday began w diking In the new
nnlnt shot). limit tu .miv.i.i-,. ,,r n,
seventy men tlnown out nf their job;
by the closing of the Easton shops will
also mou- to nyie soon.
L (5. Mat shall of Windham, has
been uuested and held, under SWO bad
for appearance before Deeembei quar
ter sessions. He was ni tested on the
complaint of L C. Shilling, of Idaho,
for embezzlement, brought on by deal
ing In horses at Athens.
The lino band will hold a fair nt
Wyaluslng this month. Randmaster
DeWItt has the piogianime In charge.
H. L Smith of Camptown, has com
menced the nianufac title of the Yunk)3
lantern holder
Klson Rennett of Towandu, has been
Slanted a patent on a brick niouH. Hu
has a laige plant at thl pl.u e
Chicken thieves in Tut.ciiruri town
ship suffocite the fowls with lvlm
stone matches In oidei t pt event their
escape. BV this method, two
weie destioyed by Hie a few nights
ago at c. H noinvan's faun.
Mis Samuel Howuid of Wynluslnir.
Is In Piltshuig ntteiidlnK the meeting
of the Women's Federation of clubs
R E Fiiiinnu. of Stuar Run, killed
a sK-inonths 0,i ,,K nst u.vk tnat
weighed 214 pounds.
The net meeting of the l!i.idfo:d
tountv Sunday school n-AocI.iMon will
be held at LeIajvlIo
H. 15 nnylord. of W.nltislng. upte
sented the met chants ot tu,n it
the count j seat last Thuisday.
The Trexlei & Tun ell Lumuer com
pany of Rlckctts. Including their em
ployes, have donated the sum of $4J.1 to
tho ''nyie hospital.
Eail Mien, an employe at the I.,
high Valley frelcht donor hiir. , t...i
ing fi eight into n car last Kildav the
biidge bloke thiougti, ,uul had bin
hand smashed bv ha hit; it caught b v
twecn the car and truck hni.lle
Mrs ('atollne Seyuicitii died at ln-i
home In Wmi last Fild.iy. aged llfiy
The foui-vuu-old daughtei of .lames
Muitin, leslding near Sayie. while
playing on the Lehigh Valley
was struck by a tlalu and lntnutlv
The Aigus building has linen pur.
chased bv Janvs Fostei, who will
mak' some gremly needed Impiove
mentr. The building has been us, -J
as a newspeper ollice since ISm It was
erected by the late JiMge Paisons
A wedding of much Inleiest among
society neonle took nlnn. nt tin, -ui.-
odlst i:pl.scopal church in Troy Ihrtt
inuipuuy evening. The continetliu,
partles weie Chunks B Romer. of EI
mil a and Miss Clan Llndciman of
Tioy, who weie made husband and
wife bv Rev. M. Mosher.
The Kej stone Social club Is ,i new
organization lust instum,.,! in, i...
following olliceis- Piesldent, Peter
tropp, secielaiy, Louis Grant, lie.ii
urei'. S G Mek"l. A opi ik nf i,,
Hre being .iiainged to be glvcnin Fes.
ici s iiiiii m -weekly.
Harkness Is u new postoflloo est lb
lished In Springfield township with
Mrs. Lam a Corv as pogtmlsliess
Towanda, Nov 14. Mis. c H. Tuin
ei Is a guest of friends at Seinnton.
The first shipment of the latere steel
gondola cms for the Lohig'i Valley .n
rlved at Sayre last Satii ! t ' Th
cars have a capacity of 10)00) pound
The committee of the Lackawanna
Piesbytery which was appointed to in
spect the woik at the Susquehanna
Collegiate institute will attend to them
today and tomonow. The committee
consists of Rev W. F Stiles, of Wjo
mlng. Rev S. c Hodge, of Tunkhan
nock, Rev M L. Cook, of MeiTjall.
mil S M Paik, of West Plttston, and
II IC. Tiaey. of Scianton
Thliteen old locomotives which have
been standing on the switches in Sayie
for some time aie now being biokeu
tin for scrap lion.
A new camp of the Patilotle Sons of
Ameiica will be Instituted nt Ollletts
next Tuesday evening.
Judge and Mis E M. Dunham, of
Laporte, were enteitalned by Townn
dlans over Sntuiday and Sunday.
Postmaster Tinner, of Towandu. has
completed the special weighing of all
mall matter ut the post olllce In com
pliance with the older of the postmas
ter geneial The woik began on Oct
3 and continued for thlity days. Tho
total amount of all classes of mall mat
er originating In the Towanda olllce
was 14.9IJ pounds, divided as follows
First class letters. 934 pounds, second
claBS, paid, 1.69G pounds: second class,
free, newspapeia in county, 3,693
pounds, government fieo In penalty
envelopes, 2,338 pounds, foreign lettets,
three pounds, eight ounces The larg
est receipts wero on Oct. 12, 1,418
pounds, the smallest on first class mat
ter on Oct. 3, 22 pounds, S ounces: tho
largest on Nov. 0. 41 pounds. Tlio
average per day wbb 491 pounds
Miss Allle Smith l3lfed f i lends at
Mehoopany several days last week.
Rev. J. J. Smith and wlf. of Nich
ols. N. V nro visiting their daughter,
ter. Mrs. D. V. Keller.
Mr. and Mrs. William Wlllson have
Iksucd Invitations to the man lag of
their daughter, Miss Emma, to Mr.
jnLll flHIV
es of Lire
Have their periods of weakness and peril. From childhood to old age, from the "infant puling in its nurse's
arms" to the "lean and slippered pantaloon," each period of life sees humanity at the mercy of chance and cir
cumstance. The condition upon which a man lives and thrives is that hd protects himself from the attacks of
the myriads of germs which imperil his health. Keep the blood healthy and the body is healthy. The blood is
the river of life. It nourishes every organ of the body. Let the river of blood get tainted and the body at
once suffers in the organ most susceptible to attack from disease. Dr. Pierce's Golden" Medical Discovery
fortifies the body against attacks from disease. It does this by purifying the blood and eliminating the waste and
poisonous substances which form the breeding ground of the germs of disease. It strengthens the digestive and
nutritive system so that the body is adequately nourished. It increases the activity of the blood-making glands,
so that the body is strengthened by an increased supply of pure blood. To this is due the wonderful cures
of blood disease, nerve disease, heart disease, lung disease, and diseases of other organs, performed by "Golden
Medical Discovery." It cures eruptions, because it removes from the blood the foul conditions which breed skin
diseases. It cures nervous diseases and heart ''trouble" by invigorating the stomach and organs of digestion and
nutrition, and so giving the body the elements of nutrition, out of which
strength is made. It heals weak lungs by pouring into the enfeebled
organs a tide of rich, red blood.
Medicine cannot make blood' nor make strength. Blood and strength
arc made from food. Hut food only makes blood and strength when its
nourishing elements are extracted and assimilated. "Golden Medical Dis
covery " invigorates the weak stomach, so that the nourishment in the food
is extracted and assimilated, thus making blood and strength. Ninety-eight
per cent, of all who have given the Discovery " a fair trial have been
perfectly and permanently cured.
There is no alcohol contained in "Golden Medical Discovery,"
neither opium, cocaine, nor other narcotic.
Let no dealer, for the gain of a larger profit, rob you of the cure
you seek by offering you a substitute as "just as good." There is
nothing "just as good" as "Golden Medical Discovery."
Me Wststied RrBogaey.
"I am hound to say that if it had not been for Dr 1'iercc's Golden Medical Discovery, I would
have been in my grave two or three ears ago," writes Mr. Daniel A. Carter, of Vost, Rowan Co ,
N. C Six j ears ago last August I was attacked with fever; was in bed nine davs, and then
taken with chills. Had this si months. Mv .splc, iccame enlarged, and I was in he'd oft" and on
for four j ears. I went to the doctors, and some of tlictn said I had dyspepsia, others said I had
liver trouble. The last doctor I had called it chronic liver and stomach disease. So I paid out
nioucv and nothing did me any good. I borrowed one of Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
AdvLrs from one of my neighbors, and read about the Doctor's success. Last August, two years
ago, I commenced taking Dr. Pierce's medicines, and used ten bottles, and now I can do as big a
da's work as anj nun I am 32 vears old. I now weigh 1S0 pounds."
Goughedf NSgM am Day
"My wife was taken sick 111 August, 1S97, and was sick for five or wc
weeks," writes William Huelbig, lisq., of Benton, Franklin Co., Ills. "The
doctors and neighbors pronounced her trouble consumption I had two physi
ci.ins but they did not do much good. She coughed night and day; could not
lie down for coughing, and she got vcr low. I thought she never could be
cured. Then I got four bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and
she took the whole of it, and is all right now. She is stouter now than before
we were married If it had not been for Dr Pierce's medicines, she would
have died in a short while. We cannot pi .use tilts medicine enough. She is
taking care of the baby and does all of the housework, including the washing "
This Best BEoosi PisHSiQB:
"This is to certify that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is the best
blood purifier that I ever used," writes Mrs. M. Hartrick, of Demster, Oswego
Co., N. V. "It is about three years since my health began to fail. Last
September I gave out the phjsicians pronounced enlarge
ment of the liver. Could not do an thing ; my back pained me all the time;
the doctor said I must not nde ; in fact, I could not ride nor walk, nor hardlv
sit still , could not he on my right side. I commenced taking the ' Golden
Medical Discovery' and ' Pellets 'took them for three months, until cured,
and still continue the ' Pellets.' I will be glad if I can do auv thing to help
those who are suffering. You can publish this letter if vou think' bc-.t."
the book in paper covers.
hVftnnn&N- f ,, A i
C iU" -...., - - ii 111 ii.ii -.1.- V
Last year. This year as much or more will be given to the people who ask for it. DON'T VOU
WANT YOUR SHARE? You can have it by sending a request to Dr. R. V. Pierce, for a copy of his
great work, The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser. Stamps to pay expense of mailing
ONLY, must accompany each request. Exclusive of the cost of mailing paid by those who asked
for the book, it cost the author, Dr. R. V. Pierce, over $25,000 last year to carry out his agreement
and give a copy of this book to all who cared enough about it to pay the bare expense of mailing.
The "Medical Adviser" contains 1008 large pages and over 700 illustrations. It is the most prac
tical work on hygiene, physiology, reproduction, and medicine, ever offered to the public. It tells
the plain truth in plain English. Send 31 one-cent stamps (to pay expense of mailing ONLY )
for the "Adviser" bound in strong and durable cloth. Or, send 21 stamps for mailing, and obtain
Address ,
DR. R. V. PIERCE, Buffalo, N. Y.
Wood, operatoi at Rummerfield, No
vember -' .
Mr. Albert Millet, of New Vol k city,
visited friends In town several d.UM
lnet week.
l)i. Boswoith and family, of O.snlo,
bi othei of E A Bcisworth, has moved
in hero le-ently.
The people of our town weie very
much pleasid with tli, election of out
townsman, Geoige V Ingham, to leg-is-ter
and rec Older, lust Tuesday.
Mr Noah Newiimu, of Warren Con
tie, spent seveiul diys with iiU broth
er. Chailes W. Newiimn. last weds
Mis. AiHms and Miss Wellls attend
ed the mlsslotviiy meeting at Avoca
last week.
The ladles 0f the Ptehbj teilnn
church are piepnting a inre tict In
the shape of a poetical cntet talnment
Filday evening, November 17. lc9i
Miss Maud WjIIs, of Spilng Hall,
and f i lend, of II.u iIrIum ;. visited at
Mrs. N. A. Fells Inst Fildoy.
Mrs. William Ellsworth litis moved
from his faun In the looms of Howard
Miss Nellie Clnir.beilaln will enter
tain the musical Satuiday, November,
Mr. Samuel Gregory and Mstet, Mil
He, of Lacyvllle, visited friends In town
last week.
Thursday evening, Nov. lfi, the Men'
Union of the Oieen Ridge Piesbyteilnn
church will hold Its sixteenth regular
monthly meeting In the lectuie loom
of the chinch. Tho following Inter
esting piogramine, Interspersed with
vocal music will be lendeied: "Scran
ton Public Schools" la IHiVyeni sui
vey); "School Houses Their Cost." I'.
B. Gardner, esq , "Teachers, Theli
Cost,; Prof. H. L. Burdlok: "Books;
Their Cost." C. T. Beirumy; "Adminis
tration. Its Cost," A. T Hunt; "A
Few Rematks," Mv. Geoigo Mitchell,
Tho union etends a coidlal Invitation
to all gentlemen In any way Interested
In' our public schools to bo present.
There will bo a meeting olj tho Lend-a-Hnnd
Mission band of the a teen
Ridge Presbyterian church ut the
home of Mis F L Hlti hoik on Filda
evening of this week
("losswalks huve been laid "n Sunse
and I'apouse avenues dining the pant
w eel.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Green
Ridge Presbj teihm chinch will serve a
tuikey siipper In the i hurch pailor.?
Filday evening fiom C to S o'clock.
R. W. Kellow Is making extensive
impioveinents on his Mousey o venue
W. L Can, of Peclcvllle, has taken
cbaige or the West Ridge more on
Noith Main avenue. Mi. Carr Is now
geneial managei of Riclinioudnle stoio,
Peckvllle Stole company. Limited, nnd
the West Ridge stole. It should also
be lemembeied that .Mr air Is a
Gieen Ridge boy, too.
Miss Susie Williams, of East Murkot
stieet, has letuined fiom a year's s-o-journ
In Montana.
Di Waltei Foidhiim, of Capouso
avenue. Is confined to the house by an
attack of Inllanimatory iheiimatlsni.
Miss Amanda Can. of Dickson ave
nue, hns letuined from nn extended
visit with fi lends at Wilcox, Elk coun
ty, i'a.
Miss LizJo Palmer, of Uelawnio
stieet. Is III from nn attack of tonsil
itiis. The Ladles' Aid soc My of tlio Gieen
Ridge Piesbyteilnn church win hold
Its annual Inn vest dinner In tho chinch
pnilois Filday evoning ne.t, between
the houis of G and !.
Not a Sui prise.
Il will not bo a suipthso to any who
aie at all familiar with the good quali
ties of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,
to know that people eveiywheie take
pleasure In (elating their experience in
the use of that splendid medicine and
In telling of tho benefit they have re
ceived from It, of bad colds It hni
cured, of threatened attacks of pneu
monia It has averted and of the child
ren It has saved from attacks of croup
and whooping cough. It Is a grand,
good medicine For sole by all drug
gists, Matthew Bros., wholesale and re
tall agents.
i Littus K.iiuluiug uiKluluied dining
I the period ending Nov 11 ute us fol
,l s Ilniiv Bilglilun i ouiu II com
I mllteenuin Ki.tnk Buike, Adams ave
nue, .Mis 1, i nine, two packages
Miss Bildget HimuFhim, Apple ave
nue, .Mis. .Ionian. i",i, ,-ine stieet,
I'lllllles Hull. 11! Pine six et (two
packages): Allle Hv, Ingle. K. G Hav
Idge, Oil Pine stieet; Mrs James
Wardrobe. iGtli .leffeison avenu, Do
nicnlio Subano. Hoi mo l'ane, "A.
II" (fj.
Chniles Pllgir.a popular young man
of this boiough, and Miss R'utle
Swnitz. n well known young lady of
Peteisbuig, wne mm i led .Monday af
ternoon at tho paisoungc of St. Petei's
Lutheran chuich, nt PeteiHbuig.
Tho ceiemony was ppi formed by Rev.
J W. Randolph, pntoi of the chinch,
nftii which the wedding p.uty and
fi lends proceeded to the gloom's home,
wheio a leceptlon was held. Both
of the happy oung couple enjoy tli
best wishes of a host of fi lends.
Miss Annie Whontcioft enteitalned
n numbui of her fi lends Sntuiday
evening nt her homo on Di Inker stieet.
An enjojuble evening waa spent In the
usual diversions.
Those who weie the guests of .Miss
Wheatcioft were Misses Jennie Kel
ler. Fiances Keast. Baibara Eden,
Clara Bateson, Minnie Johnson, Mar
garet Harris, Mnggle Kollei, Ada
Bioadhuist. Lizzie Keller, Mabel
Keast, Messrs, Allen Biondtiurst. Rob
ert Gessler, ceoige Dlerkes, Walter
Bioadhurst, Reuben Dlcius, Halley
Eden, Ambrose, Fred anil Lester
Wheatcioft, Henry Bioadhuist, Hnrry
Edwaid Gagel, of West Haven,
Conn,, Is visiting his parents on Cher
ry Btreet.
Edward L. Sterner, of Ycdd,o Is the
Mi.hl "f Iim Inothei. William A Stein
.i, nt Not th Hl.ikelv street
it'iHge I.uik'i. of Mnplevvoud Is vis
iting Mis .lames lie.lttle of Glove
st-c '
Thif uneinl of William Li-gail will
take place tiom his late home on
Clienv stieet toinonov. moiiuug at
U o'clock Set vices will be conducted
at St. Mniy's Catholic church Inter
ment will be made in Mt Cain. el
Restur: Vimlily, Lost Vigor and Manhood
Cure Impotcno N iclit Emis-Ions, Loa of Mem.
nil ntinc dieasag.
I all fleets if elf ulu8 or
H'hA norvo tonlo ind
, -Jtltlnnil hlnlrlm. Hrirma
V ytlio milk alow to Dale
" . plinrL Mini rpstnrna Clin
LaWlrn f south. By mail
v NO
Stoiies Circulated Principally to i
Boom Steamship Tiavel. to the Scui. ton Tillmne
Stioudsburg, Nov U Well known
Ruben Depue has sent a letter home j
which Is not Intended to give encoui-
agement foi those who have an eje
on the gold Ileitis of Alaska The let
tei Is dated Cape Nome. Alaska De
pue wiltes as follows "It seems funn
to me that people iend tile new f paper
stories about so much gold In this
and the Yukon and the Dawson c oun
tiy and don't ic.ilUo that It Is only a
boom for steamboat and othei com! s when they know that mote than
half In this whole mining country nre
broke ami asking for government help
t "jneie suouiii oe some kiiici oi iaw
pi eventing these gold mining stories
being published and Influencing people
to come to a country like this and
lose all their wealth and a gieat manv
their Tionlth. It Is especially hard on
man led men who come to look for
gold which Is haul to find Of couise,
theie is gold In this section, but It
costs all It is woith to get It out and
very few make mine than a living out
of mining
Mis. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup.
Has been used for over FI1TY YEARS
bv MILLIONS of MOTHKH8 for their
U the best remedy for DIARRHOEA.
Bold by UrucRistB in every part of the
world. Do Mure mid auk for "Mrs. Wins,
low's Soothing Ssrup." and take no other
Kind. Twenty-llve cents a bottle.
iBOc nc liox G boxes for
$2. 50, without bankable gaurantea to cure
or refund the money paid, bond for circular
and iopy of our bankablo guarantee bond.
Nervita Tablets
lmm,MfltA Dftenlta
(tlXLOW LAIltl.) ' rvM..o
Poal' Ivcly guaranteed euro for Loss of Tower,
vuricocolu, Undovolopod or Shrunken Orunns,
Paresis Locomotor Ataxia, Ncrvou Prostra.
tlon, Il?torln, l'iti. Insanity. Paralysis and the
ItcsulU of Exeesdvo t'soiif Tobacco, Opium or
Liquor. By mail in plain piclcafro, $1.00 a
box, 6 for $0.00 with our bankable trunr
antce bond to cure in SO days or refund
money paid. Add res m
Clinton & Jackson Sts.,'CHICACO; ILL.
Sold bj McGurrah .t Thomas, Unio
nists,, 0J Luclcawanna ue, KiniiUon, I'a.
jILZKctvous aittcaes-l?iillatt ilea'
sJtl oraimpoicacy. r -ao-. ot . i,ui,ovi
."I lir AUuso or o'.ber Isctxses anil ladlif
ractora Loct Vitnuir In old or roan?, ami
lit a mau for stair, baslj.aor incrrlaso.
tukmitinn. 'ihrlriitn i,hniri itatredlata lmcroTO
nontLd etlocta a i-UliH nbore all cthoc Wil.Lz.
fitt ooi.havlnB tho (ranico A5"x
a D"a"7. irlrtwuuigirer
tuiaL-niTOi nr six tkf ((all troatmPLt) for S20. Hr
WfiiLJai'Ialn wrapwr. nronrcxlptotrrlro. ( i-culip
" AJAX remedy CO,, KSgWi
For sale in Scranton, Pa., bi Mallliews
Hros and II C ftndeiscn Uruggtstlj.
The Working Basis.
ritht Lawvci You mi n auft a
Heeond I.awvcr Vou uiq a Uar and a
blurkguard' ' '
The Court Uoftll i'ome, gontlfmii,
let's KOt down to the disputed points of
tho case, Philadelphia Noith Amcilcan,
'f A -u
. tjj' --r'-2'fc"Jt' - "f-
r-fr1"" j'.mJli . f,,-