The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 13, 1899, Morning, Image 1

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    0k &jf
lr JTl 111 I IIP'
Tlicy Swarm tlic Country
in Great Numbers and
Harrass the British.
six Boers Killed Dining tho Flr3t
Engagement Tho Follovvcis of
Kntgcr Aio Well-Mounted and Ap
pear nnd Disappear with Marvel
ous Rapidity nnd Aie .went on
"Lifting" Cattle British Kill
Their Own lien Dy Mistake Boer
Loss Estimated to Be Heavy.
Cope Tonn, Nov. 12. The follow in?
o'i-i u h, undated, has bevn lecelxid
tn.i, i by dibpatih ildti, via
II.,t 'I nil, Nov. -I imornlnsc):
in i -i laj . the Hueis made
tht 11 n, (.nance near C:n tor's farm.
Tin x i ii i o! i-ned Hi e with a Maxim,
th it (,i i'i lymir with tides, Uy
n istaki- our llru nun dowi. Into tile
i . v lil ing a mi li'id of the Cm e
Iioili and uoundltiu anolhcr. Tha
l' a sh tin illy utlrtd on the reset voli",
x l i two Runs weic brought up to
sh I ibi l.i urs. The roult is not et
Kim n
M inwhlle, Mime Roots hail oceu
pUd K.iiniieihdnnt. tiring with o e nun
on t-'it s JConli', but not netting tbe
iap"i ihc did no damage It It be
lieved that -ix Roots woio hllkd In the
II n flKht
Th -I'mis now HUnound Klmbeil'-y
In c i it litiinbcis and aie bent on 'lift
ing cattle and hnrrnssing the people.
N .ila-m signals wcie snimdel at 10
o f till k thl motnlnr, tin enemy hav
ing limn observed In greater iiuniVrs
and iI'imi t our outposts. They filed
on a iiou ii under Major Peakmnn
h h no ' i d tlum, but th flii-'K was
nt Inia mi ' The only costtallty was
III no, ri'ini; nf Major Aylt'ff, of the
Ca"e pi Mr e
'"I' fm my 'lifted' forty cattle not then-
r Hi' s.ardta-luni. subsequent! '
fl 1 1 ti pr ight "holts In the nelr-hboihon 5
i' Vi 1 r i Vs fii in Tt ICenllworth.
Tl d'd i) dimitre and letlred. Uatev
ill H 1 mi 'i nurriliT of entiv'cts who
t.-c -n-kipn. niar th oinltifltm an 1
n ml1' went o" w't'i a larne num
li"i i f Mtl and donkeys.
Th ''His am well mounted ninl
f ni h Mpa It the wldt tl'ev ant'e.i"
ji ' 1 u i' nr with mnrvplniiM ran'i'ltj,
hn't nn Miflnf' fatt'e. Tho ileninn
p in inni1 to the southwest to lav
a -a inu ii feint to rover the unsii"-r-f-,r,i
i, o i.iiiont at Kenll'vo'th after
eittte Til I" fl lil-r"in Phnotlm; W,H
pour all the shel's felling short."
BnJlcr'a Dfipttch.
The n olUee Issued tho following
dispel- h ill''- evenlnix finn Oeneral Sir
IteJ- - Pul' ' ' c ipe Tfiwn, Nuv.
It p i p m . Colitni-l Kekewleh
(Hilt -h i nniiiaiMlor at Klinbeiley), le
potts ih it the encm weie very ne
tle on Vnxemlit'i' 1, iirlnclpnllj with
the objpi t of drlilns otf cattle. Tli
Orange riei Ftote tioniM rtieatid
rapidly bifoie Colonel Turner without
At 12 "0 the Transvaal troops ad
anred on Kenllwovth Mijnr I'cak
nnn, with a sriundron of Ktr.ibeiley
llBht hoie was hhMiiB In the hush and
Kave the i neim a waim lecppilnn, the
Hoeis totln d til ins.
folonel Tin net tolnforn 1 Malor
lMiknun and at 1J.10 p m. the enemy
opened lie with one pli ee oi nt tlllery
at neail 4 OCU vault range. Ivi kuiis
of the I'lamond Held aitlllety wero
then sent In suppoi t of Colonel Tur
ner hui the enemy's kuhs li.i I cnsi-d
111 Ins; after the fifth lound. Consc
quentl ur Kims did not coma 'nto
uitlon The enemy's aitilleiy rire was
not 1 mi Klntf and shooting was ba !.
Out i.ihul.iiki In the Kenilwoith en
KaRement wete- lln'lted to Mnjor Ay
lerf of the Cap police, who was
wounded In the neck. He Is expected
to reoe Iitir In the dav our
plilfts say, tho Hoeis rallied off six
(had fiom one spot, piohably killed bj
inn M ilm The total Hoer lot,s was
piobulily h"i'y but had not been esti
mated b Colonel Kekewleh
About ' Lj p in Colonel Tui ner was
again In muai t w Itli a ni w body of
the enemy on the Schntsdilft load.
From th (onlnj? tower a larce num
ber coul 1 be plainly seen within two
mllen of Mie Kimbeiley teseivolr and
others iihniit a walled enclonsuro on
their ilsht U ink. Colonel Tinner open
ed with .i Malm and two guns of the
Dlamonl Field ai tlllery sent In sup
port Ho (ame Intu action at JIM" p
m nnd eomiimed flilnK until dusk.
"Om further casulutles thuiv wero
Hrlate Lubbe, of the Capo police, who
was shot through the head nnd who
died on nirllnrf nt the hospital and
Seigeant WateinuiB. of the Klmherley
division of the e ape polite, who was
wounded but Is doing well.
'Colonel TCekewhh Is unable to stnte
the enemy's lis but he bollees theso
must hae been sex hi, t Jn Igliu; from
the pieclpit.ite letient of the I'oers.
'At C 10 p. in. the en my op-ued Hie
with one piece of nrtlll 'ry from Knm
pets Dam. on fitto's Kopje, tim latter
laliiB held by tho Cape polleo. The
enemy Inlllcted no damage.
Eiiinpr nt Lndysmlth.
Hstcourt. Nntil, Thuisday, Nov. 9
(Meirning) Henx v ilrtng Is new pro.
ceedlng In the direction of T.nd smith.
It began at dajbredc. Borne report
nre so much heavier than any pi exp
loits dlsehaigen as to load In i general
belief tYm the Hrltlsh heavy naval
guns aro again active.
Th'4 Fife arrival at Ltalvsmlth of
IjI-'Utrnunt Hooper, of the fifth Lane
pis shows that communication with,
tho RaillHon Is possible He xns aux
in's to 1 1 Join his teglmeut and sUutttd
hi'nee, m coinpnnled by a Natnl police-
In traversing
thp Boer lines.
Cape Town. Nov. S A despatch from
l'tetoilu, dated yesterday, pays that
the foreign consuls hold weekly meet
ings nt the residence of tho Italian dip
lomatic ngent to discus matters of la
let nntlonnl Interest.
Aceoidlng lo the same correspondent
the Hose Deep nnd Feielr a Deep with
ton other mines ute working. White
anil mncic inn ir is pienniin nnu mo
mint is busy coining gold,
nrangc ltlver. Cape Colony, Nnx S. '
A tiiundton ofith" Ninth I.-ineets
xxith a compnny of mntinled Infantiy
lcionnoltered today In a southenstetly
dlref tlon, retaining by xxny of l'eras
xille, without Incident. The excursion
had the effect of nulothig the Inhabit
ants of the district.
Baden-Powell's Despatch.
London, Nox I?, The folloxxlng de
spntch fiom Colonel Uaden I'nxvll.
Hrltlsh coinniant'er nt T.'afeklng. dated
October 2 and forwnrdrei bj f!ncril
Huller xxns posted this afternoon by
the war olllce:
"All Is well bete. After several daB'
(helling and n hiavy Inm'iitdment .1
body of the enemy made a genetal at
taik on time sides of the town which
wns repulsed by our Maxim flic. The
eneuiv Is now dfiwlnr off. Our ens
ua'tler, xxtie slight.
"Lieutenant l.lev ellyn, will, several
nimoied ttalns drove oft the enmy at
Coidvl I'ool on , Wednesday, 1:1111ns
Kstcnurt. Nov. '.i. Thuisday (after
noon) a p-ivly which lole out beveial
mill h about noon to ohreivo the boni dinent of Lad smith cm " .i L h.r
Tom, a foi ty pounder, posit d on the
iiillwax .side of the Hulw.iur tiring at
Intc'vals ot six to tight minutes. An
other gun was obseixed In operation
n little distance uimj, Puffs of smol
xxtn- dlweinnble on the opposltu si ic,
showing that Lad smith a. with
standing the homb.udnient. The lo
e illty ot tho town xxas nuthlng but a
huge cauldion of smoke.
Assistant Secietnry Allen Strong In
Ills Endorsement of Plans for Or
ganization of Naval Iieseivo.
Washington, Nox li The leading
featuio rf the anniiil teport of sslsi
ant PeeiPtaty Allen to Sci clary Long
lelatlxe to the n.xx-al mill la Is his
slums endoiheiiKiit of Hit- pi ii fci the
otjaulzatloii of a itsjrvc. ilj
jiolnls put the evperhiue of the past
year has fciiggiMiei certain chan-ccs In
the oilglnn! plan for t s orginUatloti
ns cont'ilni'd In the It'll submitted to
the last Fession ot conguts and lie
thtreloie uiges that it he ag ii'i pushed
1 xxlth the ani"iidmenta pfcpaixd by
Lieutenant Commander W. II. H.
FoulliPiland. x ho xxas for a art of tin
year In dliett clinige of the nixnl mil
itia buicau of the n.ixv deparinicnt.
In HUhstatiie that olllcei s-axs tint as
tho peis-ontnd act has made the teun ot
snvlce of enlisted men In the navy
four xeais, Hhc game peiicd should bi
fix d foi the pniollment in the nax tl
iis"ivs. Some provision should I)j
mad- by xxhleh tho inxal receive of
ficer bhctild be pionioted in xvar time
xxlth the legular oflicer with xx'honi
he holds the same date of commission.
It is also recommended that steps he
taken ft x the oiganlzilloii of a perma
nent coast slgni'l sjstein fiom the le
tl.i'd list of the nivy and the em-,
plojes ot the light house nnd life sav- t
Ins s-Tvice. Theie arc sevial thou-
riiid of these moil and xxlth a small
amount and an annual tl t 111 for a fex
duxs they xvctild be competent the le
poit sas to take up their duties lm
liiidlattly upon tho outhte.ik of war.
A lih a letlitd naxal o'llcei in chaigo
ot each 1 f,IUbouse (Usdilet and an of
lletr In ehatgi nt the nixy dpiitmont
nnd the neevsnx pat aphti null i at
th? nenrcst naxv ynid leady tor use
this luceesary adjunct of xxar could b
put In x oiking older in txxenty-four
Dining the past ear the leglslatuia
of Maine passed tin act for the estab- l
Ushment ot a mllllla, as did tho'
the state if Minnesota The depn.-t- I
man. Thev succeeded
ment undeitook to afford the naval lemonstiance by Jnpan Is piobahle.
militia of the countiv n.i oppoitunlty Pilnce Heniy, of Piussla, the com
to diill at ren undei S"rvlce ondltions mandor of the German squndion In the
and the offer xvas accepted by the gov. j North Pacific, Is xvitehlng the piogiess
emois of nil but one state having or
The repoits glx'p in dotnll the lesult
of the ciulsts m i-ettln,; out the re
ports of the nax'al olTliers xxho acted
ns Inspectors and noting their ciltlelsm
xxlthout reset ve.
The Commander of the Texas Talks
to the Y. M. C. A.
Annnpolls, Nov. 12. Commodoie John
W. Phillip, If, S. N., who was com
tnandei of the Texas In the b ittle of
July 3, otf Santiago, and author of the
famous sentiment: "Don't cheer, boys,
the poor devils aie d.xlug," addiesed
the Young Men's Christian association
of the Naval academy this evening.
His two points xxeie: "Fltst that th"
highest type of the American naval
olllcer Is the American olllcer. Second,
that xxhlle the Navy academy gives
Hie cadets n proficient technical and
piofesslnnnl education, they must lecol
lect thete Is something else to nttaln.
and thnt Is the Clulstlan ehaiacter."
Resides the naval cadets of tho asso
ciation, a large number of the resi
dents of the academy xxeie present
Bryan on a Hunting Trip.
Lincoln, Neb., Nov M V. J. Jlrynn
and his son left todax foi St Louln
xvhere they xvlll bo Joint d biter bs Cnl
on( I M. C. Wcttnorn and xvlll go to tlir
guiro preserxes of the Intter for a xvecH'u
hunting li In. Mis llrxnn xxlll loin hei
husband ,ln Alkmisas the latter part of
the xxeck, xxhen they will go to Texad
for nn extended trip
Foot Ball Player Injured.
St. Louli, Nov. 12 John Allen xvns
fntally Injured In a foot bull game lure
jestinloy. In a mlx-up Allen fell xxlth
half a dozen phixcis on top of him, re
celxlng i. eoncusblnn of the bialn. Up to
n Inte hour last night efforts to rebuscl
tuto him xxeiu unavailing.
Moody Talks to 30,000.
Kaiifna City, Nov. 12-Dxvlght L.
Mood, tho (vangellHt. xxho began tin
(Igbt-ilny revival service, horn today,
spoke to 30 00) peoplo ut Convention hull
tliln nfteruooii and ox ruing, four thou
sand xvere unable to guln udmlMilon.
rumors of strained rela
it Is Believed That Japan Rntlier
Courts tho Strugglo, as She Is Now
Second Only to England in Naval
Stiongth in tho 1'r.r Ea3t The En
croachments of Russia Viewed with
Vlctotln, H. C, Nov. 12. That the
rumois of the stinl.ied iclutlous be
tween ltuegla und Japan ute not ex
acgeiattd seems ueitalu fiom news io
celxed heie by steamer.
The North China Lially News says:
"fco gitatiy excited are the Clnnere
of the noitli by lumois of an Impend
ing war between Husslaand Jup m that
many met chants, both Chincso and
Japaiiin who aie doing business in
New Cnuang, Port Ailhur and Clufoo,
huxe h nt tlieli" families to Mia glial
and elsewhere In the south for saiety.
It Is believed Japan rather coutts the
struggle, us she is now second only to
Knglnnd In nax'al stiength In the far
"t, and tor years has vleed the e l
etoachments of Kussla with letcutmcnt
and alaim."
LI Huns Chang, In an Intel xhxv
given to an Ameiienn corresp'jndei t nt
P'kln on tim Phlllpnlne eitiestlnn,
blames the United States for depart
It g fiom Its tivlltlonnl 'iollcy, saying
that lvid Oeneral Oinnt lived Mie coun
t' y would nexcr have entetcd upin a
pollr.x that he (Li) piophIed would be
dl'astious to the TTnltcd tntes
London Nox1 1J Iliprled ordeis hax'e
been icel"d bv tho luil'deir. of 'U
Junnese bittlshlp now In proce.ts of
constnu'tlon at Clyde bade to pomp'cta
the vessel as speedily as possible Th
new shin xxhleh will lio one of the
laiget nHnat. Is to bi nn'ohi'd hv.Tnnti
nv 1. 1100. Tt Is 1ip!Ixvi1 that th'se
instructions are the result of the In
pi "orlng tension between Japan ard
Looking for a Loin.
TJeilln, Nov. 12. The Asotlotod Press
Is Informed on the highest authority
that Dr. Von Mlerucl, Piussinn minis
ter of (ltiance, had a long coifeiencd
todav with Hmperor William. It ai-
ii ais th it one of the ehl 'f sub cUs
discussed dutlng the xislt of Emperor
Nicholas last -x-eek was the lal'ing of i
mother Russian loan In Germany, Hus-t-i
i having failed to effect one any
where else In Europe. Tins ep'nlns
x hv Dr. Von Mlquel vxas p'e.senl Wed-nes-day
ox'enlng, nlong with Count Von
PupIoxv and Count Muiivleff, tho Ger
man and nuhn foreign ml' Isters, at
the Interview betxxcen the czar and the
Fnviernr William, It is definitely as
set ted, made no promise to the r?ar In
thi matter, leax'lng I un'i"rstond tliM
whether the German gove'nment would
fivor another Pueslnn loan here or not
dnn"ndr,i lerge'v upon Dr. Von "N'lnurl's
answer tod ix prepaied at Emperor
William's rerjiict.
In the niPT'tlme. Dr Von Mlquel
consiiitpii with th" leTiiti" Rpinin
'Infiuelcs nenlx' all of whom dlseoui-ac-il
the pinooeal ns they hive hen
re'lThlv lnformd tlnr the tvans-Plbei -Inn
ip'tread Is likely to r"-nvp far morn
orwiil"fi than Is pcio'illv surmised.
Mnroovee a rju'sln Pnonelol cris'i Is
rvTieet"d nnn To'lox Dr. V"n M'nnel
rprwrtoi to th's orr nt to th knlsor.
and It mav he enn",d"f'd certain that
tbe proposed loan here has failed.
View in London.
Londo", Nov. i2. Tho Uhangail
coircbpipde nt of the Dally Mail srys.
"An uneasy feeling legaullng the io
latlom of Russia end Japan Is spieul
ns l?u Theie Is no doubt trat
Japan Is ptactically allied xxlth Chin i,
despite the degradation xxhich the em
piess dowagnr inlllcted upon th' Chi
nese envoys to Japan on their reont
letuin. This xxac meiely a Uctlci)
moxe, xxlth d . exx of appenstnf Rus
sia. . "A laige Itu .s'a'i fleet Intenn wl'i-
toilng in N :'",ikl hnibor. find mint'
of exents. He recently declired In tho
couise of a convusatton ihnt the Ja,)
nnse army xxas In splendid condition
fiom the European- point of view."
The Dally Mail sas.
"We undeistand theie is considerable
eensoishlp on cnble messiges from
Trustees of the Industrial School Do
Not Think She Hns Been Ctuel.
Trenton, N. J., Nov 12 It has been
oluelaly announced th.H Mrs. Myrtle.
H Elder xx 111 bo retained In the posi
tion as principal of the state industrial
school for girls, and that the teachers
and othets under her xxlll also he kept
unless some new reasons arise for
making a change.
At a meeting of the boaid of tiustees
laet xveek this announcement xxas
m de by President McCulloii'-h In th
presence of Mis Eyler nnd the teach-
pis xvho had been called together for
the purpose. no'icnew. tne-e xxas no onior person In
Howell C. Stull, ot tho board of ttus- ' f-'ther ZniesVi's bousn xvhen he le't.
tees nnd a member of the c::ecutivo Fa'her Gnxvrlelnsl lins boon nss
committee said thnt Hip hoard hal I' " 'f Indpopndent PnMsh Citon'M
gonp over all the old olnrgts and had Phnroh for nbout n vear. having orran
found that most of them xxere of an l"r'' H'0 conrrepatlo". It wns formed
Intangible character The grand Jury
lie slid, had dismiss d the elniges of
cruelty nnd the boa id was disposal to
take up the management of the school
et the point xvhore they began and le
tnln everybody they found employed
there unless cnuses should develop
why a change should he made. Tin
board of tiustees, im said through tin
executive commltteo Mould assunto
contiol of the punishment Inlllcted
nnd the public might test nssured thnt
no cruelty would Im possible without
their knoxx ledre and of ourse would
not be tolerated by them.
Tho srerlal officers employed on Sat
urf.ay to pattol the school grounds to
prevent further escapes, are sMll dolnj
duty but pvervthlng Is tiannull nt tho
school nnd no futthor outbicaks aro
Steamship Ariivalo.
Now York Nov. 12 Arrlvrtl. Nuxv
Vork. Roiitliamploii; La GaBeogne Havre.
Hamburg Arrived: Pretoila. New Yoik
tjuteiistoxxn Sulk'd: Htrurla, for Nexv
Voi I.
Improvement Continues Prospects
for Recovery.
Pnterson, N. J.. Nox 12. Vice-President
Ilobart passed a favorable night
and the Improvement thnt htm been
observed for rcxcral days continued
to Jay. He ate solid food with letlsi
nnd It promptly assimilated. With
the meals he took milk.
This Is a marked Improvement from
his condition ten days ngo.
At thit time ho xx-as rapidly sink
ing nnd his stomvli had refused fool
of all kinds. For pevctnl days ho
lived on grapes and the Juice of grape
fruit, hut It i-ohii appeared that his
stomnch xxas congested that he could
not even take these.
Mr. Ilobard now spends the most
of his time In a lecllnlng position nnd
ho sleeps without the aid of opiates. I " ll B,,m- "f ex-ProBldent Andrad",
The most pilnful and alarming feature J ho had lefused the demand made up
of his illness has been his attacks ot lllm b Genera Clptlano Castio anl
nerxousness as ntgnt oppioaelics.
These attacks have decreased.
Mis. Hobnit hns spent neaily every
minute of her time during tho past
txxo weeks nt the bedsl !e of her hus
band and feels xery much enrournged
and secuies more rest than founcily.
failicr i,...cuokl'3 Last Visitors Ate
Looked Up by the Police Officers.
Haltlmore, Now 12 Jtex. Valentino
I'. Giwiychowsl.l, pastor of the Indus,
tiiil l'i lish Catholic chinch, on South
Hiodway, this cPy, said today flfat he
xxas a vls.tor Thuisday night at tho
lehli'cme ot Ilex X in iiitt.u " vi. ji s
tor of tho Independent Polish Catholic
e hui eh ol Uiu .Mother of God, Phlla-
delphia, who was f und In a dxmgcon-
dllicm Filehiy nminlug at his teluonce
"ii South .' cond stitot. Pli 1 idelph'ii,
and xx ho died In the afternoon of tho
b-ine day.
Tr.o pi tests xxeie visitors at Hex. 52a
le&kl'j house Thur.-dav night, one of
hum xxiii, asicttaltitd to bo Father
G.nychoxxsl:!, fi im a xlsltlng caid
xxhich he left there. The police of
Philadelphia xxde unable to decide
xho the other priests were but the
Paltimoie ptist - ivs th it It xx n
Father John Hndczcbrowskl, of Clil
copee, Mus-s. Father flaxx l ychow ski
". cither Uadzesnoxx kl, xvho had
hren xlsltlng me for two wclcs and
niyselt x e nl to l'hil.ulolphla IaL
Thui'diy mnrniii? to transict soma
biil'i'i'i xxlth a Poll-di papjr thoro.
I i n aiilxiug theie, x.e llrst stopped
nt the Pet? building and had dl in2r
and then xxent to the nrxxtpaper ofiP'o.
Then, xxe detenuii'd to make a call
upon Father .' '!;!. xl.o xxas not
knoxxn to either of us. 'Uc xxere di
lccted thete by a peison conntft;d
xx th the Pol h piper, iiling thcrj
father Zakr.skl c me doxva and Invit
ed us up to his quartets.
"Snriti,! ill. i.ii.inlTir i.f li
chtttch came In and Fathet Zalensl.I
s?nt him
out for soniP xxHslrext r.,,,1
xxlno nnd oyteis. Wo drank two
glasses of xx hiskey and flni'-hed i bot
tle of wine. Father Zal -lukl Irink
very heavily "While he xia eliluMng
Fathei enkl usl.ed the organist lor
all the ehinge fiom the n iney xvhl h
he hid given him to purchase the
xxhlsl.ey, xxlne and oystcs. Tho or
g.Milst tohl father Zalp&hl that he
would talk to him about the chanae
In the morning.
"Fathi r Zaleskl became angry and
derr'in 'ed the change, shoxxitij; a great
deal of temp r. Father n-ni ; iv I
and mxi'f chlded rtthr X'i'onsl.l
about his conduct and ho jaletc;l
doxx n.
"During the evening sex-iil ladles
"onnected with the choir of the church
called and consulted with Father 'Zi-l-tskl
about mublc for Sun lays
They xxeie Heated to candle l and the ir
pastor gave them Fome money. I
df n't knoxv hoxv much or for xvh it pur
pose It xxas gh'on th"m. hhmtly bo-
'We walked to Market street and tho
clt hall, and then to the Reading
depot, xx here Father Radzesowskl
bought a ticket foi Wllkes-Rane. Pa.,
xx hence lie was to ro to Scranton to
attend some special church sei vices. A
ttain for WilJ:es-I.arrc xxas not due to
leave until alter 11 o'clock nnd a tia'n
for Ralllinoie xvas scheduled to lcax'o
within n few minutes of the same time.
We icmnlned in tile vicinity of the city
hall until train time, xx hen .xxe parted.
I boarded mv tialn and rraehii home
nt 3.15 a. m. Frld ly. I oxpectpd F.atliPr
Rndezowskl to iPtutn to my house on
Satin dav, but'T hnvo not hcanl nny-thl-g
of him shfe I left him In Phila
delphia at thw d'-not. I ennnot sav
what became of blni nfti r I na'ted
from him, nnd I do not knoxv whthr
he hoaidml the t-a'n for WIU'cs-Rarro
'' nnt u"t I presum" mat lm iittl
Father Gnwi Ichows' I siys that he
xxlll go to Philadelphia tomorrow nnd
clear up th" connection of his visit
lie nlo said Hint he would Ilkelv In-
stltutp suit for Phel against a Thlla'
delph'a npxvspaper for nn unxvnrran'el
i'"" or his nnmo xvlth the death of the
ptlf. He etnt"d also that, ns far at
fiom the seceding inombeis of the
Polish Cathnllr pburehes In tho eltv
Thp xvhnle cnnirrecntlnn xvas evconi
munlcnted by Cardinal Gibbons.
Dinner to Jones.
Clex eland, Nov. 12 Samuel j. Jones,
of l'oliido, Into liidepomlent eunilldnto
for goxernor, xxns the gui st of honor lan
nlphl at ono tlliinit lianquct given In
the Potent City Ifoune. 'Jhuo xxero 100
platei. Toasts xxere icsponekd to by Mr.
Jones and tho leaders in thf Jones tain
palBii In thin patt Tbe nm.iiks wero
In the lino of si If-ccnfeiiitulatloii una an
ax'oxxed determination to f-rxwir.l tho no
party movement In the plfsldtiiiltal cniu
palgn. Big Biscuit Company.
San frnr Cisco, Nox 12 The Paclfls
niMUlt company, n porpuintlon of New
J.'isey, has tiled a tleed of tlinst for $1 .MK) -OiX)
to the Produce Rxchniigo Trunt com
puny of New York. This company nn
braces nil crncker cnniernn on tho Pa
cific const excepting the American Hib.
cult company, tho Standard lilHoult com
pany, ot San Prime Itico, and llisliop &.
Co., of Lou AiiEoks.
"" i-iui-iv mi i itituu. txM'fiiv 11,111- i-, ii,. i,,.-rl,l r r.oD ..n,.
.,. n ,.i.-.i. i i.n... .....-.. t- 1
ut-s after the ladles left. '1 1 1- operator, xxas lelentlfl-el today ns Frank
ipszoxxskl and myself nu rather 1 Doie. a hi other of John Doyle, of the
'. icrki ,ent to he door wltn us nr. nr i.,i, Dnvlo & Co . wnntthv n.
Tho Aspect of the City Is One of
Devastation It Is ESi.matcd That
050 Persons Were Killed or Wound
ed During the Tight Warships
Surgeons Assist In Caiiug for the
Porto Cabello, Venezuela, Nov. 12.
General Pat odes, a former commander
the do facto nuthot tiles to surrender
the toxxn, cxen wlu-n this io
enfoiced by the it-quest of the Hrltlsh,
American, 1'ieneh and Dutch com
mandeis, sin rendered this morning at
It) o'clock after a telilble bittle.
The aspect of the ortj is one of ruin
and dcxustutlon nnd It Is estlmnted
that upwaids of 030 pet sons xxeie
killed or xxounded (luting tlie tlghtlngi
Dr. ltrnlsted, ot the United tale s
cruiser Detiolt, and the other surgeons
of the vaiious xx'arshlps In the hnbor,
aie mlnljtotlng to the xx'nnts ot the
General Ramon Guerra begin a land
attack upon the town and the position
of General Paretics on Filday night.
Dcsultoiy filing had continued until
Sum day morning about t o'clock, nnd
th' n a ll'Mce struggle ensued. Geneial
Paiodes made a stubborn defense, but
Geneial Guprra forced an entrance In
to the toxxn at five o'clock yesterday.
As eatly ns S o'clock Satin day morn
ing the fleet nnlved and began a
bombardment but the range w-as too
great nnd the thing pioxcd Ineffeetlxe
General Pr redes held the fort on tho
hill and 1'ort Llbertador until this
will view the war.
Japanese Government Will Send South Africa.
. Port Toxxnssnd, Wash., Nov 12. -Adxlees
iceelved by the Ojlentnl
i leamshlp, St. Iione, Indicate that the
Japanese .roverni k nt is tul ing a gieat
lnteiest In the Jrouth Afiican xx-ar.
ITnon the lccommendatinn of the ircn-
praetlcal knoxx ledge of the strength
ind tactlc.-i of the Poor at my. This
moxe on tho part of the Japanese Is
In lispensable for the i canon thnt Jap
an may be fenced to rely upon the ns
xlstawe of the Hrltlsh aimy at a dls
tnnt date. The Russian minister In
Seoul h ii xted considerable stir
In the diplomatic clr's of 1'inn by
mnl'lng a demand to hive th sphere
' "f nlluen-e of the u-"ttxe p, xers In
ira tieni-u mm mi iiiiiup a piopiisi
tlon to this etfect to tho minlstets of
x'.ailous poxvers, through Germany's
ropierentntlve. Japan sttongly op
poses the movement and It is claimed
In ofPcial ciicles that Russia his
evolved a plan to counteract Jnpan'3
, influence in Korea.
The ofllelal Gar.ette of Japan nn
rounces that the time allowed for the
exchange of notes Issued by the 12Hth
I national bank of Orakn and the lOSth
national hank of Su'esgawa. the Pith
national bank of Osaka nnd the 34th
national bank of Toklo expires on De
cember It, .and nfter that dite the
j'ovpinment xvlll not be lesponslble for
their redemption nnl hnldeis of notes
will lose their value.
Body Identified ns That of Erank
Chicago, Nox 12. The body of the
supposed tobber who xxas shot dead
tractors. The deceased's mother Is
said to be xvell-to-do, and the hold-up
i theory Is scouted by Doyle's fi leads,
xvho declare his mother kept htm well
supplied xvlth funds, and that he had
j no occasion to resort to robbery to se
em e money.
Giles Is practically under arrest
awaiting an Investigation.
They Are Made Iteppy by the Depo
sition of Gomer Jones.
Hazlcton. Pa., Nov. 12 -Gomer Jones
supeilntendent of the Lohlgh and
Wllkes-Hauo Coal company's xx-ork-Ings
at Audonield and Honey P.iook,
where the famous stilke culnilnatul
In thp Tiiitlmer shaotlng tx,o yearn
eial sta.t of the Japanese nimy, nn , "Lal lr,,m l"e,v ulvos nn" "' J,el"
olllcer xx III be sent to the scene of hns- ' hp 1,as socured slgneis already, al
tllllies foi the urn-pose of gaining a "Bl her crusade Is only falily be-
ngo and In xxhich mines there have the death of one or both of le ivound
Flnce been numerous stilkes, linn been ed policemen, the robber who was cap.
hiiPipdPd by William Mack, of
Wllkcs-nnrre. cxening seveial thousand men
of xxhom Jones had discharged gave
cxpies&ions of delight over their old
buperlntendent's deposition.
Night Watchman Killed Lights Ex
tinguished in Santa Cruz.
antn Ctuz, Cnl., Nov. 12 -An explo
sion occuried envl todav in the gla.
1ns house of the California powder mill,
four p.xllnders containing 10 i)00 pound?
of powder exploded. A r'nnll nmouu:
was fufce powdei and the lemalnder
blasting powder. The explosion
wrecked the mill, blew down miles of
fencing, destroyed the silt potie ware-
house, and extinguished tho electllu
lights In Santa Ciuz.
Patt le k Hughes, night watchman,
was killed.
Schooner Captain Killed.
St John, Nox. 12 The captain of tho
nhooner J P. Van Onsen, bound for
Nvw Yotk, xxns killed bv one of the crosv
Saturday near Point Lelpraux. While
tho body wiia belnir landed by tho mate
and ono ot the crew the schooner nulled
away. ,
Fourth Chicago Victim.
New York. Nov. 12 The body of K. G.
Huvlluml, of Rrooklyn, was discovered
In tho fast river toduy. Ho vvun
drowned on the ferryboat Chicago and
his is the fourth body to be it-covered.
XX'catlur Indications I'oJiyt
General Peers Are Very Aggressive.
Americans cloilng In on Tar hie.
Prospect of a Jnpanese-llusslan War.
Fierce llattlc In Venezuela
General Northeastern Pennsylvania,
financial nnd Commercial.
Local Possibility of n Sympathy
Strike nt Old Forge.
B?rmon by Ilex-. S. C. Heading.
Local Dreams Inspired by tho Ncxv
News nnd Comment.
Mention of Men of tho Hour.
Local West Scranton and Suburban.
Pound About Scranton.
General Saturday's Foot Pall Games.
Llxe Itulustilal Ncxvs.
Will Try to Induce Their Husband3
to Vote Against Seating of Mor
mon Repre3entntlve-olect Move
ment Began by Mrs. Joy, of Mis
souri. Washington, Nox. 12. A new nnd
' unique I'lusaJe ngutnst Itepiei mC'e-
1 elect Roberts, of Mlab has bem i,et
'n motion among th' .vixct tt i-eni-beis
of congiess. The movement is
beuded by Mis ,'oy, wife of Hj- St.
Louis represjiitatlxe.
I She has prepnted a btlef neittlon
" lilcli sets forth the alleged untltncs
of Mr. Roberts to have a seat lt the
house, and It ends with a pledge on
the put of the xxlves of meuiu u to
urge tilth husbands to expel tho Mo'
mon fiom ile hull of congiess lit .iui"
his seat'ng "xxould xlolate AiX"rm
j law and u "lilt the dignity of An i i .ii
j wi m-inhood '
With this petition Jits, joy malls a
I letter uiging the xi'lvcs to take pto lpt
action In the matter, nnd mnlntala
the sinctltly of the American home by
i acomplisblng the expulsion of Rob
ei ts.
Mrs. Joy Is confident this movement
xx ill make the final undoing of Mr.
Roberts. She Insists that membets of
congress ennuot withstand such mi np-
, . ....... i . ... . ..
Two Dwelling Houses Totally De
stroyed Because of Lack of Water
A fierce fire, xxhich threatened wlde
sptead disaster, btoke out this morn
ing at 2 o'clock in the two-s iiy fiamo
dwelling house of Mat tin Hofsitl and
the one and a half stciy dwelling of
Harney 0111, in the locality known as
the High works In Piovidenee.
The houses are west of tho Delaware.
Lackawanna and Western tracks and
about 200 yaids from tho Cayuga
breaker. On account of the stiong
wind blowing at one time It xx-as feared
thnt a number of other dxx clllngs might
bo consumed.
The fire started In the Hofskt house
and almost immediately sptead to the
Gill house, burning without contml, as
there Is no water suppl In the nelgh
bothood, although the lite companies
xxeie on hand promptly.
The origin of tho fito Is a mystety.
Mi. nnd Mis. Ilnfskl xxere nwuy from
home and the house was occupied by
thico boatdeis. The Gill family was
awakened by the cries of the boaulen
of the IJatney GUI tan led
$600 Insurance and llofsid $i,noo.
The location of the fire has lecently
been the scene of many mine cave-Ins.
Another Irian's Death Will Bo Laid
Upon the Gang.
Tltusxllle, Pa., Nox. U. The gang
who committed tin dynamite nutm"!
heie yesteiday ts Indliectly iisponslble
for the probable death of another man,
James Mabln, ore of the deputies xvho
was seuichlng the xxoods around Gtaud
Valley for the tobber xxho escaped, and
fell over a log, dlschaiglng his shot
gun, Hie contents of xxhleh tore through
his lungs. His lecoveiy is almost Im
possible As n precautionary measure against
po?slbl mob xdo' nee in th event of
iuipu at en ami vauey jesieiua
temoved to the county tall at Moml-
vllle at 3 o'clock this mottling The
eulpilt was delighted to get out of tho
city. ,
As near as can be flguied out he Is I
thp man xvho shot Patrolman Shoe'ix-
and tho dead inbber Is the one xxho
shot Chief of Police McGiatlt hefoie I
the chief fired the shot xvhleh put nn
end to his pxlstpno Roth pollppmen
nip still living, with but llttlo ohninp
In their condition. It will take time n
tell what the result xxl'l lie xxlth t'mm
A telegram from Yojircjstown tonlnht
states that R'ake, th dead inhiior Is
nnt known there. The escaped lobhor
has been trneWed lo thp hraulniini'lpri
of n gang of ds'iorniinns nnd i-i'ims
nt a tilapo piUno" Viin'n TIiihIi. Th
t'lne Is bolnr- t-ur'nunded and a cap
ture Is expected soon.
Grnce Church HededicntPfl.
Harrlsburp. Nov. 12. Grace Methodist
church In xvhleh the legislature of fx'i7
he'd Its spsbIi ns nfter tho mirnliir of the
cunltol, xxns rededlcated tnrtoy with Im
pealng services. Tho sermon nt tho
rcprnlng si rvlees was Drenched by nixhnp
John H. Hurst, of WashlnBtcn Oover.
nor and Mrs Stono gave n dinner party
at tho executive mansion last evening In
the, blship's nx-Gnvcrnor nnl
Mrs. Pattlson. of Philadelphia, vxcre
among the guests.
Tennessee Volunteers Return.
San Francisco, Nov. 12. The Tennes
see volunteers landed today and went
Into camp nt tho Prt-nldln preparatory
to being mustered out.
Another Filipino Strong
hold in Hands of
Tho Rebels nt Balnn Tight with Us
ual Tactics, but Make a Deter
mined Stand Under l'lro of Ameri
can Rifles An Oftlcci of the Thirty-sixth
Regiment Is Killed Gen
eial Young Still Pushing Ahead.
Manila, Now 12. 10 n. ni.. General
MncArthur and Genetal Laxvton am
closing In on Tcrlac. Ccmnittnlcatlore
xxlth distant points is impossible ex
cept by means of the government xvlro
xxhich Is cioxxdod xvlth olllchil business.
Geneial MacArthur took Palnn yes
terdav. This i.s "itppxised to bp the
strongest position lipid by th flllplnoi
ecept Tnilac. The brief accounts of
tho cng'geinent iceelved lndknte that,
the lebols fought ncconllng to their
lceent tacllfs, tetrentliig nfter firing
a foxv vollc.xs. One officer ot tho Thlr-ty-Kth
regiment Is the only American
. Geneial MaeArthur began his ad
vance nt daj light, Culonel Smith, of
the Seventeenth legiment on the right:
Major Hell's command und the Thlity
sith en the left and tho Ninth in tho
centic. Colonel Smith encountered a
oinall loice at sK o'clock easily dlsi
perslng tho tebcls Mpjor Hell secured
a position on the mountain fiom xxhich
he ponied an enlllnding f.te fiom rifle.
nnd Hotchklss guns upon the first lino
of the enemies' Hunches. The Fili
pinos stool the Pre for twenty min
utes and then r.'trented to tho moun
tains General Macwlhur entered
Hamban at 10 o'clock and Colonel
Smith occupied Capas, the first town
General I.axvton's headepinrters la
still at Cabanatuan. General Young,
xxith his c.ivaliy rnd Infantry is still
pushing ahead through teirtflc mud
but his exact whereabouts Is not
knoxx n.
Aguinaldo Escapes Again.
Manila, Nov. 13 9:2". a. in. Colonia
Hell's legiment with a small force ot
cavalry enteied Tat lac last nlghc
without opposition. Wheio Aguinaldo,
xxlth his nimy, and the so-called gov
ernment have fled Is a mysterv.
They Commemorate the Tates of
"Chicago Martyrs "
Haxnna, Nox-. 12. A ufcling of the
xvfji kmens' unions xxas b Id to com
menu i ate the fate of the Chlcagii
unarehlsts descillKd b tho speakers
as the "Chlaco martyts." About .100
poisons attended the iioceedlngs at
the headqauitprs of tho unions. To
each was h?nded n sppelal memorial
number of the Jotuado. the labor or
gan. Its leading editorial ivieited to I.ingg
xxho (ommltttd suhldo in his cell with
a fulminate eaitildge, as an Immortal
xxho prefeired to liloxx his head lo
atoms and thus disappoint his murder
ous would be cNccutloMls. It called
upon all honest vxoikets to Imitate "tlv
maityr"." M.tnv heated speeches xvere
made, the speakeis abusing capital
and the tyranny ot the lich and call
ing upon woikmen to haxo faith in tlw
The Office: s Aro Looking for Jack
New Yen k. Nov. 12. At tho Penn Ath
letic club In Hionklyn last night Hnrr.v
Apfel and Jack Fox xxere matched nt
PS pounds foi twenty lounels, Apfel
wns knocked out In the thliteenth
tunnel und sex oral hours afterwards
lapsed Into a state of coma, fiom xxhich
he has not yet reeox'oi ed. It Is claimed
that xvhen Apfel fell he stiuclc his chin
upon the floor, leeelvlng.a fracture. Ho
I.s now lypg in the Norweglnn hospi
tal In Riooklyn unconscious, and it Is
said that the chances of his recovery
are small.
Several ariests xxeie inado today anl
othp'8 xxlll bo made tomoiiow. James
J Regan, the timekeopei, wns ai tested
nnd held, torether xvlth four of the
young men w ho ncted as handlers and
witnesses Fox has not been nt rested.
Commission to Chicago.
Washington. Nov. 12. A poitlon of tin
Industrial cnmmlfilnn xxlll go to Chi
crt;!! ibis xxeele lo conduct nn Investiga
tion into the qtiistliiti of trnnspottntlon.
A number of xltm"X(H h.ixc ngited to
nppinr The sittings will be held at tho
Auditorium lintel, beginning November
lj nnd continuing until Noxunbcr 27,
Killed Footpad.
Chicago, Nov. 12 finnk Giles, a police
teleginph operator, xvas attacked by txxo
footpads last nlglit. lie killed one,
xxnimcUd tho second and a third bullet
from his revolxer struck a pedestrian In
flicting a slight wound. Tim dead rob
ber bus not been Identified.
-- ----
Washington, Nov. 12 forecast
for Monday and Tuesday: for
eastern Pennsylvania, fair nnd con
tinued cold Jlnnilnj i paitly cloudy
and warmer Tuesday; fretih north
westerly xxluils, becoming variable,
t-rt t t ttttt tt