V" THE SCRANtONTllIBUNl!-TIICRSDAY, iNOVEMBElt 9, 1899. '&$i Scranfon CriSune PiibtliihM Dtlly. Excfpt Himelny. by Tio Trlbuno l'uMlnhlnB Cotnpnny, at I lity Crnts a Month. Now York dnico: ICO Nnprnti fit.. B. S, VIIEKI-AND, Bolo Apont for Foreign Aelv crtlMni,'. Entered nt tho Pnntotflrfl nt Seranton. Pn na Bectnd-ClaFi Mnll Mutter. When fpnco will pnmlt, The Trlbuno In nlvvnys clad ti print fhtirt letters nnm ,ts frlct.dn lirnrlntr on current toplrt jut ltn rule Is tliiy llinsn must be nlKneel, tor publlcntlon. by the writers rcnl name. ten'pages. pctunton. NOVRMnnn o, isdd. IAirnirr fre-psy need no longer no fleet lils Hocks. Speaking of Opprobrium. The rni riles within the lines emi rest issiiied tlmt they will lint eienne the MMiiolirlum they dative. ll( publleiin. -W mST A.MO.NO these are the -4 plotters of the I.angstnn' spite ' . ... .. ..... .... contest, which not only lm- I n'-cd n useless cost of $C0 (ill upon the d( fonsole.ss taxpayers but nlsn by teirorlrlng tho nvpiauo voter has in ul 'iext to impossible in I-aekawnn- i.. l... ...111.. .a ..t tlwi uniltl 1 (ltl I ,. , ,.u,u. u, ,...... u .- '''"- The public knows who those ll"e , nre ami win aucne 10 uu-ir .-.. opportunity sunn ain-e. Then there weie the professed Ito- publlcpiiK who. having innted for yeais ut Uie alleged treoi hery of 'Connell Ism" nnd called the gods to witness the shining supetlorlty of their own polltl ml virtues', after stooping to employ In tlelr manufacture, of public pi ojudteo oi Hiiirillous alien recently behind the bus fr libel, pioeped-.l, ns one of, them illd. to show- the ounllty of their ( puty loyelty bv hi' -n-f of their in- t. nt to spend f iii in the eeieat oi luii- , ili Lite Johns and by setting up the il. tl with Pin kin's friends whereby I .1 lm Coin lei Morris, the man who re- , f us, d to 'sign a paper mortgaging lilin uHf to them In ndvancc, was, plrato fashion, to be tin own oveilmnid. I'lie 'tuins show how near Ihls plot came ! t- consummation: and we suspect tint ' tln- editor of tile Itepubllcan, if lie tiles wlih due diligence, can discover the i li ntlty o' the traitots. The county ticket was saved In splto nf thco hnndlcajis and the apathy nnd il's.-ust which thev Insphed. It was ied by Uie paity loyalty of the very nvn wlioui it iwns originally designed to punish. Proof of this can be ascer tained beyond nuestlon by every un biased votet who caies to make a fair Investigation Hut we say now, with malice toward none, that the Republi can paity of Lackawanna county mil -t fine Itself completely of these dnik lantern plots and plotters If It wants t enter with confidence Into the lm ln taut imlltics of presidential year. The majoilty of people who oxpres.s sympathy for the liners have dlllleulty In defining their leasnns. The Result in Pennsylvania. O.MDTIMr.S advice is accep- Scasx table from a frleudlv source V. Jf whtn It might not be received In good part from an avowed eiu my. What goes under the name of the Ht-nubllcdn "maclilne" In Piii-syl-Minla Is ut the prtsmt time In the need ul ionie f lendly counsel, and we jiro i hip to arlvo It. The vote for Harnett shows that tho lit ipkeuards and fakers of Pennsyl .i la tiolltb-s and the sore bend elo ini nt jire aching reform ns a mask for v isonal vlndletlveness me Ineffective f.u 'tors, deserving, so far as they them . Ives are concerned, only pity with i nnteinpt. The John Wanainaliers and ltlll I'llnns. the Cordons, Van Vallun 1 u-gi nnd Kauff mans that wlinl c lass of high and holy marly h to their in iblllty to get what they want In jinlltlcs nio not dangerous. The peo ple In geneial have evidently takin their measure. Hut the vote for llaiuett also shows tlmt thn rank and lllu of the Repub lican party In Pennsylvania tho ot cis who vote on principle and arc not swayed chlelly bj appetite for ofllee is not as enthusiastic for llj)iibllcnn utate nominees as they ought to be In n state which, nn nntlonul issues, stands whero Pennsylvania stands; that somehow the Indifference of the liarty masses Is more than ihto off year llstlessness, but enntab s dan geious elmints of dissatisfaction with the paity management which for sev en! years in succession has mnnoeiiv ered continuous y on ta- 1 "fiMniVP. Tli, nverogp Hepublicnn -oter does not like to be the fellow who takes the punch ing, lie does not respond enthustleally to a defensive leudoishlp. He wants to charge the enemy, to push tho fight ing, to set the imte. The necessity for party organization, foi paity machinery responsive, to cen tralised control, is disputed only bv duett lnalres or hypocrites: but this lendershlji 13 most tai!sfartor: i.nd most lespccted when by wise policy nnd creditable results It Invites tlm enn dence of tho peoplo and ciut'ph into the lnovltnliln dickering of polities a serious :nnd honorable leirard for thn geneial wclfaio. Lrglslatuies which Ignore mnnlfebt public needs In order to vullotv In factional dUs'iislon cr tiafflo in special exemptions or prlvl legesjuconvontlons where public opin ion lis cspiessed for well-known tau clIdifteB' Is suliordlnated to influences which. thH lay juibllc cannot compre hend or Justify: nomination!) nnd an polntments for public olllce ipRtlng mmo often mi favoritism or Intrigue, than upon meilt and wtll-estiibllHlied populaity these too freqe-unt accom paniments, of "maehliui" )owvr lay the foundations of tiouble under repub lican institutions, and, In view of thn trend of locent elections In P-nnsvl-vnnla nnd of public rplnlou as loveitled by meatiH hf thm. It bi-lmovts the Ho publican leadoritjlp " Pennsylvania to look to ItH own salvation, It 1ms been blackguarded nnd maligned nrd ac cused Intcimperatcly beyond all HinltM of J48Uc(& nnd yet the nd fact remains thatj,lihns done or nsrinltteit manv thlnirsipeot for rebuke, and which It would 'bo' good polities not to joneat. but to loimnt and icotlfy. I.ut It shi ' uhllltv tu bo Inslruatud liy event: let It trtke the wind out of tho opposition's wills ly Kettlnu off thi' dcfenilvo tnck. Slnoe the I'nlteil States sURffcsted It, nll of tlm Powntn nusKosslnir Blwro pi IvMufreH In China linve concluded that the "open iloot" Is the ptoper nr rntiiromcut to rccuro universal patlsh factlun In the far rust. The Result in Ohio. T m: ON'H state content which beyond nil ullluuio or eiit" tkm jiippinlnently Involved intlonni Issues nnd whleli, on the Hepubllcnn side, was untied on national lsnifS exclusively, wns the campaign In Ohio, and In Intel pretln? tho slRiillleauep of the Republican vie- toiy In Ohio u must Ueep In mind the locul conditions. ' ptirt iroiit the peiplexlng compll-' cations Injected Into tlm IU;ht by thu .loiie.s candidacy, appealing as It did t every clement of the discontented and offering befoio the bewildered WW" ' "r nemwini. vini.ma ui i M.ehillstle iTtoj.la invoivi in wenim inn linfiilncBs without work or cares. theie was lii the republican r.mks a cotispliacy of Irene hery Including not only the Itopubllcnti governor and the niujotity of his appointees, together with the national committeeman, but llIso, It HUspeeled one of Hie Hepub ,.raI, S(,n!ltols,. toiious for his ills gnmthMnent and so lukewarm In hi.- piofL-sloiiB of support Unit he might better have kept still. This conspiracy was it continuation of the Inconceiv ably despot ate and bitter fight made two years befoio on Collator Hnnn.i, whli h split the party from hike to liver and conveited Into nctive op ponents of ,lud'i' Nash every Ilepublt- . ifin In flhlfi In, si fiillllte In Rituip ))111( c w lM)titP nl ein'elunvnt could ,)0 ranm.(1 ,,y tll0 iiUpi1Pii fnllowlni; ,nt() u lam(1 or ,ovoUi Thl8 ,,r,,nj , ()f KrU(ige-veiitein was plentiful ly supplied by the Democratic, man-, aceis with the Mncwn of war and It la the ln at table testimony of every cx perlenctd polltiilan who ji.it tlclpnt 1 In the Ohio canvas1? that never before In the jmlltltal hlstoiy of any state was money more plentiful than upon jjvj.en,,-,, s,i or n thr devious slde- liaths which were being worked to contribute to his success. Just think for a moment of tho stake at Issue. Here was McLean running on n p'ttform llatly challenging in AlcICInlev s homp stale tho expansion policy of the MeKlnley administration, with the untlei pinning of ltpubllcan tieadiery so set nj,, as he supposed, as to make certain the ndnilnb tr.t tlon's defnat. Tor McLinu 11 niemt the sldetiuelilng of the politically hojielrsi free silver Issue, the iccast Ing of national nemoci.tiie polity with McLean as the central ilctire, lemly ilther to tun for jiresldent on the j r03 tlge of hnIng ib feated MeKinly ti) on McKlnley's own ground or to ns- sume, behind another nominee- of hl:i own selection, virtual iiropiiotorshlp or the Democratic national organlz.ttl in. with the Immense njipoi Utilities wliieh tlmt would InvoH'eto a man resident, as McLean K at the nutlonal capital, athc center of jiulltlcal lntilgue nnd sjiecti latlou. And tile Ingenious feature of the jirograinme. n McLean thought, wus the fact that eti'iuctte forbade McKlnlev to meet this attack In iieisoa anil compelled him to ciitiiisl the de fense to otheis, notably Senator llan ttfi, than whom there have been inoro popular men. In view of these circumstnnrcs, tak en in connection with tho hllheito In vailable tendency of Ohio to coquette w 1th the Democracy In off years, tho Republican victory of Tuesday Is om of the most notable In the whole his tory of American politics. In con junction with Mr. Mryin's lctoiy m Nebraska, won solely on the strength of state pi lib In his personality and jire.mlneni" In national jiolltlcs, it as sures bevon 1 further nuestlon the pit ting agalns; each other, next year, of the pi evidential opponents of JSIifi, Mo Kinley standing, ns before, for na tional honor, duty and growth, and R-rxnn for national lepudlation of soloinn obligations, for j-oe!,iHs,m and for conti action. This issue tho Re jiublicnn party welcomes. And Deniocraey still holds tho cham pion belt for "putting up jobs" that fail to bilng satisfactory results. The Result in Nebraska. -ci HAT MR. URVAN IJ the Nebraska resul JL test against the poll sHAT MR. URYAN'S claim of ft as a "pro- polleles of the Republican ndmlnlstiatlon" is not well founded Is show u by tho result In the adjoining states ot Kan sas, South Dakota and Iowa, nil of which lmv given lu creased Republican irnj ultliM as compared with the vote pulled in them last year. If there weie a widespread and fonnldnble determination on the part ot tho jioople of tho Mississippi legion to jirotest against the policies of the McKinley administration, it Is unlikely tlmt the manifestation of this determination would bo limited to Ne braska alone: siucly, evidences of it would show across the border. We liavo not kept closo watch upon tho Nehrnska campaign, but on tho suifaco It looks as If tho xordlet In that state was simply one of personal ob jection to tho dwnrllng ot Its jiolitleal jucstlgo threatened in the elimination of Mr. Rryan fiom Democratic national lotide.'shlj), whleh xvas fit-ply predicted on all sides as tho piobable const ejtienc4 of u. Republican vletoiy In Nebraska. Mr. Hryan jieisonally appealed to the voteis of his home state to save his political life; and they, rellihlni; tho glory telleeted from tho clfulgent per son of the first Democratic jireRldontial canuldate whom the 'trans-Mississippi jieople have had tho plcnpuro of furn Ishl k to the nation, restionded by giv ing iilm n coinpllmentaiy extension of political existence. It is Imiely posslblo that tho Repub licans did not combat this pioposltlon as seriously as they appeared to do. They have taken Mr. Ihyau's measure and prefer It to that of nn opponont not o well known. Any mysterious wild man who may for the next few week lie observed hoverlnic at the odg of some forest olHorlng und mutturlng unintelligible L founds can be ldontlfUd us one ot tho true believers of the Philadelphia lloeoril'fl mnipalffn war stories. It Is fnfo to preillrt tlmt Aelmlrnl ; Dewey will put the Atlantic oeenn be- tweeu him ntul Ills countiy within tlm tievt sixty duys. A Ouvvey fnmlly ro-( union hns been lurntiKi'd for at an early date In January at Washington. Tho fact that the rising Renpralloii continues to exhibit lntolllRenoo In fnee of sonip of the fuels In teachlnj; that have been adopted In tho schools Is proof that wo tiro Indeed existing1 In n,r nf lll,lm,w,l,l nn ago of eiillghtenuionl. If General "Whouton succeeds In Retting Agulnaldo In llui ilniir net ,,, ()f lUe jarring campjlgn thun- (1 ,. ni)out u3 will ho reduced to dulcet whispers. - IV iplo who have bien worrying about candidates with cold feet will please onset vc that moccasins novo been provided for tho winter, HUMAN NATURE STUDIES In the Elevator. The tilshtmin who went up In the hotel lift without Knowing what It was did noi recoxtr easily from the surptlse In tho lilfh Independent he uhites tho Btoiy 1 In this way; I "I i.lnt to tho hotel, and sus I, 'Is J1U ther Smith InV "Yes." sajs the man with tho sojer cap 'Will iz htup In?' i "So I steps Into tho closet, nnd nil of a ' sitildlnt he pulls tho rope, and It's tho Until I'se telling yezlhu walls of tho building btguu runultiK down to tho cel lar. " 'Oeh, inuilher!' says I, 'what'll bc ciiine of Uildget nnd tho thlldieu which was left below there?' "ri i.vs the sojci-cnp man, 'He nlsy, sorrj they'll be all light when ytz conies down". "Vomo down. Is It,' says I. 'And It Is no clo.-et at all, but n lui thenli-h balloon Ih it ytz got mo In! And wld that the walls slond stork I still, and no opened the door, and there ns wld, the roof just ovir my head! And, liegmru, that's what saved me ftom goln' up to tho hexing lntlrtly!" Sorry He Said It. There nio so many things In this wlckcf I world wo would rather not have sal'l, mivs the Louisville Times Mean things, spiteful things, unfeeling things, rtekless things which tllcMe ovei the lips befoio we n-allze It. An estimable man in town has n wife who' Is a good woman, though lie can nexir bo u landldate at a beauty "how. lie admires her, however, and as he Is the one to be jilcjsed her lack ot lnvellni".s Is a small matter. Ono day no was tnlUlus with some fi lends about his disposition. "N'o," said he, caiidldly, "you rarely see me get wolked up, nervous nnd ciops. I nm the easiest person In tho world to please." "One glauco at your wife shows that," replied a char friend, who is the suul of politeness, and who. poor wretch, rcal'y meant to lmpl) she did not huvo tho l looku of a nagged or brow-bmton xvo- iiiiin, nnd must get on easily with him. 1 : nt. oh, it didn't sound that way, and that man would gladly have given $10 down for a hole In thu greund Jut about that time. An Inimitable Fent. The sallois of thno men-'o-vvnr Amcr- lcun, Kicr.cli und Hrltl-h xvhilt In thi i.imc hni bin, xvei" compitlng with each i .,t'u I foi the hist dlMikiv ot suiniJli- shlp. A Ynrkee went to the top of tlu mainmast and stm cl there with an arm e:.ti tided. A I'renc limnii then went aloft and extended both ainiu. An Irishman on bo.iid the Urlllsh ship thought If he could stand there with a leg nnd an arm cMtmlcd he would be deelaicd the most diilng s.illi.r. Nimbly he mounttd to the highest point and at tempted to do so, but at the hist mo ment lost his balance, and fell through the rigging tnxxaul the deck. Tho various iojks ng.ilnst which ho came In e-ontnet broke Ids fall, and xvhen nonr the deck he Ki-cceeded In ginsplng a lope. To this he hung for a eiiiijilo of seconds, nnd then dropped llghtlj em tho deck, lnndlrg safely on ills feet. Poldlng his nrms triumphantly, ns If It were nil In the prngramine, he glanced ,m..n..l ,V.,. .1..,.! uliln ft,,, lnni,Dl av luiiinu i, iv i.,i,i riuin ,,ii, jvjjiiiici, i;.vw claimed: 'Theie, you frog-eating and iilg-stleklng forelgnei-s, bent that If oii can!" Col lier's Weekly. She Wouldn't Pay. "I shall have to r.nk you for a ticket for that boy, ma'am." "1 think not." "He's loo old to travel free. Ho oc cupies a whole M-iit. and tho car's ciow ti ed Theie are people standing up." "That's all light.' "I h.ixen't any llnio to argue tho mat ter, ma am. You'll have to pay for that boy " "I've nex'cr paid for him yet, and 1 m not going to begin to do It now." "ou'vo got to begin ele lug It some time. If you haven't had to pay any faro for Iilm ou'io lucky, or else jou don't do much Unveiling. ' "That's ilcht." "You'll ji.iy for tint boy, ma'am, or I'll hax'o to stop tho car and put him off." "That's all light. You jiut him oft it you think that's the way to get any thing out of me." "You ought t'i know what tho rules ot this company are, madam. How old Is that bov?" "I don't know You'd better nsk thnt old gentleman sitting In the corner. He got on with him. I never saw Iilm be foie." Collier's Weekly. A Solomon and Hypnotism. A story Is told of a judge- xvho lately had the hypnotic jile-n mixed before him bv n burglar. The prkuiier claimed that ho did not know tint lie was "burgling"; tlmt he did It nulomslieally and uncon Kclously, under the direction of a hypnot ist. The Judge said ho would glvo him tho full benefit of tho law. und also of hU hypnotic misfortune. Ho thereupon (sen tenced the man to llvo years' pen.il ser vitude, but told him be could. If ho cho.-e, send for tho hvpnotlst. nnd hnxo himself made unconscious for tho entire linn of his Imprisonment. "Tilt same power." said the judge, "which iiiubled you to commit biugl.iry and not know ft. eui.ht alo to en ible you to suffer Imprisonment with haul inbnr and not bo nvvnio of It. At any iale. tlili is the best I can do for you," Collin's Weekly. Advice from tho Gallery. Of the Dublin gallery hoys u famous baritone. In his icmliilsteuces, tells some fncetlous talcs-one of "Faust," in whleli lie plajed Valentine. After the duel. Mnrllin. xvho rustic cl In nt the head of the eiovvd. raised his head and held him In her aims, during tho first part of the seine, and ciled out, In cxldtiit alarm: "Oh, xv hut shall I do?" Time was a deathlike stillness In 111" house, which xvas tnteirupted by n voice from ihe gallorv curing out: "Hiibutton hU xvosklt!" Spare Mo ments. Hla Abruptness Won. A chaimlng Incident occurred during the recent prlx-ata visit eif tho Prince of WnloH to tho Loudon hospltul. A llttlo blind boy In MoUIhIi Wind was sit tlmr em u chair, anil the ptltiews, sewlnir him, xvent up to him ind spetko to Iilm Tho ohklinuiu of the hospital, thinking It xvciiiM bo nice for the hid to know xvno hod U.'im ttpcMklng to him, said to him: "Tlmt lndy who hns bten spenkhiB to you vviih llin 1'rlnccn of Viiien; would you like to comei up and innko jour bow to her mil twtlt II hei 'the buy w.is dellKhled und Jumped off his chair. Ho Whs led up to thu ptlnc . Mm no was told of bin wish, to which sin- very lend lly acceded. The bow vn nmde, und then came tho hpeeil llo'.v uie you, mix a speech vhleh was baldly r-xpuctul, but which was iiniuf.ri.il bv lli minutes conversation, and the boy loturncd to hU clinlr proud nnd lmpiiv. Out of the Mouths of Babes. l.lttle a-vi-nfeild Ileeido was trying to tiling hcinelf one morning and mummed to net her clothes badly mt-cwi. mum I1" " '' IllOtlm. SllO M.llll "Oil, tllUltltllll. u,mo nl)(1 ,ltlll Jni. , , , ,,,, (lUt,.. 1 giietr that ain't nu . sulci llttlo Ralph, hi, ho gazed earnestly at a pho. loKi-npli of hluueir. "What makes xoi. think It Isn't?" nuked bis mother. " 't'nue It's stnticlin' ftlll too long to bo nio," was the reply "t xvundei," ti.ld little llarix-, "If men iv 111 ever live to be BOO or fimj xenis old!" "No, I guess not," icplled his S-yenr-old sister, vho was Mudvlng her SunUuy school Iwson. "The Lord tried tho ex pel Intent once and they got so bad that He Just hud to drown tin m." Chicago New s. A flood Indication. "I thought xou used to sny that ou xvouldii't care to be tied to Miss Wheeler, If she were the last girl In tho xvorllj but I see thai jou're pnxtiu.- a good deal ef attention to her lately" fculd llrovvn to Ids fiiend (Iruen. 'yes.' wdil Oiecn, "my opinion of her has undcrgino a eomplctc change. I used to think that sl.o would lint mnko n good wife for a jioor man, because she teemed to bo lazy, "And now'" asked l'rown. "Why. look nt her bicycle! There Isn't another girl lit town who keeps her wheel In such line condition." Peatsou's Weekly. Foolish Tollow. Mrs. rndclo (faith ciirlnt) IIoxv Is your giandfuthcr this moitilng, Hrldget? Bridget He still has tno rneumaucB mighty bad, mum. Mis. Pciilcle You irean he thinks ho has the rheumatism. There Is no tuch thins ns rhtumatl nt. LrlilRot Yes, mum. A few elajs later. Mrs. ruiile And doe-, your grandfather still persist in his elc lusl m tlmt ho has the ilieuin.itlsm? Hrldget No, tntini; the poor man thinks now thtit he Is dead. We bulled hliu ios- terclay,' London Answers. Healthful Ignorance. "Don't nu want the water of your well analyzed?" asked the triveling agent of the clicmlc.il coinjnii. "What fur"" asked the halo old far mer sitting on tlu fionl jioich, "To know whether It Is pure and wholesome tr not " "t leckon not. If there's anything tho matter of It, mister, I'd ruthei not know It." "I low long have you been using 117" "Hlghty-seven ears." The liavellng agent jiassed on. Chi cago Tilbunc. Identified. "Did you hear him say ho xvns a New Ynikci?" "No, not exactly, but I overliPnul him remark that none of the pictures in the Corcoran Art gallery were one, two, three with the jiietuics In tho Hoffman liou'.p bar, and " "What ele?" "lie never glx-es up his scat to a xvomnn In a street car, and " "Tlnfll do. He's fiom New York, all t ight." Washington l'ost. PERSONALITIES. Mis. John J. Ingalls Is fnmed through out Kansas for lit r bn.ckberrv jam. Mis. Maria Allen, of Hlyila, O.. who Is PS xenrs of age. Is the olelest member of the Woman's Rclle f corps. It is not generally known thnt Rudy aid Kipling's full name Is Joseph Rud x.iul Kipling. Mrs. Sorchan, a. society xvoman of New port. R. I., has been nominated ns a member of the School board of that city W. C. C ileman, the ilchest Aineileu.i negro, has starttd a largo cotton mill at (.one-mil, N. C, which has 500o spindles. General Cipilano Castro, the new piesldcut of Venezuela. Is but ."0 iars old. He Is xvell educated nnd bus spent seveial venra In Rurope. The Rev Dr. Wnylund lloyt, of riilln ilelphln, has deeldnl to accept the call given him rcctntly from the First Ilaptlsl church, of Cambildge, Mass. The adjutant i-cntinl of the state nf New Yolk, Ax try D. Andrews, enjoys Iho distinction of being tho first picsldent of any organization of automobiles In this country. Senator Heverldge, ot Indiana, owns n rtm.it kably good collection of auto graphs in width Is a letter fiom l'ri-sl-dent Kruger to a friend distinctly fore shadowing the present war Sir James Rlyth, of Portland IMace, Ruglaiid. who has the- finest dairy firm In the wen Id. offers a silver bowl weigh ing twenty-live minces for tho best Jer sey cow bred In Unal lliltaln. The Cleveland Plain Dealer hns started a fund to build n monument over the ne glected giave of Onernl Slopes Cleve land, the founder of Ihe Ohio city, who lies bulled In Canterbury. Conn Ailstldes I.emciil, the aichltect, xvho has been xlslilng Atrhblshop Cmrignn and Cardinal Gibbons. In.-, been recalled to Romo to tiiiperlnteiiil the erection ot a cathedral nnd college to co.U $.,0(K),000. According to the latest rejioit of II. Clay Hx-ans, commissioner of ppnlons there Is now only ono suivlvor of the war of 1SJS lliinm Conk, of Northwest ern New York. He- Is "'i jcais ot age. I'ather W D. JlcKlnnon, chnplnln of the Flist California viiluntccis in tho Philippines, lu-- boon nppnli.teel a elmii laln In Ihe rrgului urmy and started from New York on his way back to Manila President Pntlnii nimounees thnt ex President Clex eland Is to bo n lecturer at Pilneoton tlilH year. Uo has agreed. It seems, in deliver the lectuics called for bv the Stafford Little fund of 110,030. which establishes a lectureship on themes con-uccte-d XX lib jmblle life. , Lieutenant Valentine H. Gllson, of Ilos tonu, overtops nil other nienbers of the Massac husc Us Stnto nillltta, being C, ft it S Inches In height. Ho sen cd In tho SiiaiilHh-Aineilcan xv.ir, and Is conceded to be n fust Mass marksman. Count Shorzc-xvskl. a wealthy land own er in Pom n, (Itimnny, has icicntly u tcnlshtd tho natives by employing a eiitni I. instead of horses or oxen, to draw tho ploxv on his estate. Tlio e.xpeilint-nt 1ms jiroxed most successful, una is iiieei) to bo copied In other agricultural ells tilcts. Mnltre Laboil Is still at B.imols, near I'ontnlncbltau. The bullet In his hack causes him consldtr.ible suffering nnd pi events him fiom standing upilgbt. The bullet xv 111 onlv be removed when tt lenxcB the muscles to which It at piescnt ndhciPB. In this way It Is hoped that n simple incision nf tho skin will sufllco to bring about Its extraction. The noted uuihor, "Lucas Mnlet," Is In rcnllly a daughter of the famous diaries Klngsloy. Ah Lucas Mulct she came Into ixtstenco with tho nuiduetlnn of "Mrs Lorlmrr. ' I'p to this tlmo It had seemed -uobublo thai her power would find an outlet on other llnoh-thut ho would be. etiino a painter. She studied as a gitl hi tho Slude eliool, mid did very xvell there. James Whltromb Riley says that xvhen 'io xviih In Atlanta, flu., Inst year, as the Sliest of Frank L. Slnntou. the latter pro posed that they surprise hi fiiend, Joel handler Ranis, by driving oxer to hlj ilace outside of the city. "Would it be inlr to Jump down em him tlmt xxny"' iKS.eiel Jlr. Rllej. "lun't ho a very ne-r-mius mini?" "Ha much so." lepllesl Stun ton. "that If ho knexv vou wore- coining ml hud to wait for iou he'd havo peer , voim preiBtiutlon " NUBS OP KNOWLEDGE. All precious stones aro purified bv a b.itli lu honey A cup of very hot milk taken nt bed time xv IJ1 often prevent sleeplessness. Dr. Koch, tho dlcovcrcd of tho lymph cure, has genu to Java and Singapore to study miili.ila. Nearly n million barrels of Hour wero exported from Ban Prnuelsco during tho luct fiscal year An mltlcd attiactlou nt Memorial Hall In New Orlens Is an S-lnrli gun used by the Confederates agi.lnst Pnir.igut ul Mo nlle. The most cally dleesled meats are cold niutton, mutton chops, venison, lender loin and sirloin steak, lamp chops, rabbit and thicken, Raw eggs, milk nnd plenty of fruit are recommended for brnln-workers. 'I ho fruit con cits tho bilious tendency of the milk and eggs. In the grninintr schools lu Chicago the sexes nio about even In number, but In the high schools the pmpoitlon Is about three gills to one bov. The latest government census In India showed fl Oli5,7f!i girls between 5 nnd 9 jcars of age who weie alreaely tn.ir.'lcd, of whom 170,0(10 hnd become widows. In the Hmernld Isle a belt of woman's hair Is put In tho trcdlc of an Infant to Keep If from Inn in, f.nd In Reuuiaiila the mothers bird red llbbons round the an kles of their childien for the samo rea son. t'oiitintr to the provnltnt opinion, cor poral punishment Is nut allowed In Rus sia oxe cpt In tho ciiso ef unruly peasants. In schools the rod Is indie unknown, nnd the iisu of It would citato a tint. The most famous extant gems aro per haps the llonimn Augcstta In Vienna, a sardonyx ne.irl.v a quarter of a yard long, on which the tilumpli of Augustus Is cut lu Hie rarest workmanship by DIoscorldcs of Rome, To demonstrate the comparative hnrm lesiinoss of beer, stntMlcs have been guthercd In thirteen large cities of Swe den. It was round tint binudy wns ic sponslble for .17 per cent, of all rases of Intoxication, nnd heir for only G5 per cent. A Dutch m. ther Is careful that garlic, rait, blend, and steak aro put Into ihe craillo of her now-hoi n babe, nnd In Wales a pall of longs or a knllo In the baby's cradle answers tho same purpose, lz of stcuilng tho little morsel of hd m.inlty frtm harm. it is repoilid that a meteor which fell reuntlv In Hrltlsh Central Africa, em the cast side of Mi-nut Motnba, txplodid with a tmlso tint was ln-uril for at least sev enty miles to the north and south. Tne lr.igmonts wire spattered over an aica ot nlno miles bv three and bomo ot them Weighed live pounds. Tea Is cheaper than r.ry water bottled. By actual mtasuument over r.CO cujis of tea can bo made fiom every pound ot black ten, which, at the rate of CO cents a. pound, v.ouhl give six eujis for ono cent. Coffee ut Its pri nt low jirlcc Is much dealer than lea, as only four cups can bo made from one ei nt. The sun Is so vast tint if it were a hollow ball the moon could icvnlvn In the oiblt which II now follows and still be entirely enclosed within the .-inn's In teilnr. fur every nele on the surface of our globe there are more than ten thou sand noes on the surface of the great luminal v. Tho oldest woman in the world, nc cnidlng to ofllcijl census it ports, lives In Hawaii, and Is Ul xears of age. Her name Is Kepoolele Apau, and hir claim to advanced age Ins been thoroughly In vestigated by Hon AUit.iu T. Atkinson, the geneial superintendent of tho Ha waiian census. Statistics which lu.vp been collated In Wisconsin show the average cewt of rais ing wheat to be 21 cents n bushel and the cost nf corn 27 cents. In both enses there ,ue Included Interest on the vnlue of the hind, with the cost of Implements nnd hordes added In. Oraameflfal mi Borders. Ornamental Floors, such as we offer have been in use in Europe for generations. They are no ex periment, It is safe to consider that no out lay will so furnish and enrich a dwelling as these ornamental floors. They are cheaper than carpets. Floors laid and finished in best manner. Fine line of patterns to select Irom. Estimates furnished and all work guaranteed. Hill & Cornel! 121 N. "Washington Avo., Scranton, P.t. 'iratsws'K; fc'tti r.v..: ,... svu-caa-iwjc , iVr-Arr .e. iJNS: , tH f -m 1 'i- j t.T .! - II 111). ' r Z A lady living at TnwrCTce, Mass., describes an interesting conditioa of affairs in her household. When s.lic lirbt heard of Kipuns Tabules elie was having an awful spell with her stomach. She had had them off and on all her life and had swallowed enough medicines to stock up a drug store " I was losing flesh every day," said she. " Some, days I was so weak I couldn't get out of bed. I know if I hadn't got relief I wouldn't be here now." Iwo dollars' worth of Ilipans Tabules was all she ever used, and they made her u well woman, Her husband says she looks better now tVnn he ever saw her. She made him take the Tabules for biliousness and they acted just as well in his case. Kipans Tabules are a regular stand-by in that family now A new tyie fV t cwiulntu tck Wf am tavclh ( v.iu.u..t ruLt M.f.df ifls tiiltiilt-Bi uan l liAtl liT loui-Ih v Hg. 1(1 huniv.v btrvi-i. Nw Ywi W-vr iub'l "fra vfZf.jiF.rt-trizyzr v 451 ";kr. jGiif iQ XM K7 You CaMSt Tliiafe No niallcr liow hard you try of a better pl.icc to buy your -fficc sup plies and st.itioneiy than at our es tablishment. We carry our lines as near complete as possible. Wc cater for the up-to-date trade and if its a pood thinp; in olllce wants wr. iiavt. it. We still put the planitary pencil sharpener on trial in any offiicc for ten days free of charge, Our line of Stationery and Hnsraved work is as dainty as' ever and wish you to in spect our lines. Reynolds Bros SUllOXURS nn.! INl.R.WUS, Sctanton l'.i. For Weddiog Presents. . . The largest aud fmest As sortmeut of Prices ranging from $i.oo to $ioo.oo. MEECEMAU k CUHNELL 130 Wyoming Avenue. Heating Stoves, Ranges, Fmir maces Pliminnilbta amid Ttata OTSTIEE & FORSYTH, S23-327 PENN AVENUE. Limther Keller LlflE, CEMENT, SEWER PIPE, Etc. lnrel amlOilloa West Lackawanna Ave., SCRANTON, PA. In . rawr c twn (1 r t ito (ithattt h Imi) 1 bow for m at aimo p-vr iiuu in1 tiinMiui04. inwiAfti null Uf MiuJiiur l0ltFiUta otlli Itilli n 11 ut-f ivuh4 ytuvif ih cwtou ufcft iiwiu) will Uo teat (or Utj col V-fflKWSr i l ' rr-r.YS n wji Jfit rex s "vi IT - 1 l -jim 1 l t .,,S-y rri-. Mh-ljS3 (Si FINLEY'S Tlh aic of the easoe A purchase of near ly .2,000 yards ena bles us to oiler the greatest value in up-to-date silks that that have ever been brought to this city. The lengths vary from 5 to 15 yards each, and for com plete Dresses, Sepa rate Waists or Fine Wrap Linings, are the opportunity of a lifetime. They are arranged into 3 lots as follows AT 69c 88c $Eo5 worth worth worth 1.00. $1.25. $1.75 to $2.25 Sale Opens Saturday Morning. 510 and 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE The MooEny JlAnuwARic stoiik. New arrivals pat terns that will surely please you. If you waut the best, come here. &s 1 19 N. Washington Ave o- The Hiimt & CouMiell Co, Heating, Plumbing, Gas Fitting, Electric Light Wiring, Gas an Electric Fixtures, Builders Hardware; 434 lac&awairoa Avcnut HENRY BEL1N, JR., Oe.ue.iul Ascnt fur tUi Wyoinlai Utiir.ct IUFD1T illullli IHasllllL', MporUill Hliio'.ialoll turn uiu llcpimim Cuomicu L'o mil my 1 era explosives. ttitrty 1 iiw, Cupi mill KxplJlj.-u Uuuin 4(11 (Jmiiv)il lluiliiu;, HtCMH I II. AUKNUtUi tiiob. ronn :OUU II. SMITH & HON, W. K. MULUUAN. - PlttBton. Plymoutlu Wtlko-Datrt. St Chafing Dishes P01BEB. i,