The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 04, 1899, Morning, Page 8, Image 8

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Jlov. A. L. Itnmer, of West Scrnnton,
Officiated nt the Services Many
.Floral Tributes Including a Tlece
from His Clnss Mates News of the
Y. W. C. A. Entortnlnment on
Friday Evening Plensant Surprise
Party Financial Report of Sub
Station Other News Notes.
Rev. A. U Homer, of St. Mark's
Lutheran church, officiated at the fu
neral services of Master Luther Gus
tnvus Lauer, which wore held yester
day morning at the home of tho par
ents. Rev. and MrH. W. C. U Lauer,
on Short avenue. Though tho funeral
was announced to be private a num
ber of Rev. Lauer's parlshoners were
Tho floral contributions were num
erous and beautiful. Among thos-j
who contributed were the public school
teachers where the deceased was a pu
pil, nn emblem from tho scholars of
the same school, a pillow from tl.o
Times and various designs from par
lshoners and friends of tho bere.atd
family. The church council of St
Raul's Lutheran church presented re
solutions of condolence to their es
teemed pastor. Rev. Lauer, and hl3
mourning family.
The choir, under the direction of
Choirmaster C. K. Whittemore, will
render tho following music tomorrow
evening In tho Providence Presbyterian
church service:
Opening Sentence, "Soft as Fades the
Sunset Splendor"
Mlf-s Smith, Mr. John and choir
"Father In Heaven"
Miss Smith, Mr. John and choir
Autumn Hymn, nnthem "Tho Golden
Leaves are Falling" Choir
Miss Jennie Bell Trauger, of Robert
nvenue, was tendered a surprise parly
on Thursday evening by her many
young friends. The young folks pres-t
ent had a most enjoynble tlm and
were served with dainty refreshments
by the young hostess.
Those present were: Misses Miniif:
Kvans, Kntherlne Sullivan, Wllhol
mlna GrKIln, Ressle Collins, Emma
White, Mabello "Wless, Lillian Morse,
Kdlth Davis, Thomas Cullen, Van
noy Stoll, James Elsby, Arlington
Crossman, James Lehr, Arthur Reos-j,
Raymond Robinson nnd Edgar Hope
well Sanders.
The North Scrnnton sub station of
the post office makes the following
report for the month of October: Re-
Good cough remedy, take Pu
fours French Tar. For Sale at
ioi S. Alain Aveius
We Are S!
Cl jflutr ii I j V' i 1 1 ri' r i n n n tm mrwi r t
HftilHIilt U ii1 1 1 i ' ill I 7 i k in ' ' i " TdlfJlliFfi! iT iimi ,
One of the most remarkable Hosiery
lines for children that has ever been
placed on sale in this state. If it
interests you, come today only.
Children's high-grade Plaid
Hose, exactly the same goods as sell
regularly for 50c a pair. Today at
one-quarter their real value,
4t the Same Time
We will also make a special feature
of Ladies Oneita Combination Un
derwear. Colors White, ecru or
natural wool. Union weave in finest
cotton and soft wool yarns are popu
lar, but everything else that's made
is here for your inspection.
Globe Warehouse
If there Is
trouble with the
Liver or
why don't you
try Hostcttcr's
Stomach Hit
ters? It has
cured others
why not you?
A Jose 3 times a
day will give
celpts for money orders sold, 2,3Gl.C2!i
postage, $283.80, and eighty-one regis
tered pieces passed through tho ofllce.
W. K. Anderson is In charge of tho
Mary Savage, of Ferdinand street,
was arrested yesterday by Special
Olllcer James 1 Jurkln. She was charged
was stealing coal from the Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western cars near
the Cayuga mine and was held In $300
ball for her appearance at court. She
was released on security furnished by
Joseph Tomalunls.
Patrick Murray, of Oak street, had
his right foot sprained and his body
bdly cut and bruised while at work
In tho Cayuga mine last Wednesday.
He was coupling some loaded cars at
the time of the accident.
Thomas O'Connor, who has held the
position of driver boss In tho Cnytpi
mine, has been appointed nsslstant In
side foreman.
Tho Rev. J. 11. Hughes will lecture
on "Tho Boer and Biitlsh War" at the
Memorial church, Wayne avenue, next
Thursday evening. Mr. Hughes has
been In Klmbeiley, Afilca, for ten I
yeats and Is well acquainted with tho
Held, the people and the causes of tho
present trouble. Admission, 10 cents. '
Thu Sunday school choir of the Mem- i
orlal church Is progressing well with I
the cantata, "A Trip to Old Chris." j
The conductor Is James Frieze, and
Miss Maggie Twining Is presiding at
the organ.
The ladles of tho Memorial church
art- very busy these days getting ready
for their coming festival, which will
be held at the Auditorium on the 15th
of this month.
Tomorrow the Rev. J. R. Reese, lato
of Arnot, Pa., will begin his pastor
ate in the West Market .iieet Puri
tan Congregational church. Mr. Rei-te
is an eloquent speaker and a zealous
worker In his chosen work.
Rev. S. G. Reading will preach both
morning nnd evening in tho North
Main Avenue Baptist church. The
subject In the morning will be "Tl-e
Holy Spirits' Aid In Salvation." In
tho evening he will speak on "The
Destiny of the unsafed."
At tho First Christian church, North
Main avenue, the pastor, Rev. R. W.
Clynier. will 1111 the pulpit at both
services. The morning theme will be
"Our Power for Good," and In th-j
evening, "Three Views of Life." Ad
aie cordially Invited.
Lieutenant of Police Spellman, Ben
jamin Lewis and Fred Lewis are on
a hunting expedition in New York
Mrs. Steele and Mrs. Jordan, who
have been the guests of Mrs. T. Det
wellcr, of Church avenue, have re
turned to their home In Allentown.
Rev. Henry Hill, of TUlca, N. T.,
who has been visiting Mr, and Mrs.
H. T. Evans, of School street, for
tho past week, has returned home.
per pair.
Housing Reception Will Bo Tendered
the Candidates by Citizens Gener
ally Prominent Speakers Who
Will Bo Present Meetings of Lit
erary Societies Three-' Wedding
Announcements Funeral of Will
iam Reese Other Smaller Nows
Notes of General Interest.
A rousing Republican mass meeting!
will Iks held In St. David's hall this
evening, which will bo the only meet
ing of tho kind In the present cam
paign. There will be music nnd
speeches galore. The West Side Rcpub
lican club, numbering several hundred)
members, will attend the meeting, and
will probably parade before the exor
cises begin. A band has been engaged
and an enthusiastic welcome Is assured
the candidates by tho citizens of West
John Courier Morris and John Pen
man, candidates for county commis
sioner, and William 13. Johns and Asa
E. Klefer, the aspirants for the audlt
orship, will bo present, also the Wil
liam E. John Republican club, which
Is composed of the teprcsentatlvo
young Republican voters of the city.
Assistant District Attorney W. Gay
lord Thomas, president of tho West
Side Republican club, will bo tho
chairman, and deliver the opening ad
dress. Tho other speakers will bo Dls
tilct Attorney John R. Jones, Deputy
Attorney Gencial Fred W. Floltz.
United States Attorney A. J. Colborn
and J. T. McColium, formerly of Brad
ford county. The membet s of the coun
ty committee, including Chairman Vos
burg will also occupy seats on the plat
A regular meeting cf tho Baptist
Young People's Union was hold last
evening In the First Welsh Baptist
church. The subject for discussion was
"What Jesus Saw from the Mount
of Olives." Several irembeis partici
pated In the discussion, which was ex
ceedingly Intel isting. W. B. Morgan
dellvt-red nn address, which, was fllleel
with bright thoughts. Rev. D. D. Hop
kins, president of the fcociety, was
chairman of the meeting. A song ser
vice was also enjoyed.
The Webster Literary nnd Debating
society held their regular weekly meet
ing last conlng nt the home of George
Martin on Academy street. Tho topics
for discussion tlurlng tho business
meeting aftorded good opportunity fon
parliamentary practice. The literary
exercises were ccnflnKl to nn able
addres on "Success,' by Prof. Watkln
IT. "Williams, and R. D Peltlt's talk
on "Character and Reputation." Tha
next meeting will be held at the horns
of "William Ellas on "Washburn street.
The debating society of Ripple divi
sion, No. 45, Sons of Temperance, held
an Interesting meeting last evening at
the home of Thomas Ellis In Edwardi
court. Business peitainlng to tho so
ciety was discussed and an enjoyable
programme rendered.
John Davis, of Snyder avenue, and
Miss Dlanah Morgan, daughter of Mr.
and Mr3. Benjamin Morgan, also of
Snyder avenue, Bellevue, were quietly
married In Wllkes-Bnrre Thursday af
ternoon. The marriage was not ex
actly an elopement, as several of the
relatives and friends of the contract
ing parties were aware of their depart
ure. Mr. and Mrs. Davis have returned
home and will reside in Bellevue. The
couple are very well known In that sec
tion of the city, nnd have many friends
who will be surprised to learn of their
marriage. The groom is a son of Mr.
and Mrs. James Davis.
Perry Getts, nf 400 Edwards court,
nnd Miss Ella Francis, of 227 Keyser
avenue, were also married on Thurs
day, but whore nnd by whom hns not
been learned. Even the relatives' of
the young man are unable to state who
performed the ceremony, as they have
not been Informed.
Getts returned homo Thursday even
ing and told his sister that he had
been married, but did not even tell the
bride's name or anything about th
marriage. He was also at his homo
last evening, but did not say anything
to his mother about his marriage.
When Tho Tribune representative
called at the house last evening the
young innn was not at home, but his
mother admitted that the marriage had
taken place, hut could not furnish any
further information.
William Thomas Wright, of Sherman,
Wnynu county. Pa., and Miss Eliza
beth Carpenter, of 1118 Hampton street,
will be married this morning nt tho
parsonagp of tho Simpson Methodist
Episcopal church, by Hev. J, B. Sweet.
The bride-elect Is the daughter of
Mrs. Saiali Carpenter, and a sister of
Miss Mary Carpenter, a teacher In the
public schools. The groom-to-ho Is a
prosperous farmer and is an estimable
young man.
Tho funeral of the late William Y.
Reese, of Parsons will occur tomor
row afternoon from his late residence
nt 1:'10 o'clock, and bo continued at
2 o'clock at the naptlst church, Par
sons, of which he was a cnnslstant
member during tho thirty years of res
Idence at Parsons. The services will
Try GrairaOl,
Try Grain-Ol
Ask you Grocer to-day to show yon
a rmckaEO 0f GRAIN-O, tho now food
drink that takes tho placo of ooffoo.
Tho children may drink It without
Injury as well as tho adult. All who
try it, llko It. GIUIN.O has that
rich seal brown of Mocha or Java,
but it la taado from pure grains, and
tho mostdcllcato stomach receives it
without distress. $ tho price of coffee.
15 cents and 25 cents per package.
Bold by all grocers.
Tastes like Coffee
Looks like Coffee
Intiet that your grocer glvei yon QRAIN-C
Accept no Imitation.
93e0e6O4$44 .
A Molhcr Tells How 8I10 Saved
Her Delicate Halo's Lire.
Wo publish this letter for tho Informa
tion of mothers who have found It hard
to get a icnlly good food thut Is always
tho same, Is liked by and agrees with
their Imby:
"Mr. Cook:
"Dear Sir Our baby was hing between
life and death when I read that ono
pound of Cook's Flaked Rico contained 21 t
iKT ceni. more of llre-giving nounsnmcni
than ono pound of beef and ono pound of
potatccs combined.
"Tho idea Immediately occurred to mo,
Why wouldn't this bo good for my baby'f
J tiled It, and wo Irnvo a well, healthy
baby, nnd 1 know If yen would only ad
Vtrtlto jour Finked Itleo for babies as
well as a Ilreukfust Food, you would
fcavo u gient many babies, as you liavo
our deur llulu boy.
"I toiuiu this to bo tho best way of
rooking i-luktd like for babies: Two
eupliils of FJnUd lllco Bhould bo put t
mo two quarts of boiling hot water and
boiled from rlulit to un minutes, mining
well all the time, nnd strain whllo hot;
when It Is done It is Just llko milk.
"I honestly bellee I have had moro ex
perience with bu'iy foods than unv one.
i was absolutely ulscouiugcil until 1 tiled
Cook s Flaked lllee. n above, mnl I
thoroughly behove it saved mj li.i)) '.i
life, as It si-i-nis to bo the most nourish
ing nnd agrecublo to tho stcinnch of liny
food. Any Infant can take It, it H ft
easily diverted, nnd does not eutdli- In
tho stomueh. Vuurs truly.
. . "Mt. Clemens, Mlrh."
Cook's Fluked Ulco (which Is sold by
nil our groeers) Is never ndvertHcd as nn
Infant s food, but It H used the, same ns
ordlnnry rl( e, only, of collide. It W very
much uun-r mid better, ns It Is tho be3t
rlcei scientifically prepared.
be conducted by the pastor, Rev. R.
E. Williams, nnd he will b assisted by
Ruv. D. T. Davis, of Hammond, New
Jersey, Interment will be made at
Hollenbaek cemetery, Wllkcs-IUrro.
Persons desiring to attend the funeral
can take 12:03 p. m. Delawate and
Hudson trnln.
Tho Foreign MIslonary society of the
Simpson Methodist Episcopal church
were entertained at tho home of Mr..
John Hale, of South Main avenue lasc
The ladles of St. Mark's Lutheran
church will serve a supper next Wed
nesday evening nt tho homo of Mrs.
Chester rammer, 1702 Washburn street.
At the Simpson Methodist Episcopal
church tomoirow evening the pastor
will, by request, preach n special ser
mon, the subject of which is ".Tepthah's
Daughter." The series on "Women of
tlu Old Testament," hai proven versi
attractive nnd helpful, end the large
congregations testify their Interest.
The funeral of the late Aidee Mor
gan will occur tomorrow nflinion at
i-i0 o'clock Services will be held at
the house, 117 North Filmore nvenue,
nnd Interment will be made In tho
Washburn street cemetery.
Tho remains of Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert
J. Bauer's child will be privately In
terred this afternonn.
A meeting of the Republican voter.?
of Tripp Park was held at Jones' store :
last evening and arrangements per- j
fected for bringing out the votes on
The Scranton Glee club held a good
rehearsal Wednesday evening. In tho
nbsence of Prof. John T. Watkins, the
conductor. Prof. Lewis Davies wielded
the baton.
Harry Herbert, Thomas Jones and
Benjamin Morgan will oppose William
Henley, Thomas Harris and William
Leonard In a shooting nuitch near tho
Round woods for $23 a tide this after
noon, i
It is understood that the Jackson j
street Baptist church people have been i
enabled to tide over their financial dif
ficulties for the piesent.
Chamberlain's Pain Balm Cures Oth
ers, Why Not "iouP
My wife has bsen using Chamber
lain's Pain Balm, with good results, for
a lame shoulder that has pained her
contlnunlly for nine years. Wo tried
all kinds of medicines and doctors
without receiving any benefit fiom any
of them. One day we saw an advertise
ment of this medicine and thought of
trying it. which we did with the best
of satisfaction. She has used only ono
bottle and her shoulder Is almost well.
Adolph L. Mlllett, Manchester, N.
II. For sale by all druggists. Matthew
Bros., wholesale and retail agents.
The gospel meeting Sunday at 3.43 p.
m. will be led by Mis- Mary Keiscl. All
women and girls will be made wel
come. Wednesday, Nov. S, the first meeting
of the winter for the mothers will be
held at 4 p. m. A cordial Invitation Is
extended to all women to come and
bilng their work. Cake and coffee will
be served.
The Loyalty club met last evening
nnd a very inteicstlng programme was
The Fourteen Friends met at Hotel
Best on Thursday evening and decided
to hold their annual banqiut on New
Year's day. The following committee
was appointed to complete iv range
ments for the event: Philip Seheuer.
chairman: Louis SCItnmor, Benjamin F.
Moore. Alfred Outhelnz, John Demulh.
William Schwenker. William Naegell.
The funeral of Karl, the five-year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. IMrhard Flem
ing took place yesterday afternoon
from tho family residence on South
Washington nvenue. Inteinient was
made In the Hyde Park Catholic ceme
tery. Patrick O'Brien, of Pittstnn avenue,
was painfully Injured at th South mill
on Thursday. A carload of dirt came
down on his left foot.
Henry Henn. permanent man at the
Nentune enirlnn house, was Placing tho
hit In a horse's mouth on Thursday.
when the unlmal made a vicious grab
for his right hand, catching two of the
lingers between his teeth. Mr. Henn
narrowly i-scaped being minus two
The tin oo hundred nnd eighty-second
nnnlversniy of the Protestant Itefor
matlon will bo celebrated tomorrow
evening at the German Presbyterian
church on Hickory stieet. Itev. Will
iam A. Nordt, p istor of tho church,
will conduct the h. rvlce. Tho church
choir and the Low i erne orchestra will I
furnish the musical ptngrumme.
Mrs. A. II Koons. of Kingston, Is
visiting ut the home of Mrs. O. M.
Koons, on Cedar avenue.
Company A. Patriotic Ouards, last
evening conducted a country dance at
Athletic hall. The "rubes" appeared
In great numbers and the affair was a
success In every respect.
The St. Aloyslus Total Abstinence
and Benevolent society last evening
guve a complimentary social to the
ladles who assisted a,t the exouislon of
the society last summer. A very pleas
ant time was had by nil.
The young ladles' sodnllty of St.
Mary's Catholic church will glvo a tur-
Jonas Long's
Men's Garments Low Here
in Price. isil
tette of interesting items in
Men's Undergarments for Sat
urday. They sing their own
praises best you'ie asked to
compare the prices with any
others in the city at a third more.
At 39c Full shaped finely
fleeced shirts and drawers; reg
ular 50c value.
At 45c Extra heavy fleeced
lined shirts and drawers; nicely
made and finished. Value 59c.
At 39c Natural grey and
camel's hair shirts and drawers,
a decided bargain. Regular 50c
At 69c improved finish nat
ural wool shirts and drawers,
extra well made; 85c quality.
Big Book Bargains it some
Saturday. times A
pays to
look around. It's sure to pay
when buying books. Take a
trip around the city; then come
to this bigrjest and most com
plete of all book stores. No
matter what prices may be else
where, they'll be still lower here.
$1.25 Copyrights at 15c
seems like an absurd statement
to make, though true. We've
about one hundred volumes,
slightly mussed, that must be
sold today without reserve at
this price. Among the titles are:
Elliot's Works.
Dickens' Works
Destroyer By
Curse of Intel
A m bassa dor
Despotic Lady
l)n. tor ludas Cobbe.
I'll-' Cop maker Payson.
Pine Valley France
Buivlle of Life Hobbes.
Revolt of Tartars. '
Son of lngar Wood.
Rev. J. G. Wood His Life
and Work.
Stanley Huntington Wilson.
Old Lamps for New Ones
Dickens. In Jail with Dickens Trum
ble. Bicycling for Ladies Ward.
key supper at St. Mary's hall. 415 Hick
ory street, on Wednesday and Thurs
day evenings, Nov. 29 and 30. The pro
coeds will be used for the purpose of
furnishing the new rooms In the con
vent. Good music will be in attend
ance. The Welcome Dancing class will con
duct the first of a series of masquer
ade socials at Snovor's hall, on I'enn
avenue, on Wednesday evening, Nov.
in. Tho numerous icccptlon rooms,
which are attached to tho hall, will be
thrown open to the public on this even
ing. The Young People's society of Christ
Lutheran church, on Cedar avenue, will
celebrate Its twelfth anniversary on
Thursday, Nov. 9, with an entertain
ment and supper In the church base
ment. Tomoriow evening special ser
vices will be held at the church and
Hev. Wltke, of Germany, will deliver
the sermon.
Meadow Biook Washer.
Pea coal sold to teams 73 cents a ton.
Corner of Cedar avenue and Gibbons
Quite a little i-xcllement was caused
at the coiners, yesteulay morning
about 11 o'clock, by a general mix-up
of two hoises and wagons and as many
A horse belonging to P. "W. Uogan,
of South Blakoly street, was frightened
while standing near the home of Its
owner and dashed up Blnkoly street
towards tho corners. When nearly at
the corners the delivery wagon ot
Ilarrj V. Spencer which was coming
up the Intersecting street. Drinker,
came directly In the path of the rum
away and was struck bquarely, tho
force of impact being such as to throw
Mr. Bogan's horse oft its feet and hurl
both drivers to the ground.
When the excitement was somewhat
over, It was found thai both wagon-
were completely demolished and both
horses In a sorry plight. Mr. Span
cer's horse having continued the flight
I of the former. It was caught on North
. Blakely sttcet, hut not until It was
severely cut in several places.
Tho drivci s of both vehicles, strango
to say were uninjured.
Miss Mniie Bronson, of Elm street, li
tho guest f friends In Lansford, Pu.
Mrs. Van Warmer, of Blm street, loft
for Chicago yesterday, where she will
spend the winter.
Mr. John naught, a prominent artist
of New York city, is tho guest of his
paicnts, Mr. nnd Mrs. John naught,
of North Blakoly street.
The many friends of Miss Agnes Cult
of Green stieet, will be pleased to learn
of her recovoiy from a recent severe
Mlsb Helen Bronson, of Elm street,
has left for Bethlehem, whei she will
attend tho Blrhop Thorpe school.
Services at St. Mark's church to-morrow
will bo as usual at tho following
hours: Eight 'n. m, Holy Communion;
10:30 n. in, morning praer and ser
mon; 3 p. m., Sunday r-chool and Blbla
class, 7:30 p. m. evenln;? piayer and
senium. The subject of the evening
soimon will be "Tho Secret of Trua
Courage." This nfternoon the Indus
trial school assembles at 2:30 o'clock.
This Is tho fourth hi-uson of this
school's splendid work and this season.
v -. : --r r r 1 r
ffi'if ,&Y
Sons' Store News for Saturday
The Modern Marriage Market
Striking for Life Eugene V.
In Which Hearts Lead Mor
rill. Trooper Peter Halket Olive
Schrien -r.
Two New Books at 35c
Here are two very important
woiks just out of copyright and
have never before sold under
$1.50. They are:
A Minister's Wooing, H, Beccher
Professor at Breakfast Table
O. W. Holmes.
Plenty of them for all who
come tomorrow at 25c.
The Newest Books Includ
ing "Janice Meredith," "Rich
ard Carvel," "When Knight
hood Was in Flower," and
many others away below pub
lisher's prices.
Catalogue of books for the
Important Sale of Undoubt
Shect Music. cd'v we
sell more
sheet music than any two stores
in Scranton not only because
our prices are least, but the lat
est hits are always here for you.
Have you heard the new Keller
piano? Our pianist is at your
service to amuse you; simplv
tell her what you wish to hear;
she'll do the rest.
gives you choice of over seven
hundred titles of standard and
miscellaneous works in both
vocal and instrumental. Com
positions both simple and diffi
culta library of music that
provides thorough opportunity
to please.
Today's special sale gives you
choice of many titles of new and
popular hits; none of them but
what are clever.
Here are some of the titles:
Over the Fence, march.
Whistling Rutus, two-step.
Sweet Service, wnltzes.
She was Happy Till She Met You
Hello, Ma' Baby, vocal.
The Darkey's' Home Sweet
Twilight, vocal.
A Picture No Artfst Can Paint.
I've Lost Ma' Baby, vocal.
Long's Sons
promises greater success than any of
the former for tho corps of tenchera
never was bettor.
Ex-Sheriff Charles Kobinson, o
Washington avenue Is in New Yorl
MIs3 Kuth Brundage of Floetvllle, Is
the guest of Mn-. Jacob Deltrlck of
Sanderson avenue.
Dr. and Mrs. Van Brgen will leave
today for New York city, where tho
doctor will take- a post graduate courso
In homoepathy.
Miss Florence Hull, one of Scrnnton's
most successful klndeigarten teacher.
will go to Cumberland Gap, Tenn., In
the near future there tv have charge
of a school under Hev. Mr. Meyers.
Mr. Meyers Is a personal friend of Hev.
I. J. Lansing nnd Is -doing ,v great
work among the southern people.
A large number of tho friends of Mis.
John Horn, tendered h'.r a surprise
party Thursday evening at hr resi
dence on Monsey r.venu. Refresh
ments and music were features of the
evening. Mrs. Heckel sang and played
In her usual brilliant style. The trios
and also the duet given by Miss Brown
and Miss Fahrenheit were especially
well given, and well received, A num
ber of artistic features In dnnciiiR
helped to entertain tho guests until the
time of their departure.
air. and Mrs. Harry Pratt, who have
ben the guests of Mr. Pratt's parents
on Green IJIdge street left yesterday
for Macon, Ga,
M. J O'Neill student nt Stroudsburg
Normal school is visiting his parents
on Main street.
Mrs. Sablna Joyce Is erecting a beau
tiful new residence on Stafford stieet.
Mr. and Mrs. James Hart of Sayiv,
Pa., who have been visiting frlendi
here the past week, have returned
St Joseph's T. A. nnd B will hold
their regular meeting Sunday after
noon. Supervisor M. P. Judge and P. J.
Qulnn went to Coney Island yesterday
to be present at the big light.
I Some of the effects of the late Rev.
John Loughran, Including horses and
Icntrlages and other things, were sold
at auction yesterday.
I The Welcome social club will reopen
their dancing class nn Wednesday ev
ening next in Cillery's hall with a com
plimentary dance. Invitations will be
Issued to those whoso presenco Is de
sired at their meetings and such invit
ations must be presented nt the door
before admittance can be gained.
Young girls under reasonable age will
not be admitted.
Nelson llawley died at his residence In
Montrose, Nov. 3, 1W!. IIo was tho father
of Mlfs Matilda and Josephine Hawley,
of this rltv
Three Plnysl Two Songs! Music!
St- Luke's Parish House. Tues
day Evening, Nov. 7.
t-enlH now on salon U II. Powell & Co.'i
M11 tic store.
JfeSi jf Av
The New President
ing world is busy discussing the
new "President" Suspemder
just as politicLins are discussing
presidential aspirants. These
are of practical and scientific
construction, giving comfort,,
style and service. See them, 50c
At 23c Fine assortment 'of
fancy webbings, well made and
nicely finished; very strong. "
At 25c Lisle web suspenders
with leather tips and patent
clasps. Worth a third Ynore.
At 25c The "Admiral" sus
pendersnamed alter Dewey;
same construction as the Presi
dent. A decided bargain at the
Writing Paper at
Half Price.
A fortu
nate pur
chase brought us 500 boxes of very
good quality Writing Paper
which goes on sale this morning
at 6c. the box. White in color
a quire of paper and an equal
quantity of envelopes in each
Writing Fluid 500 bottles of
best Writing Fluid todayonly
at 3C.
Chic Trimmed Hats
At $2.98.
lar attention is directed, on Sat
urday, to our special showing of
elegant and stylish trimmed hats
at the very little price of $2.98.
Some of them are copies of mucli
higher priced conceptions, and
all of them were made up in our
own work-rooms by skilled'-and
competent artists. We sell Mil
linery as we do everything else
on the strict basis of the very
best for the very least.
If you care to do your own
trimming, the essentials are here
' at much less than in any other
- BURauNDHR & RBIS. L'.isea
11. R. LONO, Manager.
Saturday, November 4th,
Aft.-rnoon on J Uvenln;.
LAUGIIP Why, You'll Scream Over
It. Smyth & Rice Present
Mr. Smooth
And he's In it all the way through.
Prices Evening, $1.50, $1, 75, 50,
25; Matinee, 75, 50, 25.
uUUdUNDHR & RCIS, Lessees.
II. R. I.O.M), .Munu.'cr.
linlanco of Week.
Chester De Vonde Co.
In Repertoire.
Dime matinees dally. Benlng prices,
10, 20, ao.
One eek,Coinmenclii!j Monday, Nov. 6
The ltnniantlc Actor
In a high t-liiss repertoire Mondd
evening "rorghen" Is the Mil,
Dully Dime matinees commencing Tues
ilny. Eenlng prlns 10, LU SO cents.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Nov 2-3-4.
European Sensation Bi; Eurbsqes
Full report of the Jeffrles-Sharkey
fight read from the stage by rounds
Friday night. Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday Nov. 0 7 8, Sam T.
Jack's, My Own Burlesquers.
St John's
Catholic Church,
Musical programme every night.
Air. Van Laer's Lectures
fcUilOOI., on Nov. 20.
Will be Illustrated by many and beauti
ful slides. Tho courso will bo a rare treat
to art Iouth and un unuunl educational
opportunity. A select uudleiico has been
secured, Tloketa nrr for salo at Powell's
MvbIc Store, Connell building.