The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 04, 1899, Morning, Page 7, Image 7

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Brlistic Wall Papers
for business and ploasuro,
Lnrce variety, popular prices.
Wo invito inspection of stock.
This month Is a good one for
Decorating and fixing your rooms.
Wo can furnish good decorators
on short notice and reasonable rates.
we have a few left which
will sell at deep cut
prices to clear them out.
Boys' express wagonB and velocipedes
Largo toys In wood and iron.
322 Lackawanna Ave., Scrnnton.
34 South Main St., Wilkes-Barre.
THE GRIFFIN ART CO. Curtains Cleaned
Kntlrely by lluuil lleturn d hatnfl
size niul tiapo in Now .
,'oS I'cnn Avenu;.
It Was Owned and Occupied by
Charles Spruks.
A ii'v lr.v-trrlnus flrr broke nut at
about 11 '. luck ycpterday moiniiiff in
a two-nt double ilwllins on Pop
lar stivt i just west of Qulncy avenuo
owned and ncunieil by Charles Spruks,
of the 111 in of Spruks Hrolhcrp, lumber
dcabis. Owing to the scarcity of
water, Ik-Cm o thp llnmep worn extln
Kiiisheil, the Iiousp was almost com
pletely destroyed.
Thp Spruks family left for Philadel
phia yesterday nmrnlnK about !) o'clock
and the si-ivnnt Kl'l loft the house at
Ifp o'clock, after as sh; sayn, putting
the kitchen flrp out. She Is not suro
wheth l theri was a fire left in tho
f uriiiu o or not. At any rate nclBhbors
"aw flniii'i Inn sting fiom the buck
second s-nuy windows of tin Spruks
dde of the lunii-p end two alarms were,
turn 'd In one froir box 41, ruiimore,
and the other from bo-: C7 Scr.inton.
The Klectilp and Independent coin
panles of r'uniRote, and the Xrptune,
Ilrlici Xs-v A uk and l'hncnlx compan
ies of this city responded. There w.i-5
no scarcity of water plugs but there
was a scarcity of water and even
though the N.i Aujr steamer was put
In operation not enough could bo ob
tained t keep the 11 line i fro-n rapidly
spreading. A Otto Stoeeki 1, who occu
pied (ho other side of the house, man
aged to gave all his Ctimtuie, however.
When the lire war. finally extin
guished about " o'clock the house was
almost completely destroyed, the furni
ture r f Mr Spruits lvmg totally con
sumed. The loss on the house Is esti
mated t be ?,". 'ifiO. while the furniture
burnd .num. mine t about $3,000,
hilngs- the trial lus up to $8,000, coin-plot-ly
cm red by Insurance.
While lighting the (lie William Wcn
zel, of the Klecttlts, struck his leg with
thr i'f an axe he was using, cut
ting n deep gash which was dressed by
Pr J'.lshop.
Scats for It Are Being Rapidly
Marked Off.
The diagram for the exceedingly In-terc-Ftlng
nurse of illustrated art lec
tures by A T. VanLaer of New York,
Is being rapidly marked off nt Powell's
mush store The lln-.t lecture will
occur on Mor.dav evening in the hall
ut St.'s i.-iish house at S o'clock.
Those who aie already lovers of art or
desire to have their ta-Uo cultivated
in that direr Hon w'll t'.. well not tu
miss anv of these lectures; for th-y
cover a considerable uinge and are
highly insiruntlip as well ns pleasing.
The first one Is on "Gothic Architec
ture "
Mr. Van I 'ier has a xemarkable com
mand of his subject and presents It
with such telling effect that his hearer:)
can understand and remember what is
said. At Ohatiiutiu.i last summer h
was one of the very best lecturets und
could hold an audience of eight thou
sand people as If but one Individual.
In Peoria, 111., where there Is a very
vlgoioui- woman's club, the ladles ww
co pleased with the lectures that they
tendered him a special reception. Ho
is himself an artist and enjoys an ex
t -nded aciualntaiiet among other ar
tists, and tht-sp facts greatly add to the
interest of his discourses.
A Card.
We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to
refund the muney cm a M-ccnt bottlo of
Greene's Wurrnntid Syrup ot Tar If It
fatU to euro your cc-ugh or cold. Wo also
Kiiainntco a 25-cent bottle to provo uatls
ractory or money rounded:
David M. Jones. 11. J. Vettor
A. W Muscrave. Albert Behultz.
Rhryer s l'lmrmacy. C. Lorcus:.
IT. SI. Cole. v. L. Terppc.
C, Thompson. Chas. P. Jones.
Smoke the Popular Punch cigars, 10c.
4 &&$$tSj3&sMJzj( fa.
-"sr-y rr rrZ: wHsyt
TO all D. LAW. -EMPLOYEE 5 (xVcXwecoeWeCiXoxviWC
x).xc vre ct&ms) Building Sites of tfie tAatST Qu-
AltlTY. -5.VTOD ooi aViovetVBVaW',icwiwaua,,?il're5t
."iK'Heart Of 5crantopJ on North Main Ave. io.minutes
Investigation to Be Mado Concerning
Different Applicants for Relief,
A committee of four was appointed
at yesterday's poor board meeting, to
Investigate the cases of various peoplo
on the books and dcvls new und better
methods of relief. The committee con
sisted of Messrs. Fuller, Dlckert, Shot
ton nnd (llllesplo. It was also decided
that the different people, accepting re
lief from the board, be summoned to
n. meeting -and go through on examin
ation. This will tnke tip considerable
time, but the board will consider tlio
cases by districts and give them a thor
ough overho.ullng.
These moves were made owing to tha
fact, that although this year has be?n
In every respect a more properous. and
better ono than last year, the expen
ditures for relief up to Nov. 1, are over
$14,000 while In U98 they were only
over $12,000.
There were seven applications for
relief yesterday, three being refused.
Mr. lieemor, superintendent of the
Hillside Home, presented his report,
which was accepted. During the month
ot October thirteen sano men nnd four
Insane men were admitted to I ho lnstl
tutlon while nine women, six Insane
and three sane were nlso admitted.
During the month two Insane men and
eight pane ones vierc discharged from
the Institution, and two sane women
vrre discharged. Tour lnsuno men
and one sane died, and one demented
Patrick and Winifred Flannc-lly wcro
Indentured to their grandmother, Wini
fred Flannclly.
Several Selected ns Being of Some
Local Interest.
Yesterday's circular from the treas
ury department contains the follow
ing new decisions that arc of local In
terest: "No tax Is to be paid on the closing
oC a stock transaction caused by the
margin being exhausted because of
the marketgolng against the specula
tor. "An express company engaged In the
business of buying or selling foreign
money bills of exchange Is required
to pay a special tax as a broker.
"Onlyonetnxaccrues on the purchase
when a broker buys by wire for a
customer from an out of town corres
pondent. The customer and broker.
In other words, cannot both bo charged
with a taxable transaction.
"Spirltfllnbnndnre not liable to seiz
ure by a sheriff, even though he of
fers to pay the tax."
Miner In Storrs Shaft 7 aried Beneath
Tons of Rock.
Fiank Droblsh. of Priceburg, a I'ol
ander, employed r-s a miner, In the
Stonr shaft, No. 1, was killed by a
fall of coal while at woik on Thursday.
The body was burled beneath tons of
rock and coal and was not recovered
until yesterday morning.
The accident happened nt 10 o'clock
Thursday morning, when Droblsh was
trying to escape from the fall. It was
not positively known for some time af
ter the accident, whether or not ih
miner was burled, but workmen began
removing the coal. They worked all
day nnd night, nnd finally unearthed
the man, who was crushed almost be
yond recognition.
The body was removed to bis lato
homo In Priceburg, where a. wife and
seven children survivo him.
Conducted Yesterday from His Late
Homo on Sixth Street.
Services over the remains of the late
Curtis C. Andrews were held yesterday
afternoon at the home of deceased's
father, Moses Andrews, on Sltth street,
liev. Hugh Davis, of the Welsh Cal
vinlsilc Methodist church, and Rev.
Oorge U Alrich, of tlio Grace Re
formed Episcopal church, conducted
thp services.
TK Schubert quartette. John T.
Watkins, John W. Jones, David Steph
ens and Thomas Ueynon, sang several
appropriate hymns. The pall bearers
were: Harry P. Decker, Clarence
Shryor, Frank Deacon and ICugena
Hecley. Frank Whltllng and Robert
Walker, Jr., were the flower bearers.
Interment was made In Forest Hill.
Dining Cars.
The Nickel Plate road has always
owned and operated their dining cais
and meal stations, and the service has
a repuatlon for excellence among the
traveling public. Train No. 3, which
leaves Huffalo ot 7.10 a. m., dally, has
a dining car attached, serving break
fast immediately after departure from
Huffalo, while luncheon and dinner are
also served at convenient hours. This
train arrives at Chicago at 9.15 p. m.,
and makes close connections with the
fast trains of nil western roads.
Important Notice.
Owing to the largo numbers of pupils
enrolled last Saturday in the children's
class In rudiments of music- and sing
ing the class will meet this morning
at 11 o'clock In Guernsey's hall, 31S
Washington avenue. Tuition 10 cents
per lesson, i iiyablo weekly. A spi tn
did opportunity for children. Jervls
Hnrdenbergh School of Music and Art,
Adams avenue and Linden street. '
An Interesting Question.
Where do you buy your shoes? We
wnnt you to know of the shoes we are
selling. Every shoe wo sell bears the
stamp of merit. Every shoo you find
here is Interesting. Every Investment
with uh will be profitable. Wo know
their quality is right and we know tha
prices are right. Come nnd get ac
quainted. Open late Saturday nights.
Matron's Shoe Storp, BOS Lacka. ave.
Smoke the "Joy Maker" cigar, Dc.
Finest wines nnd cigars at Lane',
320 Spruce street.
Committees on Resolutions and on
General Reading Offered Reports
Which Were Adopted Brief Ad
dress by Superintendent Taylor
Mnklng Suggestions to Teachers.
Interesting Talk on "Reading" by
Dr. Mowry and a Lecture on "The
Story of Oregon" by Dr. Schaeffer.
The county Institute 1.4 now over, the
llnal session being bold yesterday
morning, nnd the opinion Is generally
current that for excellence of lectures,
good attendance and marked nnd In
tens" Interest shown on iho part of tlio
attending teachers, that It ha.3 never
bscn sin passed since i-ounty Institutes
were first commenced twenty-one years
The committees on resolutions nnd
professional reading oflered their re
ports yestetday and both were accept
ed. The report oC the committee cm
resolutions was as follows:
Whereas, The twenty-llrst annual In
stitute of I.uckiiwimna county Is nboat
to close after unusually Interesting and
Instructive programmes have been cur
ried out, und
Whereas, This was evidenced not only
by the large attendance, but' nlso by the
eainrst attention given the different lee
tuieis, and, while directly influencing us
must indirectly Influence all of the pupils
of our louutv, bo It
Resolved, That we extend our hearty
appreciation to Superintendent Taylor for
the excellent pioginnimo prepared fur
us; to the corps of Instructors for the
valuable addresses to which we have
piolltably listened; to the home; talent
which has added greatly to the enjoyment
of the week.
Second, That we thank the Scronton
board of control for the use of the high
school auditorium for the evening en
tcttuliime'iN, and the press of the city
of gpriiutnn for the full nnd nccurute
reports given.
Third. That we regret tlio action of
Goernor Stone In reducing the state ap
propriation. Fourth, That wc urge upon our school
directors the desirability of establishing
a library In each school In tho county
for the use of pupils nnd patrons.
Fifth, That whllo the com so of study
now In ue In our schools Is the best
available at piesrnt. we nre of the opin
ion that a distinctively Pennsylvania
course would best subserve tho Interest
of the schools of Pennsylvania.
Sixth. That steps bo taken toward the
organization of a county tenchers" nsso
elation, the object of which shall be to
meet at least twice during tho school
cnr for tho consideration of questions
pertaining to the teaching profession.
The report of the committee on gen
eral reading which Is composed of the
following teachers: M. J. I.loyd, chair
man. Dickson City: F. H. Greene,
South Ablngtnn; John Foley, Dunmoru;
Miss Km mi C. Cure, Scott; Mlfs Ella
M. Drake, Old Forge; Miss Louise
Walsh. Mayfteld; MIS3 Sarah MeAn
drow, Covington; Is glvon below:
First That Hrooks' normal method of
teaching he adopted as u basis of exam
inations for thot.0 seeking provisional
Second -That .ill the teachers of the
county adopt tho reading of a general
history this year without coullulng them
selves to nny particular text.
Third That Tennyson's medley, "Tho
Princess" and Whlltler's "Snow-bound"
be recommended for study together with
the leading facts of tho author's Ufp and
the reading of others of his principal
Mr. I.loyd also offered' a suggestion
that the teachers In the various dis
tricts organize rond'ng circles and ar
range programmes not only for tlio
intellectual benefit to be derived but
nlso for the opportunity afforded by
these gatherings for social Intercourse.
Superintendent Taylor also made a
brief address to the teachers In which
he said that as much cherdlt Bhould
be given Superintendent Hnvard, of
Dunmore, as himself, as they had
worked out and arranged all the plana
for the Institute together. He urged
the teachers to keep the school rooms
and school grounds neat and attrac
tive looking.
He announced that the first Friday
in December nnd the first Friday In
February wore appointed visiting dnys
and asked the teachers to see that the
parents of the children were properly
Invited to attend the schools on these
days. Ho also referred to the fact
that there Is a great deal of laxity ot
discipline prevalent and he Instructed
the teachers to tench the children that
the brain should be tho master of thJ
tongue Instead of vice versa.
The first speaker yesterday was Dr.
Mowry. who gave one of Ills Interest
ing talks on "Heading." Ho said
that reading was tho most Important
of all the elementary studies, allow
ing a knowledge of all that stirred up
Intellectual wealth and poetry of the
He spoke of the necessity of securing
proper articulation nnd enunciation
nnd then pronunciation. He told of
the evils of concert reading nnd the
absolute necessity of all things of hav
ing the chlldt on understand what they
were reading about. He told a num
ber of humorous stories Illustrating
some of tho points brought out.
Prof. Wllllnm A. Kelly, of Arch
bald, then rendered two bnrltono solos
In splendid voice, after which tlio clos
Ing address of tho Institute was mado
A Coffee
Golden Rio, 10c par lb.,
value 15c. 50 per cent
Coursen's Breakfast Java
aud Mocha, 25c per lb. 40
per ceut saved.
A Tea
Full line fancy teas 45c
per lb, value 60c.
E. Q. Coursen
Wholesale nnd Retail.
Mrs. Morris' Letter to
" 1 have taken eight bottles of Lyilia
K. Plnkhnm's Vegetable Compound
with gratifying results. I had been
married four years und had two chil
dren. 1 was all run down, had falling
of womb with nil Its distressing symp
toms. I had doctored with n good
physician, butl derived very littlo good
from his treatment. After taking a
few bottles of your medicine, I wns
able to do my work mid nurse my'scven-months'-old
babe. I recommend your
mcclleino to every wlfu and mother.
Und I time, I could wrlto much moro
In its praise. I bid you (Sod's speed in
your good work." JIks. Ij. A. Mounts,
Wr.LAKA, Putnam Co., Vl.
" Deah Mns. l'iNKitAM When I com
menced the use of your remedies 1 wns
very bad oft". Every two weeks I v as
troubled with flowingfcpells which mado
me very weak. I had two of tho best
doctors, but they did not beem to help
"They said my trouble was caused
from weakness and wns nothing to
worry about. 1 felt tired nil tho timejhad
no ambition. 1 was growing worse all
tho time until I began tho uso of Lydia E.
1'lnkham's Vegetable Compound. I am
now able to help about tho house, and
am much Improved in health." Mus.
A. Walker, Callicoon DEror, N. Y.
by Dr. Schaeffer, who spoke on "Th"
Story of the Oregon Country."
In beginning his remarks he said
that the most Interesting place In
Scranton to him was, the public li
brary, where he spends much time
when he comes to this city nnd whero
he was enabled to find a certain rare
book which he needed for reference
He spoke of the last land maps Is
sued by the land olllce showing that
Oregon was not Included in the origi
nal Louisiana purchase of 1S03. Ho
said the United States were entitled
to the territory now Included in Oregon
by rights of discovery, exploration,
settlement and occupation.
Ho then dcscrlued the LewiS' und
Clark expedition sent out to explore
the country by President Jefferson. He
related in a truly graphic manner a
scene at a banquet given after a set
tlement had been when an In
dlun from the wilds of Canada deliv
ered a speech which the doctor said
ranked with the finest gems of Cicero
or Demosthenes. The Indian and some
companions had come hundreds of
miles to get what they called the
"White Man's Hook of Heaven" and
the Indian's speech was a sorrowful
outpouring of hl heart when he
learned that there were no mission
aries or no book to teach hlin and his
people the Great Spirit.
When tills story reached the east It
stirred up ministers of the gospel and
many of them went out to this wild
region. Including the celebrated Dr.
Whitman, to spread the faith.
POSITION. Low Rates via Pennsylvania Rail
road. Tho Pennsylvania Railroad company
has arranged for special excursion
rates to Philadelphia on Nov. S and 22,
account National ICxport Imposition.
Hound-trip tickets, good to return
within ten days, including day of Is
sue, will bo sold on the above dates
from New York, Trenton, Jielvldere,
Atlantic City. Cape May, Pottsvllle,
Reading, Wllkes-Harre, Lancaster,
Harrlsburg. York, Wllllamsport, Can
andalgua, Kile, and intermediate points
at rate of single faro for the round
trip, plus admission to the Exposition
(no rate less than ono dollar). For
specific rates apply to Ticket Agents.
Triumph Furnaces.
Triumph Furnaces are heavier than
other furnaces.
Triumph Furnaces will not crack.
Triumph Furnaces are gas and dust
Triumph Furnaces have largo ash pits.
Triumph Furnaces will nt In low cel
lars. Triumph Furnaces will burn pea coal.
Triumph Furnaces will last longer
than others.
Triumph Furnaces burn less coal than
Triumph Furnaces nre powerful heat
ers. Triumph Furnaces will warm to 70
Triumph Furnaces are not cheap fur
naces. Triumph Furnaces are reasonable In
Triumph Furnaces are worth more
than others.
Triumph Furnaces are warranted.
Triumph Furnaces are the best.
The best you can get nre none too
good for you. Ruy the Triumph Fur
nace, even If you have to pay more
for It, and save doctor bills. It Is bet
ter to put the money In a Triumph
Furnace thun to buy a cheap furnnc
and then pay the difference in price to
doctors. Don't be penny wise nrM
pound foolish. Ruy the Triumph Fur
nace and be comfortable, healthy a. id
f03 Lack'n. Avenue.
RidEre Row Plot.
This Is your opportunity to get a
valuable lot In a lino location, ns cheap
as tln low-priced lots in many un
desirable sections of the city. Lock up
the lots In our Rldgo Row riot. Fronts
on Rldgo Row, adjoins Nay Aug Park
and extends from Hnrrhon avenue to
Arthur avenue. Location best in tho
city. Lots ranging In pi Ice from JT.Oij
to JS00. For further particulars call
on C. C. FEItnnn, Trustee.
Phone 1022. 205 Council building.
Steam Heating and Plumbing.
P. F. & M. T. TIowley.2,'11 Wyoming ave.
Money Talks
And tulks on spvlng money. Just
glance nt a few of our prices, and they
will speak for themsc-lvet..
Klgln Creamery Hutter Sic pound
Oood Drinking Tens 45c. pound
Java and Mocha Uleud iUc.
19 pounds Granulated Sugar 1.00
Tho ONLY HOUSE that actually b.ivas
you cash for cash.
The Great Atlantic and
Pacific Tea Co.
HI Lackawanna avenue, 123 South Main
nvtHiiiH. 'Phono "S2. I'romut delivery.
Was to Have Been Presented nt
Thursday Night's Meeting of Se
lect Council Under the Head of
Concurrent Duslness but It Was
Not nt Hand When This Order of
Business Wns Reached and Noth
ing Has Since Been Heard of Its
The Lackawanna Telephone ordin
ance Is lost, strayed or stolen. It was
taken from City Chirk Lnvolle's ofllco
some time during the ufternoon or
early evening, Thursday and up to the
close of oll'cc hours yesterday no trace
of It has been found.
The ordinance passed thltd reodlnff
at the last meeting of common council
und after being entered on tho minute
books by Clerk Hugh A. Jones, wa3
sent down to the city clerk's olllce with
a bundle ot other measures that were
to go before select council for concur
rence These measures, ns is ttie practice,
were placed In tho "Fifth order" box,
which Is kept In an orou cabinet In thu
city clerk's olllce.
At Tihutmluy night's meting thu
lifth oidir or concurrent business wart1
all presented and uctcd upon but no
telephone ordinance appealed. City
Clerk Uivello did not notice that th
ordinance was missing until one of tho
members came to him after the meet
ing and asked what had become of It.
CIcy Clerk Lavelle wu-i .it loss for an
answer, and could only e ly he would
look It up. Yesterday ne looked It
both up and down, but his search was
Clerk Jones of the common council
when questioned about the matter said
lie knew nothing of the present where
abouts of the ordinance. If it was In
his o'llce it was there unknown to him.
in.- ii4iu it uuwn sia.irs 10 in" cuy cicnt i
and if It was not there he could off or
no suggestion ns to when- It had got
ten to.
City Clerk Lavelle says that Clerk
Jones enmo down In the afternoon of
Thursday unci nsked to be given the or
dinance ns some of the members did
not want It presented until the suc
ceeding meeting. As Clerk Jones Is a
new man In city hall and Inexperienced
In the "doings" of Its denizens. City
clerk Lavelle offered hhr. some ndvlcii
Ir. tho matter of granting requests that
were liable to get him Into troublo
and Mr. Jones departed is far as Mr.
Lavelle knows without the o'--linanco.
Mr. Jones thought theie was nothing
Irregular In the request made, ho
says, and the fact that he practiced n&
surreptitious methods in attempting to
carry It out, tends to prove his inno
cence of any wrong doing.
The fact still remains that the ordin
ance Is missing and that there was a
desire on the part ot certain persons
that It should disappear for a time at
lesse. City Clerk Lavella will not ha
pntlsflod with the return of the ordln-
nnco He will Insist on knowing whit
caused its disappearance, and who
caused It to disappear.
Controller's Office Wants to Know
About Now Officers' Pny.
Deputy Controller .Charles A. Hart
ley yesterday addressed a communi
cation to City Solicitor Vosburg ask
ing for advice ns to how Patrolmen
Hockenbi'rry nnd Davis are to bo
paid for the time of their lappointment,
Aug. 19, until their confirmation last
Thursday night.
The communication recites the com
plications caused by the mayor's ac
tion In appointing them ns patrolmen
In place of Saul and Dyer and also
as special officers for ten day periods
under the "emergency" law.
Mr. Vosburg's solution of the riddle
will be waited for with interest.
Three Applicants Expelled from the
Three of the thirty applicants for cer
tificates as night school teachers wcro
discovered making use of ready ref
ence books during the examinations
In the board ot control rooms yester
day morning and wcro promptly dis
qualified by Superintendent Howell.
Whether they were using the books
surreptitiously or through Ignorance
of the fact that outside assistance
was not to be permitted did not de
velop. line
-f -r
.. ... . -
srr-3 cr AN IUl:A 0 WMat Wl" l,e
v7Jvft& ITT!?i foi" F-111 and Winter ve.i
t iSt mwi m
Ncokwoar The fashiouahlc colorings, and handsome weaves
for day and evening wiar, in the Hat Tics, Imperials, Knglish Squares,
Puffs mid Tccks.
Collars Ett-td Cuffs All the shapes in Collars and Cuffs
produced by Karl and Wilson, mid the popular Helmet Ilraud made by Cor
liss, Coon 6c Co. Also u complete line of German Collars.
Gloves Pick from Pontic's aud Dent's nnd you have the best.
We show them iu kid and cIorsV'i. Font's Grip Driving Gloves,
Pontic's Kgal Buck and Pontic's Ila d- owed Walking Gloves.
Undcrwea r Our lines include wool, silk and wool aud bailing
gan, uatural and fancy shades, Fall and Winter weights.
Hosiery Fancy and plain half hose at small aud medium prices,
iu cutton, lisle thread, cashmere, and something line iu silk aud wool.
S t-i I rts - Fancy Shirts iu striking novelties, with cuiTs to match.
The Lion Brand at one dollar each arc very popular. Also a very nice as
sortment of Paris Dress Shirts iu white aud'faucy percales.
Hats are an important item of dress. No man, how ever handsome
iu feature, looks respectable with 'a ditty, mishopcti hat. Wc understand yll
about suiting a hat to your peculiarities. Wc arc agents of Knox World.
Rsnownel Mats.
203 Washington Avenu t,
4. 4. 4-4-4-4 H H
Requires No Overalls.
The following In regard to the Win
ton Fountnln Pen Is an entirely volun
tary endorsement by the editor of "The
American Hnmcopathlst," Dr. Frank
Croft, and appeared In the October 2
Issue of that Journal:
"Wo tinve nt last found -n fountain
pen which does not require n suit of
overalls for Its successful use. Where
Is the doctor with a fountain pen who
has not Indulged Itr-language unbecom
ing his most serluus moments, when ho
smeared his fingers nnd tils paper, his
vest nneket nnd his clean whllo shirt
with Ink of his lenky fountain pen?
This perfect pen Is mado by the Win
ton Fountain Pen Co., ot Scinnton, Pa.
Try ono of these If you are desirous of
having a little Jewel in tho wny of a
good w'rltlng pen, always ready for
work and, above all, clean nnd ncnt."
Special Low Rates to Philadelphia.
Pa., National Export Exposition.
October 23th, November Uth and 22d,
tho Delaware, Lackawanna & Western
railroad company will fell round trip
tlrkets to Philadelphia, Pa., nt the one
way fare plus fifty cents for tho admit
tance coupon to the exposition, rick
ets will be good going on anv regular
train on the above dates, nnd for re
turn within ten days from and includ
ing date of snle. Full Information may
be obtained on application to any tick
et agent of the "Lackawanna" rail
road. Try a "Joy Maker" Ec. cigar.
Flatulence Is cured by Heecham's
Smoke the "Joy Maker" cigar, i"c,
Out-Door Shoes S
For Sensible Women t
Your good looks depend al
most entirely! on the condition
of your health. Therefore take
nil possible care of your health.
Keep your feet warm and dry.
Select a pair of shoes to your
liking from any of these three
lots. Tho prices arc very rea
sonable as you will eco:
Women's Storm Shoes
Box Calf foxing dull tops,
double soles, with wide ex
tension, newest
shape toe. The
price P5.J!
Women's Eox ttilf Shoes
Lace, heavy soles, formerly
sold at $3 so. The A
price now J)5.UU
Women's Heavy Dougoln
Storm Allocs Good weight
soles, are made
on Manish last.
The price 2.0)
Noted Palmist.
Martini's second
Kit to Scr.inton. His
in inv patrons lie'for a Near .iro
w ill testify as to his
ahlit. Advice in
business, sickness,
changes, love, mar
riage, losses, and
also your true voca
tion, etc.
209 Washington Av.
Hours o tog.
Bpeulnl latest to par
ties. 8 D01 T IT TICKLE TOD
Is the uame of one of
the latest Edisou Rec
ords of the new ship
ment we just received.
All the latest records iu
the market. 50c apiece;
$5.00 per dozen. Call or
send for catalogue.
in the
of F;inii.s!)l!i:,' (Jooils a:ul Hals
be readily gained by a visit to
stoie. What we tell in this news
flip -
o vjv a t
119 Franklin Avaim
paper space is only an index, as it
were, of the superb stock we have
secured lor this season's trade. 'Tis
an assortment of new styles and
novelties that can be excelled in
quantity only.
4 HHHt
II lit Ikl -
Tho quality of the oils inert In mlxlnr
colois determines tho durability ot tha
Bitch ns wo offer wilt make paint of great
smoothness and durability. A largo sur
face rnn bo covered und tho coating will
not peel, crack or wear off until It has
dono Its full duty.
These prices will show that good oils
are not expensive.
We're Not Hoggish.
Profits are divided with our ruHtnnici.s.
Come tu nnd tee goods You'll find
them Interesting.
Loaded Shells
The Winchester make.
Fresh supply just iu.
felton's r:,
fS -is ',
3i- 'sN--&
Oom Paul and John Bull
Are at It.
They are getting down to earn
est, it seems. We're in earnest
when we tell you of the largest lino
in town. Dress, Driving, Work
ing, in fact all kinds, at
305 Lackawanna Avenue.
Pierce's Harket
rtccrlvlnft dally Turkeys, Fowls,
SprltiKcrs, Ducks anil Squabs; also Rock
away, Maui Ice Itlvcr anil niuo Point Oys
ters; KNcrythlnu tho market affords In
fruits and vi-gctnbles.
Your orders will bo filled promptly with
best eouds at reasonable prices.
110.112-111 l'KNN AVKNUK.
4-4-f - -r 4 4- 4
4 J73 Will
Lead You Across
And this k how we'll fur
nish a hotue complete:
ONn l'AUl.on oi'TFiT-includine
livery nrtiilu- needed In a par
lor: iil-o cm pits and Ccfl
Curtains .puu
cliidliiK i-vi-iy u) tide needed In a
dlnliiK im : also Car- C'lfl
netB and Curtains pov
'4 4
4 4-,4-
piece made of oak and Including
every urtlilo needed In a bed
riinui; also Carpets and 017ft
Curtains ioo
ONi: IlF.niU)O.M Ol'TKIT-ned-bit
art of iron, Imhinco of onk.and
IncludliiK i-wry article. ..ceded In
n bedrnum; also Mat- C ri r
tlPK. Hub and Curtulns. fi
ONI-3 ICITCiriON OUTFlT-lnrlud.
In GW-rythliiK needed In u lilteh-
n, as well ns hiiivo and ROe;
Linoleum 4ii
Home Complete, $173
I-'or Cash, or on Credit at
a slight advance.
221-223-220-227 Wyoming Kn
xmm VL32&-
? J&
k . Mt
nf-ia 3isr.
ft -s-N CfJlft- &)A
44444 44-4-44444 tt f4
f i--. wfejwf a. J- .