THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 189D. NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA POLITICS IN MONROE. tenders of the Farmers' Movement Are on n Still Hunt. Special to the Herat-ton Tribune. Stroudsburg, rov. 1. The present campaign Is one of the most exciting In the history of either of the old politi cal parties. The division In the Demo cratic ranks makes the outcome un certain nnd no one can safely predict with any degree of certainty the result. The farmers' ticket, which was nomi nated by dissatisfied Democrats, Is giv ing all the trouble. The leaders of the farmers' movement thus far have con ducted rather a still hunt campaign and are not giving out any figures nor estimate of their vote. Strange to say, the regular Democrats have not, as was expected, put forth any extra ef fort to get out the Democratic vote. The Democratic lenders profess to be lieve that the Independent movement Is not going to amount to much, nnd that when the vote Is counted few sur prises will be seen. The dissatisfaction In the Democratic ranks exist mostly In the western townships, where the farmer's vote Is the strongest. The Independents will support the Republican eandldnte for register and recorder In the hope that many Repub licans will 'vote the farmers' ticket. Thero appears to be no Indication whatever that the Republicans will do this, and the chances nre that the Re publican ticket will receive a good vote. The last few days of the campaign will show few surprises, and from present Indications n large vote will be polled. The Prohibitionists have a ticket In the field but lllttlo work has been done by the cold water leaders, and their vote will show a falling oft from last year. MONIE-POWELIi NUPTIALS. Two Prominent Young People of West Plttston Wedded. Special to the ScrAnton Tribune. Plttston, Nov. "1. James D. Monlo nnd Miss Mary Powell, two of West rittston's most prominent young peo ple, were united In marriage nt 8 o'clock this evening, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Powell, on Philadelphia avenue. The ceremony was performed by Rev. O. L. Severson, pastor of the West Side Methodist Episcopal church, before a largo number of Invited guests. The groom Is a well known West Side mer chant, and was regimental quarter master on Colonel Miner's staff. The bride Is one of tho Garden Village's fairest maidens. The wedding was one of the events of the season. After a brief wedding trip the newly married couple will go to housekeeping In n cosily-furnished homo on Wyoming avenue, West Pltts ton. POLITICS IN WAYNE. The Campaign Is Being Conducted on the Still Hunt. Special to Tlio Sernnlon Tribune. Honesdale, Nov. 1. The political con test Is moving along quietly. No pub lic meetings are being held. A per sonal canvass Is being mnde by the candidates, which has proven to them that the entire Republican ticket will be elected. This Is an importnnt elec tion, as associate judge, sheriff pro thonotnry, recorder, district attorney, auditors and county commissioners are to be elected. The county affairs have been so well managed by the Repub licans during the last term that there Is no need of a change at this time. The Republican ticket Is made up of men who have the ability to continue tho management successfully and still further reduce the county debt. Voters will do well to consider this. A largo vote will be polled. WAYNE COUNTY. Special to The Sernnlon Tribune. Honesdale. Nov. 1. -Mrs. E. 13. Har denburg nnd daughter, Miss Louise, went to Philadelphia where they will spend the. remainder of tho week. Daniel C. Osborne, whoso business calls him out of town most of the time, was compelled to tender his resignation ns captain of Company K, Thirteenth regiment. Tho young lady canasseis who an? selling tickets for tho Christian En deavor entertainment course, aro meet ing with splendid success. The pro. ,tl J& Sovereign Remedies Supreme. You take a genuine medicine when you use a Sovereign Cure. They touch the spot, that is what you want. I imte gheitruertimtatlon. THEY POSITIVELY CURE Trade Mark Res. fthoumatlsm, Kldnoy Trouble, Couchs, Dyspepsia, Blood, Ca tarrh, Asthma, Heart, Liver, Diarrhoea, Grippe, Qonoral Do blllty, Malaria, Neuralgia. A Separate Remedy for Each Disease 25c Erery Eeacdy Etch Tor Esle at All Draggliti. rHE HOMETREASURE A book fait of ralaibli InformiUOD, SENT FREE tonjrd'rtn. .. in tcvnbt to tho nature of your lllneit. yon eotuult our doctor" If null ftbioluttly fret of charge. .SOVERBldN' RGMEDY CO., 1337 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. r,M "Tig t Krntnmo Is to ho of n higher grade than that of nny former season. Tho tlrst number Is to bo given November 27 by It. IT. Conwell. Rev. William IT. Swift, of tho Pres byterian church, announces as the sub ject of his discourse next Buuday even ing, "An Address on tho Coming Elec tion." On account of tho diction being held In the court house the resslons of tho teachers' institute for Tuesday will be held In the Opera House. A number of workmen who have been engaged filling tho canal u.i3ln and burning old gravity ears were laid oft last night until further notice. Tho young ladles of tho Mission band of the Presbyterian church will havo a handkerchief sale In the chapel Tues day, November 7, from 4 to 8 o'clock. Music to please and candy to buy. Superintendent James M. Coughltn. of Wllkes-Harre, has been secured In place of Dr. M. G. Benedict, of State college, who cancelled his engagement with tho teachers' Instltuto next week. SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY. Special to Tlio Scranton Tribune. Susquehanna, Nov. 1. Hoesett & Houlihan's orchestra will furnish mu sic for Professor HIllwood'H Bingham ton dancing school, for the term begin ning Nov. 14. Several pleasant weddings are slated for tho near future. Mrs. Clinton Glover, of Stnrrucca, Is In Bellevue hospital, New York, re ceiving treatment. The Erie booms In every department. While Mr. Webb, of tho Oakland side, was driving over tho Lanesboro rail road crossing on Tuesday afternoon, with a load of stones, the wagon broke. Mr. Webb hastily detached tho team from the vehicle, nnd prepared to re move It from the trnek, when Pal mer's Jefferson brnnch "flyer" arrived, Htruck the wagon and wrecked It. The team ran to Main street, Susquehan na, where It wns stopped, uninjured. Canawacta chapter, No. fi, Order o the Eastern Star, this evening, confers all the degrees In full ceremonial form. Miss Mamie O'Neill, of Oakland, last evening, very pleasantly entertained a largo party of young friends. All Saints day services were held this morning In St. John's Catholic church, and largely attended. Forest City, with Just rearon, Is still clamoring for a now rnilroad station, In Montrose, this evening, under the auspices of the Haptlst church, Prof. II. J. Risk, Howard Collins, nnd Misses Grace Burrhns, Relle Do Witt and Sara Anderson, all of Susquehanna, gave a meritorious recital. Hallowe'en parties were numerous nbout town last night. Two schoolboys, near Red Rock, killed a largo wildcat on Sundny af ternoon. Dr. Clements, of New York, Is vis iting relatives In this vicinity. With tho exception of the Montrosa Democrat and the Susquehanna Jour nal, nil of tho newspapers In Susque hanna county favor the election of the entire Republican ticket. It is reported that the Mormon eld ers will soon make one more system atic effort to capture converts In Sus quehanna county. Tho abundant rains of the past two days have raised the streams very perceptibly. The Young Men's Library association will, In a few days, receive a supply of new books. The recent severe and protracted drought made Windsor's new water works practically useless for several months. Hundreds of tramps are dally pass ing to and fro over tho Krle. FACTOF.YVILLE. Special to tho Scranton Trlhune. Factoryvllle, Nov. 1. .Mr. and Mrs. V. R. CJardnei- are spending a week at Bunker Hill where Mr. Gardner Is put ting In the time gunning. Mr. Charles and Miss Bessie Kirth llne, of Mohoopany, are guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. K. L. Watklns, of Main street. The ladles of tho M. K. church served a ten cent supper at tlio church last evening. Don't forget the Republican meeting at the town hall this evening at 7::i0 o'clock. Let every Republican conid out and learn tho truth of tho political wnrlaiv. Mrs. Walter Reynolds gave a Hal lowe'en party at her home last Tues day evening. The new order Issued by tho Lacka wanna railroad will greatly affect sev eral of our leading citizens If they aro compelled to move to Scranton. Nelson Ollmore Is slightly Indisposed nt his home on Main street. Henry Pike Is adding to the looks of his Main street property by giving a new coat of paint. The Iron bridge on North Mnln street Is very badly in need of paint, and tho borough council have given It no at tention whatever of late, and It is In a very bad state of preservation at present. Unless attended to at once It will in the very near futuro have to be replaced with a, now one. AVOCA. The Lollies' Mlsslonnry society of Lang cllffo church will meet at the home of Mrs. William llrown thin uftcmooii. Mrs. Catherine McDeniiott, of Muiu street, died on Tucsduy morning after several weeks' lllr.tss. Deceased Is sur vived by four grown-up children. The funeral will take place tomorrow morn ing with a requiem mun at St. Mury's church. Interment will bo In St. Mary's cemetery. Tho condition of Luke 'liricn, which has been qutto critical, Is somewhat Improved. Mrs. Catherine Moraii and dnughter, Mrs. Michael McDonald, havo returned from Philadelphia, whore the former ha undergone treatment of the eye. Miss Maud Ouy, of Sutton's Creek, is the guest of her grandparents, Mr. und Mrs. J. M. Snyder. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Strlck mid family left last evening to mtiko their futuro homo In Ishpcmlng, Mich. Mrs. Stride baa been a faithful worker of tho Primi tive Methodist church und Its societies On Monday evening the members of tho Epworth league called on her und pre sented her with a handsome hund-palnt-cd toilet sot. On Tuetduy evening the members of tho Homo Mission society presented her with a morrocco bound P.ltle. Her many friends wish her suc cess In her western home. The throe-months-old child of Mr. nnd Mrs. William Mulligan, of Plttston town ship, wus interred In Marcy cemetery yesterday. School Directors J. J. Clifford, Ed wflrd Gibbons, Jacob Webster und A. J. OMulley attended the directors' meeting at Wllkcs-Uarre yesterday. Fowler Curl, T. J. Newton, John La- Rue, Gcorgo Polntcn, Ben nnd Hurry Webb aro spending a fow days hunting In tho wilds at Ash Gap. Tho Democrats will hold a rally In O'Mallcy's hall tomorrow evening. At torneys J. T. Lcnahan, W. II. Gillespie and John Shea will bo among tho speak ers. William Kane, of tho West Side, was painfully Injured nbout tho Jaw on Tues day while at work In tho Phoenix mine. Ho wus employed as track layer and while trying to place ft derailed car ho wns struck against a beam with terrific force. HAXLSTEAD. Sperm! to The Scranton Tribune. Hnllstcnd, Nov. 1. N. T. Mitchell has returned from a visit to Waynu county. O. F. Bell has repainted his resi dence on New York avenue. Miss Myrtle Swartz, of Elmlra, wnwJ visiting nor parents nero curing sun day. Miss Kntc Gannon In spending tho week as the guest of her sister In New Mllford. Hnllowe'en was celebrated Tuesday night. It Is said several arrests aro to be made In consequence. Hownrd Miner, formerly n resident hero, Is stopping at the Mitchell house. Mr. and Mrs, Gus Sllker returned homo from Hnckcttstown Monday. Mrs. vlnco Wllmot wns the guest of friends nt the Delaware Wnter Gap several days last week. Burt Rhlnehurdt.a Great Bend young man, wns badly burned while extin guishing the (lames which were raging on his sister's clothing. His prompt action saved his sister's life. Rev. and Mrs. David L. MacDonald, of Windsor, wero In Hallstcad Mon day. Tho chicken pie supper given at the rresbyterlan church last week, result ed in the addition of $22 to the church treasury. George Wolcott was burled last Sun day. Funeral services were held in the Presbyterian church at 3 o'clock. Delegations were present representing the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Improved Order of Red Men, the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and the Grand Army Republic. Mrs. 1-rank H. Belden and two daughters, Mildred and Martha, came, Tuesday afternoon, to make their home here. Mr. Belden Is tho secre tary at the Railroad Young Men's Christian association. A letter has been received from Hon. James T. DuDoIs announcing his safe arrival at Switzerland, after a Btormy passoge over tho Atlantic. Mrs. Richard Barnum entertained about thirteen lady friends at tea Fri day evening. The Century Debating club will dls cubs the question, "Resolved, That the War Against the Philippines Is Un just," next Monday evening, In the Young Men's Christian association ..all. Meeting open to the public. An Important meeting of the Hall stead board of trade Is announced for Monday evening, Nov. 6, at No. 12 Pino street, nt 7.30 p. m. Several Im portant propositions are to bo acted upon. Miss Mabel Carpenter, from the West, was the guest of Giles and P. R. Carpenter recently. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ward havo moved here from New Mllford, and are living on Pine street. Mrs. Phoebe Beebe, mother of Mrs. Lnnford Frood, and also of Mrs. Fred Flsk, died very suddenly last Thurs day. Tho funeral was held In Frank lin Forks Monday. Rev. D. L. Mac Donald preached the funeral sermon. Mrs. Lizzie Humphrey was visiting friends In Elmlra last week. Mrs. John Crook and Miss Clarissa Hall aro quite sick, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Moxley are visiting In Lackawanna county. The Epworth League are to hold a social at the home of Charles Oster hout In Mountain Valley, on Nov. 9. B, F. Bernstein Is In New York. Paul Barrnger was called to Scran ton Wednesday, on business relative to the paint mill. The "Good Citizens' League" have changed the name of that organization to the "Citizens' League of Susque hanna county." Mr. Stuckey expects his family to arrive here from Chicago In a few days. He hns rented the M. E. Qua! ley house on Main street. D. Arthur Teed has purchased a new trotting horse, which has a record of 2.20. Rev. J. S. Crompton wns greeting old friends In town Sunday. Orrle Kellnm had nn accident hap pen by cutting his hand on a tin can. Since then he has been threatened with blood poison. J. B. Wright, of Hammondsport, N. Y., wns married Sunday evening, to Mis? Dobbins, who has been making her home at the Mitchell house. The ceremony was performed ut the paro chial residence In Great Bend, by Rev. J. S. Kazan. Mrs. Sydney Dennis has returned from a visit at Water Gap. CONSUMPTION. The germs of consumption are every where. You may breathe them in with the air, drink them with water, eat thpm with your food. They are not dangerous ii jira nre in per fect health but if you have a slight cold, or cough, or it you nave inher ited weak lunes. or if you are weak and run-down gen erallylook out ! Once consump tion gets a strong foothold it is al most imrjossible to dislodge it. The time to cure it is at the beginning or before it starts. If you are run-down build yourself up. Make every tissue so strong and well that con sumption germs cannot find a foothold. Fill your body with rich, red blood build up strong, healthy flesh put your digestie system in perfect order. Don't drag along half dead. You may be well ns well as not. The following letter from Mrs. Jennie Dingman, of Van Buren, Kalkaska Co., Mtch., will tell you how to do it. She says: "Before I took Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery I was hardly able to do my work at all; had pin in my left 6ide and back, and had headache all the time. I tried your medicine and it helped me. Last spring I had a bad cough; got so bad I had to be in bed all the time. My husband thought I bad consumption. We thought we would try Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and before I ha1 taken one lottle the cough stopped and I have since had no signs of it returning." ? . '-k mmm WW? THE MARKETS. Wall Street Bovlow. New York, Nov, 1. Today's stock mar ket developed a decldely spotty charac ter. The railroads fell Into tho back, ground again nnd the highly speculative Industrials were brought forwnrd Into ac tivity. An effort was made to continue the campaign ngnlnst tho shorts In the Iron nnd steel stocks, but their prices In this group brought out such largo sales that tho efforts to advonco price had to bo abandoned. Total salos today, 624,400 shares. The bond market was quiet aside from nn active drmnnd for standard rope In comes Hnd Knnsas nnd TexnB seconds. Total sales, par value, $2,05,000. United Stntcs new 4s and old do. registered ad vanced 4 in the bid price. Tho range of today's prices for the ac tive stocks of tho New York stock mar kets are glvon below. Tho quotations are furnished Tho Trlbuno by J. A. BUS BELL Sc CO.. members of tho Consoli dated Stock Exchange, 410 and 411 Con noil building, Bcranton, PA. Open- High- Low- Clos- ing. est. est. ing, Am. Cot. Oil Am. Sug. llo'g Co Am. Tobacco Co . , Am. S. & W Atch., To. & S. Fo A., T. & a. P., Pr Am. Tin Plate ..., Bait. & Ohio Brook. R. T . 4W .1f.1ti . 4S',4 4.V.4 434 1514 12.!4 M 22H fid's, 33 B3 f0'.4 43 271 133"-1 14V, 127'4 152 121 47 22U 6C4 34 B3 S3 41f, Wi 133 lHj 151 122W 4S 22i C6'i 34H B3 K)V4 414 27 22',; ecu 34 CI Con. Tobacco 43 Ches. & Ohio Chic., H, & q chic. & a. w Chic, Mil. & Bt. P Chic., It. I. & P ... C. C. C. & St. L .. Delaware & Hud , D., L. & W Fed. Steel Fed. Steel, Pr .... Int. Paper Louis. & Nash .... Manhnttnn Elo . . Met. Traction Co , ,.133'f, .. 144 13354 14H 12f,"H 1154 CO 123 192 r.s- 79 2(1 SBT4 1114 193 son 494 12., 137 2fi 274 71 GI 7G .IH'Tl 120i .1141 llT.Vi lllli .. r.!,4 CO DDH ..1221 123 122- ..12M. J23 191H rty 79H 2fi SO lOOV'j 19GH SS-4, 484 123 137 2:.-. 2'ST4, B4 7i! 10 ,. B5V4 ,. SO' .. 2SV4 ,. 87 ..109T4 ,.197 HK 2H, 87 ltlH IDS 4(H', 4911, 12oTi, 13S 2HH 274 71 H5 76",i at. k. & Texas 3D Mo. Pacific 41) N. J. Central ..12.- N. Y. Centrnl .138 . 26 , 27 . 71",i . bih . 7liU . 401J, .133 .111 Ont. & West Norfolk, Com Norfolk. Pr North. Pacific Nor. Parlflc, Pr ... Pacific Mall Penn. R. R People's Gas 40 40 1331,4 132'4 13.V-4 1143; 113 114 u. s. Leather 27U 32 27 214 61 r.4y4 3Si B6 11"4 19 47H 7714 S2 31 21 Reading, Com 214 214 61 S94 67,4 119 19 4-14 77 83 494 Reading. 1st Pr 614 Cl' C.-.1.4 39 fi7 119 19W 47 77 R3T4 49 Col. Fuel nnd Iron Southern Pacific .. Southern R. R .... Tenn., C. Iron .. Texas Pacific 1'nlon Pnelfln I'nlnn Pac. Pr V. S. Leather. Pr IT. S. Rubber .... West. Union . 6.1'i . 3S4 . WiH .119 . 19i . 37U . 77l, . 82U . 4S"i 4SH SS f9"a 8UV4 CHICAflO BOARD OF TRADE. ,... Open-High-Low-Clos. WHEAT. Ing-. est. eft. Inr. December 70 70 69U 69',i COItN. " December 314 31 SI Sl OATS. December 21U 24yi 24 24 PORK. January 9.C3 9.03 9.00 9.C0 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of IOO. STOCKS. Bid. Asked. First National imnn s'M Scranton Savings Bank 235 Scranton Packlns Co Third National Hank 42B Dime Dep. & Dls. Bank 200 93 Economy i.ignr. u. i-. v-o... Scranton 111., H. & P. Co. ... Scranton Forging Co. ......... Lacka. Trust & Safe Dep. Co. Scranton Paint Co. Clark & Snover Co., Cora. ... Clark & Snover Co., Pr Srr. Iron Fence & Mfg. Co. ... Scrnnton Axle Works . T-nnka. Dairy Co.. Pr 47 166 5 150 80 400 ... 123 ... 100 100 20 Co. Savings Bank & Trust Co 2M nun do. Scranton Pass. Hallway, first mortgage, duo 1920 115 People'B Street Tflallway, first mortgage, duo 1918 113 People's Street Railway, tlen- eral mortgage, due 1921 115 Dickson Manufacturing Co Lacka. Township School BJ, City of Scranton St. Imp. S ... Mt. Vernon Coal Co Scranton Axlo Works Scranton Traction 6 bonds.. 113 100 102 102 3 Scranton Wholesale Market (Corrected by II. G. Dale. 27 Lackawanna Avenue.) Butter Creamery, 23a24c; print. 25c: dairy, firkins, 22a 23c. ; tubs, 23c. Egg select western, lTVic; nearby, state, 20c. Cheese Full cream, new, 13c. Beans Per bu., choice marrow, f: medium,' f2; pea, $2.40. Onions Per bu., 45c. Potatoes Per bu., 40c. Lemons M.B0a3.73 per box. Flour f4.50. !.40; Philadelphia Grntn nnd Produce. Philadelphia, Nov. 1. Wheat 4tc. low er; contract grade, November. tS9a70Vic. Corn Firm; No. 2 mixed, 3la39c. Oats Quiet but fairly steady; No. 2 white clipped, 31a32c; No. 2 do., 30a.11c.; No. 3 mixed do., 29Ha30c. Potatoes firm, good demand; Pennsylvania, choice, per bush el, 45a50c. ; New York and western do. do., 43a43e. ; do. do. fair to good, 33a40c. But terFirm, 'Ac higher; fancy western creamery, 24.c. ; do. prints, 23c. Dggs Firm; gond demand; fresh, nearby, 21c; dofl, western. 20a21c. ; do. southwestern, 19c.; do. southern. 18c. Cheese Firm. He lined Sugars Steady. Cotton Un changed. Tallow Dull, but steady; city prime, In hogsheads. 4a4c. ; country do. do., burrels, 4?ajc. ; dark do,, 4a 14c ; cakes, 5Vic. ; grease, 3al4c Live Poultry Was a shade lower; fowls, 9a IcO. ; old roosters, 7c.; spring chickens, S',f a9--c. ; ducks, OalOn. ; turkeys, lOallc. Dressed Poultry Steady; fair demand; fcwls, choice, 10",,c. : do. fair to good, 9',i nlOc. ; old roosters. 7c. ; chickens, near by, large, 12al3c; small and medium do., lOallc. ; western do., large, llal2e. ; me dium do., 10c; smnll do., SaOc. ; turkeys, choice, Ho.; do. fair to good, 10al"c. He celpts Flour, 3,500 barrels and 9.000 sacks: wheat, 8,000 bushels; corn, 78,000 bushels; oats, 23,000 bushels. Shipments Wheat, 6.000 bushels; corn, 5,000 bushels; oats, 17,000 bushels, New York Drain nd Produce Market New York, Nov. 1. Flour Market ruled moderately active and easier In sym pathy with the weaker ruling of wheat and closed dull ami eaty at nominally un changed prices. Wheat Spot steady: No. 1 northern Duluth, 7SHc. f. o. b. afloat to arrive; options opened weak at a decline of c. and further declined 1,4c. ; there were a few rnllles on local covering bin the market was finally weak ut about tha lowest point, a net decline of ac. ; Muy closed 78c. ; December, 74ic. Corn Spot weaker; No. 2, 4014c. f. o. b. afloat: 19e. elevator: options weak at a decline of 4o; options closed steady at Vtc. nominal dc cllne; May closed 3SVic ; December. 39e, Oats Spot dull; No. 3 white, 30c. ; op tions dull, no business. Butter Firm; western creamery, 17a24c; do. factory. 14alCHc ; June creamery, 17a24c.; Imi tation creamery, 15Mia20e.; stato dairy, 16Ha20c. ; do. creamery, 17a21n, Cheese Steady; large white, 12c: small do., 12'fca 12c. : large colored, 12a12',4c ; small do , 1fli24i Kggs Steady; stuto nnd Pennsylvania. 20Ha21c. ; western, un graded, at mark. 14al7c. Chicago Grain and Produce. Chicago. Nov, 1. Wheat drooped over a cent today. Liquidation by demoralized longs because of unexpected weakness at Liverpool caused tho slump, Tho tone ruled weak throughout and closed with a loss of 1 to l',ie. for tho December op toln. Corn also suffered from liquida tion nnd short sailing and closed c. low er. Oats lost ',4c. and provisions from 5 to lc. Cash quotations wero ns follows: Flour Quiet and easy; No. 2 spring wheat, Ctiiii7U4c. ; No. 3 do. do., 6ta70c. ; No. 2 red. 7ua71c; No. 3 corn. 32c; No. 2 yellow, 32c; No. 2 oats 23a23',io.; No, 2 white. 20c; No. S do., 25a234c; No. 2 rye. 52Hc ; No, 2 borley. 39a43c, ; No. 1 riax and northwestern, fl.29; prime timothy seed, $2.30; mess pork. $"aS.(o; lard, $5.174; short rlhs, $l.70a5.20; dry salted shoulders, 6"4a54c; short clear, $5.35a5.40; whiskey, Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, Nov l.-Cattle Good demand of a superior quality at firm prices, but tho general run of fair to middling grudes moved oft slowly at a decline of 10c. In value, aood to fancy grades brought, f3.60a6.65; common to medium, fl.20it5.t0; cows, heifers and bulls,; shirkers and feeders, J2.7Ja4.75; calves, Jla7.90. Hogs Supply exceeded demand and ft further reduction of prices of GalOo. nns scored. Fair to prime, grades, fl,21l2a 4.27; heavy packers, 3.75a4.10; mixed, ft a4.72V4i butchers, f4.05n4.23V4; light weights,; pics, f3.50a4.15. Sheep Hrlsk demand at advancing prices, tho recent diminishing receipts enabling sell ers to dictate terms. Inferior to prime sheep Bold at 2.2.1a; western rangers burlnglng $t5a4.Bo; lnmbs sold nt fta5.85; Inferior to cholco western rnngers bring ing f I.50a3.60. Receipts Cattle, 16,0X1 head; hogs, 48,000 head; sheep, 18,000 head. Now York Ilvo Stock. Now York, Nov. 1. Peeves Active for all grades! steers, 10c. higher; bulls, firm; steers, fl.C3a5.70; tops, JO; oxen, Jl.l0:i3; bulls, f2.80n4.2: cows, fl.75n4; heifers, fla 4.10. Calves Veals opened slow, weak to 2,ic. lower; closed 50c. lower; grnssere, steady; fow lots unsold; veals, t.a8.73; grnssers, f3n3.43; southern calves, $3.37'.':. Common sheep, strong j low grndes, firm; M.iiii.n, jv. iiiuiT, iinum nil noiu. rsnerp, f2.50al.23; selected do., fl.R0; culls, f7a7.2.-.; Cnnndlnn lambs, $3noa3.7B; culls, flat.50. Jlogs Steady at f4.4.'a4.S5. Buffalo Live Stock Markot. Kast Iluffalo, Nov. l.-Cattlo-Slow but steady; veals, fGaC.SS; heavy fat, f5a6; grassers and fed calves, f2.23a4.23. Hogs Twenty cars on sale, stronger for light nnd pigs, others lower; Yorkers, fl.2..a4.30; pigs, fl.20.ll.30; mixed mediums. SI.S0n4.33: no good heavy here; quotsfblo S4.35al.49; stagB.f3.2ja3.40. Sheep and Lnmbs-15a zoc. higher for lnmbs; sheep, stronger and firm; native lambs. fl.23ar,.C0; sheep, tops, S3.90a4; wethers, $1.10a4.3O; culls to good, f2.23a3.80; local lambs, higher. East Llborty Cattlo Markot. East Liberty, Nov. l.-Cnttle-Stendy; fx,,r?' J;8,()aG; Prime, 3.70u3.iiO ; common, $3,13.80, Hogs-Stcndy; best heavy hogs and prime mediums, $; best YorK crs, f4.2,m4.30; plEs und light Yorltrrs, $4.15 S.4-;3'. common. $l.rn2.50; choice lambs. f7a7 BO1 comon t0 B00'' Wn4-OT; veal calves, Oil Market. Oil City. Nov. 1. Creillf hMnv. 1 Cfl. certificates, no bid, otter or sale; ship ments, 66,667 barrels; average, 82,6m bar rels; runs, 117,449 barrels; average, 86,441 barrels, PILL-SENSE. -It sttnds to reason thnt Dr. Agnew's Little Liver Pills will crowd out of tho market many of tho nauseous old-timers. A belter medicine at less than half tho price Is all tho argument needed to keep Ihe demand what It has been phononif nnl io doses, 10 cents. Tney euro Sick Headache, Hllllousness, and allay all stenmch Irrltnllons. At nil druggists. lor sale by Matthews Bros, and W. T. Clark. 31. BERII'F'S SALE. -OF- eiieai mm ON- FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1889. By virtue of sundry wrrlts of Fieri Fa cias, Levari Facias and Venditioni Ex ponas, Issued out of the court of common pleas of Lackawanna county, to me di rected, I will expose to public sale by vendue or outcry, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, nt the court house, In tho city of Scranton, Lackawanna coun ty, on Friday, the TENTH DAY OF NO VE11DER, A. D., 1809, at 10 o'clock in tho forenoon of said day, all the right, title and Interest of the defendants In and to the following described lots, pieces or par cels ot land, viz: 1 No. 1. All tho right, title and Interest of Henry George Koch, trustee. In and to all that certain lot or piece of ground situate in the Fourth ward ot tho city of Scranton, Pa., known nnd distinguished aB the northerly part of lot No. fifty seven (57) In William Swetlund's plot of lots, and further described according to a survey made thereof by P. M. Walsh, civil engineer, dated Sept. 13th, 1888, as follows, to wit: Beginning at a corner on Hyde Park avenue, such corner being north thlrty.nlno 39) degrees enst nnd dls. tant two hundred and twenty-three (223) feet from the cast corner of Hyde Park avenue and Swetlnnd street; thence south fifty-one (51) degrees east ono hundred nnd slxty-flvo (165) feet to a corner on nn al ley; thenco along said nlley north thirty nine (39) degrees east forty-one (11) feet to a corner; thence north fifty-one (51) de grees west one hundred nnd sixty-five (165) feet to a corner on said Hyde Park avenue; nnd thence along Hyde Park ave nue soutn tmrty-mne (39) degrees west forty-one (41) feet to tho place of begin ning. Containing six thnusnnd sever, hundred nnd sixty-five (C.7G5) square feet of land moro or less. All Improved with ono two-story frame single dwelling house, ono two-story frame single dwell ing house, one two-story frame block of dwelling houses and outbuildings thereon. Seized nnd taken In execution nt tho suit of United Security Life Insurance nnd Trust company vs. Henry George Ivoch. Debt. $914.03. Judgment, No. 793, September Term, 1S99. Lev. fa. to Novem ber Term, 1699. WOODRUFF, Att'y. ALSO No. 2.-A11 tho right, title nnd Interest of tho defendant, Georgo Wltzel, in nnd to alt thnt rertnfn titpen nf lutul Hitu.itr. in Ransom township, county of Lackawanna, stato of Pennsylvania. Beginning at a point (Iron stake) two hundred nnd thlrtv llvo (213) feet from city lino of the City of Reranttn and In line of land sold bv Eva Wltzel to G. It. Wandol; thence north forty-eight (IS) degrees five (5) minutes west one thousand seven hundred and twenty (1.720) feet to a point In line of land of W. Smith; thence rorth forty, two (I2i degrees thirty (M) minutes east Ilvo hundred and four (501) feet along side said Smith's land nnd land of .1. Da vis to corner of land of sold J. Davis and W. Lloyd; thenco south forty-eight (45) degrees five (5) minutes east along land of said Lloyd to corner of land In line of snld Lloyd's land nnd land of Eva Wltzel: thence south forty-one (41) degrees west five hundred and four (501) feet to tho place of beginning, containing twenty (20) acres of land moro or less Improved with frame dwelling, bnrn, fruit trees, outbuildings nnd other improvements. Seized and tnken In oxecutlnn at the suit asslrnod to Louisa Copnlng vs. Georgo Wltzel. Debt, $100. Judgment No. 395, November Term, 1W. FI. fa. to November Term, 1899. REPI.OGLE. Attorney. ALSO 12 ?;-". th8 r,Kht- tUI and Interest of the defendant, Honey Singer, In and to all that certain lot, piece or purccl of land situate In Woodlnwn Park, In the township of South Ahlnctnn (nt or near Clark s Summit), county of Lackawanna, state of Pennsylvania, In tho westerly angle formed by tho Junction of Midland avenue and Division street, being Lot No. 180 In snld park, having a width In front on snld Midway nvenue of forty (40) feet, nnd extending of that width at right nngle to said avenuo southwesterly along Divi sion street a depth of ono hundred forty (110) feet. A map of snld plot Is recorded In tho office for the recording of deeds In rind for tho county of Lackawanna tn weed hook No, 139, nt page C76. All Im proved with a two-Hory frame dwelling house, nuthnuso, etc. Seized and taken In execution at the suit of Security Building and Savings Union vs. Harvey Singer. Debt, $(i70.S8. Judgment No. 333, November Term, 1899. Lev. fa. to November Term, U99. H. C. REYNOLDS, Att'y. ALSO No. 4. All the right, title and Interest of tho defendant In nnd to those pieces ot land situate in the borough of Dalton, Lackawanna county, Pa., described as follows: First Bounded on the north by land of Watts & Dean; on the east by land of N, T. Purdy; nn tho south by land of Mrs. M, Blatchley, und on tho west by land of A, BedelJ. All Improved, contain ing seven ncres, moro or less, Second Bounded on tho north by land SHERIFF'S SALES. SHERIFF'3 SALES. SHERIFF'S SALES. of F. M. Colvln, Mrs. M. N. Dean nnd C. j. ivuour; on tlio cast uy l.aite street; on mo south by land or Allco M. llnrlter, anil on thu west by tho Ablngton nnd Factory vlllo turnpike. Improved with a two-story framo dwelling house, barn, outbuildings and fruit tree thereon. Seized nnd tnken In execution nt tlio sutt of A. D. Dean, assignee, vs. Emily F. Smith, executrix or J. 8. Smith, de ceased. Debt, $010.31. Judgment No. 233, May Term, 1S93. FI. fn. to November Term, 1S99. WOODRUFF, Att'y. ALSO No. S. All tho right, tltlo nnd intorest ot the defendant, A, II' Harvey, In and to nil that certain piece or parcel or land with tho Improvements thereon, sltunto In the Second ward of tho city of Scran ton, county of Lackawanna nnd stato of Pennsylvania, bounded nnd described as follows, to wit! Beginning nt a stake on Nay Aug nvenue nt the east sldo of Lot No. 6, in Block No. . ns laid down by ji.nn iicrmnu; inenco running south liriy 0110 (51) degrees enst ono hundred and forty-three (111) feet to land of Albert Sheldon; thento south flfty-flvo (53) de- S'"31 "' mriy (iu minutes west inty two and nno-hnlf (62.",) feet to n corner In line of Center or Hrenknr street; thence north flfty-ono (51) decrees west ono hun dred and forty-tbreo (HI) foot to n corner of Nny Aug nvenue: thenre north fifty five (55) degrees nnd forty (Hi mtnutes east nlong paid Nny Atig nvenue fifty two nnd one-half (52) feet to plneo of be ginning. Containing seven thousand four hundred and thirty-six (7.4:rl square feet of land, mnro or less. Excepting nnd re serving unto tho raid party of the first part oil the cord and other minerals with tho right to mine and remove tho samo by means of nny subterranean passa:, without recourse. It being tho same land conveyed bv Pnnuiel Tnnbnuser and wife to snld A. ,11. Harvey by deed recorded in the recorder's ofMre for the county of Lackawanna In Deed Book No, CO, paro 4f"8, etc. All Improved with n two-story frame dwelling houso and outbuildings thereon. Seized nnd tnken In execution nt the suit of Kdgnr Sturgo vs. A. II. ITarvev. Debt, fl.BSl.lG. " Judgment No. K,S. Pep tember Term, lc99. Lev. fa. to November Term. 1S99. VOSBURG & DAWSON. Att'y. Al.SU No. 6. All the right, tltlo nnd Interest of the defendants, Sarah Hlirglns nnd Martin HIgglns, In nnd to nil that lot of land situate In Dunmore, Lackawanna county, Pennsylvania, bounded nnd de scribed ns follows: Being known as Lot No. 13, and fronting on street known ns Apple nvenue. being slxty-flvo (65) feet In width In front nn Apple avenue nnd one hundred and eighty ilSO) lect In depth according to plan of Parker fc Throop's Allotment of the "Sherwood Farm." Coal and minerals reserved. All Improved with a two-story frame dwelling and other out buildings thereon. Seized nnd tnken In execution at tho milt nf the Dunmore Building nnd Loan nsoelatlnn of Dunmore. Pa., vs. Sarah HIgglns nnd Martin Hlg?lns. Debt, $l,4'n. Judgment No. 3S0. November Term, lTO. Fi. fa. to November Term. 1S99. DUGGAN, Att'y. ALSO No. 7. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant, Emily C. Rhule, In and to all that certain piece or parcel of land situate In tho Second ward of tho city ot bcranton, Lackawanna county, rennsyi vanla, and described according to a sur vey thereof mndo by A. B, Dunning, jr., surveyor, dated March 29, 1S97, 03 follows: Beginning on the nortbeastly side of Plcrco street at n distance of nine-ty-threo (93) feot northwardly from tho northwesterly sldo of North Main avenuo; thenco northeastwardly along laud now or Into of E. Mlrtz flfty-flvo and live-tenths (55.5) feet to ground now or lato ot Peck & Wise; thence northwardly along saint ground fifty (50 feet to nn alley; thenco nlong came soutlnvestwardly llfty-elgnt (58) feet to the said northeastwardly side of snld Pierce street, nnd thenco along tho same soutbeastwardly fifty (50) feet to tho place of beginning, which place or premises William II. Rhule, by tho namo of William II. Rule, by nn In denture dated tho 23d dav of April. 1892, recorded In Deed Book No. S3, pngo IK), etc.. granted and conveyed unto tho ald Emily C Rhulo bv tho nnmo of Emily C. Rule. Improved with n two-story frame building and outbuildings thereon. . Seized nnd taken In excrutloa at tho suit of H. F. Stnnsbury vs. Emily ". Rhule. Debt, $17.43. Judgment No. 170, March Term, 1S99. Vend. ox. to Novem ber Term, 1SD9. CAP WELL, Att'y. ALSO No. S. All tho right, title and interest of the defendant. Julia Paslk, lu and to all that certain lot of ground, with the Improvements thereon, Mtuate In tho Sec ond ward of tho city of Scranton, county of Lackawanna, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Being Lot No. 10, In Block 47, ns laid out and numbered on the assessment man ot tho Second ward of the said city of Scranton, on file In tho offlre of the city clerk and engineer, re corded In Tax Lien Docket No. 1, page 213. to No. 1127, March Term, 1S99. Improved with a two-story frame dwelling house and outbuildings thereon. Seized nnd tnken In execution nt the suit of City of Scranton vs. Julia P.islk. Debt, $15.0S. Judgment No. 377. Septem ber Term, 1S99, Lev. fa. to November Term, 1899. VOSBURG, Att'y. ALSO No. 9. All tho right, tltlo and Interest of tho defendant. Mary Allco Scanlon, ndmlnstratrlx of tho estate of Mary Ann Scanlon, decearod, In and to nil that cer tain lot if land situate In tho Fourteenth ward of Scrnnton, county of Lackawanna and stato of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on tho north side of West Lacka wanna avenue, about ono hundred and eleven (111) feet In a westerly direction from tho Intellection of ".Vest Lackawan na avenue nnd Ninth street; then In a northerly direction elghtv-eight (8S) feet to a point on West Lackawanna menuo; thence nlong said West Lackawanna uvo nue In an easterly direction thlrty-tnrce (33) feet to place of beginning. Improved with a two-story framo dwelling house and outbullc'lrgs thereon. Seized and taker. In execution nt tho suit of City ( Scrnnton vs. Mary Alice Scanlon, ndmtnlstrntrtx of the estate of Marv Ann Scanlon, deceased. Debt, $"4.43. Judgment No. Ml, September Term, 1S99. Lev. fa. to November Term, 1550S.. VOSBURG. Att'y. ALSO No. 10. All the right, title and Interest of tho defendant, Margaret Wisley, ad ministratrix of Joseph Wisley, deceased, nnd Magf'Io Wisley, In nnd to nil the surface or right of soil of nil that eerta'n piece or parrel of land situate In the city of Carlmndnle, county of Lackawanna nnd state of Pennsylvania. Hounded Hiiuthenstwnrd sixty (60) feet by land of tho Delaware and Hudson Cnnnl com pany, left open for 11 street, southwest ward one hundred nnd fifty (150) feot bv Outlet No. 115, on the .Inocb Porter trnet, occupied now or formerly by Thom as Sulllvnn: northwestward by Outlet No. ii-. on mo .ineon t-orier tract, now or tor inerly occupied by Peter llrown. sixty (60) feet, nnd northeast one hundred nnd fifty (150) feet by Outlot No. 11!. on tho said Jacob Porter tiaet, nerupled bv John W. Brown. Comprising Outlot No. HI, on said tract of land In tho warrantee nnmo of Jacob Porter, being the snmo Innd con veyed to Thomas Wlslev by deed of John C. Brown dated September 12th. I8;i3. duly recorded at Sernnton. Improved with a two-story dwelling, outbuildings and other Improvements. Seized and taken In execution nt the suit of the Co-operntlvo Building bank vs. Margaret Wisley, administratrix of the estate of Joseph WMoy, deceased, nnd Mngglo Wlslev. Debt. $1.136 87. Jndg ment No. 11S9, September Term, 1839 Lev. fa. to November Term. IKW. J. P. REYNOLDS, Att'y. ALSO No 11 All the right, title and Interest of the defendant, J. E. Qulnn, in nnd to all tho -mrfacp or rlnht of soil of and In nil that certain lot, pieeo or, parcel of land situate, lvlng nnd blmr in the borough of Miiyvlllo (now Mnvfleld), county of Lnekuwanna and stato of rcnnlvnnla, distinguished as Lot No. 8, in Block No. 2, on tho survoy nnd map of Iho property of tho Hillside Coal and Iron company, being In front sixty tOO) feet and In rear sixty (GO) feet and on hundred nnd tlflv (150) feet deep, and being hounded as folluws: On thn northeast by Maple street; on tho south east by Lot No. 10; on tho southwest by Lot No. 7. and on tho nnrthwet by Penn nvenue. Being the snmo lot of land con veyed to J. V. Qulnn by tho Illltnlde Coal and. Iron company bv deed dated I"b ro'iry 16th, 1889. nnd recorded In the ofli o frT tho recording of deeds In nnd for Lackawanna county In Deed nook S'o 9tl. nt pae;e 423, etc. All Improved with a twn-storv rramo nweiung nouso nndi outbuildings thereon. 4 neizeu nnn initen in execution nt I or j'i. aiuingan'B nons vs j. r. Debt, $117,25. Judgment No, C32, jTiT' T mill Term, 1S99. Vend. ex. to November Term T. T. DUFFY, Att'y. w. ALSO No. 12. All tho right, tltlo and Interest of the defendant lu nnd to all that cer tain lot, pIcco or taiccl of land In tho borough of Archbald, county of Lacka waiiuu, Pennsylvania, bounded and de scribed us follows: All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land In Archbald borough, Lackawanna county, Penn sylvania, known ns Lot No, 8, Block No. 6, and fronting on Miller street, being sixty (00) feet In front by two hundred (20)) feet In depth according to a plan or map entitled "Allotment of part of Mil ler's Farm." Improved with a largo frame dwelling houso and other out buildings thereon. .Seized and tnken In execution nt tho suit of Tho Gorman Building Association, No. (i, of Scranton, Pa., vs. Mary Oud nnofskl. administratrix of tho estato of Michael Itutkowskl, deceased. Debt, tlOOO. Judgment No. 219, November Term, 1899. FI. fn. to November Term, 1899. WILLIAM VOKOLHIC? Att'y. ALSO No. 13.-AU the right, title nnd Intorest of tho defendant, E. Ringgold Depuy, In nnd to nil that tract or land sltuato In tho township of Wo-t Ablnston, county of I.neknwantia nnd rtnte of Pennsylvania, bounded nnd dcrerlbed ns follows, to wit: Being n tract contnlnlng ono hundred and twelve (112) ncres nnd rcventy-four Bqunre rods, and being tho same premises, ex reptlng nbout two (2) ncres conveyed to Benlimln Robinson, which were conveyed ns thren hcpurnto tracts of Innd bv James L. Wither and wife to Edward C. Ro zell and Ransom II. Itozell by deed dated March 9th, 1869, recorded In tho offlco tor re cording deeds In and for Luzerne coun ty In Deed Book No. 131. pago 100; a ro survi y of said property mnde by Isaac Kills June llh, 1881. being us follows: Be ginning nt the east comer of Peter Ent Warrant In line of Jeremiah Clarke's lot; thence north forty-five (43) degrees east slxty-slx (CO) perches to a post, thence north forty-six (40) degrees west two hun dred and sovcnty-clght and slx-tentln (278.0) perches to a post; thenco south fifty-seven (37) deijreea veal twenty-two nnd fifty-six one-hundredth (22.50) perches tn n pot; thence south thirty-two and one-half (32".) degrees west ferty and eighty-eight one-hundiedths (40.83) perch es to n post; thence south forty-five (45) deerees enst two hundred and soventy-slx ('-TO perches to tho place of beginning. Being tho same property convoyed by Ed wnnl t nn?elle nnd Ruth N. Rozell tn s!t!d 13, BInggold Depuy by deed dated th? 10th day nf March, A. D., 1S9G. re corded In tho nftlro for recording deeds In nnd for Lackawanna county In Deed Boole No. 13. page 213. All improved with, a Ir.rgo twn-storv mansard-roofed dwelling, two barns, ginlnan. Ice house and other outbuildings und with nn orchnrd growing thereon, together constituting a well equipped farm of ever ono hundred and twclvo (112) acres of land. ' Seized and tnken In execution at the suit of E. C. Rozclle. et nl.. vs. E. Ring gold Deruy. Debt. $1,200. Judgment No. 136(5, September Term, 1893. FI, fa. to November Term, 1SC9. NEWCOMB, Att'y. ALSO No. H. All the right, title and Interest of tho defendants In nnd to all that lot, pleco or parrel of land sltuato In the township of Mndlson, county of Lacka wanna and stato of Pennsylvania, bound ed and dcscilbed ns follows, to wit: Be ginning nt the center of the road leading from Moscow to Holllstervllle; thence south fifty (50) degrees east on line ami fenco of Adr-m Powell, twenty-two (22) rods to stono wall; thence south thirty (30) degrees west thirty-two (32) rods along stone wall made for a fenco; thence north seventy (70) digrccs west twenty-two (2) rods along stono wall made for a line fence to the center of road, Iwcnty-two (22) rods; thenco north thirty (30) degrco east along said rnnd fifty-one (31) rods to the place of beginning. Containing five (5) ncres. bo the samo moro or less, BJ lng Ihe same premises conveyed to said Erntus Edv arils, deceased, by S. M. Ed wards nnd wife, by deed bearing data the 3rd day of May, 1871, recorded in Lack awanna cnuntv In Deerl Book No. 23. at page 1. efc. All improved with an orch ard of npplo trees, nbout two (2) acres In extent nnd fenees. Seized nnd tnken In execution at the suit of John Blatter vs. C. W Edwards, administrator of estato of Erastus Ed wards, deceased, and C, W. Edwards, Debt, $375. Judgment No. 872, September Term. 1899. Ft. "fa. to November Term, 1S99. WILLARD, WARREN & KNAPP. Attorneys. ALSO No. 13.-All tho right, title and Interest of tho defendants In and to that certain lot or pleco of land situate In tho tlty of farbondale, county of Lackawanna, stato of Pennsylvania, bounded as fol lows, to wit; On tho north by land for merly owned nnd occupied by Hugh O'Neill, now deceased; on tho east by lot fronting on Church street; on tho south by land formerly of Jacob Cohen, now occupied by S. Singer, nnd on the west by South Main street. Contnlnlng In front on snld street thirty (20) feet and extend ing In depth at right nngles with said street ono hundred and fifty (130) feet to gether with tho use In crmmon with tho heirs nnd assigns of tho snld Jacob Cohen, deceased, of tho alley running along and on both sides of the lino between tho land herein described and iho land formerly ol said Cohen: Being the same premises which Mnrv A. Byrne, by her deed dated Nov. 12. 1FK and recorded In tho record er's office for said county In Deed Book No. 61, pago 430, conveyed to James II. Ilyrno In fee. Improved with a two story brick storo and dwelling house ai.d outbuildings. Seized and taken In execution nt the suit of J. I". Bvrne, guardian, vs. W J. Smith and James Barrett, administrators of Jnmes II. Byrne, deceased. Debt, $3,205. Judgment No. 1300. Septembs Term, 1899. Lev. fa. to November Term, 1599. NEWCOMB. Att'y. ALSO No. 16. All the right, title and Interest of tho defendant. (. W. Shlves, In and to nil tho following described lot, sltunto In Ihe city nf Scrnnton, county of Lacka wanna, nnd stato of Pennsylvania, said lot being a portion of Lots Nos. 11 and 12, In Block No. 177. which were conveyed by tho Lackawanna Iron and Coal company to Cathnilno W. Reynolds by deed dated Mnv 11. lMW. Beginning nt a point In th building lino on tho southwest side ot Gibson street, one hundred nnd twenty (131) feet southeast of the Intersection of f nld building line, nnd the binding lino on thn southeast side of Harrison avenue; thence snuthenst along said Gibson street line thirty (30) fiet to n 'orner, thence southwesterly nnd nt rltstt angles to the aforesaid Gibson street line eighty (SO) feet to a corner; thenco northwesterly thirty (30) feet to a corner; thence northeasterly rttrhty (0) feet to the place of bet-Inning. With tho privilege of using ten (10) feel In front of the front line r.f sn'd lot on Gibson street for vnrd. porch, piazza, bay window or vaults, but for no other pur pose. Reserving, however, to tho pnr lies of Iho flrt part, their heirs nnd ns slcns. the rleht to lay a sower pipe across the rear of snld lot for tho pur pose of connecting with the main sewer n Harrison nvenue. but not tho right to do nnv damage therrcn. nlso excepting and reserving to the Lackawanna Iron nnd Cent company, Its siiroosors nnd as. i-lgnc nil coal and other minerals beneath snld lot, with thn right to mine the same In tho snmo innnnor ns the raid coal la reserved by the Lackawanna Iron and Coal company In their deed to 'Catherine W. Reynolds May 11, IPS.".. All Improved wlih n' twn-storv frame dwelling house, Seized and tnke.n In execution nt the suit of V. O. Smith vs G. W. Shlves. Debt. 8152.75. Jud'-ment No. 133. Septem her Teim. 1899. Vend. ex. to Novcmbei Term. 1891 VOSBURG & DAWSON, Att'y. TERHS OF SALE. FIPTV DOLLARS CASH WHEN PROP. RRTY IS STRUCK OPP, AND BALANCE IN CASH IMMEDIATELY AFTRR SALE IS CONCLUDED. WHEN SOLD FOR COSTS, COSTS MUST DC PAID WHEN STRUCK OFF. ALL PROPERTIES ON WHICH AuOVfl TERMS HAVE NOT BEEN COMPLIED WITH WILL BE RESOLD BEFORE AD JOURNMENT. CUREHCE E. PRYOR, Sheriff. ' Sheriff olllcc, Scrnnton, Pa., Oct. 18. -A filllrn. Wkirch y 4