THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1899. V 3 CARBONDALE. OTHERS AFTER WELL WATER. Opposition to tho Ponsolltlatfd Water Supply company Krnwn ptioflRiT every dny , A well I to lie unk on the prem ises of John Gilbert foi the benefit of tho Mitchell A: ltoRley Inuntlry una other South Main stieit ontoi prises The mnnov to be paltl out for water for tho laundry, nrcoidlnir to thu ad vanced schedule-, w 111 1' iy Interest sev eral times on the amount loaulieri to do the work Individual effort pi (un ices to defeat the Consolidated corpor ation even though the Artesian Water company and municipal ownership en terpilses should fall Already It Is frared, however, that the cutting off of pave washes and other unnecessary tops will so l educe tho corporation's revenue that another rise In rates will result and fuither burden those who are still dependent on the old souice of supply. At nicsent there seems to be nothlntr In the way of chnrcinR $20 a, tap Instead oC $8 BESSIE M'DONALD DIES. Bessio. little daughter of superliv icnueni nt mo local nruticn hi mo .Mei- ropolltan Insurance compiny, and Mrs McDonald, died last nlRht at their home on Park stieet She wns iiroiI s"vcn ycats, and was a ety blight and Interesting child Tor home days sho had been suffei Inp from membraneous croup and yesterday Dis. Eowry, of this city, and Logan, of Scrunton, were In consultation on the case. They did everything within human power to save her, but without avail On no count of the n iture of the disease, the funeral will be private LOCAL AND PERSONAL. G A Thompson, superintendent of the Erie's Delaware division, was in this citv on Satuidav. National Hxptess Agent George Simpklim has returned fiom a lslt with his family In Now Yotk state. Jessertounds, who has been operator and cleik at the Kile freight olllce, sev ered his connection with the "Old Re liable" and has accepted a situation as assistant to A. W. Coibin, of the West ern Fnlon ofllce. A M Mllchell Is able to be at busi ness again. Mis J. E Buir entertained her Sun day school class last evening. Mrs Mav Manville Is tho guest of Delaware friends. H Howe's moving picture exhibition given at the Grand last night gave entire satisfaction It has been considerably Improved since Mr. Howe was hero last season. The Dewey parade pictures were especially pleas ing John W Altken has returned from Atlanta, Georgia. Functal services over tho remains of Robert Carter will be held this after noon nt 2.30 o'clock in the parish house of Trinity church. Interment will bo made In Maplewood cemetery. Epeilpnce Is the best teacher" to you and you may take this medl Kvery testimonial in foor ot Hood's Par'apnillla l the oico of experience cine with pel feet confidence that It will do for j on what It Ins done for others Hoed s nils cure headache. biliousness, sick JERRI YN AND MAY FIELD. Sunday Night's Fire Causes Great Excitement Special Meeting of Council This Evening Personal News, Sunday evening at 7 o'clock flames weio seen Issuing fiom the cupolai ovei the Delawaie and Hudson bleaker blacksmith bhop. The vaitchman at the breaker n few moments later dis, coveied the firo and sounded an alarm. By this time the Hie was burning fiercely and in a few minutes had ex tended to tho carpenter shop which adjoins It. The Artesian Hose compf. any were the first to lespond to the alaim and they deserve special pialsa for their piomptntss The Ciystais, who had much fuithei distance to. travel, nlso made a quick lesponso and both companies worked hard in subdu ing the llames In doing so they were badly handicapped by the low pressuroi of watci and had their been a Inlsk breeze blowing It would have been a most diflleult tire to hubduo with the little watei they were able to p'our upon it The Interior of both shop was considerably damaged, but for tunately about all the men's tools werj saved. The cause of the flio p. unknown and. Is somewhat of a mystery as tho black smith who wns working during the day left the shop at 3 o'clock In the afternoon when everj tiling was ap parently safe. It was at first reported that tho bleaker was on lire and much evlto ment prevailed The services at tho churches had just commenced as tho alarm was sounded nnd so gieat was the excitement It was deemed udvls able to dismiss the congregation The surveyor, assisted by Council men Burdlsh, Nicholson and Swlck, yesterday elected the stone monu ments which mark the division lino ot the borough of Archbald nnd Jermyn, CARD or THANKS. The parents and brothers and sisters of the late Rov Snyder take this means to acknowledge their giatltudo to his comrades schoolmates and fellow woikmen and the neighbors and fi lends of the family, who by their hympalhetle ministrations during thrr aa nours ot bereavement did much Sparkling QBass Ware. Cut glass, or any kind of glass Avare, window panels and mirrors Avill sparkle if you use Gold Dust. It does the work your muscle has to do Avhen you use soap. I.nd for fr. booklet "Ooldin Rulti for noui.wotk " THB N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY Cbtcifo SI.Loiili NcwYork Botloa to soften affliction and make bearable a heavy sorrow. Mrs. Ann Whlto and sons, Harry and George, of Illakely. rpent Sunday with lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas II. Williams, of ltushbrook ntrost Mls Emma Roberta, Miss Rngougli. and Ij. A. Green and Richard Hawkins w 111 take part In tho musical entertain ment at the Peekvillo loan exhibition this evening. The hoiough council will meet this evening In special session to consider the amendment to tho street car fran chise. ' TAYLOR NEWS. Conceit of tho New Catholic Parish This Evening Funeral Ai range- ments United Mine Workers to meet. This ccnliiR will occur the giand en tertainment and social of tho new Catholic palish to ho held In Weber's link. The piogramme, which nppearcd In this depaitment recently, consists of excellent musical and literary numbers, which will be thoroughly enjoyed. The committee In ihaige aio capable young men, and piomiso an enteitainment of unusunl merit Tickets have sold eiy lapidly and me only twenty-live tents. The mcmbeis of Eacltiuanna lodge. No. 113, Ameilcnn ProtPetnnt associa tion, nru requested to meet In their hall at 1 o'clock this (Tuesduv) afternoon to attend the funeral of theii deceased biother, W H. Nicholas. Mi and Mrs. William Thomas, of vcst Scranton, weio the guests of l da tives hero yeBterday. All members of tho Emblem division, No. r.7, Sons of Tempeiance, nre 10 qucsted to meet in their hall this after noon nt 1 o'clock to attend the funeral of their deceased brothel, W. II. Nich olas. All arrangements have been com pleted for the grand musical entertain ment and social of the Sibley union church, which Is to bo held in tho church auditorium this evening. Ad mission, ten and fifteen cents for chil dren and adults. Erlne. the four-ycni-old daughtei of Mrs. Thomas A Thomas, of the Hats, died vesteiday morning from dlph theila. The funeral oecuired ester day afternoon. Interment was made In the Foiest Home cemetery The funeral of the late AVilllam H. Nicholas will occur from his late home on Storrs stieet this afternoon at 2 SO o'clock. The funeral sermon will be Pleached In the Calvary Baptist church, of which the deceated was a member, by the pastor. Rev Dr. H H Harris. Mis. Elsie C Eutz, of Indiana, who has been the guest of her mothei, Mrs Medlar, left for Allentown the latter part of the week, accompanied by her mother. Miss Lizzie Williams, of South Scran ton, spent the Sabbath as the guest of Miss Lillian Howells, of Main street. .Mrs John P Coopoi has gone to Philadelphia, where sho expects to spend the winter with her sister This evening's meeting of the Lacka wanna lodge. No. 113, Ameilcan Protes tant association, promises to be an In teresting affair, when Worthy Grand Master John Bain, of 'Plttsbuig, and Past Grand Master William Cunning ham, of Philadelphia, will address the meeting. A coidlal Invitation is ex tended to every member of the order In tho district to be piesent and hear the giand officers Loral Hr.uirh, N'n 101 J Pulled Mln Woikers, will hold an Important busl n ss iiKutlng In Basliuni's hall this (Tuesday) evening. Don't forget the Bachelors' annual supper at the Methodist Episcopal church on Thuisday evening OLYPHANT. Members of the Orient foot ball team of this place which was recently oi ganlzed are practicing haid dally pre paring for the opening game. The team Is composed of players who know a thing or two about the game and to make it Inteiesting for some of the teams in this vicinity. The line up is as follows Center, Dr. J. J. Price, right guard, John Law lei, right tackle, J. M McGlnty, light end, Tho.s Rogan, left guard, James Connots. left tackle. William Sheiidan: left end, John McIIalp; nuaiter back, Joseph Muhon; right halt back, Gus Ollen dlke; left half back, Tom Williams, full back, Thomas Hannahue. concn, Thomas Rogan, munngei, Joseph Mahon It Is requested that nil mem bers icpoit foi practice on Wednes day afternoon. Matthew Giey has letuined home fiom Erie, Pa. Bob O'Connell, of Honesdale, is spending a few days In town Dr W L Van BuskliU spent Sun day at his home In Tavlor. air. nnd Mrs. T. E Williams nif vis iting lelatlves at South Gibson AVilllam Jones, of Carbondale, spent Sunday with friends In town Mrs Kate Morris, of Dunmoie stieet, whoihus been veiy III, Is convalescent Miss Coia Jones, of Foiest Cits, who has been the guest of Miss Alice Pat ten, leturned homo esteiduy. PECKVILLE. Mi Hnriy Coats, of Vate3vllle, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. liobeit Coats Mr nnd Mrs. 1 V. Ma", jr . of i1 I cii, N. Y, aie spending a week with the foimei's patents, Mr. and Mis. V V. Mace. Mr Daniel Dot lis left yesterday for a few eluvs' visit nt Wllkes-Bune. Miss Peail AVliItman spent Sunday with ft lends In Gteen Hldge. Ml Thomas Hughes, of the AA'est Side, has accepted h position with tho Delaware and Hudson at No. bleak er. In Olyphunt Mi B J McGutl of Scranton, spent Sunduv with his patents. Mr and Mis John McGuil. of tho West Side. ELMIIURST. Miss Mama Eaton anil Miss Dolph, of Scranton, were tho guests of Miss Jen nie Dunning over Sunday. Miss Bertha Grimes Is visiting at the homo of Rev. C A. Spalding, at Hoi llstervlllc. Mrs. Byron Buckingham attended a meetlmt of tho Eastern Star at Scram ton last evening. Mrs. U A. Shoemaker nd Miss Addle Rell spent yesterday In Scinnton. v Mr and Airs. Hnslow, sr, and Mr. nnd Mrs. F W. Hnrlow visited Scran ton yesterday afternoon. Piofcssor Rogois opened a night school on AVcdne.dny night with fliteeti pupils. Mis. E AV. Davis visited her parent-) nt Moscow on Friday last. Mrs. H. S. Finn is recovering from her recent Illness. Mr. and Mrs. Estcil'o nnd Mr and Mis. Pryor, of Scinnton, called nt the home of S. A. Mllcox on Sundny Mr. S. AV. Bortiec, of Moscow, con ducted (he services nt the Methodist church Sunday afternoon. Mr. J F. Blessing, of New Mllford, visited his dnuFhtcr, Miss Inez Bless ing, at the homo of Byi.m Buckingham lost week. AVhllo returning from Scranton Fri tl.iv afteioon the team of Mrs. 'Toolny broke loose fiom tho wagon, tin owing herself and son, Fled, out. Pied sus tained a fracture ot his foro.atm and fricture of two libs. Mis. Tooley es caped with severe bruises on head nnd limbs. Dr Knedler wiim hostlly sum moned nnd attended to thtli Injuries and under his tieatment they aie now doing nicely. DUNMORE DOINGS. Three Small Fires Yesterday Morn ingThe Revival Services Silk Mill Being Built Notes. Eaily yesterday mottling In a very short space of time, three small fires occupied the attention ol the local llio men. About thiee o'clock the Independents and Electric were rushing over tho ground in response to me gong mow ing the alaim of fire. Upon the ar rival of the companies the file was found to bo In tho old German ceme teiy, someone having ignited a large pl'e of leaves which burned fiercely for a short while. The second blaze was in a small shanty In what Is known ns tho "Patch." Very little damage wns done. The tool house connected vv Ith the Laurel Hill pail; grounds was tho last center of attention with tho fliemen nnd bcond causing some excitement and the loss of the building did not entail much loss. BEVIVAI, SErmCES. The revival meetings being held every night at tho Tilpp Avenue Chris tian church, continue to diaw Inter ested audiences. Rev. A. P. Cobb, who last year conducted revival services for several months In this boioush, will preach tonight on the topic. ' Give, Glory to the Lord Your God " The second week of the levlval ser vices being held In the M. E. church under the dliectlon of Rev A J. Am Cleft, tho pastor, nnd assisting minis ters, are being well attended and the Interest sustained. This afteinoon at 2:?0 Rev. F. P Doty will preach and the evening sen Ice will be In charge of Rev. S. C. Slmpklns, who will de liver the address. OTHER HAPPENINGS The funetal of tho little daughter of Mi. and Mis Edward Mr-GUI, of Enst Drinker stieet, occuned esteiday nfteinoon at 3 o'clock. Interment was made in Mount Carmel cemetery. The superstructuie of the three new slllt mills now bullditib on Throop property, are being rushed to comple tion as fast as possible. They will make quite an addition to that patt ot the town. The Industrial schoool connected with the riist Presbvterian church will re sume Its faesslons beginning Satuiday ufternoon. Otto Dolmetseh, of Third stieet. has placed on exhibition In W T. Love land's butcher shop, n bear which he successfully killed while on a tecent hunting trip PERSONAL MENTION. Miss King, of Plttston. is visiting at the home of her grandfather, Sid ney D Klrg. of Dudlev street Mis, P. J. Golden Is quite HI at her home on Chestnut street. Mis. T. J O'Donnell, of Drinker street, Is a guest of ft lends In Oly phant. The many friends of A Ictor Burschell are pleased to see him around after n, long confinement with typhoid fever Mr. and Mis Benjnmln Croak, ot Broad street, ate entertaining Mi and Mis E Ar Barber, ot Newton, N J. Mrs. At. J. McDonald and diughtet, Helen, of Chestnut stieet, are the guests of Moscow friends FUNSTON REFUSES A SWORD. False Inscription Must Be Removed Before He Can Accept It. Topeka, Kans , Oct. 23 General Funston has sent word to Topeka that he will not accept the $1,000 gwotd ptesented him by the people of Kan sas unless the Inscription on tho blndo; "1 Can Hold This Position Until My Regiment Is Musteted Out," Is te moved. j General Funjton was reported to have mode that replv to his command ing officer In one of the engagements nenr Mnnlln He says he did not make such a replv, and will not accept a swoid contninlng that Inscription. $100 Reward, $100. Tho readers of this paper will bo pleased to liarn that there Is at least ono dreaded dWcuse that science bus been nblo to euro lu nil Its stages and that In Catarrh Halls Catarrh C ire the onlv pu-tla rure now known to the medical fraternity Catarrh belnff h constitutional dlsonnn requires o constitutional treotment Hall's ('atari h Cure is tnken Internally, acting dliectlj upon the blood und mucous sui fiices of the si stem, therobj destroying tho foundation of the dlseasp, and giving the patient strength li building up the constitution and nbslstlng nature In doing Its work Tho proprietors huvo so much faith In Its curative powers, that tliev offer One Hundred DoHais for any case tbut It falls to cure Send for list of testi monials Address, V J CHENKY & CO., Toledo, O Bold by druggists. 75c Hall's rumlly Pills are the best A COD-SENT BLi:9SNIO-Mr II r Wood, of Easton Pu , wus u griut fcuf ferer from Organlo Heart Disease He never expected to bo well agntn, but Dr Agnew's Cure for the Heart was his good angel, and he lives today (o tell It to others llear.liixu, "I was for fifteen ycats a great sufferer from Heart Din case, had smothering spoil, palpitation, puin In left side and swelled ankles Twenty physicians treated mc, but I got no relief. I used Dr. Agnew's Cure for tho Heart One doso lettered mn Insldo of. thirty minutes Seven bottles cured me." For sale by JIuttlieUH PJroH, ami W. T. Clnrk -20. THEATRICAL. "Tho Winter's Tale." It Is no often Hint the Shakes pearean drama Is glvWi with such a wealth of scenery and singe accessories ns mnrked the production of "Tho AVIn tei's Tale" at the Lyceum last night. AVhllo the vvoiks of the grent dramat ist teem with possibilities for the dis criminating scenic artist thev aro sel dom tnken advantage of. The actor who essays the legitimate Is usually rnntent to allow his audience to uso their Imagination In lieu of scenery. AVngenhnls nnd Kemper, who nre man aging the tour of Louis James, K.ath iyn Kidder nnd Chnrlds B. Hnntord this year, have faith In the drawing powers of Shakespeare's lines, but they believe that drawing power can be en hanced and the forco of tho words mode greater If the play Is propel Iy inesetited In a scenlo wnv. At the Lvceum Inst night they gave n demonstration of tho possibilities of Klinkespcaro fiom the, scenic artist';) point of view Nothing approaching It lit beautv has heretofore been seen In this city. AVhlle.nttentlon has first been direct ed to the scenery It must not be In ferred that "The AVInter's Tale" has no more substantial claims to merit. The mounting Is leferred to promi nently because It Is a feature of tho pel forma nee that Is usually overlooked when works of the Immortal bard hoi 1 tho boards Miss Kidder, who was seen last night In the mles of Hermlono nnd Perdlt.i, Is a most discriminating nctress Sho managed the scenes In which she was ptomlnent lust night with such clever ness ns to call foi th most genetous manifestations of applause from the audience. Her versatility Is shown by n contrast of her work In the fnuun net when as the unfortunate Queen Hermlono she is publicly uceusl hv her husband and condemned to death, with that In the succeeding act when ns the light-heat ted Perdlta she wins the love of the hell to the throne of Bohemln. In both of these exacting chaructcis her work wns most satis- factoty. Charles B. Hanford wns not rs hap py In the role of Leontes. Ho bolonc3 to that school of vigorous, forceful ac tors who overlook the fact that btt'jr eftects might bo obtained with less ef fort. There are times on the st3ge, too when silence, or something akin to It, Is more eloquently effective than even a Hnnford top note. . Louis James as the dellgntful old vagabond Autolicus was excellent and the audience only regretted .hat Shakespeare saw fit when constructing the play to keep Autolycus in the background until the fifth act. . Clever members of' the couid tnv, other than the stars, are Thomas Cof fin Cooke, Baity Johnstone, Norman Hackett and Elizabeth Barrlscale. King Dramatic Company. The King Dramatic company opened its week at the Academy last night by presenting "Hands Across tho Sea" An enotmous crowd greeted this popoulai company, every seat In tho house belug taken and standing loom at a ptemlum. The audience was a highly picasod one and manifested its approval on every possible occasion. The company is undoubtedly one of tho best Hint has ever appeared in this city at pop ular prices and gives a reperto re that Is of much higher clasB than tlis ma Joilty of companies appearing hee. Klik Brown, the leading man, is a well built, good looking fellow and does exceedingly good worn. Ar thur J Pickens enacts the ro',2 of the villain of the pla, Robert Stn'wood. Robert is undoubtedly the genuine bona fide villain. He wears high pol ished boots, a heavy black moustache und a lovely debonair manner Mr. Pickens played the lole eviy well, however, and In the third net received quite an ovation In the shape of nlsses, gioans and other tokens of appieela tlon fiom the gallery. Justly incensed ct his villain Edwnid Burroughs, G H Roue, Ned Curtis and Katherlne Cicgo perfotmed their parts well, while clever special ties weio Introduced by Ned Cm Ms, riossie Slnnott and Ruth Akers This afternoon the compnnv piesent5 Faust" and tonight "The War of AVealth" will he lendeied. Fine Peiformnnce nt the Gaiety. Miner & A'an's Bohemian Bur lesque! s aie among the troupes that fill the bill as promised on ndvance 1 aper. This company of stars, head ed by the only Billy A'an, Is by far tho best that bos aDDcaied at the Giiietj theater this season. The ner fotmance begins with an olio In which the dalntv Esmeialda Sisters gave a pleasing exhibition in nctobatlc danc ing Fied AVckoff, the chaiactei come dian told many new and original stot -les that enntured the uppei tiers, and Fisher nnd Clark gave the most laugh able performance in the way of grot esque tumbling ever witnessed on the Gaiety stage Mitchell und Cain ap peared In a veiy noisy as well ns hum orous act - Billy A'an and A'evle No bilga In a new sketch entitled "My Busy Day" vveie as funny ns ovei They were ablv assisted bv Bobby Not Ui In the musical numbeis The potfomance ends with a muslcnl bmlesque entitled " Beauty's Apple," lu which the entile company nppenred, which wns characterized by dazzling costumes and scenery: bright music, and continuous fun There is scuice ly a dull line In the peiformance given by the company and much that Is new and oilglnal Is presented. Tho Bo hemian Builesquers will bo at the Gaiety theatei todo and tomorrow afternoon and evening On the Giand Canal in Venice. Ovei fifty entirely new animated pic tures will be shown at tho Lyman II. Howe Moving Plctuto exhibition In the Lyceum this evening. Ono of the most novel plctuies that will be ptesented Is a scene In beautiful A'enlce. Italy's famous watei -locked city Tho pic ture Is truly A'enetlan In every sense. Handsomely equipped gondolas, pto pelled by swarthy and deft boatmen, go skimming to and fro upon tho Grand Canal, the main thoroughfare or water way of A'enlce. "The French Maid." "The Fiench Muld," a Jolly, tuneful and lively musical comedy will be pre sented ut the Lyceum tomorrow night. The piece Is of English authorship nnd follows the general plan of English musical comedies, examples of which are had In "Tho Runaway Girl" and "Tho Cltcus Girl", as presented In this country by the late Augustln Daly. The production Is Identically tho same ns tho one given at the Herald Squuie Theatre nnd later, during long runs, In Boston, Philadelphia and Chicago. Tho tompuny numbers quite fifty people In- The People's Exchange. A POPULAR CLEARING HOUC for the Hcnnt ot All Who Have Houses to Rent, Real Instate or Other Property to Sell or xchnnge, or Who Want Situations or Help Theie Small Advertisements Cgt One Cent a Word, Six Insertions for Five Cents a Word-Except Situattorii Wanted, Which Aro In serted 1'rce. FOR RENT VOIX RENT-121 ADAMS AVBNt'K; .thoroughly renovntedi rent reason able. Bmlth, Hoaid of Trndfo Building. TOn RENT-A FURNISHED PIlONT room with or without bontd. 418 Noun Boventh street FOR SALE DRIVING TEAM FOR SAL1-I WISH to sell u nice polr of biy horses, sult nble for light driving, but too lUlit for rav mop . sound nnd kind, half brothers, 5 and 6 iieiirs old. '.May be seen at Mrs. Thomas Dfckson's stables this week; will bo sold cheap H M. Hotel. KENTUCKY HOrtSKS AT AX'CTION-I will sell to the highest bidders a cai lond of fine Kentucky horses consisting of match team rondsteis and saddlers, on Wedmsduj, Oct. 2.'. nt 2 p. m , nt Frail As Co 's stable No DJS Sprtieo street Aler. Utickner, agent, McH'Id", auctioneer for Tale- excellent and only flrst-clnxs hotel business In town Best accommodations- thlrtv twil room.; newly furnished, electric llKht, bath nnd steam bent, slsteon boarders, latgo bar nnd transient trade, bouse, water nnd light rent reasonable Good reasons for selling Address P O Box 321, Miners- vine. I'a. AGENTS WANTED. SALESMEN-IP A'OP WANT TO MAKE $1.W a rar work for us Our leather suspenders sell thenr-elvrs; r.annot wear out. attractive assortment exclusive ter ritory, samples freo conditionally J S. Berry Mfg Co. A R21 Cincinnati, O HELP WANTED. AVANTPD-TnOHOl'HaLY EFFICIENT stenographer and typewriter for Smith Premier machine; state age, expe rience, reference nnd silarv exneeted Ad dress The lames 11 Hawes Manufactur ing Co Towanda, rn FIA'E LADIES AND GENTLEMEN AT once to wholesale goods sixty dollars per month nnd expenses Call at once 307 AVashlngton avenue HELP WANTED-MALE. Wn'BVRTEDER EXTERN enced, reference Address, O II , Tribune office WANTED-BAKER AS SECOND HAND. Scheuer Bros , 1)1 Brook street WANTED-YOUNG MAN AVTLLING TO work at fitting up vnlvcs and beating specialties Brains reoulred more than cpcrlcnce Answer hv letter. Klclcy, 11 AV 13th street, New York. HELP WANTED-FEMALE. WANT ED'-GIRL FORGe'nERAL housework, one who understands cooking Apply nt 601 Adams avenue MONEY TO LOAN. FOlRNWEHAirn:mrE and five per cent money on approved security II II HOLOATE, Common wealth building BOARDING. BoyRrTiNa'ATjEDAR AViiNrir BOARDING 625 PINE STREET. BOARD AND ROOMS. WA'TlTlB'oAnD ANDROOm7 private family, references dolicd dress X . A' Z , Tribune olllce. IN Ad- LOST. LOST A NEWFOUNDLAND DOG.STAR on left eve. goes by tho namo of Dewej A rewaid will be paid If re turned tn Wenzcl's hotel, 712 AVest Lacka wanna avenue DRESSMAKING. DKEPSMAKINO TOR CHILDREN TO order, also ladles' waists. Louise Shoemakci, 211 Adams avenue M ISC ELLA NEO US. TO A IIOM CONCERNED-DRAAVING for organ and book case at Co-operative hall,Sept 2S, Is postponed to Oct. It. 1&99 SITUATIONS WANTED SlWAnolwXNEiBYA leiicid alteration hand or saleslady for cloak and suit department Address Rose 'flee, W AAashlngton avenue SITUATION AVANTED-BY AN EXPER lenced Imokkeepei Address, J. B , Trlbuno office SITUATION VtANTED-ny A MAN who urilerstiiuds taking cam of boil ers oi running statlonari engine. Address J EM, Wl Bacon stieet, Scinnton, Ta SITUATION AVANTKD TO GO OUT washing nnd ironing, wushlng and honing taken homo nlso Call or address, A. B , JJl N Sumner nvonue DRESSMAKER - SWELL, STYLISH work up to date, done by the day in prlvato families N York Dressmaker, 121 Franklin avenue SITUATION AVANTKD BY AN EXPKB-le-nced bookkeeper, small salary, ref t relicts given Address Experience ea-o Scianton Tribune A BARBER AVITH GOOD REFERENCE desires n position, eltv or country. Address ( r Inquire John It. Grllllths, 212 North Garfield avenue eluding the corps do ballet and a com plete chorus Tho list of principals contains the names of many well known stage people among them being Frank B. Blair, Hollen Mostyn, Ed. Redway, Howard Truesdell. Coitland Auburn, Henri Lament, Clinton Elder, Edith Murllla.Anna Barclay, Madeleine Lovvrle, Susie Rockamotn and Lillian DcGtoss The Little Minister. "Lady Babble's Music," which luns all through "The Little Minister," was wiltten by Wllllum Fmst, Charles Frohman's chief musical dliector. It will be found one of the veiy agree able featuies of the pluy when Miss Muude Adums appeals lu it ut Lv ceum. Friday evening, Oct. 27 You will find the majoilty of the nudlenco humming the pretty waltz tune as they leave tho theater. Mr. Fmst Is one of the foremost of native-born Ameil can music wiltets. AUSTRALIANS AGGRIEVED. I)lidon, Oct. 23. The authorities In Australia are much exercised nt tho re. ports that the Imperial government has ordered canned meat In America, though the vvnr office has piomlsed to conseivo Austiulaslan Intel ests, Those In tho best position to Judge, however, pi edict that tho puckeis of the United Stutes will obtain large or ders, as the British colonies aie unable td supply u tithe of tho quantity to qulied, If the campaign continues long PROFESSIONA L. AltCHITCOTS EDWARD H. DV.VIS, ARCHITECT, Coimell building, Scranton E. L. AVAI.THR. ARCHITECT. OFFICE renr of wg AVusldngton avenue LEWIS HANCOCK, JR. ARCHITECT, IJ5 Hpruco st., cor. AVnsh uv . I Scranton FREDERICK L HltOWN. ARCHITECT, Price building, 12U Washington avonuo, Scranton. T. I. LACPY & SON. ARCHITECTS, Traders' National Bank. DCNTI3TS DR. I. O LYMAN, SCRANTON PUI vuto Hospital cor. AVjomlng nnd Mul ben y. I-R H F REYNOLDS. OPP. F O DR C C I.AtTBACH, llf. Wyoming ave. AVELCOME C. SNOVER. Coal Exehatign 2nd floor, Room 1), Hours, 0 to 1, 2 to 5 HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS THE ELK CAFE, 123 nnd 127 PRANK lln nvenue Rates reasonable. P ZEIGLER, Propiletor SCRANTON HOL'SE, NEAR D , I. & AV p.T-sengcr depot Conducted on th Eu ropean plan A'ICTOR KOCH, Prop LAWYEfi RICHARD J BOt'RKE ATTORNEY-ut-Law, riOO-2 Lackawanna avenue Gen eral law business, collections nnd loans. J AV BROWNING, ATTORNEY AND Rooms 312-311 Mear Building D B REPI.OGLE, ATTORNEA'-LOANS negotiated on real state sicurltv Mears building, coiner AA'ashlngton nvonue nnd Spruco street. M J. DONAHOH, ATTORNEY-AT-law Offices, r.l2-G13 Mears Building FRANK E. BOYLE, ATTORNEY AND Counsellor-at-Law. Burt building, rooms 11 nnd II, Washington avenue W1LLARD, AVARREN & KNAFP, AT tornevs and Cgiir.Frllois-ut-Livv Ke publican building, AVashlngton avenue Scranton, Tn JESSUP & JESSITP. ATTORNEYS AND Counsellnis - nt - Law, Commonwealth building; rooms 1, 20 nnd 21. JAMES AA OAKFORD. ATTORNEA'-AT-Lan Rcoms 511, 513 nnd C1G Board of Trade building. JAMES J. II HAMILTON, ATTORNEA--ut-Lnw 302 Cop.monwcnlth building, Scranton EDAVARD AV THAYER. ATTORNEY Rooms rC3-r0t Hli floor, Mears building. Ii A AVATRES ATTORNEY-AT-IAW 502 Board of Trndo building, Scranton, Pa. C R PITCHER. ArTORNEA'-AT-LAW. Commonwealth building, Scranton. Pa PATTERSON ,V WILCOX, TRADERS' Nutlonol Bank building C COMEGYS, 9-13 REPUBLICAN Building A. AV BERTHOLF, ATTORNEA', Meats building. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS MARA" A SHEPHERD JI. D, opathlst. C1G Linden street HOME- DR. W E ALLEN 513 NORTH AVASH Ington nvenue DR. L M. GATES, ROOMS 2f.7 AND 20!) Board of Trade building Olllce hours, S to 1 ii m 2 to 3 und 7 to 8 p m Besldence, 309 Madison nvenue DR C L. FREAS. SPECIALIST IN Rupture, Tru-s Fitting nnd Fat Reduc tion Office telephone, EC! Hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 4. 7 to !i DR S AV. L'AMOREAUX OFFICE 231 AVnhlngton nvenue Resilience, IMS Mnllu'irv Chronic diseases, lung, heart, kldnevs and genlto-urlnaij or gans a specialt IIouis, 1 to 4 p m AV G ROOK. A'ETFRINARA" SUR geon Horses, Cnttlo and Dogs treated. Hospital 121 Linden street, Scranton Telephone 5072. SCHOOLS SCHOOL of THE LACKAWANNA. Scranton. Pa rourcs preparatory tn college low.niedl'iue or business Onens Sept. 11th St nd for catalogue Rev Thomas M Cum T.L D, principal nnd proprh tot , AA I? PIumlej.A M , head master. scros G R CLARK ft CO. SEEDAIEN AND Nurserjmen; slote 110 AVashlngton ave nue, gteen house, 1350 North Muln ave nue; stoio telephone, 7S2. WIRE SCREENS JOS KFETTEL. BEAR Ml LAl'KA wuntia nvenue, Scranton, Pu . ln.inufar turet of Wire Screens MISCELLANEOUS BAUER'S ORCHESTRA-MUSIC FOR balls picnics, parties, receptions wed dings and concert work furnished For terms addrcs R J Bauer, conductor, 117 Wv timing nvonue over Hulborts' music store MEGARGEE BROTHERS, PRINTERS supplies, envelope, paper bags, iwlno AVnic house 130 AA'nshlngton p venue, Scranton, Pa CITY SCAVENGER A B BBIC.OS ("LEANS PRIVY A'AULTR nnd cess pools no odor Improved pumps used A II BRIGGS Proprietor Loavo ordtrs 1100 Nuith Main avinue. or Eicko's drug store corner Adams nnd Mulbeiry Telephone 0510 SCALP TREATMENT. MBS LkTbURcTiTReT meat, 50e shampooing 50c facial massage, mnnlcurlng 25c , cldrofiody, 701 Qutncv RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Schedule in Effect June 10, 1800. Trains Leave Scranton: 0.45 n. m,, week days, for Sunbuiy, Hairlsburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, nnd for Pitts burg nnd the West. 0,38 n. m., week days, for Hnzleton, Pottsvllle, Reading, Norrlstown, and Philadelphia; and tor Sun buiy, Hairisburg, Philadelphia, BaltimoreWashington and Pitts buig nnd the West. 2.18 p. m., week days (Sundays 1.58 p. m.), for Sunbury. Hnrrlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington nnd Pittsburg nnd the West. 4.27 p. in., week days, for Sunbury, Hnrrlsburg,, Philadelphia nnd Pittsburg. - .J JR. WOOD, neul, Tali sAghit. ' J B. HUTCHINSON, General Manager. t i . i. 'lfi' RAILROAD" TIME TABLES Del,''. Euclid, ei n I Western. Effect Monday, Juno 5, 1899. Trait Hjcavo Scranton ns follows: Ex press for Now A oik and all points em , 1.W, 3w, tiro und 10 05 a, m,; 12 55 und 3 33 p. m. Express for Easton, Tienton, Philadel phia nnd the smith, 5 10, 8(W nnd 10 05 iu m , 12 55 and 3 -a p in lobjhntmu uecommod itloti,, 0.10 p m Express for lllnxhamton, Oswego, El mini, Corning, Bath, Danville, Mount Moiils nnd Uuffalof 12 10, 1 35, KuO li. m , 105 and 5 50 p. in, making eloso connec tions nt Buffalo to nil points In tho west northwest and southwest. VviuhliiKloti nrrtitrmodatlnn. 1.10 n in BliiRhniutiiu mul way stations, 1 03 p m. . 1 iirturjvlllo accommodation; too p m. Nicholson accommodation, r.dop. jn. Hxprexif for t'tlca and Rlchlleld Springs, 2 in a. m. nnd 1 Dl p. m llhncM Ti soon in and Hip, in For Noitbuinbetb nd. Plttston, AVIIkes Barrc, Pl mouth, llloonisburg and Dan ville, making close innmctious nt North umbirland for Wllllnmspnrt Horilsburg, Baltimore, AVashlngton nnd the south Northumberland nnd Intermediate sta tions, (!30, 10 03 a m and 155 and 5 4o p. in Nantlrckc nnd Inteimcdlnlo stolons, 101 und It in n m I'lmnuth and Intrrmedlata stntlons 3 35 and t 50 p in For Klngstoif 12 53 ii ni Pullman pnrlor and sleeping coaches on till otpr ss trains For detailed Information, pocket tlm tnbloo. etc , npplv to M L. Smith Dis trict Passenger Agent, depot ticket office. Central Railroad o? New Jcruv Stntlons In New York Foot of Liberty stieet, N. R , and South Ferry, AVhltchatl street Anthracite coil used exclusively, Insur ing clennllnexs and comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT OCT. 13. Pin. Trains leave Sernntnn for New York, Ntwark, Elizabeth Philadelphia. Easton. Bethlehem, Allentown Miiurli chunk and White lln ven, at i !'l ii m . express. 1 20; expnss no p m Sunduv s, 2 13 p m For Plttston nnd Wllkes-llnrre, 8 ".0 a. m . 1 20. 4 Ol p in Silt d iv s. 2 15 p in For Mountain Park. S."0 n. m , 1 20 p. m, Siind.ivs 213 p. m For Baltimore nnd AVashlngton, nnd points South nnd West Via Bethlehem, S 30 n tn , 1 20 p m. Sundays. 2.15 p m For Long Brunch Ocean Grove, etc, nt S "0 a in and 1 20 n in Foi Beading, Lebanon nnd Hartlsburg, v la Allentown 8 30 a m 1 20 p m Sun davs 2 15 l in. For Pnttsvllle. S 10 n m , 1 20 p m inrougii tiruets to all points East, South and AVost nt lowest rate nt thf station .1 H OLHAUSFN, Gen Supt. II. P. BALDWIN. Gen. Pass. Agt Delaware and Hudson. On Mny Hth. 1W, trains will lravo Scranton us follows. For Cnibond.ilo-0 20, 7 51, 8 53, 10.11 a m . 12 noon, L2-1. 2 20, 3 52, 5 23, 0 23, .57, OF., bod p m ; 110 n in. Per Albiiu Saratoga, Montrenl, Bos ton, New England points, etc. 0 20 n. in, 2 20 p in For Hontsdale-CIO, 1013 a. m ; 2.20, 3 25 p nt For AVilkes-Baite-l 13. "4. S 41. n I' 10 41 n. m . 1S.UJ, 1 23, 3 33, 4,27. C 10, 7 11 10 11 11 30 p in For New A'ork. Philadelphia, etc. vli Lehigh A'nlley Railroad C 43 p. m : 12 nl, 1.2S, 4 27 p m ; with Black Diamond Ex pirss, 11 30 ii m For Pciiiisvlvnnti Railroad points, 0 13, 9 "IS a in , 2 1, 4 27 p ni For western points, via Lehigh A'nllev Railroad 7.1. a in . U 03, 3 33, with Black Diamond Efpusi. 10 41, 1130 p. m Trains will nrilvo In Scranton as fol low s Ftom Cirbondalo nnd tho North 0 40, 7 11, SIS, 9 31, 10 "S, 11 5S n m ; 123, 213, 3 25. 4 2i, 7 41 10 .IS, H 27 p m From "Will cs-Parre nnd the South 8 13, 7 4 S4S. 10 3S 1155 a m.; IIS. 2.14. 3 48, F 20. C2I, 751, 905, 10 05 ,.in,;lJ".va. m SfNlXVY3'rtt'Al53 For Carbondale 9 03, 11.33 p in ; 2 21, 3 52, 5 17. 'i ""! p m For AVIU es-liarre-9 3S, 12 03 a m ; 1 5S, 3 2 5 43 7 4S p. m For Albarv S irntoga, Montreal, Bos ton New England points, etc , 2 21 p m Lowest rates to nil points In United States and Canada J. AV Bl IIDICK, O. P A . Albany, N A'. H. AV. CROSS, D. V A , Scranton, Pa Lehigh Valley Kallco.i I. In Effort 3Iny II, 1W TRAINS LEAVE. f-CRANI'ON For Phil lilt lphln and New Yolk, vi D II R R ul 0 15 n m and 1201, 2 1 127 (Illuik Dlinmnd Express) ami 11 o p ni Sundiijs, D ,-fc.H R R.151-, 7 is P 111 - , j" ., VB i. Pot AVblte Hnvin,,,H.iz!otou' nnd prh -tlpal points in the xj'jM legion -via P & H It R 0 45 2 IS and 4 27 p til For Pnttsvllle b 15 2 is p in. For Bethlehem Easton. Reading, Eur tls-bmg und pilnelpal Inlei mcdlito st i tlons vlu D jK. U I. R,..ti 13-a in.; 12 o" 2 IS 127 iBlnLkrlvtaarigilu" E-ftness), 1130. Sundajs D - Ul 5, B t US ,7 IS p. m Put Ttmkhan(clt,', ToW.fifnj. Elmln Itliiu i Geneva and pilnelpal Inttrnieill ute stations li r , L fc AV. R. R. 8 OS n m , 12 55 and 1 !5 p ni Tor Geneva Rothesttr, BafTulo. Nlig nia Fulls Chicago, and nil points west via D .V: 11 R R 121. 13i (Black Diu ir.ond Expriss), 7 IS und 11 "0 p in Sun duv s. D U H R K 12 03 a ni, 7 4S p m Pullman p.iilnl nnd slteplng oi Lehigh A'allt v pjllor curs mi nil trains bttween AVllkes-Baire and New .AVirlc Philadel phia Buffalo and Sii'pijisltm Ilildge. ROLL1N 11 AVILUUB. Gen Supt , South Bethlehem, Pu , CIIAS S LEE Gin Pass Agt , 2'j Cort- landt wttt'tt. N w A'oik A W. NONNEMACHF.R, Dlv Piss Agt, South mtliiciuni, lit Foi tlckt ts -(Hid Pullmm reservations pl 309 I.ack.rwaiina ,ivc;, Scianton, Pa. ai llvlo and Wyomins; Valley. Him- Table ill F.fitct Sept 11 Is'i'i Trains leave- Si r.mton for New A oik New bin gh anil Intel mediate pulnts on Elb rullroul, also lur llnwlc) and local points ut 7 05 n m und2 2Sp m Bitiirning ti lies uirlvt ut Sciantmi nt lit 21 a in ami ilu and 9 10 p m MJItANTON IllVISBOX. Ill I'Afect Jllllu iiSlll, l.SOi). Nor Hi Hound, feoutti Hound, tOS,20a,UOI 2O2,'201'JO - ifi a1 3 o. Btatlona U i '-3 15 fi v u rrua. leavo 7 25N A I'ranKiin : 7 io Wesi Aiml street 7 00 WceuatYKen a ulp mp u Arrive Lcnve ys - jjfiJy lftP "" "J,,! I ngs .a m A M ... 7 4). ... 7 55 . 8101... M r ,M P M "6 111, .' 1 5 t ii tilS L-11 4 31 6 ii 1 ii 4 41 Ii3., 2J1 4 nt 8 41 .'41 5 01 6 Ml 2 III t 14 (i Sfi 2 5S' 6. 1) 7 (IV S fi r 'n 7 W, 1 W 611 71319, 4i ,7 3lL3tlUf4 t 871 38 MI ,7 413 43 fiOt 7 44 3 4"i DM 7V !S1 0 04 7M 3t4,0H :is aAMril W J4 0P0.JI BC4l 4 0:1!.M H Oo 4 10 6 .7 8 11) 4 14 61 8 14,1117' 6 3J 6 15 4 JO 0 So A UF ur M i ii i adusl i Hancock Starlight I'rcstou Park vv inwooil , 1'oyntille , ii vm f lnnfant Air Lalmidale 1'oies.t city Carbonda'H. , Wlutenrlilje. warm w .Itiinyn AicUlbalil VMntou t rcckvllhv oiiUnyiC 1'iltoburrf 1 Jiroop Proildoiicn 1'arlc l'laco 118. i, 1 OS 07 ' i oo n: a ,'AUiO llil.'-". .41 1211 iau i. ilbilM'J i 00 1114, itffino i.Miiiav 14411 1411114 I 4011 1 .1611 It .1 1107 r-siiO) .ill ill ISJllll. larto: 1 15,10 5 hcrantOQ a u'r u'a uXeaTO Ll' Arrive t Sunday only f BK-nliies that trulnp stop on algnal for r&i aenccra ' a rains an and o Sunday only otUer trains dally txcipt .suuiUy. secure rates via Ontailo a Western brfoie purchastns tickets and save money . mtouwli at;ner Diiit.t Mecper and tr re cllninc coalr car iiiiyorkto cbieivo with i change. l'nui."cr llntc netlHl 'rvvnCt'UtklVr ,tlll. &? J. O. Anderson, ricn. Pass '6K. T. Flltcroft, Ulv 1 13, ( r s(.rn' f NEWSPAPERS THE WIEKHS-BAItUlJ 'llhcORD N bo hail In SFiajitopjU tho upvtt iitiiwli Sen r rKinn-sfi!rSeiyKlra8Kii I. S. Schutzcr, ill Spruce btreet. mil 10 45 6 1U40 4 10 31 S 10 21 6 10 15 S 10 0 j 5 9 60 5 9 10 S yiu. 5 g:M & 910 5 9 07 4, 9I1M it RU 4 8 5) 4 8 46 4 : 8 4.' 4 8 40 4 I 3S 4 : K) 1 U 3.' 4 8 50 4