Tl-IE SCRANTON TRIBUXJi- TVISSDAY, OCTOBER 124, 381)9. 8 EVENTS OF DAY IN WEST SCRANTON rN OLD MAN ASSAULTrD WITH A CHAIR. Miles McHale's Head Battel ed and One of His Ribs Stoken by George neuvey Weekly Deposits by School Chlldi en First Baptists Will Not Amalgamate Chinese Laundry Burglarized Martin Caw ley Died from Injuries Accidents, Funerals and News Notes. Geoige llum-y, of Humpton etieet, committed n vicious tumuli on ld man tunned Miles Mcllule. of Fallow stfet. In the tutteiN limine hut even ing. The assailant tweel 11 chilli to bai ter Ills victim's head, and It ie nulled twelve stitches to close tlie wound one of Mt'IInle's libs was ulna bioken. Tin" men weie engaged In convelte tlnn and their argument let minuted In u quarrel mown weie exchanged and llaivcy picked ui a chair to defend hlnnelf When Patrolman j:nim found tin' limn lie wan piettv liadl ued tip The utile ei took the In jured niau tii the WeM Side hcHpIt il for tieutiuent. Complaint u enteied bj Mcllule befoie Aide) man Moe of the Fif teenth viaid, for Hinvej i 'inest on i ch.uge of Haaiilt and battel, and he will be given u hearing todn SCHOOL niM'OSlTS !.' H. I. Mm aii. :u. Ml- No VaiiRhau, $1 UO Ml" Itnddy, ii Mlsi .Mullen, 1 IS, Miss Fellow, $141. MIks Knapp. .42, .Ml I'lee-man $.':!". Ml Caipeiitei, Tii. Miss OCoiiniu. Jl SO; total. $'.! No 1.1 U.ivld Oweu. $1 Vi. Martha AVulklnn, $1: niUabeth l.ewlx, 1 .Ui, Alice Kvjiis, tl.70; ettha Kellv, .10, I.Mnti 0 r:an-. U Nellie UliliauK 50. Nellie Kell.v, .''. Catherine Phil lip', .7ti. nibn 1'ilie. $2 01 Saiah Mc Donald. ..'. Hal I In, .40. total, $10.37. No W-Mhs, $.' 1.1: Miss Mur )ciy. iu; Miss Nichols, ,2S; Miss Heam ih. $2.,". MNs Morgan, Jl 92; Mls rlvnn. Jl 2i. Miss Kellow. .50. Mls Kvau. $1 So, Miss Yost,.S9: Mls.s Wade, 1.1: Miss Muiphy. 1 71. Mis. Feiber. .!: total, $10 NS uriKil.AKS ON SC'HANTON .STI5I3KT Hutglurs enteied the l.iundiy of Wah Wlnir, on Sciunton stieet, .some lime Sunday night and innsneked the ruemlsos and sctmed $17 In cash an suit of ilotlies, pair of shoes, shoit i oat, i leu k, shifts, Chinese tint n lazot anil a pali of cllppeis fi nance vas sained thtough a window on the side of tlie building. This is the third time the laundry lias been enteied by thieves tnd nionev Uwanta Good cough remedy, take l)u fours Ficnch Tar. For Snle at gi:okgi: w. jr.NKixs'. 101 S. Alain Avenu: CLOAK DEPARTMENT. Four Great Numbers Of Ladies' Kersey Jackets In colors of black, royal, castor and brown these garments are lined throughout and highly tailored and are offered at the low prices of $7.50, $8.50, $10.00, $12.00 These four numbers are worth one half more, are in limited quantities and cannot be duplicated, A large shipment of Golf Capes Received today, giving us the finest assortment yet shown this season, notwithstanding the fact that they are so hard to find. Be on hand early before the choicest are gone. Many exclusive novelties in High Class Jackets at $15.00, $18.00 and $20.00 Only one or two of a kind and can not be duplicated at the price. Globe Warehouse USE AS A HOT QROQ llody, llraln and Nffvt Tonic Overcome LA Grippe and Halnria a t,i duuuoisti. avomi si;nTiturs Portrait mill endorxements sent postpaid. AUHIANI & CO, s W 15th St. .New Vork and elothliiK stolen. No clue has been obtained, but It 1h believed the robbeiy was committed by boys who ale familial with the iiieinlfes. Wit.!. NOT AMA! GAMATK. 4)'he Tribune Is ii(itHtfd to nunounce tlikt theto will be no amalgamation be tween the Fltst Baptist church people mid the .lacksnn Street Haptist church lu cunvcimillun with fo prominent) numbers of the Flist chinch last even ing The Tiibune 1 oiiespondetit tvns lufoiineil that theie nt- not b-en tiny nemitlntlous made mIomj that line, nor me theip mis pending. In pi oof of this assertion a tnertini; of tliu executive lonitntitee his been tailed fot this evening at 111 hoii.e of Chailes Cotless on South Main avenue, at A o'tlo'k to take Into onsldcratlor. the modllied plans 01 !hehuiih build Inir Just leceived. SKVHHAL ACC1DKNTS. l.Uyle Iteeye. used ti yeais. while playing with her, sister in the yald of their home oii'Hniiou stieet, was SMeicl binned b. )iln. llif." with lire. The child's clothes c anient lire, and but foi tlmelj asslsianiH', the ttijtn would be fatal Willie Claik, of l-afaette stieet, fell down a IIIkIu of stairs while pla Iiih: at a paitv lecently and sevetely InuKed his head. A number of chll di en woie plavliiK blind man's buff and Clink stepped into the 1 ellaiway, thinking It was a closet David Joneg 'a ouutf foot ball play ei had his aim fractuied while plaj lii!,' a if.ime on Sattnday afteinoon DIED FUOM HIS INJl'HlKS Maitln i.'awlev. iu;ed 10 eats. son of Mi and Mis John Cuwlev, of 20j7i I'llce stieet, who was injuied vvhllt' at wotk in the Capouse eollieiy tluee weeks, 3ko, died from his Injuries yVs tenlay morning. An operation w is Iieifotmed on the jouhk man Satin -day by Doctors Williams and Hums. Deceased was a meinbei of St I.eo's battalion and the Capouse Collleiy Mine Aciidental tund. He Is sutvived b his patents and the following brothet s and sisters: Maigaiet, Min nie Bridget,, Thomas, Mich ael and Patrick K. Caw lev. The fun eial unnoiincenieni wilt be made later i:vi:nts of this hvkninc. Th membeis of the Sumtiei Avenue Piesbyteilan chill ill will 1 olldlle all ojster suppei at the ihuiih. A nuisl cal and llteiai) inogiamnie will also be rendeied. A lectin t on "The Biitisli-Boer Win" will be delivered in the Fiist Baptist chunh hi Hev. Jumes Hughe", late of Klnibeiley, South Africa. An exiellent piogramnie will be ren deied at the conceit In the Wnshbum Stieet Piesbyteilan chinch. Bauer's onhestia, Julia Allen, Coidella Fiee man. Beatrice Mouls and otheis will pai tlclpate FfNHHAL ANNOCNCKMnNTS. Set vices over the lemalns of the late Kdward Shlffer will be conducted at the house, 44 Chestnut ntreet, this af ternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment will be made In the Dunmoro cemetery. The remains of Kllen, the 4-year-old thlld of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Cole man, of C13 Thlld street, Will be It -terred In the Cathedral cemetery at 2 o'clock this afternoon. The funeral of the late Patrick Mc Nnlly will occur this morning fiom the house, 342 Third street. Services vvlil be conducted at Holy Ciosh church, Uellevue. at 9 o'clock and but lal will be made In the Cathedral remnterv The funetnl of the late Henr.v Kv mis, who died at the Hillside Home, will occur this mil nine from the fam ily evidence on Washburn street Jer Mees will be held nt St. Palrluk's rhiinh ut 9 o'clock, and Interment will be made In the Cnthedtal cemeteiy. OKNKBAI. NIJWS NOTHS Maitlin Washington chapter, No. 5 Older of the Kr.stein fc'tar, held a meeting Inst evenlnif ami decldd to hold 11 dime social ut the homo of .Mis. A M Sblffei, on South Hyde Fark avenue, on Thursday evenln,;, Novom bei' 16. The commlttco in chaise of the ntinngeiucnts Is lomposed of Mi. Duvld Wilev, Mrs CIiiuIch luinlng, Mtb. Charles Stevens. Miss Belie Wat ics and (Jeoige Skellhotn The liolley pole ot a 'i'nyloi far be uiiiu detnclied lust evening on South Main uvetniH and caused lonsldLMiiblo txclteiiient Chatles J Aiultews, ot 7u7 ll.imn ton htieet, and Mlfs Ililllpplni II. '''111 meishiilo. of i2." Hamptoii htreet, will be niatrieil at 8 o elocK Wednesduy evening, Xovenibei 1, at St. John's Geiiiiuu Catholic church, on South Mali avenue The Ucpuhlicau candidates for totin t otllcerfi met llif local commltieeinen from the West Su-anton w.itds lnat evening and t-ilked over the aunnge ments of tin. appioachlng campaign, William rdglnto.i, tlie blacksmith, was lobbed of n gold watch and a sum ot money b.v an unknown man Sunday night whom the finill shelteted under llielt loof. The nuppei uunotiiKed for Thutsday evening under the auspices of the ies' Belief corps, Xo Su, has been postponed until next week. Jtev. J r. Moffat. Mrs Oeoige Sehoen, Mses Grace Peek and Beat rice Long have been appointed to lep isent the Washburn Stieet Piesby teilan 1 lunch at the oiganlzattnn of cotintv Christian Kndeuvoi union lu the Penn Avenue Baptist ehuroh Fri day afteinoon. The Baptist Young People's union of tin- Jackson Stieet Baptist church vviit meet this evening In trie chinch. The West Side Athletic club opened a dancing class in Meais' hall last evening. PHUSONAL, PAUAGHAPHS. Mis. Phoebe Snvder, of Plttston, who fa the guest of her bi other, Seldon Pawling, of Ninth Main avenue, will return home today. Mi. and Mrs. Thomas Vaughn, of Plttston. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr It. J. Hughes, of North Bromley avenue. V W Tagu and son. Wellington, of Jackson street, have leturned from West Nicholson, accompanied by Mrs Lev ina Tague, the founer's mother, who will visit here. Geoige Boblnson. of Stioudshurg.vvas the guest at the home of Miss Bertha Whettllng, on South Btomley avenue, yesterday. Mrs. Hattie Cooper, of North Main avenue. Is visiting- her sister In Balti more, Md. Dr. C II O'Neill, of Tunkhannoclc, was the guest of Dr T A. Phillips, of Academy street, yesterdav. Mis. John H Fellows, of Tenth stieet, Is entertaining her mother, Mis. A. V. Giay, of Uueyvllle. Mrs Hannah Watkins, of South Bromlej avenue, visited lelntives In Plymouth labt week. Misses Elizabeth Heiser, of South Main avenue, and Nellie Fellows, of Tenth street, au visiting lelatlves In Philadelphia. Sir. and Mrs Thomas Sthoonover, of Syiacuse, bpent the past week among West Sunnton friends, Joseph Ansley, of North Main ave nue, left last night at 1210 for Alamo gordo, New Meilco, to be gone seveial weeks GREEN RIDGE. Mr and Mis diaries Tuikei, of Wilkes-Baiio, spent the Sabbath witli Mis, Tucket's mother, Mrs. U. B. Cav elle, of Green RJdge stteet. Mls Florence Bowei, ot Wyoming semlnaiy, spent the Sabbath with her patents, Mi and Mis. 1. F. Bowet, ot Jefferson avenue. Confitmatlon class will meet at the Church of the Good Shepherd this evening at 7.S0 o'i lock. Mr. Atherton, of Glenbuin, spent yes. tetday with his son James, manage! of the Povntelle Ice inmpanv. The hlstoij class of the Gieen Ridge Woman's club will meet at the llbrniy .this afternoon at 3 SO. The class will lie lu charge of Miss Conner. Tliu third and last of the series ot leeluteH b) Rev. I J. Linlng will b" given this evening In the lectuie room of the Green RldgoEresbytetlnn church at S o'clock. Subject, "Right Movements and Reasons for the Same." Genet al admission, fifty cents. Mr. and Mis J S Miller and daugh ter Hthel, ot Capouse avenue, have ie tin lied home fiom a visit with Mos cow friends Mls-s Blanche Wood, of Honesda'e, spent Sunday with Mrs 10. M. Greep, of Penn avenue. The Traction company has a gang of laboreis employed teatlng up their abandoned track between Capouse and Wyoming avenues It Is to be hoped they will also lift the old ties and place the toadwav lu as good condition as they found It At the tegular monthly meeting of the Green Ridge Woman's club, held yesterday afteinoon In tho ' Ltbraiy iroivjrjrvjtt-ocrJirocva Z Does Coffee x Agree with k You ? w If not, drink Grain. O - mudu from n jiue graius. A lady writes: "'Iho lirut time 1 wade Grain. O I did not Zlike It but after ustug it for one week nothing would induce me to m go ba k to coffee," It nourishes Zand feeds the system. Tho children can drink it freely 'with great liene u lit. It is the Mrengtliomng nub. BtRQce of pure grulnu. Get u pad w offe to-dav from your grocer, follow y the directions in making it and you b vvill have a delicious and healthful n table beverage for old and young, L 15c. and 25c. n luslit that yoar grocer ilvt)0U OH Alh'.O r Accept no Imliitlou. cocs3rsjcorocNjiCNjev3l Sick People should take Ilostolter's Btonmcu Hit ters. It cures all such etomnch Ills ns constipation, Indlgcatlon, dyipepsla, blllou8DCM, liver nud kidney dfscasca. It la a wonderful medicine. It strength enH the overworked stoniach and elves new life to every other organ 01 the hotly. It will be round In almost ovory drug store. Ask for It and nee that a Pr vate Revenue Stamp covers the neck or tho bottle. Be Sura Hostetter's stomach Genuine Bitt3TS building. Mliis I.oulse Williams was elected cm responding secretarv Camp 177, Patriotic Order Sons ot Aineilca, will bring Its degree team to Gteen ltldce tonight, to Initiate two members of Camp 2o. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Twenty-Fifth Annlveisary of Hick- oiy Stieet Baptist Church The Junger Maenneichor's Concert. The German Baptist congiegatlon on Hlckoiy stieet on Sunday celebiated Its twentv-flfth nnnlvcisaiy with lil ting ceremonies. At the morning set vice Hev J C Schmidt pleached n veiy eloquent ser mon prepaied for the occasion. In the Sundiiv school the event was obseived In lecltntions by the children and an uddiess by the Rev J. C. Schmidt. At the evening seivice Hev J. C. Schmidt gave the hlstoiy of the con giegatlon from 1S71 to the present date, of which we give a few ahsttnets In Septembti , IS74, the congiegntion was founded with 11 meinbeishlp of fcitv-two on January U). 187C, the congregation decided to lii fiom the iPenn Avenue Baptist chinch tlie prop el ly on Plttston avenue, between Al der and Hlckoi.v stieets, In which they worshipped until WG In 1SS. they bought three lots on Hickoiy striet and built theicon theii piesent place of worship The corner-stone of their piesent church was laid on Thanks giving da In 1SS6, mid the building was completed In the summer of 18S7. The following pastors served the con gregations in the last twentj-live years- Hev A Glnnlus, 1S74-1S77; Hev. A. Gilech, 1S77-1SS1: Rev Jacob Stnub, 18S1-1SS1. Hev J. II. Jleyei. 1SS4-IS91: Rev J C Schmidt, 1891-1S9U. Twelve of the founders of the chinch nie still member and .11 e as follows: Mts Flesch, Chailes Klesel, Willie! mine Klesel. Augustine Schumnn, Christian Rech, Mary Bonn, Ferdinand riesch, Henrietta Flesch, Fred Raeder, Louise l.udt, Hllzabeth Kohlet, Tied Schutnan. A pm:asant kvkxt. Sihimpff'h hall was last evening thtonged to the doors, on the occasion of the seventh annual conceit and ball of the Junger Maennerchor Tlie interior of the hall was beauti fully decoiated and numerous red, white and blue electric lights furnished the Illumination The numerous fi lends of the society turned out in laigo numbcis nnd the attendance was all that could be de sired. Bauei's oiehestia furnished, the music fot dancing and also the numbeis on the progtumme The concert was opeind by Biuer's orchestra tendering "Runaway Girl." The Junger M-uinetchci then mii.r "Waldmorgen " Miss I.vdla Sailor sang "My Dream of Vou." She was loudly applauded nnd responded with an encore. Miss Nettle Wltth i edited "Little Will" Xetc nine ' Fritter NVllet Meister," bv the Aibelter Fci tblldinar Yeiein. (Jus Repert sang u t"noi solo en titled "Happy Dnvs" The Scranton Lledetkiiinz sang a selection, followed by Bauer's oiehes tia with the selcition 'Vhlorlndy," by Marion, Then followed tlie most Intel estln featuie of the concert, namelv the competition s-ong by the tenors ami bassos of the Junger Mnenneichor. The tenors and bassos being too evenljl matched, no decision could be given. The ''cianton S lengertunde, who. wete to folio v with t selection could not slug owing to the absence of a number of the tenois, nnd the Junger Mcienneichor sang Instead. This con cluded pait fli st of the programme. Part second was opened bv Biticr's orclvistia lendetlng a selection on titled "Die nnlf Helming nns dem Serall," by Mourt. The Cailxmdale Get mania then sansl two 'elections, entitled, "M'nldgesing" and "Ileunweh." Mr Theo. Bausclminn followed with a (lute isolo, accompanied by Bauei's orchestra Miss I.vdU Salloi again ang u so prano solo entitled ' When the Heart Isj Voung," and again lesponded to an enioie. Miss Nettie Wilth followed with a recitation entitled "The Colliei s Dying Child." Miss Wirth has a bright fu tuie as an elocutionist. She Is at piesi ent about M venis it ag . The affair was a suciess In every way and the committee In chruge have been duly rewiided tor Its untiring eifottt- A the conclusion of the con cert dancing was Indulged In until the eaily morning houis, and rveiy one wen home with the 'satisfaction of having had a pleasant tienlng. INTHRUSTING ITi:.MS. The funeial of Rdwaul Convey will take place on Wednesday moinlng with servlns at St. Petei's cathedral. In terment will be made In the Cathednl cemetcij The St Aloysltis Total Ab stinence nnd Beuevnknt society, of which deceased was u member, will at tend in a body. St Aloyslus Total Abstinence uud Benevolent society met last evening and completed arinngements to attend the funeral of their deceased brother, Kdwatd Convey. William FIckus, peiuiauent man of the Neptune lhiglue company, and Miss Minnie P.osar. daughtei of Mr. George Rosar, of Bitch stieet, wete united In matrlaue on Satin day even ing b Aldenuan John Lenles nt his ofllce Cnunf' Commissioner John Demuth nud Fied Klichoff, ilcik In the coin uilssloners' office, left today on a fish ing trip to Lake Ariel. Charles J Cordlet, of 1010 Meadow avenue, will today celebrate his forty fouith hlithday. He Is one of the most widely known and popular residents of this side he having been n lesldent of the Nineteenth watd for the past nine teen yenis, Meadow Brook Washer. Pea coal sold to teams 7S cents a ton. Corner of Cedar avenue and Gibbon street. HAPPENINGS IN NORTH .SCRANTON PROVIDENCECONCLAVE OF HEF TAS0PIIS TO ENTERTAIN. The Occasion la Their Tenth Annl veisary nnd a Banquet Will Be Served Diphtheria Very Ptevalent ln'Thls Section Four Men Held to Ball for Assault and Battel y Pris oners Arraigned Before Aldeimau Myeis Gymnasium for the Y. W. C. A, Peisonnl Mention. This evening Providence loncluve, No a5. Improved Oidet of llepla sophs, lu celebration of their ten'U uunlversaiv, will hold a bamiuet In the Auditorium. Dining th evening a musliiil iogramme will be icii deied and slnnt addiesses wilt be m.uli b some of the olllceis. All the ineinbeis of the com lave with their.wlves 01 lady friends aie expected to be piesent. A short business ses sion will lie held at 7 o'clock, the annl eisaty eeicises conimenclng ut 8 o'cloik. CASKS OF DIPIIT11KR1A. There ale a number, of cases of diphtheria ptevatllug thiough out North Sci anion. In some houses theie aie two and tluee children sick with the disease and It Is repoited that "ie tules of tlie bcuul of health ate not us ptopeily compiled with as the should be. Patents and their friends, who call on them, tint being as cnteful In their Intel com se with otheis as they should be, It Is also stated that some phv siciuns nie negligent about putting up the pioper warning sign on the homes of the sick. ALDttllMAXIG DOINGS. Reese Reese, John Williams. Jen kin Willlanib and David W Lloyd weie taken befoie Alderman Miller yesteiday on the charge of assault and battel y pieterred by Benjamin Lewis, of Maigaret avenue They each en teied $!0O ball foi their appeanrre at court Mat He howodovlsky had a wait ant Issued yesteiday moinlng for tPe nt rest of Peter and Mat Shudlsh f)r house-bieaklng and assault and bal tei Thev uppeaied foi a heitlrg last evening befoie Alderman Mvets nnd vveie lined $" each and held in $300 ball for their appearance nt coint A joung man found sleeping In a cozy nook In llenwood's diug stor Sunday night and locked up In the police station was analgned before Al deimun Myers jesteiday morning, gave the name of John Smith. That was not his name, however, but lie prefeired It lather than that his em ployers should leiognlze his Identity. He paid a line of $.' for the double sleeping niconimodatlons he had n Joyed Y. W C. A.'S NEWS ROOMS The V W C A. has secuied rooms for the gymnasium In the AVinton property, 2037 North Main avenue and are now prepared to accommodate large elapses. The looms will be In teadlness foi a meeting of the class this evening. HPi Mlikle, of the cential association, will be the dliectiess. PKItSOXAI. JOTTINGS. Aithur Tiolph, of Carbondale, called on Miss Jeanette Lewis, of AVarien stieet. Jolm Davit-, of AVIlllam stieet, who has been seriously HI, Is impiovlng. Mi. and Mis. 1'rastus .Smith, who have been the guest of the latter's p.uents. Mr. nnd Mis W. V McCo -mlik, of West Mniket stieet. have letutned to their home In C'oveiio-i Pa. Hon VT. J Lewis of UJna avenue who has been spending the past month at Denvei, Col., has leturned home Miss Agnes Miller, of Wilkes-Iiane, is visiting Mi. and Mis. John Evans, of Paiket street. Hev William IMgai has returned fiom a shoit visit to Sanltatlum Sptlngs. X. V. Mrs. Fianklln It. Haines, of Wood liuiy, N. J., Is visiting her daughter, Mis. II. Shlndel Saunders, ot Noith Main avenue. Misses Xellle and Anna Kelly, of Chatles stieet, are visiting ftiends In Plttston. Miss Eva How en, of Wanan street, has tetuined home rrom Mt, Pocono, w here she has been spending the past three months. Silas Randall nnd wife, of Moosic, have returned home after visiting icl atives on Chinch stieet. PARK PLACE. The Antluacite foot ball team Oieen Hldge challenge any team of In the city under 1"0 jiounds. MIfs Idn Olsnei, of Mousey avenue, Is spending a few dajs with ft lends in Plttston. The Upwoith league of the Court Stieet Methodist Episcopal church have opened a leading room In tho lectin e room of the chinch, which will be furnished with plenty of good read ing. All are Invited Library bonis, fiom 7 to 9 o'clock Fildny nnd Satur dav evenings Mis Clara III own, of Wllkes-Bane, spent Suudav with her parents on Piovldence Knad. Company H, of' Piovldence, made their tii st appeal auce lu their now uniforms on Monday evening. MINOOKA. A huge ciowd of young men fiom this place, including the base ball club, Journeyed to Wllkes-IUire Sunday to play ball with u Wllkes-Haue club, but weie dlappoluttd. .is tho othei club did not nppcti The Misses Maigaiet and Kate Walsh, of Plttston. ven the guests of Miss Kate Ilolleutli. A branch of the nicss.ed Virgin so dality was oifcnnliied Sunday n St. Joseph's chuich. About 200 young ladles of the parish weie enrolled lu the membership OBITUARY Panic k C McNully died at tlie home of bis duughtei biitiaii K. V.kmu 'Mi Third Htreet Stindav uioiulug nt i o clock He wus ii man highly respected by all who knew Win. He is suivhed by ono diuighter and two sons, John, of Chicago, and 11. J of this city, runeral Tuesday morning at t o'clock, sen Ice ut Hols Cross chuich Kllen Coleman, tho t-vt-ai-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coleman, of 613 Third Btiert, died Sunday afternoon. At Jonas Long's Sons' Store News. In and Out the Store Our exhibition windows re veal much to you that is or leal interest. Particularly attractive are they just at this season. Some of the very newest things in Golf Capes and Jackets aie shown today. Also some very pretty new effects in Dress Goods, But these torm a small part of the show. The Millinery is in teresting (rom a price stand point. Men, too, will enjoy the new design's in Neckwear, which are worthily priced a half a dol lar. Inside the store the first glimpse of Christmas comes with the showing o( lancy opal ware moulded into many fasci nating devices. The main aisle is rich with it today. $2 Gloves at $1.50. We give you choice of the fa mous Trefousse and the well known Marlborough Kid Gloves at one dollar and a hall this for the two dollar quality. All the leading shades and black and white. The former in one, two nnd three clasp; the lattter in one clasp only Both brands lepresent perfectian in the art of clove makinc. Of course the special price is foi this week only In the Dress Goods. Some new and pretty mix tures from Bonnv Scotland stare at you today. Imported fabrics that you'll find m no other store hereabouts. Dollar and a half the yard very wide just the thing for heavy suitings and skirtings. Five distinct patterns Almost every day brings us something new in the Black Crepons; the showing grows with the season here. All prices in every instance a little less than elsewhere. Again the Patterns. These New Idea Fashion Plates of ours are creating a storm of interest. The styles are thoroughly original and the pattern costs you but ten cents. Guaranteed to fit, too. The sheets aie free. Secure one every month. Jonas ACADEHY OF HUSIC, HUKClU.NuER & fBIS. Lenccs It K. LONO.JVlannssr. ' L'aUucc of AVeck Bennett & Aloulton Co. Matinee Prlcei. 10 cents Special Satunlav Matinee 10c and 20c Kv Piling Pi lees-1U, 20 'JO cents One Week Commencing Octobei 2.! Presenting Mi Klik Brown and a htiGug companj In a repertoire of high class plass, opening Mondav evening with Hands Across the Sea Dally Dime Matinees commencing TiiPh day. Evening Price 10, 20. . cents, Matinees Daily, Monday, Tuesday nnd Wednesday, October 23, 24 and 25. MINER & VAN'S Bohemian Btirlesqtiers Headed by ltilly Van and Vivie Nobrlnu. A Ciieat Vaudeville Olio. S o'clock this nf lei noon the funeial will bo held. Interment will be In the Cathc dial ccnietciy This Is the second daugh ter of .Mi. and .sirs Culeni.tii that lias died lu three vvcokb. James, the 2-jem-old hon nt Mi and Mrs. decline IlmiKton, who live at the corner of Itiook street and Stone avenue died ycsteiehi. The funeral will be held timnrniu' nflHflinilll liiteiment will be made III the teuifterv. Wanted to Know. Totnini-Say. paw. Mi rigg-Well "If Dewej was elcted pieleleiit do "U leckon lie. would go and get inaugurated on the .Id of March Mislead of tho 4th" Indianapolis Journal CASTOR 1 A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho filgnatuw of ?i&fe MAKE PERFECT MEN RO NOT llPNl'Altt ! DonolBur rLantfsrl Tii iov nl ainbltloni of 11 f cn b rntortd to ymi Tfit vary worat - tt Nrvou Uehjllly tr kbtoiutttr mrr til Of I'hHrEITU liomnU uniov memory nd tt wt uift p.'virapirc nr it? in ' louariinoi mil tvr. invwuvu uj Inuiicrtiiootorf ctioiflii7 )! miDtrt viror nd pouno to try func tion Br4ct upittijiUro Ulr ailfc tilnrm to tho ihki4 lattr to Uo ! oif7rtun oroU li.itiwpUwiruiiuiliMilctriVNvor tnonrr r NodMt 14a cmua In voat Wr uoektt BoM vrryhr or mHldlo pUIb wrappt? vn itlpJf ric by tut nkrivrc iv., ciu iMf., oum, Bold In Scranton, Pa by Matthews Bros, and McQarrah & Thomas, Urutrvtats. Wr ''fjB The Silk Petticoats. Price was an important factor that controlled our big purchase of these Silk Skirts, much iess than usual, you may be sure, or they would not form an import ant part of today's store news. A very handsome Silk Petti coat is here at 5.85, All the new shades with ten inch ruffle and four rows of cording. A still better quality in shided taf feta is marked very special at $6.4Q All the shades of heliotrope and purple aie shown in petti coats with full umbrella flounces at $7.08. Three tiny ruffles finish the effect. Better ones up to twenjy-ftvc dollars, if you care to pay that for cxclusiveness. Alan Tailored Suits. A tailor with a big salary makes these suits of ours. He makes suits for ottier big con cerns east and .west. That's the way he earns his money. The manufacturers can afford to pay him for his talents, because it brings to you aristocracy in dress at a small cost. Fine Man Tailored Gowns of all wool Venetians and Oxfords in colors of blue and brown are marked $11.98 today instead ut $16.50. Coats are lined in choic est talfeta; skirts with good quality percahnc. Perfect in hang and dip, proper in finish. All Wool Kersey Jackets ift castor, tan, blue and black. All silk lined, fancy 4-button box fronts and velvet collars. Really worth ten dollars. Ought they not to go lively at $6.98 ? 44 Janice Meredith " Ford If you're a reader you'll be in terested in the love tiials of Janice-Meredith the daughter "of a Maryland planter of Colo nial times. Paul Ford has pro duced a mat velous piece of lit erature, true to life, interesting because the characters live in history. The publishers and most book stores ask you $1.50. Here at $1.10. "Richard Car vel" the same price. gSoDs AMUSEMENTS. SMAA' f YCEU1YI THEATRE II. K I.ONU, Manajer, TuesdayTOct. 24. LYMflN fl. HOWE'S High-Class Inhibition ot Moving Pictures Over lifti new moving pictures pre sented at this season's exhibition Includ ing the Oicat Dewcw Reception Scenes In New York Tlie Columbia-Shamrock In ternational Aacht Race Also Pie'entlng fJEO CHANNINC. DARLINO. Artist, Carle Htuilst and Humorist. Pi Ices 21c , SJc , 50c , 73c AN EVENT. Wednesday, October 25. i:iaboiato I'loeliietlon of the Musical Com. edy, from the Herald hquaie 'thea ter. New toik, S Filled with Fan. -o LMIOK ( HOItlS AND HAIiUIT Ptices 25c, 50c, 75c nnd $1.00. Brockway Kntcrlaliimcnt Conrso W MAGNIFICENT ENTERTAINMENTS $1,00. RESERVED SEATS EXTRA. Thursduy, October, 26, Opening Concert, ARIEL LADIES' SEXTETTE Nov 1. UnHonin SeMnte N.i U Maro, tin- Musician. Nov -J. ill I'.irleton; Dee- is. IloHton Ideal llanjo and Mando lin club, Jan ..' Slioton Jubili e Slnseis: Jan II Wllczek Concert Co Vcb 11, J'alrieolo Conceit Co, March J Ottuni vnof Chicago, Mnich in, Hogeis Qrllley. Seaseon tickets, Jl Oi), resolved seat 10, 1", SO and SJ centrt extia. single admission, .Vi. fitf, i: and 73 centu l'eserved seats for entire cource on hit In Oct t, at Lyceum Uox Olllce. diagram opfiiH at 9 a m Re served Mats for opening concert to courfia ticket hoick m, Oct il ut 9 u m To general public on nlngle admt?Mou, Oct 2. One Night Only, Fiiday, Oct. 27. Mr. Chas. Froliman Will piesent Miss Maude Adams -IX The Little minister," BV J M 1JAIUUK rounded on hlh famous novel of the game inline. .The Success of (lie Century. An entire seanou of over 203 conaecutlva performance In Nw Voik city. I'rlceii-j;, $1W, Jl, 70c, 2oC THE V FRENCH MAID "