THE SCRANTON TRIBUN13- TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1899. iq HlBTHE BURT B I V K nU k If isr rntnAKu The Burt & Packard " Korrcct Shane" shoes arc sold everywhere for 8?. oo and JG.oo. You can duv shoes forMess money, but they do 'not hold their shape. You pay ui for style and fitting qualities that cannot be purcnasea in ordinary shoes. KORREGT SHAPE Unit for thlt trait muk tranUttl en toll, Don't idoII your tttt by Httrlagl eo amp Mtotl." technical constltutlonul reasonn nnd because It attempts .to teirulate the practice and Jurisprudence of the courts of I.acUuwannn. county. Line Fence Decision. JiuIko Uuiifcter, yesterday, hnnded down mi opinion In the lliie-foncf case of Klleti C. Kelly, ;of Mudlson menue, iiBnlnt lier neighbor, James !'. Don nelly, In which he decided that the de fendant ha plared the fence posts on the plulntlrfs land an Inch and three qunrteiw farther than the law permits He dlieqts that they bo removed. The ludce states the law to be that when a propel ty holder erects a line fence he can set It sauaicly on the dl ldlnpr line but no part of the fence hi ill nrrnnv mnro nf liU nnlrrlihni 'fi land than his own. Tf the pbstts ueed ! are four Inohes thick, not more than two Inches of earh po?t can be net on the neighbor's land two places. Pahtmann was picked up Insensible. The sunreon of the ship hurried to him. AVIthln twenty minutes he wrts dead. It w'uh C o'clock the next' evening when the engines of the v:ilehad wete stopped, the colors were ylace'd at half must and after lOiJItif the funeral ser-lc-e nt sea, Adoluh Pahlmann's body flnn committed to lite deep, almost Ave days to the hour that h and Marie Iltenner, of Vletinn, iusiln, had been made man and Ce, and just tin eo days after he had been watching over her corpse LEWIS, REILLY & DAVIES, 5crnton, Pa. FIGHTING AGAINST ALLEGED HOLD-UP WM. CONNELL ENJOINS LEniGH VALLEY RAILROAD CO. Seeks the Inteiventlon of Couit to Restrain the Ralhoad Company from Taking Possession of Con nell & Co.'s Breaker Propel ties with Its Tiacks Answer iu the Suit of the Mt. Plensant Coal Com pany Against the Lackawanna Railroad Company. Couit now has In hand the fight be tween the Connt'll Coal iompjn and thf. Lehlch Valley lUlltoad company tor the coiitiol of the coal fiom the William A and Law l em e tolli"rle, In which tlieie hae bu'ii .v number of preliminary .skii nil-dies during the nasi weeK Some or the coal mined fiom these tolllelles Is le.iM-d fiom the Lehigh Vulley. but the bulk of It Is leased irom William Council, piesldent of the t'linnell Coal companv. Such of the coal as Is leased fiom the tall load company is shipped oer the Le high Vallej. Thete is no contiact binding the dellveiy of tlie William Council poitlon of the to any company. Recently the Lehigh Vallev, thiough Its binnih (oinpany. the Pennsyhanla and New Yoik Canal and liilioad (ompans, pioceeded to extend Its tiacks thiough the Council Coal com pany's propel t and alongside the coal thlltes of the two lneaki'K- 111 ques tion. This was attenuited under the tight of eminent domain and a bond In the sum of $1,00(1 was tendeted the Council Coal to Insure the damages that would .mine to It by leason of the selzmt TIip coal iompjn lefused to ac tept the bond and eteida the Jt toineys foi the Lehigh Valley. WIl lanl. Wan en .V Knapp. petitioned i oui t to appiove the bond and direct It to be llled. that thev might proceed w llh the selztlie At the same time William Count 11 dime Into toiiii bj bis attoinevs, AVelles & Toiii-v. and set tired a pie llminaiy Injunction ietialrlns the Le high Valley fiom extending Its tiacks thiough the bleakei piopeitle". In hie petit lot: Ml. Council iocUc the fact that he owns Imllv Iduallv (ix er 2.00U.O0U tons of coal bint; in the Cnnnelt Coal (onipauy tuicK and If the Lehigh Valley Is allowed to build the blanch loafi as contemplated It will coniliel him to ship ihe (al oet the Lehigh Vallej and this be aer would woik to his lnjuiv to the ex tent of $'!Oii,onn, as he i an obtain a much laigei sum foi the coal fiom other pel sons than fiom the Lehigh Vallej innipauy'h feedt" the Penn sylvania mid New Yoik Canal and llnlltoad (ompanv. b whli h line the coal would have to be shipped should the new liiani h toad he peuultted to i tin Its Hue unil. i thi bieakets and n'on-dde tlu mil rhutt as contem plated An arllda'i fiom .1 S McAnult.v. of the Council Coal 0111 pany. setting foith mateilallv the same facts as (oiitnlued In the petition of Mr. Council. u al-n submitted. Couit took the pa pets and will later heai aiguments on tli iule to make the lujuni tlou pennaiKiit Lackawanna Made Answer. The l.a'kuwauna and Wetein l.allioad i oiuptiny. iluough Piesldeu . I'. Tiue-dale, made un hwh vesleulay by Whlard Waiieu und Knapp, to the eiult yuit nt th Mt I'leasiint Coal company. This Milt was instituted, two wtkt hsu b the Ml. I'lea&at't mmp.tii, to establish It1- light 'o leruove the oel held In idee row i outlet ting its bieaki r with the dump ad o's the l,u( k.tvvuuiui tucks and substitute fur li j !..vsIom of belt toal mnwveis, It IwIiik the Intention of the Mt J'l naant (.ompanv to ship It eoal b the uutui'o and Western toad after .l.imiaij l, p.ioo. when Its (.(iiurii't with the Uelawaiu. LMckawanua miuI Western loul ex- pltes. The Alt. Pleui'iiul tompanv alluges In siippoit of Its aiuhoi.ty to m.iki the contemplated' ultemticnv. that ' thti Lackawanna cuinpunv navt It an oei head ilght-ot-way In consideration, niiion? othit things, of the abandon ment of, u giado dossing which had been umlnt'tiiied near Hit lii.-iiktr f years both by th company and Wil liam Swctland the pielou owne. of the tract. In Its answer, the Lackuwiiiiua (om pany denies all knowledse-of tinj, such iigreemelit und expresses the turn be lief that no such agreement 't.m ever made. The Liickav.'aiinn s version of the nfffilr Is that the pei-iuisi'im to conntiuct the oethead right -ofMv ay was Brnnted to the Mt Pleasant com pany to facilitate the opetutlon of the. colliery; during the petlod in which It was 'under contract to furnish coal t the$IacTaw'ahni txiad, and that whenlthe contract cesser., the ralhoad dompanyyiias the power to have the overhead bridge removed. JVdttce'hae been given the coal com pariy, the answer further relates, to emovo the overhead hrldgo and cer tain portions of tho breaker which ar fonstructed-on-tne railroad company's propertyAunffervt'ietemporao' per inlsslVinrst;V,,i"fy 'nsjJnted , above, dUringMeiaTMWthe7Bhlpj)inff con- Called Mrs. Sczewa Names. Ward & Horn yesterday Instituted a suit In slander against Helen Letkewlcz to lecovcr $5,000 damages for Mrs Mary Sczewa, of Dickson City. The platntlfT alleges the defendant tailed her opprobrious names and ac cused her of a serious crime on Oc tober 6, while Annie Sczewa, daugh ter of the plaintiff, was listening. The lallroad company nlso says that the new- oveihead stiucture Is to be nearly font times the width of the piesent bridge, which was limited In width to twtnty-flve feet under the agreement In question, and that a structure of this character would In tel fere with the operation of the rall- roid. notlier contention Is that when the pet mission was gianted It as ugieed that nothing but culm was to be tart led across the oveihead bridge In Argument Couit. Judges Archbald, Ounstei and Kd w arils opened a week's session of aigu ment couit yesterday In the supeilor couit loom. The following caes weie reported settled: J. Stanley Smith and others against V. K. Loomls anJ others, hiIcf to piodllce deeaV. c 311 tiacf, etc.. Silas Hait!e against Chatles Mlllald, exceptions to olll of costs. S It. Huff against Wile M I'lnn. KU.iulIan, iule to open ludif- ment; liildget Conwuy against .lohn Hogan. certiroail, V. A. Ilennier against P .1 Claik. ceitlorail. M'cha-1 X.czletske against Mkhael Lelklewei::, ceitlorail. Maigaret Hobbs against Thomas F. Dals, rertloiail; Keniy Martin against Daniel Barry, certloi ari. Susan Able against Fied W. Kp pling and otheis, certlorail; In the mattei of the estate of Kdith II. Al dle. i iilu foi dischaigeof guaidlan The following cases were continue 1. J A. Rairon against Robei t Joli won, iule foi a new trial. In the milter of habitual diunkennes of A. E. Burr, iule to i educe allow anie; Hnos F nn against Mai tin Hariett, iule to amend sheilff's letuin; V.. D. Fltchett against Charles L. Fltchett, iule for det ee in dloice, Jennie Coiwln against Fi-ank H. Corwln, iule foi deciee In dK'O't't, Stovei, Hanis & Company agttist William Hcibeit, iule to open judg ment, S. Mills Illy & Company against T. A. Tollman and otheis, rule to open Judgment, Xellle Allen against Uenjamin Allen, iule for deciee In (II ioiii' Hiltlget Delnney vs W. II. Kvans. i ult to open Judgment: K. J Llugood against M Meilthew, iule to open Judgment Philip Itudolph & Sin against I'. J Fltzslmnions; certloiail: .Tatob Suialt't against Rose Suta Vlt7, iule fot deciee In dlvoice. In tile matter of the state of Cella Lofius. deceased, exceptions to auditor's a--(ounts: In the matter of the estate of Catheilnu Wlnton. dpceared, excep tions to auditors icpoit In the following tases the iule was made absolute Mai tin McDonough against Patihk Cone. iule to strike off Judgment' Tindeis' National oank against J. I- Hughes, iule for a new ttlal Mai Tlmnions agiiiii the illy of f'uiboudnle mie to file amerdd statement. W. H. Kans aga' the township of Caibondak', iule t r man damus execution In the case of II L. P.oyei and otheis against W Olbson Jones and M. L. Jimes, iule foi new trial: Thomas It Jones against A. P. O'Donnell and others, exceptions and iule for Judg mnt. John Joces and otheis against Mary Dunn, i ule to open Judgment, the rules ueie dlchaiged. In the of Thomas Henij against J. J. Gallagher an J Ann Gallagher. Judgment as to Ann Ciillagher wasi lefused, and atllinied as to J J. Gal lagher. Atgumnts weie heard In the follow ing i ases Tituko agilnst the TJeliwatv and Hudson (cinpanj, iule to stilke ase fiom trial list, Matgaiet Kennedx against the yen Yoik, On tailo and Western Raid nail company, iule to mi ike off non-suit Prldget Ciay and otheis oBalnst Maiy M"Cor mlel; and otheis. iule for new tilalj Llz7le Caie against Election Contest. The following wltuessei were exam ined esteiday In the Langstaff con testetl election case: Thomas W. ThoiiKis William M. Williams, Is.iuc Pi b 'lin Parks, Charles Rnlne, Geo Adams William M. Davis. Richard Ev ans, William Lunney, Reese Jones Reese Thomas, P. 11. Flnley, Patrick Sloan, Thomas R. Rdwards, William I J. Thomas, George Turner, Henry Nich ols, L, H. Jones They are from Ran som. Greenfield, Hlakcly and Scrnnton Yesterday's Mnrringe Licenses. John Schafer ".Scranton Nellie lincan Scranton John Lehman . S2i Haulson avenue Katherlne Giampp, 617 Green Ridge street Chailes Graff. .Tr . . S13 Willow stieet Lenu Ganz 1J8 Kim street Wlnton Archbald Peckvlllo . . .Olyphant S14 Court street 623 Court street Crover Throop Melvln Scranton Patilck Flt7patrick Margaret Flnnegan Thomas Morris .. , Maty A. Hodgson . Chatles E. Lyman. Pansy E. AVashburne John M Mary J. SKIN IRRITATIONS Instantly Relloved by GUTICURA For irritation, itch- ins, and Inflam mation ot tbo. skin, for scaly I cruptlonsof tho scalp, dry, , tbln, and falling h.ilr.s for rod, rough hands ana lacial bloin- tslias, nothing so puro, so speedily J cQectlvo as warm baths with CuncnBA Soap, followod by geutie onolntlugs T7lth CirricuaA, purest of einolllonts and greatest ot sum cures. Sold tlumirtoot IhtVorVi Pottf D.iKDC.Cotr, SoHl'rop, , Btnton. All About tfcSctlp toil Utit,tn. f s tKRv mS immumm 'A f vMflKv SCRANTON'S SHOPPING CENTER. An Extraordinary Special Kid Glove Sale William Itoblnson Old Forge Susanna Hughes Old Forge William O'Brien ..403 Prospect avenue Mary C. Durkln "26 Stone avenue John T. Brink Olyphant Catherln 6. Hencghan Wlnton Edwaid J. MeGoff. Scranton Muiy A. Gardnei Scranton COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. C. II. Williams was yesteiday sub stituted as plaintiff In the case ot H. J. Spruks against Fied and Henrietta Weyandt. Martha J Simpson and William Stoskewlscz wete yesteiday discharged from the county jail under the insol vency laws. In the case of Allen W. Williams and others against James F. Green the Injunction was yesterday continued till fin ther order ot court. Rules for new tilals were granted In the cases of Tessle Higglns against T. J. Fanning & Company and David T. Williams against Agnes J. Carey and otheis Couit yesterday appointed Charles S. Alexandei Inspector of election in the First district of the Fifth ward of Carbondale to succeed William II. Hollenback, who has moved from the district A chatter was pestetday granted the Pyne Shaft Accidental fund on motion of Attorney James E. Watklns. The boaid of trustees Is composed of James Marsh, president. Frank Dun stone, sectetaiy. John Coombe, treas urer, William J Ho ells. James Stono. ALL WITHIN FIVE DAYS. Cleanin Machinery of the verv latest pattern Is ued lor cleaning the wheat of which "Snow yi Flour Is made It Is wonderful machinery, too Takes every particle ol dirt off the wheat and makes It as clean us If each kernel were scoured by hand. Get "Snow White" if ou want CLEAN flour All grocers sell It. "We only wholetolelt " Jl THE WESTON ILL CO. Scranton, Carbondale, Olyphant. We offer dozen of for a short time, one hundred F'OWNES' ROXANE GLOVES Made from the first grade of real kid skins, fin ished in the finest possible manner made to fit properly, and fitted with three pearl clasps. Every color known in the making ol Kid Gloves is represented in the lot, and includes black, white, modes, tans, greys, browns, reds, greens, blues, light blue, pink, lilac, violet and various other fancy shades. These goods have never been sold by the finest city trade for less than $2.00 a pair. We offer them to our trade during this special sale at $1.50 a pair and we regard it as the best Glove bargain Scran ton has seen for many a day. Gibson Joues i Heh. I A Wedding, Bride's Buiial on Land and Husband's Burial at Sea. From tho Baltimore Sun A sad stoiy was brought yesterdav to Baltimoie by the oflleeis of the N'oith Get man Lloyd steamer Wllle had. which anlved fiom Bremen with passengers. It was the story of a. wed ding, the death of the bride, her buiial, the death of the gioom and his buiial all within tHc days The story begins on Sunday, Aug IS, when Adolph Pahlmann. an electiicinn on the Willehad, was mairled to Matle Rieiinei bv the Rev. II. Ellenbeiger. pntoi of the Get man Evangelical Lutheian church. West Saratoga stieet After the teiemony Mr nnd Mrs Pahl inan gave an entei talnment to filend-. at the restaurant of Heiman E. Khi- 311 West German htieet. when amimnnuai 1 TURD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON OAflTAL .. SUHPLU3 H DEPOSITARY OF THE UNITED STATES. $200,000 .. 425.000 WM. CONNELL, Preildini. B IIBKKY BILIN' Jr., VIccPma. S g WILLIAM M. NICK, Catklir B i s 3 M s S IUUUUilimiUUlUIIUMt3BIIIHIUS mid L. .M .lone.-, iule fi now ulal, , the btlde had bouiaVa ,L.,itin,- m. r Lloyd Vail and otheis ai:nlnt R. Runt, iule to op"n Judgment assignment of A M ("lnil;, exceptions to account ot a-siciief Luther Ktllei aealnst Ann Slieildan, iule to open judgment: Hi'Miiton Gat and Water compumt lealnst Noiihein foal and lion coin pa v. iule to heai testiiiuin . t' M. Edward, and othei against Dr. K. P Loiis.'stio, t, ileniiiiier inotlmi of th iule on mono high s-et ublde sin lifts return ilval of her affianced, to whom she hac" become engaged one ear ltfoie. when bhe was u pas-enger on tht Willehad On Tuesdas moinlis following the wedding. Mi Pahlmann lift his bilde in their apaitments at an early hour, uh he had to lepoit fjr dutj on board the Willehad His wife bade him an altectlonate faieweii an I returned to bed Hei dead body was found theie on D U Replogie to pay oop , ubout 10 u.,,IwK tnat raornUlBf xvIth the v u I, n rr',n ,,Ba,n,,t1I ! ro'M.i full of gas and p.oof that death Valley Ri,ll.oad company, iule to , HdB ftom a,hxlaton VVnlle on bon,d NEW YORK HOTELS. The St. Denis Broadway and Hlevcnth St., New York, Opp Orace Church. Uuroptaa Plan. Koomt $1,00 a Day an4 Upwards. In a modest and unobtrusive nay there are few better conducted hotels In ths metropolis thun the St. Dents. The great popularity It has acquired can readll tx traced to its unique location. Its home-like atmosphere, the peculiar ex. cellenco of its cuisine and service, and Its very moderate prices. Connolly & Wallace, 127 and 129 Washington Avenue. TAKE TIUC BY THB FORELOCK.' I WILLIAM TAYLOR & SON. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, Cor. Sixteenth St. and IrvliJ Pl, NEVA YORK. Caibondale Fooi Bonid Case. .1 J o'Nell. 11 C Hutlei andO'Hilen & Kell, attoinevs tor the lespoudents In the f'aibondiile pool boaid case, made answei evterrtny to the quo war ranto pioeeedlngs biought by Ala Dale Heiny falter and Mllo Hardner ugalust .lohn Count II, Dilw.nd Moon and Anihom Oooh, to ten the At t of IStfll, onlaiglng the poor boaid of th" poor dlstrlt t "t Caibondale from tour to six members to provide foi the twa additional watds tieated since 1SC0, when the poor dlstilct was ilrt Incoi porated. The old board consisted of Mexsrs Connell, Slooii. Cook and K V. Roll bins, the lattei icpresentlng the I-'lTst watd. Under the nev act, Messrs. f on nell, Moon and Cook, who leptesent tho Third, Second and Fourth wards, re spectively, hold ovoi and court Is di rected to apiwlnt members for the First, Fifth and Sixth wards. Mi. Hob bins, who lepresented these thiee wards, was re-appointed from the First ward, but'decllned to accent the ap pointment,' denying that couit had the power to appoint Mr. Gardner was theieupon substi tuted by the court for Mr. Robblns, and the three appointed members waited upon thV four old membera and de manded recognition. The old board re fused to receive them and hence the suit. In their ajiswer they .allege 'the Act of 1899 ,1s. null- and void for various i . the ship the div pieiuu the husband had arianged foi a oasai:e In th Willehad foi himself and wife, who was to make hei hom In the citv of Hanoxei, wheic the gloom's lelatlve icside It was supposed that .Mis. Pahlmann turned the gas out ufter the depaituie of her husband, but by ionio accident bad nut turned the flow whully off The funeial of the joung bilde took plate the following morning, and, In atead of having hei accompany him back to Oermuny, the young husband joined his ship and went about his du ties with a sad heart. As fate (let teed, they weie not to be separated long On the ufteinoon of the f uncial mot plug tho Willehad steumed out of the haibo" with many light hearts on boaid and perhaps, some with houow, but none more so than Adolph Pahlmann On Thuisday. tho next da, In Hip afternoon an ImmeiiR sea sttuck the Willehad on the stat board side. As It came on board It caught Pahlmann and threw him against tho side of the ship with great force With him was an other of the trew, who, whn picked up, was found to have a leg broken In AMKitlCAN l'LAN, U.SU Per Duy and L'pvvurds. l-UKOIU-AN FLAN. .tl.Sl) Per Day urn! L'pwtiriU. I. D. CRAWFORD, Proprietor. Cm load Just arrived. All styles, and prices the lowest. Workmanship guaranteed even on THE CHEAPER GFUDES. Keep us In mind and you won't re gret giving us your patronage you will Bet goods as represented sivlng you our easy terms of payment or very lowest prices for cash. Immense stock of Household Goods Stoves, Carpets, Iron Beds, etc. Five large floors full to the celling a. 131 and III 1 Fall Carpets We offer better induce meats to the carpet buyer this season thau ever before. Paying less for your carpets than we ask is getting thread bare spots aud dissatisfaction that you do not bargain for. Everything in Wilton, Ax minster, Velvet, Brussels, Savonerrie, Ingrain. TIwj. Kefly's Stem, Frlftitf Aveau: His The Non- Irritating Cathartic liasy to take, eajy to operate Hood's Pills t - 4 -f Fur Biulues Meu In the heart of the wholesale district For bhonpen S minutes' walk to Wanauiukers, i minutes to Siegel Cuopui's lilts Stole, Rasy ot access to the great )r Ootid Store. For Sightseers One block fiom B'way Curs, giv ing easy transportation to all points of Interest I HOTEL ALBERT f NEW YOUK. Cor. lllli ST & UNIVERSITY PI Only one Illock from Hroadway n.., ttt Il UI'SrAURANI nUUUlj, PI U". price Reasonable Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers or OLD STOCK PILSNER 435 to 455 N. Ninth Stveet, 'leloiiluin.: Cull, i.Ui. WILLIAMS & M'ANULTY. Interior Decorators. 129 Wyoming Avenue, SPECIAL SALE ThlsWoek of 311 Sprue i S.. Timple Coun uulU.i, Scraoton, Fa. f -ft-f f-f -f -f f -f - -f-t-f-t- m ,, A A . A . . A , If I IIhIa A " urrluntt tuflrr,i from JUlUCUQ rilott Iiiiim, HI..4 1'sUoi. TulMImti,Lol VliUllj Vutow.,1, ,i,, "TruH" tol'r.r. il. i: tail L, M. ., N.rtt bliU U I'kllWtl.kU. p llilr tb tolr nwclalttl Iq Ui, r.ttl mTZtMm Ia ahvm Kn et.Atffh alifl tnAat alkrala att ' Itiuitrtiiri. treibcmmiwaiii-ltoitaT, iiaut,m TTTTT-f-TTTTTTTTT All acute und uluuiuc diseases of men, women and children CIIHONIC NKIiV OU8. BRAIN AND WAbflNU DISHA9 E8 A BPKC'lAIrY. All diseases of thl L,tver, Kldnes, Bladder, sJkln, Ulood, Nerves, Womb, 13e, Kar, Nose, and Lungs. Cancels Tumours. I'llw Hupturo Ooltre, Rheumatism, Asthma, Catairh, Varlococele. Kot Manhood Nightly Emissions, all Female Dlseaac-s, I.euconhocu, etc Oononhea. Syphilis. Ulood I'olson, Indiscretion and youthful habits obliterated. Surgery, Pita, i:pl lepBy Taue nnd Ktomach worms, CA TAURIIOZONB. Speclllo for Cntirrh, Three months' treatment only 15 00. Trial free In Consultation and exami nations free, Ofllce hours dally and Sunday, t a. m. to 9 p. m. Now is tho time to got a bargain at these prices. You cannot ob tain them in the future. Cull autl sco them. Pine Diamond Itlims at J5 00, woith 10 50. Solid Gold Band Kings at $125, worth $3W. Solid Gold Hand Kings at J1.00, worth $2 IS Gold Filled Cut: Buttons, SOc, worth )i:5. Cuff Buttons, preloiiH piicts Jt.OO, now 'dent's Solid Silver Watch, Klgln moe. ment, WDO. ... i.nillps1 Sterling Silver batches, worth ' j M, now IS "3 I Gent's Nickel Watches, S W , price , tl li). now $1 "5 Kogers Bios Spooiifc, wniianted, Me Rogers Bios' Buttci Knives, Surii' Spoons, T'lcltle Forks. 3Tc . ptevlous prlcu Ladles' Solid Gold Watch, Illgln moo ment $1150 ladles' Gold Tilled Watches at $u oO. I worth $l"00. We nlso have about three hundred l." I dies Solid Sllvei Itlngs worth 50c- und I 75c , will close them at 10c tacli. i Special snlo now going on nt Davldow I Bros Attend ns we are offering goods I at one-fourth their original value I Extia Heavy Solid Silver Thimbles at lie jDavidowBros 227 Lackawanna Ava. !tUI!llIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIHUIIlllU A m 3 Hunting season for Wild Turkey, Quail, I Grouse, Pheasant. 5 Partridge, Woodcock s or Squirrel, opens. 5 You will want a S JGUNORAHlTil s You will find a most H complete line at a I FLOREY & BROOKS I i 3H Washington Avenu! S Mi C Upputlte Court Mouse. niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiniiiiiiiiiuiR DR. DENSTEN M&UE MlK A MmI AJAX TAHLUT5 1'USITIVLLX LUi . jl r.r.Acnous I)(iraFAllliia Mai. 1 t,rr, 1 cipolac7, hi, ejilsMCtH, eto . cin m'. bj Aku, or otbr Uxreuej ua lot!'. crttlon. -intu uuii ana i r, twtoro Lott iuillt; In old or toodj.uu fitftmau tpretudr, bu iara or innrru& frarut InanltT nut C'omumrllon ,ui, XblriiHj ihor la medUf muro una' n uuu t.uut; xnra n smr uii 11 Lavaoa tirar tivjuxi), or tU vkt (full truatisenti (or t'iW. 1 mUTIa pUtt wrupptr npon raolctotrtioa. ( lrcul: AJAX REAlEbY CO., n recalptotrrlca. ( lrcula I PVfe,SB bt (M.t'f, Uk For sale In Scrtntcn, Pa,, y Matthews Bros, and 11. C., flrutKlsU. THE Koouis 1 aiid-tCoin'llli IVlM'i?. SCRANTON, PA. nining and Blasting POWDER M limit Mooilcnnd (Huh lalo Wor.d I.APLIS & RAND POWDER CO 'S ORANGE GUN POWDER Kl ctrlo lliilteiloH, IMeclrlo KtploJuri. tor eiplodtni; bliiilt, .Safety 1 iu an I Rai)aui3 Chemical Co's uxpUmivb- 2